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?>*:\ ...//2008:07:17:16:24:75*W

Next Topic in Results volley2.ind 1: ?>*:\ ...//2008:07:17:16:24:75*W #555: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 29 Jul 08 18:57 Post

Dear Michelle:

What a wonderful story about the 20008 convention.

The word 'buddy' makes me think of the many police officers I know who rely on their buddy to back them up. It also reminds me of WJC's dog, 'Buddy' and my own ADA service K-9 'Big Wig' who was so loved by the United States Capitol Police and the United States Supreme Court police, that they gave honorary police patches to 'Big Wig' that I sewed on 'Big Wig's harness.

"Good cops test other cops, and help recruit! Isn't that right?"

The President of the United States is our Chief Executive Officer. Police officers are executive field officers - our personal contact with the chain of command that leads all the way from the street where you live to the Oval Office and, in sha lah, God willing, President Barack Obama.

[voices outside share an animated conversation 21:29]

All of us, from Barack, to you, through the vice president, and all up and down the chain of command of Article II of the US Constitution - all of us, share the duty to make sure "We the people" feel we have met Barack himself, when we meet a police officer and his, or her, 'buddy', because [Good enough] each police officer not only upholds the US constitution and applies it equally to one and all, but you are the eyes and ears of our commander and chief.

This is why any police officer, or US soldier, must be able to have one or more secure channels of communication to report ANYTHING to our President of the United States and receive a verifiable confirmation code indicating what information was securely received.

When we give our buddies this kind of authority, our buddies give us the kind of service [jet], your husband, our candidate, you, our leader, Barack, have given [^]

Harry Reid, the majority leader of the United States Senate, our US Senator from Nevada, was a United States Capitol Police officer.

Many democrats at the convention personally know you, Harry and trust your decision making based, in part, upon that experience of being an executive field officer.

Many of you open convention night supporters, braving the risks of assembly to join in unity with your husband, Michelle, Barack, our answer to merit based government - combined with compassion,

Many of you open convention night supporters may know you, Harry Reid, only by name from C-SPAN, the Networks, and the internet, but few of us do not know at least one police officer.

...or G.I. [sir (young woman's voice)]

"Taming, training, and educating," is how one woman at Harvard Business School put it when she described her mission in educational administrative studies...

Our buddy system is our executive field officer real time system of checks and balances: backed up by our three branches of government and their respective separation of powers.

When you told Barack this was his night and "Don't screw up buddy," Michelle, you echoed the day to day experience of hundreds of thousands of executive field officers in Article II of our US constitution.

And that is why, this $15 contribution (and some for Hillary when I go to her site after thiss, too, to remind me how important the "arena of peaceful competition" is, as Bill put it... this is why my $15 contribution for this back stage night contest, comes to you [rpms] with this prayer for your shoulder to shoulder, "Buddy" 'back up' of your husband, our leader, you, Barack, to ripple through the entire chain of command of the Executive Branch of the Government of the United States of America...

Let each and every one feel our executive field officers, soldiers, first responders, and pre-amble service providers... are our emissaries in our executive chain of command representing you, Barack through our US constitution to us, "We the people", and in turn representing the needs, interests, problems and requested remedies of us, "We the people" to you, Barack, our next Chief, God [Yeah hopefully [door]] willing, [sound] who hopes... until proven otherwise beyond

volley2.ind 1: ?>*:\ ...//2008:07:17:16:24:75*W #556: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 29 Jul 08 19:05 Post

Dear Michelle:

What a wonderful story about the 20008 convention.

The word 'buddy' makes me think of the many police officers I know who rely on their buddy to back them up. It also reminds me of WJC's dog, 'Buddy' and my own ADA service K-9 'Big Wig' who was so loved by the United States Capitol Police and the United States Supreme Court police, that they gave honorary police patches to 'Big Wig' that I sewed on 'Big Wig's harness.

"Good cops test other cops, and help recruit! Isn't that right?"

The President of the United States is our Chief Executive Officer. Police officers are executive field officers - our personal contact with the chain of command that leads all the way from the street where you live to the Oval Office and, in sha lah, God willing, President Barack Obama.

[voices outside share an animated conversation 21:29]

All of us, from Barack, to you, through the vice president, and all up and down the chain of command of Article II of the US Constitution - all of us, share the duty to make sure "We the people" feel we have met Barack himself, when we meet a police officer and his, or her, 'buddy', because [Good enough] each police officer not only upholds the US constitution and applies it equally to one and all, but you are the eyes and ears of our commander and chief.

This is why any police officer, or US soldier, must be able to have one or more secure channels of communication to report ANYTHING to our President of the United States and receive a verifiable confirmation code indicating what information was securely received.

When we give our buddies this kind of authority, our buddies give us the kind of service [jet], your husband, our candidate, you, our leader, Barack, have given [^]

Harry Reid, the majority leader of the United States Senate, our US Senator from Nevada, was a United States Capitol Police officer.

Many democrats at the convention personally know you, Harry and trust your decision making based, in part, upon that experience of being an executive field officer. Many of you open convention night supporters, braving the risks of assembly to join in unity with your husband, Michelle, Barack, our answer to merit based government - combined with compassion,

Many of you open convention night supporters may know you, Harry Reid, only by name from C-SPAN, the Networks, and the internet, but few of us do not know at least one police officer.

...or G.I. [sir (young woman's voice)]

"Taming, training, and educating," is how one woman at Harvard Business School put it when she described her mission in educational administrative studies...

Our buddy system is our executive field officer real time system of checks and balances: backed up by our three branches of government and their respective separation of powers.

When you told Barack this was his night and "Don't screw up buddy," Michelle, you echoed the day to day experience of hundreds of thousands of executive field officers in Article II of our US constitution.

And that is why, this $15 contribution (and some for Hillary when I go to her site after thiss, too, to remind me how important the "arena of peaceful competition" is, as Bill put it... this is why my $15 contribution for this back stage night contest, comes to you [rpms] with this prayer for your shoulder to shoulder, "Buddy" 'back up' of your husband, our leader, you, Barack, to ripple through the entire chain of command of the Executive Branch of the Government of the United States of America... Let each and every one of us feel you, our executive field officers, soldiers, first responders, and pre-amble service providers... are our emissaries in the Article II executive chain of command: [[Yes, sir]] representing you, Barack through our US constitution to us, "We the people", and in turn representing the needs, interests, problems and requested remedies of us, "We the people" to you, Barack, our next Chief, God [Yeah hopefully [door]] willing, [sound] who hopes...

This we ask through "Liberty: the garden of justice" "Justice that is fairness: the equal assumption of innocence and authority for each and every one" - until proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury of our peers.

"Better homes and gardens in deserts world wide," God willing, who hopes.

Note: When a phenomenon like the Barack Obama campaign with it's great volunteers comes along, people on all sides of the political issues start to listen. [^]

Sawdsut: Senator Stevens, from Alaska, my last home state, is now in a position to more fully appreciate this... or maybe he set the whole thing up to bring the most senior elements from "sea star to shining star sea" to focus on how important he thinks the next generration is in this water shed election in the history of the US.

?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #2: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 08 14:04 Post

?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:14:55:75*W

Dear Office of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Ben Bernanke:

Thank you for your cheerful, professional response to my call today. Please schedule an appointment for me to speak with you, Chairman Bernanke, and/or staff regarding adding equity to the National Balance Sheet [[^ 15:18]]...

{{That would be the short and sweet version you all are accustomed to 15:25. My Hegelian version continues}}

...and Automatic harvest of tax revenue via the US Mint and a Constitutionally capped Budget Allowance for Article I as a percentage of GDP.

Automatic taxation on all dollar denominated assets, including counterfeits, is produced via controlled spiral inflation of wages leading prices.

[[Rotating wing]] Why not convert the IRS into an audit arm of the OMB to lead the impending on line line item citizen audits. [[Rotating wing ends. [Near by siren wails briefly] 15:48]] ?

...and the private tax industry into consultants for CBO and private business, "...many years from now," as Lennon/McCartney put it in their song, "When I'm 64"; xref: "Lovely Rita" (Lennon/McCartney); xref: "Standing by a parking meter... made her look a little like a militry man..."; xref: DOD; xref: In the event of a national liquidity crisis, does DOD have enough personnel who could occupy bank offices and take orders from the Federal Reserve regarding making loans? Proctor; xref: 11pm lights out; xref:: Doors and Locks and the Federal Reserve Building Guided Tour who took in 1884+/-. {{{Read '1984', for '1884'}}} [[[siren passes 15:40]]]

There's another idea, simply take the public tour of the various Federal Reserve Banks and direct them to my web site: TheLongestPeaceMarch.com

Also xref: [rpms] "irrational exhuberance" and better mental health care services at all levels [[Whun (near by siren makes one short blast 15:24]] world wide; xref: Mr. Rogers, DC Mental Health Services, and whose daughter was wearing a "Beatles" Sweat Shirt and Mr. Roger's way of using a phrase or word from a "Beatles" song here and there; xref: cross referenceing BMI, ASCAP, iTunes, etc. with the Physicians Desk Reference, nd perhaps doing the same for known patterns of trading behavior? 15:34

Also xref: a Ringo Starr item today, and one of Ringo's son's pointing out his guitar wasn't working because his battery had short circuited; xref: "Separation of Powers"; xref: Federal Reserve expertise at doors and locks and clocks.

Thank you,


W. Hale, aka, Haji Mohammed... {{{Did I get it?; xref: "Did we pass the audition?" John Lennon in "Let it Be" 15:35}}}

Video log http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4gx33utvY0 (The above is a video of a light moment that came up in response to my video of my phone call to you, so I posted my video as a response to the above video) enclosures: Exhibit A & B cc: Economist.com NYTimes.com" WSJ.com

Exhibit A


======Null Hypothesis:

Or, Increase Federal Equity

Transferable receipts of authority (legal tender) The authority of the nation of Japan is the equity [crk]

Authority = Insurance Policy Value = (Asset - Liabilities of rejection of authority due to unfairness: an unequal assumption of innocence and authority; xref: "Equal Justice Under Law", aka, Access to Walk and Bar) = Equity

Justice, Article III the courts

Article II, the executive the ability to carry out and uphold orders and private sector contracts: insurance plus management as an asset.

Tangible Assets:

Article I - the Legislature: the LAND and SEA RIGHTS of the Island Nation of Japan. If Japan used it's authority and took all the land of Japan by eminent domain, how much would Japan have to pay for what it took, at market value, or tend times market value, owner's choice; xre: collectivization of Soviet farms didn't pay the owners market value, did it? Plus [^] it involved the means of production, rather than the public right of way, or "wind held in the common" [sound (exterior)] which IS the province of the federal authority; xref: adapting DMV model for Financial Traffic. [jet 15:13] ref: using eminent domain to create a Universal Health Care Green Belt System; xref: The US Interstate Highway System; xref: Susan.

... Comment by Cross Polity Index (Banks, Arthur C. 1974+/-) Increase Equity - October 20, 2008 at 1:43 pm

Upgraded completed:15:10:======NH//

Exhibit B wWhoDecides wrote: October 20, 2008 12:37

Dear Brothers Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mohammed Khatami, Vali-e- Faghih, and who else? Custodian and Imams of the two Holy Mosques, Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud and brothers, and who else? You, brother Hamid Karzai, and you, brother Pratibha Patil, and who else?:

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you? Alhumdullilah/Halleluha in the clear signs of "give proof" that are now taking precedence over the opaque "old boy networks" of National Treasuries world wide? xref: "Ideena s-siratal mustaqueem", show us thy striaght way.

"But lead us not into temptation" - with the coming transparency of "on line" access to click-able, budget line-items: down to the safe deposit box numbers that hold the audit trails, "We the people" (of the book) must, more and more, guide our hajis and our prayers [[hammering]] in the spirit of "siratal l-lad zeena an amta alyhm grahill maughdubi alayhm wa lad dalllleeen," - thy straight way that is known to us by the confidence of countenance, and rhythem, and bearing, and demeanor [back up beeps] of *****those who are not tormented, and who torment others not,"*****

Transparent national treasuries require citizens who seek not to indict and condem, but to find repentance and forgiveness strategies so we all realize it is ALL our fault we are not yet where we should be, but through repentance, and forgiveness, and clear signs, more and more, each day, we will, in sha lah, God willing, reach paradise is [like] a peacefully happy park with simple rules, in a prayer line where none of those making salat has an advantage, but all are 'equal as the teeth on a comb"

Thus, more and more each day the merit of Islam, and all righteous people, can expect "clear signs" of proof of finances from national treasuries, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

In the spirit of this dawa out reach prayer, here is a math problem for you. So, if the Legislature needs 1/3rd of the GDP to regulate, inspect, backup, uphold, maintain, monitor, respond, etc., what Asset value of the national balance sheet will permit B to equal 3% when GDP = ...


volley2.ind 13: ? />*:\ ...//20[door][whisp of siren]08:10:17:14:25:75*W [non-urgent siren] #495 of 526: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (01:43 AM)

PLAN B: "On Red Cent" *****WORKING DRAFT*****

A Bill to convert the IRS into an audit arm of the OMB, and private tax industry into consultants for CBO

Capital Earnings & Gains: (1-(B+L)) (A(1) (1+r+z+d)) = A(2) Labor: (1+L) W(1) = W(2) Income Tax: (1-(B+L)) (W(2)) = T(1)

Automatic harvesting of 'taxes' , where A = Assets; A(1) = Assets in year 1; A(2) = Assets in year 2... ; B = the controlled "wages leading prices" rate of spiral inflation caused by printing up transferable receipts of authority (legal tender) to issue the Legislature a constitutionally capped budget as a percent of GDP directly from the treasury; r = your return on assets (footnote 1); L = cost of living rate of inflation, z = rate of appreciation of asset, d = rate of depreciation of assets; W = wages, and T = total taxes on wages due to Constitutionally capped allowance to Legislature plus the 'informal tax' of COLA due to markets, supply, demand, innovation, obsolescence, etc. footnote 1. Assets = Liabilities + Owner's' Equity, ROI on total assets is leveraged to the degree equity is able to attract liabilities to the investment. ROI on equity alone is more conservative, is that right? footnote 2. Capital Gains are pay as you go. YOU don't have to be liquid to pay taxes on non income producing assets [^] B simply cuts into their market value, they don't appreciate as fast as they used to. This draft was completed at 15:51. volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #38: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 08 18:51 Post

?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:20:21:75*W:

20:50: RE: IMF Loans Pakistan $6B to Improve 40,000 acres (Please see Exhibit AA1)

Dear Pakistan:


Asalam wa lay kum,

Would you like to do this with, or without me?

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you?

Haji Mohammed Abubkr (Ali) Omar, aka, William Long Hale

Related Video File:

http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/80212910 (if needed, please see time line for prior and subsequent videos)

Also You Tube: PerfectMemoryRight1 courtesy cc:'s to be sent on 2008:10:27, in sha lah, God willing, and no objection heard from you.

[email protected],

[email protected],

Obama Campaign

McCain Campaign



Economist.com [[Whu whn whew.21:45]]

Proposed Pakistan - IMF Plan Pakistani Land Owners to Be 325.3 Billion Rupees Richer

Proposed Maps on Page 11

IMF Loans Pakistan $6B to Improve 40,000 acres [[thn [rpms 20:45]]

Land Reclaimed by the People of Pakistan via Eminent Domain [[Thn 20:22]]

OPEC Matches IMF Loan: Pledges $6B Architectural Participation

Universal Health Care Green Belt Infrastructure Project to Employ 7,000 Pakistanis & 3,000 OPEC workers for seven years.

Price of Rice Futures increase 6%, Hallel beef up 8%.

Indonesians Book [Tn] Reservations for Haj Land Route Accommodations

North Western Chinese Muslims Seek Haj Land Route Access via Iraq/Iran

India Enters Discussion regarding pilgrim cross border traffic

Afghans provided with courtesy non-voting "audit chair" at the IMF - Pakistan table - pending Afghan referendum vote regarding participation.

Iran makes similar independent plans without the IMF regarding Haj and upcoming elections.

Iraq offers $500M in matching funds and gets an "audit chair" at the OPEC table.

Turkish Coupe Trial defers participation until next round of talks.

Custodian of the two holy mosques invites the principles to follow up IMF [[^ 20:19]]talks with a prayer meeting in Mekka.

{Plaintiffs, not terrorists: If necessary, would it be better for the

Pakistni people to initiate a class action federal law suit requesting eminent domain as the remedy? [rotating wing 20:24] In the Pakistan Federal District Court for the District of Lahore

Citizens of Pakistan, plaintiffs, class action vs.

The Legislature of Pakistan,



We wanted to make better use of the Indus River corridor to accommodate east west traffic, but the defendants would not let us.


We think we have the right to make better use of the Indus River

Corridor because the constitution of Pakistan permits "the highest and best" use of the land for the benefit of all Pakistanis

(insert exact preamble, or articles, or amendments of the

Constitution of Pa[sound]...

Requested Remedy: We want the court to order the legislature of the government of Pakistan to use the authority of eminent domain to condemn the 40,000 acres of land designated on maps in Exhibit A (with, or without amendment), and to require the land owners to accept market value, or ten times market value, their choice, further

We want the court to order the legislature to approach the IMF and request a loan to IMPROVE the 40,000 acres which shall remain in fee simple title owned 100% by the Government of Pakistan, and not used, or encumbered in any way was collateral for said loan but only as ' unsecured collateral on the national balance sheet of Pakistan as proof the public works infrastructure projects detailed in Exhibit B will in [Whu]...

...fact go forward and thereby generate the jobs and tax revenue to repay the IMF in addition to the taxes and revenues resulting from infusing 325.3

Rupees into the economy of Pakistan via controlled release jointly overseen and monitored and regulated by the Dedicated Islamic Nation of Pakistan, and the IMF, so that displaced property owners shall have sufficient principle and liquidity and assurance of cash flows that they can purchase replacement property as well as have income left over for other investments, provided they relocate wisely, and further

We want the court to order the Legislature of Pakistan to extend the courtesy of inviting all other Islamic nations to participate in providing matching funding of loans, and non-binding architectural design considerations as per Exhibit C above, and finally,

We want the court to order this class action law suit be made [thn] into an all weather outdoor kiosk system learning center system of kiosks for Pakistanis and pil- grims world wide and year round to read, along with a budget line item to film at least five independen documentary major motion pictures by Pakistanis in alliance with the IMF and other participants to create dramatic as well as documentary witnessing of the full meaning of this infra-structure and energy project with alternate recreational and health uses, so it might never stray from it's intended purpose, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

Filed this ______day of ______by ______& ______

Attorneys for the plaintiffs and the general class action listed in Exhibit D

Seal of the Clerk of the Court

Receipt for payment of filing fee. Pakistani Citizen Class Action Law Suit Spurs IMF Deal?

Exhibit AA1

62.5 square miles =

62 Parks 640 acres each, or

124 Parks 320 acres each, or

248 Parks 160 acres each:

Various shapes and sizes from designs [[^ 20:53]] to bring green belt 'spurs' (with wudu stations and prayer gardens) close to 'frustrated' urban masses


Draft completed at 20:59

Related Video File:


Related Email:

W. Hale request for appointment. Reply to all Forward Reply by chat Filter messages like this Print Add to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Report not phishing Show original Show in fixed width font Show in variable width font Message text garbled? Why is this spam/nonspam? William Hale to rita.c.proctor show details 12:56 PM (5 hours ago)


?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:14:55:75*W

Dear Office of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Ben Bernanke:

Thank you for your cheerful, professional response to my call today. Please schedule an appointment for me to speak with you, Chairman Bernanke, and/or staff regarding adding equity to the National Balance Sheet [[^ 15:18]]...

{{That would be the short and sweet version you all are accustomed to 15:25. My Hegelian version continues}}

...and Automatic harvest of tax revenue via the US Mint and a Constitutionally capped Budget Allowance for Article I as a percentage of GDP.

Automatic taxation on all dollar denominated assets, including counterfeits, is produced via controlled spiral inflation of wages leading prices.

[[Rotating wing]] Why not convert the IRS into an audit arm of the OMB to lead the impending on line line item citizen audits. [[Rotating wing ends. [Near by siren wails briefly] 15:48]] ?

...and the private tax industry into consultants for CBO and private business, "...many years from now," as Lennon/McCartney put it in their song, "When I'm 64"; xref: "Lovely Rita" (Lennon/McCartney); xref: "Standing by a parking meter... made her look a little like a militry man..."; xref: DOD; xref: In the event of a national liquidity crisis, does DOD have enough personnel who could occupy bank offices and take orders from the Federal Reserve regarding making loans? Proctor; xref: 11pm lights out; xref:: Doors and Locks and the Federal Reserve Building Guided Tour who took in 1884+/-. {{{Read '1984', for '1884'}}} [[[siren passes 15:40]]]

There's another idea, simply take the public tour of the various Federal Reserve Banks and direct them to my web site: TheLongestPeaceMarch.com

Also xref: [rpms] "irrational exhuberance" and better mental health care services at all levels [[Whun (near by siren makes one short blast 15:24]] world wide; xref: Mr. Rogers, DC Mental Health Services, and whose daughter was wearing a "Beatles" Sweat Shirt and Mr. Roger's way of using a phrase or word from a "Beatles" song here and there; xref: cross referenceing BMI, ASCAP, iTunes, etc. with the Physicians Desk Reference, nd perhaps doing the same for known patterns of trading behavior? 15:34 Also xref: a Ringo Starr item today, and one of Ringo's son's pointing out his guitar wasn't working because his battery had short circuited; xref: "Separation of Powers"; xref: Federal Reserve expertise at doors and locks and clocks.

Thank you,


W. Hale, aka, Haji Mohammed... {{{Did I get it?; xref: "Did we pass the audition?" John Lennon in "Let it Be" 15:35}}}

Video log http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4gx33utvY0

(The above is a video of a light moment that came up in response to my video of my phone call to you, so I posted my video as a response to the above video) enclosures: Exhibit A & B cc:'s to be sent on 2008:10:27 to: Economist.com NYTimes.com" WSJ.com [email protected], [email protected], Obama and McCain campaigns In sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

Exhibit A


======Null Hypothesis:

Or, Increase Federal Equity Transferable receipts of authority (legal tender) The authority of the nation of Japan is the equity [crk]

Authority = Insurance Policy Value = (Asset - Liabilities of rejection of authority due to unfairness: an unequal assumption of innocence and authority; xref: "Equal Justice Under Law", aka, Access to Walk and Bar) = Equity

Justice, Article III the courts

Article II, the executive the ability to carry out and uphold orders and private sector contracts: insurance plus management as an asset.

Tangible Assets:

Article I - the Legislature: the LAND and SEA RIGHTS of the Island Nation of Japan. If Japan used it's authority and took all the land of Japan by eminent domain, how much would Japan have to pay for what it took, at market value, or tend times market value, owner's choice; xre: collectivization of Soviet farms didn't pay the owners market value, did it? Plus [^] it involved the means of production, rather than the public right of way, or "wind held in the common" [sound (exterior)] which IS the province of the federal authority; xref: adapting DMV model for Financial Traffic. [jet 15:13] ref: using eminent domain to create a Universal Health Care Green Belt System; xref: The US Interstate Highway System; xref: Susan.

... Comment by Cross Polity Index (Banks, Arthur C. 1974+/-) Increase Equity - October 20, 2008 at 1:43 pm Upgraded completed:15:10:======NH//

Exhibit B wWhoDecides wrote: October 20, 2008 12:37

Dear Brothers Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mohammed Khatami, Vali-e- Faghih, and who else? Custodian and Imams of the two Holy Mosques, Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud and brothers, and who else? You, brother Hamid Karzai, and you, brother Pratibha Patil, and who else?:

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you?

Alhumdullilah/Halleluha in the clear signs of "give proof" that are now taking precedence over the opaque "old boy networks" of National Treasuries world wide? xref: "Ideena s-siratal mustaqueem", show us thy striaght way.

"But lead us not into temptation" - with the coming transparency of "on line" access to click-able, budget line-items: down to the safe deposit box numbers that hold the audit trails, "We the people" (of the book) must, more and more, guide our hajis and our prayers [[hammering]] in the spirit of "siratal l-lad zeena an amta alyhm grahill maughdubi alayhm wa lad dalllleeen," - thy straight way that is known to us by the confidence of countenance, and rhythem, and bearing, and demeanor [back up beeps] of *****those who are not tormented, and who torment others not,"***** Transparent national treasuries require citizens who seek not to indict and condem, but to find repentance and forgiveness strategies so we all realize it is ALL our fault we are not yet where we should be, but through repentance, and forgiveness, and clear signs, more and more, each day, we will, in sha lah, God willing, reach paradise is [like] a peacefully happy park with simple rules, in a prayer line where none of those making salat has an advantage, but all are 'equal as the teeth on a comb"

Thus, more and more each day the merit of Islam, and all righteous people, can expect "clear signs" of proof of finances from national treasuries, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

In the spirit of this dawa out reach prayer, here is a math problem for you.

So, if the Legislature needs 1/3rd of the GDP to regulate, inspect, backup, uphold, maintain, monitor, respond, etc., what Asset value of the national balance sheet will permit B to equal 3% when GDP = ...


volley2.ind 13: ? />*:\ ...//20[door][whisp of siren]08:10:17:14:25:75*W [non-urgent siren] #495 of 526: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (01:43 AM)

PLAN B: "On Red Cent" *****WORKING DRAFT*****

A Bill to convert the IRS into an audit arm of the OMB, and private tax industry into consultants for CBO

Capital Earnings & Gains: (1-(B+L)) (A(1) (1+r+z+d)) = A(2) Labor: (1+L) W(1) = W(2) Income Tax: (1-(B+L)) (W(2)) = T(1)

Automatic harvesting of 'taxes' , where A = Assets; A(1) = Assets in year 1; A(2) = Assets in year 2... ; B = the controlled "wages leading prices" rate of spiral inflation caused by printing up transferable receipts of authority (legal tender) to issue the Legislature a constitutionally capped budget as a percent of GDP directly from the treasury; r = your return on assets (footnote 1); L = cost of living rate of inflation, z = rate of appreciation of asset, d = rate of depreciation of assets; W = wages, and T = total taxes on wages due to Constitutionally capped allowance to Legislature plus the 'informal tax' of COLA due to markets, supply, demand, innovation, obsolescence, etc. footnote 1. Assets = Liabilities + Owner's' Equity, ROI on total assets is leveraged to the degree equity is able to attract liabilities to the investment. ROI on equity alone is more conservative, is that right? footnote 2. Capital Gains are pay as you go. YOU don't have to be liquid to pay taxes on non income producing assets [^] B simply cuts into their market value, they don't appreciate as fast as they used to. This draft was completed at 15:51.

?>*:\ ...//2008:09:21:18:35:75*W

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 15: ?>*:\ ...//2008:09:21:18:35:75*W #35: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 22 Oct 08 07:05 Post

Wake up prayer still due.

Fajhr prayer time was when the old prayer schedule woke who enough to feel the heat and pain in the right kidney area [Brhn rhn]

W. Hale request for appointment. Reply to all Forward Reply by chat Filter messages like this Print Add to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Report not phishing Show original Show in fixed width font Show in variable width font Message text garbled? Why is this spam/nonspam? William Hale to rita.c.proctor show details Oct 20 (1 day ago)


?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:14:55:75*W

Dear Office of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Ben Bernanke: Thank you for your cheerful, professional response to my call today. Please schedule an appointment for me to speak with you, Chairman Bernanke, and/or staff regarding adding equity to the National Balance Sheet [[^ 15:18]]...

{{That would be the short and sweet version you all are accustomed to 15:25. My Hegelian version continues}}

...and Automatic harvest of tax revenue via the US Mint and a Constitutionally capped Budget Allowance for Article I as a percentage of GDP.

Automatic taxation on all dollar denominated assets, including counterfeits, is produced via controlled spiral inflation of wages leading prices.

[[Rotating wing]] Why not convert the IRS into an audit arm of the OMB to lead the impending on line line item citizen audits. [[Rotating wing ends. [Near by siren wails briefly] 15:48]] ?

...and the private tax industry into consultants for CBO and private business, "...many years from now," as Lennon/McCartney put it in their song, "When I'm 64"; xref: "Lovely Rita" (Lennon/McCartney); xref: "Standing by a parking meter... made her look a little like a militry man..."; xref: DOD; xref: In the event of a national liquidity crisis, does DOD have enough personnel who could occupy bank offices and take orders from the Federal Reserve regarding making loans? Proctor; xref: 11pm lights out; xref:: Doors and Locks and the Federal Reserve Building Guided Tour who took in 1884+/-. {{{Read '1984', for '1884'}}} [[[siren passes 15:40]]] There's another idea, simply take the public tour of the various Federal Reserve Banks and direct them to my web site: TheLongestPeaceMarch.com

Also xref: [rpms] "irrational exhuberance" and better mental health care services at all levels [[Whun (near by siren makes one short blast 15:24]] world wide; xref: Mr. Rogers, DC Mental Health Services, and whose daughter was wearing a "Beatles" Sweat Shirt and Mr. Roger's way of using a phrase or word from a "Beatles" song here and there; xref: cross referenceing BMI, ASCAP, iTunes, etc. with the Physicians Desk Reference, nd perhaps doing the same for known patterns of trading behavior? 15:34

Also xref: a Ringo Starr item today, and one of Ringo's son's pointing out his guitar wasn't working because his battery had short circuited; xref: "Separation of Powers"; xref: Federal Reserve expertise at doors and locks and clocks.

Thank you,


W. Hale, aka, Haji Mohammed... {{{Did I get it?; xref: "Did we pass the audition?" John Lennon in "Let it Be" 15:35}}}

Video log http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4gx33utvY0

(The above is a video of a light moment that came up in response to my video of my phone call to you, so I posted my video as a response to the above video) enclosures: Exhibit A & B cc: Economist.com NYTimes.com" WSJ.com

Exhibit A


======Null Hypothesis:

Or, Increase Federal Equity

Transferable receipts of authority (legal tender) The authority of the nation of Japan is the equity [crk]

Authority = Insurance Policy Value = (Asset - Liabilities of rejection of authority due to unfairness: an unequal assumption of innocence and authority; xref: "Equal Justice Under Law", aka, Access to Walk and Bar) = Equity

Justice, Article III the courts

Article II, the executive the ability to carry out and uphold orders and private sector contracts: insurance plus management as an asset.

Tangible Assets:

Article I - the Legislature: the LAND and SEA RIGHTS of the Island Nation of Japan. If Japan used it's authority and took all the land of Japan by eminent domain, how much would Japan have to pay for what it took, at market value, or tend times market value, owner's choice; xre: collectivization of Soviet farms didn't pay the owners market value, did it? Plus [^] it involved the means of production, rather than the public right of way, or "wind held in the common" [sound (exterior)] which IS the province of the federal authority; xref: adapting DMV model for Financial Traffic. [jet 15:13] ref: using eminent domain to create a Universal Health Care Green Belt System; xref: The US Interstate Highway System; xref: Susan.

... Comment by Cross Polity Index (Banks, Arthur C. 1974+/-) Increase Equity - October 20, 2008 at 1:43 pm

Upgraded completed:15:10:======NH//

Exhibit B wWhoDecides wrote: October 20, 2008 12:37

Dear Brothers Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mohammed Khatami, Vali-e- Faghih, and who else? Custodian and Imams of the two Holy Mosques, Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud and brothers, and who else? You, brother Hamid Karzai, and you, brother Pratibha Patil, and who else?:

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you?

Alhumdullilah/Halleluha in the clear signs of "give proof" that are now taking precedence over the opaque "old boy networks" of National Treasuries world wide? xref: "Ideena s-siratal mustaqueem", show us thy striaght way.

"But lead us not into temptation" - with the coming transparency of "on line" access to click-able, budget line-items: down to the safe deposit box numbers that hold the audit trails, "We the people" (of the book) must, more and more, guide our hajis and our prayers [[hammering]] in the spirit of "siratal l-lad zeena an amta alyhm grahill maughdubi alayhm wa lad dalllleeen," - thy straight way that is known to us by the confidence of countenance, and rhythem, and bearing, and demeanor [back up beeps] of *****those who are not tormented, and who torment others not,"*****

Transparent national treasuries require citizens who seek not to indict and condem, but to find repentance and forgiveness strategies so we all realize it is ALL our fault we are not yet where we should be, but through repentance, and forgiveness, and clear signs, more and more, each day, we will, in sha lah, God willing, reach paradise is [like] a peacefully happy park with simple rules, in a prayer line where none of those making salat has an advantage, but all are 'equal as the teeth on a comb"

Thus, more and more each day the merit of Islam, and all righteous people, can expect "clear signs" of proof of finances from national treasuries, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

In the spirit of this dawa out reach prayer, here is a math problem for you.

So, if the Legislature needs 1/3rd of the GDP to regulate, inspect, backup, uphold, maintain, monitor, respond, etc., what Asset value of the national balance sheet will permit B to equal 3% when GDP = ...


volley2.ind 13: ? />*:\ ...//20[door][whisp of siren]08:10:17:14:25:75*W [non-urgent siren] #495 of 526: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (01:43 AM)

PLAN B: "On Red Cent" *****WORKING DRAFT*****

A Bill to convert the IRS into an audit arm of the OMB, and private tax industry into consultants for CBO

Capital Earnings & Gains: (1-(B+L)) (A(1) (1+r+z+d)) = A(2) Labor: (1+L) W(1) = W(2) Income Tax: (1-(B+L)) (W(2)) = T(1)

Automatic harvesting of 'taxes' , where A = Assets; A(1) = Assets in year 1; A(2) = Assets in year 2... ; B = the controlled "wages leading prices" rate of spiral inflation caused by printing up transferable receipts of authority (legal tender) to issue the Legislature a constitutionally capped budget as a percent of GDP directly from the treasury; r = your return on assets (footnote 1); L = cost of living rate of inflation, z = rate of appreciation of asset, d = rate of depreciation of assets; W = wages, and T = total taxes on wages due to Constitutionally capped allowance to Legislature plus the 'informal tax' of COLA due to markets, supply, demand, innovation, obsolescence, etc. footnote 1. Assets = Liabilities + Owner's' Equity, ROI on total assets is leveraged to the degree equity is able to attract liabilities to the investment. ROI on equity alone is more conservative, is that right? footnote 2. Capital Gains are pay as you go. YOU don't have to be liquid to pay taxes on non income producing assets [^] B simply cuts into their market value, they don't appreciate as fast as they used to. This draft was completed at 15:51.

?>*:\ ...//2008:11:13:21:58:75*

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 22: ?>*:\ ...//2008:11:13:21:58:75* #417: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Nov 08 01:21 Post

"Share information with other agencies..." likely US Supreme Court Police are "sharing information" with the US Secret Service regarding yours truly; xref: breach of separation of powers.

?>*:\ ...//2009:02:14:01?05!:58:75*W

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 39: ?>*:\ ...//2009:02:14:01?05!:58:75*W #121: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 14 Feb 09 19:33 Post

The Republicans can certainly count some victories, although symbolic ones. Even White House aides said Mr. Cantor and his team had been successful in seizing on spending items in the stimulus bill to sow doubts about it with the public.

The fact that House Republicans have stood firm against Mr. Obama suggests just how unified the caucus is,

======NH: It's good to have 'voltage' If only we could have the separation of powers between branches work so well; xref: getting, you, the US Secret Service, to never set foot on capitol hill again, and you, JR, to banish the US intelligence community from using your courthouse as a 'station', and you, Barack, getting the fifth branch of government, "The hunters" derivative out of the DOD, to cease and desist making the US White House THEIR police substation and instead "Move out" and expand the diameter of the perimeter, so we are again in a civilian environment once insidee the perimeter. ======NH?/ volley2.ind 39: ?>*:\ ...//2009:02:14:01?05!:58:75*W #128: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 14 Feb 09 19:48 Post

Mr. Cantor’s increasing prominence is in many ways a reminder of the difficult time the party faces after losing the presidential election and in the absence of any high-profile Republican leaders in the House or the Senate

======NH: ... ======NH//

Mr. Cantor, who has exhibited an eye for winning attention

======NH: xref: "You're attracting attention to yourself," considered sufficient grounds to abridge whose first amendment rights at the US Supreme court!

Note: Separation of powers does not preclude Article I (and Article II) from being PLAINTIFFS; xref: Article III opinion, Article I legislation, Article II Executive Order. ======NH//

?>*:\ ...//2009:02:22:00:45

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 43: ?>*:\ ...//2009:02:22:00:45 #171: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 23 Feb 09 06:43 Post

======Null Hypothesis:

In the Federal District Court for the District of Chicago

Paul D. Carrington, and 33 others, Plaintiffs pro se, vs.

US Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, US Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, US Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts, US Supreme Court Justicie Ruth Baden Ginsberg, US President and Commander in Chief, Barack Obama US Vice President, and President of the US Senate, Joe Biden, defendants

COMPLAINT: What you wanted to do that who would not let you do:

I wanted to form a more perfect union, but the defendants would not let me.

GROUNDS: Why do you think you have the right to do what you want to do?

I think I have the right to form a more perfect union because the preamble of the constitution, the highest law, of the controlling jurisdiction reads, "We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union... do hereby adopt and ordain this Constitution for the United States of America,"

REQUESTED REMEDY: What do you want who to do so you CAN do what who won't let you do:

I want the court to order the Article I defendants to introduce the legislation, and constitutional amendment in Exhibit A, and the Article III defendants to change their administrative procedures to conform with Exhibit A without waiting for the constitutional amendment to pass, and also the Article II defendants to be ordered to bring this complaint as their own before this court, or show just cause why they should not, [exterior sound/]

Further I want the court to order the majority leaders of the fifty state legislatures and terrorities to introduce Exhibit B as legislation convening a constitutional convention for the sole purpose of amending the US Constitution as per Exhibit A and as per Exhibit C: The State Land Use Ratio Amendment to the US Constitution, however in the event Article I votes these two amendments into the US Constitution PRIOR to a Constitutional Convention being called, I want the court to order the Majority Leaders of the 50 states to cease and desist from calling a constitutional convention for at least five (5) years, until the heat of passion regarding this issue shall have had time to subside and caujses proceed based ont their own merit. [thn] {Perfect mark an ending, who}

Exhibit A.See below. In progress. Based on whose good article. [thn] Exhibit B. What kind of majority vote is needed in the legislatures? Simple majority vote? Super majority? How many states are needed? Exhibit C. - look back. This amendment was written [thn in the past 30 days or so.

======SAWDUST: To walk softly the second part of the requested remedy might be filed as a SECOND CASE in the event who fails to conform with, or appeal the court order above requested. and in the event the defendants refuse to obey the order of this court, or to appeal said order, I want this court to declare the defendants to be in a treasonous state and their powers of office null and void, and to order the states to call new elections. ======SAWDUST//

THEN if the states refuse to call new elections, THEN you can say, "That's why they make guns," and the Judges of the court whose orders have been ignored can lead a revolution. [rpms/] Far fetched? Perhaps in the US, but isn't this how the Taleban should proceed?

======Null Hypothesis//

Exhibit A

appoint a new justice to the US Supreme Court every two years, use a lottery system to pick nine justices to hear each case, limit the number of cases a justice can hear to 67 merit opinions, and no more than 2 opinions per month work load with a 'pass' on any additional work load beyond the first two selections [[hnk]] if the random selection places a judge on more than two 9 member panels in any one month; and 18 year limit

Side notes: perhaps incorporate an Article I house of elders? Underline separation of powers; xref: no du8al assignments, no Article II police on the grounds of Article I or Article III. What else? Minimum requirements for public access, open lawns, days open to the public, amount of access for the public... and [Cardinal eats a bit, mate watches... back for more... looking south for some reason... Rooster's combs and cardinals crests... then the gray versions smaller and lighter, are they young, or a different speciies?] Great flury of seed flys out as who flys up when big red returns...

?>*:\ ...//2009:02:24:06:20:75*W

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 44: ?>*:\ ...//2009:02:24:06:20:75*W #92: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 24 Feb 09 21:31 Post

Employment has fallen

======NH: Rise: expansion of the arms of the governor. Fall: contraction of the 'arms' of the governor.

The force turning the armature of our economy has decrease. The volate in our economy has short circuited. xref: ingrown groups, too big too fail, lack of separation of powers, loss of true market economy, cartel bartering, under the table economy that removes 'voltage' from the on the table economy. ======NH//

?>*:\ ...//2009:03:05:12:46:75*W:45*F+/-

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 46: ?>*:\ ...//2009:03:05:12:46:75*W:45*F+/- #180: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 6 Mar 09 16:17 Post

Should US Governors rotate through on an 8 member US Capitol police review board to check and balance the increasingly ingrown chain of command we now have? US Senator Harry Reid, a former US Capitol Police Officer, Sgt. at Arms Gainer, former assitant to Chief Ramsey now chief of the Philadelphia police, Sgt. at Arms Livengood, US House, a former US Secret Service employee; xref: the breach of separation of powers. Whose own experience is even when a US Capitol Police Sgt. hand carried a report to Livengood and Pickle, then US Senate Sgt. at Arms, no response was given regarding ADA rights and the public galleries. Side note: Mr. Green was in as US Senate Sgt. at arms briefly: another example of the ingrown, repressed, gay community so vital to the business of your US federal government. Would a parallel US Capitol Police Review Board of 8 rotating US Governors, like the UN Security Council act to check and balance this ingrownness and short circuiting of separation of powers? Or would things become more ingrown yet? Should US secret service personnel be prohibited from working within Article I jurisdiction? Tip of the iceberg; xref: GHWB 5 years after resigning as top spy had a grade B actor infront of him running Article II. So should we have a 15 year moritorium on CIA directors running for high public office, so their 'A' students in Iran, or else where, cannot swing elections for them? The list goes on. A stress test for strength of sovereign might reveal the above parameters indicate a weak sovereign, and a strong ingrown clan. What do you think?

?>*:\ ...//2009:02:09:08:48:54*F+/-

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 47: ?>*:\ ...//2009:02:09:08:48:54*F+/- #41: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 9 Mar 09 08:36 Post

Kim; xref: Capitol Hill. Separation of Powers.

{Please change the policy [screen] at the Ronald Reagan [screen/] International Trade Center building so "We the people" are required to go through the metal detector, [screen] but NOT to need to show photo ID.}

Also getting a coloring book clear explanation of how new money is created without public sector debt. Was my guess correct? re: bank writes a check, treasury makes sure check is good, issues treasury notes. Treasury notes used as collateral at Bureau of Printing and Engraving. New notes issued. Collateral held until notes of equal value returned for destruction without reissue.

Or the bank simply holds the treasury instruments until and if [thn/] it needs currency. Private debt. Increase in sovereign assets (Louisiana purchase, etc.) Increase in sovereign authority

(proven track record of no need for armed men, or judges to show up to enforce contracts of what dollar amounts over what period of time)

What are the ways [Thn!] the US treasury can increase the equity on it's balance sheet without adding debt?" [thn]

A classic LS "simple question" or what?

?>*:\ ...//2009:03:24:05:36:75*W:42*F

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 53: ?>*:\ ...//2009:03:24:05:36:75*W:42*F #197: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 24 Mar 09 21:21 Post

Mr. Dodd talked of establishing a council that includes the Fed, the F.D.I.C. and the Office of Comptroller of the Currency to avoid giving too much power to a single agency. “I for one would be sort of intrigued in looking at alternative ideas,” Mr. Dodd said.

======NH: Separation of powers. Use the courts. Make the regulators seek injunctive relief. Or explain why that is not longer good enough. So many lawyers, so many staffers, so many courts, and we can't use them for an important job like ringing trees in the sidewalk so they don't grow too big? ======NH//

?>*:\ ...//2009:03:25:15L28L75*W:50*F+/-

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 55: ?>*:\ ...//2009:03:25:15L28L75*W:50*F+/- #234: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 26 Mar 09 20:56 Post


Published: March 26, 2009 (Page 2 of 2)

With a major

======NH: xref: D, G, A bluegrass festival key modulation over a three day period. ======NH//

deepwater port on the Columbia River,

======NH: xref "On," as the modern word for 'write'; xref: ending scene of "Sometimes a Great Notion" cited here over the years and in this conference re: loggers hand nailed to log floating down the Columbia river... ======NH//

Portland has benefited from the growth of global trade, gaining jobs for stevedores, truckers and warehouse workers. But as the global recession tightens, Portland’s docks are a snapshot of diminishing fortunes.

======NH: Went to take an Photo Booth snapshot. Found computer was on internal battery and almost dead. Changed back to AC and started recharging the 444 Watt hour, $1,000 BatteryGeek.net battery. Took a snapshot, found the easiest way to access it was to click 'email', so now need to find Powell Books address; xref: the art of knowing when to start thinking about the end. Alhum / Hallelu. Smart cookie; xref: "Blondie" ======NH//

On a recent day, parking lots at the port were full

======NH: xref: "Parking Lot Full" economy; xref: "Cou8nt, er, Contry, er, Country, "Country Full" economy. Pilgrimage Economy vs. Ponzi Subdivide and resell for more; xref: the movie "The Pawn Broker" ======NH//

of 30,000 automobiles that had been shipped in from Japan and South Korea, yet sat unclaimed by dealerships as sales plummeted.

======NH: xref: Kill the old ones, bring in the hungry new ones, Sell the current generation of technology out put to them... historical pattern of empire. ======NH//

Volumes of so-called bulk minerals — including potash, a fertilizer that arrives by rail from Canada and is then shipped to China — have fallen off by more than 12 percent over the past year.

======NH: xref: "I get high when I see you walk by. Very high..." xref: "Memorize and outgrow it,"; xref: DRug buddies' system and self control 101; xref: Electric Kool Aid Acid TEST; xref: self testing vs. getting isolated, and lost; xref: whose near failure in life due to whose inability to control, manage, and continue self testing while using mariju [thn/@], yet whose firm belief the only way to solve our problems is not an unenforceable, easy way out, ban on drugs, but as per the solutions offered in "A bill to tax marijuana" upstream in this confedrence. ======NH//

Docks once jammed with shipping containers showed gaps between the stacks,

======NH: xref: Dockets, Article III, book shelves, inventories... warehouses... Perfect first hand research who. ======NH//

reflecting diminishing demand for Asian-made furniture and clothing.

“We’re going to have to recalibrate to a new normal, and it will be lower,” said Sam Ruda, the port’s director of marine and industrial development.

======NH: xref: recent mention of NORML here. ======NH//

As trade slows, so does business for Greenbrier Companies, an Oregon-based manufacturer of rail cars. General Electric is seeking to renegotiate a huge order, an eight-year deal worth more than $1 billion.

Greenbrier relies upon a $100 million line of credit from Bank of America to buy raw materials and pay workers while it waits to collect from its customers. But with the potential loss of business from G.E., the company worries that the bank will view its credit line as a risk and demand significantly higher interest rates.

“If you had to go and renegotiate the terms of debt today, they’d rip your face off,” said William A. Furman, Greenbrier’s president and chief executive. With that fear in mind, Mr. Furman has aggressively cut costs. Last month, Greenbrier laid off 150 workers at a local factory. It plans to lay off 150 more soon, spreading the wave of forced austerity.

“I’m not really spending anything because I don’t know what’s going to happen,” said Alrenzo Ferguson, who lost his job at the local Greenbrier plant last month.

Columbia Sportswear, a family-run business based in Portland that employs about 1,100 local people, seems immune to the credit crisis: It has zero long-term debt and $253 million in cash. But the company is losing sales as its customers sink into trouble. Columbia typically does not get paid for many months after it begins producing its orders, making it loath to sell to credit-risky companies.

======NH: Ah, reading in the posting window is more economical. ======/[tn]======NH//

“We’ve got customers we won’t sell to because their credit is now no good,” said the company’s president and chief executive, Timothy P. Boyle. “We’ve become more conservative.”

Columbia laid off more than 50 people in the area last year, contributing to a rollback of local spending power.

======NH: Your sports wear was always more like L. L. Bean: it seamed: more for people who simply wanted to cover their bodies rather than for professional use; xref: cut of fit, pocket depth, type of pockets, material... but, if you are this well organized financially, perhaps when knee length shirts are recognized for the intelligent life style they are, and with proper patterns, and licensing, we could make a line of clothes, together, in sha lah, Columbia. I remember finding your clothes when evaluating choices, and I remember either buying neither, or other other. Usually neither. So it's your market segment as much as anything in terms of whose own personal taste here. ======NH//

Daria Colner took a voluntary layoff from a high-level marketing position at Columbia last May, gaining a severance package through the end of the year. She figured she would quickly find another job, but she remains without work.

Ms. Colner’s husband works at Oracle, the software giant.

======NH: xref: first dividend offered after eamil to webmaster re: Apple pages amalgamated smart search side bar view, and what else requested? Need to get pages master file updated and be searching. [^] ======NH//

Together, they once enjoyed an annual household income exceeding $250,000, making it easy to pay the $3,000 monthly mortgage on their Arts and Crafts house with mahogany beams and stone fireplaces. They grew accustomed to far-flung vacations — to New York, Alaska, Hawaii and Europe.

They plan no vacation this year. When Ms. Colner’s BMW recently came due for its 90,000-mile service check, she deferred the work. When their front awning rotted away, they decided not to replace it, merely painting over the gap. “It’s not like people have any confidence that we’re on the cusp of turning around,” Ms. Colner said.

That gnawing sense of not knowing the future is increasingly coloring the present.

======NH: xref: you Ben and your color books, bed time, and dreams. Yes, who can like who personally and professionally be opposed to whom; xref: FDIC regulatory functions separation of powers, checks and balances, neutral third parties, dental exam records, report cards not brought home, and teachers and dentists who don't return calls, or in this case post reports to the internet. Too sensitive... too important... too big to fail... too unfair? to remain stable without secrets? xref: Parenting books that teach to answer any question your child has... to the degree you think they want to know. And then being willing to follow up if they show the desire to know more. "You can ask me about it again later, if you want," Until they are of age you feel they must know. ======NH//

“People are wondering, ‘Well, should I spend money on my house right now?’ ” said Debbie Kitchin, co-owner of InterWorks, a Portland- based general contractor. Her business has fallen by nearly half over the last year, prompting her to trim her work force to 7 from 11. She has put off the purchase of a new, $15,000 computer system.

With jobs, credit and confidence all tenuous, the problem is reverberating back to the initial source of trouble: real estate. Even in older, historic neighborhoods, sales are stalled. “We’re off in terms of number of sales about 40 percent,” said Shannon Spence, principal broker at Remax Equity Group in Portland. “Job fears are keeping people from buying.”

Community Financial Corporation, a Portland-area mortgage lender owned by Banner Bank of Walla Walla, Wash., recently began offering 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages for less than 4 percent on new houses for which it extended a construction loan, in a bid to overcome anxiety with easy money.

“The people that want the money don’t deserve it, and the people that deserve it don’t want it,” said John B. Satterberg, president of Community Financial Corporation. “Everybody’s sitting on the fence.”

======NH: xref: "The people who want additional regulatory authority should have spoken up long ago, and likely even then shouldn't have had it, but the people who should have the regulatory authority are not going to Article III to present their cases about how they should be empowered. Do you need permission to file an article III case? Or is ANY Article II department welcome to pursue article III remedies within your budget constraints? Should we specifically itemize an article III reserve category in departmental budgets and track who does, and doesn't utilize same to what effect? ======NH//

The cheap loans have generated sales, he said. Yet one recent refinance application could not be closed, because the bank could not verify the value of the house: With no sales of similar properties in the area, there was nothing to compare.

======NH: "...was way beyond compare..." xref: "She was just 17... 76, just a couple years ago. She's been dancin' this way since whose music began, she'll be dancin' for light years to go gro oh oh, say, can w2ho, er, who, who be. Brave, Fair and Free? And before too long who'll fall in love with whoooooooooommmmmmm you? How who'll always dance with whose others [thn/@]... since who saw, who stand in' where. da da dad dada da da dada da. Tight ending. Beatles has some great beginnings and endings; xef: Madison Sg. Garden show Grateful Dead endings after requesting same. Ah, and this is the end of the post. Alhum / Hallelu... ======NH//

Food, shelter, clothing, Savings... travel / trade... enjoy, enjoined... Begotten, what was the biblical word? Beget; xref: "Begotten , not made..."

So what is the action plan out of all this? Introduce an economy people do have confidence in? Dock workers become demolition crew members. Unsold homes are purchased by a group of neighbors as a club house... swaths of green walk abouts are being carved through Portland... people see this a c t i v i t y and can't help but realize a new economy is coming, a new life style for them on bicycles along green ways to and from work and their car... out door exposure, munchkins [thn//]...

?>*:\ ...//2009:03:31:00:24:75*W

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 59: ?>*:\ ...//2009:03:31:00:24:75*W #237: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 1 Apr 09 12:51 Post volley2.ind 39: ?>*:\ ...//2009:02:14:01?05!:58:75*W #128 of 385: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 14 Feb 2009 (07:48 PM)

Mr. Cantor’s increasing prominence is in many ways a reminder of the difficult time the party faces after losing the presidential election and in the absence of any high-profile Republican leaders in the House or the Senate

======NH: ... ======NH//

Mr. Cantor, who has exhibited an eye for winning attention

======NH: xref: "You're attracting attention to yourself," considered sufficient grounds to abridge whose first amendment rights at the US Supreme court!

Note: Separation of powers does not preclude Article I (and Article II) from being PLAINTIFFS; xref: Article III opinion, Article I legislation, Article II Executive Order. ======NH//

volley2.ind 39: ?>*:\ ...//2009:02:14:01?05!:58:75*W #129 of 385: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 14 Feb 2009 (07:50 PM) xref: response to whose overheard conversation, "...we're trying to legislate," only who said what else for a fuller effect.

?>*:\ ...//2009:04:01:16:30:75*W

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 60: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:01:16:30:75*W #271: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 3 Apr 09 11:25 Post

Dear NATO:

Here is a courtesy copy of an October, 2008 plan for Pakistan to use eminent domain to repurchase land along the Indus River, stimulate real estate demand via displaced people spending their eminent domain payments to move and purchase new land, and provide workers employed in the Green belt construction with currency to pay for heating oil, goods, and services. volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #38 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (06:51 PM)

?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:20:21:75*W:

20:50: RE: IMF Loans Pakistan $6B to Improve 40,000 acres (Please see Exhibit AA1)

Dear Pakistan:


Asalam wa lay kum,

Would you like to do this with, or without me?

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you?

Haji Mohammed Abubkr (Ali) Omar, aka, William Long Hale Related Video File:

http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/80212910 (if needed, please see time line for prior and subsequent videos)

Also You Tube: PerfectMemoryRight1 courtesy cc:'s to be sent on 2008:10:27, in sha lah, God willing, and no objection heard from you.

[email protected],

[email protected],

Obama Campaign

McCain Campaign



Economist.com [[Whu whn whew.21:45]]

Proposed Pakistan - IMF Plan

Pakistani Land Owners to Be 325.3 Billion Rupees Richer

Proposed Maps on Page 11 IMF Loans Pakistan $6B to Improve 40,000 acres [[thn [rpms 20:45]]

Land Reclaimed by the People of Pakistan via Eminent Domain [[Thn 20:22]]

OPEC Matches IMF Loan: Pledges $6B Architectural Participation

Universal Health Care Green Belt Infrastructure Project to Employ 7,000 Pakistanis & 3,000 OPEC workers for seven years.

Price of Rice Futures increase 6%, Hallel beef up 8%.

Indonesians Book [Tn] Reservations for Haj Land Route Accommodations

North Western Chinese Muslims Seek Haj Land Route Access via Iraq/Iran

India Enters Discussion regarding pilgrim cross border traffic

Afghans provided with courtesy non-voting "audit chair" at the IMF - Pakistan table - pending Afghan referendum vote regarding participation.

Iran makes similar independent plans without the IMF regarding Haj and upcoming elections.

Iraq offers $500M in matching funds and gets an "audit chair" at the OPEC table.

Turkish Coupe Trial defers participation until next round of talks.

Custodian of the two holy mosques invites the principles to follow up IMF [[^ 20:19]]talks with a prayer meeting in Mekka.

{Plaintiffs, not terrorists: If necessary, would it be better for the

Pakistni people to initiate a class action federal law suit requesting eminent domain as the remedy? [rotating wing 20:24]

In the Pakistan Federal District Court for the District of Lahore Citizens of Pakistan, plaintiffs, class action vs.

The Legislature of Pakistan,



We wanted to make better use of the Indus River corridor to accommodate east west traffic, but the defendants would not let us.


We think we have the right to make better use of the Indus River

Corridor because the constitution of Pakistan permits "the highest and best" use of the land for the benefit of all Pakistanis

(insert exact preamble, or articles, or amendments of the

Constitution of Pa[sound]...

Requested Remedy:

We want the court to order the legislature of the government of Pakistan to use the authority of eminent domain to condemn the 40,000 acres of land designated on maps in Exhibit A (with, or without amendment), and to require the land owners to accept market value, or ten times market value, their choice, further

We want the court to order the legislature to approach the IMF and request a loan to IMPROVE the 40,000 acres which shall remain in fee simple title owned 100% by the Government of Pakistan, and not used, or encumbered in any way was collateral for said loan but only as ' unsecured collateral on the national balance sheet of Pakistan as proof the public works infrastructure projects detailed in Exhibit B will in [Whu]...

...fact go forward and thereby generate the jobs and tax revenue to repay the IMF in addition to the taxes and revenues resulting from infusing 325.3

Rupees into the economy of Pakistan via controlled release jointly overseen and monitored and regulated by the Dedicated Islamic Nation of Pakistan, and the IMF, so that displaced property owners shall have sufficient principle and liquidity and assurance of cash flows that they can purchase replacement property as well as have income left over for other investments, provided they relocate wisely, and further

We want the court to order the Legislature of Pakistan to extend the courtesy of inviting all other Islamic nations to participate in providing matching funding of loans, and non-binding architectural design considerations as per Exhibit C above, and finally,

We want the court to order this class action law suit be made [thn] into an all weather outdoor kiosk system learning center system of kiosks for Pakistanis and pil- grims world wide and year round to read, along with a budget line item to film at least five independen documentary major motion pictures by Pakistanis in alliance with the IMF and other participants to create dramatic as well as documentary witnessing of the full meaning of this infra-structure and energy project with alternate recreational and health uses, so it might never stray from it's intended purpose, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

Filed this ______day of ______by ______& ______

Attorneys for the plaintiffs and the general class action listed in Exhibit D

Seal of the Clerk of the Court

Receipt for payment of filing fee.

Pakistani Citizen Class Action Law Suit Spurs IMF Deal?

Exhibit AA1

62.5 square miles =

62 Parks 640 acres each, or

124 Parks 320 acres each, or

248 Parks 160 acres each:

Various shapes and sizes from designs [[^ 20:53]] to bring green belt 'spurs' (with wudu stations and prayer gardens) close to 'frustrated' urban masses


Draft completed at 20:59

Related Video File:


Related Email:

W. Hale request for appointment. Reply to all Forward Reply by chat Filter messages like this Print Add to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Report not phishing Show original Show in fixed width font Show in variable width font Message text garbled? Why is this spam/nonspam? William Hale to rita.c.proctor show details 12:56 PM (5 hours ago)


?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:14:55:75*W

Dear Office of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Ben Bernanke:

Thank you for your cheerful, professional response to my call today. Please schedule an appointment for me to speak with you, Chairman Bernanke, and/or staff regarding adding equity to the National Balance Sheet [[^ 15:18]]...

{{That would be the short and sweet version you all are accustomed to 15:25. My Hegelian version continues}}

...and Automatic harvest of tax revenue via the US Mint and a Constitutionally capped Budget Allowance for Article I as a percentage of GDP.

Automatic taxation on all dollar denominated assets, including counterfeits, is produced via controlled spiral inflation of wages leading prices.

[[Rotating wing]] Why not convert the IRS into an audit arm of the OMB to lead the impending on line line item citizen audits. [[Rotating wing ends. [Near by siren wails briefly] 15:48]] ? ...and the private tax industry into consultants for CBO and private business, "...many years from now," as Lennon/McCartney put it in their song, "When I'm 64"; xref: "Lovely Rita" (Lennon/McCartney); xref: "Standing by a parking meter... made her look a little like a militry man..."; xref: DOD; xref: In the event of a national liquidity crisis, does DOD have enough personnel who could occupy bank offices and take orders from the Federal Reserve regarding making loans? Proctor; xref: 11pm lights out; xref:: Doors and Locks and the Federal Reserve Building Guided Tour who took in 1884+/-. {{{Read '1984', for '1884'}}} [[[siren passes 15:40]]]

There's another idea, simply take the public tour of the various Federal Reserve Banks and direct them to my web site: TheLongestPeaceMarch.com

Also xref: [rpms] "irrational exhuberance" and better mental health care services at all levels [[Whun (near by siren makes one short blast 15:24]] world wide; xref: Mr. Rogers, DC Mental Health Services, and whose daughter was wearing a "Beatles" Sweat Shirt and Mr. Roger's way of using a phrase or word from a "Beatles" song here and there; xref: cross referenceing BMI, ASCAP, iTunes, etc. with the Physicians Desk Reference, nd perhaps doing the same for known patterns of trading behavior? 15:34

Also xref: a Ringo Starr item today, and one of Ringo's son's pointing out his guitar wasn't working because his battery had short circuited; xref: "Separation of Powers"; xref: Federal Reserve expertise at doors and locks and clocks.

Thank you,


W. Hale, aka, Haji Mohammed... {{{Did I get it?; xref: "Did we pass the audition?" John Lennon in "Let it Be" 15:35}}}

Video log http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4gx33utvY0

(The above is a video of a light moment that came up in response to my video of my phone call to you, so I posted my video as a response to the above video) enclosures: Exhibit A & B cc:'s to be sent on 2008:10:27 to: Economist.com NYTimes.com" WSJ.com [email protected], [email protected], Obama and McCain campaigns In sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

Exhibit A


======Null Hypothesis:

Or, Increase Federal Equity

Transferable receipts of authority (legal tender) The authority of the nation of Japan is the equity [crk] Authority = Insurance Policy Value = (Asset - Liabilities of rejection of authority due to unfairness: an unequal assumption of innocence and authority; xref: "Equal Justice Under Law", aka, Access to Walk and Bar) = Equity

Justice, Article III the courts

Article II, the executive the ability to carry out and uphold orders and private sector contracts: insurance plus management as an asset.

Tangible Assets:

Article I - the Legislature: the LAND and SEA RIGHTS of the Island Nation of Japan. If Japan used it's authority and took all the land of Japan by eminent domain, how much would Japan have to pay for what it took, at market value, or ten times market value, owner's choice; xre: collectivization of Soviet farms didn't pay the owners market value, did it? Plus [^] it involved the means of production, rather than the public right of way, or "wind held in the common" [sound (exterior)] which IS the province of the federal authority; xref: adapting DMV model for Financial Traffic. [jet 15:13] ref: using eminent domain to create a Universal Health Care Green Belt System; xref: The US Interstate Highway System; xref: Susan.

... Comment by Cross Polity Index (Banks, Arthur C. 1974+/-) Increase Equity - October 20, 2008 at 1:43 pm

Upgraded completed:15:10:======NH//

Exhibit B wWhoDecides wrote: October 20, 2008 12:37

Dear Brothers Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mohammed Khatami, Vali-e- Faghih, and who else? Custodian and Imams of the two Holy Mosques, Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud and brothers, and who else? You, brother Hamid Karzai, and you, brother Pratibha Patil, and who else?:

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you?

Alhumdullilah/Halleluha in the clear signs of "give proof" that are now taking precedence over the opaque "old boy networks" of National Treasuries world wide? xref: "Ideena s-siratal mustaqueem", show us thy striaght way.

"But lead us not into temptation" - with the coming transparency of "on line" access to click-able, budget line-items: down to the safe deposit box numbers that hold the audit trails, "We the people" (of the book) must, more and more, guide our hajis and our prayers [[hammering]] in the spirit of "siratal l-lad zeena an amta alyhm grahill maughdubi alayhm wa lad dalllleeen," - thy straight way that is known to us by the confidence of countenance, and rhythem, and bearing, and demeanor [back up beeps] of *****those who are not tormented, and who torment others not,"*****

Transparent national treasuries require citizens who seek not to indict and condem, but to find repentance and forgiveness strategies so we all realize it is ALL our fault we are not yet where we should be, but through repentance, and forgiveness, and clear signs, more and more, each day, we will, in sha lah, God willing, reach paradise is [like] a peacefully happy park with simple rules, in a prayer line where none of those making salat has an advantage, but all are 'equal as the teeth on a comb"

Thus, more and more each day the merit of Islam, and all righteous people, can expect "clear signs" of proof of finances from national treasuries, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

In the spirit of this dawa out reach prayer, here is a math problem for you.

So, if the Legislature needs 1/3rd of the GDP to regulate, inspect, backup, uphold, maintain, monitor, respond, etc., what Asset value of the national balance sheet will permit B to equal 3% when GDP = ...


volley2.ind 13: ? />*:\ ...//20[door][whisp of siren]08:10:17:14:25:75*W [non-urgent siren] #495 of 526: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (01:43 AM) PLAN B: "On Red Cent" *****WORKING DRAFT*****

A Bill to convert the IRS into an audit arm of the OMB, and private tax industry into consultants for CBO

Capital Earnings & Gains: (1-(B+L)) (A(1) (1+r+z+d)) = A(2) Labor: (1+L) W(1) = W(2) Income Tax: (1-(B+L)) (W(2)) = T(1)

Automatic harvesting of 'taxes' , where A = Assets; A(1) = Assets in year 1; A(2) = Assets in year 2... ; B = the controlled "wages leading prices" rate of spiral inflation caused by printing up transferable receipts of authority (legal tender) to issue the Legislature a constitutionally capped budget as a percent of GDP directly from the treasury; r = your return on assets (footnote 1); L = cost of living rate of inflation, z = rate of appreciation of asset, d = rate of depreciation of assets; W = wages, and T = total taxes on wages due to Constitutionally capped allowance to Legislature plus the 'informal tax' of COLA due to markets, supply, demand, innovation, obsolescence, etc. footnote 1. Assets = Liabilities + Owner's' Equity, ROI on total assets is leveraged to the degree equity is able to attract liabilities to the investment. ROI on equity alone is more conservative, is that right? footnote 2. Capital Gains are pay as you go. YOU don't have to be liquid to pay taxes on non income producing assets [^] B simply cuts into their market value, they don't appreciate as fast as they used to. This draft was completed at 15:51. volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #39 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (06:55 PM)

Haji Mohammed Abubkr (Ali) Omar, aka, William Long Hale

(202)258-5978. Not yet sure how to use gmail.com to 'chat'

volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #40 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (07:20 PM)

Laws Allow Donors to Surpass Limits in Campaign By MICHAEL LUO and GRIFF PALMER 7 minutes ago

Both candidates and their respective parties have benefited from large donors who have given tens of thousands of dollars to joint fund-raising committees.

* Obama Leaving Trail to Visit Ailing Grandmother 9:21 PM ET * Obama Appeal Rises in Poll; No Gains for McCain

======NH: Perfect Chairity, Barack. [^] ======NH//

volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #41 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (07:28 PM)

Also xref: "Iko, Iko" (visible smile)

My Grandma, and You Grandma, standin' round the fie 'oh, My Grandma, said to your Grandma, "I'm gonna set your tail on fie oh," Hey now, Hey now, who goes, what ways? Ja company knows vote words vote, 'Yea', 'Na', and 'Abstain', Hey!

My spy boy, and your spy boy, standin' round whose fie 'oh {{xref: cellestial campfire: the sun{{ My spy boy, said to your spy boy, I'm gonna set your tail on fie on," Hey, now, hey how, I go, I go, all day, Ja company's fee, knows vote words vote, 'Yeah', 'Na', and 'Abstain', "Hey!"

Original version by some 'black' girls had a line in it, "Bet you five dollars it'll steal your day," sounded like a line about smoking a joint....

All that aside, the human touch, and after seeing the girls from the jump rope curriculum on whose NYTimes.com street last night, the human touch is alhumdullilah/Halleluha.

Hope you understand, the ID check on whom, and the repentance strategy being put in play are not to undermine things, but to massage out any lingering repressions that might impede an ideena s-siratal, thy straight way 60 day transition period and good start.

Has anyone re-written his or her job description yet? xref: "Imagine your new job dot com" ad recently.

The economy was enough of a shock that people aren't going to foget the loss of balance ]Thun]

God willing, who hopes.

volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #42 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (08:37 PM)

Mr. Chávez has also used his oil money — in direct payments and through subsidized oil shipments — to win friends in the hemisphere and elsewhere, including President Evo Morales of Bolivia, who expelled the United States ambassador in La Paz last month, saying the envoy was involved in plotting a coup.

======NH: xref: Turkey ======NH//

Wow, it's 11:34PM: 23:34!

volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #43 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (08:46 PM)

Advertise on NYTimes.com 3 Oil Countries Face a Reckoning ======NH: 3 Soil so oil il oi C(o)untr(ee)ies Face ace a wreck reckon (navigating, traversing) ing... Wrecking Demolition: green belt spurs. "A ramblin' wreck from Georgia tech, and a hell of an engineer..." Georgia, Ukraine... 51st State - Poland? Joint naval exercises with Russia? Where? pthn] Ronald Reagan's island war? South Pacific? France? James Hill for The New York Times

A pipeline in one of Gazprom's newest and largest oil fields.

* volley2.ind 60: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:01:16:30:75*W #286: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 3 Apr 09 13:25 Post

RE: Pakistan Eminent Domain Equity Boost volley2.ind 60: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:01:16:30:75*W #271 of 285: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 03 Apr 2009 (11:25 AM)

Dear NATO:

Here is a courtesy copy of an October, 2008 plan for Pakistan to use eminent domain to repurchase land along the Indus River, stimulate real estate demand via displaced people spending their eminent domain payments to move and purchase new land, and provide workers employed in the Green belt construction with currency to pay for heating oil, goods, and services. volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #38 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (06:51 PM)

?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:20:21:75*W:

20:50: RE: IMF Loans Pakistan $6B to Improve 40,000 acres (Please see Exhibit AA1)

Dear Pakistan:


Asalam wa lay kum, Would you like to do this with, or without me?

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you?

Haji Mohammed Abubkr (Ali) Omar, aka, William Long Hale

Related Video File:

http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/80212910 (if needed, please see time line for prior and subsequent videos)

Also You Tube: PerfectMemoryRight1 courtesy cc:'s to be sent on 2008:10:27, in sha lah, God willing, and no objection heard from you.

[email protected],

[email protected],

Obama Campaign

McCain Campaign



Economist.com [[Whu whn whew.21:45]]

Proposed Pakistan - IMF Plan

Pakistani Land Owners to Be 325.3 Billion Rupees Richer

Proposed Maps on Page 11

IMF Loans Pakistan $6B to Improve 40,000 acres [[thn [rpms 20:45]]

Land Reclaimed by the People of Pakistan via Eminent Domain [[Thn 20:22]]

OPEC Matches IMF Loan: Pledges $6B Architectural Participation

Universal Health Care Green Belt Infrastructure Project to Employ 7,000 Pakistanis & 3,000 OPEC workers for seven years.

Price of Rice Futures increase 6%, Hallel beef up 8%.

Indonesians Book [Tn] Reservations for Haj Land Route Accommodations

North Western Chinese Muslims Seek Haj Land Route Access via Iraq/Iran

India Enters Discussion regarding pilgrim cross border traffic Afghans provided with courtesy non-voting "audit chair" at the IMF - Pakistan table - pending Afghan referendum vote regarding participation.

Iran makes similar independent plans without the IMF regarding Haj and upcoming elections.

Iraq offers $500M in matching funds and gets an "audit chair" at the OPEC table.

Turkish Coupe Trial defers participation until next round of talks.

Custodian of the two holy mosques invites the principles to follow up IMF [[^ 20:19]]talks with a prayer meeting in Mekka.

{Plaintiffs, not terrorists: If necessary, would it be better for the

Pakistni people to initiate a class action federal law suit requesting eminent domain as the remedy? [rotating wing 20:24]

In the Pakistan Federal District Court for the District of Lahore

Citizens of Pakistan, plaintiffs, class action vs.

The Legislature of Pakistan,



We wanted to make better use of the Indus River corridor to accommodate east west traffic, but the defendants would not let us.


We think we have the right to make better use of the Indus River

Corridor because the constitution of Pakistan permits "the highest and best" use of the land for the benefit of all Pakistanis

(insert exact preamble, or articles, or amendments of the

Constitution of Pa[sound]... Requested Remedy:

We want the court to order the legislature of the government of Pakistan to use the authority of eminent domain to condemn the 40,000 acres of land designated on maps in Exhibit A (with, or without amendment), and to require the land owners to accept market value, or ten times market value, their choice, further

We want the court to order the legislature to approach the IMF and request a loan to IMPROVE the 40,000 acres which shall remain in fee simple title owned 100% by the Government of Pakistan, and not used, or encumbered in any way was collateral for said loan but only as ' unsecured collateral on the national balance sheet of Pakistan as proof the public works infrastructure projects detailed in Exhibit B will in [Whu]...

...fact go forward and thereby generate the jobs and tax revenue to repay the IMF in addition to the taxes and revenues resulting from infusing 325.3

Rupees into the economy of Pakistan via controlled release jointly overseen and monitored and regulated by the Dedicated Islamic Nation of Pakistan, and the IMF, so that displaced property owners shall have sufficient principle and liquidity and assurance of cash flows that they can purchase replacement property as well as have income left over for other investments, provided they relocate wisely, and further

We want the court to order the Legislature of Pakistan to extend the courtesy of inviting all other Islamic nations to participate in providing matching funding of loans, and non-binding architectural design considerations as per Exhibit C above, and finally,

We want the court to order this class action law suit be made [thn] into an all weather outdoor kiosk system learning center system of kiosks for Pakistanis and pil- grims world wide and year round to read, along with a budget line item to film at least five independen documentary major motion pictures by Pakistanis in alliance with the IMF and other participants to create dramatic as well as documentary witnessing of the full meaning of this infra-structure and energy project with alternate recreational and health uses, so it might never stray from it's intended purpose, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

Filed this ______day of ______by ______& ______

Attorneys for the plaintiffs and the general class action listed in Exhibit D

Seal of the Clerk of the Court

Receipt for payment of filing fee. Pakistani Citizen Class Action Law Suit Spurs IMF Deal?

Exhibit AA1

62.5 square miles =

62 Parks 640 acres each, or

124 Parks 320 acres each, or

248 Parks 160 acres each:

Various shapes and sizes from designs [[^ 20:53]] to bring green belt 'spurs' (with wudu stations and prayer gardens) close to 'frustrated' urban masses


Draft completed at 20:59

Related Video File:

http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/802129 Related Email:

W. Hale request for appointment. Reply to all Forward Reply by chat Filter messages like this Print Add to Contacts list Delete this message Report phishing Report not phishing Show original Show in fixed width font Show in variable width font Message text garbled? Why is this spam/nonspam? William Hale to rita.c.proctor show details 12:56 PM (5 hours ago)


?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:14:55:75*W

Dear Office of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Ben Bernanke:

Thank you for your cheerful, professional response to my call today. Please schedule an appointment for me to speak with you, Chairman Bernanke, and/or staff regarding adding equity to the National Balance Sheet [[^ 15:18]]...

{{That would be the short and sweet version you all are accustomed to 15:25. My Hegelian version continues}}

...and Automatic harvest of tax revenue via the US Mint and a Constitutionally capped Budget Allowance for Article I as a percentage of GDP.

Automatic taxation on all dollar denominated assets, including counterfeits, is produced via controlled spiral inflation of wages leading prices.

[[Rotating wing]] Why not convert the IRS into an audit arm of the OMB to lead the impending on line line item citizen audits. [[Rotating wing ends. [Near by siren wails briefly] 15:48]] ?

...and the private tax industry into consultants for CBO and private business, "...many years from now," as Lennon/McCartney put it in their song, "When I'm 64"; xref: "Lovely Rita" (Lennon/McCartney); xref: "Standing by a parking meter... made her look a little like a militry man..."; xref: DOD; xref: In the event of a national liquidity crisis, does DOD have enough personnel who could occupy bank offices and take orders from the Federal Reserve regarding making loans? Proctor; xref: 11pm lights out; xref:: Doors and Locks and the Federal Reserve Building Guided Tour who took in 1884+/-. {{{Read '1984', for '1884'}}} [[[siren passes 15:40]]]

There's another idea, simply take the public tour of the various Federal Reserve Banks and direct them to my web site: TheLongestPeaceMarch.com

Also xref: [rpms] "irrational exhuberance" and better mental health care services at all levels [[Whun (near by siren makes one short blast 15:24]] world wide; xref: Mr. Rogers, DC Mental Health Services, and whose daughter was wearing a "Beatles" Sweat Shirt and Mr. Roger's way of using a phrase or word from a "Beatles" song here and there; xref: cross referenceing BMI, ASCAP, iTunes, etc. with the Physicians Desk Reference, nd perhaps doing the same for known patterns of trading behavior? 15:34

Also xref: a Ringo Starr item today, and one of Ringo's son's pointing out his guitar wasn't working because his battery had short circuited; xref: "Separation of Powers"; xref: Federal Reserve expertise at doors and locks and clocks.

Thank you,


W. Hale, aka, Haji Mohammed... {{{Did I get it?; xref: "Did we pass the audition?" John Lennon in "Let it Be" 15:35}}}

Video log http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4gx33utvY0

(The above is a video of a light moment that came up in response to my video of my phone call to you, so I posted my video as a response to the above video) enclosures: Exhibit A & B cc:'s to be sent on 2008:10:27 to: Economist.com NYTimes.com" WSJ.com [email protected], [email protected], Obama and McCain campaigns In sha lah, God willing, who hopes.


======Null Hypothesis:

Or, Increase Federal Equity

Transferable receipts of authority (legal tender) The authority of the nation of Japan is the equity [crk]

Authority = Insurance Policy Value = (Asset - Liabilities of rejection of authority due to unfairness: an unequal assumption of innocence and authority; xref: "Equal Justice Under Law", aka, Access to Walk and Bar) = Equity

Justice, Article III the courts

Article II, the executive the ability to carry out and uphold orders and private sector contracts: insurance plus management as an asset.

Tangible Assets:

Article I - the Legislature: the LAND and SEA RIGHTS of the Island Nation of Japan. If Japan used it's authority and took all the land of Japan by eminent domain, how much would Japan have to pay for what it took, at market value, or ten times market value, owner's choice; xre: collectivization of Soviet farms didn't pay the owners market value, did it? Plus [^] it involved the means of production, rather than the public right of way, or "wind held in the common" [sound (exterior)] which IS the province of the federal authority; xref: adapting DMV model for Financial Traffic. [jet 15:13] ref: using eminent domain to create a Universal Health Care Green Belt System; xref: The US Interstate Highway System; xref: Susan.

... Comment by Cross Polity Index (Banks, Arthur C. 1974+/-) Increase Equity - October 20, 2008 at 1:43 pm

Upgraded completed:15:10:======NH//

Exhibit B wWhoDecides wrote: October 20, 2008 12:37

Dear Brothers Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mohammed Khatami, Vali-e- Faghih, and who else? Custodian and Imams of the two Holy Mosques, Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud and brothers, and who else? You, brother Hamid Karzai, and you, brother Pratibha Patil, and who else?:

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you?

Alhumdullilah/Halleluha in the clear signs of "give proof" that are now taking precedence over the opaque "old boy networks" of National Treasuries world wide? xref: "Ideena s-siratal mustaqueem", show us thy striaght way.

"But lead us not into temptation" - with the coming transparency of "on line" access to click-able, budget line-items: down to the safe deposit box numbers that hold the audit trails, "We the people" (of the book) must, more and more, guide our hajis and our prayers [[hammering]] in the spirit of "siratal l-lad zeena an amta alyhm grahill maughdubi alayhm wa lad dalllleeen," - thy straight way that is known to us by the confidence of countenance, and rhythem, and bearing, and demeanor [back up beeps] of *****those who are not tormented, and who torment others not,"*****

Transparent national treasuries require citizens who seek not to indict and condem, but to find repentance and forgiveness strategies so we all realize it is ALL our fault we are not yet where we should be, but through repentance, and forgiveness, and clear signs, more and more, each day, we will, in sha lah, God willing, reach paradise is [like] a peacefully happy park with simple rules, in a prayer line where none of those making salat has an advantage, but all are 'equal as the teeth on a comb"

Thus, more and more each day the merit of Islam, and all righteous people, can expect "clear signs" of proof of finances from national treasuries, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes.

In the spirit of this dawa out reach prayer, here is a math problem for you.

So, if the Legislature needs 1/3rd of the GDP to regulate, inspect, backup, uphold, maintain, monitor, respond, etc., what Asset value of the national balance sheet will permit B to equal 3% when GDP = ...... $14T?

volley2.ind 13: ? />*:\ ...//20[door][whisp of siren]08:10:17:14:25:75*W [non-urgent siren] #495 of 526: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (01:43 AM)

PLAN B: "On Red Cent" *****WORKING DRAFT*****

A Bill to convert the IRS into an audit arm of the OMB, and private tax industry into consultants for CBO

Capital Earnings & Gains: (1-(B+L)) (A(1) (1+r+z+d)) = A(2) Labor: (1+L) W(1) = W(2) Income Tax: (1-(B+L)) (W(2)) = T(1)

Automatic harvesting of 'taxes' , where A = Assets; A(1) = Assets in year 1; A(2) = Assets in year 2... ; B = the controlled "wages leading prices" rate of spiral inflation caused by printing up transferable receipts of authority (legal tender) to issue the Legislature a constitutionally capped budget as a percent of GDP directly from the treasury; r = your return on assets (footnote 1); L = cost of living rate of inflation, z = rate of appreciation of asset, d = rate of depreciation of assets; W = wages, and T = total taxes on wages due to Constitutionally capped allowance to Legislature plus the 'informal tax' of COLA due to markets, supply, demand, innovation, obsolescence, etc. footnote 1. Assets = Liabilities + Owner's' Equity, ROI on total assets is leveraged to the degree equity is able to attract liabilities to the investment. ROI on equity alone is more conservative, is that right? footnote 2. Capital Gains are pay as you go. YOU don't have to be liquid to pay taxes on non income producing assets [^] B simply cuts into their market value, they don't appreciate as fast as they used to. This draft was completed at 15:51.

volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #39 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (06:55 PM)

Haji Mohammed Abubkr (Ali) Omar, aka, William Long Hale

(202)258-5978. Not yet sure how to use gmail.com to 'chat'

volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #40 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (07:20 PM)

Laws Allow Donors to Surpass Limits in Campaign By MICHAEL LUO and GRIFF PALMER 7 minutes ago

Both candidates and their respective parties have benefited from large donors who have given tens of thousands of dollars to joint fund-raising committees.

* Obama Leaving Trail to Visit Ailing Grandmother 9:21 PM ET * Obama Appeal Rises in Poll; No Gains for McCain

======NH: Perfect Chairity, Barack. [^] ======NH//

volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #41 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (07:28 PM)

Also xref: "Iko, Iko" (visible smile)

My Grandma, and You Grandma, standin' round the fie 'oh, My Grandma, said to your Grandma, "I'm gonna set your tail on fie oh," Hey now, Hey now, who goes, what ways? Ja company knows vote words vote, 'Yea', 'Na', and 'Abstain', Hey!

My spy boy, and your spy boy, standin' round whose fie 'oh {{xref: cellestial campfire: the sun{{ My spy boy, said to your spy boy, I'm gonna set your tail on fie on," Hey, now, hey how, I go, I go, all day, Ja company's fee, knows vote words vote, 'Yeah', 'Na', and 'Abstain', "Hey!"

Original version by some 'black' girls had a line in it, "Bet you five dollars it'll steal your day," sounded like a line about smoking a joint....

All that aside, the human touch, and after seeing the girls from the jump rope curriculum on whose NYTimes.com street last night, the human touch is alhumdullilah/Halleluha.

Hope you understand, the ID check on whom, and the repentance strategy being put in play are not to undermine things, but to massage out any lingering repressions that might impede an ideena s-siratal, thy straight way 60 day transition period and good start.

Has anyone re-written his or her job description yet? xref: "Imagine your new job dot com" ad recently.

The economy was enough of a shock that people aren't going to foget the loss of balance ]Thun] God willing, who hopes.

volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #42 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (08:37 PM)

Mr. Chávez has also used his oil money — in direct payments and through subsidized oil shipments — to win friends in the hemisphere and elsewhere, including President Evo Morales of Bolivia, who expelled the United States ambassador in La Paz last month, saying the envoy was involved in plotting a coup.

======NH: xref: Turkey ======NH//

Wow, it's 11:34PM: 23:34!

volley2.ind 14: ?>*:\ ...//2008:10:20:15:17:75*W #43 of 83: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 20 Oct 2008 (08:46 PM)

Advertise on NYTimes.com 3 Oil Countries Face a Reckoning ======NH: 3 Soil so oil il oi C(o)untr(ee)ies Face ace a wreck reckon (navigating, traversing) ing... Wrecking Demolition: green belt spurs. "A ramblin' wreck from Georgia tech, and a hell of an engineer..." Georgia, Ukraine... 51st State - Poland? Joint naval exercises with Russia? Where? pthn] Ronald Reagan's island war? South Pacific? France?

James Hill for The New York Times

A pipeline in one of Gazprom's newest and largest oil fields.


?>*:\ ...//2009:04:05:18:12:75*W:53*F [Siren]

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 63: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:05:18:12:75*W:53*F [Siren] #185: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 6 Apr 09 22:56 Post

Report Outlines Medical Workers’ Role in Torture COMMENTS E-MAIL SEND TO PHONE PRINT REPRINTS SHARE

By SCOTT SHANE Published: April 6, 2009 WASHINGTON — Medical personnel were deeply involved in the abusive interrogation of terrorist suspects held overseas by the Central Intelligence Agency, including torture, and their participation was a “gross breach of medical ethics,” a long-secret report by the International Committee of the Red Cross concluded.

Related Text: Red Cross Report (nybooks.com) Article by Mark Danner (nybooks.com)

Readers' Comments Share your thoughts. Post a Comment » Based on statements by 14 prisoners who belonged to Al Qaeda and were moved to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, in late 2006, Red Cross investigators concluded that medical professionals working for the C.I.A. monitored prisoners undergoing waterboarding, apparently to make sure they did not drown. Medical workers were also present when guards confined prisoners in small boxes, shackled their arms to the ceiling, kept them in frigid cells and slammed them repeatedly into walls, the report said.

======NH: US Supreme Court Rules Court appointed Inspectors for CIA do not breach separation of powers.

Roy Blunt and Trent Franks call for impeachment of Justices Ginsberg, Kennedy, Bryer, Alito, Souter and Thomas

Obamna appoints Biden to monitor Supreme Court Inspectors [tn (nw)]

Paneta and Gates meet with Justices in closed session of the US Supreme Court.

SWAT Valley plaintiffs petition the Supreme Court of Pakistan for checks and balances on US Military...

ICC issue arrest warrant for 2006 lawyers who OK'ed torture.

Starbucks Promotes Coffee with "Selective Service Registration Forms" Coffee drinkers register for humanitarian army.

[exterior sound] ======NH//

?>*:\ ...//2009:04:07:75*W:55*F

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 64: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:07:75*W:55*F #186: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 8 Apr 09 01:40 Post

Peru’s Ex-President Convicted of Rights Abuses E-MAIL SEND TO PHONE PRINT REPRINTS SHARE

By SIMON ROMERO Published: April 7, 2009 CARACAS, Venezuela — A three-judge panel of Peru’s Supreme Court convicted former President Alberto K. Fujimori on Tuesday of human rights abuses and sentenced him to 25 years in prison.

======NH; Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Kings, Impeachments, Repentances, Forgivenesses, Acceptances of Forgiveness... Checks and Balances. Peacefully Happening ness ess ever after. vs.

Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Kings, Impeachments, Executions, Revenges, Wars, Breach of separation of powers, US against "them", Spiraling misery, until extinction and new intelligence "climbs up the spout again,"

======NH// ======NH//

?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/-

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #111: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 17 Apr 09 07:28 Post

"Unionize, medicalize i n t i m a c y coaches and our buddies, so we have only INTENTIONAL conceptions, and healthy, 'Hi,'s - and thereby l o w e r the US abortion rate below 2%, and the DC-Harlem HIV-AIDs rate below 5%, and the current, astronomical US divorce rate below 50%.

Self Control 101: Sensitivity, habituation, reinforcement schedules, prerequisites in the highest chain of command: repeatable, renewable, secure, effective, free, fair, and peaceful happen ing ness es. Concentration as a form of self-hypnosis: the adoption, or rejection, of internal, or external suggestions. Note: This course is a required prerequisite for Controlled Substances 101: The History of how certain controlled substances become forbidden in the United States.

Applied Math 1250: Expectation Theory: Mathematical modeling of heuristic short cuts used both consciously and unconsciously [thn/] to manage Baysian statistical decision trees. This course fulfills the distribution requirement for mathematical modeling for Social Relations majors. Repeated in the spring for 3 credits.

Political Science 350: Arrest and Emancipation: 21st century methods of checking and balancing the separation of powers to build confidence in each branch while producing a more effective, more ...peacefully happening sovereign. This course requires Finance 110, Government 302b, and Economics 1a and 1b, or permission of the instructor. Offer only in odd years.

Land Use Planning 750: Use of the concept "Only" to maximize balance and flow in public spaces. A knowledge of basic Venn diagraming, Introduction to Auto CAD, and Controlled Substances 101 are required prerequisites. Only design students who have not yet fulfilled their land scape [thn\] architecture requirement may take the course, and the course fulfills only 1/2 of the balance and control of traffic flow distribution requirement. Repeated in the spring.

Sociology 1820: National Service Forms and Schedules. Students will be required to design and use forms in actual field simulations of tasks the class decides are valid National Service missions. Students must execute "Hold Harmless" Agreements prior to engaging in field studies. Two field trips: one to the state capitol and one to Washington DC, require lab fees. This is a lecture course. Sections are taught by graduate students.

Law of the Sovereign 1000: An introduction into what transferable receipts of authority really are besides "legal tender". [Jet vapor trail]. Financial statements of the Federal Reserve and US Treasury will be examined and the concept of "Sovereign Equity" developed. In particular the use of eminent domain to create new economies other than the subdivide and resell for more, raw land, population growth driven economy currently in it's [Hnk!] death throes. Students who earn a grade of B, or better, may repeat this course for 1/2 credit in the spring towards the goal of publishing their papers individually, or in anthology. Anyone earning below a B in the course may retake the course and have their grade expunged and replaced in the event they earn a higher grade the second time.

Small Groups [Thn\] and Interpersonal Behavior 1200c: This course extrapolates the concepts developed in the course developed by Fred Bayles and Tim Leary to explore graph theory, pecking order matrixes, and analysis of who talks to whom in small groups toward the goal of evaluating legal, boiler plate forms to establish "Emancipation Franchises" that enable 8 adults to incorporate for the purpose of adopting, and/or conceiving, rearing, educating, emancipating, and endowing four to eight children with, or without, the aid of non-voting, preferred stock holders. [rpms]. Psychological screening, and on going private, university health [rrrHHHnnn...] services psychologist is required for admission. Only students who execute hold harmless agreements, and agreements to delay marriage until at least 7 months after the course has completed will be admitted.

[air compressor sound]

Biology 201: Genetic code migration strategies: Meiosis, Mitosis, Laboratory Assisted, and inorganic encoding even unto programming coherent lazar beams to use pure energy to migrate the genetic code at the speed of light before reconstituting the electro magnetic code into biologic mass via electromagnetic gravity pump syphon patterns that can actually suck gravitational fields into Mobius eversion patterns that catalytically initiate a chain reaction gravity syphon that converts the unusable, overly dense gravitational field of a star, or black hole, into a progression that yields a usable solar system, or universe fountain bubble while preserving the original encoded biologic memory and genetic code over the billion year process as if the cryogenic [beep beep beep beep beep...] had been in it's mass- energy [...beep beep./] form the whole time. Course requires Physics 2160, Math 3127, Electrical Engineering 1440, and permission of the instructor.

Government 550: "The Oz Economy": the future of green jobs and green energy. Students will design government programs and forms to migrate under the table economies on the table: synaptic, hormonal, and adrenalin industries in the context of the yellow brick road, refugee and pilgrim emancipation and arrest, and the internet vicarious "at a distance" participation will be examined from the perspective of events from 2000 to the present and related to the classic children's tail of the mid 20 th century. Students will form teams to compete with one another in a computer simulation during the second half of the spring semester. 4 credits. Fulfills the Political Theory distribution requirement for Government majors.

Managerial Economics 103: Involuntary Capitalism: When a government drafts 1/3 of the faculty of the top 100 business schools in a country to conduct rigorous oversight of business and economic migration from failing economies to new economies, what is the role of the MBA? Course open to undergraduates with a 3.7 grade average or better. M volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #265: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 09 05:22 Post

READERS' COMMENTS Washington Memo: Despite Major Plans, Obama Taking Softer StandsBack to Article » By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN and JACKIE CALMES After pledges to change Washington, the president’s early willingness to deal or fold has left commentators and allies wondering: where’s the fight?

Share your thoughts.

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Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive. For more information, please see our Comments FAQ. April 19, 2009 8:00 amPORT OF SPAIN: April 18th: Starting in 2014, Juan and Alice, John, and Jane, and yes, even Spot and 'Bo' are going to be studying in a different world.

This water shed change today owes it's thanks to the Obama "Full Text Random Access Data Base Initiative", or short title: "Searchable Textbooks Treaty" now awaiting legislative ratification after being passed at 3 PM [[Crk!\\]] volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #111 of 262: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 17 Apr 2009 (07:28 AM)

"Unionize, medicalize i n t i m a c y coaches and our buddies, so we have only INTENTIONAL conceptions, and healthy, 'Hi,'s - and thereby l o w e r the US abortion rate below 2%, and the DC-Harlem HIV-AIDs rate below 5%, and the current, astronomical US divorce rate below 50%. Self Control 101: Sensitivity, habituation, reinforcement schedules, prerequisites in the highest chain of command: repeatable, renewable, secure, effective, free, fair, and peaceful happen ing ness es. Concentration as a form of self-hypnosis: the adoption, or rejection, of internal, or external suggestions. Note: This course is a required prerequisite for Controlled Substances 101: The History of how certain controlled substances become forbidden in the United States.

Applied Math 1250: Expectation Theory: Mathematical modeling of heuristic short cuts used both consciously and unconsciously [thn/] to manage Baysian statistical decision trees. This course fulfills the distribution requirement for mathematical modeling for Social Relations majors. Repeated in the spring for 3 credits.

Political Science 350: Arrest and Emancipation: 21st century methods of checking and balancing the separation of powers to build confidence in each branch while producing a more effective, more ...peacefully happening sovereign. This course requires Finance 110, Government 302b, and Economics 1a and 1b, or permission of the instructor. Offer only in odd years.

Land Use Planning 750: Use of the concept "Only" to maximize balance and flow in public spaces. A knowledge of basic Venn diagraming, Introduction to Auto CAD, and Controlled Substances 101 are required prerequisites. Only design students who have not yet fulfilled their land scape [thn\] architecture requirement may take the course, and the course fulfills only 1/2 of the balance and control of traffic flow distribution requirement. Repeated in the spring.

Sociology 1820: National Service Forms and Schedules. Students will be required to design and use forms in actual field simulations of tasks the class decides are valid National Service missions. Students must execute "Hold Harmless" Agreements prior to engaging in field studies. Two field trips: one to the state capitol and one to Washington DC, require lab fees. This is a lecture course. Sections are taught by graduate students.

Law of the Sovereign 1000: An introduction into what transferable receipts of authority really are besides "legal tender". [Jet vapor trail]. Financial statements of the Federal Reserve and US Treasury will be examined and the concept of "Sovereign Equity" developed. In particular the use of eminent domain to create new economies other than the subdivide and resell for more, raw land, population growth driven economy currently in it's [Hnk!] death throes. Students who earn a grade of B, or better, may repeat this course for 1/2 credit in the spring towards the goal of publishing their papers individually, or in anthology. Anyone earning below a B in the course may retake the course and have their grade expunged and replaced in the event they earn a higher grade the second time.

Small Groups [Thn\] and Interpersonal Behavior 1200c: This course extrapolates the concepts developed in the course developed by Fred Bayles and Tim Leary to explore graph theory, pecking order matrixes, and analysis of who talks to whom in small groups toward the goal of evaluating legal, boiler plate forms to establish "Emancipation Franchises" that enable 8 adults to incorporate for the purpose of adopting, and/or conceiving, rearing, educating, emancipating, and endowing four to eight children with, or without, the aid of non-voting, preferred stock holders. [rpms]. Psychological screening, and on going private, university health [rrrHHHnnn...] services psychologist is required for admission. Only students who execute hold harmless agreements, and agreements to delay marriage until at least 7 months after the course has completed will be admitted.

[air compressor sound]

Biology 201: Genetic code migration strategies: Meiosis, Mitosis, Laboratory Assisted, and inorganic encoding even unto programming coherent lazar beams to use pure energy to migrate the genetic code at the speed of light before reconstituting the electro magnetic code into biologic mass via electromagnetic gravity pump syphon patterns that can actually suck gravitational fields into Mobius eversion patterns that catalytically initiate a chain (continued...) — William Hale, 20016

April 19th, 2009 5:15 amvolley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #264 of 264: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 2009 (05:15 AM) volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #263 of 263: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 2009 (05:12 AM)

Anthropology 50a and 50b: Health and Human Consciousness: Students will study the evolution from traditional, personal methods to rational, impersonal methods for developing and transmitting healthy habits and decision making from one generation to the next. The second half of the course will develop actual written, oral and practical tests, forms, and data base structures [Inadvertent keystroke overlays 'dashboard' calendar, clock, and temperature] to be administered as a U.S. HEW "Become you family health guide" program. In the interests of avoiding ingrown groups, by permission of the instructor, the second half of the course may be taken without having enrolled in the first half of the course. 4 credits. volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #111 of 263: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 17 Apr 2009 (07:28 AM)

...Biology 201: Genetic code migration strategies: Meiosis, Mitosis, Laboratory Assisted, and inorganic encoding even unto programming coherent lazar beams to use pure energy to migrate the genetic code at the speed of light before reconstituting the electro magnetic code into biologic mass via electromagnetic gravity pump syphon patterns that can actually suck gravitational fields into Mobius eversion patterns that catalytically initiate a chain reaction gravity syphon that converts the unusable, overly dense gravitational field of a star, or black hole, into a progression that yields a usable solar system, or universe fountain bubble while preserving the original encoded biologic memory and genetic code over the billion year process as if the cryogenic [beep beep beep beep beep...] had been in it's mass- energy [...beep beep./] form the whole time. Course requires Physics 2160, Math 3127, Electrical Engineering 1440, and permission of the instructor. Government 550: "The Oz Economy": the future of green jobs and green energy. Students will design government programs and forms to migrate under the table economies on the table: synaptic, hormonal, and adrenalin industries in the context of the yellow brick road, refugee and pilgrim emancipation and arrest, and the internet vicarious "at a distance" participation will be examined from the perspective of events from 2000 to the present and related to the classic children's tail of the mid 20 th century. Students will form teams to compete with one another in a computer simulation during the second half of the spring semester. 4 credits. Fulfills the Political Theory distribution requirement for Government majors.

Managerial Economics 103: Involuntary Capitalism: When a government drafts 1/3 of the faculty of the top 100 business schools in a country to conduct rigorous oversight of business and economic migration from failing economies to new economies, what is the role of the MBA? Course open to undergraduates with a 3.7 grade average or better. M — William Hale, 20016

Back to Article »

MOST E-MAILED Unlikely Singer Is YouTube Sensation In Europe, Hostels Grow Up Op-Ed Columnist: Twitters From Texas In Grim Job Market, Student Loans Are a Costly Burden Op-Ed Columnist: How to Raise Our I.Q. volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #285: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 09 09:15 Post

April 19, 2009 8:00 amPORT OF SPAIN: April 18th: Starting in 2014, Juan and Alice, John, and Jane, and yes, even Spot and 'Bo' are going to be studying in a different world.

This water shed change today owes it's thanks to the Obama "Full Text Random Access Data Base Initiative", or short title: "Searchable Textbooks Treaty" now awaiting legislative ratification after being passed at 3 PM [[Crk!\\]] volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #111 of 262: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 17 Apr 2009 (07:28 AM)

"Unionize, medicalize i n t i m a c y coaches and our buddies, so we have only INTENTIONAL conceptions, and healthy, 'Hi,'s - and thereby l o w e r the US abortion rate below 2%, and the DC-Harlem HIV-AIDs rate below 5%, and the current, astronomical US divorce rate below 50%.

Self Control 101: Sensitivity, habituation, reinforcement schedules, prerequisites in the highest chain of command: repeatable, renewable, secure, effective, free, fair, and peaceful happen ing ness es. Concentration as a form of self-hypnosis: the adoption, or rejection, of internal, or external suggestions. Note: This course is a required prerequisite for Controlled Substances 101: The History of how certain controlled substances become forbidden in the United States.

Applied Math 1250: Expectation Theory: Mathematical modeling of heuristic short cuts used both consciously and unconsciously [thn/] to manage Baysian statistical decision trees. This course fulfills the distribution requirement for mathematical modeling for Social Relations majors. Repeated in the spring for 3 credits.

Political Science 350: Arrest and Emancipation: 21st century methods of checking and balancing the separation of powers to build confidence in each branch while producing a more effective, more ...peacefully happening sovereign. This course requires Finance 110, Government 302b, and Economics 1a and 1b, or permission of the instructor. Offer only in odd years.

Land Use Planning 750: Use of the concept "Only" to maximize balance and flow in public spaces. A knowledge of basic Venn diagraming, Introduction to Auto CAD, and Controlled Substances 101 are required prerequisites. Only design students who have not yet fulfilled their land scape [thn\] architecture requirement may take the course, and the course fulfills only 1/2 of the balance and control of traffic flow distribution requirement. Repeated in the spring.

Sociology 1820: National Service Forms and Schedules. Students will be required to design and use forms in actual field simulations of tasks the class decides are valid National Service missions. Students must execute "Hold Harmless" Agreements prior to engaging in field studies. Two field trips: one to the state capitol and one to Washington DC, require lab fees. This is a lecture course. Sections are taught by graduate students.

Law of the Sovereign 1000: An introduction into what transferable receipts of authority really are besides "legal tender". [Jet vapor trail]. Financial statements of the Federal Reserve and US Treasury will be examined and the concept of "Sovereign Equity" developed. In particular the use of eminent domain to create new economies other than the subdivide and resell for more, raw land, population growth driven economy currently in it's [Hnk!] death throes. Students who earn a grade of B, or better, may repeat this course for 1/2 credit in the spring towards the goal of publishing their papers individually, or in anthology. Anyone earning below a B in the course may retake the course and have their grade expunged and replaced in the event they earn a higher grade the second time.

Small Groups [Thn\] and Interpersonal Behavior 1200c: This course extrapolates the concepts developed in the course developed by Fred Bayles and Tim Leary to explore graph theory, pecking order matrixes, and analysis of who talks to whom in small groups toward the goal of evaluating legal, boiler plate forms to establish "Emancipation Franchises" that enable 8 adults to incorporate for the purpose of adopting, and/or conceiving, rearing, educating, emancipating, and endowing four to eight children with, or without, the aid of non-voting, preferred stock holders. [rpms]. Psychological screening, and on going private, university health [rrrHHHnnn...] services psychologist is required for admission. Only students who execute hold harmless agreements, and agreements to delay marriage until at least 7 months after the course has completed will be admitted.

[air compressor sound]

Biology 201: Genetic code migration strategies: Meiosis, Mitosis, Laboratory Assisted, and inorganic encoding even unto programming coherent lazar beams to use pure energy to migrate the genetic code at the speed of light before reconstituting the electro magnetic code into biologic mass via electromagnetic gravity pump syphon patterns that can actually suck gravitational fields into Mobius eversion patterns that catalytically initiate a chain (continued...) — William Hale, 20016

April 19, 2009 8:15 amvolley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #264 of 264: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 2009 (05:15 AM) volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #263 of 263: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 2009 (05:12 AM)

Anthropology 50a and 50b: Health and Human Consciousness: Students will study the evolution from traditional, personal methods to rational, impersonal methods for developing and transmitting healthy habits and decision making from one generation to the next. The second half of the course will develop actual written, oral and practical tests, forms, and data base structures [Inadvertent keystroke overlays 'dashboard' calendar, clock, and temperature] to be administered as a U.S. HEW "Become you family health guide" program. In the interests of avoiding ingrown groups, by permission of the instructor, the second half of the course may be taken without having enrolled in the first half of the course. 4 credits. volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #111 of 263: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 17 Apr 2009 (07:28 AM)

...Biology 201: Genetic code migration strategies: Meiosis, Mitosis, Laboratory Assisted, and inorganic encoding even unto programming coherent lazar beams to use pure energy to migrate the genetic code at the speed of light before reconstituting the electro magnetic code into biologic mass via electromagnetic gravity pump syphon patterns that can actually suck gravitational fields into Mobius eversion patterns that catalytically initiate a chain reaction gravity syphon that converts the unusable, overly dense gravitational field of a star, or black hole, into a progression that yields a usable solar system, or universe fountain bubble while preserving the original encoded biologic memory and genetic code over the billion year process as if the cryogenic [beep beep beep beep beep...] had been in it's mass- energy [...beep beep./] form the whole time. Course requires Physics 2160, Math 3127, Electrical Engineering 1440, and permission of the instructor.

Government 550: "The Oz Economy": the future of green jobs and green energy. Students will design government programs and forms to migrate under the table economies on the table: synaptic, hormonal, and adrenalin industries in the context of the yellow brick road, refugee and pilgrim emancipation and arrest, and the internet vicarious "at a distance" participation will be examined from the perspective of events from 2000 to the present and related to the classic children's tail of the mid 20 th century. Students will form teams to compete with one another in a computer simulation during the second half of the spring semester. 4 credits. Fulfills the Political Theory distribution requirement for Government majors.

Managerial Economics 103: Involuntary Capitalism: When a government drafts 1/3 of the faculty of the top 100 business schools in a country to conduct rigorous oversight of business and economic migration from failing economies to new economies, what is the role of the MBA? Course open to undergraduates with a 3.7 grade average or better. M — William Hale, 20016

April 19th, 2009 5:37 amvolley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #266 of 266: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 2009 (05:36 AM)

?>*:\ ...//2009:03:25:21:28:75*W [/#]======Null Hypothesis: Wan De looked up from the course catalogue. It was a March day, cool and moist with the humidity of snow melting hundreds of miles to the north. Wan thought of the annual cycle and what Dali Lama had taught about reincarnation. (The Repentance, Forgiveness & Acceptance of Forgiveness by Romeo & Juliet continued...) ======Null Hypothesis//

...2. The IPCC is using something called "models" to "prove" that man is warming the earth by adding CO2 and the "models" don't predict anything because they have to be revised every year because of unpredicted climate change results.

======Null Hypothesis: [thn] So, it goes to show how u r g e n t it is to NOW get with the program and begin planning a pilot projects for the "Planetary Construction" projects that integrate Great Circle trade routes into "Mars Canal Bandages" to cool and heal our planet earth, and to liberate our fire-walled and scapegoated masses "Yearning to be free" to travel, in safety, without undue trespass, along the "Earth Canal" right of ways [sip of reconstituted powdered milk and malted chocolate] - the n a t u r a l progression of "Promised Land" AND "Promised Right of Ways" bestowed upon us by the messiah self repair soft and hard ware dance and song book thread, "ideena s-siratal mustaqueem" woven throughout the tapestry of all creation [...] that heals ANY who build, maintain, welcome, perfect, return and invite to outgrow our meiosis, ingrown groups by achieving mitosis: fairly, freely, effectively, securely, renewably, repeatedly, and peacefully happening ly, infinite, un [''''''crk (ne)] bounded, sea of universe fountain bubbles joined by black hole doors: forever: eternal life, liberty, and the pursuit of happeningness without end [^] Aaaaaaaahhhhhhme(eeeeeee)n. ======NH//

Enough with Ra-Ra girls like Juliet Eilperin (who is a good political writer).

======NH: Romeo and Julliet cast with Chinese and Tibetian actors: 120 troops fanning out across China and Tibet. Produced and Directed by Dali Lama and Who Jinn Tao. Script adaptation. Sequel: "The Repentance (& Forgiveness) of Romeo & Juliet" a play that demonstrates how 'repentance' evolved from 'reincarnation'. ======NH//

It's time for the WaPo to cover the story and giving us quotes from dingbats like Senator Boxer (who has the mind of a brick)

[thn//]======NH: xref: "Yellow Brick Road" adapted to explain the US Oz Economy with Balance of Payment Pilgrimage plans; xref: 2020 savings accounts. ======NH// and giving us quotes from various Democrat eco front organizations is not covering the story.

======NH: "Green as a Granny Smith," Newt Gingrich describes new Heritage Foundation distilling process for fine malt liquor.

"When heat flows from cold to hot, I will," US Senator Susan Collins today described her displeasure at being asked to endorse an exception prohibiting a Nantucket offshore wind farm for the Kennedy Cape Cod View Preservation Foundation, "You would think they (The Kennedies and Paris Hilton) intentionally set this up to make sure "Off shore wind farms" stay in the tabloid news, and who am I to disappoint?"

"Like snow on a glacier," responded Congressman Young when asked if the 2009 Stimulus funds ere benefitting Alaska.

"If you buried me right here, up to my neck in sand, and spoon fed me, I still wouldn't live long enough to drown," Mayor Bloomberg was quoted a saying during an interview on the beach in Coney Island. ======NH//

" Who owes rowing. Who owes prayers. Who owes chores. Who let the horse out of the barn again. Who likes to ride. What's your idea of fun? volley2.ind 52: ?>*:\ ...//2009:03:23:19:31:75*W:53*F+/- #8 of 45: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 23 Mar 2009 (06:54 PM) — William Hale, 20016

======NH: This post to the wsj clicked, but did not appear yet. The following posts since the last are as follows: ======NH//

11:42 am April 19, 2009 The Undertaker wrote: I’m taking a break and sharpening the trencher teeth, no change in the NWO run to the complete fascist economic model with help from the FED and the men from Jekyl Island.

11:44 am April 19, 2009 John Pounders wrote: My wife and I visited Jekyll Island, Georgia, in April, 1996. It immediately took on a fascination because I remembered that Jekyll is known as the birthplace of the Federal Reserve. In fact, the Clubhouse/hotel on the island has two conference rooms named for the “Federal Reserve.”

In 1886, a group of millionaires purchased Jekyll Island and converted it into a winter retreat and hunting ground, the USA’s most exclusive club. By 1900, the club’s roster represented 1/6th of the world’s wealth. Names like Astor, Vanderbilt, Morgan, Pulitzer and Gould filled the club’s register. Non- members, regardless of stature, were not allowed. Dignitaries like Winston Churchill and President McKinley were refused admission.

In 1908, the year after a national money panic purportedly created by J. P. Morgan, Congress established, in 1908, a National Monetary Authority. In 1910 another, more secretive, group was formed consisting of the chiefs of major corporations and banks in this country. The group left secretly by rail from Hoboken, New Jersey, and traveled anonymously to the hunting lodge on Jekyll Island.

The meeting was so secret that none referred to the other by his last name. Why the need for secrecy? Frank Vanderlip wrote later in the Saturday Evening Post, “…it would have been fatal to Senator Aldrich’s plan to have it known that he was calling on anybody from Wall Street to help him in preparing his bill…I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System.”

At Jekyll Island, the true draftsman for the Federal Reserve was Paul Warburg. The plan was simple. The new central bank could not be called a central bank because America did not want one, so it had to be given a deceptive name. Ostensibly, the bank was to be controlled by Congress, but a majority of its members were to be selected by the private banks that would own its stock.

To keep the public from thinking that the Federal Reserve would be controlled from New York, a system of twelve regional banks was designed. Given the concentration of money and credit in New York, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York controlled the system, making the regional concept initially nothing but a ruse.

The board and chairman were to be selected by the President, but in the words of Colonel Edward House, the board would serve such a term as to “put them out of the power of the President.” The power over the creation of money was to be taken from the people and placed in the hands of private bankers who could expand or contract credit as they felt best suited their needs.

Why the opposition to a central bank?

Americans at the time knew of the destruction to the economy the European central banks had caused to their respective countries and to countries who became their debtors. They saw the large- scale government deficit spending and debt creation that occurred in Europe. Shortly after the United States gained its freedom, the Rothschilds attempted to saddle the country with a private central bank. This Bank of the United States was abolished by President Andrew Jackson with these words:

The bold effort the present bank has made to control the government, the distress it had wantonly produced…are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it.

But European financial moguls didn’t rest until the New World was within their orbit. In 1902, Paul Warburg, a friend and associate of the Rothschilds and an expert on European central banking, came to this country as a partner in Kuhn, Loeb and Company. He married the daughter of Solomon Loeb, one of the founders of the firm. The head of Kuhn, Loeb was Jacob Schiff, whose gift of $20 million in gold to the struggling Russian communists in 1917 no doubt saved their revolution.

The Fed controls the banking system in the USA, not the Congress nor the people indirectly (as the Constitution dictates). The U.S. central bank strategy is a product of European banking interests. volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #288: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 09 10:16 Post

Dear HRC and State Heads:

Would you like to do this with, or without me?

Besides a predictive novel, and/or "American Idol"-style, "Socrates - Live!" TV series, could a battery of UN, and US, and State, and Local standardized tests for teachers, educators, school boards, and parents, offer a worthwhile tool to these groups who could vote to choose to test themselves - with, or without reward? xref: tests that teach and self help and reinforcement for career training...

...we also could use a novel and film: "Course Catalogue" in which a "leaked" course catalogue from a top secret planning committee gets mixed into a plot of international intrigue.... Or simply market it as a course catalogue and see who goes on line to sign up for courses that will come to pass only if enough people do? xref: The Dictionary of Extinct Words and Phrases (Along with their new replacements); xref: The vocabulary of success replacing the vocabulary of failure: "Only" vs. "No," and so on.... xref: US State department nuance...

So, should our chains of command seek upwards for orders to have who at US DOEd., and who at US State, and SR@UN, and who else? Should Article 1 required any educational institution that receives federal funds to send 3 copies of their course catalogue and/or curriculum design, in print, and on computer disk, to the US DOEd. "Curriculum Library" so that you at State, and chains of command throughout the world might google more than the top ten results of the data base towards the goal of "World Music, Dance, Culture, and Commerce - in the schools". For example "So you want to be a doctor when your grow up? Here's a time line many doctors follow. Here are live web cams to visit doctors and their families to get a feel for how they live and think and impart attitudes and values that make their children tend to grow up to be doctors...

Or, Proctor and gamble would look at the health and hygiene curriculum strands and might start inserting vocabulary and concepts into their ads, which hopefully would be the better for it,

Or, Bethlehem Steel, in Pennsylvania might notice the math curriculum strand in their area could be more interesting, and practical, and could offer up some "By the way..." "Friends of the Curriculum" commentary via UN, US, State, and local web sites as good as the US State department's.

And what else?

Thank you,

Please continue to rewrite your job descriptions the way you think they could best be done in the context of the "Oz Economy" so, God willing, when that inauguration comes, you will be ready to hand in your rewritten job description(s) to your chain of command.


W. Hale, aka, Haji Mohammed. One Water World Eden, Six Great Circle PIlgrimage Paths...

volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #285 of 287: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 2009 (09:15 AM)

April 19, 2009 8:00 amPORT OF SPAIN: April 18th: Starting in 2014, Juan and Alice, John, and Jane, and yes, even Spot and 'Bo' are going to be studying in a different world.

This water shed change today owes it's thanks to the Obama "Full Text Random Access Data Base Initiative", or short title: "Searchable Textbooks Treaty" now awaiting legislative ratification after being passed at 3 PM [[Crk!\\]] volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #111 of 262: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 17 Apr 2009 (07:28 AM)

"Unionize, medicalize i n t i m a c y coaches and our buddies, so we have only INTENTIONAL conceptions, and healthy, 'Hi,'s - and thereby l o w e r the US abortion rate below 2%, and the DC-Harlem HIV-AIDs rate below 5%, and the current, astronomical US divorce rate below 50%.

Self Control 101: Sensitivity, habituation, reinforcement schedules, prerequisites in the highest chain of command: repeatable, renewable, secure, effective, free, fair, and peaceful happen ing ness es. Concentration as a form of self-hypnosis: the adoption, or rejection, of internal, or external suggestions. Note: This course is a required prerequisite for Controlled Substances 101: The History of how certain controlled substances become forbidden in the United States.

Applied Math 1250: Expectation Theory: Mathematical modeling of heuristic short cuts used both consciously and unconsciously [thn/] to manage Baysian statistical decision trees. This course fulfills the distribution requirement for mathematical modeling for Social Relations majors. Repeated in the spring for 3 credits.

Political Science 350: Arrest and Emancipation: 21st century methods of checking and balancing the separation of powers to build confidence in each branch while producing a more effective, more ...peacefully happening sovereign. This course requires Finance 110, Government 302b, and Economics 1a and 1b, or permission of the instructor. Offer only in odd years.

Land Use Planning 750: Use of the concept "Only" to maximize balance and flow in public spaces. A knowledge of basic Venn diagraming, Introduction to Auto CAD, and Controlled Substances 101 are required prerequisites. Only design students who have not yet fulfilled their land scape [thn\] architecture requirement may take the course, and the course fulfills only 1/2 of the balance and control of traffic flow distribution requirement. Repeated in the spring.

Sociology 1820: National Service Forms and Schedules. Students will be required to design and use forms in actual field simulations of tasks the class decides are valid National Service missions. Students must execute "Hold Harmless" Agreements prior to engaging in field studies. Two field trips: one to the state capitol and one to Washington DC, require lab fees. This is a lecture course. Sections are taught by graduate students.

Law of the Sovereign 1000: An introduction into what transferable receipts of authority really are besides "legal tender". [Jet vapor trail]. Financial statements of the Federal Reserve and US Treasury will be examined and the concept of "Sovereign Equity" developed. In particular the use of eminent domain to create new economies other than the subdivide and resell for more, raw land, population growth driven economy currently in it's [Hnk!] death throes. Students who earn a grade of B, or better, may repeat this course for 1/2 credit in the spring towards the goal of publishing their papers individually, or in anthology. Anyone earning below a B in the course may retake the course and have their grade expunged and replaced in the event they earn a higher grade the second time.

Small Groups [Thn\] and Interpersonal Behavior 1200c: This course extrapolates the concepts developed in the course developed by Fred Bayles and Tim Leary to explore graph theory, pecking order matrixes, and analysis of who talks to whom in small groups toward the goal of evaluating legal, boiler plate forms to establish "Emancipation Franchises" that enable 8 adults to incorporate for the purpose of adopting, and/or conceiving, rearing, educating, emancipating, and endowing four to eight children with, or without, the aid of non-voting, preferred stock holders. [rpms]. Psychological screening, and on going private, university health [rrrHHHnnn...] services psychologist is required for admission. Only students who execute hold harmless agreements, and agreements to delay marriage until at least 7 months after the course has completed will be admitted.

[air compressor sound]

Biology 201: Genetic code migration strategies: Meiosis, Mitosis, Laboratory Assisted, and inorganic encoding even unto programming coherent lazar beams to use pure energy to migrate the genetic code at the speed of light before reconstituting the electro magnetic code into biologic mass via electromagnetic gravity pump syphon patterns that can actually suck gravitational fields into Mobius eversion patterns that catalytically initiate a chain (continued...) — William Hale, 20016

April 19, 2009 8:15 amvolley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #264 of 264: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 2009 (05:15 AM) volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #263 of 263: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 2009 (05:12 AM)

Anthropology 50a and 50b: Health and Human Consciousness: Students will study the evolution from traditional, personal methods to rational, impersonal methods for developing and transmitting healthy habits and decision making from one generation to the next. The second half of the course will develop actual written, oral and practical tests, forms, and data base structures [Inadvertent keystroke overlays 'dashboard' calendar, clock, and temperature] to be administered as a U.S. HEW "Become you family health guide" program. In the interests of avoiding ingrown groups, by permission of the instructor, the second half of the course may be taken without having enrolled in the first half of the course. 4 credits. volley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #111 of 263: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 17 Apr 2009 (07:28 AM)

...Biology 201: Genetic code migration strategies: Meiosis, Mitosis, Laboratory Assisted, and inorganic encoding even unto programming coherent lazar beams to use pure energy to migrate the genetic code at the speed of light before reconstituting the electro magnetic code into biologic mass via electromagnetic gravity pump syphon patterns that can actually suck gravitational fields into Mobius eversion patterns that catalytically initiate a chain reaction gravity syphon that converts the unusable, overly dense gravitational field of a star, or black hole, into a progression that yields a usable solar system, or universe fountain bubble while preserving the original encoded biologic memory and genetic code over the billion year process as if the cryogenic [beep beep beep beep beep...] had been in it's mass- energy [...beep beep./] form the whole time. Course requires Physics 2160, Math 3127, Electrical Engineering 1440, and permission of the instructor.

Government 550: "The Oz Economy": the future of green jobs and green energy. Students will design government programs and forms to migrate under the table economies on the table: synaptic, hormonal, and adrenalin industries in the context of the yellow brick road, refugee and pilgrim emancipation and arrest, and the internet vicarious "at a distance" participation will be examined from the perspective of events from 2000 to the present and related to the classic children's tail of the mid 20 th century. Students will form teams to compete with one another in a computer simulation during the second half of the spring semester. 4 credits. Fulfills the Political Theory distribution requirement for Government majors.

Managerial Economics 103: Involuntary Capitalism: When a government drafts 1/3 of the faculty of the top 100 business schools in a country to conduct rigorous oversight of business and economic migration from failing economies to new economies, what is the role of the MBA? Course open to undergraduates with a 3.7 grade average or better. M — William Hale, 20016

April 19th, 2009 5:37 amvolley2.ind 70: ?>*:\ ...//2009:04:16:11:11:75*:53*F+/- #266 of 266: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 19 Apr 2009 (05:36 AM)

?>*:\ ...//2009:03:25:21:28:75*W [/#]======Null Hypothesis: Wan De looked up from the course catalogue. It was a March day, cool and moist with the humidity of snow melting hundreds of miles to the north. Wan thought of the annual cycle and what Dali Lama had taught about reincarnation. (The Repentance, Forgiveness & Acceptance of Forgiveness by Romeo & Juliet continued...) ======Null Hypothesis//

...2. The IPCC is using something called "models" to "prove" that man is warming the earth by adding CO2 and the "models" don't predict anything because they have to be revised every year because of unpredicted climate change results.

======Null Hypothesis: [thn] So, it goes to show how u r g e n t it is to NOW get with the program and begin planning a pilot projects for the "Planetary Construction" projects that integrate Great Circle trade routes into "Mars Canal Bandages" to cool and heal our planet earth, and to liberate our fire-walled and scapegoated masses "Yearning to be free" to travel, in safety, without undue trespass, along the "Earth Canal" right of ways [sip of reconstituted powdered milk and malted chocolate] - the n a t u r a l progression of "Promised Land" AND "Promised Right of Ways" bestowed upon us by the messiah self repair soft and hard ware dance and song book thread, "ideena s-siratal mustaqueem" woven throughout the tapestry of all creation [...] that heals ANY who build, maintain, welcome, perfect, return and invite to outgrow our meiosis, ingrown groups by achieving mitosis: fairly, freely, effectively, securely, renewably, repeatedly, and peacefully happening ly, infinite, un [''''''crk (ne)] bounded, sea of universe fountain bubbles joined by black hole doors: forever: eternal life, liberty, and the pursuit of happeningness without end [^] Aaaaaaaahhhhhhme(eeeeeee)n. ======NH//

Enough with Ra-Ra girls like Juliet Eilperin (who is a good political writer).

======NH: Romeo and Julliet cast with Chinese and Tibetian actors: 120 troops fanning out across China and Tibet. Produced and Directed by Dali Lama and Who Jinn Tao. Script adaptation. Sequel: "The Repentance (& Forgiveness) of Romeo & Juliet" a play that demonstrates how 'repentance' evolved from 'reincarnation'. ======NH//

It's time for the WaPo to cover the story and giving us quotes from dingbats like Senator Boxer (who has the mind of a brick)

[thn//]======NH: xref: "Yellow Brick Road" adapted to explain the US Oz Economy with Balance of Payment Pilgrimage plans; xref: 2020 savings accounts. ======NH// and giving us quotes from various Democrat eco front organizations is not covering the story. ======NH: "Green as a Granny Smith," Newt Gingrich describes new Heritage Foundation distilling process for fine malt liquor.

"When heat flows from cold to hot, I will," US Senator Susan Collins today described her displeasure at being asked to endorse an exception prohibiting a Nantucket offshore wind farm for the Kennedy Cape Cod View Preservation Foundation, "You would think they (The Kennedies and Paris Hilton) intentionally set this up to make sure "Off shore wind farms" stay in the tabloid news, and who am I to disappoint?"

"Like snow on a glacier," responded Congressman Young when asked if the 2009 Stimulus funds ere benefitting Alaska.

"If you buried me right here, up to my neck in sand, and spoon fed me, I still wouldn't live long enough to drown," Mayor Bloomberg was quoted a saying during an interview on the beach in Coney Island. ======NH//

" Who owes rowing. Who owes prayers. Who owes chores. Who let the horse out of the barn again. Who likes to ride. What's your idea of fun? volley2.ind 52: ?>*:\ ...//2009:03:23:19:31:75*W:53*F+/- #8 of 45: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 23 Mar 2009 (06:54 PM) — William Hale, 20016

======NH: This post to the wsj clicked, but did not appear yet. The following posts since the last are as follows: ======NH//

11:42 am April 19, 2009 The Undertaker wrote: I’m taking a break and sharpening the trencher teeth, no change in the NWO run to the complete fascist economic model with help from the FED and the men from Jekyl Island.

11:44 am April 19, 2009 John Pounders wrote: My wife and I visited Jekyll Island, Georgia, in April, 1996. It immediately took on a fascination because I remembered that Jekyll is known as the birthplace of the Federal Reserve. In fact, the Clubhouse/hotel on the island has two conference rooms named for the “Federal Reserve.”

?>*:\ ...//2009:05:26:23:54:57*F+/-}

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 88: ?>*:\ ...//2009:05:26:23:54:57*F+/-} #439: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 30 May 09 19:49 Post

The city then handed about 1,300 acres of riverfront land over to the Expo.

“They can mandate these things,” said Koon Wee, an architect based in Hong Kong who is working on an Expo project. “Remember the Three Gorges Dam? They knew they had to drown villages. But they did it.”

======NH: Note sense of loss of respect for the grid lockked America Capitalist-consumer party's two wings and our ingrown security breaching the separation of powers. ======NH//

?>*:\ ...//2009:06:08:13:38:75*W:72*F+/-?

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 91: ?>*:\ ...//2009:06:08:13:38:75*W:72*F+/-? #186: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 10 Jun 09 12:23 Post http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_profit#Origin

Office of profit From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article includes a list of references or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations. Please improve this article by introducing more precise citations where appropriate. (April 2009)

An office of profit is a term used in a number of national constitutions to refer to executive appointments. A number of countries forbid members of the legislature from accepting an office of profit under the executive as a means to secure the independence of the legislature and preserve the separation of powers. Contents [hide]

* 1 Origin * 2 Application in Britain * 3 Past Controversy * 4 References

[edit] Origin

The English Act of Settlement 1701 and Act of Union 1707 are an early example of this principle. The Act of Settlement provided that

no person who has an office or place of profit under the King, or receives a pension from the Crown, shall be capable of serving as a member of the House of Commons;

The framers of the US Constitution adopted a similar position. The US Constitution provides that "no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office." Similarly, it provides that individuals holding an office of profit or trust under the United States are forbidden, without the consent of the Congress, from receiving any emoluments from the government of a foreign state, and that a person who holds an office of trust or profit under the United States cannot be an elector in presidential elections.

The term is used in Article 102 (1)(A) of the Indian Constitution which bars a member of the Indian Parliament from holding an office that would give its occupant the opportunity to gain a financial advantage or benefit. The actual amount of profit gained during the violation has no bearing on its classification. The political concept behind the law most likely originated in England, and was adopted into the Indian Constitution to prevent a conflict of interest.

[edit] Application in Britain

In Britain, the principle has been eroded. As a parliamentary system, the executive sits in the legislature, and from the nineteenth century ministries were invariably led by members of the House of Commons. Until 1919, members of parliament who were appointed to ministerial office lost their right to sit in the Commons and had to seek re-election. The rule survives in the House of Commons Disqualification Act which specifies a number of state positions that make an individual ineligible to serve as a member of parliament. The last vestige of the rule can be seen through the process of resignation from the House of Commons. By tradition, resignation from the House of Commons is impossible. An MP who wishes to resign has first to accept an office of profit under the Crown, thus vacating his seat. Members who wish to retire ask to be appointed to the office of steward or bailiff of Her Majesty’s Chiltern Hundreds of Stoke, Desborough and Burnham, or steward of the Manor of Northstead. While these ancient posts have no responsibilities attached to them, they fulfill the requirements of the law and disqualify Members from sitting, enabling their retirement.

[edit] Past Controversy

In 2006, Indian National Congress President and MP, Sonia Gandhi, resigned several posts under pressure from political opposition who asserted that the posts were 'offices of profit' and thus unlawful.

Jaya Bachchan was disqualified from the Rajya Sabha, while she was also chairperson of the Uttar Pradesh Film Development Council, therefore it was deemed an office of profit.

[edit] References

* [1] Book on office of profit * Office of profit and disqualification * Just what is an office of profit? * Shashank Krishna writes on office of profit law in India and Britain * Love to Know website * Rediff News Article March 2006

?>*:\ ...//2009:07:12:03:01:75*W

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 96: ?>*:\ ...//2009:07:12:03:01:75*W #19: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 13 Jul 09 16:43 Post

July 12, 2009, 7:05 PM Caucus Readers Ask Their Questions for Sotomayor By KATE PHILLIPS

Take Two of The Caucus asking for readers’ questions for Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

Reaction? Wow. Or perhaps whoa.

