Lii!I!Wlitt'c Egisier
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!lii!i!wlitt'C egisier VOLUME LXXXIII MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1919 NUMBER ELEVEN YOUNG DR. WRIGHT CO. D. DISBANDS; FARM BUREAU TO MIDD AYIATOR HENRY F. JOY WALES ON CIVIL INFLUENZA YIGTlM I NEW MEDIC ALCORPS MEET WEDNESDAY THRILLS WORCESTER WEDS MISS NOLAND SERVICE BOARD ' I meeting of Addison K. To surprise of close George Dr. Thoraas G. Wright, vvho was head Under orders issued by the Adjutant The antiual the Charles Jones, more familiarlv the even their The appointment of R. Wales, sum-me- County Farm Bureau, as announced in known friends Henry F. Joy proprietor of a of Middlebury, graduate of the English Department at the r General, Company D of the Vertnont as "Cusey" Jones, a graduate the native and a Vergennes, last week's Register, will be held in the tff Middlebury men's furnishing store of the college, as one of members school at Middlebury College last Volunteer Militia, located at college, who haa a host conducted under the s Medical Town Hall next Wednesday, with two of friends in Middlebury, his name in Middlebury for many years, of the newly reorganized States summer, and who had made all arrange-ment- disbanded this week, and a recently United V. W. for men women turned Miss Agnes Civil Service announc- to return hcre again this sum- Corps, under command of Capt. sessions and from active service at the front and Elizabeth Noland, were Commission was same in and in afternoou and has employ Cur-ther- e in ma'rriage Wednesday af- ed from Washington week. Presi- died at his home in New Haven, 'Waterman, forming a part of the the forenoon the enteredjhe of the united last this mer, its stead. will be joint session. The Farm- - tiss Airplane company. Aviator Jones ternoon. wedding dent Wilson recently, requested Conn., last Monday. News of his death regiment, is to be organized in a The was solemnized the t of State ers' Exchange will hold its annual meet-- recently gave an exhibition flight at the North Pleasant street of of Herman W. Craven and was contained in a letter received by This action on the part the at home Collins authorities is brought about largely as ing at the morning s'ession. Worcster, Mass., and the following Mrs. Sarah Noland, the bride's mother, Charles M. Galloway as members of Acting President Edward D. account, younger brother, a result of conferences between the A new feature is introduced this year taken from a Worcester where Mr. Joy had lived for several the commission, and announced his Jrom Dr. Wright's paper, will be to is in commanding officer of the regiment, in the form of a winter picnic. Each of interest Middlebury years. The Rev. G. M. Moody of the of naming an entirely new Capt. Burnett B. Wright, who the t officer' fnmflv i nQpH tn hrinc n hnv lnnrliprm. people cere-mon- board. Together with Wales, he Warfare Service, Nela Park, Captain Waterman, tfie medical Methodist Church performed the Mr. Chemical SeVen thousand persons were on the Indi-an- a from Middle- of the V. V. M., and Captain Stone, which may be on the community basis has named Martin A. Morrison of Ohio. After his return i Company D. For several if desired. The picnic will be in the g.rounda at Worcester Agricultural so- - Mr. Joy has for several months past and the third member is yet to be bury to New Haven last fall, Dr. commanding yesterday to colonel has been desirous dining room of the Grange Hall, where afternoon cheer been in and since last Christ-ma- s announced. voluntecred as an orderly in 'months the S- Wright ice Ayla.tor Charle3 - ot Curtiss ill Mr. Wales was in Middlebury, hospital to help' care of having a medical unit attached to cream and coffee will be on sale. Jneus has been too to be at his place born the New Haven Airplane company, sailed over is 22, 1862, s. under Several prominent speakers have been of business. He still confined to his November the son of Russell large number of influenza j the military forces of the State ior the who meeting will Worcester and made a' landing three bed, following a operation and Lucy Anne (Sumner) Wales, and He carried this work along the command of Capt. Waterman invited to attend the and recent at the is recognized as one of the most effi-cie- interest all who are in any way associa-- "inutes ater on the center of the big Mary Fletcher Hospital in Burlington, after graduation from Middlebury High with his duties as instructor in the