Vol. 3, No. 1, 2014 ISSN 2350-8566 University Grants Commission, Nepal Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal Website: http://www.ugcnepal.edu.np E-mail:
[email protected] Published by Post Box: 10796, Kathmandu, Nepal Phone: (977-1) 6638548, 6638549, 6638550 University Grants Commission Fax: 977-1-6638552 Nepal Vol. 3 No. 1 2014 The Journal of University Grants Commission Published by University Grants Commission Nepal Advisors Parashar Prasad Koirala Bhola Nath Pokharel Hridaya Ratna Bajracharya Editorial Board Krishna Chandra Sharma Pramod Kumar Jha Dev Raj Adhikari Anirudra Thapa Managing Editor Devendra Rawal Asst. Managing Editor Narayan Bhandari Contents 1. Heavy Metal Concentration in Household Dust in Kathmandu Metropolitan Area 1 Pawan Raj Shakya, Neena Karmacharya and Chirika Shova Tamrakar 2. Relationship between Foreign Trade and Economic Growth in Nepal: A Structural Break Analysis 11 Gautam Maharjan 3. Chemical Extraction of Heavy Metals in River Sediments of Karra River, Nepal 26 Sadhana Pradhanang 4. Biochemical Constituents in Some Edible Wild Fruits of Chitwan 35 Khaga Raj Sharma 5. Tense, Aspect and Modality (TAM) in Koyee 43 Tara Mani Rai 6. Mahatma Gandhi and the Sadharanikaran Model of Communication 63 Nirmala Mani Adhikary 7. Current Status and Recent Trends of Abortion Service Utilization in Two Facilities of Chitwan District 77 Dinesh Kumar Malla 8. A Conceptual Analysis of World Trade Organization (WTO) and its Impact on Nepalese Business 85 Dinesh Mani Ghimire 9. Adaptive Modulation in Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) System 101 Rajeev Prajapati, Norsang Lama and Sabin Bhandari 10. Spatial Orientation of Angular Momentum Vectors of SDSS Galaxies having Redshift 1 × 10 -1 to 1.005 × 10 -1 117 S.N.