Discovery Report Appendix H Discovery Meeting Summary Memorandum Mid-Hudson Watershed HUC 02020006 June 2017 Federal Emergency Management Agency Department of Homeland Security 26 Federal Plaza New York, NY Memorandum To: Mid-Hudson Watershed Discovery Project File From: NYSDEC Floodplain Management Section Date: June 2017 Re: Mid-Hudson Watershed Discovery Meeting Summary Two initial Pre-Discovery webinars were held for all stakeholders within the Mid-Hudson Watershed on May 10, 2016 and May 11, 2016. The purpose of these webinars was to: introduce watershed stakeholders to Risk MAP Discovery project concepts; review the Discovery Stakeholder Survey to be completed by watershed stakeholders; the survey served as a way for FEMA and NYSDEC to collect information upfront on communities mapping needs and existing data that could be incorporated into a possible Risk MAP project; and to discuss upcoming timelines for future Discovery Meetings and the Discovery project overall. Five Risk MAP Discovery Meetings were held in the Mid-Hudson Watershed during the week of October 17, 2016. The purpose of the Discovery Meetings was to present the draft Discovery Report and Maps containing the information collected to date, and to provide the communities with an additional opportunity for input. This memo is a summary of the information collected through the Discovery project engagement process for the Mid-Hudson Watershed and will be used to determine the floodplain mapping restudy priorities. Albany County, CID# 36001C Pre- Discovery Webinar Attendance: Attended Discovery Stakeholder Survey Completed: June 5, 2016, October 19, 2016 Discovery Meeting Attendance: October 19, 2016 Community Representative(s): Lee Bormann, Critical Incident Emergency Management Unit Commander (Survey and Meeting) Albany County Sheriff Office 58 Verda Avenue Clarksville, NY 12041 518-720-8025
[email protected] Peter Bayzon, Natural Resource Specialist (Meeting) Albany County Soil and Water Conservation District P.O.