Is it raining in New York or elsewhere? It’s beautiful here in Washington, D.C., but despite whatever the weather outside in your own environs, I am stunned (though not surprised given our incredibly savvy readership) by the sheer number of people spending time in front of their screens positing what they would want to hear from Judge Sonia Sotomayor on the eve of her confirmation hearings.

A quick, unscientific survey suggests that many of you have deep misgivings about the Ricci vs. DeStefano discrimination case, a claim which Judge Sotomayor rejected with two other judges on her appellate panel, but which the Supreme Court overturned in Frank Ricci’s favor most recently.

So here are a few of your questions — by no means representative, and we’ll be back to highlight more later on.

First off, the Ricci Case

Q: Much as Chief Justice John Roberts asked during oral arguments over Ricci… Can you assure us, Judge Sotomayor, that your decision in Ricci for the City of New Haven would have been the same if minority firefighters scored highest on this test in disproportionate numbers, and the City said, “We don’t like that result, we think there should be more whites on the fire department, and so we’re going to throw the test out?” — …. Claudia Zhao Q: Regarding the poor performance of minorities on some job examinations, why do you think this is and what do you think ought to change? Do you think the tests are biased, and if so, how?

Do you believe equal opportunity means equal outcome? … Greystone

Q: If you are asked about your court’s decision in Ricci, as I suspect you will be, I hope you will take the opportunity to explain the requirements of Title VII in cases of demonstrated disparate impact, and the precedents of your court and the Supreme Court under which you were deliberating. — Donald Friedman

A Wise Latina

Several of our readers have honed in on Judge Sotomayor’s play on words in her speeches, referring to other justices’ remarks in previous times about how a wise man or a wise woman would make a decision, or perhaps how they would differ. It all, to Judge Sotomayor, in her speeches, boiled down to what a “wise Latina” would decide — much to the consternation of many.

That’s sure to come up during the hearings — perhaps as early as in the judge’s opening statement, if she tries to pre-empt some senators’ concerns about her remarks. Remember that even members of the Obama administration said in recent interviews that she probably would want to correct her language so as not to be causing such confusion. (Additionally, as a prelude to flaps over those remarks, Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina and a member of the judiciary panel, recently remarked that as an “everyday white guy,” he was a bit disturbed by her take. ) Q: Why don’t you provide an absolutely clear, thoughtful explanation of the fact that all of us have a lens through which we see the world? The white male lens is not a neutral lens, any more than a female Latina lens is. It’s just that, through the years, the while male lens has had more power and influence. I suggest that you could start with using a reference such as Thomas Ross’s “Just Stories: How the Law Embodies Racism and Bias” and Martha Minow’s “Making All the Difference: Inclusion, Exclusion, and American Law.”

Senator Tom Coburn has said that he will be watching your body language during the hearings, since the ABA rating is “biased.” Why don’t you tell him directly that you know that is a trap since he would not approve if your body language is like a weak woman, like a strong women, like a weak man, or like a strong man. What would be his criteria for appropriate body language on your part if he is comparing you to Chief Justice Roberts? — Nance Cunningham

Q: In Sotomayor’s famous “wise Latina woman” speech at a UC Berkeley symposium, she also said that “Judge Cedarbaum nevertheless believes that judges must transcend their personal sympathies and prejudices and aspire to achieve a greater degree of fairness and integrity based on the reason of law. . . . I wonder whether achieving that goal is possible in all or even in most cases. And I wonder whether by ignoring our differences as women or men of color we do a disservice both to the law and society. . . . we may have different perspectives, either as some theorists suggest because of our cultural experiences or as others postulate because we have basic differences in logic and reasoning. . . .” But this appears to be flatly contradictory to the Enlightenment belief in the universality of reason and justice as values transcending, for example, religious differences. And the Constitution is founded on those values. Such progress as we have made in overturning old religious, racial, and sexual biases has been made under it, by judges who believed in the value, and the possibility, of impartiality, however imperfectly they realized it. How can a judge who does not believe in the fundamental philosophical foundation of the Constitution be competent to interpret it? Will Sotomayor carry out her sworn duty to preserve the Constitution, or will she take part in a “revolution within the form” that substitutes something she likes better for our country’s fundamental laws? — William H. Stoddard

Supreme Court Precedent (Stare Decisis)

Q: In your opinion, what is required for the Court or you as a Justice to overturn precedent? Does the concept of “justice” evolve over time and how would you, as a Justice, determine the time time to evolve the concept and set new precedent? — Elizabeth Camp

On Your Mind

Q: Describe a situation in which you have changed your mind about something important. What made you change your mind and what, if anything, did that change of mind lead to? — Susan Engel

Q: Where exactly does THE LAW fit into the cornerstones of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?” Please give us the most telling example of how far you would go as a jurist to protect those values. Thank you, good luck, and by all means remember that as bad as it gets, “it’s not personal … it’s just business.” — James M. La Rossa Jr., Los Angeles, CA.

The High of Commerce Law

Q: Every law student learns that the federal government was conceived as a government of limited, enumerated powers. However, since the 1940s, the Supreme Court’s commerce clause jurisprudence has evinced, with some exceptions, a vastly expanded federal power which reaches mere personal activity not directly connected with interstate commerce.

In Wickard v Filburn, 317 US 111 (1942), a farmer planted two extra acres of wheat for his own use, not to sell, and the Court said, the federal government may ban this.

In Gonzales v. Raich, 545 US 1 (2005), the Court reached a like conclusion with respect to a half-dozen cannabis plants grown for medical purposes. Justice Thomas’s dissent observed that if the Federal commerce power could reach this activity, “then Congress’ Article I powers — as expanded by the Necessary and Proper Clause — have no meaningful limits.”

My question is, do you think Wickard v. Filburn and Gonzales v. Raich were rightly decided, and in light of your answer to this question, do you think Congress’s Article I powers are subject to any meaningful limits? — L. Max Taylor

The Death Penalty

Q: In recent years, as many as a third of the Supreme Court’s opinions have been decided by a vote of five-to-four. Many of them are the most fundamental and important decisions about our constitutional rights. Do you think there’s any problem with that? Does a 9-0 opinion have more precedential value than a 5-4 decision? All else being equal, is it better for the Supreme Court to issue a narrow, fact-bound unanimous opinion or a 5-4 decision that offers clear guidance to the lower courts?

2. In the hearings for Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito, Senators asked the nominees about their willingness to provide a fifth vote for a stay of execution when there are only four votes to grant cert in the case. It takes the votes of four Justices to hear a case, but to grant a stay of execution, five votes are needed. The problem is obvious: four Justices may be interested in hearing the case, but unless they can get someone else to vote for a stay, an execution can be carried out before they can hear the case. Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito agreed that it made sense to provide a courtesy fifth vote to grant a stay when four Justices want to grant cert in a death penalty appeal.

But Jose Ernesto Medellin was put to death on August 5, 2008 after the Supreme Court denied his stay application by a vote of 5-to-4. Four Justices, while not necessarily prepared to grant cert at the time, wanted more time to hear the views of the Solicitor General before deciding whether to grant cert. Of course, Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito never promised to do anything in situations like that one. But what do you think, Judge Sotomayor? Does it make sense to give a courtesy fifth vote when four Justices seek more time to determine whether to grant cert in an emergency death penalty appeal?

3. Keith Bowles was found guilty of murder in Ohio, and he wanted to appeal. The district court judge told him he had until February 27, 2004, to submit his papers, and his lawyer dutifully turned them in on February 26th, thinking they were one day early. But the judge had made a mistake. The statute said that the deadline should have been February 24th. His papers were two days late, and he may spend the rest of his life in prison as a result. A 5-Justice majority of the Supreme Court took a strict reading of the law and offered no leniency, despite the error of the district court judge. In dissent, the Justice you’ve been nominated to replace wrote that “[i]t is intolerable for the judicial system to treat people this way.” Do you agree? If the law is clear and offers no exception, must it be followed, even if the result is something as unfortunate as the Bowles case? — Adam Chandler

Foreign Influence

How do you feel about citing foreign precedent for American decisions? — Elena A. E-mail This Print Share Recommend The Caucus, confirmation hearings, sonia sotomayor Related Posts

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1 2 Next » 1. July 12, 2009 8:48 pm Link Justice Scalia makes much of the original intent of the Constitution as binding future generations. The Founding Fathers allowed states to ban entire populations from possessing firearms, including slaves and Native Americans. Do you favor judicial activism to amend the Constitution to create an individual right to possess firearms?

— Garak 2. July 12, 2009 9:14 pm Link One question,

Will she find Bush and his gang of crooks and war criminals guility ?

— RichardinVietnam 3. July 12, 2009 9:14 pm Link Much the same as Obama arrived as a spokesperson for the Democratic party at an opportune time, Sotomayor comes to the judiciary as a vogue candidate. There’s nothing new or particularly innovative about her but that she claims to be a “wise” Latina. Let her grapple with the issues then. And let her demonstrate her wisdom, but above all else–let her serve the interests of the American people. This is something that Obama himself has yet to demonstrate, even as the left-wing democrats continue to compare him to Lincoln and Roosevelt.

Roe v. Wade will be safe with her. The romantic illusion of a “wise” Latina wll endure with her.

— cnwarr00 4. July 12, 2009 9:15 pm Link Do you think that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment and is therefore unconstitutional? If not, for what crimes do you think that such a punishment is constitutional?

— Robert Emmett Zimmer 5. July 12, 2009 9:42 pm Link Garak’s post, #1 above, shows a total ignorance of the Bill of Rights and the recent Heller case. The Founding Fathers didn’t “allow” states to violate the Second Amendment’s guaranty of the right to keep and bear arms; the Bill of Rights didn’t apply to the states at all. At the time of the Founders, the Bill of Rights contstrained only the federal government. It was not “incorporated” — applied to the states — until the 14th Amendment, after the Civil War, when the Founding Fathers were long dead. Check out Wikipedia or any source on “incorporation” and the Bill of Rights.

Thus, the actions of the Founding Fathers have no bearing on the question of whether the recent court was “judicially activist” when it recognized 2d Amendment rights.

In addition, the Heller case, which recognized the individual right to keep and bear arms, ALSO did not apply to the states. It applied to DC, which is a federal enclave. There is a debate about whether its reason will be extended, through the 14th Amendment, to the states. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals just ruled that the Supreme Court must make that decision, and that the lower courts should not.

— RowerinVA 6. July 12, 2009 9:53 pm Link 1. Does she believe, as the Constitution says, that only Congress has the power to declare wars? 2. Does she believe, as the Constitution says, that the House of Representatives has the power to decide disputed presidential elections? 3. Does she believe that the President, as Sen. San Ervin used to say, must “take care that the laws be faithfully executed,” and that the President may not issue “signing statements” stating which laws he will obey and which he will not? 4. Does she believe that the United States should follow the precedents of the Nuremberg Trials and prosecute those who commit war crimes?

— Tom Hoobler 7. July 12, 2009 9:58 pm Link In the Ricci case, if the plaintiffs had their test results certified by the city of New Haven and were granted the promotions that they sought, then those promotions were rescinded due to Title VII considerations, would that then be considered a violation of plaintiffs’ constitutional rights?

— Robert Emmett Zimmer 8. July 12, 2009 10:02 pm Link Sorry, I meant to write Sam Ervin, a senator whose shoes Harry Reid is not worthy of shining.

— Tom Hoobler 9. July 12, 2009 10:30 pm Link The US Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the US Supreme Court are a unique and vital part of a sovereign nation. US laws, courts, and the will of the free American people are the reason for the success of the USA. Why would there ever be, or should there ever be, a reason for a US Supreme Court judge to quote an international law or a law of another country in rendering a decision? Clearly, the Constitution authorizes the Supreme Court. So then if the Supreme court renders a decision based on anything outside the Constitution, it is clearly operating outside of the document (the law) that authorized its existance.

— merser 10. July 12, 2009 10:49 pm Link I am most concerned about Judge Sotomayor’s views on Executive power. Does she believe the President can preemptively detain someone indefinitely without probable cause? Does the President of the United States have the power to secretly disobey our laws with impunity?

— Marjorie 11. July 12, 2009 10:51 pm Link No need for the obvious answer. Can you imagine your failure to win confiirmation while a totally incompetent Clarence Thomas ( Scalia’s lap dog) sits as an active member for years without offering an original thought ?

— Sue, CT 12. July 12, 2009 11:38 pm Link The power to tax and spend lies wholly in the Congress. In addition, the doctrine of separation of powers, Congress may not delegate to the Executive its sole discretion to decide how the taxpayers’ money is to be spent. Nonetheless, the Troubled Assets Relief Program (”TARP”) legislation provided only vague outlines as to how Treasury should spend that money. Even those gossamer guideposts have evaporated and TARP money has been used for auto company bailouts, mortgage bailouts, or whatever the bailout du jour might be. Is the TARP program unconstitutional?

— Russ 13. July 13, 2009 12:08 am Link What is the purpose of the Supreme Court?

— frenchyjoe 14. July 13, 2009 12:37 am Link Oh yes Thomas. One of the strangest noma nomination every to be put up for conformation. A man that made his way to were he is today by the one thing that he has consistently voted agenst. If there every was a person that got to were he is today by affirmative action. It was Clarence Thomas. Before he got to the court, he did as little work as he could. He would make he aides do most of the work. As Anita Hill said he would love to tell dirty jokes. This is very sad given the great responsibility he has. Russ

— Russ 15. July 13, 2009 12:57 am Link My question would be that if a woman is going to trial her lawyer would want a woman on the jury, if a black man is going on trial his lawyer would want a black man on the jury and so on - why would we not want a wise latina among the supreme court justices to better reflect America?

— coast to coast 16. July 13, 2009 1:30 am Link Q: Why do you think it’s okay to murder babies? How can you believe that and have the gall to call yourself a Catholic? Are you relying entirely on a purposefully faulty understanding of Vatican II? Or is being Catholic a name-only thing for you?

— nicedream1 17. July 13, 2009 8:32 am Link The real question in the Ricci case is how you can use “race” as a factor at all in deciding a case when every modern scientist today believes that biologically there is no such thing as “race”? Race is a sociological, not a biological, concept, thus simply a result of humans’ drive to categorize. And ethnicity is an equally murky concept, certainly not one upon which to base laws. “Hispanic” is not a “race”, but simply a description of what language (some of) ones ancestors, or parents, spoke.

Given President Obama’s Inaugural address where he spoke of integrating law and science, and his later speech on the same subject, how can you ever use the false concept of “race”, or the equally meaningless, and scientifically ungrounded, concept of ethnicity (especially in a nation of so many combinations, like Obama), to decide a legal case?

— Frederic C. Schultz, Esq. 18. July 13, 2009 9:17 am Link When did the judicial branch become the one to make laws, especially those which our elected representatives in the Congress, can’t seem to pass on their own?

— LarryG 19. July 13, 2009 9:32 am Link The right wing of the Court (Scalia, Thomas, Roberts and Alito) appear to have a united rigid ideological approach to virtually every case that comes before them, and rarely dissent from each other or to be in the least open to arguments from any other justice. Every one of them seem to treat opposing arguments as something to be countered rather than as something that might persuade them to take a different position. How would Judge Sotomayor fit into that dynamic?

— calyban 20. July 13, 2009 9:50 am Link regarding Mr. Ricci: he was hired by the New Haven Fire Department in 1997 after he (successfully) sued them for discrimination related to his dyslexia. How very, very odd that he is now the poster boy for the “unfairness” of discrimination laws!

— Mary 21. July 13, 2009 10:00 am Link Many “wise Latina’s” in my neighborhood do nothing to discourage teen pregnancy and the generational cycle of poverty that often results. The stereotypes are all too often the reality - the good Judge should open her eyes and choose her words more carefully in the future. She is most fortunate to have had the care and love of a wonderful woman - her mother, and owes every success to the person who refused to be influenced by the cultural failings that existed then and persist today.

— Pointerelle 22. July 13, 2009 10:35 am Link How do you reconcile the supreme court’s contrasting decisions regarding the first amendment in _Garcetti_ and in _Citizens United_?

— Dave Kliman 23. July 13, 2009 10:44 am Link “…I am stunned (though not surprised given our incredibly savvy readership) by the sheer number of people spending time in front of their screens positing what they would want to hear from Judge Sonia Sotomayor on the eve of her confirmation hearings.”

Is anyone stunned by the number of people who think this exercise means anything? Does everyone realize that it’s all going to get trashed as soon as the hearings end? Are we all aware that the Times will not be raising its hand during the hearing, saying “Our readers have some questions?”

The common denominator seems to be that each questioner has one, and only one, answer in mind, just like many of the senators. It sounds like background noise in a bar.

— arty 24. July 13, 2009 10:46 am Link If you liked to go on hunting trips with New Haven firefighters would you recuse yourself?

— Johnny E 25. July 13, 2009 11:05 am Link Do you think the court’s composition should reflect society’s composition in terms of ethnicity etc.? If so, even in a general kind of way, how do you feel six Catholics and only one Protestant reflect American society’s composition?

— Rod Kilby

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Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 101: ?>*:\ ...//2009:01:06:04:15:75*W #680: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 15 Oct 09 21:56 Post

Critics Blame Obama's Approach on Judiciary Only three of the president's 23 nominations for federal judgeships have been confirmed, a sign of the White House's reluctance, liberal activists say. Michael Fletcher ======NH: xref: 2, 3.

Who pointed out earlier the private group awarding the nobel is selected first by the parliament of Sweden. Also who else, published the fact the King of Sweden puts a medal around the neck of the winner.

When you have a chance to teach the lesson re: Three branches of government, separation of powers, checks and balances, chain of command, and where the sovereign authority in the US resides. Do you seize the opportunity and insist the US Congress approve acceptance of the prize or emolument before you accept? Or do you behave as if you were a private citizen in a chain of command unto yourself?

Barack, you know better, and you are a good enough person you can correct this mistake and MAKE it be the LESSON it is, and carry on, stronger than before. You are not a Richard Nixon, or gang of 2000 - 2008 member who needs to stone wall and go into de Nile to be 'man' enough to hold the office. You are "the reasonable one" given the possibilities to teach, you are the kind of person who would say, "Life moves fast in the oval office. There were a number of considerations about the Nobel. The fact that a vocal minority has spoken up shows our great nation is not asleep at the wheel, and rather than stonewall, or split hairs, or make jokes, I'm taking this opportunity to role model separation of powers, checks and balances, constitutional goverment, chain of command, and the fact the sovereign in the US is not a KING, nor [exterior sound[ the president, but "We the people," of whom I am only one, though (and here your sense of humor comes in) one whose vote carries enough weight to need 61 votes from the US Senate to override my veto. volley2.ind 101: ?>*:\ ...//2009:01:06:04:15:75*W #681: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 15 Oct 09 22:00 Post

Your Comments On... An Unconstitutional Nobel Why the president needs Congress to decide what to do with the prize money. - By Ronald D. Rotunda and J. Peter Pham

Comments randomsample wrote: Critics Blame Obama's Approach on Judiciary Only three of the president's 23 nominations for federal judgeships have been confirmed, a sign of the White House's reluctance, liberal activists say. Michael Fletcher

======NH: xref: 2, 3.

Who pointed out earlier the private group awarding the nobel is selected first by the parliament of Sweden. Also who else, published the fact the King of Sweden puts a medal around the neck of the winner.

When you have a chance to teach the lesson re: Three branches of government, separation of powers, checks and balances, chain of command, and where the sovereign authority in the US resides. Do you seize the opportunity and insist the US Congress approve acceptance of the prize or emolument before you accept? Or do you behave as if you were a private citizen in a chain of command unto yourself?

Barack, you know better, and you are a good enough person you can correct this mistake and MAKE it be the LESSON it is, and carry on, stronger than before. You are not a Richard Nixon, or gang of 2000 - 2008 member who needs to stone wall and go into de Nile to be 'man' enough to hold the office. You are "the reasonable one" given the possibilities to teach, you are the kind of person who would say, "Life moves fast in the oval office. There were a number of considerations about the Nobel. The fact that a vocal minority has spoken up shows our great nation is not asleep at the wheel, and rather than stonewall, or split hairs, or make jokes, I'm taking this opportunity to role model separation of powers, checks and balances, constitutional goverment, chain of command, and the fact the sovereign in the US is not a KING, nor [exterior sound[ the president, but "We the people," of whom I am only one, though (and here your sense of humor comes in) one whose vote carries enough weight to need 61 votes from the US Senate to override my veto. 10/16/2009 12:56:26 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tesuji wrote: "As for the Abdul Aziz Order, Congress should withhold approval and return the chain -- until the Saudis show their support for international peace by recognizing the right of Israel to live in peace within secure borders."

So it's inappropriate for Saudis to award U.S. politicians. Understandable. But then why is it okay for U.S. politicians to serve as lackeys to do Israel's bidding? 10/16/2009 12:54:50 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy risejugger wrote: "And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State." ------The prize comes from the estate of a former private citizen of Norway. The Nobel committee merely decided who receives it. The Nobel prize is not awarded by a King, Prince, or foreign state; nor does it bestow any office or title.

The fact that the Health Insurance Industry is lavishing billions on members of congress charged with reforming their extortion of the American people is far more of a threat than the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to the president of the United States. 10/16/2009 12:46:20 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy rlcampbell wrote: huntyrella wrote

Congratulations for the authors for this Iron clad case for Constitutional Emoluments clause in the exercise of Presidency.... People supporting Obama's right to receive the prize should not wish to circumvent the laws of their own Country. Obama ought to get congressional approval...in a Congress heavily dominated by the Democrats that should not be a problem...


Are you serious? With the level of corruption in Congress the members this particular segment of the Constitution would be committed to collective memory.

Unless you seriously believe that no member of Congress ever received a gift from someone trying to influence them. 10/16/2009 12:45:40 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy fabricmaven1 wrote: I think Obama should take the money and create a college fund for his daughters. Even before he was elected he renewed Americas's ability to reach out to others that our past Administration marginalized. He deserves the prize, please quit the quacking. 10/16/2009 12:44:48 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy snesich wrote: Last I checked, the people who award the Nobel Peace Prize don't fall into the categories of "King, Price or foreign State".

Presumably, Rotunda and Pham know this. But maybe they couldn't resist developing something new to use against President Obama.

When you're driven by ideology, as these two apparently are, you'll come up with all sorts of silly and specious "arguments" if it serves your partisan agenda. 10/16/2009 12:43:10 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy birs1987 wrote: Obama's Bubble Is Bursting To Smithereens President Obama likes to shoot basketball and take naps in the Oval Office.

What does he know about the constitutional law? Probably, not much, he taught this subject in Chicago.

What about the hordes of basement advisors? Do they know anything about constitutional law?

It is obvious to everyone, except the White House, that President Obama is ridiculed all over the world for accepting the Nobel Prize although it is not known who nominated him, when and for what.

Did President Obama agree to be nominated before or after his inauguration?

Who of his advisors organized this outrageously ridiculous spectacle.

Not these five drunken, imbecile Northern men? 10/16/2009 12:42:38 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Single_Payer wrote: ROFL. The right wingers have completely lost their minds.

If Obama stays in office for 7 more years they'll probably all die of strokes and heart attacks. You'd better be careful because the new health insurance law would raise your premiums your self-inuced anger raises your blood pressure. 10/16/2009 12:38:25 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Oberfrobe wrote: The rule in the military is that when a prize is given you don't accept it for you, but you accept it on behalf of your unit. Also, when you transfer/retire, it stays with the unit rather than going with you. I would guess the same thing applies to the Saudi thing, which means he accepted it on behalf of the white house. As long as it stays there (did Bush's?) he's in the clear.

The Nobel is even easier. Private organization, in no way a government. He can accept it, congress doesn't need to approve it. 10/16/2009 12:36:12 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy thebuckguy wrote: I guess anybody can get an op-ed accepted at WaPo--an incompetent academic and some wingnut welfare case. Lots of great scholarship there, not. No one had a problem when Schwartzkopf was knighted or when Bush held hands with Saudi royalty. Rotunda & Pham obviously take a very selective view of history. If Bush had gotten a Nobel, these are the same people who would have wanted us to worship him as a demi-god. In fact, up until about 2007, that's what they wanted anyway. 10/16/2009 12:31:02 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy sembtex wrote: A Cato hack (and Ken Starr advisor) and a Foundation for Defense of Democracies hack attacking a liberal president.

Great show, Washington Post. How original. And how intellectually honest of you. 10/16/2009 12:29:54 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy dutchess2 wrote: AuthoritativeAuthoritarian

You are making a wise choice.

Folks that can't wand the heat need to get out of the kitchen. If what President Obama was hired to do was easy, it wouldn't have needed done.

Everyone has to decide if they are part of the problem or part of the solution.

You have decided.

Move along. 10/16/2009 12:19:17 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy rkerg wrote: And...this Saudi Arabian high poohbah prize that was awarded to Obama and Bush... so you wrote an article back then advising Bush to give it back? No huh? S T F U hack boys. 10/16/2009 12:18:18 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ablankinship wrote: Of all the ridiculous attempts by the political right to dis- empower this president. As if they haven't gone far enough with the birther stuff.

I would much like to see a quid pro quo. Let Ronald Reagan be posthumously stripped of his title of knighthood granted by the Queen of England.

10/16/2009 12:14:12 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy dutchess2 wrote: Of course its not unprecedented... rules is rules...

...... yeahbit... this guy is black, and surely to God we can finangle something different enough to carp about his recognition. can't we? 10/16/2009 12:12:12 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy jstrolle wrote: This reminds me of the story about national character--you fill in the blanks--but the punch line is always and "we don't want anything for ourselves; byt we'd like to see our neighbor's horse die. Pure puerile envy! 10/16/2009 12:09:22 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy rkerg wrote: Fox News murdered Sparkman 10/16/2009 12:07:15 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy coloradodog wrote: Haitt stoops to a new low of Huckabee bias printing this Rovian propaganda for Kenneth Starr's assistant and a Senior Fellowe of Defense of Democracy, denizens of Kristol and Krauthammer. 10/16/2009 12:04:30 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy RMGopall wrote: "This is at least the second time that Obama has run afoul of the emolument clause. On June 3, 2009, the day before he gave his speech in Cairo on relations with the Muslim world, he accepted (and even donned) the bejeweled Collar of the King Abdul Aziz Order of Merit, Saudi Arabia's highest honor, from the hands of King Abdullah. (President Bush was awarded the Order in January last year.)"

"at least"? 3? 30? What do you have in mind? Why not spill it?

A monarch, a staunch ally to boot, gives you a gift. Turn around and walk away?

A no-nonsense international organization whose work is held universally in high regard -- except by the deranged on the fringes -- bestows its greatest honor on you and what do you say? Sorry, give it to my predecessor who worked tirelessly to bring the peace of the graveyard to as many in this world as he could? 10/15/2009 11:57:53 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy whatsmyid wrote: Pursuing fine legal distinctions, working so hard to argue that only *this* time it is wrong... It really boils down to "we've got to find a way to discredit this prize". I think it's just meanness with a sophisticated disguise. OK, if foreign influence is the problem, I'm sure there is much more foreign influence out there that these authors should be concerned about. Go after all the lobbyists and travels abroad! 10/15/2009 11:55:29 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy volley2.ind 101: ?>*:\ ...//2009:01:06:04:15:75*W #683: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 15 Oct 09 22:05 Post

Your Comments On... An Unconstitutional Nobel Why the president needs Congress to decide what to do with the prize money. - By Ronald D. Rotunda and J. Peter Pham

Comments randomsample wrote: And after running the Nobel through the publicity wringer to emerge stronger than before. To be fair, do it again with the Collar of Abdul Aziz, thereby elevating it to equal stature with the No el, er, Nobel. 10/16/2009 1:02:02 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy fenoy wrote: "An Unconstitutional Nobel"

That seems to fit right in with all the unconstitutional things that Obama the Socialist is trying to do to America. 10/16/2009 1:01:22 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy wthu wrote: I think that getting rid of the Bush people, and keeping the Palin people out of Washington is more than deserving of this award. 10/16/2009 12:59:25 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy barbee2 wrote: Obama is not the first President to receive the award while in office, Republican Theodore Roosevelt and so did Woodrow Wilson, Roosevelt delayed accepting his award until after he left office, Wilson was awarded his prize in 1920...although he was not present,"Albert G. Schmedeman, United States minister in Oslo, accepted the prize in his behalf." --http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1919/ wilson- acceptance.html

I agree with snesich, I don't see how the Nobel could fit the definition ""King, Price or foreign State" from the Constitution.

The following is from the Nobel site

The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/ 10/16/2009 12:59:16 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy bettenoir wrote: BS. 10/16/2009 12:57:34 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: Critics Blame Obama's Approach on Judiciary Only three of the president's 23 nominations for federal judgeships have been confirmed, a sign of the White House's reluctance, liberal activists say. Michael Fletcher

======NH: xref: 2, 3.

Who pointed out earlier the private group awarding the nobel is selected first by the parliament of Sweden. Also who else, published the fact the King of Sweden puts a medal around the neck of the winner.

When you have a chance to teach the lesson re: Three branches of government, separation of powers, checks and balances, chain of command, and where the sovereign authority in the US resides. Do you seize the opportunity and insist the US Congress approve acceptance of the prize or emolument before you accept? Or do you behave as if you were a private citizen in a chain of command unto yourself?

Barack, you know better, and you are a good enough person you can correct this mistake and MAKE it be the LESSON it is, and carry on, stronger than before. You are not a Richard Nixon, or gang of 2000 - 2008 member who needs to stone wall and go into de Nile to be 'man' enough to hold the office. You are "the reasonable one" given the possibilities to teach, you are the kind of person who would say, "Life moves fast in the oval office. There were a number of considerations about the Nobel. The fact that a vocal minority has spoken up shows our great nation is not asleep at the wheel, and rather than stonewall, or split hairs, or make jokes, I'm taking this opportunity to role model separation of powers, checks and balances, constitutional goverment, chain of command, and the fact the sovereign in the US is not a KING, nor [exterior sound[ the president, but "We the people," of whom I am only one, though (and here your sense of humor comes in) one whose vote carries enough weight to need 61 votes from the US Senate to override my veto. 10/16/2009 12:56:26 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tesuji wrote: "As for the Abdul Aziz Order, Congress should withhold approval and return the chain -- until the Saudis show their support for international peace by recognizing the right of Israel to live in peace within secure borders."

So it's inappropriate for Saudis to award U.S. politicians. Understandable. But then why is it okay for U.S. politicians to serve as lackeys to do Israel's bidding? 10/16/2009 12:54:50 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy risejugger wrote: "And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State." ------The prize comes from the estate of a former private citizen of Norway. The Nobel committee merely decided who receives it. The Nobel prize is not awarded by a King, Prince, or foreign state; nor does it bestow any office or title.

The fact that the Health Insurance Industry is lavishing billions on members of congress charged with reforming their extortion of the American people is far more of a threat than the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to the president of the United States. 10/16/2009 12:46:20 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy rlcampbell wrote: huntyrella wrote

Congratulations for the authors for this Iron clad case for Constitutional Emoluments clause in the exercise of Presidency.... People supporting Obama's right to receive the prize should not wish to circumvent the laws of their own Country. Obama ought to get congressional approval...in a Congress heavily dominated by the Democrats that should not be a problem...

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX volley2.ind 101: ?>*:\ ...//2009:01:06:04:15:75*W #727: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 16 Oct 09 20:51 Post

Does your radio interview voice print still match your CIA director voice print, GHWB? xref: 44 Phily's jersey showing up after posting this earlier; xref: the need to take advantage of Article I, Section 9 clause 8; re: emoluments, Barack to teach the chain of command lesson(s) of the US Constitution, separation of powers, and checks and balances, and who the sovereign really is in the US [exterior sound] Then "We the People" can begin to prepare for the national service that will be the only real asset we have left to pay off our national debt via balance of trade eco-tourism and education with our Oz economy, etc. volley2.ind 101: ?>*:\ ...//2009:01:06:04:15:75*W #728: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 16 Oct 09 20:59 Post

Your Comments On... Record-High Deficit May Dash Big Plans The federal budget deficit soared to a record $1.4 trillion in the fiscal year that ended in September, a chasm of red ink unequaled in the postwar era that threatens to complicate the most ambitious goals of the Obama administration, including plans for fresh spending to create jobs and spur eco... - By Lori Montgomery and Neil Irwin

Comments randomsample wrote: Does your radio interview voice print still match your CIA director voice print, GHWB? xref: 44 Phily's jersey showing up after posting this earlier; xref: the need to take advantage of Article I, Section 9 clause 8; re: emoluments, Barack to teach the chain of command lesson(s) of the US Constitution, separation of powers, and checks and balances, and who the sovereign really is in the US [exterior sound] Then "We the People" can begin to prepare for the national service that will be the only real asset we have left to pay off our national debt via balance of trade eco-tourism and education with our Oz economy, etc. 10/16/2009 11:51:35 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy beeker25 wrote: jmk55 wrote: That is exactly why Reagan is considered one of our best presidents. Reagan tackled the crisis in a few months and turned it around ------

In the end Reagan pushed the deficit from 700B to 3.0T due to tax cuts in individual and corporate. This caused our status going from creditor to debtor nation He also said that the debt was his greatest disappointment of his presidency. I think you need to get your head out of the sand here because you are wrong and the proof is in our status as a debtor nation. As for Obama printing money, it was Bush and the GOP that created the mess as shown in my earlier post.... 10/16/2009 11:50:20 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy douglaslbarber wrote: jmk55 wrote: That is exactly why Reagan is considered one of our best presidents. Reagan tackled the crisis in a few months and turned it around, Obamba is borrowing, printing and wasting money putting us deeper and deeper in feces. Haven't got a clue as to what's really going on, have you? jmk55, does the name "David Stockman" ring a bell? Ronald Reagan's first budget director? He eventually went public saying that the Gipper's plan was going to bankrupt the treasury, and further, that it was designed to pre-empt future Democratic spending. I believe Stockman's tell-all was published in the Atlantic. 10/16/2009 11:48:17 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy GordonShumway wrote: The past 20 years of empty suits in the oval office has given us a deficit in a whole lot more ways than just the budget. We've lost our sense of pride, our objectivity of what is important (our freedom) and most importantly our sense of value (as our leadership and sacrifice for the free world)! The latest empty suit just added a little more lying. 10/16/2009 11:45:43 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy meinsenkaye007 wrote: Only the Post could put a positive spin on such a dismal report. I can't wait until GE has to sell NBC, then their spin will lose it's financial incentive. Our economy is being pushed down the toilet, but at least will get free aspirin. 10/16/2009 11:44:04 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy beeker25 wrote: What I am seeing here is a bashing of Obama when it was Bush )and the GOP Congress work in lockstep) who decided to cut taxes twice while fighting two wars (one that we should kept behind the ball- Afghanistan) and increased the size of the budget with his expensive prescription benefit and other things which we are paying for now. As I recalled that when Bush proposed his tax cuts, 450 economists and his own Economic Advisement Council have wrote to him urging him not do so because it would worsen the budget outlook and reduce the capacity of the government to act. He decided to do it anyway based on the Laffer Curve that the tax cuts actually pays for itself through extra revenue from additional growth to offset the lower taxation rates. In reality the tax revenue in terms of dollar did not regain its peak FY2000 peak until 2006. The Tax Policy Center reported that the various tax cuts under Bush were extraordinarily expensive. Significant of the economic growth was attributed to home equity extraction- borrowing against the equity of the home. As you can see here, according to the CBO report, Obama inherited 85%(1.2T)of the 1.4T deficit from Bush: 459B - deficit from FY09 429B- loss of revenue from individual/corporate taxes 245B - TARP passed under Bush 200B ARRA passed under Obama If the Conservatives had it their way of cutting spending, it would have made things worse causing the unemployment rate to exceed 20%.

While it is true that there are waste within the federal programs but the problem to solve it is nothing more than lip service from both parties in Congress who seeks to preserve the programs that are seriously in need for reform. We won't get that if special interest groups have it their way.

The argument of the socialist is nothing more than rants and propaganda and anyone who listen to this needs to have a dose of reality and FOX News isn't going to do for you. 10/16/2009 11:41:17 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Charles15 wrote: @FruadObama- come off it!! The GFC was NOT caused any any 'socialist' policies. It was caused by a corrupted- repeat-corrupted- capitalism,so get off your bandwagon and face the facts. 1. Even the once GOP hero-Greenspan now admits the model was flawed. 2. Just about every economist agrees the stimulus was an inevitable evil. 3.The current deficit as a % of GDP is half of what it was after world war two. 4, the US got over that debt OK, In fact the following 20 years were the best in REAL productive growth ( as distinct from the delusional market driven growth of the past ten years) in hitory. 5. The US will only get out of its mess if everyone does their bit. Unless those like the Wall Street gurus who think they are somehow worth 500-600 times more than the average wage or anyone doing it way above nicely is intelligent enough (and patriotic) enough to say 'enough" it does not matter one iota what any President does. Unless that President has the power to say 'enough' to the parasites. That will never happen because it seems too many Americans would like to be in a position where they DO get 500-600 times more than their neighbours. Cast your mind the the Roman Empire; their greed sowed the seeds of their own destruction. Your lot would not understand that. 10/16/2009 11:40:44 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy jmk55 wrote: blarsen1 wrote: The Bush tax cuts ALONE cost us $1.4 trillion dollars. Remember Reagan's spending that everyone said our grandchildren would be paying for and Bill Clinton zeroed it out? Republicans let everything get out of control and the democrats have to rein it back in. This time it will take a little longer than normal but we'll get there by the middle of Obama's second term, because there isn't a republican who could deal with the mess we're in. Trickle down economics doesn't work. Reagan proved that ------That is exactly why Reagan is considered one of our best presidents. Reagan tackled the crisis in a few months and turned it around, Obamba is borrowing, printing and wasting money putting us deeper and deeper in feces. Haven't got a clue as to what's really going on, have you? 10/16/2009 11:37:39 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Straightline wrote: treetopflyer wrote: Straightline wrote: treetopflyer wrote: Have you forgotten the immortal words of your beloved leader's mentor (Dick Cheney) - "deficits don't matter"? Are you just waking up to this now because it's a Democrat creating them, and spending the money on Americans instead of on blowing up a country that never attacked us? Where were you fiscal patriots the previous 8 years? Your silence then invalidates your howling now.


Sill working th bush angle? ------It's called memory, something Reptards (that sounds a lot more natural, doesn't it?) conveniently discard whenever they screw up - that is to say, constantly. Be Santayana's doomed amnesiac if you wish, those of us with brains will choose to learn from history.


Whats that word that is supposed to be so annoying? Oh yeah..Whatever...

Can't wait until 2010...and I will bring lots of salt for those wounds.. 10/16/2009 11:37:30 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy treetopflyer wrote: Straightline wrote: treetopflyer wrote: Have you forgotten the immortal words of your beloved leader's mentor (Dick Cheney) - "deficits don't matter"? Are you just waking up to this now because it's a Democrat creating them, and spending the money on Americans instead of on blowing up a country that never attacked us? Where were you fiscal patriots the previous 8 years? Your silence then invalidates your howling now.


Sill working th bush angle? ------It's called memory, something Reptards (that sounds a lot more natural, doesn't it?) conveniently discard whenever they screw up - that is to say, constantly. Be Santayana's doomed amnesiac if you wish, those of us with brains will choose to learn from history. 10/16/2009 11:34:30 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy douglaslbarber wrote: Let me make sure I understand this.

Huge deficits left by a Republican president and congress, which led to an economic catastrophe that got them turned out of office, mean that a Democratic president's hands are tied when it comes to spending.

If this is true, it's something Republicans could have foreseen and deliberately brought about - and to some extent, I think that's what Bush's deficits, like Reagan's, were about.

On the other hand, all the Democratic party needs to do is sell Keynes to get over this hump.

Fire Summers, hire Krugman. We've reached the point where we realize that no Republicans (other than the utterly delightful Senator from Maine) are going to support President Obama. Summers' reason for being in office is to suck in Republican Wall Street types.

Get Krugman in the administration, and start selling Keynes. 10/16/2009 11:33:52 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy chatard wrote: Let's see if we have this straight, Lori and Neil, or Rahm, or whoever is peeing and moaning about not having any money. The O administration spent $787 billion on THE STIMULUS, putting the deficit at $1.4 trillion, and now it doesn't have any money for THE STIMULUS? Okay, so it had money for THE STIMULUS but now it doesn't have money for THE STIMULUS. Where did the $787 billion for THE STIMULUS go? I guess all of us making less than $250k should maybe up our 'contributions' so the O will have money for THE STIMULUS, huh? And the deficit was LOWER THAN EXPECTED? What was it that was expected? $2 trillion? The O is claiming that because he spent(or will spend)$787 billion, $600 billion was saved? 10/16/2009 11:31:33 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy JohnGalt9 wrote: And we have not seen anything yet. Unemployment will grow well into mid 2010, and deficits will grow with no end in sight, as long as the Democrats and Obama-economics are in power. Is just the nature of the beast. But the real danger is still a third consequence of the wrong Keynesian economic policies, the probability that the economy will fall into "stagflation" - rising prices with stagnant growth. Stagflation has a better than average probability of hitting the US economy simply because run away expending will force higher taxes, and higher taxes will bring lower investment, fleeing capital, devaluation of the dollar, and lower (much lower) economic growth. To finance the deficits interest rates must go higher, and inflation will start to growth. And this cycle will repeat and re-enforce itself like a snow ball. And God save America! Or let the American voters save America by exercising better judgment and less emotional “hope” when they go to the voting booth. 10/16/2009 11:31:12 PM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy carlbatey wrote: IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPIDLY!!! Where does this evil infant find time to work?? 10/16/2009 11:26:23 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy WildBill1 wrote: No worries! Prez O said he'd only raise taxes on the rich. Since he never lies, he'll just redefine "rich" to mean anyone with a job. Get ready to have your taxes raised through the roof!!!

Change we can't afford!!! 10/16/2009 11:26:15 PM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Straightline wrote: treetopflyer wrote: Have you forgotten the immortal words of your beloved leader's mentor (Dick Cheney) - "deficits don't matter"? Are you just waking up to this now because it's a Democrat creating them, and spending the money on Americans instead of on blowing up a country that never attacked us? Where were you fiscal patriots the previous 8 years? Your silence then invalidates your howling now.


Sill working th bush angle? that is sooo passe. Obama makes Bush look like a penny pinching Boy Scout. 10/16/2009 11:26:09 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy t1123 wrote: Since when did Republicans start giving a damn about spending and deficits. Just to mention a few -- Reduced taxes on the wealthiest people in the country & corporations; Iraq (not to mention the lives) & $700 billion to the banks. Now they're crying? 10/16/2009 11:23:33 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy treetopflyer wrote: Have you forgotten the immortal words of your beloved leader's mentor (Dick Cheney) - "deficits don't matter"? Are you just waking up to this now because it's a Democrat creating them, and spending the money on Americans instead of on blowing up a country that never attacked us? Where were you fiscal patriots the previous 8 years? Your silence then invalidates your howling now. 10/16/2009 11:20:44 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy pgr88 wrote: ACORN Barry - working overtime to destroy America! 10/16/2009 11:18:18 PM Recommend (5) Report Abuse Discussion Policy FraudObama wrote: 2010 & 12 cannot come soon enough! This Radical Administration and Irresponsible Lib Dem Socialist led Congress all must go. They are destroying this Nation and have no regard for it but only their own craven for power. They must go!!

10/16/2009 11:18:01 PM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

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Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 102: ?>*:\ ...//2009:10:17:10:48 #297: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 22 Oct 09 11:30 Post


By THOM SHANKER Published: October 22, 2009 SEOUL, South Korea — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Thursday that he would press NATO to increase its contributions for training Afghanistan’s security forces even before the Obama administration decides whether to commit additional combat troops.

======NH: Perfect assert yourself first with the hometeam, Robert. Now if you really want to assert yourself with the home team lets look into the Saturday Nigh Live Samuri Secretary of Defense and the mural on the second floor of the stair well leading up to the US House of Representatives Public Gallery where the artist used the same model's face for all the pioneer men in the "Utica Destiny is ours!" or words to that effect manifest destiny, white man's burden, genocidal conquest of America by NATO, right? Perhaps a list of the broken treaties with the American Indians? and a warning that "Not on my watch" will this happen with the indigenous, not insurgent, but indigenous, people of Asia?

Perhaps the reason we are in the situation we are in is because we are not role modeling to the world how indigenous Asian renissance men who not only fight, but teach, and govern, and care for their tribes should be training US? [sound]; xref: proposal for random inspections of US border security by OPEC2 and the UN called for here recently along with sewer water monitoring, and maximum levels of incarceration for drug crimes towards the goal of putting ON the table in the full light of day, in the spirit of UNIFORMED PERSONNEL dealing with sex, drugs, and rock and roll, insteady of teh murkey world of undercover, and secret police, and spies, and intelligence officers, and under the table economies... xref: putting who of the young Afghan generations into uniforms to be police... but without cross training? Replicating the same "West side story" gang mentality we suffer from from our own US Secret Service bicycle officers, and the police substation instead of civilian government the White House [sound] has become?

Good for you to step up to the plate again, after perhaps intentionally setting up the Japanese confrontation so at least one American could speak up for what you truly believe in: the US Constituoin and the system of separation of powers, checks and balacnes, and a soveriegn "We the People" who fulfill our duty not only to pay our bills, but [hammer sound[ to log into our government, yea, pilgrimage to our government, and pay by what we do as well as what we pay to fulfill: "If you want to police an area, you start by cleaning it up,"

So, Cross training. NATO moves to cross train police IN NATO Countries. Denmark hires Afghan tribal leaders to work with Danish police to give perspective to tribal leadership psychology of WANTING to do more than carry a gun to earn your keep: Imam who teach school as well as defend their tribe invite Danish Police to pray side by side with them. They need not prostrate, but can simply kneel. Or if they do not believe in God, or sharing prayer [hqammering sound[] toim time with anyone but their own family, and sect, or denomination congregation, then at least walking with the Afghans to visit schools the way Al Gore did, only take a hand at teaching a lesson now and then themselves, the same way the tribal leader role models teaching a sura from the Qur!an to the Pakistani students, so too, the Danish police officer should be willing, and able, to teach a science lesson, or mythology lesson, [rpms] or parable from Hans Christian Anderson to a Danish school.

Ah, they'll be too sensative to peole and won't be able to do their job," who actually said once as if loving people, and arrestingpeople were mutually exculsive: sawdist edited otu.

?>*:\ ...//2009:11:06:02?!:57:__*Longitude:__*Latitude:__* [exterior sound]

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 104: ?>*:\ ...//2009:11:06:02?!:57:__*Longitude:__*Latitude:__* [exterior sound] #796: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 11 Nov 09 09:09 Post abdicating management of our most significant temptations to under the table economies who use unconstitutional means to 'enforce' what we should be diagnosing and healing ourselves: ON the table: with our best and our brightest offering carrots and the sticks of self correcting, self educating, collaboratively self governing people = MANY people, as one US Supreme Court Hard Hat added.

Instead? We get political elites, [wheww[] and tenants hiding behind phony construction barriers used as security blockades, with no decisions, legislation, or executive orders that guide "We the people" to be stronger sovereigns: it's all about jobs and money and golden handcuffs, or roadside attractions... the most basic, elementary fundamental checks and balances, separation of powers and "We the people" as the sovereign who goest between the three is watered down, and short circuited with US Secret service having uniformed personnel and their own crucifying OFFICE on Capitol HILL! as if the USCP couldn't protect their 'protectees' [external sound] while in article I jurisdiction. The are mafias with their 'people' their 'celebrities' and no one is going to get between them...To few people are too important and not enough people are important around the us Capitol: it's all about cell phones, and rush home on friday, and of course "Black water" for Condi and Hil. Who would rather have weak tenants than a weak sovereign, and this BlackWater article offers hope the sovereign might do something about the "High Tide and Green Grass" son't worry your precious [Wh hnn] soul, you'l never have to interrupt your career path, or private life, or delusional "Tail Pipe Dreams" to sully your hands with the low and dirty business of government. Don't worry about that. elect US, and our under the table 'salt' nepotism offspring who are an open secret, and you won't have to worry about a thing... Follow your dreams... we'll keep the food coming, we'll hunt and kill entire nations if they produce a handful of people as sick as our vast prison population proves we, [^] as a society are... Don't worry. we'll withhold a perfectly small amount... you'll forget we're even taking it after a while, don't worry, we'll set up red light cameras and ding here and ding there... sure we'll frustrate some to the edge of sanity, but not you, because you're a good person, your with us, you have causes we support...

YOU shouldn't need a dictator to have a strong sovereign. It shouldn't be victory by distraction look at this, while I do what really needs to be done, so you [jet]...

And it may get so bad, we finally gird up our loins and become the sovereigns we need to be to truly be "We the people" of the United States of America... instead of 'outsourcing' our sovereignty to Blackwater, and all volunteer army, The US Secret Police Bush Family [^] Dynasty, and the "We're a family," Freudian slip of you, HRC. We're a PARTY: God, country, and family in that order. Though with the number of off the record offspring you have Bill, the democratic party IS in large part your family. [jet] and this is why Leaers should place our DNA prints on public record along with our photos and voice prints, to lead us away with unde the table nepotism, the open secrets, the wink, without disclosure, the willingness to become less and less accountable and claim because who establishes state religion in China and makes whose products there who can them export/important them into the US and claim who is not infringing on whose right to stand side by side with the Dali Lama in Deleware and look him in the eye and say, "My sovereignty is not contributing to the establishment of a state religion that usurps the US Constitutional Right for you to NOT have to endure a State established religion," when in fact my sovereignty IS sending dollars, LOTS of dollars to those who are, but across a national border as if that absolved the act. Or as if because he wears a high hat and has the HOlY Roman Empire behind him, the Pope can deny the right to bestow the blessings of liberty upon whose self and whose posterity," when Catholic Priests and Nuns or Anglicans who convert, cannot enter the holy state of matrimony... ergo Pope John Paul III the ILLEGITIMATE son of a Polish priest raised by the neighborhood with all the down to earth Catholic humor and angst about the 'real' venal ways of man and the flesh, no matter how 'holy' who [^] claims to be: another sick separation of man from spirit like DOD refusing to discharge a muslim who offered to repay his medical tuition if he would only be released from his duty to go to the war zone of his own countrymen whom he loved more than the mentally ill society he grew up in and was doing his best to diagnose and heal with modern medicine...

Finally, the educated people, and the women, who have had the right to vote for less than 100 years, are joining together... let us not forget the elbow room and freedom we had under the frontier days

======NH: xref: "The meel shall inherit the earth,"

?>*:\ ...//2009:11:18:02:06

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 106: ?>*:\ ...//2009:11:18:02:06 #15: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 18 Nov 09 00:24 Post

Tensions Rise Over Yuan Obama and Dominique Strauss-Kahn, managing director of the IMF, told Chinese officials that yielding to market pressures for a stronger yuan would help the global economy recover.

======NH: xref: "our two sides"; xref: Ramadan side and Eide side to currency? xref: 'heads' and 'tails'? ======NH//

Also xref: R2D2, xref: our two rural delivery mail boxes; xref: R3P.O. xref: Checks and balances, separation of powers. volley2.ind 106: ?>*:\ ...//2009:11:18:02:06 #46: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 18 Nov 09 07:56 Post

Queen's Speech: The traditions of State Opening of Parliament The Queen, as Head of State, formally opens each new session of Parliament.

Published: 6:45AM GMT 18 Nov 2009

The State Opening of Parliament forms the most colourful event of the Parliamentary year and is steeped in tradition and customs dating back centuries. It usually takes place in October, November or December each year, but sometimes in a different month if a general election has taken place.

Related Articles Children get legal right to good education Simon Heffer: State Opening a waste of our poor Queen's time Queen's Speech: preview of measures likely to be unveiled Labour under pressure after Queen's Speech vow Queen's Speech: education Before the Queen travels to Parliament from Buckingham Palace, certain historical ''precautions'' are observed. The Yeomen of the Guard, the oldest of the royal bodyguards, armed with lanterns, search the cellars of the Palace of Westminster, a practice which dates back to the Gunpowder Plot of November 5, 1605. This is followed by a more scientific police search. Another tradition sees a Government whip held ''hostage'' at the Palace to ensure the Queen's safe return. The custom dates back to centuries when the monarch and Parliament were on less cordial terms. Once the safety measures have been observed, the Queen travels from her London home in the horse-drawn Irish State Coach to Westminster, usually accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh. She is escorted by the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment and street liners guard the whole route and present arms as the royal party passes. The Regalia - the Imperial State Crown, the Cap of Maintenance and Sword of State travel in their own carriage, ahead of the monarch, escorted by Members of the Royal Household. On arrival, the Queen puts on the Imperial State Crown and her parliamentary robe ready for the ceremony itself in the House of Lords. No monarch has set foot in the House of Commons since Charles I entered the Commons and tried to arrest five Members of Parliament in 1642. The Queen is met at the Palace of Westminster's Sovereign's Entrance by the Earl Marshal and the Lord Great Chamberlain, who, as Keeper of the Royal Palace, wears scarlet court dress and has hanging at his hip, the golden key to the Palace. As the Queen moves up the Sovereign's Staircase to the Robing Chamber she passes between two lines of dismounted Household Cavalry soldiers in full dress with drawn swords. They are the only troops allowed to bear arms within the Royal Palaces. ======NH: xref: US Secret Service waiting outside the jurisdiction of the US Capitol police to resume 'custody' of their 'protectees' as part of the separation of powers and checks and balances.

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Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 107: ?>*:\ ...//2009:11:23:20:30:W75*, or ?>*:\ ...//2009(1430):11:22:W15*@00:00 [tn] #244: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 25 Nov 09 22:41 Post

Montedoro wrote: There is good reason for the French to be uneasy about the Grand Mosque. Mosques are not only prayer halls for local Moslems. In addition to being religious centers, mosques are also political centers. Mosques are considered part of the Islamic world, advanced posts in the long jihad to capture the world for Islam.

======NH: This is why, if you care, you have a duty to investigate Islam and find exactly what, if anything, about Islam you cannot accept, and then work to remedy what that is. Sura II verse 27 reads, "If you have a doubt as to what has been revealed to you, try to write a sura like unto the one that gives you doubt..." John Lennon adopted this as, "Take a sad song, and make it better," Islam is very reasonable. When who came to Islam who was permitted to ask any question who had, and who invariably had an immediate, clear, simple, response. Likewise, whenever who was going astray, who would immediately correct whom with three breaths or less precisely addressing what who was doing that was less than perfect. Muslims are sure of their foundations and willing to learn regarding applying them. ======NH//

Here is some of the violent religious bigotry that will be preached in the French mosque, just like in all other mosques in the world: FROM THE KORAN:

--“ the (only) religion (acceptable) before God is Islam." (3:19)

======NH: Rational Logic is the only acceptable logic in a court of law. Outside the court, outside the mosque, in regards to what is acceptable before you and your witnesses, the rule is: "'Live free or die' (New Hampshire state motto), therefore 'Tolerate Islam or Die', but FORCE Islam on others, and YOU will die, 'Islam is ready whenever you are', Isn't that right?" ======Null Hypothesis//

-- " If anyone desires a religion other than Islam, never will it be accepted of him." (3: 85) ======NH: If anyone desires to use a method of proof other than rational logic in a court of law, never will it be accepted of him. ======NH//

-- “You are the noblest community ever raised up for mankind.” (3:110)

======NH: Serve God, Country (community), and family, in that order. ======NH//

-- The unbelievers among the people of the book and the pagans shall burn forever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest of all creatures. (98.6).

======NH: The intentional law breakers among "We the people of..." the United States of America, and those under other forms of government who do not honor the principles of the US Constitution and the UNiversal Declaration of Individual and Group Rights, shall, alas, burn forever in the fire of false short cuts, and not matter how much you love them, or want to save them, do not punish yourself for not being such a good citizen (muslim) that you are unable to put the under the table economies ON the table and thereby break the addictions and false short cuts of these who have been led astray. Those possessed by the devil are the most dangerous of all creatures, and despite the Quakers voluntarily living in jail cells with prisoners to minister unto them, you MUST be very careful about making ANY form of contact with these least they turn on you. Be sure to have your partners, and be sure to proceed with caution. ======Null Hypothesis// -- Surely the vilest of animals in Allah’s sight are those who disbelieve. (8.55)

======NH: Again, minister unto the believers first, those who have faith, but who could, and would, do better, if only they had clear signs. As for the disbelievers, do not cry that they are remanded [^] to the mulch pile of the tend commands, and the recycling of the hell fire. Be grateful YOU are on the straight path, and try to save new born of those reincarnated from the hell fire. But even then be careful, for who from the hell fire will use the babe, or even the fetus, as whose wedge to pry open your door and attack you. ======NN//

--The unbelievers are your inveterate enemy. (4:101)

======NH: Those who refuse to use rational logic, and the legislative process, the ballot, and courts of law, but who are content to lurk in the under the table economies, instead of working to put all economies ON the table, are your inveterate enemy: LOVE your enemy AND keep him close, under the guidance of all our partners, checks and balances, and the separation of powers," ======Null Hypothesi//

-- Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. (48:29).

======NH: Mohammed is AN apostle of God. Those who follow him are without mercy to those who murder, rape, torture, steal, lie, cheat, and refuse to use rational logic and public offices and constitutional government, and separation of powers to mercifully diagnose, heal, perfect, protect, and promote US and all who surround us. Yet God is greater than Mohammed and the followers of Mohammed, and God, without needing any partners, can be MOST Gracious (Welcoming), MOST Merciful (Perfecting), and Islam recognizes even the most profligate sinner can be transformed by the will of God, no matter how resistant who is to the will of Mohammed, or his followers. So, we keep this in mind when the strength of [tn] our partnerships permits us to show mercy. Remember, Omar, the third Caliph of Islam, was on his way to kill our Prophet Mohammed, may peace be upon him, because the sister of Omar had come to Islam, but when passing the holy kaba, Omar had a revelation, and when he got to Mohammed, Omar came to Islam himself. Let such facts be a reminder of the above. ======Null Hypothesis//

-- It is unlawful for a believer to kill another believer, accidents excepted. (4:92)

======NH: When our Caliph Omar, may peace be upon him, was assassinated while praying, his dying question was, "Was he a muslim?" "No," who answered, and Omar died in peace. ======NH//

-- Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. (5:51)

======NH: You are permitted to marry any of the people of the book. It is not required that your spouse come unto Islam. Again, like the above. Whose first instinct is to [exterior sound] turn to the believers first. There are lines of difference between tolerance, equality, and friendship... Defendants (and plaintiffs) take not attorneys who are not members of the bar of the court in which your trial is held. ======NH//

-- Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme. (8:40)

======NH: Jihad by Salat: make your voluntary arrival and departure prayers, and file law suits when you are unable to find a public bathroom, and a place to pray within fifteen minutes of where you live or work. Environmentalists of the world Unite.

Notice how whose 'war' on drugs, 'war' on poverty, 'war' on 'red lining', etc. have by and large failed so far. ======Null Hypothesis//

-- Fight against them until idolatry is no more and God's religion reigns supreme. (2:193)

======NH: "Give me liberty, or give me death," "In God We Trust," "We have just begun to fight," "And though the English Empire shall live for a thousand years, we shall never, never, never, give up," ======Null Hypothesis//

-- The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. (4:76)

======NH: "What ARE we fighting for in Afghanistan?" ======NH//

-- We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. (3:151)

======[thun]======Null Hypothesis: Here is a good example of the priorities of the highest chain of command. The prayer we muslims say five times a day concludes: "...show us thy straight way, the way known to us by the confidence and countenance, and thythm and bearing and demeanor of those who are NOT tormented (terrorized, or embarrassed), and who torment (terrorize, or embarrass) others not: those whose portion is not wrath, and who go not astray,"

This is the HIGHEST LEVEL of the ISLAMIC Chain of command, and based on the same logic as "The Lord's Prayer" edited down from the Amidah.

The "fight cheers of sports" who has known, like the war cries of battle are UNDER the higher decision criteria. But, when due to our own weakness, we must slaughter, "Slaughter cleanly," though shalt not torment. Haddith teaches us to slaughter cleanly and with minimal pain; xref: "Cruel and unusual punishment", torture, is prohibited.

The reason we say Sura Al Fahtiah five times a day is to constantly filter these lower level priorities we find ourselves in because we are not as strong, or informed, or ready, as we would LIKE to be, and by filtering thoughts that come to mind while praying and putting them in the back of our mind until we are FINISHED praying, and can then reconsider them in the light of prayer, we work our way up the chain of command to find more diplomatic solutions [k], more lasting solutions, less tormenting solutions, because our ultimate goal, is to be such good muslims our selves that people VOLUNTARILY want to be LIKE us, and come to Islam to learn "...thy straight way, the way of those who are not tormented (terrorized, or embarrassed) and who torment (terrorize, or embarrass) others not," ======Null Hypothesis//

-- I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers. (8:12)

======NH: Thus finger tips become a code sign for Islam. Again, fight songs are a necessary part of a cruel world, but how can anyone doubt the ultimate goal when you recite it five times a day: "...show us thy straight way: the way of those who [^]... ======NH//

FROM THE SAYINGS OF MUHAMMAD: -- Muhammad said to the Jews: "If you embrace Islam, you will be safe. You should know that the earth belongs to Allah and His Apostle, and I want to expel you from this land. “

======NH: If you uphold the US Constitution and the Constitutional laws of the land, you will be safe. You shold know that [thun]... The earth belongs to God and to the Nations under God, who have the right of eminent domain to put the land to it's highest and best use. I want to expel you from this land, because I think you are not putting it to it's highest and best use, and I can prove that in a court of law, where you will be compensated twelve times the highest assessed value ever appraised upon your land. I am telling this to your face, and not hiding behind a veneer of smiles, or false pretenses. You killed Jesus, You persist in charging interest, and corrupting the US Treasury with your GoldMan Sacks, Sachs Goldman, you desert when the going gets tough and trade your federal bank charter for a state bank charter, and recently yet another one of your executives resigned an office of trust rather than try to do his duty. You live by the creed, "Live near where money is spent," which is to worship a system of graven images, the value of which is manipulated in your favor. [sound]... May God, and the good Jews among you save you from yourselves.

Or words to that effect might be what who was trying to say. ======NH//

-- Allah's Apostle said, "You (i.e. Muslims) will fight with the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, 'O 'Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.' "

======NH: "I'm going to go color this stone," said whom. Later back home form the river, who realized hard drives were magnetic stones. Business are run on hard drives now. Better to diagnose and heal, than to kill, but it is much more difficult to diagnose and heal than kill. ======NH//

-- Mohammed said, "I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, and whoever says, " None has the right to be worshipped but Allah , his life and property will be saved by me." (otherwise it will not). Vol. 4:196

======NH: Muslims are excused from having to pay taxes because Zakat Charity voluntarily gives what percent of the money that passes through your hands to the mosque. Those who tolerate Islam, but who do not come to Islam, are required to pay taxes; xref: Tax exempt charities, and non-profit organizations. ======Null Hypothesis//

-- Mohammed said, "Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him." Vol. 9:57

======NH: The words of haddith are of lower priority than the words of the Quran. Mohammed spoke as a man sometimes and as an inspired prophet at other times, the former is the Haddith, the latter is the Quran. What the word 'change' here means could be either converts to another faith, or modifies the Islamic faith... The scientific method uses hypothesis formation. This would be the worst case scenario and like a soldier in a combat zone, would permit quick and easy execution of a deserter, p denial of a dishonorable discharge if requested in a combat zone. But in a NON [Brhnn rhnn] combat zone, when a dishonorable discharge is requested like in the case of Corporal Hassan, the HIGHER order of the chain of command, Sura Al Fahtiah would prevail and who would be permitted to turn away from Islam, hopefully with a good doubt seeking to be resolved, and good muslims would see it as our duty to resolve that doubt, or understand what deeper illness assails our brother. ======Null Hypothesis//

-- Mohammed said, " No Muslim should be killed for killing a Kafir" (infidel). Vol. 9:50

======NH: Historically muslims were persecuted and in a formal state of war from the time of Hijira to the triumphant return to Mekka. Failure to indicate what rules were made during a state of war, vs. what rules were applied in times of peace is misleading. ======Null Hypothesis//

-- Muhammad said: "Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war, …"

======NH: Fight only when necessary to uphold the United States Constitution. and in the way of the Constitution, observing the Geneva convention and other universally accepted codes of conduct in conflict. Fight against those who seek to violently over throw the US Constitution. Make a war for Constitutional Democracy to make the world safe for Democracy"

When translated into familiar language, you can see the United States was founded under the principles of Islam, and has been guided by Islamic logic for over 200 years.

"You are either with us, or against us," said the president of the United States in 2002, was it? He did not attribute his quote, nor did anyone in the press. The quote comes from the Quran.

Does the Quran tell leaders to make secret wars on behalf of Islam, and to deny the truth of their intentions to their own people? As we can see from the above quotes, Islam is very open and honest about giving clear signs. Part of the reason the CIA, and other COVERT operations thinks Islam is an easy target to incite, and attack.

But, like children, who are so honest and open we have a saying, "Out of the mouths of babes..." regarding candid truth adults are too embarrassed to voice... Islam does not pull any punches, or hide intentions. "Equal as the teeth on a comb," Communism is orthodox Christianity: like the way Orthodox Jews prohibit the use of the word, 'God' outside of scripture, to deny a tool of manipulation to Caesar, so clever to immediately form the Holy Roman Catholic Church to spread his empire; xref: your inquiry re: "sword" Benedict XVI, xref: amazing powers to control people with words, rather than swords, ... in the same way Marx denied the government the right to use the word 'Christ', or 'God' yet made Christianity the state religion by calling it "Communism". Islam was the first successful Christian revolutionary movement. A rich man visited the Muslims in Media. They fed and housed and welcomed him, and let him watch them pray. On departing he insisted on paying the muslims for all the food and lodging and guidance, but the muslims said, "No, thank you for your money, we do not need it," Later when the man died, he left all his money to Islam. "It must be a good religion," he said, "You do not need money,"

The Jews, on the other hand, are world famous for being masters of the money trade, and herein is an inherent conflict between Islam and Christianity, Communism, and Capitalism... and the French Republic is one of the most unique mixtures of them all.

Ten of the twelve points of the Communist Manifesto have been realized in the United States, including Universal Public Education.

So, when anyone cherry [tn] picks quotes form the Quran, or the Haddith, and says they represent Islam 100%, take it with a grain of salt, and realize, Islam is an entire chain of command from the highest morality, to the most expedient emergency responses... Islam covers the whole chain of command, and the practice of Islam prioritizes this chain of command so whenever possible, the higher moral ground is employed under the emergency response operating procedure of NOW! Soon, when, if ever, forever... Islam covers the entire spectrum of the Highest chain of command to and from who does not need any, including not needing no rebirth, and that means being willing to create, sustain, welcome, perfect, return, and invite - ANY.

Ameen. ======Null Hypothesis// 11/26/2009 12:17:04 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

?>*:\ ...//2010:01:09:05:59:00*:00'

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 113: ?>*:\ ...//2010:01:09:05:59:00*:00' #62: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 9 Jan 10 09:02 Post

With John McCain's support, President Bush and Vice President Cheney have led our nation into one calamity after another because of their indifference to fact; their readiness to sacrifice the long-term to the short-term, subordinate the general good to the benefit of the few and short-circuit the rule of law.

======NH: xref: you, Ringo's offspring re: "My battery's dead, that's why my guitar won't work," xref: breach of separation of powers short circuiting our government ======NH//

?>*:\ ...//2010:03:07:21:16

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Bo Xilai's charm offensive is paying off politically in China

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A Chinese usher helps her colleague while waiting for delegates during the opening session of the National People's Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. At left, regional leader Bo Xilai is viewed as a rising star in China's Communist Party, having taken a successful, Western-style approach to politics. (Andy Wong/ associated Press)

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By Ariana Eunjung Cha Washington Post Foreign Service Monday, March 8, 2010 BEIJING -- Of the nearly 3,000 members of China's ruling elite in the country's capital this weekend to kick off the biggest political gathering of the year, only one has the state media and online commentators abuzz: Bo Xilai.

THIS STORY Charm offensive pays off politically Special Report: China's Emerging Leaders Named "Man of the Year" by a People's Daily online poll, the subject of an adoring home video being circulated on the Internet and revered in countless blogs, Bo is in contention to be named to one of the top jobs in China in 2012, when many of the country's current leaders are expected to retire.

In the three years he has served as the top Communist Party official in Chongqing, the country's largest municipality, Bo has shaken up Chinese politics by becoming a wildly popular politician in a country where politicians in the Western sense are frowned upon.

"Bo Xilai is a selfless person and a fearless one. In these times, we need government officials like Bo . . . He chases justice for ordinary people," said Li Lei, a 48-year-old entrepreneur. Li created the video tribute after reading about Bo's crackdown on Chongqing's mafia, a crusade which not only targeted corrupt businessmen but -- in a departure from previous efforts -- the senior-level government officials who colluded with them.

The official purpose of the meeting of the National People's Congress from March 5 to 14 in Beijing is to review and pass new legislation. But given that there's no separation of powers in China and that some of those who will vote on the laws were also involved in drafting them, the gathering is largely symbolic.

The more interesting discussions are happening behind the scenes, because this year's people's congress is the unofficial start of mid-term jockeying for the 2012 Communist Party Congress where the next generation of leaders will take the reins from Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.

All eyes are focused on which of the "fifth generation leaders" like Bo are up and which are down -- what that says about the direction of the country.

In two years, more than half the members of the ruling Politburo are expected to retire or step aside because of age. This would set the stage for newcomers to emerge as the principal figures responsible for the country's political and ideological affairs, economic and financial administration, foreign policy and military operations, according to Cheng Li, a China researcher at the Brookings Institution.

Among them, Li Keqiang, 55, a former farmer who got his doctorate in economics at one of China's top universities and is now vice premier, is widely seen as being groomed to be the next premier. Xi Jinping, 57, the son of a powerful Communist Party elder and who currently serves as the vice president, is considered to be the most likely heir to the position of president.

However, Li, the China researcher, wrote in a recent policy paper that "a dark horse can emerge in Chinese politics, just as in American politics." He wrote it would be wise to "pay greater attention to a broader group of potential contenders for power, especially the rising stars in provincial leadership." Of those regional leaders, Bo -- a former Minister of Commerce, provincial governor and mayor -- is the standout.

While other senior-level officials tend to be shy and awkward in dealing with the public and the media, Bo has managed to charm nearly everyone. He has led crowds of thousands in sing-a-longs of "red culture" songs, sat down for TV chats with protesting workers and communicated with students via mass text messages.

At 60, Bo is too old and controversial to be regarded as a candidate to become premier. But Chinese scholars say he's likely to be named to the Communist Party's nine-member standing committee -- China's most powerful decision-making group.

Charismatic, handsome, and majestically tall by Chinese standards at 6-foot-1, Bo has become the poster child for a group of emerging Chinese leaders known as the "princelings."

His candidacy reflects how far China's Communist Party has evolved from its origins. Today the party's constituency is increasingly middle class and more concerned with things like business and finance than Marxist ideology.

Like other "princelings" -- descendants of high-ranking party officials -- Bo grew up mostly in China's wealthier coastal regions, came of age during the Cultural Revolution, is fluent in English, has a graduate degree, and began his career in the government after it began market-based economic reforms in the late 1970s.

In contrast, many of China's current leaders were raised mostly in the inland by ordinary working class families and they worked their way up the ranks of the government bureaucracy through postings in far- flung provinces. Known as "tuanpai" -- a reference to the China Communist Youth League that they were members of and that was once considered the place to groom future leaders -- these men are considered technocrats who have helped China carry out the goals set forth by previous generations but stopped short of reinventing them.

In policy decisions, the princelings tend to believe the future lies with advancing the interests of the middle class; the tuanpai tend to pay more attention than the princelings to vulnerable groups such as farmers, migrant workers and the urban poor.

Bo "is perceived by the public as a modern, honest and upright official," said Zhang Hongliang, an economics professor at the Minzu University in Beijing. On the other hand, Zhang said, "The high praise of Bo equals criticism of other officials," which has created enemies.

The second eldest son of the seven children of Bo Yibo, one of a group of Communist Party officials known as the "Eight Immortals" who were purged during the Cultural Revolution for supporting open trade with the West and other capitalist-style reforms, Bo and the rest of his family were jailed and his mother was beaten to death in custody. But when Deng Xiaoping rose to power in 1978, he returned Bo Yibo to his position of vice premier. Bo Xilai thrived during his father's tenure in Beijing, graduating from Peking University with a degree in history and then working at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a prestigious government-affiliated think tank, for his master's degree. Today Bo is in charge of running Chongqing, a region of more than more than 31,000 square miles and 32 million people along the Yangtze River that is the largest of China's four provincial-level municipalities. In the fall of 2008, Bo gained national praise for the way he managed strikes by teachers, police and taxi drivers in the city as China's economy began to contract. While other regional leaders around the country faced with similar problems treated striking workers as criminals, arresting leaders and sending in police, Bo made what was considered a radical move in China: He invited taxi driver representatives to meet with him in a forum broadcast on state television and negotiated terms for ending the strike.

And in 2009, Bo took another political gamble. He launched what he called a "Red Culture Campaign" to get people to get together and read, study and even sing about Mao Zedong's work again. While a few scholars ridiculed the efforts, it was a hit with the masses, with hundreds of thousands showing up at the events.

Researcher Wang Juan contributed to this report. volley2.ind 120: ?>*:\ ...//2010:03:07:21:16 #502: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 10 Mar 10 18:38 Post

Your Comments On... Chief Justice John Roberts: Scene at State of Union 'very troubling' Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has presented the rebuttal argument in Obama v. Supreme Court. - By Robert Barnes

Comments randomsample wrote: tossnokia wrote: Okay the money is going to come pouring in and that's very troubling. Why? I suppose the Post can run itself into a ditch like GM and they can all cheer as Obama blows billions saving a sinking ship like GM. 3/10/2010 9:13:54 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

======NH: Congressional Medal of Honor awarded to John Roberts for breathing [thkn] new life into the net present value of corporations registered to do business in the United States of America. Manipulators [exterior sound] world wide now have ulterior motives to buy minority positions in US corps.

Whereas, the proof of a rejection of an argument entails the documenting the WEIGHT of the PRECEDENT [jet] to deliver the full cost benefit of the employment of the justices, be it hereby

Amended to the US Constitution any opinion that rejects the argument of a plaintiff or defendant in favor of the other party in the case, must include one, or more, US Constitutional Amendments, consistent with the U.S. Constitution as a whole, but which block any possible rejection of the position being rejected from prevailing were the amendment to be adopted. Thus by showing the full extent to which the US Constitution would need to be altered throughout to make the minimum change to permit the rejected position to prevail, the good behavior of the justices hence forth shall merit their annual salary, emoluments, and retirement pay. [^] To provide less to "We the people" is to short change us from the asset value with which concise, logical proof such a format so brief endows [[^ ^^^] us, and our posterity. 3/10/2010 9:29:30 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy silencedogoodreturns wrote: Bush may have opened up the illegal immigrant floodgates and spent like a drunken sailor, but at least he had class. If he had a dispute with a SCOTUS ruling, he would never bring it into a SOTU speech, where the Supremes could not respond.

What a cowardly, classless act our current POTUS is. 3/10/2010 9:29:08 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tossnokia wrote: The laggards and incompetents in industry will, by government action, live in luxury and comfort. That process involves the inevitable wreck of the economy. Was it not John Marshall who said, the power to tax is the power to destroy. The power to publish is still greater ladies and gentlemen. 3/10/2010 9:28:37 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy rzzzzz wrote: did roberts mearly flub the oath at the inauguration, or was he picking a fight right from the get go? 3/10/2010 9:27:04 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ConcernedWoman1 wrote: As long as Congress and the states can pass laws that affect corporations as such (e.g., corporate taxes, sale of stock in a corporation), shouldn't they be able to say something about it? 3/10/2010 9:27:00 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy edbyronadams wrote:

So the Justices should just sit impassively while the President promulgates a false attack upon them. "With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests –- including foreign corporations –- to spend without limit in our elections."

The restrictions against foreign corporations still stand. But please make certain that Scalia does not respond to this false attack, willya?

3/10/2010 9:23:57 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tdstds wrote:

Wait . . . I thought a Harvard Law degree (which Obama has) means that everything the owner does is wise.

Don't the members of the Supreme Court have fancy law degrees -- aren't they wise?

Very confusing.

3/10/2010 9:21:51 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy blakesouthwood wrote: First Amendment 3/10/2010 9:19:10 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Imarkex wrote: I want the same deal the Amish got.Anything less is a violation of my Constitutional and Civil rights.I will sue. 3/10/2010 9:18:41 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy DavidH3 wrote: The original intenters of the Court are hypocrites. They take every opportunity to be hypocrites and to push the ultra-right agenda. They should be called out on it, at every public opportunity. 3/10/2010 9:18:17 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: Article II, plaintiff vs. Article III, defendant

The case of {Robots, A.I., "Bicentennial Man"...} [Kettle Whistle] {Make-up missed "'Dawn's early light' Fajhr Prayer}

Complaint: What did you want to do that who would not let you do? I wanted to vote in a fair election [bzzzz], but the defendant would not let me.

Grounds: Why do you think you have the right to do what you want to do? [[...]] I think I have the right to vote in a fair election because of the pre-amble to the US Constitution: "...[kn] to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty upon my self and my posterity,"

Requested Remedy: What do you want who to do, so you can do what you want to do? I want the defendant {Perhaps the defendant should be Article I?} to [beep beep beep beep beep...] amend the... I want the court to order the defendant to amend the U.S. Constitution as per exhibit A, or face charges as per Exhibit B of failure to uphold [thn] [Quack. quak.] whose oath of office.

Exhibit A. Whereas Public Education proves [door] age, [[exterior sound]] and/or developmental specific grade categories are necessary for sufficiently level playing fields for intellectual, social, and academic development, be it hereby

Amended to the U.S. Constitution: corporations may engage in free speech only in regards to business matters {{and subjects pertaining to the business of the corporation}} [[Hnk]], specifically [kn] excluding expenditures which identify a candidate, {pause} [chn |] or any other entity involved in an election {Any thing else?} [thn |] footnote 1. [...wonderful lawyer ...want all those ...stuff ...You are one full of... not live here be here... you have a problem?" who teaches classic Greek [thn/] talks outside]

HEADER PLACED AS FOOTER: Chief Justice John Roberts: Scene at State of Union 'very troubling'

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By Robert Barnes Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, March 10, 2010; 11:36 AM Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has presented the rebuttal argument in Obama v. Supreme Court.

Roberts's remarks Tuesday protested the timing of President Obama's State of the Union disapproval of the court's decision in a major campaign finance case. It has begun Round Two in what appears to be a growing inclination from the White House and Democrats in Congress to criticize the court's decisions.

======Null Hypothesis: xref: "grade level" post yesterday. 16:55:12======NH//

STARTED: #386 of 495: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 10 Mar 2010 (04:40 AM)

COMPLETED: #387 of 495: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 10 Mar 2010 (05:03 AM)


CURRENT TIME: #496 of 496: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 10 Mar 2010 (05:58 PM)




[^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^. ^.]

#387 of 496: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 10 Mar 2010 (05:03 AM)

[[Thn/(06:03 PM)]]

Dear Barack: Please file the following lawsuit in federal district court.

You might want to make Article I the defendant, or...

...would the Supreme Court be required to recuse itself if the D.C. Federal District Court ruled in your favor as the case is now written?

Then would it be up to Article I to amend or not, and face being your defendant should they fail to? And in that [sound] case, THEN the SCOTUS {Scots sense of humor? Xref: "The Monocle" (footnote 1) restaurant contiguous to the old US Capitol Police Headquarters}...


[Jet] Bill, aka, Haji Mo...

3/10/2010 9:15:02 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tossnokia wrote: Okay the money is going to come pouring in and that's very troubling. Why? I suppose the Post can run itself into a ditch like GM and they can all cheer as Obama blows billions saving a sinking ship like GM. 3/10/2010 9:13:54 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Logic3 wrote: Obama's criticism was not only not appropriate, but he did not know what he was talking about. Justice Roberts is in The Supreme Court to interpret the Law of the Land. Constitutional Law is not there to shift like quick sand, as Prez. Obama would promote, mindless relativism has no place in the the Supreme Court. 3/10/2010 9:09:29 PM Recommend (5) Report Abuse Discussion Policy chicago77 wrote:

The open hostility by many on this forum; To the Court, The Rule of Law, Seperation of Powers and our Constitution is VERY troubling.

Those who despise corporations and business in general, don't fret, more and more of them are headquartering overseas every year, meaning fewer jobs. 3/10/2010 9:03:36 PM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tossnokia wrote: Chief Justice Roberts and Supreme Court broke barriers. The WASP's broke barriers during World War Two. Thank all of you. The people complaining have a right to complain. The fact of the matter is plain and simple. If you shackle finance and put up barriers, be prepared to watch them be shattered. We can spend whatever we want and publish whatever we please, if only it is profitable and that ladies and gentlemen is what makes it possible. The Washington Post has broken barriers in the past and will certainly break them in the future. We sure do need them. 3/10/2010 9:01:56 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Imarkex wrote: What? You RATS don't like a level feild? Do you feel the electricty of the coming elections Rats ! Isn't it great? The electricity is spreading like wildfire. YEEEE ! ! ! ! HAAAAA ! ! ! ! ! We did catch lightning in a bottle. 3/10/2010 8:59:07 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy flcat wrote: If old Andy Jackson was chiding you Chief Justice Roberts you would really feel the sting of Presidential ire. 3/10/2010 8:58:10 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy smorrow wrote: Roberts is a troubled man,but he is real good at making stupid decisions that shove ordinary Americans to the side so big bussiness with big bucks can rule over our elections.Hey Roberts do us Alabamians a favor and stay out of Bama land.Honestly a man of your low grade intelligence dosent belong here. 3/10/2010 8:57:52 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy farmsnorton wrote: I'm a Democrat and while the majority elected him, the majority of Americans do not want his health care bill. I will vote against my party this year. 3/10/2010 8:57:42 PM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ProCounsel wrote: orange3 wrote: charlietuna6661 wrote: obama is an embarassment to the people of the USA. He has no business being POTUS. ______

He was elected moron.

++++++++++++++++++++++++ ProCounsel responded i do not care for obama, but we should call him "president" not "moron" we do not have an elected office called "moron" although i can see the basis for your confusion 3/10/2010 8:56:30 PM Recommend (5) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

?>*:\ ...//2010:03:23:06:03

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 123: ?>*:\ ...//2010:03:23:06:03 #1: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 23 Mar 10 06:15 Post

Turkey’s Governing Party Proposes Changes in the Constitution By SEBNEM ARSU Published: March 22, 2010 RECOMMEND TWITTER E-MAIL SEND TO PHONE PRINT REPRINTS SHARE

ISTANBUL — Members of Parliament from Turkey’s religious conservative governing party proposed constitutional changes on Monday that would make it harder to ban political parties and easier to prosecute military officials in civilian courts.

The proposals come after months of political turmoil and the arrest and detention of dozens of current and former military officers accused of plotting a coup against the governing Justice and Development Party in 2003.

In Turkey, the military has long been seen as the guardian of the secular order and the enforcer of a strong separation between Islam and the state, but it has been severely weakened by the coup plot case.

The proposed changes largely focus on the judiciary and the military, still the strongest pillars of the secular state establishment, which remain suspicious of the government’s conservative, religious politics.

Opponents of the proposals said they were an attempt by the party to strengthen its own hand and to deepen the encroachment of religious conservatism.

The party said the changes were meant to further democratize Turkey and bring its Constitution in line with European norms to help it pursue full European Union membership.

The Justice and Development Party has long promised to replace the 1982 Constitution, drafted under the auspices of the military after a coup in 1980. But the party had failed to win enough support, given widespread mistrust of its motivations in the secular establishment.

With the revelations about the alleged 2003 coup plot, which was never carried out, the party seemed to sense a new opening.

“Our objective with these changes is not to strengthen our government,” Cemil Cicek, the deputy prime minister, said in a televised news conference. “The aim of these constitutional amendments is to establish people’s sovereignty in every field and strengthen the rule of the people.”

One of the most important changes, and one that may gain some support, would make it harder for the country’s Constitutional Court, a supreme judicial body, to ban political parties for undermining secularism and the unity of the country. The court threatened the Justice and Development Party with such a ban in 2008, and it has banned at least 25 parties over the years to safeguard constitutional integrity.

The governing party also wants Turkey’s president to appoint most of the judges on the Constitutional Court, which would be restructured to limit its powers.

Hasan Gerceker, the head of the Supreme Appeals Court, said the package of changes contradicted the Constitution and undermined judicial independence and separation of powers.

“The suggested changes mean more than besieging the judiciary,” Mr. Gerceker said. “It’s capturing the judiciary as a whole.”

The governing party also proposed more government oversight of the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors, an important body within the judiciary that appoints court officials.

The board has criticized the governing party for interfering in the judiciary, particularly regarding the trial of the suspected coup plotters, who are accused of taking part in a network called Ergenekon.

As part of the continuing investigation, 10 more people were detained in six cities on Monday, joining hundreds of others, including academics, intellectuals and military officers, indicted in the Ergenekon case since 2008.

Among other constitutional changes, the reform package would allow former generals who took part in the military coup in 1980 to be tried, annulling a clause that granted immunity.

It would also allow military officers to appeal against exclusion from the army for alleged links to radical Islamic or other religious groups, and open the way for officers to be tried in civilian rather than military courts for plotting against civilian governments.

Two leading opposition parties in Parliament, the Republican People’s Party and Nationalist Movement Party, have rebuffed the reform package on the premise that it was drawn up without consultation in Parliament.

In his news conference, Mr. Cicek said the government was open to consultation before a draft of the proposals is sent to the floor of the Parliament in the next two weeks.

If the proposed constitutional changes fail to win the two- thirds majority needed to pass in Parliament, the government will hold a referendum to ratify them, Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin said.

?>*:\ ...//2010:04:02:15:28

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 124: ?>*:\ ...//2010:04:02:15:28 #524: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 11 Apr 10 14:03 Post

Turkish military loses its grip on secular order Scandals ignite new skepticism of Turkey's armed forces, which for 87 years have intervened to keep religion out of politics in largely Muslim nation. Janine Zacharia

======Null Hypothesis: Dear Turkish Military:

Would you like to do this with, or without me? Translate the five pillars of Islam the way the preamble to the constitution [Achoo! Achoo!] of the United States does [Achoo!] so that both you, and "Zen, Judeo, Christian, Islam: the mono-theism (single, highest chain-of-command, and best recruiting tool) of the Silk road and... beyond" (sm) might be able to better work together and thereby raise Turkey to the heights of leadership as defenders of the great circle right of ways, and guides for world travelers?

For example: "We the people of..." If you are a muslim, the next words you would expect to here would be, [^] "...the people of the book," based on the Qur~an, Haddith, and verbal traditions of Islam, BUT, instead what do Americans here? "We the people of the United States of America..." So there is example number one. Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams, was it? may, or may not, known of the parallel, but lets look further, and then see about applying the same translation logic to the Turkish constitution while remaining true to both sides, because "Our Creator" applies with no exceptions.

"We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect Union...."

The word 'Union' is capitalized in the original draft. If God is all possibilities and events, if God is the sum Total of "who, or why, is the greatest, and / or the least, and / or everything" then, "a more perfect Union" is another name for the one God. Pretty tricky, eh?

Most people think who is speaking only of the colonies forming a more perfect union of self rule, but Jefferson, and Franklin, and Adams, and Hamilton were no fools, they knew "a more perfect Union" was the logic of sets, and subsets, and the highest chain of command.

Preamble In line

======NH: In (prayer) line {we are each responsible for everyone in our prayer line{ ======Null Hypothesis//

with the concept

======Null Hypothesis: Four of the five pillars of faith are physical tests we perform to prove the strength of our faith to ourselves, and all who surround us, but the first pillar of faith is a mental test we perform to prove the strength of our faith applies to our cognitive map as well as our physical deeds. ======Null Hypothesis//

of nationalism

======Null Hypothesis: Note the word 'nationalism' is used here instead of the word 'a more perfect Union' 'Nationalism' is a lesser concept that DOES apply only to the states, or lesser political subdivisions seeking to join together in Union. But in the same way we prove "Ashadu la il aha, Ashadu il la Allah," So, too "the concept of nationalism" establishes there are other concepts: both lesser, and greater than nationalism.

For example: "Ashadu, La il aha..." "I bear witnesses, No small gods," Ashadu, Because God is the greatest. Ashadu, therefore God does not need any. Ashadu, [[Whewwww hewwwwww... (Leisurely fire engine passes by with a non-urgent siren ...whewwwhewwww BRN [thn/]...16:30]] But, 'small' needs 'equal to', or 'greater than'. Ashadu, Therefore: No small gods, Ashadu la, no. Ashadu il, small. Ashadu, aha, gods.

In the same way, "the concept of nationalism" needs the concept of 'unity' to explain itself. And, since there are lesser and greater unities, the Turkish military, and the Turkish muslims immediately share a common chain of command at the level of 'nationalism'. Is nationalism a perfect enough union for the people of Turkey to endure as long as our Creator may permit? ======NH//

and the reforms

======Null Hypothesis: 'Forms' and 'reforms'; xref: government forms we fill out. Concrete forms we fill to make buildings, and a common image shared by all Turks: Abraham and Ishmael REBUILT the oldest house of God.

Form is what separates the Eide from the Ramadan. Form is what bonds the Eide and the Ramadan into opposite sides of the kaba wall. Inside: the seamless, stand alone, independent Ramadan of the most perfect Union: Our Creator [....whewww hewwwww...] Outside, the Eide seams [...whewww hewww BHRN RHn ...whewwwwwwwww, hewww....] The stand with, the constitution, the mass...

Also xref: the history of forming, and reforming, in the cross roads nation of Turkey. ======Null Hypothesis// and principles ======NH: xref: the way who addresses God before beginning whose prayer: "My God, who...

Conclusion of Making Intention to Pray

"...I can now find my prayer spot, see with whom I am praying, address God, and begin my prayer:

Address God

“My God, who, or why, does not need ANY; then how can you be MY God?

“By developing a personal relationship to and from you - by using the second person, personal pronoun, 'you', or the interrogative collective pronoun 'who', when I address you, my God,

“You, my God, you, OUR God, who, or why, does not need any, then how can you be OUR God?

“By inviting everyone, and anyone, in the spirit of the “Ten Commands”, “The Five Pillars”, and “The Universal Declaration of Individual and Group Rights” to pray with us – each time we pray;

“You, my God, you our God, you, THE God of all toward, “Hello,” and away, “Goodbye”...

{and the combination [Whewwwwwww.....hewwwww....] of the two, "See you around, God willing, who hopes,"}

"...who has how many directions, and whose bill of rights applies as equally as the teeth on a comb,

"...and whose preferred moral direction, our messiah, self- repair, soft and hard ware, dance and song book thread, ideena s-siratal mustaqueem', woven throughout the fabric of all creation, heals ANY who have faith

"...and leads to the right hand of the choose, and vote, and dance, and PAUSE,

"...and consider – with who else shares your ultimate PRINCIPLES and realities: eternal life, liberty, and the pursuit of peaceful, happen-ing-ness-es,

“Allah Akbarr,

“The Great Spirit, Akbarr,

“The Great Tao, Akbarr,

“Jehovah Akbarr,

"Who, or why, does not need any, including not needing to not need, and therefore being ready, and willing, to create, sustain, welcome, perfect, return, and invite any, Akbarr,

“Yahweh Akbarr,

"Brahma, the creator God, Akbarr,

"Seven of the ninety-nine names of the one God,


(Who then shifts whose gaze from a wide open angle to the more narrowly focused concentration of both eyes firmly fixed on the prayer spot where who will be placing whose third eye: a physical and mental practice to literally compress whose consciousness, both visual and mental, into the center of whose frontal lobe where much of whose conscious, cognitive processing is done, thereby feeding, and strengthening that part of the brain; xref: four of the five pillars of faith are PHYSICAL TESTS we perform to prove the strength of our faith and the first pillar is a mental test of our cognitive map: salat combines all five tests into one regular practice: Unity of the prayer line(s) and the prayer pattern, consideration of the prayer words, charity of taking time out from our busy day to perform the prayer which provides no direct, immediate reward from Cesar, or the nation (we are not paid to pray, we do it voluntarily as proof our prayers do keep us alive with enough extra savings to have time and space to perform our prayer), abstinence is part of prayer: we significantly restrict what motions and thoughts are permitted while we pray so we can look deeply into 'ideena s-siratal mustaqueem', and pilgrimage: the travel to and from mosque, and the prayer motions themselves, are a form of pilgrimage in line with the greater pilgrimage of Haj we perform once in our life time if we are physically and financially able so to do. ======Null Hypothesis//


======NH: Ironically 'introduce' is another word for 'address God', you are introducing yourself to God, and introducing God to yourself and all who surround you. xref: "Mohammed, I would like you to meet Omar. Omar is a brother from the mosque. Omar, I would like you to meet Mohammed. Mohammed is a brother I met during Haj. Mohammed, meet Omar. Omar, meet Mohammed," In this way a formal introduction repeats the names of the two parties being introduced often enough to help the names 'sink in', much the way we repeat our prayers, and also, it gives equality to both sides of the introduction.

Similarly when who addresses God, who reminds whose self, of both sides of the introduction. (Please see 'Address God' above) ======Null Hypothesis//

by the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk, the immortal leader and the unrivalled hero, this Constitution, which affirms the eternal existence of the Turkish nation and motherland and the indivisible unity of the Turkish state, embodies; The determination to safeguard the everlasting existence, prosperity and material and spiritual well-being of the Republic of Turkey, and to attain the standards of contemporary civilization as an honourable member with equal rights of the family of world nations; The understanding of the absolute supremacy of the will of the nation and of the fact that sovereignty is vested fully and unconditionally in the Turkish nation and that no individual or body empowered to exercise this sovereignty in the name of the nation shall deviate from liberal democracy and the legal system instituted according to its requirements; The principle of the separation of powers, which does not imply an order of precedence among the organs of state, but refers solely to the exercising of certain state powers and discharging of duties which are limited to cooperation and division of functions, and which accepts the supremacy of the Constitution and the law; The recognition that no protection shall be accorded to an activity contrary to Turkish national interests, the principle of the indivisibility of the existence of Turkey with its state and territory, Turkish historical and moral values or the nationalism, principles, reforms and modernism of Atatürk and that, as required by the principle of secularism, there shall be no interference whatsoever by sacred religious feelings in state affairs and politics; the acknowledgment that it is the birthright of every Turkish citizen to lead an honourable life and to develop his or her material and spiritual assets under the aegis of national culture, civilization and the rule of law, through the exercise of the fundamental rights and freedoms set forth in this Constitution in conformity with the requirements of equality and social justice; The recognition that all Turkish citizens are united in national honour and pride, in national joy and grief, in their rights and duties regarding national existence, in blessings and in burdens, and in every manifestation of national life, and that they have the right to demand a peaceful life based on absolute respect for one another's rights and freedoms, mutual love and fellowship and the desire for and belief in at home, peace in the worldConstitution, which is to be embraced with the ideas, beliefs, and resolutions it embodies below should be interpreted and implemented accordingly, thus commanding respect for, and absolute loyalty to, its letter and spirit. Is entrusted by the Turkish nation to the patriotism and nationalism of its democracy-loving sons and daughters.

volley2.ind 124: ?>*:\ ...//2010:04:02:15:28 #528: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 11 Apr 10 14:33 Post Dear Turkish Military:

Would you like to do this with, or without me? Translate the five pillars of Islam the way the preamble to the constitution [Achoo! Achoo!] of the United States does [Achoo!] so that both you, and "Zen, Judeo, Christian, Islam: the mono-theism (single, highest chain-of-command, and best recruiting tool) of the Silk road and... beyond" (sm) might be able to better work together and thereby raise Turkey to the heights of leadership as defenders of the great circle right of ways, and guides for world travelers?

For example: "We the people of..." If you are a muslim, the next words you would expect to here would be, [^] "...the people of the book," based on the Qur~an, Haddith, and verbal traditions of Islam, BUT, instead what do Americans here? "We the people of the United States of America..." So there is example number one. Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams, was it? May, or may not, known of the parallel, but lets look further, and then see about applying the same translation logic to the Turkish constitution while remaining true to both sides, because "Our Creator" applies with no exceptions.

"We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect Union...."

The word 'Union' is capitalized in the original draft. If God is all possibilities and events, if God is the sum Total of "who, or why, is the greatest, and / or the least, and / or everything" then, "a more perfect Union" is another name for the one God. Pretty tricky, eh?

Most people think who is speaking only of the colonies forming a more perfect union of self rule, but Jefferson, and Franklin, and Adams, and Hamilton were no fools, they knew "a more perfect Union" was the logic of sets, and subsets, and the highest chain of command.


In line

======NH: In (prayer) line {we are each responsible for everyone in our prayer line{ ======Null Hypothesis// with the concept

======Null Hypothesis: Four of the five pillars of faith are physical tests we perform to prove the strength of our faith to ourselves, and all who surround us, but the first pillar of faith is a mental test we perform to prove the strength of our faith applies to our cognitive map as well as our physical deeds. ======Null Hypothesis// of nationalism

======Null Hypothesis: Note the word 'nationalism' is used here instead of the word 'a more perfect Union' 'Nationalism' is a lesser concept that DOES apply only to the states, or lesser political subdivisions seeking to join together in Union. But in the same way we prove "Ashadu la il aha, Ashadu il la Allah," So, too "the concept of nationalism" establishes there are other concepts: both lesser, and greater than nationalism. For example: "Ashadu, La il aha..." "I bear witnesses, No small gods," Ashadu, Because God is the greatest. Ashadu, therefore God does not need any. Ashadu, [[Whewwww hewwwwww... (Leisurely fire engine passes by with a non-urgent siren ...whewwwhewwww BRN [thn/]...16:30]] But, 'small' needs 'equal to', or 'greater than'. Ashadu, Therefore: No small gods, Ashadu la, no. Ashadu il, small. Ashadu, aha, gods.

In the same way, "the concept of nationalism" needs the concept of 'unity' to explain itself. And, since there are lesser and greater unities, the Turkish military, and the Turkish muslims immediately share a common chain of command at the level of 'nationalism'. Is nationalism a perfect enough union for the people of Turkey to endure as long as our Creator may permit? ======NH// and the reforms

======Null Hypothesis: 'Forms' and 'reforms'; xref: government forms we fill out. Concrete forms we fill to make buildings, and a common image shared by all Turks: Abraham and Ishmael REBUILT the oldest house of God. Form is what separates the Eide from the Ramadan. Form is what bonds the Eide and the Ramadan into opposite sides of the kaba wall. Inside: the seamless, stand alone, independent Ramadan of the most perfect Union: Our Creator [....whewww hewwwww...] Outside, the Eide seams [...whewww hewww BHRN Rhn ...whewwwwwwwww, hewww....] The stand with, the constitution, the mass... Also xref: the history of forming, and reforming, in the cross roads nation of Turkey. ======Null Hypothesis// and principles

======NH: xref: the way who addresses God before beginning whose prayer: "My God, who... Conclusion of Making Intention to Pray "...I can now find my prayer spot, see with whom I am praying, address God, and begin my prayer: Address God “My God, who, or why, does not need ANY; then how can you be MY God? “By developing a personal relationship to and from you – by using the second person, personal pronoun, 'you', or the interrogative collective pronoun 'who', when I address you, my God, “You, my God, you, OUR God, who, or why, does not need any, then how can you be OUR God? “By inviting everyone, and anyone, in the spirit of the “Ten Commands”, “The Five Pillars”, and “The Universal Declaration of Individual and Group Rights” to pray with us – each time we pray; “You, my God, you our God, you, THE God of all toward, “Hello,” and away, “Goodbye”... {and the combination [Whewwwwwww.....hewwwww....] of the two, "See you around, God willing, who hopes,"} "...who has how many directions, and whose bill of rights applies as equally as the teeth on a comb, "...and whose preferred moral direction, our messiah, self- repair, soft and hard ware, dance and song book thread, ideena s-siratal mustaqueem', woven throughout the fabric of all creation, heals ANY who have faith "...and leads to the right hand of the choose, and vote, and dance, and PAUSE, "...and consider – with who else shares your ultimate PRINCIPLES and realities: eternal life, liberty, and the pursuit of peaceful, happen-ing-ness-es, “Allah Akbarr, “The Great Spirit, Akbarr, “The Great Tao, Akbarr, “Jehovah Akbarr, "Who, or why, does not need any, including not needing to not need, and therefore being ready, and willing, to create, sustain, welcome, perfect, return, and invite any, Akbarr, “Yahweh Akbarr, "Brahma, the creator God, Akbarr, "Seven of the ninety-nine names of the one God, "Alawackbarr!" (Who then shifts whose gaze from a wide open angle to the more narrowly focused concentration of both eyes firmly fixed on the prayer spot where who will be placing whose third eye: a physical and mental practice to literally compress whose consciousness, both visual and mental, into the center of whose frontal lobe where much of whose conscious, cognitive processing is done, thereby feeding, and strengthening that part of the brain; xref: four of the five pillars of faith are PHYSICAL TESTS we perform to prove the strength of our faith and the first pillar is a mental test of our cognitive map: salat combines all five tests into one regular practice: Unity of the prayer line(s) and the prayer pattern, consideration of the prayer words, charity of taking time out from our busy day to perform the prayer which provides no direct, immediate reward from Cesar, or the nation (we are not paid to pray, we do it voluntarily as proof our prayers do keep us alive with enough extra savings to have time and space to perform our prayer), abstinence is part of prayer: we significantly restrict what motions and thoughts are permitted while we pray so we can look deeply into 'ideena s-siratal mustaqueem', and pilgrimage: the travel to and from mosque, and the prayer motions themselves, are a form of pilgrimage in line with the greater pilgrimage of Haj we perform once in our life time if we are physically and financially able so to do. ======Null Hypothesis// introduced

======NH: Ironically 'introduce' is another word for 'address God', you are introducing yourself to God, and introducing God to yourself and all who surround you. Xref: "Mohammed, I would like you to meet Omar. Omar is a brother from the mosque. Omar, I would like you to meet Mohammed. Mohammed is a brother I met during Haj. Mohammed, meet Omar. Omar, meet Mohammed," In this way a formal introduction repeats the names of the two parties being introduced often enough to help the names 'sink in', much the way we repeat our prayers, and also, it gives equality to both sides of the introduction. Similarly when who addresses God, who reminds whose self, of both sides of the introduction. (Please see 'Address God' above) ======Null Hypothesis// by the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk, the immortal leader and the unrivalled hero, this Constitution, which affirms the eternal existence of the Turkish nation and motherland and the indivisible unity of the Turkish state, embodies; The determination to safeguard the everlasting existence, prosperity and material and spiritual well-being of the Republic of Turkey, and to attain the standards of contemporary civilization as an honourable member with equal rights of the family of world nations; The understanding of the absolute supremacy of the will of the nation and of the fact that sovereignty is vested fully and unconditionally in the Turkish nation and that no individual or body empowered to exercise this sovereignty in the name of the nation shall deviate from liberal democracy and the legal system instituted according to its requirements; The principle of the separation of powers, which does not imply an order of precedence among the organs of state, but refers solely to the exercising of certain state powers and discharging of duties which are limited to cooperation and division of functions, and which accepts the supremacy of the Constitution and the law; The recognition that no protection shall be accorded to an activity contrary to Turkish national interests, the principle of the indivisibility of the existence of Turkey with its state and territory, Turkish historical and moral values or the nationalism, principles, reforms and modernism of Atatürk and that, as required by the principle of secularism, there shall be no interference whatsoever by sacred religious feelings in state affairs and politics; the acknowledgment that it is the birthright of every Turkish citizen to lead an honourable life and to develop his or her material and spiritual assets under the aegis of national culture, civilization and the rule of law, through the exercise of the fundamental rights and freedoms set forth in this Constitution in conformity with the requirements of equality and social justice; The recognition that all Turkish citizens are united in national honour and pride, in national joy and grief, in their rights and duties regarding national existence, in blessings and in burdens, and in every manifestation of national life, and that they have the right to demand a peaceful life based on absolute respect for one another's rights and freedoms, mutual love and fellowship and the desire for and belief in at home, peace in the worldConstitution, which is to be embraced with the ideas, beliefs, and resolutions it embodies below should be interpreted and implemented accordingly, thus commanding respect for, and absolute loyalty to, its letter and spirit. Is entrusted by the Turkish nation to the patriotism and nationalism of its democracy-loving sons and daughters.

HEADER PLACED AS FOOTER: #524 of 527: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 11 Apr 2010 (02:03 PM) Turkish military loses its grip on secular order Scandals ignite new skepticism of Turkey's armed forces, which for 87 years have intervened to keep religion out of politics in largely Muslim nation. Janine Zacharia ======Null Hypothesis:

HEADER 2 PLACED AS FOOTER: Dear Nicholas Kulish:

Thought you might be interested in this start to the exegesis of the preambles of the Polish, Turkish, and US constitutions under which who served and to whom this analysis is dedicated: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4040309&id=190609603387 volley2.ind 124: ?>*:\ ...//2010:04:02:15:28 #530: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 11 Apr 10 14:37 Post

#528 of 529: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 11 Apr 2010 (02:33 PM)

Dear Turkish Military: Would you like to do this with, or without me? Translate the five pillars of Islam the way the preamble to the constitution [Achoo! Achoo!] of the United States does [Achoo!] so that both you, and "Zen, Judeo, Christian, Islam: the mono-theism (single, highest chain-of-command, and best recruiting tool) of the Silk road and... beyond" (sm) might be able to better work together and thereby raise Turkey to the heights of leadership as defenders of the great circle right of ways, and guides for world travelers?

For example: "We the people of..." If you are a muslim, the next words you would expect to here would be, [^] "...the people of the book," based on the Qur~an, Haddith, and verbal traditions of Islam, BUT, instead what do Americans here? "We the people of the United States of America..." So there is example number one. Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams, was it? May, or may not, known of the parallel, but lets look further, and then see about applying the same translation logic to the Turkish constitution while remaining true to both sides, because "Our Creator" applies with no exceptions.

"We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect Union...."

The word 'Union' is capitalized in the original draft. If God is all possibilities and events, if God is the sum Total of "who, or why, is the greatest, and / or the least, and / or everything" then, "a more perfect Union" is another name for the one God. Pretty tricky, eh? Most people think who is speaking only of the colonies forming a more perfect union of self rule, but Jefferson, and Franklin, and Adams, and Hamilton were no fools, they knew "a more perfect Union" was the logic of sets, and subsets, and the highest chain of command.


In line

======NH: In (prayer) line {we are each responsible for everyone in our prayer line{ ======Null Hypothesis// with the concept

======Null Hypothesis: Four of the five pillars of faith are physical tests we perform to prove the strength of our faith to ourselves, and all who surround us, but the first pillar of faith is a mental test we perform to prove the strength of our faith applies to our cognitive map as well as our physical deeds. ======Null Hypothesis// of nationalism

======Null Hypothesis: Note the word 'nationalism' is used here instead of the word 'a more perfect Union' 'Nationalism' is a lesser concept that DOES apply only to the states, or lesser political subdivisions seeking to join together in Union. But in the same way we prove "Ashadu la il aha, Ashadu il la Allah," So, too "the concept of nationalism" establishes there are other concepts: both lesser, and greater than nationalism. For example: "Ashadu, La il aha..." "I bear witnesses, No small gods," Ashadu, Because God is the greatest. Ashadu, therefore God does not need any. Ashadu, [[Whewwww hewwwwww... (Leisurely fire engine passes by with a non-urgent siren ...whewwwhewwww BRN [thn/]...16:30]] But, 'small' needs 'equal to', or 'greater than'. Ashadu, Therefore: No small gods, Ashadu la, no. Ashadu il, small. Ashadu, aha, gods.

In the same way, "the concept of nationalism" needs the concept of 'unity' to explain itself. And, since there are lesser and greater unities, the Turkish military, and the Turkish muslims immediately share a common chain of command at the level of 'nationalism'. Is nationalism a perfect enough union for the people of Turkey to endure as long as our Creator may permit? ======NH// and the reforms

======Null Hypothesis: 'Forms' and 'reforms'; xref: government forms we fill out. Concrete forms we fill to make buildings, and a common image shared by all Turks: Abraham and Ishmael REBUILT the oldest house of God. Form is what separates the Eide from the Ramadan. Form is what bonds the Eide and the Ramadan into opposite sides of the kaba wall. Inside: the seamless, stand alone, independent Ramadan of the most perfect Union: Our Creator [....whewww hewwwww...] Outside, the Eide seams [...whewww hewww BHRN Rhn ...whewwwwwwwww, hewww....] The stand with, the constitution, the mass... Also xref: the history of forming, and reforming, in the cross roads nation of Turkey. ======Null Hypothesis// and principles

======NH: xref: the way who addresses God before beginning whose prayer: "My God, who... Conclusion of Making Intention to Pray "...I can now find my prayer spot, see with whom I am praying, address God, and begin my prayer: Address God “My God, who, or why, does not need ANY; then how can you be MY God? “By developing a personal relationship to and from you – by using the second person, personal pronoun, 'you', or the interrogative collective pronoun 'who', when I address you, my God, “You, my God, you, OUR God, who, or why, does not need any, then how can you be OUR God? “By inviting everyone, and anyone, in the spirit of the “Ten Commands”, “The Five Pillars”, and “The Universal Declaration of Individual and Group Rights” to pray with us – each time we pray; “You, my God, you our God, you, THE God of all toward, “Hello,” and away, “Goodbye”... {and the combination [Whewwwwwww.....hewwwww....] of the two, "See you around, God willing, who hopes,"} "...who has how many directions, and whose bill of rights applies as equally as the teeth on a comb, "...and whose preferred moral direction, our messiah, self- repair, soft and hard ware, dance and song book thread, ideena s-siratal mustaqueem', woven throughout the fabric of all creation, heals ANY who have faith "...and leads to the right hand of the choose, and vote, and dance, and PAUSE, "...and consider – with who else shares your ultimate PRINCIPLES and realities: eternal life, liberty, and the pursuit of peaceful, happen-ing-ness-es, “Allah Akbarr, “The Great Spirit, Akbarr, “The Great Tao, Akbarr, “Jehovah Akbarr, "Who, or why, does not need any, including not needing to not need, and therefore being ready, and willing, to create, sustain, welcome, perfect, return, and invite any, Akbarr, “Yahweh Akbarr, "Brahma, the creator God, Akbarr, "Seven of the ninety-nine names of the one God, "Alawackbarr!" (Who then shifts whose gaze from a wide open angle to the more narrowly focused concentration of both eyes firmly fixed on the prayer spot where who will be placing whose third eye: a physical and mental practice to literally compress whose consciousness, both visual and mental, into the center of whose frontal lobe where much of whose conscious, cognitive processing is done, thereby feeding, and strengthening that part of the brain; xref: four of the five pillars of faith are PHYSICAL TESTS we perform to prove the strength of our faith and the first pillar is a mental test of our cognitive map: salat combines all five tests into one regular practice: Unity of the prayer line(s) and the prayer pattern, consideration of the prayer words, charity of taking time out from our busy day to perform the prayer which provides no direct, immediate reward from Cesar, or the nation (we are not paid to pray, we do it voluntarily as proof our prayers do keep us alive with enough extra savings to have time and space to perform our prayer), abstinence is part of prayer: we significantly restrict what motions and thoughts are permitted while we pray so we can look deeply into 'ideena s-siratal mustaqueem', and pilgrimage: the travel to and from mosque, and the prayer motions themselves, are a form of pilgrimage in line with the greater pilgrimage of Haj we perform once in our life time if we are physically and financially able so to do. ======Null Hypothesis// introduced

======NH: Ironically 'introduce' is another word for 'address God', you are introducing yourself to God, and introducing God to yourself and all who surround you. Xref: "Mohammed, I would like you to meet Omar. Omar is a brother from the mosque. Omar, I would like you to meet Mohammed. Mohammed is a brother I met during Haj. Mohammed, meet Omar. Omar, meet Mohammed," In this way a formal introduction repeats the names of the two parties being introduced often enough to help the names 'sink in', much the way we repeat our prayers, and also, it gives equality to both sides of the introduction. Similarly when who addresses God, who reminds whose self, of both sides of the introduction. (Please see 'Address God' above) ======Null Hypothesis// by the founder of the Republic of Turkey, Atatürk, the immortal leader and the unrivalled hero, this Constitution, which affirms the eternal existence of the Turkish nation and motherland and the indivisible unity of the Turkish state, embodies; The determination to safeguard the everlasting existence, prosperity and material and spiritual well-being of the Republic of Turkey, and to attain the standards of contemporary civilization as an honourable member with equal rights of the family of world nations; The understanding of the absolute supremacy of the will of the nation and of the fact that sovereignty is vested fully and unconditionally in the Turkish nation and that no individual or body empowered to exercise this sovereignty in the name of the nation shall deviate from liberal democracy and the legal system instituted according to its requirements; The principle of the separation of powers, which does not imply an order of precedence among the organs of state, but refers solely to the exercising of certain state powers and discharging of duties which are limited to cooperation and division of functions, and which accepts the supremacy of the Constitution and the law; The recognition that no protection shall be accorded to an activity contrary to Turkish national interests, the principle of the indivisibility of the existence of Turkey with its state and territory, Turkish historical and moral values or the nationalism, principles, reforms and modernism of Atatürk and that, as required by the principle of secularism, there shall be no interference whatsoever by sacred religious feelings in state affairs and politics; the acknowledgment that it is the birthright of every Turkish citizen to lead an honourable life and to develop his or her material and spiritual assets under the aegis of national culture, civilization and the rule of law, through the exercise of the fundamental rights and freedoms set forth in this Constitution in conformity with the requirements of equality and social justice; The recognition that all Turkish citizens are united in national honour and pride, in national joy and grief, in their rights and duties regarding national existence, in blessings and in burdens, and in every manifestation of national life, and that they have the right to demand a peaceful life based on absolute respect for one another's rights and freedoms, mutual love and fellowship and the desire for and belief in at home, peace in the worldConstitution, which is to be embraced with the ideas, beliefs, and resolutions it embodies below should be interpreted and implemented accordingly, thus commanding respect for, and absolute loyalty to, its letter and spirit. Is entrusted by the Turkish nation to the patriotism and nationalism of its democracy-loving sons and daughters.

HEADER PLACED AS FOOTER: #524 of 527: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 11 Apr 2010 (02:03 PM) Turkish military loses its grip on secular order Scandals ignite new skepticism of Turkey's armed forces, which for 87 years have intervened to keep religion out of politics in largely Muslim nation. Janine Zacharia ======Null Hypothesis:

HEADER 2 PLACED AS FOOTER: Dear Nicholas Kulish:

Thought you might be interested in this start to the exegesis of the preambles of the Polish, Turkish, and US constitutions under which who served and to whom this analysis is dedicated: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=4040309&id=190609603387

?>*:\ ...//2010:04:11:21:00

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 125: ?>*:\ ...//2010:04:11:21:00 #586: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 27 Apr 10 07:55 Post

April 26, 2010, 8:44 PM Breathing While Undocumented By LINDA GREENHOUSE

Linda Greenhouse on the Supreme Court and the law.



I’m glad I’ve already seen the Grand Canyon.

======NH: xref: whose 1952 infant photo of whose father holding whom up in both arms outstretched over the Grand Canyon; xref: Steve Martin's early 1990's movie, "Grand Canyon". Also xref: National Museum of the American Indian and Navajo tribe Grand Canyon viewing observation platform.

Also xref: who on the west front of the US Capitol before or after 2000 who said, "I was born here, but I've never seen the place," [''''''''thkn ?>*:\ ...//2010:04:27?!:10:42:75*W] xref: being born blind; xref: childhood libidinal [sound] curiosity. ======Null Hypothesis//

Because I’m not going back to Arizona

======NH: or, the US federal government ======NH// as long as it remains a police state, which is what the appalling anti-immigrant bill that Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law last week has turned it into

======Null Hypothesis: and also what Harry Reid, love-able as you are, have turned the U.S. into - with your "Patriot Act" based on your Nevada, mafia roots and your resume as a Nevada police officer, and then a U.S. Capitol Police officer, and the under the table networks of gays, and lesbians, who are only now, finally getting equal rights to ask and tell, and who are therefore biased in favor of covert chains of command and under the table power structures, aka, police states based on who knows whom.

Also responsibility is shared along with your fellow Senators too busy needing to raise $30,000 a day for campaigns and your Sgt. at Arms, former DC police deputy chief, and former U.S. capitol police Chief Gainer. Further responsibility goest to the invasion of Article I by Article II Secret Service who feel Article I, U.S. Capitol police are not good enough to provide protection for their Article II protectees while HRC, and who else, are within the jurisdiction of Article I on capitol hill.

No wonder our national votage, er, voltage, is draining. Our separation of powers is short circuiting, and we are indeed becoming a "Safety first," nation instead of a "Safety is everybody's business, what comes first?" nation who answers, "Our rights come [dish sound] first, 'Live Free or Die', right?" ======Null [dish sound] Hypothesis// volley2.ind 125: ?>*:\ ...//2010:04:11:21:00 #587: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 27 Apr 10 08:13 Post

READERS' COMMENTS Breathing While Undocumented After the governor of Arizona effectively created a police state last week by signing an anti-immigrant bill, will the Supreme Court rescue us?

Share your thoughts.

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William Hale 20016 April 27th, 2010 6:55 am April 26, 2010, 8:44 PM

Breathing While Undocumented


Linda Greenhouse on the Supreme Court and the law.



I’m glad I’ve already seen the Grand Canyon. ======NH: xref: whose 1952 infant photo of whose father holding whom up in both arms outstretched over the Grand Canyon; xref: Steve Martin's early 1990's movie, \"Grand Canyon\". Also xref: National Museum of the American Indian and Navajo tribe Grand Canyon viewing observation platform.

Also xref: who on the west front of the US Capitol before or after 2000 who said, \"I was born here, but I've never seen the place, \" [''''''''thkn ?>*:\\ ...//2010:04:27?!:10:42:75*W] xref: being born blind; xref: childhood libidinal [sound] curiosity.

======Null Hypothesis//

Because I’m not going back to Arizona

======NH: or, the US federal government

======NH// as long as it remains a police state, which is what the appalling anti-immigrant bill that Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law last week has turned it into

======Null Hypothesis: and also what Harry Reid, love-able as you are, have turned the U.S. into - with your \"Patriot Act\" based on your Nevada, mafia roots and your resume as a Nevada police officer, and then a U.S. Capitol Police officer, and the under the table networks of gays, and lesbians, who are only now, finally getting equal rights to ask and tell, and who are therefore biased in favor of covert chains of command and under the table power structures, aka, police states based on who knows whom.

Also responsibility is shared along with your fellow Senators too busy needing to raise $30,000 a day for campaigns and your Sgt. at Arms, former DC police deputy chief, and former U.S. capitol police Chief Gainer. Further responsibility goest to the invasion of Article I by Article II Secret Service who feel Article I, U.S. Capitol police are not good enough to provide protection for their Article II protectees while HRC, and who else, are within the jurisdiction of Article I on capitol hill.

No wonder our national votage, er, voltage, is draining. Our separation of powers is short circuiting, and we are indeed becoming a \"Safety first,\" nation instead of a \"Safety is everybody's business, what comes first?\" nation who answers, \"Our rights come [dish sound] first, 'Live Free or Die', right?\"

======Null [dish sound] Hypothesis// 1. Philip Cohen Chapel Hill, NC April 27th, 2010 10:11 am Ms. Greenhouse, I miss you on your old beat -- but your commentary almost makes up for it. Thank you for writing this. Recommend Recommended by 8 Readers Report as Inappropriate 2. Brandon Berkeley, CA April 27th, 2010 10:14 am The people who say "I'd wait my turn and immigrate legally." from their comfy American living rooms need a dose of empathy. The causes of Mexico's problems are not solely from within either, like the rest of Latin America, the United States has had their hand in there many times. Recommend Recommended by 7 Readers Report as Inappropriate 3. RonS Arlington, VA April 27th, 2010 10:15 am Can we please stop using the euphemism "undocumented" immigrant. It is dishonest and everyone knows it.

Any immigrant who is in this country looking for a job has documentation. Legal immigrants have legitimate documentation.

Illegal immigrants - those who Ms Greenhouse refers to as "undocumented", have stolen, forged or fraudulently obtained documents. They frequently obtain these from the illegal gangs, thereby supporting the violence of such gangs. They are certainly not "undocumented". Recommend Recommended by 22 Readers Report as Inappropriate 4. Ron New York, NY April 27th, 2010 10:15 am I would find it very hard to believe that anyone (other than a bunch of New York Times reporters) is going to cancel their Grand Canyon trip this summer because of this law. Is the Grand Canyon tour guide for or against this law? What about the innkeeper, the restaurant owner and the artisan? Why penalize them when you don't know where they stand? Give me a break! Recommend Recommended by 12 Readers Report as Inappropriate 5. April 27th, 2010 10:15 am This comment has been removed. Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive. For more information, please see our Comments FAQ. 6. sceptic Prescott, AZ April 27th, 2010 10:16 am What hyperbolic nonsense! The State of Arizona is merely enforcing Federal laws on immigration, not creating it's own. There are local police at all the airports enforcing Federal efforts to guard us against terrorism, is that usurping a Federal function? If local police stop a suspicious person at a political rally is this the beginning of a police state? Recommend Recommended by 15 Readers Report as Inappropriate 7. Rick in Lawrenceville Lawrenceville, GA April 27th, 2010 10:16 am The Obama administration like the Bush and previous administrations before them have been abject failures at securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws.

The Reagan amnesty in 1986 was supposed to be the last amnesty, yet the 1990's yielded another 5 or 6 smaller amnesties for those who "missed" the 1986 amnesty.

Granting a "path to citizenship" where one already exists does not secure our borders! Comprehensive Immigration Report (aka amnesty) does not secure our borders.

Again, the Obama administration has been weakening the security on our borders, has not completed the fence on our southern borders, has not implemented E-Verify for all US employers. It has been an abject and complete failure at security our borders and enforcing our immigration laws. Instead it is pandering to illegal aliens and their advocate groups in an effort to gather votes for the Democratic party.

The Obama administration has place the interests of foreign nationals in our country illegally before those of US citizens and legal residents and will continue to do so until US citizens vote them out of office!

Democratic Rep. Guiterrez of Illinois, actually spends more time advocating for illegal aliens than he does representing the interests of his constituents in Illinois. That says alot about the idiots who voted him into office. Recommend Recommended by 11 Readers Report as Inappropriate 8. Ladislav Nemec' big bear, ca April 27th, 2010 10:17 am I saw Grand Canyon last year (second time) so I have no reason to travel to neighboring Arizona. Still, I think Ms. Greenhouse is using unnecessarily strong words. The President was more circumspect calling the law 'misguided'. That's about my point of view.

The truth is that, according to the news, Arizona is the state most exposed to illegal border crossings from Mexico by all kind of people. Some of them looking for work (majority, I am sure), some of them ready for a life of crime here - drugs and some such.

It is the duty of the Federal Government to take care of this situation. The Federal government has been incapable (and/or unwilling) to do so. In a power and enforcement vacuum, the state took over, most likely unconstitutionally. Let's wait how the law is actually enforced and how the courts react to its challenges sure to emerge shortly.

An injuction may be issued before the law becomes effective sometimes in summer. Then, I think, Ms. Greenhouse can see once more the grandious Grand Canyon.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, often 'misguided'. Stronger words ('police state') are completely redundant.

Mandatory IDs are common not only in totalitarian states. Even here one has to have something (usually driver's license) to board the plane and once I was forced by a New York City cop to show it when I was taking pictures of the 5th Avenue Aeroflot office (those were the days of Jewish Defense League).

When I told him that this was a 'free country', he said simply 'not that free. Do you want me to take you to the police stations?'. So I showed him driver's license.

Let's live in a real world, Ms. Greenhouse. This is not an academic discussion about contsitution. Recommend Recommended by 10 Readers Report as Inappropriate 9. Chris New York, NY April 27th, 2010 10:17 am This is a great article, with cool passion backed up by facts and legal details. Thank you for writing it. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 10. Irene Albuquerque, N.M. April 27th, 2010 10:17 am This problem has been brewing for a lot of years and a lot of administrations promised to do something every time there was an election. Same thing with our "Reps".

Well everyone is yelling about the law. did anyone hear what the Governor said when she signed it? We gave Washington plenty of time to help us with this problem. They brought this on themselves.

So why are people surprised? Washington is acting like this is something new and people are calling it racist. Hey guys, just because it is mostly Mexicans that are illegal in the border states does not leave out the other illegals that did not come from Mexico

If Washington had done its job, this would never have happened.

Thank you Washington for doing nothing again. Now the people will defend themselves with no help from you because you don't have the guts to do anything unless you are bribed and apparently, ILLEGAL means let them have at it to you. I wonder how much they lined your pockets with Recommend Recommended by 11 Readers Report as Inappropriate 11. April 27th, 2010 10:17 am This comment has been removed. Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive. For more information, please see our Comments FAQ. 12.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Jon Spencer Tucson April 27th, 2010 10:17 am Yeah, OK, conservative Arizona flipped out on this one. But when are we going to militarize the border so that illegal immigration is stopped? East coast liberals, and liberals everywhere, are opposed to militarizing the border. It offends them and all their sensibilities of what the USA should stand for. But I am a scientist who has worked outdoors in Arizona for 28 years, and last year I started carrying a pistol. Why? Because the desert is being overrun by immigrants, drug runners, car theifs, and criminals of various sorts, any of whom I might encounter in the middle of nowhere, without cell phone contact for miles, etc. This is my land too! I feel ripped off by feeling that I have to carry a gun to do my job anywhere within 40 miles of the border. I say "build the wall". Then we won't need national ID cards, and liberals can find some other global catharsis zone for their bleeding hearts. Recommend Recommended by 19 Readers Report as Inappropriate 13.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) R. Law Texas April 27th, 2010 10:18 am Right you are, Ms. Greenhouse - like previous forays of this type, the State of Arizona will now spend a king's ransom in legal fees defending itself in court, will be found in violation of the U.S. Constitution and likely subject to economic judgement, and the politicians who created the law will be voted out of office or recalled.

Hopefully all this will happen before lives are lost.

The solution to the problem is not individual action by states or cities. Recommend Recommended by 6 Readers Report as Inappropriate 14. Oz Queens, NY April 27th, 2010 10:18 am The Arizona law may be extreme, but do you have any other suggestions? With the data showing that the overwhelming majority of the crime in Arizona is done by illegal immigrants, should they just sit back and do nothing? Recommend Recommended by 13 Readers Report as Inappropriate 15. Jos Fairfax, VA April 27th, 2010 10:18 am “attrition through enforcement," they say? It's a good thing justice Roberts is but an umpire, right? Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 16. Mark Pittsburgh, PA April 27th, 2010 10:18 am Amen, Linda. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 17. vero NY April 27th, 2010 10:18 am that button is a great solution and i am sure the people of arizona will be grateful. please go to www.desertinvasion.us to find out what is actually happening on the unguarded border in arizona. 1 to 3 million illegal crossers each year, each leaving 8 pounds of debris, including human waste, behind--that's 8 to 24 million pounds of waste. damage to the environment, parks, indian reservations, private property, the danger from armed drug smugglers and human smugglers, the destruction of natural resources, like water, and the overall danger to the entire country due to this massive unchecked population growth--this website really will lay it out why wearing a button will not be enough of a solution. something must be done and calling arizonans racists isn't helping. Recommend Recommended by 8 Readers Report as Inappropriate 18. marik7 wailiku, hi April 27th, 2010 10:18 am And steer clear of the Phoenix airport. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 19. Jim New York April 27th, 2010 10:18 am It is interesting that the majority of voters who will support this law are the same individuals who complain about "Big Government." I have not read the actual law, but from the newspaper accounts I have read there is no mention about employers who hire illegal immigrants. The other interesting aspect of this Law is that the local citizenry can sue the local government if the local citizens believe their local government is not pro-active in the enforcement of the new law. Based upon this alone, I do not see how any police department could possibly support this legislation as they open themselves up to purely subjective lawsuits. In essence, this Bill may possibly add additional costs to the taxpayer, the very subject that the Tea Party and anti-immigration rail against the loudest. Finally, in an interview with Chris Matthews on "Hardball" a proponent of the Bill states that prior to the enactment of the Bill crime rates were declining in the Phoenix area. He drew an inference to the passage of a Bill that was enacted within the last week to the declining crime rate sine 2006. The fact is the reduction in crime is probably related to Federal involvement through the Immigration and Criminal Enforcement provisions that are already in effect. If ever an Immigration Law was poorly thought out it would appear to be the new Arizona immigration law. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 20. Jason Newport Beach, CA April 27th, 2010 10:19 am Ms. Greenhouse,

I've long admired your less opinionated and very articulate reporting on the Court and was sad to see you yield coverage to Adam Liptak last year --though he's done a great job in your stead.

I'm an Arizona native vehemently opposed to this legislation for many of the reasons you cite in your article. However, this is the first article I've seen that puts the relevant case law into the debate and am glad to see that Federal preemption could be enough to stop the bill.

My family moved to Arizona in 1962 when my mother was 2 years old. In Arizona, a state of transplants, the 60s are nearly ancient history. The tragedy in this episode is that so many other transplants, or even those who might resemble them, should have their rights infringed upon in the name of fear and uncertainty.

Recommend Recommended by 3 Readers Report as Inappropriate 21. Xorox Scottsdale, AZ April 27th, 2010 10:19 am Arizona's new law, whether it is struck-down by the court or upheld, will NOT stop the flow of illegal immigrants. As long as businesses demand cheap labor (the demand factor), illegal immigration will continue (the supply factor). Arizona passed a strong law to clamp down on businesses that employ illegal immigrants, but that law has been held-up by litigation efforts -- mainly by legal objections from the US Chamber of Commerce. We need better border security and laws that punish employers for hiring illegal immigrants.

Violent crime in Arizona has dropped by 19% over the last decade, so it doesn't look like the influx of illegal immigrants brought on an explosion in violent crime.

