Government of Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Infrastructure and Project Monitoring Division Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001


Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Infrastructure and Project Monitoring Division Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg New Delhi-110001



1. CLA/Grant released (1.4.1996-31.3.2011) : Rs.48566.5756 crore 2. No. of Projects covered under AIBP : 287 since 1996-97 3. No. of projects completed between : 136 (1.4.1996-31.3.2011) 4. Target Irrigation Potential of AIBP : 11929.2611Thousand projects hectare 5. Cumulative Irrigation Potential under : 6426.712 Thousand AIBP created up to 2011 hectare

6. Irrigation Potential created under AIBP : 1587.804 Thousand up to March 2011(Based on 85 projects hectare reviewed by CWC)



Sl.No. Items Page PART – I

1. Background and Policy Framework 3 2. Central Loan Assistance 3 3. Overview of the AIBP implementation since inception 5 4. State-wise Summary of CLA/Grant released 6 5. Irrigation Potential Created 7 6. Status of AIBP Implementation in 2010-11 7 7. Reasons for time and cost overruns 8 8. Benefits of the AIBP Scheme 8


9. Central Loan Assistance/Grant released from 1996-97 Annexure-1 to 2010-11. 10. State wise Summary of CLA/Grant released. Annexure-II 11. Project wise Summary of the Irrigation Potential A Annexure-III created till March, 2011. 12. State wise Summary of the completed AIBP projects. Annexure-IV 13. Ultimate Irrigation Potential Created up to March, 2011 under Bharat Nirman. Annexure-V

14. Status of projects in brief. Annexure-VI 15. Project-wise Exception Reports. Annexure-VII



1. Background and Policy Framework

The irrigation projects in our country were formulated, executed and funded by the State Governments/UTs from their own resources as irrigation is a State Subject under the Constitution. However, in 1996, a review of the status of implementation and nature of major and medium irrigation projects in the country, inter-alia, revealed that a large number of these projects were languishing for want of adequate funding by the concerned State Governments. As a result, the envisaged irrigation potential was not available to the farmers. There were 162 Major, 240 Medium and 74 Extension/Renovation/Modernisation (ERM) on-going irrigation projects in the country at various stages of completion at the end of the VIII Plan (i.e. 1996-97) with a spillover cost of Rs. 79,321.39 crore. This was felt as a matter of grave concern and that initiatives were required at the national level to remedy the situation. Since irrigation projects are capital intensive, and states with limited resources found themselves unable to meet the desired fund demands of all the projects, the implementation of these projects got delayed. In this background, the Government of India launched the Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) during 1996-97 to provide Central Loan Assistance (CLA) to major and medium irrigation projects in the country to accelerate the completion of on-going irrigation/multi-purpose projects ( on which substantial progress had been made but the actual completion was beyond the resource capability of the State Governments) so that irrigation benefits from the projects are realized.

Under the AIBP, only those projects, which have the investment clearance of the Planning Commission, are eligible for inclusion. The projects receiving assistance from other financing agencies such as NABARD etc. are not eligible. However, the components of such projects not covered under the assistance of NABARD could be included under the AIBP. Assistance to large projects is given for their phased completion so that benefits could start flowing early with comparatively smaller investments. The projects on which more than 50% of the estimated expenditure has already been incurred get higher priority. Other cases are considered only if funds are available after meeting the demands of priority projects. Eligible projects benefiting tribal/drought prone areas are given due preference. Priority is also given to inter-state projects and the concerned states get assistance under the programme individually. The projects with larger irrigated area per unit of additional investment are preferred.

2. Central Loan Assistance (CLA)

2.1 Initially, the Central Loan Assistance (CLA) to the States was given on matching basis and released in two installments of 50% each. The second installment was released after the State had incurred expenditure equal to 70% of the first installment of CLA together with the State’s share and submission of utilization certificate. In case of Special Category States (North Eastern and hilly States of HP, Sikkim, J&K and projects benefiting Kalahandi, Bolangir and (KBK) districts of Orissa), the State Governments were required to contribute only 50 % of the CLA released. However, the Government of India relaxed the funding pattern in 1999-2000. As per the revised guidelines, from 1999-2000 onwards, Central loan Assistance could also be extended to


minor surface irrigation schemes (both new and ongoing) in Special Category states and KBK districts of Orissa. Further, funds were provided to the States in the ratio of 2:1 (Centre: State) for general category states and 3:1 (Centre: State) for Special Category states. Besides, major/medium irrigation schemes even in initial stages of construction in drought prone KBK districts of Orissa could now be included under the programme. No CLA was being provided to meet the establishment cost earlier. But as per the guidelines effective from 02/2002, up to 15% of CLA could be provided for meeting the establishment expenditure to be adjusted against the State’s share. To facilitate the construction works, the first installment, which is normally 50% of CLA sanctioned during the year, was released in advance whereas the second installment of CLA was to be released only after the State had incurred the expenditure on AIBP components of the selected project equivalent to the sum of the CLA released and corresponding contribution by the State. Later it was decided that 30% CLA to Non-Special Category States and 90% for Special Category States is converted into grants.

2.2 The Central Loan Assistance was given in the form of a loan at the rate of interest prescribed by the Ministry of Finance from time to time. The loan under the Programme is repayable in 20 equal installments together with interest on the outstanding balance commencing from the following year. However, 50% of the loan enjoys 5 years initial grace period after which repayment of the loans is effected in 15 equal installments. The loan amount payable in a year is recovered in 10 equal monthly installments commencing from the month of June.

2.3 The assistance provided under AIBP was treated as part of the State Plan Resources. Accordingly, State-wise financial projections for AIBP funding were made while finalizing the State annual Plans. The Planning Commission determines the size of the State Plans. The Ministry of Finance sanctions the CLA / grant to the States after approval by the Ministry of Water Resources subject to the State-wise ceiling fixed by the Planning Commission.

2.4. In the year 1999-2000 larger Central assistance to those States which could rationalize their water rates to cover at least Operation & Maitenance costs were announced. As per the guidelines effective from 1.4.2004, special provisions were made for the relaxation of CLA for the projects of such states, which were categorized as Reforming States.

2.5. In March, 2005 in order to accelerate the provision of irrigation to drought prone areas and tribal areas, the project providing irrigation benefits to such areas were extended (in consultation with Planning Commission). The same facility as allowed to the Special Category States. From April, 2005, the Centre is providing only grant assistance to the projects under AIBP and the rest of the funding is to be raised by the States themselves, either through Plan allocations or State resources or loans.

2.6. The new AIBP criterion was approved by the Cabinet in November 2006 and new guidelines were circulated in December 2006. The relevant extracts of the relaxation in criteria are as under:

(a) All the approved projects in (a) drought-prone areas, (b) tribal areas, (c) States with lower irrigation development as compared to National average and (d)


districts identified under PM’s package for agrarian distress, should be provided support under AIBP in relaxation of 1:1 criteria i.e., taking up of another project in the State after completion of one ongoing project will remain applicable.

(b) The sanctioned grants to be released in two installments, the first based on projected outlay and the second after confirmation of expenditure. The grant component amounting to 90% of the total grant sanctioned will be released immediately and the balance 10% of the grant when 70% of the agreed expenditure is incurred.

(c) Removing distinction of fast track projects, reforming and non-reforming States, the release of grant of 25% of Project Cost for all irrigation projects in Non- Special Category states and 90% for Special Category states is made.

(d) Stipulation of 100 hectare in respect of surface water minor irrigation schemes predominantly benefiting backward regions has been brought down to 50 hectare. The stipulation of 10% beneficiary contribution in cost for post construction maintenance for Surface Water Minor Irrigation Schemes benefiting backward regions in Non- Special Category States is also done away with.

(e) In relaxation of the proposed cap on number of projects under AIBP, ERM projects will be eligible for funding under AIBP as and when such proposals come up for consideration after due technical and investment clearance.

2.7. The projects are regularly monitored by the Central Water Commission with the help of its regional offices situated all over the country. The fund releases are based upon their reports. Besides, these projects are also monitored by the Project Authorities themselves.

The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation does annual monitoring of the projects covered under AIBP.

3. Overview of AIBP Implementation since inception

3.1 The amount of CLA / grant released (since the inception of the AIBP Scheme) is given below: Year Amount of CLA/Grant released (Rs. in crore) 1996-97 500.0010 1997-98 952.1900 1998-99 1119.1800 1999-00 1450.4768 2000-01 1856.2000 2001-02 2601.9810 2002-03 3061.7026 2003-04 3128.5009 2004-05 2867.3372 2005-06 1900.3142 2006-07 2301.9722 2007-08 5445.7051 2008-09 7598.2213 2009-10 6945.5903


2010-11 6837.203 Grand Total 48566.5756

Central Assistance Related Under AIBP(Rs Crore)

8000.0000 7000.0000 6000.0000 5000.0000 4000.0000 Y 3000.0000 2000.0000 1000.0000 0.0000

Central Assistance(Rs Crore) Assistance(Rs Central 7 9 1 3 5 7 9 1 -9 0 0 10-1 998-9 004-0 1996 1 2000-0 2002- 2 2006-0 2008- 20


3.2 In all, 287 major/medium/ERM irrigation projects have received Central Loan Assistance/Grant under AIBP Normal & Fast Track, since its inception in 1996-97. The details of the major and medium irrigation projects that received Central Loan Assistance/Grant under AIBP till March, 2011 by various States is given in Annexure-I.

3.3 To further help the State Governments in accelerating the implementation of Major/Medium/ERM irrigation projects, the Government of India had started providing additional Central Loan Assistance to the projects selected under Fast Track Programme (FTP) since 2001-02. As per the revised guidelines w.e.f. 1.4.2004, these projects were to be funded fully by the centre by providing 70% loan and 30% grant for non-special category states and 90% grant and 10% loan for special category states. For the projects under FTP establishment, expenditure had to be entirely borne by the State government. The progress of these projects was to be closely monitored by the CWC with special reference to quality control and release of installments of CLA. Till March 2006, 42 such projects had received assistance under FTP. As per the new AIBP guidelines made effective from December 2006, the distinction between normal AIBP and Fast Track Projects has been removed. Accordingly, no separate central loan assistance/grant has been provided under FTP after 2006-07.

4. State-wise Summary of Central Loan Assistance (CLA) / Grant released since 1996-97.


An amount of Rs.8480.0288 crore had been released as Central Loan Assistance (CLA) to projects under AIBP from 1996-97 to 2001-02. Rs.13259.8271 crore have been released as CLA/Grant during Xth Plan i.e. from 2002-03 to 2006-07 and Rs.5445.7051 crore, Rs. 7598.2213 crore, Rs.6945.5903 crore and Rs.6837.2030 have been released as grant during 2007-08, and 2008-09 and 2009-10 and 2010-11 respectively in the XI plan. Thus, the cumulative amount of CLA/Grant released under AIBP scheme up to March, 2011 is Rs.48566.5756 crore. The state wise details of Central Loan Assistance/Grant released since inception of the AIBP Scheme from 1996- 97 to March, 2011 is given at Annexure-II.

5. Additional Irrigation Potential Created

The information available in respect of the irrigation potential is up to March, 2011. The additional cumulative potential created under AIBP up to March 2011 is 6426.712 Th. Ha. The details of irrigation potential created under AIBP project-wise and state-wise since its inception up to March, 2011 are at Annexure – III. Since monitoring by MOSPI in based on the secondary data from CWC and Ministry of Water Resources, it has not been possible to assess additional potential created in 2010-11. However, based on the status of 85 projects up to March, 2011 as given in Annexure VI and VII only 1587.804 Thousand Hectare of additional potential has been created in 2010-11.

6. Irrigation Potential Created Under Bharat Nirman

As per information provide by Ministry of Water Resources, the total irrigation potential created under Bharat Nirman during the four years 2005-06 to 2008-09 is 7.31 million. hectare against the target of 10 million hectare. Creation of 3.5 million hectare of irrigation potential has been targeted in the next two years i.e., 1.75 million hectare each during 2009-10 and 2010-11. Irrigation Potential of 1.85 million hectare has been created during 2009-10. Irrigation Potential of 1.22 million hectare has been created during 2010-11 thus cumulative Irrigation Potential created under Bharat Nirman since 2005-06 to 2010-11 is 10.38 million hectare against the target of 13.5 million hectare. However, the complete information is yet to be received from few State Governments. The state wise details of potential created under Bharat Nirman are given in Annexure- IV.

7. Status of AIBP Implementation in 2010-11

The number of projects covered under the AIBP varies from year to year. As on March 2011, 287 projects have been funded since the inception of AIBP. An amount of Rs.6837.2030 crore has been released as grant to AIBP irrigation projects during 20010- 11. Thus, since inception of AIBP a sum of Rs.48566.5756 crore has been released till March, 2011. Out of the Major and Medium irrigation projects that received CLA/Grant under AIBP till March 2011, One Hundred and Thirty Six (136) projects have since been completed. State-wise list of Major and Medium projects completed under AIBP is at Annexure-V. Brief notes on 85 AIBP projects are also enclosed as Annexure- VI . In addition a one page report giving details of the cost involved, CLA/Grant released, potential created and problems faced, if any, for the 85 projects for which the information has been received through inspection reports, have been updated and is given at Annexure-VII.


8. Reasons for time and cost overruns

8.1 As mentioned before, irrigation projects were formulated and funded by the State Governments. A large number of projects had been taken up for which sufficient financial resources are not available with the State Governments. As a result, many projects suffer from considerable time and cost over-runs. Major changes in the scope and the overall price inflation due to time overrun add to the cost escalations of the projects which put further pressure on the budgetary resources of the state. In addition, the following factors have been identified as responsible for cost and time overruns:

(1) Delay in administrative sanction of plan and estimates, (2) Untimely/delayed release of funds by the State Governments to projects authorities, (3) Problems faced in acquisition of land and settlement of rehabilitation issues, (4) Delay in obtaining environmental and forest clearances, (5) Construction problems relating to design and contractual issues, (6) Court Cases and (7) Disturbances due to flood, militancy, etc.

Besides above, the projects lack proper planning and scheduling for timely completion. Further, coordination at the state and central levels is also very weak.

8.2 In view of the huge investments made in irrigation projects, which are crucial to the progress of the agriculture sector in the country, it is important that these projects are completed within the stipulated time frame and the approved cost estimates. It is necessary to ensure that no new projects are taken up until resources are found to complete all the ongoing schemes. The State Government should prioritize the ongoing projects strictly on the basis of benefit cost analysis of the projects and the incremental benefits to be derived from each unit of the proposed investments on the projects. Except for the preliminary expenditure, no major investment on a project should be made unless the issues of land acquisition, relief and rehabilitation, forest clearance are sorted out as a whole for the projects. It should not happen that the dam is constructed but the distribution system is not making headway for these reasons, making the investment idle and at times infructuous.

9. Benefits of the Scheme

1. The Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme Scheme has provided the opportunity for completing long pending major and medium irrigation projects as the release of the funds are project linked.

2. Of the ultimate irrigation potential of 119.29 lakh hectare under AIBP assisted major and medium projects, irrigation potential created upto March, 2011 is 64.2671 lakh hectares which is about 53.87 % of ultimate potential of the projects.

3. The completion of minor irrigation schemes covered under AIBP has been quite satisfactory as these have low gestation periods. This has been even more satisfactory in the North-Eastern States and has led to increase in irrigated area, increase in productivity, and motivation for farmers to adopt irrigated agriculture in place of


JHUM cultivation, development of markets and change in socio-economic structure of small farmers.

4. It has benefited many linked projects in agriculture, drinking water supply, tourism, etc.


Central Assistance (CA) / Grant released under AIBP during 1996-97 to 2010-11 Annexure-I

Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects ANDHRA PRADESH 1 Sriram Sagar(Stage-I) (III) (C) 291.2200 35.9500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 327.1700 2 Cheyyeru(Annamaya) (V) (C) 20.3300 5.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 25.3300 3 Jurala (VI) (C) 99.8800 20.3000 47.4900 59.6300 17.8890 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 245.1890 4 Somasilla (V)(C) 104.5250 60.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 164.5250 5 Nagarjunsagar (II) (C) 53.6000 23.5400 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 77.1400 6 Madduvalasa (V) (C) 54.3000 12.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 66.8000 7 Gundalavagu (V)(C) 1.6700 2.3350 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.0050 8 Maddigedda (V)(C) 1.0000 1.8920 0.9000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.7920 9 Kanupur Canal (III) (D) 1.9200 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.9200 10 Yerrakalva (V) 2.1700 7.8860 12.5680 5.8390 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 28.4630 11 Vamsedhera Ph.I ( C) 0.0000 9.2550 21.1780 6.6830 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 37.1160 12 Flood Flow Canal of SRSP (PMP) 0.0000 120.0000 127.4000 74.0000 61.0000 0.0000 382.4000 13 Sriramsagar Project - II (PMP) 0.0000 2.2690 72.0000 0.0000 0.0000 65.1980 139.4670 61 Minor Irrigation Schemes 0.0000 27.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 27.0000 6 New MI Schemes 2008-09 24.3000 0.0000 24.3000 59 OG MI Schemes 110.1600 0.0000 110.1600 23 New MI Schemes 2008-09 97.2000 0.0000 97.2000 14 Tadipudi LIS 0.0000 48.2200 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 48.2200 15 Pushkara LIS 0.0000 33.1155 13.9692 0.0000 0.0000 47.0847 16 Ralivagu (PMP) 0.0000 6.7095 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6.7095 17 Gollavagu (PMP) 0.0000 28.3500 32.1200 0.0000 0.0000 60.4700 18 Mathadivagu (PMP) 0.0000 28.3500 8.6700 0.0000 0.0000 37.0200 19 Peddavagu (PMP) 0.0000 50.6250 0.0000 0.0000 55.4000 106.0250 20 Gundlakamma Reservoir (PMP) 0.0000 59.6100 39.7425 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 99.3525 21 Valligallu Reservoir (PMP) ( C) 0.0000 36.0855 26.2500 0.0000 0.0000 62.3355 22 Ali Sagar LIS(PMP) (C) 0.0000 13.5000 2.8700 0.0000 0.0000 16.3700 23 J.Chokkarao LIS (PMP) 0.0000 298.1300 405.0000 0.0000 180.0000 883.1300 24 A.R.Guthpa LIS (PMP) ( C) 0.0000 10.9500 6.5500 0.0000 0.0000 17.5000 25 Nilwai (PMP) 0.0000 2.8500 15.5500 0.0000 0.0000 18.4000 26 Khomaram Bhima (PMP) 0.0000 7.7800 109.8300 27.9300 0.0000 145.5400 27 Thotapalli Barrage 0.0000 63.1410 24.6400 11.9500 0.0000 99.7310 28 Tarakarma Thirtha Sagaram Project 0.0000 33.0060 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 33.0060 29 Swarnamukhi Med Irrigation Project ( C) 0.0000 5.9310 5.9310 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 11.8620 30 Palemvagu (PMP) 0.0000 9.5355 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 9.5355 31 Musurimilli Project 35.1800 27.7700 0.0000 22.7920 85.7420 32 Rajiv Bhima LIS (PMP) 233.1400 269.8700 662.6610 1165.6710 33 Indra Sagar Polavaram 2008-09 (XI) 225.0000 337.4690 562.4690 (Andhra Pradesh)-Total 630.6150 33.1860 205.5300 87.5470 311.3815 843.4220 987.7692 855.1800 1300.7280 22.7920 5278.1510

ARUNACHAL PRADESH 337 M.I.Schemes in 1999-2000 (C-337-3/02) 20.8500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.8500 364 MI Schemes in 2000-01 (C-364-3/03) 9.1500 1.0000 4.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.6500


Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects 286 MI Schemes in 2002-03 (C-286-3/05) 0.0000 0.5000 14.4500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.9500 275 MI Schemes in 2003-04 (C-275-3/06) 1.0500 10.0000 8.7750 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 19.8250 243 MI Schemes in 2005-06 (C-211-3/07) 9.2250 27.0000 2.7100 1.0200 0.0000 39.9550 231 MI Schemes in 2007-08 44.4700 6.5500 0.0000 51.0200 81 OG MI Schemes in 2008-09 16.0200 0.0000 16.0200 145 New MI Schemes in 2008-09 10.3680 29.5794 18.0000 57.9470 53 OG MI Schemes in 2009-10 1.2010 1.2010 145 OG MI Schemes 0.0000 18.3470 18.3470 79 New MI Schemes of 2010-11 12.2880 12.2880 (Arunachal)-Total 30.0000 1.5000 20.0000 10.0000 18.0000 27.0000 47.1800 33.9580 30.7804 48.6350 267.0530

ASSAM 34 Pahumara (A.P. 1978-80) (C) 4.3100 0.0750 1.7550 1.2600 1.8900 0.0000 9.2900 35 Hawaipur LIS (VI)(C) 2.9650 2.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.9650 36 Rupahi LIS (A.P. 1978-80) (C) 0.6550 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.6550 37 Dhansiri (V) 28.8200 2.8700 5.2900 59.1170 0.0000 49.5000 145.5970 38 Champamati (VI) 10.8300 2.1700 0.7330 0.0000 0.0000 12.0040 25.7370 39 Borolia (A.P. 1978-80) 6.9370 2.0000 3.6000 4.3200 6.4800 0.0000 23.3370 40 Kolonga (V) (C) 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5000 41 Burhi Dihang LIS (A.P. 1978-80) 3.7240 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.2240 42 Bordikarai (V) (C) 6.7000 0.3130 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7.0130 43 Mod. of Jamuna Irr. Project (IX) (C) 0.3750 3.9600 4.7000 7.2450 4.3200 15.7626 0.0000 36.3626 44 Integ. Irri. Scheme Kollong Basin (V)(C) 10.5000 1.3570 1.1250 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 12.9820 6 MI Schemes in 1999-2000 (KAAC) (C-6-3/01) 3.0400 0.0000 0.0000 3.0400 39 MI Schemes (General area) in 2000-01 (C-13-3/07) 4.2570 2.1280 2.6250 0.0000 3.7260 2.3400 3.5000 0.0000 18.5760 5 MI Schemes in 2001-02 (KAAC) (C-4-3/03) 1.1050 0.6243 0.5440 0.0000 0.0000 2.2733 5 MI Schemes in 2002-03 (KAAC) (C-5-3/04) 0.8300 0.5440 0.0000 0.0000 1.3740 4 MI Schemes in 2002-03 (NC Hills) (C-2-3/04) 0.3915 1.3335 0.0000 0.0000 1.7250 24 MI Schemes (KAAC) in 2003-04 (C-24-3/06) 4.7270 7.3100 0.0000 0.0000 12.0370 24 MI Schemes (KAAC) in 2004-05 (C-24-3/07) 7.9060 11.7178 15.3300 0.0000 0.0000 34.9538 11 MI Schemes (NC Hills) in 2004-05 1.6390 0.0000 0.0000 1.6390 22 MI Schemes in 2005-06 (KAAC) (C-22-3/07) 6.8894 7.8100 12.8860 0.0000 0.0000 27.5854 47 MI Schemes (KAAC) in 2006-07 (C-14) 7.1285 23.9820 5.0300 0.0000 36.1405 10 MI Schemes (KAAC) in 2007-08 16.4200 4.9000 0.0000 21.3200 92 MI Schemes (General area) in 2007-08 6.5200 9.7800 0.0000 16.3000 39 New Surface MI Schemes (2008-09) 28.4800 21.6000 22.4462 50.0800 32 New Surface MI Schemes (KAAC) 2008-09 12.1500 13.9918 26.1418 42 New Surface MI Schemes (2008-09) 30.4600 22.9279 13.2572 66.6451 1 New MI Scheme (Kaloo Flow Irrigation Scheme) (2008-09) 16.94 5.6728 3.3082 25.9210 85 New Surface MI Schemes (2008-09) 60.345 27.1713 123.3946 210.9109 23 New Surface MI Schemes 2008-09 (BTC) 10.93 0.0000 10.9300 25 OG Surface MI Schemes (KAAC) 25.25 0.0000 25.2500 25 OG Surface MI Schemes (KAAC) IInd Installment 19.125 0.0000 19.1250 9 New Surface MI Schemes 2008-09 16.2 0.0000 16.2000 92 OG Surface MI Schemes 2008-09 50.7864 0.0000 50.7864 89 New Surface MI Schemes 2008-09 28.828 0.0000 147.3418 176.1698 27 New Surface MI Schemes 2009-10 8.1000 8.1000 7 OG Surface MI Schemes of 2008-09 0.6470 0.6470 2 OG Surface MI Schemes of 2008-09 3.3077 3.3077 1 OG Surface MI Schemes of 2008-09 6.9838 6.9838 104 New Surface MI Schemes 2009-10 (General) 54.0000 54.0000 23 New Surface MI Schemes 2009-10(BTC) 44.9898 44.9898 208 New MI Schemes 2009-10(BTC) 178.2000 178.2000 9 OG MIS 9.0000 9.0000 11

Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects 32 OG MIS-KAAC (2nd Inst) 1.5547 1.5547 27 New MIS-KAAC (2nd Inst) 0.9000 0.9000 7 OG MIS-KAAC (2nd Inst) 0.0089 0.0089 2 OG MIS-KAAC (2nd Inst) 0.3675 0.3675 1 OG MIS-KAAC (2nd Inst) 0.7059 0.7059 89 OG MIS 94.2927 94.2927 42 New MI Schemes 2009-10(Gen Area) 18.7476 18.7476 124 New MI Schemes 2009-10(Gen Area) 64.8000 64.8000 9 ongoing MI Schemes 0.0000 8.1380 8.1380 42 ongoing MI Schemes 39.0170 39.0170

(Assam)-Total 84.7180 16.2738 19.2015 16.9300 34.9332 30.2685 77.3380 405.9540 589.9734 406.4030 1681.9934

BIHAR 45 Western Kosi Canal (III) 114.2050 33.0000 19.8800 5.9640 1.7000 21.8200 32.1300 0.0000 23.4000 252.0990 46 Upper Kiul (V)(C) 19.0850 2.0840 1.3350 0.0750 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 22.5790 47 Durgawati (V) 31.8900 13.7400 18.0600 1.4000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 65.0900 - Bansagar (V) 83.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 83.5000 48 Orni Reservoir (V)(C) 10.6600 0.7405 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 11.4005 49 Bilasi Reservoir (V) (C) 3.3900 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.3900 50 Sone canal modernisation (VII) (C) 73.6600 21.5000 16.0000 8.7990 1.5300 27.5900 19.3700 0.0000 168.4490 51 Batane (V) 3.3350 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.3350 4 MI Scheme in 2007-08 3.5500 0.0000 0.0000 3.5500 56 New MI Scheme in 2008-09 34.8489 0.0000 18.4220 53.2700 52 Punpun Barrage Project 0.0000 9.2800 23.3540 11.2500 43.8840 53 Restoration of Kosi Barrage 2008-09(XI) 66.6630 66.6630 32 new MI schemes (2010-11) 13.9320 13.9320 (Bihar)-Total 339.7250 14.4805 74.6440 37.2150 16.2380 3.2300 62.2400 109.7029 77.9130 55.7540 791.1420

