lasaforum fall 2015 : volume xlvi : issue 4 DEBATES: GLOBAL LATIN(O) AMERICANOS Settling North of the U.S. Border: Canada’s Latinos and the Particular Case of Québec by VICTOR ARMONY | Université du Québec à Montréal |
[email protected] The case of Latin American Canadians 1970s and the 1990s, most immigrants If we take the narrowest definition possible offers an exceptional opportunity to from Latin America came to Canada for and consider a Latin American to be any examine and compare how minorities are political reasons (i.e., fleeing military person born in a Latin American country constructed and transformed in different dictatorships in South America and civil (that is, a first-generation immigrant), we host societies. Minorities are shaped wars in Central America). However, since see that this group represents just about 6 differently by their societal context, and the 1990s, and even more clearly during percent of all immigrants in Canada. Canada is especially relevant in that regard the following decades, most Latin However, its growth rate is roughly three because of the existence of two main Americans in Canada have been admitted times higher than that of the overall dominant cultural environments— under the “economic category”: 70 percent immigrant population (32 vs. 10 percent grounded on political and territorial in 2012. This means, in general terms, that between 1996 and 2001; 47 vs. 12.7 configurations—within the same country: they have been granted permanent percent between 2001 and 2006; 49 vs. an English-language Canadian majority at residency on account of their prospective 12.9 percent between 2006 and 2011), due the national level and a French-language employability as skilled workers in Canada, to the increasing share of Latin American Québécois majority in Canada’s second a condition evaluated on the basis of their newcomers, most of them having arrived most-populated province.