Adam and Eve Outside of Eden Prof.M.M.Ninan

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Adam and Eve Outside of Eden Prof.M.M.Ninan ADAM AND EVE OUTSIDE OF EDEN PROF.M.M.NINAN ISBN 978-0-359-08377-0 Normal, IL Feb., 2018 ADAM AND EVE OUTSIDE OF EDEN PROF.M.M.NINAN CONTENTS PREFACE CHAPTER ONE: THE STORY SO FAR 1 CHAPTER TWO: THE WORLD OUTSIDE OF EDEN. 10 CHAPTER THREE: ADAM: THE GIANT FARMER 29 CHAPTER FOUR; CAIN AND ABEL 47 CHAPTERFIVE: CAINANDSETH 67 CHAPTER SIX: NEPHILIM AND THE DAUGHTERS OF MEN 77 CHAPTER SEVEN: CLEANSING THE EARTH 95 ADAM AND EVE OUTSIDE OF EDEN PROF.M.M.NINAN PREFACE This is a continuation of my studies in genesis in which I study what happened to Adam and Eve after they have been thrown out of Eden because they did not obey the one commandment as children given by God the Father. Thus in order that they may not remain as eternal demons with a selfish nature, God send them out clothed in skin and to live of their own using their brains and learning to live. Since outside of Eden, the law of entropy was the default law, they are no susceptible to death. God had his plan of redemption without violating the freedom of any of his children. Until all creation is redeemed, since creation is always part of God himself with whole universe within God as the only reality is God, God himself will be in torment and pain. Yet that is what having children mean - even on earth. Adam carried the selfish ego DNA as a Son of God went out into the world outside of Eden, with the only profession he knew as an Agriculturalist. The rest of the earth was filled with hunter gatherers and nomads. Thus started the conflict. An egocentric farmer with their settled life opposed to the tribal centered nomads. Adam's eldest son turned into a farmer and his younger son turned into a nomadic cattle breeder. In their conflict Cain the eldest killed Abel the younger. God turned out Cain who had to become the nomad in the country of Nod. Instead of Cain another son was born to Adam - Seth who became the new starting point of earthian life of Adamsons. The long life time of 1000 years was too long and the earth was populated heavily and "every imagination of man became evil. YHVH had no other option than to restart his earthly children. To make matters worse, the Sons of God instead remaining within the heavenly realms came down and started to marry human women producing giants. God thus terminated all life on earth with a flood that covered the whole earth, keeping Noah's family and a few other life forms to start the earth with the new humans having a shorter life time of around 100 years. Thus all the humans today are the descendants of Noah. They still carry the fallen DNA of Adam and the DNA of the alien Sons of God. Prof.M.M.Ninan Normal, IL Feb. 2018 ADAM AND EVE OUTSIDE OF EDEN PROF.M.M.NINAN ADAM AND EVE OUTSIDE OF EDEN PROF. M. M. NINAN CHAPTER ONE THE STORY SO FAR God created a beautiful garden in a place called Eden. In this garden, he put trees, plants, lakes, and animals. Flowing from Eden was a river that split into four separate rivers – Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates. God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden and instructed him to care for it. There are two possible answers to who this "the Adam" - (ha Adam) - might be. One solution will be that YHVH of Elohim fashioned this Adam from the dust of the earth and blew into him breath of life. Breath was the Holy Spirit impartation. It is the Spirit that give life. The other is that YHVH of Elohim took one of humans who were created by Elohim and gave him a new spirit and soul and put him in the Garden of Eden. This is the new fashioned ha-Adam."So, perhaps this is what happened: a few thousand years ago, God picked a literal individual, Adam, and ‘cloned’ a wife for him to start a perfect and eternal race of humans. God secluded them from all harm and bad influences in Eden, and gave them life-extending food." "( Dr David Instone-Brewer senior research fellow in Rabbinics and the New Testament at Tyndale House, Cambridge. ) He asked Adam to watch over and give names to all of the animals. (Some consider Adam as a giant servant made by YHVH of Elohim for tilling and keeping his Garden. Others including Islam considers Adam as Co-Regent of God on earth.) In the middle of the