Week/Wythnos 13 March/Mawrth 28 - April/Ebrill 3


2 Laurence's Extraordinary Ordinary Houses 3 The Welsh Italians 4 Match of the Day 5 Visions of the Valleys 6 The Valleys Fighter 7 X-Ray 8 Young Welsh and Pretty Skint 9 Larkin and Dale’s Takeaway Revolution 10 Pobol y Cwm

Places of interest/Llefydd o ddiddordeb:

Abertillery/Abertyleri 5 Aberystwyth 7 Cardiff/Caerdydd 5,9 Ebbw Vale/Glyn Ebwy 2 Porthcawl 3 Rhondda Valley/Cwm Rhondda 6 Swansea/Abertawe 5 Treforest/Trefforest 5 Wrexham/Wrecsam 4

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NOTE TO EDITORS: All details correct at time of going to press, but programmes are liable to change. Please check with BBC Cymru Wales Communications before publishing. NODYN I OLYGYDDION: Mae’r manylion hyn yn gywir wrth fynd i’r wasg, ond mae rhaglenni yn gallu newid. Cyn cyhoeddi gwybodaeth, cysylltwch â’r Adran Gyfathrebu.

1 LAURENCE’S EXTRAORDINARY ORDINARY HOUSES Sunday, March 29, BBC One Wales, 6pm bbc.co.uk/realvalleys #BBCrealvalleys

In the brand-new series Laurence’s Extraordinary Ordinary Houses, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen is on a mission to prove that our homes are more than just bricks and mortar - they are an essential part of the nation’s social history.

In the Ebbw Vale garden suburb of Crosskeys, Pontywaun, Laurence takes on the room renovation of a couple whose early Victorian colliery manager’s home is full of character but needs to fit into modern day life.

Researching the history of the house, its residents and the surrounding area, Laurence sympathetically transforms the drawing room. Along the way, he visits the Ebbw Vale Works Museum and Rennie Mackintosh’s Hill House in Glasgow, to take on architectural and historical advice. He shows how to unlock the ‘arts and crafts’ design of the space whilst breathing new life and practicality into the room.

Laurence’s Extraordinary Ordinary Houses is part of BBC Wales’s Real Valleys season.

Sioned Gwyn

2 THE WELSH ITALIANS Sunday, March 29, BBC One Wales, 6.30pm bbc.co.uk/realvalleys #BBCrealvalleys

Michela Chiappa returns to where it all began and heads to Bardi, the ‘Welsh capital’ of Italy, to catch up with other Welsh Italians that live there.

Every year Michela and her family visit Bardi to attend the Festa dell’Emigrante festival, which is a chance for Italians who have emigrated to return to Bardi to enjoy those three important values - food, family and fun.

She also explores one of the Italians’ most famous imports to the south Wales valleys - gelato - and visits Pietro’s, in the seaside town of Porthcawl, which has been going for generations.

Back in Bardi, she visits a bustling market that sells locally reared, grown and produced food and speaks to a fellow Welsh Italian who is stocking up for their trip back to Wales.

The Welsh Italians is part of the BBC Wales’s Real Valleys season.

Cerys Shore

3 MATCH OF THE DAY WALES Sunday, March 29, BBC Two Wales, 10pm

Bethan Clement presents highlights and analysis of Wrexham’s FA Trophy Final clash with North Ferriby United.

Two years after winning the trophy for the first time, Wrexham will be looking to give their fans another day to remember at Wembley. Despite indifferent league form this season, the Dragons will be firm favourites against their Conference North opponents.

Guests include Wrexham legend Mickey Thomas.

Stephen Morgan

4 VISIONS OF THE VALLEYS Sunday, March 29, BBC One Wales, 10.30pm bbc.co.uk/realvalleys #BBCrealvalleys

In Visions of the Valleys, Kim Howells looks at how the valleys of south Wales have inspired artists for more than two centuries, and how those artists have described them through their paintings and drawings. Though first attracted by the natural wilderness, the rise of industry soon fuelled their artistic imagination.

Kim visits the Crawshay Tinplate Works just outside Treforest. The drama of the works and blast furnaces has been recorded in popular prints, but often without focusing on the people. One collection of paintings, believed to be by William Jones Chapman, has recently come to light - portraits of men who worked at the factory. These 16 pictures, now at the National Museum in Cardiff, provide a glimpse of early industrial workers.

Elsewhere, Kim speaks to Swansea painter Valerie Ganz, who discusses working in a draft mine and her life drawings in the 1980s, as well as living in an Abertillery mining community and how she translated that sense of community into her paintings through observation and sketchbooks.

Visions of the Valleys is part of BBC Wales’s Real Valleys season.

Lewis Davies

5 X-RAY Monday, March 30, BBC One Wales, 7.30pm bbc.co.uk/xray

In the final programme in the current series of X-Ray, Lucy Owen travels to Aberystwyth to meet the disabled basketball team who can’t get a scoreboard.

Rachel Treadaway-Williams asks why a garage sold a customer’s car after he complained about it.

