New Rector Search Plan Summary On September 8, 2020, Vestry approved the new rector search plan, which starts process. The plan's purpose is to provide a "living" plan to guide the Abbey in searching for a new rector who will lead the Congregation in their spiritual life, worship, and community. The plan is a four-step effort that is not a sequential process but builds on each step to guide The Abbey's leadership and Congregation in finding our next rector. The four steps are: Developing the Parish Profile, Vestry Provided Guidance, , and Selection and Offer. Due to COVID-19, the Vestry has not set a specific date to launch the Parish Profile step, but we are actively preparing so we can start when conditions change to safely conduct the Parish Profile. The plan describes each step with greater detail; assigns responsibilities for the Congregation, Vestry, Bishop, and Interim Rector; and provides a timeline with key milestones and decisions. Throughout the entire process, we will engage and leverage our Anglican Mission in America leadership, Rt. Rev. Philip H. Jones. At the end of this process, our prayer is that The Abbey has a new Rector to lead the Congregation's spiritual development, worship, and community support based on The Abbey's Parish Profile. As a member of the Congregation, you can pray for The Abbey, leadership, and search committee and actively participate in the Parish Profile process. The Vestry's number one responsibility is to frequently communicate and update the Congregation during this process. The Vestry will communicate by various methods – service announcements, The Abbey Enews, The Abbey Lamp Post, and Ask the Abbey. Since this is a "living" plan, the Vestry will regularly update the plan. The Congregation can download a copy of the plan, with updates, at the link below, or request a copy from The Abbey Administrator. We ask that you direct your comments and questions to The Abbey Administrator or submit your question to Ask The Abbey. The Abbey Vestry


New Rector Search Plan Update Summary Page

October 16, 2020 Update: The Vestry New Rector Search Sub-committee continues to develop the “living” plan. Starting on page C-1, we updated the Search Committee Appendix by expanding on the search committee selection process and by adding additional detail on how the Vester will select members to serve on the Search Committee. We included in the appendix the search committee nomination forms, Search Committee Covenant, and search committee sample Vestry ballot form. Of note, the Vestry decided to modify who can serve as the search committee chairperson. Finally, we updated Appendix A: Timeline with Key Milestones and Decision Points on page A-1.


Mission Pawleys Inc. New Rector Search Plan As of October 16, 2020 As we begin our journey to find our next Rector, we should start by reviewing The Abbey's Statement of Faith and thanking God for the Abbey.

Statement of Faith: Rooted in the Celtic missionary tradition and nourished by the three streams of Scripture, the Sacramental Life, and the Holy Spirit, The Abbey seeks to worship, disciple, and replicate the Gospel message to advance the Kingdom in the Pawley's Island community and beyond.

The Scripture: We hold that Scripture guides our lives and is authoritative for us individually and for the Church at large (known as the evangelical tradition).

The Sacramental: We believe the Sacramental life is embodied in the practices and teachings Christians have held throughout the centuries, as expressed in the historic Creeds and 39 Articles of Religion. Our faith tradition has a variety of worship expressions, including the sacraments of the baptism and Holy Communion instituted by Jesus (known as the catholic tradition).

The Spirit: We recognize God's Spirit at work in the Church and the world, manifesting His power and preparing us for ministry through the deposit of his Spiritual gifts (known as the charismatic tradition). As members of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church in the Anglican Mission in America (AMiA), our solemn declaration of principles by which we are governed can be accessed in greater detail here.

Reflection: "Almighty God, the giver of every good gift: Look graciously on your Church, and so guide the minds of those who shall choose a Rector for this parish, that we may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for your people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." (BCP, p. 818)

Purpose: The purpose is to provide a "living" plan to guide the Abbey to search for a new rector to lead the members in their spiritual life, worship, and community.

Plan Concept: The plan is a four-step effort that is not a sequential process but builds on each step to guide The Abbey's leadership and congregation in finding the next rector. The four steps are: Developing the Parish Profile, Vestry Provided Guidance, Search Committee, and Selection and Offer. Throughout the entire process, we will engage and leverage our AMiA leadership, Rt. Rev. Philip H Jones.


Four Steps:

Developing the Parish Profile: Of all steps, this is the most critical step and the key to ensuring that we, The Abbey, find the right future spiritual leader. We will create a Parish Profile that reflects our History, Who We Are, and Our Vision and Values as The Abbey moves forward during this step. This step could include a consultant approved by the Vestry. Developing the Parish Profile involves the congregation's participation, and input as this is an opportunity: • to explore the faith • examine the corporate life • celebrate what is good • confess what is harmful • give thanks for support of the story of the continuing life of the People of God.

