Italy - Sardinia - Coast to Coast - Self-Guided Leisure Cycling Holiday

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Italy - Sardinia - Coast to Coast - Self-Guided Leisure Cycling Holiday Tel : +47 22413030 | Epost :[email protected]| Web Karl Johans gt. 23, 0159 Oslo, Norway Italy - Sardinia - Coast to Coast - Self-Guided Leisure Cycling Holiday Turkode Destinasjoner Turen starter 42555 Italia Cagliari Turen destinasjon Reisen er levert av 8 dager Cala Gonone Fra : NOK Oversikt A lovely cycling holiday in Italy, alternating between gentle coastal roads, vast plains, steep climbs and thrilling descents. This is a challenging ride deep into the heart of Sardinia, requiring a reasonable level of fitness. Reiserute Day 1: Arrival into Cagliari Airport - Transfer to Montevecchio Day 2: Loop Ride - Mining Towns & Costa Verde Day 3: Montevecchio to Villanovaforru Day 4: Villanovaforru to Laconi Day 5: Laconi to Seulo Day 6: Seulo to Villanova Strisaili Day 7: Villanova Strisaili to Cala Gonone Day 8: Departure from Cala Gonone - Transfer to Cagliari Airport Starting in the south west near Montevecchio, at the agriturismo famous amongst 'Skedaddle aficionados' for its friendly hosts and delicious meals, you'll set off through hills carpeted with lush green Maquis vegetation, past remote mining villages, towards the towering sand dunes of the Costa Verde, where the adventure officially begins. Over the next five days the route will take you past olive groves and vineyards, unique archaeological sites, through lush green oak woods and up into exhilarating mountain landscapes. Highlights include a challenging climb through the stunning Gennargentu mountain range and the grand finale of your cycling adventure - cycling through the limestone Supramonte Mountains of Dorgali to descend to the stunning Orosei Gulf, where a swim in the emerald green sea is your just reward! If you have a day or two to spare why not extend your trip with some trekking or sea kayaking. Our local team can join you for a day of guiding or we can provide the information and equipment to allow you to enjoy the routes self-guided, just give us a call for further info. Day 1: Arrival into Cagliari Airport - Transfer to Montevecchio (D) Following your arrival into Cagliari airport you will be transferred to Montevecchio (approx 1 hour), an abandoned mining town below the Mount Arcuentu range, 3/4 of the way down the island. Day 2: Loop Ride - Mining Towns & Costa Verde (B, D) Today’s ride is a journey through varied landscapes, a true taster of what Sardinia has to offer and a great start to your challenge. Setting off from your accommodation, you will start your adventure with a great route countouring the Montevecchio range, offering superb vistas of the fertile Campidano plain and scattered abandoned mining ruins. Leaving the small town of Arbus behind you, the freewheeling descent towards the sand dunes of Piscinas offers more spectacular scenery as well as a deeper insight into the mining history of this unique coastal area. Reaching Piscinas beach will be your official start to your Coast to Coast adventure across Sardinia, and you have plenty of time to absorb the remarkable landscape. Around you, the towering sand dunes of Piscinas, surrounded by hills carpeted with lush green Maquis vegetation. Heading north this time, you will keep close to the coast before heading east and riding below the volcanic peak of Mt Arcuentu. This loop ride will take you back to your accommodation where another fine meal of fresh farm produce and plenty of wine will be waiting for you. Approx. distance: 31 Miles / 50 Kms Day 3: Montevecchio to Villanovaforru (B, D) Heading eastwards, the first section of today’s ride is another freewheeling descent down to the Campidano plain, the largest and most productive in Sardinia. Today your riding will take you through some busy Sardinian towns, such as Guspini and Villacidro. Once mining towns, their economy is now based on agriculture and small industry. A short detour below the schist cliffs of Villacidro, will take you to the Spendula waterfall, an idyllic place to relax before continuing with your journey. Crossing the Campidano plain won’t require much effort, as you ride past vast cultivated fields and little farm estates. Taking a narrower country lane below the castle of Monreale, you’ll arrive at St Maria delle Acque, once a Roman Bath settlement, it is now one of only a few spa areas left in Sardinia. Another short ride will take you to Sardara. Here, a stop to visit the remains of a prehistoric well temple and adjacent museum, will give you an insight into the Nuragic Bronze Era, an ancient civilization unique to Sardinia. Your destination for today will be in a tranquil B&B in the little town of Villanovaforru. Approx. distance: 34 Miles / 55 Kms Day 4: Villanovaforru to Laconi (B) Following a hearty and healthy breakfast you’ll set off