Drunks .-To Go Free

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Drunks .-To Go Free • "' -~::i" .~ L ,. * ..•, ~ . t • ".v , 4 ::'~ ~ " :.. ,.. " " ":~;"i)!;. .~I)I"i~t''~, .-. ~;~.:-"- - . -. ' :':., ,: ' /,'(-';' ""! , .:. ~"'"!,~.!ic~!~~D~par~,~0n~,'*.-- ' ., ~ ,', :.* : ~ • E:Jg 1966 BXI~ILnNI~ PANEl. :lust right for camper or family'unlt I~. ~C. ¥4,~, .V-8, big 6 . .... ~~r~. automatic ..... .....$2295 • 1TERRA.Cf. ,:... .: radio;...:, .., p "'7 ~" " . Servinq. Terrace, ~he Hub City of the Mighty Skeena Valley in Northwestern British Columbia -" ~ .; " '. - ' , :i.,, *. '. __ .. ~. ,':~ •~. .: . /, ~.. :~; 18Pages ". '"- ' " ~..;, ~ . : .. :~ 59thYEAR-- No. 50 • . ~ .... ' Wednesdav~Jul~ 5, I°~57 "" ' ' lOcaCopy. : - ' ~ " ' ' 4,000 Pre~ Run ~ '.:/ .... DRUNKS .-TO GO FREE. ~-~;~k ON TERRACE ST,REET$ Reeve raps I1' I The most event - packed week. " experiment end in Terrace is over. And the whole town thinks it was great. I by Bonner That~ s the way you have to describe the community' s cele- Drunks will not be arrested bration of Dominion Day, this" on Terrace streets. year Canada's 100th birthday That is the effect of an order as a nation. issued by the Attorney Genc- The program included major ral ~s Department to local eVents~ a down town parade RCMP. through Terrace streets and The amnesty to drunks is not formal dedlcatlon of the Cm- confined to Terrace. Kitimat tennlal Building, a llbrary-mt~ and Wanderhoof . are also'In, scum complex. cluded. Ann so many olher events to Terrace Municipal Council interest the public that It took have fired a strong Protest to a full page last week to list AttOrney General Robert W. them. Bonnero COUNCIL LETTER Centennial Committee chair- '. : - . ~'-.. :~. ,',.i:.i'~' ~. -~'. .~ •Reeve A.F. Goulet wrote: to man A.J. Bed McCoH said he the Attorney General. was more than pleased with the "On behalf of the citizens ot program. Terrace~ the Council has direc- ~What pleased me most was ted that I write you. protesting the spirit of the people them- most stz'ongly the regulation selves," he said. from your department to the "It was,a celebration for the :~,~ RCMP of our area prohibiting people by the people and they ?~.~.L- the prosecution of intoxicated cartatnly co-operated. Everyone persons.~, seemed to realize thiswasCana- TheReeve continued: "While da' s big birthday party.' I am able to appreciate the con, Terrace citizens let their hair corn which you haveformedical down during the day and well treatment of chronic alcoholics Into the night en Saturday. I cannot see where your regula- tion will prdvide the necessary • Bdt.pellce reported that the SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT on a bright smmy day was the beauty contest winner in Saturday' s Dominion Day celebrations. treatment, particularly in the fact that pretty Anita Carlson, ~vas~!he old-fashioned bathing Anita was the Catho]/c Women's League entry. crowds were well behaved. • ,. , • , ,aYe.a:..'~ ._.~___ _: .... J RCMP ' Staff Sergeant John WON'T IGNORE THEM Maidens commented: "Thbtown m'" -. In Ter~'ace at least, drunks was qulte well controlled," he . , ..i. will-not be ignored. said. "The public accepted~the . - !. • RCMP Staff Sergeant John weekend.... *-"=--I as an occasion of go0d No. new. ' ; "" . Ts....~" cases: i " Maldens~ told the Herald that i o.lean entertainment.', MIOIIITY :TERRACETHIRST CLOS|D ' people found intexicated on the Floats committee chairm~ KINSmN'S Hmutnuto ODUNS streets would be apprehended Tom Keuna praised a,an allout revealed by test and then sent home. • " ' effort. It was indeed gratifyIng UWe can' t 'allow people in that to see so:~.~_~ay ~I~.~.~.(¢!D,J~ k~. : :Don,:t~}.,un~r~imat~ .a Turrs~*thlrst Cn::a .warm Dominlon condttion ~W~ thp.~treets,.~...,~ all) whlcl(added.~ lunch to the 'Malden*b:~ld,"' i. ' ~: ,. :,.:~1.: residents for their suunort~of TB tests I success of the day.' ' I * .Local: Kinsmen" Club' did, but~Ley, re not "in abject misery. No explanation has been rec'el- / And celebration committee ::.. There Heidelberg Beer Gai.den sold' some. three "th6uselld ' veal as to why the Attorney Gen, chairman Mrs, EdnaCocpel'hed i - man revealed" by-the ,admission tickets and some 6,000 bottles of beer, and 700 plates eral selected this area for what a comment ou the crowds*'The tests. ', ..... .~. : ~ i-. oftood. ~. • ' , , , • ~ / • seems to be a move to cut down Sea story below. - ...... tremendous turnout of the people And some 89 per oent'of the The beer was-consumed by 10:$0Ssturday night insteadof on the number of ~alcoholics was spectacular." she.said. for msault population took the treuble to the estimated midnight hour. " . ' i. now using .cell space in provin- L .' -- • be tested at.the mobile Opera. • Th~qgardens kept hopping all day withband music and volun- cial Jails. r : " n : Judges of the parade gave f~e tion Doorstep vans by .'free X- teer entertainmen11;~ :. ' *, . , j JAILS CLUTTERED .... ' French Canadian club entry first on police rays and tuberculin Skin tests, Kh~s~n will turn over their preceeds to the Ice Arena Fun~ Attorney-General Bonner says prize for the best decorated - Operation Doorstep organizer The iser~ce c'lub has pledged, supply the $31,000 ice-making British Columbia's courts and i : Vandals desecr e entry. .... " ' Bert Johnson~.