CHHATTISGARH 54 Hasdeo Bango (A.P. 1978-80) (C) 79.7800 96.7600 67.2400 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 243.7800 55 Shivnath Diversion (V) (C) 3.2700 0.2700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.5400 56 Jonk Diversion (IV) (C) 3.6000 2.6700 1.3300 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7.6000 57 Koserteda 0.0000 3.0000 4.7100 2.9250 1.5640 9.3800 0.0000 14.5000 18.6940 54.7730 58 Reservoir 0.0000 6.1005 8.3440 12.5100 0.0000 26.9545 59 Barnai (C) 0.0000 1.3000 1.3500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.6500 60 Kelo 2008-09(XI) 13.5230 13.5000 27.0230 61 Minimata (Hasdeo Bango Ph.IV) 19.6700 29.5100 16.8240 66.0040 43 MI Schemes in 2006-07 10.7050 0.0000 0.0000 41.3150 77 MI Schemes in 2007-08 28.9600 21.6800 0.0000 50.3470 100.9870 13 (8 MIS+5 Anicut) New MI Schemes in 2008-09 6.1230 0.0000 6.1230 30 New MI Schemes in 2008-09 32.6835 0.0000 29.2370 61.9200 19 Ongoing MI Schemes in 2008-09 23.3690 0.0000 23.3690 16 New MI Schemes in 2008-09 13.5670 0.0000 12.9080 13.5670 18 New MI Schemes in 2008-09 13.7133 30.7420 44.4550 4 New MI Schemes in 2008-09 2.3250 3.2050 5.5300 32 Ongoing MI Schemes in 2008-09 53.5977 0.0000 53.5977 62 Khuraung (ERM) Project 4.5000 4.5000 63 Sutiapat Project 6.3180 6.3180 24 ongoing MI schemes 1.8820 1.8820 15 ongoing MI schemes 3.4780 3.4780 (Chattisgarh)-Total 86.6500 104.0000 74.6300 2.9250 7.6645 10.7050 96.9640 193.0402 60.8853 174.8110 783.1882

GOA 62 Salauli Phase-1 (IV) (C) 15.1000 2.0000 0.650012 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 17.7500

Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects 63 Tillari (V) 113.3000 1.9100 32.4800 39.2300 20.2500 20.0000 227.1700 (Goa)-Total 128.4000 0.0000 2.0000 0.6500 1.9100 32.4800 39.2300 20.2500 20.0000 244.9200


Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects

GUJARAT 64 Sardar Sarovar (VI) 1899.2500 997.0000 649.5000 530.5000 339.6000 121.8885 585.7200 251.9000 0.0000 361.4200 5736.7790 65 Jhuj (A.P. 1978-80) (C) 4.7400 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.7400 66 Sipu (A.P. 1978-80) (C) 6.4550 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6.4550 67 Mukteshwar (VI) (C) 9.7480 0.8900 0.2250 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 10.8630 68 Harnav-II (V) (C) 0.0650 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0650 69 Umaria (V) (C) 0.1350 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1350 70 Damanganga (IV) (C) 9.4700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 9.4700 71 Karjan (V) (C) 7.6000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7.6000 72 Sukhi (V) (C) 5.6500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5.6500 73 Deo (V) (C) 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5000 74 Watrak Kadana RB Canal (A.P. 1978-80) (C) 3.1100 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.1100 75 Aji-IV (IX) 10.3500 0.6650 0.0930 0.0000 2.2500 1.3480 14.7060 76 Ozat-II (VIII) 10.6600 1.1150 0.3350 0.0000 1.4900 0.0000 13.6000 77 Brahamini-II (IX) 4.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.0000 78 Bhadar- II 0.0000 0.6600 0.2060 0.0000 2.9700 4.7317 8.5677 (Gujarat)-Total 1971.7330 1000.3300 650.3590 530.5000 339.6000 121.8885 585.7200 258.6100 6.0797 361.4200 5826.2400

HARYANA 79 Gurgaon Canal (III) (C) 2.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.5000 80 WRCP (VIII) (C) 30.0000 18.0000 7.7350 11.1350 6.0000 3.1700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 76.0400 81 JLN Lift Irri. (V) (D) 12.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 12.0000 (Haryana)-Total 44.5000 18.0000 7.7350 11.1350 6.0000 3.1700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 90.5400

HIMACHAL PRADESH 82 Shahnehar Irrgn. Project (VIII) 34.8240 6.4000 13.5570 8.8340 0.7200 21.4100 46.9800 16.8602 149.5852 83 Sidhata (IX) 1.5000 1.5000 0.5700 1.1250 6.0750 1.0000 25.7300 10.5300 0.0000 48.0300 84 Changer Lift (IX) 0.7650 0.2500 0.5650 0.6400 1.1475 0.5000 23.4000 24.3000 0.0000 5.6700 57.2380 85 Balh Valley (Left Bank)-XI, 2009-10 36.0000 5.4510 41.4510 28 MI Schemes in 1999-2000 (C-28-3/05) 4.8440 0.0000 0.0000 4.8440 17 MI Schemes in 2000-01 (C-17-3/06) 1.8730 1.9250 0.6930 0.0000 0.0000 4.4910 102 MI Schemes in 2005-06 (C-19-3/07) 13.3290 1.7100 0.0000 0.0000 31.4490 116 MI Schemes in 2007-08 27.1000 0.0000 0.0000 32.4000 116 Ongoing MI Schemes in 2008-09 37.5078 37.8195 32.4000 32.4000 (H.P.)-Total 43.8060 8.1500 14.6920 3.6900 30.0785 3.9300 114.0500 119.3178 90.6797 43.5210 471.9150

JAMMU & KASHMIR 86 Marwal Lift @ (IV) (C) 0.3000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3000 87 Lethpora Lift @ (IV)(C) 1.7550 0.8150 0.4453 0.3008 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.3161 88 Koil Lift @ (V) (C) 0.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5000 89 Mod. of Ranbir Canal (VII) 10.9500 5.2330 5.4500 7.5600 20.0600 9.5050 0.0000 24.9750 83.7330 90 Mod. of Pratap Canal (VII) (C) 2.5500 1.0600 2.8800 2.9160 2.7000 2.6300 3.9400 0.0000 18.6760 Mod. of New Pratap Canal 4.7697 4.9739 4.6840 14.4280 91 Mod. of Kathua Canal (VII) (C) 2.6500 1.0870 2.8800 0.9990 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7.6160 92 Rajpora lift (A.P. 1978-80) (C) 1.9650 5.1930 1.4160 4.7700 1.8900 12.8600 17.5422 0.0000 45.6362 93 Tral Lift (A.P. 1978-80) 1.9650 10.1660 1.5500 4.4208 1.8450 12.5400 12.2103 0.0000 6.3000 50.9970 94 Igophey (IX) (C) 3.3750 4.4850 1.0000 0.5000 0.2700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 9.6300 95 Rafiabad Lift Irrigation (IX) 0.9000 4.7570 2.3912 2.8270 1.6546 10.5400 9.9157 0.0000 2.3370 35.3230 96 Zaingir Canal (IX) (C) 0.6000 2.2030 0.3450 1.0020 0.6992 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.8492 97 Mod. of Dadi Canal Project 0.0000 3.2670 16.7100 11.5764 0.2584 31.8118 98 Mod. of Martand Canal 0.0000 4.4600 2.9200 7.5188 0.0000 14.8988 99 Mod. of Mav Khul 0.0000 2.4300 1.4600 3.2149 0.0000 7.1049 100 Mod. Of Babul Canal 2.3100 4.4484 0.0000 6.7584 101 Mod. Of Kandi Canal 10.3900 5.8100 0.0000 16.2000 14

Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects 102 Parachik Khows Canal Project 1.6200 2.4300 4.3919 8.9960 17.4370 103 Mod. of Ahji Canal (XI) 2.4300 4.0500 6.4800 54 MI Schemes in 2003-04 (Jammu) 2.9900 3.0000 7.4250 2.2200 0.0000 0.0000 15.6350 27 MI Schemes in 2003-04 (Kashmir) (C-5-06-07) 6.0000 2.4400 4.5000 5.6250 9.3800 0.0000 0.0000 27.9450 3 MI Schemes in 2006-07 (Kashmir) 1.3500 6.9600 3.8900 1.0880 13.2880 62 MI Schemes in 2006-07 (Jammu) 10.3300 13.3600 20.0812 43.7712 133 MI Schemes (Kashmir) in 2007-08 73.0151 34.9600 0.0000 6.0630 114.0380 111 MI Schemes (Jammu) in 2007-08 15.8300 14.9500 0.0000 31.5670 62.3470 15 MI Schemes (Leh & Kargil) in 2008-09 18.9700 0.0000 20.8530 39.8230 57 MI Schemes (Kashmir) in 2008-09 86.5200 8.6894 95.2094 40 New MI Schemes (Jammu) in 2008-09 31.3930 19.3442 50.7372 19 New MI Schemes (Kashmir) in 2008-09 27.4860 0.0000 29.3540 56.8400 77 OG MI Schemes (------) in 2008-09 66.2257 0.0000 20.9050 87.1310 54 OG MI Schemes (------) in 2009-10 54.5550 54.5550 1 New MIS of 2009-10(Jammu) 8.9100 8.9100 11 New MIS of 2009-10(Ladakh) 24.1461 24.1461 Bringi Canal 8.7480 8.7480 Manzaor Canal 0.7870 0.7870 54 OG MI Schemes (------) in 2009-10 1.0440 1.0440 54 OG MI Schemes (------) in 2009-10 10.6605 10.6605 0.0000 0.0000 (J&K)-Total 27.5100 34.9990 21.5450 12.7445 36.6878 37.7716 199.2251 393.0661 171.7276 156.0340 1091.3110

JHARKHAND 104 Gumani (V) 21.9400 4.0000 1.3620 0.3900 3.7100 0.0000 0.0000 31.4020 105 Torai (V) (D) 2.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.5000 106 Latratu (VII) (C) 2.1300 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.1300 107 Kansjore (VII) 9.5600 1.0000 0.4800 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 11.0400 108 Sonua (VI) 7.4750 2.3350 1.8330 5.9950 0.7080 0.9000 0.0000 0.0000 19.2460 109 Surangi (VII) 7.2900 2.3350 2.5250 1.1344 0.0000 0.0000 13.2844 110 Tapkara Res. Scheme (VI) (C) 0.5150 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5150 111 Upper Sankh 0.0000 8.2700 1.4400 0.9000 1.8000 2.7000 0.0000 11.2400 26.3500 112 Panchkhero 0.0000 4.4950 1.0470 1.6800 1.0200 0.0000 8.2420 116 New MI Schemes 72.9000 72.9000 1 New MI Scheme (Sukhari) 5.6700 5.6700 60 New MI Schemes of 2010-11 51.6910 51.6910 108 New MI Schemes of 2010-11 101.3870 101.3870 (Jharkhand)-Total 51.4100 9.6700 1.8330 21.2850 5.0370 1.2900 9.2244 3.7200 0.0000 242.8870 346.3570

KARNATAKA 113 UKP Stage-I (IV) 557.0000 181.0000 98.4752 17.3778 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 853.8530 114 Malprabha (III) (PMP) 47.0000 25.5600 12.0000 6.0000 13.5000 35.3400 18.9000 110.5250 268.8250 115 Hirehalla (VI) (C) 40.7500 8.7800 14.7100 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 64.2400 116 Ghatprabha (V) (PMP) 97.5000 75.0000 13.0150 62.0900 19.5000 30.8050 29.0400 43.5700 56.1620 20.6010 447.2830 117 Karanja (V) 67.1400 34.3700 75.2700 0.0000 12.2500 0.0000 189.0300 118 UKP Stage-II (IX) 250.0000 275.0500 163.4830 204.6800 95.3571 78.6597 145.6400 61.2400 93.0200 150.1800 1517.3100 119 Gandorinala (VIII) 7.5000 17.8700 19.0500 2.5410 4.7500 45.5300 0.0000 18.5200 115.7610 UKP St. I Phase III 0.0000 32.6582 72.0100 134.6600 152.9770 392.3052 120 Maskinala (C) 0.0000 3.2200 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.2200 121 Votehole Medium Project (PMP) (C) 0.2900 0.0000 0.0000 0.2900 122 Varahi Project 22.0500 20.1690 26.3160 68.5350 123 Dudhganga Interstate project (PMP) (XI) 3.8300 0.0000 3.6770 7.5070 124 Mod. Of Bhadra (PMP) (XI) 32.4400 108.4980 140.9380 125 Hippargi Project (PMP) (XI) 115.3600 114.7804 281.2000 511.3400 37 New MIS of 2009-10 20.2608 12.6860 32.9470 15

Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects 126 Resto & Renov of Bheemasamudra Tank-2009-10 (XI)(PMP) 3.4830 3.4830 61 New MIS of 2009-10 28.2458 28.2458 127 Bhima Lift Irrigation Scheme,2009-10(XI) 58.6400 52.6200 111.2600 128 Guddada Malapura LIS DPAP, 2009-10 (XI) 32.4000 24.8430 57.2430 0.0000 21.9530 21.9530 -Total 1066.8900 620.8500 266.4780 396.2952 140.7759 160.3729 349.9000 442.4190 823.8280 567.7590 4835.5680

KERALA 129 Kallada Project (III) (C) 28.5000 4.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 32.5000 130 Muvattupuzha (V) 23.9250 5.6650 27.0000 49.4400 9.3591 13.9280 0.0000 0.0000 3.8120 133.1291 131 Karapuzha (PMP) 0.0000 2.7188 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.7188 132 Kanhirapuzha-ERM (PMP) (XI) 0.9045 0.0000 4.1650 5.0700 133 Chitturpuza (PMP) 2010-11 5.8520 5.8520 (Kerala)-Total 52.4250 5.6650 31.0000 49.4400 9.3591 16.6468 0.0000 0.9045 3.8120 10.0170 179.2700

MADHYA PRADESH 134 Indira Sagar (VI) 269.0000 74.0100 190.1540 124.9400 41.9504 9.8900 94.7700 0.0000 0.0000 804.7144 135 Bansagar (Unit-I) (V)(C) 203.5800 95.8360 28.5310 15.6000 0.8300 13.2400 0.0000 7.3670 364.9840 - Bansagar (Unit-II) (V) 0.0000 40.6400 68.0000 18.1420 4.0400 56.6000 26.8600 59.6100 54.0160 327.9080 136 Upper Weinganga (V) (C) 43.5300 5.5600 1.0160 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 50.1060 - Rajghat Dam (V) 27.8030 2.4000 12.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 42.2030 137 Sindh Phase-II (VI) 58.7600 47.2000 128.6800 114.2200 24.5290 6.3100 45.8470 6.9750 22.9550 455.4760 138 Sindh Phase-I (IV)(C) 4.5000 2.3200 8.0560 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.8760 139 Mahi (VI) 4.0250 17.8500 28.4560 32.0000 8.2600 5.3600 49.4700 37.1860 0.0000 87.6250 270.2320 140 Bariarpur (V) 5.0000 7.0600 29.0560 26.1900 6.3750 0.7600 12.0400 7.5300 6.5700 100.5810 141 Urmil (V) (C) 1.3350 0.6000 0.4560 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.3910 142 Banjar (V) (C) 1.0000 0.4000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.1960 143 Bawanthadi (VI) 0.0000 18.3300 27.8900 2.4501 0.5100 10.8300 5.2810 0.0000 20.6150 85.9060 144 Mahan (VI) 0.0000 5.4000 11.5700 4.8000 0.3700 6.6400 2.7000 0.0000 31.4800 145 Omkareshwar (VIII) PH-I 0.0000 20.1640 71.3600 9.1119 1.9900 26.7800 11.5600 10.9200 151.8859 Bargi Dam RBC 16 Km.-63 Km.(V)PH-I 98.0300 25.5480 0.0000 6.7500 10.3170 140.6450 146 Bargi Div. Pro. Canal (63 Km to 104 Km)PH-II 0.0000 65.0000 11.3302 2.0600 25.9500 10.1300 0.0000 114.4702 17 MI Schemes in 2006-07 22.5000 20.2500 0.0000 0.0000 42.7500 146 MI Schemes in 2007-08 108.0750 1.5700 0.0000 69.4440 179.0890 Bargi Diversion Ph.III 9.4500 14.1800 32.3640 55.9940 Bargi Diversion Ph.IV (2008-09) 0.0000 7.3690 7.3690 147 Pench Diversion Project Ph.I 3.3000 3.3600 9.7180 16.3780 Omkareshwar Project Ph.II 16.1100 49.6000 0.0000 65.7100 Omkareshwar Canal Ph.III 16.0400 24.0600 41.9860 82.0860 Indira Sagar Canal Ph.III 24.4900 61.7700 0.0000 86.2600 Indira Sagar Canal Ph.IV (2008-09-XI) 19.6830 12.6000 16.2000 48.4830 Indira Sagar Unit-II (Ph.I & II) (2008-09-XI) 42.6400 95.4690 138.1090 148 Punasa Lift Irrigation Project (XI) 2008-09 48.6000 227.6370 105.0300 981.2670 149 Lower Goi (XI) 2008-09 32.5860 60.1020 22.8100 115.4980 150 Upper Beda (XI) 2008-09 14.3400 49.1984 24.8100 88.3480 1 New MI Scheme(Tulsipar Tank Scheme) 4.4100 0.0000 9.3690 13.7790 4 New MI Scheme (2008-09) 1.1016 0.0000 2.2050 3.3070 9 New MI Scheme (2008-09) 3.6120 0.0000 7.5690 11.1800 4 New MI Scheme (2008-09) 2.2680 0.0000 4.7500 7.0180 11 New MI Scheme (2008-09) 13.2435 0.0000 26.2880 39.9310 7 New MI Scheme (2008-09) 4.9400 0.0000 20.7690 25.7090 3 New MI Scheme (2008-09) 4.2363 0.0000 8.8920 13.1280 6 New MI Scheme (2008-09) 5.2490 0.0000 5.8460 11.0950 17 Ongoing MI Scheme (2008-09) 0.0000 11.8186 11.8186 43 Ongoing MI Scheme (2008-09) 0.0000 59.1639 59.1639 16

Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects 32 Ongoing MI Scheme (2008-09) 0.0000 57.9433 57.9433 26 Ongoing MI Scheme (2008-09) 0.0000 35.1750 35.1750 14 Ongoing MI Scheme (2008-09) 9.2720 24 New MI Scheme (2008-09) 11.1290 0.0000 10.9270 22.0560 153 Jobat Irrigation Project (2010-11) 6.6600 6.6600 19 New MI Schemes of 2010-11 36.0450 36.0450 ()-Total 716.5630 220.0000 568.6440 516.7010 168.0966 48.3100 500.3450 473.7824 758.7458 658.6920 4629.6760

MAHARASHTRA 151 Gosikhurd (VI) 29.4800 6.8700 152.7980 30.0477 2.0900 59.5900 142.3000 0.0000 1412.9400 2582.9400 Gosikhurd-National Project (XI) 450.0000 720.0000 1170.0000 152 Surya (A.P. 1978-80) (C) 13.5500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 13.5500 153 Waghur (V) 54.0000 8.4800 17.2400 15.3400 7.6068 4.3400 67.8700 109.5130 0.0000 284.3898 154 Bhima (III)(C) 44.5050 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 44.5050 155 Upper Tapi (IV) (C) 7.7000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7.7000 156 Upper Wardha (V) (PMP) 85.3100 33.7060 6.0000 43.9400 29.0385 22.0800 26.9500 0.0000 247.0245 157 Wan (VI) (C) (PMP) 38.9800 4.3136 9.7400 6.5300 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 59.5636 158 Jayakwadi (V) (C) 23.9200 4.1250 15.6900 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 43.7350 159 Vishnupuri (A.P. 1978-80) (C) 4.0000 1.4145 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5.4145 160 Bahula (V) (C) 4.4100 1.5440 5.0000 0.5700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 11.5240 161 Krishna (III) (C) 0.0000 14.1730 25.3000 29.5500 13.9200 82.8036 23.8900 23.4700 0.0000 213.1066 162 Kukadi (AP 66-69) (C) 0.0000 37.4380 48.4300 62.9480 24.2880 41.6216 55.4600 0.0000 0.0000 270.1856 163 Upper Manar 0.0000 0.6420 8.8000 17.1400 5.3960 3.9955 11.6600 11.8550 0.0000 11.2500 70.7390 164 Hetwane (C) 0.0000 2.5155 12.9800 35.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 50.4955 165 Chaskman (C) 0.0000 3.3120 11.6600 48.5000 10.3032 9.2625 12.3400 0.0000 0.0000 95.3777 166 Upper Pen Ganga 0.0000 50.1200 2.4765 5.8941 23.9500 37.6253 0.0000 43.6900 163.7560 - Bawanthadi 0.0000 30.4700 13.5990 0.2900 10.0200 28.8800 0.0000 20.2500 103.5090 167 Lower Dudhana 0.0000 24.0000 26.7618 8.3000 48.6800 18.2700 27.0000 153.0120 - Tillari 0.0000 8.1600 1.0600 23.0650 9.2750 12.1850 53.7450 168 Warna 0.0000 9.0000 22.5000 16.8750 0.0000 48.3750 169 Wan Phase II 0.0000 2.0295 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.0295 96 New Surface MI Schemes 2006-07 (C-17-3/07) 0.0000 124.8300 65.3300 97.9900 0.0000 288.1500 170 Punad 0.0000 15.9813 3.2400 31.0800 44.8700 95.1713 171 Pothra Nalla (PMP) 0.0000 5.6255 4.5300 5.2380 5.1990 20.5925 172 Utawali (PMP) 0.0000 10.2546 8.3000 17.1700 5.3300 41.0546 173 Purna (PMP) 0.0000 22.1211 20.3700 5.0200 0.0000 47.5111 174 Nandur Madhmeshwar 0.0000 16.5340 47.8300 154.3380 0.0000 218.7020 Nandur Madhmeshwar Phase-II 34.0200 34.0200 175 Kar (PMP) 0.0000 4.2100 7.8820 6.5050 0.0000 18.5970 176 Lower Wardha (PMP) 0.0000 29.9300 7.4900 42.7800 19.3590 99.5590 177 Lal Nalla (PMP) 0.0000 5.9000 14.2700 0.0000 0.0000 20.1700 178 Khadakpurna (PMP) 0.0000 5.8900 98.8600 181.5870 112.0896 398.4266 179 Arunavati (PMP) 0.0000 0.5900 12.5400 8.5100 0.0000 21.6400 180 Tajanpore LIS 0.0000 2.5000 0.0000 3.9300 0.0000 6.4300 181 Khadakwasla (II) (C) 0.0000 2.7800 2.7800 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 5.5600 182 Kadvi (C) 0.0000 7.0000 7.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 14.0000 183 Kasarsai (C) 0.0000 1.6850 1.6850 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.3700 184 Jawal Gaon (C) 0.0000 1.3650 1.3650 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 2.7300 185 Kumbhi (C) 0.0000 9.3000 9.3000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 18.6000 186 Kasari (C) 0.0000 0.7550 0.7550 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5100 187 Patgoan(C) 0.0000 10.7500 3.2250 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 13.9750 188 Madan Tank (C) 0.0000 1.5105 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5105 189 Dongaragaon 0.0000 1.5090 0.0000 0.0000 15.3900 16.8990 190 Shivna Takli (C) 0.0000 4.4325 11.9677 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 16.4002 191 Amravati (C) 0.0000 1.1820 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.1820 17

Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects 192 Gul Medium Irrigation Project 0.0000 4.7415 1.1500 7.9332 0.0000 13.8247 193 Bembla Irrigation Project (PMP) 173.5430 176.6430 120.8800 471.0660 194 Chandra Bhaga Irrigation Project (PMP) 11.4900 11.2000 0.0000 22.6900 195 Sapan Irrigation Project (PMP) 45.9500 32.6550 0.0000 78.6050 196 Uttarmand Project 1.3200 3.0540 1.1250 2.4750 7.9740 197 Sangola Branch Canal 11.3000 67.3700 0.0000 78.6700 198 Pentakli project (PMP) 9.4700 13.7500 0.0000 23.2200 38 MI Schemes in 2007-08 21.1600 19.5200 0.0000 40.6800 36 Ongoing MI Schemes 2008-09 66.3033 0.0000 66.3033 6 New MI Schemes 2008-09 27.1790 0.0000 27.1790 199 Tarali Project 10.0600 39.9900 44.0800 49.9500 144.0800 200 Dhom balakwadi Project 17.2200 23.9260 0.0000 20.0200 61.1660 201 Morna Gureghar Project 2.6200 7.2000 0.0000 9.8200 202 Arjuna Project 1.5800 20.1650 18.9279 13.5000 54.1730 203 Prakasha Barrage 9.7900 32.4990 1.9785 44.2675 204 Sulwade Barrage 13.6800 55.8040 0.0000 69.4840 205 Sarangkheda Barrage 10.5500 38.3990 0.0000 48.9490 206 Lower Pedhi Project (PMP) (XI) 2008-09 129.4200 0.0000 29.9070 159.3270 207 Wang (XI) 2008-09 6.7500 7.7760 14.5260 208 Upper Kundlika Project (XI) 2008-09 18.5000 15.3196 33.8196 209 Lower Panzara Project (XI) 2009-10 47.7500 28.3500 76.1000 210 Nardave Project (XI) 2009-10 -New Medium 6.7500 12.3750 19.1250 211 Aruna Project (XI) 2009-10 -New Medium 10.1250 12.3750 22.5000 212 Krishna-Koyna Lift Irrigation(XI) 2009-10 -New 111.9200 115.7800 227.7000 213 Gadnadi Irrigation(XI) 2009-10 -New 17.5500 9.0000 26.5500 214 Kudali Irrigation Project 4.5000 4.0500 8.5500 4 new MI Schemes 28.5440 28.5440 11 new MI Schemes 26.1100 26.1100 9 new MI Schemes 77.8700 77.8700 8 new MI Schemes 54.5400 54.5400 14 new MI Schemes 69.0800 69.0800 ()-Total 305.8550 133.1341 164.3950 529.2860 167.3822 465.5213 972.2500 2257.8318 1395.3946 2069.0560 8460.1060

MANIPUR 215 Khuga (VI) 30.9100 6.0000 4.5000 8.0000 31.6260 32.5620 11.8800 14.7000 0.0000 23.2070 163.3850 216 Thoubal (A.P. 1978-80) 39.8400 11.0000 8.0000 3.5000 36.7650 86.2200 28.8000 136.3743 0.0000 132.3400 482.8390 217 Dolaithabi Barrage Project 0.0000 1.5000 1.9125 19.2900 13.5000 31.0390 0.0000 53.9500 121.1920 108 M.I. Schemes in 1999-2000 (C-108-3/01) 3.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.0000 118 MI Schemes in 2002-03 (C-118-3/06) 0.0000 1.0000 3.0000 1.5000 1.5030 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 7.0030 211 MI Schemes in 2005-06 (C-211-3/07) 3.8970 18.2322 0.0000 0.0000 22.1292 242 MI Schemes in 2007-08 49.8070 39.5600 13.7903 103.1573 165 New MI Schemes in 2009-10 28.7500 40.5000 69.2500 0.0000 0.0000 (Manipur)-Total 73.7500 19.5000 15.5000 13.0000 75.7035 156.3042 103.9870 221.6733 42.5403 249.9970 971.9550

