VOL. 1, NO. 3 JULY 2006

Our Valour©

Contents Copyright © 2006

Contact Our Valour [email protected] The Cloth of A Nation By Brian Wilton, Crieff, Perthshire, Fact land’s largest weavers and retailers, to long- Box “It’s a great honour to be custodian of respected academics on both sides of the At- Did you know that Sir Robert Logan what must be the greatest international icon in lantic and private individuals and small busi- married the the world.” says Brian Wilton, Director of Op- nesses around the globe. daughter of King erations for the Scottish Authority. Its function in life? A bewilderingly wide Robert II? “There is no other textile design in exis- range of tasks epitomised by its of tence which has the unique flexibility of “Preserving the past, Promoting the Future”. - its infinite design possibilities that can per- One of its first projects was to establish an mutate up to six or more colours plucked from independent national archive of tartans. In the spectrum and then lay them out in an electronic form it is a huge database – the In- equally infinite number of ways. ternational Tartan Index (ITI) – in which are ISSUE There is no other textile design in the world safeguarded the patterns and histories of over CONTENTS which allows the wearer to celebrate and 6,000 tartans stretching from the Takla Makan proudly proclaim that “I come from this coun- tartan of around 1200BC to a new school tar- Cloth of a Nation 1 try ; this is my family; my clan; my city; dis- tan designed in 2006AD - last week in fact! trict, company, regiment, college, football Supplementing that are thousands of woven Clan Logan DNA 1 team; the list is almost endless!” samples that form the largest tartan cloth col- MacLennan Who? 1 Today’s guardians of the ‘cloth of a nation’ lection in the world. New tartans are added are the Scottish Tartans Authority — estab- each week – recent additions have come from Gowrie Conspiracy 3 lished in 1995 and funded by membership sub- Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Australia and of scriptions, contributions from the tartan indus- course the USA – and applicants line up to get Bethabara Games 5 try and fees for the range of services it offers. A Look Back 6 Its supporters and members range from Scot- Continued on PG 2

The Story Behind 8 Dùrachdan 9 Clan Logan DNA Research MacLennan Who? The Steam Boat 10 By J.J. “Jim” Logan, McLean, VA, USA By Frank Logan, Dartmouth, NS, Canada

In the first installment we introduced you to What Clan do you belong to? Many the Pre1800Logans group and associated Logan’s have become members of Clan Logan DNA Project. We gave you some his- MacLennan, but have they joined the wrong tory and our motives. In this installment we clan? will introduce you to DNA and its possible In the last segment we covered the position utility to genealogy. This will provide back- of the Office of Lord Lyon, in that clan Logan ground helpful in interpreting the results of our was considered a clan without a Chief. We ongoing project. also learned that the last known Chief of that @ In describing DNA, I will use (with permis- name was George Logan of that Ilk, who regis- Produced by HIGHLANDER Graphics for The Clan Logan sion) two graphics from a tutorial available at tered his arms in 1673 with the Public Register Society International Continued on PG 4 Continued on PG 2 VOL. 1, NO. 3 PAGE 2 The Cloth of A Nation Continued from PG 1 tion and advice is a very large - and wel- Scottish mill and turned into valuable come - part of the Authority’s many articles of heritage clothing in the hands their tartans Recorded (Registered) in the tasks. It’s particularly keen on education of skilled sewers and makers. ITI and receive an illuminated certificate. and has recently devised and delivered a A very pleasurably function in which The Authority also established its programme for primary schools, which an increasing part is played by the Au- highly regarded website which now at- mixed history and craft to excellent ef- thority in it’s new headquarters and tracts up to 1500 visitors a day at times, fect with the end product being a new showroom, is identifying and promoting the majority of them looking for their school tartan designed by the pupils. small craft operators whose imagination tartan. Letters, e-mails and phone calls Dealing with the tartan industry and and flair are using tartan in many innova- besiege the Authority’s new Perthshire lobbying on its behalf is another ex- tive ways – hand-woven evening shawls headquarters at times – asking a multi- tremely important task. With cheap tartan to match a partner’s kilt or the revival of tude of questions – “Where can we get imports threatening jobs and jeopardising 18th century Mauchline jewellery. “In this tartan? What should I wear to a Scot- the whole high-quality image of Scot- these days of the Internet,” explained tish Ball? Where can I buy tartan ribbon? land’s Highland dress industry, there’s Brian, “working from a croft in some Can you identify the tartan in this black plenty work for the Authority to do. That isolated community is no bar to access- and white photograph? Will you design a includes not only fighting the tartan forg- ing an international market. Buyers are tartan for our company? Will you come ers from poorer developing countries but becoming much more discerning and are and talk to our club?” also highlighting the benefits of buying willing to pay a premium for products The dispensing of such