on today’s ride taking a superb selection of winding roads over the Marmilla Hills, riding past olive groves, vineyards, small farms and sleepy villages. You’ll cycle to the most important archeological site on the island, the Nuragic fortress of Barumini, where a visit would make an ideal break from cycling. Plenty of time to absorb the Mediterranean atmosphere and perfumes as you gradually ride up towards the sleepy hill town of Laconi. Your final destination for the day will be a family run hotel in the centre of Laconi, where you will have time to explore the beautiful park and castle before dinner. Approx. distance: 28 Miles / 45 Kms Day 5: Laconi to Seulo (B, D) With today’s ride being the shortest, take your time this morning! Take a stroll around the back streets of Laconi and pay a visit to the lovely gardens surrounding the Aymerich Castle. Leaving this quiet town behind, you’ll take a winding road through lush oak woods, gradually climbing on a car-free road through the Gennargentu range in the very heart of Sardinia. Reaching the 1040 metre pass, will be one of the highest points of this trip. The landscape will have now altered and is relatively barren and wild and the sky filled with birds of prey circling in the thermals in search of prey. The un-spoilt nature of this area makes it a fascinating area for naturalists, walkers and cyclists alike. It is an area that most vividly reflects the ancient character of the island. Shepherd trails and huts litter the landscape and villages perch over steep sided valleys. Tonight’s accommodation, will be on the outskirts of the town of Seulo. Approx. distance: 31 Miles / 50 Kms Day 6: Seulo to Villanova Strisaili (B, D) A combination of climbs and descents will take you through another day of exhilarating landscapes and deeper into the heart of Sardinia. Utilising mountain roads, you’ll have fun exploring the Montarbu range, as you edge your way towards the fascinating mountain peak of Perda Liana. Once more the vistas of the surrounding mountain ranges are outstanding, with the highest peak in Sardinia, Punta Lamarmora (1868 metres) forever present in the distance. The silence is broken only by the sound of sheep bells, cows and goats. You might even be lucky enough to spot royal kites, vultures, rock thrushes and pipits as you cycle along. The morning climb is rewarded by an afternoon descent towards Lake Flumendosa, one of the biggest reservoirs in Sardinia. Contouring the lake, you’ll soon reach your next accommodation in the town of Villanova Strisaili. Yes you’ve guessed it, lots more delicious home made pasta and wine to be sampled! Approx. distance: 38 Miles / 60 Kms Day 7: Villanova Strisaili to Cala Gonone (B) Today you’ll experience the grand finale of your cycling adventure with superb riding through the wild and rugged landscape of the Supramonte of Dorgali. Leaving the agriturismo, the initial part of the day will involve skirting the Urzulei range, averaging 800 metres, until you reach the high plateau just above the town of Talana. Here you will be in for a great surprise! More climbs and descents will take you through Urzulei and finally Genna Silana pass. You are now in true wilderness. The Supramonte limestone rocks will be towering above you, whilst wild boar and horses graze in the lush meadows. It’s here that your cycling reaches its thrilling climax, as you enjoy the final 26 Kms of superb downhill, surrounded by rocky pinnacles, centenary juniper trees and abandoned shepherd huts, taking you all the way to the coastal town of Cala Gonone. There are many places in town where you will be able to enjoy your final Sardinian feast, wine and music. Approx. distance: 46 Miles / 75 Kms Day 8: Departure from Cala Gonone - Transfer to Cagliari Airport (B) Depending on flight schedules, time is set aside to wander around Cala Gonone or to simply laze on the beach, before you are met and transferred to Cagliari airport (approx. 2.5 hours) for your return flight home. If you have a day or two to spare why not extend your trip with some trekking or sea kayaking exploring the rugged coastline, sea caves and white sandy beaches which stretch both north and south from Cala Gonone. Our local team can join you for a days guiding or we can provide the information and equipment to allow you to enjoy the routes self-guided, just give us a call for further info. Viktig Informasjon What's Included: Accommodation (shared twin / double en suite rooms) in small hotels / agriturismi Meals as per the itinerary (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner) Local representative (with welcome meeting) Detailed route notes and maps Luggage transfers Airport transfer on scheduled arrival day from Cagliari airport (CAG) Airport transfer on scheduled departure day to Cagliari airport (CAG) What's Not Included: Bike hire (available if required,
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