MEGHALAYA 218 Rongai Valley (VIII) 2.5000 1.5000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 4.0000 38 M.I. Schemes in 1999-2000 (C-38-3/06) 8.6808 0.5440 0.8719 0.5750 0.0000 0.0000 10.6717 8 M.I. Schemes in 2000-2001 (C-2-3/07) 1.4950 0.5440 0.8719 1.0000 0.7500 0.0000 0.0000 4.6609 27 MI Schemes in 2007-08) 1.1600 1.2500 0.0000 2.4100 44 MI Schemes in 2008-09 12.1500 0.0000 12.1500 9 New MI Schemes in 2008-09 4.0500 0.0000 7.8360 11.8860 27 Ongoing MI Schemes 7.3509 0.0000 7.3509 23 New MI Schemes in 2009-10 4.0500 41.6090 45.6590 71 Ongoing MI Schemes 18.4518 18.4518 18

Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects 49 new MI schemes of 2010-11 20.7420 20.7420 27 Ongoing MI Schemes 1.2060 1.2060 44 Ongoing MI Schemes 38.802 38.8020 (Meghalaya)-Total 12.6758 1.5000 1.0880 1.7438 1.5750 0.7500 1.1600 24.8009 22.5018 110.1950 177.9900

MIZORAM 10 M.I. Schemes in 1999-2000 (C-10-3/02) 4.4920 0.0000 0.0000 4.4920 4 M.I. Schemes in 2001-02 (C-4-3/03) 0.3740 0.7500 0.7500 0.0000 0.0000 1.8740 20 MI Schemes in 2003-04 (C-20-3/05) 8.5500 0.0000 0.0000 8.5500 43 MI Schemes in 2004-05 (C-43-3/06) 5.0000 9.3150 2.2553 0.0000 0.0000 16.5703 47 MI Schemes in 2006-07 (C-1-3/07) 11.9801 23.7734 0.0000 0.0000 35.7535 62 MI Schemes in 2007-08 10.5700 13.2700 0.0000 23.8400 40 Ongoing MI Schemes in 2008-09 16.8550 0.0000 16.8550 22 Ongoing MI Schemes in 2008-09 16.5426 0.0000 16.5426 73 New MI Schemes in 2008-09 4.0500 0.0000 4.0500 73 OG MI Schemes in 2009-10 36.4500 36.4500 73 ongoing MI schemes 23.9290 23.9290 41 New MI Schemes 19.6230 19.6230 17 New MI Schemes of 2010-11 7.5400 7.5400 (Mizoram)-Total 4.8660 0.7500 9.3000 5.0000 9.3150 14.2354 34.3434 50.7176 36.4500 51.0920 216.0700

NAGALAND 468 M.I. Schemes in 1999-2000 (C-468-3/01) 7.7300 0.0000 0.0000 7.7300 72 MI Schems in 2001-2002 (C-72-3/05) 5.0000 2.5000 3.8000 0.3620 0.0000 0.0000 11.6620 1 MI Scheme in 2002-03 (C-1-3/04) 0.1590 0.1560 0.0000 0.0000 0.3150 136 MI Schemes in 2003-04 (C-136-3/06) 4.0440 3.6380 5.7510 0.0000 0.0000 13.4330 45 MI Schemes in 2005-06 (C-43-3/06) 2.2477 0.2995 0.0000 0.0000 2.5472 173 MI Schemes in 2006-07 10.3000 29.1200 0.0000 0.0000 39.4200 70 MI Schemes in 2007-08 11.3900 0.0000 2.0946 13.4846 74 Ongoing MI Schemes in 2008-09 21.3900 0.0000 21.3900 166 New MI Schemes in 2008-09 27.2079 55.1914 70.0000 70.0000 (Nagaland)-Total 12.7300 2.6590 8.0000 4.0000 7.9987 10.5995 40.5100 48.5979 57.2860 70.0000 262.3810

ORISSA 219 Upper Indravati(KBK) (A.P. 1978-80) 96.3500 28.1000 15.4800 17.7600 31.6170 3.5500 92.9100 45.8616 56.3276 56.2170 444.1730 220 Subernrekha Multipurpose (VII) 119.6600 12.4272 8.9600 179.9500 178.7654 341.7710 240.9080 1082.4420 221 Rengali (IV) 161.6800 28.1200 7.4688 8.2055 9.1900 22.7446 24.1549 261.5638 222 Anandpur Barrage (IV) 7.8500 14.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 21.8500 Integrated Anandpur Barrage(KBK) 0.0000 1.4400 2.2455 4.9300 6.4200 19.8000 34.8355 223 Upper Kolab (V) (C) 44.2800 6.1500 2.0200 2.1380 1.9242 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 56.5122 224 Titlagarh (VIII) 11.3350 6.6100 7.0000 4.1040 3.3275 17.3300 0.0000 0.0000 49.7065 225 Lower Indra(KBK) (IX) 31.7700 64.0350 37.3250 64.5395 58.6908 85.1500 132.6448 269.6002 103.0420 846.7980 226 Lower Suktel (IX) 8.8000 12.0000 17.4800 13.6440 29.7008 53.5366 97.2261 0.0000 232.3875 227 Potteru (IV) (C) 25.4300 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 25.4300 228 Naraj Barrage (IX)(C) 22.1200 13.6850 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 35.8050 229 Telengiri Irr. Project (KBK) 0.0000 17.5700 4.0950 1.3400 31.5500 4.7800 16.8350 32.1580 108.3280 230 Ret Irr. Project (KBK) 0.0000 13.5600 2.9205 12.6410 33.5300 31.6661 0.0000 94.3176 231 Kanupur (VIII) 0.0000 5.4900 2.4600 95.8784 180.1604 95.5195 116.2290 495.7370 232 Chheligada Dam 0.0000 5.6000 1.9935 5.5340 0.0000 0.0000 13.1275 233 Improvement of Sasan Canal (C) 0.0000 17.4600 4.7300 3.8190 0.0000 0.0000 26.0090 234 Salandi Left Main Canal (C) 0.0000 3.0950 3.0950 0.0000 0.0000 6.1900 235 Improvement of Salki Irr. Project (C) 0.0000 4.3250 4.3250 0.0000 0.0000 8.6500 236 Rukura (XI) 2009-10 -New 7.0635 15.2740 22.3370


Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects 15 MI Schemes in 1999-2000 (C-15-3/06 31.7200 5.3250 3.0000 0.7000 7.0000 0.0000 0.0000 47.7450 6 MI Schemes in 2000-01 3.0000 2.0000 0.3750 0.0700 5.9800 0.0000 0.0000 11.4250 20 MI Schemes in 2007-08 1.8900 0.0000 0.0000 1.8900 40 New MI Schemes in 2008-09 1.9440 18.0242 27.8540 47.8220 21 Ongoing MI Schemes in 2008-09 22.2257 0.0000 22.2257 20 Ongoing MI Schemes in 2009-10 22.4758 22.4758 0.0000 0.0000 (Orissa)-Total 563.9950 179.5700 154.6850 24.2230 151.3742 133.8846 624.3590 724.4387 871.5717 591.6810 4019.7820

PUNJAB 237 (VI) (C) 249.7900 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 249.7900 238 Remodelling of UBDC (IX) (C) 93.3300 6.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 99.3300 239 Irr. to H.P. below Talwara (IX) 22.0000 10.0000 6.0966 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 38.0966 240 Shahpur Kandi (IX) 13.6900 16.1600 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 29.8500 Shahpur Kandi (XI),2009-10 (National Project) 10.8000 15.2360 26.0360 241 Kandi Canal Extension St.II 0.0000 10.5000 14.2200 0.0000 9.5400 0.0000 14.5400 48.8000 242 Rehabilitation of 1st Patiala Feeder and Kotla Branch(New ERM) 13.5000 0.0000 11.2500 4.8600 29.6100 ()-Total 378.8100 36.6600 0.0000 0.0000 26.3166 0.0000 13.5000 9.5400 22.0500 105.8400 105.8400 140.4760 627.3530 RAJASTHAN 243 Jaismand (Modernisation) (VI) (C) 3.1250 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.1250 244 Chhapi (V) (C) 19.3500 10.4550 8.4200 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 38.2250 245 Panchana (V) (C) 22.4070 20.9700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 43.3770 246 IGNP Stage-II (V) 255.2900 76.1000 111.0600 116.4700 23.8002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 582.7202 247 Bisalpur (VII) (C) 41.5600 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 41.5600 248 Narmada Canal (VI) 45.3200 20.0000 291.1250 119.8480 46.7520 9.6700 140.5000 178.6200 135.2970 41.9200 1029.0520 249 Gambhiri (Modernisation) (VI) (C) 1.3150 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.3150 250 Chauli (VIII)(C) 18.5300 9.6000 8.2320 8.8300 1.9590 1.1300 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 48.2810 251 Mahi Bajaj Sagar (IV) (C) 44.8000 8.7600 11.2200 37.9760 10.8960 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 113.6520 252 Mod.of Gang Canal (VI) 14.4750 28.5000 69.7800 69.7800 6.8880 0.8000 16.0300 0.0000 8.1100 214.3630 7 New MI Schemes 14.1700 14.1700 0.0000 0.0000 (Rajasthan)-Total 466.1720 174.3850 852.7410 352.9040 90.2952 168.1300 156.5300 178.6200 157.5770 41.9200 2129.8400

TRIPURA 253 Gumti (V) 10.2440 0.8437 0.7650 0.7500 1.3500 0.9400 0.0000 7.6543 0.0000 18.1000 40.6470 254 Manu (VI) 9.2530 0.5620 0.8374 1.1250 6.7500 0.0000 7.4842 0.0000 26.0910 51.1030 255 Khowai (VI) 6.5590 1.2190 0.3370 1.1250 8.1000 0.0000 7.5300 4.8600 3.8090 33.5390 397 MI Schemes in 1999-2000 (C-397-3/03) 44.3530 0.0000 0.0000 44.3530 130 MI Schemes in 2000-01 (C-130-3/04) 10.0380 3.0000 4.0000 0.0000 0.0000 17.0380 79 MI Schemes in 2001-02 (C-79-3/04) 2.0000 5.0500 4.0000 0.0000 0.0000 11.0500 220 MI Schemes in 2002-03 (C-220-3/05) 2.7200 3.4375 8.0000 4.1670 0.0000 0.0000 18.3245 176 MI Schemes in 2005-06 (C-129-3/07) 11.6280 15.5831 0.0000 0.0000 27.2111 80 MI Schemes in 2006-07 5.9900 2.2000 1.8900 0.0548 10.1348 87 MI Schemes in 2007-08 5.9000 6.7400 3.2683 15.9083 127 OG MI Schemes in 2008-09 11.8765 0.0000 11.8765 37 New MI Schemes in 2009-10 28.0257 28.0257 0.0000 0.0000 (Tripura)-Total 82.4470 13.3947 13.3769 11.0000 31.9950 22.5131 8.1000 43.1750 36.2088 48.0000 310.2100


Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects

TAMIL NADU 256 WRCP (VIII) (C) 20.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.0000 (Tamil Nadu)-Total 20.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.0000

UTTAR PRADESH 257 Upper Ganga & Madhya Ganga (V) (C) 189.3700 39.7200 4.6000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 233.6900 258 Madhya Stage-II (XI) 11.2500 50.0000 53.4600 114.7100 259 Sharda Sahayak (III) (C) 131.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 131.0000 260 Saryu Nahar (V) 217.5000 110.0000 101.2100 54.0600 45.0000 28.5450 57.1000 134.3100 0.0000 10.0190 757.7440 261 Kharif Channel in H.K.Doab (VII) (C) 46.0000 10.0000 8.0000 9.2700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 73.2700 262 Rajghat Dam (V) (C) 3.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 3.0000 263 Gunta Nala Dam (VI) (C) 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 264 Bansagar (V) 108.1100 49.5500 40.8650 30.3900 32.1000 18.8965 41.5200 136.7320 94.9670 134.6270 687.7580 265 Lakhwar Vyasi (V) (D) 20.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 20.0000 266 Tehri (VII) (C) 352.0000 113.7300 64.0000 35.0000 25.0230 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 589.7530 267 Gyanpur Pump Canal (VII) (C) 30.9000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 30.9000 268 Eastern Ganga Canal (V) 35.0900 14.0000 25.7000 36.0000 15.2220 22.5549 20.1000 17.1460 9.0600 194.8729 269 Rajghat Canal (V) (C) 20.6200 20.0000 14.6700 7.9020 2.2160 4.7600 0.0000 0.0000 70.1680 270 Mod. of Agra Canal (V) (C) 0.0000 2.0000 10.6800 11.2000 4.9200 5.0190 10.8000 0.0000 0.0000 44.6190 271 Jarauli Pump Canal (1990-91)(C) 0.0000 5.0600 0.5610 0.8600 0.5900 0.0000 0.0000 7.0710 272 Mod. of Lahchura Dam 0.0000 2.4000 3.3540 3.9800 3.5348 28.3800 25.2540 66.9030 273 Imp. Of Hardoi Branch System(ERM) 0.0000 0.4500 11.8400 12.5004 0.0000 24.7904 274 Kachhnoda Dam (XI) New 2009-10 10.0000 31.0500 41.0500 275 Res. Cap of Sharda Sahayak(XI) New 2009-10 21.3750 21.3750 276 Arjun Sahayak (XI) New 2009-10 24.3000 178.1280 202.4280

()-Total 1154.5900 359.0000 274.7850 175.9200 133.1280 81.8954 150.6900 315.4732 238.0820 432.5380 3316.1020

UTTARAKHAND 185 Nos. Surface MI Schemes in 2002-03 (C-185-3/04) 24.0750 24.0750 0.0000 0.0000 48.1500 8 MI Schemes in 2002-03 (C-7-3/04) 1.0875 1.4775 0.0000 0.0000 2.5650 226 MI Schemes in 2004-05 (C-226-3/06) 37.5000 33.8175 0.0000 0.0000 71.3175 3 MI Schemes in 2004-05 1.4917 2.6730 0.0000 0.0000 4.1647 15 MI Schemes in 2005-06 1.3770 9.8600 0.0000 0.0000 11.2370 502 MI Schemes in 2005-06 42.5712 64.7698 84.1600 0.0000 0.0000 191.5010 16 MI Schemes in 2006-07 10.1000 0.0000 0.0000 10.1000 898 MI Schemes in 2007-08 142.5600 279.0000 81.7831 503.3431 78 MI Schemes in 2007-08 38.9300 11.2900 0.0000 50.2200 39 New MI Schemes in 2008-09 38.7280 0.0000 38.7280 29 OG MI Schemes in 2008-09 0.0000 31.4817 31.4817 1 OG MI Schemes in 2008-09 0.0000 1.9965 1.9965 64 OG MI Schemes in 2008-09 42.6400 0.0000 42.6400 13 New MI Schemes in 2009-10 9.7200 10.8420 20.5620 7 New MI Schemes in 2009-10 2.0250 2.2770 4.3020 39 ongoing MI schemes 0.0000 31.2080 31.2080 464 new MI Schemes of 2010-11 91.4340 28 new MI Schemes of 2010-11 24.3 24.3000 Total 0.0000 25.1625 25.5525 38.9917 80.4387 84.7298 265.6500 371.6580 127.0063 160.0600 1179.2500

WEST BENGAL 277 Teesta Barrage (V) * 92.2830 16.5380 2.9890 13.1840 6.0000 0.0000 21.9300 0.0000 152.9240 Teesta Barrage National Project 81.0000 81.0000 278 Kangsabati (II) (C) 26.7100 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 26.7100 21

Sl. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Amount (Rs. in crore) No. 1996-97 to 2001-2002 Grand Loan 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Total

Major,Medium & Minor Irrigation Projects Mod. of Barrage & Irrg. System of DVC 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 279 1.0000 (VI) (C) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 280 Tatko (V) 0.6250 0.2670 0.3200 0.4200 0.6200 0.0000 2.2520 281 Patloi (V) 1.4650 0.1280 0.3200 0.4100 0.2600 0.9144 3.4974 282 Hanumata (VII) ( C) 1.3000 0.0900 0.1550 0.1490 0.0287 0.0600 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.7827 283 Subernarekha Barrage (VII)+ 2.0500 11.2380 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 13.2880 32 New MI Schemes in 2007-08 8.1200 0.0000 0.0000 8.1200 34 new MI Schemes 2010-11 8.1000 8.1000 (W.B.)-Total 125.4330 28.1330 3.1440 13.4610 0.0287 6.7000 8.9500 22.8100 0.9144 89.1000 298.6740

SIKKIM 129 M.I. Schemes in 1999-2000 (C-129-3/02) 3.7600 0.0000 0.0000 3.7600 62 M.I. Schemes in 2002-03 (C-62-3/04) 0.7500 0.7500 0.0000 0.0000 1.5000 100 MI Schemes in 2004-05 (C-100-3/06) 0.7500 0.6750 0.0000 0.0000 1.4250 79 MI Schemes in 2005-06 0.2363 3.3236 0.0000 0.0000 3.5599 63 MI Schemes in 2007-08 3.2400 0.0000 2.6049 5.8449 225 new MI schemes of 2010-11 14.0750 14.0750 63 ongoing MI schemes 0.2890 0.2890 (Sikkim)-Total 3.7600 0.7500 0.7500 0.7500 0.9113 3.3236 3.2400 0.0000 2.6049 14.3640 30.5450 Grand Total 8480.0288 3061.7026 3481.6089 2867.3372 1900.3142 2458.5022 5445.7051 7598.2213 6945.5907 6837.2030 48566.5760

22 Annexure - II

Statewise details of Central Loan Assistance(CLA)/grant released under AIBP from 1996-97 to 2010-11

(Rs. In Crore) Amount of CLA/Grant released Up to IX plan During X Sl. During During During During State Plan No.

2007- 08 2008- 09 2009-10 2010-11

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 1 Andhra Pradesh 630.6150 1481.0665 987.7692 855.18 1300.7280 22.7920 2 Arunachal Pradesh 30.0000 76.5000 47.1800 33.958 30.7800 48.6350 3 Assam 84.7180 117.6070 77.3380 405.954 589.9734 406.4030 4 Bihar 339.7250 145.8075 62.2400 109.7029 77.9130 55.7540 5 86.6500 199.9245 96.9640 193.0402 60.8853 174.8110 6 Goa 128.4000 4.5600 32.4800 39.2300 20.2500 20.0000 7 Gujarat 1971.7330 2642.6775 585.7200 258.61 6.0797 361.4200 8 Haryana 44.5000 46.0400 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 9 Himachal Pradesh 43.8060 60.5405 114.0500 119.3178 90.6797 43.5210 10 Jammu & Kashmir 27.5100 143.7479 199.2251 393.0661 171.7276 156.0340 11 Jharkhand 51.4100 39.1150 9.2244 3.7200 0.0000 242.8870 12 Karnataka 1066.8900 1584.7720 349.9000 442.4190 823.8280 567.7590 13 Kerala 52.4250 112.1109 0.0000 0.9045 3.8120 10.0170 14 Madhya Pradesh 716.5630 1521.5476 500.3450 473.7824 758.7458 658.6920 15 Maharashtra 305.8550 1459.7186 972.2500 2257.8318 1395.3946 2069.0560 16 Manipur 73.7500 280.0077 103.9870 221.6733 42.5403 249.9970 17 Meghalaya 12.6758 6.6568 1.1600 24.8009 22.5018 110.1950 18 Mizoram 4.8660 38.6004 34.3434 50.7176 36.4500 51.0920 19 Nagaland 12.7300 33.2572 40.5100 48.5979 57.2860 70.0000 20 Orissa 563.9950 643.7368 624.3590 724.4387 871.5717 591.6810 21 Punjab 378.8100 62.9766 13.5000 9.5400 22.0500 140.4760 22 Rajasthan 466.1720 1129.0212 156.5300 178.6200 157.5770 41.9200 23 Sikkim 3.7600 6.4849 3.2400 0.0000 2.6049 14.3640 24 Tripura 82.4470 92.2797 8.1000 43.1750 36.2088 48.0000 25 Tamil Nadu 20.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 26 Uttar Pradesh 1154.5900 1024.7284 150.6900 315.4732 238.0820 432.5380 27 Uttarakhand 0.0000 254.8752 265.6500 371.658 127.0063 160.0600 28 West Bengal 125.4330 51.4667 8.9500 22.81 0.9144 89.1000 Total 8480.0288 13259.8271 5445.7051 7598.2213 6945.5903 6837.2040

23 Annexure-III

AIBP: Irrigation Potential Created & Expenditure, 2011

Sl. No. Name of State/Project (Started in Plan) Potential Created under AIBP upto Expenditure 3/2011 # Upto 3/2011* (1) (2) (3) (4)

ANDHRA PRADESH 1 Sriram Sagar(Stage-I) 137.0400 512.3100 2 Cheyyeru(Annamaya) 9.1050 47.1040 3 Priyadarshini Jurala 40.1600 451.6080 4 Somasilla 39.7740 263.9090 5 Nagarjunsagar 27.9440 77.9200 6 Madduvalasa 10.0000 94.4480 7 Gundalavagu 1.0450 11.0400 8 Maddigedda 1.4150 6.7100 9 Kanupur Canal 0.0000 1.4200 10 Yerrakalva 5.0600 71.5000 11 Vamsdhara St.II Ph.I 24.4870 82.7860 12 Flood Flow Canal of SRSP 0.0000 2009.1470 13 SRSP St. II 119.4160 455.2620 14 Tadipudi LIS 50.4420 335.3760 15 Pushkara LIS 50.7040 378.5370 16 Ralivagu 1.0120 37.7100 17 Gollavagu 0.6070 67.0930 18 Mathadivagu 2.0240 44.1760 19 Peddavagu 0.0000 56.4300 20 Gundalkamma Reservoir 23.4400 171.0230 21 Valligallu 9.7130 63.8530 22 Alisagar LIS 21.7690 88.2700 23 J.Chokkarao LIS 16.1880 4391.5530 24 Guthpa LIS 15.6980 72.9100 25 Neelwai 0.0000 66.5400 26 Sri Komaram Bhim 0.0000 281.4100 27 Thotapalli Barrage 25.9000 270.7670 28 Tarakarma Thirtha Sagaram Project 0.0000 63.1200 29 Swarnamukhi 3.6510 39.8700 30 Palemvagu 0.0000 57.5380 31 Musurimilli Project 6.5370 127.0800 32 Rajiv Bhima LIS 0.0000 802.5590 33 Indra Sagar (Polavaram) 0.0000 1987.7800 (Andhra Pradesh)-Total 643.1310 13488.7590

ASSAM 1 Pahumara 10.5510 18.0670 2 Hawaipur Lift 3.8870 8.7200 3 Rupahi Lift 2.7680 2.1770 4 Dhansiri 41.2580 180.9830 5 Champamati 9.7460 50.8480 6 Borolia 3.3000 52.9680 7 Bordikarai 7.2030 19.4590 8 Burhi Dihang Lift 2.4250 9.5550 9 Integrated Irri. Scheme in Kollong Basin 3.7750 33.6000 10 Kolonga24 0.0000 6.8800 11 Mod. of Jamuna Irr. Project 12.7000 53.1430 (Assam)-Total 97.6130 436.4000

BIHAR 1 Western Kosi 145.6750 986.0380 2 Upper Kiul 10.1800 83.4850 3 Durgawati 3.3000 399.5110 4 Bansgar 0.0000 334.8660 5 Orni Reservoir 9.4590 29.1170 6 Bilasi Reservoir 4.0000 16.7620 7 Sone canal modernisation 290.5800 635.4910 8 Batane 0.0000 40.6600 9 Punpun 0.0000 196.1850

Restor. of Kosi Barrage and its apputendents for 10 sustaining created irrigation potential (ERM) 0.0000 98.6100 (Bihar)-Total 463.1940 2722.1150

CHHATTISGARH 1 Hasdeo Bango 86.5000 2 Shivnath Diversion 5.2380 3 Jonk Diversion 7.8700 4 Koserteda 6.5000 5 Mahanadi Reservoir 6 Barnai 13.7600 7 Minimata (Hasdeo Bango Ph.IV) 1.5080 8 Kelo Project 38.4000 9 Kharung (ERM) 0.0000 10 Sutiapat 1.0000 11 Maniyari Tank (ERM) 0.0000 (Chattisgarh)-Total 160.7760

GOA 1 Salauli Phase-1 9.3000 26.5170 2 Tillari 8.5770 688.2600 (Goa)-Total 17.8770 714.7770

GUJARAT 1 Sardar Sarovar 524.0090 11633.9400 2 Jhuj 2.9070 15.7900 3 Sipu 1.0160 15.9850 4 Mukteshwar 5.0660 47.0200 5 Harnav-II 0.0000 0.3000 6 Umaria 0.1620 0.6000 7 Damanganga 6.6860 28.4840 8 Karjan 5.9890 20.5400 9 Sukhi 3.4880 13.3300 10 Deo 0.1030 0.4700 11 Watrak Kadana RB Canal 3.7140 9.2110 12 Aji-IV 3.7500 126.2320 13 Ozat-II 3.3380 88.4330 14 Brahamini-II 0.0000 18.3070 15 Bhadar- II 6.0000 29.5420 (Gujarat)-Total 1 566.2280 12048.1840

HARYANA 1 Gurgaon # 0.0000 3.3410 2 WRCP (VIII) 115.2220 219.3870 3 JLN Lift Irri. 0.0000 15.7650 (Haryana)-Total 115.2220 238.4930

HIMACHAL PRADESH 25 1 Shahnehar Irrgn. Project 14.2260 283.2410

26 2 Sidhata 0.3140 44.6350 3 Changer Lift 1.9460 64.4500 4 Balh Vally (Left Bank) 0.1570 62.9820 (H.P.)-Total 16.6430 455.3080

JAMMU & KASHMIR 1 Marwal Lift * 0.0000 0.0000 2 Lethpora Lift * 2.6560 3.0270 3 Koil Lift 0.0000 0.0000 4 Mod. of Ranbir Canal * 7.4420 84.1720 5 Mod. of New Pratap Canal 2.3480 31.1980 6 Mod. of Kathua Canal 3.2070 13.6710 7 Rajpora lift 1.0930 41.8870 8 Tral Lift 0.9100 55.6370 9 Igophey 3.4730 13.6700 10 Rafiabad Lift Irrigation 0.9000 34.0190 11 Mod. Of Zaingir Canal 2.1400 6.0230 12 Mod. of Dadi Canal Project 1.9730 29.2070 13 Mod. Of Martand Canal 0.9500 13.5570 14 Mod. Of Mav Khul 0.5000 3.2300 15 Mod. Of Babul Canal 0.2890 4.7000 16 Mod. Of Kandi Canal 0.0000 0.0000 17 Parchik Khows Project 0.0000 3.2590 18 Mod. of Ahji Canal 0.0300 0.3000 (J&K)-Total 27.9110 337.5570