free informa- the ‘Real McCoy’ tartan, crafted in a from the ‘old country’ that have that magic touch of individual craft skills. If we can help workers in those rural com- MacLennan Who? munities, then we will have performed a Continued from PG 1 very useful role.” “Dealing with the Part of the Authority’s archives is an of All Arms and Bearings in Scotland. extensive library of rare books on tartan, To flesh out the rest of the story, we must tartan industry and Highland dress and clan history — an start to break down some of the persistent extremely valuable resource for research- ers and historians. There is still much myths which have surrounded our two lobbying on its clans for some time. research to be undertaken according to the Authority and one of the fruitful areas The first myth surrounds the tartan behalf is another which our two clans wear. First recorded is North America. “When the Scots emi- grated,” said Brian Wilton, “they would in 1831 by writer (1794- extremely important 1872), in his book "The Scottish take their tartans with them. Settled, far Gael" (ISBN 0 85976 021 9), the name away from home, those tartans assumed a for this tartan was and still is Logan. The task” -Brian Wilton much greater significance and would be only known reference to this tartan be- viewed with nostalgia. That resulted in ginning it’s association with clan Continued on PG 3 MacLennan, is the MacLennan print by R. R. McIan. McIan (1803-1856), was the master- not a surprise and allows them to pay true outcome. If the stories of the mind behind "The Clans of The Scottish homage to the story of the origin of MacLennan origin are taken at face Highlands" (ISBN 0 907486 38 X) which MacLennan. value, and can be believed, this would was published in 1848. McIan, did all of It should also be noted, that until the make them a true clan in their own right. the illustration, while James Logan pro- early 19th century there were no such The founder of the MacLennan’s was vided all of the text. The information thing as “clan” tartans, and there is a at best the great grandson of Gilliegorm provided to Logan on the history of our mountain of evidence to prove this for Logan (a mythical Chief of Clan Logan clan pointed to an ancient link between anyone who wishes to do a quick search from circa 1372), and was far removed the Logan’s and MacLennan’s. There on the subject. from the holdings of the clan Logan. The was still room for other explanations, It would appear that due to the sly MacLennan were subservient to clans which we will cover in more depth lat- wink by McIan in regards to the print of Fraser and MacKenzie at various times. ter. The print for MacLennan, shows a 1848, the Logan tartan would be by con- The issue of Chiefly Arms has come fellow from this clan wearing the Logan sequence clamed by the clan MacLen- up as a point of contention, with the heart tartan, but no name is given to it unlike nan. of the Bruce being incorporated into the every other clan tartan shown. Given the With the subject of clan origins, the Arms of the MacLennan Chief, being style of writing at the time and subtlety's topic has become more heated, but if the used by both the artist and writer, this is facts are laid out, there can only be one Continued on PG 4 VOL. 1, NO. 3 PAGE 3 The Cloth of A Nation The Logan Family of Restalrig and the Gowrie Conspiracy Continued from PG 2 By Stephanie Logan Falls, Plano, TX, USA was kidnapped by a group of Protestant many of them being stored away in nobles headed by William Ruthven, Earl chests and attics, and to this day they’re This article, the second in a series, will of Gowrie, and was held virtual prisoner until he escaped the next year. This is still re-appearing. Some of them have explore some of the characters impli- never been seen by modern eyes and made more interesting as James was also cated in the Gowrie Conspiracy of 1600. tartan history has often has to be re- Protestant. written as a result.” Be warned: this is dry reading. James was well known for his ex- travagant spending and by the rewards he One of the Authority’s major goals, Known players included: yet to be accomplished, is the establish- lavished on favorites. James awarded ment of a national tartan centre. “It al- King James IV of Scotland and I of Eng- over 200 peerages (landed titles) as, es- ways amazes folk,” explained Brian, “but land (1566-1625) sentially, bribes designed to win loyalty, we have official museums for this, that the most controversial of which was his and the next thing, but no such facility Earl Gowrie and his brother (the Ruth- creation of George Villiers (his closest for tartan and Highland dress. There are vens) advisor and supposed homosexual part- ner) as Duke of Buckingham. Ministers and Justices James was a natural scholar. He wrote and published books on political theory Unknown involvement until 1608: and owned an extensive library. As a boy George Sprot the renowned humanist and radical Prot- estant George Buchanan had taught him. Umquhile (deceased) Robert Logan, 7th It was through him that James received Laird of Restalrig (1555-1606) his excellent education. Some historians have suggested that King James (1566-1625) James I was not a good king. His biogra- The only son of Mary, Queen of phers have criticized his taste for alcohol, Scots, and her second husband, Henry his temper, his obsession with popular Stewart, Lord Darnley, James was pro- beliefs such as witchcraft, his debauched claimed King