~sald that 7,56g plant. .. " " " . Jarls are "cluttered up" with B.C. Telephone company took District Magistrate Harvey persons were'tested~ including • , . , . , drunks and motorists charged the me.st original award and the Jessop sentenced a mantothree 2,769 students who "were given with miner offences. : 1 'best community effort citation months'. Jail fo~ assaulting a their TB skin teatsat school . , . '/! • I He has ordered his depart- Terrace gravesnte: went to the Italian Club, police officer in Terrace 'Magi. Adults andI l)re-s~hoolers vlsl. C.rtew on Imblk parks ment to review the sltuationand In'other contests Chrls Gag- strafe' s Court last week. ted the mobile Christmas Seal to . lnstLtute trial " programs non took the award for the best Magistrate Jessop impdsed vans which moved fl'om district A group of local goons get their kicks by firtugpot shots thesentenceonStanleyMcLaren .to district on: a daily basis. at grave markers in Kitsumkalum cemetery. board In town. Other awards Crackdown ordered lion.aimedat al.leviating the situs. went to Mitch Cole (bushiest Mltchell. " - • .: • , POSITJVE. REACTION .. ' In general~ consideration is Brock Norberg (most stylish) Mitchell attacked police:u w.~.when Chest"x~.'r~-were" examihed being given to elimination ef I: Favored targets are tomb. Don .King (funni~st) and Norm .ha~ted r on susplcl0n of impairedipalred. by che~ s~ciallst/Dr. Dough Fwco tiros" stones and statues In the ceme- McTachen (l~est moustache.~ driving, ," , . ' MacKenzle~Of.the B~C~ Govern- on parks dr lilkers • , . *,=e- -ficAtoffelldersTerraee.andKitimatdrunks,and.Van. =. ,,,., o, m,no, tery. : ~:', ,: Old fashioned bathing behuty He also found guilty el theim' ment' S division of TB Control, HoHd lbly, :: A marble statue of ,hanged award wenttoCatholic Women*s, paired driving charge and was who was in Terrace for Opera. derhoof police have been erected by. Miklos Komlos abev~ League entrant sentenced to.14 daysconcurrent tionDoorstep. " .- ~.'.. ... '" Instructed not to arrest com. VANCOUVER (CP)- Riuty! Anita Carsons, Dog of the Year, in 1963 ancl the kraVes of'his wife and Iris with the three.month'sentence.. In the Survey q86. persons mcn drunks. Only persons sus- mother has beew: extensively He was "also prohibited from showed a pos'itive reacUou to "L~,k for a crack._dowu en drinking in local provincial parks, pected of more serious offences 1964 is retiring from • the Van. couver police force at the age damaged by the unknown lame- driving for one year. • .. their tuberculin skln.test'~a red Area s ~rovmcial Far~s sup- I such as c..using a disturbance brains, ' " .:: . : :. " The district magistrate also bumP on their arm, 48 hours ervizer Bruce Carruthers has 1 ' . will be apprehended. of eight. Rain eases called for actiowto curb drink- I ~ ~.~ ..... CROSS OVERTURNED sentenced a man.charged with after the tuberculin test was The. :'staEue,. imported .from stabbing to one day's Jail and admInistered.~ , _ , .., lng at beaches and picnic sites. italy[~iS ~valued at more than Imposed a $1.000 fine. "L These people will be remind- Local RCMP have pro~nlsed fire hazard: $~500.,~,-, .... , . , James Allen Jones wasarres, ed next year to have a repeat action. "The police will be pat- rolling the parks/~ RCMP Staff A smiler cross'iimrker ~n ted by RCMP after a dance hall chest x.ray, as they are constd- the Komlos family pl0t has bean Last weeK' s raiu improvecltUe scuffle April 28. ered a susceptible group, having Sergeant John Maidens said. fire hazard situation on this part repeatedly overturned and i' ' The folld~vmg . convictioas been in contact with someone A new provincial camp ant, of the province. picnic site opens atFurlongBay damaged. twere also m'ede in Terrace Mag- .with active tuberculosis." ' Mrs, Komlos said 'that A Prince Rupert DistrictFire. ,/atr~e-;~ Court lastweekbef6t:e FALL SCHEDULE . this week, somefour miles south ., summary issued for the week of the present Lakelse picnic FAMILY .UPSET Magistrate C..T. Norrington: Preliminary figures isdicate Mrs, 'nilus Koml0s, daughter endIng'June 30 noted: Michael David" Led,for, shop. that nonewcasesofaotivetuber. site. (See also pagonine) " "With moderate rain on the Parks supervizer Carr~bers ~olaw~ of Mlklos Komlos, said .1 liftlng~' Sentenced to 30 daysj, culosis were found, although me ~amily was very upset by coast and scattered showers Harold Making, having Car'( sx~( there Is one suspected case. said he was particularly con. throughout the interior the fire cerned at under-age, drinkers the repeated acts of vandalism. c0ntr0| of n~otol--.Vehicle while I Two unl~own inactlye cases ° Mrs. J~tus Komlos Said that hazard is generally lowlto mode, impaired fined $125; 24 con. [ were uncovered, and'une child who arousing the sites. ~ i~ rate however, in the Smither~ "We have to put a stop to •repeated: eomplalnts ~had been vfctions" for.speedingiabdminor was,placed on drug the~apy~a~ made t0.the.i~Mp but the van.
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