JHARKHAND 1 Gumani 0.0000 128.3620 2 Torai 0.0000 1.3600 3 Latratu 6.1000 4.6700 4 Kansjore 6.2640 36.2550 5 Sonua 0.0000 54.2120 6 Surangi 0.0000 31.0070 7 Tapkara Res. Scheme 1.5200 0.8600 8 Upper Sankh 0.4000 80.9570 9 Panchkhero 0.0000 47.2260 (Jharkhand)-Total 14.2840 384.9090

KARNATAKA 1 UKP Stage-I 148.7990 2 Malprabha 49.0310 3 Hirehalla 4.1800 4 Ghatprabha St. III 111.5740 5 Karanja 18.1220 6 Ghatprabha St. II 165.2470 7 Gandorinala 7.9430 8 Maskinala 3.5020 9 Votehole 0.0000 10 Varahi Project 0.5250 11 Dudhganga Project 0.0000 Mod. Canal System of Bhadra Reservoir Canal 12 System (ERM) 147.5670 13 Hippargi 31.8130 14 Restoration Bhimasamundara Tank 0.0000 15 Bhima LIS 0.5810 16 Guddada Malapura Lift 0.0000 Karnataka-Total 688.8840

KERALA 1 Kallada Project 9.2760 2 Muvattupuzha 27 25.3860 3 Karapuzha 0.6080 4 Kanhirapuzha-ERM 0.1800

28 5 Chitturpuzha 0.0000 (Kerala)-Total 35.4500

MADHYA PRADESH 1 Indira Sagar 0.0000 4755.6200 2 Bansagar (Unit-I) 38.6050 1212.2200 3 Bansagar (Unit-II) 0.0000 492.3150 4 Upper Weinganga 86.4580 980.8200 5 Rajghat Dam 0.0000 62.2100 6 Sindh Phase-II 77.2540 1172.4490 7 Sindh Phase-I 5.2120 28.2380 8 Mahi 24.4300 349.5000 9 Bariarpur 18.5800 261.2600 10 Urmil R.B.C. 2.1230 4.8100 11 Banjar 1.0950 2.3800 12 Bawanthadi 27.0180 221.9810 13 Mahan 4.7460 187.8800 14 Omkareshwar 10.8000 473.3100 15 Bargi Diversion Phase-I 15.2480 377.2700 16 Bargi Diversion Phase-II 20.7840 271.2800 17 Bargi Diversion Phase-III 0.0000 281.1400 18 Pench Diversion Ph.I 0.0000 232.7200 19 Omkareshwar (Phase.II) 0.0000 209.6600 20 Omkareshwar (Phase.III) 1.0050 318.4900 21 Indira Sagar Canal (Phase-III) 0.0000 253.6100 22 Upper Beda 7.3930 79.9200 23 Punasa LIS 12.6000 188.7500 24 Lower Goi 0.0000 162.9900 25 Indira Sagar Unit IV 0.0000 52.1000 26 Bargi Diversion Phase-IV 0.0000 150.5100 27 Jobat 1.5000 5.9900 (Madhya Pradesh) -Total 1 354.8510 12789.4230

MAHARASHTRA 1 Gosikhurd (VI) 25.1850 3349.4240 2 Surya 0.4600 54.7690 3 Waghur 15.7770 364.3340 4 Bhima 44.0170 168.5500 5 Upper Tapi # 1.3980 17.5000 6 Upper Wardha 34.5220 380.5170 7 Wan 14.9210 113.3200 8 Jayakwadi 7.2730 91.4800 9 Vishnupuri 2.6360 7.3800 10 Bahula 1.6680 20.2400 11 Krishna 19.5880 217.1850 12 Kukadi 40.7150 337.5800 13 Upper Manar 1.8360 209.0030 14 Hetwane 0.5460 58.4370 15 Chaskman 24.9960 129.0280 16 Upper Pen Ganga 25.1130 397.5600 17 Bawanthadi 22.2030 464.4800 18 Lower Dudhana 2.6520 578.6300 19 Tillari 4.3540 236.5640 20 Warna 5.8750 229.1400 21 Wan Phase II 0.0000 0.0000 22 Punad 6.1800 105.9900 23 Pothra Nalla 5.1590 17.1000 24 Utawali 5.0740 39.7000 25 Purna 7.5070 51.7800 26 Nandur Madhmeshwar29 32.2460 196.8200 27 Kar 1.6750 73.8280 28 Lower Wardha 12.2890 505.6300 29 Lal Nalla 3.4210 27.4390 30 Khadakpurna 10.5110 465.5200 31 Arunawati 0.7690 15.1860 32 Tajanpur 4.4710 8.4880 33 Khadakwasla (II) 0.6240 5.5600 34 Kadvi 0.3650 14.0000 35 Kasarsai 3.0360 3.3700 36 Jawal Gaon @ 1.8070 2.7300 37 Kumbhi 3.6040 19.2900 38 Kasari 1.2350 1.5100 39 Patgoan 1.9920 21.5000 40 Madan Tank 1.2000 18.5400 41 Dongaragaon 1.3700 33.8430 42 Shivna Takli 6.3900 15.0400 43 Amravati 2.0000 7.8200 44 Gul 1.3310 48.7690 45 Bembla 27.2700 629.1700 46 Chandrabhaga 1.9240 21.0600 47 Sapan 2.7810 79.2900 48 Uttarmand Project 3.1450 29.3800 49 Sangola Branch Canal Project 5.1660 87.4100 50 Pentakli Project 2.1000 14.9700 51 Tarali Project 2.5000 217.5500 52 Dhom Balakwadi 4.7710 160.1300 53 Morna Gureghar 0.0850 31.2100 54 Arjuna 0.5260 216.6920 55 Prakasha Barrage 10.3070 61.3390 56 Sulwade Barrage 8.5820 74.8000 57 Sarangkheda Barrage 11.5190 52.1830 58 Lower Pedhi 0.0000 154.6800 59 Upper Kundlika Project 0.8400 51.7470 60 Wang 6.2550 58.0800 61 Lower Panzara 0.1480 57.4680 62 Aruna 0.0000 98.4000 63 Krishna Koyana Lift 8.2490 241.8300 64 Naradave (MAHAMMDWADI) 0.0620 82.0000 65 Gadnadi 0.2500 106.2100 66 Kudali 0.0000 31.5000 67 Nandur Madhmeshwar Phase -II 0.0000 38.4600 (Maharashtra)-Total 506.4710 11720.1330

MANIPUR 1 Khuga 10.0000 313.9600 2 Thoubal 10.8610 691.9100 3 Dolaithabi Barrage Project 0.0000 159.8630 (Manipur)-Total 20.8610 1165.7330

MEGHALAYA 1 Rongai Valley 0.0000 18.1220 (Meghalaya)-Total 0.0000 18.1220

ORISSA 1 Upper Indravati KBK 57.7280 492.0190 2 Subernrekha Multipurpose 39.8580 1456.8100 3 Rengali 22.5150 606.7440

4 Anandpur Barr. Ph. I / Intergrated Anandpur Barr. 5.8770 167.9150 5 Upper Kolab KBK 21.4000 541.6400 6 Titlagarh KBK 2.7000 111.4200 7 Lower Indira KBK30 17.1600 909.5890 8 Lower Suktel KBK 0.0000 287.6700 9 Potteru KBK 7.2800 64.9200 10 Naraj Barrage 0.0000 35.7200 11 Telengiri Irr. Project (KBK) 0.0000 119.3290 12 RET Irrigation (KBK) 0.0000 101.5310 13 Kanupur 0.0000 605.7440 14 Chheligada Dam 0.0000 63.0960 15 Improvement of Sasan Canal System 16.2820 40.1800 Salandi Left Main Canal -6.84 Km - 14.33 Km 16 (Ambahata Canal) 3.6500 6.3400 17 Improvement of Salki Irr. Project 20.1400 11.1100 18 Rukura-Tribal 0.0000 27.5510 (Orissa)-Total 214.5900 5649.3280

PUNJAB 1 Ranjit Sagar Dam 0 694.8300 2 Remodelling of UBDC 100.99 164.3500 3 Irr. to H.P. below Talwara 0 60.0100 4 Shahpur Kandi 0 220.5280 5 Kandi Canal Extension St.II 17.728 232.1800 6 Rehabilitation of Patiala Feeder and Kotla Br. 68.624 117.0400

Relining of Rajasthan Feeder Cannal & Sirhind 7 Feeder Cannal (RD 179000 To RD 496000) 0 0.0000 (Punjab)-Total 187.342 1488.9380

RAJASTHAN 1 Jaismand (Modernisation) 2.3980 7.6800 2 Chhapi 6.5560 60.8550 3 Panchana 6.1060 59.4800 4 IGNP Stage-II 407.0000 1214.8440 5 Bisalpur 1.8000 61.8500 6 Narmada Canal 205.0930 1499.8900 7 Gambhiri (Modernisation) 0.9250 1.9500 8 Chauli 8.9600 109.0800 9 Mahi Bajaj Sagar 18.4060 890.9600 10 Mod.of Gang Canal 67.1280 379.1700 (Rajasthan) SubTotal 724.3720 4285.7590

TRIPURA 1 Manu 3.185 40.0200 2 Gumti 4.7650 36.4200 3 Khowai 8.6420 49.9620 (Tripura)-Total 16.5920 126.4020

TAMIL NADU 1 WRCP 0 10.5100 (Tamil Nadu)-Total 0 10.5100

UTTAR PRADESH 1 Upper Ganga including 18.2700 393.0700 2 Madhya Ganga Canal 34.1070 180.0000 3 Sharda Sahayak 366.6800 268.3000 4 Saryu Nahar 563.8000 2118.9830 5 providing Kharif Channel in H.K.Doab 11.0380 124.1650 6 Rajghat Dam 0.0000 6.0000 7 Gunta Nala Dam 3.8800 1.3000 8 Bansagar 0.0000 1932.4850 9 Lakhwar Vyasi 0.0000 12.1600 10 Tehri 0.0000 977.5100 11 Gyanpur Pump Canal 1.5000 47.3500 31 12 Eastern Ganga Canal 69.1250 594.4500 13 Rajghat Canal 41.0050 196.9200 14 Mod. of Agra Canal 37.8000 135.7530 15 Jarauli Pump Canal 17.6250 16.4820 16 Mod. of Lahchura Dam 31.9100 242.5290

17 Improving Irr. Intensity of Hardoi Branch System 83.1880 156.1570 18 Madhya Ganga Canal Ph-II 33.9600 463.8400 19 Kachhnoda Dam 3.2550 164.2000 20 Arjun Shyak 0.0000 205.1280 21 Restoring Cap. Of Sarda Sahayak 95.5400 85.5000 (Uttar Pradesh)-Total 1 1412.6830 8322.2820

WEST BENGAL 1 Teesta Barrage 88.6600 369.6500 2 Kangsabati 17.8000 113.2390

3 Modernisation of Barrage & Irrg. System of DVC 4.8960 1.5780 4 Tatko 0.6740 3.2350 5 Patloi 0.2700 5.3740 6 Hanumata 1.1890 3.0380 7 Subernarekha Barrage 0.0000 4.5550 (W.B.)-Total 113.4890 500.6690

288 Grand Total 6426.7120 87082.3940

X: Derffered

C: Completed

#: Potential Creation achieved up to March 2011 is yet to be confirmed after updation of these values from CWC Field Regional Officers and State Government

* : Expenditure incurred up to March 2011 is yet to be confirmed after updation of these values from CWC Field Regional Officers and State Government

32 Annexure-IV

State-wise Major & Medium Projects Completed under AIBP

S.NO. STATE PROJECT YEAR OF COMPLETION 1 Andhra Pradesh Sriramsagar St.I 2005-06 2 Cheyyeru (Annamayya) 2003-04 3 Priyadarshini Jurala 2006-07 4 Somasila 2006-07 5 Nagarjunasagar 2005-06 6 Madduvalasa 2005-06 7 Gundalavagu 2006-07 8 Maddigeda 2006-07 9 Alisagar 2006-07 10 Veligallu 2008-09 11 Guthpa LIS 2008-09 12 Swarnamukhi 2008-09 13 Vamsadhara 2008-09 14 Assam Hawaipur 2006-07 15 Rupahi 2001-02 16 Kolonga 2006-07 17 Bordikarai 2004-05 18 Integrated Irrigation Scheme in Kollong 2006-07 basin 19 Mod. Of Jamuna Irri. 2008-09 20 Pahumara 2008-09 21 Bihar Upper Kiul 2006-07 22 Orni Reservoir 2006-07 23 Bilasi 2000-01 24 Sone Modernisation 2008-09 25 Chhattisgarh Hasdeo Bango 2006-07 26 Shivnath Div. 2002-03 27 Jonk Diversion 2006-07 28 Barnai 2006-07 29 Mahanadi Reservoir 2010-11 30 Minimata (Hasdeo Bango Ph-IV) 2010-11 31 Goa Salauli 2006-07 32 Gujarat Jhuj 1999-2000 33 Sipu 1999-2000 34 Mukteshwar 2006-07 35 Harnav-II 1997-98 36 Umaria 1996-97 37 Damanganga 1999-2000 38 Karjan 1999-2000 39 Sukhi 1999-2000 40 Deo 1997-1998 41 Watrak 1999-2000 42 Aji-IV 2009-10 43 Ozat-II 2010-11 44 Bhadar-II 2005-10 45 Haryana Gurgaon Canal 2003-04 46 WRCP 2006-07 47 Jammu & Kashmir Marwal Lift 2006-07 48 Lethopora Lift 2006-07 49 Koil Lift 2006-07 50 Mod. of Kathua Canal 2006-07 51 Igophey 2006-07 52 Mod. of Zaingir Canal 2006-07 53 Mod. of New Pratap Canal 2006-07 54 Mod. of Martand Canal 2010-11 55 Mod. of Mav Khul 2010-11 56 Rafiabad High Lift Irr. 2010-11 57 Jharkhand Latratu 2002-03 58 Tapkara Res. 2002-03 59 Karnataka Hirehalla 2006-07 60 Maskinallah 33 2003-04 61 Votehole 2008-09 62 Kerala Kallada 2004-05 63 Madhya Pradesh Bansagar Unit I 2006-07 64 Upper Waiganga 2002-03 65 Sindh Ph I 2006-07 66 Urmil 2002-03 67 Banjar 2002-03 Raighat Unit - I 1998-99 68 Maharashtra Surya 2006-07 69 Bhima 2006-07 70 Upper Tapi 2004-05 71 Wan 2005-06 72 Jayakwadi Stage-II 2004-05 73 Vishnupuri (Works) 2005-06 74 Bahula 2006-07 75 Khadakwasla 2004-05 76 Kadvi 2004-05 77 Kasarsai 2004-05 78 Jawalgaon 2004-05 79 Kumbhi 2006-07 80 Kasari 2004-05 81 Patgaon 2006-07 82 Madan Tank 2008-09 83 Shivna Takli 2008-09 84 Amravati 2008-09 85 Krishna 2008-09 86 Kukadi 2008-09 87 Hetwane 2008-09 88 Chaskaman 2008-09 89 Upper Wardha 2009-10 90 Purna 2009-10 91 Chandarbhaga 2009-10 92 Sarangkheda 2009-10 93 Prakasha Barrage 2009-10 94 Sulwade Barrage 2009-10 95 Nandur Madhmeshwar Ph-I 2009-10 96 Pentakli 2010-11 97 Wan-II 2006-07 98 Pothra Nalla 2006-07 99 Tainapur LIS 2006-07 100 Lalnalla 2006-07 101 Kar 2006-07 102 Arunavati 2006-07 103 Sapan 2007-08 104 Utawali 2006-07 105 Orissa Upper Kolab 2004-05 106 Potteru 2004-05 107 Naraj Barrage 2005-06 108 Sason Canal 2004-05 109 Salandi Left Main Canal -Ambahata 2005-06 110 Salki Irrigation 2004-05 111 Punjab Ranji Sagar 2000-01 112 Irr. To H.P. below Talwara 2000-01 113 Remodelling of UBDC 2006-07 114 Rajasthan Jaisamand Mod. 2000-01 34 115 Chhapi 2004-05 116 Panchana 2004-05 117 Bisalpur 2006-07 118 Gambhiri Mod. 2000-01 119 Chauli 2006-07 120 Mahi Bajaj Sagar 2006-07 121 Tamil Nadu WRCP 2006-07 122 Uttar Pradesh Madhya Ganga and Upper Ganga Mod. 2003-04 123 Sarda Sahayak 2000-01 124 Providing Kharif Channell in H.K.Doab 2004-05 125 Rajghat Dam 1996-97 126 Gunta Nala 1999-2000 127 Tehri 2006-07 128 Gyanpur Pump Canal 2001-02 129 Jarauli Pump Canal 2006-07 130 Mod. Agra Canal 2008-09 131 Rajghat Canal 2008-09 132 Saryu Nahar 2009-10 133 Eastern Ganga Canal 2010-11 134 West Bengal Kangsabati 2001-02 135 Mod. of Barrage and Irrigation system of 2006-07 136 Hanumata 2008-09

35 Annexure-V

Ultimate Irrigation Potential (UIP), Irrigation Potential Created (IPC) upto March, 2011 (in million Hectare) Under Bharat Nirman

UIP IPC upto March IPC 2007-08 IPC upto March 2008 IPC 2008-09 IPC upto March IPC 2009-10 IPC upto March IPC 2010-11 IPC upto March 2007 2009 2010 2011 MMI MI Total MM MI Tot MMI MI Total MMI MI Tot MM MI Tot MM MI Tot MMI MI Total MM MI Tot MMI MI Total MM MI To I al al I al I al I al I tal 1 Andhra 5.00 6.26 11.26 3.74 3.12 6.86 0.18 0.09 0.27 3.92 3.22 7.14 0.23 0.00 0.23 4.15 3.22 7.36 0.091000 0.001220 0.92220 4.24 3.22 7.45 0.03497 0.00000 0.034975 4.27 3. 7. Pradesh 5 0 22 49 2 Arunacha 0.00 0.17 0.17 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.12 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.13 0.000000 0.003470 0.00347 0.00 0.13 0.13 0.00000 0.00246 0.002466 4.27 3. 7. l Pradesh 0 0 6 22 49 3 Assam 0.97 1.90 2.87 0.31 0.64 0.95 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.32 0.65 0.96 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.33 0.67 1.00 0.031562 0.050944 0.08250 0.36 0.72 1.08 0.00442 0.01670 0.021130 0.00 0. 0. 6 6 4 14 14 4 Bihar 5.22 5.66 10.89 2.96 4.76 7.72 0.03 0.00 0.03 2.99 4.76 7.75 0.02 0.00 0.02 3.01 4.76 7.77 0.0255290 0.000000 0.02552 3.26 4.76 8.02 0.000000 0.36 0. 1. 90 74 10 5 Chhattisg 1.15 0.57 1.72 1.81 0.69 2.50 0.02 0.02 0.04 1.83 0.71 2.54 0.01 0.03 0.04 1.83 0.74 2.58 0.005500 0.041001 0.04650 1.84 0.78 2.62 0.01213 0.01960 0.031741 3.26 4. 8. arh 1 3 8 76 02 6 Goa 0.06 0.05 0.12 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.07 0.09 0.05 0.02 0.07 0.000763 0.000106 0.00086 0.05 0.03 0.07 0.00116 0.00021 0.001374 1.85 0. 2. 9 0 4 80 66 7 Gujarat 3.00 3.10 6.10 2.22 2.02 4.24 0.07 0.05 0.12 2.29 2.07 4.36 0.01 0.01 0.02 2.31 2.14 4.46 0.040360 0.070050 0.11041 2.35 2.21 4.57 0.04026 0.01525 0.055516 0.05 0. 0. 0 4 2 03 07 8 Haryana 3.00 1.51 4.51 2.19 1.64 3.83 0.01 0.00 0.01 2.20 1.64 3.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.21 1.65 3.86 0.002310 0.005580 0.00789 2.21 1.65 3.87 0.00854 0.00255 0.011093 2.39 2. 4. 0 3 0 23 62 9 HP 0.05 0.30 0.35 0.02 0.17 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.17 0.19 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.18 0.20 0.003000 0.029925 0.03292 0.02 0.21 0.23 0.00350 0.00300 0.006500 2.22 1. 3. 5 0 0 65 88 10 Jharkhan 1.28 1.18 2.46 0.60 0.45 1.06 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.60 0.46 1.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.49 1.10 0.006370 0.012505 0.01887 0.62 0.50 1.12 0.03400 0.00852 0.04250 0.03 0. 0. d 5 0 0 21 24 11 J&K 0.25 1.11 1.36 0.20 1.59 1.79 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.21 1.60 1.81 0.04 0.04 0.09 0.21 1.60 1.81 0.002500 0.012120 0.01462 0.21 1.62 1.83 0.000000 0.66 0. 1. 0 51 16 12 Karnatak 2.50 3.47 5.97 2.13 0.68 2.81 0.04 0.02 0.06 2.17 0.70 2.87 0.00 0.01 0.01 2.21 0.74 2.95 0.085000 0.000000 0.08500 2.29 0.74 3.04 0.04781 0.00000 0.047814 0.21 1. 1. a 0 4 0 62 83 13 Kerala 1.00 1.68 2.68 1.09 2.30 3.39 0.00 0.01 0.01 1.09 2.30 3.40 0.04 0.05 0.09 1.09 2.31 3.40 0.000924 0.008717 0.00964 1.09 2.32 3.41 0.00191 0.00439 0.006309 2.34 0. 3. 1 8 1 74 09 14 MP 4.85 11.3 16.21 1.45 0.60 1.06 0.10 0.02 0.13 1.56 0.62 2.18 0.09 0.04 0.12 1.60 0.67 2.27 0.026068 0.021416 0.04748 1.62 0.69 2.32 0.05496 0.05998 0.114955 1.09 2. 3. 6 4 7 8 33 42 15 Maharash 4.10 4.85 8.95 3.49 3.31 6.80 0.18 0.00 0.18 3.67 3.31 6.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.76 3.34 7.10 0.175000 0.029423 0.02044 3.93 3.37 7.30 0.000000 1.68 0. 2. tra 23 75 43 16 Manipur 0.14 0.47 0.60 0.10 0.09 0.20 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.12 0.09 0.21 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.12 0.09 0.21 0.001800 0.002072 0.00387 0.12 0.10 0.22 0.00400 0.00000 0.004000 3.93 3. 7. 2 0 0 37 30 17 Meghalay 0.02 0.15 0.17 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.000000 0.004589 0.00458 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.00000 0.00444 0.004448 0.12 0. 0. a 9 0 8 10 22 18 Mizoram 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.000000 0.005248 0.00524 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00000 0.00490 0.004900 0.00 0. 0. 8 0 0 08 08 19 Nagaland 0.01 0.08 0.09 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.000000 0.004053 0.00405 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.00000 0.00523 0.005235 0.00 0. 0. 3 0 5 03 03 20 Orissa 3.60 5.20 8.80 1.99 1.64 3.63 0.03 0.03 0.06 2.02 1.67 3.69 0.03 0.00 0.03 2.07 1.72 3.80 0.060967 0.057102 0.11806 2.14 1.78 3.91 0.04238 0.02524 0.067626 0.00 0. 0. 9 0 6 11 11 21 Punjab 3.00 2.97 5.97 2.60 3.43 6.03 0.00 0.03 0.03 2.60 3.46 6.06 0.06 0.01 0.07 2.63 3.46 6.09 0.015275 0.000000 0.01527 2.65 3.46 6.10 0.00789 0.00000 0.007890 2.18 1. 3. 5 0 0 80 98 22 Rajastha 2.75 2.38 5.13 2.89 2.47 5.36 0.08 0.01 0.09 2.97 2.48 5.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.03 2.48 5.52 0.063900 0.003000 0.06690 3.10 2.49 5.59 0.03480 0.00660 0.041400 2.65 3. 6. n 0 0 0 46 11 23 Sikkim 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.34 0.10 0.44 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.000000 0.000914 0.00091 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.00000 0.00000 0.000000 3.13 2. 5. 4 0 0 49 63 24 Tamil 1.50 4.03 5.53 1.56 2.13 3.70 0.02 0.00 0.02 1.58 2.14 3.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.92 2.23 4.15 0.000000 0.0264580 0.31900 1.97 2.50 4.47 0.04551 0.62905 0.674560 0.00 0. 0. Nadu 0 0 0 04 04 25 Tripura 0.10 0.18 0.28 0.02 0.14 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.14 0.16 0.05 0.37 0.42 0.02 0.14 0.16 0.002400 0.000812 0.00321 0.02 0.14 0.16 0.000000 2.02 3. 5. 2 13 14 26 UP 12.15 17.4 29.64 8.78 23.5 32.3 0.05 0.49 0.54 8.83 24.0 32.9 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.88 24.4 033. 0.186000 0.055711 0.24171 9.07 24.5 33.5 0.00233 0.00000 0.002330 0.02 0. 0. 8 8 6 7 0 4 32 1 0 7 0 0 14 16 27 Uttarakha 0.35 0.52 0.86 0.29 0.52 0.81 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.29 0.55 0.84 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.29 0.56 0.85 0.000000 0.012139 0.01213 0.29 0.57 0.86 0.000000 9.07 24 33 nd 9 .5 .5 0 7

36 28 West 2.30 4.62 6.92 1.77 4.05 5.82 0.01 0.03 0.04 1.78 4.09 5.86 0.01 0.05 0.05 1.78 4.13 5.92 0.005550 0.044987 0.05053 1.79 4.18 5.97 0.00000 0.02784 0.027840 0.29 0. 0. Bengal 7 0 0 57 86 29 UTs 0.10 0.05 0.14 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.00000 0.00000 0.000000 0.01 0. 0. 0 0 0 05 06 TOTAL 58.47 81.4 139.8 42.2 60.4 102. 0.84 0.89 1.73 0.89 0.89 1.02 0.90 1.93 44.1 62.2 106. 1.115959 0.741684 1.85764 45.2 62.9 108. 0.38061 0.83601 1.216622 45.6 63 10 3 9 8 2 70 4 1 36 3 6 5 21 0 2 4 .7 9. 9 43 The progress during 2010-11 is yet to be received from some States

37 Annexure – VI



Flood FlowCanal from Sriramasagar project in Andhra Pradesh envisages diversion of balance surplus water available at Sriramasagar Reservoir after meeting the requirement of Sriramasagar Project Stage I &II to irrigate 1.02 lakh ha. annuallythe drought prone areas of , and Nalgonda districts. The Planning Commission had accorded an investment clearance to the project in December, 2005 at an estimated cost of Rs.1331.30 crore at1992-93 price level. The project is being implemented in 2 phases. The phase–I comprises : (a) Head Regulator at the foreshore of Sriramasagar Project with approach channel , (b) Flood Flow Canal (SRSP to Mid Manair Reservoir -122 km), (c) Mid-Manair Reservoir(MMR) (gross capacity -25.873 TMC) at Manwada village , & (d) Two irrigation canals from MMR to irrigate 32376 ha.(80,000 acres )

The Phase II comprises: (a) Lift- cum- gravity Canal from MMR to Gowravelli Reservoir, (b) Gowravelli Reservoir (gross capacity -1.40 TMC ) at gowravelli village, Husnabad mandal , Karimnagar district. (c) Two irrigation canal from Gowravelli Reservoir to irrigate 42900 ha. (1,06,000 Acares). At present phase I of the project is under execution. Out of the 89,029 ha of ayacut proposed under the project the irrigation potential that would be created at end of phase- I will be 40,000 ha. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs.4266.09cr. at 2008-09 price level. The expenditure incurred on the project under AIBP up to March 2010 is Rs.1852.37crore and that incurred during 2010-11(up to 02/2011) is 281.777crore. As per AIBP inspection report, the total expenditure incurred on AIBP components of the project up to 02/2011 is Rs. 2134.147crore. The amount of CA released till now is Rs.382.40 crore.The project is now targeted to be completed by March 2012. No irrigation potential has been created so for. Irrigation potential of 40,000ha. under phase–I is proposed to be created during 2011-12 after completion of MidManair Reservoir and its irrigation canals. The balance land acquisition and settlement of R & R issues need to be expedited to complete the project on time.


