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MISSION for the FIRST ORDER (No THE CITY RECORD VOL. YNXVI. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1908. NvMlwlt 10761. THE CITY RECORD, to the changing of stairways at the 72nd Street station of the subway and the con- struction of marquises and illuminated signs, and stating that the work will be done as an extra under contract dated February 21, 1900, as provided by the resolution. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the (3) 2091 The Secretary presented requisition No. 12 of the Bradley Contracting Company BOARD OF CITY RECORD. .or $4,077.45 for work done and materials furnished during the month of Anglist, GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MATOR. 1908, less Io per cent., together with the certificate of Henry B. Seaman, Chief Engi- FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CORPORATION COUNSEL. HERMAN A. METZ. CoMrrRolaait. neer, approving the same, and a formal resolution approving the requisition and direct- ing that voucher No. 1517 be transmitted to the Comptroller for payment of the said amottnt, which was thereupon duly adopted. PATRICK J. TRACY, SUPRRVISOa. (4) 2092 Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. The Secretary presented requisition No. 14 of the Degnon Contracting Coitiliany Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. for $98,115.90 for work clone and materials furnished during the month of August, SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries. etc.. of the city employees), s5 cents; 19o8, less lo per cent., together with the certificate of Henry I.. Seaman, Chief Engi- Official Canvass of Votes. Ila cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; neer, approving the same, and a formal resolution approving the requisition tnel direct- Law Department and Finance Department supplements, ro cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of ing that voucher No. 1557 be transmitted to the Comptroller for payment of the said Real Estate, 25 cents each section. amount, which was thereupon duly adopted. Published at Room s, City Hall (north side), New York City. (5) 2094 Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. The Secretary presented requisition No. 13 of the Bradley Contracting Company for $$4,254.52 for work clone and materials furnished (latring the month of August, igo8, less Io per cent., together with the certificate of Henry B. Seaman, Chief Engi- TABLE OF CONTENTS. neer, approving the same, and a formal resolution approving the requisition and direct- ing that voucher No. 1518 be transmitted to the Comptroller for paymetit of the said a amount, which was thereupon duly adopted. .Assessors, hoard of— I Notice to Contractors.................. tot68 Public Notices ..................... tot59 Official 1iorough Papers............... toI59 (6) 2)3 :cllcvnc and Allied hospitals— Official 1Iirectory ..................... )ut56 The Secretary presented requisition No. i_t of the Bradley Contracting Cnutpruly I'ro ,osals .......................... 10159 Official I'apers ....................... 10159 Board Meetings ........................ 1o159 Parks. I)eperlmcnt of— for $68,082.62 for work done and materials furnished dut-itlg the month of August, Bridges, Department of— Minutes of Stated Meeting of Sep- 1908, less io per cent., together with the certificate of henry B. Seaman, Chief Fngi- 1'roposals .......................... rotbo terober to, í9o8.............. 10149 neer, approving the same, and a formal resolution approving the requisition and direct- Ilrooklyn, I orough of- 1'ropusals .......................... )ot6o ing that voucher No. 1519 he transmitted to the Comptroller for payment of the said ('rop. sals .......................... Iot59 1'ulice I)epartment- Change of Grade Damage Commission— Auction Sale ...................... 10163 amount, which was thereupon duly adopted. Public Notice ...................... 10159 Owners Wanted for bust Property. eo16, Changes in l)epartments, etc........... 10155 1'ruceediugs of September ts, i9o8. )o148 (7) 3337 Correction, Department of— I'rop.sal, .......................... iot6. The Secretary presented a bill from John B. McDonald, contractor, entitled "Col- Proposals .................... ..... toióo Repurts „f Sanitary Cumpany (Buller lection Voucher No. 564" for $r3,3~)7.20, work done an(1 materials furnished in Ducks and Ferries, llepartment of— S, tuadI for September 12 and for l'rop,sals .......................... 10163 14, 1908...................... 10149 the construction of a new station sta irv,-ay and entrauce to the Rapid Transit Railway Education, I)rpartment of— Public iIcaringti- Station at or near the south ti stony corner i f 'I-hird Avenue and One Hundrev and I'roposals ................ ... .. 