garden, there were two trees. One was called the Tree of Life and another was called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve could eat fruit from any of the trees in the Garden except the fruit on the Tree of Knowledge. He was specifically told that "On that day he eats of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge he will "surely die" - or "dying he will surely die."" Adam was alone for a while when God realized that he needed some companionship. So God put Adam to sleep and took a rib from his body out of which He created a woman whom Adam gave the name Eve. As far as Adam knew, he and his wife 1 ADAM AND EVE OUTSIDE OF EDEN PROF.M.M.NINAN were alone in a Garden. He never knew anything about the existence of a world outside of Eden. He probably had no idea of an earth or heaven. All that we know is that the Garden was a gated community. YHVH came down almost everyday and walked with his special children Adam and Eve. According the Jewish tradition they were clothed in brightness - glory or shekina. Ephraem (4th century Syrian theologian) says: "It is because of the glory with which they were clothed that they were not ashamed. When it was taken away from them—after they had violated the commandment—they were indeed ashamed, because they were now really naked (Commentary on Genesis, 2:14). Haggadah,describes Adam as follows: He was "like one of the angels" (Slavonic Book of Enoch, xxx. 11; compare Christian Book of Adam, i. 10; also Papias in Gen. R. xxi.; Pirḳe R. El. xii.; Ex. R. xxxii.; Targ. Yer. Gen. iii. 22). "His body reached from earth to heaven [or from one end of the world to the other] before sin caused him to shrink" (Ḥag. 12a, Sanh. 38b; compare also Philo, "Creation of the World," ed. Mangey, i. 33, 47). "He was of extreme beauty and sunlike brightness" (B. B. 58a). "His skin was a bright garment, shining like his nails; when he sinned this brightness vanished, and he appeared naked" (Targ. Yer. Gen. iii. 7; Gen. R. xi.; Adam and Eve, xxxvii.). Ḥamzah al-Ispahani (Arab writer) says that a Jewish rabbi in Bagdad, Zedekiah by name, told him, among other things, "that Adam was created in the third hour of the sixth day, and Eve in the sixth hour; 2 ADAM AND EVE OUTSIDE OF EDEN PROF.M.M.NINAN that they were made to dwell in Gan-Eden , from which they were expelled after the ninth hour; that God sent an angel to them, who taught Adam how to sow and to perform all the other work connected with agriculture. The same angel instructed Eve how to perform all manner of household duties." The historians Tabari, Masudi, Al-Athir, etc., have evidently culled from similar sources. They tell us that: "when God wished to form Adam He sent first Gabriel, then Michael, to fetch soil for that purpose. The earth, however, refused to give the soil, and yielded only to the Angel of Death, who brought three kinds of soil, black, white, and red. Adam's descendants, therefore, belong either to the white, the black, or the red race." "The soul of Adam had been created thousands of years previously, and at first refused to enter the body of clay. God forced it violently through Adam's nose, which caused him to sneeze. As it descended into his mouth, he commenced to utter the praises of God. He tried to rise; but the soul had not yet descended into his feet. When he did stand upright, he reached from earth up to the throne of God, and had to shade his eyes with his hand because of the brilliancy of God's throne. His height was gradually diminished, partly as a punishment for his sin, and partly through grieving at the death of Abel." 3 ADAM AND EVE OUTSIDE OF EDEN PROF.M.M.NINAN Adam the Giant Man was reduced gradually in his stature after the fall I normally interpret this in terms of dimensions. When God created Adam, he was in all four dimensions - physical, mental, spiritual and divine - in the image of Adam Kadamon. After the fall he was thrown out of the Garden of Eden so that he may not eat of the Tree of Life.This is image when God reduced his dimension. He now cannot enter the Divine. 4 ADAM AND EVE OUTSIDE OF EDEN PROF.M.M.NINAN THE SERPENT TRICKS ADAM AND EVE In the Garden of Eden was a serpent.. The serpent asked Eve, “Did God really tell you not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge?”.
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