Tarakarama Thirthasagarm Reservoir project is located across Champavathi river to irrigate and extent of 10,000 ha.of ayacut including stabilisation of 3307 ha.of existing wet ayacut under Kumili Chnnel System. It will benefit 3 mandals i. e. Poosapatirega, Denkada and Bhogapuram of Vizianagaram district. Besides this, the scheme provides for drinking water to the villager’s enroute the canal. Andhra Pradesh govt. has accorded administrative sanction to the project for Rs. 220.04 cr. Main component of the project comprise of (i) Barrage, Afflux Bund and Head Regulator near Kotagandredu village of Gurla mandal of Vizianagaram district. (ii) Diversion Canal for length of 13.428 km against the original 12.25 km due to change of alignment including the tunnel of length 1.5 km to let out the water in to Kumili Reservoir and (iii) Kumili Reservoir to store the diverted water by improving the existing big tank of Kumili to store 2.700 TMC to irrigate an ayacut of 9,999.80 ha.through the right and left canal of length 19.275km respectively. The project was taken up with financial assistance under AIBP in the

39 year 2005-06. No work was taken up prior to AIBP. The irrigation potential of this project is 10,000 ha. Including stabilization of 3,307 ha. Potential proposed during 2006-07, 2007- 08,2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 is nil while potential proposed during 2011-12 is 10,000ha. As per inspection report no irrigation potential has been created up to January,2011. The first installment amounting to Rs. 110.02 cr. (loan: Rs.77.014cr. and grant Rs.33.006 cr.) has been released during March 2006 after that no CLA/CA released. An expenditure of Rs.65.5172 crore has been incurred up to March 2010 and an amount of Rs.3.1837 crore has been expended up to01/2011. Thus total expenditure incurred under AIBP up to 01/2011 is Rs. 68.7009 crore. No bottlenecks have been noticed at present in the implementation of the project. The obstructions created by the PAPs have now been sorted out and the work is progressing satisfactorily.


Sriramasagar project Stage I was envisaged and completed by constructing a reservoir on situated in Nizamabad distrctof Andhra Pradesh to creat an irrigation potential of 5.96 lakh hectare with canal system: (a) Kakatiya main canal from km 0.00 to km 284.00 (b) Laxmi canal from km 0.00 to km 3.50 and (c) Saraswathi canal from km 0.00 to km 47.00. Sriramasagar Project Stage II is envisaged by extending Kakatiya canal from km 284.00 to km 346.00 to creat an IP 1.78066 lakh hectare. Originally SRSP- II was cleared by the TAC on 3.4.1996 for Rs. 697.70cr. With the two components: (i)Extension of Kakatiya canal from km.284.00 to 346.00&(ii) Extension of Kadem canal (known as Saraswathi canal tail-reach) from km. 77.00 to km.144.00. Subsequently, the Saraswathi canal tail-reach component was de- linked from SRSP Stage-II in October, 2002.

The SRSP II canal system of distributaries from km.284.00 to 346.00 is to cover a CCA of 1,78,066 ha. The project completion will create an ultimate irrigation potential of 178000 ha. the irrigation potential created during 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11(up to January2011) is 8309 ha., 9774.59 ha., 48,583 ha., 9312 ha. and 32,630 ha. respectively. Thus the total IP created under AIBP up to January 2011 is 1, 08,608.59 ha. out of the targeted IP of 1.78066 lakh ha. The project was approved by the Planning Commission on 20.3.2006 for Rs.1, 043.14 cr. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs.1098 cr. The expenditure incurred under AIBP components of the project till March 2010 was Rs.477.69 cr. and that incurred during 2010-11 up to the end of January 2011 is Rs.18.621 cr. Amount of CA release up to January 2011 was Rs. 139.469 cr. The land acquisition process is slow. Steps have to be taken to complete the targeted area in time. The project was started during October, 2000 and is likely to be completed by December 2012.


Gundlakamma Reservoir project is constructed across river Gundlakamma, near Chinamallavaram village of Maddipadu mandal in Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. It is envisaged to utilized 12.845 TMC of water to create an irrigation potential of 32,400 ha. in 6 mandals of Prakasam district besides augmenting drinking water supplies to 2.5 lakh population in 43 villages en-route and Ongole town. The project consists of an earthen dam of length 5.668 km, and 227 m long spillway with 15 Nos. verticalgates to store 3.859 TMCof water. Two

40 irrigation canals viz., Right canal of length 27.262 km. and Left canal of length 21.975 km are proposed to serve an ayacut of 32,400 ha.

Administrative approval for this project has been accorded by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh for Rs. 453.85 cr. on 28.12.2005 and the revised estimated cost of the project is Rs.592.18 cr. The expenditure incurred on the project, before sanction of AIBP-FTP assistance was Rs. 26.44 cr on work and that on land acquisition Rs.30.00cr. the total being Rs.56.44 cr. the project is slated to be completed by August 2011. Assistance amounting to Rs. 99.3525 cr. has been released during 2005-06 and 2006-07after that no CLA/CAreleased. An expenditure of Rs.418.32 cr. has been incurred up to March 2010 and Rs. 5.74 cr. during 2010-11 up to January 2011. Thus a cumulative expenditure of Rs. 424.06 cr. has been incurred up to January 2011 on AIBP components of the project. The irrigation potential of 24,302 ha. was created up January 2011 out of the proposed 32,400 ha. under AIBP. The balance IP is programmed to be created by August 2011. Delay in land acquisition for excavation due to court stay order and delay in R & R of 8 villages have been main bottlenecks in the implementation of the project.


The Pushkara irrigation scheme (PLIS) was originally sanctioned by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in August 2003 to provide irrigation facilities to 39765.8 ha. in 104 villages in 13 mandals of at a cost of Rs.144.25 crore. It was envisaged to lift about 554 cusec of water from river Godavari which will be conveyed through pressure mains to be dropped in to a gravity canal of length 91.856km. Subsequently, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh issued a revised sanction order in October, 2003 to include an additional ayacut of Rs. 33,552.8 ha. by lifting water to area up to 80 m contour from the main canal at a cost of Rs.153.00 crore over & above the earlier administratively approved cost of Rs. 144.25 crore Thus making the total ayacut of 73,318 ha. Investment clearance for the project with an estimated cost of Rs. 379.503 crore (at 2005-06price level) was received from Planning Commission in June, 2006.

The entire ayacut of this scheme is covered under the proposed Polavaram Project which will be amalgamated with the Polavaram commend when it become operative. The project was taken up for construction during January,2004 and was targeted for completion during September, 2007 as per MOU. The date of completion of the project has been further extended up to 15.07.2008. Now, the project is scheduled to be completed by December, 2011. An expenditure of Rs.183.26 crore was incurred on this project before its inclusion in AIBP, up to March, 2006. An amount of Rs.351.1574 crore had been incurred up to March,2010 and during 2010-11 expenditure of Rs. 27.3740 crore has been incurred under AIBP out of budget outlay for 2010-11 Rs. 98.09 crore. Amount of Central Assistance released up to up to 2010-11 Rs.47,0847 crore. Out oftotal irrigation potential of 75,235 ha. Irrigation potential of 4051 ha. has been created prior to AIBP. Targeted irrigation potential under AIBP component is 71,184 ha. and out of this total irrigation potential created up to 2010-11 is 48559 ha. Some land acquisition problems are there which are being sorted out by the State Government.


The project is situated in of Andhra Pradesh state. It envisages construction of headworks comprising of Earthern Dam of length 0.720 km excluding Anicut/Barrage of length 330.0 km across Peddavagu near Jagannathpur to dispose the design discharge 13365 cumec, Right Flank Regulator with 29 km long Right Flank Main Canal system to create an irrigation potential of 6073 ha and provide drinking water to a population of 9750 persons. The main components of the project as executed/being executed are:

(i) Formation of Earth Bund from km. 0.00 km. and from km.0.930 to km.1.050 (ii) Construction of Anicut/Barrage from km.0.600 to km.0.930 (330.0 m) (iii) Construction of Right Main Canal from km 0.00 to km.29.00. (iv) Construction of Distributaries and its Minors and field Channels to create irrigation potential of 6073 ha.

The project was approved by Planning Commission for Rs.124.64 crore (2004-05 price level) in June, 2006.Latest estimated cost Rs.131.08 crore. The cumulative expenditure incurred on the project upto March, 2011 is Rs.56.54 crore. CA released up to March 2011 Rs.106.025 cr. The project was started during the year 2005 and is now proposed to be completed by July,2012against September, 2007 as indicated in the MoU submitted by the State Government alongwith the CA proposal for 2006-07. Only preliminary works of the project and excavation for headworks have been taken up prior to its inclusion of the project under AIBP. No expenditure has been incurred prior to AIBP and entire cost of the project is proposed under AIBP. No irrigation potential has been created under the project upto March, 2011. Forest clearance is yet to be received for 26.95 ha.


The Nilwai Project, a medium irrigation project is situated across Peddavagu in Godavari Basin near Nilwai village, Vemanapally mandal in Adilabad district of Andhra Pradesh. It envisages construction of headworks comprising of earthern dam of length 4.44 Km, HC Ogee Weir of length 340.00 m to dispose of the maximum flood discharge of 1470.00 cumec, left flank and right flank regulators. The canal system comprises of left flank canal of length 15.00 km to irrigate an ayacut of 3000 ha and right flank canal of length 15.00 km to irrigate an ayacut of 2260 ha. The project was administratively approved by the Government of Andhra Pradesh in January, 2005 for Rs.90.50 crore. The project on completion will create ultimate irrigation potential of 5,260 ha (13,000 acre) and drinking water facility to a population of 16,000 persons.

Investment clearance to the project was given by the Planning Commission in February, 2007 for Rs.90.50 crore. The project was started during the year 2005 and is now likely to be completed byMarch, 2013. The headworks and canal system of the project were taken up in 2005 and were in various stages of progress prior to inclusion of the project under AIBP. All the balance works of the project have been proposed under AIBP. An expenditure of Rs.12.73 crore was incurred prior to AIBP. An expenditure of Rs.63.55 crore has been incurred upto March, 2011 on AIBP components of the project. Amount of Central Assistance/Grant released for the project upto March, 2011 is Rs.18.40 crore. The irrigation potential proposed to be

42 created under the project is 5260 ha. No irrigation potential has been created prior to AIBP. No irrigation potential has been created upto March 2011. No bottlenecks in implementation of the project have been reported by the State Government. However, land acquisition is to be taken up on a priority and R&R issues need to be resolved expeditiously.


The Sri Komram Bim Medium Irrigation Project across Peddavagu river situated in Adilabad district of Andhra Pradesh state, envisages construction of headworks comprising of earthen dam of length 1012 m and Ogee Spillway of length 136.00 m to dispose the design discharge of 7391 cumec and a Left Flank Regulator for the 65 km long Left Main Canal to create an irrigation potential of 9915 ha and provide drinking water to a population of 25000. The headworks and canal system works of the project were under progress prior to inclusion of the project under AIBP in 2006-07. All the balance works under headworks and canal system have been proposed under AIBP.

The project was approved by the Planning Commission in March, 2007 with an estimated cost of Rs.202.5977 cr. at 1998-99 price level. The project was administratively approved by the Government of Andhra Pradesh vide G.O.Rt. No.144 dated 22.1.2005 for Rs.274.140 crore. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs.450.14 crore. The project was started during the year 3/2005 and is now likely to be completed by December, 2011. The expenditure on the project prior to its inclusion under AIBP is Rs.72.40 crore. The cumulative expenditure under AIBP upto March, 2010 is Rs.259.28 crore and that during 2010-11 is Rs.22.32 crore. Thus cumulative expenditure upto March, 2011 on the project under AIBP is Rs.281.60 crore. Amount of Central Assistance released upto March, 2011 is Rs.323.32s crore. Land acquisition is slow and needs to be expedited. R&R works also need to be completed urgently.


The Tadipudi Lift Irrigation Scheme(TLIS), envisages pumping of 39.54 cumec of water from the river Godavari in single stage to main canal. Four more sub lifts are also proposed at suitable locations along the main canal to irrigate upland areas. This project is located on Akhanda Godavari Right Bank (AGRB) at Km.26.2 from Kovvur in of Andhra Pradesh. The scheme envisages ultimate irrigation potential of 83,609 ha (2,06,600 acre) during kharif season and drinking supplies to 130 villages in 15 mandals of West Godavari district.

The project was approved by Planning Commission in June, 2006 at an estimated cost of Rs.376.96 crore and the latest estimated cost of the project is Rs.467.70 crore. An amount of Rs.91.22 crore was incurred upto March, 2006 before it was posed for inclusion in AIBP. Cost of AIBP components is Rs.285.74 crore. The project was commenced during 1/2004 and was to be completed by 3/2008 as per the MoU submitted by the State Government along with the proposal for Central Assistance for 2006-07. As per the latest trends, the completion will be delayed and he authorities are gearing to complete the project by November 2011. No irrigation potential was created prior to its inclusion AIBP. Irrigation potential created upto March,

43 2011is 50601 ha. Central Assistance amounting to Rs.48.22 crore has been released for the project upto March, 2010 and no CA has been released during 2010-11, Expenditure incurred on AIBP components of the project upto March, 2010 is Rs.320.93 crore and that incurred during 2010-11 Rs.14.33 crore. Project as a whole total cumulative expenditure incurred upto March, 2011 since inception of the project is Rs.426.55 crore.


The Musurumilli Reservoir Project, a medium irrigation project proposed across Seethapallivagu, a tributary of river Godavari, near Musurumilli village in East Godavari District. The project envisages construction of head works comprising earth dam of length 1.040 Km, spillway of 86.50 m length and head sluice to draw 7.13 cumec of water into the canal. The canal system comprises a length of 35.40 km to irrigate an ayacut of 9164 ha. The project on completion will create ultimate irrigation potential of 9164 ha (22,643 acre) and drinking water facility to a population of 53,890 persons living in 23 villages. Planning Commission accorded approval to the project in March, 2007 for Rs.207.00 crore. The project was started during the year 2005. The project envisages an earthen dam of length 1.040 km with a maximum height of 31 m, a spillway 86.50 m long with 7 No. of radial gates each of size 10m x 7.5 m to discharge 2944 cumec at + 123.00 m. and a head sluice with one vent of size 2.70m x 1.60 m to draw 7.1286 cumec into the canal. Length of the canal is 35.44 km.

The project was included under AIBP during the year 2007-08. The expenditure on the project prior to its inclusion under AIBP is reported to be Rs.53.48 crore. Expenditure project as a whole upto March, 2010 is Rs.149.95 crore. Expenditure project as a whole during 2010-11 up to March,2011 is Rs.30.61 crore. Expenditure under AIBP up to March, 2010 is Rs.96.47 cr. and during 2010-11 up to March, 2011 is Rs. 30.61 cr. Thus, the cumulative expenditure under AIBP upto March, 2011 is Rs. 127.08 crore. Central Assistance released for the project up to March, 2011 is Rs. 85.742 crore. Irrigation potential has been created under AIBP up to March, 2011 is 6538 ha. against targated irrigation potential9164 ha. There are no major bottlenecks in implementation of the project. Balance works of the project are proposed to be completed by March, 2012.


Rajiv Bhima Lift Irrigation Scheme project situated in Mahboobnagar district of Andhra Pradesh envisages construction of headworks and canal system to cover CCA of 82,151 ha and stabilization of 1619 ha of existing command and also provide drinking water facilities to 196 villages enroute. The project on completion will create ultimate irrigation potential of 82,151 ha. The Planning Commission accorded investment clearance for Rs.744.00 acre in December, 2007. The latest estimated cost of the project with SSR-2004-05 is Rs.1969.00 crore. The project was started during 2005 and is targeted to be completed by June 2012. The project was posed for Central Assistance under AIBP during 2007-08 for the balance project cost of Rs.1,377.65 crore. The scheme envisages lifting of Krishna water at two different locations i.e. from the foreshore of and foreshore of Ookachettivagu Reservoir in two stages.

44 CA amounting to Rs.1169.22 has been released up to March 2010-11. Expenditure incurred upto March, 2010 is Rs.725.92 crore and that incurred during 2010-11, is Rs.98.67 crore. Ultimate irrigation potential of the project is 82,151ha. No Irrigation Potential has been crated so far. Though the works are progressing on all the fronts, the project is not likely to be completed as per original MoU, i.e. byJune 2012. Project authorities should try to acquire the balance land as quickly as possible and expedite construction of works to achieve maximum progress.


J.Chokka Rao Godavari Lift Irrigation Scheme is a major project contemplated to lift water from Godavari river near Gangaram(V), Eturunagaram (M), Warangal district of Andhra Pradesh. It consists of construction of intake and intermediate pump houses, water conductor system, formation of reservoirs, canals including distributor system and water courses, electro mechanical, hydro-mechanical, pipelines and allied works to create an ayacut of 2.62 lakh hectare in upland drought prone areas of Karimnagar, Warangal, Nalgonda and Medak districts by utilizing 38 TMC of water. Besides irrigation, the scheme provides drinking water facility to enroute villages in the command areas.

Investment clearance for the project was accorded by Planning Commission on 23.3.2007 for an estimated cost of Rs.6,016 cr. at 2005-06 price level. The latest revised estimated cost of the project is Rs.9427.73 cr. The project was started during 2005-06. The project is proposed to be completed by March2014. The project was included under AIBP during the year 2006-07and the expenditure under AIBP up to 2009-10 is Rs.2979.847. and the expenditure during 2010-11is Rs.1258.609 cr. Thus, the cumulative expenditure incurred on AIBP upto March, 2011 is 4238.456cr. Irrigation Potential of 20,235 ha. has been created so far against the IP of 2, 49,000 ha. proposed under the project. Land acquisition needs to be expedited for completing the project on time.


Gollavagu project is situated in Adilabad district of Andhra Pradesh State. It envisages construction of headworks comprising earthen dam of length 2.400 Km. including Ogee Weir of length 150.00 m to dispose of the design discharge of 903 cumec and Right Flank Canal of 26 Km to create an irrigation potential of 3845 hectare. No irrigation potential has been created prior to AIBP. The project was administratively approved by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in January, 2005 for Rs. 83.61 crore. andThe project was approved by Planning Commission in June, 2006 for Rs.83.61 crore. The project was started during the year 2005 and is likely to be completed by March, 2012. Main components of the project comprise of Formation of Earth Bund from Km. 0.00 to 2.40, construction of Ogee Weir from km. 0.40 to 0.190 (150 m), construction of Right Main Canal from km. 0.00 to 16.00 and construction of distributaries, minors and field channels.The project was included under AIBP during 2006-07. The expenditure prior to inclusion under AIBP is reported to be Rs.14.64 crore. The expenditure incurred under AIBP during 2006-07 is Rs. 36.03 crore, that in 2007-08 is Rs.

45 13.10 crore and in 2008-09 is Rs.8.64 crore and in 2009-10 is Rs.4.49 cr. and than in 2010-11 is Rs. 0.28 cr. Thus, the cumulative expenditure under AIBP upto March, 2011 is Rs. 62.54 crore. Total CA released up toMarch, 2011 is Rs. 60.47 crore. Land acquisition is in slow progress. Immediate steps are to be taken to complete the same as per time schedule.


Ralivagu Project is situated near Mulkala village of Adilabad district in Andhra Pradesh. The project envisages construction of headworks comprising earthen dam of length 2.15 km. including Ogee Weir of length 180.0 m for a design discharge of 940.69 cumec, left and right bank canals to create an irrigation potentialof 2,428 ha with lengths of 5.20 km and 4.24 km respectively. The reservoir will have a live storage of 352 Mcft and submerges to an extent of 743 acre. Two lined canals will be taking off from the reservoir. The right canal of length of 5 km. to irrigate 16,000 acre and the left canal of length of 6 km to irrigate 2900 acre with necessary distributary system and provide drinking water to a population of 9,550 persons.

The project was approved by Planning Commission, in June, 2006 for Rs.33.30 crore. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs.49.71 crore. The project was started during the year 2005 and is likely to be completed by March 2012. An amount of Rs.3.48 crore was spent upto 9/2006 before its inclusion in AIBP. New irrigation potential proposed to be created under AIBP is 2428 ha. and no IP was created prior to AIBP. IPof 1214 ha.has been created so far. Central Assistance released for the project upto March, 2011 is 6.71 crore. Cumulative expenditure incurred on AIBP components of the project upto March 2011 is Rs.37.710 crore. No bottlenecks are reported.


Indira Sagar Polavaram Project situated near Ramaiahpeta (V) of Polavaram (M) in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh State envisages construction of a dam to create utilimate irrigation potential of 2,91,000 ha. The project also envisages generation of 960 MW of hydropower, drinking water supply to 540 villages and diversion of 80 TMC of water to Krishna basin. The project was approved by the Planning Commission for Rs.10,151.04 cr (2005-06 price level) on 25.02.2009. The project was started during the year 2004 and is likely to be completed by March, 2013. The project contemplates construction of 2,310 m long Earth- cum-Rockfull Dam across the river Godavari, a Spillway on the right flank saddle, 986.50 m long with crest level of +25.72 m and with 44 Nos. of Radial Gates. The Reservoir formed by the Dam with FRL of +45.72 m (+50 feet) submerges an area of 637 a live storage capacity of 2.130 cum. A power house is envisages on the left flank with necessary tunnels for penstocks and tail race channel with installed capacity of 12 units of 80 MW (960 MW). The Right Main Canal runs for a length of 174 km. The Left Main Canal is proposed as a lined canal taking off from the subsidiary reservoir formed by ‘KL’ bund and runs for a length of 181.5 km. Land acquisition got delayed due to number of agitations, dharnas and strikes and also number of cases pending in various courts as writ petitions filed by roits. Clearances from GAIL, HPCL, Railways and Highway Authority are slow. Non-completion of R&R works is affecting progress of works.

46 Expenditure incurred before AIBP is Rs.1723.17 crore. Cumulative expenditure incurred up to March 2011 under AIBP is Rs.1987.78 crore. CA released up to March 2011 is Rs.652.47crore. No irrigation potential created up to March 2011 against targeted IP 291000 ha. Land acquisition, court cases, Forest clearance, Gas pipe line and Road crossing etc.are major bottlenecks in implementation of the projects.


Veligallu Reservoir Project is a Medium Irrigation Project under construction across river Papagni, a tributary to river Pennar. The project is located near Veligallu village in Galiveedu mandal of Kadapa district. The project was taken up under State Plan funds to provide irrigation facilities to an extent of 600 acre under Left Main Canal and 23400 acre under Right Main Canal totaling to 24000 acre (9713 ha) in addition to drinking water supply to 18 villages in Galiveedu, Lakkireddipalli and Ramapuram mandals. The project comprises formation of earth dam on both the flanks, construction of spillway and excavation 6.00 km long left main canal and 57.15 km long right main canal including CM&CD works, branch canals and distributaries and filed channels.

The project was approved by the Planning Commission for estimated cost of Rs.143.67 crore in December, 2006. Government of Andhra Pradesh accorded Administrative Approval initially for Rs.129.65 crore and later revised administrative approval for updated cost for Rs.208.72 crore on 29.09.2006. The project was started during 7/2003 and is likely to be completed by December, 2010 in all respects including localization of ayacut. Expenditure on the project prior to its inclusion under AIBP is reported to be Rs.120.10 crore. Expenditure under AIBP upto March, 2010 is Rs.59.7737 crore and that during 2010-11 upto August, 2010 is Rs.0.3369s crore.Thus total expenditure on the project under AIBP upto August, 2010 is Rs.60.1106 crore. Amount of Central Assistance released for the project uptoAugust, 2011 is Rs.62.335 crore. The irrigation potential Proposed to be created under the project 9713 ha. but No irrigation potential created up to August 2010. Bottlenecks in implementation of AIBP :- Land acquisition to an extent of 73 ha. remain to be completed.


The Palemvagu Reservoir Project is located in district of Andhra Pradesh at a distance of 147 km from Bhadrachalam Road railway station on a 70 km branch line taking off from Dornakal junction on Delhi to Chennai rail route. The project envisages construction of a masonry dam across Palemvagu near Mallapuram village of Venkatapuram mandal to irrigate an ayacut of 4,100 ha and provide irrigation to a population of 25,000. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs. 70.99 cr. and balance cost of AIBP components is Rs. 63.57 cr. It consists of 230 m length of ungated spillway, an earthen bund of 590m length, one head regulator proposed at km 0.380 on right side, right main canal, distributary system including CD&CM works, lining and construction of camp colony.

Before the project came under AIBP, an amount of Rs. 7.42 cr. had been spent on the project. Prior to AIBP only preliminary works like investigation and designs had been

47 completed and the earthwork for headworks and main canal was in progress. No irrigation potential has been created upto March 2011. It is proposed to create an I.P. of 5350 ha. The expenditure incurred on AIBP components of the project upto March, 2010 is Rs.52.7127 crore and that incurred during 2010-11, upto March, 2011 is Rs.7.7984 cr. Amount of CA released upto March, 2011 is Rs.9.5355 crore. The total expenditure incurred under AIBP upto March, 2011 is Rs.60.5111 crore. Necessary steps are to be taken to gear up the progress in respect of reconstruction of the earthen bund which was breached during August, 2008. Government of Andhra Pradesh has appointed an expert Committee to study cause of breach and remedial measures that need to be taken. The Committee has submitted its report to the Government. Forest clearance is main bottleneck in implementation of AIBP. As per MoU, the project was to be completed by 2007-08. However, works of Dam & Canal and distributary work are still at various stages of execution.


The Maddigedda reservoir project, a medium irrigation scheme, is located across the river. Maddigedda, a tributary of Yeleru river near Addateegala village in east Godavari district.

The project envisages construction of headwork such a spillway regulator, earthen dam and tower head sluice and canal system with main canal and 17 distributaries to cover GCA of 1620 ha. An additional ayacut of 90 ha.has also been proposed in 1986 by excavating at Chhayapeta-II distributary for length of 7.61 km.

