URC1635 Codelist DE

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URC1635 Codelist DE Cathay 1727, 0037 Ecron 1770 Hanseatic 0661, 0714, 0634, 0625, 0808, 1506, 2001, L&S Electronic 0714, 0808, 0865 Naxa 3423, 4022 QONIX 3067 CCE 3782 Eiki 1649 0037 Lava 1637, 2197 Naxoo 1849 Quadro 2676, 2561, 3434, 1585, 3426, 1326, 3327, Celcus 2676, 1585 Elbe 1506 Hansol 1637 Lavis 1037 NEC 3257, 1797, 1825, 1606, 0876 4306 cello 3820, 1770, 2561 Electrograph 1755 Hantarex 2561, 2197, 0865 Lazer 2676 Neckermann 1506, 0195, 1505 QuantumFX 3593 Centrex 0706 Electrolux 1585, 2676 Harper 4542, 3964, 3528, 4714 Lecson 0037 NEI 0037, 1037 Quartek 1606 CODELISTE Centrum 1037 Elekta 2164 Harrow 2676 Lenco 2339, 1849, 4155, 3964, 4218, 2676, 2947, Neon 3820, 3573 Quasar 0865 CGV 4022 Element 3519 Harsper 0865 4142, 1983 Neovia 0865, 0037, 0876, 2049 Quelle 0512, 0037, 1037, 1505 Changhong 3434, 3296 Elenberg 2714, 3419 Harwa 1269 Lentec 3510 Nesx 4022 Quigg 3510 Chimei 1852, 1666 Elfunk 1037, 1208 HB 0714 Level 2023, 2373 Neufunk 0714 Radiola 0037, 1506 CHL 3067 Elonex 1776 HB Ingelen 0714 Lexsor 1269 Nevir 3528, 2676, 3426, 4218, 1645 Radiomarelli 0037 Christie 0653 Emerson 0171, 1394, 1909, 0668, 0714, 1817, 4142 HCM 1269 LG 2182, 0178, 1637, 4119, 3941, 0037, 0714, New Acoustic Radionette 0714 Cinex 1556 e-motion 4142, 1645, 3573, 0865 Helix 3528 1652, 2676, 1506, 1413, 2800 Dimension 0865, 0037 Radiotone 0668, 0037, 1037 Clarity 1720 Engel 4218 Hewlett Packard 2182, 0178 Liberton 2429, 4291 Next 2676 RCA 2746, 1447, 1524, 2868, 3047, 3067, 3382, Clatronic 0714, 2676 Enox. 3820 Hightong 4542 Life 4142 Nexus 1564 3419, 3519, 3528, 3577 Clayton 1037, 2676 Epson 3966, 4163 Hikona 1983 Lifetec 0668, 1037, 0714, 2001 Nexus Electronics 3519 Red 2676, 3296 CME 0037, 0512, 1505, 0508 Epworth 1916, 4218, 3419, 4542 Hinari 0037 Linetech 2676 Nikkai 0037 RefleXion 4142, 3067, 3233, 4155 CMX 2868, 3296, 4218, 3156, 3327, 3067, 4542 Erisson 4542, 3528, 3047, 3434, 2197, 3327, 3067, Hisawa 0714 Linsar 2676, 1585, 2451 Nikkei 2676, 1585, 2197, 4142, 0714, 3296, 4022 Relisys 0865, 1645, 0876, 1585 Coby 3478 2429, 1682 Hisense 2399, 4348, 2037, 4728, 1363, 2098, 3519, Listo 4306, 4155 Noblex 1011 Render 2561 Comet 1556 Essentials 2486, 3296 1011, 1660, 3067, 3296 Lodos 1037, 2676 Nordmende 2548, 2676, 1413, 2001, 0714, 0625, 1585, Reoc 0714, 2197 OFA UHD Condor 0037 Essentiel b 1011, 4306 Hitachi 2676, 0481, 2207, 1484, 