SELGA Annual Report 2014-2015

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SELGA Annual Report 2014-2015 Annual Report 2014-2015 South East Local Government Association South East Local Government Association Inc. PO BOX 1445, MOUNT GAMBIER, SA 5290 Phone: (08) 8723 1057 Email: Web address: President’s Report SELGA has continued to meet its objectives of advocacy and representation on behalf of its constituent councils. SELGA has met regularly with State Government Ministers , including the Hon Geoff Brock, Hon Tom Koutsantonis and Hon Tony Piccolo, Federal Member of Parliament Mr Tony Pasin and State Members of Parliament Mr Troy Bell and Mr Mitch Williams. The regional perspective of Local Government is strongly represented by SA Regional Organisations of Councils and SELGA has continued input into local government policies through SAROC and the LGA SA Board SELGA Board has reviewed its Charter and this has resulted in refinements of its Objects and Purpose, clarified Subscription and Project Fee provisions, simplified the Strategic Plan and Business Plan requirements, added guiding provisions for filling the President and Vice President positions and the renaming of the organisation to be known as Limestone Coast Local Government Association. SELGA has continued to further develop co-operation between its Constituent Councils for the benefit of the communities of the Limestone Coast region. This includes the Special Local Roads Program 2014-2015, working with the South East Natural Resources Management Board, the South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board and RDA Limestone Coast on actions to secure additional funding for upgrade, maintenance and operation of the SE drainage network and the Heritage Advisory Service which is an important role for the care and management of heritage assets in the region. The Limestone Coast Economic Diversification Group has continued to be an important forum for work on regional economic priorities. These have included Cluster development, Innovation Hub, mobilising regional industry leaders and determining the region’s business capabilities to attract investment and realise export opportunities. During the past year SELGA has continued to take a lead for local government’s response to exploration activities for unconventional gas resources in the South East. SELGA has continued to partner with Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast with a formal funding agreement and four delegates. SELGA has also continued to invest in regional tourism through the Tourism Development Officer. SELGA has had a number of regional projects including the Regional Waste management project which has examined ways to co-ordinate regional management initiatives with all constituent councils. This project has been supported by Zero Waste SA. SELGA has partnered with SENRM, RDA LC and DEWNR on a number of coastal management initiatives and the commencement of the Integrated Vulnerability Assessment and Climate Change Adaption Plan for the Limestone Coast. The partnership with the Office of Recreation and Sport to deliver the Star Club Program to sporting and recreational clubs throughout the Limestone Coast has assisted clubs with financial sustainability, compliance and volunteer management. In 2014 SELGA commenced the preparation of the Limestone Coast Regional Trails Master Plan with a grant partnership with the Office of Recreation and Sport. The Master Plan was adopted in December 2014 and the implementation of the plan is being overseen by the Limestone Coast Regional Trails Implementation Group. Through the partnership with the Motor Accident Commission, SELGA SELGA Annual Report 2014-15 1 has continued to deliver the Community Road Safety Project to assist Community Road Safety Groups, councils and State authorities to promote and deliver road safety campaigns. I acknowledge the excellent work of all the project officers during 2014-2015: Josephine Duigan, Tony Elliston, Rob Forgan, Daniel Wilsmore, Michaela Bell, Biddie Shearing and the support of office and RDA staff: Jan Shanahan, Dani McKinnon, Alice McLeod and Julie Scott. I thank Executive Officer Ann Aldersey who has with professionalism and dedication responded to and managed the many projects and issues. I wish to acknowledge the support of the constituent council Mayors, elected members and Chief Executive Officers. Erika Vickery SELGA President Mayor Erika Vickery with SELGA Vice President Mayor Richard Sage SELGA Annual Report 2014-15 2 Introduction This document is the Annual Report of the South East Local Government Association Inc. for the period 1st July 2014 to 30th June 2015. This document is prepared pursuant to the Local Government Act 1999 to report to Constituent Councils on the work and operation of the Association for the preceding financial year. This Report details