Main components of the project included under AIBP are as follows:-

a) Construction of 103.5 m. long aqueduct across Modern river at km.13.345 of main canal

b) Excavation of main canal from 13.410 to 18.824 km. including CM & CD work.

c) Resectioning of main canal and providing CC ling from 0.00 to 2.30 km.

d) Excavation of 7 nos. distributaries in the main canal reach from km.15.842 to 18.550 including CM & CD work.

e) Bringing Atchayyapeta distributary system etc.

The project was cleared by the Planning Commission, Govt. of India on 16-2-1977. Original estimates cost of the project is Rs.2.9377 crore with SSR-1975-76 on 13-9-1977. Latest estimated cost of AIBP components ( SSR-2000-01) is Rs. 7.20 crore. The project was included under AIBP during the year 2000-01. CLA/CA released upto 2004-05 is Rs.3.792 crore and during 2005-06 to 2010-11, CLA/CA released nil.

Expenditure incurred upto March, 2011 is Rs.7.8876 crore. Total irrigation potential contemplated under AIBP is 610 ha. due to non-completion of excavation of main canal contemplated irrigation potential under AIBP is not created. No major bottlenecks were reported by the project authorities.


As per MOU, the project was to be completed by June, 2005. However, the excavation of main canal from km.13.41 to km.14.00 is yet to be taken up.


The Mathadivagu reservoir project is situated in Adilabad district of A.P. state. The project is a medium irrigation project across Mathadivagu, a tributary of the river Godavari, near Waddadi village in Tamsi mandal. It consists of earth dam, gated, spillway, head regulator and canal system to cover GCA of 4250 ha. and CCA 3440 ha.

The components of projectare :-

a) Formation of 2.20 km. long earth bund.

b) Construction of 63.25 m. long Ogee spillway and left flank regulator.

c) Construction of 13 km. long left main canal with CD & CM structures including lining of canal upto 13 km.

d) Construction distributaries,minors and structures including field channels.

The project was approved by Planning Commission, Govt. of India on 27-6-2006 for an estimated cost of Rs. 50.40 crore at 2004-05 price level. The project was started in 03/2005. The project was included under AIBP during the year 2006-07. CA released upto March,2011 is Rs.37.02 crore. Expenditure incurred prior to inclusion under AIBP is Rs.8.19 crore. Cumulative expenditure under AIBP upto March, 2011 is Rs. 44.344 crore. Irrigation potential created upto March, 2011 is 1660 ha. against targeted irrigation potential 3440 ha. The project was likely to be completed by August, 2011. However, the work of the project is yet to be completed. Bottlenecks in implementation of project:- The designs for the railway crossing on the distributory 14 TE have not yet been provided.


The Yerrakalva reservoir project started in 1976 is a medium irrigation project comprising an Earthen Dam formed across the river Yerrakalva near Konguvarigudem village in Jangareddigudem mandal of West Godavari district. The ayacut proposed to be irrigated by this project is 9996 ha. Beside this, flood moderation is provided for safeguarding the fertile land of about 8094 ha.

Main components of the project:-

a) Earthen dam for a length of 2.73 km.

b) Spillway regulator with Hoist bridge with 4 vents.

49 c) Left and right head sluice at km.040 and km.220 of Earth dam respectively.

d) Excavation of left main canal for a length of 7.59 km and right main canal for a length of 45.60 km. including their distributory network and CM and CD work.

As per Govt. order on 5-9-2003, original cost of the project is Rs.14.50 crore and latest revised estimated cost is Rs. 124.95 crore. CA released upto January, 2011 is Rs.26.71 crore. Cumulative expenditure upto January, 2011 is Rs. 106.551 crore. The contemplated ayacut under this project is 9996 ha. The irrigation potential created up to March, 2011 is 3035 ha. The original target date for completion of the project was fixed as March, 2004 and the same was revised as June, 2011. However, the project is yet to be completed. The land acquisition is main bottlenecks in implementation of the project.


The existing Thotapalli Regulator is the first diversion work on Nagavali river constructed during 1908 in Andhra Pradesh territory and has out lived its lift and now showing signs of distress. In order to save the existing ayacut of 25,900 ha.and to irrigate additional ayacut 48,563 ha., it is proposed to construct a barrage near Thotapalli (V) across Nagavali river at 500m. U/S of Thotapalli regulator.As per the agreement Orissa state can plan its project to utilized Nagavali water upto 24 TMC of Janjhavathi water and 16 TMC of Nagavali water at the Thotapalli regulator. Estimated of the Thotapalli Barrage Project accepted by the Planning Commission, Govt. of India in 2006 of Rs.415.87 cr. Construction of the project was commenced during 2003-04. The project included under AIBP during the year 2005-06.

Expenditure incurred prior to AIBP Rs.29.290 crore. Expenditure incurred post AIBP upto March, 2011 is Rs.407.20 crore. CLA/CA released upto March, 2011 is Rs. 247.06 crore. Irrigation potential created upto March, 2011 is 25,900 ha. against the ultimate irrigation potential of 74463 ha. As per original MOU, the project was to be completed by March,2009.However, the project has not been completed for want of finalization of new tender for balance work and becauseapprovals and designs for two railway crossing and one highway crossingare yet to be completed.


The Borlia Irrigation Scheme located in the Baksa district of Bodoland Territorial Council area of Assam State, envisages construction of Head work on river Borolia with a canal system to irrigate a CCA of 9717 ha. The project on completion will creat irrigation potential of 13562 ha.

Borlia medium irrigation project in brief :-

1- ABarrage 92m long with 2 nos. of bays of 6 m each for under sluice and 10 nos. of bays of 6 m each for river sluice to pass a design discharge of 1050 cumec. 2- Length of 1 no. of main canal 10.48 km. , Length of 11 no. of branch canals 57.759 km. , Length of 13 no. of distributaries and minor canal 59.796 km.

50 3- Total number of structures in main and branch canals – Regulator 21 nos. Falls 27 nos. , cross drainage work 94 nos. , bridge and culverts 90 nos. , escapes, outlets etc. 342 nos.

Canal lining is proposed for 1.10 km. of main canal in the initial reach.

The project was approved by the Planning Commission in the year 1980 for Rs.6.77 crore. As per TAC meeting (9-10-2009) latest revised estimated cost of the project is Rs. 135.93 crore at price level 2008. The project was included under AIBP in the year 1996-97. CLA/CA released up to March 2011 is Rs. 23.337 crore. Comulative expenditure incurred up to March, 2011 under AIBP is Rs. 49.8451 crore. Project as a whole cumulative expenditurev incurred up to March, 2011 is 76.9898 crore. Irrigation potential created up to March, 2011 is 3300 ha. against targeted irrigation potential of 13562 ha.

The main bottlenecks are insufficient fund, law and order problem, land acquisition problem etc. As per proposal given in year 2009, the project was to completed by March, 2011 but due to paucity of funds date of completion of the project has been revised to March, 2013.


Tillari Irrigation Project is an inter-state project of Maharashtra and Goa States across Tillari river, near Tilarwadi in Sindhudurg Distt. of Maharashtra. The project proposes to irrigate 30736 ha. out of which 9680 ha. is in Maharashtra and 21056 ha in Goa. This project was approved by Planning Commission in December1989 for Rs. 217.22 cr. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs. 1612.15 cr. at 2008 price level out of which Goa’s share is Rs.1051.69 cr. The cost of the project is to be shared by Goa and Maharashtra States in the ratio 73.3% : 26.7% respectively. The project was brought under AIBP during 2000-01. The cumulative CA releasedup to March, 2011was Rs.227.17 cr.An expenditure of Rs.673.63 cr. has been incurred on the project (Goa) upto March 2011under AIBP. An irrigation potential of 7777 ha.has been created in Goa portion upto March 2010. An irrigation potential of800 ha has been created upto March, 2011 during 2010-11. Thus cumulative irrigation potential created under the project (Goa portion) is 8577 ha.up to March, 2011.Target date of completion of project is March 2012. Main bottlenecks in implementation of the project are slow land acquisition and that canals have been executed in patches instead of in continuous stretches. FICs have also not been constructed to release water to the fields.


Sardar Sarovar (Narmada) Project, Gujarat is a major multi-purpose project under construction on river Narmada near village Navagam in Nandod tuluka in Narmada district of Gujarat for achieving ultimate irrigation potential of7.92 lac ha in Gujarat State and 75000 ha. in Rajasthan. It envisages construction of concrete gravity dam 1210 m long and 163m high alongwith main canal system of 458 km length and their branch canals, distributaries, minors and sub-minors aggregating to a length of 75000 km. The project has the lowest ratio of

51 submergence vis-à-vis area irrigated, compared to other projects. Minimum life of the project is 180 years. The entire canal network is lined to avoid water logging. The project could meet drinking water needs of 9633 villages and 131 urban centers. 1450 MW of power is the additional benefit. The canal Head Power House (250 MW) and River Bed Power House (1200 MW) are already functional. The estimated cost of the project as approved by Planning Commission was Rs. 6406 crore at 1986-87 price level. The latest estimated cost at 2008-09 price level is Rs. 39240.45crore. It has been under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) since 1996-97. Total CLA/CA released up to March 2010-11 is Rs.5736.78 cr.The cumulative expenditure incurred on the project as a whole up to September, 2010 is Rs. 32296.09 cr. and Expenditure incurred on AIBP components of the project since 1996-97 upto September, 2010, is Rs.12019.60 crore. The cumulative Irrigation Potantial created up to September, 2010 is 500377 ha. The 70329.69 ha of private land is required to be acquired for canal system under Phase-I & Phase-II out of which 33806.98 ha has already been acquired till December, 2007 and 37148.64 ha is yet to be acquired. The works on Main Canal in Phase II upto Rajasthan border is completed except some work at Saraswati, Khari and Banas Siphons and a few km patches for earthwork and lining. In phase II, works of branch canal, minor and sub minors are in progress. There is no bottleneck in implementation of AIBP components of the project.


Und-II irrigation scheme is located across river und near village Majoth in Dhraltaluka of Jamnagar District. The project comprises of 2867 m long earthen dam across river Und on both the bank and 623 m. long masonry spillway in the river gorge potion with 54 no. radial gate for passing design flood of 16450 cumecs. The reservoir impounds gross and live capacity of 37.12 Mcmm. and 30.20 Mcum respectively at F.R.L. Canal system in the left and right bank commond will irrigate CCA of 6642 ha.

The project was administratively approved by the State Govt. for an estimated cost of 9.24 price level of 1984-85. The latest revised estimated cost of the project is Rs.68.40 cr. at price level 2005. The project was started during the year 1986. The state had posed the project for assistance under infrastructure development to NABARD for estimated cost of Rs.24.56 cr. The project was under the assistance of NABARD from april 1995 onwards. Financial programme and progress of AIBP components cumulative expenditure upto December 2010 is Rs.6453.44 lacs . Outlay for 2010-11 is Rs.400.00 lacs. Ultimate irrigation potential for the project is 5313 ha.against which potential created is 2250 ha. upto March,2011. Target date of completion is September, 2011. However, due to canal networks have not yet been completed due to land acquisition problem. The work of minors on RBMC and the work of LBMC suffered due to non-performance of earlier contractor. The tenders were re-invited and now the work has been given to new agency.


Shahnehar major irrigation project is situated in Kangra district on the western part of the Himachal Pradesh bordering the state of Punjab. The project envisage the construction of

52 two canals. The Right Bank Canal is about 45.305 Kms. long. Whereas the Left Bank Canal is about 25.69 Kms. in length. For the Right Bank Canal, Water is to be drawn throught the Head works from the Pondage created by Shahnehar Barrage. This Head works has already been constructed. For the Left Bank Canal water is to be drawn from the existing Mukherian Hydel channel through a Head Regulator already constructed.

The construction on activities on the project was started in the 1996-97. The project was included under AIBP for CLA/CA during the year 1997-98. Total CA of Rs.149.585 Cr. has been released to the project by Govt. of India till 03-2011. Till year 2008-09, both the states of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh availed CA under AIBP for their part of project share. In the year 2008-09 after a meeting taken by the Planning Commission on 10th July, 2008 the project was treated as a single project for the purpose of C.A. under AIBP to Himachal Pradesh state. Since then the H.P. state is availing the C.A. under AIBP for the project as a single project at 90.10 ratio from GOI.

Initially the project was approved in year Feb,1997 with an estimated cost of Rs.143.32 Cr. (Price level 1995). The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs.387.17 Cr. (2010-11 price level) and accepted by TAC on 20-7-2011.

CLA/CA released upto March, 2011 is Rs.149.585 Cr. for Himachal Pradesh. Prior to AIBP,a total expenditure of Rs.5.8048 Cr. had been incurred by the State of H.P. The cumulative expenditure incurred by Himachal Pradesh upto March,2011 is Rs. 300.6827 cr. under AIBP. Ultimate Irrigation Potential of the project is 24,760 ha. Irrigation Potential created upto March, 2011, is19,587 ha. Main bottleneck: Clearance for Khudro forest land required for RBC. The project is targeted to be completed during 2011-12.


The Upper Krishna Project, across the river Krishna, provides for irrigation to the drought prone areas of Bijapur, Gulbarga and Raichur districts.The project has been taken up in two stages. The Stage-I envisages two dams. One dam across the river Krishna near Almatti Village in Bagewadi taluk of Bijapur district and another at Narayanpur in Muddebihal taluk of Bijapur providing total irrigation to an extent of 4.25 lakh ha and utilization will be 3370 MCM. The Stage-II of the project envisages the raising of FRL of to 519.60 m by installing 10.584 high radial gates to utilize further quantum of 1529 MCM for providing irrigation to an additional area to an extent of 1.97 lakh ha in drought prone areas. The Stage II Multipurpose project was approved at an estimated cost of Rs. 2358.86 crore (at 1998-99 price level). The Stage-I is to be taken up in 3 phases . The third phase envisages completion of all the balance works of Stage-I for providing additional CCA of 1.50 lac ha. Out of a total estimated cost of Rs 3953.82 crore for Phase-III of Stage-I, works of Rs 2135.40 crore are being executed with CA under AIBP. The total expenditure incurred up to March 2010 under AIBP is Rs. 1787.30 cr. and expenditure incurred during 2010-11up to end of March, 2011 is Rs.134.44 cr. The total CLA/CA released up to March,2011 is Rs.1246.15 cr.The cum. irrigation potential under AIBP created up to the end of March,2010is1,48,800 ha. The targeted irrigation potential under AIBP has been achieved during 2009-10 and there is no physical targate for potential creation during 2010-11. No bottlenecks in implementation of AIBP.Balance works of the project are proposed to be completed by March,2012.



The Malaprabha Project is located in Belgaum District of Karnataka State to benefit the drought prone areas of Balgaum, Dharwad, Gadag and Bagalkot Districts. The project was approved by Planning Commission in 1963 at an estimated cost of Rs. 19.91 cr. envisaging construction of a Dam and a Canal system on Right Bank (MRBC) to irrigate about 121406 ha. In 1969 scope of the project was enlarged to create irrigation potential by addition of Lift Bank Canal (MLBC) and a Reservoir Foreshore Lift Irrigation Scheme. In 1979 and 1993 some more reservoir Foreshore Lift Schemes were added thereby raising the irrigation potential of project as a whole to 2,18,190 ha. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs. 1383.48 cr. (2008-09 SR).

The project was included in AIBP in 1996-97. The total CLA/CA released from 1997- 98 to March 2010 is Rs. 282.83 crore andnoCLA/CA has been released during 2010-11.

An amount of Rs. 322.760 cr. expenditure has been incurred on AIBP components of the project up to March 2010 and expenditure incurred during 2010-11 is Rs. 104.796 cr.The total irrigation potential created upto March, 2011 under AIBP is 44,144 ha. The project is targated to becompleted during2011-12.


The Ghataprabha Project is located on (which is a tributary of river Krishna) near Hidkal village in Hukkeri taluk, Belgaum District of Karnataka. The project (Stage-III) was originally approved by the Planning Commission in 1976 at an estimated cost of Rs. 90.54 cr. The project proposes to provide irrigation to 1,78,060 ha; 1,55,559 ha under GRBC and 22,501 ha on Modernisation of GLBC in drought prone areas of Bagalkot and Belgaum districts. The potential created up to 3/97 was 38,098 ha and balance of 1,39,962 ha is to be created under AIBP.

The project was brought under AIBP during 1997-98. The latest estimated cost of the project at 2007-08 S.R. is Rs. 1210.51 cr. Cumulative amount of CLA/CA released upto March 2011 is 495.072 cr. Budget outlay for 2010-11 is Rs.35.97 cr. A cumulative expenditure of Rs. 833.8512 cr. has been incurred on the project under AIBP upto March 2011. Irrigation potential of 1,09,594 ha was created under AIBP up to March 2010 and irrigation potential of 1882 ha has been created during 2010-11 against total targeted potential of 1,77,822 ha. The dam –toe power house with an installed capacity of 2x16 MW included under Stage III was taken up and completed by the Karnataka Power Corporation. The progress of lining works of GLBC is very slow as the actual working season is only from March to June. Land acquisition for GRBC from km 190 to km 199 is the major bottleneck in implementation of the project. Targate date of completion of project is March,2012.



Karanja Irrigation Project is located near Byalahalli Village in Bhalki Taluk of across Karanja river a tributary of river Manjra, in Godavari Basin. The project envisages construction of mainly, an earthen dam, C.C. spillway with six radial crest gates, two canals on both right and left banks, foreshore and offshore lift irrigation schemes. It envisages irrigation to an area of 35,614 ha in Bhalki and Bidar taluka of Bidar district from its two canals on right and left banks, foreshore and offshore lift irrigation schemes.

The project was administratively approved by govt. of Karnataka in November 1969 for Rs. 9.90 cr. based on 1963-64 price level. The project was approved by the Planning Commission in August 1992 for Rs. 98.00 cr. at 1987-88 price level. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs. 532.00 cr. at 2008-09 rates. The project was covered under normal AIBP since 1997-98. From the year 2002-03, the project was brought under AIBP Fast Track programme. The total amount of CLA/CA released for the project up to March 2011 is Rs. 189.03 cr. The cumulative expenditure on the project as a whole upto March 2010 is Rs 491.88 crore. Budget outlay during 2010-11 is Rs.23.17 cr. and expenditure incurred during 2010-11 is Rs. 21.92 crore. The project construction was started in 1971-72 and was proposed to be completed by March 2012. The cumulative irrigation potential created under AIBP upto March 2008 was 18119 ha and no irrigation potential has been created during 2008-09,2009-10 and 2010-11. Amount of irrigation potential created upto March 1997 (pre-AIBP) was 4674 ha. Thus total potential created under the project up to September, 2008 is 22793 ha. The R&R works of Ranjolkhemi and distributary works including minors need to be expedited to complete the project within revised date of completion.


The Upper Krishna Project, across the river Krishna, provides for irrigation to the drought prone areas of Bijapur, Gulbarga and Raichur districts.The project has been taken up in two Stages. The Stage-I: two dams, one dam across the river Krishna near Almatti Village in Bagewadi taluk of Bijapur district and another at Narayanpur in Muddebihal taluk of Bijapur providing total irrigation to an extent of 4.25 lakh ha and utilization will be 3370 MCM. Stage- II of Upper Krishna Multipurpose project was approved by Planning Commission in December 2000 with estimated cost of Rs 2358.86 crore (at 1998-99 price level). The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs 3959.80crore at 2008-2009 price level. The Stage-II of the project envisages the raising of FRL of Almatti dam from 512.256 m to 519.60 m by installing 10.584 high radial gates to utilize further quantum of 1529.31 MCM for providing irrigation to an additional area to an extent of 1.97 lakh ha in drought prone areas and to generate 290 MW of power at Almatti. The Power generation portion of the Stage-II Multipurpose project was approved at an estimated cost of Rs. 674.38 crore to generate 290 MW. All the 6 units have been commissioned by end of March, 2005. The project has been receiving Central Assistance (CA) under AIBP since 2001-02. Central Assistance amounting to Rs. 1505.57crore has been released upto March, 2010 of which Rs. 154.18 cr. was released for the year 2010-11.

Works on Almatti Left Bank Canal (now revised to km 67 to km 93), Almatti Right Bank Canal, Mulwad Lift Irrigation Scheme, Narayanpur Right Bank Canal, Indi Lift Irrigation Scheme and Rampur Lift Irrigation Scheme are in progress. The bridge across Parvathi Katta

55 nala across the backwaters of Almatti Reservoir is completed and the work of Korti-Kolhar bridge across river Krishna on back water of Almatti reservoir is also completed. Expenditure incurred on the project upto end of March 2010 was Rs.2966.32 cr. and that incurred during 2010-11 is Rs.100.668 crore. The potential created under AIBP upto March, 2010 was 180248 ha. and that created during 2010-11,is 3838 ha. Thus irrigation potential of 184086 ha.has been created under AIBP up to March 2011. An irrigation potential of 18799 ha.had already been created under the project prior to AIBP i.e. upto March, 2001.


Dudhaganga Irrigation Project is an Inter-state project of Maharashtra and Karnataka states. The project envisages construction of a composite dam across river Dudhaganga near village Asangaon in the Radhanagri Taluka of Kolhapur district in Marashtra state. The Government of Maharashtra has taken up construction of Dudhaganga Irrigation Project to utilize 27.43 TMC of water 24.00 TMC (Maharashtra) + 4.00 TMC (Karnataka) to irrigate an area of 59,333 ha in both the States. The irrigable command area in Karnataka State is 15,167 ha in the Chikodi Taluka of Belgaum district. The Government of Karnataka has accorded administrative approval to the estimate costing Rs.124.00 crore comprising the Karnataka portion works including share amount. The latest cost of the Karnataka Portion of works is Rs.309.80crore. The Planning Commission has accorded investment clearance to this Project for Rs.1460.57 crore includingRs.309.80 cr. for Karnatka (2007-08 price level) in April, 2008.

In order to utilize the 3.43 TMC of water in Karnataka state, an area of 12,985 ha is envisaged for irrigation under 4 branch canals. The balance 0.57 TMC of water is proposed to be utililzed for irrigating an area of 2182 ha. An inter-state agreement has been entered into between the Govt. of Maharashtra and the Govt. of Karnataka on 18.8.2001 to execute and maintain the project. The Dudhanagar Project has been included underAIBP for the year 2007- 08. Total CLA/CA released up to 2010-11 is Rs.7.50 cr. An expenditure of Rs.20.78 crore has been incurred on the project upto March, 2010 and Rs.6.64 crore has been incurred during2010- 11 under AIBP. Out of ultimate irrigation potential of 15167 ha of the project in Karnataka, the irrigation potential of 3800 ha has been created upto March, 2007. No irrigation potential has been created under AIBP during 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10 and2010-11. There is no progress in Maharashtra portion due to land acquisition problem. As Karnataka canal and commandis in tail end reaches, the progress of works and potential creation under AIBP depends onprogress of works in Maharashtra irrigation department.This will become a bottleneck.


Hippargi Irrigation Project envisages construction of a barrage across river Krishna near Hippargi Village of Jamakhandu Taluka in Bagalkot District of Karnataka state to impound 6.0 TMC of water and two foreshore lift irrigation schemes on left bank at Halyal and Ainapur village of Athani Taluka of Belgaum District. The total water utilization proposed for the scheme is 12.10 TMC, out of which 11.64 TMC is earmarked for irrigation and balance 0.64 TMC for drinking water and industrial use. By utilizing 11.64 TMC it was proposed to irrigate 74,742 ha (CCA) in drought prone areas of Bagalkot and Belgaum districts.


The project was initially approved by Government of Karnataka in 1985-86 at a cost of Rs. 186.70 crore. The present revised estimated cost is Rs.1521.78 crore for which investment clearance has been accorded by the Planning Commission in April, 2008. The project has been included under AIBP durig 2008-09. As on 1.10.2008, Headworks of Hippargi Barrage is completed. 93% of the works for construction of Head works of 1st and 2nd stage Halyal Lift Irrigation scheme is completed. CA amounting to Rs.511.34 cr. has been released up to March,2011. The expenditure incurred on the project upto March, 2011 is Rs.557.319 cr. under AIBP. No irrigation potential has been created under the project upto March, 2008 after that irrigation potential created 29,813 ha. under AIBP up to March, 2011. Land acquisition for rehabilitation and resettlement major bottleneck for completion of the project.


The Varahi Project situated in the Udupi District of Karnataka State envisages construction of a diversion weir across near Siddapura to make use of the tail race discharge from Varahi Hydel Scheme. It benefits Udupi and Kundapura taluks of Udupi District. The project was approved by the State Planning Department for Rs 569.53 Cr. The ultimate irrigation potential envisaged under the project is 15702 ha. The potential created up to March 2008 was 142 ha. The target Potential under AIBP is 15560 ha. The Project comprises of Construction of Varahi Right Bank Canal for a length of 42.80 Km to irrigate an area of 1992 ha., construction of Varahi Left bank canal for a length of 44.35 km to irrigate an area of 10987 ha and Varahi Lift canal for a length of 33.00 Km long to irrigate an area of 2723 ha.

Total Central Assistance of Rs 68.535 Cr has been released for the project upto March, 2011. The cumulative expenditure incurred on the project upto March, 2011 is Rs 376.25 Cr. The project is now scheduled to be completed by 2011-12. Cumulative irrigation potential created 383 ha. under AIBP up March,2011out of targeted Irrigation Potential of 15702 ha. As the project is located in , the working season is only 6 months due to monsoon. The canals are running in deep cuts therefore there are lots of slope failures due to poor geology. The acquisition of land for distributaries and branches needs to be speeded up so as to complete the project as per the targeted date by posting a Special Land Acquisition Officer.


Bhadra reservoir project comprises of storage reservoir constructed across the river Bhadra at a distance of 1.6 Km from Lakkavalli village in Tarikere taluk of Chikkamagalur district with the canals on either banks to provide irrigation over an area of 1,05,570 ha in Shimoga, Chikkamagalore and Davanagere districts. Modernisation of canal system of Bhadra envisages the following:

57 1) Improvement of the structure components of canal section by re-sectioning and providing CC lining to the canal system. 2) Repair of the distressed structures such as tunnel, aqueducts, other CD works and controlling structures. 3) Construction of new cause-ways, slab bridges for efficient water management. 4) Construction of measuring devices across main canals, etc.

The modernization of canal system of Bhadra Reservoir Projects at an estimated cost of Rs 951.00 crore was accorded investment clearance by the Planning commission on 31.03.2008. The ultimate irrigation potential of the project is 177337 ha. The districts benefitted by this project are Chickmagalur, Shimoga and Davangere districts. Earlier during 2007-08, the command area under Chickmagalur and Shimoga districts has been proposed under Prime Minister’s Special Rehabilitation package with an estimated cost of rs 325.00 crore and was being executed since 2007-08. The whole project is now included under PM’s package as per latest CA proposal. Central Assistance released for the project upto March, 2011 is Rs 140.938 Cr. The expenditure incurred on the project upto March, 2010 is Rs 578.10 Cr. and during March, 2011 is Rs.184.74 cr. The cumulative Irrigation Potential created up to March, 2011 is 147561 ha.


