Stagger 10/02/2017 12:39 PM Contadictions abound! I won't use reserve tanks to skip an inventory space or three, yet low percentage rather than minimalist, I'll use an extraneous teleporter to leave w/ the High Jump Boots.

Another classic sprite btw - why don't they turn Aran's feet yellow? Exiting w/ those at high velocity makes the collapsing columns in the vertical shaft even cooler. :)

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 12:58 PM This strikes me as either HJBoots, Spider Ball, or fancy horizontal arc bomb jump mandatory. I've spawned the post- enemies here to look for Ice Beam solutions. Maybe a Spring Ball/bomb trick?

I forgot about Arachnus btw. Wasted time trudging back up there after saving down here in the main hunting grounds ... E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 1:08 PM Yup, Spring Ball hop, lay bomb, Spring again does the trick there ... a sandy one block width area w/ a missile block cap and a couple other long leaps seem to be the strongest High Jump check roadblocks. Bet you've already dealt with all this on your post 'doer, heh ...

Between forgotten Arachnus and not setting this teleporter in a conflicted minimalust moment, cost myself five minutes in A2 ..

E Yeah♥ e0 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 1:42 PM I'll have to throw caution to the wind a bit and pick up the pace, as entering A3 I was about sixteen minutes behind my eventual 2:49:xx split. Not like the later fights are going to get shorter on minimal resources ...

Halzyn Counters might be my favorite of the normal enemies ...

E Yeah♥ e0 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 1:55 PM I wasn't aware of this! None of the inventory slots count towards percentage! This is a zero mission gents. :p Another thing I hadn't paid attention to ... does each Aeion item increase the maximum energy bar?

I'd like to rampage through the rest of the mines before lunch. Time to get those yeoman hands dirty lady. E Yeah!? e1 D

Nintendoer 10/02/2017 2:05 PM Yep, each new aeion ability after Scan Pulse gives an additional 150 points to use, for a minimum of 1450.

I'll call my minimalist conditions a -2% run. =P

E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 10/02/2017 2:29 PM ·Spoilers Eureka! Here’s how these little areas in Gamma rooms are used!

Probably not as efficient as other means though. I’ll need to do some testing...

E Yeah!? e2 D Stagger 10/02/2017 2:33 PM Haven't you heard the old math conundrum comrade? Three times .6 repeating is only 1.9 repeating. :p Heh, no, taking fractional humor out of it, if you're forced to use the reserve tank, I'm not sure how you'll categorize it. Will you eschew any teleporters that aren't madatory activations? I wouldn't mind doing so when I have the under four ending to complete the rolling file.

Nice work. Lunch!

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 3:05 PM How am I just noticing that's not a mineral formation, but a giant crystal- backed arthropod?

@'doer: Plowed right through those spoilers, heh. Brilliant! That could be a huge timesaver when the Gammas decide they want to stay on the ground after a Counter.

@Sciz: Yeah this if you want me to correct you on your post based on the official guide's enemy section I perused at work. So far, so good. E Yeah!? e1 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 3:29 PM Easy there Sammie. Don't jeopardize the zero mission ... part two ... um, yeah. Diggernaut is still awesome.

E Yeah♥ e0 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 3:36 PM It only took me six playthroughs to have that chase down cold. :p Such a wonderful use of available capabilities ...

I have to say, a new main series Metroid can't come soon enough. Were it not for a busy upcoming gaming schedule through about February, I'd pour myself into replaying it right now. E Yeah! e1 D

Brandon 10/02/2017 4:01 PM The Shadow of War is upon you too?

E Yeah♥ e1 D

Nintendoer 10/02/2017 4:27 PM I’m not sure what to make of the Spider Ball skip now. I tried a little harder to get past these blocks per your suggestion, Stagger. They respawn immediately, making it impossible to get past. Compare this to the skip, where they respawn quickly, but it’s not instant.

Even a slight change in level design, whether it’s making the blocks instantly respawn like these or lowering the floor...