After the implementation of SB 1070, Hispanic gangs and criminals will gain massive amounts of power in the Hispanic communities because the local residents are more afraid of the police. It will affect police services and neighborhood crime rates, including non-Hispanic areas. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 22.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) sherry steiker Litttleton, CO April 27th, 2010 10:19 am We made plans a long time ago to stay in Arizona in May.. now I feel funny about it because I am totally against this new bill. It is unjust, it discriminates and it's something I find un American. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 23. TJ Colatrella Boiceville NY April 27th, 2010 10:19 am The last few years what we have pouring into our nation in Arizona especially aren't immigrants, they're criminals members of these criminal gangs and drug gangs it's gotten very dangerous for Arizonians in Phoenix someone is kidnapped every 30 minutes..

I don't care what you think of this law, if the federal Government were doing it's job, a law like this would have never been passed...! Recommend Recommended by 9 Readers Report as Inappropriate 24. Scottsdale Jack Scottsdale, AZ April 27th, 2010 10:19 am Funny that a law supported by 70% of the citizens of a southwestern state inspires such hyperventilating in New York City. Despite all the screaming about Nazis, the law makes being in the country illegally a state crime - a misdemeanor to be precise, like trespass, vandalism, etc. Does this sound like gas chambers are around the corner? I don't think so.

Count me as a lifelong Democrat who supports this law. I am tired of the endless parade of illegal aliens on the nightly news here in Phoenix committing crimes, causing accidents, and usually escaping to Mexico if they have a chance. I feel that my family is in danger every day on the road here due to the junk from south of the border that careens around our highways, often overloaded with smuggled people and drugs. Do you think I exaggerate? Last month my wife had to detour off the freeway on her way to work - the reason? A bus from Mexico, with faulty equipment and a driver who spoke no English (and may not have been competent) rear ended a pickup truck and rolled over, blocking the freeway and killing passengers. The crash survivors (all poor foreign nationals from south of the border) went to a local hospital, where you and I will be picking up the bill as they can't pay.

The federal government, no matter the administration, is failing at its duty to protect our nation. Instead of wasting trillions in places like Iraq, the government should station 50,000 troops on our borders to protect our nation, our people, from the endless invasion we are experiencing. Recommend Recommended by 13 Readers Report as Inappropriate 25. Nazim Hussein Haqq Somerset, NJ April 27th, 2010 10:20 am A beautiful and well written reminder of how fraglie freedom really is.

True conservatives (if there really are any left) would be 1,000,000 times more upset that how dare the all dreaded "government" require people to carry proofs of citizenship and ID cards on them all the time?

The law is scary, unfortunate, and a perfect parable of the rampant intolerance of anything unaligned with their views whether on more wars, detainee rights, civil liberties, and now immigration sweeping the paranoid Republican party.

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Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 129: ?>*:\ ...//2010:06:18:16:48:135*W #155: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 22 Jun 10 08:02 Post

Your Comments On... Orszag to resign as White House budget director, source says White House budget director Peter Orszag has decided to leave the Obama administration, likely in the next few weeks, a Democrat familiar with his plans said Monday night. His departure would make him the first member of President Obama's Cabinet to leave the White House. - By Michael D. Shear and Ed O'Keefe

Comments ftitus_1 wrote: He's following his heart vice his head. 6/22/2010 10:57:14 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy rlj1 wrote: WOW - I have to believe this since WaPo would not print stories unless they were true. Of course I might be wrong since I remember WaPo also printing that Emanuel would be the first to leave. WaPo wrong - no tell me it isn't true. 6/22/2010 10:54:21 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Loxinabox wrote: I didn't know he was under investigation. I wonder what for? 6/22/2010 10:49:23 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tgolamb wrote: You can color the spin anyway you like, but the bottom line is, the rats are lining up to jump off of Obama's sinking ship. They all realize that the public is not happy, and it's not going to be a good thing to have an association with Obama on your resume'. 6/22/2010 10:29:10 AM Recommend (5) Report Abuse Discussion Policy perryneheum wrote: Like rats fleeing a warehouse fire, the Obamans are bailing to avoid being tagged with being part of the administration's all-words-no-accomplishment "actions." 6/22/2010 10:21:47 AM Recommend (5) Report Abuse Discussion Policy pburgdon wrote: He stayed a year and a half too long. A rat leaving a sinking ship. 6/22/2010 10:16:36 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy kitchendragon50 wrote: The Democrats in Congress said there will be no budget next year. Orszag was out of a job anyway. 6/22/2010 10:10:22 AM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tonyjm wrote: good 6/22/2010 10:03:34 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy melatr7 wrote:



6/22/2010 9:51:50 AM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy mspatterson wrote: You aren't the director of the Congressional Budget Office under a President. The first part of the name ought to be a clue. 6/22/2010 9:50:26 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy baltic wrote: Are the road kill rug and cowboy boots going, too? Wow! 6/22/2010 9:48:37 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy melatr7 wrote:

Of course he's going to resign- there's no money left to budget! 6/22/2010 9:48:23 AM Recommend (9) Report Abuse Discussion Policy bandcyuk wrote: When the chief beancounter makes a run for it, you can be sure the next report on finances is going to be a real eye opener. 6/22/2010 9:44:35 AM Recommend (10) Report Abuse Discussion Policy derrill1 wrote: Smart man ! Who is next ? Get out while you can. Don't go down with the sinking shipof state. 6/22/2010 9:40:19 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Bockscar wrote: Mr. Orszag's name will fade into obscurity most probably by design. Who would want to be remembered as engineering two of the most costly non-functional legislative efforts in history. Sadly however, the American public will be paying for his legacy via the national debt, for a long time! 6/22/2010 9:39:57 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy DC110 wrote: Sincear2021 - OMB Director is a Cabinet position, actually; always has been. In addition to the Departments, seven positions are Cabinet-rank and their incumbents members of the Cabinet. Also, whether or not a position is in the Cabinet is totally unrelated to the principle of separation of powers. 6/22/2010 9:33:08 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Sincear2021 wrote: Clearly, OMB Director is not a cabinet position, so the Washington writer needs a crash course in the separation of powers. 6/22/2010 9:17:16 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy gorams1 wrote: "Orszag will leave behind, in this year alone, a $1.3 trillion deficit."

Heckuva job Petey! Don't let the door hit you.... 6/22/2010 9:15:09 AM Recommend (9) Report Abuse Discussion Policy potomacfever00 wrote: muawiyah wrote: potomacfever00 ~ it really never came across all that well that it disturbed him to tell those lies.

6/22/2010 8:58:05 AM

------i never said it disturbed him... but eventually even the most accomplished of liars will collapse in on themselves.

6/22/2010 9:14:59 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Godsavethetroops wrote: There is a story here somewhere if some reporter has the guts to seek it out. Contrary to this report people in these high administrative positions don’t usually leave without being pressured because of something they have done that could end up embarrassing or crippling the administration. It is my guess that Orszag is Jewish, which means he has an all powerful Jewish constituency in the administration that must be as concerned about what he has done as is the President. So it must be serious. Of course for a reporter to go after the story would end his career and he probably will not be able to get it printed any way. It is a good thing for the administration and its backers they got Helen Thomas out of the Whitehouse press core a couple of weeks ago. Now there is nothing but a bunch of Barbie and Jimmy lapdogs in that room. God save this country for the people will not. 6/22/2010 9:12:12 AM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy volley2.ind 129: ?>*:\ ...//2010:06:18:16:48:135*W #193: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 22 Jun 10 13:23 Post

Your Comments On... Obama leaving options open on firing McChrystal, Gibbs says President Obama reacted angrily to derogatory comments by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, about administration officials involved in Afghan policy and is leaving his options open about firing him, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Tuesday. - By Michael D. Shear, Ernesto Londoño and Debbi Wilgoren

Comments randomsample wrote: #180 of 192: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 22 Jun 2010 (12:14 PM)

"How should Obama play this?" NYTimes commentator.

======NH: Obama and Karzai agree to permit McChrystal, Petraeus, and Gates apply for dual citizenship with Afghanistan and enlist in the Afghan army at the rank of four star generals.

5,000 US Troops request similar permission.

Review and evaluation process begins.

Ecuador, or what country, where indigenous people increased their land holdings by how many times serves as a precedent and hope for Afghans.

International Council of 600 Imam formed to consult with Afghan Government. But actually, after being given this idea, none of the principals involved will follow through on it, and instead, CIA, etc. will attempt to use the idea of dual citizenship to [exterior sound]...

The above thought of while making coffee and then eating avacado and bread for a while to line the stomach to protect it from the harsh coffee.

So, what would be a second best option who might do?

Afghan volunteers to serve in Peru?

That's the way to win in Afghanstan: be doing what more important where else in such a way as to inspire all straight thinking people to want to work with you, instead of this murky, "any means necessary" video game fantasy mess... 6/22/2010 4:13:18 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy stephendavid2002 wrote: dottydo wrote: smitten1 wrote: TheBabeNemo wrote: (BABE NOBODY)

McChrystal can't run the war over there. He's already proven it by being an idiot ****************************************

The only way to win the war "over there" is to bomb the heck out of them including civilians, IF they are truly a treat to us and we are actually provoked in a serious way that would be justificed. Otherwise, we should pack up our bags, get out of there and leave them alone. We can use our energy to rebuild the USA and prevent them from entering our country here. /> />>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You left out the part about illegally funding the enemy trror groups with the public dole (who are killing our US troops there),and the Kyl reveal that the Alqueda has been entering through his open gate left unguarded in Arizona.

Obama = Impeachable. ???????????????????????????????/ dottydo, is "open gate left unguarded in Arizona" in Obama's and the feds provence or the State's... smitten1, Xanado can't happen. even if we actually could build a dome over the US... the point of fighting them there - where they train and get indoctrinated into their brand of supremacist religious thinking - is that it is easier to set up a government in their area than to let them keep sliping over here (mixing with our white supremacist terrorists and 'anybody but black' white racists...) and causing havoc with white owned technology and energy... especially over the long run. sorry, you can't just put them on reservations and forget about them - like the so called "savages" this land was wrestled from...

TheBabeNemo is right to point out that McChrystal had his say in the war long before Obama became his Commander... the planning of the winning of hearts and minds should have been done in the beginning... it's suprizing how little supremacist know compared to what they want everyone to think they know... hey dottydo, what dottydo you think of Michelle's euro style hair? will we get a vote out of your biased committee? ------

"What is racism? Racism is racial prejudice that has been incorporated into the activities and procedures of major institutions, corporations, social systems (such as those related t housing, education, and health), and other arenas of major social activity (such as politics, the media, finance, and banking). Racism serves both to discriminate against ethnic minorities and to maintain advantages and benefits for White Americans."

"...Psychologists have found that we put energy into various mechanisms that help us maintain our view of the world. For example, we can seek out and pay attention to information that supports our views. Evidence suggests that the More strongly we hold a stereotype, the more we tend to remember confirming information about the group. There is a kind of circular process here: For example, the more we believe stereotypes about gay men being effeminate, the more likely we will remember incidents which seem to support these views. We also discount or rationalize information that is contradictory to our beliefs. The Black person who is intelligent and articulate, the gay man who is not effeminate, or the Jewish person who is not pushy become exceptions to the rule, but the rule remains. And we may look more closely for grammatical mistakes in the Black person’s speech than in a White person’s; or that the Jewish person is especially clever in working his or her exploitive influence behind our back..."

"...the new racism describes a more elusive, political, almost abstract language of race which avoids blatantly negative racist statements in favor of political codewords and symbols. This new racism is partly based on a view of racial discrimination as being outdated and puts the onus of achievement and equality on African Americans and other ethnic minority people. If African Americans would, for example, stop clamoring for special treatment and simply work harder, they could achieve the American Dream. The idea is that it is African Americans’ own deficiencies – whether they be greed, laziness, violence, and so on – that are the cause of their problems, not the history of slavery, segregation, discrimination, prejudice, and racism which is assumed to have come to an end...." Excerpts from what was Written by ..., PhD At the request of the American Psychological Association Public Interest Directorate 6/22/2010 4:13:15 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Reesh wrote: Let's get this straight. President gave McChrystal a free hand in running the war in Afghanistan and the General and his staff laughed at the Whitehouse for their decision to do so.

I agree with McChrystal, the President made a fool of himself to trust this fool McChrystal. How did McChrystal get to be in a leadership position? Maybe someone should go around and vet our military leaders to test their levels of competency.

It's too astounding for words. McChrystal and his gang of boobs are snickering because they got the job. 6/22/2010 4:13:10 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy mitt1968 wrote: PontiusPilot wrote: sonofliberty09 wrote: When I think of Obama the first thing that come to mind is the word "pompous."


Stupid people almost always feelt that way about smart people. Ever seen a West Virginian in London? Better than the "Beverly Hillbillies."


West Virginians don't go to London, they go to the outhouse. Don't trust 'em flyin' machines... 6/22/2010 4:13:07 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy muawiyah wrote: McChrystal is Obama's best general ~ and outside crazy old retired General Wesley Clark there's none like him left in the barrel.

Obama should just give up ~ surrender ~ admit no one with talent dares to work near him. I'm sure he can be easily replaced, although we need to make sure the replacement knows how to take command.

6/22/2010 4:12:55 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy luca_20009 wrote: ogre131 wrote: I think it was wrong for him to say what he said. What I find very "interesting" is all of you who are calling for his head when it wasn't but a few years ago you were applauding every General who came out to criticize everything George W. Bush did. ------"Four legs good! Two legs bad!" 6/22/2010 4:12:48 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy theaz wrote: OldUncleTom wrote: Could it be that Eisenhower was both the last good Republican AND the last good General we had?


Eisenhower was shrewd and smart; where as, Obama is arrogant, but very dumb! 6/22/2010 4:12:32 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy KBlit wrote: It does not make a lick of difference if McC is the greatest general in history or Obama has no military background. This is a direct confrontation concerning the Constitution and civilian authority over the military. McC must go. Not to fire him leaves Obama and all future Presidents in the position of having to deal with a renagade military. 6/22/2010 4:12:25 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Hembo wrote: No, TTDS, you don't get it. NOTHING is Oblame-a's fault. It's all Bush's fault, Wall Street's fault.

For Oblame-a everything is SOMEONE ELSE'S fault.

By the way, the Gulf oil leak is BP's fault.

The abject failure to respond to the oil spill, contain it, and clean it up is 100% completely and totally Oblame-a's fault. ------TTDS wrote: It's becoming very tiring. Pile on Obama for anything and everything. Everything is his fault from the gulf oil disaster to the insubordinate behavior of one of his generals. Lack of respect for Obama is the reason the country is wallowing in name calling, policy gridlock and the arrival of the "Tea-Party". I think it goes even further than just "disrepect". Obama is a black man and this country, try as it might to cover it up, is still very racist. Obama will never be respected or accepted as the president of this country. The hate and racisum won't allow it. 6/22/2010 4:12:07 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy willandjansdad1 wrote: ogre131 wrote: ...it wasn't but a few years ago you were applauding every General who came out to criticize everything George W. Bush did.

Name one active duty general who was openly insubordinate to Bush.

Just because you heard it on Fox or at a meeting of your teabag-insurrection cell doesn't make it true.

6/22/2010 4:12:04 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Mauna1 wrote: The military is supposed to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States of America. Every military person takes an oath to do just that. Yet, our constitution is being violated every day by the Obama Administration. Obama would love to discredit McChrystal since McChrystal is the first General who has had the courage to question or criticize Obama. McChrystal should have never apologized. He is much smarter than anyone in the Obama Administration. McChrystal should stand up to Obama. 6/22/2010 4:11:57 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy judithod wrote: Read the article. McChrystal did not break the chain of command; he said nothing disrespectful about Obama.

The tone of the Rolling Stone article is definitely anti- military, indicating that the writer has an axe to grind.

Who leaked the article to the MSM? Suspect it was the White House since Obama needs to escape the heat of his ineffectuality in dealing with the Gulf gusher. The scenario with McChrystal creates a nice diversion and gives Obama an opportunity to try to appear "tough and in charge."

Perhaps sales of this Rolling Stone issue will save the publication from impending bankruptcy. 6/22/2010 4:11:56 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy prutah64923 wrote: It seems like Mr. Obama has a problem with the truth. You don't play games with a General of McCrystal's caliber and expect him to kiss you hind end. You don't jerk him around either. They will fire him and get a pantywaist yes man to take his place and we will lose a lot more soliers and marines in Afghanistan than we should. Ya can't fight the bad guys with PC Crap! 6/22/2010 4:11:37 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Alka-Seltzer wrote: How can he explain it? The man's a fool. I don't know, maybe he has PTSD or something. He's on his sixth tour in combat tour. Yes, I know he's not on the front line but he's guy giving the orders and sometimes that's even harder after so many years. He's obviously burned out. Give him an honorable discharge. His strategy ain't working out so well in Afghanistan anyway so he'd be replaced in another year anyway since Bush is no longer president. Obama is quicker to admit his mistakes and move on to another strategy or hopefully pull out altogether which is what we should do. 6/22/2010 4:11:27 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy fritz101 wrote: TTDS wrote: It's becoming very tiring. Pile on Obama for anything and everything. Everything is his fault from the gulf oil disaster to the insubordinate behavior of one of his generals. Lack of respect for Obama is the reason the country is wallowing in name calling, policy gridlock and the arrival of the "Tea-Party". I think it goes even further than just "disrepect". Obama is a black man and this country, try as it might to cover it up, is still very racist. Obama will never be respected or accepted as the president of this country. The hate and racisum won't allow it. ______

Every time one of you leftists post something about how disrespectful everybody is to Obama (as if any of you freaks gave Bush any presidential respect) and blast it as recism, you degrade the man and the office.

By claiming racism, you imply that Obama is LESS THAN and in need of more support than any other person who would occupy the Oval Office.

Can it simply be that the president is simply incompetent and in way over his head? He just happens to be black?

Maybe you apologists should have elected a COMPETENT person to office instead? One that would rather be a President of the United States than a finger-pointing, no responsibility taking leader of the Democratic Party? 6/22/2010 4:11:14 PM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy HughGKnutts wrote: JoranVanDerSloot wrote: "I used to think that criticism of Obama was legitimate disagreement with his policies but now I read this board and see that it is really rascism after all."

If you are looking for racism, take a stroll over to this post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/18/ AR2010061803204_ Comments.html where the "inhabitants" of this radical left wing site made no aspersions of their hatred for Jews.

You'll find the true racism you are looking for, there. 6/22/2010 4:11:10 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy democratus wrote: "A spokesman for Afghan President Hamid Karzai, however, issued a statement saying Karzai "strongly supports McChrystal and his strategy in Afghanistan and believes he is the best commander the United States has sent to Afghanistan over the last nine years," the wire service reported."

With that ringing endorsement from the goon Karzai, McChrystal should be fired. 6/22/2010 4:10:28 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy denise4925 wrote: jacquelynwoods wrote: He may be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, but, he doesn't seem to be able to walk and think at the same time, or for that matter at anytime, except to think up an excuse for this latest disaster. ********************************************

And this gem coming from a teabagger. No, he can't walk and think at the same time. That's why he's been a heck of a lot more successful in life then you ever will be. You know, becoming President and all. Cleaning up Bush & Cheney's mess, dealing with BP's oil spill and now an insubordinate general in a war neglected by Bush & Co. for the phoney one they strapped on the US for billions upon billions of dollars in Iraq. Yes and all of this is President Obama's fault. He caused it all just by existing. Please do us all a favor and shut up. You're really too stupid to open your mouth anymore. You're right about one thing. It is a disaster of major proportions for a General to be insubordinate to his Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, the POTUS. On that note, some of you teabaggers have compared this insubordination to the President bad mouthing Bush when he was a Senator. I suggest, when you get a chance, to read the Constitution. Especially the part about separation of powers. 6/22/2010 4:09:53 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy jacquelynwoods wrote: GeeJay24 wrote: General McChrystal's behavior is dangerous. This is the 2nd time, publicly that he has directly and indirectly insulted his Commander in Chief. If McChrystal doesn't have the judgment to respect his Commander in Chief and holds him up to ridicule, he should not be leading our troops. ------Since the days of George Washington senior solders have shown disrespect for many administration officials, and are often right, but, they still obey them.

Lincoln was ridiculed, Johnson was ridiculed, Nixon was ridiculed, Carter was ridiculed, Truman was ridiculed by our military leaders, none of the leaders were fired for some ridicule, only one was fired for failure to obey an order.

It's Only Barry can't handle the Candor printed in the Rolling Stones for pete's sake. 6/22/2010 4:09:30 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy KBlit wrote: It does not make a lick of difference if McC is the greatest general in history or Obama has no military background. This is a direct confrontation concerning the Constitution and the civilian- military. McC must go. Not to fire him leaves Obama and all future Presidents in the position of having to deal with a renagade military. There was a reason why the Founding Fathers did what they did with regards civilian control. 6/22/2010 4:09:11 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

?>*:\ ...//2010:07:08:17:48:48

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 130: ?>*:\ ...//2010:07:08:17:48:48 #63: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 9 Jul 10 22:19 Post run by U.S. Special Operations forces, has been tested in places such as the volatile Argandab Valley of Kandahar. But without Karzai's approval of the policy, the spread of the program would be limited.

=====NH: A council of 600 well respected, international Imam need to be invited to offer second opinions, and oversee such a program so it is carried out in the Islamic way. The US Constitution is based on the principles of Islam, especially the preamble rights. ======NH//

Another iteration, the Afghan Public Protection Police, is intended to provide an Afghan government structure over the armed villagers and salaries paid by the Interior Ministry. This program is intended to eventually envelop programs run by the U.S. Special Forces, as Afghans take more control of security in the country.

======NH: xref: PPP = The Political Post Card party; xref: verification services...

The 12% of the local militias rotating through federal service might be enough. 17%? We do not want some front man for a central group of people we have mixed emotions about coming and 'over seeing' us. We will come to you. We will invite who of you to come to us. That's how the Minute Men thought. That's how the Swamp Fox, and Paul Revere operated. That's what the liberty tree was all about. These principles are independent of race, creed, color, or national origin. This is the logic of grass roots revolution, NOT an occupying force attempting to make sure King George Bush is happy. ======Null Hypothesis//

It's a very well-thought-out concept, which is aimed at protecting civilians and enabling and empowering the local people to gather behind the law," said Vygaudas Usackas, the European Union special representative in Afghanistan. "The concern which we had as the European Union is to see a clear chain of command [within the Interior Ministry] so it doesn't become a separate militia."

DeYoung reported from Washington. Staff writer Rajiv Chandrasekaran, also in Washington, contributed to this report.

======Null Hypothesis' xref: "steer clear"; xref: US Capitol signage and architecture designed to route visitors like cattle into shutes rather than role model decentralized, participatory democracy...

Saudi Arabia had King Fhad controlling the military, and King Abdullah controlling the militia and the system of checks and balances, and separation of powers, and an independent "back up" at the ready worked very well.

Under the table mafias, whether they are Afghan truckers, or Apple computer dealers do not like checks and balances, and separation of powers. They like CENTRALIZED control. Let's rename the CIA the De-CIA. And you get your 'z' that way too. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 130: ?>*:\ ...//2010:07:08:17:48:48 #64: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 9 Jul 10 22:25 Post

Your Comments On... Gen. Petraeus runs into resistance from Karzai over village defense forces KABUL -- As he takes charge of the war effort in Afghanistan, Gen. David H. Petraeus has met sharp resistance from President Hamid Karzai to an American plan to assist Afghan villagers in fighting the Taliban on their own. - By Joshua Partlow and Karen DeYoung

Comments randomsample wrote: run by U.S. Special Operations forces, has been tested in places such as the volatile Argandab Valley of Kandahar. But without Karzai's approval of the policy, the spread of the program would be limited.

=====NH: A council of 600 well respected, international Imam need to be invited to offer second opinions, and oversee such a program so it is carried out in the Islamic way. The US Constitution is based on the principles of Islam, especially the preamble rights. ======NH//

Another iteration, the Afghan Public Protection Police, is intended to provide an Afghan government structure over the armed villagers and salaries paid by the Interior Ministry. This program is intended to eventually envelop programs run by the U.S. Special Forces, as Afghans take more control of security in the country.

======NH: xref: PPP = The Political Post Card party; xref: verification services...

The 12% of the local militias rotating through federal service might be enough. 17%? We do not want some front man for a central group of people we have mixed emotions about coming and 'over seeing' us. We will come to you. We will invite who of you to come to us. That's how the Minute Men thought. That's how the Swamp Fox, and Paul Revere operated. That's what the liberty tree was all about. These principles are independent of race, creed, color, or national origin. This is the logic of grass roots revolution, NOT an occupying force attempting to make sure King George Bush is happy. ======Null Hypothesis//

It's a very well-thought-out concept, which is aimed at protecting civilians and enabling and empowering the local people to gather behind the law," said Vygaudas Usackas, the European Union special representative in Afghanistan. "The concern which we had as the European Union is to see a clear chain of command [within the Interior Ministry] so it doesn't become a separate militia."

DeYoung reported from Washington. Staff writer Rajiv Chandrasekaran, also in Washington, contributed to this report.

======Null Hypothesis' xref: "steer clear"; xref: US Capitol signage and architecture designed to route visitors like cattle into shutes rather than role model decentralized, participatory democracy...

Saudi Arabia had King Fhad controlling the military, and King Abdullah controlling the militia and the system of checks and balances, and separation of powers, and an independent "back up" at the ready worked very well.

Under the table mafias, whether they are Afghan truckers, or Apple computer dealers do not like checks and balances, and separation of powers. They like CENTRALIZED control.

Let's rename the CIA the De-CIA. And you get your 'z' that way too. ======Null Hypothesis// 7/10/2010 1:19:21 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Scar1 wrote: When we leave-Mr. K is on s list. His own people upset with his butt. It is time we leave Middle East period. If they want to fight- hell let them. We do not need their stupid headaches-we have enough of our own thanks to them. Did you notice for thousands of years they fight and yet they do not blow their own a.s.se. up? They ain't crazy. 7/10/2010 1:12:09 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy wp318676 wrote: I usually refer to Jim Moran on Jim Moron, but he's probably right about this one. 7/10/2010 1:11:00 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Scar1 wrote: Oh what a joke? Did ya think they would get along? Petraeus will eat his butt for breakfast. Karzai full of "s on shingle" and Petraeus is ready and willing to shove it to him on a silver platteer. 7/10/2010 1:08:37 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy kunino wrote: Karzai seems to feel the McChrystal|Petraeus plan is aimed mainly at getting the US out of Afghanistan ASAP. An Afghanistan ruined in a new and even less pleasant way.

Makes sense. 7/10/2010 1:02:18 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: The idea of recruiting villagers into local defense programs is a key part of the U.S. military strategy in Afghanistan

=====NH: xref: whose long standing requested remedy here re: Minute Men vs. Red Coats. ======NH// experiments could lead Afghanistan further into warlo

?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #969: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 8 Dec 10 10:50 Post


What would you do?

CONCLUSION:1.Certain U.S. Constitution Article I Legislators (and some Article II executives) have been intentionally deceived by certain Article II executives responsible for receiving, and responding to, official US government communications, and therefore those Article I Legislators (and Article II executives) so deceived, must seek redress via Article III {{and or Article I 09:41}}, or face liability themselves [[thn/ 09:29]].

Secondly, 2.The evidence [[Thn/ 09:38]] is the degree of variance [[thn/ 09:22:135*]] between the 'confidential' US State Department communications revealed by Wiki-Leaks - compared to the official, public record for that same period of time. This variance makes the official Public Record [[wheww whwhwhwwh whu. [thn/ [crk | ]] 09:24]] of Article II 'propaganda' (an intentional policy of lies and distortions intended to mislead) [thn/ 07:57] - instead of 'true facts' [[thn/ 09:32]] (and policy), and therefore Article II, the US executive, has intentionally hamstrung and undermined [[j^]] the ability of Article I, the US Legislature, to carry out it's constitutional duty [whwn whn whn...08:00] Therefore Article II [[kn\ 09:34]] has failed to perform IT's constitutional duty, and those responsible must be removed from office [[rrRRpms 08:08][thn/]] - or, in the case of 2000 -2008, be indicted, and / or Article I must actually pass legislation, and / or a US Constitutional Amendment, which remedies the possibility of future deceptions by granting Article I, and / or Article III, sufficient direct access to "in house" communications of Article I, however this could breach the essential separation of powers between the three branches of government, and therefore only an Article III remedy of removal from office might be permissible [rpms 09:48] {And a medal of [jet] honor for the Wiki-Leakers}

CS: Thanks for covering a tough topic. Would you like to resolve these issues, with, or without me, and / or whom? 1.WIKI-LEAKS 'PENTAGON PAPERS' [[cup sound 07:44]] 2.CLASS ACTION FORMS RE: FAILURE TO PROSECUTE LAX [[kn | 09:49]] DATA PROTECTION 3.DIPLOMACY, OR DECEPTION? Failure to investigate and prosecute federal inconsistencies between private and public pronouncements leads to class action based on ignoring 'reasonable grounds' to truly, and accurately report official U.S. Government activities to Article I. 4.Never has the 'illegal' dissemination of government information resulted in the removal of a public office holder from office, nor in the correction of policies of a government. The Pentagon Papers, and what else, are no precedent whatsoever, and alienating "We the people" from confidence in pursuing Article III remedies are not grounds for whom to publish a "Conditional [[thn//07:52]] 2025 'Bloodless' Declaration of Independence: contingent upon tawbs.com, links, and more" [[thn/ 07:54]] 5.Archived at: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=15570&uid=203128736043

Wiki Leaks prosecution studied by Justice Department volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #970: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 8 Dec 10 11:16 Post


What would you do?

CONCLUSION:1.Because certain U.S. Constitution Article I Legislators (and some Article II executives) have been intentionally, and unfairly, deceived by certain Article II executives responsible for receiving, and responding to, official US government communications (much like your pending case), I, as a US citizen dependent upon a constitutional, healthy, fairly operating federal government, have been deprived [[thn/ 10:01]] of my US Constitution Preamble Rights, as well as my Article I and II rights to be constitutionally [[thn/ 10:06]] represented which sum to the unalienable, republican-democracy right of "government, for, by and of the people" ("Many people,") [[sound 10:01]], to wit - adequate disclosure by candidates to voters to produce fairly elected, federal representatives - with adequate dissemination of true information by federal executives to produce fairly conducted constitutional government on my behalf; and therefore, I must seek redress against the propagandizing Article II executives (and perhaps the apathetic Article I legislators and Article II executives so wronged by them, yet failing to seek remedy [[thn/ 10:13]]), and my constitutional course of remedy is via Article III {{and or Article I 09:41}}, or, if I fail to seek said remedy, I face liability myself [[thn/ 09:52]] as "an accessory after the fact" [[thn/ 09:29]] regarding systematic suppression of evidence from Article I (and perhaps Article II) by certain high executive office holders in Article II.10:15.

Secondly, 2.The evidence [[Thn/ 09:38]] is the degree of variance [[thn/ 09:22:135*]] between the 'confidential' US State Department communications revealed by Wiki-Leaks - compared to the official, public record for that same period of time. This variance makes the official Public Record [[wheww whwhwhwwh whu. [thn/ [crk | ]] 09:24]] of Article II 'propaganda' (an intentional policy of lies and distortions intended to mislead) [thn/ 07:57] - instead of 'true facts' [[thn/ 09:32]] (and policy), and therefore Article II, the US executive, has intentionally hamstrung and undermined [[j^]] the ability of Article I, the US Legislature, to carry out it's constitutional duty [whwn whn whn...08:00] Therefore Article II [[kn\ 09:34]] has failed to perform IT's constitutional duty, and those responsible must be removed from office [[rrRRpms 08:08][thn/]] - or, in the case of 2000 -2008, be indicted, and / or Article I must actually pass legislation, and / or a US Constitutional Amendment, which remedies the possibility of future deceptions by granting Article I, and / or Article III, sufficient direct access to "in house" communications of Article I, however this could breach the essential separation of powers between the three branches of government, and therefore only an Article III remedy of removal from office might be permissible [rpms 09:48] {And a medal of [jet] honor for the Wiki-Leakers}

CS: Thanks for covering a tough topic. Would you like to resolve these issues, with, or without me, and / or whom? 1.WIKI-LEAKS 'PENTAGON PAPERS' [[cup sound 07:44]] 2.CLASS ACTION FORMS RE: FAILURE TO PROSECUTE LAX [[kn | 09:49]] DATA PROTECTION 3.DIPLOMACY, OR DECEPTION? Failure to investigate and prosecute federal inconsistencies between private and public pronouncements leads to class action based on ignoring 'reasonable grounds' to truly, and accurately report official U.S. Government activities to Article I. 4.Never has the 'illegal' dissemination of government information resulted in the removal of a public office holder from office, nor in the correction of policies of a government. The Pentagon Papers, and what else, are no precedent whatsoever, and alienating "We the people" from confidence in pursuing Article III remedies are not grounds for whom to publish a "Conditional [[thn//07:52]] 2025 'Bloodless' Declaration of Independence: contingent upon tawbs.com, links, and more" [[thn/ 07:54]] 5.Archived at: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=15570&uid=203128736043

Wiki Leaks prosecution studied by Justice Department volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #972: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 8 Dec 10 11:34 Post


Under the Russian Constitution, you are likely liable [[thn// 10:25]] to seek legal remedy in the International Criminal Court, and / or World Court, in a way similar to my liability to seek remedy in a US Federal District Court because of your duty to conduct [exterior sound 10:27] Russian foreign diplomacy in a way which does not undermine the franchise of Russian voters who will be cheated from the highest and best form of government if you do not seek legal redress to remedy the 'bad information' you ally and partner, the United States is feeding itself, and thereby you, and thereby the Russian People, who by extrapolation, have a duty to file an international class action suit seeking the removal of the offending US Article II executives, and possibly the apathetic Article I legislators, and Article II executives who are seeking to transfer blame upon who exposed the degree of variance described below, without also simultaneously pursuing those who permitted such a degree of variance to develop thereby creating, and sustaining, an apartheid US System of domestic rights, but foreign repression, as if stepping over the imaginary line of a national border gave elected US officials the right to abandon the US Constitution in their dealings with multi-nationals, and repressive nations, while feeding information about those same dealings that was at a large variance with what was actually being reported to them.

CONCLUSION:1.Because certain U.S. Constitution Article I Legislators (and some Article II executives) have been intentionally, and unfairly, deceived by certain Article II executives responsible for receiving, and responding to, official US government communications (much like your pending case), I, as a US citizen dependent upon a constitutional, healthy, fairly operating federal government, have been deprived [[thn/ 10:01]] of my US Constitution Preamble Rights, as well as my Article I and II rights to be constitutionally [[thn/ 10:06]] represented which sum to the unalienable, republican-democracy right of "government, for, by and of the people" ("Many people,") [[sound 10:01]], to wit - adequate disclosure by candidates to voters to produce fairly elected, federal representatives - with adequate dissemination of true information by federal executives to produce fairly conducted constitutional government on my behalf; and therefore, I must seek redress against the propagandizing Article II executives (and perhaps the apathetic Article I legislators and Article II executives so wronged by them, yet failing to seek remedy [[thn/ 10:13]]), and my constitutional course of remedy is via Article III {{and or Article I 09:41}}, or, if I fail to seek said remedy, I face liability myself [[thn/ 09:52]] as "an accessory after the fact" [[thn/ 09:29]] regarding systematic suppression of evidence from Article I (and perhaps Article II) by certain high executive office holders in Article II.10:15.

Secondly, 2.The evidence [[Thn/ 09:38]] is the degree of variance [[thn/ 09:22:135*]] between the 'confidential' US State Department communications revealed by Wiki-Leaks - compared to the official, public record for that same period of time. This variance makes the official Public Record [[wheww whwhwhwwh whu. [thn/ [crk | ]] 09:24]] of Article II 'propaganda' (an intentional policy of lies and distortions intended to mislead) [thn/ 07:57] - instead of 'true facts' [[thn/ 09:32]] (and policy), and therefore Article II, the US executive, has intentionally hamstrung and undermined [[j^]] the ability of Article I, the US Legislature, to carry out it's constitutional duty [whwn whn whn...08:00] Therefore Article II [[kn\ 09:34]] has failed to perform IT's constitutional duty, and those responsible must be removed from office [[rrRRpms 08:08][thn/]] - or, in the case of 2000 -2008, be indicted, and / or Article I must actually pass legislation, and / or a US Constitutional Amendment, which remedies the possibility of future deceptions by granting Article I, and / or Article III, sufficient direct access to "in house" communications of Article I, however this could breach the essential separation of powers between the three branches of government, and therefore only an Article III remedy of removal from office might be permissible [rpms 09:48] {And a medal of [jet] honor for the Wiki-Leakers} volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #973: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 8 Dec 10 11:36 Post


Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else: Claim liability upon ourselves under the Russian Constitution, in your case, and the US Constitution in my case, to seek legal remedy[['''''''thn// 10:3 [thn]5]] {{Yeah, it's time to pray}} in the International Criminal Court, and / or World Court, in a way similar to my liability to seek remedy in a US Federal District Court because of your duty to conduct [exterior sound 10:27] Russian foreign diplomacy in a way which does not undermine the franchise of Russian voters who will be cheated from the highest and best form of government if you do not seek legal redress to remedy the 'bad information' you ally and partner, the United States is feeding itself, and thereby you, and thereby the Russian People, who by extrapolation, have a duty to file an international class action suit seeking the removal of the offending US Article II executives, and possibly the apathetic Article I legislators, and Article II executives who are seeking to transfer blame upon who exposed the degree of variance described below, without also simultaneously pursuing those who permitted such a degree of variance to develop thereby creating, and sustaining, an apartheid US System of domestic rights, but foreign repression, as if stepping over the imaginary line of a national border gave elected US officials the right to abandon the US Constitution in their dealings with multi-nationals, and repressive nations, while feeding information about those same dealings that was at a large variance with what was actually being reported to them.

CONCLUSION:1.Because certain U.S. Constitution Article I Legislators (and some Article II executives) have been intentionally, and unfairly, deceived by certain Article II executives responsible for receiving, and responding to, official US government communications (much like your pending case), I, as a US citizen dependent upon a constitutional, healthy, fairly operating federal government, have been deprived [[thn/ 10:01]] of my US Constitution Preamble Rights, as well as my Article I and II rights to be constitutionally [[thn/ 10:06]] represented which sum to the unalienable, republican-democracy right of "government, for, by and of the people" ("Many people,") [[sound 10:01]], to wit - adequate disclosure by candidates to voters to produce fairly elected, federal representatives - with adequate dissemination of true information by federal executives to produce fairly conducted constitutional government on my behalf; and therefore, I must seek redress against the propagandizing Article II executives (and perhaps the apathetic Article I legislators and Article II executives so wronged by them, yet failing to seek remedy [[thn/ 10:13]]), and my constitutional course of remedy is via Article III {{and or Article I 09:41}}, or, if I fail to seek said remedy, I face liability myself [[thn/ 09:52]] as "an accessory after the fact" [[thn/ 09:29]] regarding systematic suppression of evidence from Article I (and perhaps Article II) by certain high executive office holders in Article II.10:15.

Secondly, 2.The evidence [[Thn/ 09:38]] is the degree of variance [[thn/ 09:22:135*]] between the 'confidential' US State Department communications revealed by Wiki-Leaks - compared to the official, public record for that same period of time. This variance makes the official Public Record [[wheww whwhwhwwh whu. [thn/ [crk | ]] 09:24]] of Article II 'propaganda' (an intentional policy of lies and distortions intended to mislead) [thn/ 07:57] - instead of 'true facts' [[thn/ 09:32]] (and policy), and therefore Article II, the US executive, has intentionally hamstrung and undermined [[j^]] the ability of Article I, the US Legislature, to carry out it's constitutional duty [whwn whn whn...08:00] Therefore Article II [[kn\ 09:34]] has failed to perform IT's constitutional duty, and those responsible must be removed from office [[rrRRpms 08:08][thn/]] - or, in the case of 2000 -2008, be indicted, and / or Article I must actually pass legislation, and / or a US Constitutional Amendment, which remedies the possibility of future deceptions by granting Article I, and / or Article III, sufficient direct access to "in house" communications of Article I, however this could breach the essential separation of powers between the three branches of government, and therefore only an Article III remedy of removal from office might be permissible [rpms 09:48] {And a medal of [jet] honor for the Wiki-Leakers} volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #975: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 8 Dec 10 11:55 Post


The President of Russia [thn/ 10:47] Dimitri A. Medvedev, and the [Hnk hn hnk Hnk 10:48 [thn/]] Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, plaintiffs vs.

The President of the United States, Barack H. Obama, and the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representives, John Boehner, defendants

The case of the "Don't Ask. Don't Tell." [[thn/ 10:55]]

What did you want to do that who would not let you do? We wanted to uphold the Russian Constitutional duty to provide our constituents with the best possible government, but the defendant would not let us.

Why do you think you have the right to do it? We think we have the right to provide the best possible government to the citizens of Russia because of the Russian Constitution, the UN Charter, and the UNiversal Declaration of Individual and Group Rights.

What do you want who to do so you CAN do what you want to do? We want the World Court, and / or the International Criminal Court, to order the defendants to bring criminal charges against any, and all, US Article II executives responsible for receiving, and responding to, official US government communications

What did you want to do that who would not let you do? I wanted to conduct

Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else: Claim liability upon ourselves under the Russian Constitution, in your case, and the US Constitution in my case, to seek legal remedy[['''''''thn// 10:3 [thn]5]] {{Yeah, it's time to pray}} in the International Criminal Court, and / or World Court, in a way similar to my liability to seek remedy in a US Federal District Court because of your duty to conduct [exterior sound 10:27] Russian foreign diplomacy in a way which does not undermine the franchise of Russian voters who will be cheated from the highest and best form of government if you do not seek legal redress to remedy the 'bad information' you ally and partner, the United States is feeding itself, and thereby you, and thereby the Russian People, who by extrapolation, have a duty to file an international class action suit seeking the removal of the offending US Article II executives, and possibly the apathetic Article I legislators, and Article II executives who are seeking to transfer blame upon who exposed the degree of variance described below, without also simultaneously pursuing those who permitted such a degree of variance to develop thereby creating, and sustaining, an apartheid US System of domestic rights, but foreign repression, as if stepping over the imaginary line of a national border gave elected US officials the right to abandon the US Constitution in their dealings with multi-nationals, and repressive nations, while feeding information about those same dealings that was at a large variance with what was actually being reported to them.

CONCLUSION:1.Because certain U.S. Constitution Article I Legislators (and some Article II executives) have been intentionally, and unfairly, deceived by certain Article II executives responsible for receiving, and responding to, official US government communications (much like your pending case), I, as a US citizen dependent upon a constitutional, healthy, fairly operating federal government, have been deprived [[thn/ 10:01]] of my US Constitution Preamble Rights, as well as my Article I and II rights to be constitutionally [[thn/ 10:06]] represented which sum to the unalienable, republican-democracy right of "government, for, by and of the people" ("Many people,") [[sound 10:01]], to wit - adequate disclosure by candidates to voters to produce fairly elected, federal representatives - with adequate dissemination of true information by federal executives to produce fairly conducted constitutional government on my behalf; and therefore, I must seek redress against the propagandizing Article II executives (and perhaps the apathetic Article I legislators and Article II executives so wronged by them, yet failing to seek remedy [[thn/ 10:13]]), and my constitutional course of remedy is via Article III {{and or Article I 09:41}}, or, if I fail to seek said remedy, I face liability myself [[thn/ 09:52]] as "an accessory after the fact" [[thn/ 09:29]] regarding systematic suppression of evidence from Article I (and perhaps Article II) by certain high executive office holders in Article II.10:15.

Secondly, 2.The evidence [[Thn/ 09:38]] is the degree of variance [[thn/ 09:22:135*]] between the 'confidential' US State Department communications revealed by Wiki-Leaks - compared to the official, public record for that same period of time. This variance makes the official Public Record [[wheww whwhwhwwh whu. [thn/ [crk | ]] 09:24]] of Article II 'propaganda' (an intentional policy of lies and distortions intended to mislead) [thn/ 07:57] - instead of 'true facts' [[thn/ 09:32]] (and policy), and therefore Article II, the US executive, has intentionally hamstrung and undermined [[j^]] the ability of Article I, the US Legislature, to carry out it's constitutional duty [whwn whn whn...08:00] Therefore Article II [[kn\ 09:34]] has failed to perform IT's constitutional duty, and those responsible must be removed from office [[rrRRpms 08:08][thn/]] - or, in the case of 2000 -2008, be indicted, and / or Article I must actually pass legislation, and / or a US Constitutional Amendment, which remedies the possibility of future deceptions by granting Article I, and / or Article III, sufficient direct access to "in house" communications of Article I, however this could breach the essential separation of powers between the three branches of government, and therefore only an Article III remedy of removal from office might be permissible [rpms 09:48] {And a medal of [jet] honor for the Wiki-Leakers} volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #978: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 8 Dec 10 12:28 Post


Unless you would like to move to the other side of the "vs."... xref: "intentional fouls" and "reverse psychology" and getting the kids to demand to be responsible themselves so as to be ready to take whose place one day** [[kn | 11:05]]


The President of Russia [thn/ 10:47] Dimitri A. Medvedev, and the [Hnk hn hnk Hnk 10:48 [thn/]] Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, and a citizen of the United States, William L. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed A. Omar, and the class of all Russian citizens, plaintiffs vs.

The 44 th President of the United States, Barack H. Obama, The 43 rd President of the United States, and the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, John Boehner, defendants

The case of the deceptive advertisers [[thn/ 10:55]] (executives), and the mislead programmers (legislators), and the consumers [[kn\ 11:22]] (superiors) who had the duty to know better. [[Br rRT. rpms rrrRRRhn 11:16]] As evidenced by [[thn/ 11:17]] Wiki-Leaks.

Short title: The case of the ostreich (Article I investigation), the rose colored glasses (Article II superiors), and the defective merchandize (US - Russian, G20 Foreign Policy and International Finance)

COMPLAINT: What did you want to do that who would not let you do? We wanted to uphold our Russian and US Constitutional duty to provide our (fellow [[kn | 11:10]]) constituents, and ourselves [[thn/ 11:09]] with the best possible government, but the defendants would not let us.

GROUNDS: Why do you think you have the right to do what you want to do? We think we have the right, and the constitutional duty, to provide the best possible government to ourselves and our posterity because of the Russian Constitution, the US Constitution, the UN Charter, and the UNiversal Declaration of Individual and Group Rights.

REQUESTED REMEDY [[Thn/ 11:25]] What do you want who to do so you CAN do what who will not let you do? We want the World Court, and / or the International Criminal Court, to order the defendants to conduct an in depth, two month investigation into any, and all, US Article II executives responsible for receiving, and / or responding to, official US government communications based upon which vary significantly

**We believe it is better to lead by example, rather than "reverse psychology"; xref: "Show us thy straight way..."

What did you want to do that who would not let you do? I wanted to conduct

Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else: Claim liability upon ourselves under the Russian Constitution, in your case, and the US Constitution in my case, to seek legal remedy[['''''''thn// 10:3 [thn]5]] {{Yeah, it's time to pray}} in the International Criminal Court, and / or World Court, in a way similar to my liability to seek remedy in a US Federal District Court because of your duty to conduct [exterior sound 10:27] Russian foreign diplomacy in a way which does not undermine the franchise of Russian voters who will be cheated from the highest and best form of government if you do not seek legal redress to remedy the 'bad information' you ally and partner, the United States is feeding itself, and thereby you, and thereby the Russian People, who by extrapolation, have a duty to file an international class action suit seeking the removal of the offending US Article II executives, and possibly the apathetic Article I legislators, and Article II executives who are seeking to transfer blame upon who exposed the degree of variance described below, without also simultaneously pursuing those who permitted such a degree of variance to develop thereby creating, and sustaining, an apartheid US System of domestic rights, but foreign repression, as if stepping over the imaginary line of a national border gave elected US officials the right to abandon the US Constitution in their dealings with multi-nationals, and repressive nations, while feeding information about those same dealings that was at a large variance with what was actually being reported to them.

CONCLUSION:1.Because certain U.S. Constitution Article I Legislators (and some Article II executives) have been intentionally, and unfairly, deceived by certain Article II executives responsible for receiving, and responding to, official US government communications (much like your pending case), I, as a US citizen dependent upon a constitutional, healthy, fairly operating federal government, have been deprived [[thn/ 10:01]] of my US Constitution Preamble Rights, as well as my Article I and II rights to be constitutionally [[thn/ 10:06]] represented which sum to the unalienable, republican-democracy right of "government, for, by and of the people" ("Many people,") [[sound 10:01]], to wit - adequate disclosure by candidates to voters to produce fairly elected, federal representatives - with adequate dissemination of true information by federal executives to produce fairly conducted constitutional government on my behalf; and therefore, I must seek redress against the propagandizing Article II executives (and perhaps the apathetic Article I legislators and Article II executives so wronged by them, yet failing to seek remedy [[thn/ 10:13]]), and my constitutional course of remedy is via Article III {{and or Article I 09:41}}, or, if I fail to seek said remedy, I face liability myself [[thn/ 09:52]] as "an accessory after the fact" [[thn/ 09:29]] regarding systematic suppression of evidence from Article I (and perhaps Article II) by certain high executive office holders in Article II.10:15.

Secondly, 2.The evidence [[Thn/ 09:38]] is the degree of variance [[thn/ 09:22:135*]] between the 'confidential' US State Department communications revealed by Wiki-Leaks - compared to the official, public record for that same period of time. This variance makes the official Public Record [[wheww whwhwhwwh whu. [thn/ [crk | ]] 09:24]] of Article II 'propaganda' (an intentional policy of lies and distortions intended to mislead) [thn/ 07:57] - instead of 'true facts' [[thn/ 09:32]] (and policy), and therefore Article II, the US executive, has intentionally hamstrung and undermined [[j^]] the ability of Article I, the US Legislature, to carry out it's constitutional duty [whwn whn whn...08:00] Therefore Article II [[kn\ 09:34]] has failed to perform IT's constitutional duty, and those responsible must be removed from office [[rrRRpms 08:08][thn/]] - or, in the case of 2000 -2008, be indicted, and / or Article I must actually pass legislation, and / or a US Constitutional Amendment, which remedies the possibility of future deceptions by granting Article I, and / or Article III, sufficient direct access to "in house" communications of Article I, however this could breach the essential separation of powers between the three branches of government, and therefore only an Article III remedy of removal from office might be permissible [rpms 09:48] {And a medal of [jet] honor for the Wiki-Leakers} volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #1007: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 8 Dec 10 14:54 Post

washingtonpost.com > Nation Your Comments On... WikiLeaks avoids shutdown as supporters worldwide go on the offensive Over the past several days, the anti-secrecy Web site WikiLeaks has been hit with a series of blows that have seemed to threaten its survival. Its primary Web address was deactivated, its PayPal account was frozen and its Internet server gave it the boot. - By Joby Warrick and Rob Pegoraro

Comments randomsample wrote: Index at: http://www.tawbs.com This thread at: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=180086985336137&topic=319

CONCLUSION:1.Because certain U.S. Constitution Article I Legislators (and some Article II executives) have been intentionally, and unfairly, deceived by certain Article II executives responsible for receiving, and responding to, official US government communications (much like your pending case), I, as a US citizen dependent upon a constitutional, healthy, fairly operating federal government, have been deprived [[thn/ 10:01]] of my US Constitution Preamble Rights, as well as my Article I and II rights to be constitutionally [[thn/ 10:06]] represented which sum to the unalienable, republican-democracy right of "government, for, by and of the people" ("Many people,") [[sound 10:01]], to wit - adequate disclosure by candidates to voters to produce fairly elected, federal representatives - with adequate dissemination of true information by federal executives to produce fairly conducted constitutional government on my behalf; and therefore, I must seek redress against the propagandizing Article II executives (and perhaps the apathetic Article I legislators and Article II executives so wronged by them, yet failing to seek remedy [[thn/ 10:13]]), and my constitutional course of remedy is via Article III {{and or Article I 09:41}}, or, if I fail to seek said remedy, I face liability myself [[thn/ 09:52]] as "an accessory after the fact" [[thn/ 09:29]] regarding systematic suppression of evidence from Article I (and perhaps Article II) by certain high executive office holders in Article II.10:15.

Secondly, 2.The evidence [[Thn/ 09:38]] is the degree of variance [[thn/ 09:22:135*]] between the 'confidential' US State Department communications revealed by Wiki-Leaks - compared to the official, public record for that same period of time. This variance makes the official Public Record [[wheww whwhwhwwh whu. [thn/ [crk | ]] 09:24]] of Article II 'propaganda' (an intentional policy of lies and distortions intended to mislead) [thn/ 07:57] - instead of 'true facts' [[thn/ 09:32]] (and policy), and therefore Article II, the US executive, has intentionally hamstrung and undermined [[j^]] the ability of Article I, the US Legislature, to carry out it's constitutional duty [whwn whn whn...08:00] Therefore Article II [[kn\ 09:34]] has failed to perform IT's constitutional duty, and those responsible must be removed from office [[rrRRpms 08:08][thn/]] - or, in the case of 2000 -2008, be indicted, and / or Article I must actually pass legislation, and / or a US Constitutional Amendment, which remedies the possibility of future deceptions by granting Article I, and / or Article III, sufficient direct access to "in house" communications of Article I, however this could breach the essential separation of powers between the three branches of government, and therefore only an Article III remedy of removal from office might be permissible [rpms 09:48] {And a medal of [jet] honor for the Wiki-Leakers} 2 hours ago · Delete Post 12/8/2010 5:54:10 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy QuantumEntangled wrote: @sonofliberty09: QuantumEntangled,

"You are not free"

No, I'm not free. You are not free either. None of us are free. Freedom is an illusion that you seemed to have fallen for so completely that any hope of seeing reality is washed away with torrential flood of illogical thought.

"but instead your are the product of anti American indoctrination fed to you through all the channels I mentioned before."

Unfortunately for you, you are wrong here as well. I am the product of my own investigations and overwhelming evidence over the course of 30 years of research, observation and logic. The evidence doesn't lie... people who fear the truth getting out do.

"It also demonstrates that you have no discernment. Just a mind full of liberal radical Left wing mush."

As stated before, this is not about convincing you of anything. It would be illogical for me to engage in such a pointless endeavor. 12/8/2010 5:53:28 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Billw3 wrote: kryan74 wrote: "Let Assange be another display to the rest of us that we share a nation with some very evil people."

Pity is, we have to live among the low-life. Also that they can vote and reproduce. . 12/8/2010 5:52:42 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #978 of 1006: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 08 Dec 2010 (12:28 PM)


Unless you would like to move to the other side of the "vs."... xref: "intentional fouls" and "reverse psychology" and getting the kids to demand to be responsible themselves so as to be ready to take whose place one day** [[kn | 11:05]]


The President of Russia [thn/ 10:47] Dimitri A. Medvedev, and the [Hnk hn hnk Hnk 10:48 [thn/]] Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, and a citizen of the United States, William L. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed A. Omar, and the class of all Russian citizens, plaintiffs vs.

The 44 th President of the United States, Barack H. Obama, The 43 rd President of the United States, and the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, John Boehner, defendants

The case of the deceptive advertisers [[thn/ 10:55]] (executives), and the mislead programmers (legislators), and the consumers [[kn\ 11:22]] (superiors) who had the duty to know better. [[Br rRT. rpms rrrRRRhn 11:16]] As evidenced by [[thn/ 11:17]] Wiki-Leaks.

Short title: The case of the ostreich (Article I investigation), the rose colored glasses (Article II superiors), and the defective merchandize (US - Russian, G20 Foreign Policy and International Finance)

COMPLAINT: What did you want to do that who would not let you do? We wanted to uphold our Russian and US Constitutional duty to provide our (fellow [[kn | 11:10]]) constituents, and ourselves [[thn/ 11:09]] with the best possible government, but the defendants would not let us.

GROUNDS: Why do you think you have the right to do what you want to do? We think we have the right, and the constitutional duty, to provide the best possible government to ourselves and our posterity because of the Russian Constitution, the US Constitution, the UN Charter, and the UNiversal Declaration of Individual and Group Rights.

REQUESTED REMEDY [[Thn/ 11:25]] What do you want who to do so you CAN do what who will not let you do? We want the World Court, and / or the International Criminal Court, to order the defendants to conduct an in depth, two month investigation into any, and all, US Article II executives responsible for receiving, and / or responding to, official US government communications based upon which vary significantly

**We believe it is better to lead by example, rather than "reverse psychology"; xref: "Show us thy straight way..."

What did you want to do that who would not let you do? I wanted to conduct

Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else: Claim liability upon ourselves under the Russian Constitution, in your case, and the US Constitution in my case, to seek legal remedy[['''''''thn// 10:3 [thn]5]] {{Yeah, it's time to pray}} in the International Criminal Court, and / or World Court, in a way similar to my liability to seek remedy in a US Federal District Court because of your duty to conduct [exterior sound 10:27] Russian foreign diplomacy in a way which does not undermine the franchise of Russian voters who will be cheated from the highest and best form of government if you do not seek legal redress to remedy the 'bad information' you ally and partner, the United States is feeding itself, and thereby you, and thereby the Russian People, who by extrapolation, have a duty to file an international class action suit seeking the removal of the offending US Article II executives, and possibly the apathetic Article I legislators, and Article II executives who are seeking to transfer blame upon who exposed the degree of variance described below, without also simultaneously pursuing those who permitted such a degree of variance to develop thereby creating, and sustaining, an apartheid US System of domestic rights, but foreign repression, as if stepping over the imaginary line of a national border gave elected US officials the right to abandon the US Constitution in their dealings with multi-nationals, and repressive nations, while feeding information about those same dealings that was at a large variance with what was actually being reported to them.

CONCLUSION:1.Because certain U.S. Constitution Article I Legislators (and some Article II executives) have been intentionally, and unfairly, deceived by certain Article II executives responsible for receiving, and responding to, official US government communications (much like your pending case), I, as a US citizen dependent upon a constitutional, healthy, fairly operating federal government, have been deprived [[thn/ 10:01]] of my US Constitution Preamble Rights, as well as my Article I and II rights to be constitutionally [[thn/ 10:06]] represented which sum to the unalienable, republican-democracy right of "government, for, by and of the people" ("Many people,") [[sound 10:01]], to wit - adequate disclosure by candidates to voters to produce fairly elected, federal representatives - with ad 12/8/2010 5:50:02 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy gannon_dick wrote: KathleenBergin wrote: First Amendment Law Prof Blog posts on US grad and law schools warning students NOT to access Wikileaks docs: http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/firstamendment/2010/12/ students-advised-not-to- accecss-wikileaks.html 12/8/2010 5:32:22 PM Recommended (1) ======Rats. Just when I was hoping those idiots being taught not to think out of the Press Release would tell me whether WikiLeaks was guilty of Slander or Libel. 12/8/2010 5:47:13 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy maximus4 wrote: There is no statute of limitations on treason. 12/8/2010 5:47:05 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy kryan74 wrote: Right on Bill. Let Assange be another display to the rest of us that we share a nation with some very evil people. The last election cycle was a start. But, we need to continue to "cleanse." I cannot wait until the Assange parasite is extradited to the U.S. I really wish Reagan was in office at this point. 12/8/2010 5:45:59 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy jeffwacker wrote: It's actually fascinating to me how the same people who are so incredibly suspicious of the government in the context of the health care debate are the people defending its ability to make appropriate judgments about classification here.

Likewise, I'll bet many of the people raging against The Man and his plutocratic government in here also support single-payer. 12/8/2010 5:45:51 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy QuantumEntangled wrote: @gannon_dick: Love the Feynman quote.

Here's one from Albert Einstein "Today's problems cannot be solved by thinking the way we thought when we created them." 12/8/2010 5:45:37 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy sonofliberty09 wrote: QuantumEntangled,

You are a perfect example of what I was talking about. You are not free but instead your are the product of anti American indoctrination fed to you through all the channels I mentioned before. It also demonstrates that you have no discernment. Just a mind full of liberal radical Left wing mush. 12/8/2010 5:45:05 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Billw3 wrote:

You Assange supporters approving the release of private Government information are low-life personified. You are not deserving of living in America, and certainly not worth the lives lost in the past protecting this country. You suck. . 12/8/2010 5:40:35 PM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy SCOTTSCHMIDTT wrote:

Don't allow the United States government to become an evil regime of censorship like China.

Wikileaks is great. You can visit the site at wikileaks.ch and you can support its important mission at http://wikileaks.ch/ support.html

I made a $100 donation today and urge you to give whatever you can to fight the oppressive foreign policy conduct of corrupt government officials.

12/8/2010 5:39:57 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy sportsfan2 wrote: Just hide the country's secrets in the same safe that Obama uses for his birth certificate and college records. No further wikileak problem. 12/8/2010 5:38:55 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy aloliver wrote: >ONCE AGAIN aloliver since you have no grasp of news and the media. a personal attack proving nothing. a mere assertion designed to misdirect from the real argument.

/>Assange is not a journalist. Never said he was, so why did you post that? More misdirection.

/>The documents released were NOT news.

They're not news, hunh? I think your statement there demonstrates something that need not be explained.


Typical right wing straw man argument desperately intended to divert folks from the real issue. Why can't you guys stick to the argument rather than constantly trying to divert to something that isn't even claimed?

/>LOL at your Freedom of Speech nonsense.

If I had mentioned freedom of speech, maybe that would be funny somehow. More misdirection.

/>any questions?

Yeah, is payback as bad as they say? 12/8/2010 5:38:31 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy QuantumEntangled wrote: Perhaps all you "America Loving" supporters of the US plutocracy are missing an important fact. We are not trying to convince YOU of anything. This is not a debate. This is not a battle of YOUR wills against OURS. Your minds are too well set on the losing side. This is about the many more of us humans that are sick and tired of the US government playing god with the world. This is about us being fed up with the state flexing their illusion of power. This is about this monopoly of control and deceit ENDING. 12/8/2010 5:36:37 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy corco02az wrote: What a bunch of babies.

If you want to support this guy's work, go out and get a money order and send it to him in care of that jail in London where's he's being held for investigation of rape. 12/8/2010 5:33:28 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy keithclancy62 wrote: Thanks for the assurance W.Post but the main wikileaks address is down on GOOGLE in the United Kingdom.I have to go via other sites to view them.Oops,i think M15 are knocking on my door.Ta Ra. 12/8/2010 5:32:54 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy KathleenBergin wrote: First Amendment Law Prof Blog posts on US grad and law schools warning students NOT to access Wikileaks docs: http://lawprofessors.typepad.com/firstamendment/2010/12/ students-advised-not-to- accecss-wikileaks.html 12/8/2010 5:32:22 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy gannon_dick wrote: QuantumEntangled wrote: It was bound to happen. Governments/corporations want one thing, to be able to pull immoral and illegal actions without the people knowing. ======And having been around computers much longer than the Internet, I am not going to whine like a NASA Contractor watching the Challenger burn. I'll just repeat what Richard Feynman said in the Report on the Disaster. "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled." 12/8/2010 5:32:02 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy whitebeard1 wrote: You know, it's really only fair. If Big Brother is going to know everything about US, we might as well know as much about him. The same technology that gives us 24 hour surveillance apparently goes both ways. If it's good for the "goose-step", it's good for the "I'd like a gander at that document, please." 12/8/2010 5:31:41 PM Recommend (6) Report Abuse Discussion Polic volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #1200: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 10 Dec 10 09:42 Post http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=469948901043&set=a. 396693381043.178587.20 3128736043&pid=6258432&id=203128736043

RE: Ben Birnbaum, Mayor Gray, "You're invincible now, you've got no secrets to conceal. How does it feel?" (Dylan, Bob) re: liability created by "Don't ask. Don't tell," PS re: Cancun

Dear Washington Times Ed.it.or.s: Thank you for Ben Birnbaum's recent article. Please forward this exegesis commentary to him. Truly, W. Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. Message phone: 202-465-0067 FAX 617-224-4308 http://www.tawbs.com/ THE FOLLOWING EXEGESIS COMMENTARY IS ARCHIVED AT: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=469948901043&set=a. 396693381043.178587.20 3128736043 and in part at: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=469919631043&set=a. 396693381043.178587.20 3128736043 WikiLeaks: Sex, drugs, rock 'n' roll for Saudi youth By Ben Birnbaum-The Washington Times3:12 p.m., Thursday, December 9, 2010 PrintEmailView 1 Comment(s)Enlarge Text|Shrink Share

SOCIAL NETWORKSFACEBOOKTWITTERQUESTION OF THE DAY Do you think 'don't ask, don't tell' will be overturned in the near future? Yes No Undecided Other: Please see response appended below*** Login to Vote View results

Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll dominate the underground nightlife in Saudi Arabia, according to a diplomatic cable released by the website WikiLeaks.

"Saudi youth get to enjoy relative social freedom and indulge fleshly pursuits, but only behind closed doors -- and only the rich," says the Nov. 18, 2009, confidential memo from the U.S. consulate in the port city of Jeddah. "[This] freedom to indulge carnal pursuits is possible merely because the religious police keep their distance when parties include the presence or patronage of a Saudi royal and his circle of loyal attendants."

The cable describes a Halloween party, hosted by a prince from the Al-Thunayan family, where "the scene resembled a nightclub anywhere outside the Kingdom: plentiful alcohol, young couples dancing, a DJ at the turntables, and everyone in costume." The memo claims that some of the 150-plus guests were "working girls" and that this was "not uncommon for such parties."

Though it does not mention drugs at this particular party, it claims that "cocaine and hashish use is common in these social circles and has been seen on other occasions."

Says the cable: "Behind the facade of Wahabi conservatism in the streets, the underground nightlife for Jeddah's elite youth is thriving and throbbing. The full range of worldly temptations and vices are available -- alcohol, drugs, sex -- but strictly behind closed doors."

© Copyright 2010 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.

======NH: If you want to use the NASCAR model for your life style, fuel up before you come to mosque, pray with your brothers, then meet up with your sisters, and pray together, but not in the sisters prayer area, nor in the brother's prayer area. Then AFTER you pray together, make prayer inside one another, or let one pray while the other makes love to the one praying. [kn/]. If you are part of a Domestic Family Corporation... but remember, each parent gets one regularly scheduled time, or turn, or night ALONE [thn/ ?>*\ ...// 2010:12:10:07:19:135*] with each other parent also - including your night by yourself. ======Null Hypothesis [jet]// Added 4 minutes ago · Like · Comment

On the Table http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=469919631043&set=a. 396693381043.178587.20 3128736043 11 minutes ago · Like ***LOGIC FOR LEGISLATION, OR A REQUESTED REMEDY to the liability for 'blackmail' created by negligence of the U.S. D.O.D. re: direct order to "Don't ask, don't [thn/ ?>*:\ ...//2010:12:10:08?07!:54:135*] The tradeoff could be other Democratic initiatives, like repealing the ban on gay members of the military serving openly ======NH: A bill to "form a more perfect Union" and close a significant vulnerability in the efforts of the United States Department of Defense SHORT TITLE: A bill to permit gay members of the military to serve openly PROPOSED SPONSORS: Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Barbara Boxer, John McCain, Kay Baily Hutchenson, John Boehner, Olympia Snowe WHEREAS, the United States Constitution [door] preamble duty to "provide for the common defense" is unfulfilled [exterior sound] by the current "Don't ask, don't tell," policy [[thn/ 11:50]] of the United States military - because it requires dishonorable discharge due to overt gender preference towards the same adult gender, and therefore permits blackmail to be [hammer, hammer, hammer, hammer, thock. Thock, thock thock. Thock.] used against United States Military personnel [hammer, hammer, hammer.] - who may, by circumstances of birth, or environment, happen to have a same adult gender preference, and WHEREAS, this can occur at any level in the United States Military chain of command when gender preference is concealed as ordered, but breached by the normal course of events, and WHEREAS, this potentially, and in fact, places a verifiable percentage of United States Military personnel's sense of self survival [^] in conflict with formulating and executing orders to provide for the COMMON defense due to the risks and pressures of being 'outed' regarding their adult gender preference, and WHEREAS, there are also covert agendas naturally arising between members of a persecuted class who tend to compensate for 'glass ceilings' by giving preferential treatment to fellow members of said class, no matter how covert such preference might need to be, therefore, be it hereby RESOLVED, any and all United States Military personnel shall make their gender preference known to their immediate superior officer in their chain of command, and no gender preference shall be given priority over any other, and further RESOLVED, said information shall be kept on file accessible only by superior officers in said chain of command, and shall be used only to protect the individual disclosing same regarding any attempt to control or influence said individual through the threat of revealing gender preference, and be it further, RESOLVED, the United States Department of Defense shall, upon request by any military personnel, or their immediate family, offer counseling to said personnel, and / or said immediate family, regarding gender orientation and gender preference to more completely 'defuse' any potential conflicts of interest which might arise [thn/ ?>*:\ ...//2010:12:02:11:43:75*], and finally, be it hereby STARTED AT: Thu 02 Dec 2010 (10:28 AM) 75* 11:55: RESOLVED, the dignity [door] and professional decorum of United States military personnel, both on, and off duty, shall adhere to the high standards [[thn / 12:01]] of professional conduct and morality expected of all US military personnel at all times - regardless of gender, gender preference, or gender orientation, in particular, public displays of affection shall be for the purpose of communicating with one another, and not for the purpose of drawing attention, or shocking others, unless it is part of an intentional planned, free speech effort to draw attention to a cause in an area where free speech rights are permitted to United States military personnel, {however, wherever heterosexual communication is permitted, so too shall same gender communication be permitted [[Whm whump (exterior sound 12:05]] to an equal degree.} [thn/ 12:04]

HERE IS EARLY LOGIC REGARDING "Don't ask. Don't tell," volley2.ind 136: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:14:15:48:75* #485 of 1201: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 20 Nov 2010 (10:58 PM) maskirovka77 wrote: I'm struck by the number of people mouthing off here who probably have never served in the military. I did for eleven years and in my opinion as a heterosexual male, don't ask don't tell is reasonable policy to have. The idea that this is the same thing as race is ridiculous. Race involves skin color and features. Sexuality is sexuality and is behavior.

The thing that I truly am grateful for is that I've left the military and will be spared the Orwellian "thought reform" that will get forced on troops that homosexuality is "normal." It isn't normal. If it was normal, men could have children naturally with other men and women could do the same with women. The fact that it isn't normal

======NH: Meiosis precedes mitosis on the learning curve from the marriage of Ramadan and Eide: Ramadan, the seamless, homogeneous space where two points can be in the same place at the same time; xref: Einstein - Boltzmann statistics and bosons and the direction in which only God can live or go - inside the holy kabba; and Eide, the seamed, heterogeneous space where only one point can be in one place at one time; xref: Fermi - Dirac statistics and leptons and the direction in which seams can form on the outside of the kabba walls.

Besides preceding this modern, risky experiment of mitosis which is whose effort to increase diversity in outgrowing ingrown groups, meiosis [kn/], aka, homosexual and lesbian, orientations provide a redundancy so in the event an AIDs like [wh wh wh wh] disease appears [thn/] affecting only hetero-sexuals [tn]...

Further heterosexual reproductive behavior is not the be all and end all of the learning curve of increase the probability of reoccurrence in the long term. Laboratory assisted reproduction is becoming more and more essential in this day and age of modern pathogens, disease, and light years of distance to cover between 'homes'.

Heterosexuality, mitosis, has a lot to vouch for it, it has accomplished many wonders both biologic and sociologic, but we must recognize it for what it is, and accept all permutations of animus and anima found inside and out of individual bodies; xref: Carl Jung.

The new member of most families, technology, is perhaps a greater 'threat' to the values being debated here.

Whose cousin was a US Marine, National Squash Champion, IBM corporate lawyer, and gay.

Any gender orientations have their sub sets focused more on the behavior than on the God who creates all possibilities and events. We all need to work together to diagnose, heal, perfect, protect, and promote all groups and subgroups.

Blackmail of gays, especially higher up in the chain of command, makes "Ask. Tell" your immediate superior in your chain of command who must then be trained on integrating that infomation upwards, yea, even unto the desk of the commander in chief.

Open yourselves. Yes, there are temptations. "Lead us not into temptation" is among our highest commands. Instruction modules based upon this post can work to alliviate that. DCDelegate.com Vote. Volunteer. Practice.

BUT THE CIVIL SUIT HAS NOT YET BEEN FOUND! Here's a ROUGH [[Whum! [rhrhrhrh..] 08:18]] civil suit with a similar [rpms, gear shift ?>*:\ ...//2010:12:10:08?!:16:135*] [thoc kn/] [beep, beep, beep, beep.] [door] 08:19: line of logic. Note the effort to establish personal harm to have grounds to file, or what who calls 'standing' or 'cause'. Has the WT earned any money by being a party to any law suits yet? Would it affect neutrality, or attest to the integrity and accuracy of your reporting? Self finance pulitzer prize kind of logic. volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #978 of 1179: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 08 Dec 2010 (12:28 PM)


Unless you would like to move to the other side of the "vs."... xref: "intentional fouls" and "reverse psychology" and getting the kids to demand to be responsible themselves so as to be ready to take whose place one day** [[kn | 11:05]]

THE WORLD COURT and / or THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT The President of Russia [thn/ 10:47] Dimitri A. Medvedev, and the [Hnk hn hnk Hnk 10:48 [thn/]] Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, and a citizen of the United States, William L. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed A. Omar, and the class of all Russian citizens, plaintiffs vs.

The 44 th President of the United States, Barack H. Obama, The 43 rd President of the United States, and the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, John Boehner, defendants

The case of the deceptive advertisers [[thn/ 10:55]] (executives), and the mislead programmers (legislators), and the consumers [[kn\ 11:22]] (superiors) who had the duty to know better. [[Br rRT. rpms rrrRRRhn 11:16]] As evidenced by [[thn/ 11:17]] Wiki-Leaks.

Short title: The case of the ostreich (Article I investigation), the rose colored glasses (Article II superiors), and the defective merchandize (US - Russian, G20 Foreign Policy and International Finance)

COMPLAINT: What did you want to do that who would not let you do? We wanted to uphold our Russian and US Constitutional duty to provide our (fellow [[kn | 11:10]]) constituents, and ourselves [[thn/ 11:09]] with the best possible government, but the defendants would not let us.

GROUNDS: Why do you think you have the right to do what you want to do? We think we have the right, and the constitutional duty, to provide the best possible government to ourselves and our posterity because of the Russian Constitution, the US Constitution, the UN Charter, and the UNiversal Declaration of Individual and Group Rights.

REQUESTED REMEDY [[Thn/ 11:25]] What do you want who to do so you CAN do what who will not let you do? We want the World Court, and / or the International Criminal Court, to order the defendants to conduct an in depth, two month investigation into any, and all, US Article II executives responsible for receiving, and / or responding to, official US government communications based upon which vary significantly

**We believe it is better to lead by example, rather than "reverse psychology"; xref: "Show us thy straight way..."

What did you want to do that who would not let you do? I wanted to conduct

Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else: Claim liability upon ourselves under the Russian Constitution, in your case, and the US Constitution in my case, to seek legal remedy[['''''''thn// 10:3 [thn]5]] {{Yeah, it's time to pray}} in the International Criminal Court, and / or World Court, in a way similar to my liability to seek remedy in a US Federal District Court because of your duty to conduct [exterior sound 10:27] Russian foreign diplomacy in a way which does not undermine the franchise of Russian voters who will be cheated from the highest and best form of government if you do not seek legal redress to remedy the 'bad information' you ally and partner, the United States is feeding itself, and thereby you, and thereby the Russian People, who by extrapolation, have a duty to file an international class action suit seeking the removal of the offending US Article II executives, and possibly the apathetic Article I legislators, and Article II executives who are seeking to transfer blame upon who exposed the degree of variance described below, without also simultaneously pursuing those who permitted such a degree of variance to develop thereby creating, and sustaining, an apartheid US System of domestic rights, but foreign repression, as if stepping over the imaginary line of a national border gave elected US officials the right to abandon the US Constitution in their dealings with multi-nationals, and repressive nations, while feeding information about those same dealings that was at a large variance with what was actually being reported to them.

CONCLUSION:1.Because certain U.S. Constitution Article I Legislators (and some Article II executives) have been intentionally, and unfairly, deceived by certain Article II executives responsible for receiving, and responding to, official US government communications (much like your pending case), I, as a US citizen dependent upon a constitutional, healthy, fairly operating federal government, have been deprived [[thn/ 10:01]] of my US Constitution Preamble Rights, as well as my Article I and II rights to be constitutionally [[thn/ 10:06]] represented which sum to the unalienable, republican-democracy right of "government, for, by and of the people" ("Many people,") [[sound 10:01]], to wit - adequate disclosure by candidates to voters to produce fairly elected, federal representatives - with adequate dissemination of true information by federal executives to produce fairly conducted constitutional government on my behalf; and therefore, I must seek redress against the propagandizing Article II executives (and perhaps the apathetic Article I legislators and Article II executives so wronged by them, yet failing to seek remedy [[thn/ 10:13]]), and my constitutional course of remedy is via Article III {{and or Article I 09:41}}, or, if I fail to seek said remedy, I face liability myself [[thn/ 09:52]] as "an accessory after the fact" [[thn/ 09:29]] regarding systematic suppression of evidence from Article I (and perhaps Article II) by certain high executive office holders in Article II.10:15.

Secondly, 2.The evidence [[Thn/ 09:38]] is the degree of variance [[thn/ 09:22:135*]] between the 'confidential' US State Department communications revealed by Wiki-Leaks - compared to the official, public record for that same period of time. This variance makes the official Public Record [[wheww whwhwhwwh whu. [thn/ [crk | ]] 09:24]] of Article II 'propaganda' (an intentional policy of lies and distortions intended to mislead) [thn/ 07:57] - instead of 'true facts' [[thn/ 09:32]] (and policy), and therefore Article II, the US executive, has intentionally hamstrung and undermined [[j^]] the ability of Article I, the US Legislature, to carry out it's constitutional duty [whwn whn whn...08:00] Therefore Article II [[kn\ 09:34]] has failed to perform IT's constitutional duty, and those responsible must be removed from office [[rrRRpms 08:08][thn/]] - or, in the case of 2000 -2008, be indicted, and / or Article I must actually pass legislation, and / or a US Constitutional Amendment, which remedies the possibility of future deceptions by granting Article I, and / or Article III, sufficient direct access to "in house" communications of Article I, however this could breach the essential separation of powers between the three branches of government, and therefore only an Article III remedy of removal from office might be permissible [rpms 09:48] {And a medal of [jet] honor for the Wiki-Leakers}

... volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #980 of 1179: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 08 Dec 2010 (12:33 PM)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010 State Medvedev Events President of Russia RusVersion for Visually Impaired PeopleThe Presidential Directorate for Correspondence from Citizens and Organizations Send a LetterLegal and Regulatory Framework Send a Letter to the President

Please check that the form is filled out correctly:

First name, Last name Hale, aka, Omar William, aka, haji Mohammed E-mail [email protected] Country United States Post code 20016 Return address 4200 Wisconsin Av. NW, Washington, DC Subject of letter Environmental cooperation and ecological problems Recipient President of Russia Text of letter Dear President of Russia, Dmitri A. Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, and Russian Presidential Executive Officers:

OLD BUSINESS [[Beep, beep, beep, beep... beep. 06:59:13[thn/]5*]] 1.IBM Chinese Communist Party interactive, stereo video, educational headphones update: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=181440195200816&set=a. 181085048569664.45

422.180086985336137 2.Humanitarian Border Corridor update: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=181501785194657&set=a. 181085048569664.45

422.180086985336137 3.Txteagle.com cellphone assisted citizen assistants for government offices update: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=181516898526479&set=a. 181085048569664.45


NEW BUSINESS 1.Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or whom? - offer Rainforest Preventative Health Care as part of the Cancun Climate Control Conference [[Hnk! 07:15]] requirement U.S., Chinese, Russia, G-20, and other nations [[kn |]] ...contribute military personnel (aka, "troops"), hand picked by rainforest host countries***, to ensure funds from central banks and national treasuries are protected, directed, and successfully invested [kn |] to maximize R.O.I. on Climate Control Investments of world citizens [[''''''''''kn\ 06:05]] ...while MINIMIZING military personnel's exposure to biologic risks [[thn/ 06:06]] Archived at: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150105160441427&set=a. 1015010353707142

7.312543.221881641426 2.Rainforest drug trades [[thn// 07:23]]: On the Table updated: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=467181556043&set=a. 466402051043.257018.2


Thank you,

WLH, aka, haji MAO

Archived at: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=319&uid=180086985336137 Send a LetterBack © Russian Presidential Executive OfficeSearchRusEng

SIGNAGE: "AIR ENDS" New Identity Cards to carry E.P.A. warning:

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STOP POLLUTION Conserve and expand recycling capacity. WIN $100,000 Reward.

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English to Welsh translation

Newydd Cardiau Adnabod i gario E.P.A. rhybudd:

10 milltir i fyny ... 90% o AIR yn dod i ben 2.5 milltir i lawr, neu lai ... 99% o'r holl Dŵr yn dod i ben

ATAL LLYGREDD Cadw ac ehangu ailgylchu gallu. Gwobrwyo WIN $ 100,000.

SWYDDOGOL ** $ 100,000 / mis DRWS decal y Gynhadledd 2010 ar Newid Hinsawdd, Cancun, Mecsico. WIN y GWOBRWYO $ 100,000! http://www.tenmiles.com/, neu http://www.10miles.com/, Neu ffoniwch 001-202-111-1234, neu 4,321

Welsh to English translation

English to Welsh translation

New ID cards to carry E.P.A. notice:

10 miles up ... 90% of AIR ends 2.5 miles down, or less ... 99% of all water ends

POLLUTION PREVENTION Retention and expansion of recycling capacity. Rewards WIN $ 100,000.

OFFICIAL ** $ 100,000 / month DOOR decal on Climate Change Conference 2010, Cancun, Mexico. WIN the $ 100,000 REWARD! http://www.tenmiles.com/ or http://www.10miles.com/, Or call 001-202-111-1234 or 4321

English to Spanish translation

Gales a la traducción Inglés

Inglés a la traducción de Gales

Nuevas tarjetas de identificación para llevar a E.P.A. Aviso:

10 millas ... 90% de AIR extremos 2,5 millas hacia abajo, o menos ... 99% de toda el agua termina

PREVENCIÓN DE LA CONTAMINACIÓN La retención y la expansión de la capacidad de reciclaje. Recompensas de GANAR $ 100,000. OFICIAL ** $ 100.000 / mes PUERTA calcomanía sobre el Cambio Climático Conferencia de 2010, Cancún, México. GANAR la recompensa de 100.000 dólares! http://www.tenmiles.com/ o http://www.10miles.com/, O llame al 001-202-111-1234 o 4321

[Whewwwww hewwwwww. Whewwww hewww (doppler shift) whewwww hewww 15:22]

Spanish to English translation

Inglés to Spanish translation

Welsh to English translation

English to Welsh translation

New ID cards to carry EPA Note:

10 miles ... 90% of AIR ends 2.5 miles down, or less ... 99% of all water ends

POLLUTION PREVENTION Retention and expansion of recycling capacity. Rewards WIN $ 100.000.

OFFICIAL ** $ 100,000 / month DOOR sticker on Climate Change Conference 2010, Cancun, Mexico. WIN $ 100,000 reward! http://www.tenmiles.com/ or http://www.10miles.com/, Or call 001-202-111-1234 or 4321

======NH: 'Note'; xref: 'Federal Reserve Note'; xref: E.P.A. note: xref: I.M.F.; xref: a new global currency: Climate Notes; xref: Juma Notes. RE: FILE FOUND CONTIGUOUS TO US MARINES; XREF: "'PACE' OF TRANSITION" QUOTE ATTRIBUTED TO MAYOR GRAY BY "THE WASHINGTON TIMES" volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #516 of 1179: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 04 Dec 2010 (04:46 PM) Spanish to English translation

Inglés to Spanish translation

WANTED: Members of the United Nations who want to "offer a better product at a lower price", - including taxes. Cut your budget in half in prison, {{and drug offenses}} [kn |]. Make "controlled substances" truly "controlled" rather than "forbidden" - but out of control. Mexico is prepared to offer excellent wholesale prices top quality Schedule 1 controlled substance, as the legal government, become the distributor, and respected source, rather than criminal syndicates plaguing current - and us. Provide "a better product at a lower price (Frank Lucas, American Gangster," the movie), including taxes. Create jobs, the reconstruction of a legal, design and manage creative and scientific evidence, other to enhance their "Store and overcome that," politics. Establish "Olympic Thinker" drug testing of high public office holders, allowing the reasonable use, but it needs regular random and retraining, as the Olympians do. Protect your [THN /] professional yourself, and most importantly, its citizens, against waste, fraud, abuse, embezzlement, bribery, corruption, blackmail and extortion. NASCAR uses the model of fuel is always "high-test. MEXICO is willing to stand by you, military, social, economic, and perhaps [THN /] the most important" brother to brother. "" Do not put on the table, make a mess, "is no longer a viable option. We need to put a schedule of controlled substances on the table, shoulder to shoulder with the teamwork of their Mexican brothers, is not going to make a fuss, that make a human market in broad daylight, which reveals the difference between Icarus and his father, Deadelus, and as the Pied Piper of Hamelin returns control of our children to parents in our society who are willing to pay the price assume responsibility for the administration on the table, which has long relegated to under the table, because he had no skill, dedication, knowledge and teamwork, manage, so far. The private and political subdivisions that wish to participate, please contact relevant members of the UN (s) to negotiate on their behalf. Only members of the United Nations can participate in this Mexican and Latin American COLOMBIA Wholesale cooperation, and all [THN /] subcontracting arrangements must meet or exceed our standards of personal and environmental health, education and workers' compensation. volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #1144 of 1179: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 09 Dec 2010 (11:31 PM)

Your Comments On... Obama kicks his smoking habit Apparently dealing with the worst financial crisis in decades, two wars, declining popularity and a shellacking at the polls has done wonders for President Obama's smoking habit - he hasn't touched a cigarette in nine months, according to the White House. - By Nia-Malika Henderson

Comments randomsample wrote: THIS POST IS ARCHIVED AT: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=469793651043&set=a. 466096446043.256858.2 03128736043

John_Chas_Webb wrote: ======NH: ref: whom, whom, and US Senator Webb. ======NH// the truth of the matter is he just quit smoking tobacco . solve. 12/10/2010 1:54:47 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

======NH: "Olympic Thinker" drug tests for high public office holders would eliminate the innuendo thread here; xref: Chief Justice Roberts leaving the bench without being excused to go behind the curtain behind the bench during oral arguments and then returning to his seat. Now we have Justice S.S., the daughter of a NY methadone clinic worker as the door justice, but we still don't have an "Olympic Thinker" category with the same love, and "lead us not into temptation" logic as we do for our "Olympic Athlete" random drug testing program. The New Yorker Magazine wrote year ago, the level of performance drugs permitted in athletes was so high, athletes could almost not afford to not used them and then taper off before competition testing. So, likewise, "Olympic Thinkers" should be able to get enough to perform and win in the NASCAR model of high performance thinking, emoting, and rapport we all expect in the twenty first century. So, don't blame the White House. They know all about this; xref: volley2.ind 137: ? />*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #652 of 1133: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 05 Dec 2010 (10:41 PM)

There is much speculation in Bolivia and in U.S. policy circles - but few hard facts - about the relationship between Bolivia and Iran. ====Null Hypothesis: GIVEN that Iran shares a 500 plus mile border with Afghanistan, and GIVEN, the Revolutionary Party of Iran has a clean needle exchange program; xref: you, U.S. Supreme Court Door Justice, Sonya Sotomeyer, the daughter of a N.Y. Methadone clinic worker; and xref: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php? topic=17709&post=118472&uid=221881641426#post

118472; xref: "Olympic Thinkers", partially inspired by you, US Chief Justice diseased, WR, and GIVEN that a hospital is an intelligent place to sart - regarding all of the above, it would THEREFORE, be reasonable to seek to reject the null hypothesis, "Iran has no interest in 'Olympic Thinkers'."; xref: complete muslims vs. 'incomplete muslims'; [[Thn/ 21:23:135*]] xref: "Memorize and outgrow it,"; xref: Mexican / Columbian NASCAR model for UN Members to take control of "controlled substances SOURCE: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=467181556043&set=a. 466402051043.257018.2

03128736043&pid=6219962&id=203128736043 ALTERNATE SOURCE: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php? topic=15557&post=92781&uid=203128736043#post9 2781http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=257018&id=203128736043

Making 'controlled substances' 'controlled', instead of 'forbidden' should lead to a much more rational, healthy, affordable world. tulsa_dave wrote: Someone needs to send him a carton. 12/9/2010 10:01:46 PM

======NH: carton; xref: current "Peanuts" cartoon.

HEADER PLACED AS FOOTER: volley2.ind 137: ? />*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #1143 of 1143: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 09 Dec 2010 (11:26 PM)

VERIFY ARCHIVE ADDRESS: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=469793651043&set=a. 466096446043.256858.2


REDUNDANT ARCHIVES: bcc: 12/10/2010 2:29:49 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy coqui44 wrote: If he quit his habit, why is he blowing so much smoke?

If as a president, with all his power, he can't kick the GOP, what makes you think he can kick the habit?

To kick the habit you need DETERMINATION. When was the last time that you saw him acting with determination.

And I know about kicking the habit: I haven't done it. 12/10/2010 2:27:00 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy John_Chas_Webb wrote: Obama kicks his smoking habit , unlike J. Edgar Hoover who wore his . the nun was rescued by F.E.M.A. 12/10/2010 1:57:55 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy John_Chas_Webb wrote: the truth of the matter is he just quit smoking tobacco . solve. 12/10/2010 1:54:47 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy volley2.ind 137: ?>*:\ ...//2010:11:29:13:24:75*W #633 of 1179: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 05 Dec 2010 (05:52 PM)

Mexican / Columbian NASCAR model for UN Members.. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=467181556043&set=a. 466402051043.257018.2


Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* -thn

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* -thn #869: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 22 Jan 11 23:43 Post

But before the fence fades from memory, if not from view, I want to note that our momentary infatuation with walling off our neighbor to the south leaves a legacy beyond a scarred landscape. This episode inflicted real damage on our domestic law.

I refer specifically to the separation of powers, a concept not without complexity, sorely tested in the post-9/11 era. But it is basically quite straightforward, and in the rush to build the border fence, every branch of government got it wrong.

First, Congress, in a 2005 enactment entitled the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, bestowed on the secretary of homeland security breathtakingly broad authority to set aside “all legal requirements” that he might regard as standing in the way of building the fence.

This authority extended not only to major federal environmental laws but also to any other laws the secretary, in his “sole discretion,” might think of. In early 2008, Secretary Michael Chertoff issued orders setting aside relevant portions of 37 federal statutes (even including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act), as well as all related state and local laws and regulations within a 500-mile swath of the border that cut across four states. volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* -thn #870: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 22 Jan 11 23:46 Post

This authority extended not only to major federal environmental laws but also to any other laws the secretary, in his “sole discretion,” might think of. In early 2008, Secretary Michael Chertoff issued orders setting aside relevant portions of 37 federal statutes (even including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act), as well as all related state and local laws and regulations within a 500-mile swath of the border that cut across four states.

True, in one sense Mr. Chertoff was simply exercising the authority that Congress had given him, which in the ordinary case is what the separation of powers contemplates from the executive branch. But such a broad and unfettered delegation of essentially legislative authority raises substantial constitutional questions, as the secretary, a former Supreme Court law clerk, surely sensed. If he had any doubts, he did not acknowledge them. “Criminal activity at the border does not stop for endless debate or protracted litigation,” he explained.

Affected cities, towns and Indian tribes, along with environmental groups, rushed to court. But Congress had done its best to make that journey fruitless. It required all cases to be filed within 60 days of the secretary’s invocation of authority, thus ensuring that cases would be dismissed as “not ripe,” or for lack of standing, because no actual construction would likely yet be under way. Congress also provided that the federal district courts could hear only constitutional challenges to the statute itself, not garden-variety complaints about how the secretary was carrying out his authority. In effect, Congress was daring federal district judges to declare the law unconstitutional; not surprisingly, none did.

But there’s more: Congress also stripped the federal appeals courts entirely of jurisdiction, leaving the Supreme Court as the only avenue of appeal. One appeal, brought by El Paso County, Tex., did reach the Supreme Court in the spring of 2009. The justices considered the case (County of El Paso v. Chertoff) at eight consecutive closed-door conferences before rejecting it, without dissent or explanation. By refusing to hear the case, the justices thus left on the books, unreviewed, a deeply disquieting distortion of how the American system of government is supposed to work.

Good fences may make good neighbors, but bad fences make bad law.

This Op-Ed column appeared in the print on Jan. 23, 2011.

?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with?

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #116: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 11 18:12 Post

"Distinguished guests .. as wel as your new speaker, John Gainer," xref: frame of reference therapy and separation of powers.

And as we...

Also mindful of the empty chair in this chamber.

"Sometimes you can beckon, sometimes you must call..."

OK. I'll call Gabrielle and Mr. Giffords.

Topic 144 Reposted [thn/]

Previous Topic in ResultsNext Topic in Results volley2.ind 146: Topic 144 Reposted [thn/] #0: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 6 Feb 11 03:49 Post

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Topic List Forget Freeze Retire Kill Volley2.Ind ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? Topic #144, 672 responses, 0 new, Last post on Thu 03 Feb 2011 at 11:14 PM

Keep as New

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #0 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (02:28 PM)

Test [Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #1 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (02:28 PM)

The energy saver setting was at 15 minutes for the hard drive to go to sleep. Could that be why the modem is timing out? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #2 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (04:29 PM)

Downloading Mac OsX update [[door]] About 119 hours; xref: 1, 9, 11, 19 Odometer on sprint smart view 00:58:22 and counting

Safari browser indicates 'loading' but it appears to not be

Need to swap modems to test

Downloading 6 items about 141 hours

Clicked on modem to switch from 4g to 3g

Mac download responded with

Some of the selected updates could not be saved, you are not connected to the internet

Looks like whose intelligent download [''''sound] zoomed to where it left off 457.1 MB of 1.17 GB about 46 minutes volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #3 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (04:30 PM)

Modems shows 1:05:02 on the clock. But there is no MB counter displayed. Why? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #4 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:00 PM)

Dear Governor of 1/10 th of the eastern shore of the Pacific Ocean, the Grateful Dead State of California, Jerry Brown:

Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else:

Ask the agricultural department of the great state of California to draw up a budget for what their cost would be to provide weighing and assaying stations for [sirens start up in the distance] the purpose of grading marijuana sold in California [^]? [reboot tone of Apple OS {David, I don't know if I'm connected to my server unless I touch and press (key board patterns), but the intelligence which designs the Mac OS gives me an audio alert to let me know I've successfully booted up the OS. [Kn/] So, would you and the media conference [[crk | ]] [kn kn]... [kn] ...a [kn] ...would you and the media conference like to lobby for a California state law which requires a user choice to hear a dial tone when disconnected from a cellphone call, or a server?

A bill "2 B Sure"

Whereas the public right of way [firm ware update shut down. Wait. Restart]

Whereas the electromagnetic public right of way requires...

Whereas the public health and safety of the electromagnetic public right of way...

Whereas the U.S. Constitutional Preamble Right...

Whereas the second most important pre-requisite regarding the U.S. Constitutional Preamble right, yea, ORDER, placed upon us by our founding forebearers, to "form a more perfect Union", is to "ensure domestic tranquility", and

Whereas "domestic tranquility" requires the ability to move, and rest, throughout the entire spectrum of the electromagnetic public right of way, as well as the iner...

Whereas, "("I feel death in my head and stuff, from not moving around enough," Rose. Pushed restart button. Heard, "Bzzzzzpt" tone. Typed this. Heard "Dummm!" successful boot tone o [Thn/] {perfect edit out brand names to reduce hostility, who})

Whereas, "domestic tranquility" requires "We the people" [kn/] halve the ability to enjoy ["Dummm!" the OS reboot tone again. Might have to turn around and see why I heard it twice] [kn/]... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #5 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:04 PM)

Your computer's firmware is up-to-date with version 1.8 of the MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update.

Missed on screen shot at log in volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #6 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:10 PM) oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #112 of 112: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:07 PM)

Wow, did that open faster. Will the wireless modem stay connected now? Check energy saver settings.

OK set of one minute. [thn | ]

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #7 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:12 PM)

OK, the modem stayed connected when the computer was woken from sleep after this short time. [Thn/] Could sleeping longer disconnect it? Now the browser is being left open to see [light goes out. Computer has gone to sleep. Do I need an audio choice for that? xref: voice over] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #8 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:30 PM) oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #105 of 113: Anne Ronan (aronan) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (11:14 AM) that would be great if we could get some of the sales tax. Must be just over a border down there. oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #106 of 113: a miasma of incandescent plasma (reet) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (12:03 PM)

I am going to have to dig out a paper map and check that out. I can find border lines in online maps! oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #107 of 113: California Na_ive (ronks) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (12:59 PM)

If the store is south of 40th/Shellmound and west of Horton (and why do all those north-south streets start with "H"?) as it appears to be, my map says it's all in Oakland. oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #108 of 113: a miasma of incandescent plasma (reet) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (01:47 PM) whhoo hoo! oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #109 of 113: (fom) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (02:00 PM)

That's great -- I'll definitely do some shopping there. oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #110 of 113: Mary Mazzocco (mazz) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (02:09 PM)

I wondered what was going in there! I hate to be so excited about this, but Target really is the place to go for certain items. oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #111 of 113: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (04:59 PM)

Dear Governor of 1/10 th of the eastern shore of the Pacific Ocean, the Grateful Dead State of California, Jerry Brown:

Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else:

Ask the agricultural department of the great state of California to draw up a budget for what their cost would be to provide weighing and assaying stations for [sirens start up in the distance] the purpose of grading marijuana sold in California [^]? [reboot tone of Apple OS {David, I don't know if I'm connected to my server unless I touch and press (key board patterns), but the intelligence which designs the Mac OS gives me an audio alert to let me know I've successfully booted up the OS. [Kn/] So, would you and the media conference [[crk | ]] [kn kn]... [kn] ...a [kn] ...would you and the media conference like to lobby for a California state law which requires a user choice to hear a dial tone when disconnected from a cellphone call, or a server?

A bill "2 B Sure"

Whereas the public right of way [firm ware update shut down. Wait. Restart]

Whereas the electromagnetic public right of way requires...

Whereas the public health and safety of the electromagnetic public right of way...

Whereas the U.S. Constitutional Preamble Right...

Whereas the second most important pre-requisite regarding the U.S. Constitutional Preamble right, yea, ORDER, placed upon us by our founding forebearers, to "form a more perfect Union", is to "ensure domestic tranquility", and

Whereas "domestic tranquility" requires the ability to move, and rest, throughout the entire spectrum of the electromagnetic public right of way, as well as the iner...

Whereas, "("I feel death in my head and stuff, from not moving around enough," Rose. Pushed restart button. Heard, "Bzzzzzpt" tone. Typed this. Heard "Dummm!" successful boot tone o [Thn/] {perfect edit out brand names to reduce hostility, who})

Whereas, "domestic tranquility" requires "We the people" [kn/] halve the ability to enjoy ["Dummm!" the OS reboot tone again. Might have to turn around and see why I heard it twice] [kn/]... oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #112 of 113: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:07 PM)

Wow, did that open faster. Will the wireless modem stay connected now? Check energy saver settings.

OK set of one minute. [thn | ] oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #113 of 113: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:28 PM)

Whereas, to "ensure domestic tranquility" is the second most important U.S. Constitutional Preamble pre-requisite duty place upon us by our founding forebearers regarding [^] their ORDER to "form a more perfect Union", and

Whereas, "domestic tranquility" requires "We the people" [kn/] halve "the least intrusive learning environment" throughout our public rights of way for our "adaptive learning technology" across the entire electro-magnetic spectrum, be it hereby,

Resolved, the choice to have a dial tone shall be required on all cellphones and devices which can be connected to the internet, and further,

Resolved, audio alarms, or "Voice over utility" machine generated speech, [thn/]... shall be offered as a choice to notify owners [thn/], lessors, and others via local, separate, alarm battery which can be vsiually tested for charge, of loss of dial tone - so one and all can be as sure of his, her, it's, or their "footing" in the public right of way without the need to interrupt whose self to look, or touch, as often "2 B Sure" based upon [thn//] the cost effectiveness permitted by minimally redundant connectivity.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #9 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:33 PM) oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #104 of 113: 2011: more joy/less bullshit (ellen) Sat 22 Jan 2011 (11:20 PM) according to this , the new Target is in Oakland.

======NH: Perfect demonstrate the minimalist, most efficient, way to insert supporting evidence, who. {{Ellen.}}

Notice how the http://www... link includes meaningful words to make it easy to twitter the link as well as text? xref: you, facebook; xref: offer a user choice, to have the first x number of words of the photo caption be in the address line, right? ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #10 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:35 PM) oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #115 of 115: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:35 PM)

In order to "establish justice" here, based on fairness in filling up the first level of visual contact, please hide posts [thn/] [kn/] #111 and #112.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #11 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:40 PM)

OK, the safari browser is still connected and working, how long has this been? 33:51 on the odometer. But no MB reading. Why? No MB reading YET. Why? think positive. Never say 'never', say, 'not yet'. And if you don't want it to happen, say, "Not yet, thank God," or say, "Not yet, but if you want that, then you might be interested in..." and outline a learning curve which leads whom AWAY from the temptation, but which satisfies the libidinal, ego, or super-ego drive equally well to the point the alternative is remembered only as a "disorder", including excessively un-flexible, overly ordered. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #12 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (05:54 PM)

Now neither Safari, Chrome, nor Firefox will find the built in eyesight camera. That happend for a while last time also. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #13 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:10 PM)

Use the tool to record a YouTube video instantly via your computer's webcam. For more details, please see here.Make sure your webcam is installed and working correctly.

======NH: Use the tool =====NH: xref; the difference between a tool and a weapon is in how you hold it. Also xref: USPS tool lending libraries ======Null hypothesis//

to record ======NH Say, "to externally remember," or say, "to enhance your biologic technology of free will," or say, "to add to your electro- magnetic memory," Don't let who make up words and then take away your rights based upon the 'new' words, like, "No recording,"; xref: whose recent comic re: "Youth court" {"Cornered"} ======Null Hypotheis//

a YouTube video instantly ======NH: xref: legal term re: 'instant upon' meaning as an example of. ======NH//

via your computer's webcam. ======NH: perfect example [^], YouTube. Say, "via the adaptive learning technology of your electro-magnetic tool's (tools'; Tooles) regarding (visible light) perception, memory, and speech [crk | ] ======Null Hypothesis//

For more details, please see here. ======NH: How everything ...leads up to today. And it's just like any other day - that's ever been... ======NH//

Make sure your webcam ======NH: Adap[thn\]tive learning technology tool for perception ======NH//

is installed and working correctly. ======NH: is being used [screen saver comes on other screen]... ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #14 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:11 PM)

Looking for camera activity again. Ready to record. No green light. No image. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #15 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:13 PM)

Quicktime Pro 7 asks for an email address and a mailing list contact as if it were required but downloads despite not completing the field volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #16 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:14 PM)

Oh, ou need to install this from the disk. At least you did last time. What is the code needed? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #17 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:18 PM)

It's weird, the drop down menu for the camera slecteion sows a micro thumb nail and the green light comes on when that is clicked, but ...after refresh, the "Looking for camera activity" message board is simply spinning around and around. Go back one page and reopen it volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #18 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:19 PM)

Quicktime X is already present. Go back to disk. Is it an intentional barrier to entry? Or was it a programming dilemma? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #19 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:28 PM)

After successfully installing the OS update, none of the three browsers will connect the built in eyesight camera with the YouTube.com window, or the Ustream.tv. They both use the adobe recorder. {adobe} [kn/]

The laptop disk with Quicktime7 on it should be in one of these boxes. That's more looking than [thn/] who can now do. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #20 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:30 PM)

What other experiments are possible? Justin.tv?

It's weird, because when you place the cursor over the drop down menu, it shows these three really small boxes. Each of the browsers are able to show one, or more of the boxes with a video image in it live. And the green light by the camera comes on, but the Auto detect, then Looking function of the larger window spins mindlessly. Reboot again and try? What's wrong? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #21 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:42 PM)

Whatever who types in the Justin access code box is not accepted. What a torment that is. Should who reinstall the old operating system from disk? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #22 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:45 PM)

What a hell of a discouraging experience. NONE of the browsers will detect the built in eyesight camera anymore. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #23 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:45 PM)

And it's too much of a mess here to find the disk that was mailed to me by apple months ago to install quick time 7 and test it. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #24 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:46 PM)

It shouldn't be this difficult. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #25 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:46 PM)

It worked initially. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #26 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:46 PM) Yesterday. And then deteriorated. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #27 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:48 PM)

ARCHITECTURE REVIEW Gehry Design Is Fanfare for Common Man By NICOLAI OUROUSSOFF 5:31 PM ET MIAMI BEACH — Michael Tilson Thomas and Frank Gehry joined visions to create a new home for the New World Symphony in Miami Beach. | Slide Show volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #28 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:49 PM)

[kn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #29 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:50 PM)

Toyota, piece of cake, and what other subtext messages blocked access. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #30 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:55 PM)

About 177,000,000 results (0.18 seconds) Search Results MICHAEL BOLTON - CAN'T HOLD ON, CAN'T LET GO LYRICS These Can't Hold On, Can't Let Go lyrics are performed by Michael Bolton Get the music video and song lyrics here. Every time I think of you My heart starts ... www.metrolyrics.com/cant-hold-on-cant-let-go-lyrics-michael- bolton.html - Cached - Similar ► MICHAEL BOLTON LYRICS - Can't Hold On, Can't Let Go I can't hold on, I can't let go. Every time you touch me, well you know ... Need you so much(can't let go) But you're tearing me apart(can't hold on) ... www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/michaelbolton/cantholdoncantletgo.html - Cached How to Hold in Pee when You Can't Use the Bathroom - wikiHow You may feel like you are about to lose control, but if you let that feeling pass .... If you're specially being told you can't go by someone of higher ... www.wikihow.com/Hold-in-Pee-when-You-Can't-Use-the-Bathroom - Cached - Similar MICHAEL BOLTON "CAN'T HOLD ON, CAN'T LET GO" Lyrics (I can't hold on) / Can't let go / (I can't let go) / Every time you touch me, well you know / I feel the blood rushing through my veins / Girl you mean so ... www.mp3lyrics.org › (Mf-j...) Lyrics › Michael Bolton Lyrics - Cached - Similar If you can't hold on, let go. 01. Making plans to change ... Jun 21, 2010 ... Should have known better than trying to let you go, because here we go again. As hard as I try I know I can't quit, something about you is ... caniholdyou.xanga.com/729014875/item/ - Cached ROCK CITY - CAN'T HOLD ON ANYMORE LYRICS I've gotta let go, I can't hold on anymore... I'm going to, Have to apologize, I 'm going to have to let you fall down, You took me for granted, ... www.elyricsworld.com/can't_hold_on_anymore_lyrics_rock_city.html - Cached THE KILLERS - ALL THESE THINGS THAT I'VE DONE LYRICS If you can hold on, hold on. I wanna stand up, I wanna let go .... Yeah, oh don' t you put me on the back burner", but he knows he can't do it alone "You ... www.sing365.com/.../e6e3beb842be874348256ea9000b9b62 - Cached - Similar YouTube - The CARS - You Can't Hold On Too Long(1979) May 25, 2009 ... The CARS - You Can't Hold On Too Long(1979) .... Added to queue The CARS - Let's go!(1979)by Slance1164220 views · Thumbnail 4:14. Add to ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s6OmepnqDk - Cached Overcoming Grief; You Can't Hold On So Tight That You Never Have ... Overcoming Grief; You Can't Hold On So Tight That You Never Have to Let Go. Two endless weeks of clinging to and praying for her beloved sister, ... www.growingupziglar.com/?page_id=107 - Cached Can't Hold On, Can't Let Go lyrics - Michael Bolton Jan 18, 2011 ... If you want to use these lyrics, please contact the authors, artists or labs. If you like the sound of Can't Hold On, Can't Let Go, ... www.kovideo.net/can-t-hold-on-can-t-let-go-lyrics-michael- bolton-530912. html - Cached volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #31 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (07:02 PM) oakland 431: What's New in Oakland? #121 of 121: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (07:01 PM)

#27 of 28: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:48 PM)

ARCHITECTURE REVIEW Gehry Design Is Fanfare for Common Man ======Null Hypothesis 'fanfare'; xref: "Dummmm," of log on tone above. [kn/] 'fan'; xref: "Mrs. Huang's fan" 'fare'; xref: Fairwitness. Also xref: cooking conference 'is'; xref: "'Is' equals 'equals'," 'for'; xref: 'four' 'Common'; xref: "A wind held in the common"; xref: "You can't hold on and you can't let go, (Michael Bolton in search results can be found here: volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #30 of 30: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:55 PM)

The wheel is turning and you can't slow down You can't let go and you can't hold on You can't go back and you can't stand still If the thunder don't get you then the lightning will man; xref: Womb man ======Null Hypothesis// the public right of way By NICOLAI OUROUSSOFF 5:31 PM ET MIAMI BEACH — Michael Tilson Thomas and Frank Gehry joined visions to create a new home for the New World Symphony in Miami Beach. | Slide Show

======NH: xref: You Tube choir. The east coast. And what else? "2 B Sure" DIAL TONE and loss of dial tone, emergency battery alarm. So the song would start, rhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. RINGGGGGGGGGGG, or actually, the song would start with music in progress in the middle of a song. THAT would end. THEN... [Washington Post refreshes, heavy duty tackle at ground level... ======Null hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #28 of 28: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (06:49 PM) [kn/]

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #32 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (07:16 PM)

A bill "2 B Sure" (...continued)

Long title: The Hale - Omar Telephone Security Act of 2011

Proposed sponsors: Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, John Boehner, ...actually this should be

Long title: The California Media and Telephone Security Act of 2011

Or, "A bill to restore the dial tone:

Or, what? "A bill to provide audio certainty to multi-taskers"

Resolved, audio alarms, or "Voice over utility" machine generated speech, [thn/]... shall be offered as a choice to notify cellphone and internet users by means of a local, separate, alarm battery when the dial tone fails, and further

Resolved, said local alarm battery for notification of loss of dial tone shall be able to be visually tested for charge - so one and all can meet minimal mental and physical public health and safety standards to be more reasonably sure of their "footing" in the public right of way - without the need to unnecessarily interrupt themselves to look at, or hold and touch their cellphone or computer volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #33 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (07:22 PM)

As a (sort of) stay at home Mom, the Parenting conference is the place I need - good advice, daily reality checks, and hilarious stories from the parenting trenches. I love all things words and language, so I can't be in The WELL without a visit to Words. And the Couples conference is a great place to vent and get good advice.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #34 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (07:54 PM)

500 of 511: regularly-scheduled gibberish (artlife) Sat 22 Jan 2011 (06:39 PM) not my kids, but this cracked me up today:

5-6 year old boy and his 3-4 year old brother plus their mother, outside of peet's in greenbrae where there are tables and chairs and lots of people

5 year old boy is yelling at younger brother mother says sternly, "it's not cool to yell at your brother, please apologize to him" older brother cups his hands, goes up to younger brother's ear and yells, "i'm sorry" i had to commiserate with the mother - it was a classic moment

======NH: xref: who at the Nascar race who intentionally yelled in whose ear to damage whose hearing by saying, "Wait a minute til they come by," then answered the question by yelling in whose ear AFTER they had gone by and the natural mechanisms were subsiding to resist sound.

The degree of intentional evil in people. Who forgets.

======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #35 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (08:05 PM)

One deficit, two visions The debate that will likely set the terms for the 2012 elections began over the weekend. Video: Obama's State of the Union preview volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #36 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (08:09 PM)

ARCHITECTURE REVIEW Gehry Design Is Fanfare for Common Man By NICOLAI OUROUSSOFF 5:31 PM ET MIAMI BEACH — Michael Tilson Thomas and Frank Gehry joined visions to create a new home for the New World Symphony in Miami Beach. | Slide Show

======NH: So, "Oakland Symphony and New [thn/] World Symphony use internet, [[''''''''thn/]] and multi-taskers to create an 'Internet Users Symphony" in which tones of messages you have on hold, plus tones of incoming messages, plus [rpms] tones charting the progress of messages you post relative to comments which follow, comments which respond, and comments which cite yours... Being a 'note' in whose "dial tone symphony' or 'Attention symphony'... the software might listen to your life; xref: "Sprint private listening accounts" and A.I. [kn/], and then of course, the dial tone itself, and God forbid, the show goes very local when you hear only the loss of dial tone alarm [Wshington Post page refreshes completely white except for the banner]

Then there is the theme park aspect: while in the park the cellphones of the visitors permit a symphony to come over the speaker in the park, based upon what parameters in the visitors cell phones, and the conversations, sights, geopopsitions they go to, and what else? ======Null Hypothesis:

======NH: xref: rebuild the tower of babble project Iraq economy. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #37 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (08:22 PM)

Screen reader users, click here to turn off Google Instant. Google macbook pro built in isight camera not found by YouTube adobe recorder ×

Instant is on ▼

Web Images Videos Maps News Shopping Gmail more ▼ [email protected] | Settings ▼ | Sign out Advanced search About 14,300 results (0.47 seconds) Search Results MacBook: iSight Camera 60 posts - 42 authors By providing access to unsupervised video recording technology, a school can ..... I have seen this issue posted on other forums but I have not found a solution. I have a MacBook Pro 2.2ghz, I updated to leopard & the camera worked and then .... The Macbook automatically defaults to the built in iSight and does not ... www.macintouch.com/readerreports/macbook/topic4264.html - Cached - Similar ► MacBook - Appledefects A brand new MacBook Pro Penryn with superdrive has this problem. .... More information on the phenomena, including photographs, can be found here...... this is not reproducible on my MacBook, I've uploaded a video to Youtube documenting this. .... At first built-in iSight camera is working just fine. ... www.appledefects.com/wiki/index.php?title=MacBook - Cached - Similar MACBOOK iSight Camera not recognized when trying to broadcast via ... This is a problem on Adobe's side as one of their updates messed up some camera configurations and ... iSight camera not working. I've had the same issue. ... www.ustream.tv/.../showthread.php?...MACBOOK-iSight-Camera- not... - Cached How to turn on isight on macbook to record for facebook - How to ... Camera not found built in isight facebook · How do i make my isight camera on an apple ... How to connect external isight camera to mac book pro? Comment ... www.zinf.org/.../How_to_turn_on_isight_on_macbook_to_record_for_ facebook-qna41516.html - Cached Apple - Support - Discussions - Cant setup webcam on 4 machines ... 5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 28, 2010 It doesnt matter whether they are the built in isight cameras or external ones ... including those who do not use the Google plugins, have found other remedies . ... This link allows download of the 64-bit plugin beta from an official Adobe page: ... I got it to work on my macbook pro, no idea how, ... discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2698747 - Cached mac not recognizing new voice and video chat download - Google ... Apr 11, 2010 ... Not cool, Google. 2 of 3 people found this answer helpful. ... when i try to record in youtube the adoble flash player settings window opens. i ... google camera adapter 1 and built- in isight camera. obviously, i want to ... www.google.com › ... › Google Chat › Voice and Video Chat - Cached MacBook Pro - Video recording with built in iSight cam? - Mac ... 15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jul 9, 2008 I managed to record a video clip with the MBP's built in camera a while ago, ... Well I already found out I need OSX 10.5 for video in PhotoBooth ... I would not install leopard just for recording videos in Photo booth. ... using the iSight built-in camera. I presume I can upload to UTube. ... www.mac-forums.com › Digital Lifestyle › Movies and Video - Cached - Similar How to turn on camera for chatroulette for macbook pro - Mac os x ... I have a macbook pro, and for a while now it hasn't been working on facebook (or ... Why is my camera not working on chatroulette on my built in isight? ... i have to use adobe flash player. i allow access to the website (like it always asks), ... 50% - When i try ti use my macs camera it says camera not found? ... www.furioustees.com/How_to_turn_on_camera_for_chatroulette_for_ macbook_pro-qna879553.html - Cached I Have A Built In Isight Camera In My Apple Macbook, But It Doesn ... Nov 18, 2009 ... I Have A Built In Isight Camera In My Apple Macbook, ... Is There An App For Mac That Lets You Use The Built In Isight Camera In A Macbook Pro For Msn Messenger? ... I Have Msn And The Cam Does Not Work With Friends? .... FL studios cannot work with youtube, windows live messenger cant click on link ... hk.promo.web.id/i-have-a-built-in-isight-camera-in-my-apple- macbook-but- it-doesnt-seem-to-work-with-msn-messenger-for-mac - Cached Answers.com - How to change built in macbook Pro camera to mirror ... How the do you turn on your camera on your macbook pro? The built in iSight camera is accessed by software as needed. Launching PhotoBooth, iMovie, iChat ... wiki.answers.com › ... › Categories › Technology › Computers - Cached - Similar

Everything Images Videos News Shopping More New York, NY Change location Search Options Show search tools 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next Search Help Give us feedback Google HomeAdvertising ProgramsBusiness SolutionsPrivacyAbout Google volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #38 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (08:23 PM) camera works with photo booth volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #39 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (08:25 PM)

May. 17, 2006 Derek I Smith Sort of a rant... More than a few of my colleagues in other schools are bemoaning the inclusion of iSight cameras in offerings from Apple. These cameras are on by default, with no way to disable them without destroying or physically removing them. Many school districts around the country ban photo/video phones & camera-enabled computers. For Apple to include cameras on Macs without giving administrative control is - for a lack of a better word - stupid. How many schools will forgo purchasing Macs (and be forced to go to the Dark Side) because they come pre- loaded with always-on cameras? In addition, there is no way, so far as I see, to have these machines BTO without cameras. Parental controls in iTunes & Managed Accounts are great first step in locking down the OS from misuse by children, but Apple MUST include the ability to turn off the camera and keep it off. This looks like a perfect opportunity for some 3rd-party solution. Right now, I've suggested to my colleagues they just cover the lens with a blob of super-glue gel, which will distort the image. It'll ruin the camera, but that's better than no Macs, or worse, a lawsuit.... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #40 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (08:40 PM)

Google search... alhumdullilah / hallelujah. Good 'old google to the [Audi A8 ad; xref: ...if you see me getting smaller, I'm going away: The Audi A8 ad has an aluminum body, or what "going away" makes who wonder about Macbooks aluminum bodies. That sharp leading edge cuts into the side of whose hand when using the touch pad... ]

Uninstalled the google voice apps and now the isight camera is steaming live at Ustream.tv on the "Technical Difficulties 2" show.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #41 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (08:46 PM)

Government of Tunisia Shuts Down Popular TV Channel By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK 9:28 PM ET TUNIS — The closing of a private television network appeared to violate pledges to respect freedom of expression.

======NH: It's all my fault for not being there to exegesisize the broadcast so who comprehends our goal is not to destroy, or stop, information, but to correct it. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #42 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (08:47 PM) China Grooming Deft Politician as Next Leader By EDWARD WONG and JONATHAN ANSFIELD 5 minutes ago

BEIJING — Following a succession plan laid out years ago, President Hu Jintao will pass the baton to his presumed successor, Xi Jinping, now China’s vice president.

======NH: Sauna, grooming, exercise, prayers. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #43 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (09:00 PM)

Art Exhibit Stirs Up the Ghosts of Zimbabwe’s Past ======NH: xref: 'Z' code letter for you, C.I.A. xref: art exhibits which [[thn//]] may have provoked whom to shut down Tunisia ['''''thn/] 's private TV station. To see the covering document click the first link below. To see the actual art shows with images showing you, [[crk | ] who look very much like Mohammed Bouazizi [thn/] standing with a group by a statue with your poster as a martyr, please click on the second link. To see the greater good such deception might accomplish, please click on the third of the following links. Thank you.

FIRST LINK (POSTED TWICE) Comment1:12 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Bouazizi TUNISIA scripting revolutions https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#buzz/search/town.hall Singing in a restaurant at the end of theDelete Comment Like Reshare Email Comment1:08 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Bouazizi TUNISIA Scripting revolutions http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150147622575961&set=a. 1015013716735096


Regarding the actual art exhibits here:

[[kn/]] SECOND LINK ======NH: re: you, MB: JoeAprilOctober Joe Montesero MASKS NAMES http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150147085090961&set=a. 1015012705088596

1.317915.243286560960&pid=8325840&id=243286560960 23 hours ago

THIRD LINK re: you, Tunisia: JoeAprilOctober Joe Montesero TUNISIA PROMISED LAND & RIGHT OF WAY US http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150146870530961&set=a. 1015012705088596

1.317915.243286560960 22 Jan ======Null Hypothesis//

By CELIA W. DUGGER 8 minutes ago ======NH: xref: you who, and who, and who. Also xref: referral to "Digg" last night ======NH//

BULAWAYO, ======NH: xref: "May the China shops of our lives survive the bulls of our emotions,"; "Way!" and "Oh,"; xref: "Why is the flag at half mast?" "A Senator died," "Oh," ======Null Hypothesis// Zimbabwe — The government’s efforts to bury history have instead ======NH: a key word, 'instead' ======NH// provoked memories of the Gukurahundi, Zimbabwe’s name for the slaying and torture of thousands of civilians.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #44 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (09:38 PM) https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1z0atBn2Y8PKU4u4TF82DLASFf-4D_YWIqucuqmd8QLU /edit?hl=en

The art of scripting a revolution. Islam explains the ressurection of Christ via a body double who was crucified [thn/] The above link contains a link (#2) to an image which makes who wonder if the logic was not applied in Tunisia. The greater good might well justifiy the deception, if that's what it is, or the retouched photo, if that's what it is. It's all my fault for not having finished my book and being present and accounted for by now.

Who has found the main difference between powerful 'civilized' nations and 'barbaric' nations is the thickness of the 'veneer' who places over their violence to make it appear an "Act of God", or violence by "others".

The good news is we can repent [[thn]] any false short cut (such as deception), and be fogiven by who or why is 100% able to stand alone, and / or 100% able to stand with... - without the need to confess.

God willing, and who taking better care of whose own health, we will reach [kn/] the day when we can win the hearts and minds of the world through a thorough list of Requested Remedies integrated into a global plan.

Please feel free to edit anything you find.


W. Hale, aka, Haji Mohammed...

PS This might be why the private TV station in Tunisia was closed, or it might simply be acknowledgement of whose show "Technical Difficulties 2" on Ustream.tv

Also 'private' is a polite word for 'secret'. But on the other hand revolutionaries should know the words of Confucius: "When the true principle of the Great Philosophy is working, the wise people will live on the street, and no door will need to be locked,"

So, who wrote, "WANTED: Wise doormen"; xref: you, Sonya Sottomeyer. Also xref: "WANTED: Police recruits willing to cross train in at least two jobs which do not involve carrying a gun". Also xref; "National Service so we can 'all take turns taking care of one another' to pay for our free, universal education K - 16 and our universal health care,"

Washington Post slide show changes:

(Photo: AP file) Fitness guru Jack LaLanne, 96, dies PHOTOS | LaLanne inspired viewers to trim down, eat well and pump iron for decades. More on life of Fitness guru Jack LaLanne

We want to give proof of "Better Homes and Gardens in Deserts World Wide" and win hearts and minds to join us with txteagle.com crowd sourcing...

OK, organizing, sorting work to do. And how are you Celia? Your article is to be read next. Comments, if any, will follow. God willing, who hopes.

FROM: [email protected] TO: http://www.nytimes.com/membercenter/emailus.html RE: Art Exhibit in Zimbabwe Rouses Ghosts of Gukurahundi volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #45 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (09:51 PM)

Erdogan resists! Think of yourself. Think of us. Think of your calls. Think's Photos - Global Communion-i-ca-tions PLAN Photo 10 of 10 Back to Album · Erdogan resists! Think of yourself. Think of us. Think of your calls. Think's Photos · Erdogan resists! Think of yourself. Think of us. Think of your calls. Think's ProfilePreviousNext https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1z0atBn2Y8PKU4u4TF82DLASFf-4D_YWIqucuqmd8QLU /edit?hl=en

The art of scripting a revolution.

Islam explains the ressurection of Christ via a body double who was crucified [thn/] The above link contains a link (#2) to an image which makes who wonder if the logic was not applied in Tunisia. The greater good might well justifiy the deception, if that's what it is, or the retouched photo, if that's what it is. It's all my fault for not having finished my book and being present and accounted for by now.

Who has found the main difference between powerful 'civilized' nations and 'barbaric' nations is the thickness of the 'veneer' who places over their violence to make it appear an "Act of God", or violence by "others".

The good news is we can repent [[thn]] any false short cut (such as deception), and be fogiven by who or why is 100% able to stand alone, and / or 100% able to stand with... - without the need to confess.

God willing, and who taking better care of whose own health, we will reach [kn/] the day when we can win the hearts and minds of the world through a thorough list of Requested Remedies integrated into a global plan.

Please feel free to copy and edit anything you find.


W. Hale, aka, Haji Mohammed...

PS This might be why the private TV station in Tunisia was closed, or it might simply be acknowledgement of whose show "Technical Difficulties 2" on Ustream.tv

Also 'private' is a polite word for 'secret'. But on the other hand revolutionaries should know the words of Confucius: "When the true principle of the Great Philosophy is working, the wise people will live on the street, and no door will need to be locked,"

So, who wrote, "WANTED: Wise doormen"; xref: you, Sonya Sottomeyer. Also xref: "WANTED: Police recruits willing to cross train in at least two jobs which do not involve carrying a gun". Also xref; "National Service so we can 'all take turns taking care of one another' to pay for our free, universal education K - 16 and our universal health care,"

Washington Post slide show changes:

(Photo: AP file) Fitness guru Jack LaLanne, 96, dies PHOTOS | LaLanne inspired viewers to trim down, eat well and pump iron for decades. More on life of Fitness guru Jack LaLanne

We want to give proof of "Better Homes and Gardens in Deserts World Wide" and win hearts and minds to join us with txteagle.com crowd sourcing...

OK, organizing, sorting work to do. And how are you Celia? Your article is to be read next. Comments, if any, will follow. God willing, who hopes.

This email is archived at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QTENFw1Q4JU7q- Lh91aL8I10aiTKy7o2UBi54Lzpvt4 /edit?hl=en

And also at: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150147850560961&set=a. 1015013716735096 1.326039.243286560960 Added 0 minutes ago · Like · Comment Erdogan resists! Think of yourself. Think of us. Think of your calls. Think PLEASE RE-TWEET before making, or viewing, artwork

Art Exhibit Zimbabwe Ghosts Gukurahundi http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150147850560961&set=a. 1015013716735096


@ Joe April October 2 seconds ago · Like volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #46 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (09:52 PM) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150147850560961&set=a. 1015013716735096

1.326039.243286560960 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #47 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (10:06 PM)

EVIDENCE: publicly posted evidence regarding the effort of private citizens to work with governmental and non-governmental official, and unofficial organizations to bring about moral change in ways as peacefully happen-ing as is humanely possible volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #48 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (10:34 PM)

Jan 22 Sean Able - Twitter - Public preyproductions: RT @tweetmeme One quarter of names on Zimbabwe electoral role are dead, report finds - Telegraph http://bit.ly/ htF8bI Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - WANTED: Accountants and office managers to write crowd-sourcing apps to guide cell phone assisted Zimbabwe citizens to perform tasks for local, state, and federal government offices, and also to inspect, audit, and if necessary investigate government assets [Thn/]

WANTED: Anyone willing to use [kn/] txteagle.com crowd sourcing software to assist private sector budget makers to successfully allocate all categories of cash flow under [[Bep! ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:35:90*]]: 1/4 food, 1/4 shelter, 1/4 clothing, and 1/4 savings.Edit9:30 pm volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #49 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (10:42 PM)

WANTED: programmers to make an unsolicited bid to google Buzz re: "Double click the icon of any Buzz poster to contribute 25 cents from your pay pal account. More? Double click again." [[kn/]]

WANTED: programmers to make an unsolicited bid to Ebay and google Buzz re: "Adopt Buzz! [[kn | ]] Place posts that move you into an "Invest in an issue" category. Then le auction so others can bid volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #50 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (01:03 AM)

WANTED: programmers to make an unsolicited bid to google Buzz re: "Double click the icon of any Buzz poster to contribute 25 cents from your pay pal account. More? Double click again." [[kn/]]

WANTED: programmers to make an unsolicited bid to Ebay, google Buzz, and Amazon re: "Adopt Buzz!" [[kn | ]] 00:23['''''thn]:105* Bid on Ebay for transferable Buzz donation receipts to add historical, celebrity, and logical 'weight' to what you think is worth reading. Visit: ...for details.

Ebay Buzz Weight Auctions

When one, or more, Buzz posts and / or responses move you, click on the Ebay link by the name of "Buzzer" who owns it. The Ebay link will ask you to choose an "Invest in an issue" category, or create your own. Link one, or more, Buzz comments to a category, and make your donation of $10, or more to the "Buzzer"(s) who owns the comment(s). Immediately you will see Buzz Ebay serial numbers and date:time stamps, and the dollar amount of your donation appear on the comment(s) - along with your Buzz screen name, or email address, indicating you are now the registered owner of this transferable replica of the original comment(s) and / or response[Thn 00:22:105*]s. Others can adopt the same buzz comment(s) you have, but their t[Thn/]ransferable receipt will have their email address on it, and the date:time stamp will show who adopted the buzz when thereby differentiating between 'leaders' and 'followers'. Then there is also the history of linkages and transfers of whose transferable Buzz receipt to consider. {{Is this system patentable yet?}} Manage your receipts in your Ebay "Invest in an issue" account. When you read, or write, in Buzz, or any participating message board, insert links to one, or more, of your "Invest in an issue" donation receipts. Add weight to your buzz posts or those you comment upon.[[Thn/]] Or simply what you "Like". [kn/]. Study the Ebay market statistics. See the dollar amounts publicly linked to comments and "Like"s. Find privately linked Buzz Weight by searchng and reading. Participate in private markets, but be sure to verify [kn/ 00:46:105*] Bid to buy, lease, or rent "Buzz Weight" and link it to information you want to draw attention to. Like a family bible, Buzz Weight carries the full history of email addresses who have owned it (with a mask option) [thn/] along with [[kn | ]] the url and / or physical [[''''crk 00:20:120*]] addresses and copies, or descriptions of the data points of information to which it has been linked.