1576, 1585, 1037, Loewe 1884, 0512, 1836, 0633 2339, 4218, 4306, 1308 Revox 0037, 0808 Conia 4022, 3296 Eternity 4142 1643, 0634, 3790, 2005, 1645, 3874, 0037, Logik 3432, 3831, 1865, 4306, 2486, 2676, 1217, Nortek 0668 Roadstar 1916, 1037, 2164, 0714, 0668 UNIVERSAL FERNBEDIENUNG Conrac 0808 EuroLine 2058 1260, 4218, 4542 3820, 1585, 4218, 0880, 1037, 2095, 3296, Novex 1645 Rolsen 2001, 3327, 1011, 2399, 2098, 4348, 0876, Conrad 2676 Europa 0037 HKC 4218 3505, 1645 NPG 3434 1637, 3067, 3434 URC1635 CODELISTE Contec 0037 Eurovision 2676 Höher 2676, 0714, 0865, 1556, 3433, 3434 Logix 4142 O.K.Line 1037, 1556 Romsat 2676 Continental Everline 4218 HomeTech 2676 Lowry 3268 Oceanic 4022, 2676, 3611, 2049 RTF 0037 Edison 2676, 4022, 3426, 3296, 4218, 2947, 3505 Evesham HomeTech Luma 1037 Odys 3067, 4218, 3296, 4142, 1849 Rubin 3528, 3327 CPTEC 1363, 0625 Technology 1606, 2676, 1248 Electronics 2676 Lumatron 0668, 2023, 4142 OK Line 1037, 1556 Runco 1457 Crown 0037, 0714, 1037, 2021, 2676, 3434, 0208, Evotel 2561, 3811, 2393, 3589 HP 2182, 0178 Lumenio 0037 OK. 2676, 3432, 4155, 4142, 3434, 3067, 3047 Saba 2676, 0625, 3434, 1588, 1585, 2005, 0714, 0668, 3327, 4542 Excello 1037, 1326 Hugoson 1217, 1666 Luxor 2676, 1659, 1037 OKI 2676, 1585, 3433, 1308, 3434, 2561, 4142, 2947, 3573 Crypton 2676 Excors 3510 Humax 1295 Madison 0037 2947 Saga 2197 Currys Essentials 3296, 2486 Exquisit 0037 Hypson 0714, 1506, 0668, 1037 MAG 1645 Ölevia 1610 Saivod 1037, 0668, 1770, 2676, 0037, 1556 AVtex 2451 Curtis 1326, 2397, 3811, 4142 F&U 2676, 3296 Hyundai 2676, 1532, 3327, 3047, 3528, 0876, 0865, Magnavox 2800, 0054, 1506 Olimpia 3528 Salora 2676, 2197, 3067, 4142, 3528, 1659, 1556, TV Awa 3090, 3296 A.R. Systems 3510 CWR-Tech 2164 FairTec 1585 3419, 3067, 1606, 3434, 3573, 1326, 2414, Magnum 0714, 0037, 2023 Onei 2676 3433, 2001 Axdia 3067, 4218, 3296, 4142, 1849 Cyberpix 2676 Favi 3382 3426, 1585, 1682, 1770, 4542 Majestic 4218, 3611, 3510 Onida 0053 Sampo 1755 Acentic 1506 Axxion 2339, 4155, 3233, 4218 Acer 1339, 3630, 1865, 2182 D.Boss 1637, 0037 Fenner 2676 iCast 3067 Manata 4218 Onimax 0714 Samsung 2051, 4096, 0618, 0037, 4105, 1506, 0508 Aya 2676, 1585, 3156 Daewoo 0634, 2266, 0661, 2275, 4039, 1909, 0880, Ferguson 0625, 2676, 1037, 3874, 1865, 1585, 2339, Ideal 1556 Manesth 0037 Onn 2561, 2676, 3433, 3573, 1585, 1770 Sandstrøm 3432, 2399, 3047, 2197 Acoustic Solutions 1727, 2676, 1585, 1865, 1645, 1037 Azuki 