Apache Tailings Impoundment Dewatering Treatability Study Work Plan California Gulch Superfund Site Leadville, Colorado
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Golder Associates Inc. 200 Union Boulevard, Suite 500 Lakewood, CO USA 80228 Telephone (303) 980-0540 Fax (303) 985-2080 APACHE TAILINGS IMPOUNDMENT DEWATERING TREATABILITY STUDY WORK PLAN CALIFORNIA GULCH SUPERFUND SITE LEADVILLE, COLORADO Prepared For: Asarco Incorporated 495 East 51st Avenue Denver, Colorado 80216-2098 Prepared By: Golder Associates Inc. 200 Union Blvd., Suite 500 Lakewood, Colorado 80228 Revised September 1995 943-2819 OFFICES IN AUSTRALIA, CANADA, GERMAfil?M$HI<£989Ste8«ft/EDEN, UNITED KINGDOM, UNITED STATES September 1995_______________TOC-i__________________943-2819 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope.................................................................................... 1 1.2 Report Organization .................................................................................. 2 2.0 SITE CHARACTERIZATION ........................................................................1 2.1 General Site Description .............................................................................1 2.1.1 General Site Setting.............................................................................! 2.1.2 General Hydrogeologic Setting................................................................ 1 2.1.3 General Hydrologic Setting ....................................................................2 2.2 Existing Conditions at Apache Tailing Impoundments.........................................2 2.2.1 Surface Features................................................................................. 2 2.2.2 Hydrology ........................................................................................6 2.2.3 Historical Tailings Emplacement Method...................................................6 2.3 Sampling Activities and Resulting Data for the Apache Tailing Impoundments............. 8 2.3.1 Data Collection Activities ..................................................................... 8 2.3.2 Hydrogeologic Results and Interpretation ................................................ 10 Lithologic Descriptions and Groundwater Elevations................................ 11 2.3.3 Geotechnical Results and Interpretation................................................... 13 2.3.4 Nature and Extent of Contamination....................................................... 15 3.0 IDENTIFICATION OF TREATMENT OBJECTIVES.......................................... 1 3.1 Site Conditions that Justify Treatment............................................................ 1 3.2 Determination of Treatment Scope ................................................................1 3.3 Determination of Treatment Schedule............................................................. 2 4.0 PROPOSED REMEDIAL TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY....................................1 4.1 Alternative Technologies Considered .............................................................1 4.2 Description of Selected Treatment Technology ................................................. 2 4.2.1 Design of Ponded Water Removal System .................................................3 4.2.2 Design of Horizontal Dram System..........................................................3 4.3 Installation and Start-up Activities.................................................................5 Golder Associates September 1995_______________TOC-ii___________________943-2819 4.3.1 Ponded Water Removal System ..............................................................5 4.3.2 Horizontal Drain System.......................................................................6 4.4 Operation and Maintenance.........................................................................7 4.4.1 Ponded Water Removal System ..............................................................7 4.4.2 Horizontal Drain System....................................................................... 7 4.5 Data Collection and Management.................................................................. 8 4.5.1 Ponded Water Removal System ..............................................................8 4.5.2 Horizontal Drain System....................................................................... 8 4.5.3 Reporting .........................................................................................9 4.6 Schedule for Implementation .......................................................................9 5.0 RESIDUALS MANAGEMENT......................................................................1 5.1 Removal................................................................................................ 1 5.2 Storage..................................................................................................! 5.3 Disposal................................................................................................ 2 6.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY..............................................................................1 7.0 OTHER ISSUES RELATED TO PROPOSED ACTIVITIES...................................1 7.1 Access .................................................................................................. 1 7.2 Cultural Resources ................................................................................... 1 7.3 Hazardous Materials Transportation Act......................................................... 2 7.4 Colorado Noise Abatement Act.................................................................... 2 8.0 REFERENCES........................................................................................... 1 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Apache Tailings Impoundment Surface Water Sampling Field Data Summary Table 2-2 Apache Tailings Impoundment Test Hole Drilling Summary Table 2-3 Apache Tailings Impoundment Monitoring Well Completion Summary Table 2-4 Hydraulic Gradients and Groundwater Flow Directions, California Gulch Site Tailings Areas Table 2-5 Estimates of Aquifer Flow Parameters, California Gulch Site Tailings Areas Table 2-6 Apache Tailings Impoundment Geotechnical Testing Summary Table 2-7 Apache Tailings Impoundment Geotechnical Laboratory Data Summary Table 2-8 Apache Tailings Impoundment Groundwater Sampling Results Golder Associates September 1995 TOC-iii 943-2819 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued LIST OF TABLES - Continued Table 2-9 Apache Tailings Impoundment Surface Water Sampling Results Table 2-10 Apache Tailings Impoundment Method 1312 Samples LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Site Location Map Figure 2-1 Apache Tailings Impoundments Site Plan Figure 2-2 Apache Tailings Impoundments Surface Tailings Sample Locations Figure 2-3 Apache Tailings Impoundments Cross-Sections Figure 2-4 Apache Tailings Area Alluvial Aquifer Groundwater Elevation Contour Map May 1992 Figure 2-5 Heavy Metals Concentrations in Groundwater, California Gulch Area Monitoring Wells, November 1991 through January 1992 Figure 2-6 Major Metals Concentrations in Groundwater, California Gulch Area Monitoring Wells, November 1991 through January 1992 Figure 2-7 Groundwater Quality Parameters, California Gulch Area Monitoring Wells, November 1991 through January 1992 Figure 3-1 Apache Tailings Impoundment Dewatering Treatability Study Flow Chart Figure 4-1 Approximate Layout for Preliminary Dewatering System Figure 4-2 Downslope Pipe Detail Figure 4-3 Typical Horizontal Drain-Pair Installation LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Drilling Logs and Geotechnical Testing Results Appendix B Master Sample Lists Appendix C Tailings Geochemistry Appendix D Groundwater Appendix E Pipe Chemical Resistance Information Golder Associates September 1995________________1-1____________________943-2819 1.0 INTRODUCTION This document presents Asarco's Dewatering Treatability Study Work Plan (Work Plan) for the Apache Tailings Impoundment. The Apache Tailing Impoundments undergoing this evaluation are included in Asarco's Work Area Management Plan, Operable Unit (OU) 7 of the California Gulch Superfund Site, Leadville, Colorado (Figures 1-1 and 1-2). The Treatability Study to be performed pursuant to this Work Plan is designed to facilitate the implementation of a final remedy; however, it does not constitute the final remedy nor does it pre-determine the final remedy. As outlined in the "Guidance on Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies" (EPA, 1988), a treatability study is typically performed during the detailed analysis of alternatives phase to provide the data needed to fully evaluate the alternatives. In the case of the Apache Tailings Impoundments, information gathered from the Treatability Study will be utilized during preparation of those portions of the Feasibility Study alternatives evaluation that pertain to implementability; specifically, access and trafficability. For this Work Plan, discussion on the nature and extent of contamination at the Apache Tailing Impoundments is limited to information on groundwater quality within the actual tailings impoundment, surface water quality of the ponded water on top of the impoundment, and leaching characteristics of the tailings material, since these are the parameters which are pertinent to evaluating the dewatering of the Apache Tailing Impoundments. Other aspects of the proposed treatability study address only physical properties of the tailings, rather than chemical properties of the tailings or surrounding surface water and groundwater. 1.1 Purpose and Scope The Apache Tailing Impoundments are being addressed prior to a Record