of Scotland at the age of lifestyle, and his love of hunting. James one year, after Mary was forced to abdi- was an intelligent and active monarch, cate in 1567. Due to his youth, James not wholly unsuccessful as king, but his was nothing but a puppet for the political Scottish background failed to translate factions in Scotland until 1581. Scotland well into a changing English society. was at that time divided domestically by James is best known for authorizing tartan artifacts, fabric collections and conflict between Protestants and Roman the King James Bible and for the failed costumes dotted across Scotland in large Catholics, and in foreign affairs by those Gunpowder Plot of 1605. Note the year and small museums, but more often than favoring an alliance with France and not, they’re in storage and hidden from those supporting England. In 1582 James Continued on PG 8 view. Our aim is to attract sufficient gov- ernment and private sector funding to create a major museum and interpretative centre where all those could be housed. Unfortunately, the Scots themselves have not always been the first to understand the importance of tartan’s history and heritage and it’s been left to that great family of ‘overseas’ Scots to fully appre- ciate the value of this ‘cloth of a nation.’ If you’re interested in the Scottish Tartans Authority then have a look at the website www.tartansauthority.com. If you have questions or found an old tartan in your attic, then e-mail them at [email protected] Above left; The Arms of the Authority, issued by the Lord Lyon in 2004. Copyright© Scottish tartans Authority Above; The home of the Scottish Tartans Authority in picturesque Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland. VOL. 1, NO. 3 PAGE 4 Clan Logan DNA Research Continued from PG 1 these pairs are referred to as base pairs. evolution of the human species and iden- We can describe a particular segment of tify migration routes. DNA by a string of these letters of either But DNA is also found in the nucleus strand as if writing text. The other strand of each cell. Within this nucleus there is simply the complement and this is are 23 pairs of chromosomes with one of what ultimately makes replication of each pair derived from your father and cells possible. one derived from your mother. Each But where do you find this DNA? chromosome contains a very long strand The answer: in every cell of the human of DNA. In fact, over half of the chro- body. This is illustrated in the next mosomes are more that 100 million base graphic, which is a very simplified and pairs in length. The total of DNA mak- generalized depiction of a human cell. ing up the human genome is about 3 bil- Family Tree DNA, our testing company. Within each cell there are many mito- lion base pairs in length. With a few The first graphic is an artist depiction of chondria and in each mitochondrion is a exceptions, the entire genome occurs in a segment of DNA. In its normal state, string of 16,569 nucleotides closed upon every cell of the human body. DNA consists of two intertwined strands. it-self to form a ring. For a given person As a man and a woman pass their Each strand is actually a sequence of the DNA in each mitochondrion, called nuclear DNA down to their offspring, “nucleotides” with each nucleotide mtDNA, is virtually identi- instead of passing 23 pairs of “reaching out and holding hands” with a cal to that in each other mi- chromosomes, they pass only nucleotide on the other strand. For DNA, tochondrion and is passed 23 with each chromosome these nucleotides come in for varieties. from that person’s maternal “The total of DNA being a composite of the pair For our purposes, it is adequate to abbre- line. As the mtDNA is they inherited. There is an viate chemical names by using the ini- passed from the mother to making up the exception for the chromo- tials A, T, G, and C. As illustrated here, her offspring, occasional some pair 23. For males, this an A always pairs with a T and a G al- changes do occur in the al- pair is very mismatched. The ways pairs with a C. In this description phabetic sequence describ- human genome is largest of the pair (about 153 ing that DNA. However, million base pairs in length) these mutations, called Sin- about 3 billion base come from the mother and gular Nucleotide Polymor- the smaller of the two (about phisms, or SNPs, are quite pairs in length” 50 million base pairs in infrequent and thus infer- length) comes from the fa- ences about inheritance de- ther. These are usually desig- rived from analyses of these nated as X-chromosomes and mutations are typically in terms of thou- Y-chromosomes respectively. The fe- sands of years. Several anthropological male always passes an X-chromosome to studies are currently underway using mtDNA to learn more about the recent Continued on PG 5 MacLennan Who? Continued from PG 2 proper, with the (same as current) I would also point out that a heraldic Dum Spiro Spero. The Arms and of title such as clan Chief can not simply be given as proof of our relationship. This the old line of MacLennan Chiefs show sold. Even if one were not interested in could however not be farther from the no regard to Logan heritage at all. carrying on the family tradition. The title truth. The currant Chief of MacLennan The last myth I would like to lay to would simply belong to the next in line may have a heart in his Arms, but the rest in this issue is the common miscon- by birth, and would remain vacant till