the activities of the Association to represent and serve the seven Constituent Councils and to advance the Limestone Coast communities through effective advocacy, facilitation and innovation. Our Association The South East Local Government Association (SELGA) was established as a regional body on 6th October 1885. SELGA is a regional subsidiary representing its Constituent Councils and is established pursuant to Section 43 of the Local Government Act 1999 by the Constituent Councils. The Association is comprised of the following Constituent Councils: City of Mount Gambier District Council of Grant Kingston District Council Naracoorte Lucindale Council District Council of Robe Tatiara District Council Wattle Range Council Under its Charter, SELGA’s objects are to: Work in association with both the Local Government Association of South Australia and the Australian Local Government Association to assist in the achievement of their aims and objectives. Undertake co-coordinating, advocacy and representational roles on behalf of its Constituent Councils at a regional level. Facilitate and co-ordinate activities of local government at a regional level related to social, environmental and community development with the object of achieving improvement for the benefit of the communities of its Constituent Councils. Develop, encourage, promote, foster and maintain consultation and co-operation and to strengthen the representation and status of local government when dealing with other governments, private enterprise and the community. Develop further co-operation between its Constituent Councils for the benefit of the communities of its region. Develop and manage policies which guide the conduct of programs and projects in its region with the objective of securing the best outcomes for the communities of the region. Undertake projects and activities that benefit its region and its communities. SELGA Annual Report 2014-15 3 Associate, collaborate and work in conjunction with other regional local government bodies for the advancement of matters of common interest. Implement programs that seek to deliver local government services on a regional basis. The SELGA Board The SELGA Board comprises nominated representatives from each of the Constituent Councils, and is chaired by the SELGA President. Each Constituent Council can nominate up to two Deputy Board Members. SELGA Board Members to 14th November 2014 Council Delegate Deputy Board Member/s Cr Merv White City of Mount Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman Cr Ian Von Stanke Cr Brian Collins District Council of Grant Mayor Richard Sage Cr Bruce Bain Wattle Range Council Mayor Peter Gandolfi Cr Rob Dycer District Council of Robe Mayor Peter Riseley Cr Harvey Nolan Cr Christopher England Kingston District Council Mayor Evan Flint Cr Chris (Sid) Frankling Naracoorte Lucindale Council Mayor Erika Vickery Cr John Flynn Cr Graham Excell Tatiara District Council Mayor Richard Vickery Cr Robert Mock In November 2014, the Local Government Election was held in South Australia. This bought about changes to the membership of the SELGA Board. SELGA Board Members from 12th December 2014 Constituent Council SELGA Board Member Deputy Board Member/s Cr Penny Richardson City of Mount Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee Cr Ian Von Stanke Cr Brian Collins District Council of Grant Mayor Richard Sage Cr Bruce Bain Wattle Range Council Mayor Peter Gandolfi Cr Rob Dycer Cr Scott McLachlan Naracoorte Lucindale Council Mayor Erika Vickery Cr Craig McGuire Cr Kay Rasheed Kingston District Council Mayor Reg Lyon Cr Chris England District Council of Robe Mayor Peter Riseley Cr Harvey Nolan Cr Robert Mock Tatiara District Council Mayor Graham Excell Cr Diana Penniment The Board held six ordinary bi-monthly General Meetings, one Special Meeting and the Annual General Meeting during 2014-15. Meetings are hosted by Constituent Councils on a rotational basis. The Coorong District Council attends SELGA meetings as welcomed observers. SELGA Annual Report 2014-15 4 Office Bearers 2014-15 In accordance with the SELGA Charter, the positions of SELGA President and Vice President are appointed at the Annual General Meeting, held in February. Following the results of the Local Government Election in November 2014, both the position of SELGA President and Vice President became vacant. At the General Meeting on the 12th December, the SELGA Board appointed a President and Vice President to serve until the Annual General Meeting in February 2015. The SELGA President and Vice President were then appointed for a period of 12 months at the Annual General Meeting. From July to November 2014, Mayor Richard Vickery served as SELGA President, and Mayor Evan Flint served as Vice President. At the December 2014 General Meeting, Mayor Erika
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