Ebay Buzz Weight Auctions are a social trust network experiment designed by William Hale in regard to external memory and the personal value thereof. The original owners of the information you link to retain their copyrights, but your Buzz Weight Receipt has a copy of the information [Kn/]. Participating information sources have an auto append reference button. Or you may manually append information by copying and pasting and saving to your transferable Buzz Weight Receipt. Your copy of the original Buzz comment and the linkage history of your transferable Buzz Weight Donation Receipt is solely for the purpose of documenting what the collective consciousness assimilated and assigned a personal value to. In order to reproduce information for mass marketing, you must still get the permission of the copyright owner [crk | 00:04:120*] [thn/]. [Kn/] Your transferable Buzz Weight Donation Receipt is open to public examination only by clicking on it after you have inserted it in a comment you make, [[ctn/ 00:27]] or you rank, or you "Like". It lends authority by virtue of it's history, thus it is essential for people to know the history, but it is not a substitue for the information in the history. That information is still owned by the copyright holders, but it's like a free adevertisment of their intellectual property for people who want to contact them in order to have it accessible to what degree in their own libraries. [Thn/ 00:28] For this reason participating information sources are offered a widget to embed copyright information and links in all their text (xref: india times copy and paste function which places a tag line giving the url and link of the paper each time you copy and paste any text from their window). Information sources outside the system should have a copy right notice in the text, and the "Transferable Buzz Weight Donation Receit" software will recognize this and log it into the receipt history fields. Commenters, or owners who find their information unatributed may manually input the copy right information, including a way to contact the copyright owner regarding publishing, screenplay, and ancilliary rights. But remember ideas cannot be copyrighted, only words, and images. Inventions can be patented, and trademarks and service marks can be protected, so attributions are made wherever possible so the legal owners may be contacted for any form of use other than to add "Transferable Buzz Weight" to what who reads or writes. Like You Tube videos, you can link your transferable buzz weight donation receipts to only one post, or comment, at a time. 00:22['''''thn]:105* The owners of the posting place can decide whether to permit you to "group buzz weight" and link more than one transferable Buzz weight receipt to a comment at one time. Anyone can offer to purchase your transferable buzz weight donation receipt by clicking on the bid button when they find it. The Ebay market place lists graphics showing the total number of comments to which buzz weight is linked and the dollar amounts thereof. You can visit any comment to which [thn/ 00:45:120*] Buzz weight is linked by clicking on that url address in the Ebay Buzz weight listings. You can search the listings by dollar value, original date of receipt, number of transfers the receipt has had, categories the receipt has been linked to, ranking of the names of the owners of the receipt based on popularity, total value of publicly held receipts, and other factors [''''thn/] So, like the Pink Floyd, or U2 ephaney mantra rising up during the show, who might well find what Buzz weight [thn/] via the bidding of the audience during the show, as if who had a Tarot deck with them, or their Bible, or Qur~an, or their favorite news, or art collection to mix on their iPad with [''''kn/ 00:49:130*] the music of the band. [[Thn/ 00:49:120*]] This is A ROUGH FIRST DRAFT OF THIS CONCEPT which has been under development for a decade or so. Anyone interested in bringing this idea into fruition, please contact William Hale, aka, haji Mohammed Omar via this Buzz account or by related email. Thank you.

00:51:120*======SAWDUST: importance of that information in our opinion regarding it's rank in your personal, external memory. Anyone can visit the url address to obtain comments to which that Buzz Weight serial number have been linked, ike You Tube videos, you can link your receipts to only one post, or comment, at a time. 00:22['''''thn]:105* ======SAWDUST//

======SAWDUST: in the Ebay market place anyone may read, and respond to it. ======SAWDUST//

======SAWDUST: are provided automatically to those who wish to include it in their information ======SAWDUST//

PS. "Steelers and Packers"; xref: readers and archivists - Ha, ha!; xref: no jokes until Hajj (pilgrimage) is over. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #51 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (01:23 AM)

Before the World Cup in South Africa in June, a minister in Mr. Mugabe’s party, ZANU-PF, invited the North Korean soccer team, on behalf of Zimbabwe’s tourism authority, to base itself in Bulawayo before the games began, a gesture that roused a ferocious outcry. After all, it was North Korea that trained and equipped the infamous Fifth Brigade, which historians estimate killed at least 10,000 civilians in the Ndebele minority between 1983 and 1987. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #52 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (01:30 AM)

She was 12 years old. She said soldiers from the Fifth Brigade, wearing jaunty red berets, came to her village and lined up her family. One soldier slit open her pregnant aunt’s belly with a bayonet and yanked out the baby. She said her grandmother was forced to pound the fetus to a pulp in a mortar and pestle. Her father was made to rape his mother. Her uncles were shot point blank.

======NH: xref: "Families who are inherently ingrown groups learning to use the five pillars of faith to outgrow ourselves in accordance with the highest chain of command,"; xref; what happens when the amorphous libido gets out of control and transfers the desire to absorb all things on to other families; xref: "See the pig (who eats everything) kill the Buddha, see him come back again: watch the water cut through the rock, the rock is hard, the water is soft. Watch the water cut through the rock, the rock is hard, the water is soft,"

The pig differs from the God. God is the logic of No small gods. Small no regarding the one God, because we, creation, or less than the one God. ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: xref: exploring the libidinal desire to merge; xref: incest compared to the above transference of whose frustration regarding whose own desire for incest. And what else? xref: Intimacy therapy [Washington Post refreshes]... ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #53 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (01:33 AM)

Such searing memories stoked protests, and in the end the North Korean team did not come to Zimbabwe. But feelings were further inflamed months later when the government erected a larger-than-life bronze statue of Joshua Nkomo — a liberation hero, an Ndebele and a rival to Mr. Mugabe — that, incredibly, was made in North Korea.

======Null Hypothesis: xref: the sAdam Hussein Statue which was torn down, and whose insight it should have been left up and a free speech statue built next to it to demonstrate how much better off who is now that who was then. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #54 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (01:35 AM)

Art Exhibit Stirs Up the Ghosts of Zimbabwe’s Past

Robin Hammond for The New York Times The work of the artist Owen Moseko was blocked from view. The artwork depicts atrocities committed a quarter century ago. By CELIA W. DUGGER Published: January 23, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER E-MAIL SEND TO PHONE PRINT SINGLE PAGE REPRINTS SHARE

BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe — The exhibit at the National Gallery is now a crime scene, the artwork banned and the artist charged with insulting President Robert Mugabe. The picture windows that showcased graphic depictions of atrocities committed in the early years of Mr. Mugabe’s 30-year-long rule are now papered over with the yellowing pages of a state-controlled newspaper. Enlarge This Image

Robin Hammond for The New York Times Voti Thebe heads the National Gallery in Bulawayo, where the art was displayed. But the government’s efforts to bury history have instead provoked slumbering memories of the Gukurahundi, Zimbabwe’s name for the slaying and torture of thousands of civilians here in the Matabeleland region a quarter century ago.

“You can suppress art exhibits, plays and books, but you cannot remove the Gukurahundi from people’s hearts,” said Pathisa Nyathi, a historian here. “It is indelible.”

As Zimbabwe heads anxiously toward another election season, a recent survey by Afrobarometer has found that 70 percent of Zimbabweans are afraid they will be victims of political violence or intimidation, as thousands were in the 2008 elections. But an equal proportion want the voting to go forward this year nonetheless, evidence of their deep desire for democracy and the willingness of many to vote against Mr. Mugabe at great personal risk, analysts say.

In few places do such sentiments about violence in public life run as deep as here, and in recent months the government — whether through missteps or deliberate provocation — has rubbed them ever more raw.

Before the World Cup in South Africa in June, a minister in Mr. Mugabe’s party, ZANU-PF, invited the North Korean soccer team, on behalf of Zimbabwe’s tourism authority, to base itself in Bulawayo before the games began, a gesture that roused a ferocious outcry. After all, it was North Korea that trained and equipped the infamous Fifth Brigade, which historians estimate killed at least 10,000 civilians in the Ndebele minority between 1983 and 1987.

“To us it opened very old wounds,” Thabitha Khumalo, a member of Parliament, said of the attempt to bring the North Korean team to the Ndebele heartland. “We’re being reminded of the most horrible pain. How dare they? Our loved ones are still buried in pit latrines, mine shafts and shallow graves.”

Ms. Khumalo, interviewed while the invitation was still pending last year, wept as she summoned memories of the day that destroyed her family — Feb. 12, 1983.

She was 12 years old. She said soldiers from the Fifth Brigade, wearing jaunty red berets, came to her village and lined up her family. One soldier slit open her pregnant aunt’s belly with a bayonet and yanked out the baby. She said her grandmother was forced to pound the fetus to a pulp in a mortar and pestle. Her father was made to rape his mother. Her uncles were shot point blank.

Such searing memories stoked protests, and in the end the North Korean team did not come to Zimbabwe. But feelings were further inflamed months later when the government erected a larger-than-life bronze statue of Joshua Nkomo — a liberation hero, an Ndebele and a rival to Mr. Mugabe — that, incredibly, was made in North Korea.

Last September, bowing to public outcry over the statue’s origin (and protests from Mr. Nkomo’s family that its plinth was too small), the statue was removed from a major intersection in Bulawayo. It now stands neglected in a weedy lot behind the Natural History Museum here.

Inside the museum hangs a portrait of a vigorous and dapper Mr. Mugabe in oversize glasses. He turns 87 next month. A massive stuffed crocodile, his family’s clan totem, dominates one gallery, its teeth long and sharp, its mouth agape. The signboard notes the crocodile’s lifespan exceeds 80 years.

Mr. Mugabe signed a pact with North Korea’s founder, Kim Il- sung, to train the infamous army brigade just months after Zimbabwe gained independence from white minority rule in 1980. Mr. Mugabe declared the brigade would be named “Gukurahundi” (pronounced guh-kura-HUN- di), which means “the rain that washes away the chaff before the spring rains.” He said it was needed to quell violent internal dissent, but historians say he used it to attack Mr. Nkomo’s political base and to impose one-party rule. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #55 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (01:40 AM)

The Bulawayo playwright Cont Mhlanga knows the costs of free expression. His play “The Good President” was shut down on opening night here in 2007 when baton-wielding riot police officers stormed the theater.

======NH: xref: thin sliver of a screen grab seen in whose desk top scroll not sure how it got there. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #56 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (01:44 AM)

Art Exhibit Stirs Up the Ghosts of Zimbabwe’s Past Published: January 23, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER E-MAIL SEND TO PHONE PRINT SINGLE PAGE REPRINTS SHARE

(Page 2 of 2)

Mr. Mugabe’s press secretary, George Charamba, said the president had called the Gukurahundi “a moment of madness,” but asked whether Mr. Mugabe had apologized for the campaign, Mr. Charamba bristled.

The New York Times Downtown Bulawayo has the sleepy rhythms of a farm town, but the psychic wounds of the Gukurahundi fester beneath its placid surface. “You can’t call it a moment of madness without critiquing your own past,” he said. “I hope people are not looking to humiliate the president. I hope they’re just looking at allowing him to get by healing this nation. For us, that is uppermost. Our sense of embitterment, our sense of recompense may not be exactly what you saw at Nuremburg.”

Downtown Bulawayo has the sleepy rhythms of a farm town, but the psychic wounds of the Gukurahundi fester beneath its placid surface. At the National Gallery here, the stately staircase leading to the shuttered Gukurahundi exhibit is now blocked by a sign that says “No Entry.” But the paintings, on walls saturated with blood-red paint, can still be glimpsed from the gallery above, through the bars of balconies. The paintings themselves seem to be jailed.

Voti Thebe, who heads the National Gallery, said the artist, Owen Maseko, created the Gukurahundi exhibit to contribute to reconciliation. There was no money, so Mr. Maseko, 35, did it on his own time. He was just a boy at the time of the Gukurahundi, but he recalls the sounds of hovering helicopters and sirens.

“The memories are still there,” he said. “The victims are still alive. It’s not something we can just forget.”

In a large painting, a row of faces are shown with mouths open in wordless screams. In another, women and children weep what seem to be tears of blood. Three papier-mâché corpses, one hanging upside down, fill a picture window. Throughout the galleries are recurrent, menacing images of a man in oversize glasses — Mr. Mugabe.

The day after the exhibit opened last year, it was closed down. Mr. Maseko was detained, then transferred to prison in leg irons before being released on bail. Mr. Maseko’s case awaits the Supreme Court’s attention. He is charged with insulting the president and communicating falsehoods prejudicial to the state, a charge punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

David Coltart, a politician from Bulawayo who is arts minister in the power-sharing government of ZANU-PF and its political rivals, said he warned cabinet ministers that prosecuting Mr. Maseko could turn the case into a cause célèbre and inflame divisions. Mr. Coltart, who has long fought the Mugabe government, said he also appealed directly to Defense Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was security minister during the Gukurahundi.

“It is only when nations grapple with their past, in its reality, not as a biased fiction, that they can start to deal with that past,” Mr. Coltart said in a lecture delivered above Mr. Maseko’s show. He called the Gukurahundi “a politicide, if not a genocide.”

The Bulawayo playwright Cont Mhlanga knows the costs of free expression. His play “The Good President” was shut down on opening night here in 2007 when baton-wielding riot police officers stormed the theater.

The lead character is a grandmother who lies to her two grandsons about the death of their father. He had been buried alive in the Gukurahundi. But the boys, ignorant of the truth, become beneficiaries of the Mugabe government, one of them an abusive policeman, the other a recipient of seized farmland. The play’s title refers, Mr. Mhlanga said, to African leaders who call Mr. Mugabe a good president, “this man who has blood on his hands.”

Mr. Mhlanga says he feels “like someone has put huge pieces of tape over my mouth,” but insists that artists must express what people are terrified of saying.

“We live in a society where we’re so afraid, even of our own shadows,” he said. “To create democratic space in a society like ours, we have to deal with fear.”

======NH: AGING dictator(s) looking for strength to rise up from within their nation and take it over?

Creative people needing only a practical organizer?

What must be done? ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: Where were you, and who else, last sure you WERE doing things right regarding Africa, North Korea? Or human rights in general? Perhaps that's where who comes in? Looking for whom big enough to really realign and unify all your people with a real new way of life, and not the same old song and dance with different personalities? ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #57 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (02:43 AM)

Hello randomsampleSign OutSubscribe Mobile Multimedia Today's Paper Going Out Guide Jobs Cars Real Estate Rentals Classifieds NEWS LOCAL POLITICS OPINIONS SPORTS Business Arts & Living

The Washington Post

washingtonpost.com > Politics Your Comments On... Reducing the deficit and growing the economy will be the hot topics in 2011 The debate that will define this year and is likely to set the terms for the 2012 elections began in earnest over the weekend, with President Obama and Republican leaders presenting competing visions for reducing the deficit and expanding the economy. - By Shailagh Murray and Lori Montgomery

Comments randomsample wrote: In the video, Obama says he will seek to lower deficits in a "responsible way" and make government "leaner and smarter,"

======NH: xref: Texas beef; xref rare... but then who read beef gives Chinese diarrhea. "smarter"; xref: you JFKy. xref: trust networks of people reassuring whom who will not be left out, vs. logic of bottom lines which turn profits. ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: "Leaner"; xref: ringer; xref: dial tone; xref: perfect go back to before who went wrong, to where who was still doing things right, Barack.

Also xref: horse shoes; xref: "Can I bunk?" port; xref: soliciting the intelligent vote. ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: Or the 'crafty' vote. ======NH//

"My number one focus is going to be making sure that we are competitive, that we are growing, and we are creating jobs not just now but well into the future," Obama said in his message to members of Organizing for America, his grass-roots organization.

=====NH: Oz economy, national service, global Buzz Weight Auction editing and news evaluation migrating toward budget analyses, what else? The longest peace walk / march. HUMANITARIAN CORRIDOR construction along the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Istanbul [kn/] Earthquake safety rebuilding upgrade, Portugal tall ships for Humanitarian Corridors; xref; Great Lakes last summer, Integrated Calendar of all nations and religions for crafts and gifts, China and America bilateral education experiments. US Europe bilateral [thn/]... education experiments, Public Voice Mail Buzz, Article III opinions requirement for the clear statement of a change in the law, or constitution, which would permit who is ruled against to prevail, and why said amendment or change is inconsistent with what other parts of the constitution or body of law, so we get a better return on our investment in the logic of judicial rulings, National service, or $80,000, your choice, so we can all take turns taking care of one another for our universal k - 16 education and 18 months prenatal to death health care, and what else? Permitting US citizens to vote in Mexican elections via town hall email addresses and [thn/] sister cities adopted in Mexico. On the table economies. Land use carrying capacity density zoning amendments to State Constitutions, a Global [kn/] Financial Marshal Plan to automatically harvest revenue for national treasuries, and put legislatures on constitutionally capped allowances which are a percentage of their GDP. And what else? 3 hours of sports every afternoon, age 9 to 23... it's your right, three hours of sports, and or art, information nutrition labeling, not nutrition information labeling, we already have that, but the same concept applied to information;; xref: surgeon general side bar ads, WorldMusicAndDanceInTheSchools.com TAWBS.com, Performance Bonds to be placed by nations wishing to enrich uranium for other nations. Peace [kn/] bonds for nations wishing to use Uranium. Sea Level Trust Fund Bonds from IMF members: blanket pay out based on measured rise in sea level diretly to citizens who have to pay to move inland to higher elevations, and what else? Insurance choices instead of invasive security everywhere, YOUR choice, take the risk and pay more to cover the insurance, or submit to strip searches and pay less, or maybe more for all those people... and what else? Water. Sodium Feldspar and PVC pipe from brine byproduct of desalinization, if it's possible. Too bad the compressed air car hasn't delivered. Mandatory two week vacations at health centers for employees on top of the normal vacation for reasons of health. ...and what else? Build a second national capitol at the south dakota and Wyoming border area. Noah's ark two: public sector access to space travel for ALL citizens in parallel with private access to space for the wealthy and educated elites. Crowd sourcing cell phone assisted citizens to audit, inspect, do work delegated by public offices, and what else? a Unified world Islamic faith raised to higher standards, and able to demand higher standards of conduct from world leaders who will be held more accountable for their actions. Plaintiffs, not terrorists. And what else? Two generations of learning. Relearning. Reading the fruits of whose search. Practicing "Walk like an Egyptian, think like a sovereign," Or walk like Ghandi, think like a sovereign," etc. Global repentance, forgiveness, and acceptance of forgiveness. REbuild the tower of babble, as a cell phone assisted theme [thn/[ park. Build an external staging area for Us troops leaving Iraq to maintain a garrison in Gaza for freight cargo only. REbuild and upgrade the silk road. Buy the Jewish settlers houses and lease them as an international pilgrimage vilage, and split the rent with Palestine and those who finance the purchase. And what else? Ah. Bismellah, and what else? May God smile upon our intentions. May "We the people" organize at the grass roots, may the pools of capital realize we offer them the b 1/24/2011 5:36:35 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy marmac5 wrote: The power of the Republican Party to frame every single debate in this country never ceases to amaze me. How many of us remember that, when the country was facing an economic catastrophe, the Republicans refused to participate in solving the problems and, instead, started this hue and cry about the deficit.

One can only marvel at their power over the hearts and minds of the average voter. Rather than calling those same Republicans to account for refusing to face the real issues and problems and for setting up smoke screens instead, for crying "deficit" when they are not in control and for spending wildly when they are, the voters actually sent more of these folks to Congress.

As I said, I'm utterly amazed. 1/24/2011 5:35:40 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy exco wrote: I personally believe that the debate that will define this year and is likely to set the terms for the 2012 elections will begin if/ when Wikileaks finally releases the names of the 2,000 tax evaders we have been waiting to hear more about for more than a week.

Come on, Wikileaks! Put the list out! 1/24/2011 5:16:02 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy bkarpus wrote: Listen if these career politicians really wanted to cut the deficit, they would have to look at one of the main reasons, TRADE DEFICIT and then War spending.

The deficit can be lowered by creating an environment where jobs can be created in this country. What we now see is just smoke & mirrors.

First the U.S. Congress must rescind the tax & tariff reductions plus "breaks," they voted large companies that are taking American jobs over seas. Also, just mirror the tariffs & taxes that countries like China, Japan, South Korea and the European Countries are putting on American exports. Plus instead of giving oil companies subsides to import oil, give them incentives to develop oil & gas reserves here in the USA ..... yes there are plenty.

Second, "our" Congress must reenact The Glass-Steagall Act, in order to bring some order into our financial institutions and markets. It will also spin off more American jobs.

THESE MEASURES WILL REDUCE THE DEFICIT ...... and create jobs for American citizens.

We keep on sending our money overseas and are looking for the middle class to shoulder the burden. Unfortunately, if this keeps up, there will be almost NO middle class to put that burden on.

PLEASE HOW ABOUT SOME SANITY ...... no more smoke & mirrors. Not all American voters are that dumb.

IN OTHER WORDS OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES ARE NOT DOING THEIR JOBS!!! They need to stop those political games. 1/24/2011 5:06:45 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy fury60 wrote: When Pelosi / Reid / Obama took over Congress in Jan 2007, after 12 years of Republican prosperity, unemployment was at 4%, DOW was at a record high, we had had 54 straight months of economic growth.

The recession started in late 2007, nearly A YEAR AFTER the Democrat Congress took power. The Republican Congress had 4 budget surplus years, and left in 2006, with the DOW at a record high, unemployment sub 4%, deficits were moderate and trending down, and after 52 straight months of economic growth.

100% of the recession, 100% of skyrocketing unemployment, the crash of the Frank/Dodd financial system, a 40% growth in Govt spending, and $5 Trillion of new deficit debt, the worst environmental disaster in US history belongs to Pelosi's DEMOCRAT CONGRESS.

Republican Congress average annual Deficit: $105 billion (1996-2007) Democrat congress average annual Deficit: $1.305 TRILLION (2008-2010)

TWELVE LONG YEARS OF RECORD PROSPERITY with the Republican Congress, THREE YEARS OF FAILURE, MISERY, FISCAL INSANITY, ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER, AND RUIN UNDER Pelosi/Reid/Obama... 1/24/2011 5:00:12 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Chippewa wrote: The presence of Charlie Rangel front and center in the photo accompanying this article speaks volumes about the Democratic party and it's incompetent president. (Yes, I'm fully aware that my comment will be branded as racist by the Obama apologists. It has nothing to do with race. It's about ethics and competency.) 1/24/2011 4:58:22 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy twm1 wrote: "The financial crisis of 2008 was a teachable moment, an object lesson in what can go wrong if you trust a market economy to regulate itself. Nor should we forget that highly regulated economies, like Germany, did a much better job than we did at sustaining employment after the crisis hit. For whatever reason, however, the teachable moment came and went with nothing learned.

Mr. Obama himself may do all right: his approval rating is up, the economy is showing signs of life, and his chances of re-election look pretty good. But the ideology that brought economic disaster in 2008 is back on top — and seems likely to stay there until it brings disaster again."


1/24/2011 4:55:21 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy cautious wrote: "Many Democrats and Republicans say they are open to major changes to Social Security and Medicare, possibly including raising the retirement age and limiting Medicare benefits to those who need them most."

Could we see a list? 1/24/2011 4:50:30 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy starpopper wrote: hunter340 wrote: "...Bush increased the debt $4.9 trillion over 8 years...Obama increased the debt $3.3 trillion over the last 2 years..." ------

You're kidding right?! President Obama's debt increase was necessary to save the nation from ANOTHER REPUBLICAN CREATED GREAT DEPRESSION just like FDR did after taking over from Hoover! If history serves me right, America rocketed to the top of all nations as a result of FDR's 12-year deficit spending to pull us out of the FIRST GREAT DEPRESSION created by the GOP and fight a REAL war worthy of our precious resources!

The $3T in emergency funding you assign to Obama was used to save our financial system after Bush's myopic deregulation & lapse oversight and to spur our economy through new investments in infrastructure and new green industry.

Bush inherited a utopian budget with SURPLUSES and immediately passed unpaid for tax cuts while proceeding to "CHARGE & SPEND" his way to deficits even BEFORE 9-11 and the subsequent wars! Obama inherited an unadulterated MESS and proceeded to save the nation from CALAMITY! You should be kissing the President's boots!

Why don't you peddle your faux news facts and revisionist history somewhere else, like to your teabagger high school dropout GOP base who eagerly eat that crap up! 1/24/2011 4:40:48 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy starpopper wrote: THE NEW MANHATTAN PROJECT!

SLASH the military & security industrial complex and re-task those resources & businesses to focus on new national R&D priority of drastically reducing fossil fuel usage, increasing use of wide- range of alternatives and eventually eliminating the internal combustion engine within 25-years!!!


In one major move we can kill many birds with one stone: gain energy independence, reduce pollution & adverse environmental health problems, halt & reverse climate change, create new American industries, expand jobs & tax base, marginalize the importance of the Middle East & OPEC, and accelerate America's economic dominance & leadership for another 200 years!!! 1/24/2011 4:21:17 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy exco wrote: Finally, the problem defined!:

"The debate that will define this year and is likely to set the terms for the 2012 elections began in earnest over the weekend, with President Obama and Republican leaders presenting competing visions for reducing the deficit and expanding the economy."

This statement presumes equality where none exists. The opposite of a spring day isn't a nuclear holocaustE Except in the made up world of Karl Marx or Karl Rove. 1/24/2011 4:14:00 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy hunter340 wrote: The Bush administration increased the debt $4.9 trillion over 8 years.

The Obama administration has increased the debt $3.3 trillion over the last 2 years and if allowed to proceed would increase the debt $13.3 trillion over 8 years.

Bush was bad but Obama is nearly 3 times worse.

"Spending our way out of debt" will remain Obama's long-term strategy - at least until it all comes crashing down.

Do not let Obama destroy the country. 1/24/2011 4:11:07 AM Recommend (7) Report Abuse Discussion Policy starpopper wrote: MAJOR REVISIONS to accommodate the President's priorities to grow jobs & economy while increasing national competitiveness. Education, Transportation, Energy & NASA adjusted to increase budgets for investments & R&D, while reinvesting savings from waste & efficiency. Increased cuts in War Funding & Homeland Security plus new revenue from tax overhaul will more than offset investments. NET CHANGE INCREASES OVERALL REVENUE as compared to my previous budgets on other threads!

2011 US FEDERAL BUDGET = $3.558 TRILLION: ======

MANDATORY (61.3% of total Budget)=$2.180T $162.9B CUT=7.5% ANNUAL SAVINGS!:

$750B - Social Security (21% of total; 34% of mandatory)--10% CUT thru 2yr retirement age increase, means testing, waste & efficiency= $75B SAVINGS! $500B - Medicare (14% of total; 23% of mandatory)--8% CUT thru Obamacare savings, means testing, waste & efficiency=$40B SAVINGS! $320B - Medicaid (9% of total; 15% of mandatory)--8% CUT thru Obamacare savings, means testing, waste & efficiency=$25.6B SAVINGS! $164B - Interest on Debt (4.6% of total; 7.5% mandatory)--NO CUT possible until anticipated surplus picture is clearer! $446B - Other (12% of total; 21% of mandatory); Includes required expenditures at discretionary departments at Labor($102B), Treasury($80B), VA($69B), Education($24B), Transportation($1B), HUD($1B), etc.--5% CUT thru waste & efficiency savings=$22.3B SAVINGS!

DISCRETIONARY (38.7% of total Budget)=$1.378T $421.1B CUT=30.3% ANNUAL SAVINGS!:

$550B - Defense (15.5% of total; 40% of discretionary!)--20% CUT to return to Reagan/Clinton levels as percentage of GDP while STILL spending more than rest of world combined for defense=$110B SAVINGS! $170B - War Funding (4.8% of total; 12.3% of discretionary)-80% cut for ending current wars, remaining 20% accounts for ongoing operations & potential future mini-wars=136B SAVINGS! $130B - TARP (3.7% of total; 9.4% of discretionary)--100% CUT due to program success & payback of all funds=$130B SAVINGS! $74B - Transportation (2% of total; 5.4% discretionary)--5% INCREASE for overdue infrastructure=$3.7B INVESTED! $57B - Veteran Affairs (1.6% of total; 4.1% of discretionary)--3% CUT=$1.7B SAVINGS! $54B - State (1.5% of total; 3.9% of discretionary)--10% CUT to reduce foreign aid and realize waste & efficiency savings=$5.4B SAVINGS! $53B - Homeland Security (1.5% of total; 3.8% of discretionary)--70% CUT to privacy invasion & fear-funding of "security-industrial complex"...KILL THIS BEAST BEFORE IT GETS ENTRENCHED!=$37.1B SAVINGS! $48B - Education (1.3% of total; 3.5% of discretionary)--15% INCREASE for expanded Federal share to smooth out geographic disparities & reduce State share=$7.2B INVESTED! $47B - HUD (1.3% of total; 3.4% of discretionary)--5% CUT=$2.4B SAVINGS! $31B - Justice (0.9% of total; 2.3% of discretionary)--5% CUT= $1.5B SAVINGS! $30B - Energy (0.8% of total; 2.2% of discretionary)--10% INCREASE for high-level alternative fuel R&D and shift of oil subsidies to renewables=$3B INVESTED! $27B - Agriculture (0.8% of total; 2% of discretionary)--15% CUT large farm subsidies, ethanol, reinvest waste & efficiency savings= $4.1B SAVINGS! $17 - NASA (0.5% of total; 1.2% of discretionary)--7% INCREASE for exploration & R&D and reinvest waste & efficiency savings=$1.2B INVESTED! $90B - Other (2.5% of total; 6.5% of discretionary); Includes Labor($14B), Treasury($14B), Interior($12B), Commerce($9B), Corps of Engineers($6B), SBA($1B), etc.--3% CUT thru freeze and waste & efficiency savings=$3.2B SAVINGS!


Add in some TAX INCREASES:

1) Increase royalties received from the exploitation of US lands & seas by 50% in 2012=$50B RAISED!

2) INCREASE GAS TAX by $0.25/gallon in 2012=$50B RAISED! A gallon of milk should not cost more than a gallon of gasoline. It's ridiculous on its face, screams of obvious subsidy and does not account for the inherent costs paid by all of us for environmental damage, healthcare, and lopsided playing field as compared to alternative fuels.

3) Scale back the Bush tax cut extension from 2-years to 1-year and return ALL of us to Clinton-era rates beginning in 2012...$400B RAISED!

4) Tax System overhaul will have effect of lowering all rates while INCREASING revenue by eliminating loopholes and adjusting corporate rates to allow for repatriation of overseas funds to be taxed at lower rate and allowed to be reinvested here to spur new jobs & manufacturing=$100B RAISED (minimum)!


COMBINED budget cuts & tax increases (49.3/50.7 balance!) results in SURPLUSES & DEBT REDUCTION BEGINNING IN 2013!:


ALL PROBLEMS SOLVED!!!! 1/24/2011 3:56:19 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy angie12106 wrote: doug_kinton wrote>>>When Obama became president, spending immediately went up 17-20% across the board. Some depts/agencies had to invent ways to spent the money and now Obama says they need more. This is ridiculous!

No - your LIE is ridiculous! Obama immediately instructed agencies to CUT their budgets - and his FIRST budget released last Sept. cuts the deficit $125B. During a recession the government SPENDS money to get the economy back on track - and basically ALL the Democrats' spending was to help the middle class and dig us OUT of Bush's Great Recession AND economic collapse.

Republicans exploited voters by SUDDENLY becoming "deficit hawks", merely to create a backlash against Obama and the Dems.

1/24/2011 3:46:51 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy angie12106 wrote: BlueTwo1 wrote>>>The central thesis is that, yeah, we love capitalism here in America. But naked capitalism breaks things on the way to the bank.

Great commentary! Capitalism in the U.S. worked great when U.S. companies were largely manufacturing and hiring IN AMERICA. But capitalism exists for the stockholders, NOT American workers. And as Republicans have given more and more perks to corporations through DEregulation and tax breaks - and given more tax cuts to billionaires to enhance their portfolios by investing in companies that operate in cheap labor countries - the American worker is a victim of their unbridled capitalism.

Hence, the Republicans' mantra and fear tactics that the Democrats are bringing in {{{socialism}}} - and tyranny! - placing brakes on the Wall Street casino - {gasp!} - and providing a Republican FREE MARKET health care system that Republicans now call "socialism."

If you care about your life and your money - it's best to vote Democratic.

1/24/2011 3:34:46 AM Recommend (5) Report Abuse Discussion Policy moore732 wrote: The incredible financial folly of the Bush years has finally come home to roost. We are now have the deepest deficit since WWII. The question is just how did we resolve the massive debt from WWII? The answer is something anyone can look up. America taxed the wealthiest at 91% from 1945 to 1963. It carried high tax rates on the very wealthiest until Reagan. It is true that there were many tax loopholes that spared small business owners and others but the very wealthiest, the Rockefellers and the other wealthy families took the brunt of this tax. That is what is was meant to do. It was not socialism or marxism or any other nonsense lable Fox News likes to place on common sense government taxation to perserve the economic health of the nation. The multi-billionaires and millionaires are not going to go hungry or feel any deprivation, unlike what a large number of Americans are having to endure now. We, the American people do need to start cutting our budget but we must return to commonsense fiscal policies. The Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest are some of the worst economic policy in the history of this nation. They greatly enriched a few at a cost to all of us. Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt, Lincoln all raised taxes on the wealthy or approved of them. They were the great Republicans who knew what was best for the country, and did what was right. They would be ashamed at what the Republican Party has become. 1/24/2011 3:31:05 AM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy angie12106 wrote: dougkinton wrote>>>if the US government would eliminate corporate taxes for companies that manufactured in the USA, American companies would move factories back to the US and we could reduce our unemployment and raise Chinese unemployment!

Great idea! Last September, Democrats introduced a bill that would REVERSE Bush & Republicans' policy that gives HUGE tax breaks to companies that ship our jobs overseas - and instead give tax breaks to companies that move jobs BACK to the U.S.

ALL SENATE REPUBLICANS VOTED "No!" - and the bill failed.

1/24/2011 3:16:07 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy BlueTwo1 wrote: Apparently, our little bit of Heaven here in North America would be more heavenly if only we'd give up our "big government" social welfare programs and leave society to the ministrations of religious organizations and other do-gooder outfits. Then "uncertainty" would be lifted from the brows of "job-creators" and everybody can head back to the metal lathes and forges where the jobs still won't be. We have social welfare programs because the crooked bankers and stock maniputors took us down this road once before. We don't have failsafe health care in America. We have last minute health care. You poor? You sick? You wait, until you get sick enough to warrant a fully-government paid visit to the hospital emergency department, then a spot in the I.C.U., then a semi-private room or a trip to the morgue. So much for the bet that you wouldn't need government help to keep your health. But YOUR health isn't what our deficit-fearing politicians worry about. They worry about the fiscal health of health insurance companies. And that's why repeal-and-replace is front and center on Capitol Hill these days. The central thesis is that, yeah, we love capitalism here in America. But naked capitalism breaks things on the way to the bank. It is only fair for those who succeed so much to remediate the damage. 1/24/2011 3:05:42 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy doug_kinton wrote: To "bromisky": Some of your writing makes sense, but I can simplify all that stuff by saying if the US government would eliminate corporate taxes for companies that manufactured in the USA, American companies would move factories back to the US and we could reduce our unemployment and raise Chinese unemployment! 1/24/2011 3:04:20 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy doug_kinton wrote: When Obama became president, spending immediately went up 17-20% across the board. Some depts/agencies had to invent ways to spent the money and now Obama says they need more. This is ridiculous! 1/24/2011 2:55:51 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy 12345678Next Page >Last Page >> Your washingtonpost.com User ID, randomsample, will be displayed with your comment.

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Comments randomsample wrote: marmac5 wrote: The power of the Republican Party to frame every single debate in this country never ceases to amaze me. How many of us remember that, when the country was facing an economic catastrophe, the Republicans refused to participate in solving the problems and, instead, started this hue and cry about the deficit.

One can only marvel at their power over the hearts and minds of the average voter. Rather than calling those same Republicans to account for refusing to face the real issues and problems and for setting up smoke screens instead, for crying "deficit" when they are not in control and for spending wildly when they are, the voters actually sent more of these folks to Congress.

As I said, I'm utterly amazed. 1/24/2011 5:35:40 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ======NH: If we took all the money spent on health care divided it in half and gave it directly to the doctors and let them spend it to provide care for their patients, gave screen names to everyone and publicly tracked the cost benefits, then the doctors would be in the drivers seat, and in the hot seat, and the government would be in the position of upholding federal standards for both doctors and patients. PM John Cameraon is proposing such a thing for Brittian [[kn/]] The federal government is best at investigating and setting standards because of the unique power to invade people's privacy and get information under law. The private sector is better at doing things because they can specialize, specialize, specialize, network and spcecialize, whereas the job of the government is to serve all citizens. So the specialists recruited into government are best used to set federal standards and conduct investigations which set precedents while the private sector actual DOES things. Isn't that right? 1/24/2011 5:53:46 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy exco wrote: In case you missed the news fury60!, there has been a name change in the purported axis of evil. For those who, like you, believe that the people we elect to represent us are evil incarnate, the new axis of evil is Obama, Reid, and Boehner. 1/24/2011 5:37:54 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy BobChicago wrote: This doesn't have to be this tough. Cut the non-essential stuff (NPR?), trim Pentagon, commit to cutting federal headcount by 10% (no one will notice) and then address debt limit which we must do. STOP new spending #1. Perfect example is Obama's new (get this..) $1B "National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences" for new drug development. Let private sector where the expertise exists do that. Do not create yet one more billion dollar bureaucracy that we'll live with forever. 1/24/2011 5:37:40 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: In the video, Obama says he will seek to lower deficits in a "responsible way" and make government "leaner and smarter," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #59 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (10:23 AM)

Unable to set the date and time display the way I want to see it. Foud a formatting area in settings, but when clicked on the example of day of the seek, date, month, etc. did not get any response. I cannot see the date on the tool bar now. I haen't got my glasses on. It's frustrating as hell. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #60 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (11:38 AM)

1.I want to change my iPod battery. 2.Dual port usb batteries. Refind 3.Ustream show Technical Difficulties 2 link. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #61 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (11:39 AM)

Rhhhn Ruhhnn. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #62 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (11:39 AM)

But after the 1910 census, when the House grew from 391 members to 433 (two more were added later when Arizona and New Mexico became states), the growth stopped. That’s because the 1920 census indicated that the majority of Americans were concentrating in cities, and nativists, worried about of the power of “foreigners,” blocked efforts to give them more representatives. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #63 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (11:41 AM)

Deadly Blast Strikes at Moscow Airport ======Null Hypothesis: Who was thinking last night about having gotten out of touch with you all, but you notice I have cc:'ed you several times, right? ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #64 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (11:59 AM)

Perfect role model a web camera mask with an embedded [[thn/]] biometric, random, voice print scrambler microphone, who. [crk | ] [thn/]; xref: the right to a private identity; xef: "Clark Kent" [thn | ] and "Bruce Wayne" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #65 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (12:42 PM) Apple support call. "Must have pushed a button or something," Search box for complaints iTunes choice to open automatically or manually QuickTime Pro 7 download without being blocked by Quicktime X Warranty good for another year plus. Quality Assurance Tools for iPhone owners. 3rd party vendor; xref: Tunisia [thn/] Live google voice plug ins. Google and Apple radio: stream your voice only. Audio Tweet collaborations via iPhone recorded [kn/] Non apple employees who are kind enough to answer these questions on non-apple forums. "You have yourself a good day," "You too, how's your family? And everything?"

[helicopter after call ended] [[airborne doppler now]] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #66 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (12:49 PM) xref: the sleeping position with one hand on the hip bone, or abdomen who learned at the emergency room, and which feels like it reduces blood pressure to what degree; xref: a call to come 'home' from Moscow (FOOTNOTE) regarding whose decaying health in front of whose screen [thn/] here; xref: finally restarting regular prayers today and feeling much better for it.

The other, not necessarily mutually exclusive possible motivations and causes for this tragic event are also under consideration: binding the people of Moscow more closely to the FSB. Heightening airport security, Warning all who have links to the outside world "Russia First" is the order of the day. [Thn/] And what else? [^] Who trying to harm the prospects [airborne doppler] for the new Russian financial center, and what else? Who wanting to generate an excuse to attack Cheknyia. And what else? A deep undercover targeted assassination of who known to be at that place via reservations and the need to make it look like a terrorist act to assassinate whom as a member of the crowd? And what else?

FOOTNOTE: xref: unofficial honorary [[thock/ Thn | ]] Russian citizen by virtue of 13 winters in Alaska, and [thn/] heartfelt [crkn | ] correspondence with the President of Russia, you, brother Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, and you, the Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, and you, the Executive Office of the President of Russia; xref: "veneer" in whose recent posts; xref: you, Tunisia; xref: "It's all my fault for not being ready on time in 2000, may I adequately repent, and be forgiven, and accept forgiveness, and come to you in this life time, in sha la, God willing who hopes; xref: Sura [Apple support call] 2 part 1 verse 124 regarding Abraham. Found via the random number 3% X 1820 pages. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #67 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (01:32 PM)

Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public xref: the sleeping position with one hand on the hip bone, or abdomen who learned at the emergency room, and which feels like it reduces blood pressure to what degree; xref: a call to come 'home' from Moscow (FOOTNOTE) regarding whose decaying health in front of whose screen [thn/] here; xref: finally restarting regular prayers today and feeling much better for it.

The other, not necessarily mutually exclusive possible motivations and causes for this tragic event are also under consideration: binding the people of Moscow more closely to the FSB. Heightening airport security, Warning all who have links to the outside world "Russia First" is the order of the day. [Thn/] And what else? [^] Who trying to harm the prospects [airborne doppler] for the new Russian financial center, and what else? Who wanting to generate an excuse to attack Cheknyia. And what else? A deep undercover targeted assassination of who known to be at that place via reservations and the need to make it look like a terrorist act to assassinate whom as a member of the crowd? And what else?

FOOTNOTE: xref: unofficial honorary [[thock/ Thn | ]] Russian citizen by virtue of 13 winters in Alaska, and [thn/] heartfelt [crkn | ] correspondence with the President of Russia, you, brother Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, and you, the Prime Minister of Russia, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, and you, the Executive Office of the President of Russia; xref: "veneer" in whose recent posts; xref: you, Tunisia; xref: "It's all my fault for not being ready on time in 2000, may I adequately repent, and be forgiven, and accept forgiveness, and come to you in this life time, in sha la, God willing who hopes; xref: Sura [Apple support call] 2 part 1 verse 124 regarding Abraham. Found via the random number 3% X 1820 pages. Collapse this postEdit Like Letters to Russia, Office of the President, Dmitri Medvedev from WLH / MAO PLEASE RE-TWEET before [thn/] entering public areas

Moscow Airport Russia http://www.facebook.com/album.php? aid=51013&id=180086985336137&saved Elevator & Outdoor Metal Detectors Take a number

@ Joe April October 2 seconds ago · Like volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #68 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (03:56 PM)

Echo of your cast, Mohammed B{{{ou{r}}{a((z}}i)(zi))}; xref: 'z' code of you, C.I.A. "i"; xref: option 'i', "get info" command, Apple. "az"; xref: "Who art the alpha and the omega (the beginning and the end)"; xref: zen, judeo, christian, islam - the monotheism of the silk road ...and beyond.

"B"; xref: "Johnny B. Goode", therefore "Mohammed B. Good"; xref: Sura 2. Part 1. Verse 24 found by random selection earlier today re: "God said to Abraham, 'You have passed my tests, I will make you an Imam,' and Abraham replied to God, "And my offspring, too, please!" And God said to Abraham, "I promote none who use false short cuts which save themselves steps, but who make unnecessary steps for others. Nor do I promote those who fail to maintain essential redundancies '2 B Sure'," Note: Sura 42 Sura al Shura came up by semi-random selection after Maughreb prayer tonight; xref: do not divide the religion(s) who worship the one, and only God; xref: the name of whose faith, zen judeo christian Islam [^] - the monotheism of the silk road ...and beyond.

Also xref: who correlating the name 'Jim' from whose Apple phone call [ipod displays, 'Connect to power' message] before Maughreb - with you, Jimmy Wales; xref: integration of all functions into one seamless Wikipedia. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #69 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (04:03 PM)

Suicide bomber kills 29, hurts dozens in apparent terror attack Blast detonates in hall where arriving international passengers emerge from customs, an area that is outside the secure zone, police say. Will Englund and Kathy Lally Blog Post: Live updates | User Poll: U.S. security Timeline: Russian attacks | Q&A transcript volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #70 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (04:03 PM) xref: 'apparent' volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #71 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (04:04 PM) xref: those who handle, or manage, intelligence agents are often referred to as 'parents'. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #72 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (04:12 PM)

How do you upload iphone voice memos to the computer? Is using the share function the only way? Does it cost money to send it from my phone to my e mail ? 11 months ago Report Abuse unlearn3... Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

You can use iTunes to sync it into your music. After you plug your iphone into your computer (and after it syncs) click the device that is your iphone in the left column of iTunes then click the Music tab and make sure "include voice memos" is checked.

I don't think you can email your voice memo's easily, it's easier to use iTunes. 11 months ago volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #73 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (04:17 PM)

I simply want to upload the voice memos I have on my iPhone into my computer. Wow. God is greater. [thn/] iTunes gave me an error message saying all music on my iphone would be replaced by what is on this computer's liberary of itunes. I don't want my voice memo replaced, I want it uploaded. Then who knows what happend, the warning message is no longer there. And the invitation to sync. is. iTunes causes me more anxiety that it's worth. It's not clear. It's too risky. You can loose files too easily. It should ask permission with the name of the file displayed before it trashes it. [sound] Users should have a CHOICE. Manually confirm any deletes? Automatically sync. OUR choice. Voice memos. Trapped in the copyright hell.

But we can repent and be forgiven by God, for any sin, without the need to confess. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #74 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (04:18 PM)

No choice to have an icon on the left for voice memos. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #75 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (04:21 PM)

Sync is a confusing word. It doesn't tell me which one writes over the other one. "Merge" is clear. "Upload" is clear. "Download" is clear. "Copy and Paste" is clear. "Send" is clear. "Sync" is confusing. What is the controlling authority in the sync? The computer as the initial message board said, now gone, without my permission. [kn/] OR does the local phone itself dominate and overwrite? It depends if you're trying to restore a phone, or if you're trying to upload your voice memos.

For years and years who understood all commands. This is a tangled mess to me. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #76 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (05:21 PM) iEAR iHear

If you loose the library to which your iPhone was synced then voice memos on the phone are unable to be uploaded. iTunes will consider replacing your down loaded library lost with your library, but is unable to permit you to upload the 58 minute interview you had with Bono, or the baby in the manger.

Nice young man able to explain a blue street. But who had to say, "usually' is a word I do not deal with.

And after a paragraph [iPod I thought was recording this because the battery logo was full, was actually off - Unsure world - no dial tones. No alarms] [Thn/]

Who is getting a senior advisor.

Listening to hold music. 11:54 minutes. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #77 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (05:21 PM)

Apple's audio dilemma: Unable to upload a voice memo, because I do not have the iTunes library with which the iPhone is associated. Play it back through the speaker and recorded it with an ipod video? Google plug in voice blocks MacBook Pro embedded isight camera with Adobe Recorder - whose way of letting whom know Google Voice Streams are in the wings. But Apple, with their copyright fears, fear to have iHear commensurate with iPhoto. Weird you can upload videos without needing iTunes, but you can't upload your own voice memos into the Apple System unless you go through a system totally designed for download and control of audio content. The hypnotists are {Can you see that serial number? xref: Tennesse, Tennesse, ain't no place I'd rather be..."; xref: '[thn/]'} totally dependent upon the graven images of particular words, images, and sounds. The logicians are so dependent upon collaboration the rule is you cannot copyright an idea: only particular words, images, or sounds. The logicians have PATENTS to control the fruits of their labor but that has to do with MAKING things compared to REMEMBERING things and sharing MEMORIES. iTunes is trying to control our ability to share our memories. The US Patent office tries to control our ability to make things only by permission of the patent owner. True, memories are 'made', but it's a bit 'touchy feely' trying to control our right to external, adaptive technology learning curve memory: like trying to control the pencils we use. WorldMusicAndDanceInTheSchools.com offers Musicians payments for use of their songs in curriculum strands we custom write for educators. The NYTimes.com brought up the issue of audio snippets [thn/] embedded in text so you could write, "Like these notes from "The Star Spangled Banner" by Jimmi Hendrix (click here) the kickoff was a soaring loft that seemed to hang above the field forever. The only option was to call for a 'fair catch'," (The audio snippet would be timed to end about here). But by the third down, The Steelers were set up for a field goal. (click here).[thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #78 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (05:52 PM)

WANTED: Investors for Apple iHear library: the audio equivalent of the iPhoto Library for all your non-purchased content. Contact Steve Jobs, or Steve Cook, Voice Over Utilities and / or Apple Investor Relations. Or, form a third party solution: "DIAL TONE, LLC" and work with, or without, me to restore audio certainty and bring eyes free, hands free, audio, interactive A.I. to ambulatory populations: schools, [thn/] sports, laborers, drivers, executives, military (xref: Lockheed W.I.R.E.), families, and friends. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #79 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (06:47 PM)

Google rarely contacts Gmail users via email, but we are making an exception to let you know that we've reached a settlement in a lawsuit regarding Google Buzz (http://buzz.google.com), a service we launched within Gmail in February of this year.

Shortly after its launch, we heard from a number of people who were concerned about privacy. In addition, we were sued by a group of Buzz users and recently reached a settlement in this case.

The settlement acknowledges that we quickly changed the service to address users' concerns. In addition, Google has committed $8.5 million to an independent fund, most of which will support organizations promoting privacy education and policy on the web. We will also do more to educate people about privacy controls specific to Buzz. The more people know about privacy online, the better their online experience will be.

Just to be clear, this is not a settlement in which people who use Gmail can file to receive compensation. Everyone in the U.S. who uses Gmail is included in the settlement, unless you personally decide to opt out before December 6, 2010.

======NH: So the court violates our privacy, and google get's a cheap list of everyone's bank account? [thn | ]; xref: Exxon Valdez re: Prince William real estate, and BP securing the Gulf Coast data base refresh. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #80 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (07:19 PM)

READERS' COMMENTS Deadly Blast at Moscow’s Main Airport Seen as Terror AttackBack to Article » By ELLEN BARRY and ANDREW E. KRAMER A suicide bomber strode into the arrivals hall at Moscow’s busiest airport on Monday and set off an enormous explosion, killing at least 31 people, Russian officials said.

Share your thoughts.

117 Readers' CommentsPost a Comment » ALL COMMENTSHIGHLIGHTSREADERS' RECOMMENDATIONSREPLIES Oldest Newest of 5 NEXT 117. Sean Martin Mebane, NC January 24th, 2011 2:36 pm What always perplexes and saddens me is that the "leaders" of these groups never seem to have the dedication to the cause required to do the job themselves -- it's always up to the grunts to blow themselves up in the name of whatever cause is at hand.

It's about time we call these "terrorist leaders" for what they truly are: cowards. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 116. aw Los Angeles, NY January 24th, 2011 2:36 pm The point is that the best crowds from the suicide bomber's point of view are now OUTSIDE security, waiting to get in. Your bomb does not have to pass through the X-ray screener.

Look the next time you go to JFK or LAX: no one is protecting you as you wait to check in. No one is protecting you as you present your boarding pass to go through security, barefoot and without your jacket.

And yet along with you are hundreds of people bunched up, presenting a perfect target. The only thing the bomber doesn't get is a midair explosion, but the body count will be just as satisfying to him/ her. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 115. Daniel Frankl Amsterdam January 24th, 2011 2:35 pm Why, when something terrible like this happens nowadays, is the press & ultimately the consumer so compelled to speculate on the cause within minutes of the event? Maybe better to take this initial time to simply regret the loss of life. Causes will make themselves known.. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 114. al harris ballston spa n.y. January 24th, 2011 2:20 pm Just another example that when anyplace declares "a war on terror"...bet on terror. Remenber how succesful we weren't with our countries "wars" on drugs and poverty! Recommend Recommended by 5 Readers Report as Inappropriate 113. coco NY January 24th, 2011 2:20 pm The perps who did this are parasites, and most importantly they are cowards. To what end??? When will this insanity end? Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 112. getoutofchechnya St. Paul MN January 24th, 2011 2:20 pm If the Russians don't like to be terrorized by the Chechens, maybe they should stop terrorizing them Chechens themselves. The true fault likes with the Russian government and its stalinist worldview... they kill more Chechens before 9 in the morning then what happened at the airport- Recommend Recommended by 6 Readers Report as Inappropriate 111. Independent New Jersey January 24th, 2011 2:20 pm The thing about terrorist attacks is that you can't stop them a 100%, and I would say intelligence planning is one of the best things that can be done on an international level - such as knowing about the printer cartridge bombing test which we were given a heads up.

Instead of an airport, it could easily be Penn Station or a mall anywhere in the US.

My hope is that we continue to use legal means and maintain our freedoms unlike the unconstitutional naked scanning and full- body grope downs the TSA is trying to make a standard.

We face greater threats from people putting bombs in luggage or carry-on bags, and of course metal detectors can be used legally to fight the highest threat you would have at an airport.

Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 110. willzerbillz alabama January 24th, 2011 2:20 pm My condolences to the Russian People. I used this airport several times during mid-to-late 2009. It is a lovely structure, as are the Russian people I met during my traveling. I hope the Russian authorities can put an end to this type of horror -- dealing with the responsible groups harshly would seem necessary. Recommend Recommended by 4 Readers Report as Inappropriate 109. Ajit Sunnyvale, CA January 24th, 2011 2:19 pm #45

NYT, like most of mainstream U.S. media, take directions from the U.S. State Department in its designation of group monikers.

I'll bet the State Dept. primarily refers to terrorist acts in Russia as perpetrated by "rebels".

I observed this phenomenon with regard to Islamic terrorists in India supported directly or indirectly by Pakistan. Even after 9/11, they were being referred to as "insurgents" or "extremists". Once President Bush's administration designated many of the violent outfits based in Pakistan as terrorist organizations (after they started being a threat to us), and the State Department accordingly changed their terminology, NYT fell in line. Recommend Recommended by 5 Readers Report as Inappropriate 108. Frank Barry SLO, CA January 24th, 2011 2:16 pm Folks, our Military Industrial Complex is having cocktails with 2 olives...

All that is going to happen from this hurtful activity is for innocents to be killed until enough damage is done to convince the public to let freedoms evaporate, and be replaced with Protective Services by Governments...

This scenario closely resembles the Mafia "MO" (method of operating)...

It worked to get us involved in WARS on Terrorists throughout the world... Now, after 10 years of searching, governments cannot find any trace of Osama bin Laden, and most of his "Arab Afghan" fighters... During the anti-Soviet jihad, Osama bin Laden received American, CIA, and Saudi funding. He may have also had security training from the CIA in the 1980's.

It really couldn't be happening, could it???... Hmmmmm? Recommend Recommended by 5 Readers Report as Inappropriate 107. Claude Northern NJ January 24th, 2011 2:16 pm We flew in & out of Domodedovo airport in Moscow 3 times last year to adopt an orphan. While the security to get to the gates was consistent or superior to other airports, this should be a wake-up call to all airports - the ticketing and baggage claim areas are targets too! After the subway attacks, the summer fires, the ousting of their Mayor, the deep freeze and now this airport attack, Moscow's residents needs a break! Acts of of nature & corruption are terrible, but acts of terrorism are cowardly and despicable. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 106. A- NY, NY January 24th, 2011 2:15 pm time has enough proof that only govt kills its own people... well, if foreign power kill then it is war or assassinations.. surely, most terrorists attacks don't look like war or assassinations? Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 105. mj texas January 24th, 2011 2:15 pm I'm guessing that I won't be able to exit an airport terminal, grab a smoke outside, then come back in to get my bag off the carousel, soon..... Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 104. mixietop Atlanta January 24th, 2011 2:15 pm Hey Guys,

You better stop fooling with EVERYBODY... everbody will come after you. It's like turning a tanker, may take a while but after it's turned... Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 103. Al NYC January 24th, 2011 2:14 pm Chechen criminal networks, again. They have hit Moscow in a way, that is shocking and startling, as well as the other attacks.

For a western capital, the Russians are bold and brave, I could not imagine he American response if this happened at JFK.

Putin and his groups must now really unleash hell on these networks. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 102. toptic Berlin - Chicago January 24th, 2011 1:57 pm This is horrific act! No cause can justify killing innocent people whether it happens in Washington, Berlin or Moscow. We should stand united against such acts! Recommend Recommended by 5 Readers Report as Inappropriate 101. Mark NJ January 24th, 2011 1:57 pm I don't understand the knee-jerk reaction of pointing the fingers at Christians, essentially saying "oh, they're just as bad!"

This is not a story about Christians, but somehow Christianity always gets attacked when people point the finger at the more likely culpable religion. Yes, there have been Christians who have committed evil sins, some even in the name of Christianity. The difference is they're straying from core Christian beliefs and values, and are almost always condemned by essentially all practicing Christians.

The truth is self-evident, but there are those who choose to be willfully blind in order to smear the name of all religions together, even if it's an act that may or may not have anything to do with religion at all. Recommend Recommended by 7 Readers Report as Inappropriate 100. prhindpendent nyc January 24th, 2011 1:57 pm @Tiffany, #92. If your brother was at the airport waiting to depart, it's most likely he is fine. Don't panic. The explosion happened in the International Arrivals baggage claim area. Again, even if he was leaving on an international flight, he is most likely fine because he wouldn't have been near that area of the airport. Deep breath. :) Also, there was news on Russia Today (Russian English Cable News station) that said no U.S. tourists were said to be killed or injured. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 99. Adam Tallahassee January 24th, 2011 1:57 pm "the attack 'validates the focus that the U.S. has had on security at airports.'" And yet, it is eminently clear to anyone who travels that one is not anywhere near safe at US airports until one crosses the security threshold. Surely the bottlenecking that occurs at security checkpoints is cause for grave concern. Recommend Recommended by 6 Readers Report as Inappropriate 98. Eileen Honduras January 24th, 2011 1:57 pm Best of luck Tiffany, I hope all is well with your brother! Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 97. karachayli LA, CA January 24th, 2011 1:56 pm I watched the video. The victims are speaking Tajik. Tajiks are Muslims and one of the most hated groups of the Russian nationalists. Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 96. Coco Washington, D.C. January 24th, 2011 1:56 pm Well, they're probably already thinking of blaming the Chechens before they publish it in the media. It could also be a Russian government-sponsored act to give them an excuse to attack Chechnya. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 95. SKV NYC January 24th, 2011 1:56 pm @jkisner "Watch them blame the Chechyns".

Yep, most likely Muslims from Caucasus mountains are behind attack. For some reason Muslims carry disproportional number of suicide attacks in our World. It became attribute of Islam the same way as Crusades are still associated with Christianity or Red Terror part of Russian heritage. It will pass. More and more moderate Muslims raise their voices to condemn such attacks. Unfortunately it is long way to go so far majority still approves them. Recommend Recommended by 3 Readers Report as Inappropriate 94. nn montana January 24th, 2011 1:03 pm Horrors. Horrors, horrors, horrors. Sadness. Thoughts of support to all affected, to all responding. We are all Russians at this moment. Recommend Recommended by 21 Readers Report as Inappropriate 93. Tim Texas January 24th, 2011 12:59 pm This is likely to be the work of Chechans. Is there a good reason why US and Russia cannot work together against a common enemy? One of the reasons Islamist movements are such a grave thread to the entire world is that the rest of the world has a hard time uniting against them. Short term expediency seems to be the order of the day.

China seems to follow a similarly short sighted. They have done their best to dilute the sanctions against Iran. China actively supports the Pakistan nuclear program, which in the past has included support for nuclear weapon designs. Unless, the rest of the world is willing to put aside their differences we are going to see these terror groups continue to gain power and capability. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #81 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (07:20 PM)

38 everyday Americans who became the president's props On the nights that changed their lives, when they were introduced to the United States with a nod from the president, all they had to do was smile. David A. Fahrenthold and Krissah Thompso

======NH: Perfect address whose egalitarian concerns, who. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #82 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (08:02 PM)

Perfect mute on click, Ustream.tv. Please add limiter {{CHOICE}}, to System preferences / sound, Apple; xref: PROTECTING Applers ears {Incredibly good sound at a long distance in a quiet room, who} in the wild and wolly frontier of internet sound. [Sura 42 Al Shura, verses 12 - 16 came up during play back "'And the fireman rushes in - from the pouring rain - very strang'" - this hat looks like a fireman. And the browser text is the rain channel. ...Would any[kn |]one like to say a prayer together? All come to prayer..."] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #83 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (08:03 PM)

"I'm getting an echo," [Say allah holy man hammedan, Alawackbarr...] xref: satellite? Car? Chain of command verification? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #84 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (08:04 PM)

"Salam wa lay kum ra ma tu la... "Salam wa lay kum ra ma tu la..." volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #85 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (08:22 PM)

Dear Nuance:

You have my permission to use my Ustream.tv show, "Technical Difficulties 2" as data for your voice to text laboratory experimentation. You are welcome to post my voice to text stream in my chat box in real time, or later.

If you would like to advertise on my show, and at least one other Usream.tv show to balance your marketing image, or if would like to offer your service to all Ustream boadcasters and pay me a commission for introducing the idea to you in the form of no charge for your service for my channel and shows, then that would be agreeable to me.

The Ustream.tv chat box does not archive, so I would need regular transmittals of my text stream, with date:time anchors emailed to me in a text edit file so I could search it, edit it, and publish it to Google Buzz, Facebook, Yola, MobileMe, etc.

Once running, features like character count for verbal tweets, timer, for verbal buzz, iPhone quality assurance tools - such as, "For purposes of better memory this (iPhone) call is being recorded or streamed,"

Thank you for your dedication of bringing [Thn/] full text random access data base search-ability, and freedom of detail to the human voice, Nuance.


W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed. enc: screen grab of "Technical Difficulties 2" cc: B&MO JRB HR MMcC JB NP JR RBG KBM DAM VVP HC FC AJ FR PBXVI RTE SJ MD B&MG JW MZ volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #86 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (08:25 PM)

Unable to continue broadcasting on you stream while I record my video comment to append to my video I am watching [sound/] as part of my show about experimenting with the internet to attain "sovereign consciousness"; xref: "...something [sound] a little more ...thoughtful," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #87 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (08:45 PM)

An abbreviated [kn/?>*:\ ...//2011:01:25/26:00:43:15*] call to prayer as taught to me by a role model in [^]... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #88 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (08:46 PM) http://ustre.am/_Pj4Q:BD2 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #89 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (08:53 PM) Who thought the highlight was going to open the video file at the spot where the little play progress circle was when who inserted the highlight! Instead the highlight link when clicked opened at the start of the file and included the whole file, not only the snippet that was highlighted. Did I do something wrong? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #90 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (08:54 PM)

Comments are no longer showing when posted to whose ustream show. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #91 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (09:01 PM)

Oh, the highlight wasn't finished, so who clicked the finish button, and then the comment did post [Whewww heww brrereeWhu...] (Tired in the head. Blood went to whose stomach to digest food) [Thn] [very muffled jet. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #92 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (09:01 PM)

Oh, The slider bars have the time IN them! Brilliant! volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #93 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (09:14 PM)

TownHallVoiceMask001: OK. THIS HAS WORKED! Fantastic job, UStream.tv Iraq needs this to rebuild the tower of babble and give iraqi's streaming cellphones to diagnose and heal themselves so well, everybody wants to meet up and pray and nobody wants to stop them volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #94 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (09:44 PM)

Would you like to do this with, or without me - [[Thn/ ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:24/25:00:48:75*]] ustream.tv "Technical Difficulties 2" show? re: Nuance.com voice to text transcripts for shows who want to be searchable, or publishable? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #95 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (09:44 PM)

'[Thn/]' at sight of all the post which have "slipped in ahead of yours" due to working on the laptop re: Ustream.tv. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #96 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (09:45 PM) http://uk.ask.com/?o=2&jr=true volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #97 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (09:48 PM)

Subsuming and non-subsuming sets; xref: Fermi-Dirac vs. Einstein B[thn/]oltzman; xref: Apple profile page, edit blocks add, Does 'add' block 'edit'? xref: 'distributable' volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #98 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (09:49 PM) [Thn/] (Cursor did not arrive [kn/] for some time) Potential full text random access data base partner. http://searchelf.com/index5.php volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #99 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (09:50 PM)

Might Jeeves Suggest? Video Free Free Video to Watch Free Video Chat Room Free Streaming Full Length Video Free Webcam Video Streaming Downloads Free Video Downloads Avi Files Justin TV Nuance Live Streaming U Stream Pro TV Live Dragon Naturally Speaking volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #100 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (02:13 AM)


The Republicans have vowed to “repeal and replace” President Obama’s historic health care reform law. Now that House Republicans have muscled through a symbolic repeal bill, they will have to deliver their own alternative plan. Don’t expect much. Readers' Comments Share your thoughts. Post a Comment » There are many more slogans than details. But it is already clear that their approach would do almost nothing to control skyrocketing health care costs and would provide little help to the 50 million uninsured Americans.

When Republican leaders talk of reducing medical costs they really mean reducing insurance premiums for some people, primarily by letting the young and healthy buy insurance in states that allow the sale of skimpy policies. That won’t help older and less healthy people and would probably drive up their premiums as they flock to states whose regulations guarantee them coverage.

The Republicans have offered no coherent plan for slowing the rapid rise in medical costs that is driving up insurance premiums, Medicare and Medicaid costs, and the federal deficit. The reform law, by contrast, has multiple provisions for changing the delivery of health care in ways that should reduce costs.

======NH: TURNS "It looks like we'll all take turns taking care of one another," - National Service one year each decade of or lives - or $80,000 in 2008 dollars. YOUR Choice. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #101 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (02:20 AM) As for the Republicans’ calls to reduce waste and fraud in Medicare,

======Null Hypothesis: 1 photo for every $1 million in each budget line item. 1 phone number of a government employee answerable for the use of the funds for [thn/]... Voice mail messages must have email addresses. Cellphone assisted citizens using "Crowd sourcing" to answer overflow voice mail messages. Ombudsmen to forward voice mails until they reach the correct office. Audits, inspections, inventories, and [kn/] investigations by cellphone assisted citizens paid on a piece work basis with a commission on waste, fraud and abuse remedied. And what else? Public voice mail bulletin boards to permit cellphone assisted citizens to better collaborate. And what else? cc: dam vvp hjt b&mo hr jb jr kbm

Omar's loop blind cc: volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #102 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (02:23 AM)

New home. Still the best political coverage. The stories behind the visitors in the State of the Union galleries GALLERY

State of the Union guests A look at some of the guests honored at the annual State of the Union address since President Ronald Reagan introduced the practice in 1982. » LAUNCH PHOTO GALLERY

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If you could deliver the State of the Union, what would you say. In a minute or less, give us your address. We'll feature the best ones on washingtonpost.com. CONTRIBUTE The State of the Union is… Do you know politics, legislation, and policy? Help The Post decode Obama's State of the Union speech in real time. Sign up TOOLBOX Resize Print E-mail Yahoo! Buzz Reprints

COMMENT 22 Comments | View All » POST A COMMENT Your washingtonpost.com User ID, randomsample, will be displayed with your comment.

Discussion Policy By David A. Fahrenthold and Krissah Thompson Washington Post Staff Writers Monday, January 24, 2011; 10:39 PM They have been heroes of plane crashes. Child prodigies, in math and gospel music. Doctors, philanthropists, soldiers. THIS STORY The State of the Union doesn't always go according to script The stories behind the visitors in the State of the Union galleries State of the Union preview View All Items in This Story On the nights that changed their lives, when they were introduced to the United States with a nod from the president toward the gallery of the House chamber, all they had to do was smile.

"It was almost dreamlike. Am I really up here? What's going on? Is this really happening?" said Leonard Abess, a bank official whom President Obama pointed out in the House gallery in a speech to Congress in 2009. "I wouldn't trade anything for it."

These are the lives of the president's props.

Since 1982, presidents have used 38 everyday Americans as human illustrations at State of the Union addresses and other big speeches before Congress.

They have been chosen precisely because they are ordinary, a human representation of everything that is right and good about the country. But a presidential mention is, of course, extra-ordinary. It hasn't always been easy for these select few to return to the lives that won them recognition.

"The eyes of the world are on the president, and he's speaking about me," said Trevor Ferrell, 38. He w volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #103 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (02:30 AM)

"Martha, our 'NEST EGG' would hardly buy a BIRDHOUSE right now," ======NH: Find "bird house"

#872 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 23 Jan 2011 (12:47 AM) http://www.examiner.com/gadgets-in-los-angeles/sprint-s- latest-4g-phone-only-89


If you want to check out the HTC EVO Shift,


FOR LEASE: [[Thn/]] U.S. Postal System DIAL-TONE LLC, outdoor mobile, modular, Turn-Key,Tool Lending Library trailers, vans, and trucks. Check out a drill [Thn/], or hammer, garden spade, or fertilizer spreader. Use your friends and neighbors character [[Kn 00:33:120*]] reference phone number list for a deposit. Pay for your own air time or apply for a limited town hall scholarship. Check out a Sprint EVO 4G phone, or an Apple iPhone, iPad, or Samsung, Nokia, LNG, or others. Build a bird house, do it your self repairs. Stream pets, prayers, parties, and your travels. Readding and Wrighting together with friends and family. ======Null Hypothesis// xref: "Would you like to walk to the mail box with me?" xref: you, heirs and assigns of the estate of Sgt. Shriver

======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #104 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (02:02 PM)

[[Whrehnnnnnnnnnnn. Whrnnnnwhhnnnnnn... (silence) [crk | ]]] re: AOL [door] image of two boys boxing.

Unable to find "seperated by 14 months" in whose full text random access [kn/] data base of characters pasted into one big text edit file. "Where did you last see it?" training finally surfaced and who recalled it was a response to whose Google profile questions.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #105 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (02:08 PM)

I was born happy. My poor brother was only 14 months younger than I, so we competed for parental affection.

"Every family is happy in a way uniquely it's own, a way it calls unhappiness," Leo Tolstoy

======NH: Search logic: Why did who not try the search word 'brother'? Perhaps who felt it would appear too [Achoo! Achoo!] fre [Achoo!] frequently? Or, perhaps who still has anxiety about the word? Can who find the prior mention of "boxing"? Is whose biologic memory correct? Is whose external memory correct? Is who trying to suggest [kn/] [Brhn] "The state of the Union calls for all brothers to look back into our past to find where we, and who else, were last doing things right? - Is, "Obama calls for brothers to look back to where they were last doing things right together," a [thn/] State of the Union headline? "SIBLINGS REVIEW" SAYS OBAMA. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #106 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (03:02 PM)

1:59 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public Note the younger child has on boxing gloves, while the older child has on flat gloves used for defense ONLY; xref: whose long standing complaint of Defense departments world wide turning into the fifth branch of government: "the hunters" instead of remembering after world war II nations around the world renamed our Departments of War, to instead be referred to as "The Department of Defense". Flat... Expand this post »Edit

AOL.com - News, Sports, Weather, Entertainment, Local & Lifestyle AOL offers today's news, sports, stock quotes, weather, movie reviews, TV trends and more. Get free email, AIM access, online radio, videos and horoscopes -- all on AOL.com!

Comment Like Reshare Email Comment1:52 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public Fighting is not the only way to "Outgrow ingrown groups"

Obama lists peaceful ways to outgrow ingrown groups and family quarrlesEdit

Comment Like Reshare Email Comment1:49 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public [thn/ ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:25/26:00:48:330*] "Watch: "The Fighter" Gets Much Tinier Cast"; xref: "If you see me getting smaller, I'm going away,"; xref: you, Waylon Jennings; xref: Bill and John and the baby boom generation now with the grave less than two generations away.

(Random order selection: menton of B first will be 50% or greater. Mention of J first will be 0 - 50%. and the random number which will be selected is seven from the last one, so 99 41 49 94 37 67 51 20 79 59 90 25 81 12 36 81 73 4 79 27 48 27 31 15 39 87 71 36 96 93 49 42 1 83 1 44 16 73 54 85 17 50 22 91 26 92 24 92 12 29 22 39 78 20 20 30 32 27 98 35 60 59 62 12 18 92 22 98 88 43 55 54 3 93 93 53 94 41 51 49 17 50 37 73 88 39 79 57 34 42 2 33 6 92 71 48 23 15 99 18 Timestamp: 2011-01-25 22:45:16 UTCEdit

Comment Like Reshare Email Comment1:38 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public xref: “...separated by 14 months” http://web.me.com/welcome.perfect/Self_starter/Search_word_-_ %22Brother%22.html

xref: “Welcome, perfect, return, and invite,”

Who overlooked AOL and Yahoo, last night when who copied and pasted whose Voice Control collage.

Therefore the ability to have whom read what you want [[kn/]] them to see becomes not so much the ability to control a handful of powerful media centers, but instead [[Thn/]] out of the millions of choices now available to “We the people” - it is the ability of whom to know what you have looked at when and predict where you will be looking when.[‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’Whwhwhw.]

The more you make public what you are doing, {{or the more who invades your privacy}} the more able [crk/] who is to predict what you will be doing - even if you yourself do not know in advance.

In this case who might have known whose personality well enough to predict who would visit AOL and Yahoo and append them to the “Voice Control” collage to be fair . Collapse this postEdit

?>*:\ ...//2011:01:25/26:315*

Comment Like Reshare Email Comment1:14 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #104 of 105: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (02:02 PM)

[[Whrehnnnnnnnnnnn. Whrnnnnwhhnnnnnn... (silence) [crk | ]]] re: AOL [door] image of two boys boxing.

Unable to find "seperated by 14 months" in whose full text random access [kn/] data base of characters pasted into one big text edit file. "Where did you last see it?" training finally surfaced and who recalled it was a response to whose Google profile questions.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #105 of 105: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (02:08 PM)

I was born happy. My poor brother was only 14 months younger than I, so we competed for parental affection.

"Every family is happy in a way uniquely it's own, a way it calls unhappiness," Leo Tolstoy

?>*:\ ...//2011:01:25/26:00:46:330*======NH: Search logic: Why did who not try the search word 'brother'? Perhaps who felt it would appear too [Achoo! Achoo!] fre [Achoo!] frequently? Or, perhaps who still has anxiety about the word? Can who find the prior mention of "boxing"? Is whose biologic memory correct? Is whose external memory correct? Is who trying to suggest [kn/] [Brhn] "The state of the Union calls for all brothers to look back into our past to find where we, and who else, were last doing things right? - Is, "Obama calls for brothers to look back to where they were last doing things right together," a [thn/] State of the Union headline? "SIBLINGS REVIEW" SAYS OBAMA.Edit volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #107 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (03:49 PM)

The state of the union is toolittletoolate

======NH: xef: Wikipedia as a form of Union =====NH// prettydamngoodactually

======NH: xref: simple rules of thumb: "Pretty is usually good," xref: "The computer you usually use..." "I don't deal with 'usually',"

"damn"; xref: "God [Whew] damn it," "You shouldn't take the name of God in vain, it blocks your pathway to and from the highest chain of command it you make your idea of God anything less than "most welcoming, most perfecting" So say, "God, diagnose and heal this!" as loudly as you want," (rotating wing)

"good"; xref: minimal syllable, or 'one beat of sound' (hand clap, etc.) to let whom know you are observing them and reinforcing when they do what. [Thn/] {perfect make the point, who}

"actually"; xref: 1994 when who was first introducing what words and concepts into the news stream by reading the daily papers every day and posting what by US Mail to the NSA; xref: "A beautiful mind" released subsequent to that. But "Two guys at NSA had a lot of fun with that," being more likely the case. [rotating wing (doppler)] ======NH//

======NH: First comment feels like the hidden meanings in Obama code. Second comment feels like classic Clinton. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #108 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (05:08 PM)

1. Voice Activation Record? Stream? View decibel meter. Set decibel level for threshold of a sound to be counted as an incident of sound: decibels: _ _ _ Set duration of sound to [[door]] be counted as an incident of sound: _ _ Set interval between sounds to have sounds be counted in the same incident group: hours: _ _ minutes: _ _ seconds: _ _ Set number of incidents of occurrence of sound in an incident group to start recording: _ _ [[door]] Set the [[sound]] minimum duration for a recording: minutes: _ _ seconds: _ _ Set duration of recording to continue after sound has stopped: hours: _ _ minutes: - - seconds: - - 2. Audio Alarm when show stops working? Let users set audio feedback [[dor]] preferences for all functions & errors: When show stops working do you want an audio alarm? Yes ( ) No ( ) Choose alarm sound: Set volume of alarm Set duration of alarm Do you want the alarm to sound again if your show is still not working? Yes ( ) No ( ) Set the time after the first alarm ends before the second alarm is sounded: days: _ _ hours: _ _ minutes [Thn//]: _ _. Report incident to Ustream? Yes ( ) No ( )

When you get a comment in your chat box do you want to hear an arrival tone? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want chat people to be able to leave voice recordings of their chat comments? Yes ( ) No ( ) Permit text to machine voice? Yes ( ) No ( ) Permit human voice to text in chat box? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want a reminder tone there is chat you have not yet responded to? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want micro-thumb nails of the Ustream.tv shows of chatters who choose to show a stream while chatting? Save Poll question? Save Poll results? Alert tone when poll is answered? Duration of alert tone? Harmony wizard to harmonize your alert tones? Visit Ustream.tv Poll Laboratory? Share your poll results? Place buzz weight with your chat comment, or poll response? Include audio feedback regarding buzz weight, "Likes", donations, question mark tones? Set punctuation tones: Duration of tones in text you have not yet read. [Thn] {Such a sweet sound who might want to never read that block of time. Wow. Liberated from having to read! By the unread "writing" generating such a sweet sound; xref: You [Thn] Tube chorus, and Hu Jinn Tao "harmony". Save and append audio feed back of read text? Add image and motion audio feedback? Face close up tone: Three or more people tone: Outdoor tone, and beat:

Hide video (audio only): Hide audio [Whew whew Ho!]

[You got it]

3. How do I rename a recorded video clip?

Thank you very much

W.Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. cc: rg sc md sj hard drive manufacturers Nuance Antares [thn \][thock] ne

P.S. 4.Download your own recording or any recording offered for download by any user. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #109 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (05:08 PM)

[rotating wing (doppler shift)] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #110 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (05:10 PM)

From: cityhall screenname300 Subject: 1.Voice activation 2.Audio feedback for all functions & errors 4.Downloads Date: January 26, 2011 5:07:20 AM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Bcc volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #111 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (05:12 PM)

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Fox News State of the Union Address [LIVE FEED] 1 hour ago As mandated by the United States Constitution, President Obama will deliver his State of the Union address before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday. ... AOL News - 7175 related articles - Shared by 10+ Live-blogging the State of the Union msnbc.com - 28 related articles - Shared by 10+ Realtime updates for state of the union address live (34) ► State of the Union Address [LIVE FEED] Jan 25, 2011 ... President Obama's delivers an address to a joint session of Congress, and to the nation, regarding the state of our union. Watch it live at ... www.aolnews.com/2011/01/25/state-of-the-union-address-live-feed/ Live Streams - The White House Jan 25, 2011 ... There is a live discussion about this event at Facebook. ... Embed Code for Countdown to the State of the Union Address: ... www.whitehouse.gov/live - Cached - Similar State of the Union 2011 | The White House Jan 25, 2011 ... The formal basis for the State of the Union address is from ... www.whitehouse.gov/state-of-the-union-2011 - Cached Show more results from whitehouse.gov Videos for state of the union address live

Political Checklist: State of the Union Preview 5 min - 1 day ago Uploaded by PBSNewsHour youtube.com

Obama's State of the Union Strategy 4 min - 9 hours ago Uploaded by CBSNewsOnline youtube.com C-SPAN | Capitol Hill, The White House and National Politics State of the Union Address. Focus on jobs and the economy ... C‑SPAN's LIVE coverage begins this morning with the Washington Journal discussing the issues ... Local Content Vehicles - Washington Journal - Podcasts - Politics www.c-span.org/ - Cached - Similar State Of The Union 2011: Speech, Reaction & Commentary (LIVE UPDATES) Jan 25, 2011 ... Standing before a nation clamoring for jobs, President Barack Obama will call for targeted spending to boost the economy but also for budget ... www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/.../state-of-the-union-2011- s_n_813477.html News Hounds: State of the Union Address Live Stream And Open Thread Jan 25, 2011 ... This is the place to talk about the State of the Union address - who's sitting with whom, what was said or not said and, of course, ... www.newshounds.us/.../ state_of_the_union_address_live_stream_and_open_thread.ph p Tonight: The Libertarian State of the Union LIVE « John Stossel Jan 25, 2011 ... Tonight: The Libertarian State of the Union LIVE. Tonight I will watch the President's endless State of the Union Address. ... stossel.blogs.foxbusiness.com/.../tonight-the-libertarian-state- of-the-union-li ve/ State of the Union Address: Streaming Live Wednesday « Hulu Blog Jan 26, 2010 ... As President Obama gives his State of the Union Address Wednesday evening, you can catch the speech in its entirety as it streams live from ... blog.hulu.com/.../state-of-the-union-address-streaming-live- wednesday/ - Cached - Similar NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music ... NPR Special Coverage: The President's State Of The Union Address. Join us online and on many member stations for live coverage of the speech and the ... www.npr.org/ - Similar - Add to iGoogle Watch the 2010 State of the Union Address Live Online (Live Video ... Jan 27, 2010 ... Obama is expected to touch on a number of issues, from terrorism to immigration reform, but his advisers said the president will devote much ... dailycontributor.com › US News - Cached - Similar

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Sgt. Shriver and tool lending libraries [...] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #113 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (05:14 PM) cnet, or ciso ad: hands free headsets, a video screen wall...

A city popping up like a weed. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #114 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (05:16 PM)

Why is there no closed caption subtitle stream yet, AOL? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #115 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:11 PM)

"...a game of political chicken; xref: what's on for dinner volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #116 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:12 PM)

"Distinguished guests .. as wel as your new speaker, John Gainer," xref: frame of reference therapy and separation of powers.

And as we...

Also mindful of the empty chair in this chamber.

"Sometimes you can beckon, sometimes you must call..."

OK. I'll call Gabrielle and Mr. Giffords. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #117 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:13 PM)

It's no secret... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #118 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:13 PM)

Lime green and red on either side of suit. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #119 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:13 PM)

"And that's a good thing," xref: your lexicon WJC volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #120 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:13 PM)

"Part of the American Family,"; xref: you HRC volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #121 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:15 PM)

"...that too, is what sets us apart as a nation," (polite applause)

"...usher in a new era of cooperation..."

"Not by whether he can sit together tonight, but whether we can work together tomorrow," more enthusiastic applause. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #122 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:15 PM) xref: Having the dial tone bill in hand to pass tonight "...new laws will only pass with cooperation of democrats and republicans ...the next election ...the steak ...this country, or somewhere else ...rewarded volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #123 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:17 PM)

Place on a map; xref: you Tube.

Stock market roaring back, corporate profits are up... quality of life [you sip water JB]

"bestow the blessings of libert..." that's the project the American people want us to work on together... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #124 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:17 PM)

American's pay checks... American Business infestment, er, investment...

One million jobs added last year Challenges that have been decases in the making volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #125 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:18 PM)

"Having a good job meant simply showing up at a local business..." xref: Keynsian assumption of a mobile labor force. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #126 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:21 PM)

"...feel like the rules have changed in the middle of the game. In a single generation.. Steel mills that needed 1000 workers can to it with 100. Set up shop anywhere. China and India realized they could compete... started educating...

China became the home to the world's largest solar research solar, and fastest computer... competitin for jobs is real...

Finite number of Jobs?

The united states still has the largest mos prosperous economy in the world...

The question is what is the productive capaicty of our planet, and what is the carrying capacity of our planet?

Pioneers, early life forms... are micro economic consciousnesses, Macro economic consciousness requires we answer the two above questions? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #127 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:22 PM)

Out build the rest of the world.

Vs. Lead the world to a sustainable carrying capacity at a recycling rate of renewable resources volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #128 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:22 PM)

"that's how we'll win the future. But tonight I'd like to talk about how we're going to win the future... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #129 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:23 PM)

"Remember me, Martha my dear..." xref: whose childhood "babysitter" Martha Johnson. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #130 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:24 PM)

Our government is supposed to be the highest form of collective consciousness on this planet. We are supposed to have accurate data and projections about the sustainable rate of extraction, use, return, and recycling of air, water, rare earths, human endurance, and so on. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #131 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:25 PM) "In a few weeks I'll be sending a budget... especially clean energy technology volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #132 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:25 PM)

"...our planet" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #133 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:25 PM)

"Best roofers to repair the pentagon" xref: you, Tony.

Solar shingles. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #134 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:26 PM)

200 years. 2 billion year old planet 2 billion years left on our local star before rednova volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #135 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:26 PM)

Appolo projects of our times volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #136 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:27 PM)

First country with one million electric vehicles on the road by 2026. (Polite applause) Eliminate subsidy of what to oil companies

..subsidizing yesteray's energy volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #137 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:27 PM)

Failing to include some quotes back there.

"80% from clean energy by what year. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #138 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:28 PM)

"I urge democrats and republicans to work together to make it happen," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #139 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:28 PM)

China and US joint education experiments. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #140 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:29 PM)


DOEd web site. Visit? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #141 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:30 PM)

"It's family that instills the love of education," (your inflection mimiced HRC)

Not just the winner of the Super Bowl but the winner of the Science Fair; xref: you Shafton. And you, Kurt (KH and KV) volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #142 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:30 PM)

"Race to the top"

If you show us the most innovative class... we'll show you the money; xref: you, Indonesia. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #143 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:31 PM)

Standards developed by Republican and Democratic ?G Governors; xref: you Heads of the Regions of Russia. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #144 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:31 PM)

Bruce randolf in Denver: 90% recieved diploma volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #145 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:32 PM)

"Thank you Ms. Waters," xref: trying to befriend you - who. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #146 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:32 PM)

The man, or the woman at the front of the class room.

Korea teachers are known as nation builders. Same level of respect. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #147 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:33 PM) xref: roving teachers who join classes for one week at a time co-teach, observe and report.

Hypnotic techniques prefer only ONE authority figure in the room to implant suggestions [^] Logic prefers "second opinions" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #148 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:34 PM) xref: nation builders and teacher as a surrogate for whose future boss. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #149 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:34 PM)

"Tuition tax credits $10,000" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #150 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:36 PM)

Furniture industry to biotechnology at 55 years old; xref: 'thn/] Ashadu YOU, Eve, from the rib, or the ribosome, or meioisis, or mitosis of Adam, therefore BOTh

Ameria will once again have the highest proportion of any nation in the world" (applause JFKy and JMcC side by side)

Children of undocumented chiclren, yet they live every day with the threat of deportations. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #151 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:37 PM)

Advanced degrees sent back home..

The issue of illegal immigration...

Protect our borders...

Millions of

One two one. One... xref: 2, 1, Nam, yo ho ren gay kyo... JMcC hand lcap pattern

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #152 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:38 PM)

"Starting labs" - perfect mention 'labs', Barack. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #153 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:40 PM)

We got a D on our own infrastructure...

"...interstate highway system"

Business that opened near a town's new train station, or off ramp," xref: the economy of the snake of transporation (you HR) What's bst for the economy ot just politicians, 80% of america access to hide speed rail... "Flying without the pat down.." #Nervous laughter. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #154 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:41 PM)

Sell farm goods world wide Down load plan of a burning building.. No menton of the down side risk of the internet and what's being done to address them.

Tax problems.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #155 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:42 PM)

Automatic harvesting of tax revenue... Simply the syste tet rid of teh loop holes

It can be done. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #156 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:42 PM)

Doubling our exports by __ __ volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #157 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:44 PM)

India and china 250,000 jobs for americans [[kn/]] South Korea? 70,00 jobs for americans

Only sign deals that keep faith with A

Panama Columbia

REduce barriers to growth and investment. I've order a review.

Unnecessary burdens will be fixed...

Create or enforce common sense safe guards that protec the american people Food safe to eat, water safe to drink DC lead

Speed limits, child labor laws.

Consumer protrections agains loan sharks.


Health industry stopped from exploitning patients, standing by democrats

Now... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #158 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:51 PM)

Let's fix what needs fixing and move forward.

Missed what going to the kitche

Our government spends more than it takes in.

Every day families sacrifice to live within their means.

They deserve a government that does the same.

Freeze annual domesitci spending for the next 5 years.

$400 billion.

Discretionary spending to the lowest percentage since Dwight D Eisenhowwer.

Community action programs

DOD programs

Some have already proposed deeper cuts.

"Let's make sure we're not doing it on the backs of our most vulnerable citizens'

"...be sure what we're "An overloaded airplane ..by removing

12%... be enoubh? It won't

The bi-partisian fiscal commission ...made important progress.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #159 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:52 PM) medical malpractice..." xref: flight insurance; xref: per procedure insurance the patient can buy to suppliment the doctor's coverage volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #160 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:53 PM)

Social security and the whims of the stock market

"If we really ...can't extend the 2% of wealthiest american's tax cuts

Millionaires tax breaks it'snot about punishing their success, it's about rewarding the success of America...

Simplify the tax code...

I am prepared to joint hem

Senator Schumur grin. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #161 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:55 PM)

Not just more affordable government, more competent, more efficient. The age of black and white tv

12 exports 5 dealing with housing

Interior department in charge of salmon in fresh water, Commerce when in salt water. It's more complicated even when they are smoked.

Great strides...

Checks and balances is one thing, but red tape is another. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #162 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:56 PM)



Push to get it passed [^]

People's faith in government.

Because you deserve to inow where your money is being spent.

Meeting with lobbiests? Put those meetings on line.

A law to require disclosure of all meetings with non constituents. Or donors. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #163 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:56 PM)

An economy driven by... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #164 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (06:58 PM)

No single wall separates east and west. So we must defeat determined enemies whereever they are,"

Instead, say, we must diagnose, heal perfect, protect, and promote physical and mental illness wherever it is within US jurisdiction, or outside our jurisdiction in the International community of nations where we are a leader. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #165 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:00 PM)

America's commitment has been kept. The iraq war is coming to an end.

Of course as we speak...


REspect for the rule of law...

American muslims are a part of our American Family...

It's a nation, not a family.

Unless you are a communist, in which cases ALL nations and all planets, are families, one family, under one God. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #166 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:00 PM)

Deny a staging area. Tough fighting ahead. Better government, we are building a partnership with Afghanistan... This July we will begin to bring our troops home. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #167 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:01 PM) Under more pressure.." xref: "The cornered response,"

"We willdeafeat ou," vs. "We willdiagnose and heal ourselves, and all who surround us, God willing [Thn/] who hopes," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #168 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:03 PM)

"...Iranian government meets it's..." Performance bond.

Korea. "North korea to abandon muclear weapons" (cursorary applause)

NATO - counter terrorism to

"This march Chile, El Salvadore, and Brazil to build..."

Corruption that can rob a society... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #169 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:05 PM)

Finally able to vote for independence.... 1000 lined up before dawn... "This was a battlefield for most of my life..


US stands with... and supports the democratic aspirations of all people..

Hearts of people everywhere...

"Men and women who serve our country"

Standing applause. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #170 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:05 PM) Pink, senior member, you, np volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #171 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:07 PM)

Tonight let us speak with one voice... equipment care and benefits enlisting our eterans in the great task of obuilding our won country

Allfaiths in military, yes we serving the country the love

And with that...

Allour college campuses to open their doors to military recruiters volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #172 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:08 PM)

"We will argue about everything: the cost, the details, the letter of every law.

Of course some countiries don't have this problem...

Bulldoze bad stories...

There isn't a person here who would trade places with any other nation on earth...

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #173 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:09 PM) Standing applause with voices volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #174 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:09 PM)

Failed to record prayer prior to "...a working class kid from scranton can sit behind me...:

"..Cincinatti bar floor sweeper, can preside ...greatest nation onearth"; xerf: Cinderella strategy volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #175 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:11 PM)

Allen brothers reinvented their roofing company to serve a new eera

Branden Berlin PA - new kinds of drilling technology

33 men trapped in a mine

No one knew how to save them.

Rescue: plan B

Necessary drilling equipment...


3 or 4 hour days...

Plan succeeded and te miers were resued.

"...he'd already gone back home ...he proved that ...is a litte company, but we do big things," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #176 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:12 PM) "I might not ...but," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #177 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:12 PM)

There's your inflection, Josh, "I know we will," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #178 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:13 PM)

"Our destiny remains hopeful ..and the state of our union is strong.

"OUr Sputnik moment..." volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #179 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:15 PM)

Puckering on hand shakes with whom; xref: equal rights of gays.

Brief handshake with you TG

Fact they all sat together really made a difference.

Less jumping up and daown and acting silly

More completioinof pilgrimages and acting volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #180 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:15 PM)

His regan moment story telling

Winning the future volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #181 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:16 PM)

5 year spending freezer $400 billin compared to $3 Trillion is 1/2 of 1/2rd but over five years so 1/30th of budget per year. or aobut 3.3% volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #182 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:23 PM)

[Audio ends right as who places [thn/] whose lap top back on top of the galaxy refrigeration unit which has no compressor and is therefore quiet while keeping food and produce at 20*F below room temperature]

Perfect timing on the ending who. I guess I should [thn/] have worn my halo head band, electro-magnetic, external memory accumulator," [Whump (exterior sound)] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #183 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:28 PM)

Rolling sleeves down who comes on

Paul Ryan .. wisconsin

Sweeping Bar floors - pryers [Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!]

It shouldn't take a gun assasination to bring up such words and deeds. Who else should be mentioned side by side with you GG to prove that; xrf: moving the driller or whom... [thn/] closer to GG mention.

Reducing spending ws important


Crushing burden of debt... $17 trillion debt ceiling last who knew.

Failure to mention any numbers is indicative of why the problem has not been solved and will not be solved by people too afraid to use numbers with words. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #184 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:29 PM)

$3 trillion to our debt.

Failure to divide it $1 TT to Henry $1 ^TT to TG and $1 TT to BO volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #185 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:30 PM)

Have you mentioned what our debt is yet? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #186 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:31 PM)

Any IMF figures?

"We owe you a better choice and ab etter vision"

"Jobs and prosperity"

We wrecked the economy nationally and globally. We made sure the other side of the aisle was in the hot seat when the shit hit [Whump] the fan.

We passed out money as per above.

We told our people to hold on to it to avoid infation [Whum[

There are no jobs, because mass production has replaced home crafts. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #187 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:33 PM)

Weh government takes on too many tasks...

Government standards, government regulations, government inspections... xref: yesterday's comments.

"Now urging congress to increase the debt limit." That's a distortion, the US Congress has been raising the the debt limit [Thn/] like clockwork, and exponential clock, regularly under both sides of the asiles leadership/ volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #188 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:35 PM)

Greece, Ireland, the UK, other countries in EU

There day of reckoning has arrived, ours is around the corner, that's why we need to act now.

Lincoln the central ideas of the republic..

Unshakle our economy: lack of strong bank charers, oversight, ect resulted in too big to fail.

BO got it right about siply showing up at the local factory, or business to have a job for life is no longer the situation... transporation makes exterior workers the ones who supply your town. Not you. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #189 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:36 PM)

Carrying acapcity, and being a strong sovereign. BO got that right too regarding other sovereigns who are strong in the small way of not needing consent. We need to be the stongest poossible soveriegn by crating consent nd maop majorities. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #190 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:36 PM)

Paul, the image of Ronnie Reagan Jr. yesterday when overlaid with yours creates a Ronald Reagan nostalga note. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #191 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:37 PM)

500 viewers 92% said they approved. 44 / 25 / rest ind

43 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #192 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:38 PM)

Anthony Mason

Middle America Wisconsin.

More on our late lcoal news

CBS efening Your morning show.



Katie Curic, I'll see ya in minute. On the web. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #193 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:55 PM)

"A very well done speeech" xref: over cooked chicken/

Republicans intentionally being vauge.

$100 Billion in cus over thenext six months totally unrealistic...

Reaction of people will be...

What is the su debt? $17 TT

Waht is the US deficit? Annual loss, or short fall: volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #194 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:57 PM)

Instead of looking at faces shouldn't wee be looking at - http://www.google.com/images?q=us +deficit&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=W5s_TcCQ

IsnpgQeth_n4Ag&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=6&ved= 0CF0QsAQwBQ&biw

=934&bih=1478 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #195 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:57 PM) Stimulus spending volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #196 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:58 PM)

Mark Knowler and Judy

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #197 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (07:59 PM) http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.boot.com/ USbudgetDeficitChart.jp g&imgrefurl=http://www.boot.com/ bigblackbootsUSseconomy.htm&usg=__w6DDFVFFVqQPV aInfXSsoeWz93I=&h=567&w=700&sz=93&hl=en&start=0&sig2=a_UyP74GO04 OYQi_bnTvLA&zoo m=1&tbnid=coAsHgDND9tQiM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=165&ei=b5s_Te7ACcX6lweAn eSOAw&prev=/ima ges%3Fq%3Dus%2Bdeficit%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26biw %3D934%26bih%3D1478%26t bs%3Disch: 1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=501&vpy=792&dur=1824&hovh=202&hovw=250 &tx=1

36&ty=136&oei=b5s_Te7ACcX6lweAneSOAw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=32&ved=1t :429,r:18,s:0 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #198 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:00 PM)

2005 - $400 Billion volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #199 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:01 PM)

Talk to you both soon, Whoi, or why, does not need any weilling. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #200 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:02 PM) regulations need to be streamlines... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #201 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:04 PM) http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/ _VyTCyizqrHs/Sp2f_ yY_j4I/AAAAAAAAEz8/Hqc0gY-WzEc/s400/ August09_Conc_Plaus20102019.jpg&imgrefurl=h ttp://nextbigfuture.com/2009/09/predictions-of-cumulative-us- federal.html&usg=_

_106GKIGyssU4D09pWjAptIEfYQE=&h=300&w=400&sz=23&hl=en&start=0&si g2=ttyMItnt600z

QYJ291kODA&zoom=1&tbnid=8wo_zGc1YUHLsM:&tbnh=152&tbnw=203&ei=-5w _TfXtEIL6lwfyy- zjAg&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dus%2Bdeficit%2B2010%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den %26biw%3D934%26bi h%3D1478%26tbs%3Disch: 1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=406&vpy=432&dur=0&hovh=194&hovw

=259&tx=130&ty=126&oei=-5w_TfXtEIL6lwfyy- zjAg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r

:9,s:0 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #202 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:04 PM) National Journal volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #203 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:07 PM)

Who's sitting on a ton of money... xref: comments here. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #204 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:08 PM)

Consumer confidence. Why produce more if who's not going to buy it.

More about the survey method. The survey target population volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #205 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:08 PM)

Who were the people polled? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #206 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:10 PM)

Roll your shoulders, sit up straight. Good hand gestures volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #207 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:12 PM) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_supply volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #208 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:14 PM) xref: defintion of constitution as "stand with" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #209 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:15 PM)

Struggling state economies. Good. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #210 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:16 PM)

John Dicerson. States are getting shalloped.

Federal budget problems.

Engine of Am business..


Over the shoulder gesture putting her coat on getting her purse

Looking up.

Thanks John so much... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #211 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:17 PM)

Is it hot in here? xref: Jimmy Carter.

Does the president get a pass or fail for this.

Mad dogs...

I beg your pardon, that makes all the difference

President's policy]

Spending save Spending into bankruptcy...


Martha mad dong greenfield

I'm just busy... Significant busy or just busy volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #212 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:19 PM)

Sovereign authority of US Citizens volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #213 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:20 PM)

It's along day, and a fairly late night. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #214 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:21 PM)

"We'll see you tomorrow night," God willing, who hopes. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #215 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:24 PM) http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=rethink-the- global-money-suppl y volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #216 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:29 PM) that I blame her, but attitude is so f'n lame. I've had great success and great downfalls here in NYC. Point is, you gotta be in it for the long haul, like lots of things in life 7:33 townhallvoicemask001: There are how many ways to deposit money into the national treasury? Taxes, fees, fines, sale, or lease, of government assets, inflation, and what else? Foreign aid FROM other nations, and what else? 7:33 NoSenseOfHumor: @OBAMACANSUCKIT: best of luck and great success to you. Obama isn't the real solution or the real problem. Our people need to take action; we need to get back to work. Partisanship can't keep us down. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #217 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:30 PM)

7:24 townhallvoicemask001: global money supply 7:25 NoSenseOfHumor: So I said she MIGHT ‘make it’ but what’s she going to do when NYC inevitably kicks her ass back down? Gonna leave then? The silence was deafening. Did I say something wrong? 7:27 OBAMACANSUCKIT: no clue man 7:28 townhallvoicemask001: [jet] There are 3 ways to increase money supply. We use only two of them. Bank loans. Treausry Debt. Eminent Domain. 7:28 NoSenseOfHumor: @OBAMACANSUCKIT: not that I blame her, but attitude is so f'n lame. I've had great success and great downfalls here in NYC. Point is, you gotta be in it for the long haul, like lots of things in life volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #218 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:37 PM) Jobs: "Don't get a job unless you need one. Find a need and fill it. There are plenty of ways to work and earn money without being an employee: partners, employers (of people in other worse off countries than the Us), consultants, freelance, non-profit organizations, self-employed people, volunteers... Holding a job should not be the only way you can make money. There is earned income, and unearned income. We need to educate our people to want to work independent of the $ dollar sign offered by whom to do what. We need to assure Us citizens there will always be food on their table, a roof over their heads, clothes on their back and a savings account with their name on it, no matter what their situation in life is. WITH this we need to instill a work ethic in Americans that it's not what you can get away with, it's what we have the right to do - that matters.

Look at young people: they are not simply doing what they do because they think it will get them money now, or later in life [thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #219 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:41 PM)

You say, reality is in what people are willing to pay for. [thn/]

We say, reality is in what people are willing to believe upon, and to strive for. Money is sawdust arising out of righteous behavior.

But who has weakened the sovereign so, the sovereign no longer controls the behavior of the children of Hamlin. Ergo, the pied piper. This is a wake up call. "We the people" need to take more responsibility, more contorl of our government and our money supply in the ways who has been setting forth here the past few days especially: cellphone assisted citizens, national service citizens, stronger bank chargers so Constitutional Laws can order banks, rather than banks having to be persuaded, stronger laws to prevent the revolving door between wall street [^] and the US Treasury and Goldman Sachs; xref: you Rubin, Summers, Geithner, and who else? Stronger land use planning; xref: carrying capacity zoning by state constitutinal amendments, verifiable torn ballots, volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #220 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:44 PM)

More choices for privacy and risk taking by originary citizens willing to pay for insurance to travel, or live, the life styles we choose. A constituional amendment requiring judges to write a one page, or less, amendment to the US, or State constitution indicating the least [thn/] intrusive amendment consistent with the rest of the constitution which would be needed for whom the judgte (s) judge (s) rule against to prevail. And what else? [thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #221 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:48 PM)

1 photo for every $1 MM in a budget line item. 1 phone number of a person who will guide, orbe in the population benefiting from every $100,000 in a budget line item, so if $1 MM is allocated then ten phone numbers must be attached, and if only two government employees at $80,000 per hear, er, year, are guiding the funds, then 8 additional phone numbers are needed. So the contractor could provide one, a sub contractor, [thn/] and the phone number of a person who lives on the street where the work will be done, and a phone number of the city street cleaning department who will maintain the street after the work is done, and so on. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #222 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:49 PM)

Right had touches eye glasses [thn/] Glasses are slipping down the bridge of whose nose too much. Top of the lenses are smudgy. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #223 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (08:53 PM)

'Talking' cars may someday save lives

Peter Whoriskey

======NH: Perfect concise summary of the audio feedback who has been asking for here, who. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #224 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (09:06 PM)

'Talking' cars may someday save lives

Peter Whoriskey

======NH: Perfect concise summary of the audio feedback who has been asking for here, who. ======NH//

By Peter Whoriskey Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, January 25, 2011; 8:01 PM A new crash warning system that allows vehicles to "talk" to each other more than 900 feet away was demonstrated for federal officials Tuesday, marking a significant step in efforts by the government and automakers to put advanced communications technology in cars.

======NH: Distant early warning trend prediction for [kn/] computer usage patterns, social networking, and what else/ ======NH//

Using specialized WiFi signals that are emitted 10 times every second, t

=====NH: xref: omission of time lapse in the "Voice actuation" recording and streaming feature requested below. ======NH//

the technology senses when a collision is imminent and alerts a driver through flashing red lights and beeps.

=====NH: The first responders to the need for audio feed back arrive. The pioneers of hands free, senses free, remote control, voice control, least intrusive learning environments, outgrowing Ulysses Isle of Sirens thrill of control and response of sacrificing the miracle of your hands and eyes to primate steering wheels [thn/] and keyboards... ======NH//

In the demonstration in the parking lot near RFK Stadium, the system notified a driver when it detected another car speeding through a red light in an upcoming intersection, of several cars blocking the highway ahead, and of a car zooming up from behind.

======NH: Instead of pinning you to a spot infront of whose screen vendors wake up to the market of selling "eyes in the back of your head," for mobile, emancipated users. Still sitting, but we have a halo head

From: cityhall screenname300 Date: January 26, 2011 5:07:20 AM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Bcc: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: 1.Voice activation 2.Audio feedback for all functions & errors 4.Downloads

1. Voice Activation Record? Stream? View decibel meter. Set decibel level for threshold of a sound to be counted as an incident of sound: decibels: _ _ _ Set duration of sound to [[door]] be counted as an incident of sound: _ _ Set interval between sounds to have sounds be counted in the same incident group: hours: _ _ minutes: _ _ seconds: _ _ Set number of incidents of occurrence of sound in an incident group to start recording: _ _ [[door]] Set the [[sound]] minimum duration for a recording: minutes: _ _ seconds: _ _ Set duration of recording to continue after sound has stopped: hours: _ _ minutes: - - seconds: - - 2. Audio Alarm when show stops working? Let users set audio feedback [[dor]] preferences for all functions & errors: When show stops working do you want an audio alarm? Yes ( ) No ( ) Choose alarm sound: Set volume of alarm Set duration of alarm Do you want the alarm to sound again if your show is still not working? Yes ( ) No ( ) Set the time after the first alarm ends before the second alarm is sounded: days: _ _ hours: _ _ minutes [Thn//]: _ _. Report incident to Ustream? Yes ( ) No ( )

When you get a comment in your chat box do you want to hear an arrival tone? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want chat people to be able to leave voice recordings of their chat comments? Yes ( ) No ( ) Permit text to machine voice? Yes ( ) No ( ) Permit human voice to text in chat box? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want a reminder tone there is chat you have not yet responded to? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want micro-thumb nails of the Ustream.tv shows of chatters who choose to show a stream while chatting? Save Poll question? Save Poll results? Alert tone when poll is answered? Duration of alert tone? Harmony wizard to harmonize your alert tones? Visit Ustream.tv Poll Laboratory? Share your poll results? Place buzz weight with your chat comment, or poll response? Include audio feedback regarding buzz weight, "Likes", donations, question mark tones? Set punctuation tones: Duration of tones in text you have not yet read. [Thn] {Such a sweet sound who might want to never read that block of time. Wow. Liberated from having to read! By the unread "writing" generating such a sweet sound; xref: You [Thn] Tube chorus, and Hu Jinn Tao "harmony". Save and append audio feed back of read text? Add image and motion audio feedback? Face close up tone: Three or more people tone: Outdoor tone, and beat:

Hide video (audio only): Hide audio [Whew whew Ho!]

[You got it]

3. How do I rename a recorded video clip?

Thank you very much

W.Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. cc: rg sc md sj hard drive manufacturers Nuance Antares [thn \][thock] ne

P.S. 4.Download your own recording or any recording offered for download by any user. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #225 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (10:23 PM)

Random.org provided me with 100 two digit intergers, but I could not use them to scientifically sample the holy Qur~an at searchtruth.com yet. Normally, I take the total number of pages in my Qur~an and multiply times the two digit percentage and select a page that way. With computerized word count, the percentage could be used to select an exact word, and verse, and sura around it. The statistica 'T' [thn/] test approaches the normal distribution when you randomly sample the population 36 times. Therefore you can have a pretty good idea of what the Qur~an, or any data base, is about if you [thn/]... Since the Qur~an is like a prophet training manual, this system [thn/]...


Brother Abubkr gave me a subject index to the Qur~an. Do you have a searchable subject index yet?

Thank you for the excellent work you have done here. Would you like to do this with, or without, me: ask well.com, google buzz, and who else if they would like to pay us, or you, to upgrade their search engines to provide chronologic sorts, search result statistics of number of occurrences, relevancy [kn] and other factors such as "buzz weight", aka, the dollar value of donations made to a post by readers, and the subsequent linking of the transferable receipt for that donation to other posts, but with only one linkage permitted at a time; xref: A You tube video can be linked to only one other You tube video at a time... [Thn/]

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you?

Alshumdullilah to make your web site more perfect again?

And how is your family? I need to finish books so I can buy ads to sell them on your web site and generate revenue to you and your family.

And how is everything? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #226 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (10:24 PM) Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We will respond to your query as soon as possible, if necessary.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #227 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (02:50 AM)

Gurgling sound again in lower right side. Simply from squatting too long to do what a few days ago. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #228 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (02:54 AM)

Ah, "Thank you," correlation; xref: "You're certainly full of energy," "You are too. Thank you,"

Bismellah... "What's your idea of fun? Running with light footed grace over the sleet slick sidewalk?" Alhumdullilah / Hallelujah. The temptation to want to get involved with intimacy coaching with whom, when whom likely does not need it. [beep beep beep beep] How can we work together? and "Would you like [thn/] to say a prayer together?" were likely the next questions to ask after giving the gift of standing side by side when "you have a lot of energy"; xref: Mom's way of talking, cognitive map, and what else? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #229 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (02:54 AM)

['''thn/] Also xref: "Good to hear your voice," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #230 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (02:55 AM)

The dilemma of the two missing iPods, whoops! The dilemma of the two missing external memories was solved when who came in from enjoying the great out of doors. They were already in the vest pocket. Who figured out for the first time to let the ipod slid down into the pocket it it wanted to and the put another one on top of it the pocket is so deep. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #231 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (02:58 AM)

Two noticeable heart palipitations while sweeping slush.

Chinese role model a few news cycles ago, after mention of mosque role model re: abridged call to prayer gesture as taught to whom by whom in mosque. Strong shoulders and apron in the core muscle area which needs so much work here. Working on flanel shirts; xref: mstricies, electric blankets, campaign shirts, etc. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #232 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (02:59 AM)

So proof it's best to not furitively hunt around at surface level for what, unless it's your eye glasses you just set down... but rather to let the natural order of events lead to moving things which unearth what you cannot find. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #233 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:14 AM)

Re-thinking the global health care [thn/] supply and demand.

Savings, clothing, shelter, and food: ways people live which make us unhealthy. Expectations who has about being cared for and cured vs. taking care of ourselves as a sacred trust. And cash cow health care which views the patient and the treatment as pills, procedures and visits more than exercise, diet, change of habits, social network, prayer thoughts built up over a life time which return whom to ekg patterns which bind, and what else?

Natural failures due to job, stress, accidents, thinking about something other than what you are doing, lack of a healthy intimacy (formerly known as 'sex') life, toxic environments, [thn /] xref: your tail [crhn | ] pipes USCP, and isolated individuals, and families, who have an impersonal relationship with the health care community...

Therefore PTA meetings should invite pediatricians to attend and chat with parents before and after, and even stand up and say what.

Surgeon general's warning need to teach a consciousness about addiction, 'cycles', breaking the cycle, radiation levels, prenatal care, and offer stress reduction via certified, unionized intimacy coaches with scientific method consent forms including significant others, and checks and balances.

Polls to ascertain to what degree people read food labels, or know their nutrition intakes, deficits, and surpluses.

The word 'obese' might frighten some into taking better care of themselves, but in this world of mental performance, diagnostic words like, "You can't do even five push ups, and at your age, and with your history of active life style (what sports did you play? is not a standard medical question yet) you should be able to do 15 push ups. You can't do even one pull up. You should be able to do three. Your weight will come under control if you make yourself able to meet these minimum physical standards. I want to see you in two months and I expect you to be able to do perform these exercises the number of times indicated on the chart. Here are your prescriptions for blood pressure medicine, and antibiotics [back up beeps], but you've got to clean your room up to escape the bacteria, or you'll simply get reinfected, most likely.


Are you still walking to the store? ]beep beep beep.] You sister stopped calling? I'm sorry to hear that. I want you to call my nurses once a week and talk with them for four or five minutes about your situation. Can you lift your frying pan still? [beep beep] Gardening season is coming up, are you going to particpate in the community garden this year? Here are your prescriptions for gall bladder and and your high blood pressure. How does next month look for you on Tuesday the... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #234 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:16 AM)

"You're going to have what they call an oatmeal complexion,' "You can't leave it in the can when you put it in the refrigerator because of the metal, you need to put it in a plastic container,"

"You've got to brush your teeth,"

"Wudu massages your gums and keeps them healthy,"

"Become your family health guide..." HEW web site... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #235 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (08:39 AM)

Ustream recommendations part 2 Inbox X Reply cityhall screenname300 to me show details 7:27 AM (17 minutes ago) 1.Make a copy to your local drive? Yes ( ) No ( ) 2.Time lapse? Yes ( ) No ( ) Interval between time lapse: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes: __ __ Duration of recorded segment: hours: __ __ minutes:__ __ Audio tone before time lapse: Yes ( ) Set time before remembering begins to sound tone: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes [thn//]: __ __ {ref: last time fields were being set 'minutes' was followed by a '[thn/]' after the time frame of days was first broached in the prior field. Set time AFTER external remembering has occurred to sound tone: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes: __ __ 3.Schedule play backs Yes ( ) Invitation tone to watch playback? (Yes) 4.Randomly sample this video? Number of samples: Duration of samples Record this sample group? 5.Randomly sample this channel? Number of samples? Duration of samples Record this sample group? 6.Randomly sample the following channels: Add another channel? 7.Randomly sample all UStream public channels participating in 'random access' 8.What else? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #236 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (08:41 AM)

Talking cars; xref: Talking heads performed by a band named "The cars" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #237 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (08:43 AM) mac mini has gotten very sluggish, even upon shut down, and completely fresh start [door]

Click of cursor took two times to get the link [door] to open. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #238 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (08:58 AM)

In the absence of such a requirement, the first challenge may be overcoming a basic chicken-and-egg problem. If other people don't buy the systems, they will be nearly useless. In that case, persuading the first consumers to purchase the technology may be difficult.

======NH: "The American way is [sound] to give the benefit of the dout to the citizen. "Who could easily design a device which would permit police officers to disable any car by remote control, but," [door] Dad explained, "We don't do that because it's not the American way," As much as we love police officers who fulfill the Confucian ideal - "When the true principle of the Great Philosophy is working, the wise people will live on the street and no door will need be locked," - we still intentionally hold certain rights from police officers such as initiating social conversations with us without first asking permission to interrupt us, or taking our picutre with their private cell phone and putting it on you tube without our permission, whereas a civilian can initiate a social conversation with us without asking permission, [door]... So, to the degree this technology will make your vehicle 'trackable', and then next stoppable, by police becomes a Constitutional issue. [door] Likely the higher insurance rates for NOT having the device will persuade most drivers to go with it. What will the actuarial tables show? Would it be better to go after drunk drivers? What do you think, Mrs. [Thn/] [Rhn Rhn.] McCain? Or should driver's education school be made mandatory? xref: Vermont DMV and up to 50% off the purchase price of marijuana if you pass the voluntary oral, written, and practical exam regarding marijuana. Do auto insurance companies offer lower rates to drivers who have driver's ed certificate? [kn/] For renewing [sound]

Meanwhile here's part two of being live on the internet. [thn/] In some ways this acts as a D.E.W. for who wants to avoid you.

Ustream recommendations part 2 Inbox X Reply cityhall screenname300 to me show details 7:27 AM (33 minutes ago) 1.Make a copy to your local drive? Yes ( ) No ( ) 2.Time lapse? Yes ( ) No ( ) Interval between time lapse: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes: __ __ Duration of recorded segment: hours: __ __ minutes:__ __ Audio tone before time lapse: Yes ( ) Set time before remembering begins to sound tone: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes [thn//]: __ __ {ref: last time fields were being set 'minutes' was followed by a '[thn/]' after the time frame of days was first broached in the prior field. Set time AFTER external remembering has occurred to sound tone: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes: __ __ 3.Schedule play backs Yes ( ) Invitation tone to watch playback? (Yes) 4.Randomly sample this video? Number of samples: Duration of samples Record this sample group? 5.Randomly sample this channel? Number of samples? Duration of samples Record this sample group? 6.Randomly sample the following channels: Add another channel? 7.Randomly sample all UStream public channels participating in 'random access' 8.What else? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #239 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (09:00 AM)

Cisco, your link is broken to your investor relations page volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #240 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (09:25 AM)

Add addressees from this email to your address contact list? Automatically at all times by default? Icon by the to:, cc:, and bcc:, fields? Triple click on any email address in those fields and that address will be added to your address book which will ask your for a group to put it in? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #241 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (10:02 AM)

Does anybody know anybody who might want to work with somebody regarding actually bringing the internet up to grade as per the following comments on your "Talking cars" article, Peter?

Do you have time to take a seat on a board of directors? It's important to show I can make my prayers AND earn a living both. And how are you?

Thanks for your timely article [sound] [crk |]

Your Comments On... 'Talking' cars may someday warn of crashes and save lives A new crash warning system that allows vehicles to "talk" to each other more than 900 feet away was demonstrated for federal officials Tuesday, marking a significant step in efforts by the government and automakers to put advanced communications technology in cars. - By Peter Whoriskey

Comments randomsample wrote: peauxsucent888 wrote: Will it say something like: "Watch out, dumbazz!!!"? 1/26/2011 12:11:43 PM

[''''''''''thn/]======Null Hypothesis: xref: "Down load ring tones?" Or, "[kn/] Record your own greeting/warning/alert tone?" Or, "Antares fun voices for you to use, or make; xref: Town.Hall.0002.Biometric.Voice.Mask.[kn] | [email protected] ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: After all, you might not have your earphones on, and would you want who to be able to find your for the rest of your life simply because [crk | ] ...who had recorded your natural biometric voice print once? ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:49:00 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: AlibiFarmer wrote: Unless the systems are talking to each other and exchanging information about what they intend to do next, the system will be useless. If a car has its blinkers on, then that's a totally different situation from one not getting ready to turn, for example. 1/26/2011 12:11:53 PM Recommend (0)

======Null Hypothesis: Likewise for driving the internet. So Ustream.tv, Buzz, Twitter, etc. sampling systems would need to randomly sample and statistically test both your, and others, information flow, and your "Prediction window" like gmail side bar ads would be making recommendations, if not actually opening windows and playing videos, like "Pandora [kn/]" the English site which says, "If you liked the song you just listened to, you might like the following music," Apple snatched that up as soon as who mentioned it in one retail store visit. [Whu]. "I am but a warner" [door] ======Null Hypothesis// From: cityhall screenname300 Date: January 26, 2011 9:32:01 PM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Bcc: Subject: Re: 1.Voice activation 2.Audio feedback for all functions & errors 4.Downloads

Dear Ustream:

Here is part two of my recommendations for your success and mine over the longest possible time frame long after those who try to live from the profits of barriers to entry have fallen, and "the meek have inherited the earth" (Jesus Christ); xref: "ideena s-siratal mustaqueem - show us thy straight way - the messiah self repair soft, and hard, ware dance and song book thread woven throughout the fabric of all creation,"... ======Null Hypothesis//

======Null Hypothesis: To make a contribution to me please visit http://www.TAWBS.com Or ...no time to look it up right now. [oven door] ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:42:00 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

Ex-Fed wrote: And it will take HOW many years before enough vehicles have the system for it to be useful? Ten? Twenty? And it only works for 100 cars within a 1000 foot radius? Think about that when you're sitting in your parking lot this afternoon when the Federal Government lets everyone out early. How many cars will you be stuck in? 1/26/2011 12:40:21 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: #239 of 239: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (09:00 AM)

Cisco, your link is broken to your investor relations page ======Null Hypothesis// fakedude1 wrote: Unintended consequence: drivers will rely on this technology to keep them out of trouble and feel that they can pay even less attention to their driving. In any case, how about giving pedestrians and bicyclists access to the devices as well? 1/26/2011 12:40:44 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

======NH: "My insurance rates are going to go up if I don't pass this driver's ed course," "Email me your accident prevention log [Beep beep beep beep beep.]," ======Null [Thn/] {'Null' = 'no', or 'void', so, Not, the American way, hunh?} Hypothesis//

======NH: What do actuarial tables show about accident rates of driver's ed graduates? Does it differ when High School driver's ed classes are controlled for? Do any insurance companies offer discounts for renewing your driver's ed courses? See prior post. ======NH// gkiltz wrote: Don't know about you, but I don't need anything more nagging me about how I drive. 1/26/2011 7:28:49 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

======NH: Listen to my public Buzz tone (s). Get an instant idea of who I am. What kinds of harmonies does your public Buzz tone have?

[Thn/] "I don't need..."; xref: the 100% independence of God and the 50% independence of the messiah frequency.

"anything,"; xref: 'nothing' and fresh restarts. more

Don't know about you, but I don't need anything more

======NH: xref: [kn | ] "I don't need anything more than this," ======Null Hypothesis// nagging me about how I drive.

======NH: xref: "Bet my money on the bob tail nag, somebody [^] bet on the bay," xref: Ebay Buzz Weight Auctions.

Also xref: Amazon.com books, "About How I drive,"; xref: A "Bout' [crk | ]; xref: boxing. How; xref: "General Howe surrendered to General Washington," "I drive"; xref: "Limited Partnerships" have a "General Partner" who makes the decisions, and "Limited Partners" who supply the money, ideas, and other tasks, but who have no decision making authority (passengers). Sure, I'm willing to explore forming a limited partnership with you who - for the purpose [kn/] of pursuing the ideas set forth in these two Ustream.tv suggestions. You be the general partner. The books are open to the Limited partners, and the general partner can be changed by a vote of partners who have contributed [thn/] 51%, or more, of the value of the partnership. Or should it be 66%? Sweat equity and innovation valued prior to admittance into the partnership. ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:18:19 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

AlibiFarmer wrote: Unless the systems are talking to each other and exchanging information about what they intend to do next, the system will be useless. If a car has its blinkers on, then that's a totally different situation from one not getting ready to turn, for example. 1/26/2011 12:11:53 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy peauxsucent888 wrote: Will it say something like: "Watch out, dumbazz!!!"? 1/26/2011 12:11:43 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: In the absence of such a requirement, the first challenge may be overcoming a basic chicken-and-egg problem. If other people don't buy the systems, they will be nearly useless. In that case, persuading the first consumers to purchase the technology may be difficult.

======NH: "The American way is [sound] to give the benefit of the dout to the citizen. "Who could easily design a device which would permit police officers to disable any car by remote control, but," [door] Dad explained, "We don't do that because it's not the American way," As much as we love police officers who fulfill the Confucian ideal - "When the true principle of the Great Philosophy is working, the wise people will live on the street and no door will need be locked," - we still intentionally hold certain rights from police officers such as initiating social conversations with us without first asking permission to interrupt us, or taking our picutre with their private cell phone and putting it on you tube without our permission, whereas a civilian can initiate a social conversation with us without asking permission, [door]... So, to the degree this technology will make your vehicle 'trackable', and then next stoppable, by police becomes a Constitutional issue. [door] Likely the higher insurance rates for NOT having the device will persuade most drivers to go with it. What will the actuarial tables show? Would it be better to go after drunk drivers? What do you think, Mrs. [Thn/] [Rhn Rhn.] McCain? Or should driver's education school be made mandatory? xref: Vermont DMV and up to 50% off the purchase price of marijuana if you pass the voluntary oral, written, and practical exam regarding marijuana. Do auto insurance companies offer lower rates to drivers who have driver's ed certificate? [kn/] For renewing [sound]

Meanwhile here's part two of being live on the internet. [thn/] In some ways this acts as a D.E.W. for who wants to avoid you.

Ustream recommendations part 2 Inbox X Reply cityhall screenname300 to me show details 7:27 AM (33 minutes ago) 1.Make a copy to your local drive? Yes ( ) No ( ) 2.Time lapse? Yes ( ) No ( ) Interval between time lapse: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes: __ __ Duration of recorded segment: hours: __ __ minutes:__ __ Audio tone before time lapse: Yes ( ) Set time before remembering begins to sound tone: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes [thn//]: __ __ {ref: last time fields were being set 'minutes' was followed by a '[thn/]' after the time frame of days was first broached in the prior field. Set time AFTER external remembering has occurred to sound tone: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes: __ __ 3.Schedule play backs Yes ( ) Invitation tone to watch playback? (Yes) 4.Randomly sample this video? Number of samples: Duration of samples Record this sample group? 5.Randomly sample this channel? Number of samples? Duration of samples Record this sample group? 6.Randomly sample the following channels: Add another channel? 7.Randomly sample all UStream public channels participating in 'random access' 8.What else? 1/26/2011 11:56:37 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

Starkville wrote: So do we have a new potential basis for liability against the manufacturer? I better get my tort shoes on. Lol. 1/26/2011 11:05:17 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy vmax02rider wrote: As with most adverse condition predictors, false alarms will render the system useless. Given the driving habits of a significant percentage of drivers, the system will be constantly detecting possible collisions on a typical urban/suburban highway. The system might be useful if driving habits changed drastically, but that alone would prevent far more collisions than a warning system, and it hasn't happened yet. 1/26/2011 10:36:07 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ixam wrote: Just disgusting. The potential abusive uses of the information by advertisers, insurance companies; not to mention government....spit out the Kool-Aid, WaPo! 1/26/2011 10:24:53 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

Geezer4 wrote: Shades of Mrs Bucket 1/26/2011 8:57:22 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy joeblotnik49 wrote: And frogs may fly thru the air with the greatest of ease too!! And rock could become the next 'in' food, you could win a million dollars, and the WP MIGHT become a serious, fair newspaper!! 1/26/2011 8:03:16 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy gkiltz wrote: Don't know about you, but I don't need anything more nagging me about how I drive. 1/26/2011 7:28:49 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy fakedude1 wrote: Unintended consequence: drivers will rely on this technology to keep them out of trouble and feel that they can pay even less attention to their driving. In any case, how about giving pedestrians and bicyclists access to the devices as well? 1/26/2011 12:40:44 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: 'Talking' cars may someday save lives

Peter Whoriskey

======NH: Perfect concise summary of the audio feedback who has been asking for here, who. ======NH//

By Peter Whoriskey Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, January 25, 2011; 8:01 PM A new crash warning system that allows vehicles to "talk" to each other more than 900 feet away was demonstrated for federal officials Tuesday, marking a significant step in efforts by the government and automakers to put advanced communications technology in cars.

======NH: Distant early warning trend prediction for [kn/] computer usage patterns, social networking, and what else/ ======NH//

Using specialized WiFi signals that are emitted 10 times every second, t

=====NH: xref: omission of time lapse in the "Voice actuation" recording and streaming feature requested below. ======NH// the technology senses when a collision is imminent and alerts a driver through flashing red lights and beeps.

=====NH: The first responders to the need for audio feed back arrive. The pioneers of hands free, senses free, remote control, voice control, least intrusive learning environments, outgrowing Ulysses Isle of Sirens thrill of control and response of sacrificing the miracle of your hands and eyes to primate steering wheels [thn/] and keyboards... ======NH//

In the demonstration in the parking lot near RFK Stadium, the system notified a driver when it detected another car speeding through a red light in an upcoming intersection, of several cars blocking the highway ahead, and of a car zooming up from behind.

======NH: Instead of pinning you to a spot infront of whose screen vendors wake up to the market of selling "eyes in the back of your head," for mobile, emancipated users. Still sitting, but we have a halo head

From: cityhall screenname300 Date: January 26, 2011 5:07:20 AM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Bcc: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: 1.Voice activation 2.Audio feedback for all functions & errors 4.Downloads

1. Voice Activation Record? Stream? View decibel meter. Set decibel level for threshold of a sound to be counted as an incident of sound: decibels: _ _ _ Set duration of sound to [[door]] be counted as an incident of sound: _ _ Set interval between sounds to have sounds be counted in the same incident group: hours: _ _ minutes: _ _ seconds: _ _ Set number of incidents of occurrence of sound in an incident group to start recording: _ _ [[door]] Set the [[sound]] minimum duration for a recording: minutes: _ _ seconds: _ _ Set duration of recording to continue after sound has stopped: hours: _ _ minutes: - - seconds: - - 2. Audio Alarm when show stops working? Let users set audio feedback [[dor]] preferences for all functions & errors: When show stops working do you want an audio alarm? Yes ( ) No ( ) Choose alarm sound: Set volume of alarm Set duration of alarm Do you want the alarm to sound again if your show is still not working? Yes ( ) No ( ) Set the time after the first alarm ends before the second alarm is sounded: days: _ _ hours: _ _ minutes [Thn//]: _ _. Report incident to Ustream? Yes ( ) No ( )

When you get a comment in your chat box do you want to hear an arrival tone? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want chat people to be able to leave voice recordings of their chat comments? Yes ( ) No ( ) Permit text to machine voice? Yes ( ) No ( ) Permit human voice to text in chat box? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want a reminder tone there is chat you have not yet responded to? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want micro-thumb nails of the Ustream.tv shows of chatters who choose to show a stream while chatting? Save Poll question? Save Poll results? Alert tone when poll is answered? Duration of alert tone? Harmony wizard to harmonize your alert tones? Visit Ustream.tv Poll Laboratory? Share your poll results? Place buzz weight with your chat comment, or poll response? Include audio feedback regarding buzz weight, "Likes", donations, question mark tones? Set punctuation tones: Duration of tones in text you have not yet read. [Thn] {Such a sweet sound who might want to never read that block of time. Wow. Liberated from having to read! By the unread "writing" generating such a sweet sound; xref: You [Thn] Tube chorus, and Hu Jinn Tao "harmony". Save and append audio feed back of read text? Add image and motion audio feedback? Face close up tone: Three or more people tone: Outdoor tone, and beat:

Hide video (audio only): Hide audio [Whew whew Ho!]