recorded Arms of the Chiefly line of ception that a Logan signed papers in the such time as a new pretender laid claim. MacLennan were of a shield argent 1970’s giving the rights to that name to The current Chief of clan MacLennan, (silver or white), three piles (long the pervious Chief, Ronald MacLennan Ruairidh D. G. MacLennan of MacLen- points), sable (black), in chief, and in of MacLennan. In correspondence with nan, has also added to this controversy base, a cross crosslet (the same cross one the Office of Lord Lyon, the Society has by stating that the first known of that sees as part of MacDonald Lord of The confirmed that neither of the two recent name was Duncan MacLennan of Strat- Isles, Arms), fitchee, gules (red). The Chiefs of MacLennan incorporate Logan hearn. Duncan is mentioned in a charter Crest was an arm and broadsword, into their Arms. Continued on PG 11 VOL. 1, NO. 3 PAGE 5 Bethabara 6th Annual Clan Logan DNA Research Continued from PG 4 By Vernon Logan, Clemmons, NC, USA her offspring but the male randomly On Saturday, May 13, 2006 Clan passes either an X- or a Y-chromosome. Logan was represented at the 6th Annual As a result, only males have a Y- Highland Games at historic Bethabara chromosome and its DNA is passed only Park in Winston-Salem, NC. There were from father to son. It is very significant about 1300 people or more at the gather- that a major portion of the DNA in the Y- ing. When we arrived we proceeded to chromosome, typically called Y-DNA, is set up our tent. A number of representa- derived strictly from the surname line tives came by to greet us, as this is the without contribution of any of the moth- first time we have attended such an event ers along the way. under the banner of Clan Logan. This Y-DNA is subject to mutation in The tent for the Jamestown Pipes & Drums band a manner similar to that of mtDNA. from Jamestown, NC. However, there is another type of muta- tion especially useful to genealogist. Researchers have identified locations was, in my opinion, the highlight of the within the Y-DNA, designated as mark- festival. We were led onto the field by ers, which are multiple repeats of short the Deep River Pipes and Drums along alphabetic strings. These Short Tandem with 14 other clans and associates. That Repeats, or STRs. can increase or de- was a proud moment for the Society crease in length. Furthermore, this type when the name Clan Logan was an- of mutation changes with sufficient fre- nounced over the loudspeakers. After- quency that testing enough markers can wards we returned to our tent where we provide estimates of closeness of genetic handed out a number of applications and relationship. Father-son pairs and broth- newsletters, which proved so popular, ers generally test identical of near identi- that we soon had none left to hand out. cal. Similarly, cousins will test similar Many of those who came by wished the but the more distant the cousin the Society well in all it’s future endeavours. greater can be the difference. Thus per- sons with an unknown common ancestors The poster used to advertise the games, proudly in their paternal lines can be tested and displaying the name of Clan Logan. compared to provide an indication of how far back in time that common ances- Shortly thereafter came the Men's tor lived. Using this technique, we can Heavy Athletic competition. Some of the construct family trees of approximate events were the standard Scottish Heavy genetic relationships of our more distant Events, and others were non-traditional. past even when we do not have names First up was the adult throwing-Stone/ and dates to go with distant ancestors. hammer which we found very interest- Thus a little over three years ago the ing. The object of the competition is to Pre1800Logans group started the Logan throw a metal ball attached to a cane DNA Project to help in our genealogy. shaft 50 inches long. The competitor Over 60 men have submitted their DNA winds up several times and throws over The Clan tent area, neatly laid out in a row. samples for testing and we have had con- his head, but his feet can not turn until siderable success in organizing our fami- the hammer is released. Three throws lies (brick walls) into clusters to better were allowed. Other competitions were Our next Highland Games Festival focus our research. Although a few of the Sheaf Toss. The object is to toss a will be in Greensboro, NC on August our members have also been mtDNA bag of straw or hay weighing 16 pounds 18th and 19th. We hope to see some of tested, the project itself has concentrated over a crossbar using a pitchfork and not you there. on Y-DNA testing. dislodge the crossbar, which is raised In the next installment, we will look each time until someone is declared the at the nature of test reporting and it’s winner. implication. In a subsequent installment There were many more games to Vernon Logan, President we will report on some successes. come, but we had to return to our tent to The International prepare for the opening ceremonies. It Clan Logan Society, Inc. VOL. 1, NO. 3 PAGE 6 A Look Back At The Halifax Highland

The re-enactors of the 78th Highland Regiment of Foot

Roy Logan, late of Dartmouth, NS, in his RCMP tartan. The ever popular Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pipes and Drums on it’s march past on the field. VOL. 1, NO. 3 PAGE 7 Games Of 2005 In Nova Scotia, Canada

formed up to be inspected by those in attendance on the Halifax Garrison Grounds.