Guddadamallapura Lift Irrigation Scheme, located downstream of Honkan barrage on river near Byatanal village of Hanagal Taluka, Haveri district, envisages lifting 1.00 TMC of water from Varada river for irrigating 5261 ha of semi-dry crops in 4156 ha and wet crops in 1105 ha during khariff season to provide irrigation benefits to chronically drought prone areas in Byadagi talku of haveri district. The Government of Karnataka has accorded administrative approval to Guddadamallapura Lift Irrigation Scheme with an estimated cost of Rs 60.00 Crores on 23.08.2003. The latest estimated cost of the scheme is Rs 115.40 Crores. The investment clearance has been given for the project by Planning Commission on 15.12.2009.

The 1st stage of the scheme envisages the construction of a 90 m long cement concrete intake channel, a sump well-cum-pump house to install 4 Nos. of 1050 HP each Vertical Turbine pumps, Rising Main, Ridge Cistern (Delivery Chamber) for 1ststage and from this ridge cistern, a gravity canal which takes off from ridge cistern, with a head discharge of 3.64 cumec to carry water to 2nd stage pumping station as well as 1st stage irrigation canal. In the 2nd stage at the end of gravity canal it is proposed to construct an Under Ground (UG) sump cum pump house. The UG sump will provide 1.46 cumec water to 1st stage canal and 2.05 cumec to 2nd stage pumping. For rising main in the 2nd stage, it is proposed to provide 1 row of 1200 mm dia MS pipes for 3100 m long with a static head of 33.00 m and 2nd Stage Ridge cistern is proposed to be constructed with head at RL of 617 M of size 8.50 m x 8.50 m and is designed for 90 seconds storing capacity.

Central Assistance of Rs 32.40 cr has been released for the project during 2009-10.and during 2010-11 CA released Rs. 24.843 cr. The expenditure incurred on AIBP components of the project upto March, 2010 is Rs 6.67 Crore and during 2010-11 is Rs.30.406 cr. No IP has

58 been created upto March 2011 against targated IP 5261 ha. Construction of Head Works is still going on. The delay in land acquisition for rising main and gravity canals is affecting progress of works. The target year of completion of project is 2011-12.


Bheemasamudra Tank is very old irrigation tank (Medium Irrigation Project) situated near Bheemasamudra village in Chitradurga Taluk of Chitradurga district of Karnataka. The original culturable command area of the tank was 2050 ha which was gradually reduced to 1250 ha due to silting up of the tank. As a remedial measure the proposal “Renovation and Restoration of Bheemasamudra Tank and its canals” has been formulated to restore irrigation of the entire command of 2050 ha which lies in draught prone districts namely Chitradurga in Karnataka. The project has been included in the Prime Minister’s Rehabilitation Package. The following items of works have been proposed under the project:

¾ To divert adjacent Bettadanagenahalli Hillock catchment water through a feeder canal of 2.30 km length ¾ To divert Jogihalla nalla water through feeder canal of 0.850 km length. ¾ To divert surplus water from Annehalu Tank through feeder canal of 1.50 km length

Apart from the above works, the Renovation and Modernisation of Bheemasamudra Tank & its canals comprise of Repair of sluice, Modernisation/renovation of canal system, Improvements to inner slope of bund, Provision for pipe crossings and measuring devices in the canal system and Catchment area treatment to Bheemasamudra tank catchment. This project was accorded approval by TAC of Ministry of Water Resources at cost of Rs.9.375 crore in its meeting held on 9.7.2009. The intended progress in respect of Augmentation of water to Bheemasamudra tank by constructing feeder canal from Jogihalla will be taken up during 2010- 11 as the land acquisition process has been completed and the works will be commenced at the earliest. An expenditure of Rs.0.78 crore has been incurred on the project upto March, 2011 and CA of Rs.3.483 crore has been released under AIBP during 2010-11. Ultimate IPof project 2050 ha., targate potential to be restored under AIBP 800 ha. The project is scheduled to be completed by March, 2012.


Bhima Lift Irrigation Scheme is located near Sonna Village of Afzalpur taluka in Gulbarga district across. a tributary of . The project Bhima to impound 30166 TMC of water and two foreshore lift irrigation schemes, one on left bank of Bori river namely Balundagi lift irrigation scheme and other on the right bank of Bori river namely Allagi lift irrigation scheme. Bori river is a tributary to river Bhima, confluences just u/s of Bhima Barrage.

The project is proposed to irrigate 24292ha. of CCA in the drought prone area of Afzalpur taluk of Gulbatga district.The project cost was finalized for Rs. 551.93 Cr. at 2008-09

59 price level on 08-10-2009 and Planning Commission, GOI, approved the project on 15.12- 2009. the project was brought under AIBP during 2009-10. CA released up to March 2010 is Rs. 58.64 Cr. and during 2010-11 up to March 2011 are Rs. 52.62 Cr. Expenditure incurred under AIBP up to March 2011 is Rs. 76.44 Cr. Project as a whole total expenditure incurred up to March 2010 is a Rs. 188.78 Cr. and during 2010-11 up to March 2011 expenditure incurred project as a whole Rs. 229.64 Cr. Irrigation potential created up to March 2011 is 581ha. against targeted irrigation potential 24292 ha. Main bottlenecks in implementation of the project are land acquisition problem. Project is proposed to be completed by March 2012.


The Idamalayar irrigation project is a diversion scheme for utilizing water of Periyar river for irrigating vast cultivable land in Periyar and Chalakudy Basin. The proposal envisages construction of a main canal taking off from the right flank of the existing Bhooththankettu barrage on Periyar river, a canal system called low level canal system drawing water from the main canal for irrigating area on the right bank of Periyar river and a link canal, also drawing water from the main canal for augmenting flow in the existing canal system of the Chalakudy river diversion scheme for irrigation additional area in the Chalakudy basin. Remodelling the existing left and right bank canal of the Chalakudy river diversion scheme including construction of additional branches and distributaries to carry the augmented flow to serve additional area and renovation of the existing canal system under Chalakudy right bank canal and Chalakudy left bank canal and CRBC are also being undertake under this project. The total ayacut proposed to be IP by this project is 14393 ha.

The cost of the project was estimated as Rs.107.00 crore as per 1992 SOR. The cost of the project as per 2010 SOR has been estimated as RS. 740.00 crore yet to be approved. Project started in 1981.

Budget outlay for 2010-11 is Rs.10.00 crore. Cumulative expenditure incurred upto March, 2011 is Rs.347.8052 crore. The project is under execution for more than 30 years and an expenditure of Rs.347.8052 crore (upto March, 2011) has been incurred. However, no irrigation potential has been created so far. Full commissioning of the project is uncertain mainly due to the pending land acquisition.


Muvattupuzha Valley Irrigation project comprises of a storage reservoir across river Thodupuzha, a tributary of Muvattupuzha at Muttom, 8 Km. from Thodupuzha town in Idukky district of Kerala State and two canal systems taking off from both flanks of the dam to irrigate areas in Idukki, Kottayam and Ernakulum districts of Kerala. The project also envisages drinking water supply to villages in the command, industrial water supply to Hindustan Newsprint and generation of hydel power at the toe of the dam with installed capacity of 10.5 MW. The project was approved by Planning Commission in June 1983 for Rs.

60 48.08 crore envisaging irrigation to a CCA of 17,737 ha with Ultimate Irrigation Potential of 34,737 ha. The ayacut has since been extended through two lift canals. The revised CCA covered by the project is 18417 ha.and ultimate Irrigation Potential is 36129 ha. The tentative revised cost of the project as per 2010 SR is Rs. 878.00 cr.

The project started receiving CLA/CA under AIBP from the year 2000-01. The cumulative CLA/CAreleased for the project up to March 2008-09is Rs. 154.967cr. and that released during 2009-10 and 2010-11 is NIL.The expenditure incurred up to the end of March,2011is Rs.769 cr. During the year 2010-11 the budget outlay to the project was Rs.27 cr. against this, the expenditure up to the end of March, 2011 was Rs.24.42 cr. thus the cumulative expenditure of the project up to the end of March, 2011is Rs.769.00 cr. The cumulative potential created up to March 2011 is 30838 ha.out of which 25938 ha.has been created under AIBP upto March 2011. The work of Ettumanoor Branch Canal acqueduct needs to be expedited. Removal of plant growth and desilting also needs to be expedited as it would affect the flow of water in all the canals reaches where such problem exists. As per the existing MoU, the AIBPproject was approved for completion by March, 2012.


The Karapuzha Irrigation Project envisages construction of an earthen dam with concrete spillway across Karapuzha river at Vazhavatta in Vythiri taluk of Wynad district for providing irrigation to an area of 5,600 ha in Vythiri and Sultan Bathery taluks of Wynad district of Kerala. The reservoir will have a gross storage capacity of 76.50 M Cum and live storage capacity of 72.00 M Cum. The main components of the project are: (i)An earthen dam with a concrete section on the right flank, 625 m long with maximum height of 28 m; (ii) A concrete spillway, 3 spans of 10 m each with radial gates; (iii) Three earthen saddle dams of total length 555 m at Pakkom, Cherupetta and Chingery (iv) A steel outlet conduct of 2 m diameter through the right bulk head of spillway that bifurcates and delivers water in to the left bank and right bank canals; (v) Left bank canal system to feed an area of 3,486 ha; (vi) Right bank canal system to feed an area of 2,114 ha.

The project was originally approved by the Planning Commission in 1978 for an original cost of Rs.7.6 crore. The project cost was subsequently revised in 1987 to Rs.40.13 crore (1986 SR). and in 1997 to Rs.225cr.(1996 SR) The latest revised estimated cost of the project is Rs.441.50 crore (2010 SR). The project is now included in AIBP under Prime Minister’s Relief Package from 2006-07. The project envisages irrigation to an ayacut of 5600 ha with annual ultimate irrigation potential of 8721 ha. The Multi-disciplinary Committee has recommended to take up some of the works as 3rd Phase after completion of 1st and 2nd phases of the project. As such revised CCA comes to 4715 ha and ultimate irrigation potential created on completion of 1st and 2nd phases will be 7355 ha.and the irrigation potential created so far is only 938 ha. The project was earlier scheduled to be completed by March, 2009. It is now rescheduled to be completed by March, 2013. The Central Assistance released for the project up to March 2011 is Rs.2.7188 crore. Expenditure incurred on the project upto March, 2010 is Rs.276.41 crore and that incurred during 2010-11 is Rs. 4.85.00 crore.Out of budget outlay

61 Rs.10.00 cr.No notable progress with regard to land acquisition,this will become a major bottleneck.


Kanhirapuzha Irrigation Project is one of the medium irrigation project implemented in Palakkad district in Kerala State. It comprises an earth cum mansonry dam of 2,128 m length across Kanhirapuzha River at Pulikkal having a gross storage capacity of 70.82 MM3. The Kanhirapuzha River is a tributary of Thuthapuzha, which is a tributary of Bharathapuzha. The catchment area of the river up to dam site is, which is entirely in Kerala State. The location of the dam is 13 km. from Manarkkad and 43 km. from Palakkad.

The total C.C.A proposed is 9712 ha out of which 8465 ha only, has been achieved before AIBP. Hence the balance C.C.A. of 1247 ha is proposed to be achieved under AIBP. The project was included in the ERM of project under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) under Prime Minister’s Relief Package during 2008-09. The current proposal for Rs.30 crore is to improve the irrigation efficiency of the existing distribution system by means of renovation and modernization of existing canals and strengthening of head works. Thus by saving the water that is being wasted due to poor condition of the distribution system, it is proposed to achieve the balance irrigation potential of 1247 ha. In total, 84 components are proposed for Extension, Renovation and modernization works under AIBP. Out of these, 17 components were proposed for 2008-09, comprising 3 components in the Head Works, One component in RBMC, 3 component in LBMC and 10 components in Distributory. Remaining components were proposed for the year 2009-10. However, during 2008-09 no progress was achieved and the components proposed for 2008-09 have been taken up during the year i.e. 2009-10.In total only 13 components were completed up to March 2010. Balance components were taken up during 2010-11. Central Assistance of Rs.5.0695 crore has been released up to 2010-11. Expenditure incurred on the project upto March 2011 is Rs. 20.278 crore and irrigation potential created upto March 2011is 505 ha. No major bottleneck has been reported for the project.


The Chitturpuza, one of the tributaries of the Bharathapuzha originates from the Anamalai hills of Tamilnadu wherein it is called Aliyar and Chitturpuzha after it enter in to Kerala.

Chitturpuzha irrigation project mainly consists of one regulator at Molathara in Palakkad distt. With canal system at left and right banks, one lift irrigation scheme at Meenakshipuram and fourdiversion systems from river at Kunnam Kattupathy, Thembaramadakku, Nurnee-Alankadavu and Nurnee. Three balancing reservoir, Kambalathara Cri, Kunnumpidari Eri and Venkalakyam Eri in the system for stabilization of water distribution. Moolathara regulator, the chief constrolling element of the scheme, is located near the border between Tamilnadu and Kerala, 20Km. east of Chittur and 40 Km. from Palakkad in Kerala State.

62 The canal of Chittuppuzha project have been running since 1972 with inadequate maintenance works leading to reduction in cross section as well as carrying capacity of canal. As a result , the ayacut at the tail end reaches are not tail ends. The present proposal has been formulated for extension, renovation and modernization (ERM) of the system in order to stabilize an ayacut of 4964 ha. The corresponding annual irrigation is 9928ha.

The Chitturpuzha irrigation project (ERM) is one of the five projects included under the Prime Minister Rehabilitation Package for against district in Kerala. The project was cleared by TAC on 27.03.2009 and planning commission accepted on 19.07.2010 with approved cost as Rs. 34.57 Cr. The project was included in the AIBP during 2010-11. CLA/CA released up to March, 2011 is Rs. 5.8522 Cr. Budget allocated by the GOK for the year 2010-11 is Rs. 30.00 Cr. Expenditure incurred under AIBP up to March 2011 is Rs. 4.9792 Cr. Irrigation potential created up to March 2011 is 571 ha. against targeted IP of 4964 ha. No major bottlenecks has been reported.

44. MAHI PROJECT, MADHYA PRADESH The Mahi Project is an irrigation and water supply project across river Mahi in Dhar and Jhabua District of Madhya Pradesh. The project area is approximately 325 km from Bhopal. The project envisages construction of two dams i.e. Mahi main dam and Mahi subsidiary dam. Main dam across the river is of length 3070 m with maximum height of 46.40 m. Length of spillway is 138.5 m with 8 numbers of radial gates. This project also envisages to provide irrigation facilities with canal system on both flanks of the river in a CCA of 18,227 ha, the annual irrigation being 26,430 ha. in Dhar and Jhabua districts as well as industrial and drinking water supply of 51.64 to Ratlam, Jhabua and Dhar districts. Total length of LBMC is 17.638 km with discharge capacity 10.05 cumecs & proposed annual irrigation of 18517 ha. RBMC is of 26.20 km, with discharge of 3.82 cumecs & irrigation 7913 ha. Initially in the year 2000-01, the Phase-1 of the project comprising balance work of Mahi Subsidiary Dam and associated RBC system to develop annual irrigation potential of 7913 ha by the year 2003 at a cost of Rs. 43.71 cr. excluding establishment charges was accepted for CA under AIBP. Later on during 2001-02, Phase-II of Mahi project comprising completion of balance work of Main dam and associated Left Bank Canal system was also accepted for Central Assistance under AIBP in order to create irrigation potential of 18157 ha. by 3/2006. Prior to start of AIBP funding, only excavation in the earthen dam/spillway of Mahi main dam had been done. Thus, all the balance work of Mahi project started getting funds under AIBP. Upto March 2011, the project has received CLA/ CA of Rs.245.832 crore. The project isscheduled for completion by June, 2011. Latest estimated cost of the project at 2009 price level is Rs.490.39 crore. An expenditure of Rs.56.20 crore had been incurred on the project before its inclusion in AIBP. An amount of Rs.354.276 crore has been incurred under AIBP upto March, 2010 and Rs.74.110 crore during 2010-11. Irrigation potential created upto March, 2010 is 18913 ha.andup to March, 2011it is 5517 ha.No major bottlenecks have been reported in implementation of the project under AIBP.


63 Bariyarpur Left Bank Canal Project envisages construction of a49 km long Bariyarpur Left Bank Canal (unlined) that takes off from the old Bariyarpur pickup weir across river Ken on the border of Chhatarpur and Panna Districts of Madhya Pradesh, 30 km long Umrah Branch Canal to irrigate 43,850 hectares annually and a composite dam across river Kutni, a tributary of river Ken to supplement water to Bariyarpur Left Bank Canal through a 5.25 km. long feeder canal. The project is being constructed to draw the share of water of Madhya Pradesh from the Ken River. The ultimate potential of the project is 43,850 hectares in Chhatarpur District of Madhya Pradesh. The project was accepted by the Planning Commission in March 1978 for an estimated cost of Rs. 18.40 cr. It was taken up for execution in February 1979 and targeted for completion by June 1986. However, the work could not progress as planned. In order to achieve early benefits the project was brought under AIBP during the year 2000-01 to complete the entire balance works with AIBP assistance. The revised cost of the project Rs.477.26 crore at 2009 Price Level which is accepted by Advisory Committee and clearance accorded by Planning Commission on 11.03.2010.

Since 2000-01 upto March, 2011, the project has received CLA (Loan + Grant) of Rs. 100.58 crore. The expenditure incurred on works of the project before AIBP was Rs. 64.04 cr. The total expenditure incurred up to March 2010 since coming under AIBP is Rs. 238.88 cr. and expenditure incurred during 2010-11 (up to February, 2011) is Rs. 35.82 cr. The cumulative irrigation potential created 19600 ha. up to 02/2011 out of total ultimate potential of 43850 ha. Progress of Kutni Dam and canal system is lagging behind, which needs to be looked into by the State Government immediately. The project is now scheduled to be completed by March, 2012.


Bargi Diversion Project in Madhya Pradesh is a major trans-valley canal irrigation project. It envisages construction of a 194 km long main canal off taking from the existing Bargi reservoir. The project will provide irrigation in a net CCA of 2,45,010 ha in Jabalpur, Satna and Rewa Districts of Madhya Pradesh. It also provides domestic & industrial water supply of 78 MGD to Jabalpur and Katni towns. The Right Bank Canal with a head discharge of 227.438 cumecs carries water from Narmada basin to serve areas in Satna and Rewa Districts in Sone and Tons basins. The length of branch canal is 184 km. Planning Commission accorded investment clearance to the project on 6.7.1998 with an estimated cost of Rs.1101.23 crore at 1991 P.L. Government of Madhya Pradesh has also accorded administrative approval to the project with the condition that funds will be arranged from external sources. The latest revised estimated cost of the project is Rs.5127.22 cr. at 2009 PL for which investment clearance is accorded by Planning Commission on 17.12.2009.

The project was taken up for construction in 1988-89. As per original construction schedule, the project was planned to be completed in five stages by the year 2013-14. Irrigation potential of 651 ha was created in the first 2.80 km of the canal system. Right Bank Canal and its distribution system in the initial reach of 16 km. were already under construction before AIBP, with loan assistance amounting to Rs.119.68 crore from NABARD and on completion of this reach, irrigation potential of 3,250 ha will be created. Construction of further reaches beyond 16 km. has been taken up under AIBP since March, 2002 and on completion, irrigation

64 potential of 53,093 ha will be created upto 104 km. Phase III of the project with IP of 20,000 ha. is included AIBP during FY 2007-08. Phase IV of the project with IP of 34,000 ha. has also been included under AIBP during FY 2008-09. CLA/CA amounting to Rs.318.481 crore has been released up to March, 2011 for Phase I, II, III, and IV. Cumulative expenditure incurred on AIBP components up to March 2011 is Rs.1217.40 crore for Phase I to IV. The irrigation potential of Phase I created up to March, 2011 is 15248 ha. against targeted IP 21194 ha. Phase II created IP up to March 2011 is 20784 ha. against targeted IP 31899 ha. Phase III created IP up to March 2011 nil against targeted IP 26000 ha., Phase IV created IP nil against targeted IP 34000 ha. The overall pace of work is very slow and needs to be accelerated.


Pench diversion project envisages construction of an earthen & concrete/masonry dam across river pench, a tributary fo river Kanhan in Godavari basin near village Machagora in Chourai tehsil of Chhinndwara district. The project proposed to provide irrigation in net CCA of 70,918 h. with annual irrigation of 96,519 ha. which also includes irrigation by ground water in Chhindwara and of M.P. Besides, the project will provide 61.68 water supply to the proposed 2 x 250 MW Pench Termal Power under MPSEB. The project will also provide 7.40 domestic water supply in the command of the project. The project has been taken up for execution in two phases i.e. phase I and phase II. Phase-I Earth dam in full length upto TBL. Over flow section upto crest level and non overflow section upto TBL in full length of concrete/masonry dam i.e. complete H/W without crest gates, whole of Right Bank Canal System and part of LBC from 0 to 7 kms. IP proposed to be created under phase I of the Canal system is 28,268 ha. Phase II of project is proposed to be taken up later on completion of phase I project. The project was taken up for construction during FY 2007-08, phase I of the project was included under AIBP. Estimated cost is Rs.342.00 cr at PL-2205 of Phase-I. Expenditure upto March,2010 is Rs. 93.86 cr. Expenditure incurred during 2010-11 is Rs.116.58 cr. thus the cumulative expenditure upto March, 2011 is Rs. 210.44 cr.CLA/CA released upto March, 2011 is Rs.16.378 cr. Major bottlenecks that PAP’s of the submergence area are demanding fresh rehabilitation package as per current rate and are agitating over this issue. This needs to be settled at the earliest so that project completed targate date of completion is March, 2014.


Bawanthadi Project (renamed as Rajiv Sagar Project) is a joint venture of the state of M.P. and Maharashtra. The project is a major irrigation project and is being constructed across river Bawanthadi, a tributary of river Wainganga. The project is located near village Kudwa in in M.P. and village Sitekasa of in Maharashtra state. The project envisages construction of 6420 m. long dam consisting of 6200 m. earthen embankment and 220 m. long masonry dam with maximum height of 31.0 m. The spilling arrangement consists of 6 number of Radial Crest Gate of size 15 m.x 12 m. to safely pass design floods of 12,616 cumec. The left bank canal is 80.52 km long and irrigate 29,412 ha. annually in

65 Madhya Pradesh. The right bank canal is 26.60 km. long and will irrigate 27,708 ha. annually in Maharashtra. The project was taken up for construction in the year 1975. As per present planning, the project is likely to be completed by March, 2012. The project was approved by the Planning Commission for Rs.161.57crore,(M.P. share 89.78 Cr.) at PL 1003 in 1999. The revised estimated cost of the project is Rs.1407.19 cr. at PL 2009 (M.P. share Rs.657.86 cr.) in 2010. The M.P. position of the project was included under AIBP from Financial year 2003-04. CLA/CA released Rs. 65.290 cr. upto March, 2010 and 2010-11 upto March,2011 CLA/CA released Rs.20.815 cr. Total expenditure incurred upto March,2010 (M.P.share) is Rs. 295.71 cr, and during 2011 (upto March,2011) expenditure incurred on the project (M.P. share) is Rs.25.03 cr. thus cumulative expenditure incurred on the project upto March, 2011 is Rs. 320.74 cr. Irrigation potential created upto March,2010, 23,858 ha. and I.P created during 2011 (upto March,2011) 3,160 ha. thus the cumulative IP created upto March, 2011, 27,018 ha against targated IP 29,412 ha. Non completion of river closure portion of the dam due to delay in R & R works in Maharashtra position of reservoir is main bottlenecks of the projects.


Waghur Major Irrigation Project located in Tapi Basin in Jalgaon district of Maharashtra state envisages construction of composite dam on river Waghur and construction of LBC of 16.85 km length with its two branch canal of 16.50 km and Right Bank Canal of 24 km length to irrigate a total CCA of 29748 ha. The ultimate Irrigation Potential of the project is 26325 ha. A power house having installed capacity of 1.0 MW is also proposed on left bank. The project will also cater to domestic water requirement of Jalgaon City and other 7 villages. The project was accepted by Planning Commission in May 1975 for an estimated cost of Rs. 12.2825 cr. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs. 578.74 cr. (SR 2007-08) the project was brought under AIBP in l996-97 to realize early irrigation benefits. The amount of CA released for the project upto March 2010-11 is Rs. 284.3918 cr. Estimated cost of AIBP components of the project is Rs 329.79 cr. as on 1.4.2007. Cumulative expenditure incurred on components of project under AIBP upto March 2009-10 is Rs 158.47 cr and that incurred during 2010-11(up to 09/2010) is Rs 11.14 cr. Out of total irrigation potential of 26325 ha, irrigation potential created upto March 2010 is 15776 ha.and no irrigation potential has been created during 2010- 11.

As per revised MOU submitted in 2007-08, the project is likely to be completed by March 2010. Achievement with reference to the targets for 2009-10 in respect of important items on the spillway, earthwork and structures on main and branch canals; and DISNET is far short. Immediate action is required to be taken for acquisition of balance land for the canal network. The process of award of remaining works included in AIBP needs to be expedited to accomplish these by the stipulated date of completion.


Bawanthadi project is an interstate irrigation project between M.P. and Maharashtra State. The Head work is situated near village Sitekasa, in Bhandara district of Maharashtra and

66 village Kudwa, in Balaghat district of MP. It envisages construction of 6200 m long earth dam across river Bawanthadi including 220 m long ogee type masonary /concrete dam with spillway having 6 radial gates of size 15m x 12 m, a 26.61 km long RBC and 80.52 km long LBC. The Right Bank Canal (RBC) will irrigate 27708 ha area annually in Bhandara district of Maharashtra and Left Bank Canal (LBC) will irrigate 29412 ha area annually in Balaghat district of M.P. The project will also provide 12.00 MCM water for drinking water supply schemes. The project was approved by the Planning Commission in December 1999 for an estimated cost of Rs. 161.57 cr. with Maharashtra State’ share as Rs. 71.79 cr. The latest approved estimated cost of the project is Rs.1407 cr. (2008-09 Price level) with Maharashtra State’s share of Rs. 749.33 cr. The updated estimated cost of the project to be borne by Maharashtra is Rs 561.260 cr at 2006-07 price level. The works of dam ( Maharashtra State’s share), R&R works and the construction of RBC with distribution network ( DISNET) were included in AIBP during 2004-05. At that time 85% headworks, 80% RBC and 25% distributaries were complete. Construction of the project in Maharashtra was started in the year l974-75. The project was scheduled to be completed by March, 2008 but completion date has been rescheduled as March 2012.

The total expenditure incurred till March, 2009-10 including AIBP components is Rs.550.96 cr. andexpenditure incurred during2010-11(up to September 2010)including AIBP components is Rs 36.87 cr. Cumulative amount of CA released for the project upto March 2010 is Rs.83.259 cr and that released during 2010-11(up to September, 2010) is Rs.20.25 cr. Ultimate Irrigation Potential to be created under the project 57120 ha. Comulative irrigation potential 22203 ha.has been created upto September, 2010 under AIBP.No bottleneck in implementation of the project components underAIBPwas reported by the project authorities.