3067 Acronn 2561 0178, 0876, 1506, 0037, 1269, 2098, 3820, 2393, 3067, 0443, 2266, 4142, 0037, 0195, Iekei 3510 Manhattan 1637, 0037, 0876, 1037 Onyx 1770, 3573 Sansui 3540, 1892, 3874, 0037, 0706, 3964, 4022 B & O 0620 4022, 0865, 1606, 1770, 1849, 3433, 4142, 1916 i-INN 3528 Manta 3528, 3327, 2746, 4218 Opera 1770, 0714, 1308, 3296 Sanyo 1208, 0208, 1585, 3096, 2676, 1649, 1142, ADL 1217 Baier 3067, 2164, 0876 Advent 0876 4686 Fidelity 0171, 0512 Iiyama 1217 Maqma 1606, 3573 Opticum 3611 0154, 1269, 1636, 2461, 1037 Baird 3811, 3573, 4142, 3090, 1269, 2212 Daewoo Display 2275, 4039, 4686 Finlux 2676, 1585, 1659, 0714, 0037, 0808, 1556, i-Joy 2713, 1645, 3528, 4218, 2561, 4022, 2868, Marantz 0037, 1532, 0054, 1506 Orava 3528, 2676, 1037, 3296 SBR 1506 AEG 3296, 2676, 2197, 2164, 2021, 1556, 3067, Bang & Olufsen 0620 1585 Dansai 0037, 0208 1248, 1506 3067, 3156 Marca Canaria 1770 Orion 3874, 2005, 3964, 2007, 2676, 2108, 0037, ScanSonic 2676 Basic Line 0668, 1037, 2676 Dantax 2676, 1037, 1645, 1916, 0714, 1652 Firstline 0714, 1363, 1037, 0668, 0808, 1556, 1308, Ikasu 3820 Mark 0037, 0714 0443, 0714, 1269, 1506, 1916, 0880, 1652, Sceptre 2337, 2528 AGATH 4306 Bauer 2197 Agfaphoto 1849, 3067 Days 2561 1506 Ikea 3047 Marks & Spencer 3820, 1770 2197, 1037, 2001, 2561, 3510, 0808, 1983, Schaub Lorenz 4022, 2676, 0714, 3296, 1585, 3433, 1308, Bauhn 3611 De Graaf 0208 Fisher 1585, 0154, 0208 iLo 0171 Mascom 3433, 2197, 1556 3296, 3327, 3434 2197, 4142, 2289, 2001, 3268 Agora 1585 Baur 0512, 1505 Aidata 3419 DEC 1326 Flint 3270 Imperial 2197, 2339, 0037 Master 4022 Otic 1983 Schneider 4040, 0037, 0714, 1037, 1506, 2676, 0668, BBK 2098, 1645, 3296, 1269, 2399 Decca 0037 Foehn & Hirsch 2182, 2391 Indiana 0037 Masters 0037 Otto Versand 0512, 0037, 0195, 1505, 1506 3528, 3156, 1585, 1637, 2339, 4218, 4501 Airis 3959, 3573, 2561, 4218 Beaumark 0178 Aiwa 1916, 4218, 3419, 4542 Delta 1295 Force 2676 Ingelen 0714 Matsui 0443, 2007, 2676, 2486, 1585, 1666, 0037, Pacific 0714, 0443, 1037, 1916, 1506 Schöntech 1037 Beko 3433, 1652, 0714, 2164, 1308, 3262, 0037, Denon 2207 Fox 3528 Ingo Devices 3067, 3510 0208, 1037, 0714, 1916, 0195, 2393, 3874, Packard Bell 1637, 3630 Scott 3505, 2339, 1770, 3090, 1983 Akai 2676, 2021, 1645, 4022, 4218, 3067, 4142, 0808, 3067, 1585 3611, 0714, 1865, 3434, 3528, 3573, 0037, Denver 1770, 2021, 4142, 1849, 3067, 4155, 2481, Fraba 0037 Inno Hit 2676, 1585, 1037, 1308 0880, 1506, 2561, 