The 78th Highlanders fire a volley showing off their prowess in 1900 century British battle drills. Photos by Frank Logan, Dartmouth, NS, Canada VOL. 1, NO. 3 PAGE 8 The Logan Family of Restalrig and the Gowrie Conspiracy Continued from PG 3 Sprot, except it is assumed he worked for English, alongside his stepfather Lord because it appears significant to the time- Logan. He was a notary; meaning he Alexander Home. We can only assume line for the Gowrie Conspiracy. was trained in Roman Law. It is unclear that Logan escaped the hanging that was what services he performed for Logan. due him because of his age (21 was con- Ruthvens / Earl of Gowrie Sprot was tortured for his confession and sidered having reached majority) or some Patrick Ruthven, 3rd lord of Ruthven, shortly after hung for his participation. deal was struck to spare Logan. Having (1520?–1566), was a firm supporter of his stepfather hung in support of the Protestant doctrines. A privy councillor Robert Logan, 7th Laird of Restalrig Catholic cause would certainly color his to Mary Queen of Scots, he took a lead- (1555-1606) thinking, and maybe give him a cause for ing part in the murder (1566) of David Robert Logan's father died in 1561 revenge. Thus began his life of intrigue. Rizzio (French Catholic and very close to when Robert was but six years of age and Logan had been characterized by Queen Mary) in an attempt to try and he was raised by his step-father, Lord Protestant factions as being a, "debosed control Queen Mary, and wrote a memoir Home and his mother Lady Agnes Gray, [sic] drunked man". He was considered of the affair, which still exists in manu- along with his younger brother John. the "wildest of the wild" and a very dan- script in the British Museum. He fled to Robert's mother produced a daughter, gerous and powerful man. He has been England, where he died shortly after. Isobel, and a son, Alexander, with Lord characterized as something of a pirate, Associated with him in the murder Home, which made Robert and Alexan- but his behavior was overlooked mostly was his son, William Ruthven, 4th lord der half-brothers. Robert and Alexander because "he was a man of substance and of Ruthven and 1st earl of Gowrie, remained close throughout their years. of a good house" and Logan further 1541?–1584. He also fled to England and Robert was a well-educated man, well strengthened his support by alliances. remained there until pardoned (1567). He aware of social events of his day, and His ancestors were most noble though he was head of the group of nobles who unfortunately deeply steeped in political held no titles himself. One can wonder planned and carried out in 1582 what intrigue of the Royal Court. if he felt slighted by this. Lord Wil- came to be known as the raid of Ruthven, As early as 1573 (at the age of 18), loughby described Logan as: "a vain lose in which they seized the young King Logan was involved in holding the Castle man, a greate favourer of thefes reputed, James VI (later James I of England) and of for Mary Stuart against the Continued on PG 10 brought about the dismissal of Esmé Stu- art, 1st duke of Lennox. Although par- doned in 1583, Gowrie began plotting The Story Behind The Genealogy again. He was tried for high treason and beheaded. Two of his sons, John Ruth- By Peter Logan, Llangynidr, Wales and grandchildren, if it keeps you happy, ven, 6th lord of Ruthven and 3rd earl of but they want to know more about the Gowrie, 1578?–1600, and Alexander I have for over twenty years re- day to day lives of their immediate par- Ruthven , 1580?–1600, were involved in searched three family names, Logan, ents, grand and great-grand parents, some the mysterious Gowrie conspiracy of Porter & Wilson. Porter being my wife’s of whom have died in the last ten years, 1600. The two brothers were murdered at maiden name and Wilson being my including my Mum and Dad. their estates in Perth by the retinue of mothers name and during my research I So, I am writing a book called Sol- James VI, with the king in attendance. have found that in the case of Logan’s dier, Sailor, which is centred around two It is very difficult to determine if and Porter’s, the two families have been characters, my father, the soldier and King James was seeking revenge against joined in marriage twice. myself, the sailor. the Ruthven family, or if the Ruthven I have produced an inch thick A4 The book has about another two years family was working up more Protestant book of all the three families together work to “finish” it, but I was encouraged plots. I tend to believe the former, since and their associated families with family the other day when I let my oldest daugh- the Ruthvens and King James were all extensions in Australia and New Zea- ter have a little introduction to it and she Protestant. land. There is also the possibility that was delighted with her numerous excla- Stephanie Falls the Director of Geneal- mations of, “I didn’t know that!” The Minister and Justices of Scotland ogy for the Society, and I maybe I have included sections on geneal- It is very telling that collectively these “cousins”. ogy, the land of our birth, properties, men openly declared that they did not I have various “cousins” in Australia and family life, holidays, cars owned, garden- believe King James’ claims, the only New Zealand who send me updates to ing, hobbies, friends, achievements, fun exception being David