[You got it]

3. How do I rename a recorded video clip?

Thank you very much

W.Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. cc: rg sc md sj hard drive manufacturers Nuance Antares [thn \][thock] ne

P.S. 4.Download your own recording or any recording offered for download by any user. 1/26/2011 12:06:38 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #242 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (10:17 AM)

Cached Links Google takes a snapshot of each page examined as it crawls the web and caches these as a back-up in case the original page is unavailable. If you click on the "Cached" link, you will see the web page as it looked when we indexed it. The cached content is the content Google uses to judge whether this page is a relevant match for your query.

When the cached page is displayed, it will have a header at the top which serves as a reminder that this is not necessarily the most recent version of the page. Terms that match your query are highlighted on the cached version to make it easier for you to see why your page is relevant.

The "Cached" link will be missing for sites that have not been indexed, as well as for sites whose owners have requested we not cache their content. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #243 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (11:14 AM)

Got away from the second helping and let it cool [Thn thn thn thn thn]. First prayers since getting up with water wudu. Heart being close to stiffening up from sweeping snow last nght, so urgent to make salat upon wake up. Did alternate hand press on solid object and wipe the face and forearms. During this prayer thought of how 'La', 'Ah', and 'Ha' are related: the 'L' of the door in 'Lah', the Ramadan of unsculptured sound in the throat in 'Ag', and the reversal of the two letters 'Ha' moves the sound up into the nasal cavity; 'ha' [''''thn]... xref: recent post, or prayer, or both yet? re: 'ah- ha' meaning small gods, whereas 'Ahl-lah' refers to the one God. That was in one of the two good prayers last night. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #244 of 671: Joel Bremson (jb) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (12:46 PM)

I'm in DC. It's cold. How are you doing? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #245 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:01 PM) the Lacie, rugged, external hard drives are successfully sleeping. Alhumdullilah / [thn//] Hallelujah. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #246 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:02 PM)

One embedded video opens in the browser page. The second one opened opened in a separate window, is it because it is the second one opened, or is it because it is a screen grab, or is it due to yet another cause? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #247 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:17 PM)

236. P. E. Graham Eureka, Ca January 26th, 2011 4:38 pm Ally or not, there is no excuse for this crackdown, period.

======Null Hypothesis: Perfect initiation of generation coming of age. The old guard has been in power so long, the entire organization structure is old [Kn/]

Second point A "Sanctum" movie ad; xref: The Harvard Lampoon, opened with a who looked like a driller and featured the word 'Titanic' in the trailer; xref: your mention of a Pennsylvania driler lat night, Barack. Also xref: who se long standing request to apply oil exploration techniques to drilling "test bores" into our government organizational structure [kn/] to look for managerial compet [sound (ext.)]... http://web.me.com/welcome.perfect/Self_starter/ Interactive_Sight_%26_Sound.html

Should public government offices be streamed live? ======Nulkl HYpothesis//

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #248 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:31 PM)

"It's incredibly nasty," said VDOT spokesman Joan Morris. "It's going to be a long, painful rush hour. The rain overnight washed away a lot of the pre-treating we'd done, so motorists have to realize that we're stuck in the same traffic they are." volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #249 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:32 PM)

"It's incredibly nasty," said VDOT spokesman Joan Morris. "It's going to be a long, painful rush hour. The rain overnight washed away a lot of the pre-treating we'd done, so motorists have to realize that we're stuck in the same traffic they are." volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #250 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:32 PM)

"It's incredibly nasty," said VDOT spokesman Joan Morris.

======NH: xref: "I take tea at 3," xref: Scheduling. "Don't you know there's a place for you - in between the sheets,"; xref: Ramdan homogeneity like unto a sheet, while Hajj heterogeneity is like the 'in between' [thock]; xref: Balance Sheets (unified wholes) and Income statements (moving streams). Also xref: sheets of d-LSD-25 sold by fans of the "Rolling Stones" and other Woodstock [sound]... [[whap thwap, whap, ...]] Also xref: nodding off to sleep here. ======Null Hypothesis//

"It's going to be a long, painful rush hour.

======Null Hypothesis: xref: "It's going to be a long hot summer, It's going to be a long hot summer... long hot summer of love," xref: Watts Riots response by JHH; xref: who so pure in logic who did not realize 'long' correlation with whose last name.

Also xref: "Expressway to Your Heart" pop song circa 1968 Philadelphia area. ======Null Hypothesis// ======NH//

The rain overnight washed away a lot of the pre-treating we'd done,

======NH: xref: "The rain channel" the text channel as named by "Rose is Rose" comic strip. xref: audio tones for text events coming, in sha la, God willing who hopes to hear the harmony of whose pending, linked, read, and what? [door] ======NH//

so motorists have to realize that we're stuck in the same traffic they are."

======Null Hypothesis: Would you like the world to feel that way about Article II, Barack. ======NH//

#247 of 247: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:17 PM)

236. P. E. Graham Eureka, Ca January 26th, 2011 4:38 pm Ally or not, there is no excuse for this crackdown, period.

======Null Hypothesis: Perfect initiation of generation coming of age. The old guard has been in power so long, the entire organization structure is old [Kn/]

Second point A "Sanctum" movie ad; xref: The Harvard Lampoon, opened with a who looked like a driller and featured the word 'Titanic' in the trailer; xref: your mention of a Pennsylvania driler lat night, Barack. Also xref: who se long standing request to apply oil exploration techniques to drilling "test bores" into our government organizational structure [kn/] to look for managerial compet [sound (ext.)]... http://web.me.com/welcome.perfect/Self_starter/ Interactive_Sight_%26_Sound.html

Should public government offices be streamed live? ======Nulkl HYpothesis//

[Rhnn. Rhnn... near by fire engine starts up at a casual pace. Some police sirens in the distance join in," =====NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #251 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:41 PM)

Hello randomsampleSign OutSubscribe Mobile Multimedia Today's Paper Going Out Guide Jobs Cars Real Estate Rentals Classifieds NEWS LOCAL POLITICS OPINIONS SPORTS Business Arts & Living

The Washington Post

washingtonpost.com > Metro Your Comments On... Barrage of rain, snow and sleet moves into Washington area Weather radar shows every color of the winter rainbow as bands of rain, sleet and snow close in on the Washington region Wednesday afternoon, sending almost everyone - including the federal government - scampering home early in the face of warnings of up to 10 inches of snow. - By Ashley Halsey III

Comments randomsample wrote: "It's incredibly nasty," said VDOT spokesman Joan Morris.

======NH: xref: "I take tea at 3," xref: Scheduling. "Don't you know there's a place for you - in between the sheets,"; xref: Ramdan homogeneity like unto a sheet, while Hajj heterogeneity is like the 'in between' [thock]; xref: Balance Sheets (unified wholes) and Income statements (moving streams). Also xref: sheets of d-LSD-25 sold by fans of the "Rolling Stones" and other Woodstock [sound]... [[whap thwap, whap, ...]] Also xref: nodding off to sleep here. ======Null Hypothesis//

"It's going to be a long, painful rush hour.

======Null Hypothesis: xref: "It's going to be a long hot summer, It's going to be a long hot summer... long hot summer of love," xref: Watts Riots response by JHH; xref: who so pure in logic who did not realize 'long' correlation with whose last name.

Also xref: "Expressway to Your Heart" pop song circa 1968 Philadelphia area. ======Null Hypothesis// ======NH//

The rain overnight washed away a lot of the pre-treating we'd done,

======NH: xref: "The rain channel" the text channel as named by "Rose is Rose" comic strip. xref: audio tones for text events coming, in sha la, God willing who hopes to hear the harmony of whose pending, linked, read, and what? [door] ======NH// so motorists have to realize that we're stuck in the same traffic they are."

======Null Hypothesis: Would you like the world to feel that way about Article II, Barack. ======NH//

#247 of 247: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:17 PM)

236. P. E. Graham Eureka, Ca January 26th, 2011 4:38 pm Ally or not, there is no excuse for this crackdown, period.

======Null Hypothesis: Perfect initiation of generation coming of age. The old guard has been in power so long, the entire organization structure is old [Kn/]

Second point A "Sanctum" movie ad; xref: The Harvard Lampoon, opened with a who looked like a driller and featured the word 'Titanic' in the trailer; xref: your mention of a Pennsylvania driler lat night, Barack. Also xref: who se long standing request to apply oil exploration techniques to drilling "test bores" into our government organizational structure [kn/] to look for managerial compet [sound (ext.)]... http://web.me.com/welcome.perfect/Self_starter/ Interactive_Sight_%26_Sound.html

Should public government offices be streamed live? ======Nulkl HYpothesis//

[Rhnn. Rhnn... near by fire engine starts up at a casual pace. Some police sirens in the distance join in," =====NH// 1/26/2011 6:32:49 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy dcmotor wrote: Thundersnow is good for the grass, it adds nitrogen. 1/26/2011 6:31:04 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy geo82170 wrote: Global Warming Update.

Snow likely from Mississippi to Maine. 1/26/2011 6:19:40 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy phvr38 wrote: I blame Al Gore and Global Warming. 1/26/2011 6:12:23 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ContinentalOp wrote: The angry nitwits are certain to swarm around this one. One more proof that climate change is a hoax. 1/26/2011 5:59:49 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Whazzis wrote: The orange line was down, and then the commute from Ballston was bumper to bumper with rear-wheel drive cars skidding and making it worse for everyone. Lots of people were making U-turns to find a road with less gridlock. 1/26/2011 5:49:03 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy TexLex wrote:

As a 25-year McLean resident now comfortably situated in San Antonio where it's 61 degrees, I can say that, the many charms of the DC area notwithstanding, I'd rather be here than there. 1/26/2011 5:47:00 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Your washingtonpost.com User ID, randomsample, will be displayed with your comment.

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FROM: W. Hale, aka, hag Mohammed A. Omar TO: Mac OS team RE: A learning curve analysis widget and software market estimated at 0.01% of global expenditures on education is proposed. "Nobody ever learns" Null Hypothesis. The ability to append a caption to the default generated date:time file name for screen grab is requested, and secondly, a time-lapse date:time insert choice is requested along with a drop down menu choice, or shift, command, 5 is requested to insert a date time anchor DATE: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:26/27:00:11:75*

ATTACHMENT: Subject: Automating coordination of sampling, responding, and seeking responses cc: Omar's Loop (xref: Ken Kesey) blind cc:

Dear Mac OS group:

Thank you for you good work to date. I will try to prioritize my yearnings {scheduling thoughts. leave it at 'yearnings'} [Thn/].


W. Hale, aka, hag Mohammed A. Omar, aka "Shut up!" "It's a revolutionary move meant, I'll try to move,"


Current Mac OS Screen Grab DATE:TIME FORMAT:

Screen shot 2011-01-27 at 8.46.41 AM

This has made it easy to scroll through the finder window and find my screen grabs. Thank you very much.



Screen shot 2011-01-27 at 8.46.41 AM Donald Duck in distance behind a Rooster; xref: "If you see me getting smaller I'm leaving," Waylon Jennings; ref: getting up on time to campaign in Nashville.

CHRONOLOGY OF REQUEST: Please add the choice to type a caption to append to the end of the default file name generated by the screen grab commands: Shift command 4, Shift command 3 screen grab. If you do not want to use the choice [^ ^] offered please offer the option to double tap / click and the work flow process will proceed on default mode with only the date: time title

Example: Shift, command, 3 - Olympia snow, Cancer, End of terror alerts; ref: "We'll elect you when it's all green" Double click the same position the cursor was in at the end of the Shift, command, 3 or Shift, command 4 position, or have the entire screen be the target for the double click.

Summary: After a screen grab the screen looks exactly the same as normal (easy on the eyes regarding tint, etc unless you want to give the user the CHOICE of tint, etc. "Leave screen normal" is easiest on sensitive eyes… So after the screen grab command - caption box appears. Enter a caption, or not, to append to the default date:time screen name. Then double click and the caption bos, er, box., with, or without a caption in it disappears.

Make the appended caption information like a photo tag on Facebook; ref: faces.


Whatever generates THE DATE: TIME DEFAULT FILE NAME FOR SCREEN GRAB should be adapted to permit us to place a date time stamp in any file at any time via a simple command.

For example by tapping with two fingers, or using option mouse, the drop down menu should offer: Insert date:time.

CONCLUSION: Null Hypothesis: The cost of adding "insert date:time" to the drop down menu, and / or shift/command/5, is far greater than the benefit to make possible Mac user generated scientific analysis of "learning curves". The ability to embed date:time anchors in files will in no way increase sales of Apple Computers for class room use, nor motivate Apple Users to earn better grades, nor make better partnerships, nor more successfully accomplish what they want to accomplish with their apple tools. App developers would have no interest in the market for learning curve analysis software and widgets created by this feature. There would be no sense to offer "time lapse" date:time insert. There would be no sense to offer date:time insert choices like "hide date:time" "show date:time", or "choose a date:time icon", or "upload image for date:time icon" Nor would Buzz be at all interested in adding date:time anchors with more detail than the current clock time on the posts which reverts to only a date after 24 hours. There would be no benefit to social learning curves to want to offer the feature either.

The history of "Time-motion studies"; ref: whose book: *Cheaper by the Dozen"

{{"Select all" in drop down menu for text edit and other applications besides form boxes would be nice}}


From: cityhall screenname300 Subject: Automating coordination of sampling, responding, and seeking responses Date: January 27, 2011 12:59:59 AM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Bcc:

From: W.[thn//] Hale [email protected] 202-465-0067 To: IS RE: Management of calls via sampling and tones

?>*:\ ...//2011-01-26/27:00:09:60*

Dear Inova Solutions:

Would you like to do the following with, or without me? I'm willing to partner, consult, or sell ideas. cc: of email sent to washington post reporter Reply Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security to welcome.perfect show details 11:33 PM (2 minutes ago) Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public Does anybody know anybody who might want to work with somebody regarding actually bringing the internet up to grade as per the following comments on your "Talking cars" article, Peter?

Do you have time to take a seat on a board of directors? It's important to show I can make my prayers AND earn a living both. And how are you?

Thanks for your timely article [sound] [crk |]

Your Comments On... 'Talking' cars may someday warn of crashes and save lives A new crash warning system that allows vehicles to "talk" to each other more than 900 feet away was demonstrated for federal officials Tuesday, marking a significant step in efforts by the government and automakers to put advanced communications technology in cars. - By Peter Whoriskey

Comments randomsample wrote: peauxsucent888 wrote: Will it say something like: "Watch out, dumbazz!!!"? 1/26/2011 12:11:43 PM

[''''''''''thn/]======Null Hypothesis: xref: "Down load ring tones?" Or, "[kn/] Record your own greeting/warning/alert tone?" Or, "Antares fun voices for you to use, or make; xref: Town.Hall.0002.Biometric.Voice.Mask.[kn] | [email protected] ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: After all, you might not have your earphones on, and would you want who to be able to find your for the rest of your life simply because [crk | ] ...who had recorded your natural biometric voice print once? ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:49:00 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: AlibiFarmer wrote: Unless the systems are talking to each other and exchanging information about what they intend to do next, the system will be useless. If a car has its blinkers on, then that's a totally different situation from one not getting ready to turn, for example. 1/26/2011 12:11:53 PM Recommend (0)

======Null Hypothesis: Likewise for driving the internet. So Ustream.tv, Buzz, Twitter, etc. sampling systems would need to randomly sample and statistically test both your, and others, information flow, and your "Prediction window" like gmail side bar ads would be making recommendations, if not actually opening windows and playing videos, like "Pandora [kn/]" the English site which says, "If you liked the song you just listened to, you might like the following music," Apple snatched that up as soon as who mentioned it in one retail store visit. [Whu]. "I am but a warner" [door] ======Null Hypothesis//

From: cityhall screenname300 Date: January 26, 2011 9:32:01 PM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Bcc: Subject: Re: 1.Voice activation 2.Audio feedback for all functions & errors 4.Downloads

Dear Ustream:

Here is part two of my recommendations for your success and mine over the longest possible time frame long after those who try to live from the profits of barriers to entry have fallen, and "the meek have inherited the earth" (Jesus Christ); xref: "ideena s-siratal mustaqueem - show us thy straight way - the messiah self repair soft, and hard, ware dance and song book thread woven throughout the fabric of all creation,"... ======Null Hypothesis//

======Null Hypothesis: To make a contribution to me please visit http://www.TAWBS.com Or ...no time to look it up right now. [oven door] ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:42:00 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Ex-Fed wrote: And it will take HOW many years before enough vehicles have the system for it to be useful? Ten? Twenty? And it only works for 100 cars within a 1000 foot radius? Think about that when you're sitting in your parking lot this afternoon when the Federal Government lets everyone out early. How many cars will you be stuck in? 1/26/2011 12:40:21 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: #239 of 239: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (09:00 AM)

Cisco, your link is broken to your investor relations page ======Null Hypothesis// fakedude1 wrote: Unintended consequence: drivers will rely on this technology to keep them out of trouble and feel that they can pay even less attention to their driving. In any case, how about giving pedestrians and bicyclists access to the devices as well? 1/26/2011 12:40:44 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

======NH: "My insurance rates are going to go up if I don't pass this driver's ed course," "Email me your accident prevention log [Beep beep beep beep beep.]," ======Null [Thn/] {'Null' = 'no', or 'void', so, Not, the American way, hunh?} Hypothesis// ======NH: What do actuarial tables show about accident rates of driver's ed graduates? Does it differ when High School driver's ed classes are controlled for? Do any insurance companies offer discounts for renewing your driver's ed courses? See prior post. ======NH// gkiltz wrote: Don't know about you, but I don't need anything more nagging me about how I drive. 1/26/2011 7:28:49 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

======NH: Listen to my public Buzz tone (s). Get an instant idea of who I am. What kinds of harmonies does your public Buzz tone have?

[Thn/] "I don't need..."; xref: the 100% independence of God and the 50% independence of the messiah frequency.

"anything,"; xref: 'nothing' and fresh restarts. more

Don't know about you, but I don't need anything more

======NH: xref: [kn | ] "I don't need anything more than this," ======Null Hypothesis// nagging me about how I drive.

======NH: xref: "Bet my money on the bob tail nag, somebody [^] bet on the bay," xref: Ebay Buzz Weight Auctions.

Also xref: Amazon.com books, "About How I drive,"; xref: A "Bout' [crk | ]; xref: boxing. How; xref: "General Howe surrendered to General Washington," "I drive"; xref: "Limited Partnerships" have a "General Partner" who makes the decisions, and "Limited Partners" who supply the money, ideas, and other tasks, but who have no decision making authority (passengers). Sure, I'm willing to explore forming a limited partnership with you who - for the purpose [kn/] of pursuing the ideas set forth in these two Ustream.tv suggestions. You be the general partner. The books are open to the Limited partners, and the general partner can be changed by a vote of partners who have contributed [thn/] 51%, or more, of the value of the partnership. Or should it be 66%? Sweat equity and innovation valued prior to admittance into the partnership. ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:18:19 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

AlibiFarmer wrote: Unless the systems are talking to each other and exchanging information about what they intend to do next, the system will be useless. If a car has its blinkers on, then that's a totally different situation from one not getting ready to turn, for example. 1/26/2011 12:11:53 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy peauxsucent888 wrote: Will it say something like: "Watch out, dumbazz!!!"? 1/26/2011 12:11:43 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: In the absence of such a requirement, the first challenge may be overcoming a basic chicken-and-egg problem. If other people don't buy the systems, they will be nearly useless. In that case, persuading the first consumers to purchase the technology may be difficult.

======NH: "The American way is [sound] to give the benefit of the dout to the citizen. "Who could easily design a device which would permit police officers to disable any car by remote control, but," [door] Dad explained, "We don't do that because it's not the American way," As much as we love police officers who fulfill the Confucian ideal - "When the true principle of the Great Philosophy is working, the wise people will live on the street and no door will need be locked," - we still intentionally hold certain rights from police officers such as initiating social conversations with us without first asking permission to interrupt us, or taking our picutre with their private cell phone and putting it on you tube without our permission, whereas a civilian can initiate a social conversation with us without asking permission, [door]... So, to the degree this technology will make your vehicle 'trackable', and then next stoppable, by police becomes a Constitutional issue. [door] Likely the higher insurance rates for NOT having the device will persuade most drivers to go with it. What will the actuarial tables show? Would it be better to go after drunk drivers? What do you think, Mrs. [Thn/] [Rhn Rhn.] McCain? Or should driver's education school be made mandatory? xref: Vermont DMV and up to 50% off the purchase price of marijuana if you pass the voluntary oral, written, and practical exam regarding marijuana. Do auto insurance companies offer lower rates to drivers who have driver's ed certificate? [kn/] For renewing [sound]

Meanwhile here's part two of being live on the internet. [thn/] In some ways this acts as a D.E.W. for who wants to avoid you.

Ustream recommendations part 2 Inbox X Reply cityhall screenname300 to me show details 7:27 AM (33 minutes ago) 1.Make a copy to your local drive? Yes ( ) No ( ) 2.Time lapse? Yes ( ) No ( ) Interval between time lapse: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes: __ __ Duration of recorded segment: hours: __ __ minutes:__ __ Audio tone before time lapse: Yes ( ) Set time before remembering begins to sound tone: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes [thn//]: __ __ {ref: last time fields were being set 'minutes' was followed by a '[thn/]' after the time frame of days was first broached in the prior field. Set time AFTER external remembering has occurred to sound tone: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes: __ __ 3.Schedule play backs Yes ( ) Invitation tone to watch playback? (Yes) 4.Randomly sample this video? Number of samples: Duration of samples Record this sample group? 5.Randomly sample this channel? Number of samples? Duration of samples Record this sample group? 6.Randomly sample the following channels: Add another channel? 7.Randomly sample all UStream public channels participating in 'random access' 8.What else? 1/26/2011 11:56:37 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

Starkville wrote: So do we have a new potential basis for liability against the manufacturer? I better get my tort shoes on. Lol. 1/26/2011 11:05:17 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy vmax02rider wrote: As with most adverse condition predictors, false alarms will render the system useless. Given the driving habits of a significant percentage of drivers, the system will be constantly detecting possible collisions on a typical urban/suburban highway. The system might be useful if driving habits changed drastically, but that alone would prevent far more collisions than a warning system, and it hasn't happened yet. 1/26/2011 10:36:07 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ixam wrote: Just disgusting. The potential abusive uses of the information by advertisers, insurance companies; not to mention government....spit out the Kool-Aid, WaPo! 1/26/2011 10:24:53 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

Geezer4 wrote: Shades of Mrs Bucket 1/26/2011 8:57:22 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy joeblotnik49 wrote: And frogs may fly thru the air with the greatest of ease too!! And rock could become the next 'in' food, you could win a million dollars, and the WP MIGHT become a serious, fair newspaper!! 1/26/2011 8:03:16 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy gkiltz wrote: Don't know about you, but I don't need anything more nagging me about how I drive. 1/26/2011 7:28:49 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy fakedude1 wrote: Unintended consequence: drivers will rely on this technology to keep them out of trouble and feel that they can pay even less attention to their driving. In any case, how about giving pedestrians and bicyclists access to the devices as well? 1/26/2011 12:40:44 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: 'Talking' cars may someday save lives

Peter Whoriskey

======NH: Perfect concise summary of the audio feedback who has been asking for here, who. ======NH//

By Peter Whoriskey Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, January 25, 2011; 8:01 PM A new crash warning system that allows vehicles to "talk" to each other more than 900 feet away was demonstrated for federal officials Tuesday, marking a significant step in efforts by the government and automakers to put advanced communications technology in cars.

======NH: Distant early warning trend prediction for [kn/] computer usage patterns, social networking, and what else/ ======NH//

Using specialized WiFi signals that are emitted 10 times every second, t

=====NH: xref: omission of time lapse in the "Voice actuation" recording and streaming feature requested below. ======NH// the technology senses when a collision is imminent and alerts a driver through flashing red lights and beeps.

=====NH: The first responders to the need for audio feed back arrive. The pioneers of hands free, senses free, remote control, voice control, least intrusive learning environments, outgrowing Ulysses Isle of Sirens thrill of control and response of sacrificing the miracle of your hands and eyes to primate steering wheels [thn/] and keyboards... ======NH//

In the demonstration in the parking lot near RFK Stadium, the system notified a driver when it detected another car speeding through a red light in an upcoming intersection, of several cars blocking the highway ahead, and of a car zooming up from behind.

======NH: Instead of pinning you to a spot infront of whose screen vendors wake up to the market of selling "eyes in the back of your head," for mobile, emancipated users. Still sitting, but we have a halo head

From: cityhall screenname300 Date: January 26, 2011 5:07:20 AM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Bcc: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: 1.Voice activation 2.Audio feedback for all functions & errors 4.Downloads

1. Voice Activation Record? Stream? View decibel meter. Set decibel level for threshold of a sound to be counted as an incident of sound: decibels: _ _ _ Set duration of sound to [[door]] be counted as an incident of sound: _ _ Set interval between sounds to have sounds be counted in the same incident group: hours: _ _ minutes: _ _ seconds: _ _ Set number of incidents of occurrence of sound in an incident group to start recording: _ _ [[door]] Set the [[sound]] minimum duration for a recording: minutes: _ _ seconds: _ _ Set duration of recording to continue after sound has stopped: hours: _ _ minutes: - - seconds: - - 2. Audio Alarm when show stops working? Let users set audio feedback [[dor]] preferences for all functions & errors: When show stops working do you want an audio alarm? Yes ( ) No ( ) Choose alarm sound: Set volume of alarm Set duration of alarm Do you want the alarm to sound again if your show is still not working? Yes ( ) No ( ) Set the time after the first alarm ends before the second alarm is sounded: days: _ _ hours: _ _ minutes [Thn//]: _ _. Report incident to Ustream? Yes ( ) No ( )

When you get a comment in your chat box do you want to hear an arrival tone? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want chat people to be able to leave voice recordings of their chat comments? Yes ( ) No ( ) Permit text to machine voice? Yes ( ) No ( ) Permit human voice to text in chat box? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want a reminder tone there is chat you have not yet responded to? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want micro-thumb nails of the Ustream.tv shows of chatters who choose to show a stream while chatting? Save Poll question? Save Poll results? Alert tone when poll is answered? Duration of alert tone? Harmony wizard to harmonize your alert tones? Visit Ustream.tv Poll Laboratory? Share your poll results? Place buzz weight with your chat comment, or poll response? Include audio feedback regarding buzz weight, "Likes", donations, question mark tones? Set punctuation tones: Duration of tones in text you have not yet read. [Thn] {Such a sweet sound who might want to never read that block of time. Wow. Liberated from having to read! By the unread "writing" generating such a sweet sound; xref: You [Thn] Tube chorus, and Hu Jinn Tao "harmony". Save and append audio feed back of read text? Add image and motion audio feedback? Face close up tone: Three or more people tone: Outdoor tone, and beat:

Hide video (audio only): Hide audio [Whew whew Ho!]

[You got it] 3. How do I rename a recorded video clip?

Thank you very much

W.Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. cc: rg sc md sj hard drive manufacturers Nuance Antares [thn \][thock] ne

P.S. 4.Download your own recording or any recording offered for download by any user. 1/26/2011 12:06:38 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Collapse this postEdit



This transmittal is archived at: PLEAS RE-TWEET before or after searching

PARTNER? GOOGLE2 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150127967413980&set=a. 1015011975662398

0.319603.209337908979 USTREAM INOVA YOUTUBE

@ Joe April October

PS. Here is a global file naming system which might be useful for social networks, Ustream, and others.

To: Sunclock http://www.worldtimezone.com/datetime.html

Please hold the shadow fixed, and move the time zones through the shadow. Would you like to apply for a patent with me for a file naming system where all files globally are named by the line of longitude at midnight at the equator? [thn/] plus the local latitude and longitude of the file IF the social network user chooses to divulge. Last year I applied for a patent to do this, but got busy. A board game, or other means would let the patent be issued despite having already applied. Are you interested? W. Hale, 202-465-0067 email: [email protected]


Iran shows a one hour difference. The nadir of the shadow looks to be where your times show 01:00. But we are not on daylight savings time now. What am I missing here? Thanks

APPPLE PROBLEM No latitude line on the time zone information under clock settings.

If you turn on airport it gives out your location [thn\] to you. Who knows what about your location is being sent to whom when it's off?


?>*:\ ...//2011-01-26/27:00:09:60* This string would need to show only ?>*:\ ...//2011-01-26-59*:42':12' The day would globally change simultaneously in the social network filing system Our prayer times are based upon the ratio of light / dark rather than what line of longitude is at the equator position. So there's another kind of time very useful for the social network filing system coordination of users in real time. Scotland has already complained abou the day changing at 10am during business hours, but it might be kind of fun once we got [thn/] used to it.





W. HALE ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:26:285*:56':43" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #253 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (10:31 PM)

Li Na Advances to Australian Open Final By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 14 minutes ago MELBOURNE, Australia — Li Na became the first Chinese player to reach a Grand Slam singles final by knocking off top-seeded Caroline Wozniacki, 3-6, 7-5, 6-3.

======NH: xrf: social networking software and learning curves. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #254 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (10:39 PM)

Protesters in Egypt Defy Ban as Government Cracks Down By KAREEM FAHIM and LIAM STACK CAIRO — Protesters marched against President Hosni Mubarak for the second straight day. In Suez, protesters set fire to a government building.

======NH: xref: recent concerns about loss of data here. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #255 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (10:39 PM) xref: multi-save command. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #256 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (04:49 AM)

Your Comments On... Getting American students to find the goal posts of success 'Federal educational policy' may be an oxymoron, but listen to Arne Duncan. - By George F. Will

Comments randomsample wrote: Lilycat11 wrote: The system ======NH: Checks and balances ======NH// worked much better before the government and unions developed a stranglehold

======NH: "What do you [kitchen sound] want to do, that who will not let you do? I wanted to go into the class room as a teacher's aid, but the defendant would not let me. Or, I wanted to custom design lesson plans at WorldMusicAndDanceInTheSchoos.com but the State of Idaho would not let it's teachers participate. Or... all solutions need to be in terms of what YOU, personally want to do that who will not let you do. Otherwise it's your own fault as far as article III is concerned [microwave oven door] ======Null Hypothesis// on it. ======NH: [[low frequency rpms]] "[Thn/ On I.T."; xref: "On Red Cent" ======Null Hypothesis// 1/27/2011 7:15:51 AM

======NH: A bill to amend the constitution of the Great State of Maine to by referendum of each fish and game district set a carrying capacity limit for habitable dwelling spaces divided by acreage. ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: A Bill to require up to 50% off retail price for people who have passed the California DMV voluntary marijuana written, oral, and practical exam from levels 1 - 15 ======Null Hypothesis// 1/27/2011 7:48:21 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy corco02az wrote: Considering that 15% of our students come from homes that don't speak the native language and another 15% grow up in a subculture that holds that "school is for chumps", I'd say we're doing about as well as can be expected.

The Federal government if anything exacerbates the first problem and it's ridiculous to think they can do anything about the second. 1/27/2011 7:44:37 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: dhgct wrote: There is nothing in the Constitution stating that the U.S. should be tops for educational achievement. Our 50 state system will leave us further behind the developed world, but that is our inheritance as an exceptional country. We are a free country - people are fee to perform or not to perform - I'd rather seen them perform - but not with my tax dollars in any case - and at the end of the day, mediocrity seems to be the popular choice. This is a cultural, not a political issue. 1/27/2011 7:26:40 AM ===[beep beep]======NH: If society means "trust networks" then this is a societal issue; xref: "Friends in low places". 'Culture' is larger than society. Society warps and [beep beep beep] with the generations. Culture filters societies as who rises, or falls [^ ^]; xref: "Time will tell just who has fell, and who's been left behind - when you go your way [crk^]] and I go mine,"======NH// 1/27/2011 7:39:12 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Supertzar wrote: dhgct wrote: There is nothing in the Constitution stating that the U.S. should be tops for educational achievement. Our 50 state system will leave us further behind the developed world, but that is our inheritance as an exceptional country. We are a free country - people are fee to perform or not to perform - I'd rather seen them perform - but not with my tax dollars in any case - and at the end of the day, mediocrity seems to be the popular choice. This is a cultural, not a political issue. 1/27/2011 7:26:40 AM Recommend (0) ------

I guess this statement sums up the Teabagger mentality. 1/27/2011 7:38:51 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: Getting American students to find the goal posts of success

======NH: xref: 'H'; xref: 'Hale'. Also xref: "the big H"; xref: heroin; xref: "On the table, not under [thn/] ======NH//

George F. Will Thursday, January 27, 2011 "Since 1995 the average mathematics score for fourth-graders jumped 11 points.

======NH: xref: successful completion of a pilgrimage. Also xref: I.I.; xref: International Islam, or better yet, The International, Interplanetary Islamic Police Training Academy (IIIPTA); xref: schools; xref: "Don't deny this police officer the right to work with us to be a productive member of society. Vote for U.S. House Bill 1746 - A bill to authorize cross training [Thn/]... Save the life of an Iraqi police officer today.

"Islam respects those who personally fulfill the duty to carry out ALL the preamble rights of the U.S. Constitution, or the Universal Declaration of individual and group rights, and the Qur~an (Recitation).

"Vote to cross train all police recruits in at least two jobs which do not in volve carrying a gun. Don't deny police officers the right to work side by side with "We the people" 33% of the time without a gun.

======EDITORIAL SAWDUST: Vote for 6 months out of every 18 =with out a gun," 6 months working side by side with "We the people", 12 months doing police work," ======SAWDUST// ======Null Hypothesis///

At this rate

======NH: What was missing in the state of the Union address? Rates of Change? And changes in the rate of change? ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: xref: "[[kn/]]Change we can believe in." ======NH// we catch up with Singapore

======NH: Aslam wa lay kum, Jack, how are you? Alhumdullilah? Hallelujah? ======Null Hypothesis// in a little over 80 years . .

======NH: xref: Physics and what else? the8 of tawaf. And the ten times of pro-forma financial statement testing. ======NH//

. assuming they don't improve."

======NH: xref: "Check your assumptions," xref: your assumption, Barack, "This is our Sputnik moment," ======Null Hypothesis//

- Norman R. Augustine,

======NH: xref: you Norm. How are [^]... xref: "Our creator, who, or why, art everywhere..." [sound] xref: "I dreamed I saw St. Augustine, alive as your are me..." xref: whose exegesis commentary style. ======Null Hypothesis// retired CEO of Lockheed Martin ======NH: xref: you, who. xref: Lockheed W.I.R.E. recent mention. Also xref: being raised by 'Romulus and Remus' in the Sabine Hills of Washington [Beep, beep, beep, beep.]... ======Null Hypothesis// 1/27/2011 7:33:35 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy dhgct wrote: There is nothing in the Constitution stating that the U.S. should be tops for educational achievement. Our 50 state system will leave us further behind the developed world, but that is our inheritance as an exceptional country. We are a free country - people are fee to perform or not to perform - I'd rather seen them perform - but not with my tax dollars in any case - and at the end of the day, mediocrity seems to be the popular choice. This is a cultural, not a political issue. 1/27/2011 7:26:40 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Lilycat11 wrote: The system worked much better before the government and unions developed a stranglehold on it. 1/27/2011 7:15:51 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy bobfbell wrote: Good for you Mr. Will in recognizing Mr. Duncan and his approach to improving educational standards.

The solutions to our declining educational performance and standards are manifold, including more parental involvment, higher standards for teachers and administrators, a commitment by all to giving our children the skills they will need in the future (e.g. more math, science and courses which teach critical thinking) and the necessary financial resources to implement a program of better schools across the nation.

But, first and foremost we must recognize while Washington can set standards the impementation and monitoring for effectiveness should be focused on the community. By expecting any centralized government to care as much about the quality of education our children are receiving is a recipe for disaster.

But, there is a problem which has not been openly discussed as part of the debate on improving education: how to encourage many states who do not see education as a priority to step up and make a commitment to their future. Far too many states are cutting back on aid to education at a time when resources, along with effective administration of same, are more critical than ever. Far too many states see short term relief ro their taxpayers as a higher priority than creating a highly educated citizenry and work force for the future. If Intel and other corporations are going to go where the smart people are, they will avoid these states because their home grown population will not have the skills necessary to compete with other entities, whether it be in the next state or across an ocean.

Secretary Duncan can serve a great purpose by continuing to remind all of us that the long term cost of shortchanging our children is long term economic decline. If politicians are truly serious about making their states and communities prosperous and better places to live in the future, education should be at the top of their priority list. Sadly, such is not the case in too many locales.

Bottom line: it is fine to recognize the necessity of making education a local responsibility but along with that comes an obligation to point out when local communities and their political leaders are, in fact, failing our children and their futures. 1/27/2011 7:08:54 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy robert158 wrote: The nation’s public education standing will improve when failed classroom teachers and public education pretenders like former DC Public Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee are not viewed as public education leaders and placed in positions of authority.

Ms. Rhee was reckless, divisive, and unqualified. Ms. Rhee was a failure and a disappointment. The news media needs to stop glorifying Ms. Rhee as a successful public education reformer.

Robert Vinson Brannum [email protected] 1/27/2011 7:07:21 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy theFieldMarshall wrote: Thanks, creationists, who demand we preach, I mean teach, "intelligent design" in our classrooms. 1/27/2011 7:02:27 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy armyofone wrote: Americans have NEVER pushed their children as hard as Asians push theirs, except for a few obsessive people in the upper-middle class who push their children through private high schools. The problem is not the average student; the problem is with the so-called "underclass". Can we please focus on their performance without pushing suburban kids into having no childhood just so someone's idea of a statistical improvement will occur? Most suburban students measure quite well by the standards of most other nations. We're the only industrialized nation other than Brazil that has a developing country on its borders while at the same time having the legacy of a formerly enslaved group that has never really caught up with the rest of the country. So, by the standards of Brazil, we are doing quite well, thank you !! 1/27/2011 6:55:23 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy happyacres wrote:

A billion words on "federal education policy" and a billion more to come.

Parents, take your kids out of government schools. Do it this morning. 1/27/2011 6:48:55 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Hamilton2 wrote: Duncan is the shining light in the Obama Administration. 1/27/2011 6:46:28 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy razor2 wrote: obama got to harvard through affirmative action.our system is corrupt. 1/27/2011 6:33:15 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy razor2 wrote: there are millions of chinese engineers but the quality of their education is rather low as many engineering schools have pointed out. we have lots of lousy schools but our best are unbeatable. 1/27/2011 6:27:55 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy va2009 wrote: bkarpus wrote: All the money in the world will not fix the American public schools until personal responsibility is demanded of not just teachers, but students, the parents and administrators of the various school boards.

We just throw many at the systems and hope the problems will fix themselves.

Not all social problems can be fixed by schools.

You CANNOT teach if someone does not care ...... 1/27/2011 6:01:22 AM Recommend (0)


This excuse is, quite frankly, tired. While there are, no doubt, some really hard to reach kids, many of our students are simply held to absurdly low standards. In other words, these students could do the work if we actually expected them to and gave them appropriate support. To keep blaming the kids and not the policies and politics that created low standards and chronically low-performing schools is comical, if not criminal. 1/27/2011 6:25:49 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy razor2 wrote: how many koreans japanese and chinese have won nobel prizes in the sciences? a korean recently cheated and cooked results in cloning technology. 1/27/2011 6:16:09 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy razor2 wrote: for once i do not agree with mr will.

1 the north east asians are manufacturers not innovators. 2 check out their winners of science nobel prizes.very few indeed. 3 they do not produce advanced aircraft engines like rolls royce. 4 they have no google.they do have copycats. no facebook no microsoft and no intel and no apple. 1/27/2011 6:11:08 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ratl wrote: "How to think" denotes education, "what to think" indoctrination. Children crave for knowledge unless taught otherwise. 1/27/2011 6:09:34 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Provincial wrote: The simple reality is that many State and Local authorities want to teach ideology, mythology and misinformation. Many of the State and Local authorities are not willing to pay the cost of education.

If local control of education actually worked we would not be having the discussion in the first place. 1/27/2011 6:02:43 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #257 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (04:50 AM)

Your Comments On... Getting American students to find the goal posts of success 'Federal educational policy' may be an oxymoron, but listen to Arne Duncan. - By George F. Will

Comments bkarpus wrote: All the money in the world will not fix the American public schools until personal responsibility is demanded of not just teachers, but students, the parents and administrators of the various school boards.

We just throw many at the systems and hope the problems will fix themselves.

Not all social problems can be fixed by schools.

You CANNOT teach if someone does not care ...... 1/27/2011 6:01:22 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy va2009 wrote: onehanded wrote: Does anyone want to take advice from the leader of the public schoold (Duncan) when he sends his own children to private schools?

Just asking.

1/26/2011 8:22:45 PM Recommend (5) ___

Duncan sends his kids to a public school.

And I believe that his vision for public education is spot on: set higher standards, give schools/districts more flexibility to reach those standards, and come down hard on failing schools.

1/27/2011 5:43:56 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy dangerbird1 wrote: School districts and their State educational departments feed at the trough of the Federal Government. Every decision they make is predicated on how it will affect the flow of federal money. If the Feds want more tests to confirm progress, so be it. Educators are pressed into the service of test score increasers. The attainment of learning is secondary to showing testing improvement even if the test is dumbed down. Just where in the Constitution does it say the Federal Government is responsible for education. The Feds are now a source of the problem as school systems are frantic to show improvement(to get the money) regardless of actual learning. Let the states have authority over education without big brother's insidious involvement. 1/27/2011 5:29:22 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy shel_zahav wrote: Chops2 wrote: If parents are teaching their kids that virgins can have babies and Noah could live to over 900 years old its no wonder American kids math and analytical skills are a little fuzzy compared to less religious OECD nations. ======In public school they teach children how to have sex safely, how to eat according to Michelle Obama's demands, how bad the corporations are, how everybody must be impoverished because of global warming, and how to manage their anger. That is what they call education. 1/27/2011 5:27:29 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy shel_zahav wrote: I love when the federal government helps us. They help us out of our education, out of our homes, out of everything they touch.

It would be better if they observed the Constitution and left us alone. Education was much better when parents did it. 1/27/2011 5:24:21 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy annnort wrote: Forsaking morals and values has ruined education in this country. Many children do not know who their father is or come from a one parent family. They are under-nourished mentally and physically. Many have no desire to learn and no one at home who cares. This needs to change, but money is not the answer. Get rid of the unions, fire poor teachers, control the bullies and teach the subjects, not the tests. The federal dept of education is not needed. Education is best controlled at the state level. Perhaps the poster who suggested giving the family vouchers to choose their school has alot of merit. Our current path is not working. 1/27/2011 4:15:21 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy NoDonkey wrote: We spend more money than any other nation on "education" per pupil (except for Switzerland) and get abysmal results.

Time to shatter the public school monopoly. The only people it serves are the union leaders and a few highly paid employees.

Give the per pupil expenditure to the parents in the form of vouchers. The public school monopoly is a massive failure and needs to be scrapped. 1/27/2011 3:30:13 AM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy yatesbfy46 wrote: The $50 billion budget of the one-size-fits-all so-called Education Department would best be left at the state level in the first place. The creation of the department was a payoff to the teachers union and has done nothing to improve scores in 30 years. When does this madness end. 1/27/2011 2:58:09 AM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy LeePefley1 wrote: I have developed a solution to the performance gap between white and Asian students on the one hand, and black and Hispanic students on the other: Using laser technology, it's a relatively simple matter to vaporize a couple of cubic inches of white and Asian cortex. Of course,that still leaves the problem that some people are better-looking than others. Here, too, lasers can be brought into play. 1/27/2011 2:16:11 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy edbyronadams wrote:

Schools dumb things down to narrow the "achievement gap" If you make it really easy, everyone makes progress.

1/27/2011 2:00:29 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy thesilverback wrote: Schools could change if they had a different set of students. If you are a parent and you don't know what your child should be learning each day or year, if you're a parent and you have the television on every day, if you're a parent and you don't read every day, if you're a parent and allow your child to play video games every day--or if you actually play video games yourself, if you're a parent and you're on Facebook each day for a longer time than you are engaged with your kids in conversation, if you're a parent and you don't value education or see it merely as a necessary evil you have to get through to get to college or to get a job, if you're a parent and don't know enough to help your child with his/her homework, if you're a parent whose answer to low grades is merely punishment rather than understanding and assistance, then you are the problem and you will not be able to demand that your child get good schools or good teaching because you yourself don't know how to identify good schools or good teaching.

I could have gone on with a much longer list of things that parents do to undermine their child's education, but the point is that good parents know that education is a lifestyle, not a tool and not a burden. And they know what teachers should be doing and how to advocate intelligently for their children. They aren't at the mercy of any school system or any teacher. (I don’t worry as much about the hideous Everyday math curriculum because I teach Singapore math at home.)

Parents, before you blame a teacher, a school system, or the government for your child's problems, please ask yourself if you're doing everything you should be doing to give your child all the advantages s/he needs. Being a good parent allows you to view school as supplemental education because the primary education is taking place in your home. 1/27/2011 1:53:36 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy janet8 wrote:

Will, I never thought I would think you were naive but you are, my friend. Arne Duncan was a Board Member, along with Bill Ayers and Obama, of the FAILED Annenberg Challenge in Chicago.

Duncan also failed as CEO of the Chicago Schools before Obama took him to Washington.

Here's some of what Duncan did in Chicago from The Examiner:

"Duncan has spent the better part of last year traveling the country and challenging ‘ate up’ urban educators to duplicate his Chicago Public Schools (CPS) success by doing as he did. The problem is, there was no success. And those of us, who call the People’s Republic of Chicago, home, know it. Finally, the cardboard school reform of the Duncan era, which followed the smoke-and-mirrors of the Paul Vallas regime, has been officially ‘outed.’

Despite their blatant liberal bias, news of record must first be recorded on the granite tablets of either the New York Times or the Washington Post. Student test scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) taken while Duncan was in his last year as CEO of CPS have been released. Nick Anderson in the Washington Post writes: ‘The federal readout is just one measure of Duncan's record as chief executive of the nation's third-largest system. Others show advances on various fronts. But the new math scores signal that Chicago is nowhere near the head of the pack in urban school improvement, even though Duncan often cites the successes of his tenure as he crusades to fix public education.’

Anderson continues: ‘Yet questions have arisen this year about the magnitude of Duncan's accomplishments. The Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago, which represents business, professional, education and cultural leaders, concluded in June that gains on state test scores were inflated when Illinois relaxed passing standards and that too many students still drop out of high school or graduate unprepared for college. The Consortium on Chicago School Research, a nonpartisan group at the University of Chicago, reported in October that Duncan's closure of low-performing schools often shuffled students into comparable schools, yielding little or no academic benefit."

Duncan, as with his co-hort Obama, are all smoke and mirrors.

The problem with failing students is, in large part, due to lack of parental involvement and the dumbing down of our society by the liberal elites.

1/27/2011 1:44:08 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Chops2 wrote: If parents are teaching their kids that virgins can have babies and Noah could live to over 900 years old its no wonder American kids math and analytical skills are a little fuzzy compared to less religious OECD nations 1/27/2011 1:18:37 AM Recommend (5) Report Abuse Discussion Policy kgblankinship1 wrote: @JuanBetancourt:

"I think one big question is do we need to rethink the whole classical education, liberal arts model. For example, the New York Times has been publishing several articles about how the legal profession is plagued with unemployment, and that lawyers have substantial loans, and can't find work. Well, as you know, lawyers have graduate degrees, etc. and it does not seem to help them much when they are looking for work. Is it also possible to have too many engineers?

I myself am a software architect and, for the most part, programmers are just executing simple things that I ask them to do. Admittedly, they have to learn how to use Integrated Development Environments and Object Oriented Programming, but once they get beyond those hurdles their jobs are pretty boring. Also, most of the time they are not so productive. So, basically, we usually need just one good architect and we do not need that many people doing really rigorous, intellectual work.

Moreover, the reality is that if we need brains we can always attract brains here from abroad (Einstein, Neils Bohr, Stravinsky, etc.). Today, we can also outsource. The problem is brains here are much more expensive than brains abroad. That will be the case for a while. I don't know if having lots of educated people is going to solve GDP related issues."


That is certainly the pattern in the western South, where one finds 'software factories.' Again, it is the old Ante-Bellum model of cheap labor doing labor intensive work for low paw. But that will go the way of textile mills in the South. Ten years ago, Seattle had a booming business in .com firms and software. Now much of that has been out-sourced overseas.

But what has built the high standard of living in the Northeast and West Coast is ultimately education. These regions have by far the highest concentration of people with graduate degrees.

One solution would be to reduce the exchange rate. The rich here would yelp as their assets here would be de-valued on an international market. But it would bring our trade back into equilibrium by making American goods cheaper and create jobs. But the problem with that is that corporate America would just import more people from abroad to keep labor costs low.

But what Juan Betancourt is advocating is simply wrong: The government is supposed to represent us and our interests. Part of its mission is to promote "the general welfare" according to the Constitution. That sounds like providing conditions for prosperity and opportunity to achieve that. But Republicans are against government doing anything but having a police force, a court system, and a military.

This attitude is nothing new. Plantation owners of the early 1600s in the South did not want a government because they didn't want to be taxed. It wasn't until a massive Indian raid that took place over most of Virgina in the 1660s that the planters assented to just enough government to field a militia.

1/27/2011 1:15:28 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy davidnelsonau wrote: Try lifting the goals a bit each year and see where you get in 10. It would help if the bulk of the teachers did not leave one second after class finishes. 1/27/2011 1:14:03 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Awheck wrote: Throw all the money and all the experts at the problem and it will not change the educational level. Education died when giving grades and homework went away. Discipline died with political correctness. Sports and the show is more important than studies. Backbone has vanished with feel good psychiatrists flooding schools at the least little problem. We are fast moving to a 3rd world status, except for the elite class that can send their children to their elite boarding schools. 1/27/2011 1:07:45 AM Recommend (7) Report Abuse Discussion Policy rusty3 wrote: You want hard-working kids--shut down the outsourcing and the H1-B's. Show our kids that hard work leads to jobs, not frustration. 1/27/2011 12:03:08 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy kgblankinship1 wrote: It's refreshing that George Will appreciates the need for properly educating children in this country. But such an agenda won't fly with his Republican colleagues.

At the core of corporate conservatism is Social Darwinism. The claim is that people are where they are because of their ability and deserve to get paid in proportion to what they produce. But ability is to a large extent hereditary, which justifies the perpetuation of wealth. But environment also contributes and the corporate conservative would argue that keeping the talented in money will bring out the talent. Eugenics naturally follows from such a belief system.

The social conservative disagrees, in that based on Calvinist beliefs, God creates an Elect to rule over others. This is a great belief system for instilling obedience to authority, but stumbles on the notion of hereditary wealth. Perhaps this is where George Will is coming from.

The American Chamber of Commerce follows the eugenic path: the talented who are born in America are already rich and so it doesn't make sense to make silk purses out of sows' ears by spending money to educate the rest. Instead, the idea is to recruit those with the genes for talent from overseas. Such an idea was given a nice flowery wrapper by David Brooks in his Monday NY Times editorial.

George Will would also run the gauntlet of the conservative Texas School Board, which downplayed the guy who wrote "all men are created equal" and elevated John Calvin, no friend to democracy, but an advocate of oligarchy in Geneva, in Jefferson's place. The Texas School Board would probably be happy just to indoctrinate the kids with simple blue collar skills and let them rely on the Bible for their fine arts and social science education. The elite would simply go to private schools anyway.

If George Will is looking for positive change, he will have to start with himself and make a new set of friends. 1/26/2011 11:54:05 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy josh13 wrote: Will supports one of Obama's ideas?

Certainly Hell has frozen over... 1/26/2011 11:50:10 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy docwhocuts wrote: dear jdmeuh: yes, gates was straight A.... how else does a white male get into harvard? ted kennedy was absolutely a proven cheater.... do the wikipedia search. after you find out that you're ABSOLUTELY in error, will you hush? 1/26/2011 11:17:21 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy << First Page< Previous Page1234Next Page >Last Page >> Your washingtonpost.com User ID, rand volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #258 of 671: Joel Bremson (jb) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (04:56 AM)

It's the '73. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #259 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (05:15 AM)

BERLIN JOURNAL National Dish Comes in Foreign Flavoring By MICHAEL SLACKMAN The most popular fast food in Berlin, currywurst, a pile of pork sausage, drenched with ketchup and sprinkled with curry powder, embodies the city’s contradictions.

======NH: xref: "I don't have anything to eat," xref" "Bee movie" xref: explaining the history of the gang of 2000 - 2008 simply by working together. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #260 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (05:20 AM)

Welcome, Joel. xref: class of '73 - 75 due to two leaves of absence in those tumultuous years of the Vietnam war, the break up of the Beatles, and finding meaning.

Is this you, Joel? xref: minimum symbol for differentiating an 'inside' from an 'outside'? xref: elevator theory? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #261 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (05:21 AM)

Or, is it the 27th reversed and added to by one? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #262 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (08:27 AM)

On the evidence of his speech, Obama believes no such thing. While he de-emphasized the role of stimulus spending in creating public- sector jobs, he defined an active role for government in catalyzing the private sector

======NH: I'm a cat, cat, catalyst, it's a name that might sound strange, but a catalytic [kn/] agent, can cause a chemical change. So watch my dance, you know it's true - light my bunsen burner boys and let it shine on you," - song from a 1950's mad magazine according to a reliable source. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #263 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (08:29 PM)

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Breathingearth - CO2, birth & death rates by country, simulated ...A visual real-time simulation that displays the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, birth rates, and death ... There are plenty of good resources on the web. ... CO2 emission rates: 2006 figures from the United Nations Statistics Division. ... 8. www.breathingearth.net/ - Cached - Similar 9. 
American Model United Nations - HomeThis site is designed and maintained by the AMUN Web Team. ... Formerly the AMUNSimulation Guide, Model UN in a Box Simulation guides features all-new ... 10. www.amun.org/ - Cached - Similar 11. 
Canadian International Model UN Conference (CANIMUN)Canada's only bilingual international MUN Conference. Organized by the UN Association in Canada (UNA-Canada). 12. www.canimun.org/ - Cached - Similar 13. 
Harvard Model United NationsJul 20, 2010 ... This is the website for Harvard's high school Model UN conference. College and university students interested in participating should go to ... 14. www.harvardmun.org/ - Cached - Similar 15. 
Model United Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaModel United Nations (also Model UN or MUN) is an academic simulation of the .....Archived from the original on 2007-10-13. http://web.archive.org/web/ ... 16. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_United_Nations - Cached - Similar 17. 
Inter-agency Network on Education Simulation Models website launch ...The INESM website, hosted by UNESCO, is the result of a joint effort by INESM partners to improve collaboration on ESMs to the benefit of ministries of ... 18. www.unesco.org/.../ inter_agency_network_on_education_simulation_models_website_ launch-2/ - Cached 19. 
T-Mobile G1 Emulator powered by ModeaSimulator. Loading Emulator. Introducing. the new T-Mobile. G1™ · Emulator · 360 View · Guides · Simulator. Loading Simulator. Introducing. the new T- Mobile ... 20. tmobile.modeaondemand.com/htc/g1/ - Cached - Similar 21. Did you mean to search for: United Nations simulation website Collapse this postEdit facebook friend finder filter before merging - Google Search

United Nations simulation web site - Google Search

Comment Like Reshare Email Comment8:21 am Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: desktop show on..... town hall voice mask 00001 (live at http://ustre.am/sWMw)Delete Comment Like Reshare Email Comment8:14 am Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public Search..... Facebook friend finder filter before merging

Results..... About 213,000 results (0.31 seconds) Search Results Help Center | Facebook Make sure to utilize the "People" search filter. This filter narrows your search to people on Facebook. From this filter, you can further refine your ... www.facebook.com/help.php?page=762 - Cached - Similar ► Help Center | Facebook Check your email application's spam or junk folder or filter. ... www.facebook.com/help.php?page=802 - Cached - Similar Show more results from facebook.com How do you use the search filter on Facebook when looking for ... Aug 31, 2007 ... How do you use the search filter on Facebook when looking for friends? When searching for friends on facebook (with a common name) how do ... uk.answers.yahoo.com › ... › Internet › Facebook - Cached - Similar Apple - Aperture - 200+ New Features Before you import photos, Aperture 3 shows you the groups into which ... Quickly import photos into Aperture from the Finder by dragging selected ... To merge two projects into one, use the Projects view to simply drag one project tile onto another. .... When searching metadata by text string in the Filter HUD, ... www.apple.com/aperture/features/ - Cached - Similar Flickr: Help: Yahoo! IDs, signing in and screen names ID but not a Flickr account yet you can use your Facebook account to login to Yahoo! ... ID yet, head for the Merge page to get started. Basically, you have to sign in to the Yahoo! ... (You'll need to be signed in to Flickr before you start.) ... Free Accounts, Upgrading and Gifts, Content filters, Photos, Video ... www.flickr.com/help/signin/ - Cached - Similar How to Filter Search Results on Facebook - Associated Content from ... Oct 31, 2007 ... How to Filter Search Results on Facebook. Learn How to Filter Your Search Results on Facebook. Grab this video: ... www.associatedcontent.com › Lifestyle - Cached - Similar Significant Changes Are Planned For Controversial Facebook "Friend ... Jan 23, 2011 ... The German government before this announcement gave Facebook intense ... like Google Mail when a person uses the controversial “Friend Finder” feature. ... Email To Merge With Social Inbox · MindofTwo.com Wants To Be The ... alltopstartups.com/.../significant-changes-are-planned-for- controversial-facebo ok-friend-finder-feature-in-germany/ - Cached Rumor: Touchscreen iMac Merging iOS and OS X To Debut Within ... Jun 24, 2010 ... Filter posts by: Mac iOS Hardware Software ... Subscribe via RSS or email, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter ... A friend of mine bought the HP touchsmart not long ago. ... about a month and a half before the iPod event happened. ... 100 Tips #44: How To Customize The Finder Sidebar ... www.cultofmac.com/rumor-touchscreen...merging-ios.../48191 - Cached [PDF] Installation and User Guide File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View fring now chronologically streams all your twitter, facebook, chats and call ... To filter your stream, just tap the correct icons at the top part of the screen. ... Friend finder. When initially registering to fring, you will be alerted of ... Although the process of finding and merging your contacts is automatic, ... www.fring.com/support/index.php?_m=downloads&_a...13 Facebook Disconnects Google`s Friend Finder - Application ... May 16, 2008 ... Facebook wants to get this sorted out before it launches Connect, its own effort to ... Merge your communications and networking services. ... www.eweek.com/.../Facebook-Gives-the-Finger-to-Googles-Friend- Connect/ - Cached - Similar Collapse this postEdit

Help Center | Facebook Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post... Comment Like Reshare Email Comment8:05 am (edited 8:10 am) Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public CONCLUSION may be found in last paragraph. ……[[''''''barely audible jet]] Facebook side bar ad: "FIND MORE FRIENDS: These 8 friends found their friends using the friend finder. Have you found all of your friends? Give it a try." ...... Xref: "Won't you give it a try? ....Live and let die," (McCartney, Paul); ...... xref: "survival of the fittest" Darwin; ...... xref: altruism; ...... xref: "Home is where you heart (habits) is (are), that's what who's learned - ...... weeding, and seeding, and feeeeeeee...... ding whose turn (s),"; …………….ref; "Iraheem, most perfecting - ……….you God permit any to endure ………..to the degree who opens to you, ………then divides, or recombines, ……..controls, varies, observes, and adopts, or rejects results - ……to the degree they sustain "Ideena s-siratal mustaqueem" - "thy straight way" طريقك المستقيم اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاط& #1614; الْمُسْتَ& #1602;ِ&#

1610;مَ Ahdinā Aş-Şirāţa Al-Mustaqīma which in your turn towards us and [[thn/]] your messiah frequency produces our marriages of "stand with", or "stand alone" - whose choice? tags: McCartney Beatles Messiah Frequency stand Sly and the family stone independence constitution Smithsonian parallel lines Ramadan Haj Bob Dylan Aborigines Indigenous Darwin Hobbes Locke Machievelli Berlusconi Christ Mohammed Christianity Islam zen judeo christian islam - the monotheism of the silk road [love you] and beyond

CONCLUSION: Dear Mark Zuckerman: .....Please update the Facebook Friend Finder Invitation to read as follows...... Thank you, .....W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed ....: "Facebook friend finder let's you filter your friends before you merge your email with Facebook. "Won't you give it a try?" Facebook archives will be maintained as long as your last will and testament authorizes your heirs and assigns to log into your account at least once a year. It's your choice. "Live, or let die," Collapse this postEdit

Comment Like Reshare Email Comment6:12 am Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: concluded first test [thn/] (live at http://ustre.am/sWMw)Delete Comment Like Reshare Email Comment6:12 am Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: concluded first test of multi-tasking (Broadcasting live at http://ustre.am/sWMw)Delete Comment Like Reshare Email Comment5:24 am Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: work (Broadcasting live at http://ustre.am/tdqA)Delete Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 27 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "Message sent, please wait 28 seconds" (live at http://ustre.am/sXug)Delete Comment Like Reshare Email 2 more posts from Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - JoeAprilOctober: The greatest, and / or - the l... CommentJan 27 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public Hello randomsampleSign OutSubscribe Mobile Multimedia Today's Paper Going Out Guide Jobs Cars Real Estate Rentals Classifieds NEWS LOCAL POLITICS OPINIONS SPORTS Business Arts & Living

The Washington Post

washingtonpost.com > Metro Your Comments On... Barrage of rain, snow and sleet moves into Washington area Weather radar shows every color of the winter rainbow as bands of rain, sleet and snow close in on the Washington region Wednesday afternoon, sending almost everyone - including the federal government - scampering home early in the face of warnings of up to 10 inches of snow. - By Ashley Halsey III

Comments randomsample wrote: "It's incredibly nasty," said VDOT spokesman Joan Morris.

======NH: xref: "I take tea at 3," xref: Scheduling. "Don't you know there's a place for you - in between the sheets,"; xref: Ramdan homogeneity like unto a sheet, while Hajj heterogeneity is like the 'in between' [thock]; xref: Balance Sheets (unified wholes) and Income statements (moving streams). Also xref: sheets of d-LSD-25 sold by fans of the "Rolling Stones" and other Woodstock [sound]... [[whap thwap, whap, ...]] Also xref: nodding off to sleep here. ======Null Hypothesis//

"It's going to be a long, painful rush hour.

======Null Hypothesis: xref: "It's going to be a long hot summer, It's going to be a long hot summer... long hot summer of love," xref: Watts Riots response by JHH; xref: who so pure in logic who did not realize 'long' correlation with whose last name.

Also xref: "Expressway to Your Heart" pop song circa 1968 Philadelphia area. ======Null Hypothesis// ======NH//

The rain overnight washed away a lot of the pre-treating we'd done,

======NH: xref: "The rain channel" the text channel as named by "Rose is Rose" comic strip. xref: audio tones for text events coming, in sha la, God willing who hopes to hear the harmony of whose pending, linked, read, and what? [door] ======NH// so motorists have to realize that we're stuck in the same traffic they are."

======Null Hypothesis: Would you like the world to feel that way about Article II, Barack. ======NH//

#247 of 247: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (03:17 PM) 236. P. E. Graham Eureka, Ca January 26th, 2011 4:38 pm Ally or not, there is no excuse for this crackdown, period.

======Null Hypothesis: Perfect initiation of generation coming of age. The old guard has been in power so long, the entire organization structure is old [Kn/]

Second point A "Sanctum" movie ad; xref: The Harvard Lampoon, opened with a who looked like a driller and featured the word 'Titanic' in the trailer; xref: your mention of a Pennsylvania driler lat night, Barack. Also xref: who se long standing request to apply oil exploration techniques to drilling "test bores" into our government organizational structure [kn/] to look for managerial compet [sound (ext.)]... http://web.me.com/welcome.perfect/Self_starter/ Interactive_Sight_%26_Sound.html

Should public government offices be streamed live? ======Nulkl HYpothesis//

[Rhnn. Rhnn... near by fire engine starts up at a casual pace. Some police sirens in the distance join in," =====NH// 1/26/2011 6:32:49 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy dcmotor wrote: Thundersnow is good for the grass, it adds nitrogen. 1/26/2011 6:31:04 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy geo82170 wrote: Global Warming Update.

Snow likely from Mississippi to Maine. 1/26/2011 6:19:40 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy phvr38 wrote: I blame Al Gore and Global Warming. 1/26/2011 6:12:23 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ContinentalOp wrote: The angry nitwits are certain to swarm around this one. One more proof that climate change is a hoax. 1/26/2011 5:59:49 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Whazzis wrote: The orange line was down, and then the commute from Ballston was bumper to bumper with rear-wheel drive cars skidding and making it worse for everyone. Lots of people were making U-turns to find a road with less gridlock. 1/26/2011 5:49:03 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy TexLex wrote:

As a 25-year McLean resident now comfortably situated in San Antonio where it's 61 degrees, I can say that, the many charms of the DC area notwithstanding, I'd rather be here than there. 1/26/2011 5:47:00 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Your washingtonpost.com User ID, randomsample, will be displayed with your comment.

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Interactive sight and sound

Interactive sight and sound

Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 27 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: PARTNER? INOVA USTREAM YOUTUBE http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150127967413980&set=a. 1015011975662398

0.319603.209337908979 GOOGLE 2Delete Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 26 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: PARTNER? GOOGLE2 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150127967413980&set=a. 1015011975662398

0.319603.209337908979 USTREAM INOVA YOUTUBEDelete Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 26 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public Does anybody know anybody who might want to work with somebody regarding actually bringing the internet up to grade as per the following comments on your "Talking cars" article, Peter?

Do you have time to take a seat on a board of directors? It's important to show I can make my prayers AND earn a living both. And how are you?

Thanks for your timely article [sound] [crk |]

Your Comments On... 'Talking' cars may someday warn of crashes and save lives A new crash warning system that allows vehicles to "talk" to each other more than 900 feet away was demonstrated for federal officials Tuesday, marking a significant step in efforts by the government and automakers to put advanced communications technology in cars. - By Peter Whoriskey

Comments randomsample wrote: peauxsucent888 wrote: Will it say something like: "Watch out, dumbazz!!!"? 1/26/2011 12:11:43 PM

[''''''''''thn/]======Null Hypothesis: xref: "Down load ring tones?" Or, "[kn/] Record your own greeting/warning/alert tone?" Or, "Antares fun voices for you to use, or make; xref: Town.Hall.0002.Biometric.Voice.Mask.[kn] | [email protected] ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: After all, you might not have your earphones on, and would you want who to be able to find your for the rest of your life simply because [crk | ] ...who had recorded your natural biometric voice print once? ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:49:00 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: AlibiFarmer wrote: Unless the systems are talking to each other and exchanging information about what they intend to do next, the system will be useless. If a car has its blinkers on, then that's a totally different situation from one not getting ready to turn, for example. 1/26/2011 12:11:53 PM Recommend (0)

======Null Hypothesis: Likewise for driving the internet. So Ustream.tv, Buzz, Twitter, etc. sampling systems would need to randomly sample and statistically test both your, and others, information flow, and your "Prediction window" like gmail side bar ads would be making recommendations, if not actually opening windows and playing videos, like "Pandora [kn/]" the English site which says, "If you liked the song you just listened to, you might like the following music," Apple snatched that up as soon as who mentioned it in one retail store visit. [Whu]. "I am but a warner" [door] ======Null Hypothesis//

From: cityhall screenname300 Date: January 26, 2011 9:32:01 PM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Bcc: Subject: Re: 1.Voice activation 2.Audio feedback for all functions & errors 4.Downloads

Dear Ustream:

Here is part two of my recommendations for your success and mine over the longest possible time frame long after those who try to live from the profits of barriers to entry have fallen, and "the meek have inherited the earth" (Jesus Christ); xref: "ideena s-siratal mustaqueem - show us thy straight way - the messiah self repair soft, and hard, ware dance and song book thread woven throughout the fabric of all creation,"... ======Null Hypothesis//

======Null Hypothesis: To make a contribution to me please visit http://www.TAWBS.com Or ...no time to look it up right now. [oven door] ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:42:00 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

Ex-Fed wrote: And it will take HOW many years before enough vehicles have the system for it to be useful? Ten? Twenty? And it only works for 100 cars within a 1000 foot radius? Think about that when you're sitting in your parking lot this afternoon when the Federal Government lets everyone out early. How many cars will you be stuck in? 1/26/2011 12:40:21 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: #239 of 239: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (09:00 AM)

Cisco, your link is broken to your investor relations page ======Null Hypothesis// fakedude1 wrote: Unintended consequence: drivers will rely on this technology to keep them out of trouble and feel that they can pay even less attention to their driving. In any case, how about giving pedestrians and bicyclists access to the devices as well? 1/26/2011 12:40:44 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #264 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (08:32 PM)

Lysol combined an end of prayer palm with a wudu camera angle but the faucet had no water coming out of it yet. The boy simply walked up and put his hand under it. The absence of reaching to turn on the faucet, or to not already have the water running when the palm is placed out shows what? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #265 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (08:50 PM) design 337: If you were redesigning The Well... #717 of 722: I know not what fathoms the depths of The Well go (af) Sat 08 Jan 2011 (02:38 PM)

Buy high, Sell ... What! No offers? ... design 337: If you were redesigning The Well... #718 of 722: Gail (gail) Thu 13 Jan 2011 (12:17 PM)

Hi Roland. The WELL has been supported directly by its members since 1985, with a membership and services model. We don't sell ads or personal data.

design 337: If you were redesigning The Well... #719 of 722: Richard Lawler (richardl) Thu 13 Jan 2011 (01:45 PM)

I've found the churning on Quora to be a bit disingenuous. If you follow a question, I've noticed it seems to randomly send you emails telling you there is a new answer to the question. But I find these answers are usually already among the existing answers. i.e. not new. Maybe there are some bugs in their system causing false triggers. But it's annoying. design 337: If you were redesigning The Well... #720 of 722: Roland Legrand (roland) Fri 14 Jan 2011 (04:04 PM) yep, I noticed that too... design 337: If you were redesigning The Well... #721 of 722: Ted Newcomb (tcn) Fri 14 Jan 2011 (08:39 PM)

I think there is an algorithm involved...at least no human. I asked a question and got a reply back that it had been redirected to another question, which was not what I was asking. I replied back two days ago, that they had made a mistake and still haven't gotten a response. design 337: If you were redesigning The Well... #722 of 722: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (08:50 PM)

1. I copy and paste my conference into a text edit file and can use the find command to successfully scroll through it, but I can't [Hnk] use the well find command to accomplish the same thing. The well command is BETTER than the textedit "Find" command because it extracts the entire post in which the word is found and tries to display all the extracted posts as a temporary 'found' conference you can navigate like a regular conference, but the file size, or search rule gets overwhelmed most every time who has tried it. [thn/] Can you design a solution which would lead to users in the well, or facebook, or buzz, or YouTube, [[Thn/]] or the NYTimes, or the LA Times being able to [Thn/] CHOOSE to click on "Make Public" [THn/] [Distant train whistle] so we can view pages of extracted comments, or paragraphs [Thn] from your text book, [^] "Don't deny our kids their right to equal search engine reading skills with those who host data. End Search Box apartheid pass U.S. House Resolution 1346 - A bill to require the choice to place our words in full text random access data bases whenever we are solicited to comment on a PUBLIC [Thn/] forum.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #266 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (08:54 PM) design 337: If you were redesigning The Well... #723 of 723: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (08:54 PM)

2.Buzz has added the time to posts, or who simply didn't notice that before who saw it later. The problem is the time, but not the date is displayed and after 24 hours all you get is the date. So the chronologic learning curve is lost. Can you design a well.com style solution for buzz so Ebay Buzz Weight Auctions will be about learning [Thn/]?

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #267 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (09:13 PM) design 337: If you were redesigning The Well... #724 of 724: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (09:11 PM)

3.I can search what's displayed in my browser window on facebook, or look for particular pages, but that's about it. Can you remedy that so I can have the choice (and this might need a US Constitutional amendment to ensure it always IS a choice), perhaps the U.S. post office has a future after all? searchable cc: rights? - or could google offer that? .....to permit the occurrence [jet] of any word in a post I click (public data base) on .....to be found? [Thn/] ...Subsets: By you only, .....by you and your friends only, .....by anyone on the internet; xref: google docs choices.

Would you like to do this with, or without, me? Approach the players in this with an unsolicited bid to do the phone calls and interviews necessary to produce pro-forma budgets for this "more perfect Union" search box linked to a full text random access data base with the choice to scroll as per find command, or extract as per well search command, along with statistics like Apple 'Page" word processor returned on the left side bar, and what kinds of pie charts, T- tests, etc. all the early frontier [Thn/] scouting for personal A.I. search assistants [Train whistle] All we have to do is deliver the pro- forma budget, and our documented research to the players who might be too busy to do this themselves. They pay us for the work and decide if they want to invest as per the pro-formas balance sheet (external memory, power, and software, and preamble rights about it) and income statement: Five sets of financial statements going out five years... we might need whom from the business conference ...THEN if any, or all, of the players want to invest in the "more perfect Union full text, random access data base" search box with choices to opt out - THEN they can negotiate with any, or all, [Thn/] of us regarding any further involvement. Make it an 18 month project to do the phone calls, research, and projections. At $100,000 per person per year, that would be $... Say ten people sharing the work load meeting on line here...$1.5 MM? Five major players? [thn/] $300,000 each? Or would they prefer to farm it out in house. Or could we make a case they should do BOTH and compare results? Xref; "Get a second opinion," Should I get a 15% finders fee for setting it up? $225,000? So for $15 MM over 18 months that would cover travel expenses, etc. to actually met face to face with who would be supplying information, and to physically check on external memory, etc. Considering it's like a $150 billion market, that might not be unreasonable. [Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #268 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (09:40 PM) design 337: If you were redesigning The Well... #725 of 725: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (09:40 PM)

Would you like to make more perfect this first draft of Ebay Buzz Weight Auctions which can be found here: volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #50 of 267: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 24 Jan 2011 (01:03 AM) or

[Come on, let's Go!" "Alohhh ha!"]

{{yeah, as who suspected, buzz comments which are not expanded do not return search word results from the browser window, but are found by the google search box for buzz. Why? And there is no command to expand, or collapse all comments yet.}}

GOOGLE DOC format https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ywji7VBoiBppbWObLi6vTm- _59nZNKcuV9ZlHlQvl8E


TEXT EDIT paste of well.com post. Still in textedit forma - download only https://docs.google.com/leaf? id=0BzCPBFaHJLxFYThkOGRkYjctYjI2NC00Y2Q0LTk0NWItMG


Likely there are more details subsequently... and they will be provided when a more thorough "search and extraction" can occur.

This would be a SEPARATE deal from the "...more perfect Union search box and full text, random access database", BUT who could offer to report on it WITH the pro-formas to give an idea to the vendors of the potential for their participation.

Since the name of Ebay and Google are involved in the idea as it is now stated, different names could be used. What would you suggest? Would you like to "Give it a try?"

PS facebook's invitation to use "Friend finder" does not offer a filter choice in the invitation. Or a way to set up a separate email account into which to place your friends [thn/] but who can still do that manually... if who has time. Is this correct? Would you like to offer facebook a patch for this? Am I barking up the wrong tree? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #269 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (10:07 PM)

Linked in did not offer a month by month invitation volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #270 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (11:11 PM)

Support at a time of heartbreak Teammates join Kansas forward Thomas Robinson in D.C. for the funeral of his mother. Photos: Jayhawks attend funeral

======NH: xref: tickler question. Also xref: Blue Jay Way. Kansas; xref: Oz volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #271 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (11:12 PM)

1.Fax apple. 2.FLA and CA sea level bills. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #272 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (11:17 PM)

Out of order email:

RE: Screen Grab, Date:Time, & Learning Curve Analysis Software Market

Feedbck type; Efficiency Workflow

Feedback area: Universal Access / Accessibility Dear Steve Jobs and Tim Cook:

Would it make you feel better if we could get the following done?

#252 of 252: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (09:24 PM)

FROM: W. Hale, aka, hag Mohammed A. Omar TO: Mac OS team RE: A learning curve analysis widget and software market estimated at 0.01% of global expenditures on education is proposed. "Nobody ever learns" Null Hypothesis. The ability to append a caption to the default generated date:time file name for screen grab is requested, and secondly, a time-lapse date:time insert choice is requested along with a drop down menu choice, or shift, command, 5 is requested to insert a date time anchor

DATE: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:26/27:00:11:75*

ATTACHMENT: Subject: Automating coordination of sampling, responding, and seeking responses cc: Omar's Loop (xref: Ken Kesey) blind cc:

Dear Mac OS group:

Thank you for you good work to date. I will try to prioritize my yearnings {scheduling thoughts. leave it at 'yearnings'} [Thn/].


W. Hale, aka, hag Mohammed A. Omar, aka "Shut up!" "It's a revolutionary move meant, I'll try to move,"


Multi-save command. Current Mac OS Screen Grab DATE:TIME FORMAT:

Screen shot 2011-01-27 at 8.46.41 AM

This has made it easy to scroll through the finder window and find my screen grabs. Thank you very much.



Screen shot 2011-01-27 at 8.46.41 AM Donald Duck in distance behind a Rooster; xref: "If you see me getting smaller I'm leaving," Waylon Jennings; ref: getting up on time to campaign in Nashville.

CHRONOLOGY OF REQUEST: Please add the choice to type a caption to append to the end of the default file name generated by the screen grab commands: Shift command 4, Shift command 3 screen grab.

If you do not want to use the choice [^ ^] offered please offer the option to double tap / click and the work flow process will proceed on default mode with only the date: time title

Example: Shift, command, 3 - Olympia snow, Cancer, End of terror alerts; ref: "We'll elect you when it's all green" Double click the same position the cursor was in at the end of the Shift, command, 3 or Shift, command 4 position, or have the entire screen be the target for the double click.

Summary: After a screen grab the screen looks exactly the same as normal (easy on the eyes regarding tint, etc unless you want to give the user the CHOICE of tint, etc. "Leave screen normal" is easiest on sensitive eyes… So after the screen grab command - caption box appears. Enter a caption, or not, to append to the default date:time screen name. Then double click and the caption bos, er, box., with, or without a caption in it disappears.

Make the appended caption information like a photo tag on Facebook; ref: faces.


Whatever generates THE DATE: TIME DEFAULT FILE NAME FOR SCREEN GRAB should be adapted to permit us to place a date time stamp in any file at any time via a simple command.

For example by tapping with two fingers, or using option mouse, the drop down menu should offer: Insert date:time.

CONCLUSION: Null Hypothesis: The cost of adding "insert date:time" to the drop down menu, and / or shift/command/5, is far greater than the benefit to make possible Mac user generated scientific analysis of "learning curves". The ability to embed date:time anchors in files will in no way increase sales of Apple Computers for class room use, nor motivate Apple Users to earn better grades, nor make better partnerships, nor more successfully accomplish what they want to accomplish with their apple tools. App developers would have no interest in the market for learning curve analysis software and widgets created by this feature. There would be no sense to offer "time lapse" date:time insert. There would be no sense to offer date:time insert choices like "hide date:time" "show date:time", or "choose a date:time icon", or "upload image for date:time icon" Nor would Buzz be at all interested in adding date:time anchors with more detail than the current clock time on the posts which reverts to only a date after 24 hours. There would be no benefit to social learning curves to want to offer the feature either.

The history of "Time-motion studies"; ref: whose book: *Cheaper by the Dozen"

{{"Select all" in drop down menu for text edit and other applications besides form boxes would be nice}}


From: cityhall screenname300 Subject: Automating coordination of sampling, responding, and seeking responses Date: January 27, 2011 12:59:59 AM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Bcc:

From: W.[thn//] Hale [email protected] 202-465-0067 To: IS RE: Management of calls via sampling and tones

?>*:\ ...//2011-01-26/27:00:09:60*

Dear Inova Solutions:

Would you like to do the following with, or without me? I'm willing to partner, consult, or sell ideas. cc: of email sent to washington post reporter Reply Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security to welcome.perfect show details 11:33 PM (2 minutes ago) Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public Does anybody know anybody who might want to work with somebody regarding actually bringing the internet up to grade as per the following comments on your "Talking cars" article, Peter?

Do you have time to take a seat on a board of directors? It's important to show I can make my prayers AND earn a living both. And how are you?

Thanks for your timely article [sound] [crk |]

Your Comments On... 'Talking' cars may someday warn of crashes and save lives A new crash warning system that allows vehicles to "talk" to each other more than 900 feet away was demonstrated for federal officials Tuesday, marking a significant step in efforts by the government and automakers to put advanced communications technology in cars. - By Peter Whoriskey

Comments randomsample wrote: peauxsucent888 wrote: Will it say something like: "Watch out, dumbazz!!!"? 1/26/2011 12:11:43 PM

[''''''''''thn/]======Null Hypothesis: xref: "Down load ring tones?" Or, "[kn/] Record your own greeting/warning/alert tone?" Or, "Antares fun voices for you to use, or make; xref: Town.Hall.0002.Biometric.Voice.Mask.[kn] | [email protected] ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: After all, you might not have your earphones on, and would you want who to be able to find your for the rest of your life simply because [crk | ] ...who had recorded your natural biometric voice print once? ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:49:00 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: AlibiFarmer wrote: Unless the systems are talking to each other and exchanging information about what they intend to do next, the system will be useless. If a car has its blinkers on, then that's a totally different situation from one not getting ready to turn, for example. 1/26/2011 12:11:53 PM Recommend (0)

======Null Hypothesis: Likewise for driving the internet. So Ustream.tv, Buzz, Twitter, etc. sampling systems would need to randomly sample and statistically test both your, and others, information flow, and your "Prediction window" like gmail side bar ads would be making recommendations, if not actually opening windows and playing videos, like "Pandora [kn/]" the English site which says, "If you liked the song you just listened to, you might like the following music," Apple snatched that up as soon as who mentioned it in one retail store visit. [Whu]. "I am but a warner" [door] ======Null Hypothesis//

From: cityhall screenname300 Date: January 26, 2011 9:32:01 PM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Bcc: Subject: Re: 1.Voice activation 2.Audio feedback for all functions & errors 4.Downloads

Dear Ustream:

Here is part two of my recommendations for your success and mine over the longest possible time frame long after those who try to live from the profits of barriers to entry have fallen, and "the meek have inherited the earth" (Jesus Christ); xref: "ideena s-siratal mustaqueem - show us thy straight way - the messiah self repair soft, and hard, ware dance and song book thread woven throughout the fabric of all creation,"... ======Null Hypothesis//

======Null Hypothesis: To make a contribution to me please visit http://www.TAWBS.com Or ...no time to look it up right now. [oven door] ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:42:00 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

Ex-Fed wrote: And it will take HOW many years before enough vehicles have the system for it to be useful? Ten? Twenty? And it only works for 100 cars within a 1000 foot radius? Think about that when you're sitting in your parking lot this afternoon when the Federal Government lets everyone out early. How many cars will you be stuck in? 1/26/2011 12:40:21 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: #239 of 239: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 26 Jan 2011 (09:00 AM)

Cisco, your link is broken to your investor relations page ======Null Hypothesis// fakedude1 wrote: Unintended consequence: drivers will rely on this technology to keep them out of trouble and feel that they can pay even less attention to their driving. In any case, how about giving pedestrians and bicyclists access to the devices as well? 1/26/2011 12:40:44 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

======NH: "My insurance rates are going to go up if I don't pass this driver's ed course," "Email me your accident prevention log [Beep beep beep beep beep.]," ======Null [Thn/] {'Null' = 'no', or 'void', so, Not, the American way, hunh?} Hypothesis//

======NH: What do actuarial tables show about accident rates of driver's ed graduates? Does it differ when High School driver's ed classes are controlled for? Do any insurance companies offer discounts for renewing your driver's ed courses? See prior post. ======NH// gkiltz wrote: Don't know about you, but I don't need anything more nagging me about how I drive. 1/26/2011 7:28:49 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

======NH: Listen to my public Buzz tone (s). Get an instant idea of who I am. What kinds of harmonies does your public Buzz tone have?

[Thn/] "I don't need..."; xref: the 100% independence of God and the 50% independence of the messiah frequency.

"anything,"; xref: 'nothing' and fresh restarts. more

Don't know about you, but I don't need anything more

======NH: xref: [kn | ] "I don't need anything more than this," ======Null Hypothesis// nagging me about how I drive.

======NH: xref: "Bet my money on the bob tail nag, somebody [^] bet on the bay," xref: Ebay Buzz Weight Auctions.

Also xref: Amazon.com books, "About How I drive,"; xref: A "Bout' [crk | ]; xref: boxing. How; xref: "General Howe surrendered to General Washington," "I drive"; xref: "Limited Partnerships" have a "General Partner" who makes the decisions, and "Limited Partners" who supply the money, ideas, and other tasks, but who have no decision making authority (passengers). Sure, I'm willing to explore forming a limited partnership with you who - for the purpose [kn/] of pursuing the ideas set forth in these two Ustream.tv suggestions. You be the general partner. The books are open to the Limited partners, and the general partner can be changed by a vote of partners who have contributed [thn/] 51%, or more, of the value of the partnership. Or should it be 66%? Sweat equity and innovation valued prior to admittance into the partnership. ======Null Hypothesis// 1/26/2011 12:18:19 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

AlibiFarmer wrote: Unless the systems are talking to each other and exchanging information about what they intend to do next, the system will be useless. If a car has its blinkers on, then that's a totally different situation from one not getting ready to turn, for example. 1/26/2011 12:11:53 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy peauxsucent888 wrote: Will it say something like: "Watch out, dumbazz!!!"? 1/26/2011 12:11:43 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: In the absence of such a requirement, the first challenge may be overcoming a basic chicken-and-egg problem. If other people don't buy the systems, they will be nearly useless. In that case, persuading the first consumers to purchase the technology may be difficult.

======NH: "The American way is [sound] to give the benefit of the dout to the citizen. "Who could easily design a device which would permit police officers to disable any car by remote control, but," [door] Dad explained, "We don't do that because it's not the American way," As much as we love police officers who fulfill the Confucian ideal - "When the true principle of the Great Philosophy is working, the wise people will live on the street and no door will need be locked," - we still intentionally hold certain rights from police officers such as initiating social conversations with us without first asking permission to interrupt us, or taking our picutre with their private cell phone and putting it on you tube without our permission, whereas a civilian can initiate a social conversation with us without asking permission, [door]... So, to the degree this technology will make your vehicle 'trackable', and then next stoppable, by police becomes a Constitutional issue. [door] Likely the higher insurance rates for NOT having the device will persuade most drivers to go with it. What will the actuarial tables show? Would it be better to go after drunk drivers? What do you think, Mrs. [Thn/] [Rhn Rhn.] McCain? Or should driver's education school be made mandatory? xref: Vermont DMV and up to 50% off the purchase price of marijuana if you pass the voluntary oral, written, and practical exam regarding marijuana. Do auto insurance companies offer lower rates to drivers who have driver's ed certificate? [kn/] For renewing [sound]

Meanwhile here's part two of being live on the internet. [thn/] In some ways this acts as a D.E.W. for who wants to avoid you.

Ustream recommendations part 2 Inbox X Reply cityhall screenname300 to me show details 7:27 AM (33 minutes ago) 1.Make a copy to your local drive? Yes ( ) No ( ) 2.Time lapse? Yes ( ) No ( ) Interval between time lapse: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes: __ __ Duration of recorded segment: hours: __ __ minutes:__ __ Audio tone before time lapse: Yes ( ) Set time before remembering begins to sound tone: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes [thn//]: __ __ {ref: last time fields were being set 'minutes' was followed by a '[thn/]' after the time frame of days was first broached in the prior field. Set time AFTER external remembering has occurred to sound tone: days: __ __ hours: __ __ minutes: __ __ 3.Schedule play backs Yes ( ) Invitation tone to watch playback? (Yes) 4.Randomly sample this video? Number of samples: Duration of samples Record this sample group? 5.Randomly sample this channel? Number of samples? Duration of samples Record this sample group? 6.Randomly sample the following channels: Add another channel? 7.Randomly sample all UStream public channels participating in 'random access' 8.What else? 1/26/2011 11:56:37 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

Starkville wrote: So do we have a new potential basis for liability against the manufacturer? I better get my tort shoes on. Lol. 1/26/2011 11:05:17 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy vmax02rider wrote: As with most adverse condition predictors, false alarms will render the system useless. Given the driving habits of a significant percentage of drivers, the system will be constantly detecting possible collisions on a typical urban/suburban highway. The system might be useful if driving habits changed drastically, but that alone would prevent far more collisions than a warning system, and it hasn't happened yet. 1/26/2011 10:36:07 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ixam wrote: Just disgusting. The potential abusive uses of the information by advertisers, insurance companies; not to mention government....spit out the Kool-Aid, WaPo! 1/26/2011 10:24:53 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

Geezer4 wrote: Shades of Mrs Bucket 1/26/2011 8:57:22 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy joeblotnik49 wrote: And frogs may fly thru the air with the greatest of ease too!! And rock could become the next 'in' food, you could win a million dollars, and the WP MIGHT become a serious, fair newspaper!! 1/26/2011 8:03:16 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy gkiltz wrote: Don't know about you, but I don't need anything more nagging me about how I drive. 1/26/2011 7:28:49 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy fakedude1 wrote: Unintended consequence: drivers will rely on this technology to keep them out of trouble and feel that they can pay even less attention to their driving. In any case, how about giving pedestrians and bicyclists access to the devices as well? 1/26/2011 12:40:44 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randomsample wrote: 'Talking' cars may someday save lives

Peter Whoriskey

======NH: Perfect concise summary of the audio feedback who has been asking for here, who. ======NH//

By Peter Whoriskey Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, January 25, 2011; 8:01 PM A new crash warning system that allows vehicles to "talk" to each other more than 900 feet away was demonstrated for federal officials Tuesday, marking a significant step in efforts by the government and automakers to put advanced communications technology in cars.

======NH: Distant early warning trend prediction for [kn/] computer usage patterns, social networking, and what else/ ======NH//

Using specialized WiFi signals that are emitted 10 times every second, t

=====NH: xref: omission of time lapse in the "Voice actuation" recording and streaming feature requested below. ======NH// the technology senses when a collision is imminent and alerts a driver through flashing red lights and beeps.

=====NH: The first responders to the need for audio feed back arrive. The pioneers of hands free, senses free, remote control, voice control, least intrusive learning environments, outgrowing Ulysses Isle of Sirens thrill of control and response of sacrificing the miracle of your hands and eyes to primate steering wheels [thn/] and keyboards... ======NH//

In the demonstration in the parking lot near RFK Stadium, the system notified a driver when it detected another car speeding through a red light in an upcoming intersection, of several cars blocking the highway ahead, and of a car zooming up from behind.

======NH: Instead of pinning you to a spot infront of whose screen vendors wake up to the market of selling "eyes in the back of your head," for mobile, emancipated users. Still sitting, but we have a halo head

From: cityhall screenname300 Date: January 26, 2011 5:07:20 AM GMT+04:00 To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Bcc: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: 1.Voice activation 2.Audio feedback for all functions & errors 4.Downloads

1. Voice Activation Record? Stream? View decibel meter. Set decibel level for threshold of a sound to be counted as an incident of sound: decibels: _ _ _ Set duration of sound to [[door]] be counted as an incident of sound: _ _ Set interval between sounds to have sounds be counted in the same incident group: hours: _ _ minutes: _ _ seconds: _ _ Set number of incidents of occurrence of sound in an incident group to start recording: _ _ [[door]] Set the [[sound]] minimum duration for a recording: minutes: _ _ seconds: _ _ Set duration of recording to continue after sound has stopped: hours: _ _ minutes: - - seconds: - - 2. Audio Alarm when show stops working? Let users set audio feedback [[dor]] preferences for all functions & errors: When show stops working do you want an audio alarm? Yes ( ) No ( ) Choose alarm sound: Set volume of alarm Set duration of alarm Do you want the alarm to sound again if your show is still not working? Yes ( ) No ( ) Set the time after the first alarm ends before the second alarm is sounded: days: _ _ hours: _ _ minutes [Thn//]: _ _. Report incident to Ustream? Yes ( ) No ( )

When you get a comment in your chat box do you want to hear an arrival tone? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want chat people to be able to leave voice recordings of their chat comments? Yes ( ) No ( ) Permit text to machine voice? Yes ( ) No ( ) Permit human voice to text in chat box? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want a reminder tone there is chat you have not yet responded to? Yes ( ) No ( ) Do you want micro-thumb nails of the Ustream.tv shows of chatters who choose to show a stream while chatting? Save Poll question? Save Poll results? Alert tone when poll is answered? Duration of alert tone? Harmony wizard to harmonize your alert tones? Visit Ustream.tv Poll Laboratory? Share your poll results? Place buzz weight with your chat comment, or poll response? Include audio feedback regarding buzz weight, "Likes", donations, question mark tones? Set punctuation tones: Duration of tones in text you have not yet read. [Thn] {Such a sweet sound who might want to never read that block of time. Wow. Liberated from having to read! By the unread "writing" generating such a sweet sound; xref: You [Thn] Tube chorus, and Hu Jinn Tao "harmony". Save and append audio feed back of read text? Add image and motion audio feedback? Face close up tone: Three or more people tone: Outdoor tone, and beat:

Hide video (audio only): Hide audio [Whew whew Ho!]

[You got it]

3. How do I rename a recorded video clip?

Thank you very much

W.Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. cc: rg sc md sj hard drive manufacturers Nuance Antares [thn \][thock] ne

P.S. 4.Download your own recording or any recording offered for download by any user. 1/26/2011 12:06:38 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Collapse this postEdit WorldMusicAndDanceInTheSchools


This transmittal is archived at: PLEAS RE-TWEET before or after searching

PARTNER? GOOGLE2 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150127967413980&set=a. 1015011975662398

0.319603.209337908979 USTREAM INOVA YOUTUBE

@ Joe April October

PS. Here is a global file naming system which might be useful for social networks, Ustream, and others.

To: Sunclock http://www.worldtimezone.com/datetime.html

Please hold the shadow fixed, and move the time zones through the shadow. Would you like to apply for a patent with me for a file naming system where all files globally are named by the line of longitude at midnight at the equator? [thn/] plus the local latitude and longitude of the file IF the social network user chooses to divulge. Last year I applied for a patent to do this, but got busy. A board game, or other means would let the patent be issued despite having already applied. Are you interested? W. Hale, 202-465-0067 email: [email protected]


Iran shows a one hour difference. The nadir of the shadow looks to be where your times show 01:00. But we are not on daylight savings time now. What am I missing here? Thanks

APPPLE PROBLEM No latitude line on the time zone information under clock settings.

If you turn on airport it gives out your location [thn\] to you. Who knows what about your location is being sent to whom when it's off?


?>*:\ ...//2011-01-26/27:00:09:60* This string would need to show only ?>*:\ ...//2011-01-26-59*:42':12' The day would globally change simultaneously in the social network filing system Our prayer times are based upon the ratio of light / dark rather than what line of longitude is at the equator position. So there's another kind of time very useful for the social network filing system coordination of users in real time. Scotland has already complained abou the day changing at 10am during business hours, but it might be kind of fun once we got [thn/] used to it.





W. HALE ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:26:285*:56':43

PS The need to make five clicks to append a file to an optical disk really bottle necks my work distribution at mosque. If I make folders I don't know the size of the data or if the folder will fit on the optical disk.

3-D Animation / Visual Effects: I'm working on using two iPod Nanos 5th generation to make stereo video. Russia and China are interested in stereo video camera interactive, educational headphones for the class room; xref: iPad software with voice over so you can look at the screen or not and still participate in "guided discovery"

I use solid state internal memory.

Google is going to offer un-boot-able computers you use on line. The stereo video camera, interactive, education headphones might be a new market to harvest as on line operating systems cut into laptop business.

Anyone can contribute to my cause to make sure all business, especially Apple, and the deadheads, and the Woodstock Nation, Motown, etc. prosper [sound] and users get the highest and best use of our God given senses, and lives.

ADDENDUM: Adobe, CISCO, YouTube, Ustream, etc. even Microsoft deserve honorable mention above.

Voice over utility software perfected for Macbook Air stereo video camera, interactive, educational eyeglasses with [thn |] the isight embedded camera from the Macbook embedded in the upper rim of the glasses might be light weight enough and comfortable; xref: you, BO in an image today wearing safety googles; xref; fuzzy faces, or not -[thn | ] the choice of the student, parents, and / or teacher. Ustream.tv show "Technical difficulties 2" Prayer after writing the above: TITLE: Two unit voluntary prayer to re-esatblish balance & ciculation

DESCRIPTION: After standing typing feed back to Mac OS for what number of minutes or hours? xref: "learning curve" who had to make a two unit prayer for whose own physical and mental health; xref; "I go asymmetric to obtain my information, I play to regain my symmetry"

TAGS: prayer Apple OS Mac lapop google boot un-bootable stereo video camera interactive educational headphones or noise cancellatin ear muffs Peltor or Macbook air eye glasses

Mac mini spontaneously restarted at wake from sleep. Reoccurring error here. Screen grab of "Picture tripping" young Indonesian sisters, likely whose own offspring. Optical disk ejected from mac mini upon restart while screen saver came on first sowing Voice Over Utility screen grab followed by LA and gadgets [Thn/] search results screen grab, followed by Facebook screen grab of a look alike of you, Harry Reid, after you were mentioned - also in the screen grab below you is a blond on her back on the grass with a football jersey and short shorts in an inviting pose, next screen grab was what… by that time who had the concept of "Let's make Learning a "social game". Learning curve software, tracking paths to get to the "right answer" or "the same person" ref: Polaroid or Kodak learning software that gave an icon at the end of the process when you finally got the right answer so the teacher saw you types of errors you made and corrected yourself on the way to that outcome and assigned work to build strengths to avoid making those errors.,

?>*:\ ...//201101:26/27?00:21:90*: Current NYTimes.com headlines: "The female factor", "setting the pace with toughness"; ref: Making learning fun for females; ref: lego research showed houses and what {{plants, people, sports, science, managing, nurturing}} appealed to females whereas robots and cars appealed to males… social learning… see the learning curve of your relationship with your friers: the time, the interaction, the time it took you to get to what level in your relationship, and so on… ref: Animus / Anima Karl Jung and permutations of body type / mind type - m/m m/f f/f ['''''thn]… ability of software to ascertain this orientation due to use patterns. Also ref: Fred Bayles and Tim Leary: Interpersonal behavior in small groups. book.

"Setting the pace with toughness"; ref: you General Pace the former Chairman of the joint chieves and chieftesses of staff; ref: heavy duty aluminum body learning curve to the incredibly durable, water resistant, shock proof iPod Nano 5th generation! Now on to MacBook Air stereo video camera eye glasses. Modular design so you can clip the isight cameras on or off to the top rim of the glasses. Manual swivel tilt to look down or up. Clip the modular embedded isight cameos into your pelter ear muff noise cancellation headphones over your earbuds when you re in a noisy environment… or when you do not want to wear glasses; ref: sports helmets, rugby, football, basketball googles and headbands. arm bands CBS.

How is your budget?

Rewrite your jog descriptions the way YOU think they could best be done, and keep the rewrites on file so if, and when, your chain of command asks for them…

How's your chain of command gender distribution? The New York Times "Female Factor" news item; ref; permutations of animus and anima in personality types above.

How's your debt? I guess I could invest and get an annual report. Universities should be willing to invest their endowments in the above requested software upgrades. Apple has an education group. Should a subsidiary be formed to bring in new equity and ['''thn] permit those in the existing education group who want to to join with the subsidiary? Second opinions in medicine: keep two separate Apple education groups to compare and contrast?

Will: Obama's education redeemer

Please visit http://www.TAWBS.com to contribute to this cause.

Dear MacPro:

Here is your courtesy copy of this I.T. State of the Union. http://www.apple.com/feedback/macpro_thankyou.html

Thank you for your feedback on the Mac Pro. We cannot respond to you personally, but please know that your message has been received and will be reviewed by the Mac Pro Team. If we need to follow up with you on your ideas for improving the Mac Pro, we will contact you directly. We appreciate your assistance in making the Mac Pro a great computer. Mac Pro Team
Apple http://www.apple.com/feedback/macosx_thankyou.html

Thank you for your feedback on Mac OS X. We cannot respond to you personally, but please know that your message has been received and will be reviewed by the Mac OS X Team. If we need to follow up with you on your ideas for improving Mac OS X, we will contact you directly. We appreciate your assistance in making Mac OS X better. Mac OS X Team

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #273 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 27 Jan 2011 (11:50 PM)

Dear Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, & Apple Board of directors:

Here is a link to my (whose) product feedback sent to Mac OS yesterday regarding Screen Grab, Date:Time, & Learning Curve Analysis Software Market [[Thn/]]

Feedbck type; Efficiency Workflow

Feedback area: Universal Access / Accessibility

APPLE OS FEEDBACK https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1H_MqtWCRc3rAVnffaCNu5Rn1jFEW3jfkSnfMqEhBiaQ /edit?hl=en&authkey=CPuulvsP

Would you like to do any of the above, or following with, or without me? I'm willing to partner, consult, or sell ideas. Truly,

W. Hale, aka, Haji Mohammed.

To access active links on line, please visit the archive of this transmittal at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AlLKkiKTIRj-ANTpBk- gCtxftvR5f0_AzfodfpKRLR8 /edit?hl=en&authkey=CL_04usM

Here is a link to my (whose) Ebay Buzz proposal to reinforce the validity of my (whose) analysis of the Learning curve software market

EBAY BUZZ [Thn/]… https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ywji7VBoiBppbWObLi6vTm- _59nZNKcuV9ZlHlQvl8E


Here ia a link to [Thn/]…

PRO FORMA offer https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1Tx2U6HBByaGETKpyTRYt5KuWFRxWzhbE4AH_DBthPOc /edit?hl=en&authkey=CPi9sLAC

Here is a link to a cover letter regarding all this

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1XTtDUvQGymwLieWsrYFYqLv9laELwQLivvmF_7IvrJs /edit?hl=en&authkey=COekyJIL

Here is a NYTimes.com link I (who) will pursue when time permits.

"A deep bench at Apple" NYTimes.com http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/18/technology/18cook.html? scp=1&sq=deep%20bench%

20at%20apple&st=cse volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #274 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (03:14 AM)

Apple iTunes Miracles

{{Transferable and linkable {{{"Like"-able}}} history of Free speech and Assembly}}

1. Tickets. 2. Ticket certificates. 3. Ways to earn, win, buy divide, combine, link, and transfer ticket certificates. [''''''''''thn/] [iPod screen illuminates] 3.5 {{{Voluntary}}} registration of Ticket certificates {{{and ticket purchase receipts}}}. 3.75. One link at a time [[[door]]]- xref: [['''crk | ]You Tube videos linked to other You Tube videos. 4.Estimated dollar value of {{{iTunes}}} Transferable and linkableTicket Certificates {{and Ticket purchase receipts}} {{{market}}} $

1. Records 2. Record certificates 3. Ways to earn, win [crk | ]... 4. Estimated dollar value of iTunes auction market for Transferable and linkable Record Certificates .....and new and used Record purchase receipts .....10% of $12.3 BB

Dear Apple:

Would you like to do this with, or without me? I'm willing to partner, consult, or sell ideas.

T[Thn/]he full [Thn/]...

Details may be found at: http://web.me.com/welcome.perfect/Self_starter/Apple_Dawa.html

Redundant copy of details may be found at: R[[Thn/ ?>*:\ //2011:01:27/28:00:40:60*]] Redundant archive may be found at http://www.TAWBS.com/apple-os-feedback[[[Thn/]]ikn\].php

A third redundant copy may be found at http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150092200413909&set=a. 499320073908.274


Truly, w.hale, aka, haji m.a.o. 202-465-0067 617-224-4308

======editorial SAWDUST: to follow if you are interested. ['''''''''''''''''thn/] ======SAWDUST// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #275 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (03:19 AM) http://web.me.com/welcome.perfect/Self_starter/ iTunes_Miracles.html volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #276 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (03:30 AM)

Dear Steve and Time and [^] Apple board,

Would you like to do this with, or without me? I'm willing to partner, consult, or sell ideas?


You're friend in need...

W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:28/29? [Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #277 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (03:33 AM)

THE GREAT DEFLATION In Japan, Young Face Generational Roadblocks By MARTIN FACKLER

TOKYO — Japan’s economy is clogged with aging vested interests, frustrating the young people needed to create new products and industries. S.&P. Downgrades Japan as Debt Concerns Spread Post a Comment | Read (51) volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #278 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (03:34 AM)

Irish Parliament to be Dissolved Tuesday By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 7 minutes ago DUBLIN — Ireland's outgoing prime minister said Friday that he will announce a new date for early elections next week.

======NH: xref: whose own struggle with Tuesday; xref: why 'Wimpy' picked 'Tuesday' to repay anyone for "...a hamburger today," ======NH//

======NH: xref: personalities of the days of the week ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #279 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (03:34 AM)

Few Signs of United Approach to Regulation By JACK EWING Experience suggests that financial leaders at the World Economic Forum will not reach consensus on how to prevent future financial disasters. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #280 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:11 AM) from Baby Blues Partnership about "...ve it ...ool" - PerfectMemoryRight1 Video ID: xXcruJaEeCg

BrowseUpload PerfectMemoryRight1 Sign Out ‪Search‬

ATTENTION We have received copyright complaint(s) regarding material you posted, as follows: • from Baby Blues Partnership about "...ve it ...ool" - PerfectMemoryRight1
Video ID: xXcruJaEeCg Please note: Repeat incidents of copyright infringement will result in the deletion of your account and all videos you have uploaded.

======NH: How to download You Tube videos ======NH//

Please delete any videos for which you do not own the necessary rights, and refrain from uploading infringing videos.

======NH: I, and who else, are endeavoring to conduct a scientific experiment about the degree to which who responds to and seeks responses from whom. All data in the experiment is protected by the first Amendment. You have been informed. ======NH//

If you are unsure what this means, it is very important that you visit our Copyright Tips guide. If one of your postings has been misidentified as infringing, you may submit a counter-notification. Information about this process is in our Help Center. Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material was disabled due to mistake or misidentification may be liable for damages.

======NH: The representation [k/] has been made above: all data points in this experiment have date:time markers and the correlations are measured in terms of what preceeds and follows what. Deletion of data materially damages the data base of the experiment. ======NH//

For your reference, a copy of this message has been sent to you via email, and can also be located in your Account Warnings page.

======NH: Thank you. YouTube is simply a neutral referee. Please be sure to retain this notification. [sound ?>*\ ...//2011:01:28/29:00:44:210*] ======Null Hypotheis//

• About • Press & Blogs • Copyright • Creators & Partners • Advertising • Developers • Help • Safety • Privacy • Terms Report a bug • Language: English • Location: Worldwide • Safety mode: Off

Queue (0) Options Return to active list 1. 1. Your list is empty. Add videos to your list using this button: 
or load a different list.


======NH: {ref: "It's all over now, baby blue, …crying is forgotten over you ou…" [kn/] ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:28/29:00:30:210*] ref: the birch bark letters and the mail mix up and the slam down assumption who was greedy when the letters crossed in the mail. Also ref: you, MJ beckoning whom to come down the hill at the Oakland Colleseum and then consulting with your attorney or whomever you were hanging with and waving whom off when who was half way down the hill. ref: Occupational hazards; ref: prayer this morning wondering about what all that was about. Or, is this a sheer coincidence? xref: the experiment who is conducting: 'Coincidence, or coordination?" ======NH//

How do I file a counter-notification? Share Comment Print

When we receive a notification of alleged copyright infringement, we remove the posting that is the subject of the notification.

======NH: Do you simply not make it visible to viewers, or do you physically delete the video from your drive? If the account owner prevails do you restore it, or is who uploaded responsible to do that? ======NH//

If we remove one of your videos, we email you, and place a note in your account at http://youtube.com/account#manage/ status_copyright If you believe your content was misidentified as infringing, you may file a counter-notification.

======NH: God is greater. a counter-notification may be more than I have time to do at the moment, however, please retain this correspondence to you. I have over 1,000 [Thn/ ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:28/29:00:50:210*] one thousand videos in my YouTube PerfectMemoryRight1 account at this time. I will stop using that account effective upon transmittal of this letter to you. Therefore, it will be impossible for me to become a "repeat offender" in terms of copyright violations, because I will not be adding any new videos, simply reviewing what I have on file. If I understand you letter correctly you delete accounts due to reckless infringement. My guess is the "Baby Blues" video which has been removed is an old video. If other old videos that are part of my scientific experiment are complained about, those videos have been uploaded before I received this notice, so I cannot be considered to be violating your request. Is that clear? [light snow falling outside] Some of the original videos may have been lost, or damaged, so by deleting them permanently you may cause irreparable harm. ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: (Please notice my screen name since 1998 indicates clearly my intent is not to infringe upon anyone's copyright or "rip off" anyone, my sole intent is in responding to and seeking responses form the publicly offered "suggestions" to measure to what degree who is, or might be, resopnding to and seeking responses from whom; xref: "Interpersonal behavior in small goups" (Bayles, Fred, and Leary, Time) ======NH//

If you did not have all of the rights to post the material at issue, you MUST NOT submit a counter-notification.

======NH: As far as I know the first amendment to the US constitution permits scientific research as long as it does not cause physical or mental illness. I am trying to reject the null hypothesis, "What I do in now way affects what the media, or "suggestion" industry does," however, to date, I have not been able to reject that null hypothesis at the 95% confidence interval, and the data I have posted proves that. [rpms, down shift ?>*:\ ....//2011:01:28/29:00:10:225*] ======Null Hypothesis//

Under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification may be liable for damages.

======NH: [back up beeps] So, that's the liability YouTube needs to protect itself from: mistake and misidentificaiton? No, likely the video DOES have "Baby Blues" in the video, and likely it correlates strongly with what was going on at the time like unto a weather report about whose life. So YOU TUBE is not liable. The issue is between "Baby Blues" and "William Hale, aka, haji Mohammed Omar". You Tube is but a neutral referee in the matter, at the mercy of the copy [thn/ th/] right laws, which are likely unclear about the right to scientific use of "suggestions" made in the public right of way: the same way we have the right to photograph cars on the street and discuss the timing of their passage, their color, and make, and model, and any bumper stickers on them, etc. We have the right to discuss "Comic strips" and articles, and art, and photographs which "drive by" on the public information highway. I've had people threaten to kill me for taking their picture on a public sidewalk, as one of my You Tube videos shows, but that doesn't make them right. Overly protective copyright laws trying to deny us our right to discuss, document, provide evidence, and conduct scientific experiments about "suggestion", aks, "Hypnosis", or "logic" or "free speech" [door ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:28/29?00:16:225*]... In fact "drive by" came up recently from whom who refered to a parenting conference... and "talking cars" came up in the washington post. [rpms. voice (exterior) silence returns] ======NH//

There are two processes for counter-notifications: • DMCA counter-notification • International counter-notification If the original claim of alleged infringement was submitted under Section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, you must use the DMCA counter-notification.

======NH: Shouldn't you be telling me under which "controlling jurisdiction" the original claim was submitted? Perhaps it is in the email you refer to. ======NH//

International claimants in some countries may submit claims under a slightly different process. In these cases, while the DMCA counter-notification is still acceptable, a user who does not live in the United States may alternatively respond with an international counter-notification.

======NH: I live in the US, therefore I must use the former ======NH//

The chief difference is that the DMCA process requires that the user consent to the jurisdiction of a United States court.

======NH: xref: Justice Scalia going duck hunting with VP Cheney while VP Cheney had a case pending [dishes sound] ======NH//

How do I file a DMCA counter-notification?

======NH: This is not the filing of a DMCA notification. This is an advisory to YOU TUBE requesting You Tube work with me to develop guidelines for publication of scientific experiments using video to document data points, evidence, and outcomes of experimental design so that ALL You Tube users might benefit from a clear policy regarding the right of "We the people" to test [thn/] hypotheses about the "cars", aka, "information" which drives by, no matter how "professional", or "tinted" their windows might be on claims of being above the right of "We the people" to share as accurate a representation of our MEMORY of the event as possible to support our theory about the meaning, motivation, trust network intentions, and social, and economic significance, or lack thereof, of the information "traffic" of which they are part. ======Null Hypothesis//

The process for counter-notifications is governed by Section 512(g) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act: http://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf

======NH: This is where you, You tube, have a decided advantage over me. You as a "Video Laboratory" for "social change" can use your legal expertise to research this law and draw up clear guidelines for scientific use on You tube even unto providing Nolo.com style "Hypothesis testing" forms so even the least YouTube.com member might follow a step by step procedure to learn the scientific [^][Thn/] method of documenting experimental evidence (aka, data points), legal evidence, aka, videos proving discrimination, civil rights violations, and other civil and criminal acts which require a body of evidence to prove rather than a single dramatic act. There are also ways to protect yourself with video evidence. Many courts accept a living will recorded to video. Nolo.com and Youtube working together might have a video [kn/].... ======Null Hypothesis//

Please note that under Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification may be liable for damages.

======N: Again, that's your main worry, your main liability, is you can be set up due [kn/] to a [kn/]... ======NH//

Please also be advised

======NH: Careful using the word 'advise'. Later you make clear you are not giving legal advice, but the word 'advised' is the past tense of the verb 'to advise' directly related to the noun, 'advice', and who might construe that as giving legal advice despite the below disclaimer. Instead, perhaps say, "warned". ======Null Hypothesis//

that we enforce a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of subscribers who are repeat infringers.

======NH: There's some poetry about spaces "in appropriate" vs. "inappropriate". I have addressed the issue of "repeat offender" and repeat again, I will post a notice to my YouTube account that I will no longer be using it. ...[thn/] If there are any other complaints about my account they will be due to prior activity and not in disregard to this clear notice you have sent. [kn/] I understand the seriousness of this situation. I thank you for your clear warning. I love YouTube and would be saddened to see all my work here dissolved due to a "car" or "data point" or "privately owned information traveling in the public right of way of the information highway" upon which I have commented. But you are in control. If there is anything you can do to protect, or advise my interests, such as making a backup copy of all my work and sending it to me so I can PRIVATELY archive it here, then come what may, YouTube will at least know as history proceeds the scientific evidence might survive to prevail in a court of law, even if not on you tube. Do you provide such a service? What would charge me to burn my channel to optical disk and send it to me? Is it a service other you tube members would want and pay for? Could we send selected videos in a remix the way Bob Dylan did with his work? Could we invite family and friends... Maybe that's already possible on Youtube. Some of us don't have the time for that. Please let me know. ======Null Hypothesis//

Accordingly, if you are not sure whether certain material infringes the copyrights of others, we suggest that you first contact an attorney.

======NH: I'm sure I have the right [kn/] ======NH//

Elements of a DMCA counter-notification A counter-notification must include the following specific elements: 1. Identification of the specific URLs of material that YouTube has removed or to which YouTube has disabled access.

======NH: Please see above ======NH//

2. Your full name, address, telephone number, and email address, and the username of your YouTube account.

======NH: This is a preliminary, exploratory response, and not the official filing of a counter claim yet. ======NH//

3. The statement: "I consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the district in which my address is located, or if my address is outside of the United States, the judicial district in which YouTube is located, and will accept service of process from the claimant."

======NH: This borders on a nolo.com type of form as proposed above. I will cc: Nolo.com with this response. ======NH//

4. The statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that I have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled."

======NH: No, I do not believe YouTube has made a mistake. I think You Tube is as much a victim as I am [Thn/] ======NH//

5. Signature. A scanned physical signature or a valid electronic signature will be accepted.

======NH: Thepatent office requires only "/signature/" to be a valid electronic signature. What is the requirement here? ======NH//

Submission We can only accept a counter-notification directly from the user from whose account a video has been disabled. For verification, we require that counter-notifications be submitted from the email address associated with the account.

======NH: OK. But, again, THIS IS NOT A COUNTER CLAIM against You Tube. This is an effort to document the situation so YouTube will have evidence to support the assumption I am not a repeat offender who is ignoring YouTube warnings, but rather I am a dedicated researcher who needs to let you know I am going to discontinue posting new videos to this account, and will instead open a NEW YouTube account so if there are any further disagreements [kn/] about my US Constitutional Right to photograph and discuss the traffic on the public information highway, solely for the purposes of scientific research, and my own health so as to be better able to discuss with friends, family, doctors, priests, imam, rabbis, PTA, and others, what the effect of the suggestions being "driven" by are upon me, and all who surround me, then it will be in terms of the NEW YouTube account, and not this older account which shows a learning curve prior to the Pink Notice page blocking access to my account until I acknowledge receipt.I think this is the first time this has ever happened to me, and for that reason I am going to this length here to assure you, I want you tube to be even more successful as a result of this precedent regarding use of You Tube to publish scientific data points, as well as personal health discussions, like the great book discussions at [Thn/] public libraries, where all concern have the exact data who experienced to offer their insight into what the suggestions therein really do mean on how many levels, and as twitter would put it: who is following, and who is leading? All rights outside of that remain with the owner of the copyrighted material; xref: whose other screen name "AugustineExegesis"; xref: St. Augustine and the historical art of a word, by word, line by line commentary upon a work being known as an 'exegesis' or 'harmony'; xref: President Hu Jinn Tao's desire for "peaceful harmony" ======Null Hypothesis//

Our preferred method of counter-notification submission is via our online form. Please see here.

======NH: OK ======N//

If you have difficulty with the form, please see alternative instructions here.


[kn/] This is why we like YouTube, and the pioneer engineers of the internet always [jet] so concerned to give choices, and clear error messages, and retain essential redundancies "2 B Sure" ======NH// What happens next? After we receive your counter-notification, we will forward it to the party who submitted the original claim of copyright infringement.

======NH: Phoneix, AZ? xref: rising again from the ashes? xref: Alpha to Omega and setting a precident Jesse Helms would give his eye teeth for? xref: the National Art foundation where US congress would PAY artists to display there work so they would have the right to comment upon it because government money was financing the display of the art! ======NH//

Please note that when we forward the counter-notification, it includes your personal information. By submitting a counter-notification, you consent to having your information revealed in this way.

======NH: Yeah life gets mean in the jungle. Another reason we need Town Hall voice Print Masks and Voter Screen Names so we can sign controversial petitions without fear of intimidation, not that "Baby Blues" would ever do such a thing. Wanda and - what's the husband's name? Are far too good at being parental role models than to ever wish harm upon anyone. My guess is this is an intentional foul to form a precendent, and get whom to think about whose body of work and the future of YouTube, science, and heirs and assigns. ======Null Hypothesis//

We will not forward the counter-notification to any party other than the original claimant. After we send out the counter-notification, the claimant must then notify us within 10 business days that he or she has filed an action seeking a court order to restrain you from engaging in infringing activity relating to the material on YouTube.

======NH: Ten days is not a very long time. ======NH//

If we receive such notification we will be unable to restore the material. If we do not receive such notification, we may reinstate the material.

======NH: If you are unable to restore the material, can you [kn/] ======NH//

How do I file an International* counter-notification?

======NH: This doesn't apply to me. I live in the US. I wonder if Goldman Sachs had this kind of thinking in mind when they restricted their facebook offering to only people who live outside the US? ======NH//

To file a counter-notification with us, you must provide a written communication that sets forth the items specified below.

======NH: This may be that eventually, but for now it is a preliminary notice. How many days do I have to file before you permanently [door ? >*:\ ...//2011:01:28/29:00:07:+15* to the last*] remove the contested material???? ======NH//

Please understand that filing a counter-notification may lead to legal proceedings between you and the complaining party to determine ownership.

======NH: Not sure I have time for that now. ======NH//

Be aware that there may be adverse legal consequences in your country if you make a false or bad faith allegation by using this process. Please also be advised that we enforce a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of subscribers who are repeat infringers. So, if you are not sure whether certain material infringes the copyrights of others, we suggest that you first contact a lawyer. *If you have questions about the originating locale of the complaint against your video, please email [email protected]

======NH: "originating local" ======NH//

Elements of an International* counter-notification A counter-notification must include the following specific elements: 1. Identification of the specific URLs of material that YouTube has removed or to which YouTube has disabled access. 2. Your full name, address, telephone number, email address and the username of your YouTube account. 3. The statement "I will accept service of process from the person who provided YouTube with the original copyright complaint or an authorised agent of such person." 4. The statement: "I have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled." 5. Signature. A scanned physical signature or a valid electronic signature will be accepted. Submission We can only accept a counter-notification directly from the user from whose account a video has been disabled. For verification, we require that counter-notifications be submitted from the email address associated with the account. Our preferred method of counter-notification submission is via our online form. Please see here. If you have difficulty with the form, please see alternative instructions here. What happens next? After we receive your counter notification, we will forward it to the party who submitted the original claim of copyright infringement.

Please note that when we forward the counter notification, it includes your personal information. By submitting a counter notification, you consent to having your information revealed in this way. We will not forward the counter notification to any party other than the original claimant. We may then reinstate the material in question at our discretion.


======NH: ref: your comment about the side walk and the owner's legal obligation to shovel it Garret. And what else? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #281 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:11 AM)

[Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #282 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (10:49 AM)

Whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare the Praises and Glory of Allah,- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. 2 It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered an apostle from among themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to sanctify them, and to instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom,- although they had been, before, in manifest error;- 3 As well as (to confer all these benefits upon) others of them, who have not already joined them: And He is exalted in Might, Wise. 4 Such is the Bounty of Allah, which He bestows on whom He will: and Allah is the Lord of the highest bounty. 5 The similitude of those who were charged with the (obligations of the) Mosaic Law, but who subsequently failed in those (obligations), is that of a donkey which carries huge tomes (but understands them not). Evil is the similitude of people who falsify the Signs of Allah. and Allah guides not people who do wrong. 6 Say: "O ye that stand on Judaism! If ye think that ye are friends to Allah, to the exclusion of (other) men, then express your desire for Death, if ye are truthful!" 7 But never will they express their desire (for Death), because of the (deeds) their hands have sent on before them! and Allah knows well those that do wrong! 8 Say: "The Death from which ye flee will truly overtake you: then will ye be sent back to the Knower of things secret and open: and He will tell you (the truth of) the things that ye did!" 9 O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the Day of Assembly), hasten earnestly to the Remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic): That is best for you if ye but knew! 10 And when the Prayer is finished, then may ye disperse through the land, and seek of the Bounty of Allah. and celebrate the Praises of Allah often (and without stint): that ye may prosper. 11 But when they see some bargain or some amusement, they disperse headlong to it, and leave thee standing. Say: "The (blessing) from the Presence of Allah is better than any amusement or bargain! and Allah is the Best to provide (for all needs)." volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #283 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (07:32 PM) iTunes "snippets" iTunes "out takes" iTunes "inserts"

Dear Apple:

Would you like to do this with, or without me? I am willing to partner, consult, or lease or sell ideas.

As per the NYTimes.com reporter who wrote an article on the top ten classical music composers of all time, would you like to enable "We the iTunes customers" to be able to highlight the lyrics, or 'bars' ['''tn] {Oh, alhum; xref: "The music plays the band"} we [Thn/] want [thn//] to insert in our text stream, and then triple click so the text we have already highlighted would change color, and or add an iTunes "note" icon to our text flow, or simply under line the text, so readers would know by clicking on the text he, or she, or it, could hear a whippin' guitar solo, or a beautiful voice [kn/]... or an historic speech, or what? The text spoken by the person being quoted from the reporters iPod, aka, external audio memory.

Thank you.


W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed A. Omar. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #284 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (07:33 PM)

Please see video logs for prayer and sura read prior to writing the above letter. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #285 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (07:56 PM)

~BUTTERFLY... Butterflies, the complete life... Birds ======Null Hypothesis: xref: Microsoft logo, you, B&MG, whose back pages, and Ustream.tv as archivist to a planet. 'Birds'; xref: U.S. Senator Byrd; xref: voice prints. Also xref; food chains; xref: "Oh *lamb* of God who taketh away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Have mercy," ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #286 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:07 PM)

Automatically log all ads and review them later when you have time: facebook and gmail Ad collector software. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #287 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:09 PM)

Perfect design screen broadcast, who.

Dear Sunshine States of Florida and California: volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #288 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:14 PM)

A bill to establish sea level elevations of record for the purpose f [Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Achoo. Achoo!] ['''tn] for the purpose of proving liability for compensation to the Sunshine State of Flordia for [[crk | ] the loss of land mass due to the increase in elevation of sea level. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #289 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:17 PM) [Thn tn | ]

Dear IMF:

Enclosed please find draft legislation for the costal states of our water world Eden. Please be advised IMF member nations may be found liable in a court of law for compensation, on a pro-rated basis, for contributing to the cause of the loss of property by these coastal states. Please plan your national treasury balance sheets in accordance with this potential liability so you have sufficient savings to cushion the impact of said potential liability should the world court so rule. "Plaintiffs, not terrorists" is our motto. Anything you can do to show you are prepared to meet this eventuality should materially contribute toward the maintenance of peace, and stable markets. Thank you, Truly, W. Hale, aka haji Mohammed A. Omar. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #290 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:22 PM)

Global Balance sheets held liable for loss of state lands due to rise in sea level elevation.

1% inflation added to global inflation rate to pay for damages due to loss of property due to rise in sea level elevation.

IMF printing press prints 1% of the value of the GDP of each member nation and pays it to the states who can prove the exact amount of habitable land, or extractable resources, they have lost [ '''''''thn//] [''''''''crk] (Need to have sound for this. The lap top screen is actually better suited for this small window who is writing in for this purpose of streaming} volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #291 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:26 PM)

An [Thn/] archive of the live streaming of this typing may be found at Ustreatm.tv on the Town Hall Voice Mask 00001 show. The title of this episode will be "A bill to establish present shore lines toward the goal of proving IMF members pro-rated liability for loss of land mass" Short title: "From each according to their use of energy and resources [[thn/]] , to each according to their loss of land mass," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #292 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:34 PM)

Whose work is currently being streamed live on Ustream.tv on the show named, Town Hall Voice Mask 00001 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #293 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:36 PM)

Statement by Representative Snyder Regarding Governor Scott ... Jan 5, 2011 ... Stuart, Fla. – Representative William Snyder (R-Stuart), ... following statement regarding Governor Rick Scott signing Executive Order No. ... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #294 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:37 PM)

Do you already have such legislation, or executive order, on record? Has the global community of [kn | ] shoreline nations volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #295 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:44 PM)

No 'pause' in the generic Ustream producer yet. I want to buy the pro version, but I don't have a second camera yet, and I'm not sure how I'd use layers yet. What I need is for the TEXT BOX ONLY to show up in the Screen. Is that right? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #296 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:50 PM)

Who is the current Senate president in the State of Florida ... Politics and Government question: Who is the current Senate president in the State of Florida? Robert C. Byrd. wiki.answers.com › ... › Politics and Government - Cached - Similar

======Null Hypothesis: xref: the word, 'Bird' beneath the caption to the butterfly in the Ustream.tv home page ad of shows currently [thn/]... 00:55:60*:======Null Hypothesi[kn/]s// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #297 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (10:54 PM)

It's worth $200 to get 'disolve' transitions; xref: irish parliment disolves on tuesday; xref: dark energy and our universe 'disloving' into itself volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #298 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (11:49 PM)

The question is particularly important, as United States has a $227 billion trade deficit with China.

======NH: Dear CBS and Ustream.TV:

Would you like to do this with, or without me: develop an Internet show like what I do here? I'm willing to partner, or consult, or lease, or sell ideas, formatting, work flow processes, etc. Think of it as good will, customer relations, marketing, or other intangibles if you will, or look at it as a survival tool for "News so good you cannot afford to not let it find you,"(sm) ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #299 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (12:12 AM)

CNBC-CCTV: Chinese President Hu Jintao Kicks Off US Visit - CNBC Jan 19, 2011 ... This is a transcript of top stories presented by China's CCTV ... forced to pay a premium, even if they're not always proxies of the government. ... Chinese President Hu Jintao has kicked off his 4-day visit to America. ... www.cnbc.com/.../Chinese_President_Hu_Jintao_Kicks_Off_US_Visit - Cached

======NH: xref: "...a strong arm," xref: work ethic and performance drugs; xref: "Olympic Thinker" drug tests for high public office holders, but not for ordinary citizens. Instead it's the other way around now. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #300 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (12:12 AM)

[kn/?>*:\ ...//2011:01:28/29:00:34:60*]

From: W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed

To: Governor Rick Scott, Senate President Mike Haridopolos, (R), Majority Leader [Thn/] Andy Gardiner, (R), Minority Leader Nan Rich, (D), Speaker: Dean Cannon, Speaker pro Tempore: John Legg , Majority Leader: Carlos Lopez-Cantera*** , and Minority Leader: Ronald Saunders

Re: "An executive order, and / or legislation, and / or state, or federal, court order - to serve as the first step [[['''''''''''''''kn | 00:57:90*]]] toward 'A UN General Assembly "No fault" Global Climate Insurance resolution' [['''''''''''''''''''''kn/ 00:53:90*]]

STEP ONE Establish the the geographical location of the shore line of Florida,

1) the present, and 2) the historic, and 3) the projected - official Florida state [[kn/ 00:43:105*]] government map of record, and an independent, U.S. federal governemt map of record [[thn/]] precisely demarcating the geographical location of the shore line of Florida [[''''''kn 00:03:120*]]; xref: google earth layers.

STEP TWO Bundle said information with other shoreline states and nations and send it to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Court, and United Nations Security Council*****, This is so it may be used by them for the purpose of deter [[kn\ 00:51:60*]] [kn/] mining 1) the pro-rated liability of IMF member nations for loss of land mass, [[thn/]] ,

Or, 2) the pro-rated rebate of the earnings of invested insurance [[thn tn 00:03:105*]] premiums******* able to be retained because of Republican and Democratic policies to a) stablize weather patterns, and b) reduce the costs for the citizens of Florida and other sovereign nations to relocate to comperable habitable and / or commercial dwelling and business spaces [[kn/ 00:15:120*]] [sound 00:14:120*] - 00:17:120* wherein THEY are the sovereign. [[''''''''''''''''''kn 00:50:90*]]

Dear Elected Officials of the Great Citrus and Sunshine State of Florida:

Would you like to do this with, or without me: send [[thn/]] signed legislation from Florida, bundled with similar legislation from other costal states, and nations, to the Inernational Monetary Fund (IMF) advising IMF member nations of their pro-rated financial liability [thn/] for any land mass lost due to increasing climate instability irregardless of any provable cause for same. {Why?} [kn/]

Because in the same way who can reason to require all U.S. citizens be compelled to have health care insurance, or pay a fine, because of the cost to the nation as a whole resulting from uninsured people and their use of hospitals, and other health resources - so too, who can reason a global insurance fund to protect all nations from the ill health of our climate, or to think positively, [[Thn/]] {{to reward all nations for the good health or our climate by earnings from retained premiums being rebated}} [kn | ] - each nation must pay into a global climate health insurance fund on a prorated basis, and said fund must pay out to nations for loss of land mass, or other natural disasters, occuring as a result of climate caused events; xref: "...to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, promote domestic tranquility, provide for the commond defense {Won't that be the day - when the weather is our only 'enemy'?}, promote the general welfare, and bestow the blessings of liberty upon ourselves and our posterity..."

