WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS & VISITORS May 31, 2020 CHURCH STAFF: 192 GRAYLYNN DRIVE NASHVILLE, TN 37214-2706 Rev. Dan Steiner, Pastor 615-889-4065 ext. 205 Dcn. Wayne Gregory 615-330-7834 PHONE: 615-889-4065 Dcn. Mike Wilkins 615-830-8370 FAX: 615-889-3421 Dcn. Gil Huhlein (RETIRED) EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE:www.holyrosarynashville.org OFFICE HOURS: Mrs. Cyndi Anderson, Parish Secretary Monday−Friday: 8:00 a.m.−4:00 p.m 615-889-4065 ext. 201
[email protected] On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended with power upon the Mrs. Cheryl Pryor, Dir. of Religious Education Apostles; thus began the mission of the Church in the world. Jesus himself 615-889-4065 ext. 203
[email protected] prepared the Eleven for this mission, appearing to them on many occasions Ms. Chrissa Jennings, Dir. of Music Ministry after his Resurrection (see Acts 1: 3). 615-268-3959
[email protected] Prior to the Ascension into Heaven, he ordered them “not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father” (Acts 1: 4-5); that is, he Mr. Peter Rodgers, Academy Principal asked them to stay together to prepare themselves to receive the gift of the 615-883-1108 ext. 221
[email protected] Holy Spirit. And they gathered in prayer with Mary in the Upper Room, await- ing the promised event (Acts 1: 14). To stay together was the condition laid Church office fax #............615-889-3421 down by Jesus in order to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit; the premise of their harmony was prolonged prayer.