Broadband for Development in the ESCWA Region Enhancing Access to ICT Services in a Global Knowledge Society
Broadband for Development in the ESCWA Region Enhancing Access to ICT Services in a Global Knowledge Society Broadband for Development in the ESCWA Region Enhancing Access to ICT Services in a Global Knowledge Society Acknowledgement and Disclaimer This publication was jointly funded by UN–ESCWA and Alcatel–Lucent, with additional support for final compilation and reproduction from the United Nations Development Account proj- ect “Capacity building for ICT policymaking”. The report was super- vised by Mansour Farah, Team Leader for ICT Policies, ESCWA, and Souheil Marine, Digital Bridge Manager, Alcatel–Lucent, who defined the initial project, jointly led the publication team, contributed to the drafting of various chapters, and assured the overall quali- ty of the publication. In preparing this publication, Ayman El–Sherbiny, First Informa- tion Technology Officer in ESCWA, contributed to the drafting of var- ious chapters and acted as a focal point, defining and coordinat- ing substantive assignments between national and regional consult- ants and the publication team. Imad Sabouni, ESCWA consultant, carried out the regional analysis of case studies, compiled various contributions, and drafted core chapters. Eric Delannoy, Alcatel–Lucent consultant, also contributed to the drafting of vari- ous chapters and provided technical input. Thanks are due to Mohamed Abdel–Wahab and Mohammed Al–Wahaibi, ESCWA consultants, for their valuable contributions of case studies on Egypt and Oman respectively, and also to Habib Torbey, CEO of Globalcom Data Services, for his input on Lebanon. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to Abdulilah Dewachi, Regional Adviser on ICT, ESCWA, and to Samir Aïta, ESCWA consultant, for their review and valuable comments lead- ing to enhancements to the final drafts of the publication.
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