Lindsay; who was today’s families which I maintain on and sorrow, with the aim of providing a later greatly rewarded for his loyalty. PAF software and maintain their data- historical and pictorial record of our bases up to date via email. So I have Logan and associated families. The George Sprot done all the “serious stuff”. Very little is known about George That is all very well, say my children Continued on PG 9 VOL. 1, NO. 3 PAGE 9 The Story Behind The Genealogy Continued from PG 8 simply to his artificial leg would fill a Landing Ship Tank (LST). Taking the prime source of memories is photo- book on its own. Playing rounders on the hydrogen bomb carrier and other equip- graphs. As a young man I was a prolific beach, he called me over urgently to his ment to the Christmas Islands for the photographer and so now I am wading side. He whispered in my ear, give me British H-bomb test. Sailing up the Niger through my stock adding names, dates, your shoulder to lean on and help me River in Africa. Being in Philadelphia places etc; noting differences in clothes, over to the car, my foot has dropped off!! when a large fuel tank exploded in the hairstyles, buildings etc; identifying, for The foot has become detached from harbour and I thankfully had my camera example, from a string of photos a par- his artificial leg. He of course had a spare in my hand when it happened! ticular trip my parents took during their in the boot of the car, which we managed The reason for writing this article is to camping days; noting the contents of my to get changed without anyone noticing! encourage others, who haven’t already father’s sign painting case and retelling My father did not like to advertise his done it, to produce more than the Encarta what some of the more obscure items disability. My father and mother won a definition of genealogy, and instead pro- were used for; describing some of his major Valetta dancing competition, de- duce a storybook of your family, for your more notable signs he painted, like the spite the artificial leg and were invited to family, to be read by the family, which is one over the entrance to a whisky distill- London for the finals, however the news- in contrast to the rather dusty researcher ery or the local baker’s vans. papers got hold of the story of his dis- impression that our children and grand- In the case of my father I was very ability. My father refused to go to the children may have of our hobby, BE- lucky in being able to talk at length with final as the exposure in the newspapers FORE YOUR MEMORIES DISAP- two of my father’s ex work colleagues was against his wish to be and act like PEAR. Tell them about the stuff that is whose memories are still very bright, any ordinary person. He was a man of not contained in a census or I.G.I. who also had related photographs. They principle. Make sure that your family get to were able to talk about work times and I was in the merchant navy and trav- know “the family” and “the fun” side as social times, which were very enlighten- elled all over the world taking photo- well as the serious side of your family ing and surprising. graphs, so I have many a tale to tell. Such history, they will love you for it I’m sure. My father lost a leg in the Second as a year on the China coast supporting World War and the anecdotes related the British forces in a privately owned

Dùrachdan o Mhinistear Iomairtean na Gàidhlig Greetings from the Minister for Gaelic Initiatives Às leth a’ Phrìomhair, an t-Urramach Ruairidh Dòmhnallach, is On behalf of the Premier, The Honourable Rodney MacDonald Ministreachd Iomairtean na Gàidhlig air a cur air bhonn ás ùr, bu and the newly created Ministry for Gaelic Initiatives, I would thoil leam meall an naidheachd agus taing a thoirt do Chomhairle like to extend congratulations and thanks to Comhairle na na Gàidhlig, is dhan a’ choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig air fad airson Gàidhlig and to the broader Gaelic community for the na h-obrach mhóir a tha air a bhith air a dheànamh air sgàth na tremendous work that has been done for Gaelic throughout the Gàidhlig air feadh na mór-roinne. Troimh dhuilleagan ’IcTalla, province. Each year, through MacTalla’s pages, you provide gach bliadhna, bidh puingean bheachdaidh air an toirt seachad a discussion points concerning language and culture that, in one thaobh cànainean agus cultaran ann an dòigh no dòigh air way or another, affect us all. As Gaelic language and culture is choireiginn a tha ’toirt buaidh oirnn uileadh. Mar a tha cànain is a special part of Nova Scotia’s heritage and way-of-life, an cultar nan Gàidheal pàirt air leth de dhòigh-bheatha is de invitation is extended to those who don’t speak Gaelic, but dhualchas na h-Albann Nuaidh, tha cuireadh air a thairgsinn dhan have a sincere interest in learning more about one of Nova fheadhainn aig nach eil a’ Ghàidhlig, ach aig a bheil fìor shùim Scotia’s precious languages and cultures. With newly ann an té de chànainean is chultaran dùthchasach na h-Albann introduced methods for learning Gaelic that are easy and fun, Nuaidh a tha luachmhor. Le modhannan ùra a thaobh a bhith ag there has never been a better time. A welcome is extended to ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig a tha spòrsail is furasda, cha robh a you to take part in the efforts to ensure Gaelic is here for riamh àm nas fhreagarraich’ ann. Tha fàilte romhaibh a