So, thanks to the standard business model of correspondence, which includes a cover letter over the details, this idea has been more clearly expressed than it was at the Florida house in the conversation Garret and I had while we shoveled snow together, the night before last.

Part of the reason we have increasing climate instability is due to the shell game of liabilty played [thn/].

For example, Garret is likely one of the off the record offspring of GWB, or GWB himself undercover [[kn | ]] for all who knows; xref: who likes to clear brush from trails.

The significant, U.S. "under the table" economies, and 'secret' socieities, aka, "trust networks" ("Skull and Bones", need to be diagnosed, healed, perfected, protected, and promoted to become ON THE TABLE economies, and trust networks, with checks and balances, and legal permissions, so who feels "It's what we have the right to do - not what we can get away with" that is important; xref; polluters, drugs, intimacy, and weapons. In fact who has a facebook page with exactly that title: "On the table", and a yola web site, http://www.TechnologyAndWeaponsBankingSystem.com also known as http://www.TAWBS.com

[[Thn/ ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:28/29:00:45:60*]] Short title: "Give proof [Thn/] through the night, that whose shoreline is still there,"

Proposed sponsors: Ellyn Bogandoff, Lizbeth Benacquisto, Maria Lorts Sachs, Nan Rich , Anitere Flores . Alan Williams, Charles McBurney , William L. Proctor , Charles Van Zant , Chris Dorworth , Scott Randolph

Poposed co-sponsors: Steve Precourt , Robert C. Schenck III , Peter Nehr , James Frishe , Darryl Rouson , Will Weatherford , Ken Roberson [thn/] , Hazelle "Hazel" Rogers, Matt Hudson

Dear Governor of the Sunshine State of Florida, Rick Scott, and President of the Citrus State of Florida Senate, ______

Enclosed please find sample language and logic for a bill to firmly establish your claim upon the global financial system for any loss of land mass you might incur as a result of an increase in the elevation of sea level.

Do you already have such legislation, or executive order, on record? Has the global community of [kn | ] shoreline nations...

Already who may be trying to establish counter precedents.

1. Official Guide to Texas State Parks - Google Books ResultLaurence Parent - 1997 - Nature - 230 pages 2. Other than an historical marker, little remains of the once hotly contested ... Barrier islands are fragile and short-lived: changes in sea level and ... 3. books.google.com/books?isbn=0292765754... 4. COMMENTARY: Global shorelines, the history of discovery and colonization might be a useful curriculum [thn/ 00:07?11!:75*] strand for you.

Part of the strand would naturally address changes in shoreline location over the generations, and sorting out tides, and wind, and errosion [kn/] patterns as compared to system wide increases and decreases in elevation. This would make all Florida voters well aware of the differences, and might serve to strengthen the resolve of IMF member nations; xref: *deter*, or discourage behaviors which contribute to global climate instability.

Thus it would take data from many shore line states perhaps, or at least many locations along the vast shore line of the sunshine and citrus state of Florida. Therefore concurrent resolutions in other shoreline states sent to the IMF...

1. [PDF] COASTAL STATES ORGANIZATIONFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View 2. 2007, our nation's coastal counties provided $5.7 trillion to the economy ... This demand, combined with an increase in natural hazards such as sea level rise, ... takes into accountcoastal population and shoreline mileage. ... states and territories, so as to prevent most of the funding from going entirely to the ... 3. www.coastalstates.org/wp-content/.../FY11- Testimony_CSO_Senate.pdf 4. 
[PDF] Appendix A Addressing Sea Level Rise in Shoreline Master ProgramsFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View 5. the Washington coast will experience different levels of sea level rise due to vertical land ....and other interested citizens and organizations. .... This policy will help to prevent future unnecessary shoreline armoring. ... 6. www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/shorelines/smp/.../ sea_level_guidance.pdf 7. 
[PDF] The Faces of Climate Change Adaptation:File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View 8. May 5, 2010 ... Coastal States Organization's Climate Change Work Group ... facing sea level rise, coastal erosion, and increased storm intensity and frequency. .... coasts, costs to maintain the shorelines the nation depends on for ... 9. coastalstates.org.seedevelopmentprogress.com/.../CSO-White- Paper-on-Climate-Cha nge-Adaptation-May-2010.pdf 10. 
[PDF] DNREC, Shoreline and Waterway Management Section Fall 2010/Winter ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View 11. As sea levels rise and beaches erode, it is becoming apparent that areas might be regulated by more .... to their organization's mission. Members of the Advisory Commit- ...DESLRAdvisoryCommittee.aspx or call Delaware Coastal Programs ... 12. www.swc.dnrec.delaware.gov/Shoreline/.../Newsletter%20Coastal %20Connections/...

#288 of 291: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:14 PM)

A bill to establish sea level elevations of record for the purpose f [Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Achoo. Achoo!] ['''tn] for the purpose of proving liability for compensation to the Sunshine State of Flordia for [[crk | ] the loss of land mass due to the increase in elevation of sea level. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #289 of 291: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:17 PM)

[Thn tn | ]

Dear IMF:

Enclosed please find draft legislation for the costal states of our water world Eden. Please be advised IMF member nations may be found liable in a court of law for compensation, on a pro-rated basis, for contributing to the cause of the loss of property by these coastal states. Please plan your national treasury balance sheets in accordance with this potential liability so you have sufficient savings to cushion the impact of said potential liability should the world court so rule. "Plaintiffs, not terrorists" is our motto. Anything you can do to show you are prepared to meet this eventuality should materially contribute toward the maintenance of peace, and stable markets. Thank you, Truly, W. Hale, aka haji Mohammed A. Omar. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #290 of 291: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:22 PM)

Global Balance sheets held liable for loss of state lands due to rise in sea level elevation.

1% inflation added to global inflation rate to pay for damages due to loss of property due to rise in sea level elevation.

IMF printing press prints 1% of the value of the GDP of each member nation and pays it to the states who can prove the exact amount of habitable land, or extractable resources, they have lost [ '''''''thn//] [''''''''crk] (Need to have sound for this. The lap top screen is actually better suited for this small window who is writing in for this purpose of streaming} volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #291 of 291: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 28 Jan 2011 (08:26 PM)

An [Thn/] archive of the live streaming of this typing may be found at Ustreatm.tv on the Town Hall Voice Mask 00001 show. The title of this episode will be "A bill to establish present shore lines toward the goal of proving IMF members pro-rated liability for loss of land mass" Short title: "From each according to their use of energy and resources [[thn/]] , to each according to their loss of land mass,"

*** Footnote: {{who is able to more and more quickly insert and reformat the pasted names until who reaches the limit of the marginal improvement for each repetition of the tast. Then automation becomes possible and migration to the next learning cuves becomes the task. So learning how to migrate from old learning curves to new ones, is itself a learning curve}} ***** Footnote: (00:03:120* xref: Noah's Ark 2; xref: [kn | ] voluntary data and dna print archiving of Florida and California citizens, and mandatory archiving of dna prints, and voice prints of elected officials to prevent body doubles, and under the table nepotism; xref: movie plots which hinge on identity deception. Also xref: "Aeonflux", the movie, regarding U.S. Constitutional duty to provide and ensure voluntary, dna data bases to uphold the Preamble rights - especially in the event of a disaster and the need to grow back quickly - with diversity.)

*******{{xref: "I want a premium, " The President of China, Hu Jinn Tao, January _ _ upon arriving in the United States for a meeting with the President of the United States, Barack Obama, and the Congress of the United States}}

#703 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Fri 21 Jan 2011 (12:55 AM)

Premier Defies Hezbollah as Talks on Lebanon Fail

======NH: xref: "Premium"

#359 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 17 Jan 2011 (11:34 PM) ...But that's still skirting the issue of growing enough crops and dividing them, and distributing them fairly. Likely Russia is growing enough to send a fair amount to you, China... The Sovereign Mutual Trust Fund premiums for cooperating on food [thn/] distribution would be [thn/] in the form of lower interest rates on debt when food is delivered in a smooth, timely fashion based upon futures contracts and with better grain storage facilities to prevent rot of food. Preventing fires also. ...Sure China has [Thn/] alternatives: look at Western Brazil. But if we are to have this Mutual Trust Sovereign Wealth Fund, we need to pay our selves premiums for NOT engaging in such environmentally damaging behaviors and we need to be paid by the rest of the planet for protecting said environmental areas with our troops if necessary, in conjunction with the militaries of Peru and Brazil. "What goes around, comes around,"

#359 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 17 Jan 2011 (11:34 PM)

President Hu Comes to Washington Published: January 17, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER COMMENTS E-MAIL SEND TO PHONE PRINT REPRINTS SHARE

There has been a lot of hype, for a long time, about a rising China. There is now no question about China’s growing economic power or its military ambition. Over the past year, relations between Washington and Beijing have become increasingly tense and mistrustful. Readers' Comments Share your thoughts. Post a Comment » When President Obama and President Hu Jintao of China meet at the White House on Wednesday, they must try to set a new course in which competition is carefully managed and a premium is placed on cooperation.

[thn/]======Null Hypothesis: Structuring the China - US Mutual Trust Investment Fund - Sovereign Assets and qualifying private assets only.

1. The fund doubles as a peace bond. If either party initiates an aggressive attack, then designated amounts of the fund pro-rated based on the scale of the attack are moved removed to the control of the IMF who then must oversee their investment with whom was offensively [kn/[ attacked. Thus no pre-emptive strikes like in Iraq are likely. No "Better to kill Chinese in China than to fight them on US soil" logic is likely. $7 trillion commitment from each nation is on the line.

2. The fund doubles as a performance bond. Treaties between the two nations can still have withdrawal clauses, but like cell phone plans... Qualifying private entities seeking major contracts [kn/] in one country or the other may be bonded by the fund with a fee to the entity based upon the risk and return and asset structure of the entity as determined by the graduated risk tables of the China - US Mutual Trust Sovereign Investment Fund.

3. Commodities. Food. Sharing the US food supply with China. Nutritional analysis of current diets. Leading the US population away from empty calories, and low grade protein as beef, chicken, fruits and vegetables become more expensive. Setting a cost of living allowance for a market basket of nutrition NOW so wages leading prices will ensure US citizens are always able to afford the USDA recommended allowance of all nutritional values, but structuring that pricing to lead US children away from sugar, and fat, and cholestrol. This means bonding the 'can' culture of sugar water, and potato chips, and candy, and high salt foods with other forms of assets which can migrate cash flow into these entities so their revenue streams experience normal growth while their product and service mix migrates towards health [exterior sound]; xref; Kentucky land used to grow tobacco reporting on alternate uses for the land to generate commensurate profits.

Feeding China, likewise, requires better protein for stronger Asian eyes. Nutrition analysis of cultural staples, and sought after foods; xref: the surgeon general's warning booklet, "the Bear, Russia" finding a commensurate "Panda Hu"; xref: R. J. Reynolds stealing the idea and marking the historical record with your "Joe Camel" booklet inserted between the cellophane and the cigarette package as per whose suggestion here re: a surgeon general's warning booklet; xref: you, Canada, with your news article on your hard cover BOOK of a surgeon generals warning... Oh, xref: the idea for EDIBLE books based on the five frozen meals who contributed after the visit to whose mosque; xref: being paid to pray with 'Salat script'. Xref: turn the page and find cheese and carrots, turn the page find a salad tray... reading, eating, and conversing together... But that's still skirting the issue of growing enough crops and dividing them, and distributing them fairly. Likely Russia is growing enough to send a fair amount to you, China... The Sovereign Mutual Trust Fund premiums for cooperating on food [thn/] distribution would be [thn/] in the form of lower interest rates on debt when food is delivered in a smooth, timely fashion based upon futures contracts and with better grain storage facilities to prevent rot of food. Preventing fires also. Who needs to pray about this, but to the degree both populations, or all three, or all 20 populations, or all populations can agree to share food more equally, rather than use food as a weapon, or a speculative money maker, To the degree who feels, "If you're hungry, I'm hungry," To the degree who feels, like at mosque, "This is the level of charity I think it's fair for me to do as a member of this mosque who participates at this level of involvement. But I'm not earning any money yet. But you know, if, and when, I ever do earn any money of my own this is the level at which I want to do charity with you," - That translates into read 'share', or 'pool', for 'charity'. Sure China has [Thn/] alternatives: look at Western Brazil. But if we are to have this Mutual Trust Sovereign Wealth Fund, we need to pay our selves premiums for NOT engaging in such environmentally damaging behaviors and we need to be paid by the rest of the planet for protecting said environmental areas with our troops if necessary, in conjunction with the militaries of Peru and Brazil. "What goes around, comes around," [thn//] As we establish a clear, and accurate accounting for our annual food harvest; xref: New Start with Russia and rotating war heads into and out of counted inventory... but knowing each war head is unique so we are not double counting. "There can still be what degree of privacy in the food markets, but there can be more food in common on the public record and divided - some of the processed foods have so much chemicals in them... The idea is like insurance, when you have a larger pool, you can cover risks and weather, etc. Or, has the private market already cover this to a fare thee well? Or is who still 'ear marking' what food supplies to what degree to subsidize voters who may, or may not, be pulling their own weight (pause to address our failure to provide Oz economy jobs yet) [Thn/] at least in part because we have not come forward with national service jobs, rewrite your job description jobs, and Oz economy work for any US Citizen or legal resident to bid on. Nor have we brought our "On the Table" plans for the under the table economy into the movie theaters yet. Look at DC. On the one hand there is the Capitol Grill and Old Ebbet Steak House with their plush cuts of US beef and man sized portions, [^] and rich atmosphere. On the other hand there are the DC schools where the hot lunch program has been expanded to include breakfast and dinner now. China, and the communist ideal of all one big family would LIKE the idea of keeping all the children together under state supervision eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner together at the schools. China would have guests come in for the meals and role model professional skills, and bearing and demeanor and show secular ways to be respec[Thn/]ful about food and life to prevent organized religions from undermining, or taking over the state. But in the US, we see this as a sign of failure of the private family, and the private economy, and the trust networks of the community. It is because we have elected hypnotists so good at winning elections and maintaining a two party cleavage of public opinion between the 'yes' and the 'no'... we need a Cincinatus to rescue us instead of continuing to use double standards to win votes by letting under the table economies flourish with Hawk Security Guards who display the signs of obesity of heroin users, and mental health doctors who use heroin on the weekend because "It's something to look forward to," while on the [thn/] other hand we bemoan the drug wars [thn/]. So our food is going to counter productive voters who instead could be leading our ON the table economies, or at least members of their families who know how the under the table economies work could be working with us... What would the under the table folk do without their big cars, and purpose in life of enforcing pay up, shut up, and keep in line? ['''''kn] Or who is so good at avoiding whom... Would these people ever migrate to on the table positions where self testing, and "Olympic Thinker" drug tests, and, and, and... as stated we haven't even gotten our "Lower the US abortion rate..." plans into the movie theaters yet, but... ['''thn/] "I cannot tell a lie,"

Weeding, seeding, and feeding.

OUr prisons have people in them whose only crime was using drugs. A lot of them.

Your prisons have a nobel peace prize winner in them, like myself, voluntarily staying here on duty at this screen. Because outside the mental illness of our society and my country takes a lot of my time up simply to walk down the street so many things [kn/] are wrong as you can see from some of whose You Tube Videos.

You guys recently tore down a noted studio of one of your artists. xref: the over crowding around our national capitol here. {But we need to build a second national capitol at this point.} [thn/] We are only wrecking the beauty we had here covering it with the smog exhaust of the idling tail pipes of the army of police officers who moved in after we made the mistake, well, after I was not ready on time in 2000...

Visting prisons is part of whose idea of camp paining

Our US Marshalls at the DC Superior court have significant mental, professional, and attitude problems.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a part of our mutual sovereign investment trust fund build some joint prisons where US and Chinese authorities worked side by side to manage a prison population. With internet coverage [kn/] Perhaps Iran would participate also. And professionals would visit and see control and variable demonstrations of side by side techniques and cultural differences yet all within the UN Charter and Geneva Convention for rehabilitating, or carrying out life sentences for whom. Working out the criteria for such an access flow [kn/] would give us mutual review of our prison systems to some degree and begin the process of putting ON the table by prescription and buddy system, what got who into jail. Career criminals, weak people, scam artists, damaged cognitive maps... long list of why who ends up in prison...

To balance that, the prenatal to grade 16 picture

Oh, and developing cross training for everyone in the joint program so they all have at least two jobs that do not involve carrying a gun, they can do [thn/] and do do, for six months, or more, out of each 18 month period; xref: migrating away from crime, and 'strife' being the only assets which generate your income.

Back to prenatal through grade 16... volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* - thn #360 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 17 Jan 2011 (11:44 PM)

GOOGLE Applications analyzed

CHINA - US Mutual Sovereign Trust Fund explored

READ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BtRSE4m- o23hGjM-5yKuTrapeEhZHxb3vIGPWZo_gz8


DOWNLOAD https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B3COUqj- vPb8MDMwZTI3ODYtODVjMC00Mzk4LWIzN2EtNW


EDIT & COMMENT ON LINE https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gttxAkdIUG4yCA- vObUWyIWlAKmoF69AbqjTxPw1Xck /edit?hl=en volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* - thn #361 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 18 Jan 2011 (09:06 AM)

[Whwhwhw...] ...[^] 1. Chinese water bottles. By law. One ([[Thn]] {{Thermos}}1), or more, per person. Patented design. Different tops. One filters the water. 98% pure. Stainless steel. No BPA. volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* - thn #362 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 18 Jan 2011 (09:24 AM)

1. Chinese thermos bottles. 2.By law. 3.Two (2) per person. 4.Patented design. Stainless steel. No BPA 5.Stylish shoulder strap, belt clip & carrying case. 6.In [thn/] tegrated luggage, day pack, and car thermos compartments 7.Different tops for different drinks [[crk |]] 8.One filters the water as it comes out. 98% pure. 9.One has a wire whisk to froth up [[thn/]] protein, or vitamin, or carbohydrate mix. 10.Plastic, or foil, pouch mixes. 11.Protein [[crk |]] - No cholesterol, low fat, high protein egg, [[kn]], milk, soy 12.Carbohydrate - fruit juice, slower burning carbohydrates, less sugar and empty calories 13.Memorize and outgrow coffee plans. 14.Coca-cola / Pepsi / Tropicana / Soy plastic pouch mixes. 15. volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* - thn #363 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 18 Jan 2011 (09:27 AM) Ads 1. Filtrete™ Water Station
Faster Than Traditional Pitchers. See Tap Water Filter In Seconds!www.3M.com/Filtrete_WaterStation 2. Water Bottle Filters
Convenient Filtered Water Dispenser Ideal for Offices. Learn More!www.BritaHydrationStation.com 3. Water Bottle With Filter
Bobble Filtered Water Bottles at JCPenney: 2 Bottles for $19.99. 4. 
Show map of nearby JCPenney.com locations 5. 
JCPenney.com/BobbleWaterBottle Search Results 1. 
Amazon.com: EcoUsable 25oz Filtered Water Bottle - Metallic Blue ...Klean Kanteen H20 Filter Adaptor for Classic Stainless Steel Water Bottles. $6.95. EcoUsable Ech2o 25 oz Stainless Steel Filtered Bottle - Metallic Blue ... 2. www.amazon.com › ... › Tableware › Glassware & Drinkware - Cached - Similar 3. 
Reusable water bottles you'll actually want to use. - By Laura ...Aug 21, 2007 ... My quest was for a water bottle to accompany me in the urban, ... path from bottle to mouth is through a thin straw attached to the filter. ... 4. www.slate.com/id/2172541/ - Cached - Similar 5. 
STAINLESS STEEL PORTABLE FILTER WATER BOTTLE, STAINLESS STEEL ...Stainless Steel 27oz. Portable Filtered Water Bottle. Portable stainless steel water bottle. Filtered water on-the-go. 6. www.naturesalternatives.com/water/stainless.html - Cached - Similar 7. 
EcoUsable Ech2o Stainless Steel Filtered Water BottleGIVEAWAY ...Jul 4, 2009 ... They've created the Ech2o, the world's first stainless steel filtered water bottle. Um..it's a stainless steel water bottle...with a filter ... 8. www.wisebread.com/ecousable-ech2o-stainless-steel-filtered- water-bottle-giveawa y - Cached - Similar 9. 
Life Goggles: SIGG Aluminum Water Bottle Product Review | SustainablogFeb 25, 2008 ... Tagged as: aluminum, Products, sigg, water bottles... I wrote a review of it water filter here if your interested in it. ... 10. blog.sustainablog.org/life-goggles-sigg-aluminum-water-bottle- product-review/ - Cached - Similar 11. 
Stainless Steel Water Bottle: SmackdownJun 18, 2009 ... Ecousable's Ech2o Stainless Steel Filtered water bottle. The filter removes 99.99% of pollutants in water, including giarda for up to 100 ... 12. gogreentravelgreen.com/.../stainless-steel-water-bottle- smackdown/ -Cached - Similar 13. 
Marketplace | Bottled Water AlternativesKlean Kanteen - Lightweight stainless steel water bottles. ... O bottle's purification and enhancement technology filters out 99% of contaminants and adds ... 14. www.newdream.org › Conscious Consumer › Marketplace -Cached - Similar 15. 
Water Bottle Filter - Compare Prices, Reviews and Buy at NexTag ...Water Bottle Filter - 214 results like the 3M Filtrete Water Station - Four Bottle Water Filter, Filters Fast 16oz Filtered Water Bottle - White, ... 16. www.nextag.com/water-bottle-filter/compare-html - Cached - Similar 17. 
Buy Filter-outlet.com Reusable Aluminum Water Bottle - 22 oz ...3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 5, 2009
So the next time (or thousand times) you feel thirsty, fill up your filter-outlet.com water bottle! Filter-outlet.com Reusable Aluminum ... 18. www.filter-outlet.com/product.php?product=172802 - Cached - Similar 19. 
SteriPEN Bottle Topper For SIGG bottles - FreshWaterSystems.comSteriPEN Water Bottle Pre-filter. FWS # SP- PF. $12.95. Qty: SteriPEN Classic Water Purifier FWS # SP-RP. $79.95. Qty: SteriPEN Journey LCD Water Purifier ... 20. www.freshwatersystems.com/p-4485-steripen-bottle-topper-for- sigg-bottles.aspx - Cached - Similar

volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* - thn #364 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 18 Jan 2011 (09:31 AM)

Best Insulated Bottle with Straw: CamelBak is your best bet.

Best for Cheapest Price and Overall Value: Nathan Stainless with Flip Straw

Best Overall for Brand Reliability Klean Kanteen

Best for not made in China Unfortunately, all stainless steel water bottles are made in China. You can buy a BPA free Nalgene (plastic) or a glass water bottle if you want something made in the US. If you want a company with sustainable practices and want stainless steel, we recommend Klean Kanteen. volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* - thn #365 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 18 Jan 2011 (09:40 AM) China cuts refrigeration and aluminum can costs by 100 billion cans per year.

Drinkable water dispensers installed in all bathrooms

US-China Mutual Sovereign Trust Fund subsidizes cost of CamelBak, Nathan, and Klean Kanteen stainless steel thermoses

Coca-cola, Pepsi, Tropicana, Soy, offer foil and plastic pouch mix for Chinese thermo China energy policy requires re-useable, stainless steel thermos bottles China energy policy bans aluminum can drinks.

volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* - thn #366 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 18 Jan 2011 (09:40 AM)

Want to Keep Your Disposable Razor Blades Sharp? Use Your Arm volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* - thn #367 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 18 Jan 2011 (09:43 AM) http://www.amazon.com/Vessel-Stainless-Filtered-Bottle-Built/dp/ B002XBZXF6

Corn-based Water Bottle with Built-in Filter Buy new: $8.70 $7.71 5 Used & new from $7.50 3.3 out of 5 stars (41) volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* - thn #368 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 18 Jan 2011 (09:43 AM)

Product Features Built-in patented filtration system removes up to 99.99% of pollutants in the water as you drink Lightweight, durable, and reusable Designed to fit most cup holders Food grade BPA-Free #304 stainless steel 100 Percent Recyclable

volley2.ind 143: Who or why is greater - 2011-01-15-10-57-135* - thn #369 of 930: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 18 Jan 2011 (10:22 AM)

"Scrambled or fried?"*** xref: Chinese protein sources

China cuts refrigeration and aluminum can costs by 100 billion cans per year.

Drinkable water dispensers installed in all bathrooms, convenience stores, and vending machine areas.

Sinks and faucets [thn/] redesigned to conserve water and make thermos cleaning quick, easy, and thorough.

US-China Mutual Sovereign Trust Fund subsidizes cost of your choice of non-BPA, stainless steel thermoses which meet, or exceed, the Chinese Department of Nutrition (CDN) and UNESCO standards for child [thn/] and adult [[thn/]] filtration, re-use, and recycling.

Brands such as CamelBak, Nathan, Klean Kanteen, Eco, etc. may apply for certification and permits

Coca-cola, Pepsi, Tropicana, Soy, etc. offer foil and plastic pouch mixes with CDN color coded nutrition type and quantity logos.

Nutrition drink breaks at 10 am, K - 12

Five drinks a day. Drink time calendar [kn/] adjusts nutrition drink break time according to the ratio of daylight to night time. Chinese Surgeon General web site and warning booklet attached to all boxes of Nutrition drink packets containing 150 packets, or more

Thermos cap doubles as cup.

Laptop backpacks designed to hold thermos.

China - US Mutual Sovereign Trust Fund subsides backpacks and nutrition drinks in foil and plastic packages.

1.Chinese thermos bottles. 2.By law. 3.Two (2) per person. 4.Patented design. Stainless steel. No BPA. Easy to clean. 5.Stylish shoulder strap, belt clip & carrying case. 6.In [thn/] tegrated luggage, day pack, and car thermos compartments 7.Different tops for different drinks [[crk |]] 8.One filters the water as it comes out. 98% pure. http://www.amazon.com/Vessel-Stainless-Filtered-Bottle-Built/dp/ B002XBZXF6 9.One has a wire whisk to froth up [[thn/]] protein, or vitamin, or carbohydrate mix. http://www.squidoo.com/whisk

#100 of 297: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 25 Jan 2011 (02:13 AM) ... When Republican leaders talk of reducing medical costs they really mean reducing insurance premiums for some people, primarily by letting the young and healthy buy insurance in states that allow the sale of skimpy policies. That won’t help older and less healthy people and would probably drive up their premiums as they flock to states whose regulations guarantee them coverage.

The Republicans have offered no coherent plan for slowing the rapid rise in medical costs that is driving up insurance premiums, Medicare and Medicaid costs, and the federal deficit. The reform law, by contrast, has multiple provisions for changing the delivery of health care in ways that should reduce costs.


or, more succinctly, ...

======Null Hypothesis//

China's Hu Jintao Slams American Dollar Before U.S. Presidential ... Jan 17, 2011 ... The President of China, Hu Jintao, said that "the current ... Physician Compensation: A Distraction To Raising Insurance Premiums? ... www.neontommy.com/.../chinas-hu-jintao-slams-american-dollar-us- presidential-vi sit -Cached

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #301 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (04:14 AM)

Currently streaming face on Peaceful possibilities and events Currently streaming screen on Town Hall Voice Mask 00001 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #302 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (04:23 AM)

Gays Seeking Asylum in U.S. Encounter a New Hurdle By DAN BILEFSKY Homosexuals living in the nation illegally and seeking protection against being deported to less tolerant societies may risk being viewed as not openly gay enough to qualify. Video: Gay and Seeking Asylum

======Null Hypothesis: So, a list of 'gay behaviors' and the proof of whose ability to detect them vs.

Whose efforts to prod whom to be gay in more 'open' ways.

Oh. Also xref: the word 'open' and assigning negatives to it, or at least getting people to think about it. What are some synonyms?

Word: open (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: accessible (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: ajar (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: amenable (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: approachable (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: begin (werkwoord) Synonym of open: break open (zelfst. naamw.) Synonym of open: clear (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: commence (werkwoord) Synonym of open: depart (werkwoord) Synonym of open: embark on (werkwoord) Synonym of open: enlarge (werkwoord) Synonym of open: expand (werkwoord) Synonym of open: friendly (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: get underway (werkwoord) Synonym of open: initiate (werkwoord) Synonym of open: instigate (werkwoord) Synonym of open: interested (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: open (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: open out (werkwoord) Synonym of open: overt (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: plain (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: spread out (werkwoord) Synonym of open: start (werkwoord) Synonym of open: start on (werkwoord) Synonym of open: stretch out (werkwoord) Synonym of open: sympathetic (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: unambiguous (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: uncap (zelfst. naamw.) Synonym of open: undo (werkwoord) Synonym of open: unequivocal (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: unfastened (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: unfold (werkwoord) Synonym of open: unfurl (werkwoord) Synonym of open: unscrew (zelfst. naamw.) Synonym of open: unseal (zelfst. naamw.) Synonym of open: unstop (zelfst. naamw.) Synonym of open: wide-open (bijv. naamw.) Synonym of open: widen (werkwoord)

======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #303 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (04:25 AM)

Synonyms for open

Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning) of verb open

Sense 1: open, open up

Sense 2: open, open up

Sense 3: open, open up change state, turn

Sense 4: open start, start up, embark on, commence

Sense 5: unfold, spread, spread out, open undo

Sense 6: open, open up yield, give, afford Sense 7: open, open up arise, come up

Sense 8: open

Sense 9: open move, go

Sense 10: afford, open, give

Sense 11: open expose, exhibit, display

Similarity of adj open

21 senses of open

Sense 1: open (vs. shut), unfastened ajar(predicate) wide-open Also See: open#2

Sense 2: open (vs. closed) opened unstoppered yawning Also See: open#1, unfastened#2; unsealed#2

Sense 3: exposed, open unprotected (vs. protected)

Sense 4: open public (vs. private)

Sense 5: open (vs. closed), opened agape(predicate), gaping agaze, staring wide-eyed, wide yawning

Sense 6: open available (vs. unavailable)

Sense 7: open unrestricted (vs. restricted)

Sense 8: assailable, undefendable, undefended, open vulnerable (vs. invulnerable)

Sense 9: loose, open coarse (vs. fine), harsh

Sense 10: open unenclosed (vs. enclosed)

Sense 11: open (vs. closed)

Sense 12: open, undecided, undetermined, unresolved unsettled (vs. settled)

Sense 13: open, opened unsealed (vs. sealed)

Sense 14: open unconstricted (vs. constricted)

Sense 15: receptive (vs. unreceptive), open acceptive, acceptant admissive assimilative hospitable

Sense 16: overt (vs. covert), open bald, barefaced naked, raw undisguised visible Also See: explicit#1, expressed#2; unconcealed#1; public#1

Sense 17: open(prenominal) nonunion (vs. union)

Sense 18: capable, open, subject susceptible (vs. unsusceptible)

Sense 19: clear, open unobstructed (vs. obstructed)

Sense 20: candid, open, heart-to-heart ingenuous (vs. disingenuous), artless

Sense 21: open active (vs. inactive) volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #304 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (04:26 AM) http://cdn.optmd.com/V2/82477/205694/index.html?g=Af//// 8=&r=www.synonym.com/

======NH: Window opened on whose desktop without whom consciously [thn/] giving it permission. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #305 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (04:50 AM)

Daryl is the dad.

Note the all green, dark green car. "Wow, [kn |] this is a really nice car," "Well, it belongs to the dealership, we're just borrowing it until the van is fixed," Note Zoe's mouth is on line with the car tire; xref: [...] who spinning their wheels on the ice one or two mornings ago.

"When will that be?" xref: "'When' is love, 'where' is security," "In the morning,"

"Enjoy it while you can. We get the van back tomorrow,"

"Check it out! The carpet doesn't even stink,"

Note the beige like unto a ring of Saturn. Also xref: "Watch out for those even numbers,"; xref: geyser offering to post videos to different sites and using the word 'even' a number of times.

Note the small bit of pink and the corner on th einside of the arc of the ring of the head rest of the driver's seat... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #306 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (12:42 PM)

Sprint.com: Why did I not see a search box on your home page? Under re-construction?

About when who was ready to quit reading 'fine print' who found what who was looking for:

3G Usage: Includes 5GB or 2GB of data usage. Add'l data usage $0.05/MB. 3G Usage Limitation: Sprint reserves the right to limit throughput speeds or amount of data transferred, and to deny, terminate, modify, disconnect or suspend service if usage either exceeds (1) 5GB or 2GB/month in total or (2) 300 MB or 100 MB/ month while off-network roaming. 1,024 KB equal 1 MB. 1,024 MB equal 1 GB. 3G Data Usage Limitation does not apply to 4G volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #307 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (12:48 PM)

No unlimited usage is offered by AT&T for the iphone. Likely not for Verizon either [Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #308 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (12:51 PM)

What's the difference between this iPhone and an iPhone that uses AT&T? This one gets unlimited downloads -- for now.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #309 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (01:54 PM)

Sorry! Before you can continue, you’ll need to fix 1 thing: Username (Please pick a different username. Your username can be 6-33 characters. Already have a Community or Buzz About Wireless name? You can reclaim your account after you sign in.)

======Null Hypothesis: This error message is illogical. It was generated by pasting the password sent from Sprint. When the password is truncated [thn/] to 33 characters, it still gives the same error message. When a different password is made up, it tells you no such account. Evidently who changed the length of passwords permitted, or who was permitted to have a password longer [thn/] than the permitted 33 due to what error in software, or human over-ride. This kind of problem has never happened with the internet oriented web sites, but feels 'typical' of telephone web sites. What to do? [thn/]

Need to send Sprint a courtesy cc: of what anyway? ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #310 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (02:55 PM)

Egyptians Defiant as Military Does Little to Quash Protests

======Null Hypothesis: xref: you, AQ, re: "Overworked and under-loved," ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #311 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (02:58 PM)

Egyptians Defiant as Military Stands By

======Null Hypothesis: "Stands by"; xref: "Please stand by. We are experiencing 'Technical Dif [thop ^] ficluties' beyond our control," xref: "Technical difficulties 2" Ustream.tv show ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #312 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (03:03 PM)

Dear Egyptian Military:

Would you like to do this with, or without me?

1.Unity 2.Consideration: stop all traffic for twenty minutes of prayer - five times a day. 3.Charity: distribute Qur~ans to those who do not yet have one. 4.Abstinence: declare a state of emergency Ramadan with fasting between sunrise and sunset. 5.Pilgrimage: offer to escort the President of Egypt, Hosni Murbarak, to Mekka for Umrah (community) prayers. Normally two or three days, and then return home. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #313 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (03:22 PM)

Dear Egyptian brothers:

Would you like to do this with, or without me?

1.Unity: invite whom to come pray with you. 2.Consideration: stop traffic for 20 minutes to pray - five times a day. 3.Charity: distribute Qur~ans to anyone who needs one. 4.Abstinence: call an emergency state of Ramadan for 30 days. 5.Pilgrimage: Escort President Murbarak to Mekka for Umrah

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you? Alhumdullilah? Hallelujah?

Muslim (s) and Christian (s) united? No room in the [Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!] Ramada Inn (Ramadan In)? xref; "Only God is permitted to live, or go, inside the oldest house of God," -

...... [^] therefore, the learner who wants to be a perfect teacher...

(xref: "You're invincible (invisible) now, you have no secrets to conceal. How does it feel?" (Dylan, Bob, "Like a Rolling Stone"); xref: "This rolling rock we walk upon")

...is born in the manger of the Imam's vestibule OUTside the Ramada (n) [''''''''''thn ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:29/30: 00:14:235*] So, ['''''tn [''''''''''jet]] what building should be voluntarily emptied and kept empty during the 30 days of emergency Ramadan? Should who all make 24/7 tawaf and sa'i around the emptied Presidential residence while you, President Hosni Murbarak stay at an Egyptian Ramadan Inn under the protection of you, the Egyptian Military?

Then at the end of the 30 day emergency Ramadan, re- enter the Presidential Residence, repented, and forgiven by God, and then by your closest witnesses, and then rippling outward like a stone cast upon still water.

Asalam wa lay kum, haji Mohammed A. Omar, aka, W.Hale 202-465-0067 email: [email protected] fax: 617-224-4308 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #314 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (03:22 PM)

[Thn. Thn. Thn. Thn, thn. Thn, thn, thn.] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #315 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (07:20 PM)

Hit an energy low. Logged off. Failed to save video. Woke up. Perhaps too much protein in diet. Feel 'thick'.

Noticed laptop had been left on at an unintended camera angle. Remedied that.

Noticed the screen saver is blocked when Ustream Producer application is open. Tried to go back to the regular adobe recorder.

First time got "no camera" in the drop down menu. Restarted. Got no check box in the video broadcast. Still no recognition of the adobe video recorder. So, perhaps like the google voice plug ins, Ustream producer has a component which blocks The adobe recorder from finding the isight camera.

The isight camera was in the drop down menu the second or third time who rebooted, but the adobe recorder did not find it when permission was given to find it.

So, who needs to uninstall the ustream producer, so the lap top screen does not get burned out by being on all the time.

Who hasn't done that yet. The likelihood of the built in isight camera still not being found by the adobe recorder after uninstalling the Ustream producer is probable enough so who wants to try to send the fax instead.

Unable to copy text from the "Update" win [Achoo! Achoo!] dow

Update read, "Please add the choice of '"Block?" or "Do not block"' regarding "screen saver" when Ustream Producer [thn/] is open.

Thank you.

Meanwhile sorry to get so tired as to need to shut down.

Need to pray, need to exercise. Need to send this fax first. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #316 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (07:58 PM)

[Tjn/] New vice president named "Omar"; xref: Our third Caliph of Islam, Omar, was on his way to kill our prophet, Mohammed, may peace be upon him, - because the sister to Omar had converted to Islam, and Omar did not like that.

But, while Omar was on his way to kill our prophet, Mohammed, may peace be upon him,

Omar passed the Ka'bah, and there Omar had a revelation.

So, when Omar finally reached our prophet, Mohammed, may peace be upon him, instead of killing our prophet Mohammed, Omar, asked if he too, could come to Islam.

Therefore to choose a vice-president with the name of Omar might indicate you, President Hosni Mubarek have intention to welcome the protestors as the new politically active Egyptians who will be the mainstay of your country.

And likewise, you pray, they too, will have a change of heart, and welcome you, as their transition leader to marry the old establishment with the new, upcoming political class.

Finally, whose own name is 'Omar', thanks to the East African brother who helped whom come to Islam about half my life ago. Half whose life ago.

Therefore, since 'Caliph' in Islam, means "The one who would lead, if necessary," - and since the Vice President is the one who leads in the event the president cannot, Who recognizes the choice as not only based on the merit of you, Omar, but also as an international signal from you, Hosni, saying you are ready, and willing to accept the 100% consistent, unbiased logic of the highest [Thn/00:56:210*] chain of command; xref: Alawackbarr!

No jokes until Hajj is over.

The NYTimes.com web cast includes a quote from Egyptian brother which uses the word 'Joke' in a complex double meaning implying things are still serious in Egypt, but an important plateau has been attained volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #317 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (08:11 PM)

Dear President brother of Egypt, Hosni Murbarak, and Head brothers of the Egyptian Military, and Leader brothers who want to be perfect teachers and learners, and even the least brothers yearning for political equality:

Would you like to do this with, or without, me:

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #318 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (08:47 PM)

While looking for the suggested deeds, who learned more about you, VP Omar Sullimen; xref: "extra- ordinary rendition"

Extraordinary rendition by the United States - Wikipedia, the free ... Extraordinary rendition and irregular rendition describe the abduction and extrajudicial transfer of a person from one nation to another. "Torture by proxy" ... Definitions - Historical instances - Reported methodology - Example cases en.wikipedia.org/.../ Extraordinary_rendition_by_the_United_States - Cached - Similar

Therefore, "You can repent, and be forgiven by God for ANY sin, without the need to confess,"

As to atonement, or penance, to show how sorry you are, ...well first repentance To repent is to...

Stop. Feel sorry. And promise you will never use that false short cut again.

False short cuts save you steps, but make more steps for others.

And instead, to repent, you stop, retreat, and go back - to where you, and who else were last sure you were doing things right.

(Where were you last doing things right - before 'extraordinary rendition'; xref: Nashville - Sweetwater song [kn/]

When I was a little boy, On my Daddy's leg, He told me that my left Was over to my right, And the sun, was as cool as the shade.

That's why I grew up, Just a lit tle bit skeptical, Stayed 'round my own gate,

Lately, I've been livin' Just a little too sheltered, Now I think I've been a little [thn/] too straight.

{Commentary: likely who meant 'inhibited" rather than 'straight', because 'sheltered' implies that. Also who was looking for a rhyme with 'gate'. "Ideena s-siratal mustaqueem" you can never be "too straight" in the straight way; xref: even Abraham got caught in conflicting emotions by deviating from the straight way, when he lied to Pharaoh by saying Sarah was his sister, when actually Sarah was the wife to Abraham.

Yes, God told Abraham to lie to Pharaoh, so Pharaoh would not kill Abraham, because Sarah was so beautiful, Pharaoh, like anyone, ['''''crk\] would want her for his wife.

"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, nor thy neighbor's wife," is the 5th commandment from God delivered via Moses about 100 generations (20 Years per generation), or about 50 life times, AFTER Abraham.

"But two wrongs do not make a right," [''''''''''',rhnrhnrhnrh...] and which commandment says, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor,"

Zen Buddhism permits lying, but not to kill, or make anyone sick.

Was Abrahams lie "false witness against his neighbor"? Or, was it a permitted lie for self defense?

God said it was permitted to Abraham to lie for his self defense.

Jesus Christ would not defend himself. Jesus said, "You have said it," which in this case would point out to Pharaoh Pharaoh KNEW Sarah was the wife to Abraham. And likely Pharaoh, and ALL Egyptians, even 250 generations ago, were well aware it was wrong to want the wife of another man, unless they both VOLUNTARILY consented to medical intimacy coaching to diagnose and heal, perfect, protect and promote the relationship between the husband and the wife - NOT to steal the wife, or steal the husband away from the marriage.

Only to strengthen the marriage is intimacy coaching permitted; xref: Indonesia when who had an erectile dis- function, and asked whom to provide intimacy coaching to over come that, with the consent of whose wife and family - ...and father of the wife. But Sarah and Abraham were happily married, having escaped from the persecution of Ur, after Abraham destroyed the statues [thn/] which were worshipped as gods.

So Pharaoh repented, and when he learned Sarah was actually the wife to Abraham, he returned her to him, and Pharaoh insisted Abraham accept one of is most beautiful concubines as atonement, or penance, to show how truly sorry Pharaoh was to have taken the wife of another man. Likely Pharaoh, and all Egyptians, and Iraqis, knew it was an implied pressure, and Abraham was wise to lie, and live, rather than to tell the truth, and be killed.

But Jesus was a tough revolutionary. Jesus would not lie. To anyone, about anything. xref: "You're invincible (invisible) now you have NO secrets to conceal. How does it feel?" (Dylan, Bob 1967)

But Jesus lost his life by refusing lie. Actually, muslims, and families who were close to the actual events 100 generations, say the Romans crucified the wrong man. But the faith of Jesus was so great, Jesus ascended into heaven [''''thn/] through the body of the other man. xref: the photograph of you, Muhammed Bourazizi in Tunisia standing next to your brothers [thn/] holding a poster of you AFTER you had been martyred.

History repeats itself, especially if you do not know history.

So, to repent is to stop, feel sorry, And promise you will never use that false short cut again. In this case, the false short cut was when you, [Thn/] brother Omar Sulliman {xref: the wisdom of Solomon when Solomon determined who was the real Mother of the child by threatening to cut the child in half and give half to each claimant. Instead the real Mother, said, "No, no, give the child to the other woman," And so Solomon gave the child to her. Aslo xref: tossing you out of the apartment one day you brother Solliman. Also xref: you, Tip, and changing the name of "Music" to be "Solomon" because of the songs of Solomon. Also xref: what else? YOU, Katee, and expeditions, and being organized, and working together. Equipment lists. Maps. Experienced Guides. Itinerary. Double carries. Camp equipment first (?) Always carry your sleeping bag on Both carries in case you get stuck. So you can keep warm. And what else? Two water bottles.

So once again, back from a diversion...

You, brother Omar Sulliman, and your repentance regarding extra[[Thn/]]ordinary rendition. could take Sarah, for his wife [Thn/].

======SAWDUST: ,, despite the fact God told him to lie, so Pharaoh [kn \] would not kill him, deviated... ======SAWDUST// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #319 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (08:52 PM)

To repent is to stop. Feel. Sorry.

Well, likely you think the people who the brothers who

Likely you, brother Omar Sulliman, think the brothers, and / or sisters, who were removed by "extraordinary rendition"; xref; you, Julliah Assange, and YOUR extradition, to the U.S. [Thn/]

Likely YOU, brother, Omar Sulliman / Solomon, felt who was a threat to themselves or others, but why did you not insist Egypt try the case?

Likely you felt the United States was such an important ally you could not afford to alienate the United States? xref: Abraham and Pharaoh.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #320 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (08:54 PM)

Who is broadcasting or, "opening"; xref: "Use the oldest word you can to explain what you do, so the who cannot take your rights away from you,"

Please visit the Ustream.tv show: Peaceful Possibilities and Events

Who is opening this text stream [Thn/] with audio [Thn/]


[thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #321 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (09:03 PM) http://www.ustream.tv/channel/peaceful-possibilities-and-events volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #322 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (09:51 PM) [After emptying out and making wudu]

Dear brother, brothers, Omar and Hosni:

To repent is to stop. Feel sorry, and promise you'll never use what false short cut again.

False short cuts save you steps, but make more steps for others; xref: Emmanuel Kant and Kant's "Categorical Imperative" - what we do applies to the entire category, and all our brothers in the category.

So, what false short cut, or cuts, have you made? And are you willing to promise to never use those false short cuts again?

Instead, are you willing to stop ['''''tn], retreat, and go back to where you, and who else, were last sure you WERE doing things right, like when you were first elected President of Egypt, or when you were administering justice without "extraordinary renditions" to the United States, after the gang of 2000 - 2008 bullied the US and the world until we got them out - although you, Barack, are taking the slow and steady way out of that with 2014 as the new date for withdrawal from Afghanistan, and you are still permitting the immoral CIA drone attacks in western Pakistan. But you too, can repent, Barack and Michelle. And Hillary, and the US Congress, and John Roberts, and the US Supreme Court. Where were WE [thn/] last sure we were doing things right? xref: the recent reading aloud of the US Constitution by the US House of Representatives.

So, who in Egypt should start reading the Egyptian Constitution out loud?

Where were we - all these digression to send a simple fax.

Demonstrators are trying to take more responsibility for their own destiny.

The military might be overworked and under loved.

The existing power structure is old, old, old; xref: ossified.

New blood is needed to keep Egypt vibrant and healthy.

Perhaps like the US there are significant barriers to entry to participate in the electoral process.

In Alaska who could simply pay $150 and have whose name placed on the ballot.

In Washington, DC, it takes 2,000 signatures, or more, on a petition.

The system is biased in favor of organized groups who have time to circulate petitions, or money, to pay $5 per signature. Merit has little to do with it. "Taking" is what it's about.

Whose theory is the ballot would be overcrowded with "frivolous" candidates.

As if the voters were not smart enough to find whom they did want to vote for. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #323 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (09:59 PM)

So, 1.Repent. Stop feel sorry, promise you'll never use what false short cuts again. Open the electoral process. Invite any to register to be on the ballot. Require 200 signatures, and $50, to have your name placed on the ballot. If anyone has the same last name as anyone currently holding a public office, or working for the government, or who is also a candidate, require a footnote on the ballot explaining who is NOT who who might think who is.

2.Ask the demonstrators to publish a "Declaration of Human Rights" listing their demands.

3.Open the police academies to public inspection.

4.Require police to cross train in at least two jobs which do not involve carrying a gun.

5.Invite demonstrators to apply for training to become Egyptian medical police who are able to treat people in the field, as well as direct traffic, and if necessary, arrest people.

6.Stop all traffic where for twenty minutes for prayer. Five times a day. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #324 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (12:00 AM)

Apple's full use software dock is separating and moving to the app store to make more money. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #325 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (12:01 AM) the iphone ipad web page builder will take a little time to learn. It's still for free, and claims the web pages will be more readable on an iphone or iPad volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #326 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (01:56 AM)

#313 of 314: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (03:22 PM)

Dear Egyptian brothers:

Would you like to do this with, or without me?

1.Unity: invite whom to come pray with you. 2.Consideration: stop traffic for 20 minutes to pray - five times a day. 3.Charity: distribute Qur~ans to anyone who needs one. 4.Abstinence: call an emergency state of Ramadan for 30 days. 5.Pilgrimage: Escort President Murbarak to Mekka for Umrah.

Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you? Alhumdullilah? Hallelujah?

Muslim (s) and Christian (s) united?


1.You, President Mubarak, check with you, the Egyptian military and then, if possible, make the following offer to you, the demonstrators, via Egyptian media. 2. If you, the demonstrators, will agree to the following terms and conditions with you, President Mubarak, via internet and / or paper petitions, but using only 'screen names' or 'pen names', then you, the President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, with whom else, will "accept admonishment" and repent by going back to where you were last sure you were doing things right - when you were making sure any Egyptian citizen, or invited visitor, could find a room in Egypt. [[Thn/ 00:01:135*]] 2.5.To make this clear you, President Mubarak would agree to move into [['''''kn/]]the Luna Hotel, Cairo, Egypt (http://www.travellerspoint.com/accommodation/26087-Luna-Hotel/) xref: Sura al Qufor 30 days of prayer and daylight fasting, and meetings with the right to return to your presidential residence at the end of the 30 days. 3.The Egyptian Military will guard the President as per the UN and the Golf Hotel in Cote d'ivorie 4.The demonstrators shall keep a peaceful vigil making tawaf around the empty presidential residence, and sa'i in front of the Egyptian Congress. 5.The military will protect the empty presidential residence. 6.The demonstrators [thn/ 00:35:150*] {Right. This might be enough. But we zen, judeo, christian, muslims of the monotheism of the silk road, are an active lot}

6.You demonstrators will put your demands in writing in the form No room in the [Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!] Ramada Inn (Ramadan In)? xref; "Only God is permitted to live, or go, inside the oldest house of God," -

...... [^] therefore, the learner who wants to be a perfect teacher (footnote 1)...

...is born in the manger of the Imam's vestibule OUTside the Ramada (n) [''''''''''thn ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:29/30: 00:14:235*]

Footnote 1: [Thn/ 00:14:285*] The teacher who wants to be a perfect learner is one who practices the messiah self repair soft, and hard ware, [^] dance and song book thread - [[kn/ 00:04:150*]] "idea s-siratal mustaqueem" - woven throughout the fabric of all creation. [[Thn/ 00:59:285*]]

Only God can stand alone 100%, or stand with 100%.

The God [kn/] frequency is 100%/100% = 1. The messiah frequency, on the other hand, can 'stand alone' 50%, or 'stand with' 50%, but the messiah frequency, ideena s-siratal mustaqueem, is also equal to one: 50%/50%.

(xref: "You're invincible (invisible) now, you have no secrets to conceal. How does it feel?" (Dylan, Bob, "Like a Rolling Stone"); xref: "This rolling rock we walk upon")

So, ['''''tn [''''''''''jet]] should a building be voluntarily emptied and kept empty during a 30 day emergency Ramadan?

Should who all make 24/7 tawaf and sa'i around the emptied Presidential residence while you, President Hosni Murbarak stay at an Egyptian Ramadan Inn?

Would you, the Egyptian military be willing to protect said Ramada (n) In (n) while you, President Murbarak conducted a day light fast and prayed and met with Islamic leaders for 30 days during the emergency Ramadan? xref: you, the president elect of Cote d'ivorie, Alassane Ouattara, still under siege in the Golf Hotel in Cote d'Ivorie.

Would that show true repentance?

Would that be an example of going back to where you, and who else were last sure you were doing things right?

Being as equal as the teeth on a comb?

Staying in lodgings where anyone has the right to stay, but symbolic of the Ramadan where only God can live or go? Would you, the demonstrators, agree, with you, President Murbarak, to abide by this agreement PRIOR to you leaving to check in to the Ramada(n) In(n) [jet...]

Would [Thn/] all agree to a thirty day period of emergency Ramadan during which the demonstrators would formally write their demands, as the requested remedy of a legal complaint?

Would you also put your requested remedy in the form of proposed legislation?

Likewise would you, the demonstrators write sample executive orders you want enacted and present them to you, President Mubarak during the 30 days of emergency Ramadan?

Then, at the end of the 30 days of re-turn to the Presidential Residence, with plans for an election in the near future.

Meanwhile, you are repented, and forgiven by God, and then by your closest witnesses, and then rippling outward toward forgiveness from those who barely know you - like a stone cast upon still water.

Asalam wa lay kum, haji Mohammed A. Omar, aka, W.Hale 202-465-0067 email: [email protected] fax: 617-224-4308 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #314 of 314: William Hale (hinging0) Sat 29 Jan 2011 (03:22 PM)

[Thn. Thn. Thn. Thn, thn. Thn, thn, thn.]

======Editorial Sawdust: 6.I would be happy to pray in Mekka with you, President Murbarak. 7.Perhaps external memories, aka, iPod recordings of our prayers together could be distributed throughout Egypt and the United States. 8.This could then open the way to praying together in Egypt. ======Editorial Sawdu[kn/]//

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #327 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (02:39 AM)

Dear President brother Hosni Mubarak & Vice President brother Omar Sullimen:

Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else?

1. Invite the demonstrators to participate in a voluntary, emergency, 30 day, Ramadan fast for all of Egypt. 2. Volunteer [crk | 00:09:150*], and say why, you are willing to voluntarily "accept admonition" and restart (repent) [[''''''''''''tn/ 00:10:150*]] by temporarily vacating the Presidential residence so only God is permitted to live or go inside [Thn/ 00:12:150*]. 3. Invite the demonstrators to walk around the empty Presidential residence for 30 days. 4. Request they walk clockwise from a bird's eye to make it clear this is not tawaf, but repentance to restart [Thn/ 00:14:150*] {Perfect edit points who} 5. Invite the demonstrators to declare their requested remedies in writing. 6. Ask for one, or more, complaints to be filed in Egyptian Federal Courts. 7. "What do you want to do that who will not let you do?" 8. "Why do you think the very ground we stand on here in Egypt will be taken out from under our feet if the court denies your requested remedy?" 9. "What do you want the court to order whom to do so you CAN do what who will not let you do?" 10. Invite the demonstrators to send executive orders they would like you to execute. 11. "What do you want me, as President of Egypt, to order whom to do so you can do what you who, or why, will not let you do?" 12. Invite the demonstrators to draft legislation they would like the Egyptian Parliament to pass. [Thn/ 00:20:150*] 13. Invite the demonstrators to peacefully walk back and forth in front of the Egyptian Parliament and express [Thn/ thn/ thn/] their grievances to the world media towards the goal of better formulating the above requested [Thn/] [Thn/ [Thn]... 14. Voluntarily reside at the Luna Hotel, Cairo, Egypt (http://www.travellerspoint.com/accommodation/26087-Luna-Hotel/) until the end of the emergency Ramadan; xref: Sura [Thn tn tn] Al- Qamar: The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. (Notice your name looks like 'Qamar', brother Omar) 15. Meet with leaders of the demonstrators towards the goal of perfecting "mature wisdom" among all parties concerned. 16. At the end of the emergency Egyptian Ramadan, distribute Qur~ans to those who need them, and organize a emergency Eide to celebrate the thoughtful deliberation regarding the future of Egypt. 17. Ireland is diss[[thn\]]olving their parliament on Tuesday. 18. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, has said he needs to "reorganize" 19. As to subsidiary restarts within the overall restart, where were you last sure you were doing things right [Thn/ 00:31:150*] ? 20. xref: Administering justice yourself through Egyptian Courts rather than getting involved with "estraordinary rendition" with the United States, brother Omar? 21. xref: the way the gang of 2000-2008 bullied "We the people" of the United States as well as you, "the people of the book"; xref: "And (oft) in the past, have We destroyed gangs like unto you: then is there any that will receive admonition?" 22. Invite the duly elected president of Cote d'ivorie to request the Egyptian Army come to his rescue at the end of the 30 day emergency Egyptian Ramadan. 23. Set a six month time frame to work with the Egyptian Demonstrators, and invite the Tunisia demonstrators to join in the process via the internet and media. 24. Invite the President of Yemen to pray with you at the Luna hotel. 25. Offer him a strategy whereby Yemen could become an Islamic, Constitutional Monarchy, so he would know his family is secure, while at the same time opening the political process to a merit based, Islamic decision making process by consensus as to whom the leaders of Yemen [thn/] should be. 26. Invite the demonstrators to join in the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn HUMANITARIAN CORRIDOR project as [kn/ 00:39:150*] per

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #328 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (02:49 AM)

Dear President brother Hosni Mubarak & Vice President brother Omar Sullimen:

Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else?

1. Invite the demonstrators to participate in a voluntary, emergency, 30 day, Ramadan fast for all of Egypt. 2. Volunteer [crk | 00:09:150*], and say why, you are willing to voluntarily "accept admonition" and restart (repent) [[''''''''''''tn/ 00:10:150*]] by temporarily vacating the Presidential residence so only God is permitted to live or go inside [Thn/ 00:12:150*]. 3. Invite the demonstrators to walk around the empty Presidential residence for 30 days. 4. Request they walk clockwise from a bird's eye to make it clear this is not tawaf, but repentance to restart [Thn/ 00:14:150*] {Perfect edit points who} 5. Invite the demonstrators to declare their requested remedies in writing. 6. Ask for one, or more, complaints to be filed in Egyptian Federal Courts. 7. "What do you want to do that who will not let you do?" 8. "Why do you think the very ground we stand on here in Egypt will be taken out from under our feet if the court denies your requested remedy?" 9. "What do you want the court to order whom to do so you CAN do what who will not let you do?" 10. Invite the demonstrators to send executive orders they would like you to execute. 11. "What do you want me, as President of Egypt, to order whom to do so you can do what you who, or why, will not let you do?" 12. Invite the demonstrators to draft legislation they would like the Egyptian Parliament to pass. [Thn/ 00:20:150*] 13. Invite the demonstrators to peacefully walk back and forth in front of the Egyptian Parliament and express [Thn/ thn/ thn/] their grievances to the world media towards the goal of better formulating the above requested [Thn/] [Thn/ [Thn]... 14. Voluntarily reside at the Luna Hotel, Cairo, Egypt (http://www.travellerspoint.com/accommodation/26087-Luna-Hotel/) until the end of the emergency Ramadan; xref: Sura [Thn tn tn] Al- Qamar: The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. (Notice your name looks like 'Qamar', brother Omar) 15. Meet with leaders of the demonstrators towards the goal of perfecting "mature wisdom" among all parties concerned. 16. At the end of the emergency Egyptian Ramadan, distribute Qur~ans to those who need them, and organize a emergency Eide to celebrate the thoughtful deliberation regarding the future of Egypt. 17. Ireland is diss[[thn\]]olving their parliament on Tuesday. 18. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, has said he needs to "reorganize" 19. As to subsidiary restarts within the overall restart, where were you last sure you were doing things right [Thn/ 00:31:150*] ? 20. xref: Administering justice yourself through Egyptian Courts rather than getting involved with "estraordinary rendition" with the United States, brother Omar? 21. xref: the way the gang of 2000-2008 bullied "We the people" of the United States as well as you, "the people of the book"; xref: "And (oft) in the past, have We destroyed gangs like unto you: then is there any that will receive admonition?" 22. Invite the duly elected president of Cote d'ivorie to request the Egyptian Army come to his rescue at the end of the 30 day emergency Egyptian Ramadan. 23. Set a six month time frame to work with the Egyptian Demonstrators, and invite the Tunisia demonstrators to join in the process via the internet and media. 24. Invite the President of Yemen to pray with you at the Luna hotel. 25. Offer him a strategy whereby Yemen could become an Islamic, Constitutional Monarchy, so he would know his family is secure, while at the same time opening the political process to a merit based, Islamic decision making process by consensus as to whom the leaders of Yemen [thn/] should be. 26. Invite the demonstrators to join in the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn HUMANITARIAN CORRIDOR project as [kn/ 00:39:150*] per http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cape-Town-The-Soccer-Ball-Kicked- Around-The-World /194572276570 and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Letters-to-Russia-Office-of-the- President-Dmitri- Medvedev-from-WLH-MAO/180086985336137 and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Afghanistan-Pakistan-Peace-Treaty/ 190609603387 and http://www.tawbs.com 27.Ask the Parliament of Egypt to read the Constitution out loud; xref: the US House of Representatives. 28. About time to re-write the above from the point of view, of you demonstrators. 29. You, the demonstrators might like to invite you, President Mubarak, and you Vice President Omar Sulliman to read the Egyptian Constitution, and a sura or a portion thereof, each night on Egyptian media. 30. Alternate nights so it can take the form of a "volley for serve" as in the game of tennis. 31. You, the demonstrators, might like to back up your intentions with petitions [Thn/] 32. To protect yourselves, use screen names, or pen names, and use the other hand than what you normally write with. But the message will be clear. 33. Make Umrah after the volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #329 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (02:50 AM) [Thn/]

READERS' COMMENTS Egyptians Defiant as Military Does Little to Quash ProtestsBack to Article » By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK As troops and protesters fraternized, Omar Suleiman, Egypt’s military intelligence chief, was sworn in as vice president.

Share your thoughts.

108 Readers' CommentsPost a Comment » ALL COMMENTSHIGHLIGHTSREADERS' RECOMMENDATIONSREPLIES Oldest Newest of 5 NEXT 108. Jess CA January 30th, 2011 1:14 am It saddens me to see something so noble and incredible like people rising against an autocratic government should be marred by the same crowd being overcome by the passion and excitement of moment, resulting chaos and senseless violence so detrimental to achieving their true goal.

The Egyptian government is essentially killing and wounding these people by their action and inaction. Thinking about "how can we retain power?" not "how can we stop people from dying and hurting?" at this point seems almost monstrous to me. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 107. Mo Mansfield, CT January 30th, 2011 1:14 am the situation in Khartoum Sudan can turnout to be more bloody than Cairo. Young Sudanses are calling through Facebook, Twiter and cell phone for a march tomorrow January 30 to protest Bashier regime repression. The Bashier regime is even more repressive fascist islamist that won't hesistate to shed a lot of blood to crush the movement in the bud. The World, especially the US, need to pay attention to the situation and put pressure on the regime to avoid a bloodshed. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 106. William de Aquino Portland, OR January 30th, 2011 1:14 am Although there are serious risks should the collapse of this oppressive regime come to materialize, it's easy to understand the frustration of the Egyptian people. No one needs a college degree to understand what's going on since for everything there is a limit and patience is not an exception to this rule. Egyptians are making this quite clear. The support for the caprices of a self serving few at the expense of the sacrifice of a majority is no longer embraced anywhere around this globe and, if the US thought that this day would never come in Egypt, well, this was not being naive but just plain stupid. People have their dignity which is in complete opposition to the fostering of widespread impoverishment of the population which affects almost every aspect of life. Mubarak was efficient in holding extremists at bay, no doubt about it, but at the same time he shouldn’t have made use of such efficiency and end up exacerbating his power by turning against his own people and to make matters worse, try to force a family dynasty to hold on to power without end in sight as if the people had no voice. One takes it one day, and the next and the next and the next. Then, one just has no other alternative but vomit. Let’s hope that the Egyptian people have some plans in place for a better future. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 105. Bill Appledorf San Francicso January 30th, 2011 1:14 am Let us be clear.

In 1953 the U.S. ousted Mohammad Mossadegh, the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran, and replaced him with Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a bloodthirsty animal who facilitated a field day for U.S. corporations plundering Iran's economy. This is bad. Ousting a democratically elected leader is bad.

In Egypt, on the other hand, the U.S. has propped up the dictator Hosni Mubarak, another bloodthirsty animal, for the last 30 years.

So for the Obama administration to say that the U.S. doesn't want to be perceived as ousting yet another leader in the Middle East is more than a little disingenuous. In the present case withdrawing our support for Mubarak, which has always been illegitimate and which has always been extended at the expense of aspirations of the Egyptian people, is the right thing to do.

The time for Washington to stop waffling has long since passed. Why is our government hated in the Moslem world? Because of our freedoms? Or because the United States stifles theirs at every turn? Recommend Recommended by 14 Readers Report as Inappropriate 104. R4L NY January 30th, 2011 1:14 am This is Tiananmen Square 2011 Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 103. spidermark Koh Samui January 30th, 2011 1:14 am King Abdullah mentioned how important it is that the people maintain order, and not defy the authorities. He better worry. He is far more of a despot than Mubarak was. He is far more hated in his country. Who cares what this guy says? The entire planet would love to see him forced into exile. Yes, Abdullah, we all hope you are losing sleep at night, after having spent all of your life not benefitting mankind on any level, despite all of your incredible resources. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 102. Dave K Cleveland, OH January 30th, 2011 1:14 am The US government and the Obama administration has an opportunity here, if they'd be willing to just take it.

George W Bush invaded Iraq in part with the goal of bringing freedom and democracy to the Middle East. Now the people living there are doing the job far better than our military could possibly hope, and all we need to have happen is Obama to get in front of the cameras and say something like:

"The United States supports all people's right for a democratically elected government. We will not always agree with that government's decisions, but we will support free and fair elections in all nations. It is part of our nation's founding principles, and thus our clear duty to support the Egyptian, Tunisian, and other peoples yearning for a say in their own government. As show of our support of democratic principles, we hereby withdraw military aid to Hosni Mubarak, and demand that he schedule elections within 6 months. We will be working with international agencies to send election observers and ensure that elections are free and fair, so that all Egyptians may settle the question if their future government as a free people."

Say that, and perhaps we could break the hostility between the United States government and the Arab world. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 101. DB San Francisco January 30th, 2011 1:14 am Americans are so naive. They see smiling young people in the street crying for a better life and they rejoice. But there are many sinister forces lurking in those crowds waiting for an opportunity to seize power. In particular beware of the Muslim brotherhood whose jihadist view of the world spells disaster for democracy in Egypt. Egypt has a history of coups lead by the junior officer corp who are more inclined toward an Islamist state than its senior military. Should they try a power grab, those beaming young men in the street will be saddled with an Islamic theocracy for decades. Ask the people of Iran what has become of their bright and shining revolution following the removal of the Shah. They are subverted by old men and diminutive lunatics. Or consider Lebanon where Hezbollah, Iran's agent, has found it's way to dominance and promises more war with Israel. Be glad for the downfall of a dictator but be very, very wary about who will replace him. I fear for the people of Egypt and the middle east. I am not rejoicing and neither should anyone who has seen what follows these uprisings in the Arab world. Recommend Recommended by 5 Readers Report as Inappropriate 100. Brodston Gretna, Nebraska January 30th, 2011 1:14 am Yet another spectacular foreign policy calamity. We are 0-20 when it comes to "nation building" and/or "supporting long time regional allies" particularly in that quagmire known collectively as the Middle East. Maybe the recidivist pre-WWII isolationists were onto something after all. We are such bumblers that it is no longer a question on how we have fallen on our face in every one of our foreign misadventures, but rather how did the same country successfully rebuild Japan and Western Europe after 1945. We must have colossally lucky. Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 99. arthur grupp wolfeboro falls nh January 30th, 2011 1:14 am It's not religion or politics....mind the gap! Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 98. Simon Tampa January 30th, 2011 1:14 am It is incredible that $1.3 billion of our tax dollars is given to the Egyptian military so it can purchase the weapons produced by our military-industry complex, while the couple hundred million dollars for economic development is pocketed by Mubarak and his cronies. This is insanity.

Obama's response to the Egyptians' demands for democracy is embarrassing, but expected. When it comes right down to it, he isn't much different from Bush, Bush, and Clinton on economic and foreign issues. All their talk about democracy is just talk. The Arab world has always known this, I think that some Americans are just figuring this out for themselves. Recommend Recommended by 4 Readers Report as Inappropriate 97. Burkeman111 Boston January 30th, 2011 1:14 am Hey- I read a book once on Tennessee- does that make me, a Bostonian, competent to tell Tennesseans whom they should elect, what issues should matter to them, what sort of government they should have? Of course not. That would be criminally presumptuous of me now wouldn't it? So what in the world makes people who think they read a "Commentary" article about the Muslim Brotherhood or some article in "Foreign Affairs" or the "Atlantic Monthly" about Egypt- and who come on here and re-spout such self serving DC funded insider non sense- what makes you think you are entitled to even offer an opinion about the issues that face Egyptians? It's beyond disgusting at this point. Shame, decency- those are words. I suggest half the posters on this article look those words up. Recommend Recommended by 4 Readers Report as Inappropriate 96. renderus Auckland New Zealand January 30th, 2011 1:14 am "TOP DOWN, BOTTOM UP, INSIDE OUT" strategy playing out in Egypt right now.

The White House strategy, coming to USA soon.

Van Jones, former White House Green Czar, and still adviser to President Obama.

Van Jones: Bottom up, Top down, and Inside out Strategist.

Perfect example of the "top down bottom up and inside out" strategy soon coming to USA.

George Soros: How much money did you make yesterday?

Bill Ayers: Feeling your goal of destabilizing the Middle East is a step closer?

Van Jones: Bottom Up, Top Down, Inside Out working perfectly in Egypt? Have any of your people on the ground working in the bottom up part?

Barack Obama or should I say Jimmy Carter look alike? Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 95. TK Sung Seoul, Korea January 30th, 2011 1:14 am With just a can of gasoline Mohamed Bouazizi is doing what Bush failed to do with trillions of dollars: bringing the almighty's gift to the Middle East. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 94. Warro NC January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm Please be careful of what you wish for. Israelis for the most part are Jews. Jews will not be incinerated again. Does anyone know that Egypt will become a democratic state? If so, please tell me the other Muslim nations that are democratic states. If it becomes another intolerant, Jew-hating Muslim state, then all bets are off. The region could turn into a conflagration that will suck many nations into its burning maw. Recommend Recommended by 3 Readers Report as Inappropriate 93. Tian Qingyou Tianjin, China January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm By pushing western democracy US is going to lose another friend in the middle east, leaving the vacuum for the fundamentalists to fill in, which couldn't serve US more right. It seems 9.11 is not a lesson enough. The harder the US pushes its stupid democracy, the more terrorists will come out, the closer the US will get to its end. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 92. Kitty Stanford University, CA January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm Egypt has a population of 80 million; 37 million subsist on $2.00 USD or less per day. How can a dictator consider any chance that his people believe he has their best interests at heart (as he has been claiming in broadcasts over the last 72 hours), when he's had 30 years to right the wrongs of his country, but has not? And as far as the gov't limiting and blocking the internet, tweets, TV phones, etc., it brings to mind this: "The revolution will not be televised". More power to you, people of Egypt! Recommend Recommended by 10 Readers Report as Inappropriate 91. cold comfort farm pa. January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm The murkiness of our government and it's control by the unseen power brokers, makes me wonder if the inevitable compromise of the Suez Canal and once unfettered oil shipping isn't near the root of this thing. Bang the drum for alternative energy (Obama et al), and drive oil up to astronomical levels. Sounds like a plan. Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 90. xiao wang Md January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm This is a tragedy in the making.

No matter what one's politics, the Egyptian people and Arabs in general will be the losers are they usually are.

There is no Arab democracy. Never has been and there is little to support the belief that the fall of these dictators ( Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and elsewhere) will lead to democracy.

The only other strong force in the region are the organized Islamists who have declared war on the West and our civilization.

It does not bode well for any of us, Arab or non-Arab.

While dictators may be overthrown as they have been in Tunisia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine ( Hamas) and now Egypt, the vacuum has always, without exception been filled by the Muslim extremists.

No one ever has broken free from their rule.

They are the final step before hell. Recommend Recommended by 4 Readers Report as Inappropriate 89. eric selby miami beach, florida January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm The United States should be solidly behind the people who are living under a tyrant. That is what I thought this country was all about. But, of course, we get ourselves tied up in ruthless governments like this one. I think it is inspirational to see what is happening in the Middle East as, finally, young people revolt. I wish the young people of this country would revolt, would take on the causes of the poor and revolt against the filthy--really filthy--rich. Recommend Recommended by 8 Readers Report as Inappropriate 88. xiaohui ny January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm When egypt people call for the support of Obama for their freedom, where is Obama? Dont give up egypt just because they dont produce crude! Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 87. fratto new york January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm US aid to Egypt is used for suppressing people. It buys Israel peace, that in turn makes US happy. end of the story. This is about to change. Israel is really worried for good reason. They had several decades to resolve palestine issue, they wasted all the time. Now, they are pretty much surrounded, Hizbullah, Hamas, Syria and now Egypt. Don't count on the new government to be friendly to US or Israel. US and Israel has done nothing but caused misery for Egyptians. Recommend Recommended by 14 Readers Report as Inappropriate 86. Huge Success San Francisco, Ca January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm Go Egypt! We support you! Recommend Recommended by 9 Readers Report as Inappropriate 85. MoroccanLove Nyc January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm Some NYT readers are really naive to believe that the US Gov cares about the average Egyptian Citizen(think what 1.5 billion of aid was;not wheate for sure)

Other Readers definitely know that the Moubarek is a thug and dictator supported by the White House but those readers (for one reason or another)are trying to scare us with the Islamists (boogy man).

After all, If egyptians want Islamists to be in control and they vote for one democratically why should American oppose to that!!!! Wasn't Iraq Attacked in the premises of "spreading democracy to the Arab world!!!

For those who don't know ; Democracy was born in the Arab world before this great country was even founded;please look that up

The White House aka Obama is making a big mistake for siding with the dictator. The average Egyptian doesn't want Mubarak nor the new appointees. The Average Egyptian doesn't want anything to do with ANYONE from the regime.

I was shocked to read the last paraghraph of the article; I guess the Author is trying to discredit Doctor Al baradii by telling the reader that the Doctor spent little time in Egypt and had little support

Recommend Recommended by 6 Readers Report as Inappropriate 84. sabah dabby Carolina Beach, NC January 29th, 2011 11:48 pm I am amused that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has joined President Mubarak in the blame game and attributes the problems of Egypt to ‘unnamed agitators’. The underlying reason is corruption leading to an increasingly wide dived between the rich and the poor. Perhaps the best example of this inequity was the late Yassir Arafat who made the list of Forbes Wealthiest while Palestinians lived in abject poverty. By the way, at some point my bet is Saudi Arabia will return to its original name Arabia, after the ruling family exits stage left. Recommend Recommended by 8 Readers Report as Inappropriate of 5 NEXT Thank you for your submission. Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive. An email will be sent to you at [email protected] (Change e-mail) Your Submitted Comment Display Name William Hale Location 20016 Comment Dear President brother Hosni Mubarak & Vice President brother Omar Sullimen: Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else? 1. Invite the demonstrators to participate in a voluntary, emergency, 30 day, Ramadan fast for all of Egypt. 2. Volunteer [crk | 00:09:150*], and say why, you are willing to voluntarily \"accept admonition\" and restart (repent) [[''''''''''''tn/ 00:10:150*]] by temporarily vacating the Presidential residence so only God is permitted to live or go inside [Thn/ 00:12:150*]. 3. Invite the demonstrators to walk around the empty Presidential residence for 30 days. 4. Request they walk clockwise from a bird's eye to make it clear this is not tawaf, but repentance to restart [Thn/ 00:14:150*] {Perfect edit points who} 5. Invite the demonstrators to declare their requested remedies in writing. 6. Ask for one, or more, complaints to be filed in Egyptian Federal Courts. 7. \"What do you want to do that who will not let you do?\" 8. \"Why do you think the very ground we stand on here in Egypt will be taken out from under our feet if the court denies your requested remedy?\" 9. \"What do you want the court to order whom to do so you CAN do what who will not let you do?\" 10. Invite the demonstrators to send executive orders they would like you to execute. 11. \"What do you want me, as President of Egypt, to order whom to do so you can do what you who, or why, will not let you do?\" 12. Invite the demonstrators to draft legislation they would like the Egyptian Parliament to pass. [Thn/ 00:20:150*] 13. Invite the demonstrators to peacefully walk back and forth in front of the Egyptian Parliament and express [Thn/ thn/ thn/] their grievances to the world media towards the goal of better formulating the above requested [Thn/] [Thn/ [Thn]... 14. Voluntarily reside at the Luna Hotel, Cairo, Egypt (http://www.travellerspoint.com/accommodation/26087-Luna-Hotel/) until the end of the emergency Ramadan; xref: Sura [Thn tn tn] Al- Qamar: The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. (Notice your name looks like 'Qamar', brother Omar) 15. Meet with leaders of the demonstrators towards the goal of perfecting \"mature wisdom\" among all parties concerned. 16. At the end of the emergency Egyptian Ramadan, distribute Qur~ans to those who need them, and organize a emergency Eide to celebrate the thoughtful deliberation regarding the future of Egypt. 17. Ireland is diss[[thn\\]]olving their parliament on Tuesday. 18. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, has said he needs to \"reorganize\" 19. As to subsidiary restarts within the overall restart, where were you last sure you were doing things right [Thn/ 00:31:150*] ? 20. xref: Administering justice yourself through Egyptian Courts rather than getting involved with \"estraordinary rendition\" with the United States, brother Omar? 21. xref: the way the gang of 2000-2008 bullied \"We the people \" of the United States as well as you, \"the people of the book\"; xref: \"And (oft) in the past, have We destroyed gangs like unto you: then is there any that will receive admonition?\" 22. Invite the duly elected president of Cote d'ivorie to request the Egyptian Army come to his rescue at the end of the 30 day emergency Egyptian Ramadan. 23. Set a six month time frame to work with the Egyptian Demonstrators, and invite the Tunisia demonstrators to join in the process via the internet and media. 24. Invite the President of Yemen to pray with you at the Luna hotel. 25. Offer him a strategy whereby Yemen could become an Islamic, Constitutional Monarchy, so he would know his family is secure, while at the same time opening the political process to a merit based, Islamic decision making process by consensus as to whom the leaders of Yemen [thn/] should be. 26. Invite the demonstrators to join in the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn HUMANITARIAN CORRIDOR project as [kn/ 00:39:150*] per http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cape-Town-The-Soccer-Ball-Kicked- Around-The-World /194572276570 and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Letters-to-Russia-Office-of-the- President-Dmitri- Medvedev-from-WLH-MAO/180086985336137 and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Afghanistan-Pakistan-Peace-Treaty/ 190609603387 and http://www.tawbs.com 27.Ask the Parliament of Egypt to read the Constitution out loud; xref: the US House of Representatives. 28. About time to re-write the above from the point of view, of you demonstrators. 29. You, the demonstrators might like to invite you, President Mubarak, and you Vice President Omar Sulliman to read the Egyptian Constitution, and a sura or a portion thereof, each night on Egyptian media. 30. Alternate nights so it can take the form of a \"volley for serve\" as in the game of tennis. 31. You, the demonstrators, might like to back up your intentions with petitions [Thn/] 32. To protect yourselves, use screen names, or pen names, and use the other hand than what you normally write with. But the message will be clear. 33. Make Umrah after the

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #330 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (03:38 AM)

Factbox - Omar Suleiman, new Egyptian vice-president

Share this Link this Digg Email Related News Egypt's Mubarak picks vice-president for first time Sat, Jan 29 2011 Egypt's Mubarak picks vice-president for first time Sat, Jan 29 2011 Egypt's Mubarak picks vice-president for first time Sat, Jan 29 2011 UPDATE 1-Egypt Mubarak picks vice-president for first time Sat, Jan 29 2011 Egypt's Mubarak picks vice-president for first time Sat, Jan 29 2011 CAIRO | Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:45am EST (Reuters) - Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, who has not had a vice-president since he took office in 1981, appointed his intelligence chief and confidant Omar Suleiman to the post on Saturday, the official news agency said.

Vice-president is the post that Mubarak occupied before he was promoted to the presidency following the assassination of his predecessor Anwar Sadat.

Here are five facts about Omar Suleiman:

* He has been the director of the Egyptian General Intelligence Services (EGIS) since 1993, a role in which he has played a prominent public role in diplomacy, including in Egypt's relations with Israel and with key aid donor the United States.

* He was born on July 2, 1936 in Qena, in southern Egypt. He later enrolled in Egypt's premier Military Academy in 1954, after which he received additional military training in the then Soviet Union at Moscow's Frunze Military Academy.

* He also studied political science at Cairo University and Ain Shams University. In 1992 he headed the General Operations Authority in the Armed Forces and then became the director of the military intelligence unit before taking over EGIS. * Suleiman took part in the war in Yemen in 1962 and the 1967 and 1973 wars against Israel.

* As Egypt's intelligence chief, Suleiman was in charge of the country's most important political security files, and was the mastermind behind the fragmentation of Islamist groups who led the uprising against the state in the 1990s.

(Writing by Dina Zayed; Editing by Alastair Macdonald) volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #331 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (03:53 AM)

In the streets of Cairo, many protesters are now openly denouncing the United States for supporting President Hosni Mubarak, saying the price has been their freedom. They say the Obama administration has offered only tepid criticism of a regime that has received billions of dollars in U.S. aid.

The United States walks a fine line between a weakened leader and the pro-democracy protesters who could overthrow him. But the prospect of Mubarak being ousted by a movement that feels ignored by the United States raises questions about future relations between Washington and a strategic ally in a volatile region of the world.

"Tell America that we get to choose our president," Manshawi said. "We choose him, not them."

======Null Hypothesis:

Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public Dear President brother Hosni Mubarak & Vice President brother Omar Sullimen:

Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else? 1. Invite the demonstrators to participate in a voluntary, emergency, 30 day, Ramadan fast for all of Egypt. 2. "Accept admonition\" and restart (repent) [[''''''''''''tn/ 00:10:150*]] 3. Temporarily vacate the Presidential residence during the 30 days of the emergency Egyptian Ramadan, so only God is permitted to live or go inside [Thn/ 00:12:150*]. 4. Invite the demonstrators to walk around the empty Presidential residence for 30 days. 5. Request they walk clockwise from a bird's eye to make it clear this is not tawaf, but repentance to restart [Thn/ 00:14:150*] {Perfect edit points who}. 6. Invite the demonstrators to declare their requested remedies in writing. 7. Ask for one, or more, complaints to be filed in Egyptian Federal Courts. 8. \"What do you want to do that who will not let you do?\" 9. \"Why do you think the very ground we stand upon here in Egypt will be taken out from under our feet if the court denies your requested remedy?\" 10. \"What do you want the court to order whom to do so you CAN do what who will not let you do?\" 11. Invite the demonstrators to send executive orders they would like you to execute. 12. \"What do you want me, as President of Egypt, to order whom to do so you can do what who, or why, will not let you do?\" 12. Invite the demonstrators to draft legislation they would like the Egyptian Parliament to pass. [Thn/ 00:20:150*] 13. Invite the demonstrators to peacefully walk back and forth in front of the Egyptian Parliament and express [Thn/ thn/ thn/] their grievances to the world media towards the goal of better formulating the above requested [Thn/] [Thn/ [Thn]... 14. Voluntarily reside at the Luna Hotel, Cairo, Egypt (http://www.travellerspoint.com/accommodation/26087-Luna-Hotel/) until the end of the emergency Ramadan; xref: Sura [Thn tn tn] Al- Qamar: The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. (Notice your name looks like 'Qamar', brother Omar) 15. Meet with leaders of the demonstrators towards the goal of perfecting \"mature wisdom\" among all parties concerned. 16. At the end of the emergency Egyptian Ramadan, distribute Qur~ans to those who need them, and organize a emergency Eide to celebrate the thoughtful deliberation regarding the future of Egypt. 17. Ireland is diss[[thn\\]]olving their parliament on Tuesday. 18. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, has said he needs to \"reorganize\" 19. As to subsidiary restarts within the overall restart, where were you last sure you were doing things right [Thn/ 00:31:150*] ? 20. xref: Administering justice yourself through Egyptian Courts rather than getting involved with \"estraordinary rendition\" with the United States, brother Omar? 21. xref: the way the gang of 2000-2008 bullied \"We the people \" of the United States as well as you, \"the people of the book\"; xref: \"And (oft) in the past, have We destroyed gangs like unto you: then is there any that will receive admonition?\" 22. Invite the duly elected president of Cote d'ivorie to request the Egyptian Army come to his rescue at the end of the 30 day emergency Egyptian Ramadan. 23. Set a six month time frame to work with the Egyptian Demonstrators, and invite the Tunisia demonstrators to join in the process via the internet and media. 24. Invite the President of Yemen to pray with you at the Luna hotel. 25. Offer him a strategy whereby Yemen could become an Islamic, Constitutional Monarchy, so he would know his family is secure, while at the same time opening the political process to a merit based, Islamic decision making process by consensus as to whom the leaders of Yemen [thn/] should be. 26. Invite the demonstrators to join in the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn HUMANITARIAN CO

This fax is archived on google buzz under the screen name of - Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security

Redundant copies are archived at - http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150151189690961&set=a. 1015012705088596


[Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #332 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (04:01 AM) mnlennon wrote: The Chickens come home to roost. For Years the US has supported Despots the World over while preaching the value of Democracy but the only Democracy We ever supported were those that allowed Us to be Their Masters, mostly for Business purposes. Ask the Good People of Central and South America about Our support of Democracy, every time They elected a Government We didn't like, We supported and armed Our Puppets and overthrew the Legitimate Government. Guns and Ammo made in the USA have been showered on Despots to be used to kill Democracy. In the end, the People will win and the US will be reviled. Our status of the symbol of Freedom has long ======NH: {'has long'} [Thn/!] ======Null Hypothesis// ago been buried volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #333 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (04:03 AM) much like the USSR. ======Null Hypothesis: xref: {Thank you} much. Like the USSR; xref: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Letters-to-Russia-Office-of-the- President-Dmitri- Medvedev-from-WLH-MAO/180086985336137?v=wall ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #334 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (04:06 AM)

Hazmat77 wrote: selfemployedbluecollar

======Null Hypothesis: xref: you, Synaptics touch pad; xref: control surfaces for mixing audio. Also xref: Green Lantern, blue tooth, thumb pressure, Morse code finger ring. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #335 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (04:13 AM)

Your Comments On... More Egyptian protesters demand that White House condemn Mubarak CAIRO - In a dusty alleyway in downtown Cairo, Gamal Mohammed Manshawi held out a dirty plastic bag Saturday afternoon. Inside were smashed gas canisters and the casings of rubber bullets that he said Egyptian police had fired at anti-government demonstrators. - By Leila Fadel

Comments randomsample wrote: In the streets of Cairo, many protesters are now openly denouncing the United States for supporting President Hosni Mubarak, saying the price has been their freedom. They say the Obama administration has offered only tepid criticism of a regime that has received billions of dollars in U.S. aid.

The United States walks a fine line between a weakened leader and the pro-democracy protesters who could overthrow him. But the prospect of Mubarak being ousted by a movement that feels ignored by the United States raises questions about future relations between Washington and a strategic ally in a volatile region of the world.

"Tell America that we get to choose our president," Manshawi said. "We choose him, not them."

======Null Hypothesis:

Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Buzz - Public Dear President brother Hosni Mubarak & Vice President brother Omar Sullimen:

Would you like to do this with, or without me, and / or who else? 1. Invite the demonstrators to participate in a voluntary, emergency, 30 day, Ramadan fast for all of Egypt. 2. "Accept admonition\" and restart (repent) [[''''''''''''tn/ 00:10:150*]] 3. Temporarily vacate the Presidential residence during the 30 days of the emergency Egyptian Ramadan, so only God is permitted to live or go inside [Thn/ 00:12:150*]. 4. Invite the demonstrators to walk around the empty Presidential residence for 30 days. 5. Request they walk clockwise from a bird's eye to make it clear this is not tawaf, but repentance to restart [Thn/ 00:14:150*] {Perfect edit points who}. 6. Invite the demonstrators to declare their requested remedies in writing. 7. Ask for one, or more, complaints to be filed in Egyptian Federal Courts. 8. \"What do you want to do that who will not let you do?\" 9. \"Why do you think the very ground we stand upon here in Egypt will be taken out from under our feet if the court denies your requested remedy?\" 10. \"What do you want the court to order whom to do so you CAN do what who will not let you do?\" 11. Invite the demonstrators to send executive orders they would like you to execute. 12. \"What do you want me, as President of Egypt, to order whom to do so you can do what who, or why, will not let you do?\" 12. Invite the demonstrators to draft legislation they would like the Egyptian Parliament to pass. [Thn/ 00:20:150*] 13. Invite the demonstrators to peacefully walk back and forth in front of the Egyptian Parliament and express [Thn/ thn/ thn/] their grievances to the world media towards the goal of better formulating the above requested [Thn/] [Thn/ [Thn]... 14. Voluntarily reside at the Luna Hotel, Cairo, Egypt (http://www.travellerspoint.com/accommodation/26087-Luna-Hotel/) until the end of the emergency Ramadan; xref: Sura [Thn tn tn] Al- Qamar: The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. (Notice your name looks like 'Qamar', brother Omar) 15. Meet with leaders of the demonstrators towards the goal of perfecting \"mature wisdom\" among all parties concerned. 16. At the end of the emergency Egyptian Ramadan, distribute Qur~ans to those who need them, and organize a emergency Eide to celebrate the thoughtful deliberation regarding the future of Egypt. 17. Ireland is diss[[thn\\]]olving their parliament on Tuesday. 18. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, has said he needs to \"reorganize\" 19. As to subsidiary restarts within the overall restart, where were you last sure you were doing things right [Thn/ 00:31:150*] ? 20. xref: Administering justice yourself through Egyptian Courts rather than getting involved with \"estraordinary rendition\" with the United States, brother Omar? 21. xref: the way the gang of 2000-2008 bullied \"We the people \" of the United States as well as you, \"the people of the book\"; xref: \"And (oft) in the past, have We destroyed gangs like unto you: then is there any that will receive admonition?\" 22. Invite the duly elected president of Cote d'ivorie to request the Egyptian Army come to his rescue at the end of the 30 day emergency Egyptian Ramadan. 23. Set a six month time frame to work with the Egyptian Demonstrators, and invite the Tunisia demonstrators to join in the process via the internet and media. 24. Invite the President of Yemen to pray with you at the Luna hotel. 25. Offer him a strategy whereby Yemen could become an Islamic, Constitutional Monarchy, so he would know his family is secure, while at the same time opening the political process to a merit based, Islamic decision making process by consensus as to whom the leaders of Yemen [thn/] should be. 26. Invite the demonstrators to join in the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn HUMANITARIAN CO

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1.317915.243286560960 1/30/2011 6:52:34 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy mnlennon wrote: The Chickens come home to roost. For Years the US has supported Despots the World over while preaching the value of Democracy but the only Democracy We ever supported were those that allowed Us to be Their Masters, mostly for Business purposes. Ask the Good People of Central and South America about Our support of Democracy, every time They elected a Government We didn't like, We supported and armed Our Puppets and overthrew the Legitimate Government. Guns and Ammo made in the USA have been showered on Despots to be used to kill Democracy. In the end, the People will win and the US will be reviled. Our status of the symbol of Freedom has long ago been buried much like the USSR. The only People Our Government has been able to fool for all these Years is the American People, the rest of the World knows what We truly support and It's not Democracy. 1/30/2011 6:49:40 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Hazmat77 wrote: selfemployedbluecollar - just to set the record straight, most of the US$ for Egypt and Israel is in the form of military aid.

AND from a practical matter, this actually provides US companies manufacturers with business that creates jobs and significant economic activity in the USA. 1/30/2011 6:44:58 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Hazmat77 wrote: 18taipei ... Obama and his Administration do NOT know who is leading the apparent revolt in Egypt. If it is being sponsored by Islamic extremists, helping them to change government would create an Iranian type of totalitaarian theocracy - clearly a disasterous outcome for all but the religious extremists. Joe Biden's supposed foreign policy knowledge is a total farce...he is clueless. 1/30/2011 6:40:26 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy selfemployedbluecollar wrote: Social Security is going bust and we give Egypt Billions. Thank you my Government. 1/30/2011 6:34:57 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Vercinget333 wrote: Moreover. I think Mr. Obama is not the Emperor of the full world. He has not to be the Emperor of the full world. Why to call for the "King consent"? It seems you are not free enough in your souls. 1/30/2011 6:24:03 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy quinn112745 wrote: as my tach officer in OCS said "grow a set of nads and make a decision "right or wrong" make a decision, those you lead expect it from you. 1/30/2011 6:15:02 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy 18taipei wrote: The Egyptians are being let down by the President Obama, Biden, and Clinton. We only support governments that agree to go along with the American military/industrial complex. Save Israel at the cost of everyone else's freedom. Vote for anyone you want, but if they don't agree with the Americans and British, they are called "terrorists!" America has disappointed freedom-loving people around the world. If there is a God, he would be ashamed of our country. We thought the Nobel/Obama was above that! 1/30/2011 6:12:28 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Vercinget333 wrote: I don't know anuthing about Mr.Obama thoughts. But I am really with the People of the full world in any try to change from any kind of dictatorship to the liberal democracy. I am liberalist. I don't say liberal because in the USA is usualy another concept. Or course you have the support an only person could bring. 1/30/2011 6:05:25 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy joeblow111 wrote: mr. president, please take this opportunity and demonstrate forcefully that you actually stand with the people of egypt. 1/30/2011 6:00:51 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Vercinget333 wrote: The USA. The USA has its history after that. In the strange mix going to the "paradise" there were some few real liberal, a bulk of I-want-to-be noblemen-by-wealth and religious dreamers in the first waves. Active or passive monarchic mind. Even harder monarchic or pseudo-monarchic mind than in Europe at that time. And so landing there the first liberal fighters of the Rights and very hard monarchic beleiefs too. Liberal. Conservative. Both concepts moving away of the european equivalent. In the fight to raise any kind of government the real historic liberal movement finally were defeated. Finally a kind of bubble truning its mind to a total conservative view of the world where money and few ideology was finally the rule. 1/30/2011 5:36:41 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Vercinget333 wrote: Difficult. Difficult to reflect when the heat goes up. Violence is a spiral itself making any previous motive to be less motivation.

We MUST learn about Rights. The full world must learn about Rights and twisted speechs. Liberal Democracy is not mainly about Rights. It is about the search of the most possible individual liberty in a stable efficient political system. The fight of the Rights was a very initial way of looking for Justice. Let me speak about European History. A King had full control over its vassals liberty because he was the sovereignty. The first attempt after some important unrest was a hidden neghotiation. First noblemen -because they were a key for the Monarchy- and then the "commons" asked the King for an alianiable part of their individual liberty and enough fair human treatment. The conecpt of Rights. A good King granting some liberty to the vassalas when the liberty is fully personal and untransferable by definition. There was not really any desire or possibility to change the Monarchic system because there was not alternative. Those first freedom fighters never were able to develop any alternative political system. There were some tries finally leading to the disaster turning a Monarchy into a dictatorship which is even worst.

The very real deep root of the liberal democracy was developed strangely by great system insiders looking for a political alternative. A credible efficient stable political alternative. An intellectual movement with skills enough both in the dream and the reality to develop somthing which would be the end of the absolute Monarchy. They spoke about liberty, a sovereign nation and unfortunately, liberty cvuts in benefit of such stability and global effcience... It was really the search for the MOST possible liberty in a system. 1/30/2011 5:17:51 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy patrickbarry2 wrote:

words have many meanings. The U.S. may preach about Democracy, yet they do not support the result of a freely elected government(s). Hamas, Iran, and even in Syria the people voted in a democratic manner. And yet, because they do not follow the U.S. or British policy, they are marked as "Terrorist Regimes". No matter what party is leading the U.S. or Britain, they should work with these governments not work against them. 1/30/2011 5:17:49 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy bkarpus wrote: Shades of Iran????????

Will our government see the truth, that the current Egyptian government will not last?? Or will they continue backing the past??

I believe it really does not matter, as an Islamic fundamentalist replacement will arise and be hostile to the West...... 1/30/2011 5:06:42 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy glenglish wrote: The US Government hss to wear a face of neutrality but you can bet a dollar to the deficit that some stings and things are being pulled behind the scenes and a new meat corruppet* is being lined up in the wings.

*I dunno know if I made it up or what but we get so many corrupt puppet governments in power it can't be original, can it? 1/30/2011 4:45:08 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy rickedelson wrote: This is the first real test of Obama's character. Will he earn his Nobel Prize, or will he stand with the corrupt elite, has he has done in Afghanistan and back here in the US by protecting the bankers like Lloyd Blankfien? Time to show us what you're made of, Mr. President. 1/30/2011 4:43:46 AM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy RepealObamacareNow wrote: Does the first mulatto president in our history have the balls to do the right thing? 1/30/2011 4:31:26 AM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy xcorrick1 wrote: mlbduffy wrote: xcorrick1: Are you going to put a windmill on your car when gas is $15 a gallon? Obamacare and forcing folks into Medicaid and forcing people to buy insurance is one example of our loss of freedom. The fact that Obama has found a way to force regulations on the whole country by getting around congress with the use of his non-elected department heads to do that is another. Taking away the closed ballot from workers who vote for or against unionization of their companies is another. These are just a few of the things this Obama administration is doing to our freedoms. But most of the encroaching loss of our freedoms is more subtle than that. History will show that Obama is the worst president this country ever had. Bush couldn't hold a candle to him in that regard. ------


Gasoline will never be $15 a gallon in this country, and even if it was, I'd drive an electric car. No problem there.

What regulations are you talking about? Which ones, exactly, has Obama's administration put into effect on "the whole country"? PLease be more specfic, otherwise I'll assume that your just making things up.

As to health insurance, no one is forced to buy anything. Why do you think that? Who has been forced to buy health insurance? The reality is, people who don't have insurance, when the law takes effect in a couple years, will face a tax (which is absolutely constitutional). Those who DO have insurance will not. There is no "forcing" people into buying health insurance. You've bought the big GOP lie. 1/30/2011 4:02:37 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy kakamaika wrote: US didn't understand the situation and the way of trating them.i think you'll never will.here some countrys that you forieng affairs didn't "understand" them. some of them will particapte in another future world war as enemys or the'll send terrorists to US soile. those arab countrys: 1. iraq 2. afganistan 3. iran 4. eygpt 5. lebanon 6. Syria 7. pakistan 8. indonezia 1/30/2011 3:57:37 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy iudicium wrote: It is incredible that the US politicians learn so little from the past.

Once again, by continuing to support a dictator, they are setting another country to become violently anti-American in the future.

Isn't it normal for any human being to resent supporters of their oppressors?

Americans do not like it so why do they expect others to like it. Recall the famous words of Bush "You are either with us or against us".

Currently America is against the Egyptian people in the eyes of the Egyptian population. 1/30/2011 3:49:35 AM Recommend (5) Report Abuse Discussion Policy volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #336 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:09 AM)

Before dawn, around 50 tanks and other armored vehicles rolled into the upmarket suburb of Heliopolis, near the airport and close to President Mubarak’s home, and there seemed to be a renewed effort to tighten controls on the flow of news.

======NH: xref: Avalanche - send in the helicopters. Mountain rescue. St. Bernards. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #337 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:11 AM)

In the central Tahrir, or Independence, Square — which has become an epicenter of protest — the demonstrators seemed greater than the thousands on Saturday, feting the military as guardians. At one point, crowds hoisted aloft an officer and processed through the throng chanting: “The people and the army are one hand.”

======NH: xref: whose business card. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #338 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:12 AM)

Currently streaming on http://www.Ustream.tv Please find the shown named - "Peaceful possibilities and events" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #339 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:19 AM)

As street protests flared for a fifth day on Saturday, Mr. Mubarak fired his cabinet and appointed Omar Suleiman, his right-hand man and the country’s intelligence chief, as vice president, stirring speculation that he might be planning to resign. That, in turn, raised the prospect of an unpredictable handover of power in a country that is a pivotal American ally — a fear that administration officials say factored into President Obama’s calculus not to push for Mr. Mubarak’s resignation, at least for now.

======NH: Hosni, Brother Hosni, President brother Hosni Mubarak: you recently underwent surgery for what... You are at an advanced age.... You have named no successor. Your son was mentioned not too long ago. Now you have named your intelligence chief.

Meanwhile, the UN nuclear agency head has returned to Egypt...

Is there a competition between a meritocracy and an old boy network? [thn//]

{What's the downside risk? [thn//]} ['''''''''''''''n] Is it a prisoner's prisoners' dile[thn//]mma? Would who rather loose big time than to compromise and yield modestly?

Is it too late for that now?

Is it all my fault for not being there still [thn/] yet? ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #340 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:20 AM)

The appointments of two former generals — Mr. Suleiman and Ahmed Shafik, who was named prime minister — also signaled the central role the armed forces will play in shaping the outcome of the unrest. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #341 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:22 AM)

But, among more affluent Egyptians, some said the country needed stability more than upheaval. After night when men took to the streets armed with broom sticks and kitchen knives to defend their home against looters in Heliopolis, one resident, Sarah Elyashy, 33, said: “It has been the longest night of my life.”

======NH: xref: eyelash butterfly kisses. And what else? ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #342 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:22 AM)

“I wish we could be like the United States with our own democracy, but we can’t,” she said. “We have to have a ruler with an iron hand.” volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #343 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:25 AM)

Some speculated that the sudden withdrawal of the police from the cities — even some museums and embassies in Cairo were left unguarded — was intended to create chaos that could justify a crackdown.

======NH: whose own guess too. Abut three paragraphs ago. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #344 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:26 AM)

Before the street fights late Saturday, government officials had acknowledged more than 70 deaths in the unrest, with 40 around Cairo. But the final death toll is likely to be much higher. One doctor in a crowd of protesters said the staff at his Cairo hospital alone had seen 23 people dead from bullet wounds, and he showed digital photographs of the victims. ======NH: xref: 2, 3, and 9/23 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #345 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:28 AM)

U.S. Offers Evacuation Flights as Mubarak Clings to Power Published: January 30, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER COMMENTS (76) E-MAIL PRINT SINGLE PAGE REPRINTS SHARE

(Page 2 of 2)

As street protests flared for a fifth day on Saturday, Mr. Mubarak fired his cabinet and appointed Omar Suleiman, his right-hand man and the country’s intelligence chief, as vice president, stirring speculation that he might be planning to resign. That, in turn, raised the prospect of an unpredictable handover of power in a country that is a pivotal American ally — a fear that administration officials say factored into President Obama’s calculus not to push for Mr. Mubarak’s resignation, at least for now. Multimedia

Photographs Protests Continue in Egypt

Interactive Map Locating the Protests in Cairo

Cairo: The Morning After

Egyptians React to Mubarak Speech David Kirkpatrick talks about the close call he had while with Nobel laureate, Mohamed ElBaradei, the kinds of police on the streets in Egypt and the possible prospects for the Mubarak government.


Man in the News: Choice Likely to Please the Military, Not the Crowds (January 30, 2011) Egyptians Wonder What’s Next (January 30, 2011) Calling for Restraint, Pentagon Faces Test of Influence With Ally (January 30, 2011) Obama Presses for Change but Not a New Face at the Top (January 30, 2011) News Analysis: Yearning for Respect, Arabs Find a Voice (January 30, 2011) Week in Review: With Egypt, Diplomatic Words Often Fail (January 30, 2011) Related in Opinion

The Thread: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Mubarak? (January 28, 2011) ROOM FOR DEBATE

What Can the Protests in Egypt Achieve? Will the uprisings change the country’s future? Post a Comment

Readers' Comments Share your thoughts. Post a Comment » Read All Comments (76) » The appointments of two former generals — Mr. Suleiman and Ahmed Shafik, who was named prime minister — also signaled the central role the armed forces will play in shaping the outcome of the unrest. But even though the military is widely popular with the public, there was no sign that the government shakeup would placate protesters, who added anti-Suleiman slogans to their demands.

On Saturday, Mohamed ElBaradei, the Noble laureate and a leading critic of the government, told Al Jazeera that Mr. Mubarak should step down immediately so that a new “national unity government” could take over, though he offered no details about its makeup.

But, among more affluent Egyptians, some said the country needed stability more than upheaval. After night when men took to the streets armed with broom sticks and kitchen knives to defend their home against looters in Heliopolis, one resident, Sarah Elyashy, 33, said: “It has been the longest night of my life.”

“I wish we could be like the United States with our own democracy, but we can’t,” she said. “We have to have a ruler with an iron hand.”

Control of the streets, meanwhile, cycled through a dizzying succession of stages.

After an all-out war against hundreds of thousands of protesters who flooded the streets on Friday night, the legions of black-clad security police officers — a reviled paramilitary force focused on upholding the state — withdrew from the biggest cities.

Looters smashed store windows and ravaged shopping malls as police stations and the national party headquarters burned through the night. Two mummies were destroyed in Cairo’s Egyptian Museum, the country’s chief antiquities official said. Then thousands of army troops stepped in late Friday to reinforce the police. It was unclear whether the soldiers in the streets were operating without orders or in defiance of them. But their displays of support for the protesters were conspicuous throughout the capital. In one striking example, four armored military vehicles moved at the front of a crowd of thousands of protesters in a pitched battle against the Egyptian security police defending the Interior Ministry.

But the soldiers refused protesters’ pleas to open fire on the security police. And the police battered the protesters with tear gas, shotguns and rubber bullets. Everywhere in Cairo, soldiers and protesters hugged or snapped pictures together on top of military tanks. With the soldiers’ consent, protesters scrawled graffiti denouncing Mr. Mubarak on many of the tanks. “This is the revolution of all the people,” read a common slogan. “No, no, Mubarak” was another.

By Saturday night, informal brigades of mostly young men armed with bats, kitchen knives and other makeshift weapons had taken control, setting up checkpoints around the city.

Some speculated that the sudden withdrawal of the police from the cities — even some museums and embassies in Cairo were left unguarded — was intended to create chaos that could justify a crackdown.

Before the street fights late Saturday, government officials had acknowledged more than 70 deaths in the unrest, with 40 around Cairo. But the final death toll is likely to be much higher. One doctor in a crowd of protesters said the staff at his Cairo hospital alone had seen 23 people dead from bullet wounds, and he showed digital photographs of the victims.

There were ominous signs of lawlessness Saturday in places where the police had abandoned their posts.

Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director of Human Rights Watch, said that he observed a group of soldiers completely surrounded by people asking for help in protecting their neighborhoods. The army told them that they would have to take care of their own neighborhoods and that there might be reinforcements Sunday. “Egypt has been a police state for 30 years. For the police to suddenly disappear from the streets is a shocking experience,” Mr. Bouckaert said.

State television also announced the arrest of an unspecified number of members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the outlawed Islamist group long considered the largest and best organized political group in Egypt, for “acts of theft and terrorism.”

It was unclear, however, what role the Brotherhood played in the protests or might play if Mr. Mubarak were toppled.

If Mr. Mubarak’s decision to pick a vice president aroused hopes of his exit, his choice of Mr. Suleiman did nothing to appease the crowds in the streets. Long trusted with most sensitive matters like the Israeli-Palestinian talks, Mr. Suleiman is well connected in both Washington and Tel Aviv. But he is also Mr. Mubarak’s closest aide, considered almost an alter ego, and the protesters’ negative reaction was immediate.

Many of the protesters were critical of the United States and complained about American government support for Mr. Mubarak or expressed disappointment with President Obama. “I want to send a message to President Obama,” said Mohamed el-Mesry, a middle- aged professional. “I call on President Obama, at least in his statements, to be in solidarity with the Egyptian people and freedom, truly like he says.”

« PREVIOUS PAGE 1 2 David D. Kirkpatrick reported from Cairo and Alan Cowell from Paris. Kareem Fahim, Mona El-Naggar, Scott Nelson and Anthony Shadid contributed reporting from Cairo; Souad Mekhennet and Nicholas Kulish from Alexandria; Fares Akram from Gaza; Ethan Bronner and Isabel Kershner from Jerusalem; Sebnem Arsu from Istanbul, Turkey; and Judy Dempsey from Berlin. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #346 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (05:46 PM)

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Islamists Support Secular Leader By ANTHONY SHADID 6:34 PM ET Cairo was seized by growing fears of lawlessness and buoyed by euphoria

======Null Hypothesis: xref: "Axis Bold As Love' (Hendrix, Jimmi); xref: "I cannot tell a lie," ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #348 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:14 PM)

Washington Post current status. Note photos include a hotel room; xref: Luna hotel.

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ElBaradei Begins to Unify Opposition Military Reinforces in Cairo on Sixth Day of Protests VIDEO PHOTOGRAPHS

Thousands of foreign tourists and Egyptians are trying to leave the country. Islamists Support Secular Leader By ANTHONY SHADID and DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK 1 minute ago CAIRO — Cairo was seized by growing fears of lawlessness and buoyed by euphoria that three decades of President Hosni Mubarak’s rule may be coming to an end. Videos: ElBaradei's Remarks | Clinton Calls for 'Orderly Transition' Times Topics: Mohamed ElBaradei | Muslim Brotherhood Post a Comment | Read (369) Interactive Map: Protests Updated More Photographs Protest’s Old Guard Falls In Behind the Young By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK and MONA EL-NAGGAR 5 minutes ago CAIRO — Political organizers, many younger than 30, are taking the lead in efforts to topple a regime older than they are. Israel Shaken as Turbulence Rocks an Ally By ETHAN BRONNER 1 minute ago JERUSALEM — Top Israeli officials are closeted in strategy sessions aimed at rethinking their most significant regional relationship. Key European Leaders Urge Restraint in Cairo Unrest in Egypt Unsettles Global Markets By NELSON D. SCHWARTZ 8 minutes ago The instability could hinder oil shipments, raise energy costs and drive equity prices down. For U.S. Expats Fleeing Egypt, a Long Wait Exiled Islamist Leader Returns t0 Tunisia Arab Elite Say Monarchies Are Safe From Unrest The Lede: Updates, Day 6 LIFE OUT THERE Gazing Afar for Other Earths, and Other Beings By DENNIS OVERBYE

MOFFETT FIELD, Calif. — The team overseeing the satellite observatory Kepler is unveiling a list of 400 stars that are the best bets for harboring planets that could be the most Earth-like worlds discovered. Graphic: Planet Search Listening to the Stars MORE NEWS Facing Sanctions, Belarus Frees Seven Political Prisoners, but a Dozen Remain in Jail 29 minutes ago Chinese Man Who Bragged of Privilege Gets Six Years Inflation in China May Limit U.S. Trade Deficit By KEITH BRADSHER 16 minutes ago HONG KONG — Inflation is starting to slow China’s export

= volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #350 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:32 PM)

READERS' COMMENTS Opposition Rallies to ElBaradei as Military Reinforces in CairoBack to Article » By ANTHONY SHADID and DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK Cairo was seized by growing fears of lawlessness and buoyed by euphoria that three decades of President Hosni Mubarak’s rule may be coming to an end.

Share your thoughts.

369 Readers' CommentsPost a Comment » ALL COMMENTSHIGHLIGHTSREADERS' RECOMMENDATIONSREPLIES Oldest Newest of 15 NEXT 1. beethy CA January 30th, 2011 6:26 am Clearly, the military is NOT with Mubarak.

Hasn't the Obama administration given Mubarak clear indication it's time for Mubarak to take the waiting plane to Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia. Waiting for anything else wouldn't be what he would want for him and family. He should join his son, already out of the country, per widely circulating reports.

Mubarak is history... Recommend Recommended by 102 Readers Report as Inappropriate 2. Chedly Aouriri Beaverton, OR January 30th, 2011 6:26 am What is happening in Egypt is an exact replay of the scenario that played out in Tunisia 14 days ago, minus the fleeing of the President. Basically, the crumbling regime tries to sow chaos in the country, so that it can return to the helm of power under the guise of restoring law and order. But the Army and the population do not bite. Game over...!! Recommend Recommended by 162 Readers Report as Inappropriate 3. B. Mull Orange County, CA January 30th, 2011 6:27 am Obama fiddles while Cairo burns. Recommend Recommended by 142 Readers Report as Inappropriate 4. scientist America the Beautiful January 30th, 2011 6:27 am Egyptians want free food and jobs. They won't get either. Neither will Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Detroit. Go ahead and riot. Recommend Recommended by 57 Readers Report as Inappropriate 5. Ralph Omeega Changing World January 30th, 2011 6:27 am In a few years, the whole swath of land from Northern Africa, to the Indus River Valley, will be Islamic Fundamentalist, no longer controlled by Western Powers or Money. People, we are witnessing the beginning of Armageddon.

Recommend Recommended by 52 Readers Report as Inappropriate 6. Rosa H Tarrytown January 30th, 2011 6:27 am As an American eyewitness in Cairo right now, I can say the crowds in Tahrir Square yesterday were the broadest spectrum of the population -- young, old, families, men, women (although far fewer than the men), business suits, workingman's clothes -- all expressing their anger at their government and their joy at the possibility of a chance for what they described as "the real Egypt." Over and over people said, "Tell the Americans we are not terrorists, just people seeking a chance to choose their government." Hopefully, the U.S. government -- the biggest supplier of military and other aid to Egypt -- will stand aside and let the Egyptian people have the right to choose their government, as we do. They have had no voice for 35 years. Recommend Recommended by 529 Readers Report as Inappropriate 7. Chris UK January 30th, 2011 6:27 am According to Uk Channel 4 news last night, the damage in the museum was caused by police in order to discredit protesters. Unfortunately for the police they were caught in the act.

Your article infers what the police want people to think. Recommend Recommended by 304 Readers Report as Inappropriate 8. The Mentalist NY January 30th, 2011 6:27 am A Question: Does America also need uprising.....you know... against patriot act, administration thugs of illegal never ending wars, trampling over civil liberties... and on.... Recommend Recommended by 328 Readers Report as Inappropriate 9. ScottinAspen Aspen, Colorado January 30th, 2011 6:27 am The Egyptian government is not the problem....It's the Egyptian people and their culture. Replacing one ruling class with another will not change that fact. Iran is the best example of this. No change of government in any of the middle east countries has made any significant change in the life of the average man. Recommend Recommended by 55 Readers Report as Inappropriate 10. Nas Abraham NYC January 30th, 2011 6:28 am I am Egyptian American. I do not like Mubarak, but I like the turn of events so far. I thought there was someone to take his place, but there is no one. You ask the people who they want? They say: Anyone but No Mubarak No Baradei. I certainly do not want Religious government. For now, this is better. By the next election, hopefully, there will be more candidates, and Suliman have no choice but listen to the people choice. Recommend Recommended by 65 Readers Report as Inappropriate 11. Bill Eisen Manhattan Beach January 30th, 2011 6:42 am Are the security police really only using rubber bullets? If so then how come so much blood in the streets and deaths of protesters from gunshot wounds?

It's time that the U.S. stop supporting authoritarian and repressive regimes. It gets us nowhere except more enemies in third world countries. Recommend Recommended by 230 Readers Report as Inappropriate 12. Pragmatic One MS January 30th, 2011 7:10 am Democratic presidents have been consistently bad at foreign policy since Carter, Clinton, and not Obama. Weak kneed and inconsistent in their own actions.

I have little doubt that this will be another mess that Obama's hope and change call to action, and lack of follow through will create. Affecting millions of people's lives for the worse. This is just another candle in the window for what could happen in the USA once the government can't support the interest on the national debt and keep it's most basic promises to cover SS and Medicare for people that paid into it for decades. I paid for over 30 years what they required, and expect some benefits back, as do millions of others.

I also expect a rational approach to taxes on individuals and corporations that promote development. His ideas to jack up energy prices to be "clean" will also just move more manufacturing jobs overseas where energy to manufacture doesn't cost as much.

He says he wants to create jobs but his policies just go in the opposite direction.

The man is lost in the woods, leading us to a very uncertain place. I'd be happy to get back to where we started. Recommend Recommended by 52 Readers Report as Inappropriate 13. Dr. Phillips Illinois January 30th, 2011 7:10 am The current situation in the middle east continues to demand of the President resolute action and a determination by the United States to abrogate violence and organized lawlessness on the part of all parties. Mubarak must be told in no uncertain terms privately in the strongest terms that he will either change or be replaced by out direct intervention. Also, the lawless looters, criminals, and pro Islamic organizers and altruists out of control must be told privately the we will not tolerate anything but peaceful dissent. We must project political and military power in that region or incredible chaos will rule. One must wonder aloud, have we forgotten how to lead in crisis, how to project strength and compel negotiation? Or have we been neutralized by the old paradigm od Munich in the 30's, playing safe and caving in on principle?

An incredible amount of global economic and strategic stability is at stake this very moment as the administration is nebulous in confronting lawlessness and looting in the streets of this ancient civilization. Mubarak is certainly not mother Teresa and his style of leadership is reprehensible, yet is this the time to condemn his misdeeds and look the other way while organized looting and lawlessness take place?

I continue to read about the care that needs to be taken by America and others in putting down looting, burning and destruction of museums and authority. Have we forgotten Iran's killing, torture and imprisonment of student and other protestors in the streets of Tehran? That Islamic Republic has continued to oppress and destroy opponents while our President and state department exercise care in responding.

It seems the President and his team need a geography lesson. The Suez Canal is in danger and will soon be closed to oil transportation at a time when the Obama administration has banned the drilling of oil in the Gulf for seven years, here comes an oil price spike. This weak Presidential approach seems to reflect a reactive rather than a proactive leader when it comes to the President. In addition to the Suez Canal we have Jordan suddenly being targeted by organized thugs in an attempt to turn the entire area into Islamic militancy and what are we doing nationally--some say we are encouraging the lawlessness and have been doing so for two years.

We also have the Jewish state, the nation of Israel in this troubled neighborhood. I would immediately strengthen Israel and put all the lawless on notice that we will not tolerate any criminal groups that intend to attack the people of Israel. Condemn Mubarak behind the scenes, discuss privately what outcomes are desired for our national security, but do not give in or acquiesce to a band of lawless and destructive militants.

We have already through the President's apologies and compromises suffered loss of international credibility. Listen to the Saudi king, put down lawlessness. We must confront the lawless and destructive in the middle east.

Dr. Alan Phillips Bloomington, IL Recommend Recommended by 26 Readers Report as Inappropriate 14. Don P. Perth Amboy, NJ January 30th, 2011 7:10 am Americans and our elected national leaders need to strongly support and embrace the revolution and change unfolding in Egypt and across Northern Africa and the Middle East.

For far too long the people of Eqypt have suffered from the oppressive, corrupt regime of its president and the institutinalized poverty forced upon millions of Egyptions. The struggle underway in Egypt is not very different from the spirit and circumstances that lead to our own American Revolution when our founding fathers tore off the yoke of oppression and instituionalized poverty that England had forced upon its colonists in America for decades.

America needs to stop supporting and funding the the oppressive, corrupt regimes of leaders like Egypt's President Mubaruk and let the people of these nations set their own destiny.

Instead America should be setting a shining example for the nations of that region that revolution can bring about real change and freedom and not let one ruling class be removed so another can step in and continue the oppression of its people.

And yes, it is regretable that meaningful reform and revolution may include some violence and death, however that is exactly how the United States of America came to be the greatest democratic Republic in the history of mankind! Recommend Recommended by 70 Readers Report as Inappropriate 15.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Joe Ryan Islamabad January 30th, 2011 7:10 am The "looters" actually turn out to be the Interior Ministry's plain-clothes gangs, making organized, armed attacks in a coordinated campaign of terror against the population.

These are not poor people trying to get a few consumer goods that they can't afford -- they are teams who know places of value to target, including apparently even hospitals. The attacks are occurring all over the country, although of course outside Cairo and Alexandria the information hardly gets out.

The military is under orders to protect the main infrastructure but not the general population. Uniformed police have also been pulled off the streets so that the plain-clothes gangs, who have been omnipresent for years, can do their work while the regime denies its involvement. Recommend Recommended by 214 Readers Report as Inappropriate 16. Rdl27c Connecticut January 30th, 2011 7:10 am I'm still waiting to see how the USA will be blamed for Mubarak's 30 year rule. I can hear the drumbeat in Brussels, and other Capitals around the world who have shown a propensity in the past to jump onto the anti-American bandwagon.

Foreign policy can at times be like a chess game where sometimes the American government must work with those who may not live up to the West's standard of freedom and human rights in their own society. But ultimately the greater cause is served. As we see here, the Obama Administration is supporting the rights of the people despite Mubarak's history in the region of being a leader that the West could in past years work with as a stabilizing figure.

There are ways to support free people who strive for a way of life that we here in the West often take for granted. However, to place blame on the USA [a blame we are sure to hear in the coming weeks] is unfounded and would exhibit a lack of understanding of just what it means to conduct a robust and aggressive foreign policy that ultimately seeks to protect the interests of America and her allies. Recommend Recommended by 31 Readers Report as Inappropriate 17. TJ France January 30th, 2011 7:10 am The elephant in the room that no one either in the US or Europe wishes to publicly note though one of the primary concerns in diplomatic corridors is that no democratically elected Arab government would support a peace agreement or the status quo with Israel based on the current situation with Palestinians, a fact confirmed by the many Arab moderates that have taken refuge in France. In other words, and clearly a delicate issue, is that the cornerstone of US and European foreign policy in the Middle Eastfor more than 40 years has been contingent on supporting a dictatorship in Egypt. But as the case of US previous support for a dictatorial regime in Iran has demonstrated, and as Egyptian moderates are already warning the US, this could prove extremely costly to the West in the long run. Recommend Recommended by 213 Readers Report as Inappropriate 18. Prof.Jai Prakash Sharma Jaipur, India January 30th, 2011 7:10 am The firestorm of popular protest against the authoritarian rule of Ben Ali in Tunisia, having engulfed Egypt with threatening the three decades old autocratic rule of Hosni Mubarak, seems fast moving to other Arab nations, like Yemen, Algeria and Jordan, rocking one despotic regime after the other with serious consequences of destabilisation and chaos in the Arab world. It appears as if the whole Arab street is burning. Given the level of mass fury against the regimes, and visible signs of empathy for the protesters, bordering on defiance of government's orders, on the part of military, it's a matter of time when the rulers of Egypt or next of Yemen would be forced to quit as could be seen in Tunisia earlier. Nonetheless, it's surprising, rather intriguing, that at a time when the US had a rare opportunity to correct its anti-people and pro-dictators image, and strike a chord with the Arab Muslim masses, it's adopting the familiar stance of ambiguity and indecision on the unprecedented democratic upsurge in the Arab countries, and instead of siding with the people, rather waiting for some kind of a face saving and safe exit for it's discredited despot allies, that too on flimsy grounds of protecting its geo-strategic interests. It seems that by refusing to accept the changed reality in the Arab world, or failing to gauge the mood of the Arab youth for change, the US is still clinging to the sick cold war mindset, and likely to miss the last chance at image makeover, and with that, any diplomatic initiative it had earlier in the Arab world. Recommend Recommended by 106 Readers Report as Inappropriate 19. joe blow buenos aires January 30th, 2011 7:10 am this story fails to mention that the army has taken no steps to secure the cities or the allegations that the police are playing a role in the looting of the country to justify a crackdown. are your editors sleepy -- the story needs serious editing. president obama, please do not pass on this opportunity to decidedly stand with the oppressed people of egypt as they seek to vindicate their rights as human beings. Recommend Recommended by 57 Readers Report as Inappropriate 20. OM Berlin January 30th, 2011 7:10 am I recommend the eyewitness audio report of Jack Schenker to The Guardian on the topic of looting and neighborhood watch groups. Unlike many foreign correspondents, he speaks Arabic and is a long-term resident of Cairo. His report cautiously supports the picture of looting being organised by plainclothes police, and of army support for protesters against these 'thugs': http://audioboo.fm... Recommend Recommended by 164 Readers Report as Inappropriate 21. Scorpio TJ January 30th, 2011 7:10 am ‘Military Does Little to Quash Protests’, Good news or Bad news?

Good news! — If military is not on its side, it is the worst news for a 30-year dictatorship. Power of Military is always the trump card which holds up the dictator Government. Sometimes without loyalty from generals and soldiers, dictators mean nothing. Now the public has a chance. Bad news? — Bad for the dictator is good for the public? I hope I could think so. In Tunisia and Egypt, the public show them gigantic power. However let’s review the history there is too many times someone with ambition steals the achievement from the public, especially the military generals, and so people still live with the mess and pains, not freedom and democracy. We can find it allover the world except for Antarctic. Keeping achievement is always more difficult than getting achievement.

I can’t predict what will happen finally in Tunisia or Egypt, but I believe in people fighting for their rights and freedom is right, no one can condemn it. Good luck, Egyptian. You have my heart. Recommend Recommended by 75 Readers Report as Inappropriate 22. Jed Villanova, PA January 30th, 2011 7:10 am I read with disgust, President Obama's calculus in not calling for Mubarak's resignation. Please expand. It is overwhelmingly clear that is the will of the people of Egypt. So is President Obama coming out against the clear will of the oppressed people of Egypt? If so, I want to know. I've been a strong supporter of Obama, that would change if he supported Mubarak right now. In fact, Biden lost credibility in my book for blogging that Mubarak was not a dictator! What a statement of misinformation that was! Why would Biden say that!? And why would any elected American think they should impose on the will of the people?! Obama be warned. Recommend Recommended by 161 Readers Report as Inappropriate 23. pfon71361 New York, N.Y. January 30th, 2011 7:10 am The Mubarak tatic now may be to allow the demostrators unimpeded opportunity to vent thier fury until the general public at large becomes to fearful of the chaos and instability. At that point he may order a vicious military crackdown and impose greateer dictator powers on the country. Recommend Recommended by 31 Readers Report as Inappropriate 24. pfon71361 New York, N.Y. January 30th, 2011 7:10 am The Mubarak tatic now may be to allow the demostrators unimpeded opportunity to vent thier fury until the general public at large becomes to fearful of the chaos and instability. At that point he may order a vicious military crackdown and impose greateer dictator powers on the country. Recommend Recommended by 11 Readers Report as Inappropriate 25. Francis X. Grossi Jr. Italy January 30th, 2011 7:10 am This disaster is a direct product of hypocritical American foreign policy which has managed to radicalize the entire globe. So what use is the trillion dollar defense apparatus with its hundreds of bases and offensive weapons around the world? Recommend Recommended by 230 Readers Report as Inappropriate of 15 NEXT Thank you for your submission. Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive. An email will be sent to you at [email protected] (Change e-mail) Your Submitted Comment Display Name William Hale Location 20016 Comment pfon71361 New York, N.Y. January 30th, 2011 7:10 am The Mubarak tatic now may be to allow the demostrators unimpeded opportunity to vent thier fury until the general public at large becomes to fearful of the chaos and instability. At that point he may order a vicious military crackdown and impose greateer dictator powers on the country. ======Null Hypothesis: Dear Mohamed ElBaradei: Would you like to do this [Thn/]... Invite the demonstrators & President Mubarek to 1. Participate in a voluntary, emergency, 30 day, Ramadan fast for all of Egypt. 2. Ask President Hosni Mubarek & VP Omar Suleimman to do the following 2.5 \"Accept admonition\\” and restart (repent) [[''''''''''''tn/ 00:10:150*]] 3. Temporarily vacate the Presidential residence during the 30 days of the emergency Egyptian Ramadan, so only God is permitted to live or go inside [Thn/ 00:12:150*]. 4. Invite the demonstrators to walk around the empty Presidential residence for 30 days. 5. Request they walk clockwise from a bird's eye to make it clear this is not tawaf, but repentance to restart [Thn/ 00:14:150*] {Perfect edit points who}. 6. Invite the demonstrators to declare their requested remedies in writing. 7. Ask for one, or more, complaints to be filed in Egyptian Federal Courts. 8. \\”What do you want to do that who will not let you do?\\” 9. \\”Why do you think the very ground we stand upon here in Egypt will be taken out from under our feet if the court denies your requested remedy?\\” 10. \\”What do you want the court to order whom to do so you CAN do what who will not let you do?\\” 11. Invite the demonstrators to send executive orders they would like executed. 12. \\”What do you want me, as President of Egypt, to order whom to do so you can do what who, or why, will not let you do?\\” 12. Invite the demonstrators to draft legislation they would like the Egyptian Parliament to pass. [Thn/ 00:20:150*] 13. Invite the demonstrators to peacefully walk back and forth in front of the Egyptian Parliament and express [Thn/ thn/ thn/] their grievances to the world media towards the goal of better formulating the above requested [Thn/] [Thn/ [Thn]... 14. Voluntarily reside at the Luna Hotel, Cairo, Egypt (http://www.travellerspoint.com/accommodation/26087-Luna-Hotel/) until the end of the emergency Ramadan; xref: Sura [Thn tn tn] Al- Qamar: The Hour (of Judgment) is nigh, and the moon is cleft asunder. (Notice your name looks like 'Qamar', brother Omar) 15. Meet with leaders of the demonstrators towards the goal of perfecting \\”mature wisdom\\” among all parties concerned. 16. At the end of the emergency Egyptian Ramadan, distribute Qur~ans to those who need them, and organize a emergency Eide to celebrate the thoughtful deliberation regarding the future of Egypt. 17. Ireland is diss[[thn\\\\]]olving their parliament on Tuesday. 18. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, has said he needs to \\”reorganize\\” 19. As to subsidiary restarts within the overall restart, where were you last sure you were doing things right [Thn/ 00:31:150*] ? 20. xref: Administering justice yourself through Egyptian Courts rather than getting involved with \\”estraordinary rendition\\” with the United States, brother Omar? 21. xref: the way the gang of 2000-2008 bullied \\”We the people \\” of the United States as well as you, \\”the people of the book\\”; xref: \\”And (oft) in the past, have We destroyed gangs like unto you: then is there any that will receive admonition?\\” 22. Invite the duly elected president of Cote d'ivorie to request the Egyptian Army come to his rescue at the end of the 30 day emergency Egyptian Ramadan. 23. Set a six month time frame to work with the Egyptian Demonstrators, and invite the Tunisia demonstrators to join in the process via the internet and media. 24. Invite the President of Yemen to pray with you at the Luna hotel. 25. Offer him a strategy whereby Yemen could become an Islamic, Constitutional Monarchy, so he would know his family is secure, while at the same time opening the political process to a merit based, Islamic decision making process by consensus as to whom the leaders of Yemen [thn/] should be. 26. Invite the demonstrators to join in the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn HUMANITARIAN CO This fax is archived on google buzz under the screen name of – Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security Redundant copies are archived at – http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150151189690961&set=a. 1015012705088596 
1.317915.243286560960 [Thn/] Also at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fOWThPsTZSifgCh- IrE3WoQJARffXbeoAdpHTHNyHdo /edit?hl=en See http://www.tawbs.com for background and details …26. Invite the demonstrators to join in the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn HUMANITARIAN CORRIDOR project as [kn/ 00:39:150*] per http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cape-Town-The-Soccer-Ball-Kicked- Around-The-World

/194572276570 and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Letters-t volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #351 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:51 PM)

All across Egypt, troops in tanks fanned out to work with residents in chasing down marauding bands of knife-wielding thugs and to impose some semblance of order after the nearly complete disappearance of uniformed Egyptian police.