Vestry Provided Guidance: This step begins now with the new rector planning and ends when the new rector is onboarded at The Abbey. Vestry leadership provides guidance, make decisions, communicate with the Congregation and Bishop, and provide resources.

Search Committee: This is the primary effort of searching for a new rector and begins with the Vestry selection of the search committee and ends with their recommendation to the Bishop through the Vestry to call a new rector. Key efforts include a group of spiritually dedicated members who will develop a candidate nomination and application process, interview candidates, schedule preaching engagements, and recommend a new rector for The Abbey.

Selection and Offer: This step begins with the selection committee recommending a new rector for The Abbey and ends with the new Rector is onboarded at the Abbey. The Vestry will receive confirmation of the selection by the Bishop, make an offer to the candidate, communicate to the Congregation of a selection, and set a start date.

Our End State: The Abbey has a new Rector to lead the Congregation's spiritual development, worship, and community support based on The Abbey’s Parish Profile.

Timeline: This plan starts the search process, but the Vestry has not set a specific date to launch the Parish Profile step. With COVID-19, our primary concern is the safety of our members and staff, and we want to ensure our members and potential candidates are safe throughout this process. However, there are parts within this plan that we can start immediately to speed the process upon the Vestry's decision to begin the Parish Profile and actively search for a new rector. Appendix A provides a general timeline of key milestones and decisions for the plan.

Responsibilities: This section list responsibilities during The Abbey's search for a new rector.

Congregation: • Pray for The Abbey, leadership, and search committee throughout the search process.


• Actively participate in the Parish Profile process by surfacing key issues and insights that will clarify the true leadership needs of the congregation, providing timely responses to survey, and humbly understanding the majority view.

Vestry: • Communicate with Congregation -- #1 responsibility over all other responsibilities. • Approve the new rector search plan and approve the start of a new rector search. • Communicate with Bishop. • Budget and resource the Parish Profile and search committee efforts. • Approve the search committee nomination process and select committee members to include a Search Committee Chairperson. • Coordinate with AMiA for Vestry and search committee opportunities to meet (virtually) and discuss lessons learned from other Churches that have recently completed a search process. • Provide specific guidance to the search committee on candidate selection criteria. • Enable selection process proceeds smoothly by establishing key milestones and decision points and be available to the search committee.

Bishop: • Provide guidance to the Vestry on the search plan. • Provide potential Candidate names for consideration. • Consult with the Vestry on AMiA candidate requirements. • Confirm the Vestry's call for new Rector. • Welcome new Rector at The Abbey with a Bishop visit within 90 days of assuming rector position.

Interim Rector: • Continue to be a resource to the Vestry and congregation to speak of the Spiritual health of the church. • Be available to the Vestry, search committee, and congregation to provide general counsel in the search process. • Assist in collecting documents for the Parish Profile, drafting the search committee covenant, and developing the Parish Survey.

Plan Approval: On September 8, 2020, Vestry approved the plan, and the Senior Warden informed the Bishop. The congregation can request a copy of the plan from The Abbey Administrator or The Abbey website at Direct comments and questions to The Abbey Administrator or submit your question to Ask The Abbey.

Will Howard Senior Warden



Appendix A: Timeline with Key Milestones and Decision Points Appendix B: Developing the Parish Profile Parish Profile Read Ahead Documents Search Consultant Plan Parish Survey Breakout Groups and Parish Profile General Meeting Appendix C: Search Committee Search Committee Composition. Search Committee Nomination Search Committee Selection Process Vestry Selection Methodology Vestry Qualifications Assessment Criteria Search Committee Covenant Search Committee Chairperson Responsibilities Methods for Finding a Successor Candidate Bishop and Vestry Candidate Requirements Search Committee Recommendation Report and Documentation Requirements Search Committee Self Nomination Form Search Committee Member Nomination Form Vestry Search Committee Qualifications Note Page Vestry Search Committee Sample Ballot Search Committee Covenant Appendix D: Selection and Offer Transition Plan for New Rector