bhith a’ generations to come. gabhail pàirt ’sna h-oidhirpean seo airson ’s gum bi a’ Ghàidhlig beò airson nan ginealaichean a thig. The Honourable Angus MacIsaac, Minister Ministry of Gaelic Initiatives An t-Urramach Aoghnas MacÌosaig, Ministear 1672 Granville Street Ministreachd Iomairtean na Gàidhlig PO Box 186 1672 Sràid Ghranville, Halifax, NS B2J 2N2 Bocsa a’ Phuist 186 (902) 424-7705 Halafags, Alba Nuadh B3J 2N2 Kindly provided by the Government of Nova Scotia, Ministry of Gaelic (902) 424-7705 Initiatives VOL. 1, NO. 3 PAGE 10 The Gowrie Conspiracy Continued from PG 8 bit strange. He sold off major portions of yet a man of good clan, as they (the his estate; some speculate that Logan did Scots) here tearme it, and a gud felow". this to keep the King from confiscating Considering all his irresponsible behav- his property in the event that he was ior, one would expect to find Logan hav- caught in some nefarious act, though ing financial troubles and owing great there is no evidence to support this sums of money to others. Oddly, we find speculation other than hindsight. There is him "putting others to the horn", in other evidence that Logan did not enjoy own- words, he was a lender of money. There ing property and also that he was raising is added speculation that Logan was a capital to finance a sea voyage to the Templar and that he somehow betrayed West Indies. Frankly based on what I the Order. have been able to determine regarding Logan was a firm supporter of Queen Logan's behavior, I would suggest that Mary and the Catholic party, involving the man was mentally unstable, or at the himself in numerous Catholic plots, very least, an extremely unhappy man. though he was reported to be friendly to Logan died at Canongate in July 1606 the Protestants of his day. Logan was of plague, and left an estate worth £ known for lending shelter to Protestant 29,042 a very wealthy man. And as they Get Your Official Clan Logan Gear firebrand, wild Frank Stewart, Earl of say, the rest is history. Today! Visit The Store. Bothwell. It is this author’s opinion that www.cafepress.com/clanloganstore Logan was loyal to those interests that best served his interests, be they Catholic or Protestant. He was not a particularly religious man. To imply that Logan's The Steam Boat religious leanings were Catholic because he was unable to embrace the changes By Frank Logan, Dartmouth, NS, Canada and the fact is often well attested, the wrought by the Reformation would be hare will never be seen again; but beyond nothing short of a guess. But the facts Written in 1821, The Steam Boat, was the next hedge, some dubious carlin will, are that Logan was very young during the the work of John Galt. What follows is in all human probability, be found rid- Reformation (1560), and at this time the an excerpt from this unique literary work dled in the hips, saying her prayers back- collegiate church that his family built and on the authors experience hunting with wards. What I have to tell is an un- supported was destroyed by the Protes- the last Laird of Logan told through the doubted proof of this, for it happened to tant General Assembly; there were Eng- character of Thomas Duffle. myself in the presence of the late Logan lish troops (and English allies) camped Logan of that Ilk, the last of the Ayr- of that ilk, a man of singular piety, and all over Restalrig, his family estate, dur- shire Logan’s was known as a one of the best shots in the ing the Seige of ; and his step-father man of singular wit, and some- shire of Ayr. had apparent ties to the Catholics. Relig- what of a expert shot. Quite a “Logan took a “Being staying with him, we ion, in that age, was political. Politics feat when one considers the one day went out to shoot. It were different than we know it today. weapon of the day. So here is a vizy, and fired, was in the afternoon. We Intrigue and plots against the King were look at Logan of that Ilk, in the started nothing, and we staid common. It was accepted practice to words of Thomas Duffle. but his gun late, not very content, as your kidnap a Monarch if you wanted to for- Majesty may well think, with ward a differing agenda. “I should here explain, that flashed in the such profitless sport. But I Logan's first wife divorced him, for the witches, when they take the trow we have both had cause reasons I've not discovered, after giving shape of hares, charm away the pan” to remember long that after- him one son in 1577. His second wife power of pouther and lead; so noon; for in the gloaming, as reportedly produced four children in that unless the gun be loaded we were coursing with our 9 years of marriage, before she died. His with silver, it will not go off, or, if it does dejected dogs, the which were as disap- third, and last wife was quoted in 1601 as go off, it will not kill, especially in the pointed as ourselves, we started, as we having said: "If it be God's will, I desire hands of a young sportsman; and that the thought, a hare out of a whin bush. It ran never to have a child to him (Logan)". best antidote to their charm, is for the before us, in every gesture, lith, and limb, Apparently God was not listening, as she sportsman, when he is an experienced just like a hare, and the dogs pursued it later had a daughter with Logan. hand, to put a pair of silver sleeve- as if it had been nothing less natural. We In the years prior to his death, the 7th