And Rhodri Owen finds out if so-called ‘diabetic chocolate’ is the best present to buy this Easter.

Stephen Morgan

6 THE VALLEYS FIGHTER Monday, March 30, BBC One Wales 10.45pm bbc.co.uk/realvalleys #BBCrealvalleys

Liam Williams, a professional boxer from Clydach Vale in the Rhondda Valley, is following in the footsteps of legendary Welsh boxers as he prepares to fight for his first professional title.

Of the 11 boxing World Champions who have come from Wales, eight have come from the valleys of south Wales. Howard Winstone, Jimmy Wilde, Joe Calzaghe - what is it about this part of the world that has created one of the richest scenes in the fight game?

Wynford Jones, boxing historian and referee says: “The south Wales valleys are a very special place. I think people have often looked on life in this part of the world as a struggle against the odds. The whole business of being involved in boxing is a struggle against the odds”.

The Valleys Fighter is part of BBC Wales’s Real Valleys season.

Sioned Gwyn

7 YOUNG, WELSH AND PRETTY SKINT Tuesday, March 31, BBC One Wales, 10.45pm bbc.co.uk/realvalleys #BBCrealvalleys

Young, Welsh and Pretty Skint is an entertaining but thought-provoking look at young characters who, despite being unable to afford it, are obsessed with a variety of body issues - including tanning, tattooing, bodybuilding, make-up and nails.

The programme follows a new generation who aren’t scared of debt. Sadie is 19 and unemployed - with no prospect of work in the immediate future, she thinks nothing of spending hundreds of pounds a month on her looks.

Mark and Cory are best friends. They spend hours in the gym every day and hundreds of pounds a month on products and treatments, but with Cory only working part time as a topless butler, how is he managing to keep up with his beauty regime and expensive tattoo habit? And do they worry what impact their uncontrolled spending now will have on the rest of their lives?

Young, Welsh and Pretty Skint is part of BBC Wales’s Real Valleys season.

Gwawr Jones

8 LARKIN AND DALE’S TAKEAWAY REVOLUTION Friday, April 3, BBC One Wales, 7.30pm bbc.co.uk/realvalleys #BBCrealvalleys

Cardiff-based Larkin Cen and Dale Williams were both MasterChef finalists in 2013. In this new four-part series, Larkin and Dale’s Takeaway Revolution, viewers follow them as they embark on an ambitious challenge to open their own Asian takeaway business - in the middle of a recession. Neither cook has ever worked in a professional kitchen before - and there is no guarantee of success.

Their plan is to open one in every city in the UK by the time they’re 45, before moving on to world domination - but first they have to master the small challenge of opening the first branch in Cardiff. And, before that, a pop-up restaurant at the Celtic Manor Resort - with a little help from Larkin’s mum!

Will the boys manage to master their recipes in time? Or is it all just a recipe for disaster?

Gwawr Jones

9 POBOL Y CWM Llun, Mawrth, Iau, Gwener; Mawrth 30, 31, Ebrill 2, 3; BBC Cymru ar , 8pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday; March 30, 31, April 2, 3; BBC Wales on S4C, 8pm bbc.co.uk/pobolycwm #PobolYCwm

Daw Dani adref o’r ysbyty, ond mae’n teimlo’n amheus am berthynas Garry a Sioned, yn enwedig wrth i Garry ddweud celwydd wrthi am ble mae wedi bod.

Teimla Iolo dan bwysau gan Siôn i gyfaddef am y ddamwain, ond nid yw eisiau peryglu ei berthynas gyda William. Daw’n amlwg nad yw Sion am gael heddwas yn rhan o’r teulu, rhag ofn iddo ganfod y gwir am Bethania.

Penderfyna Anita gymryd y cam nesaf, a cheisio symud ei bywyd ymlaen trwy gael gwared ar eiddo Meic. Nid yw Kelly a Mark yn hapus, ac mae Mark yn penderfynu cadw rhai pethau yn ddiogel.

Mae perthynas Gemma a DJ yn closio wrth iddynt fynd am bryd o fwyd yn Cwm Delhi, ond llwydda Gwyneth wneud i DJ ail-feddwl am ei berthynas gyda Gemma. Pan gaiff DJ ei anafu ar ‘ddamwain’, mae Gwyneth yn amau taw Gemma sy’n gyfrifol.

Dani comes home from the hospital, but her suspicions grow about Garry and Sioned’s relationship, especially after Garry lies to her about where he's been.

Iolo feels under pressure from Sion to admit to the accident, but he does not want to jeopardize his relationship with William. It becomes clear Siôn doesn’t want a police officer as part of the family in case he finds out the truth about Bethania.

Anita decides to take the next step in coming to terms with Meic’s departure by getting rid of his possessions. Mark and Kelly are not happy and Mark decides to keep a few things safe.

Gemma and DJ go out for a meal at Cwm Delhi, but Gwyneth manages to make DJ have second thoughts about a relationship with Gemma. When DJ is injured by ‘accident’, Gwyneth is suspicious that Gemma is responsible.

Gwawr Jones