Appendix A: Timeline with Key Milestones and Decision Points

A-1 Appendix B: Developing the Parish Profile

“Gracious Father, we pray for thy holy Catholic Church. Fill it with all truth, in all truth, with all peace. Where it is corrupt, purify it; where it is in error, direct it; wherein anything it is amiss, reform it. Where it is right, strengthen it; where it is in want, provide for it; where it is divided, reunite it; for the sake of Jesus Christ thy Son our Savior. Amen.” (BCP, p. 816) Parish Profile: The most critical step in finding a new rector. If we have not clearly stated our theological views, our leadership needs, and our cultural expectations this could lead to hiring the wrong person. The Vestry will decide which Parish Profile Consultant to hire, help lead in developing the profile and approve the final document. We can expect access to key Parish documents to allow the congregation to familiarize themselves with The Abbey’s history. We anticipate sending a survey out to the congregation to gain feedback on the theological direction of The Abbey. We plan to host small group discussions on the Parish Profile and finally hold a Parish Profile general meeting – pending COVID-19 risk assessment. We will publish the results of the Parish Profile. Parish Profile Read Ahead Documents: To allow the congregation to familiarize themselves with the history of The Abbey, we plan to provide on The Abbey’s website the following documents: mission, vision, three streams, history, key document, e.g. Vestry minutes, notes, bi-laws, and Abbey demographics. The Abbey Administrator will have copies to provide upon request in . Parish Survey: To be published. Breakout Groups and Parish Profile General Meeting: To be published. Publication will include schedule, size of break out groups, and “homework” to prepare for the meetings.

B-1 Appendix C: Search Committee

Committee Composition: Search committee is comprised of Abbey members in good standing and selected to serve by the Vestry. A member in good standing is one that attends church regularly, is clearly committed to the life and works of the congregation and is known to the Treasurer for practicing serious stewardship. The search committee will include six (6) to eight (8) members with one serving as the Search Committee Chairperson. Search committee can include members of the Vestry and one member of The Abbey Staff if selected by the Vestry. Vestry and staff can comprise of no more that 50% of the search committee, and our desire is Vestry and staff members to not serve as the chairperson. However, we may elect to select a Vestry or staff member as chairperson. The Senior Warden and Junior Warden cannot serve on the search committee. Each search committee member is to sign a “search committee covenant.” (Updated October 16, 2020) Nomination Process: A member in good standing can nominate a member or self- nominate to serve on the search committee. When nominating, we ask the member to fill out a Search Committee Nomination Form for the Vestry to assess the nominee’s interests, talents, and gifts in the selection process. The Senior Warden will announce the opening of the search committee nominations through various communication means and closing date. Submit recommendations to The Abbey’s Administrator by mail, email, or hand delivery for consolidation and presentation to the Vestry. Nomination Forms: You can find the self-nomination form on page C-5 and member nomination form on page C-6. After the Senior Warden announces the opening of the search committee nominations, the forms will be available on The Abbeys website for downloading. (Updated October 16, 2020) Selection Process: The Vestry will review all nominations and develop a list of the most qualified members to serve on the Search Committee and select a chairperson. Our intent is to compose a search committee that is a Spiritually unified team that has a trusted relationship with the congregation, Vestry, and Parish Profile team. Upon selection, the Senior Warden will contact each selected member called to serve on the search committee until all positions are filled. At the next worship service, Senior Warden will present the search committee to the congregation. (Updated October 16, 2020) Vestry Selection Methodology – At the conclusion of the search committee nomination process, the Vestry will receive all the nomination packets. The Vestry will follow a five-step process in selecting the Search Committee members and chairperson. The Vestry’s New Rector Search Sub-committee will lead the Vestry through the process. (Updated October 16, 2020) Step one is for the Vestry’s New Rector Search Sub-Committee to contact members whom other members nominated. We will confirm if each individual is called to serve on the search committee and allow them time to provide additional information to their nomination form.


