BUSINESS NAME The Behavioral Neuroscientist and Comparative Psychologist Division 6, American Volume 25, Issue 2 Fall/Winter, 2010 Psychological Association Editor A Message From Division 6 President Gordon Burghardt David J. Bucci, PhD Dartmouth College As incoming president of Division 6 I was not totally aware of what would be entailed. Now that I am in the thick of helping plan the APA convention program, facilitating the operation of our various Division President committees such as Membership, Fellows, Awards, Gordon Burghhardt, PhD Students, and others, I see that I, along with many other Div. 6 members, take for granted the ‗gift‘ we have as one of the oldest APA divisions and the sup- port and resources available to us from APA. None- theless, there are problems that we need to discuss both within and across the many APA Divisions. In Inside this issue: this and future newsletter essays I want to raise is- sues, present proposals, and try to elicit some feed- back and dialogue that can be discussed within our Message from 1, 4- division listserv
[email protected] or through President 5 personal exchanges at
[email protected]. In any event, vigorous conversations seem to be needed. Membership Crisis & the Scientific Imperative APA council, but only one seat due to our small Division 6 2-3 The Division Services office of APA is concerned membership. Still, our impact on the field, as Officers about the health of all divisions, as many APA mem- shown by articles and research blurbs in the APA bers are not affiliating with any division and those Monitor and the flagship American Psychologist, belie remaining in divisions are rapidly aging and member- our small numbers.