10163 Rv ('onunittee on l;ridges and Tun- Forty-ninth Street, together with the certificate of Henry B. Scanlan, Chief engineer, Estimatc aud .-AIgwrtionment, hoard of— veis, Boarri of Aldermen..... 10156 Notice t,, 'l'axl aycrs ............... toi62 Ry C'nmmittec un Laws and Legisla- approving the stinte. and a formal resolution approving the bill and directing that I'ublic Notice ...................... 10162 tinn, Board of .AIderuren...... iot56 voucher No. i559 he irausnlilted to the Comptroller for payment of the said amount, Executive • I)epartment— I'ttl)lic Service Cutnmissiuu for the First which was thereupon duly adopte(l. .Appuintment by the Mayor........ 10155 Ilistrict- Finance, Department of Calendar of IIcarings........... 10137 (8) 1056 Interest on City Bonds and Stock.. ío16a Proceedings of Seiitember t8, í9n8. rol37 Notices of .Assessments for Opening RAPID TRANSIT SL'6W.\Y CONSTRUCTION Co.— I IcICE PLr\1T1NG ON BROADLW1'AY PAIttc\1'AY5. Street Gleaning, Department of— Streets and Parks......... .. rot6o ei nit itiicutiiii frim henry B. Sea npnt, Chief Ett- NI ice of the Re,icmptiun of New .\she5, ete., fur Filling in Lands... )ot62 The Secretary presented a York City Stock .............. 1o)6z 512prCu1c ('i,urt. First I)cPartmcnt- gineer, recommending that copy of ci reesp, aracnee with refer1-ace to the matter of Notices to I'roperty Owners....... )0160 :\c,fviriug iitle'to (.ands, etc....... 10163 trees on the Broadway Parkways be scut t the Rapid "Transit Subway Construction Notice to 'I'arpayers........ .... )o162 Snlivcure Court, Secoml i)enartment- Company, with the rennest that answer lie made to the report of the Comptroller's Suretics Required ou Various Classes Acquiring 'fitle to lands, etc....... 10)64 ío162 Engineer by the sub-contractor, which was directed to be done. uf Cuntraet .................. 5uprcmc Court, Ninth Judicial Dis Idet- hirc 1lcpartmcnt-- totó4 'fransacti<ms fram May 4 to 16, :Aeqalrla5 "fitte to Lanrls, ete....... (9) O-701 ................ )nr38 Nokces uf Applications for thc Ap- LONG lSL,1NU R.AILRO,'U Co.--ANNEX FERRY SERVICE. 1qu8, lilckísive yointment of Commissioners of Ilealth. hoard of— 10tó5 3linutcs of Meeting uf August, .appraisal .................... The Secretary presented a conlntttnicatinn fri)m J. B. Irixon, Secretary of the ) gn8 .......................... 1.150 Water Su1,ply. Gas and Electricity, De- bouglaston Civic League, under date uf September 8th, cueMosiu.g a resolution of that Municipal Civil Service Commission— partmcnt of— protesting against the discontinuance of the annex ferry service of the Long I'ropusals.......................... tot6z hody, Public Notice. ..................... 10159 Island Railroad Company. The communication was ordered filed. (to) 0-723 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST ORDER (No. 723). On motion made and duly seconded, an Order (No. 723) was adopted, denying the DISTRICT, application of the Brooklyn heights Railroad Company for a no olificatiun uf the No. 154 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. terms of Order No. 706 with respect to the service on the \Vilai:uasbarg Bridge local cars. (II) 0-724 CALENDAR OF HEARINGS. HEARING ORDER (No. 724). On notion made aud dole seconded a ITearing Order (No. 724) was adopted, The following hearings will be held during the remainder of the week beginning directing a hearing oil September 30th at x:30 o'clock P. M. to inquire Monday, September 2I, 1908: (I) Whether the Brooklyn heights Railroad Company should be directed -Ond required to operate its cars on its line known as the "Crosstown Line" across Man- Friday, September 25-10 a. m.—Roon1 305.—LONG ISLAND R. R. Co., 'MUTUAL MILK hattan Avenue liritlge, over Newtotn Creek, at all hours, so as tu afford through ANI) CREAM Co., C0MPl.AINAN'r.—"Rate5 oil i\I alk."—00117 t77iti51O11Cr service on said line across said bruge, at all hours ; Decker, of Second District Commission. (2) Whether said Company s1loul(a be directed and required to provide electrical Io a. nt.—Room 305.—LONG ISLAND R. R. Co., H. PAU(.DING, COMPLAINANT. power for the propelling of its cars uport said bridge :uld upon the track and ap- —"Allegc(l execs express charges on empty packages."—Commissioner proaches to said bridge at all times, to the end that there shall be no "dead section" Decker, of the Second District Commission. of said line, caused by the opening of the drawbridge or Otherwise; 2:30 p. iu.—Coii1atissioiicr nTaltbie's Room.—Order No. 205.—Electric Light (3) 'Ib determine the numier of cars that should he operated upon said line aud l Power Investigation.—Comtnissioncr Maltbie. and the frequency of their operation, or the number of salts that should he furnished within a given time or times and past a given point or points upon said line, in order reasonably til accommodate the traffic transported
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