Appendix C: Search Committee

Step two is the sub-committee to provide the Treasurer the names of the nominees to confirm that they are practicing serious stewardship. Step three is the Senior Warden will call a special executive Vestry meeting to select the search committee members. Our desire to have all Vestry members present at . The sub-committee will provide a copy of each nominee’s submission form in last name alphabetical order to each Vestry member a minimum of seven days prior to the executive meeting. The Interim Rector and Chancellor will attend the meeting as observers and for tallying Vestry member ballots. During the executive session, the Vestry will first determine the number of members that will comprise the search committee. The Vestry will then review and discuss each nominee, in last name alphabetical order, and assess each against the qualification assessment criteria described in the next section. The Vestry will then begin the voting processes, which is by ballot (sample ballot on page C-8). The nominees receiving both a majority of the votes cast, and the highest number of votes cast, shall be declared a member of the search committee. If the Vestry does not select enough members for the search committee, the Vestry can discuss adjusting the search committee size and review each non-selected nominee against the qualifications. Upon completion of discussions, the Vestry will vote again and continue this process until selection of a search committee. The Vestry will select two alternates for the search committee in case a nominee must remove themselves from consideration. Step four is selection of the search committee chairperson and alternate. The Vestry will discuss each selected member against the selection qualifications and their ability to perform the duties described in the Search Committee Chairperson Responsibilities section. Our desire is that neither a Vestry member nor a staff member can serve as the chairperson or alternate. However, we may elect to select a Vestry or staff member as chairperson or alternate based on their qualifications and not position within The Abbey. The Vestry will then begin the voting processes, which is by ballot. The nominee receiving both a majority of the votes cast, and the highest number of votes cast, shall be declared the search committee chairperson. The nominee with the second highest number of votes cast shall be the alternate. Step five is for the Senior Warden to notify each selected nominee and ask them to serve on the search committee and ask the selected chairperson nominee to serve as the chairperson. Confidentiality: The Vestry will keep the submitted search committee nominations confidential at all time. If you email a nomination, the Abbey Administrator will reply to the email by acknowledging receipt, print and secure the nomination form and then delete the email. The Abbey will not email the nomination forms to the Vestry members. At the end of the voting process, The Abbey will destroy all copies except one set maintained by The Abbey Administrator in a sealed envelope until the end of the search process; in which, the set is destroyed. The search committee voting tally sheets are confidential and administered by the Interim Rector and Chancellor as the observer.


Appendix C: Search Committee

Vestry Qualifications Assessment Criteria – The Vestry will assess each nominee against the following seven qualifications to serve as a team member on the selection committee. (Updated October 16, 2020) 1. A nominee is a member in good standing who attends church regularly and is clearly committed to the life and works of the congregation. The Treasurer confirms the nominee is practicing serious stewardship. 2. A nominee should be, above all, a person of spiritual maturity. The task of choosing a rector demands a high level of spiritual maturity and prayerful intention. Team members should be capable of assessing the knowledge, skills, ability, and gifting of the candidates. 3. A nominee should know and support the mission and values of The Abbey. 4. A nominee has the respect of the congregation as a team member needs credibility to speak for the congregation. 5. A nominee should demonstrate the ability to commit the time and devotion required in performance of the task. 6. A nominee should be able to collaborate, communicate, and trust other team members. Search Committee members should be compatible to work and travel together. 7. A nominee must be trustworthy to not divulge confidential information. Search Committee Covenant: As the Vestry commissions the members of the search committee with the responsibility of identifying the new rector, we are asking each search committee member to sign the following covenant on page C-9. (Updated October 16, 2020) Search Committee Chairperson Responsibilities: Chairperson is responsible to ensuring the search committee continues to make process in finding a successor. Key responsibilities include: • Lead the search for a new rector. • Communicating with the Vestry on a regular basis. Chairperson has direct access to the Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and Interim Rector in seeking guidance, resolving issues, and seeking resources. • Lead the development of methods for finding a successor candidate, schedule meetings, lead the development of interview questions, and schedule interviews. • Ensure search committee adheres to the candidate requirements from the Bishop, Vestry, and Parish Profile. • Provide a successor recommendation to the Vestry and retain documents of the search process. Methods for Finding a Successor Candidate: The search committee’s research on methods of finding a new candidate is the key to their success in finding a successor in


Appendix C: Search Committee an appropriate period. Lack of ready-made networks to provide a steady supply of rectors is a challenge. Search committee will have to weigh options of traditional methods, denominational networks, or hiring a search firm to find candidates. We anticipate the Bishop to provide possible candidates as a potential source for candidates. Additionally, the search committee can schedule meetings with other churches that have recently completed a pastoral search to discuss their process. Bishop and Vestry Candidate Requirements: To be published. Bishop and Vestry will provide guidance to the search committee on hiring criteria an individual must possess to be considered a candidate. Search Committee Recommendation Report and Documentation Requirements: The search committee will provide the Vestry with a report that includes the recommended new rector and synopsis of how the search committee came to that determination. The search committee will retain key documents such as search plan, committee minutes, interview questionnaire notes, and other pertinent documents deemed by the chairperson. The Abbey Administrator will retain the documents.