E Yeah! e0 D Nintendoer 10/02/2017 4:29 PM ...beneath the blocks, would have prevented the Spider Ball skip. Perhaps it was intentional after all?

Anyway, I’m thinking a High Jump-less Space Jump may be able to get through here. I’ll try that on my -1.999...% Fusion playthrough, just out of curiosity. =P

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 4:45 PM Fascinating bro. Intentional microscopic adjustment, eh? Should the alternative technique work however, it would sadly defeat the purpose of the early Super.

@Weave: Followed by Odyssey, Zero Dawn dlc, BotW dlc, XC2, Ni no Kuni 2 ... not even mentioning Axiom Verge's physical release on Switch and an Okami remaster on PS4.

These Zeta fights are funny w/ 5 super missiles. If I don't get a ground

E Yeah! e2 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 5:03 PM Counter prior to a grapple opening, the chance at a two stage demolition is lost. Last Checkpoint! :p Mixed bag w/ your Gamma revelation comrade ... they have that huge pulse attack that can make a hash of of Aeion resources using both Armor and Boost. Barring that, it ends matters quickly in the right circumstances.

Trying to sabotage my shortcuts w/ your pickups eh designers? Well played.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 6:03 PM Heading for the home stretch! Took a little “adults pay bills” break after the oxymoronic first Omega, then endured an extra cycle in phase two w/ old mega mitts ... should be in fine shape time-wise. Now if I can just remember to toggle the Lightning Armor off during the Melee Counter on the three hulking fiends in Area 7 ... E Yeah♥ e0 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 6:50 PM The Chozo Laboratory was as harrowing as I expected - and then some! Getting around through all of the automated defenses is nothing, especially w/ the Lightning Armor, but the Omegas ... good grief. I'm lucky I'm working w/ a good half hour cushion for the under-4 ending, because under zero percent conditions, tnose are slugfests!

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 7:35 PM *those* Interesting bit of resource management on the brood mother, when to use the big guns and such ... failed a few times, but I believe I've hit a separate post milestone. Best to boast before Miiverse is no more, eh?

E Yeah! e0 D Stagger 10/02/2017 8:15 PM ·Spoilers I guessed right! Samus in the lurid bare midriff number from Super Metroid's under 3 hour ending ... basically, two retcon looks of the three fast finales, heh.

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 10/02/2017 8:25 PM Obviously, stay out of that one Nintenbroer. Victory was sweet. It was gratifying to modify my tactics on Ridley, focusing on defense and saving resources for the late-breaking opportunities. The fact that the fight took me twice as long was such a contrast to the “get her before she gets me” Queen bout. A model for my seventh and final run of this binge tomorrow after work - Normal low file time.

E Yeah! e0 D Sciz 10/03/2017 5:59 AM ·Spoilers No. It’s not. It’s a very different outfit. They are nothing alike.

E Yeah! e0 D

Sciz 10/03/2017 6:01 AM ·Spoilers Sorry, you’re just the second person to make that connection mistakenly. You’re playing Fusion mode, not Super mode.

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 10/03/2017 3:37 PM ·Spoilers Since I have no experience w/ the additional Fusion endings, apologies for the error then Deano ... a number of reasons I haven't pursued them. Mainly it doesn't save them unless I were to hunt down GBA carts of it and ZM ... given your track record, I doubt you've actually seen them on your own screen anyway. :p

E Yeah! e0 D

Sciz 10/03/2017 3:40 PM ·Spoilers Not while playing Fusion, no. But both her Fusion and ZM best ending outfits are in the new Smash Bros (which I know doesn’t really affect you), so I’ve just been surprised that people jump to it being a Super reference.

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 10/03/2017 3:41 PM ·Spoilers Ahem ... Dean, you're the one in error, not I. I just looked at my saved screen shot from Super's under three hour ending, and they're not very different at all. same wristbands, boot cut, general color, perhaps a bit more revealing thanks to the SR character model ... if the one from Fusion is more of a perfect match, good for it, but that high horse you rode in on came up lame.

