The Theory of Moral Sentiments Adam Smith Sixth Edition (1790) pΜεταLibriq x y c 2005 Sálvio Marcelo Soares (apply only to edition, not to text) 1st Edition Version a A . Esta obra está disponível para uso privado e individual. Não pode ser vendida nem mantida em sistema de banco de dados, em qualquer forma ou meio, sem prévia autorização escrita do detentor do copyright. Apenas este e as pessoas por ele autorizadas por escrito têm direito de reproduzir esta obra ou transmití-la eletronicamente ou por qualquer outro meio. Published by ΜεταLibri
[email protected] Obra editada e publicada no Brasil. São Paulo, May 15, 2006. Contents A PART I Of the P of A S I Of the S of P . p. 4 C.I Of S . 4 C. II Of the Pleasure of mutual Sympathy. 9 C. III Of the manner in which we judge of the propriety or impropriety of the affections of other men, by their concord or dissonance with our own. 11 C. IV The same subject continued . 14 C.V Of the amiable and respectable virtues . 18 S II Of the Degrees of the different Passions which are consistent with Propriety . 22 I. 22 C.I Of the Passions which take their origin from the body . 22 C. II Of those Passions which take their origin from a particular turn or habit of the Imagination. 26 C. III Of the unsocial Passions . 29 C. IV Of the social Passions . 33 C.V Of the selfish Passions. 35 S III Of the Effects of Prosperity and Adversity upon the Judgment of Mankind with regard to the Propriety of Action; and why it is more easy to obtain their Approbation in the one state than in the other .