Appendix C: Search Committee

Search Committee Self-Nomination Form

Name: ______How long have you been a member of The Abbey? ______Tell us what made you decide to nominate yourself for the search committee?

Tell us in your own words what the mission and values of The Abbey means to you?

What particular gifts do you offer to the search committee?

Tell us how you can commit the time, devotion and possible personal resources to the search process?


Appendix C: Search Committee

Search Committee Member Nomination Form

Recommended Member: ______The Abbey Member recommending the nominee: ______How long has the person been a member of The Abbey? ______Have you discussed with the member that you are recommending them for the search committee? ______Tell us what made you decide to nominate this person for the search committee?

Tell us in your own words how this person espouses the mission and values of The Abbey?

What particular gifts does this person offer to the search committee?

Can this person committee the time, devotion and possible personal resources to the search process?


Appendix C: Search Committee

Vestry Search Committee Qualifications Note Page The purpose of the note page is to assist individual Vestry members to take notes while reviewing each candidate’s qualification. Note: Vestry Members will turn-in note pages with nomination forms at the completion of the executive session process

Nominee: ______

1. Nominee is a member in good standing practicing serious stewardship.

2. Nominee is, above all, a person of spiritual maturity.

3. Nominee knows and supports the mission and values of The Abbey.

4. Nominee has the respect of the congregation.

5. Nominee has the time and devotion to the task.

6. Nominee can work as a team member.

7. Nominee is trustworthy.

8. General Comments:


Appendix C: Search Committee

Vestry Search Committee Sample Ballot Select _____ nominees for search committee members by placing a X in the box next to the name. The Vestry will decide on the number search committee members during the executive session to include two alternates.

Nominee Name

Nominee Name

Nominee Name

Nominee Name

Nominee Name

Nominee Name

Nominee Name

Nominee Name

Nominee Name

Nominee Name

Nominee Name


Appendix C: Search Committee

Search Committee Covenant We the new rector search committee of The Abbey, desiring to be faithful to Christ in our relationship with each other and to model the love and unity as demonstrated by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, do covenant that we will strive to be Christ-like in our character, conduct, and conversations as we search for a new rector. We affirm a commitment to the Abbey mission and values and will seek a rector that fits our approved Parish Profile. We will follow the guidance provided by the Bishop and Vestry. We will maintain an open communication line with the Vestry. When we have any questions and issues, we go to the Vestry first to seek clarification, guidance, forgiveness, and reconciliation. We will keep reports and files on potential rectors and their churches confidential. We refuse to participate in gossip, slander, and any communication harmful to the church and its witness to the love of Jesus Christ. We are committed to integrity, loyalty, and trust. We will be ambassadors for the congregation during the search process and will promote The Abbey in a favorable manner. We affirm that we will have the best interest of The Abbey in the search process, servant hearts, and will remain submitted to Jesus Christ. We chose to be accountable.

______Senior Warden Search Committee Member


Appendix D: Selection and Offer

Selection: When the search committee is prepared to recommend a successor to the Vestry, the chairperson will provide a report to the Senior Warden who will forward to each Vestry member to review. Senior Warden will call a Vestry meeting with the entire search committee to discuss their recommendation and allow Vestry to ask questions. The Vestry will move into an executive session to pray and decide to engage the Bishop to confirm the search committee’s recommendation. The Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and search committee chairperson will contact the Bishop to confirm the invite for the new rector. The chairperson is available to assist in answering the Bishop’s search process questions. Upon the Bishop’s confirmation, the Senior Warden will call an executive Vestry meeting to vote on inviting the candidate as The Abbey’s new rector. If approved, the Vestry will discuss and approve a compensation package and projected start date. The Senior Warden will reach out to the selectee and extend an invitation as the new Abbey rector. If God calls the new rector, the Senior Warden will announce as soon as possible at the new Worship service and post the announcement on The Abbey’s social media sites. Transition Plan for New Rector: Upon acceptance of the invite, Senior Warden will coordinate the start date with new rector. Key transition events include: an onboard schedule, Vestry meeting, updating website, and farewell event for the interim Rector and welcome event, pending COVID-19 risks, to meet the congregation. The Senior Warden will coordinate with the Bishop and new Rector for the Bishop to visit The Abbey and welcome the new Rector. We will provide more detail to the onboarding plan as the Vestry selects a new Rector.