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 10/03/2017 3:44 PM I didn't mean to be so rude Sciz. Sorry bro. Just got home from work, a little cranky ...

E Yeah... e1 D

Sciz 10/03/2017 3:48 PM ·Spoilers Sorry about that. I’m not really sure why I felt it necessary to be so curt. My second post was to try and clean up after myself, but it ended up being rude as well.

But it’s a one-to-one match to her Fusion outfit. Color, boots, and, most notably, shorts.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 10/03/2017 3:56 PM ·Spoilers Right, as opposed to a bikini bottom ... from your account, I would say the Super outfit is the inspiration for the Fusion one. Wish I could post the screen here ...

E Yeah! e1 D

Sciz 10/03/2017 4:06 PM I still need to finish Super...

E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 10/03/2017 4:09 PM Super Missile pickup past the Phase Drift bridge in A3 Nintendoer ... not sure if this is the only occurrence of a regular missile block guarding one, the most convenient to sequence break, etc.

Dean and I were just discussing ending screen spoilers there, me acting childish and Sciz aloof before apologies. Our standard comedy bit heh ... I do want to open up the question about that Chozo Memory E Yeah! e0 D

Stagger 10/03/2017 4:12 PM to everyone here. Are the Chozo pacifying the Hornoads and Gulluggs pictured by withdrawing something into those lanterns, or giving something? Does this cause the X-Parasite outbreak? An unforseen immune system deprivation? Perhaps the Dark Chozo faction executed these hippies for incompetence.

E Yeah! e0 D

Sciz 10/03/2017 4:19 PM I was under the impression that they were drawing the life out of the animals for power, while doing so eventually discovering the X, then building that technology into their creation, the Metroids. It seems rather dark for what we know of the Chozo, though.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 10/03/2017 4:30 PM Upon close inspection, Gulluggs are bringing Hornoads to them! Animal husbandry? This subsequent image is curious too, as the placid Tsumuri (sp?) are an object of study, the more aggressive Halzyn defended against.

I'm still not 100% sold on Metroid creation btw. It seems the more likely of the two possibilities, but they could have imported them in those containers too.

E Yeah! e0 D

Sciz 10/03/2017 5:20 PM I’m not sure why the Gulluggs are acting the way they are, but it seems likely to me that they are studying and using Aieon energy. Perhaps it’s unique to SR388, prevalent within the species there, or at least uniquely concentrated. Though that wouldn’t explain why Ridley drops a ton. Probably has something to do with Metroids and the X on a wider scale.

E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 10/03/2017 7:05 PM I agree with Sciz. Perhaps the abundance of life on SR388 is the perfect place to study Aeion energy, but it’s prevalent in all life forms. Perhaps that energy is what sustains Metroids, even...but that wouldn’t explain the energy transference the Metroid does for Samus in both this game and Super.

It’s hard to say at this point.

E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 8:49 AM Check it out. This is with the High Jump Boots, too...and it's possible to recover after hitting the spikes. Stagger, this is a definite "yes". I'll report back once I succeed.

E Yeah!? e1 D

Stagger 10/04/2017 9:30 AM Awesome ... minimalism will be pure evil heh. That means the Phase Drift can likely be skipped too, through what I call the wobbles. :p Near straight line Space Jumping - I can do it fairly well vertically. Horizontal is tough!

I'm waffling on seventh playthrough for now. As much as I want to set a strong low file time before Miiverse ends, I also wanted to log the DS LoZ games, and have irons in

E Yeah! e0 D Stagger 10/04/2017 9:34 AM the fire on PS4. Shadow of War will be a week or two of gaming life, I'm actually mildly excited for Odyssey ... hrrm. Yup, no more SR just yet.

As far as the Memories discussion, I hadn't linked Aeion to that visual. Man, I'm oblivious.

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 10:08 AM Finally! Darn...there is some seriously strict timing required here.