buttons in his fowling piece. When he followed, never doubting that it was a (and last) Laird of Restalrig was acting a does this, and fires with effect, it is said, Continued on PG 11 VOL. 1, NO. 3 PAGE 11 The Steam Boat MacLennan Who? Continued from PG 8 Continued from PG 4 as we though, as perfect as possible, hare. cowering along the bottom of the wall. I of King Alexander II in 1217 as being “A fine har’st evening had set in, and would have fired, but Logan stopped me. the Laird of Bombie, and it is through the new moon, the sickle of Time, beto- He was a worthy pious man. him that the MacLellans are said to have kened, in the western heavens, that Na- “’Lend me your sleeve-buttons,” said originated (by the MacLennans only). ture was binding up the sheaves of our he. They were Bristol stones set in silver. This is over one hundred years before days; but, nevertheless, we fol- The manner in which he spoke the birth of the child of Gilligorm Logan, lowed our game, never suspect- was very solemn. It made the ing that it was anything but a flesh crawl on my bones, and poor terrified mawkin. Logan “We presented my hair to rise. I said nothing, took a vizy, and fired, but his but took the buttons from my gun flashed in the pan; I like- together; we shirt sleeves, keeping my eye wise presented, and, in the same steadfast on the hare, as we moment, my hand was smitten both fired in the both thought it was. He did the with a cramp, or something no same. The buttons out of my canny, but neither of us, for all same moment” right sleeve he put into his that, entertained any doubt of gun. ‘Put the others in yours,’ the hare being what it ap- said he.—I did so.—‘In the peared—a hare. name of the Lord,’ cried he, “Well, sir, please your majesty, ‘take aim.’ We presented together; we Logan primed again, and I, having beaten both fired in the same moment, and ran the life into my fingers, followed the to the spot where we thought a hare had game, and fired, but missed.—This set been.” Logan foremost, and he shortly after also “And what the devil was it?” cried the The Chiefly Arms of clan MacLennan as recorded fired. He might as well have whistled; King. in 1848. and what we had at first thought a hare, “Please your Majesty,” replied the continued to scamper on unhurt. doctor, “it was just a fine fat hare.” and seems to makes any supposed origin “By this time I had loaded again, and During the time of this recital, one from our clan moot. after running on some twenty paces in Mrs M’Freat, a decent carlin from Oban, This is also further complicated by the the track of the beast, confident I had a was particularly attentive; but at the end, mention of Lide MacLennan and his hare in view, I fired a second time. It was when we were all laughing at King twelve hundred men in the authenticity of no avail.—Logan having in the mean- Charles’s disappointment, she said, with debated Ossianic poetry, which is pur- while loaded, came up to me. a very serious countenance, that we were ported to be 6th century. St. Adaman is “In the pursuit, we had followed the no doubt free to gaffaw as we pleased, also said to have recorded that they occu- hare, as we thought it was, to the walls of but for her part, she had reason to know pied Glenshiel at this time. an old abbey. It had been a sanctified and ken that there was mony a thing in Other sources on MacLennan, site place in the times of popery, but it was this world that required an explanation; that the clan was at Eilean Donnan Castle burnt down when Glencairn, at the Ref- and then she proceeded and told us how, before 1263 and that the MacGillafin- ormation, herrit the monk’s nests one morning in the last summer—but I nens, or MacLennans, were titled Lords throughout Cuningham. Many a sad story will relate what she said at full length, in of Loch Erne, Tairg, and Muintir Peoda- was told of that place. It would crudle the her own words. - John Galt, 1821 chain. royal blood in your Majesty’s sacred With all of the evidence to suggest veins, were I to relate what is told and John Galt was born in Irvine on the that MacLennan is an old and proud clan, believed concerning the deeds done by 2nd of May 1779. As a youth his family and in existence as long or longer than the popish friars in that ruinous monas- moved to Greenock, where he stayed till that of Logan, the descendantcy of the tery. One day, when a farmer, whom I his early 20’s. He later moved to London current line of MacLennan Chiefs in- knew, was pulling down a piece of the where he became acquainted with Lord cludes none of this. They site their origin wall to help to mend a dike, he found the Byron. He soon became know for his to Gille Fhinnein, grandson of Gilligorm skeleton of a human hand built in with plays, poetry and biographies, but gained Logan, and show no connection to any the stones. What more he discovered he his greatest fame as a novelist. From MacLennan before this time. It makes never would reveal, but from that day he 1827 to 1829 he acted as a managed for a you wonder why they would mention was an altered man. However, to return settlement company working in Ontario Duncan MacLennan of 1217, as they from this digression, please your Maj- Canada. can’t be related, and you can’t have your esty, the moon and twilight shone bright origin both ways. on the abbey walls, and we saw the hare, C C u u

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