======NH: xref: the recruiting slogan for the US Marine Corps. vs. that for US Capitol Police:

"Earned, never given," vs. "Wear the badge, feel the honor. Stand in the center of attention,"

AFTER who pointed this out a few times with some strong language, who shot long distance rifle bullets into the US Marine Corps Memorial and then the Pentagon, and then again into the Marine Corps Memorial.

Therefore, be it hereby resolved, a bill to require cross training in at least two jobs which do not involve carrying a gun, shall be introduced into the US House of representatives and the US Senate.

Don't deny these police officers the right to join us as productive members of society, vote for US Hose Resolution ______. Save the life of an [^] Iraqi police officer today, vote for US Senate Resolution....

Meanwhile you, Russia the bear, might re-consider changing the name from 'militia' to 'police'. Perhaps Russian National Service - one year for all Russian citizens [^]... With a professional group who serves for more than one year; xref: US Military when we still had the draft.

Also xref: cell phone assisted citizens Please see: http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=180086985336137 ======NH//

As hatred toward the police grew, so did admiration for the army - which may be the intent of Egypt's security establishment as it struggles to find a way out of the crisis.

======NH: Some of whose best friends, and offspring via dna contribution, are police officers, [Thn/] Military Police Medical officers is a job description who wants; xref: [[Thn/]] "Rewrite your job description the way you think it could best [thn/] be [thn/] done,"

GoodCopsTest.com Would you like to do this with, or without me, or a police officer you know - visit the federal police training academies in Ga and MD? The US Military returned unopened whose registered mail requesting help on this issue, but one of whose offspring via dna contribution in uniform was at the post office when who mailed it, or picked it up.

Rome was expert in a small group of people herding, controlling and when necessary killing large numbers of people. Centralized democracy where the state is the source of your identity. Compare this to Greek and Islamic democracy where your neighbors and your witnesses are the source of your identity, and when you show up to vote if 15 people there say, "I know Joe," then you vote, not because you have a graven image form Ceasar.

The freedom of mobility of the centralized democracy is important. You need BOTH, but the central authority, when taken over by the gangs gets more and more invasive as they find legal ways to pick your pocket.

Thus the internet and participatory democracy need [thn/] t[Tn// Tn//] Thn// Thn// Thn//] http://www.txteagle.com and other crowd sourcing skills so cellphone assisted citizens can a) be paid to do overflow work from government offices, b) be paid to inspect government assets, and c) be paid to audit and investigate budget line items.

Please visit http://www.tawbs.com

What else? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #352 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (06:55 PM)

Your Comments On... In Egypt, as Mubarak clings to power, military shows strength The Egyptian military moved on multiple fronts Sunday to display its strength and consolidate support as factions within the government and on the street vied for control of this strategically vital nation at the heart of the Arab world. - By Griff Witte

Comments randomsample wrote: All across Egypt, troops in tanks fanned out to work with residents in chasing down marauding bands of knife-wielding thugs and to impose some semblance of order after the nearly complete disappearance of uniformed Egyptian police.

======NH: xref: the recruiting slogan for the US Marine Corps. vs. that for US Capitol Police:

"Earned, never given," vs. "Wear the badge, feel the honor. Stand in the center of attention,"

AFTER who pointed this out a few times with some strong language, who shot long distance rifle bullets into the US Marine Corps Memorial and then the Pentagon, and then again into the Marine Corps Memorial.

Therefore, be it hereby resolved, a bill to require cross training in at least two jobs which do not involve carrying a gun, shall be introduced into the US House of representatives and the US Senate. Don't deny these police officers the right to join us as productive members of society, vote for US Hose Resolution ______. Save the life of an [^] Iraqi police officer today, vote for US Senate Resolution....

Meanwhile you, Russia the bear, might re-consider changing the name from 'militia' to 'police'. Perhaps Russian National Service - one year for all Russian citizens [^]... With a professional group who serves for more than one year; xref: US Military when we still had the draft.

Also xref: cell phone assisted citizens Please see: http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=180086985336137 ======NH//

As hatred toward the police grew, so did admiration for the army - which may be the intent of Egypt's security establishment as it struggles to find a way out of the crisis.

======NH: Some of whose best friends, and offspring via dna contribution, are police officers, [Thn/] Military Police Medical officers is a job description who wants; xref: [[Thn/]] "Rewrite your job description the way you think it could best [thn/] be [thn/] done,"


Would you like to do this with, or without me, or a police officer you know - visit the federal police training academies in Ga and MD? The US Military returned unopened whose registered mail requesting help on this issue, but one of whose offspring via dna contribution in uniform was at the post office when who mailed it, or picked it up.

Rome was expert in a small group of people herding, controlling and when necessary killing large numbers of people. Centralized democracy where the state is the source of your identity. Compare this to Greek and Islamic democracy where your neighbors and your witnesses are the source of your identity, and when you show up to vote if 15 people there say, "I know Joe," then you vote, not because you have a graven image form Ceasar.

The freedom of mobility of the centralized democracy is important. You need BOTH, but the central authority, when taken over by the gangs gets more and more invasive as they find legal ways to pick your pocket.

Thus the internet and participatory democracy need [thn/] t[Tn// Tn//] Thn// Thn// Thn//] http://www.txteagle.com and other crowd sourcing skills so cellphone assisted citizens can a) be paid to do overflow work from government offices, b) be paid to inspect government assets, and c) be paid to audit and investigate budget line items.

Please visit http://www.tawbs.com

What else? 1/30/2011 9:51:40 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Shadowsmgc wrote: alfa67 wrote: One good thing may come out of all this and that is that the border with Gaza will probably be opened up so that the oppressed people of Gaza can get some food, medicine and basic necessities. Of course,they will probably also be able to get some weapons, which will enable them to better defend themselves agaist the Israelis, who have been slaughtering them at wholesale. 1/30/2011 9:01:34 PM ------It sounds as if you're urging the slaughter of Gazans. We haven't seen any wholesale slaughter, of Palestinians. Perhaps, you know something that we don't? But,if you arm the Gazans, you're going to get many of them killed. Dennis

1/30/2011 9:49:06 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy B2O2 wrote: Doctor_Evil wrote:

"I love seeing US supplied F16 jet fighters flown by US trained Egyptian pilots over Cairo. Great use of US foreign aid. There might be an Israel - Egypt air war someday where the US would equip and train both sides."

The important thing is that US defense contractors continue to get rich off of pandered fear of our somehow being invaded that our shameless corporate media likes to sow. The millions of civilians who die from such weaponry sold is a small price to pay for a healthy stock price for said companies. God Bless Fox News and the war industry for which it stands! 1/30/2011 9:46:10 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy B2O2 wrote: "The demonstrators, who proudly assert that they answer to no individual or organization, have demanded fair and free national elections to choose Egypt's president. " Maybe we can send them some of the rigged Diebold machines. They'll get George W. Bush as their next president. That worked out so well for us. 1/30/2011 9:42:44 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy oneeye_jeff wrote: 80 millions Egyptians is a lot for feeding food to that huge population! I remembered when I was young in 1960s and the population of Egypt was only 27 millions! Eventually, we cannot give foods to them because of lack of food readiness available to rapidly growing hungry population. The best solution is to eat people - cannibalism. The best recipe of the cannibalism is corrupted police - incredible delicious meats with spices because they fed well after they took bribery. That will significantly reduce the population, and boost economic opportunity such as jobs and resources availability. That will free our Egyptian people from the madding population crush and numerous police corruption.

Around 1000 A.D. when overpopulation and shrinking resources with limited food growth on Easter Island in a remote location of Pacific Ocean occurred and so, they killed each other and ate people in order to survive when their civilization collapsed. 1/30/2011 9:32:59 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy lipservice007 wrote: IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE IN EGYPT. YES WE CAN.

ANTI ISLAM IS NOT WELCOME IN EGYPT. HANDS OFF FOR ZIONIST US ! 1/30/2011 9:22:20 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy areyousaying wrote: The US must choose to support democracy or to continue to prop up Mubarak to appease Israel. 1/30/2011 9:21:07 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Doctor_Evil wrote: I love seeing US supplied F16 jet fighters flown by US trained Egyptian pilots over Cairo. Great use of US foreign aid. There might be an Israel - Egypt air war someday where the US would equip and train both sides. 1/30/2011 9:18:58 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tcmsols1 wrote: The F-16 fly bys are not for the protesters but to remind the rogue military units of their loyalty and oath, when the deadline passes. I have not ruled out a brief civil war, that has were this has progressed too. You have giving the MB tanks. 1/30/2011 9:18:19 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy bert8 wrote: Yeah, those Jews just slaughter people all the time. 1/30/2011 9:07:44 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Fate1 wrote: schmidt1 wrote: "...as usual the U .S. is hated by everyone,,stay tuned for iran part 2."

This revolution is about freedom, not a hate of America or any other nation. To think it is is very niave. Iranians had a revolution and lost to the dictators in power. Tunisians had a revolution and win. Egyptians are having a revolution and seem to be winning.

Guess how the Iranian people are going to feel as the only muslim country to have a revolution and lose? Iran is next. I don't see why they are not in the streets already. Watch out Iranian mullahs, you are next.

1/30/2011 9:07:44 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy alfa67 wrote: One good thing may come out of all this and that is that the border with Gaza will probably be opened up so that the oppressed people of Gaza can get some food, medicine and basic necessities. Of course,they will probably also be able to get some weapons, which will enable them to better defend themselves agaist the Israelis, who have been slaughtering them at wholesale. 1/30/2011 9:01:34 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy telavivPEACEagent wrote: "MUBARAK's EGYPT PROTECTED ISRAEL's A_S_S" ======The Director of the National Security Studies Center at the University of Haifa, Israel, said thanks to its treaty with Egypt, Israel had reduced its defense expenditure from 23% of its gross national product in the 1970s to 9% percent today and made serious cuts in its army"... and />>> "Egypt covered Gaza from the south".

While />>> Reserve IDF general, Giora Eiland, a former national security advisor said: “you can’t exclude the possibility of a war with Egypt”. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/31/world/middleeast/ 31israel.html?_r=1&hp 1/30/2011 8:49:29 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Nobama__in___2012 wrote:

Why does liberal spokesman, chrissy matthews, keep saying that the Panama Canal is in Egypt?????

You libs are Stuck on Stupid!!!

1/30/2011 8:28:32 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy wheeljc wrote: **WILL OBAMA GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE PRESIDENT WHO "LOST EGYPT?" (Like Jimmy Carter Lost Iran!!)


**SOUNDS LIKE ElBaradei IS NOT SPEAKING TOO KINDLY OF THE US. WILL OBAMA LOAD UP HIS TELEPROMPTERS AND ATTEND ElBaradei's SWEARING IN CEREMONY? 1/30/2011 8:23:39 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy distin99 wrote: The United States must send a much clearer signal than they have so far that they fully support the protesters, who clearly represent the will and aspirations of the great majority of the Egyptian people. Mubarak is a dictator who has cheated and mistreated his people for three decades while jailing, torturing and murdering all dissenters and following the dictates of US foreign policy in exchange for 30 pieces of silver, which at today`s rates comes out to about $1.3 billion per year. The protesters are almost begging the American government, that must share responsibility for their repression, to finally live up to the principles it claims to stand for. The truth is that while the US wanted Mubarak to rein in his repression they didn't want popular democracy because they can't control it; A lesson even the simpleton Bush learned when his demand for Palestinian elections resulted in a victory for HAMAS. Dictatorial puppets are far more effective tools of foreign policy than unpredictable popular democracies, and if the autocrats are corrupt, undemocratic torturers, well you can't have everything. The amazing thing, given the reality that is being demonstrated in front of our eyes, is that these people don't hate the United States. They just want to be free. For God's sake, after decades of cynical American repression which has caused massive suffering for ordinary people, stand up and do the right thing just this once. The Arab people, and well informed, right thinking people everywhere, will never forgive you if this heroic revolution fails because America, which has shamefully manipulated the politics of this region for 65 years, claims they shouldn't become involved. Hypocrisy, thy name is America.

1/30/2011 8:22:19 PM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy Xavisev wrote:

Washington and Tel Aviv must be having a "Pampers" moment.

1/30/2011 8:21:06 PM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy telavivPEACEagent wrote: U.S. made F-16s trying to SCARE Egyptians gathered in Cairo's Independence Square with SONIC BOOMS. ======They COPY ISAF 2005 SONIC BOOMS on GAZA.

Internationally known trauma specialists protested about that in Nov. 2005: "World Trauma specialists, protested against the Israeli Air Force policy to overfly the occupied Gaza strip, and cause intimidating fear by intentionally producing supersonic booms over Gaza.

The latest 'non-lethal' Israeli attack, is directed at the entire civilian population.

It is the newest measure in a long row of systematic criminal atrocities, persecution, and destruction that the Israeli army has inflicted on Gaza Palestinians during the last years".

Now The Eguptian Air Force Use the method...

"For small children the BOOM experience is very traumatizing" ======The Israeli Air Force boss, Maj. Gen. Eliezer Shkeidi, took pride in this new “Sonic Boom operation”, in an interview to a Hebrew website. He threatened to increase the strength of the supesonic booms 'until their lives becomes totally intolerable'.

As mental health professionals, we know that this campaign of supersonic booms is a severe risk for the mental health of children..." The Trauma specialists demanded an immediate stop of these criminal acts against helpless civilians. The SONIC BOOM is also condemned by the Israeli organization Physicians for Human Rights.

In 2005 the call was: "Stop Israel's new weapon - the sonic boom, now!"

Now everybody should tell the Egyptian Air Force, which uses American-made F-16s, to stop harrassing the masses with Sonic Booms. 1/30/2011 8:19:48 PM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy uzs106 wrote: Very good article and thanks for streaming Al Jazeera, very good idea!! A clear message: the Arabs have arrived in the 21rst century... 1/30/2011 8:16:26 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy longjohns wrote: Of course, the army matters but ultimately it is money that matters. It isn't just Mr. Mubarak who is scheming. It is also our government who bankroll their government. Hillary already said that she is worried about instability--that's code word for not having control over the next guy who comes to power. It is clear that we are trying to push our own stooge--and Mr. El Baradei is not that person. 1/30/2011 8:15:54 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #353 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (07:13 PM) "F minus"; xref; You Tube email re: "Baby Blues" partnership volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #354 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (07:16 PM)

On the market: Va. estate with a hefty history


'To me, it was just our house' Fairfield, a historic Virginia estate built by George Washington's cousin, is being put up for sale by the family that has owned it since before the Civil War. » LAUNCH PHOTO GALLERY

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By Steve Hendrix Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, January 30, 2011; 8:30 PM Yes, George Washington slept here. But so did Liz Butler, and that was much more important to Robin Richardson Greenhalgh. Growing up in this stately stone farmhouse near Berryville, Va., Greenhalgh's slumber parties with her third-grade friends were a bigger deal to her than the sleepovers of a Founding Father.

"To me, it was just our house," said Greenhalgh, 54, looking around the spacious entry hall of Fairfield, her family's home for seven generations. It is remarkably well preserved after welcoming visitors, both grand and giggling, for longer than this country has been a country. "I really didn't appreciate its remarkable heritage until much later."

But now that Greenhalgh fully celebrates the heritage of a house that was built by George Washington's first cousin and later owned by Robert E. Lee's aunt, she is preparing to say goodbye to the Clarke County estate. Citing the time and cost of maintaining a colonial mansion, Greenhalgh has put Fairfield on the market - even though that leaves her, and preservationists, anxious about the fate of one of Virginia's great unsung historic estates. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #355 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (07:18 PM)

Unrest in Egypt Unsettles Global Markets By NELSON D. SCHWARTZ 21 minutes ago The instability could hinder oil shipments, raise energy costs and drive equity prices dow ======NH: Perfect use the word 'equity' on A1 who. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #356 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (07:19 PM)

Myanmar to Open Parliament for First Time Since the ’80s By THOMAS FULLER BANGKOK — The move will effectively dissolve the country’s junta, but the military will control most of the seats in the two-chamber legislature. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #357 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (07:20 PM)

======NH: xref: Irish parliament dissolving on Tuesday. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #358 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (07:20 PM)

[Tn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #359 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (07:41 PM)

Ustream camera disconnected from server during two unit prayer volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #360 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (07:48 PM)

Got disconnected from the server at the start of a two unit prayer. Failed to be redundant and so there is only biologic memory of free will regarding the prayer. So many important things in life are unrecorded, thus it is necessary to read text and talk with people. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #361 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (07:50 PM)

"Record Video Comment" yielded error message, "You're already broadcasting on Ustream." Ustream producer permits me to have "picture within a picture", but Ustream playback does not? [Thn/] Why? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #362 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (09:42 PM)

Streaming, but not recording eating, because the important thing aobut eating is to make sure there is enough food on everybody's table.

However, when you consider how you eat may be as important as what you eat in determining who you are, it might be very important to record how and what who eats; xref: good habits in those [thn/] [thn// thn// thn// thn// thn//] who follow here after us. So better find a better camera angle and record eating.

Who wanted to note: after eating a bagel cut in half, and then cut in 1/4's toasted with butter and stacked with cucumber, chicken, and steamed carrot slice, who decided to finish what was left of the chicken breast with three slices of air bread toast. '[Thn/]' occured at the untwisting of the bread bag tie; xref: who could imagine who deciding to stop partnering with whom over a move like "over eating" and simply by marking the untwisting of the tie, who could warn whom about the danger of who "reasonably misunderstanding" [thn/].

So, calorie counting should be going on, both intake and output. As well as mental fortitude needed to do what of these tasks. Thus the difference between "packing it in" and "gluttony". volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #363 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (09:57 PM)


CAIRO — Last Thursday, a small group of Internet-savvy young political organizers gathered in the Cairo home of an associate of Mohamed ElBaradei, the diplomat and Nobel laureate. Enlarge This Image

Ed Ou for The New York Times Mohammad El-Beltagy, a former member of Parliament, addressed a full crowd in Tahrir square in Cairo. Multimedia

Photographs Photos From the Protests in Egypt

Interactive Map Locating the Protests in Cairo Related

Opposition Rallies to ElBaradei as Military Reinforces in Cairo (January 31, 2011) The Lede Blog: Latest Updates From Day 6 (January 30, 2011) They had come to plot a day of street protests calling for the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, but within days, their informal clique would become the effective leaders of a decades-old opposition movement previously dominated by figures more than twice their age.

“Most of us are under 30,” said Amr Ezz, a 27-year-old lawyer who was one of the group as part of the April 6 Youth Movement, which organized an earlier day of protests last week via Facebook. They were surprised and delighted to see that more than 90,000 people signed up online to participate, emboldening others to turn out and bringing tens of thousands of mostly young people into the streets.

Surprised by the turnout, older opposition leaders from across the spectrum — including the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood; the liberal protest group the Egyptian Movement for Change, known by its slogan, “Enough”; and the umbrella group organized by Dr. ElBaradei — joined in, vowing to turn out their supporters for another day of protest on Friday. But the same handful of young online organizers were still calling the shots.

They decided to follow a blueprint similar to their previous protest, urging demonstrators to converge on the central Liberation Square. So they drew up a list of selected mosques around Cairo where they asked people to gather at Friday Prayer before marching together toward the square. Then they distributed the list through e-mail and text messages, which spread virally. They even told Dr. ElBaradei which mosque he should attend, people involved said.

“What we were hoping for is to have the same turnout as the 25th, so we wouldn’t lose the numbers we had already managed to mobilize,” Mr. Ezz said. Instead, more than 100,000 people poured into the streets of the capital, pushing back for hours against battalions of riot police, until the police all but abandoned the city. The demonstrations were echoed across the country.

The huge uprising has stirred speculation about whether Egypt’s previously fractious opposition could unite to capitalize on the new momentum, and about just who would lead the nascent political movement.

The major parties and players in the Egyptian opposition met throughout the day Sunday to address those questions. They ultimately selected a committee led by Dr. ElBaradei to negotiate directly with the Egyptian military. And they settled on a strategy that some in the movement are calling “hug a soldier” to try to win the army’s rank and file over to their side. But both newcomers and veterans of the opposition movement say it is the young Internet pioneers who remain at the vanguard behind the scenes.

“The young people are still leading this,” said Ibrahim Issa, a prominent opposition intellectual who attended some of the meetings. And the older figures, most notably Dr. ElBaradei, have so far readily accepted the younger generation’s lead, people involved said. “He has been very responsive,” Mr. Issa said. “He is very keen on being the symbol, and not being a leader.”

After signs that President Mubarak’s government might be toppling, leaders of Egypt’s opposition — old and new — met Sunday to prepare for the next steps. The first meeting was a gathering of the so- called shadow parliament, formed by older critics of the government after blatantly rigged parliamentary elections last fall. Those elections eliminated almost every one of the small minority of seats held by critics of Mr. Mubarak, including 88 occupied by Muslim Brotherhood members.

Among those present were many representatives of the Brotherhood, the former presidential candidate Ayman Nour and representatives of Dr. ElBaradei’s umbrella group, the National Association for Change, which has been working for nearly a year to unite the opposition around demands for free elections. At the end of the meeting, they had settled on a consensus list of 10 people they would delegate to manage a potential unity government if Mr. Mubarak resigned. And though the religiously conservative Brotherhood was the biggest force in the shadow parliament, the group nonetheless put Dr. ElBaradei at the top of its list. Officials of the Brotherhood said he would present an unthreatening face to the West.

A second meeting, at the headquarters of the Wafd Party, brought together four of the tiny but legally recognized opposition parties. Critics of Egypt’s authoritarian government often accuse the recognized parties of collaborating with Mr. Mubarak in sham elections that create a facade of democracy. In this case, people involved in the deliberations said, the parties could not agree on how hard to break with the president. One party, the Democratic Front, insisted they demand that Mr. Mubarak resign immediately, like protesters were doing in the streets. The other three wanted a less confrontational statement, people briefed on the outcome said. The third meeting took place late in the afternoon outdoors, in Liberation Square, the center of the protests for the last several days, said Mr. Issa, who participated. It was brought together mainly by the younger members, organized as the April 6 Youth Movement, after the date a textile workers’ strike was crushed three years ago, and We Are All Khalid Said, after the name of a man whose death in a brutal police beating was captured in a photograph circulated over the Internet. But the meeting also brought together about 25 older figures, including opposition intellectuals like Mr. Issa. Also present were representatives of Dr. ElBaradei’s National Association for Change, which includes officials of the Muslim Brotherhood. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #364 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (10:01 PM)

The group’s goal now, Mr. Ezz said, was to guide the protesters’ demands, chief among them the resignation of Mr. Mubarak, formation of an interim government, and amendments to the Constitution to allow for free elections volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #365 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (10:03 PM)

Protest’s Old Guard Falls In Behind the Young Published: January 30, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER E-MAIL PRINT SINGLE PAGE REPRINTS SHARE

(Page 2 of 2)

Mr. Issa and people briefed on that meeting said the older figures offered to help the young organizers who had started it all. Those organizers, Mr. Ezz and Mr. Issa said, knew that that the uprising had now acquired a life of its own beyond their direction, spread and coordinated by television coverage instead of the Internet. And they knew that the movement needed more seasoned leaders if Mr. Mubarak resigned, Mr. Ezz said. “Leadership has to come out of the people who are already out there, because most of us are under 30,” he said. “But now they recognize that we’re in the street, and they are taking us seriously.” Multimedia

Photographs Photos From the Protests in Egypt

Interactive Map Locating the Protests in Cairo Related

Opposition Rallies to ElBaradei as Military Reinforces in Cairo (January 31, 2011) The Lede Blog: Latest Updates From Day 6 (January 30, 2011) The group’s goal now, Mr. Ezz said, was to guide the protesters’ demands, chief among them the resignation of Mr. Mubarak, formation of an interim government, and amendments to the Constitution to allow for free elections. The group settled more firmly on Dr. ElBaradei, consulting with a group of other opposition figures, to speak for the movement, Mr. Issa said. Specifically, he said, the group expected Dr. ElBaradei to represent the protesters to the United States, a crucial Egyptian ally and benefactor, and in negotiations with the army, which the group expected to play the pivotal role in the coming days and weeks.

Mr. Ezz said the group also discussed future tactics, including strikes, civil disobedience and a vigil for dead protesters, as well as music performances and speakers in Liberation Square.

Others briefed on the meeting said that the group had also decided to encourage protesters to adopt the “hug a soldier” strategy. With signs that the military appeared divided between support for the president and the protesters, these people said, the group decided to encourage demonstrators to emphasize their faith and trust in the soldiers.

“We are dealing with the army in a peaceful manner until it proves otherwise, and we still have faith in the army,” Mr. Ezz said. “Until now, they are neutral, and at least if we can’t bring them to our side, we don’t want to lose them.”

Then, Mr. Issa said, it was the young organizers who directed Dr. ElBaradei to appear Sunday afternoon, after the curfew, in Liberation Square, to speak for the first time as the face of their movement. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #366 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (10:05 PM)

On a crisp January day, Greenhalgh showed off the house. Part Realtor, part docent, she pointed out the family initials meticulously carved into the stones and colonial-era graffiti left by Washingtons and Armisteads.

======NH: xref: you stream producer pro watermark during trial period volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #367 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Sun 30 Jan 2011 (10:25 PM)

Dear Mohammed Elbaradi:

Thought you might be interested in the heterogeneous space of the trumpets and the homogeneous space of the cymbals; xref: Fermi - Diriac statistics where two things cannot be in the same place at the same time, compared to Einstein - Boltzman statistics where more than one thing, more than one 'point', aka, direction in which seams can, or cannot go, can be in the same place at the same time. The ability of seams to merge, or not merge [thn/].


W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed enc: "Dennis the Menace" 2011:01:31 cc: CERN Lawrence Livermore Cal Tech Fermi Labs Harvard Observatory NASA Russian space program China Key Ban Moon volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #368 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (02:18 AM) [thn/] Feeling whose way to comprehend Ustream producer. "Unlimited transitions" likely still means only one screen cast.

1.Is there still only {one Screen cast permitted at a time in the Ustream Producer Pro upgrade?} [thn//]

2.Had to select "Live input" before "screencast" 'shot' / thumbnail would show the built in "isight" camera.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #369 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (02:31 AM)

T mobile gives you unlimited access to mobile 4G on the go according [crk | ] to ad which aired after REFRESH of USTREAM.TV SHOW WINDOW [THN/] TO SUCCESSFULLY GET THE WINDOW TO CHANGE FROM "SHOW NOT WORKING" TO ACTIVELY SHOWING WHAT IS BEING SUCCESSFULLY BROADCAST. refresh

If the show is not working, then refresh the window in case the show has come back on [kn/]

Spelling; xref: "You should right a book" xref: "I, and who else, who are part of what prayer line, or prayer lines, and possibly part of what hajj group, or hajj groups, if I, or who else, is physically and financially able...

Side note: (Update: "English Writing Skills" Where (is security) does the update go to?)

...now have intention to make, or make up, what prayer, [thn/] or prayers (because we might be praying in different time zones - but at the same time, therefore we would be praying together, but praying different prayers) volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #370 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (03:23 AM)

Please keep the position of the sun light constant and rotate / move the map of the earth through it.


Because that is what is really happening. cc: Google Earth [[thn/]] "Perfect catch me makin' an erasure, who," BO DAM KBM

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #371 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (03:25 AM)

"Security code mismatch" error message; xref: Open life style vs. Covert life style (open about love, covert about information) volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #372 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (03:30 AM)

{TUESDAY, February 1 has started.} [Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #373 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (03:33 AM)

{Look at the light and shadow on whose beard. Combination of medical malpractice and interior lighting; xref: time zones,} [Thn/]; aka, Shadows and prayer lines; xref: use the older words. Keep it simple. Don't get hypnotized away from the highest chain of command by lesser chains of command who 'translate' for you to 'make it easy' for you. Know the underlying geometry: two spheres, and the shadow of one sphere. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #374 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (03:33 AM)

The fan hasn't come on yet. Why? Only one browser is open. Firefox. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #375 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (03:36 AM)

Desktop Presenter shows source: window, and application: firefox, correctly, but it shows window: Sunclock from worldtimezone... and that's not right. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #376 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (03:43 AM)

"Expand your audience. Stream video on line..." [thn/] {Perfect positive reinforcement to increase whose audience size, who. At the same note the number of 'even's used in the Gyser marketing presentation. Also note "Now bursting with even more flavor" ad words on Peppermint tea box; xref: *.flv files; xref: 'even' = 'home' volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #377 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (03:47 AM) http://helpcenter.ustream.tv/category/tags/advanced volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #378 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (03:50 AM) test baud rate for ustream pro san jose volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #379 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (03:52 AM)

Ustream Producer Recording Test (FIFA10)

2 min - Feb 16, 2010 - Uploaded by bkmelendez The Ustream producer has terrible results for fast-moving video games. I get better results with Flash Media Encoder 3 with my EasyCap USB ... www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoLLICD4IQ8 - Related videos volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #380 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:04 AM)

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Desktop presenter does not show Google chrome as a choice in the application drop down menu after who opens it. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #384 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:13 AM)

Testing latency Testing download 5.99 PNG 7ms upload 0.41 Your result 95% Ispa average 33% PNG 77 ms NY server.

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Bandwidth only tells us part of the story. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #386 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:16 AM)

San Jose PNG 151 Download PNG Upload It's taking a long time to complete this down load 3.92 showing refreshed the screen volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #387 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:18 AM)

PNG 148 ms download 5.99 png 148 upload: 0.45 Your result 96% ISP average 33% PNG 148ms San jose with chrome. Ny immediately above was also chrome volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #388 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:19 AM) 5.40 mbps down 0.49 Mb/s up PNG 147 distance 2550 mi volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #389 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:27 AM)

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{{Three meetings; xref; Jewish people pray three times a day, Muslims pray 5 times a day; xref: whose observation about what food goes bad sooner than what other food so why who [sound] eats what [sound] in what thn] or[thn]... Practical tips who likes? [^] Hints about when to find whom?}}

PNG 148 ms download 5.99 png 148 upload: 0.45 Your result 96% ISP average 33% PNG 148ms San jose with chrome. Ny immediately above was also chrome

5.40 mbps down 0.49 Mb/s up PNG 147 distance 2550 mi

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #390 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:34 AM)

At 0.49 and 0.45 re: San Jose Chrome is significantly faster than Firefox on the UPLOAD, however, because the first test 'stalled' who wonders if who might have tampered with the test results? [^] [thn/]

[Thn thn thn thn. Thn]

The Ustream producer does not use a browser. So it doesn't really matter in terms of ustream producer. But it does matter for other applicaitons, or programs, or software.

There are other sites to test speed. This one is so sophisticated in graphics, windows, indiators, and so on... who would trust this site, but you never know who can intervene between you and a site, turn a 'valve', etc.

From the color coding change at one button click, it felt like Sprint graphics lay out at one point. Didn't I do the test twice in San Jose for Firefox? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #391 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:45 AM)

Broadcast Quality:

Ustream Producer makes improving your broadcast quality very simple. Just click on the Settings button that looks like a gear at the top of the panel. A popup will show you what quality your broadcast is currently set to, the resolution and the bitrate of video and audio. There are five levels of quality in both 4:3 and 16:9 resolution. Please keep in mind that the quality you choose will very likely be limited by your upload speed. If you are not sure what your system is capable of, visit these two websites to test your internet connection: http://speedtest.net

Test your connection to San Jose, CA. Your upload speed is what matters. Once you know your upload speed, select the quality level in Ustream Producer

?>*:\ ...//2011:01:02:01:00:40:195*======Null Hypothesis: [Thn [Disconnected from server] please check our internet connection and retry] {Tell me this doesn't {{that didn't}} feel like an intentional repsonse form {{from}} the ustream server engineering team} /] What is the bit rate for the ustream producer settings? ======Null Hypothesis//

that is about 60% LOWER than your average upload speed. This should give your broadcast enough breathing room to function without dropped frames, lag and disconnects.

Many times what appears to be a great connection is somewhat less in the real world. If your see connection drops, reduce the published bitrate to a lower speed.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #392 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:56 AM)

500kbps, AAC 44.1k Stereo volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #393 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (05:04 AM)

0.33 Mbps = n kbps? n = 337.92

0.4 {Mbps} [crk\] =

1024 X [Thn/] = 409/6

So at 500 kbps, whose setting at high quality is too high to give 'breathing room' to prevent "dropped frames" when the going gets going, and there is more change in the rate of change between frames; xref: smart programmers who compare frames and only add new information to the next frame. ======NH//

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #394 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (05:09 AM)

So, back to standard quality setting. Meanwhile toes are cold, prayers are due, "Test," No VU meter. Sound setting remedied that. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #395 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:03 AM)

12:00:30* on ?>*:\ ...//2011:02:01[Thn/]"Whoop! Yeah, I'm wrong. It's still 2011:01:31. Where? At noon. ?>*:\ ...//2011:01/02:31/01:12:03:30* ['''(whisp of distant siren)] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #396 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:04 AM)

So this battery should last until 60*, or 90*, if the 4 hour rating is correct. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #397 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:13 AM)

"Still on," [Kn/] "I forget to look," Head cam angle. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #398 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:22 AM) Send your name to Mars! Your name will be included with others on a microchip attached to the rover: Sign up! volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #399 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:26 AM)

Thank You William, aka, haji Mohammed Hale, aka, Omar [door] for your participation.

Your Name is heading to Mars! Certificate #: N2M401057323 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #400 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:43 AM)

CBS news image of you BO like unto the recent emptying out camera angle and body position here. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #401 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:48 AM)

Take off successfully completed during naming of file. But failed to record the take off because file window to name prevents recording volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #402 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:49 AM)

For some reason, when the browser window is a certain size, and shape, the image goes into a cinema screen layout - wider than high. But when you make the browser window bigger, the image goes into the square shape and distorts [jet] the image to fit the square shape. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #403 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:54 AM)

12:54:30* Battery went dead. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #404 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:00 AM)

Less than one hour. That was a 400 WH battery, right?

Original 150 WH battery [Thn/] started at 12:00:45* [Thn/ Thn] [Thn] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #405 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:04 AM)

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* JoeAprilOctober [Thn^] I wanted to see sub-titles, but I didn't. Why? xref: http://www.Nuance.com 30 seconds ago • JoeAprilOctober * JoeAprilOctober Test. Test. Testing my love.... 10 minutes ago • JoeAprilOctober * britishpenpals The British Penpals Daily is out! http://bit.ly/bYJmwG ▸ Top stories today by @bbc_radio_2 @helpforheroes @foxnewstalk @wbez2 hours ago • britishpenpals * Elijah Tyresse hi 2 days ago • Elijah Tyresse * What_Depression test 3 days ago • What_Depression * the_idea_agency Ron Ruiter: @foxnewstalk @alancolmes Great idea. You CANNOT cure these people.: http://bit.ly/eC8jJS #idea4 days ago • the_idea_agency * xnavycorpsman @foxnewstalk @alancolmes Great idea. You CANNOT cure these people.4 days ago • xnavycorpsman * Richard Comstock Obama, same old duck 5 days ago • Richard Comstock * britishpenpals The British Penpals Daily is out! http://bit.ly/bYJmwG ▸ Top stories today by @foxnewstalk6 days ago • britishpenpals * hr2388 @foxnewstalk9 days ago • hr2388 * Optimus_Inc @foxnewstalk @gibsonradio Gibson is coming! Gibson is coming!9 days ago • Optimus_Inc * britishpenpals The British Penpals Daily is out! http://bit.ly/bYJmwG ▸ Top stories today by @navfac @foxnewstalk @madkentdragon @healthdotmil10 days ago • britishpenpals * Richard Comstock OK I'M in 10 days ago • Richard Comstock * oisouofelipe I'm listening @foxnewstalk10 days ago • oisouofelipe * AmericasNewsNow The Taliban Boasted When @barackobama pulled out of Korengal Valley(Video) http://bit.ly/hFTBh 12 days ago • AmericasNewsNow * AmericasNewsNow I detect Alan is jealous of @glennbeck & @sarahpalinusa http://bit.ly/hsizCJ 12 days ago • AmericasNewsNow

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #406 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:07 AM)

We use our right hand to eat. We use our left hand to clean our anus muscle. Order gives access volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #407 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:08 AM)

Your right hand is controlled by a button, or a mouse to your right. Would you like voice control of that command? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #408 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:11 AM)

Fox News Voice Control Commands for all studio functions. With redundant, Green Lantern [thn/] blue tooth, thumb pressure Morse Code ring for back up. And of course [Who moves forward in whose chair] the traditional mouse and buttons for secondary back up. [Who rubs whose eyes] Cuing on a screen up by the Ustream logo.

The studio then becomes being able to walk about the room and dance with any number of screens, speakers, and what else?

Here everything is lined up on one vector; xref: quibla. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #409 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:17 AM)

Voice controlled studio? https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1r1SOt0kf5dM1LMrajsizjF4hBgJOebIJNJEicw4YC-E /edit?hl=en volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #410 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:27 AM)

Bite of food; xref: "Let's do lunch," So busy here ate extra last night, but not yet today. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #411 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:27 AM)

Strong concentration. [Thn/] Clear lip moves. R. hand started to move at end. Hnd signls strong volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #412 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:28 AM)

Follow me! foxnewstalk Follow loading...

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* JoeAprilOctober Strong concentration. [Thn/] Clear lip moves. R. hand started to move at end. Hnd signls strong 30 seconds ago • JoeAprilOctober * JoeAprilOctober Hand covers mouth; xref: privacy biometric voice print masks; xref: http://www.Antares.com Yes? 5 minutes ago • JoeAprilOctober * JoeAprilOctober Voice controlled studio? [hand enters from your right] Left hand touches face. R hand touches h 8 minutes ago • JoeAprilOctober * Coillien hi guyes 20 minutes ago • Coillien * JoeAprilOctober [Thn^] I wanted to see sub-titles, but I didn't. Why? xref: http://www.Nuance.com 21 minutes ago • JoeAprilOctober * JoeAprilOctober [Thn^] I wanted to see sub-titles, but I didn't. Why? xref: http://www.Nuance.com 25 minutes ago • JoeAprilOctober * JoeAprilOctober Test. Test. Testing my love.... 34 minutes ago • JoeAprilOctober * britishpenpals The British Penpals Daily is out! http://bit.ly/bYJmwG ▸ Top stories today by @bbc_radio_2 @helpforheroes @foxnewstalk @wbez2 hours ago • britishpenpals * Elijah Tyresse hi 2 days ago • Elijah Tyresse * What_Depression test 3 days ago • What_Depression * the_idea_agency Ron Ruiter: @foxnewstalk @alancolmes Great idea. You CANNOT cure these people.: http://bit.ly/eC8jJS #idea4 days ago • the_idea_agency * xnavycorpsman @foxnewstalk @alancolmes Great idea. You CANNOT cure these people.4 days ago • xnavycorpsman * Richard Comstock Obama, same old duck 5 days ago • Richard Comstock * britishpenpals The British Penpals Daily is out! http://bit.ly/bYJmwG ▸ Top stories today by @foxnewstalk6 days ago • britishpenpals * hr2388 @foxnewstalk9 days ago • hr2388 * Optimus_Inc @foxnewstalk @gibsonradio Gibson is coming! Gibson is coming!9 days ago • Optimus_Inc * britishpenpals The British Penpals Daily is out! http://bit.ly/bYJmwG ▸ Top stories today by @navfac @foxnewstalk @madkentdragon @healthdotmil10 days ago • britishpenpals * Richard Comstock OK I'M in 10 days ago • Richard Comstock * oisouofelipe I'm listening @foxnewstalk10 days ago • oisouofelipe * AmericasNewsNow The Taliban Boasted When @barackobama pulled out of Korengal Valley(Video) http://bit.ly/hFTBh 12 days ago • AmericasNewsNow * AmericasNewsNow I detect Alan is jealous of @glennbeck & @sarahpalinusa http://bit.ly/hsizCJ 12 days ago • AmericasNewsNow volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #413 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:32 AM)

UPDATED EXEGESIS https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1ej9Znh5uVTn0sFGYFQlx64ZIKmMKSF-ONN0L2b3jpWE /edit?hl=en volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #414 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:34 AM)

FN https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1ej9Znh5uVTn0sFGYFQlx64ZIKmMKSF-ONN0L2b3jpWE

/edit?hl=en just now • JoeAprilOctober volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #415 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:41 AM)

00:41 and this 150 WH battery is still [thn/] ... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #416 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:46 AM)

...This show will now be con...

This access, this open door, this walk along the e-m public right of way, this free speech and assembly [thn/] will now be continued on the Ustream.tv access address known as "Peaceful Possibilities and Events" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #417 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:46 AM) Keri Hilson dances for singing fan 7,207 views KeridAway

======NH: xref: when the radio studio becomes voice controlled. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #418 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (08:02 AM)

Its Al Arabiya, not a Nile TV volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #419 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (08:32 AM)

Sub-titles? Issue icons? #Audio alarm choices? Start of motion? At sound of mic? Breaking news volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #420 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (08:37 AM)

This 150 WH battery is still powering the laptop. 00:34:60* So, that's 1:34 on this 150 WH battery compared to the 400 WH battery. Who would assume the 400 WH battery has one or more damaged cells, or what? [sirens] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #421 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (08:37 AM)

[Fire engine passes at a non urgent volume and pace] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #422 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (08:38 AM) I have had a lot of difficulties with your larger batteries, haven't I, Shawn? Why? [Thn/] Is it me? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #423 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (08:40 AM)

Save all open windows in this configuration.

Force quit does that. But no other command who knows of yet. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #424 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:09 AM)

The mac power cable works well. The 150 WH batter is not at 00:07:75* minus 15 minutes For a total of 01:45...No, wait. We started at 30*. The 400 WH battery lasted until 45*. The 150 [sound] Yea, so 01:45 on 150 WH compared to 00:56 on the 400 WH.

If it recharges too soon, that would be an indication of dead cells, right?

Is it recharged yet? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #425 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:11 AM)

It's showing three out of four green lights in 2 hours and five minutes of charging time. Or was it five led lights? Look more carefully. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #426 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:12 AM) It's 3 out of 4 led lights. The first led light is a red on off switch indicator only. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #427 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:15 AM)

Still, that seems pretty fast for 400 WH's to recharge. Is that right? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #428 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:32 AM)

Screen grab: whose idea of an Humanitarian corridor openness. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #429 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:32 AM) iTunes 10.1.2 provides a number of important stability and performance improvements. iTunes 10.1 came with several new features and improvements, including:

• Use AirPlay to instantly and wirelessly stream videos from iTunes to the all-new Apple TV.

• Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.2. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #430 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:33 AM)

AT&T is getting faster with 4G volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #431 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:36 AM) http://training.apple.com/locations volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #432 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:53 AM)

Humanitarian convoy [thn/] imagery volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #433 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:54 AM)

150 wh battery still p0wering laptop 02:44 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #434 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:55 AM)

All four green LEDs on 400 wh battery showing a charge volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #435 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:59 AM)

"Technical Difficulties 2" one viewer. Maximum was 1 viewer. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #436 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (10:16 AM)

Disconnected from server while praying again. Streaming, but not recording this time. Two times. Compared to days initially without server interruptions. Why? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #437 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (10:21 AM) 150 wh battery has been going for three hours? Good. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #438 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (11:10 AM)

The 150 WH battery did not show the tool bar icon for charge to be over, but during eating the entire machine went dead. So either the internal battery was low before the 150 WH was connected, or the 150 wh battery showed the charging icon simply from being attached, but not charging, or, both batteries were working at the same time. Or what else? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #439 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (11:11 AM)

Watch the new iPhone TV ad. Two iPhones side by side. A warning [thn/] typo [thn/] You can be recorded by one iphone while [thn/] who talks to you on the other. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #440 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (11:13 AM)

Available on Verizon February 10.

Beginning February 10, the phone that changed everything will be available on both AT&T and Verizon Wireless in the United States. Qualified Verizon Wireless customers will also have the exclusive opportunity to pre-order iPhone 4 online on February 3, ahead of general availability.

======NH: Classic elitest marketing, Apple heads. xref: ticket sales [sound (exterior)] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #441 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (11:14 AM)

12:14:105* volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #442 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (11:17 AM)

Video to upload, and delete. Faxes to send. Tomorrow to be ready for. Couldn't [thn/] find the list of the apple mini mac repairs. Yet. In sha la. Take a one hour nap.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #443 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (11:25 AM)

I want file naming software which uses the line of longitude (at the equator) to name files globally. I want the day in the filing system to change simultaneously globally. Currently a day lasts for 48 hours in my filing system [thn/] This is very confusing [Thn/] We don't mind if the day changes at 10am, or whenever. We all want to be able to coordinate our files globally. I've applied for a patent for this system, but missed my 12 month deadline, as far as I know. There is a good chance to reapply with a more clear application and a slightly different format. Would you like to do this with me? Facebook, google, and others really need better coordination. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #444 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (11:25 AM) http://www.inovasolutions.com/forms/contact-confirm.htm

Thank you for taking the time to contact us, and thank you again for your interest in Inova Solutions. We look forward to discussing your business needs with you.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #445 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:38 PM) test volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #446 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:39 PM)

['''tn] "Brief smile" welcomed into external memory. ['''''tn] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #447 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:39 PM)

Not sure what needed to be logged in here. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #448 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (04:51 PM)

Start of third battery test. Six hours in the xleep mode drained the 400 wh battery volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #449 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (05:18 PM)

Loaded attachments for fax, and safari browser froze. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #450 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (05:29 PM)

Test [kn/] [Thn/] send of fax to myself revealed number of pages indicated were wrong. A second example of how technical difficulties of delay caused whom to more carefully review before sending. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #451 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:31 PM)

External battery ended volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #452 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:39 PM)

Error validating fax number, reason: Number must not contain symbols or characters other than numbers, parentheses, and dashes.

======NH: METRO fax has added parentheses to the phone numbers in the address book, perhaps for easy reading. When who checks to change them back to the way who input them, they do not have parentheses around them. Who struggled with this before. It's like running in sand. It's possible who controls the fax site thinks there are too many parentheses and nested comments in the fax and is blocking whom from sending it to convey that message; xref: the browser freezing the first time who tried to do this. ======Null HYpothesis

Could not add current recipient data to list of recipients. Please correct the above errors or leave these fields blank to continue.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #453 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:40 PM)

There is no one in the current recipient list! All the addresses were taken from the address book.

Erroneous error messages are so frustrating because your logic is useless against them, other than to retreat, and let them live in the Jungle. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #454 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:52 PM)

When I originally input the fax numbers into my address book, I stripped them of parentheses. Now I find your software automatically formats them to have parentheses, and when I select fax numbers from my address book to send a fax, your software then tells me the addresses [[Thn/]] must be stripped of parentheses in order for the Fax to be sent. Why?

When I select fax recipients from my address book, MetroFax software [kn/] now adds parentheses around the area code. I thought this might to make the fax numbers easier to read, but when I try to send the fax, I get an error message the numbers are not permitted to have parentheses.

This did not happen on the last group of faxes I sent, but it did happen on the fax prior to that.

Please advise me why I'm having this problem. I stripped the parentheses from all fax numbers when [thn/] I originally input them. Only the overseas numbers show no parentheses; xref: Goldman Sachs and Facebook. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #455 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:52 PM)

[Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #456 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:53 PM)

Possible insider trading violation.

Get the fax info.

Refuse to send it.

Sell the information. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #457 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (06:59 PM) [email protected]

Erroneous error message re: parentheses

When I originally input the fax numbers into my address book, I stripped them of parentheses. Now I find your software automatically formats them to have parentheses, and when I select fax numbers from my address book to send a fax, your software then tells me the addresses [[Thn/]] must be stripped of parentheses in order for the Fax to be sent. Why?

When I select fax recipients from my address book, MetroFax software [kn/] now adds parentheses around the area code. I thought this might to make the fax numbers easier to read, but when I try to send the fax, I get an error message the numbers are not permitted to have parentheses.

This did not happen on the last group of faxes I sent, but it did happen on the fax prior to that.

Please advise me why I'm having this problem. I stripped the parentheses from all fax numbers when [thn/] I originally input them. Only the overseas numbers show no parentheses; xref: Goldman Sachs and Facebook.

PS "Cannot add addressee to address book error message also came up" but there were no new addressees. Are you OK? Has your software gotten a virus? ['''thn//]

-- "Respond and seek responses," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #458 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:00 PM)

Upon trying to send whose gmail to metro fax who got the following error message

Your connection to Gmail has expired. Please log in again.

Who had only been logged into the account for a matter of minutes, and "keep me logged in" was checked when who logged in.

"I am but a warner,'

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #459 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:02 PM)

Logged out. Logged in again. Got the same error message. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #460 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:08 PM)

?>*:\ ...//2011:01/02:31/01:12:32:210* [[kn | ]] [NYTimes.com page refreshes: Prayers, tent & injured]

Dear Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, and Apple Board of Directors:

Attached please find two (2) faxes, each four (4) pages long.

The first regards "iTunes Miracle Tickets" [Thn/] and a system of linkable, transferable receipts for an Ebay Auction market. [[kn//]] The second (2nd) four (4) page fax provides links to details of the learning curve of the idea beginning with "Google Buzz-weight Ebay Auctions"

Both faxes are archived on the last two pages of my web site http://www.TAWBS.com

Would you like to do this with, or without me? I'm willing to partner, consult, lease, or sell ideas.

Thank you.


W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed

202-465-0067 (message phone. Call back is usually within one week) volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #461 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (07:52 PM)

It might be the perch up on the file cabinet for prayer has a weak signal strength.

It might be because who wants whom to be sure who has whose prayer on whose own hard drive. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #462 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (09:51 PM)

Ustream producer will not quit when the log in window is open.

The modem disconnected at the end of whose eating. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #463 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (10:04 PM)

Headlights; xref: moving [thn/] the needle [thn/+] [thn/] of the odometer of whose 'clock' to noon instead of midnight today. Perfect make clear in an instant, who. Also note the toe, heel step pattern of feet; xef: ways to keep warm while standing in the cold: Toe, heel. Step. Right, right. Left. You can permutate from there.

What else? Notice whose "rod and whose staff shall defend thee" allusion with whose walking stick. And what else? The opposite side of the road for the driver's seat; xref: Europe, and cc: NATO. Good.

And what else? The median of the road, narrow as it might be, does show prominently. And what else? Whose back to the camera; xref: quibla camera angles in mosque extended to life [kn /]

"Mubarak's grip on power is shaken"; xref: TV cameramen (and women) "Vice President agrees to talk with opposition" xref: you Fred and being in the Sauna too soon before it heated up. Does who feel the demonstrations need to continue and permeate deeper?

While eating tonight who thought of the Berkeley Emergency Food Project technique of cleaning out old milk cartons and filling them with food for the demonstrators; xref: the cost of stew vs. the cost of bread and meat. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #464 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (10:04 PM)

When I originally input the fax numbers into my address book, I stripped them of parentheses. Now I find your software automatically formats them to have parentheses, and when I select fax numbers from my address book to send a fax, your software then tells me the addresses [[Thn/]] must be stripped of parentheses in order for the Fax to be sent. Why?

When I select fax recipients from my address book, MetroFax software [kn/] now adds parentheses around the area code. I thought this might to make the fax numbers easier to read, but when I try to send the fax, I get an error message the numbers are not permitted to have parentheses.

This did not happen on the last group of faxes I sent, but it did happen on the fax prior to that.

Please advise me why I'm having this problem. I stripped the parentheses from all fax numbers when [thn/] I originally input them. Only the overseas numbers show no parentheses; xref: Goldman Sachs and Facebook.

PS "Cannot add addressee to address book error message also came up" but there were no new addressees. Are you OK? Has your software gotten a virus? ['''thn//] -- "Respond and seek responses," volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #465 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (10:26 PM)

Mubarak proposes talks as opposition calls for massive protest


Egypt: Anti-government protesters clash with riot police in Cairo The Egyptian government blocks Twitter after thousands of protesters took to the streets of Cairo to demand an end to the 30-year- rule of President Hosni Mubarak. » LAUNCH PHOTO GALLERY

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COMMENT 144 Comments | View All » POST A COMMENT Your washingtonpost.com User ID, randomsample, will be displayed with your comment.

Discussion Policy

By Griff Witte Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, January 31, 2011; 6:06 PM CAIRO - As pro-democracy demonstrators vowed to bring 1 million people to the streets of Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak offered a gesture of conciliation on Monday, directing his new vice president to begin talks with his opponents about changes to the country's constitution.

======NH: Perfect go back to where you, and who else, were last sure you were doing things right, [Thn/] President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #466 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (10:27 PM)

144 Comments | View All » volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #467 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (10:27 PM) xref: 12 X 12; xref: who had twelve students; xref: both sides paying attention? Alhumdullilah / Hallelujah. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #468 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (10:41 PM)

Monday, January 31, 2011; 6:06 PM CAIRO - As pro-democracy demonstrators vowed to bring 1 million people to the streets of Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak offered a gesture of conciliation on Monday, directing his new vice president to begin talks with his opponents about changes to the country's constitution.

======NH: Perfect go back to where you, and who else, were last sure you were doing things right, [Thn/] President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak. ======Null Hypothesis//

JoeAprilOctober يرجى [thn /] حاويات الحليب نظيفة وإعادة استخدامها عن الطعام للمتظاهري& #1606;؛ 6 minutes ago

JoeAprilOctober Please [thn/] clean & reuse milk containers for for food for demonstrators; xref: the cost of stew compared to the $ of bread, meat, etc.

======Nul Hypothesis//

Appearing on state-run television to discuss his new role, Vice President Omar Suleiman offered no details about the scope or timing of any talks. In an olive branch of its own, the military promised to guarantee "freedom of expression'' during a march planned for Tuesday, saying it recognizes "the legitimacy of the people's demands."

======NH: xref:

W. Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. Re: Transferable receipts of authority FROM: W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed TO: Apple Corporation Board of Directors DATE: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01/02:31/01:12:32:210* [[kn | ]] [Breaking news: NYTimes.com page refreshes: Egypt: Prayers, tent & injured] RE: "Spread the wealth" This cover Letter is followed by a proposal [thn/] Dear Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, and Apple Board of Directors: [[Thn/ 12:37:['''''tn] 250*]] Thought you might be interested in this. Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you? Alhumdullilah /. Hallelujah at the role the internet is playing in Tunisia and Egypt? - and Iran... Bismellah, I open... How are you Steve? Did I see a photo of you standing outside in the snow with a friend? 1of 4 W. Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. Re: Transferable receipts of authority And how is the Apple family / corp.? Are you ready yet to peacefully take over the government of the United States and put ON the table [Thn/] what we, "The Woodstock Nation" blue jean army - and our brothers around the world have been getting away with under the table so successfully over the past generations? And how is everything? Is our universe dissolving into itself? Is that the cycle of eversion (turning inside out)? Thank you for your consideration. Truly, W. Hale, aka haji M.A.O. Proposal 1.Internet Free Speech "Rebates" - Download Update 2.Transferable, iTunes "Miracle" Ticket certificates 3.Ebay Buzz-weight Auction Market Please visit the last two pages of TAWBS.com - http://www.TAWBS.com 2of 4 W. Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. Re: Transferable receipts of authority There you will find, God willing, links to two (2) faxes - each four (4) pages long. The first regards "iTunes Miracle Tickets" [Thn/] and a system of linkable, transferable private receipts for an Ebay Auction market. [[kn//]] - and statistical database. The second (2nd) four (4) page fax provides links to details of the learning curve of the idea beginning with "Google Buzz-weight Ebay Auctions" Again, for the certainty of redundancy, both faxes are archived on the last two pages of my web site: TAWBS.com - http://www.TAWBS.com http://www.tawbs.com/fax-to-apple.php and http://www.tawbs.com/apple-os-feedback.php [[Thn/. Thn/. Thn/. 12:28:225*]] Would you like to do this with, or without me? I'm willing to partner, consult, lease, or sell ideas. 3of 4 W. Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. Re: Transferable receipts of authority Thank you. Truly, W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed 202-465-0067 (message phone. Call back is usually within one week) cc: Omar's Loop -- "Respond and seek responses," Tags: donations “recycling purchase receipts” link history [Thn/] “free speech statistics” A contract for consulting services 4of 4 ======Null Hypothesis//

The movement that rose up seemingly out of nowhere last week to pose the greatest challenge yet to the 82-year-old president has no name, no symbols and no formal infrastructure. Although some students and others are involved in organizing its direction, they deny being its leaders.

======NH: [Thn/] ======NH//

Protesters say the absence of a specific platform or a single dynamic figure has been critical to their success, allowing them to tap into Egyptians' widespread contempt for Mubarak without allowing the movement to become riven by factions.

"There are many talented people who could govern this country. As long as it's not Mubarak and his circle," said Ahmed Allam, a 31- year-old accountant, reflecting a sentiment that is broadly shared among demonstrators

======NH: Dear http://www.txteagle.com Please recommend, write, or offer developers' tools for "crowd sourcing" to add detail to the Egyptian demonstrators' requested remedies. Thank you ======Null Hypothesis//

Fax to E https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fOWThPsTZSifgCh- IrE3WoQJARffXbeoAdpHTHNyHdo /edit?hl=en

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #469 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (10:42 PM)

Your Comments On... Egyptian opposition calls for massive protest; foreigners flee CAIRO - As pro-democracy demonstrators vowed to bring 1 million people to the streets of Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak offered a gesture of conciliation on Monday, directing his new vice president to begin talks with his opponents about changes to the country's constitution. - By Griff Witte

Comments randomsample wrote: Monday, January 31, 2011; 6:06 PM CAIRO - As pro-democracy demonstrators vowed to bring 1 million people to the streets of Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak offered a gesture of conciliation on Monday, directing his new vice president to begin talks with his opponents about changes to the country's constitution.

======NH: Perfect go back to where you, and who else, were last sure you were doing things right, [Thn/] President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak. ======Null Hypothesis//

JoeAprilOctober يرجى [thn /] حاويات الحليب نظيفة وإعادة استخدامها عن الطعام للمتظاهري& #1606;؛ 6 minutes ago

JoeAprilOctober Please [thn/] clean & reuse milk containers for for food for demonstrators; xref: the cost of stew compared to the $ of bread, meat, etc.

======Nul Hypothesis//

Appearing on state-run television to discuss his new role, Vice President Omar Suleiman offered no details about the scope or timing of any talks. In an olive branch of its own, the military promised to guarantee "freedom of expression'' during a march planned for Tuesday, saying it recognizes "the legitimacy of the people's demands."

======NH: xref:

W. Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. Re: Transferable receipts of authority FROM: W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed TO: Apple Corporation Board of Directors DATE: ? />*:\ ...//2011:01/02:31/01:12:32:210* [[kn | ]] [Breaking news: NYTimes.com page refreshes: Egypt: Prayers, tent & injured] RE: "Spread the wealth" This cover Letter is followed by a proposal [thn/] Dear Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, and Apple Board of Directors: [[Thn/ 12:37:['''''tn] 250*]] Thought you might be interested in this. Asalam wa lay kum, peaceful possibilities and events upon you, how are you? Alhumdullilah /. Hallelujah at the role the internet is playing in Tunisia and Egypt? - and Iran... Bismellah, I open... How are you Steve? Did I see a photo of you standing outside in the snow with a friend? 1of 4 W. Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. Re: Transferable receipts of authority And how is the Apple family / corp.? Are you ready yet to peacefully take over the government of the United States and put ON the table [Thn/] what we, "The Woodstock Nation" blue jean army - and our brothers around the world have been getting away with under the table so successfully over the past generations? And how is everything? Is our universe dissolving into itself? Is that the cycle of eversion (turning inside out)? Thank you for your consideration. Truly, W. Hale, aka haji M.A.O. Proposal 1.Internet Free Speech "Rebates" - Download Update 2.Transferable, iTunes "Miracle" Ticket certificates 3.Ebay Buzz-weight Auction Market Please visit the last two pages of TAWBS.com - http://www.TAWBS.com 2of 4 W. Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. Re: Transferable receipts of authority There you will find, God willing, links to two (2) faxes - each four (4) pages long. The first regards "iTunes Miracle Tickets" [Thn/] and a system of linkable, transferable private receipts for an Ebay Auction market. [[kn//]] - and statistical database. The second (2nd) four (4) page fax provides links to details of the learning curve of the idea beginning with "Google Buzz-weight Ebay Auctions" Again, for the certainty of redundancy, both faxes are archived on the last two pages of my web site: TAWBS.com - http://www.TAWBS.com http://www.tawbs.com/fax-to-apple.php and http://www.tawbs.com/apple-os-feedback.php [[Thn/. Thn/. Thn/. 12:28:225*]] Would you like to do this with, or without me? I'm willing to partner, consult, lease, or sell ideas. 3of 4 W. Hale, aka, haji M.A.O. Re: Transferable receipts of authority Thank you. Truly, W. Hale, aka, haji Mohammed 202-465-0067 (message phone. Call back is usually within one week) cc: Omar's Loop -- "Respond and seek responses," Tags: donations “recycling purchase receipts” link history [Thn/] “free speech statistics” A contract for consulting services 4of 4 ======Null Hypothesis//

The movement that rose up seemingly out of nowhere last week to pose the greatest challenge yet to the 82-year-old president has no name, no symbols and no formal infrastructure. Although some students and others are involved in organizing its direction, they deny being its leaders.

======NH: [Thn/] ======NH//

Protesters say the absence of a specific platform or a single dynamic figure has been critical to their success, allowing them to tap into Egyptians' widespread contempt for Mubarak without allowing the movement to become riven by factions.

"There are many talented people who could govern this country. As long as it's not Mubarak and his circle," said Ahmed Allam, a 31- year-old accountant, reflecting a sentiment that is broadly shared among demonstrators

======NH: Dear http://www.txteagle.com Please recommend, write, or offer developers' tools for "crowd sourcing" to add detail to the Egyptian demonstrators' requested remedies. Thank you ======Null Hypothesis//

Fax to E https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fOWThPsTZSifgCh- IrE3WoQJARffXbeoAdpHTHNyHdo /edit?hl=en

2/1/2011 1:41:08 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy lipservice007 wrote: IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE IN EGYPT, YES WE CAN. HANDS OFF FOR ZIONIST US !!!

2/1/2011 1:38:47 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy alance wrote: A march of a million people will be on its way in a couple of hours. This type of mass rage and frustration is far more dangerous without any leadership.

Many Egyptians have been awake for 36 hours with only short naps. They are very focused on getting rid of Mubarak. Just before Christmas in 1989, Nicolae Ceausescu was overthrown in a violent revolution in Bucharest. Three days later, he and his wife Elena were executed by firing squad. This is what the people in Cairo desire today. 2/1/2011 1:38:03 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy erevolu wrote: Oil price rushed the peak,after Egaptian have stroke the demonstrate for near two weeks, which made many countries, depended on importing large crude oil in order to keep their industry and economy to be energic and active, spending much more money to purchase deals. Just like a coin with two sides, some persons feel added burdens, uncomfortable, and angry with oil companies achivement of profits,such as US, China, Japan and India,but other persons is reaching their increasingly growing of income from sell petroleum, Russian, Iranian and mideast authoritarian must have been enjoyed the high price.It is not hard to find the backers who maybe the most possible to deploy or support the event surreptitious and stealthy, because without money supply, ongoing to demonstrate in the streets of main Egyptian cities is very diffcults to carry out.In the history, to work the ropes and pull the string is best and successful method and process to fulfill the evil goal, it needed the protesters with good willing in Egpty to identify.Seemingly, there are some reasons referring to US that it should immediately give up his aid to Egpty as its alliance for fear that its old enemies would count their chickens before they hatch. But, US has not super stronger power enough to anti-resist Russia, even Iran as one decades before, because it brought up a large manufacturer to replace its position of international markets,despite of components of universal values as its propaganda such as democracy, freedom and human rights,only depending on the dimension whether probably creation of money is, or not.It is no doubt that many predictors and diviners envision the coming future belonging to Russia. 2/1/2011 1:37:56 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy uzs106 wrote: This is the constituante. Like in the french revolution. They give Egypt a new constitution. The details of future politics are not their business. 2/1/2011 1:19:35 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy zap065 wrote: So when will the USA find democracy? The current oligarchy of the wealthy is destroying the the USA.

LEGAL-JUDICIAL-LEGISLATIVE branch and the SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY of each and every SHYSTER THIEF ATTORNEY who only destroy responsibility and squash growth and learning looking for the lowest scum to pay their $500 per hour daily billings.

USA will follow Egypt into the abyss of corruption and despair. 2/1/2011 1:03:23 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ringlingj wrote: All I can say is the US had better be more clear on requesting a timeline for Mubarak to step down. Like yesterday.

The more we drag this on with the Egyptian public the more they will turn against us.

We need to stand with the people of Egypt. 2/1/2011 1:02:12 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy fridaolay wrote: It seems to me that the reason Mubarak doesn't want to vacate his position is because eventually he wants to make sure his son replaces him. I think Mubarak realizes that if he resigns, his son will no longer be able to take over the reins of government, and most likely will have to live in exile too.

Unfortunately, many dictators view their positions and power like a monarchy that must be passed on to their descendants. 2/1/2011 12:58:51 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy mapleleaf3 wrote: Too late!!! This American puppet has been a tyrant oppressing his own people for far too long to satisfy American interests in the middle east. If the US wants to spread democracy (in other words, a strategy to serve American interest), then the people of Egypt has spoken and want this tyrant kicked out...along with the other American puppet governments in Yemen, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Afghanistan....

2/1/2011 12:43:12 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ingeandjoe wrote: Mubarak is Israel's stooge. Egypt for the Egyptians! 2/1/2011 12:25:00 AM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy lipservice007 wrote: IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE IN EGYPT, YES WE CAN. HANDS OFF FOR ZIONIST US !!!

2/1/2011 12:19:31 AM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy npsilver wrote: Murbarak replaced a previous President that he (Mubarek) had a hand in assasinating during a formal military review. His end may be the same way. The Egyptian people do deserve to be heard. They have suffered for a very long time. Mubarek is a immensely wealthy man. He could move out of the country and be very comfortable for the rest of his life. 2/1/2011 12:16:21 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy mlbduffy wrote: This looks like it will all end badly. Although Mubarak will be gone he will most likely be replaced by Muslim extremists and those folks who thought they were demonstrating for democracy are in for a tremendous disappointment. 1/31/2011 11:58:33 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy cantabb wrote: The "leaderless" protesters have already declared loudly and clearly "ANY ONE BUT MUBARAK."

That's good enough for me.

Their decision. Hope they want peaceful co-existence with their neighbors, and continue to honor the 30-year-old peace treaty with Israel. They could gather around ElBaradei at least for transition to democracy. Also hope this new wave of democracy touches neighbors in that troubled region of the world.

Try it (democracy): you'll like IT. 1/31/2011 11:51:31 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy randysbailin wrote: In looking at those 2 women on their knees crying in agony, while not looking that much worse for wear, they just seem to be overdoing it a bit. Get up you couple of actors! 1/31/2011 11:48:03 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy nestmaster wrote: Leadership will evolve in Eqypt. This revolution was not planned. Give the Egyptians time for leadership to rise to the task. It will come. The Egyptians, or anyone else for that matter, will demand good and fair leadership. The situation in Egypt has been relatively peaceful. This alone shows people are using their heads. Egyptians want to get it right. The better job of it they do the more the remaining tyrannical leaders in the world will be planning their retirements. Power to the people! 1/31/2011 11:44:07 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy AMQ1 wrote: If they can get 1 million people in the streets despite all the road blocks put up by the government then it's game over. This will give the US government cover to support the protestors. My advice for the Egyptian President is to turn over the government to the VP and resign for the good of Egypt. The exit should be gracious using whatever BS. Then negotiate immunity for his government including himself if this is possible. He should not flee the country. The caretaker government then should bring in independent monitors for free and fair elections. All parties should be able to participate including the current ruling party of Egypt. The President of Egypt is over 80 yrs old. All his good days are behind him and probably will not live longer than five to 10 yrs if he is in poor condition. The cost and benefit analysis is all against him. The only reason he would stay is for the Party and false idea that he is the root of stability in the country, however, this probably was true several years ago but not now. Again, if he wants his Party to remain a significant force in the country, the easiest course is to submit his Party to the vote. I would bet his party would get significant amount of the vote. In a country of 80 million including a significant poor population this is not far fetched. In Eastern Europe, the officials from previous communist governments eventually ended up running their respective countries after the failure of the new government. Maybe his grandiose vision that his son be able to replace him can be realized in a free and fair election. The President should save what ever is left of his name and legacy. Ironically, he may be a force of stability once again if he resigns. 1/31/2011 11:38:47 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy AlanGoldberg54 wrote: Although it does not look like an Islamic theocracy is likely to be installed soon, a couple of interesting examples come to mind.

Russian Revolution 1917 -- many forget that the Czar was overthrown early in the year by liberals who installed a democratic Provisional government and later declared a Republic. This allowed Lenin's return from exile to Russia, the Bolsheviks to operate relatively freely, and eight months later the Bolsheviks took over in the second revolution of the year.

Iran 1979. The Shah is overthrown. It looks like a democratic republic will be established. The Shah's security apparatus is dismantled and Ayatollah Khomeini is able to return to Iran where he shortly establishes an Islamic dictatorship.

It seems possible a burst of freedom could free the Islamists as well, and being the most organized, fanatical, and ruthless they might bide their time a bit as it would be easier for them to seize power from a freer regime. 1/31/2011 11:36:18 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy sailorashore wrote: For those of you posting Islamophobic rants about the Muslim Brotherhood, and screaming that "Obama will lose Egypt just like Carter lost Iran," here is a little background for you.

First, the Muslim Brotherhood of which you seem so terrified is so completely out of the loop in the current crisis in Egypt that they are running as hard as they can trying to catch up to events. Any observer paying attention will see that this uprising caught them flat- footed, is mostly young, mostly secular, owes nothing to radical Islamists, and certainly has no desire to see them take power. Second, Egypt is not ours to "lose" any more than Iran was. In 1951 the Iranian people, in a free and fair democratic election, chose as their Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh by a huge majority. In 1952, Dr. Mossadegh decided that perhaps Iranian petroleum should belong to Iranians, and he nationalized the oil industry. In 1953, in a coup engineered by the CIA with help from British Intelligence, he was overthrown, and America installed on the Peacock Throne Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, aka the Shah. Backed up by American money and power, he ruled Iran with an iron fist for twenty-five years, until, like the Egyptians of today, the Iranians had had enough. It is also worth noting that, when the former Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani and his following of reformist moderates approached the administration of George W. Bush, hoping to thaw relations between our two countries, they were rebuffed--thus paving the way for the ascendency of Ahmadinejad and his militarist hardliners. Maybe it's time we stopped spouting our lip service to freedom and democracy around the world, while selling tear-gas canisters stamped "Made in USA" to autocratic regimes like that of Mr. Mubarek. 1/31/2011 11:26:16 PM Recommend (2) Report Abuse Discussion Policy xthat wrote: El Baradei is an Islamist, the left loves people who advocate the reordering of government and society, only his will be in accordance with laws prescribed by Islam, not Marx. Both are dictatorial, magisterial, dogmatic and doctrinaire, maybe in another 30 years freedom. 1/31/2011 11:17:21 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #470 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (11:05 PM)

AlanGoldberg54 wrote: Although it does not look like an Islamic theocracy is likely to be installed soon, a couple of interesting examples come to mind.

Russian Revolution 1917 -- many forget that the Czar was overthrown early in the year by liberals who installed a democratic Provisional government and later declared a Republic. This allowed Lenin's return from exile to Russia, the Bolsheviks to operate relatively freely, and eight months later the Bolsheviks took over in the second revolution of the year.

Iran 1979. The Shah is overthrown. It looks like a democratic republic will be established. The Shah's security apparatus is dismantled and Ayatollah Khomeini is able to return to Iran where he shortly establishes an Islamic dictatorship.

It seems possible a burst of freedom could free the Islamists as well, and being the most organized, fanatical, and ruthless they might bide their time a bit as it would be easier for them to seize power from a freer regime. 1/31/2011 11:36:18 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #471 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Mon 31 Jan 2011 (11:12 PM) benkad wrote: OK! Here it is, edited as you wish in the Wa Po: nice and gentlemanly.

This $OB is not only trying to keep power come what may, but he has also the indecent and provocative offer for the millions of people who had loved one tortured, killed, imprisoned, wiped out from earth or terrorized: " come together and let's talk," the ba$tard says.

Yeah! And kiss each other and have a nice cup of coffee too.

How about going to the "Tahrir Square", without your thugs, and telling this to the crowds.

Just do it

Go ahead, you murderer, international pariah and face the music like a man.

But you won't leave your bunker, because you know well how they'd treat you.

I hope they'll have the opportunity to haul your sorry ar$e to La Hague and spend the rest of your rotten life in the tiniest cell there, you skum of the earth. 2/1/2011 1:43:07 AM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #472 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (02:49 AM)

Cuomo, Set to Issue Budget, Criticizes Spending Practice

======NH: xref: request to you yesterday, Mayor Bloomberg re: illegal gun purchase sting video. Can we have a documentary video clip for each $100,000,000 per budget line item? And at least one photo per $1,000,000? And a working phone [thn/] number with a human, voice mail, and an web page address where where there is a full text, random access data base forum we can post (write) to and search (read)? ======Nu volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #473 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (02:50 AM)

Millions Are Called to Tuesday Protest By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK 20 minutes ago

Tens of thousands of people converged anew on Tahrir Square on Tuesday, demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, but there were reports the government was seeking to cut off access to the capital.

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Egypt’s Economy Is Near Paralysis By NICHOLAS KULISH

The economy approached paralysis as foreign commerce, tourism and banking all but halted. U.S. Scrambles to Size Up ElBaradei By HELENE COOPER and SCOTT SHANE President Obama and Mohamed ElBaradei, then the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in 2009.

As the opposition coalesces around Mohamed ElBaradei, the White House is trying to figure out if he is someone with whom the United States can deal.

* Video: A Look at ElBaradei * U.S. Official With Egypt Ties to Meet With Mubarak

In Crowd’s Euphoria, No Clear Leadership Emerges By ANTHONY SHADID

Some protesters have rejected not only the current national leadership, but much of the opposition.

* Room for Debate: Mubarak and Mideast Peace * State TV Offers Only Murky Window * Volunteers Work to Keep Order in Chaos of Egypt * Al Jazeera English Finds an Audience

* Photographs Photographs More Photographs

* MapMap Interactive Map: Protests

Pakistani Nuclear Arms Pose Challenge to U.S. Policy By DAVID E. SANGER and ERIC SCHMITT

Some American officials and experts say that the steady growth in Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is more than it needs to deter its regional rival, India. Cuomo, Set to Issue Budget, Criticizes Spending Practice By DANNY HAKIM and NICHOLAS CONFESSORE Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said Monday that automatic increases for Medicaid and education made budget planning “a scam.”

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said there would need to be fundamental changes to automatic spending increases that have long been programmed into future budgets. A Harlem Cultural Hub Is Threatened by Debt By KEVIN FLYNN and FELICIA R. LEE The National Black Theater, a cultural anchor of Harlem, may close because its building is facing foreclosure.

The National Black Theater, a cultural anchor in Harlem for decades, is threatened with closing because its building faces foreclosure. G.O.P. Governors Take Aim at Teacher Tenure By TRIP GABRIEL and SAM DILLON

Governors in Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Nevada and New Jersey are taking aim at a bedrock tradition of public schools: teacher tenure.

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Tuesday’s Forecast: Horrific By A. G. SULZBERGER

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volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #474 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (02:51 AM) Compare the above to the global edition version below:

Millions Are Called to Tuesday Protest By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK 18 minutes ago

CAIRO — Tens of thousands of people converged anew on Tahrir Square on Tuesday, demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, but there were reports the government was seeking to cut off access to the capital.

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Egypt’s Economy Is Near Paralysis By NICHOLAS KULISH

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt — The economy approached paralysis as foreign commerce, tourism and banking all but halted.

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Volunteers Work to Keep Order By SOUAD MEKHENNET and NICHOLAS KULISH

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CAIRO — Some protesters have rejected not only the current national leadership, but much of the opposition. U.S. Scrambles to Size Up ElBaradei By HELENE COOPER and SCOTT SHANE

As the opposition coalesces around Mohamed ElBaradei, the White House is trying to figure out if he is someone with whom the United States can deal.

* Video: A Look at ElBaradei * U.S. Official With Egypt Ties to Meet With Mubarak

* Room for Debate: Mubarak and Mideast Peace * State TV Offers Only Murky Window * Wary of Protests, China Censors Web * E.U. Calls for Orderly Transition in Egypt * Al Jazeera English Finds an Audience

* Photographs Photographs More Photographs

* MapMap Interactive Map: Protests

Pakistani Nuclear Arms Pose Challenge to U.S. Policy By DAVID E. SANGER and ERIC SCHMITT

WASHINGTON — Some American officials and experts say that the steady growth in Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is more than it needs to deter its regional rival, India. More News

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Debt Limit Follies Published: January 31, 2011

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At a recent gathering of House Republicans, lawmakers made it clear that they intend to hold an increase in the nation’s debt limit hostage to major spending cuts. Readers' Comments

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Clearly, the Republican aim is to demonstrate their fiscal prudence, as well as their new political power in the Republican- controlled House. Don’t be fooled. When it comes to debating the debt limit the facts matter little. It’s all about posturing. The debt limit is a cap set by Congress on the amount the nation can legally borrow. The current limit, $14.3 trillion, will be hit sometime this spring. Unless Congress raises it before then, the government will have to resort to temporary tactics, like freeing up money to pay current bills by delaying payments to federal retirement funds. The longer a standoff endures, the worse the choices are. For instance, the government might defer other payments, like tax refunds, as it husbands resources to avoid a default on the public debt.

All that would surely be disruptive and could be disastrous if the nation’s creditors began to doubt America’s reliability.

The debt limit is a political tool, not a fiscal one. First enacted in 1917, it was intended to make lawmakers think twice before voting for tax cuts and spending increases that run up the debt. Unfortunately, it has never worked that way. Federal debt is high despite the limit because lawmakers repeatedly enter into expensive and recurring obligations without a plan to pay for them — in recent years that includes two wars, the George W. Bush-era tax cuts and the Medicare drug benefit.

As the costs pile up, the debt limit must be increased — not to make room for new spending, but to raise money to pay for past commitments.

It is, of course, utterly disingenuous to vote for policies that drive up the debt and then rail against raising the debt limit when the bills come due. It is akin to piling up purchases on credit and then threatening to bounce the payment check. But that is what Republicans are saying they will do unless they win deep cuts in future spending in exchange for a debt-limit increase today. So much for fiscal prudence.

A better approach would be to pay for legislation when it is enacted, generally by raising taxes or cutting other spending. The new House leadership has rejected that approach when it comes to their No. 1 priority: cutting taxes.

They have passed new budget rules that allow taxes to be cut without offsets to replace the lost revenue. The new rules also forbid raising taxes to pay for major new spending, like Medicare expansions, requiring instead that any such spending be offset by cutting other programs. That is a recipe for fiscal irresponsibility.

House Republican leaders have not said which spending cuts they will demand for a debt-limit increase. They know that voters don’t want to hear about losing college aid, environmental safeguards or investor protections. They may try to call for overall spending caps that would let them take credit for spending reductions without explaining or defending particular cuts.

What is known is that deep immediate spending cuts would be unwise at a time when the economy and so many Americans are still struggling. President Obama and Congressional Democrats need to push back by challenging House Republicans on the hypocrisy of their new budget rules and by making it clear that playing games with the debt limit is irresponsible. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #476 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (02:59 AM)

Clear, well written, to the point. John, what's your response? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #477 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (03:29 AM)

Op-Ed Contributor Allying Ourselves With the Next Egypt By JOHN KERRY Published: January 31, 2011 EVEN if the protests shaking Egypt subside in the coming days, the chaos of the last week has forever changed ======Null Hypothesis: [Whu whu whu Whuhuu.] [kn/] xref: "May you stay, forever young," (Dylan, Bob); xref: Over 1/2 of the population fo which Arab nations are 20 years old, or younger? ======Null Hypothesis//

[Thn/]======Null Hypothesis: xref: recent visit to your web page, Bob. Also xref: recent "For Better or For Worse". Also xref: "When I paint, my Masterpiece" ?>*:\ ...//2011:02/01... {It's 06:15@75*, so it's 24:00 where? It's 12:15@345*, [thn/] so 180* away from 345* is 165*. What day is it at 165*? ...This is why it would be a lot less confusing to have a day last for only 24 hours on the surface of the earth instead of the current system where a day lasts for 48 hours. 180* is the international date line. It's 23:00 hours there. The last hours of 02:01. Right? So at 165* 02:01 is only now starting. Thus currently it is still ?>*:\ ...//2011:0 {01?!}1 [thn/ thn tn thn] Yeah, there is one hour of ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:31 left between 180* and 165*. So, it's ?>*:\ ...//2011:01/31:02/01:12:24:345*. It's around Isa prayer time where you are, Egypt.}

So, now the challenge is to find "Forever Young" and make a slide show regarding you, the young brothers of Egypt, and risk the copy right infringement hassels of using intellectual property "without permission" despite the fact, it was not my idea at all, but implied by the NYTimes.com article written by you, U.S. Senator John Kerry, chairman of the U.S. Senate Love thy Neighbor Nation (s) Committee, formerly known as the U.S. Senate Foreign Rel [crk |] ... {Perfect edit point, whom. Enough for people who know the old name to make the cross reference, [thn/] {Perfect edit point who {I cannot tell a lie} but knowing how tired I've been reading at times, let's finish the thought - but abbreviated sufficiently so new readers will remember only the new name and in that way come to replace it, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes}

Where were we? Contending with the intellectual property issue of being able to quote words at length to prove a point, but being denied the same right regarding music and lyrics. Perhaps this will set a precedent we have the right to quote in it's entirety to prove WHY you, JFKy might choose to allude to you BD, aka, RZ - especially when whose "Loved song, known by heart" derives from a Jewish American.

Likely YOU, JFKy, guesstimate the song is so good, and so to the point, Egyptians, Americans, and Israelis will all feel good about the prayer for Egypt [''''''''''tn] to remain "Forever Young"

Also xref: YOU, Don Young, and the aging circle of power you represent; xref: you, President Hosni Murbarak.

In a way, this is an Egyptian wake, as well as awakening. Showing your leader how strong and independent you are as the leader approaches his grave.

So, should who miss work today to actually do this? Or sh[thn/]...

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #478 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (03:34 AM)

36 Arguements ======NH: xref: When the sample size reaches 36 data points, then the 'T' test approaches the normal distribution. It takes only 36 random selections from a population to get a good idea of the underlying composition of the entire population. Therefore randomly sampling whose files about God might be worth the effort. ?>*:\ ...//2011:01/31:02/01:12:39:345* volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #479 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (03:55 AM)

EVEN ======Null Hypothesis: xref: "Watch out for those even numbers," xref: "How do you count?" "Down and back is one lap," "No, down is one (1) and back is two (2),"; xref: [thn/] {Why?} ======Null Hypothesis// if the protests shaking

======NH: xref: "I'm shaking, I'm baking, I'm..."Like humans do" - another good song for the sound track to contrast tanks and weapons and checkpoints with the human side

[Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep...] xref: leader of the band, "The Talking Heads"; xref: in Islam if we mention one, we try to mention two... Because the only thing "one of" is "enough of" [Kn/] is... xref: "La il" re: whom vs. "il la" re: whom else?

And the chore of translating all this into Arabic!

Who'd like to perform "Forever Young" in Arabic? ======NH//

Egypt subside ======NH: xref: the off shore threat to Egypt. Also xref: the subtext herein. ======Null Hypothesis//

in the coming days,

=====NH: [kn/] xref: C.O. (commanding officer) Ming; xref: Dynasty ======NH//

======NH: xref: your own Egyptian "dynasty", brother Hosni; xref: what the root complaint of the Egyptian people is. "Mubarak dynasty out. Fair elections" ======Null Hypothesis//

the chaos of the last

======NH: xref: 'che' OS (operating system); xref: Ebay Buzz-weight Auction Market: transferable receipts of proof of support for whose free speech; xref: "Invest in an issue" {Prayers are due here, and where else?} ======NH//

======NH: A story about two [kn/]... A story about a transferable, buzz- weight Auction receipt, and an iTunes Miracle Ticket certificate [Thn/] ======Null Hypothesis//


======NH: "the last week"; xref: 'weak'; xref: inability to get much exercise here. Need to make Fajhr Pre-dawn's early light prayer.

Also xref: "The Last Time" another good song for the sound track of Egypt Change movie. ======Null Hypothesis//

has forever changed the relationship

======NH: Already addressed the words "forever changed" (note mono- syllabic cadence of 'changed'; xref: 'young' also [exterior sound] also mono-syllabic)

Also note: 'forever' is the last word of the Islamic prayer; xref: "The Arabic word for 'forever' is 'majeed'. {Lost the little booklet from which who learned to pray. There are others. Who should compare them to the memory of that little book} ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: Note also the word 'relation' is in your text, U.S. Senator John Kerry (JFKy); xref: "U.S. Senate 'Love thy neighbor nation (s)' Committee, formerly known as the U.S. Senate Foreign Rel... ======Null Hypothesis//

between the Egyptian people and their government.

======NH: xref: [kn/] the terminology used by you, which social network? "My Space"? ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: xref: the Japanese concept of 'Ma' - personal space. Xref: you, India, and your apartheid 'caste system'; xref: you Egypt - and much of the world now, re: "gated communities" [^]. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #480 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (04:17 AM)

#477 of 479: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (03:29 AM)

Op-Ed Contributor Allying Ourselves With the Next Egypt By JOHN KERRY Published: January 31, 2011 EVEN if the protests shaking Egypt subside in the coming days, the chaos of the last week has forever changed ======Null Hypothesis: [Whu whu whu Whuhuu.] [kn/] xref: "May you stay, forever young," (Dylan, Bob); xref: Over 1/2 of the population fo which Arab nations are 20 years old, or younger? ======Null Hypothesis//

[Thn/]======Null Hypothesis: xref: recent visit to your web page, Bob. Also xref: recent "For Better or For Worse". Also xref: "When I paint, my Masterpiece" ?>*:\ ...//2011:02/01... {It's 06:15@75*, so it's 24:00 where? It's 12:15@345*, [thn/] so 180* away from 345* is 165*. What day is it at 165*? ...This is why it would be a lot less confusing to have a day last for only 24 hours on the surface of the earth instead of the current system where a day lasts for 48 hours. 180* is the international date line. It's 23:00 hours there. The last hours of 02:01. Right? So at 165* 02:01 is only now starting. Thus currently it is still ?>*:\ ...//2011:0 {01?!}1 [thn/ thn tn thn] Yeah, there is one hour of ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:31 left between 180* and 165*. So, it's ?>*:\ ...//2011:01/31:02/01:12:24:345*. It's around Isa prayer time where you are, Egypt.}

So, now the challenge is to find "Forever Young" and make a slide show regarding you, the young brothers of Egypt, and risk the copy right infringement hassels of using intellectual property "without permission" despite the fact, it was not my idea at all, but implied by the NYTimes.com article written by you, U.S. Senator John Kerry, chairman of the U.S. Senate Love thy Neighbor Nation (s) Committee, formerly known as the U.S. Senate Foreign Rel [crk |] ... {Perfect edit point, whom. Enough for people who know the old name to make the cross reference, [thn/] {Perfect edit point who {I cannot tell a lie} but knowing how tired I've been reading at times, let's finish the thought - but abbreviated sufficiently so new readers will remember only the new name and in that way come to replace it, in sha lah, God willing, who hopes}

Where were we? Contending with the intellectual property issue of being able to quote words at length to prove a point, but being denied the same right regarding music and lyrics. Perhaps this will set a precedent we have the right to quote in it's entirety to prove WHY you, JFKy might choose to allude to you BD, aka, RZ - especially when whose "Loved song, known by heart" derives from a Jewish American.

Likely YOU, JFKy, guesstimate the song is so good, and so to the point, Egyptians, Americans, and Israelis will all feel good about the prayer for Egypt [''''''''''tn] to remain "Forever Young"

Also xref: YOU, Don Young, and the aging circle of power you represent; xref: you, President Hosni Murbarak.

In a way, this is an Egyptian wake, as well as awakening. Showing your leader how strong and independent you are as the leader approaches his grave.

So, should who miss work today to actually do this? Or sh[thn/]...

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #478 of 479: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (03:34 AM)

36 Arguements ======NH: xref: When the sample size reaches 36 data points, then the 'T' test approaches the normal distribution. It takes only 36 random selections from a population to get a good idea of the underlying composition of the entire population. Therefore randomly sampling whose files about God might be worth the effort. ?>*:\ ...//2011:01/31:02/01:12:39:345* volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #479 of 479: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (03:55 AM)

EVEN ======Null Hypothesis: xref: you, brother who, re: "Watch out for those even numbers," [[kn/ 12:17:00*]]; xref: you brother, Aziz at Harrum Mosque while we made tawaf together around the Ka'bah, xref: "How do you count?" "Down and back is one lap," "No, down is one (1) and back is two (2),"; xref: [thn/] {Why?} ======Null Hypothesis// if the protests shaking

======NH: xref: "I'm shaking, I'm baking, I'm..."Like humans do" - another good song for the sound track to contrast tanks and weapons and checkpoints with the human side

[Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep...] xref: leader of the band, "The Talking Heads"; xref: in Islam if we mention one, we try to mention two... Because the only thing "one of" is "enough of" [Kn/] is... xref: "La il" re: whom vs. "il la" re: whom else?

And the chore of translating all this into Arabic!

Who'd like to perform "Forever Young" in Arabic? ======NH//

Egypt subside ======NH: xref: the off shore threat to Egypt. Also xref: the subtext herein. ======Null Hypothesis// in the coming days,

=====NH: [kn/] xref: C.O. (commanding officer) Ming; xref: Dynasty ======NH//

======NH: xref: your own Egyptian "dynasty", brother Hosni; xref: what the root complaint of the Egyptian people is. "Mubarak dynasty out. Fair elections" ======Null Hypothesis//

the chaos of the last

======NH: xref: 'che' OS (operating system); xref: Ebay Buzz-weight Auction Market: transferable receipts of proof of support for whose free speech; xref: "Invest in an issue" {Prayers are due here, and where else?} ======NH//

======NH: A story about two [kn/]... A story about a transferable, buzz- weight Auction receipt, and an iTunes Miracle Ticket certificate [Thn/] ======Null Hypothesis//


======NH: "the last week"; xref: 'weak'; xref: inability to get much exercise here. Need to make Fajhr Pre-dawn's early light prayer.

Also xref: "The Last Time" another good song for the sound track of Egypt Change movie. ======Null Hypothesis//

has forever changed the relationship

======NH: Already addressed the words "forever changed" (note mono- syllabic cadence of 'changed'; xref: 'young' also [exterior sound] also mono-syllabic)

Also note: 'forever' is the last word of the Islamic prayer; xref: "The Arabic word for 'forever' is 'majeed'. {Lost the little booklet from which who learned to pray. There are others. Who should compare them to the memory of that little book} ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: Note also the word 'relation' is in your text, U.S. Senator John Kerry (JFKy); xref: "U.S. Senate 'Love thy neighbor nation (s)' Committee, formerly known as the U.S. Senate Foreign Rel... ======Null Hypothesis//

between the Egyptian people and their government.

======NH: xref: [kn/] the terminology used by you, which social network? "My Space"? ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: xref: the Japanese concept of 'Ma' - personal space. Xref: you, India, and your apartheid 'caste system'; xref: you Egypt - and much of the world now, re: "gated communities" [^]. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #481 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (04:18 AM)

William Hale - Buzz - Public - Muted The buzz software is refusing to let who save the changes [thn/] after who edits the first post.Edit

======NH: xref: redundancy. Also xref: the frustration you Egyptian brothers feel about not being able to 'edit' your government. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #482 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (04:34 AM)

The anger and aspirations propelling a diverse range of citizens into the streets will not disappear without sweeping changes in the social compact between the people and the government — ======NH: xref: the technical difficulties with buzz re: unable to 'save' whose edit; xref: where else who posts; xref: if you want to be a full text, random access, data base "of legal record', then you cannot permit editing. Instead who must copy and paste the text into a new date:time box to be sure it was edited when, and not prior. ======NH//

======NH: Then you need good "text comparison" software built into 'buzz' to easily find what editing changes. ======NH//

The anger and aspirations propelling

======Null Hypothesis: xref: propeller hats symbol of the White House Economic team during the first two years of of this current administration; xref: you brother Larry re: your intentional foul of women as deficient in science and math, [[''''''thn 12:30:00* {{?>*:\ ...//2011:01:31 has ended, [^]}}[[[Thn/]'''thn/]] thus ushering in the first woman president of Harvard University [[kn/]] {{Save Harvard from over-crowding; xref National Service plans and Business Schools' compensation}}. ======NH// a diverse range of citizens into the streets

======Null Hypothesis: xref: domain (x axis) and range (y axis); xref: statistical analysis. ======NH//

======NH: Also xref: you, Newt Gingrich, and "Home on the Range", [[thn/]] the American Cowboy song. ======NH// will not disappear

======NH: xref: WSJ, the right to appear; xref: early days of Ustream. ======Null Hypothesis//

without sweeping changes

======NH: xref: the use of the word "sweep" by Karl Marx re: Europe ======NH//

in the social compact

======NH: xref: make-up compacts; xref: women; xref: sisters;

Also, xref: "The Mayflower Compact"

Also xref: "The social contract" John Locke vs. "The war of all against all" Thomas Hobbes

Also xref: 'So C.I.A. l'

Also xref: compact cars and the dieing of [thn/ thn/ thn/ Thn/ Thn/] [Thn/] the dinasours and the big gas guzzeling power cars;

Also xref: the Mercedes Ramadan Ad in Egypt; xref: whose back pages and which search word, 'mercedes' ======Null Hypothesis// between the people and the government — volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #483 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (04:43 AM)

Exegesis commentary upon [[Thn/ thn/ thn/ thn/]] your NYTimes.com article, U.S. Senator John Kerry; re: you Egypt - "Forever Young"; xref: irony of "Ancient" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #484 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (04:48 AM)

AP [thn/] http://www.Ustream.tv "Technical Difficulties 2" Show. Most recent video recording re: exegesis commentary on John Kerry Egypt US volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #485 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (06:05 AM)

Finished wudu and changing clothes volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #486 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (06:06 AM)

The radiation from the lap top modem being so close to whom for so long might have been the cause of some of the CNS issues last night.

['''''thn] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #487 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (06:28 AM)

12:28@30*Long volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #488 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (06:29 AM)

[thn/] external battery connected volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #489 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (06:50 AM)

Recorded on ?>*:\ ...//2011:02:01/02:02:12:47:30* This is about where who started yesterday; xref: "Are you Jewish?" xref; Unified Field Theory and having everything in terms of one (1) variable:time. But, since time is a ratio, likely the least possible are two variables. But then if one variable determines the other as in E = mc^2, then that's oe variable which has two states which always sum to 100% volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #490 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (07:41 AM)

The test battery - the 400 WH battery just went dead.

So that was about an hour and 41 minutes this time? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #491 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:55 AM)

Know Sound [Thn/ Thn | ] No sound for a reason - sticky two sided coin of the Ramdan / Hajj (E/m) came up 100% E - "Strawberry Fiels"

Silent seamless Ramadan side/Seams of sound on Hajj side. Which side is "in" side determines "waht it's worth"

Haj stands with, and needs to need - Pilgrims move to stay joinwith "no sound" for a reason.

Ramadan stands alone but needs to not need.

[thn] "Who, or why, joined the seamed and the seamless

"No sound for a reason,"


"...the oldest treaure house, the oldest scientific laboratory, the oldest house... "No seams, no seams, no seams," Only who, or why, does not need...... any - is permitted to live or go inside

Find your own reasons,"

"Or, is what's right left?"

"Is what's left right?"

Client Server

84 send to Message sent, please wait 3 seconds. • "Creed ate, or... refrain 6 minutes ago • William Penn • "Reason ate" 7 minutes ago • William Penn • "Sound reasons" 8 minutes ago • William Penn • "Sound 4 a reason" 9 minutes ago • William Penn • No sound 4 a reason. It would be nice to hear the conversations taking place, though. 21 minutes ago • Chris Watts • Does anybody know anybody who might want to do a show anywhere near Cairo? xref: "Forever Young", "Last Time" 29 minutes ago • William Penn • Does this have sound? 1 hour ago • Jennifer Iwannatouchhisbody Dimick • What's going down there? 13 hours ago • Donica Christensen • Movement.. but no sound @dierks bentley 16 hours ago • x_tears_scars_x • Hates Not being able to work this Chat thing out on Ustream.... major sad face 17 hours ago • x_tears_scars_x • Anyone Know how i can fix Ustream Chat its not comming up? 17 hours ago • x_tears_scars_x • was that it 21 hours ago • Terra Davis • havent really worked this out yet.. but im getting there.... Yesterday • Melissa Rendell

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #492 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (05:29 PM)

1.OpenOffice older version was put in a folder in the applications folder 2.An open office document was downloaded from an email and opened without realizing the program was inside a folder. 3.The document was opened by OpenOffice despite the fact the application was in a folder. 4.The document was closed and the more current version of OpenOffice was dragged and dropped into the applications folder. 5.The document was reopened. 6.The view of the document showed non printing [crk | ] characters, the same way it had when it was opened by the older version of Openoffice in the folder. 7.When the document was emailed, it was not in the show non printing characters setting. 8.The page number and page count showed as numbers on the laptop using the most recent open office download, but when using the same download on the mac mini, instead of showing numerals, the footer showed: page "Page numbers" of "Statistics". Why? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #493 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (06:55 PM)

"Say "close" instead of "kill" re: google page error message re: "unresponsive" [Thn//] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #494 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (07:09 PM) https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#buzz/106590197805913667038

======NH: The only time who tested this address to see if who cold send people to whose buzz page, who found it opened the buzz account of the other gmail holder. That's great for people who want public buzz which cannot be found by pasting the address of the buzz into the browser, but it's really bad for people who want to be able to share buzz the way we share the address for google documents.

The reason for not being able to find buzz would support under the table economies which wanted to be untraceable [thn]

Or, it could simply be a programming error because of what assumption? Was who thinking only of search words and the name of the account finding the account? There was a delay in the results being returned by the search box when the name of the google buzz poster was entered.

The results were not chronologic. Why? xref: the finder window where you can sort by date, or file size, or name; xref: the google docs window.

So buzz is buzz intentionally difficult to search? Why? If it's unintentional, then why does google permit such low standards of quality control? Control? Isn't the power of computing about the user's or users' control? If who want's a privacy setting, or 'scramble order' setting then who could offer that choice [Thn/] But then who would stick out in the crowd [jet] for choosing to hide. So who makes it so everyone's buzz is not easily searchable. xref: why on the table is more powerful than under the table. On the table you can "have your cake and eat it too," You can have your privacy and the ability to search also, because you don't need to worry about sticking out like sore thumb if you choose to not let your posts be searchable by chronologic order, or other orders.

When you don't need to hide, but you still have the right to hide, you are stronger, than when you need to hide; xref: who, or why, does not need any, including not needing to not need, - and therefore being ready to welcome, perfect, return, and invite - any; xref: Hajj. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #495 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (07:18 PM)

This time when https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#buzz/106590197805913667038 was pasted into the browser window while logged into a different gmail account [Hmmm, the other computer just restarted spontaneously and is now showing the login window asking for a password. Now the screen saver has come on. So that's the other side of the coin: you should be able to require a password for visitors to enter your buzz account. They could search with search box and find any of your comments marked 'public' by the search word in them, but they couldn't see all your public comments simply by typing in your name; xref: the different conferences who has. Or the user could choose to let who find all whose public comments by searching for the user's name. No conference hosts in the buzz yet. That could be a choice also: the general mail box, or a hosted mail box. xref: "You want to walk to the mail box with me," HUMANITARIAN CORRIDORS are like a walk to the US, or any sovereign who permits free speech computer servers to operate, aka, the mail box. Also the uncensored screens and internet permitted when and where.

OK, so If who gets whose buzz browser address who finds a number of whose posts.

Here are the posts who found by pasting the above into the browser window while the tab was open under a different gmail account:

Gmail Calendar Documents Photos Reader Web more ▼ [email protected] | Settings | Help | Sign out Gmail Logo Search BuzzSearch Mail Mail Contacts Tasks Compose mail Inbox (13659) Buzz Sent Mail Drafts (96) Notes Personal Travel

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William Hale Set status here

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Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security Google profile Follow Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001Block Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Connected sites: Blogger (Blogspot) Twitter Posts by Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Comments by Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Likes by Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Comment8:49 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: About to record commentary on the NYTimes.com A1 photo (live at http://ustre.am/tdqA) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:53 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Know sound (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:51 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: No sound for a reason - sticky two sided coin of the Ramadan/Hajj (E/m) came up !00% E - "Strawberry fields" (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:47 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Silent seamless Ramdan side/Seams of sound on Hajj side. Which sid is 'in' side determines "what it's worth" (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:44 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: The two sides to the wall (s) of the oldest treasure house, the oldest scientific laborabory, the oldest hous (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:39 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Haj stands with, and needs to need - Pilgrims move to stay joined with "no sound" for a reason (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:35 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Ramadan stands alone - but needs to not need. (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:32 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Who, or why, joined the seamed and the seamless (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:29 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "...the oldest treasure house, the oldest scientiric laboratory, the oldest house... (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:27 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "No seams, no seams, no seams," Only who, or why does not need...... any - is permitted to live or go inside (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:25 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "No sound for a reason," (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:24 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "Find your own reason s..." (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:22 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "Or, is what's right left?" (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:21 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "Is what's left right?" (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:20 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "Creed ate, or... refrain (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:19 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "Reason ate" (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:18 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "Sound reasons" (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment12:17 pm Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: "Sound 4 a reason" (live at http://ustre.am/ t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment11:57 am Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Does anybody know anybody who might want to do a show anywhere near Cairo? xref: "Forever Young", "Last Time" (live at http://ustre.am/t9eG) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment9:17 am Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Currently on Ustream.tv show "TownHallVoiceMask00001" (live at http://ustre.am/sWMw) Comment Like Reshare Email Comment7:48 am Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: AP [thn/] http://www.Ustream.tv "Technical Difficulties 2" Show. Most recent video recording re: exegesis commentary on John Kerry Egypt US Comment Like Reshare Email Comment1:21 am Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: يرجى [thn /] حاويات الحليب نظيفة وإعادة استخدامها عن الطعام للمتظاهري& #1606;؛&#

8206; Comment Like Reshare Email Comment1:20 am Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Please [thn/] clean & reuse milk containers for for food for demonstrators; xref: the cost of stew compared to the $ of bread, meat, etc. Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Are you an Irish police officer? do you know my friend Joe's son? [Thn/ th thn/] He's a NY Cop, or was, last who knew. Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Could we have one such video for each $10,000,000 in a budget line item? Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Well, that certainly looked [thn/] like a real test. Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Perfect sub titles, Mayor Bloomberg. "Seller:" What measures were taken to ensure "entrapment" was not the case? Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: The http://www.Ustream.tv show "Peaceful Possibilities and Events" is carrying whose laptop live Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: The http://www.Ustream.tv show "Technical Difficulties" is carrying this screen live. Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Enter whom? Mayor bloomberg with whom on either side. ( @CBSBackstage live at http://ustre.am/2bWW) Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Sub-titles? Issue icons? #Audio alarm choices? Start of motion? At sound of mic? Breaking news ( @CBSBackstage live at http://ustre.am/2bWW) Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: FN https://docs.google.com/document/d/ 1ej9Znh5uVTn0sFGYFQlx64ZIKmMKSF-ONN0L2b3jpWE

/edit?hl=en ( @foxnewstalk live at http://ustre.am/1GPO) Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Strong concentration. [Thn/] Clear lip moves. R. hand started to move at end. Hnd signls strong ( @foxnewstalk live at http://ustre.am/1GPO) Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Hand covers mouth; xref: privacy biometric voice print masks; xref: http://www.Antares.com Yes? ( @foxnewstalk live at http://ustre.am/1GPO) Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Voice controlled studio? [hand enters from your right] Left hand touches face. R hand touches h ( @foxnewstalk live at http://ustre.am/1GPO) Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: [Thn^] I wanted to see sub-titles, but I didn't. Why? xref: http://www.Nuance.com ( @foxnewstalk live at http://ustre.am/1GPO) Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Test. Test. Testing my love.... ( @foxnewstalk live at http://ustre.am/1GPO) Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Snow. Heat siphon. 250 miles. Up. Bleeding heat from our surface. Geocentric orbit. Space elev ( @CBSBackstage live at http://ustre.am/2bWW) Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: G.E. China ( @CBSBackstage live at http://ustre.am/2bWW) Comment Like Reshare Email CommentJan 31 Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - Twitter - Public JoeAprilOctober: Test. Test. Testing my love... ( @marscuriosity live at http://ustre.am/25IX) Comment Like Reshare Email Load more... Select multiple conversations at once – check the first, then press shift and check the last. Storage:

3.3 GB (0%) of 1031.4 GB - Manage or Upgrade Last account activity: 1 hour ago at this IP ( Details Gmail view: standard | turn off chat | turn off buzz | older contact manager | basic HTML Learn more ©2011 Google - Terms - Privacy Policy - Buzz Privacy Policy - Gmail Blog - Google Home

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #496 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (07:30 PM)

When who had both Safari and Chrome browsers open, and who clicked on a link to Ustream in the buzz pasted into Safari, the Ustream window opened in Chrome.

The link did not show the Ustream address exactly as it had been pasted from the browser window when Ustream was open.

[The other computer spontaneously reboots again] http://ustre.am/tdqA)

Perhaps this is a doctored address to [Thn/ thn/ thn/ thn/ thn/] cause the Chrome browser to be used? http://www.ustream.tv/channel/peaceful-possibilities-and-events

Here's the address from the browser

was open and who clicked on a link to Ustream. The link volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #497 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (07:31 PM)

The short address opens the full address.

Now lets see if the other browser is open.

Larry and Serge, you should watch this volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #498 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (07:33 PM)

No, it opens this in Safari this time, the same browser that the link was in.

Now who has the idea to make links open their own browser.

But that might loose readership or users who objected. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #499 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (07:33 PM)

What was it a spurious click? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #500 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (07:52 PM)

Gmail desktop notifications let you know when you have a new email or Chat message

======Null Hypothesis: Say, "Gmail desktop notifications let you know when you have a response from an email you have sent." - that's the most important thing you want to know...... [thn//] ...... [thn/] ...... [kn/] ======Null Hypothesis//

======Null Hypothesis; xref: "Some useless information trying to try my imagination...." ======NH// ======NH: It hurts me to lie down. I can feel my heart and my lungs. Nobody's paying me. I can't hire anybody. ======NH//

======NH: AFTER getting whom interested about the most important thing, THEN mention "... new email or Chat message [Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #501 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (07:57 PM)

======Null Hypothesis: Gmail desktop notifications let you know when you have a response to an email or chat invitation YOU have sent. Also add real time access to your desk top for friends, and trusted email addresses and chat names. Assign priority ranks to [thn/] {"OK, perfect edit point. Say 'too',"}

['''''Wheww hewww (barely audible) '''''''''''''''''' ''thn/] new email or Chat message volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #502 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (07:58 PM)

Now who is interested. When you let thousands of emails come into your box, "'Filtered Access' to your desk top" are the first words you want to read. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #503 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (08:02 PM) When you enable these notifications, you'll see a pop-up when new messages arrive so that even if you're not looking at your Gmail, you'll still know when someone wants to talk to you.

======NH: There's the word 'even' How can google be so smart about information and so opaque about sovereign consciousness? Don't embarrass people, say, "[Other computer goes to black screen. No password window this time] Wow (exasperation) God is greater. Where were we?

Say, "it lets you know when people YOU want to talk with are ready and willing to talk with you. [Kn/]"

This is why Hosni Mubarak is worried. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #504 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:06 PM)

In Tahrir Square, a turning point

======NH: xref: "Turning point boys ranch" policy of no faces shown in photos. You can learn a lot about [thn/] fine tuning of emotions from faces, but in terms of what who is doing, or what will change the course of history, camera angles which do not show faces find stronger//////// more fundamental things to consider. ======Null Hypothesis volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #505 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:11 PM)

SayNow, a voice-based social media platform, ======NH: xref: "now" xref: "Hey now," Also xref: Know Also xref: 'won'; xref: right to left languages. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #506 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:13 PM)

Search Results SayNow NBA adds voice to its Social Media Communities with SayNow · Dane Cook uses SayNow to stay on the bleeding edge of technology ... www.saynow.com/ - Cached - Similar Browse People Login About Us Smartphone Applications No Comments Big Call marks SayNow's entry into ... NBA adds voice to its Social Media ... More results from saynow.com » ► Google Acquires SayNow - SayNow Google acquires SayNow. Tuesday January 25, 2011. We are thrilled to ... www.saynow.com/info/press_google - Cached Voice Matters - The Blog of SayNow, Inc. SayNow is a revolutionary voice platform that connects people anywhere in ... blog.saynow.com/ - Cached - Similar Learn More - SayNow A SayNow number lets you connect with anyone on your phone without giving up ... www.saynow.com/info/learn_more - Cached - Similar Show more results from saynow.com News for say now

The Guardian Google Dials Up Voice Service in Egypt 6 hours ago Through the acquisition of SayNow, Google and Twitter have created a service ... Google says it acquired SayNow last week, a calling and voice messaging ... Newsweek - 842 related articles - Shared by 20+ Google buys SayNow, fflick AFP - 74 related articles Say-Now (Voice Recognition Software) Command and Control of your computer through your voice. Voice recognition software from Say-Now.com. www.say-now.com/ - Cached - Similar Google's Social Acquisitions - SayNow is the Latest Conquest #SEWatch Jan 31, 2011 ... Last week, Google announced two more acquisitions of companies into their collective. SayNow, a voice/telephone service was announced first. blog.searchenginewatch.com/110131-083124 - Cached Just Say Now: Legalize marijuana Just Say Now worked to pass marijuana reforms in the following states. ... Just Say Now is a project of Firedoglake and Students for Sensible Drug Policy. ... justsaynow.firedoglake.com/ - Cached Google, SayNow Launch Tweet-by-Phone for Egypt, World | News ... Jan 31, 2011 ... Google and SayNow, a startup Google acquired last week, have teamed up to allow tweeting by phone, with an ear toward those on the ground in ... www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2379015,00.asp - Cached SayNow | CrunchBase Profile SayNow is a free service that lets fans and celebrities connect with one another via voice and text messaging. Essentially. www.crunchbase.com › Companies - Cached - Similar Google, SayNow, and Twitter team up to make Tweeting from Egypt ... Feb 1, 2011 ... Google's announced on its official blog a small project they've quickly cobbled together to help Egyptians (who --in the midst of protests ... www.engadget.com/.../google-saynow-and-twitter-team-up-to-make- tweeting-from-eg ypt/ Pages similar to www.saynow.com Say-It-Now - Say-It-Now Enterprises has a demo of, and plus will be ... - say-it-now.com Contact Any Celebrity - Features a live database of celebrity ... - contactanycelebrity.com ISIS - Home • Projects • Company Info • In The News • Contact Us • Blog • ... - isis-inc.org Snapvine - Greetings! Snapvine enjoyed our time together. Thanks for ... - snapvine.com Searches related to say now miley cyrus say now omarion say now say now lyrics say now justin bieber chris brown say now demi lovato say now say now taylor swift nick jonas say now Everything Images Videos News Shopping Realtime More Arlington, VA Change location Search Options Any time Latest Past 24 hours Past 2 days Past week Past month Past year Custom range... More search tools 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #507 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:15 PM)

The latest news

Google Acquires SayNow

======NH: [kn/] Buzz-style class action law suit looms for Google again. Failure to warn users about the loss of privacy for the rest of their life by making their voice print public brings sharp backlash against google.

So, instead,

Goolg pre-empts class action law suit by providing warning and "voice masks" to "Say Now" users. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #508 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:17 PM)

Say-Now (Voice Recognition Software) Command and Control of your computer through your voice. Voice recognition software from Say-Now.com. www.say-now.com/ - Cached - Similar

======NH: Raw voice, full text, random access data base not yet offered? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #509 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:19 PM)

The following Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) apply to all users of the SayNow Site and Services (both as defined below), including both end user consumers as well as publishers who are provided a publishable telephone number for use in connection with the Services (“Publishers”). In this Agreement, the term “Subscribers” shall mean all users of the Services (i.e., both Publishers and consumers), but with respect to certain provisions that are only applicable to those Subscribers with a publishable phone number, the term “Publisher” shall be used.


The web site available at www.saynow.com, and all linked pages ("Site"), are owned and operated by SayNow Corporation ("Company"), a Delaware corporation, and may only be accessed and utilized by Subscriber under the following terms and conditions: ACCESS TO THE SERVICES. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Company may offer to provide certain services, as described more fully on the Site, and which may be utilized by Subscriber through the processes provided on the Site or through the use of a phone or other communication device ("Services"), solely for Subscriber's own personal, non-commercial use, and not for the use or benefit of any third party. Services shall include, but not be limited to, communication and voice messaging services and any other services Company performs for or on behalf of Subscriber, as well as the offering of any Content (defined below) on the Site. Company may change, suspend or discontinue the Services at any time, including the availability of any feature, service, or content. Company may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict Subscriber's access to parts or all of the Services without notice or liability. Company reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify this Agreement at any time by posting a notice on the Site, or by sending Subscriber a notice via email or other form of written notice. Subscriber shall be responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with any such modifications. Use of the Services by Subscriber following such notification constitutes Subscriber's acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement as modified. Company retains all right, title and interest in and to the Services and all related intellectual property rights (including, without, limitation, all rights related to telephone numbers and text codes that may be provided for use in connection with the Services and the like), and Subscriber is only granted the limited right to use the Services in accordance with this Agreement.

Subscriber certifies to Company that if Subscriber is an individual (i.e., not a corporation), Subscriber is thirteen years of age or older. Subscriber also certifies that it is legally permitted to use the Services and access the Site, and takes full responsibility for the selection and use of the Services and access of the Site. This Agreement is void where prohibited by law, and the right to use the Services and access the Site is revoked in such jurisdictions.

Subscriber shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining any equipment or ancillary services needed to connect to, access the Site or otherwise use the Services, including, without limitation, hardware devices, software, and other internet, wireless, broadband, phone or other communication device connection services. Subscriber shall be responsible for ensuring that such equipment or ancillary services are compatible with the Services and Subscriber shall be responsible for all charges incurred in connection with use of the Services in connection with all such equipment and ancillary services, including any fees charged for airtime usage and/or sending and receiving "Messages" (as defined below) or related notifications. SITE CONTENT. The Site and its contents and the Services are intended solely for the use of Company Subscribers and may only be used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. All materials displayed, distributed or performed on the Site or through the use of the Services (including, but not limited to text, software, scripts, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, logos, interactive features and the like, also known as "Content") are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property rights under the United States and foreign laws and international conventions. Subscriber shall abide by all copyright notices and trademark, information, and other restrictions contained in any Content accessed on the Site or through the Services. Subscriber may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce (except as provided herein), create derivative works based on, distribute, perform, display, or in any way exploit, any of the Content, software, materials, or Services in whole or in part. Subscriber may not utilize the Content in any way other than as expressly provided in this Agreement. Subscriber shall not store any significant portion of any Content in any form. Copying or storing of any Content for other than personal, noncommercial use is expressly prohibited without prior written permission from Company, or from the copyright holder identified in such Content's copyright notice. The Site is protected by copyright as a collective work and/or compilation, pursuant to U.S. copyright laws, international conventions, and other intellectual property laws. Subscriber may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce (except as provided in this Section of the Agreement), create derivative works based on, distribute, perform, display, or in any way exploit, any of the Content, software, materials, or Services in whole or in part. The foregoing restrictions with respect to Content do not apply to Subscriber's own Messages. SUBSCRIBER MESSAGES. The Company may now or in the future permit Subscriber to utilize the Services to enable audio, text, video, voice or other communications submitted by Subscriber to be delivered, hosted, shared, performed or otherwise published to other Company Subscribers (or third parties known to Subscriber) that have consented to receive such communications from Subscriber ("Messages"). Subscriber understands and acknowledges that Company does not guarantee the confidentiality, transmission, or accuracy with respect to any Messages. Subscriber warrants, represents and agrees that it will not contribute any Messages that are infringing, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, offensive or otherwise in violation of any law or right of any third party. Company reserves the right to reject or disable access to any Messages at any time, for any reason (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of claims or allegations from third parties or authorities relating to such Messages or if Company is concerned that Subscriber may have breached the immediately preceding sentence), or for no reason at all. As between Company and Subscriber, Subscriber shall retain ownership rights in all Messages; however, Subscriber hereby grants Company a worldwide, nonexclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to reproduce, distribute, display, and perform the Messages in connection with the Services, Site and Company's (and its successor's) business. Subscriber also acknowledges and agrees that the Service (now or in the future) will enable Message recipients to forward, save, delete, or reply to that message much like any voicemail or email system and Subscriber hereby consents thereto. Company does not endorse any Messages or any opinion, recommendation, or advice expressed therein, and Company expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with Messages. If Subscriber is a copyright owner or an agent thereof and believes that any Message or other content infringes upon Subscriber's copyrights, Subscriber may submit a notification in accordance with Company's Copyright Dispute Policy available at www.saynow.com/info/copyright. PUBLISHER TERMS. If Subscriber has registered for the Services as a Publisher, the following terms and conditions also apply Publisher shall provide SayNow with images, materials, graphics and other content selected and owned by the Publisher (the "Publisher Content") for use and distribution by SayNow. Publisher retains ownership of the Publisher Content, but Publisher hereby grants SayNow a worldwide, nonexclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, display and perform the Publisher Content in connection with the Services, though such license shall terminate within a commercially practicable period of time upon the termination (as defined in Paragraph 11) by Company or Publisher of the Publisher Channels (defined herein). During the term hereof, Publisher agrees to actively and regularly use the Services as part of Publisher's marketing and promotion activities and Publisher's communication with its fans. The SayNow sponsored phone number and text-in code that are provided for Publisher's use in connection with the parties' relationship shall be referred to herein as the "Publisher Channels". Publisher shall have the right to promote Publisher's use of the Services on such party's website and other online and offline marketing channels. Company shall have the right to promote Publisher’s use of the Services in connection with the Publisher Channels and the SayNow Site. In addition, SayNow shall have the right to integrate advertising into Publisher's text and/or voice broadcasts, Messages or otherwise in connection with the Publisher's Channels and the Services, subject to availability. For clarity, SayNow shall control all advertising, promotion and sponsorship opportunities on or in connection with the Services (which may include third party advertisements as well as advertisements related to the Service itself), and SayNow shall determine all specifications for any such advertising campaign, including creative, impressions' reqquirements and fees. Publisher shall have no right to independently sell, market or promote paid third party ads or sponsorships in connection with the Services (without the involvement of and approval by SayNow), and shall notify SayNow of any such opportunities that may arise, so that the parties may mutually determine the best method for leveraging such opportunities in connection with the Services. SayNow may use and authorize the use of Publisher's name, approved likeness and biographical information in connection with the Publisher Channels and the SayNow Site. Subject to SayNow's Privacy Policy as well as the applicable terms of the Mobile Marketing Association's best practice guidelines, SayNow agrees to provide aggregate usage data to Publisher with respect to Publisher's use of the Service. If Publisher’s registration for the Service was or is being undertaken by an agent, publicist or other third party acting on the actual Publisher’s behalf (each, an “Agent”), then such Agent acknowledges and agrees that the registered Services account (the “Account”) is for the benefit of Publisher (i.e., the actual celebrity talent in this context) and that such Publisher is the owner of and shall otherwise (upon request to SayNow and verification of identity) control and have access to such Account. Further, in the event the Agent’s representation of or other affiliation with the Publisher ceases at any time, such Agent’s access to the Account may be terminated by SayNow and SayNow shall have no liability or obligation to Agent with respect thereto. RESTRICTIONS. Subscriber is responsible for all of its activity in connection with the Services, including Messages, and accessing the Site. Any fraudulent, abusive, or otherwise illegal activity may be grounds for termination of Subscriber's right to Services or to access the Site. Subscriber may not post or transmit, or cause to be posted or transmitted, any communication or solicitation or other "phishing" message designed or intended to obtain password, account, or private information from any Company Subscriber. Use of the Site or Services to violate the security of any computer network, crack passwords or security encryption codes, transfer or store illegal material including that are deemed threatening or obscene, or engage in any kind of illegal activity is expressly prohibited. Subscriber will not run Maillist, Listserv, any form of auto-responder, or "spam" on the Site or through use of the Services, or any processes that run or are activated while the Subscriber is not logged in. Further, Subscriber shall not run any automated calling robot or system or otherwise misuse the Services to violate any third party rights, e.g. SMS spoofing. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. Company has no special relationship with or fiduciary duty to Subscriber. Subscriber acknowledges that Company has no control over, and no duty to take any action regarding: which users gains access to the Site; what Content or Messages Subscriber accesses or receives via the Site or Services; what effects the Content or Messages may have on Subscriber; how Subscriber may interpret or use the Content or Messages; or what actions Subscriber may take as a result of having been exposed to the Content or any Messages. Subscriber releases Company from all liability for Subscriber having acquired or not acquired Content or Messages through the Site or Services. The Site may contain, or direct Subscriber to sites containing, or Subscriber may receive Messages containing information that some people may find offensive or inappropriate. Company makes no representations concerning any Content or Messages contained in or accessed through the Site or any Services provided, and Company will not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, transmission, copyright compliance, legality or decency of material contained in or accessed through the Site or Services. ALL USE OF THE SERVICES, CONTENT, SITE, MESSAGES, AND ANY SOFTWARE SHALL BE AT SUBSCRIBER'S OWN RISK AND ALL OF THE FOREGOING ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO SUBSCRIBER.

ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS PRIVACY ACT NOTICE (18 USC 2701-2711): ALTHOUGH COMPANY COMMITS TO TREAT PERSONAL INFORMATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF ITS PRIVACY POLICY, WE MUST ADVISE SUBSCRIBER THAT COMPANY CAN MAKE NO GUARANTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY OR PRIVACY OF ANY COMMUNICATION OR INFORMATION TRANSMITTED ON THE SITE OR ANY WEB- SITE LINKED TO THE SITE OR THROUGH ANY USE OF THE SERVICES. Accordingly, Company will not be liable for the privacy of e-mail addresses, phone or communication device numbers, registration and identification information, disk space, communications, confidential or trade- secret information, or any other Content or Messages stored on Company's equipment and transmitted over networks accessed by the Site, or otherwise connected with Subscriber's use of the Services. REGISTRATION AND SECURITY.As a condition to using Services, Subscriber may be required to register with Company and select a pin and/or password and Subscriber name ("Company User ID"). 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If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. This Agreement is not assignable, transferable or sublicensable by Subscriber except with Company's prior written consent. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of California without regard to the conflict of laws provisions thereof. Both parties agree that this Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the mutual understanding of the parties and supersedes and cancels all previous written and oral agreements, communications and other understandings relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, and that all modifications must be in a writing signed by both parties, except as otherwise provided herein. No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result of this Agreement and Subscriber does not have any authority of any kind to bind Company in any respect whatsoever. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #510 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:23 PM)

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Text message notification works on most U.S. carriers. SayNow is free, but your cell phone carrier may charge you for receiving text messages or for long distance calls depending on the type of plan you have. To stop receiving text messages, text STOP to 729669 (SAYNOW). For help, text HELP. ======NH: {Looks like who is still dependent upon demoting whose eyes to the task of listening} [Thn/]

Why don't people like to listen to other people's voices? Slow? Heavy dent in the brain vs. the light tread of the visual?

Would a translator voice you knew and loved who filtered incoming voices you didn't want to hear be more user friendly? Would it also protect the voice prints of the callers? ======NH//

======NH: Why to people prefer to look, rather than listen? As long as the message is archived in text, why not listen? You can look it up later if you need to, or audio search can bing, er, bring, up words, or phrases without having to listen to the whole message. Voice search. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #511 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:24 PM) gives Egyptians three phone numbers to call and leave a message, which is then posted on the Internet as a recorded Twitter message. The messages are at twitter.com/speak2tweet and can also be heard by telephone.

======NH: THIS is audio! volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #512 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:25 PM)

I haven't prayed yet to complete intention during which who remembered what 'prayer line', or 'location' the image was in. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #513 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:25 PM) speak2tweet; xref: public voice mail request. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #514 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:34 PM) http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/02/world/middleeast/ 02twitter.html?ref=global-ho me link to http://www.saynow.com/playMsg.html? ak=SGpPWGVKeHNRZm1TMEIzQTBLYzIwdz09 without mentioning "...biometric identification via voice print enables Egyptian security to find those who use the service for the rest of their lives, simply by comparing voice prints- much the same way having an individuals DNA print permits life time identification. Only through surgery to change the voice print can the match be escaped."

Visit Ustream.tv and check out the show Town Hall Voice Mask 00001


Showing results for biometric voice print identification. Search instead for biometric voice print indentification

Search Results Speaker recognition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In the verification phase, a speech sample or "utterance" is compared against a previously created voice print. For identification systems, the utterance is ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_recognition - Cached - Similar ► PhoneFactor bolsters authentication using voiceprint identification Jan 21, 2010 ... PhoneFactor Inc. is adding voiceprint identification biometrics support to its two-factor authentication services in a move the company says ... searchsecurity.techtarget.com › Home › Security News - Cached - Similar Biometric Identification - Voice Commands The earliest methods of biometric identification included fingerprint and handwriting. More recent methods include iris/eye scan, face scan, voice print, ... www.voice-commands.com/510.htm - Cached - Similar Voice Recognition | Speech Recognition BIO-key develops and licenses advanced biometric finger identification ... The voiceprint generated upon enrolment is characterised by the vocal tract and a ... www.findbiometrics.com › Biometric Solutions - Cached - Similar Qvoice - Uses layered biometrics -Voice Print, Face Recognition ... Computers, Security, Biometrics, Companies - Qvoice. Uses layered biometrics -Voice Print, Face Recognition and Fingerprint Identification. www.abc-directory.com/site/955940 - Cached Biometrics - Voice Verification Mar 9, 2007 ... Voice biometrics works by digitizing a profile of a person's speech to produce a stored model ... History of Biometrics · Fingerprint Identification ... The tones collectively identify the speaker's unique voice print. ... www.globalsecurity.org/security/.../biometrics-voice.htm - Cached - Similar Voice Biometrics News & Events Jan 27, 2011 ... A caller voiceprint enrollment application, which runs on the agent desktop – a .... for voice biometrics based ID and password management. ... www.voicebiocon.com/ - Cached - Similar VoiceVerified® About Voice Biometrics By something they are, such as a biometric (fingerprint or voiceprint). Of these three ways, a voiceprint is the best choice for identification when the ... www.voiceverified.com/biometrics.htm - Cached PhoneFactor Adds Voiceprint Identification - www.esecurityplanet.com Jan 22, 2010 ... The company is adding voiceprint identification biometrics support to its authentication services. www.esecurityplanet.com/.../PhoneFactor-Adds-Voiceprint- Identification.htm - Cached Howstuffworks "How Biometrics Works" Biometric devices can use the human iris for identification. Photo courtesy Iridian Technologies ..... "Voiceprint Identification." ExpertPages, 2001. ... science.howstuffworks.com › Science › Engineering › Devices - Cached - Similar Showing results for biometric voice print identification. Search instead for the original terms: biometric voice print indentification

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#507 of 513: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:15 PM)

The latest news Google Acquires SayNow

======NH: [kn/] Buzz-style class action law suit looms for Google again. Failure to warn users about the loss of privacy for the rest of their life by making their voice print public brings sharp backlash against google.

So, instead,

Goolg pre-empts class action law suit by providing warning and "voice masks" to "Say Now" users.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #515 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:35 PM)

READERS' COMMENTS Mubarak Stays, but Won’t Run AgainBack to Article » By ANTHONY SHADID President Hosni Mubarak’s vow to step down in the fall was not enough for the hundreds of thousands who poured into Tahrir Square.

Share your thoughts.

348 Readers' CommentsPost a Comment » ALL COMMENTSHIGHLIGHTSREADERS' RECOMMENDATIONSREPLIES Oldest Newest of 14 NEXT 348. new moniker Miami February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am It is most probably useless to protest, but does the Times have to let thru so many anti-Israel blogs? Don't you, editors, pay any attention to the unjust nastiness people send in to be published or is it your purpose to do so? You cheapen your paper by these actions. Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 347. Abhinav New Delhi February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am Aged 82 years ,a man from bygone era .how greedy this man can get .Oh gosh ! he won't leave ,unless he is kicked out of his post in a shameful manner . shameless person. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 346. clydemallory Carlsbad, CA February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am Wouldn't it be cool if the fervor of Egypt's masses spilled over into the United States and millions of angry Americans toppled the corrupt oligarchy? Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 345. Mike Maine February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am God speed to the brave and courageous people of Egypt.