This is a bigger breakthrough than the Spider Ball skip.

E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 10:13 AM Although...

I got it...but I don't have it. This trick is possible, but skipping the initial Super Missiles? Not so much. Lucky for me, I don't need to do this again. =P

I'll report back with one more screenshot to see if I have six of 'em initially. E Yeah... e0 D

Stagger 10/04/2017 10:14 AM Hats off! In theory, won't the skip be easier without the High Jump Boots?

These times to beat in Crash are busting my hump just like they did in high school. :p I'd love to hear some about your Sundered experience sometime too bro.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 10/04/2017 10:15 AM Aw what a ripoff! so you pick up the expansion but get bupkus for it? E Yeah... e1 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 10:20 AM Yep. But at least there's an invisible counter for them.

Well, I can scratch that off my list of minimalist conditions.

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 10/04/2017 10:26 AM On the plus side, you're back to not incurring a percentage heh ... but the run w/ a lone Super would have made the Queen in particular an absolute nightmare. Phase Drift skip ahoy! :p So Sakamoto didn't want a repeat of the sneaky early Super Missile from ZM eh?

E Yeah♥ e0 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 10:55 AM I'm working on a new Super skip...I don't remember if there are any mandatory Super Missile doors besides this one, but the Gravity Suit shortcut may be possible to get through with both the Spider Ball and Space Jump. Bomb, un-spider, get launched into the spikes, which should give enough upward movement to unmorph and Space Jump the rest of the way before hitting the lava. E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 10:59 AM ...Which actually wasn't that tough.

One more hitch; Getting through the lava will require a reserve tank for minimalist play. I'm possibly starting to see two different -2% runs one can do...

E Yeah! e1 D

Stagger 10/04/2017 11:01 AM Clever! However ... mandatory Super Missile block to reach the Alpha in A4. Also, if the skip requires both the Spider and Space, you're kind of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Two for one, plus the lack of Spider drastcally alters two of the three biggest fights, whereas a lack of Super Missiles just increases the exposure ...

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 11:45 AM Right, I thought there was another way to the Metroid, but both paths are Super-required.

Not to mention the shortcut I took is one-way only. Ever wonder what a blocked door looks like from the other side? =P I may be trapped in here if a Super Missile doesn't remove it from this side...

Which means

E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 11:49 AM Didn't mean for those stray words to be there...A Super did eradicate the barrier from that side. Here's my reward for the whole ordeal! The barrier icon is still on my map. =P

All right, enough fooling around until I try skipping Phase Drift... E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 12:23 PM Which does not look doable. These are the instantly-regenerating variety, and those spikes are way too close to be able to recover and space jump across.

Alright, so High Jump Boots, Spider Ball, and Space Jump it is. Although it's likely I'll grab the Space Jump, as I tried, and could not get a horizontal Bomb Jump to work. The most I could muster was a 45º diagonal jump.

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 12:25 PM Which may be enough to cross with a reserve tank, but we'll see. I don't think Diggernaut would be possible without it anyway under minimalist conditions.

Alright, that's enough of Sequence Breaking with ND.

E Yeah♥ e0 D

Stagger 10/04/2017 2:58 PM Ah, bummers abound. Enjoyed the insight into your process, mighty android!

E Yeah! e0 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 5:45 PM And on a bonus episode of Sequence Breaking with ND...

I really should make my own post for this...after this run. Screw Attack, no Gravity Suit! Spider Ball required. Same trick as above, except I diagonal bomb jumped off the wall above to make it up.

It works in the water without the Gravity Suit for the first time! Probably an oversight due to the devs not intending you to do this trick. =P E Yeah! e1 D

Nintendoer 10/04/2017 6:17 PM Hey...remember when I couldn't reach this Metroid without the Gravity Suit? Just couldn't get out of the water...

But I CAN get up high enough to latch on to the wall below and Spider Ball up the rest of the way.

I think I can escape Area 5 while wearing green!

E Yeah!? e1 D

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