3067 Palladium 0037, 0714, 1585 Seaway 0634 Belson 3296, 2676, 2868, 2714, 2339 2197, 3417, 2561 Fujicom 2676 Innowert 0865 Maxent 1755 Palsonic 2481, 2461 Seeltech 4022, 3067, 3268 1326, 1585, 2197, 3223, 4120, 0208, 0508, BenQ 4393, 2014, 3790, 1645 1037, 1308, 1652, 1659, 1727, 1770, 2051 Denzel 2021 Fujimaro 0865 Insignia 2049, 1326 Maxim 1556 Panasonic 1636, 1650, 4501, 2676 Seelver 1037, 1506 Bensten 1326, 1413, 0508, 1570 Desmet 0037 Fujitsu 0683 Inspira 1556 Medion 2676, 4155, 4154, 3067, 4447, 0808, 1248, Panavideo 1636 SEG 3820, 1037, 2676, 0668, 3433, 3067, 1645, Akira 3296, 2561, 1849 Beon 0037 Akito 0037 Dex 3327 Fujitsu General 0683 Interfunk 0037, 0512 4142, 0714, 4336, 1037, 2947, 1585, 0668, PEAQ 3047, 2676 3434, 1849, 0634, 1585 Berthen 0668, 1506 DEXP 3419, 3434 Fujitsu Siemens 1666, 2676, 0808, 1248 Internal 1506, 1909 0880, 1645, 2001, 1849, 1556, 3790, 1308, Philco 3426, 2414, 4542 Seiki 3964, 3505 Akura 2289, 3270, 3268, 2676, 1770, 1585, 0714, Bestwell 1326 4142, 0037, 0668, 1037, 1363, 1556, 1983, DGM 3067, 4142, 2561 Funai 1817, 2676, 1595, 1394, 0171, 1666, 1037, Intervision 0037 2386 Philips 2800, 1506, 3678, 1744, 0037, 3790, 0512, Seiko Epson 3966, 4163 BGH 4348, 2098 Dgtec 2339 0714, 0668 Inves 3528, 4218 MegaSat 4155, 2939 0054, 1818 Seizo 3964, 3505 3067, 3573 Black Diamond 1037, 1909, 2676 Alba 2676, 3587, 1037, 4142, 1865, 0037, 0714, DiBoss 1637, 0037 Funai United 2676, 3296 Irradio 2021 MEI 1037 Phocus 0714, 1308, 1652 Selecline 2676, 3296 Blaupunkt 4142, 0195, 3362 Dicra 3156, 3233 Furrion 4218, 3327 Isis 2676 Melectronic 0195, 0634, 0512, 0661, 0714, 1652 Phoenix 0037 Semp Toshiba 1524 1585, 3067, 3790, 0443, 3505, 0668, 2548, Blauren 2266 2561, 3589, 3811, 3874, 3964 Differo 2676 Fusion 3047, 4218, 1849 iSymphony 2051 Memorex 0463, 1645, 3874, 1037, 1785 Phonola 0037 Sencor 3505, 3067, 4542, 2197, 3434, 3296, 0714, Blu:sens 4059, 1770, 4686 Digatron 0037, 2890 Futronic 1585 ITT 2676, 1295, 2715, 2675, 2399, 3433, 1645 Metronic 0625 Pilot 0706 4291 Alden 4142 Blue Media 1606 Alien 1037 Digihome 2676 Gaba 1037 ITV 1506 Metz 1533, 3784, 4289, 1037, 1637, 2676 Pioneer 1260, 1457, 0760, 2458, 0037, 1636, 3874 Sens 1865 Blue Sky 0714, 1037, 0668, 1363, 0037, 0625, 1506, Digimate 3067 GE 1447 Izumi 3434 Micromaxx 0808, 0714, 2001 Pionier 1556 Sharp 1659, 0818, 4142, 2676, 0093, 3790, 3874 All Tel 1269, 0865
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