It doesn't take too much vision to see the same thing happening in the U.S. in the relatively near future if things don't change

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”

Declaration of Independence Recommend Recommended by 2 Readers Report as Inappropriate 344. sezzeldin Irvine, CA February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am If he (Mubarak) allowed to stay in power, he will use the emergency law to brutally teach the Egyptian people never to rise again. Removing this tyrant NOW will prevent a blood shed, and will save a lot of lives. Mark my words. His Thugs are already terrorising the women and children all over the country. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 343. L.L. Cambridge, MA February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am We are the same the world over - we all desire peace, simple but fruitful lives, justice, freedom and a better future for our children. However, the power elite who "rule" us have a very different agenda and collude with each other to exploit us. Apres Egypt, le deluge. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 342. Cassandra Tucson AZ February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am Our money has propped up this dictator for years. We are implicated in all his dirty deeds. Enough already. Not with my money! Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 341. RPW Arizona February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am Apparently, it is Obama that is in a panic, nobody else. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 340. Bob Riley New York, NY February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am Why are we even involved in this? Leave these people alone to figure their country out for themselves. That's the problem here, we always seem to be invloved in other countries internal politics. How would we like it if the Egyptians wanted a say in who our next president was? Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 339. decker WA February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am Obama has nothing to say about this matter.

His "orderly transition" must begin at home.

First with getting over 20 millions of Americans back to work in jobs that pay as well as what the taxpayer's pay the Congresspeople.

He has whole former middle-class families living in one room, and millions of families forced out, illegally in hundreds of thousands of cases, of their homes. He has two wars still going on that he is losing, and neither one has any good purpose, and both should have been closed-down five years ago. His business is the dying United States, not the revolting Egypt that is under a Unites States-backed dictator, and whose average citizens sees the United States as a big problem, and worse, one that defends Israel, and they want the United States out of their business.

So, who is he to be making remarks as do those abysmal Republicans who say anything but the truth?

Do your job. Take care of Americans.

That is why you were elected! Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 338. Jw Eastern Piedmont February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am I don't understand the NYT headline tonight. It makes it sound as though Obama is in charge of Egyptian politics. When did he start running the world - am I missing something here? Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 337. Ajit Mumbai, India February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am ruly historic events in Egypt. Destabilising but inevitable. I wish and pray for a smooth transition to a sustainable form of government in that region.

I had written a blog "the power of many" over a week ago without imagining such an event. Connectivity has built aspirations of the youth of Egypt for more... Like or fear it - we have to deal with it. http://ajitmahadevan.blogspot.com... Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 336. Vin Buffalo, NY February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am Mubarak came to power by the way of violence--assination of Anwar Sadat. Now he will leave office admist the anger of Egyptians. He can put himself in a better esteem of contemporary Egyptian history if he work toward the smooth transition of power. He can demostrate and begin the process of peaceful transition of power for the future generations of Egyptians. He can made Egypt a model for the Arab nations. Recommend Recommended by 1 Reader Report as Inappropriate 335. Rajesh delhi, India February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am it is comical to see all the idealistic, ignorant Americans talk about democracy in the Middle East. lets contrast this with Arab and Muslim reality. iran and iraq have driven their minority populations away or killed them, whether they are christians or shiite or sunni or ahmediya. the iranian uprising resulted in the regime tightening their grip and becoming more repressive. have you heard anything from moussavi lately? you can expect expect tunisia and egypt to go the way of new repressive regimes which replace the old repressive regimes. much against the best wishes of the majority of the iranian, tunisian and egyptian people who just want a better life. that is unfortunately the reality of any islamic country. yes prez obama has a big dilemma on his hands - repressive mubarak regime or repressive muslim brotherhood regime that could unravel middle eastern peace. for those of you who think that is not important or that oil is not important, remmber that this very same oil you express a disdain for is probably powering the laptop that lets you read this and post rebuttals.

Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 334. Nagy Hafez Atlantic City, New Jersey February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am I am Egyptian by birth, and American by choice. I had the very great fortune to come to America for a new life. I was given the opportunity to come here, and have been so blessed. I learned the language, have a job that I love, and have met many wonderful American friends during my years here.

I have not forgotten those less fortunate in my homeland. There are widows, orphans, and many, many poor, disadvantaged people who have no one to help them, no support from their government. They lead a perilous existence, struggling day to day.

I am proud to be an American, and don't want to see my country blamed for the mess in Egypt. Mubarek and his cronies ran the country into the ground, and sadly, the citizens stood by and let it happen. Things worsened recently, yes, but this came to pass over 30 years. It's time for Egyptians to come together, and make their country safe, whole, and prosperous once again.

Your brother in America,

Nagy Hafez Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 333. SAHIT MUJA NY, USA February 2nd, 2011 12:12 am Sahit Muja: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak needs to resign. This is the time for change in Egypt The U.S government should commit itself to help Egypt leading to a real democracy. President Hosni Mubarak needs to go.

I am deeply disappointed that President Obama has not shown the moral leadership in this Egyptian crisis . Why is it so hard for President Obama and other politicians to recognize that the principles that helped them to get elected are the same principles that should govern their actions and policies? In situations like what is happening in Egypt it is easy to become cynical about politics.

The reality is that the United States and Israel have relied on the suppression and impoverishment of the Egyptian people in support of their strategic interests. Whatever are the final results from the current uprising in Egypt will be the justly deserved fruits of these flawed policies.

This is the time for President Obama to live up to the ideals of the hope and change that he preached about in his campaign. This is the time for USA to break its addiction to dictators for short-term gains. The history of Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Argentina, Haiti, Chile, and so many others should provide sufficient guidance that these alliances with corrupt and despotic regimes are never in the best interests of the USA.

President Obama and the media share some of the blame for the continued suffering of the Egyptian people. President Obama and the U.S., should protest the use of U.S -made U.S.-supplied equipment to intimidate peaceful Egyptian demonstrators.

The F-16s making low passes over the cities. The tanks. The tasers used on demonstrators. The USA supplied those weapons for Egypt’s defense and should protest their use to intimidate or harm Egyptians. We as citizens of this country must accept our own acquiesce with these polices by not learning about and advocating against the abject political and economic conditions that the these people have endured.

The Egyptian people want the same things Americans want: schools, jobs, food for their families, taxes no higher than necessary, a police force that is a friend to their communities rather than an enemy, a say in the political process, and a government that adjusts policy to match their needs. We can support the Egyptians’ efforts and then work with the new government to ensure that security is maintained in the region. Sahip Muja President & CEO Albanian Minerals New York

Recommend Recommended by 0 Readers Report as Inappropriate 332. Tell the Truth Bloomington, IL February 1st, 2011 6:40 pm Perhaps Bob Dylan put it best.

"'...Gentlemen,' he said 'I don’t need your organization, I’ve shined your shoes I’ve moved your mountains and marked your cards But Eden is burning, either brace yourself for elimination Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards...'"

Or the Clash:

"Everybody smash up your seats and rock to this Brand new beat This here music mash up the nation This here music cause a sensation Tell your ma, tell your pa everything's gonna be all right Can't you feel it? DOn't ignore it Gonna be Arl-right" Recommend Recommended by 9 Readers Report as Inappropriate 331. jcadams California February 1st, 2011 6:40 pm Someone forgot to remind Mr. Mubarak that he was also supposed to turn the internet and SMS systems back back on now that he's on the way out. Recommend Recommended by 14 Readers Report as Inappropriate 330. sinohog Arkansas February 1st, 2011 5:16 pm The U.S. now finds itself in a complicated situation. First, we knew about that torture was going on in Egypt. There are accounts coming out of secret CIA flights to Egypt to interrogate terrorist suspects during the Bush years. Yes, Obama has popular appeal in Egypt and doesn't seemed to have been linked turning a blind eye to the dark side of government there. But since the cold war, there has been a cold calculus to do business with some less than desirable leaders without saying anything about human rights problems because it suits our geopolitical needs.

Second. We should keep our noses out of other country's politics. When we do take sides, and send foreign aid to those governments in power, we are taking sides. Aid should be sent to the people if possible, avoiding military aid which props up governments who are brutal to their people. This comes back to haunt us, like the tear gas canisters with Made in the USA label. Well, tear gas certainly is the lesser of two evils with the other option being bullets as some countries have done because of a lack of reasonable, non violent options to restore order and prevent looting. As has often been mentioned, we have a once in decades chance to simply send humanitarian aid to them and show that we care about the people. Recommend Recommended by 9 Readers Report as Inappropriate 329.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Memi Canada February 1st, 2011 5:15 pm Brandon #20 "Power vacuums can often be more destructive than the initial uprising itself".

Sometimes you have to seize the moment, ride the tide of passion and eupohoria even though the outcome is a mess.

There's nothing going on in our world that will drive us into the streets by the hundreds of thousands. Not even when richest of the rich demand and receive a bailout for their bad behavior do we protest beyond fuming and gnashing our teeth. Sleepy little frogs in warming pots of water.

As messy and as dangerous as these developements are, they are a vital expression of democracy. America, which celebrates and protects its own rights and freedoms routinely has suppressed those in other countries when they threaten American comfort.

I can fully understand why so many commenters are wary of this wave of uprisings. The American administration shares this wariness. But whether you like it or not, America simply does not have the economic clout anymore to march in to any country it wants and under the guise of "defending America's freedom" take over the government and install a puppet regime. Those days are over.

It's time to look inward. It's time to pay attention to the stirrings of our own downtrodden masses. What amazing things we could do with the trillions of dollars the military spends on controlling a world that will no longer be controlled.

One by one we too could become inspired by the sacrifice, passion and bravery of a few. One by one we march into the streets with a righeous cause in our hearts until we are so many, the army itself stands with us.

Who cannot feel the power of such a moment in our history? Who is so afraid of losing his own comfortable place in the world, that he cannot grant the freedoms he has taken for granted to those who are just beginning to see a glimmer of hope in theirs?

I am with the people of Egypt, of Tunisia, of Yemen, of Jordan in their struggle against oppressive regimes that we had a hand in propping up, even though their demise will probably cost us dearly. We have taken more than our share. We are rich, not because we have deserved it, but because of circumstance. Circumstances are changing. It's about time!

Recommend Recommended by 46 Readers Report as Inappropriate 328. CM Maine February 1st, 2011 5:14 pm I was lucky enough to live in Egypt for a while in the late 1960s, when it was a country proud of its progress and eager to form bonds of friendship with the West. Since Mubarak ascended the throne, I have watched in pity and horror as all those dreams died, and I have truly mourned the loss of what was and could have been again a very great country. Now I am weeping with joy at what is going on there and I pray to whatever god you choose that the great Egyptian people succeed in taking back their past, their country and their future. Insha'Allah. Recommend Recommended by 11 Readers Report as Inappropriate 327. cca nyc February 1st, 2011 5:13 pm I support the Egyptian people 100% but note the extreme contrast of how the press and government are handling their uprising with how we handle the uprisings of the Palestinian people against their occupiers/oppressers. 30 years for Mubarek - many more for the Israeli occupiers! Hamas was legally elected in Gaza after we promoted free elections but the US government didn't like the result so they won't deal with them. Will we do the same with Egypt if we don't like their choices? In free elections people have a right to elect their representatives without taking into account whether a foreign country (the US) likes them or not. This is true in the US, Egypt and throughout the world. For a refreshing change we might try making friends of our enemies and potential enemies. Supplying arms to the Middle East, whether it's Mubarak or Netanyahu, will not do it. Hopefully Egypt will soon be forming its own government. And our behavior should be based solely on their and our best interests - let Israel be forced to handle their own problems, largely of their own making through an oppressive and inhumane occupation and usurpation of others lands and human rights.

The attempts at de-humanizing Arabs must not continue for us to have any standing in the world. This uprising is about THEIR human rights, not about the US, not about ISRAEL. They should have our full approbation. Recommend Recommended by 21 Readers Report as Inappropriate 326. John North Carolina February 1st, 2011 5:13 pm It is time for the United States to learn to stop meddling in the affairs of other countries. We have accrued an enormous national debt We are borrowing from China to pursue two really endless wars, which have caused enormous suffering to the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan and the loss and maiming of thousands of young Americans and other nationalities. It is time to cease government subsidies to Israel, to Egypt, and to Colombia, nos. 1 to 3 in our aid parade of money to unjust regimes. Foreign aid should be given to developing countries with a view to helping them to improve the lives of their people through sustainable agriculture, vaccinations, and public health measures. We should stop subsidizing killing and torture to promote the needs of oil sheiks, national greed, and goals which do not support the interests of the majority of our citizens. If more of our U.S. citizens would take the trouble to analyze the issues and vote their own interests instead of those of the rich and powerful we would not have the pathetic group now on Capitol Hill voting against health care and for more wars and subsidies to the rich (i.e., continuation of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of the population). One has to admire the Egyptian people and hope and pray that they will stay the course until they have a government which will serve their interests and bring more peace and prosperity to the majority of their people. Certainly that has not been the case under the puppet Mubarak. Recommend Recommended by 15 Readers Report as Inappropriate 325. Frank Leon Phoenix February 1st, 2011 5:12 pm The lies about the fundamental nature of this Egyptian revolution from the “ministry of the truth” cable Media in this country is very scary, then to find that we have a week leader who is appealing to Mubarak not to run again in the future is very naïve and is an insult, does he knows that the people of Egypt and all civilized free people around the globe wants Mubarak to just leave now. Recommend Recommended by 8 Readers Report as Inappropriate 324. mitchell a new rochelle February 1st, 2011 5:12 pm We were always admonmished to listen to the Arab Street in order to really understand the underlining problems. Well, the Arab Street is finally talking and not one word is about Jews or the State of Israel. Period. Find out what they think about Sadat and get back to me. Then we might know how this will play out. Recommend Recommended by 7 Readers Report as Inappropriate of 14 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #516 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:45 PM)

From: CityHall VoterScreenName101 Subject: Re: [[thn/]] Antares Biometric Voice Print Masks for "Say Now" voice messages so Egyptian security cannot I.D. protesters via biometric voice print Date: 1 February 2011 20:50:17 AKST To: [email protected]


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#514 of 515: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:34 PM) http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/02/world/middleeast/ 02twitter.html?ref=global-ho me link to http://www.saynow.com/playMsg.html? ak=SGpPWGVKeHNRZm1TMEIzQTBLYzIwdz09 without mentioning "...biometric identification via voice print enables Egyptian security to find those who use the service for the rest of their lives, simply by comparing voice prints- much the same way having an individuals DNA print permits life time identification. Only through surgery to change the voice print can the match be escaped."

Visit Ustream.tv and check out the show Town Hall Voice Mask 00001


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#507 of 513: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:15 PM)

The latest news

Google Acquires SayNow

======NH: [kn/] Buzz-style class action law suit looms for Google again. Failure to warn users about the loss of privacy for the rest of their life by making their voice print public brings sharp backlash against google.

So, instead,

Goolg pre-empts class action law suit by providing warning and "voice masks" to "Say Now" users.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #517 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:52 PM) tweet2speak legal liability for failing to warn: re: biometric ID of voice print re: public voice mail volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #518 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (09:54 PM) twitter and AIM re: legal liability of tweet 2 speak for not providing a warning re: biometric id of voice prints in public voice mail.

Second notification to twitter and AIM tweet 2 speak please provide biometric voice print masks for public voice mail users notifications typed from memory after sending volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #519 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (11:22 PM)

“Urgent news,” one caller to speak2tweet said. “The police have changed to serve the people. We are very happy.”

======NH: change; xref: divisible, distributable, repeatable, renewable... happy; xref: "...peaceful happen ing ness es volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #520 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (11:38 PM) http://download.openoffice.org/contribute.html? download=mirrorbrain&files/stabl e/3.3.0/OOo_3.3.0_MacOS_x86_install_en-US.dmg

======NH: Are donations to the OpenOffice organization tax deductible?} [Thn | Thn | Thn | ] Why do I get metric version which shows fields when I down load on this computer, but English units of measure, and numbers instead of field messages when I down load the same software on my other computer? ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #521 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Tue 01 Feb 2011 (11:57 PM)

Uploading biometric voice pring warnings as per email to NYTimes.com reporter Christine Hauser [Thn/] xref: Dougie Hauser, boy genius volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #522 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (12:09 AM)

Town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 Biometric.I.D.Privacy.&.Security - The private setting was showing. I wanted to change it I clicked on it. It responded "Private to 1 person "Hide". Why? I'm the owner of this account, why can't I easily change the setting from 'private' to 'public'? Also my ability to edit has been removed. The edit window opens but the 'save' button is grayed out.Edit11:09 pm

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #523 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (12:12 AM) t's not possible to change the privacy setting of a post retroactively, but you can choose who can see each post and customize privacy settings for each source that posts buzz. Check out the links below. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #524 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (12:34 AM)

Grayed out setting for editing must be a setting I changed without knowing I changed. That's what I don't like. [Kn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #525 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (12:52 AM)

Topic: Missing Photo Albums and PhotosDelete Topic|Reply to Topic Displaying the only post.

Letters to Russia, Office of the President, Dmitri Medvedev from WLH / MAO Initially who noticed whose wall was 'trimmed'. Once or twice who was able to get back [thn/] to the end and find [Thn/] and copy and paste what who thinks was the entire wall here. Now it appears who, or why, has removed photo albums, and / or photos. Who like made a few screen grabs of the entire photo album set [thn/] as who went along, but the principle of the thing really gets to whom.

Since your photo was left as the last item on the wall the first time who noticed the abridgement Admiral Mullen, who guessed it had to do with military, or CIA, or FSB and so who ignored it knowing who had back up copies. But the principle of the thing really gets to whom.

People who place themselves above our God given rights to respond and seek responses.

A similar issue has happened with whose fax service provider. [Thn/] Being blocked on the faxes has resulted in some of the faxes getting better, but who would rather fail than to have whom cheat that way to assist whom.

If who really cares that much then who can overtly contact whom via email, or in person, or how...

You can watch covertly. But to destroy information, or block whom covertly is wrong, wrong, wrong. 2 seconds ago · Edit Post · Delete Post volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #526 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (12:52 AM)

http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=341&uid=180086985336137 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #527 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (01:19 AM)

I might be wrong, I might be wrong ['''''''thn/] It should give me an inventory number. It should let me search it. The inventory number should be easily copy and paste-able. My account settings should have transaction numbers of posts: dates, times, numbers. that should be easy to copy and paste. I should be able to be sure my account has not [thn/] been tampered with. I should be able to down load my site the same way I down load software from Apple or Open Office.

FTP software lets you send from server to server. I should be able to easily send to back up storage servers, but then you risk who finding that link and getting into your back up. Perhaps bette to download, then re-upload. [kn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #528 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (01:57 AM)

King of Jordan Dismisses His Cabinet By RANYA KADRI and ETHAN BRONNER Published: February 1, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER E-MAIL PRINT REPRINTS SHARE

AMMAN, Jordan — King Abdullah II of Jordan fired his government on Tuesday after weeks of demonstrations challenging his regime, part of a wave of demands of public accountability sweeping the Arab world that has brought throngs of demonstrators into the streets of Egypt. Enlarge This Image

Muhammad Hamed/Reuters Jordanians demonstrated against President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt on Tuesday in Amman. The placard at top left reads, “Egypt, Jordan is with you.” Multimedia

Photographs Protests in Egypt Related

Obama Urges Faster Shift of Power in Egypt (February 2, 2011) A Diplomatic Scramble as an Ally Is Pushed to the Exit (February 2, 2011) Quiet Acts of Protest on a Noisy Day (February 2, 2011) Antiquities Chief Says Sites Are Largely Secure (February 2, 2011) New Service Lets Voices From Egypt Be Heard (February 2, 2011) Obama Urges Quick Transition in Egypt (February 2, 2011) The Lede Blog: Updates From Day 8 (February 1, 2011) Related in Opinion

Friedman: B.E., Before Egypt. A.E., After Egypt. (February 2, 2011)

Dowd: Bye Bye, Mubarak (February 2, 2011)

Editorial: Beyond Mubarak (February 2, 2011)

Op-Ed Contributor: Israel, Alone Again? (February 2, 2011)

Room for Debate: Mubarak’s Role and Mideast Peace Enlarge This Image

Jamal Nasrallah/European Pressphoto Agency King Abdullah II dismissed Samir Rifai, above, as Jordan’s prime minister Tuesday. The royal palace announced that the king had dismissed Prime Minister Samir Rifai and replaced him with Marouf al-Bakhit, who has served before in the post and is a former general and a onetime ambassador to Israel and Turkey widely viewed as clean of corruption.

Changing cabinets is not new for King Abdullah. In his 12 years on the throne, he has done so eight times. But this was the first time that he had done so in reaction to public pressure, seeking to undermine a growing protest movement across a broad spectrum of society and to pre-empt further unrest. It came after four weeks of unusual public demonstrations.

The palace statement said Mr. Bakhit would have the task of “taking practical, swift and tangible steps to launch a real political reform process, in line with the king’s version of comprehensive reform, modernization and development.”

In a brief telephone interview, Mr. Bakhit added that his main objective would be to “take tangible steps ======Null Hypothesis: xref: whose name card day prank and who getting the name of "Intangibles" ======NH//

======NH: So, is who interested in contacting whom? ======NH//

to social, political and economic reform and give priority to dialogue with all segments of society.”

======NH: xref: market segments ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #529 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (01:58 AM) His predecessor was criticized as dealing primarily with technocrats and business leaders, while failing to consult with trade unions and the Muslim Brotherhood and to address the concerns of citizens.

======NH: xref: you, who decided to not enroll after being admitted. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #530 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (02:23 AM)

Gangs had been rampaging through schools in the capital, Tunis, and a synagogue was set on fire in the southern city of Gabes, according to news agency reports. A United Nations mission sent to Tunis to investigate the violence reported that at least 219 people had been killed in the unrest and 510 had been injured, The Associated Press said. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #531 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (02:26 AM)

“Oh, Syrian people, isn’t it time for you to shout a big no?” the Muslim Brotherhood said. “No to oppression, corruption, theft and humiliation. No to poverty, hunger and unemployment.”

======NH: No; xref: "La..." Also xref: 'know'... {'big no'; xref:'Big Wig'} [kn | ] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #532 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (02:26 AM)

The democratic Islamist movement, in calling for participation in Saturday’s protest, said, “We don’t want a chaotic revolution; we want a peaceful uprising in which you raise your voice peacefully and in a civilized way.” volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #533 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (02:27 AM)

About 200 students in Sudan protested outside Al Nileen University in Khartoum, but were beaten back by squads of police officers, Reuters reported. Opposition figures blame the government for rising food prices and a crackdown on press freedom. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #534 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (02:27 AM)

[Thn '/.... Bhrnnn Rhnnn...] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #535 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (02:31 AM)

And the emir of Qatar, scheduled to visit South America later this month, postponed his trip because of regional tensions, a statement from his office said.

King of Jordan Dismisses His Cabinet By RANYA KADRI and ETHAN BRONNER Published: February 1, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER E-MAIL PRINT REPRINTS SHARE

AMMAN, Jordan — King Abdullah II of Jordan fired his government on Tuesday after weeks of demonstrations challenging his regime, part of a wave of demands of public accountability sweeping the Arab world that has brought throngs of demonstrators into the streets of Egypt. Enlarge This Image

Muhammad Hamed/Reuters Jordanians demonstrated against President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt on Tuesday in Amman. The placard at top left reads, “Egypt, Jordan is with you.” Multimedia

Photographs Protests in Egypt Related

Obama Urges Faster Shift of Power in Egypt (February 2, 2011) A Diplomatic Scramble as an Ally Is Pushed to the Exit (February 2, 2011) Quiet Acts of Protest on a Noisy Day (February 2, 2011) Antiquities Chief Says Sites Are Largely Secure (February 2, 2011) New Service Lets Voices From Egypt Be Heard (February 2, 2011) Obama Urges Quick Transition in Egypt (February 2, 2011) The Lede Blog: Updates From Day 8 (February 1, 2011) Related in Opinion

Friedman: B.E., Before Egypt. A.E., After Egypt. (February 2, 2011)

Dowd: Bye Bye, Mubarak (February 2, 2011)

Editorial: Beyond Mubarak (February 2, 2011)

Op-Ed Contributor: Israel, Alone Again? (February 2, 2011)

Room for Debate: Mubarak’s Role and Mideast Peace Enlarge This Image

Jamal Nasrallah/European Pressphoto Agency King Abdullah II dismissed Samir Rifai, above, as Jordan’s prime minister Tuesday. The royal palace announced that the king had dismissed Prime Minister Samir Rifai and replaced him with Marouf al-Bakhit, who has served before in the post and is a former general and a onetime ambassador to Israel and Turkey widely viewed as clean of corruption.

Changing cabinets is not new for King Abdullah. In his 12 years on the throne, he has done so eight times. But this was the first time that he had done so in reaction to public pressure, seeking to undermine a growing protest movement across a broad spectrum of society and to pre-empt further unrest. It came after four weeks of unusual public demonstrations.

The palace statement said Mr. Bakhit would have the task of “taking practical, swift and tangible steps to launch a real political reform process, in line with the king’s version of comprehensive reform, modernization and development.”

In a brief telephone interview, Mr. Bakhit added that his main objective would be to “take tangible steps to social, political and economic reform and give priority to dialogue with all segments of society.”

His predecessor was criticized as dealing primarily with technocrats and business leaders, while failing to consult with trade unions and the Muslim Brotherhood and to address the concerns of citizens.

With tens of thousands of Egyptians packing city squares daily to demand that President Hosni Mubarak end his nearly 30-year autocracy, the message was spreading across the region.

In Yemen, the government, fearing new protests, offered concessions to the opposition, which promised to call a demonstration every Thursday until March, when it will evaluate whether its demands have been met. In Syria, calls for a “day of rage” this weekend against the government of President Bashar al-Assad were spreading on Facebook, which is banned in the country, and on Twitter.

And in Tunisia, the country that set off the regional unrest after protests toppled the government, the army was called in to calm fears of chaos.

Gangs had been rampaging through schools in the capital, Tunis, and a synagogue was set on fire in the southern city of Gabes, according to news agency reports. A United Nations mission sent to Tunis to investigate the violence reported that at least 219 people had been killed in the unrest and 510 had been injured, The Associated Press said.

The main Syrian protest page on Facebook urged people to protest in Damascus on Feb. 4 and 5 in “a day of rage,” whose goal was to “end the state of emergency in Syria and end corruption.” Various political factions issued statements calling for change.

“Oh, Syrian people, isn’t it time for you to shout a big no?” the Muslim Brotherhood said. “No to oppression, corruption, theft and humiliation. No to poverty, hunger and unemployment.”

The democratic Islamist movement, in calling for participation in Saturday’s protest, said, “We don’t want a chaotic revolution; we want a peaceful uprising in which you raise your voice peacefully and in a civilized way.”

About 200 students in Sudan protested outside Al Nileen University in Khartoum, but were beaten back by squads of police officers, Reuters reported. Opposition figures blame the government for rising food prices and a crackdown on press freedom.

And the emir of Qatar, scheduled to visit South America later this month, postponed his trip because of regional tensions, a statement from his office said.

In the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority announced it would hold local elections, postponed last year, “as soon as possible.” The Palestinian cabinet, led by Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, said in a statement that elections would take place simultaneously in the West Bank and in Gaza, and that the government would set a date at its meeting next week. It was not clear whether the government’s rival Hamas, the Islamist group that runs Gaza, would cooperate.

The authority blamed Hamas for upsetting planned local elections last June, but critics of the authority said the reason for the cancellation was disarray within Fatah, the faction that dominates in the West Bank.

In an interview in his office in Ramallah, Mr. Fayyad said the sense that Palestinians, like Egyptians and people in the rest of the region, wanted to move ahead quickly on democratic reforms had helped spur the setting of elections.

In Jordan, the reaction to the change of government was mixed. Many said they were relieved, but the Islamic Action Front, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, rejected the move as insufficient given the need for greater political freedom.

Jordan is a highly literate and largely stable country, with well-developed security and intelligence operations. But it has a fundamental vulnerability in the large number of Palestinians here. Refugees arrived in large numbers from the West Bank and Jerusalem after the war in 1967, and more arrived from Kuwait after President Saddam Hussein of Iraq invaded that country in 1990. They and their descendants make up nearly half the country’s population of six million.

Recent demonstrations in Jordan were the first serious challenge to the rule of King Abdullah, a crucial American ally who is contending with his country’s worst economic crisis in years.

Last Friday, thousands took to the streets in the capital, Amman, as well as several other cities shouting, “We want change!” Because direct criticism of the king is banned, the focus has been on his government. Banners decried high food and fuel prices and demanded the resignation of the prime minister, appointed by the king.

In recent months, journalists, former generals and students have attacked corruption, lower subsidies and lack of democracy in Jordan, especially recent reductions in freedom of expression. The marchers have been a mix of Islamists, trade unionists and leftists. To counter the criticism, the king recently announced an increase in civil service pay and $125 million in subsidies for basic goods and fuel.

After Tuesday’s announcement of a new prime minister, some protest leaders were cautiously positive. Nahed Hattar, a leftist activist, said in a telephone interview that he considered the change a good move but that he wanted to see the government program before rendering judgment.

Ali Habashneh, a retired general who had participated in public protests, said the appointment was “wise,” adding, “He is the right man to lead the country at this time.”

But Zaki Saad, head of the political bureau of the Islamic Action Front, said Mr. Bakhit was “a very bad choice.” Mr. Saad said the new prime minister was “not a man of dialogue,” although he said he would wait to see if Mr. Bakhit had changed.

Mr. Bakhit, 63, served as prime minister from 2005 to 2007. He is close to the king and has been deeply involved in the peace treaty with Israel.

While King Abdullah has detractors in Jordan, there seems at the moment to be little push to end the monarchy. The pressure has been focused on economic issues and government accountability. But given the growing regional rage, it was difficult to predict the level of danger to his rule.

The pressures in neighboring Syria were harder to gauge because it is a more authoritarian regime. President Assad told The Wall Street Journal in an interview this week that he was in a stronger position than other regional leaders because of his anti-American and anti-Israeli stands. But last month, he also raised heating oil allowances for public workers.

Ranya Kadri reported from Amman, and Ethan Bronner from Ramallah, West Bank.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #536 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (02:45 AM)

"You've got mail," "Woof! Woof!" "What's his problem?" "Otto barks at E-mail,""'alk like an Egyptian' (Steve Martin) 'Think like a sovereign' (W. Hale),"

{It looks like there was more that got truncated} [kn/] Maybe not. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #537 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (02:48 AM)

"He really misses the days when the mail-man doesn't co... me!" Note: the length of the skirt of Ms. Buxley; xref: stock prices are predicted [[kn | ?>*:\ ...//2011:02:01/02:02:12:53:330*] to be directly proportional to the height of whose hem line in NY fashion statements. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #538 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (03:39 AM)

Notice the way the hat of Sarge obscures the letters 'm' and 'e' in the word 'come'; xref: CO [thn/] [thn//] = 'commanding officer'. Also note 'man doesn't come!'; xref: who holding the fort here to keep current and tie up loose ends before going forth.

Also note 'He really misses the' volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #539 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (03:40 AM)


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volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #540 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (04:24 AM) http://www.itworld.com/mobile-amp-wireless/129448/verizon-vs- sprint-4g-sheer-sp eed-vs-unlimited-data

4g unlimited is as much the issue as galaxy sprint, or iphone verison, or T-mobile and what? Or when will AT&T roll out 4g? Unlimited uploading is the issue first and foremost. Samsung Galaxy and Sprint have that now, last wo knew. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #541 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (04:25 AM)

Plus with the samsung galaxy you can use it the opposite way and let people see what your streaming, but that's eat battery. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #542 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (04:32 AM) http://deals.t-mobile.com/phone-plans?cm_mmc_o=Vzbp %20mwzygtCjCVAygtzlwCjC7wEwy bgCjCW%2f-

======NH: Ustream video show Peaceful possibilities and events is recording re: T-Mobile shaving ad; xref: "When are you going to shave your beard, Bill?" asked one USCP police officer in 1994. xref: http://www.GoodCopsTest.com ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #543 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (04:41 AM)

Has anyone seen anything official come out about how Sprint is going to do plans for the Samsung Galaxy Tab? I wouldn't think they'd do it exactly like a phone since it isn't really a primary device like a phone, although it has phone capabilities. I would think that it would be more suited for a small add on fee to your plan to share your minutes, existing data structure, etc? I can see that if this is done "right" they could really push the sales of these tablets, otherwise if I'm locked into a complete other plan for the usage of this thing (like an additional $40 or $50 a month), not sure they'd sell many of them. I am sure that they are going to charge at least $40/ month additional to use this thing which is too bad. I already pay for premium unlimited-unlimited data on my Evo. I'd like to share my premium unlimited-unlimited data with my Tab too....maybe it'd need to be premium-premium unlimited-unlimited data?

Thoughts? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #544 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (04:49 AM) http://www.careace.net/2010/11/17/samsung-galaxy-tab-price-plan- comparison-5-ca rriers-calls-home/ volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #545 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (06:25 AM)

400 WH battery test begun again at 12:[Hnk]25:[hnk]30* [hnk]

30* again. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #546 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:24 AM)

1st February 2011 - Al-Nawariyyah Garden opened in Makkah Holy City of Makkah, Safar 28, 1432 Prince Khalid Al-Faisal Ibn Abdulaziz, the Governor of Makkah Province will open here next Saturday Al-Nawariyyah Garden within the framework of the Project of Establishing Gardens at a cost of SR 14,399,994. The Mayor of Makkah, Dr. Osama Bin Fadhel Al-Bar pointed out that the Garden located on an area of 23,000 square meters is the first one in the projects of new gardens currently being executed by Makkah Principality, noting that the Principality is now in the process of establishing 37 gardens on areas of 150,000 square meters in Makkah. SPA Links volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #547 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:29 AM)

Mid [thn/] day prayer successfully completed. Electro-magnetic radiation of modems may be affecting CNS. Outdoor exercise recommended.

The external battery is dead. 12:26:30* to 12:27:105*, or less. 75*? The battery lasted for 75*/360*? That would be 25/72? Or 3 batteries per revolution? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #548 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:30 AM)

{email on hold} [thn/] Fax on hold. Unilateral bid on deck. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #549 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:30 AM) Three meetings. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #550 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:33 AM)

12:31:105* So, 90* in either direction would be 15* at Maughreb and 195* at Fajhr? When did the day change from 02:01/02:02 to 02:02/02:03? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #551 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:33 AM)

15* ago? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #552 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:38 AM)

No, whose days start at 00:00, not at Fajhr yet. Or Isa as the Jewish - no Maughreb is when Jewish [] people start the new day. We start the new day [thn/] ... so 12:34 at 105* 00:34 at 12 hours to the west or 285* So, 02:02/02:03 started 105* ago.

Is that right? 105* ago would be when Greenwich Mean time [sound/]... xref: 10:00 complaint from you, Scotland.

The day doesn't change when you're asleep at the midnight of your local time. The day changes when you, London, are at high noon: talk about taking a competitive [thn/]... advantage. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #553 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (06:48 PM)

@thedroidguy @samsungcos @mcmex @crunchgear #Samsung Galaxy Tab fashion - like Superman's breast plate - life stream show and volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #554 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (06:49 PM)

Above post should have gone up prior to sleep. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #555 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (06:56 PM)

Sorry to have missed your Reagan Library meeting, CBS news caster, Tom Brokaw and friends. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #556 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (06:57 PM)

Frank Wisner, the Diplomat Sent to Prod Mubarak 9:32 PM ET

======NH: What about you, former U.S. Senator Mitchell? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #557 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:00 PM)

In another sign of the shifting landscape in the Middle East, another authoritarian government made a concession to protesters as the president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, said neither he nor his son would run for office in the next election. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #558 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:01 PM) The deployment of plainclothes forces paid by Mr. Mubarak’s ruling party — men known here as baltageya — has been a hallmark of the Mubarak government, and there were many signs that the violence was carefully choreographed. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #559 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:07 PM)

The Mubarak supporters emerged from buses. They carried the same flags and the same printed signs, and they all escalated their actions, from shouting to violence, at exactly the same moment: 2:15 p.m.

======NH: xref: noon [crk | ] would then be at 30^ west of there (330*),or at 00* Longitude. 15; xref: five prayers a day plus voluntary arrival and departure prayers equals [thn/] {xref: perfect '[thn/]' while waking from sleep earlier, who: one at thinking about manuscript work, and a second immediately after getting to what next higher step in consciousness, right before finally waking up.} 15; xref: "Worked in 15 clubs a day..." (Lennon/McCartney) ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #560 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:13 PM)

Clashes Erupt Between Mubarak’s Allies and Foes

Ben Curtis/Associated Press Pro-Mubarak demonstrators, below, clashed with anti-government protesters in Tahrir Square in Cairo on Wednesday. More Photos » By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK and KAREEM FAHIM Published: February 2, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER COMMENTS (483) E-MAIL PRINT SINGLE PAGE REPRINTS SHARE

CAIRO — President Hosni Mubarak struck back at his opponents on Wednesday, unleashing waves of his supporters armed with clubs, rocks, knives and firebombs in a concerted assault on thousands of anti-government protesters in Tahrir Square calling for an end to his authoritarian rule. Multimedia Anthony Shadid on New Clashes in Street Protests

Interactive Feature Milestones: Mubarak’s Presidency

Photographs Protests in Egypt

Interactive Map Locating the Protests in Cairo Related

The Lede Blog: Latest Updates on Day 9 of Egypt Protests (February 2, 2011) Arab World Faces Its Uncertain Future (February 3, 2011) Upheaval Puts Militants in the Lurch (February 3, 2011) Facing Unrest, Yemen’s Leader Says He Will Step Down in 2013 (February 3, 2011) Sudanese Start Protest Movement (February 3, 2011) Premier of Jordan Holds Talks With Rivals (February 3, 2011) Shippers Concerned Over Possible Suez Canal Disruptions (February 3, 2011) Journalists Are Targets of Violence in Cairo (February 3, 2011) Related in Opinion

Friedman: B.E., Before Egypt. A.E., After Egypt. (February 2, 2011)

Dowd: Bye Bye, Mubarak (February 2, 2011)

Editorial: Beyond Mubarak (February 2, 2011)

Op-Ed Contributor: Israel, Alone Again? (February 2, 2011)

Kristof Blog: The View From Tahrir (February 2, 2011)

Room for Debate: Mubarak’s Role and Mideast Peace

Readers' Comments Share your thoughts. Post a Comment » Read All Comments (483) » After first trying to respond peacefully, the protesters fought back with rocks and firebombs of their own. Scores of the wounded were carried back on cardboard stretchers to a makeshift clinic set up in a nearby mosque, where they were treated by dozens of doctors.

By 9 p.m., government officials said, about 600 people had been injured and three killed in the day’s battles; more than 150 people have died in the week of violence, human rights groups say.

The crackdown came in defiance of calls by the United States and Europe to avoid violence, and it provoked swift condemnation and a rift with the Egyptian government, a longstanding ally.

In another sign of the shifting landscape in the Middle East, another authoritarian government made a concession to protesters as the president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, said neither he nor his son would run for office in the next election.

The Egyptian military, with tanks and soldiers stationed around the square, neither stopped the violence nor attacked the protesters. Soldiers watched from behind the iron fence of the Egyptian Museum, occasionally shooting their water cannons, but only to extinguish flames ignited by the firebombs.

Only two days after the military pledged not to fire on protesters, it was unclear where the army stood. Many protesters argued that Mr. Mubarak was provoking a confrontation in order to prompt a military crackdown.

It is also possible that the military was satisfied with his decision to step down, perhaps fearful of the more radical shift to democratic elections that protesters are calling for.

Mohamed ElBaradei, who was designated to negotiate with the government on behalf of the opposition, demanded that the army move in and protect the protesters. “The army has to take a stand,” he said in a television interview. “I expect the Egyptian Army to interfere today.”

The deployment of plainclothes forces paid by Mr. Mubarak’s ruling party — men known here as baltageya — has been a hallmark of the Mubarak government, and there were many signs that the violence was carefully choreographed.

The Mubarak supporters emerged from buses. They carried the same flags and the same printed signs, and they all escalated their actions, from shouting to violence, at exactly the same moment: 2:15 p.m. The protesters showed journalists police and ruling party identification cards that they said had been taken from Mubarak supporters who had been caught infiltrating Tahrir Square, also known as Liberation Square, and detained in a holding pen.

The preparations for a confrontation began Wednesday morning, a day after Mr. Mubarak pledged to step down in September while insisting that he would die on Egyptian soil. The president’s supporters waved flags as though they were headed to a protest, but armed themselves as though they were itching for a fight. Several wore hard hats; one had a meat cleaver and two others grabbed the raw materials to make firebombs from their car.

One man washed his pliers in a pool of dirty sewage, before charging into a battle. Another man held a club wrapped in electrical tape and studded with tacks. Others carried knives, rubber tubes and chains. Before they laid siege to Tahrir Square in what seemed to be coordinated waves, they hid those weapons in their waistbands.

“He won’t go!” the Mubarak supporters chanted.

“We won’t go!” the protesters replied.

Some of the Mubarak supporters arrived in buses. When they spoke with one another, they referred to the antigovernment protesters as foreigners or traitors, and to Mr. Mubarak as Egypt’s “father.”

But some were also men like Mohamed Hassan, an accountant, who had attended Tuesday’s antigovernment demonstration. “Of course we needed a change,” Mr. Hassan said Wednesday, standing on the Corniche, a boulevard in sight of the Egyptian Museum. Mr. Mubarak’s speech had changed his mind. “I think all of our demands were filled,” he said. “We need change, but step by step.”

1 2 NEXT PAGE » Mona El-Naggar and Anthony Shadid contributed reporting. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #561 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:14 PM)

The anti-Mubarak demonstrators had organized themselves to try to avoid violence. Men held hands in long chains to keep the two groups apart. Others, with effusive apologies, searched those entering the square for weapons. Some stepped in with whistles to break up arguments that had started to grow heated. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #562 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:15 PM)

“We don’t know who is with us and who is against us now — we are lost,” said Abdel Raouf Mohamed, 37, before he was interrupted by a burly young man who shouted: “I love Mubarak! I need Mubarak!”

======NH: xref: "Who, or why, does not need any - including not needing to 'not need', and therefore being ready, and willing, to create, sustain [^], welcome, perfect, return, and invite - any," ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #563 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:17 PM)

Even then, many tried to avoid retaliation. A line of a half- dozen unarmed men stood quietly, waving their hands in the air while the pro-Mubarak forces rained rocks down on them.

======NH: Cardboard shields? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #564 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:18 PM)

And for the rest of the day the soldiers did nothing, telling anti-Mubarak protesters who begged them to engage that they “had no orders.” volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #565 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:20 PM) hen, about 3:15 p.m., the battle was joined. Abandoning any attempt to avoid violence, thousands of anti-Mubarak protesters used scraps of steel to rip up the pavement into pieces, carrying them in milk crates and scarves to hurl back at their attackers. ======NH: xref: Berkeley Emergency Food Project milk containers washed and recycled to carry food to the demonstrators mentioned above. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #566 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:20 PM)

Pro-government demonstrators chanted, “With our blood, with our souls, we sacrifice for you, oh Mubarak.” Eighteen charged their foes on horseback and two on camels. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #567 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:21 PM)

“Mubarak kills his people!” said Islam Hessomen, 25, a protester. ======NH: [Thn/] ======NH// “He is letting the people kill each other!” volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #568 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:27 PM)

“Hosni Mubarak thinks his chair is more important than the Egyptian people,” said Salaan Sirhan, a 43-year-old teacher. “After today they will never forgive his crime.” ======NH: xref: Sirhan Sirhan. Also xref: han(d); xref: ROI.[thn/]18. Also xref: Triple A; xref: "I cannot tell a lie," 'Chair'; xref: you, who; xref: design, would, and implementtion. 'more important'; xref; [kn | ] Capital budgeting priorities. "never forgive"; xref: "You can repent and be forgiven by God for ANY sin, without the need to confess," ======Null Hypothesis//

======NH: xref: repentance strategy offered in detailed fax to all Egyptian fax numbers in whose address book. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #569 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:28 PM)

Mubarak’s Allies and Foes Clash Published: February 2, 2011 RECOMMEND TWITTER COMMENTS (486) E-MAIL PRINT SINGLE PAGE REPRINTS SHARE

(Page 2 of 2) The anti-Mubarak demonstrators had organized themselves to try to avoid violence. Men held hands in long chains to keep the two groups apart. Others, with effusive apologies, searched those entering the square for weapons. Some stepped in with whistles to break up arguments that had started to grow heated. Multimedia Anthony Shadid on New Clashes in Street Protests

Interactive Feature Milestones: Mubarak’s Presidency

Photographs Protests in Egypt

Interactive Map Locating the Protests in Cairo Related

The Lede Blog: Latest Updates on Day 9 of Egypt Protests (February 2, 2011) Arab World Faces Its Uncertain Future (February 3, 2011) Upheaval Puts Militants in the Lurch (February 3, 2011) Facing Unrest, Yemen’s Leader Says He Will Step Down in 2013 (February 3, 2011) Sudanese Start Protest Movement (February 3, 2011) Premier of Jordan Holds Talks With Rivals (February 3, 2011) Shippers Concerned Over Possible Suez Canal Disruptions (February 3, 2011) Journalists Are Targets of Violence in Cairo (February 3, 2011) Related in Opinion

Friedman: B.E., Before Egypt. A.E., After Egypt. (February 2, 2011)

Dowd: Bye Bye, Mubarak (February 2, 2011)

Editorial: Beyond Mubarak (February 2, 2011)

Op-Ed Contributor: Israel, Alone Again? (February 2, 2011) Kristof Blog: The View From Tahrir (February 2, 2011)

Room for Debate: Mubarak’s Role and Mideast Peace

Readers' Comments Share your thoughts. Post a Comment » Read All Comments (486) » Several people interviewed independently said that ruling party operatives had offered them 50 Egyptian pounds, less than $10, if they agreed to demonstrate in the square on Mr. Mubarak’s behalf. “Fifty pounds for my country!” said Yasmina Salah, 29.

Then, suddenly, at exactly 2:15 p.m. arguments between pro- and anti-Mubarak demonstrators around the square turned into shoving matches.

“We don’t know who is with us and who is against us now — we are lost,” said Abdel Raouf Mohamed, 37, before he was interrupted by a burly young man who shouted: “I love Mubarak! I need Mubarak!”

Seven minutes later, Reda Sadak, 45, said, “In 10 minutes, there will be a big fight here — it is an old game, the oldest game in the regime.”

In fact, before he finished speaking, rocks and sticks began to fly from the pro-Mubarak forces into the crowd of anti-Mubarak demonstrators.

Even then, many tried to avoid retaliation. A line of a half- dozen unarmed men stood quietly, waving their hands in the air while the pro-Mubarak forces rained rocks down on them.

Sameh Saber, another anti-government protester, started running toward the battle line with a tree branch.

“Put it down,” an older man implored. “Three of my friends are bleeding inside,” Mr. Saber yelled back, “and my friend lost an eye!” But he put down the branch.

At 2:50 p.m., as hundreds of rocks flew past the Egyptian Museum, two tanks started up. Anti-Mubarak protesters who had been standing on them jumped off and the crowd cheered with delight. “The people and the army are one hand!” they chanted.

The tanks rolled to create a barricade between the opposing groups, and for a while the soldiers encouraged both sides to calm down. But then the soldiers seemed to retreat, and soon the anti-Mubarak forces began hauling scraps of metal to build a barricade around the tank.

A soldier on top of another tank fired live ammunition into the air to push back a surging group of pro-Mubarak protesters. A couple of men jumped up on the tank and started to kiss his feet, and for a moment the soldier, weapon in hand, began to cry.

A higher-ranking officer climbed up, and the anti-Mubarak protesters begged him to protect them. “But aren’t they Egyptian?” the officer replied. “You want me to fire at Egyptians?”

And for the rest of the day the soldiers did nothing, telling anti-Mubarak protesters who begged them to engage that they “had no orders.”

Then, about 3:15 p.m., the battle was joined. Abandoning any attempt to avoid violence, thousands of anti-Mubarak protesters used scraps of steel to rip up the pavement into pieces, carrying them in milk crates and scarves to hurl back at their attackers.

“They want to take the revolution from us,” said Mohamed Gamil, a 30-year-old dentist in the crowd of antigovernment protesters. “We are ready to die for the revolution.”

Pro-government demonstrators chanted, “With our blood, with our souls, we sacrifice for you, oh Mubarak.” Eighteen charged their foes on horseback and two on camels.

Soon the air was full of the sound of anti-Mubarak protesters banging rocks and steel to rally one another, and the smell of gas from burning firebombs.

“Mubarak kills his people!” said Islam Hessomen, 25, a protester. “He is letting the people kill each other!”

As the carnage continued, many turned on the watching military behind the museum’s fence. “Are you happy now?” the anti-Mubarak protesters jeered. “They just sit there like chairs, waiting for orders, and when they move it is going to be against us,” said Mansara Mohamed, another protester.

By 10 p.m., someone among the pro-Mubarak group had fired tear gas into the crowd of antigovernment demonstrators.

But the protesters flooded back to the barricades and the battle resumed. A government spokesman ordered the evacuation of the square, but many of the young men declared that they would stay in the square until Mr. Mubarak left Egypt or they died as “martyrs.”

“Hosni Mubarak thinks his chair is more important than the Egyptian people,” said Salaan Sirhan, a 43-year-old teacher. “After today they will never forgive his crime.”

Many journalists were harassed and detained.

As darkness settled over Cairo, Tahrir Square looked like an army field hospital. “We’ll stay here until we die,” said Irina Boulos, a nurse.

« PREVIOUS PAGE 1 2 Mona El-Naggar and Anthony Shadid contributed reporting. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #570 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:32 PM)

7.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Lure D. Lou Boston, MA February 2nd, 2011 9:10 am If anyone thinks there is going to be a smooth or peaceful transition in Egypt they had better read some history. The evidence suggests that those hundreds of thousands who have benefited from the regime will fight tooth-and-nail to hang on to their privileges.(see Iraq) That is how Mubarek has been able to stay in power so long...or did you think it was his charisma?

Note to President Obama: your words are fine as long as you are willing to accept the consequences which will be a lot of Egyptian blood. Democracy is not something that happens it is something that is fought for and that battle is now engaged. (We should also be sending a ton of Valium over to Tel-Aviv...the Israeli government is going to need it.)

======NH: xref: autopsy tests for the presence of d-LSD-25, and what else? xref: Congo soldiers, and who else? United Nations Resolution #49035 - International autopsy standards & standards for the analysis of holding sell sewer water. ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #571 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (07:34 PM)

======NH: Also xref: Clonazepam is a muscle relaxant; xref: the wireless modem stimulation of whose CNS here. Wow, God is greater, thank you for your consideration. Who is [kn/] so into abstaining from even coffee now, who forgot about Clonazepam when the learning curve places large demands on whose CNS ======Null Hypothesis// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #572 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:10 PM)

After finishing eating [thn/] who finds the alarm for your Reagan Library meeting tonight, Tom; xref: 4 hour shift in time zones [kn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #573 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:12 PM)

Crashing the party Fred Karger, a Republican strategist turned gay rights activist, ponders a White House run. Photos: Campaigning in New Hampshire ======NH: Are you, Fred, intentionally siphoning the gay vote from you, Barack? ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #574 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:13 PM)

Clashes erupt in Cairo PHOTOS | Mubarak supporters on horses and camels charge pro- democracy protesters. New clashes | Video | Live: Al Jazeera English ======NH: Note how the absence of the numbers '6' and '2'... well, in a poll, what numbers would casual readers assign to the plurals? ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #575 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:15 PM)

Egypt crisis stirs fears of persecution Coptic Christian leaders worry government with Islamic fundamentalist bent might threaten faith. New clashes | Photos | Live: Al Jazeera English

======NH: 'Might' stories. Percentages affected? Degree of erosion of individual rights? ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #576 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:19 PM)

The average person world-wide cares about food, shelter, and survival… and will vote for anyone of any political or theocratic ilk that best enables that average person to obtain those necessities. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #577 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:24 PM)

8 days of protests divided by 30 years X 365 days [^] per year = what percentage [thn/] ? This is the degree of 'opportunity' which has been given to the ruling elite to change their ways. It's kid of like "stopping on a dime" when you look at it this way. What needs to be offered are a dozen, or two dozen, "check points" over the next year, two years, and five years [Washington Post refreshes]. Also xref: putting requested judicial remedies, proposed executive orders, and drafts of legislation who wants passed in writing. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #578 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:33 PM)

In memoir, Rumsfeld largely unapologetic ======NH: [Thn/] ====NH//

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #579 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:35 PM)

3.3.0 OOO33m20(Build:9567) volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #580 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:36 PM) Again it opens showing non printing characters. As a fresh install it should open in a neutral configuration, no?

Show field names is also checked, so that can be changed, but it's goig to be metric who feels. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #581 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:37 PM)

Yeah, it's metric page sizes again. Why? That's two, or three, times who has downloaded the application from the same Open office web site. When it installs on the lap top, it's with English page sizes. When it installs on the desk top, it's metric? Why? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #582 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:38 PM)

So, metric to inches conversion: one more chore on whose poor brain. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #583 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:38 PM)

1 centimeter = 0.393700787 inches

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #584 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:52 PM)

8.5 inches = 21.59 centimeters More about calculator.

11 inches = 27.94 centimeters More about calculator.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #585 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:53 PM)

160.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) otherwise here, there, and everywhere February 2nd, 2011 11:35 am

In all seriousness, exactly what do some of you folks think is going to replace the present regime in Egypt? Are the lessons of history never learned?

Westerners sympathetic to the overthrow of the Shah of Iran expected something far different than what they got in return for their "progressive" ardor, an emotional predisposition still anchored in nineteenth century Romanticism despite all the water that has passed over the dam, and all the blood that has gone down the drain, since then.

So it will be in Egypt. Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Recommend Recommended by 59 Readers Report as Inappropriate

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #586 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (08:56 PM)

China watch ad: the older man, with modest, physical grace, leading the younger women / girls. China idea of imparting wisdom into culture via training of Mothers who will raise children. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #587 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (09:00 PM)

"Dennis the Menace" corn on the cob bit, chocolate milk glass, and empty portion of plate; xref: perc[thn/]entages; xref: work on consulting contract the past two days. xref: fax not yet sent with illustrations, right? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #588 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (09:03 PM)

"Dennis the Menace" current: xref: Samsung Galaxy Tab has a pen that comes with it. Does iPad? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #589 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (09:03 PM)

Is that right? Who mentioned a pen briefly, didn't who? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #590 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (09:05 PM)

"Beetle Baily" swimming across [kn/] the [thn/] Red Sea. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #591 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (09:09 PM)

"Blondie" - crummy jobs. [kn/] Stuck inside working for crumbs [kn/]. Also xref: 'cronyism' and 'crony jobs'. So, "Better jobs for Egyptians". More duty shift rotations. "Rewrite your job description the way you think it could best be done..." "Unionize, Medicalize..." and what else? "Cross training..." and what else? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #592 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (09:12 PM)

"Blondie" - crummy jobs. [kn/] Stuck inside working for crumbs [kn/]. Also xref: 'cronyism' and 'crony jobs'. So, "Better jobs for Egyptians". More duty shift rotations. "Rewrite your job description the way you think it could best be done..." "Unionize, Medicalize..." and what else? "Cross training for all police officers in at least two jobs that do not involve carrying a gun..." and what else?

[Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #593 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (09:13 PM)

READERS' COMMENTS Mubarak’s Allies and Foes ClashBack to Article » By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK and KAREEM FAHIM The Egyptian government unleashed provocateurs in a concerted effort to rout the protesters in clashes that continued into Thursday morning.

Share your thoughts.

29 of 486 Readers' CommentsPost a Comment » ALL COMMENTSHIGHLIGHTSREADERS' RECOMMENDATIONSREPLIES of 2 NEXT 7.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Lure D. Lou Boston, MA February 2nd, 2011 9:10 am If anyone thinks there is going to be a smooth or peaceful transition in Egypt they had better read some history. The evidence suggests that those hundreds of thousands who have benefited from the regime will fight tooth-and-nail to hang on to their privileges.(see Iraq) That is how Mubarek has been able to stay in power so long...or did you think it was his charisma?

Note to President Obama: your words are fine as long as you are willing to accept the consequences which will be a lot of Egyptian blood. Democracy is not something that happens it is something that is fought for and that battle is now engaged. (We should also be sending a ton of Valium over to Tel-Aviv...the Israeli government is going to need it.) Recommend Recommended by 290 Readers Report as Inappropriate 34.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) George L. New York New York February 2nd, 2011 9:13 am So now, all of a sudden, we have pro-Mubarak demonstrators on the streets of Cairo! Well, where did they come from? Who organized them?

Wouldn't it be interesting to find out that actually they are policemen and soldiers without uniform, who were ordered out with knives and sticks to create chaos so that at last the army would have the pretext to step in and force the people off the streets and end the revolution, in the hated name of "stability"?

The duplicity of dictatorships knows no limits. I know, I grew up in Hungary during Nazi and Communist times. In 1956, the revolution in Budapest began with a peaceful demonstration by university students and then the security forces accused them of being "fascist elements" and started shooting them with live ammunition. Recommend Recommended by 443 Readers Report as Inappropriate 51.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) RC Pompano Beach FL February 2nd, 2011 10:06 am From the article…

““There is nothing now the president can do except step down and let go of power,” said Mohammed el-Beltagui, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s most powerful opposition group, which has entered into the fray with Mr. Mubarak.”

What I find odd is that so many posters on this board (and others) downplay the MB’s importance…and what the MB will eventually mean for Egyptians that are truly seeking autonomy, democracy, and individual freedom. It is at least certain that they (the MB) will make a grab at the power structure. They won’t get it overnight… but the’ll be working to that end from now until they achieve it.

Their eventual success, if realized, will mean theocracy and the implementation of Sharia law. And if that’s what Egypt determines that it wants, and votes for, then that’s exactly what they should get. It’s their country.

It seems that many posters are hypocritical. On the one hand they roar for the revolution to continue and wax vehemently regarding their support… but on the other hand, when someone mentions the threat to the Suez Canal (which will effect the world including the US), the threat to Israel, the negatives concerning the rise of the MB, or the real possibility of a theocratic Iran-like state forming, or the possibility of the start of WWIII… these same posters say we should mind our own business and let Egypt do what it will. By their very vocal support, these posters are themselves not minding “their” own business, and are in fact very “involved” and very passionate… albeit from a distance.

You can’t say “I passionately back these actions, voice my opposition to the Mubarak regime… but I’m minding my own business”.

Well… I guess that you can… because many of you, not all, do exactly that. My statements are a “if the shoe fits… or doesn’t” scenario.

It’s also hypocritical and naïve for them to express their support for a revolution, by verbally backing up, or perhaps decrying, the actions in Egypt… while condemning world powers for their involvement in the geopolitical game of chess. Whether or not that game should be played is another matter for another blog. The fact is that it IS played, and will continue to be played, upon the world stage, by all of the major players, to include China, Russia, Japan, the EU, the US… and others, to what extent that they can participate and influence events.

If you feel like saying that this shouldn’t be the case and that this fact is one of the major things wrong with the big picture… I agree. But this reality isn’t going to change, no matter what the outcome is in Egypt… or anywhere else any time in the foreseeable future. There will always be someone (or those) on the geopolitical scene shaping events and outcomes. To think otherwise is not so charmingly naïve. Anymore. The people aren’t ever “really” going to be the ones to pull the strings.

The average person world-wide cares about food, shelter, and survival… and will vote for anyone of any political or theocratic ilk that best enables that average person to obtain those necessities.

Calling for our President to demand that Mubarak step down is in itself involvement, compelling him to influence, and to participate in the shaping of events. When that involvement is to the liking of these posters, it‘s not called influencing the affairs of another country, they deem it then to be the right thing to do … because they agree with it.

I’d love to see Egypt move into a more democratically political and societal state, with job creation and a fair distribution of wealth and a vastly improved quality of life for all. I’d like to see that here in the US as well.

Yet, there is a distinct, that the Suez Canal will become a focal point of increasing tension, with an also distinct possibility for the onset of WWIII.

Recommend Recommended by 70 Readers Report as Inappropriate 80.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Alan Hawaii February 2nd, 2011 10:09 am I thought President Obama, up to this point, was playing a politically sensitive hand with skill and finesse. But the time for such delicacy obviously has passed, and now is the time to do what a strong and true leader is chosen to do: Make the tough decision. From the flow of events in the largely peaceful protest, I do not find it hard to give credence to the contention by Aljazeera and others that the current violence is linked to the pro-Mubarak state police, and possibly orchestrated by the government. It fits with my knowledge of the world. And certainly the threats to the CNN crew should be enough to demand a reassessment of U.S. response and an end to equivocation.

For my part, if we do not stand with the Egyptian forces of hope and change, if we do not insist that President Mubarak step aside now in advance of legitimate democratic elections, if we do not use our financial and diplomatic leverage to bring this about, if we allow Egypt to descend into violence and chaos and become a strong-arm dictatorship, then I am not sure what the U.S. stands for anymore. All our talk will just be words. We gave President Mubarak a fair chance to do the right thing and act for the benefit of his people and country. He rejected it. Let us now stand firmly for the principles we espouse. This can be a defining moment not just for Egypt, but for America. Recommend Recommended by 216 Readers Report as Inappropriate 86.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Egyptian in NY New York, NY February 2nd, 2011 10:13 am As coutless observers have pointed out, it is painfully clear to anyone familiar with Egypt that the "pro-mubarak" forces are thugs and cronies of the ruling party. The same thugs that are sent out every election cycle to ensure "free and fair elections". This farce would be hilarious if hundreds of peaceful protesters weren't being slaugthered right in front of the worlds eyes. Recommend Recommended by 262 Readers Report as Inappropriate 97.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Rdl27c Connecticut February 2nd, 2011 10:45 am Mubarak was good for America, so why would we want to see him go? After all, look what has happened in other states in the Middle East where "Dictators" were toppled for the "greater good": Iran (1979) and Iraq (recently). Are AMERICANS better off as a result? Maybe eventually in Iraq, but certainly not in Iran.

I know that if I was to act/write motivated by altruism or with a lot of idealism then I would oppose ANY perceived Dictator. But in reality, this is a dangerous world and in 2011 I'm more likely to support, or side with, whats best for me and the USA. To be honest, considering Mubarak's record in dealing with the West, I'd say I'm not sure if his ouster is necessarily welcomed by me. Recommend Recommended by 34 Readers Report as Inappropriate 116.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Gary Rashed New Jersey February 2nd, 2011 10:50 am There's going to be blood, but that may be necessary if Egypt is going to cement it's revolt. For anyone to believe that Mubarak, after wrecking Egyptian civil society and creating a police state to serve his interests and his elite cadre of friends, is going to suddenly govern a transition of government fairly is ridiculous. This is the man who kept re-instating the emergency laws to "fight terrorism" at the expense of basic civil liberties. If allowed to stay in power, he'll try to play the long game by acquiescing to the people's demands now, then as September rolls around, he'll conveniently find an excuse to hold on to power.

For anyone in America who is ambivalent about whether he should stay or go, please allow me to point out one thing. This man happily sends thugs to beat up his own people. Is it really so hard to believe that he, or one of his cronies, would not stage an international incident to justify his continued grip on power. Imagine a scenario where Saudi's oil fields are threatened, and Mubarak offers the West to graciously help calm the situation, for the low price of looking the other way in his domestic affairs. The West would be forced to take that bargain (don’t believe this could happen? then read about Hafez Assad of Syria and the first Gulf War).

No. Mubarak is scared, desperate, and illegitimate in the eyes of his people. Do you really trust someone like that with the levers of power? Recommend Recommended by 107 Readers Report as Inappropriate 131.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Bemused Manhattan February 2nd, 2011 11:11 am Time for Obama to show some gumption. The U.S. has propped up this thuggish dictator for decades with bribes of over a billion dollars a year. Thus, the U.S. bears great responsibility for the dictatorship. Obama's words of yesterday seem weak today in light of the police provocateurs attacking the peaceful demonstrators. Now is the time for Obama to make clear to Mubarak that he must go or face serious consequences--legal prosecution for crimes against humanity. If Milosovic, the President of Yugoslavia, could be brought before an international court for prosecution, so can Mubarak. The U.S. must make clear that they will support such a prosecution if Mubarak does not step down immediately and stop the gangsters and thugs under his direction who are attacking the Egyptian people. We must make clear to Obama that he, too, will face serious consequences if he fails to do this. Recommend Recommended by 55 Readers Report as Inappropriate 148.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Brother Bill Atlanta February 2nd, 2011 11:19 am Mubarrak learned the lesson from Saddam, which is that a Dictator can only be overthrown by the Security forces or a Superpower. A dictator like Saddam cannot be overthrow by a Million peaceful protesters.

Given that a peaceful protest of a million citizens were not sufficient, and that the world's democratic countries are not stepping in, we can expect one of the following scenarios:

The government brutally suppresses the demonstrations thru violence, and re-imposes the police state.

Or the people violently overthrow the government in a bloodbath.

The Ghandi approach of a peaceable hunger strike of hundreds of thousands of citizens may also possible work. But imagine the army or police attacking them with tanks and small arms. Will the world care, or does 'stability' trump justice and democracy? Recommend Recommended by 44 Readers Report as Inappropriate 160.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) otherwise here, there, and everywhere February 2nd, 2011 11:35 am

In all seriousness, exactly what do some of you folks think is going to replace the present regime in Egypt? Are the lessons of history never learned?

Westerners sympathetic to the overthrow of the Shah of Iran expected something far different than what they got in return for their "progressive" ardor, an emotional predisposition still anchored in nineteenth century Romanticism despite all the water that has passed over the dam, and all the blood that has gone down the drain, since then.

So it will be in Egypt. Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Recommend Recommended by 59 Readers Report as Inappropriate 165.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) JJ NYC February 2nd, 2011 11:36 am How many more billions of US tax-payers money will we need to supply our so-called "allies" in the Middle East, for the sake of "democracy" and "stability", or even better, our "fight" against terrorism? What we are seeing right now, before our eyes, is a call by the people of these countries for a radical and immediate change to all the repression, suppression, poverty, and sub-standards in education, social welfare and health-care. Regrettably, our leaders and those of the other major world powers, have supported and will further support these regimes, simply for the sake of access to their oil, gas and other commodities. This is further evidenced in our manufactured "wars" and interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, where billions of dollars continuously are siphoned by powerful government officials, USA contractors (Blackwater, et al) and God knows who else. Ultimately, is it really worth it for us to waste so much money funding these military engagements and supporting dozens of crooked and authoritarian dictators, while confronting an ever-decaying infra-structure system, high unemployment, rising levels of poverty, frail health and social security systems, here at home, supposedly the world's leading industrial power? Recommend Recommended by 68 Readers Report as Inappropriate 178.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Jeanne New York February 2nd, 2011 12:08 pm Why is it so difficult for people to understand that the U.S. must work with nations as they exist and not what we wish them to be. In order to keep peace and protect U.S. interests (so that American citizens can continue living the lives to which we have become accustomed), the U.S. must deal with leaders of various nations, including democracies, autocracies, dictorships, etc. Trade, foreign aid and diplomatic relations build bridges and strengthen alliances, which work to thwart those who wish to harm us. We have seen that democratic nations are more stable and therefore we would prefer that there were more of them. However, the U.S. works directly with the leaders of nations, not its citizens; the leaders call the shots and make the deals, not the citizens. Therefore, when there is an uprising, the U.S. is wise to see what happens; we will deal with whomever winds up as leader, provided that the new leader is willing. In the case of Egypt, we must wait to see what the Egyptian citizens decide; it is in their hands. While most if not all Americans are cheering for the Egyptians to prevail in getting the government they want. The delicate balance of the Middle East is at stake, and I believe President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are well aware of the appropriate stance the U.S. must take. I am confident that they will proceed appropriately in the interests of peace in the region and the safety of the U.S. Recommend Recommended by 35 Readers Report as Inappropriate 196.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) ea washingtonI , d.c. s. February 2nd, 2011 12:14 pm Why all this dumping on Mubarak? We have had 30 years of general peace under his leadership, and effective control of Islamic radicals based in Egypt. Do we really want to throw this overboard for something we don't know? I read reports he is not well, so his decision to step aside might have other reasons than the demonstrations. And do we want to risk a return to war between the Islamic world and Israel, or see a radical regime in Cairo that will encourge more tunnels and arms shipments to the Gaza Strip? Against the wishes of the radicals, Mubarak gave support to a peace agreement with Israel which, in spite of difficulties between the cultures, continues today. And do we really want to encourage radicals who will only discourage tourists from going to Egypt, providing that country with one of its steady streams of income? The other issue we need to address is control of the Suez Canal, through which much of the world's trade flows. If there is a confrontation that closes down the canal, who do you think is going to respond. Will Europe and China send their mighty blue water navies to keep the canal open? Look at the size of the once-mighty British Navy, and you will see that even England is not in much of a position to respond to keep its trade lines open. So you can guess what that means. Yes Uncle Sucker will once again be drawn into a fight it didn't want to get involved in. Bottom line: think twice of embracing Mubarak's departure. You may get far more than you wished for when that happens. Recommend Recommended by 53 Readers Report as Inappropriate 202.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) K Yau Brooklyn, NY February 2nd, 2011 12:16 pm I am writing as I am looking at pictures of armed and hired thugs warring with pro-democracy protesters in Egypt. Just because the military or the police is not firing on the protesters (yet) does not mean that blood has not been shed. Or that America and other nations have no responsibility or obligation to stop this blood shed.

President Obama must now act consistently with the forceful message that you have put out that the regime Hosni Mubarak is no longer legitimate. A promise not to run (especially with his son in the wing) is not the same as relinquishing power, changing the regime, and most importantly, instituting a stable democracy.

Memories of Tiananmen Square are still fresh in my mind even after 20 years. Pictures of Tahrir Square have brought back both hope and fear (and tears). As the world watches in hope ; heads of repressive regime are watching in fear and dread.

This is the moment to leverage America’s power, prestige and dollars to demand democracy in Egypt and peace and reconciliation in Middle East.

Karen Kithan Yau Brooklyn, New York Recommend Recommended by 56 Readers Report as Inappropriate 222.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) A real witness, unlike who ever wrote this article. Cairo, Egypt February 2nd, 2011 12:46 pm Shame on you for writing an article so biased and far from the truth, I am an Egyptian Citizen who is a witness to what is happening. This is a disgrace! Recommend Recommended by 25 Readers Report as Inappropriate 226.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) ron nc February 2nd, 2011 12:46 pm This is textbook tatctics by police. Send in plainclothes and civiliam things to start fights with anti-government protesters, than ramp up the fighting with the hope that the military will come in to "restore order." So far, the military isn't biting, but who knows how long that will last? Then again, Mubarak and his interior minister can surely send in their forces if the army won't bite. Recommend Recommended by 38 Readers Report as Inappropriate 230.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Peter NYC February 2nd, 2011 12:53 pm I wonder what the "peaceful protesters" had expected from the very beginning, if they are unwilling to negotiate a compromise. To ask the guy in power to immediately give everything up to their demands seems rather unrealistic, especially when this guy has the upper hand in fighting back.

This reminds me much of the Tiananmen Square incident in China, where the protesters refused to take even a tiny step back when the regime had willingly backed off from its stance. When you look at it with a microscope, the protest organizers were just as corrupt as the government and they were "peaceful" only because they weren't in power yet.

The most important question is, do the protesters have a solid plan in how to reorganize the government, will they agree to follow the same new leadership, and will the new leader really do a better job? It's easy to point out a problem but there's no value in that if there's no solution. Recommend Recommended by 25 Readers Report as Inappropriate 235.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Dasein Endor February 2nd, 2011 2:02 pm There is a reason why the United States must work with whom and what is within our best political interests in the Middle East: oil. Yes ladies and gentlemen we do in fact need oil and thus need to have constant positive leverage with the countries that can supply us with this oil.

If we lose our supply of Middle Eastern oil our entire infrastrucre will collapes. Most people in other countries around the world do not have to commute as much as we do. Many of us drive about an hour to work each day. We drive long distances to see family, vacation, and for some of us, run errands.

Our country has a vast army of supply trucks on the road that deliver food and all other goods that we buy on a regular basis. Everything depends on oil. Sure we can all invest in more hybrids or what ever the new alternative energy source will be, but how will we power those cars and trucks? With electric stations. Where will that electricity come from? Power plants. What will the power plants use to make power? Coal (mostly). How will the coal get to the power plants? With trucks. How will we fuel the trucks? With oil. Why? Because alternative fuel cells are not powerful enough to fuel these trucks. Unless we can unilaterally replace the current reliance on oil with an alternative fuel source, then we will always be dependant on our supply of oil in the Middle East.

Democracy and the support of universal human rights are great ideals that all people should have and strive for, but pragmatically, our country has to act in its best interests in the geopolitical sphere so that we can keep our hands on the natural resource that runs our country. Just imagine the chaos that would ensue if we all the sudden lost control of a great chunk of our oil supply. Imagine the cost of gas prices rising above $5.00/gal countrywide -- and staying that way. Imagine the further chaos our economy would fall into. You can't just think about how your commute is affected because our entire system is "interdependant" upon the consumption of oil. Recommend Recommended by 8 Readers Report as Inappropriate 244.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Alia.elsaady Cairo,Egypt February 2nd, 2011 2:06 pm Ok let me just clear this up for the new york times and everyone else on here. I'm an egyptian in EGYPT RIGHT NOW so if you want the information straight from the source here it is:

After the protests on Jan 25th the police force in Egypt opened the jails and penitentiaries and let all the criminals run riots, to ensure that they did leave the jail they shot at their feet (they didn't shoot their feet they shot at them mind you). The criminals went into many well-off areas of Cairo.

Many of the criminals didn't serve the purpose of running havoc so Mubarak or who ever is in control, found that if they could dress police men as civilians to steal and burn and spread anarchy he'd be able to blame it on the protesters. What he didn't know was that the protesters would catch these impersonators and in apprehending them they found their police badges revealing that they were members of the police force with the aim of spreading fear.

Another point is the 50 L.E thing is also true, there are a lot of Egyptians who are willing to do something for 50L.E we don't have a minimum wage here in Egypt. Also, the reason why the military wasn't present at Tahir square or rather not doing anything was because they were ordered to leave and were replaced by members of the police force dressed as military forces.

The Egyptian local television was urging people to not watch other T.V networks such as Al-Jazeera in an attempt to indoctrinate the Egyptian peoples. All they do is try to find gaps in the reportings of other T.V networks to disprove them and better its own image. Obviously to no avail. Furthermore, the telephone numbers that the Egyptian television posted on its channel saying that we could call at any time and they would answer --- plain and simple don't work if you call they disconnect the call There it is there's more but I can't think of it--> this information came from several trusted sources Recommend Recommended by 59 Readers Report as Inappropriate 256.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Nick Lento Cliffside Park, NJ February 2nd, 2011 2:33 pm It's time for President Obama to stop pussyfooting around with diplomatic doublespeak. He must come out and demand that Mubarek step down now and leave the country. He must further let the Egyptian military know that they will lose of financial support if they continue to allow agents of Mubarek a free reign of terror in the streets.

Mubarek is creating the chaos and violence in order to justify a crackdown on the secular democratic movement for freedom. If Mubarek is passively enabled to get away with this by the USA the worlds billion Muslims will not be fooled by the propaganda we're getting on US corporate media. The people in the streets are not terrorists. They are not Islamic radical fundamentalists. They are good and decent people who are sick and tired of 30 years of oppression, repression and poverty.

If Obama does not do the right thing here it will diminish the national security of our nation. It will radicalize thousands of young Muslims to the point where some will indeed become sufficiently full of hatred and blind rage that hey become ripe for recruiting by Al Qaeda like organizations.

The status quo ante is not recoverable and it was never sustainable. Doing the right thing in moral terms is actually the right thing in terms of realpolitik. Please President Obama, stand up to what your "advisors" are telling you to do. Don't be connned by creatures of the status quo that are telling you we have to continue tacitly supporting evil dictatorial authoritarian rulers as the only way to avoid "chaos"; the truth is the opposite of that.

It's way past time to call off the dogs and to support common human decency. Let's be on the right side of history this time. Please! Recommend Recommended by 36 Readers Report as Inappropriate 291.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Avon New York February 2nd, 2011 3:28 pm Monday, reading about the broadly representative coalition of groups patiently convening to plan proposed transition logistics, I was hopeful. Yesterday, reading about the families and middle-class people celebrating after the military's refusal to suppress the protests, I was more hopeful yet. When Obama stood up for democracy despite the arguable benefits of maintaining dictators, I was delighted.

But today that's all past. Yes, the people are still basically humane and civilized; and there is hope. But the action plan was all within Mubarak's control, and now he has blown it big-time. The man proves himself to be stubborn, prideful, paranoid or greedy - perhaps all of the above. He surely lacks vision; even his own regime went nowhere, and didn't try to. And he seems to lack a clear grasp of reality.

Yesterday, when I read that some protesters thought Mubarak deserved arrest and prosecution, as a lawyer I felt dismissive. His defense to criminal charges would have been stronger in most ways than G.W. Bush's. Today, I can see that he might deserve prosecution for treason and/or conspiracy to murder. He has recklessly raised the stakes to a degree that's dangerous - for every Egyptian, and for himself. Recommend Recommended by 22 Readers Report as Inappropriate 403.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Colin Wright Richmond, Ca February 2nd, 2011 5:05 pm To Patrick Blackmon #339 'The Egyptian Army needs to step in - now. '

Maybe. On the other hand, the bigger a role it plays in the transition, the more it becomes the dominant power in the new state.

That might not be the worst-case scenario -- but a disguised military dictatorship isn't the best case scenario either.

Assuming that the demonstrators do eventually prevail, the less the army has to do with it, the better. That points us towards the best case, scenario. A democratic Egypt -- without adjectives. Democracy as in the people decide what they want. The Egyptian people. Not us -- and not their army. Recommend Recommended by 10 Readers Report as Inappropriate 441.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) omar cairo February 2nd, 2011 7:30 pm From Cairo I tell you that Mubarak has released his paid thugs and bullies to abort this revolution. To all Americans call upon your adminstration to put an end to this genocide. America needs to STOP supporting this killer!! for the record stop letting him fool you that there would not be stability without him Recommend Recommended by 8 Readers Report as Inappropriate 443.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) Adam Sydney, Australia February 2nd, 2011 7:32 pm What's with all the talk about what Obama should be doing? Has the US not yet learned its lesson about involving itself in others' internal affairs? A general rule of thumb - if you can't even spell the leader's name, perhaps it is best to leave the action to those who can. Recommend Recommended by 4 Readers Report as Inappropriate 448.HIGHLIGHT (what's this?) ea washingtonI , d.c. s. February 2nd, 2011 7:44 pm Look at some comparative statistics with other countries in the Arab world, and I think you will understand the discontent erupting in Egypt. Although we hear articulate English-speaking Egyptians on the broadcast news, adult literacy is 66 percent in Egypt, compared to 85 percent in Saudi Arabia where women are not even permitted to drive a car. It is only slightly better than Yemen's 58 percent. In Zimbabwe, not part of the Arab world, the literacy rate is almost 92 percent, while in Syria and Jordan it touches 90 percent. This is a huge problem for Cairo, where residents still hold on to the belief they are the intellectual and cultural center of Islam's Arab countries. Perhaps it was once that way, but no longer. Egypt is falling to the bottom of the Islamic world and today is known best for the Islamic radicals it makes, like the Muslim Brotherhood and Ayman al-Zahiri, No. 2 of al-Quaeda. What is even worse, Egyptians look around the Mediterranean and see wealthy countries like Italy across the water. But Egypt's per capita Gross National Product is even lower than impoverished Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia -- something I found stunning since I have been to both countries. This is a country that gave the world the pyramids and the foundations of our Bible, and fabulous art works. It was once part of the Roman Empire. Yet today it is an impoverished relic. The per capita GNP in Italy is $31,000 a year. In Egypt it is $1,900 a year. Egypt today has an official unemployment rate touching 10 percent, but that only hints at the real jobless rate that forces young people to postpone marriage and go overseas to find jobs. Egypt is a mess. The west supported Mubarak because he didn't threaten the peace with Israel. But his 30 years in office brought only a continuation of the decline of the country, and his lack of attention to Egypt's dire economic condition has now come home. It has sunk so far behind its Arab compatriots that I wonder if it can ever come back. Recommend Recommended by 10 Readers Report as Inappropriate of 2 NEXT Thank you for your submission. Comments are moderated and generally will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive. An email will be sent to you at [email protected] (Change e-mail) Your Submitted Comment Display Name William Hale Location 20016 Comment \"Blondie\" - crummy jobs. [kn/] Stuck inside working for crumbs [kn/]. Also xref: 'cronyism' and 'crony jobs'. So, \"Better jobs for Egyptians\". More duty shift rotations. \"Rewrite your job description the way you think it could best be done...\" \"Unionize, Medicalize...\" and what else? \"Cross training for all police officers in at least two jobs that do not involve carrying a gun...\" and what else? [Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #594 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Wed 02 Feb 2011 (09:21 PM)

Daryl is the husband to Wanda in "Baby Blues" note mention of "video" tape; xref: you tube notification. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #595 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (02:58 AM)

['''''''Thn | ]?>*:\ ...//2011:02:03/02:04? In the dark of the pre-"dawn's early light" it is February third here. [''Thn/]

Deeper, back towards the center of our shadow, the mid - night, it is seven hours, or one hundred and five degrees earlier. So, the International Date Line is thirty three minutes past the center of our shadow at [''''thn\] the equator. {Thus Friday has begun there} [Whun (exterior)]

To ...double check. Noon is 105* in the other direction.. So, who did the above calculation incorrectly. Mid - night was only 5 hours back into the night I, and who else, have just rotated out of. So 75* [thn/] Would be 150* is at the mid - night, and the international date line is still to the west of the center of our shadow. So it is still 2011:02:03 at 180* and at 179* it is still 2011:02:02.

Is THAT right? So today would be 2011:, er, ? (Who, or why) > (is greater than) * (any permitted variable):(colon indicating what preceedes determines what follows)\(back slash indicating the local directory IN side the oldest Ramadan) ...(dot, dot, dot indicating abridgement, or abbreviation)//(double forward slash indicating the hard drives on the OUT side, aka, the internet)2011(the current solar year [''thn]...

...or complete circles around our star):02:(indicating lunar orbits around our planet):02(indicating revolutions around the axis of our spinning sphere, earth)/(indicating an alternative way to say the same thing)02(the lunar orbit again repeated):03:12:56:330*.

So it would be 12:56 with you, in Egypt right now.

Is that right? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #596 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:00 AM)

Finished calculating the day is still 02:02/02:03 and found our, and who else's dark of the pre-"dawn's early light' is your Isa [Th- thn] [Thn -tn tn. Thn] prayer time, Egypt volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #597 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:08 AM) Is it 02:02/02:03? Or is it 02:03/02:04??

Recorded on 2/3/11 A day lasts for forty-eight hours on the surface of the earth. What two days [Thn/ thn/ thn/ thn/ thn/ thn/ thn/ thn/] are currently being lived on earth by whom?

Finished calculating the day is still 02:02/02:03 and found our, and who else's dark of the pre-"dawn's early light' is your Isa [Th- thn] [Thn -tn tn. Thn] prayer time, Egypt

If the day changed everywhere when one line of longitude passed through the mid - night (at the equator) would we be able to better coordinate our global, social networks? day time year synchronization volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #598 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:17 AM)

Used up about 1[thn/]/2 of the internal battery since re- starting this time. Now connected the 400 WH external battery.

Failure to multi-task. Need to start setting up tomorrows work in the afternoon.

Failed to stream / broadcast / open to my witnesses re: wake up, wudu, and breakfast; xref: motion detection recording, and sound activated recording, xref: first memo to Ustream producer, or second memo/ memory needs to be found, reviewed, edited, and resent. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #599 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:18 AM) So, good at keeping things {on hold} ['''''tn/], but not strong on multi-tasking yet. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #600 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:31 AM) google buzz account: town.hall.0000000001.Voice.Mask.0000000001 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #601 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:40 AM)

Make "What day is it?" a game? Or a widget? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #602 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:44 AM)

Issues with Google video/chat plugin and Facebook - Google Chat Help 1 post - Last post: 5 days ago After installing the Google voice/video chat plugin for Gmail, I can no longer access my iSight camera on my iMac when I am on ... It's kind of a shame that it is some how blocking Facebook from accessing my camera. ... www.google.co.uk/support/forum/p/chat/thread?tid...hl=en - Cached volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #603 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:45 AM)

(Scribbled by hinging0 on Feb 3 2011 at 03:46) volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #604 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:48 AM)

Solutions to Mac iSight Camera Problem with Flash Applications Posted on November 21, 2010 by mailVU

Recent upgrades to Mac OS X 10.5.8 and 10.6.5 has caused problems with the iSight webcams on Flash sites. This can also happen with external USB webcams on Macs with the built-in iSight camera as they use the same device name. If your iSight camera still works properly with PhotoBooth and iChat, try the following solutions:

(1) If you have installed Google plug-ins, uninstalling them may restore proper iSight function with Flash and Mac OS X 10.6.5. If Google is your problem, the GoogleVoiceAndVideoUninstaller.app should be in your hard drive’s Library/Application Support/Google/ folder. (not your home folder library)

**This solution has been the #1 remedy for mailVU users**

(2) Installing the new Flash beta fixes sites for many users: Clicking this link will download the beta: http://tinyurl.com/ 2frejs4

(3) Another approach that may restore full use of the iSight webcam is to uninstall Flash 10.1 using the Adobe flash uninstaller, install a lower version of Flash (e.g. 9.0 for OS 10.1 – 10.3), uninstall Flash 9.0 with the Adobe uninstaller, then reinstall Flash 10.1).

(4) If you are using Safari as your browser be sure to update to Safari 5.0.3: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1070 It contains “… improvements to usability, compatibility, stability…” that have helped some users.

One final tip: Sometimes an issue occurs on Macs using the Firefox browser with Flash applications. Try switching to Safari or Chrome and see if the problem persists.

To confirm the iSight webcam issue is resolved go to mailVU.com and click Allow for webcam access.

If the iSight webcam is still not working try this troubleshooting guide from Apple. mailVU.com is the easiest and fastest way to record and send private video messages. Ask for the free video email widget to install on your website. We also have an API as an alternative for email transmission of the video links.

Be sure to ‘Like’ mailVU on Facebook so you can stay up to date on news and features.

This entry was posted in Webcam and tagged Flash, iSight, iSight issue with Flash, mailVU, OS X 10.6.5, video email widget. Bookmark the permalink. ← Third Annual Internet Summit Features mailVUInternet Summit a Huge Success for mailVU → 5 Responses to Solutions to Mac iSight Camera Problem with Flash Applications Imad says: January 4, 2011 at 11:34 pm Hello, my isight camera stopped working. I was able to restore it but could not get into a chat room. The chat room loads but stops short of opening. What should i do to restore the cam and the chatroom?

Thank you Imad

Pingback: Quora Bula Kalter says: January 17, 2011 at 4:27 pm Fairly good post. I simply stumbled upon your weblog and wished to say that I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog posts.Any manner Unwell be subscribing to your feed and I hope you submit once more soon

ANON says: January 27, 2011 at 12:09 pm #1 worked for me! It wasn’t the google plugin that you mentioned, but it was the “google talk” plug in. I just deleted it and now the cam work. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #605 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:49 AM)

Google earth plug ins were copied to "internet plug ins" volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #606 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:51 AM)

This software will update any Google software on your computer when new versions become available. Google Software Update verifies updates and is safer than downloading files from the Internet yourself.

To continue using Google Earth, you must accept the new Google privacy policies and allow Google Software Update to run in the background on your computer.

Read technical details volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #607 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (03:56 AM)

I'm hearing the google eart tour record video without feed back while I'm broadcasting / electro-magnetically opening to my witnesses with my assistive technology. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #608 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:12 AM)

"There it is [[thn/]]! Alhumdullilah / Hallelujah! alhumdullilah / hallelujah"

All praise to and from who, or why, makes what is possible, possible. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #609 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:12 AM)

======NH: The left, and right, up, and down, arrows, rotate google earth at a specific time. ======NH// volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #610 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:13 AM)

Oh, but I can't rotate google earth through the shadow yet. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #611 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:23 AM)

Hiding behind the earth relative to the sun [Thn/ thn/ Thn/ Thn/. Thn/.] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #612 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:24 AM)

Who wants to watch the earth rotate through the shadow. Or, when doing business - through the spotlight of sunlight. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #613 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:26 AM)

[Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #614 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:27 AM)

The magnetic cable power connector got loose from simple minor movement of the computer; xref: gorilla tape, or electrical tape to secure it. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #615 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:33 AM)

Yeah, if you are trying to call people at a certain [tn/] time of day, when THEY are in that time of day, then a rotating earth passing through a motionless shadow of the earth is useful, right/ volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #616 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:34 AM)

Also, if you want to hypnotize yourself to the geometry of space-time, then you want the sun to remain fixed as per your initial set up, then you want the earth to rotate the way it does in real life, THEN if you want to "fly", or "orbit" yourself, you can use what controls to change your position, and rate of change relative to the rotating earth and fixed sun. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #617 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:36 AM)

1st February 2011 - Ministry of Hajj invests SR800,000 into new technology infrastructure

The Ministry of Hajj (represented by Sejel Technology) has invested SR 800,000 towards new technology infrastructure, with aims of providing better services to the rising number of annual pilgrims to the Holy Cities of Makkah and Madinah and other sacred places in Saudi Arabia.

As part of the Ministry's upgrade initiative, Tripp Lite, a world leading manufacturer of power protection and connectivity equipment, has delivered two 80 kVA UPS Systems which are now being used to support the Umrah Database Centre's power, cooling and cabling infrastructure. One of the most important benefits of the project is the considerable reduction in the time required to process pilgrims' visas, which can now be completed in less than 24 hours as opposed to 6 weeks prior to the implementation. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #618 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:41 AM)

The blue led light in the external 400 WH battery has gone dead already. Can you imagine whom being so busy who did not have time to test these batteries prior? Perhaps the failure to keep them adequately charged and cared for over what? Two years now? Usually it's whose own fault things don't work for whom - usually because what is too delicate to withstand combat conditions. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #619 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:42 AM)

So this $900 battery is likely not worth the weight it weighs to carry it around. The 150 WH hour batteries seem to do better. How long did that battery last? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #620 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:56 AM)

03:17 until before 04:41 About 1 hour and 20 minutes. Powering a mac book pro 17" solid state with USB modem streaming. About one half the time the vendor indicates the battery should last.

Lets try one of the 150 WH batteries now. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #621 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:57 AM)

With the internal battery down around 1/8th, the external 150 WH battery, the newer of the two, purchased in the pat 12 months and not used much but to recharge iPod nanos - gives a flickering to the white of the window of this page. Enough so who does not want to use it. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #622 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:59 AM)

Back on the AC adapter.

The 150 WH has a 16 - 19 Volt switch. The flickering occured on both settings. It had 3 out of four led's showing green. When who checked the LEDs a second time the third LED green light was flickering. Something who has never [beep beep beep ...] seen in testing the charge of any of these batteries. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #623 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (05:05 AM)

Where is the third charger cable?

Last time who searched for alternate external batteries for mac book pro, who didn't find any better specs. [thn\] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #624 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (05:10 AM)

The oldest 150 WH battery which uses one button for all functions, when off still charges the external usb device when off and while charging itself.

The newer 150WH battery does not charge the external 5v USB device when it's on and off switch is turned off, but it is not being charged itself [^]. xref: control of control and variable. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #625 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (05:14 AM) I wanted to set the light / shadow ratio and have the earth rotate through it so I could synchronize my international phone calls. Does Google earth do this yet? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #626 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (05:17 AM)

I wanted to set the light / shadow ratio and have the earth rotate through it in real time so I could synchronize my international phone calls. Does Google earth do this yet? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #627 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (05:17 AM) http://www.google.com/support/enterprise/bin/request.py? hl=en&ctx=submitted&con firm=ge_pro volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #628 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (05:22 AM)

If the iPhone could accept a USb modem then I could buy one and use my laptop usb modem to enjoy unlimited 4G access via my iPhone. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #629 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (05:30 AM)

Whale12345 0 minutes ago I want to use my USB modem, but I cannot yet. Flag Like Reply

Abu 5 days ago No USB port is the only reason I won't buy one. We use flash drives all the time at work, and much of our data is stored on external hard drives. iPad needs a USB port, not adaptors. It sort of reminds me of the reason I never bought an iPod. I just wanted to connect to it via USB and drag music files over, thus bypassing iTunes. Thus is why I have yet to be an Apple customer. And the odds are high I will get an HP Slate or something. Which is funny because personally I do want an iPad and I think they are better product. And what's the deal with 64 gig? Come on. iPad seems like a neat gizmo/gadget, but not practical in terms of compatability and storage. I don't get their logic. Their limitations don't make me want to buy accessories. Limitations make me not buy the product in the first place. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #630 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (05:37 AM) by foxcityfc September 3, 2010 4:57 AM PDT here are the spec"sw for the samsung tab

Samsung GALAXY Tab (GT-P1000) Product Specifications


2.5G (GSM/ GPRS/ EDGE) : 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz 3G (HSUPA 5.76Mbps, HSDPA7.2 Mbps) : 900 / 1900 / 2100 MHz


Android 2.2 (Froyo) Display

7.0 inch TFT-LCD, WSVGA (1024 x 600)


Cortex A8 1.0GHz Application Processor with PowerVR SGX540


3 MP Camera with Auto Focus and LED Flash 1.3MP front camera for Video Telephony

Value-added Features

Android Market? and Samsung Apps for more applications and contents

Readers Hub, Media Hub* , Music Hub*, Social Hub* *Availability will be decided by market preference.

Adobe Flash 10.1 player support Full HD video playback, Thinkfree Office, Swype, Hybrid Widget


30 pin connector / micro SD WiFi 802.11n / Bluetooth 3.0


16GB / 32GB internal memory, upto 32GB external memory slot RAM: 512MB


190.09 x 120.45 x 11.98mm, 380g

Battery 4,000mAh (7 hour movie play)

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/ 8301-30685_3-20015400-264.html#ixzz1Cu27xJlG volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #631 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (05:40 AM)

3. No USB Another supposed technical advantage of non-iPad tablets was supposed to be more handy jacks. Yes, Tab has a microSD memory card slot, and I assume the Verizon, Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile will pre-install some memory in addition their Tab's built-in 16GB like they do on the Galaxy S smartphones. But instead of a handy USB jack, Samsung has instead opted for an Apple-like proprietary jack. I think I understand Samsung's motivation — they want to create an iPod/iPhone-like accessory licensing program — but it's an approach that worsens, rather than improves, the consumer experience.

======NH: Unable to use the USB modem. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #632 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (05:51 AM) http://dvice.com/archives/2010/09/5-reasons-why-s.php volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #633 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (06:08 AM) http://www.calcellular.com/ext-lap-battery.html?gclid=CLPmr8- Q7KYCFdtg2god90QQB w

Watt hours = Amp hours * [thn/] voltage

Voltage = 19 volts, call it 20 to do rough estimate it'll be 5% too high.

Amp hours = 6,600 mAh = 6.6 Amp hours

Watt hours = 20 volts * 6.6 Ah = 66.0 * 2 = 132 WH. Less than. What Minus 6.6? for rounding error. 125 WH

Compare this to your battery geek 400 WH battery. So $86 for 100 WH would be $400 for 400 WH compared to $999 for one 400 WH battery from you, Battery geek.

This batery has one USB port. Your 400 WH battery has no USB port.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #634 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (06:09 AM)

Second consideration. Since I have a nontransferable store credit, I should purchase the 150 WH battery with one USB port.

What does that cost these days? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #635 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (06:39 AM)

16/19-130U External Laptop Battery List Price: $400.00 Our Price: $299.99 You save $100.01! This 9V/12V DVD Battery Pack is sized very portable at only the length of a pen. This DVD battery now features 66Wh capacity, 20 connector tips. This DVD battery is most popular for the use with 9V and 12V portable DVD players. This 9V-12V battery pack is also compatible with the Asus Eee Mini Notebook PC and other devices which require a 9V-12V input. Get approximately 5-7 hours of movie time per charge. 66Wh Capacity, 9V~12V output. 9V/12V selector switch. Tolerance up to 3.33A. Volume pricing is available for this item. 130Wh Laptop & Tablet PC Battery. Now features new built in USB port so you can also recharge and power your cell phone, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Nintendo DS, Gameboy or PSP at the same time you are charging/powering your laptop or MacBook.

Able to power the MacBook laptop for approximately 5-9 hours per charge. Powers and recharges laptops for approximately 8-12 hrs. of additional runtime per charge (please note that run-times may vary depending on application and hardware configurations including internal battery status). 130Wh Capacity, 15V~21V output. 16V / 19V selector switch. Tolerance up to 6A. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #636 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (06:47 AM)

Dear Bill,

I guess you didn't get the last email we sent, asking you to confirm that this is the address we need to send the battery back to.

William Hale Suite 146 4200 Wis. Av. NW Washington, DC 20016 United States 202 465-0067

We can ship this out tomorrow if you confirm before 2 pm CST.

Also, did you get the email informing you of your coupon code? Your online coupon code for your $1012.99 in store credit is WH101299. Please let us know ASAP.


Shipping Dept Battery Geek

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 10:18 AM, CityHall VoterScreenName101 wrote: Dear Battery Geeks: volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #637 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (07:03 AM)

Macbook Pro 17" dual core. Mayb SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #638 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (07:05 AM)

Include repaired Order #16365 as repaired [Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #639 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (07:21 AM)

Read 130 WH for 150 WH above re: flickering.

Now retesting it, and getting NO flickering. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #640 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (08:58 AM)

The oldest 130 WH battery has been connected for a work test volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #641 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (08:58 AM)

The oldest 130 WH battery has been connected for a work test volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #642 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (09:51 AM)


Try to have at least two of what you use. And extra batteries.

GTMax 5000 mAh external battery. 5V with TWO (2) USB ports to simultaneously charge TWO devices Once the GTMax us drained, you use a USB cable to connect it to your lap top and your lap top recharges the GTMax. Does your laptop need to be on to do that? Does your laptop need to be plugged in with it's AC charger to do that? For $18.99 you could charge up several for the day... God willing, who hopes. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003QTOI2I/ ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=48653

9851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top- stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B003U4XX9S&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0


GT Max White 2 USB Port External Re-chargeable Emergency Backup Battery Charger for a variety of phones

Product Description Brand new generic rechargeable battery. Battery Capacity: 5000 mAh 2 USB Port to charge up to 2 device at the same time Voltage: 5.0 V on/off button to start/end charge Charging Indication: 3 Blue LED show battery level Weight: 210g Dimension: 110mm x 70mm x 16.5mm Integrated microchip prevents overcharging & lengthens battery life Recharge this battery with your PC/Laptop USB port. Rechargeable cable is provided. USB Cable is required to charge you phone or MP3. USB Cable is sold separately. UPC Code:088515745593

Customers buy this item with BlackBerry USB Cable Micro USB 1.0m (Black) by Blackberry $1.36 Spare cable is usually a good idea.

Works great. Is versatile in that it uses standard usb cables to both recharge and power devices.

This review is from: GTMax White 2 USB Port External Rechargeable Emergency Backup Battery Charger for HTC MyTouch 3G Slide, Evo 4G, Droid Incredible, HD2, Tilt2, Droid Eris, Hero, Pure, Touch Diamond2, Imagio, Touch Pro2, Touch Pro2, myTouch 3G Cell Phone There have been some on here that have complained that their EVO 4G phones continued to drain even though the device was plugged in. I am sure they noticed this especially with power intensive tasks such as Google Navigation.

The reason is not the device itself, but the USB cable. Although the EVO is rated to charge at 1 amp (1000 ma), USB cables are only rated to charge at 500 ma. While plugged into a power source, your EVO continues to run off it's battery. This means that although plugged in, if you battery is charging slower than it is using power, your phone will eventually die. In other words, it's not a "defect" but simply the nature of the beast.

Those who reported their batteries charging fine on their EVO's were likely doing less power intensive tasks such a browsing the web. Google Navigation may be the greatest power vampire on your phone simply because it is 1) constantly scanning for GPS, 2) computing your location, 3) updating the graphical interface, 4) keeping the screen on and 5) talking to you through the audio.

If you find yourself in a low power situation and wish to use Navigation, I recommend that when using Google Navigator, select the "Get Directions" option. No, it won't talk to you, but you won't lose power (and your navigation) half way there either. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #643 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (09:52 AM)

(Scribbled by hinging0 on Feb 3 2011 at 09:53)

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #644 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (09:53 AM)

Comment MEDIA; xref: batteries. http://www.calcellular.com...

6600 mah battery with one (1) USB port $86.88. NOTE: There is at least one other external battery which has two USB ports [Thnthn/ Thn/] / to charge two (2) devices simultaneously. Multiple port USB hubs have not worked on whose own batterygeek.net external batteries, so who assumes you need "built in multiple USB ports" to charge more than one device simultaneously. IP Address for two USB port battery to follow as soon as it is re-found. God willing. Who hopes. And how are you?

Output voltages 5.5V (USB) and 16V / 19V DC; Output current 60 watts ~ 3.75 Amps max. What is the draw current on a Macbook Pro? Voltage for macbook is around 19.

73.2 Watt hours (6600mah) Running time: up to four (4) hours depending upon notebook computer and mode of operation. Who finds who gets one (1) or two (2) hours with USB modem streaming non stop. Charing time 5 hours. Charging method: through the original notebook AC adapter. Does your computer have to be on? Charging life 300 cycles.

Universal External Laptop PDA battery - 6600mAh Model WTEL 1566B

Click Here For External Battery Compatible List:

This Titanium Case External Laptop Battery is the ultimate in portable power pack technology. An ultra sleek design combining cutting edge lithium-polymer technology and an advanced power system, all in nice titanium finish. With a rating of 6600 mAh, this battery pack promises uninterrupted power of up to 4 hours or more for most laptops. You also can maximize your laptop efficiency even when an AC outlet is not available. Compatibility and Safety Titanium External Battery will charge and power almost any laptop computer. Titanium External Battery has 3 different output voltage 5.5V, 16V, 19V with 8-output connectors to power your laptop computers, i pod / cell phone, PSP, PDA, and more. Titanium External Battery uses your laptop AC adapter to charge with 7 different connectors. This means you don't have to carry additional AC adapter for this unit. Titanium External Battery has built-in USB port to charge or power your Cell Phone / ipod, PSP, PDA, or anything that could be charged over USB cable. Titanium External Battery has built-in smart circuitry that protects your battery and notebook from input/output over-current, input/ output over-voltage, and over-temperature.

This External Battery is designed for your easy traveling and handling. A little over a 1/2 inch thick and about 2 lbs, it's compact, light, ultra slim, metallic design will satisfy even the most discriminating needs.

Specifications Metallic Titanium Color Chemistry: Lithium-Polymer Charging Voltage: DC 15V ~ 25V Charging Current: 2.5A ~ 4A Output Voltages: 5.5V / 16V / 19V DC Output Current: 60W ~ 3.75A max Capacity: 73.2WH (6600mAh) Running Time: up to 4 hours (depending on different notebook model and operation mode) Charging Time: 5 hours (depending on different notebook model and operation mode) Charging Method: Connecting from Original notebook AC Adapter Charging Mode: CC/CV Cycle Life: At Least 300 times Standard Accessories: 8 output tip, 7 charge tip No Memory Effect Dimensions: 220 x 130 x 15mm or (8.50" x 5.18" x 0.59" inches) Weight: 1.95lbs Power Gauge: 5 step LED Package Include: Output tips (L01D, L51D, L52D, L53D, L54D, L55D, L61D, L62D) Input tips (L01, L51, L53, L54, L55, L61, L62) & Output cable Warranty: 6 months http://www.calcellular.com... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #645 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (10:08 AM)

Your Comments On... A conservative split aids Obama on Egypt On Egypt, the president shares a foreign policy view of many conservatives. - By E.J. Dionne Jr.

Comments randomsample wrote: MEDIA Try to have at least two of what you use. And extra batteries. GTMax 5000 mAh external battery. 5V with TWO (2) USB ports to simultaneously charge TWO devices Once the GTMax us drained, you use a USB cable to connect it to your lap top and your lap top recharges the GTMax. Does your laptop need to be on to do that? Does your laptop need to be plugged in with it's AC charger to do that? For $18.99 you could charge up several for the day... God willing, who hopes. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003QTOI2I/ ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=48653

9851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top- stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B003U4XX9S&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0 DER&pf_rd_r=1WD8QWNN5ADNP8XVYRDG GT Max White 2 USB Port External Re-chargeable Emergency Backup Battery Charger for a variety of phones Product Description Brand new generic rechargeable battery. Battery Capacity: 5000 mAh 2 USB Port to charge up to 2 device at the same time Voltage: 5.0 V on/off button to start/end charge Charging Indication: 3 Blue LED show battery level Weight: 210g Dimension: 110mm x 70mm x 16.5mm Integrated microchip prevents overcharging & lengthens battery life Recharge this battery with your PC/Laptop USB port. Rechargeable cable is provided. USB Cable is required to charge you phone or MP3. USB Cable is sold separately. UPC Code:088515745593 Customers buy this item with BlackBerry USB Cable Micro USB 1.0m (Black) by Blackberry $1.36 Spare cable is usually a good idea. Works great. Is versatile in that it uses standard usb cables to both recharge and power devices. This review is from: GTMax White 2 USB Port External Rechargeable Emergency Backup Battery Charger for HTC MyTouch 3G Slide, Evo 4G, Droid Incredible, HD2, Tilt2, Droid Eris, Hero, Pure, Touch Diamond2, Imagio, Touch Pro2, Touch Pro2, myTouch 3G Cell Phone There have been some on here that have complained that their EVO 4G phones continued to drain even though the device was plugged in. I am sure they noticed this especially with power intensive tasks such as Google Navigation. The reason is not the device itself, but the USB cable. Although the EVO is rated to charge at 1 amp (1000 ma), USB cables are only rated to charge at 500 ma. While plugged into a power source, your EVO continues to run off it's battery. This means that although plugged in, if you battery is charging slower than it is using power, your phone will eventually die. In other words, it's not a \"defect\" but simply the nature of the beast. Those who reported their batteries charging fine on their EVO's were likely doing less power intensive tasks such a browsing the web. Google Navigation may be the greatest power vampire on your phone simply because it is 1) constantly scanning for GPS, 2) computing your location, 3) updating the graphical interface, 4) keeping the screen on and 5) talking to you through the audio. If you find yourself in a low power situation and wish to use Navigation, I recommend that when using Google Navigator, select the \"Get Directions\" option. No, it won't talk to you, but you won't lose power (and your navigation) half way there either.

MEDIA; xref: batteries. http://www.calcellular.com...

6600 mah battery with one (1) USB port $86.88.

NOTE: There is at least one other external battery which has two USB ports [Thnthn/ Thn/] / to charge two (2) devices simultaneously. Multiple port USB hubs have not worked on whose own batterygeek.net external batteries, so who assumes you need "built in multiple USB ports" to charge more than one device simultaneously. IP Address for two USB port battery to follow as soon as it is re-found. God willing. Who hopes. And how are you?

Output voltages 5.5V (USB) and 16V / 19V DC; Output current 60 watts ~ 3.75 Amps max. What is the draw current on a Macbook Pro? Voltage for macbook is around 19.

73.2 Watt hours (6600mah) Running time: up to four (4) hours depending upon notebook computer and mode of operation. Who finds who gets one (1) or two (2) hours with USB modem streaming non stop. Charing time 5 hours. Charging method: through the original notebook AC adapter. Does your computer have to be on? Charging life 300 cycles.

Universal External Laptop PDA battery - 6600mAh Model WTEL 1566B

Click Here For External Battery Compatible List:

This Titanium Case External Laptop Battery is the ultimate in portable power pack technology. An ultra sleek design combining cutting edge lithium-polymer technology and an advanced power system, all in nice titanium finish. With a rating of 6600 mAh, this battery pack promises uninterrupted power of up to 4 hours or more for most laptops. You also can maximize your laptop efficiency even when an AC outlet is not available.

Compatibility and Safety Titanium External Battery will charge and power almost any laptop computer. Titanium External Battery has 3 different output voltage 5.5V, 16V, 19V with 8-output connec 2/3/2011 1:06:43 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tnagy2 wrote: No knows what will come of this revolt. Who exactly will be in the government, the Muslim Brotherhood or some other form of Islamist radical group. I think proceeding caustiously is the right way to go. How can anyone think that out of this revolt there will be a democracy as we understand democracy to be. There has not been democracy in the middle east. I think people are attributing things to these revolutionaries that have nothing to do with the reality of Egypt's history. 2/3/2011 1:06:29 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy melba1 wrote: We love to tell other countries what kind of government they should have and then try to make them adopt it. Only the citizens of these countries know what is best, even if it is a dictatorship. Even Hitler was OK in the beginning. 2/3/2011 1:03:12 PM Recommend (0) Report Abuse Discussion Policy tarquinis1 wrote:

Mr. George Soros writes in an op-ed today "The main stumbling block is Israel. In reality, Israel has as much to gain from the spread of democracy in the Middle East as the United States has. But Israel is unlikely to recognize its own best interests because the change is too sudden and carries too many risks. And some U.S. supporters of Israel are more rigid and ideological than Israelis themselves."

Poster jbbarbeque promptly proves his point in saying: Does the Post have any editors? Or do they let any vicious anti-Semite write for them?

Peace in the middle east and particularly between the Palestinians and the Israelis has been largely crippled by the power such as jbbarbeque have over the US political process.

The US is currently in two wars as a result of this hammerlock. We could be in a THIRD as soon as tomorrows headlines, against Iran, an enemy of al-Qaeda, for reasons of nuclear WMD which they do not have, and while Iran is a signatory to the NPT with over 8,000 inspections of their facilities according to the BBC.

Zionism is racism and unending war.

So many Zionist posters ardently disagree. In time and maybe not much time we shall see who is right.

2/3/2011 12:56:00 PM Recommend (1) Report Abuse Discussion Policy ExConservative wrote: I love watching Right Wing high school dropouts disparage Obama's education and intelligence. Hilarious. 2/3/2011 12:44:29 PM Recommend (4) Report Abuse Discussion Policy abqcleve wrote: jjcrocket13 wrote:

HEY E.J.!! IS IT SEXUAL LUST FOR YOU TO ADORE OBAMA!!! ***********************

Hey JJ: is it sexual frustration that causes you to scream inanities on this board?

2/3/2011 12:39:28 PM Recommend (3) Report Abuse Discussion Policy volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #646 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (10:35 AM)

Egypt backup battery http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=495011606570&set=a. 493815546570.262190.1

94572276570&pid=6466678&id=194572276570 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #647 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (10:37 AM)

Egypt US 4G USB modem http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=495011796570&set=a. 493815546570.262190.1

94572276570&pid=6466683&id=194572276570 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #648 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (10:58 AM)

Testing external 222 [Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #649 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (12:16 PM)

Egypt US 4G USB modem http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=495011796570&set=a. 493815546570.262190.1

94572276570&pid=6466683&id=194572276570 volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #650 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (12:18 PM) test volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #651 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (12:18 PM)

External 222 is now flashing red volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #652 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (12:42 PM)

External 222 is now fully depleted and likely stopped ten minutes or so before this note. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #653 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (12:43 PM)

So about 90 minutes with the external 222 battery. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #654 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (12:45 PM)

Now the 14.12.150 battery test is starting volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #655 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (02:33 PM)

Now the 14.12.150 battery test has ended volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #656 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (02:34 PM)

01:48 - so it did as well, if not better than the 222 battery. [thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #657 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:17 PM)

Looks like failed to note the start of the time of the test of the nxt battery. I can't believe this is the third time or so who has failed to accurately log test start time. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #658 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:17 PM)

Let's assume it was near the end of the last test. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #659 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:18 PM)

Lost track. There's no battery being tested now. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #660 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (04:25 PM)

So, what's the plan? To walk around with the Macbook pro in hand streaming live?

Test the Samsung Galaxy Tab on the chest harness?

Travel in the US will likely permit plug in at hotel. Battery only needed if lap top is used during the day.

How would that work? Visit different places and spend the time on the lap top with prayer breaks?

Knowing whom, once out and about, the people become the "keys" of the keyboard, and who has little interest, or focus on working on the lap top. But that could change. Ideally who would simply pray and work on the lap top while sitting on whose prayer rug in between prayers.

When the lap top is in the back pack, then who would stream via the Galaxy Tab.

Battery weight.

The [Thn/] EVO phone is another option.

It consumed a lot of battery before.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #661 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (08:57 PM)

[Thn/] 1. Didn't do such a good job here today keeping the record thorough in one place.

2. Failed to have audio on to capture correlations.

3.Couldn't ['''''thn] log in successfully at first got a '[' [thn/] '[thn]' in response [crk | ] or say "correlation" / "coincidence" unable to prove which due to data not being thoroughly analyzed as to punctuation marks indicating logical conclusions correlating above the 'coincidence' threshold. Need a random timer set to introduce marks into the text flow and see if they "match" as well as the 'correlations' which are correlations without the need for single quotes, because that's what they are precisely, 'correlations'. As to whether or not they are 'coincidences' whose null hypothesis is they are not coordinations, and are therefore coincidences. Given the spurt of matching 't's with the typing a while back, after '[k/]' marked one and '[tn/]' did not. [crk | ] {Perfect correlate with a punctuation mark, who, what, or why} And, given the fact '[' occurs at a logical cadence in [kn/] {...} as denoted by where '}' occurs and then is sometimes, more fully consciously developed. And given whose life time experience with sports and music, and training dogs, and whose 'feel' '[' is more than a random occurrence. And given '[' [^] the patterns of '[' can occur from [''''''''''''''''''tn] low decibel, gentle reinforcement [kn/] to ['/.^5] repeated, strident cadences, i.e. the range [thn/] over the domain of text and time, who, or why, feels, but needs to better assign grammatical anchors to verify '[', aka, '[...]' is not mere coincidence.

"But I digress" as Mark Twain would say. But I try to make sure the public record [thn/] {Perfect example, who, or why, or what: 'public record' is a significant word, so '[thn/]' here is like underlining it} I, and who else, seek [^] seek

"Ah, both screen casts are the same [c [[thn/]] hn | ]. One

{Could that be a, 'Perfect mark the end of viewer's' frame, who.'?}

"One of the screen shots is supposed to be this window. The other screen shot is supposed to be an area on the screen," But it appears you can only have one screen shot, until you get into 'picture within a picture'.

So many diversions. Trying to address the test, test...

In order... Wow, the keys on this keyboard are more noisy than typing on the laptop keys. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #662 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (08:57 PM)

[Thn/] volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #663 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (09:14 PM)

Who failed to start the broadcast and record functions to record last efforts.

Only able to have one 'screencast' choice at a time. Unable to cue up different screen cast choices in the preview, or 'shot', thumbnails.

Where were we? Trying to enter the amendments to the record from earlier to day which were scattered about between email, buzz, fax, here, and where else?

1.Upon waking up who realized who, what, or why, had stridently marked in whose fax when..

The original of that fax is in the other computer and needs to be posted here, and buzz, and facebook.

2."The Washington Post" link to the article on you today, Ben Bernake, Chairman of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Board, took whom to a sports [hnk] {significant word} article with the headline, or caption, or placement of the words "thank you for shepherding whom" or words to that effect. Later the link was cor- rected; xref: finally getting around to sending the "iTunes Miracle Tickets" faxt to Apple and adding the "Ticketmaster" email selected when who opened whose mail viewer window.

10.The thought that was first and foremost in whose mind when who awoke was, "Go home," the [thn -thn | ] {significant words, perhaps the most important words in this entire sentence, or entry. So symbol for 'significant words' could be swww, and a ranking system from 1 - 7 could be 6 in this case if not 7, so sww 7} Where were we? The thought [desktop slide show is good. You should see this while the typing is going on; xref: Ustream producer pro layers feature.

Erroneous keystroke, or spurious keystroke took whom to a placemarks page volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #664 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (09:18 PM)

Likely added place marks and got a message board saying ' '[''''''thn [[thn]]] [thn] WORKING' in response.

What do [['''''thn/]] {[thn]correction marked by '['} What do repeated ''' denote? It has been established prior to this.

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #665 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (09:36 PM)

Town Hall Voice Mask 00001 is putting an experiment into external memory

...diversion to think and feel ways to include the desktop volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #666 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (09:37 PM)

Town Hall Voice Mask 00001 is putting an experiment into external memory

...diversion to think and feel ways to include the desktop slide show with the text.

Success by using a larger font.

20. Thje, er, The; ref: Spanish 'j' which, er, which, The thought first and foremost on whose mind when who awoke was "Go home," the advice form the , er, the advice FROM, the Egyptian Army was better than the advice of "make cardboard shields".

Who is not used to, use to, who has been ignored sufficiently in whose long hard climb, who …who hasn't fully developed the attitude that everything who says will be taken with equal weight of importance. Who, or why, failed to note the echo of "reuse milk cartons to put food in them for the demonstrators" was echoed by whose article [thn/] {significant word sww 7. Perhaps the most significant word in this line of logic - because it was the echo of the word 'cardboard' in whose article about demonstrators making what form cardboard which prompted whom to suggest shields from cardboard} Can that mention be found? Not to pin down the reporter, but to clearly illustrate the difference between embellishing on who else's logic and generating your own peacefully happen ing ness es... volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #667 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (09:37 PM)

This is a wild and wooly digression and process analysis. volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #668 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (10:24 PM) fter first trying to respond peacefully, the protesters fought back with rocks and firebombs of their own. Scores of the wounded were carried back on cardboard stretchers to a makeshift clinic set up in a nearby mosque, where they

======NH: Here it is, "cardboard stretchers" ['''thn/] {Perfect mark significance to finding a sig- nificant logical cadence no matter who finds it, who, why, or [Thn/] what [xref: your comic about a fish tank on top of a huge bunch of computers, "Tank McNamara"}[kn/] {And perfect reinforce the thought about the reinforcement, '[kn/]}

Likely if who searches for 'milk containers' who will find that mention PRIOR to "cardboard stretchers"

So, instead of responding with "cardboard shields" to "cardboard stretchers" who should have either added it to whose list of thoughts to review after making intention to pray, but before making whose call to prayer. Or, who should have stopped

volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #669 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (10:47 PM)

Town Hall Voice Mask 00001 is putting an experiment into external memory

...diversion to think and feel ways to include the desktop slide show with the text.

Success by using a larger font. 20. Thje, er, The; ref: Spanish 'j' which, {{sounds like an 'h'}} er, which, The thought first and foremost on whose mind when who awoke was "Go home," - the advice form the , er, the advice FROM, the Egyptian Army was better than the advice of "make cardboard shields".

Who is not used to, use to, who has been ignored sufficiently in whose long hard climb, who …who hasn't fully developed the attitude that everything who says will be taken with equal weight of importance. Who, or why, failed to note the echo of "reuse milk cartons to put food in them for the demonstrators" was echoed by whose article [thn/] {significant word sww 7. Perhaps the most significant word in this line of logic - because it was the echo of the word 'cardboard' in whose *article* about demonstrators making what form {{from}} cardboard which prompted whom to suggest shields from cardboard} Can that mention be found? Not to pin down the reporter, but to clearly illustrate the difference between embellishing on who else's logic {{compared to}} ['''''''''thn/?>*:\ ...//2011:02:03/02:04? or is it still :02:02/02:03? 02:04! So is it 02:04/02:05 yet? {See this uncertainty about having to guess what day it is - despite the fact the day is supposedly displayed in whose [''''''kn/] {significant word coming up ssw 7 [kn |] *tool bar*. You with think with a good system, one look and you would know what day it was EVERYwhere on your planet, if you thought like a sovereign instead of a subject. Right? Sovereigns like to be sure. That's why they ARE sovereigns. People trust their word. People think they are fair enough; ref: "Establish justice" is the first, or closest, pre-requisite "in order to form a more perfect Union"} You would think the coolest social network would either display dual days, or adopt a universal, global filing system for all users to know what is going on where when, without a lot of delay of computation to figure it out. Perhaps who is hiding behind the delay and confusion, and keeping competition out.]] {Back to our story, as you say, Wavy Gravy} generating your own peacefully happen ing ness es… ======Null Hypothesis//

======NYTimes.com, or WasingtonPost.com:

"after first trying to respond peacefully, the protesters fought back with rocks and firebombs of their own. Scores of the wounded were carried back on cardboard stretchers to a makeshift clinic set up in a nearby mosque, where they =====NYTimes.com or WashingtonPost.com//

======NH: Here it is, "cardboard stretchers" ['''thn/] {Perfect mark significance to finding a sig- nificant, logical cadence - no matter who finds it, who, why, or [Thn/] what {{Perfect timing to emphasis the following word, '[thn/] sww It's a very common word, but seven again, because 'what' is signif [thn/] gantly different from who, or why regarding independence of logic, connectivity to bio-logic, and social trust networks. So sww 7}}

[xref: your comic about a fish tank on top of a huge bunch of computers, "Tank McNamara"}[kn/] {And perfect reinforce the thought about the reinforcement, '[kn/]'} {{A single quote denotes the phrase itself, and not the occurrence of the event; xref: handling "ice nine" ======Null Hypothesis//

======Null Hypothesis:

Likely if who searches for 'milk containers' who will find that mention PRIOR to "cardboard stretchers"

So, instead of responding with "cardboard shields" to "cardboard stretchers" who should have either added it to whose list of thoughts to review - after making intention to pray, but before making whose call to prayer.

Or, who should have stopped… ((Went back to the top and read and edited down to here ?>*:\ ...//2011:02:04/02:03 {Computation to determine if 02:03 still exists anywhere on the surface of the earth. It does. But do I need to go back and insert that ahead of the day my clock shows? Usually going back indicates I've made a mistake. I wasn't sure, or what? So who put a prior event AFTER an event in whose chronologic anchor. Thus [kn/] whose filing system [thn/] swws *Thus* and *filing system* Competition: '[kn/]' a less frequent occurrence in on the 'buzzer'; {xref: game shows} first…While '[thn]' more frequent in on the exact word after 'thus'; ref: whose feeling '[Thn/]' marked the paragraph in the fax to Apple with so many '[thnk]'s in a row as to be expressing strong support for that choice of "or as we usually do, you take my idea and implement it to the best of your ability and constraints and give me only your love and support to get ourselves elected and really solve some of our biggest problems" - or words to that effect Still find the fax and enter it into the spotting chronologic order of records from yesterday. As you can see, it's a lot of division and delay to need to keep track of all the positive reinforcement wo gets. But who tries to account for it, to make clear whose independence, and willingness to accept positive reinforcement from ANY.

…so to connect with the thought digressed from. [kn/] {sww, or significant thought stt [thn/] or significant logic sll compared to say, significant emotion see or what?

So, when who found "cardboard stretchers" after suggesting reusing the milk containers, which are cardboard cartons here, maybe plastic too? But you can refold the top of cardboard ones to keep the food protected… who should have stopped work...

...and prayed

Then the logic of "The Swamp Fox", "Robin Hood", Indigenous American Indians, and other Indigenous people, who "run away" so they can "fight again another day" might have come to mind, BEFORE you, the Egyptian Army were quoted as saying, "Go home," excellent advice.

Don't stay home. Don't go home directly. But get home. Recharge, regroup, and like the brothers in Syria, make a schedule: every Thursday in February, is whose plan to demonstrate.

Very sensible.

My error.

No light banter, elaboration on whose echos.

Instead. Deep, thoughtful prayer about whose weight and moment, aka, balance. And flow; xref: Balance sheets, and income statements. Who has done a good job.

Who tried to stay peaceful.

Who got pushed into regressive rock throwing.

Who arrived with battery suggestions.

Throw Optical computer disks, not rocks; xref: the three pillars of Shatan. ref: whose lesson: "Throw small rocks: there are people throwing from the other side,"

After thinking about it, who realized who meant more than the other side of the pillar. [kn/] {Perfect edit point who ?>*:\ ...//2011:02:03 {Maybe it's to stop people who haven't a lot of skill programming from having their computers automate globally?} ?>*:\ ...//2011:02:03/02:04:12:22:270*] ['''''kn/] {Who seems very sensitive to praise; xref: frequency of '[kn]' since above observation re: frequency of '[thn/]' and degree of nuance… what were the exact words?

Searching for '[k' brings search result of '[t'. Tried a second time got search result of 'graven'; xref: "Thou shalt not worship any graven, or engraven images, or even any set patterns, but instead use the logic able to be applied to any situation, use the logic to open first, and foremost, and always, aka, worship, the one God, the one, who, or why, (but NOT 'what', although 'what' can have 'who', or 'why' resident in 'what' via software, and programmers who update}, but 'Who', or 'why', does not need any; xref: "Thou shalt not kill, not even to eat - imagine how far we could get, if we could live off of in-organic matter, or even pure energy - without the need for photo synthetic, or mechanical processing, - a coherent light beam the structure of which feeds upon starlight, pure energy, self sustaining… xref: "warp speed", but who digresses again.

Back to our story:

The date and the time anchor for the last third person event, or second person by this stage of whose proximity and duration… ? >*:\ ...//2011:02:03/02:04:12:31:270* {Note delay in opening the date:time xref: fear of who knowing [thn/] where you are; xref: "Where is security, when is love - we try to talk about 'When can I see you again?' That way we can meet anywhere," But if you set your clock to a different time zone from where you are, you don't need to worry about publicly opening your clock unless there is other data like a local time in the slide show here which will give you away. But more important than hiding [thn/] is to work for civilization so no one needs to hide. But what about competition? People on the same team can still compete with one another; xref: spring training, varsity, junior varsity, and what else? Minor league baseball stadiums or fields; xref: one tour you took, ['''''tn] Bob. {{"significant word,"}} sww {{*bob*}}, {{"significant emotion"}} [''''thn/] seee *amature sports, minor leagues, "What can a small guy like me, do at a big show like this? 2000, friendship*, -}} {{"significant logic"}} slll {{logic of competition without hiding - competing for positions on the same team, without making private deals with other players on your team, but letting your friendships, and preferences be known ON the field; xref: ON the table, NOT under the table [Thn/ thn/. thn/ Thn/!] slogic 7}} all three

The writer gets credit for bringing up all three. The reinforcers get credit for being "such a lovely audience" (Lennon/McCartney "Sgt. Pepper"; xref: Sargent flea collars; xref: flee; xref: "Go home," - happy unplanned coincidence of your advice as quoted in whose report, Egyptian army - with wanting to protect your audience after a show when who is most vulnerable trying to get home.

So the Egyptian Army should open the way to make sure streets out of the square permit …not necessarily take down the barricades, NO, but in a wider perimeter around the square and the barriers, behind the demonstrators make sure those streets which lead away toward home are secure from ambushes, so who will naturally get the idea, it's safe to go to the mosque and pray for days, and go home when who is least likely to track whom home.

Gave up on the search for '[k'. Try again? volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #670 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (10:52 PM)

The experiment being put, or placed [Thn/ ] [k/ kn/ kn/ kn/ Kn/.]; xref: you VVP, into external memory is getting better.

Recorded on 2/4/11, or 2/3/11 depending upon what time zone you are in.

Experiment scientific laboratory treasure house oldest house of God control variable significance correlation coincidence coordination volley2.ind 144: ?>*:\ ...//2011:01:23/24:00:15* Who, or why, is greater - more able to stand alone, and / or stand with? #671 of 671: William Hale (hinging0) Thu 03 Feb 2011 (11:14 PM)

Test. "OK, Test. Why couldn't I find… Why couldn't who find ' [thn/] {Note the space between ''' and '[thn/]' indicate [thn/] occurred while who was finishing typing " ' ". Not to be confused with '[thn/].

'[ …the search for " '[ " brings up accurate search results. 34 matches. It's almost as if who wanted [thn/] to be fair {perfect mark a significant logic over and above the particular word, '[thn/]'; xref: "wanted to be fair" *logic*7, then *word*1-7, and *emotion*1-7? [Thn/] {seconded.} {Who tends to think a little longer before digesting the acceptance of an idea like that. It puts the word and the label in the same format *to be fair*, or *wanted to be fair* is the *logic*7 reinforced, typo humor: reinformed; ref: 'forms' and expert software, and txteagle.com and getting software forms so anyone can analyze their logic and the reinforcement thereof like this. ['''''''''''''''''''''''''thn/ thn/ - like a musician playing with another musician who wants whom to know who is there an in on the song compared to an appreciative audience who waits until the end of a song, or major solors, or what to respond.

Good. Who needs ['''''''''''''''thn/] *needs* *word*7 * to learn to work / perform in harmony in real time with others *logic*7 *emotion*7

Where were we? Searching to find the spot where the fax marking was so strong who wondered about who at Apple assuming who wanted the non-monetary outcome to prevail, vs. giving Apple an unbiased choice between compensating whom the way everyone else needs to be compensated, or holding out [kn/] {Perfect mark an end point, who *logic*7} The other thought who wanted to add was Apple has the ability to donate to whose cause, and provide a tax deduction from themselves, and tax free income for whom. So, who [thn/] {Perfect predict logic of significance who, or why} needs to finish the paper work on getting a tax deductible non-profit organization number.

Or who can accept donations as an individual and pay "gift tax".

Did we cover that sufficiently?

Frequency of '[kn/]' increased after the mention of the strongly marked paragraph by '[thn/]' then '[kn]' went back to it's lower frequency.

Back n 1994 when who was writing about the least intrusive learning environment, who suggested capacitors in the circuit so who would have a finite number of marks who, or why, could make, and after using a high frequency of marks, the 'slow chat' function would kick in and who, or why, would have to wait longer between marks, but only after what duration of what frequency.

So [kn/] this is about as good as that, if not better */logic* {predicted logic vs. after the fact mark *\logic*}7 ======Null Hypothesis// Your pseudonym for this response is... William Hale ? 

Too much output. Try limiting your search by adjusting the search options. Setting a specific timeframe to search is particularly effective in reducing the amount of output.

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