Eng- fieId ' in organization. ted' with the farm and home. The T"e '"P of 45 miles waa made in and to the disappointment of his many School he became an apprentice in The lish Department of the Sheffield captains the 35 g miputea. Aviator Jones also gave Register Office, where he lost his left Univer-sity- , In a letter to Capt. Stone accompany-'in- Farm Bureau has broadened its scope friends, he has not been ltnproving. Scientifie School Yale his er at of of endeavoring to solve wife a ride in the macbine before arm through an accfHent with the news-pdp- so greatly overtaxed his the order for the disbandment work andvis and only problems of farm Springfield. The trip was The League of Nations is press. Mrs. Anna Collins, a wid--j strength he undermined his own Company D. the Adjutant General not the the but en RIGHT! that officers of the home, the village home as well lULm,hP;an? .e roProm he ow, made possible for him his educa-tio- n health and was unable tp resist the in- Ipays a high compliment to the Worcester Vergennes company in as the farm home. that Men Will Serve a Supper at Middlebury College. fluenza when it attacked him. jand men of the people have ever been privileged to the following words: Fred L. Porter of Crown Point, The men of the Methodist Church He graduated in the class of 1887, Dr. Wright is remembered at Mid- vvitness. a cTassmate of A. "I desire at this time, Captain, to known to many of the farmers, in the will serve a supper next Wednesday John Fletcher. For dlebury as an energetic and successful The Curtiss Airplane was brought to two years he was principal of Bris- personally thank you for the splendid western part of the county will discuss evening in the church between 6 and 8 the head of last season's English school, and Worcester aa a contribution to the en- - tol Graded School became work you have given during the nearly the problem of wool marketing. Mr. o'clock, and after the supper Dr. G. K. and then a as a faculty member of much promise. tertainment in the Worcester auto law student at the National University 'two years just passed. You have Porter is very prominent in Farm Bu- - shows - Stratham will give a free lecture illus-frate- d He was only about 35 years old. Mrs. at the Casino. It was the big- in Washington. He was clerk in the is in every possible way reau work being President of the Essex gest ovation accorded by lantern pictures. The pro-cee- Wright, who was Mabel Kingsbury, ever an airman War Department during-thi- s period of W. to maintain the efficiency of the regi-jmen- t. County Farm BUreau. Recently he in Worcester. Over 200 on of the supper are to be applied a second cousin of Mrs. Frank autos were law study and when in 1891 he was You have put in hours and was president of New York the grounds ar.d crowd toward liquidation of the church debt, Cady, and she also had spent last sum- elected the the stood ankle to the bar he became law officer hours of hard work without thought of of County Sheep deep in iuud as they aplen-- which is nearly provided for. S .B. mer here. State Federation cheered the and examiner for the Civil Service compensation. is spirit has Coun- - did skillof the aviator. Aines is chairman of the kitchen com- In addition to his brother, Dr. Wright It this that Growers Association. Inc. Essex Commission. He had recently been won this war, and every man has mittee, Prof. Frank W. Cady chair- is survived by a sister who operates that ty had the distinction of growing more cHief examiner for the Commission. some part in activities should man of the dining room a small fruit farm near Phelps, N. Y., had these wool than any other county in York The League of Nations is RIGHT! committee; Another of his classmates Charles feel repaid in the satisfaction he will year, clip was W. E. Clement of the entertainment which was his former home. state last the entire sold Ford Langworthy of Middlebury, is al- lalways he what he could grow-er- s committee and Prof. Wayne of have that did on the pooling basis, netting the Death of Miss Laura Hagar Haller so in Washington as chief of the office j me to be the The League of Nations is RIGHT! It has been a pleasure to a fine margin of profit above what Mkc T.rinrn Mncrnr. cicfpr nf Hpnrv decoration committee. ;of Home Economics, United work. States associated with you in this their neighbors received across the Lake B Hagar of MidQlebury, who had lived of Agriculture. MacQuiveys Off to the West iu rtuuisuu Vuuuiy.