Gul Medium Irrigation Project being constructed in Tapi Basin in Jalgaon district of Maharashtra State envisages construction of 1184 M. long earthen dam with miximum height of 31.33m and 185m long masonry/ concrete dam with 42 m long ogee type spillway having 3 radial gates of size 12mX8m on river Gul near village Malapur Taluka, Chopda distt. Jalgaonfor irrigation. The project also comprises 3.67 km long LBC and 4.62 km long RBC to irrigate the CCA of 3708 ha in 11 villages of Chopda Taluka in Jalgaon District. The ultimate irrigation potential of the project is 3025 ha.

The project was cleared by the Planning Commission in November 2005 for Rs. 65.736 cr. at price level 2000-01. However, the updated cost of the project at 2007-08 price level Rs.96.62 cr. The project was included in FTP of AIBP during 2005-06. The amount of CLA/CA released for the project upto March, 2008-09is Rs13.8247 Cr. during 2009-10, 2010- 11(up to September2010) CLA/CA released- NIL. The cumulative expenditure,(including AIBP) incurred on the project till 03/2010 was Rs. 71.0391 cr. During 2010-11, an expenditure of Rs. 2.0907 cr. has been incurred(including AIBP) on this project upto September, 2010. Thus the cumulative expenditure incurred till September, 2010 is Rs.73.1298 crore. The Irrigation potential createdup to March, 2010, is 1031 ha.under AIBP. Irrigation potential created under AIBP during2010-11( up to September 2010) was Nil. The construction work of the project was started in 1994 and is now rescheduled to be completed by March, 2012. No

67 bottlenecks for implementation of the project components has been reported by project authorities.


Upper Manar Irrigation Project is under construction in Godavari Basin in district of Maharashtra State. It envisages construction of 953.75 m long earth dam with a maximum height of 30.90 m and 314.25 m long masonry spillway with 15 radial gates each of size 12 m x 6.50 m to pass the design flood discharge of 5774 cubic m/s and 58 km long Left Bank Canal (LBC) system for irrigation in 6000 ha. area in . The project also includes a lift irrigation scheme (LIS) for Ahmadpur Taluka in Latur district to irrigate 3000 ha. The ultimate irrigation potential of the project is 12420 ha (8280 ha by flow and 4140 ha by lift). AnIrrigation cum power outlet (ICPO) is proposed with power-house of installed capacity of 300 KW. The construction of the project started in 1983-84. The project was cleared by Planning Commission in 1997 for an estimated cost of Rs 26.1834 cr. The latest estimated cost of the project at 2008-09 price level is Rs 635.96 cr. The project was included in AIBP during 2002-03. The balance works of the earth dam, masonry spillway, ICPO, canal system with DISNET were included in AIBP to create the Irrigation Potential of 8280 ha.

The total amount of CLA/CA released for the project upto March 2010 is Rs 59.4885 cr and CA released released during 2010-11 is Rs.11.25cr. The total expenditure incurred (including AIBP components of the project) upto March 2010 is Rs.207.095 cr.and the expenditure incurred (including AIBP) during 2010-11 upto September, 2010 is Rs. 34.072 cr. Irrigation potential of 1836 ha has been created upto September 2010 out of 12420 ha. out of potential targeted to be achieved under AIBP.The project is to be completed by 2013. The process of acquisition of the balance land required for the main canal and DISNET needs to be expedited.


The Lower Dudhna Major Irrigation Project is being constructed in the Godavari basin in of Maharahtra. The project envisages construction of 6581.20 m long earth dam with a maximum height of 20 m and 438.80 m long masonry/concrete dam with 135.50 m long non-overflow blocks and 303.80 m long gated spillway on river Dudhna near Brahma- Wakdi village in Selu taluka of Parbhani district. The project on completion will create the annual ultimate irrigation potential of 44482 ha in Parbhani and Jalna districts. In addition, 8897 ha of ultimate irrigation potential would be developed by four (4) Lift Irrigation Schemes (LIS) to give irrigation benefits to the project affected persons (PAPs). Two power houses with installed capacity of 250 kw and 350 kw are also proposed at the right and left bank irrigation- cum-power outlet (ICPO) respectively. The project was approved by Planning Commission for an estimated cost of Rs. 53.21 crore (price level 1980-81) in March 1983. The construction work on the project started during 1992-93. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs. 1349.50 crore at 2008-09 price level.

68 The project has been included under AIBP during 2005-06. The estimated cost of the AIBP component of project is Rs. 899.26 cr. The revised scheduled date of completion of the components of the project included in AIBP is June, 2013. Expenditure incurred (including AIBP components) upto March, 2010 is 717.11crore and that incurred during 2010-11 upto September 2010 is Rs.58.42 cr. The amount of CA released upto March, 2010 is Rs.126.0118 crore and that released during 2010-11(up to September 2010) is nil. Out of targeted AIBP potential of 44482 ha, irrigation potential of 5221 ha.has been created upto September, 2010. The process of acquisition of balance private land required for the headworks and main canal systems needs to be expedited.


The Bembla Major Irrigation Project is being constructed in the Godavari Basin in of Maharashtra State. The project envisages construction of 7203 m long earth dam with a maximum height of 29.15 m and 447 m long masonry/concrete dam with 297 m long central spillway having 20 radial gates each of size 12m x 8m on river Bembla near Khadak-Sawanga. The project also includes construction of 115 km long Right Bank Canal (RBC) with distribution network (DISNET) and Dehani Lift Irrigation Scheme (LIS). The annual irrigation potential of the project is 52,543 ha. It is also proposed to generate incidental electricity by constructing power houses of installed capacity of 1 MW on the irrigation-cum- power outlet (ICPO) of RBC.

The project was approved by the Planning Commission in June, 2007 for an estimated cost of Rs.1276.87 crore at 2006-07 price level. The project has been included in AIBP under PM Package for the Region during 2007-08. Upto March, 2007, 96% main dam, 35% works on the main canal/branch canals, 10% works of Distributaries and Minors, part works of Dehani Lift Irrigation Scheme were complete. The balance works of the project along with construction of watercourses to create the ultimate irrigation potential of 52543 ha were included under AIBP. The components of the project included in AIBP would be completed by June, 2011. The estimated cost of AIBP components of the project in April, 2007 was Rs.659.73 crore. CLA/CA released up to March, 2010 is Rs.471.066 cr.and during 2011 up to September, 2010 is nil. An expenditure of Rs.1220.88 crore has been incurred (including AIBP) during 2010-11 upto September, 2010.A cumulative irrigation potential of 27505 ha.has been created under AIBP upto September, 2010,out of targated IP 52543 ha. The acquisition of balance private land required for the canal system needs to be expedited to facilitate completion of project within scheduled time.


The Uttarmand Medium Irrigation Project is being constructed in the Krishna Basin in Satara district of Maharashtra. The project envisages construction of 1312.500 m long earth

69 dam with the maximum height of 22.30 m across river Uttarmand, a tributary of Krishna river, near village Mathanewadi in Patan Taluka of Satara district. There is 41m long ogee-shaped spillway on the right flank with 3 radial gates of size 12m x 4m to pass flood discharge of 1229 m3/s and 60 m long non-overflow block on the right side of the spillway. An Irrigation-cum- Power Outlet (ICPO) on right flank is provided to release water in the river from the reservoir. A powerhouse with the installed capacity of 500 kW (2x 250 kW) to generate electricity is also proposed at irrigation-cum-power outlet (ICPO). In all, 7 villages will get irrigation benefits from this project. The execution of the project started in 1997-98.

The project was approved by the Planning Commission for Rs.123.16 crore at 2005-06 price level on 20.09.2007. The project was included in AIBP during 2007-08 in March, 2008. At the time of inclusion of the project under AIBP, 81% works of earth dam, 41% works of spillway, 86% works of ICPO and 73% works of the K.T.Wiers were completed. The balance works of earth dam, spillway, ICPO and K.T. Weirs were included in AIBP.The ultimate irrigation potential of the project is 5280 ha. The irrigation potential of 550 ha was created before inclusion of the project under AIBP. The creation of the irrigation potential of 4730 ha has been included in AIBP during 2007-08. An irrigation potential of 1825 ha was created by the end of March, 2010 under AIBP and irrigation potential 1320 ha.has been created during 2010-11 upto September, 2010. Thus, the cumulative irrigation potential created under AIBP 3145 ha. CLA/CA amounting to Rs.5.499 crore has been released for the project up to March, 2010. Amount of CLA/CA incurred on the project upto September, 2010 is Rs.2.475 crore.Cumulative expenditure incurred on the project up to September 2010including AIBP is Rs.110.50 cr. The process of land execution required for R&R work needs to be expedited.


Morna Medium Irrigation Project is being constructed in the Krishna Basin in Satara district of Maharashtra. The project envisages construction of 590 m long earth dam with the maximum height of 47.02 m and 101 m long masonry/concrete dam of the maximum height of 23.50 m having 30 m long left non-overflow blocks, 41 m long gated spillway and 30 m long right non-overflow blocks across river Morna, a tributary of river Koyna. The canal system consists of 2 km long Combined Main canal with its offtake point on the left flank, 16 km long Left Bank Canal (LBC), 32 km long Right Bank Canal (RBC) and the distribution network (DISNET) on LBC and RBC to irrigate CCA of 4229 ha in 31 villages of Patan Taluka of Satara district. The canal system will create the annual ultimate irrigation potential of 5424 ha in Patan. One powerhouse with installed capacity of 800 kW (2x400 kw) to generate hydro- power is also proposed at ICPO of Combined Canal. The construction work of the dam started during 1996. The project was approved by the Planning Commission, in September, 2007 for an estimated cost of Rs.129.64 crore at 2005-06 price level.

The project was included in AIBP during 2007-08 in March, 2008. At the time of inclusion of the project under AIBP, 80% works of earth dam, 20% works of spillway, and 90% works of ICPO were completed. The balance works of the earth dam, spillway, ICPO and Canal System for creation of the ultimate irrigation potential of 4880 ha were included in AIBP. The balance cost of the works of the components of the project included under AIBP is Rs.68.90 crore. The project would be completed by March, 2010. An expenditure of Rs.77.22

70 crore has been incurred including AIBP components of project up to March 2010 and Rs.2.18 crore during 2010-11 up to September, 2010. CA amounting to Rs.9.82 crore has been released for the project up to March 2010. No CA has been released during 2010-11, upto September, 2010. Irrigation potential has been created 85ha.up to March, 2010 out of targated IP3075 ha. and during2010-11 up to September2010 irrigation potential created – nil. One of the bottlenecks in implementation of the project is non-availability of funds. The process of land execution required for the canal system needs to be expedited.


The Lower Pedhi Major Irrigation Project is being constructed in the Tapi Basin in of Maharashtra. The project envisages construction of 8,487 m long earth dam with the maximum height of 19.65 m and 123 m long central ogee type spillway with the maximum height of 39.65 m having 7 radial gates each of size 15 m x 12 m across river Pedhi, a tributary of river Purna, near village Nimbha in Bhatkuli Taluka of district Amravati. The ultimate irrigation potential of the project is 17,023 ha out of which 14,368 ha lies in Bhatkuli taluka and 2,655 ha in Murtizapur talukka. The project will benefit 39 villages in Bhatkuli and 6 villages in Murtizapur. The project will also have provision of 7.665Mm3 water for domestic use and 5.11 Mm3 water for industrial use.

The construction work of the project was started in September, 2008. The project was approved by the Planning Commission in August, 2008 for an estimated cost of Rs.283.10 crore at 2007-08 price level. Project has been included in AIBP under PM Package of Vidarbha Region during 2008-09. CA amounting to Rs.129.42 cr. up to September, 2010-11. Expenditure incurred on the components of the project including AIBP up to September 2010 is Rs.130.76 cr. The project is scheduled to be completed by March, 2013. Ultimate IP to be created 17023 ha. No Irrigation potential has been created by the end of September,2010. The process of acquisition of the land required for the main & branch canals and DISNET needs to be expedited to take up the construction works of the canal system.


The Kudali medium irrigation project is situated in the Krishna Basin and envisages construction of head work, canal and distributor network under two components namely Mahudam and Hateghar dam.

Mahu dam consists of constructing headworks like eartham, spillway and head regular works etc. The project envisages construction of 1257 m. long earth dam with the maximum height of 54.35 m and 41 m. long gated ogee type spillway on the right flank across river Kudali a tributary of riverkrishna, near village Mahu indaoli taluka of district Sitara. The canal system of the project comprises 17 km. long left bank canal with head discharge of 2.608 M3/S.

Hatgeghar dam consists of constructing headwork. The project envisages construction of 1048 m. long earthdam with the maximum height of 38.55 m. and 26.50 m long ungated ogee type spillway on the left flank across river Hateghar a triburoty of river Kudali near village

71 Hatgeghar in Jaoli taluka district Sitara. The canal system of the project comprises 32 km long right bank canal with head discharge of 3.101 M3/S.

The project has been approved by Planning Commission, Govt. of India in February, 2009 for an estimated cost of Rs.271.79 crore at price level 2005-06. The construction work of the project was started in the year 1998.

The project has been included in AIBP during 2009-10. CA released upto March, 2011 is Rs. 8.55 crore. Expenditure incurred under AIBP upto March, 2010 is Rs.18.00 crore. Total expenditure incurred on the project upto March 2010 is Rs.191.96 crore. Ultimate irrigation potential of the project 5327 ha. Irrigation potential created upto Sept.2010 is 150 ha. No major bottlenecks have been reported by the project authorities. Completion date of the project is March, 2013.


The lower Panzara medium irrigation project is being constructed in the Konkan Region. The project envisages construction of 3266 m. long eath dam with the maximum height of 259 m and central 259 m. long gated ogee type spillway across river Panzara a tributary of river Tapti, near village Akkalpada in Sakri and Dule taluka of district Dhule. The canal system of the project comprises 32.85 km long left bank canal with head discharge of 3.41 M3/S. 14.13 km. long right bank canal with head discharge of 15.58 M3/S.

The project has been approved by the Planning Commission, Govt. of India for an estimated cost of Rs.347.3107 crore at price level 2005-06 during the year April, 2009. The construction work of the project was started in the year January, 2001. The project has been included in AIBP during 2009-10. CA released upto March, 2011 is Rs.76.10 crore expenditure incurred under AIBP upto Sept.2010 is Rs.53.9577 crore. Cumulative expenditure incurred on the whole project to Sep.2010 is Rs.221.2338 crore.

The ultimate irrigation potential of the project is 9027 ha. The cumulative irrigation potential of the project is 600 ha. has been created under AIBP upto Sept.2010. The irrigation potential of 800 ha.has been created before inclusion in AIBP. No major bottlenecks are there in implementation of project. As per MOU project would be completed by March, 2012.


The Wang medium irrigation project is being constructed in the Krishna basin in Satara district. The project envisages construction of 1010 m. long earth dam with the maximum height of 50.63 m. across river Wang, a tributary of Krishna river, near village Marathwadi in Patan taluka of Satara district. There is 55.50 m. along Ogee. shaped spillway on the left flank with 3 radial gates. An irrigation-cum-power outlet (ICPD) on the left flank is provided to release water in the river from the reservoir. A powerhouse with the installed 3 MW to generated electricity is also proposed.


The project was approved Planning Commission, Govt. of India for 162.78 crore at 2005-06 price level on 20-9-2007. The project was included in AIBP during 2008-09. CA released upto Sept. 2010 is Rs.15.39 crore. Cumulative expenditure incurred upto Sept.2010 under AIBP is Rs.51.19 crore. Cumulative expenditure incurred project as a whole upto Sept.2010 is Rs.112.69 crore. No irrigation potential created upto Sept.2010 against targated irrigation potential 7068 ha. No major bottlenecks has been reported by the project authorities. As per MOU the project would be completed by March, 2011.


The upper Kundlika medium irrigation project is being constructed the Godavari basin in of Maharashtra. The project envisages construction of 667.75m. long earth dam maximum height of 32.60m. maximum height with 72.25m. long ogee type spillway having 5 radial gates of size 12m x 6.50m. on across river kundlika near Sonna khota village in Wadwani taluka of Beed district. The project also comprise 15 Km. long left bank canal along with distribution network to irrigation the cultural command area of 3738ha. The ultimate irrigation potential of the project is 2800ha. The project will also provide 1.778 mm3 water for domestic use.

The project was approved by Planning Commission, GOI in September, 2008 for an estimated cost of Rs. 72.70 Cr. at price level 2005-06. The revised cost estimate of Rs. 187.03 Cr. is approved by Planning commission in 09/2010.

The construction work of the project was started in September, 2006 and the project was included in AIBP during 2008-09. C.A. released up to September, 2010 s Rs. 37.1375 Cr. Total expenditure incurred on the project up to 03/2008 is Rs. 23.2908 Cr. Balance cost of components of the project included in AIBP is 49.4093 Cr. Expenditure incurred on the components of the project included in AIBP up to September, 2010 is Rs. 82.4507 Cr. No irrigation potential created up to September, 2010 against targeted irrigation potential 2800ha. No major bottlenecks in implementation of the project but as informed by the project authorities that only 4.0 Cr. has been released by the govt. of Maharashtra against a budget allotment of Rs. 22.08 Cr. Revised date of completion of the project is March, 2013.


Gosikhurd Irrigation Project is under construction in Godavari Basin on river wainganga in Bhandara district of Maharashtra State. It envisages construction of an earthern dam with a maximum height of 22.50 M. Besides this, there are four lift irrigation schemes, namely, Tekepar, Ambhora, Paghera& Mokhabardi. The annual irrigation potential of the project is 250800 ha. In , Chandrapur and Bhandara districts in an ICA of 190000 ha. This project will also provide 23.69 MCM water for Ordinance factory, Jawaharnagar, Bhandara, 100 MCM for proposed Thermal Power Station of NTPC at Mouda (Bhandara) & 15.356 MCM water for drinking water supply schemes. It is also proposed to generate incidental electricity

73 by constructing power houses of installed capacity of 500 KW on ICPO of LBC & 2.50 MW on ICPO of RBC.

The project was approved by the Planning Commission in November, 1995 for an estimated cost of Rs.461.19 crore. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs.7777.85 crore (2007-08 price level). The project was included in AIBP in 1996 to realize early irrigation benefits from the project. The K.T.Weir at Ambhora and Tekepar LIS are already completed and an irrigation potential of 7710 ha as against the ultimate irrigation potential of 9008 ha (Revised to 7710 ha) has already been created. Two new AIBP components namely Ambhora Lift Irrigation Scheme and Gosikhurd Headworks have been included in 2003-04 to create additional irrigation potential of 11,195 ha. An amount of Rs. 1170.00 cr. has been released as Central Assistance upto March 2010 and CA of Rs. 1412.94 cr. has been released during 2010- 11. A cumulative expenditure of Rs. 4875.97 cr has been incurred on the project upto March 2011. Total expenditure incurred under AIBP up to March 2011 is Rs.2138.137 crore. Total irrigation potential of 26704 ha. has been created under the project upto March 2011. Components of project under AIBP are now proposed to be completed by March, 2014. Acquisition of requisite balance land for R&R and canal network needs to be expedited. Non- availability of adequate funds is a bottleneck in implementation of the project.


The Thoubal multipurpose project envisages construction of an earthen dam across Thoubal river at Phayang/Maphou village 35 km. from Imphal town,a barrage at Keithalmanbi 17 km. downstream of the dam site, left and right bank canal system taking of from the barrage. The project envisages to provide benefits to by creation of irrigation potential to a command area of 21862 ha.,an annual irrigation area of 33449 ha., 10 MGD drinking water supply to Imphal town and incidental power generation of 7.50 M.W.

The project was originally accepted by the Planning Commission GOI in 1980 for an estimated cost of Rs.47.25 crore. The latest revised cost of the project amounting to Rs.982.00 2008 price level was approved CWC and considered by the TAC on 30-11-2009. The project was included under AIBP since 1997-98. Now the project has been included in the Prime Minister’s Special Economic Package since 2005. CLA/CA released upto March, 2011 is Rs.482.8393 Crore. Expenditure incurred upto March, 2011 under AIBP os Rs.691.702 crore. Cumulative expenditure incurred upto March,2011, project as a whole Rs.819.332 crore. Total irrigation potential created upto March 2011 is 14861 ha. against the ultimate irrigation potential of 33440 ha. At present the main bottlenecks are disturbed law and order situation, difficulties in land acquisition and adequate maintenance funds are not being provided by the state govt. The project is now targeted for completion by the March, 2012.


Dolaithabi barrage project with its head works on Iril river located at Dholaithabi village in Senapati district of Manipur envisages construction of a barrage and canal system to serve a CCA of 5500 ha. in 15 villages on left bank and 12 villages on right bank of the river in the Imphal East District. The project shall provide on completion on ultimate potential of 7545 ha.

74 Project envisages construction of following components:-

Barrage- Construction of 78.75 m. long barrage across river Iril with 6 bays of 10 m.each for a designed discharge of 2900 cumec.

Canal – 1.Main canal 2.58 km long with head discharge of 3.013 cumec. 2. Left main canal 17.30 km. long with head discharge of 0.96 cumec. 3. Right main canal 17.30 km. long with head discharge of 2.053 cumec.

The project was approved for Rs.18.86 crore by the Planning Commission in June 1992.Revised latest estimated cost of Rs.215.52 crore. The project had been brought under purview of AIBP since 2002-2003. The project is an emmarked project and it has been included in the Prime Minister’s Special Economic Package in November, 2004. CLA/CA released upto March, 2011 is Rs.121.1922 crore. Expenditure incurred Rs.158.7885 crore upto March, 2011 under AIBP. The project shall provide on completion an ultimate potential of 7545 ha. but no irrigation potential has been created from the project till now. Main bottlenecks in implementation of project are law and order situation., land acquisition, rock position etc. Due to above, project is not likely to be completed within approved time limit i.e. March, 2012.


The Khuga multipurpose project is located near Mata village across the river khuga,about 10 km from Churachandpur district of Manipur. The project covers 9575 ha. of CCA and will create 15000 ha. of annual irrigation potential in Churachandpur and Bishnupur district of Manipur. In addition the project has water supply components 0f 5 MGD and Hydro- power generating of 1.5 M.W instt.capacity.

The project envisages construction of earthen dam of 230 m length and 38 m. height across the khuga river, spillway and canal systems comprising of 24 km. long left bank main canal and 60 km. long right bank main canal.

The project was accorded investment clearance by the Planning Commission in 1980 for an estimated cost of Rs.15.00 crore. Revised estimated cost of the project is Rs.381.28 crore approved by TAC in Sept.2009 and accepted by Planning Commission on 12.04.2010. The project was started in the year 1983-84 and included under AIBP since 196-97. CLA/CA released upto March, 2011 is Rs. 163.39 crore. Expenditure incurred prior to AIBP Rs. 77.65 crore and expenditure incurred under AIBP upto March 2011 is Rs. 305.29 crore thus the total expenditure incurred upto March,2011 is Rs.382.94 crore. Irrigation potential created upto March,2011 is 10,000 ha. against targeted IP 15000 ha. The project is targeted for completion by December,2011. The plan outlay made 4 in the state budget for 2011-12 is Rs.5.50 crore. Law and order problem, land acquisition problem are main bottlenecks in implementation of project.



Upper Indiravati irrigation project is part of Upper Indiravati Multipurpose Project. Headworks, hydro-components, as well as originally planned irrigation component of Upper Indiravati Multipurpose project have been completed. Out of this, the right main canal having a CCA of 27,192 ha.(44,595 ha. annual irrigation) was also completed in 2004-2005 with AIBP assistance. In 2002-2003, extension of left canal system was proposed through a distributory beyond river tel. named as Golamunda distributor, proposing system, an extension proposal for the right main . Canal was also formulated beyond river sagada upto the river Ret, to irrigate 15,260 ha. of additional CCA and to provide drinking water to BhawaniPatnam town. Both the proposals were accorded investment clearance by the Planning Commission during 2002-2003, for an estimated cost of Rs.136.67 crore at 1998 price level. This extension work is under progress with AIBP assistance, for a total CCA 25,484 ha. (annual irrigation of 41,794 ha). Original extension proposal was approved by the Planning Commission in 2003 for Rs.136.67 crore at 1998 price level. The same has been revised to Rs.564.77cr. at 2008 price level (excluding Rs. 314.44 crore for right main canal, completed by 2004) in July, 2009 and project got investment clearance from Planning Commission in February, 2010. Out of total Rs 564.77 crore and expenditure of Rs.287.4463 crore had been made on the project upto March, 2011. Total CLA/CA released for the project has been Rs.410.1327 crore up to March,2011. Cumulative expenditure incurred project as a whole upto March, 2011 is Rs. 601.8814 crore. Ultimate Irrigation Potential created upto march, 2011 is 66,238 ha. against targeted irrigation potential 86389 ha. Land acquisition is a crucial activity which is likely to delay the project. As per MOU during 2009-10 the project is scheduled to be completed by March, 2012.


Rengali Irrigation project is a part of Rengali multipurpose project in Brahamni basin. It was approved by Planning Commission in 1978 at an estimated cost of Rs.233.64 crore including cost of RBC (Rs.69.64 crore) The project was planned for generation of hydropower with installed capacity of 250 MW and irrigation facilities covering CCA of 2,35,500 ha. Construction of the project was started during 1978. Dam, powerhouse, barrage and canal head regulators at Samal have already been completed. The project came under AIBP in 1996-97 at an estimated cost of Rs. 208.16 crore. Scope of AIBP work now covers the entire RBC from RD 0.0 km to RD 95.0 km alongwith distribution system of the same with a total cost of Rs. 1290.93 crore (2006price level). The project was to be completed within 2 years as per AIBP norms but the same could not be achieved. Some of the reasons for delay are land acquisition problems, delay in clearance of 100 ha of forest land and contract related problems. The CCA of RBC proposed under AIBP from RD 0.0 km to 95.0 km is 84406 ha. The project is now scheduled to be completed by 2014.

The CLA/CA released for the project up to March 2011 is 261.5638 cr. The expenditure incurred on AIBP components of the project up to March 2010 is Rs.642.99 cr. and that incurred during 2010-11 up to March,2011 is Rs.95.59 cr. The progress in right bank canal, on earth work and structures is 99.6 % and 67.46 % respectively. The distribution system is lagging behind. Theirrigation potential created up to March 2011 is 12568 haagainst targated

76 irrigation potential 143490 ha. Though the headworks had been completed long back, the canal work is going on at a slow pace, due to which irrigation potential of the project is not being achieved. Delay in land acquisition, Forest clearance, Railway crossing, shifting of ElectricPower Transmmission Tower and Pending Court cases are major bottelnecksin implementation of the projects


Subarnarekha Irrigation Project of Orissa is an inter-state project with Jharkhand. which envisages construction of (i) a dam at Chandil across the Subarnarekha river (ii) a dam at Ichha across the Kharkhai river, a tributary of the Subarnarekha (iii) a barrage across the Kharkai at Bhua (iv) a barrage at Galudhi across the Subarnarekha and (v)canal systems off-taking from the Chandil dam, Ichha dam, the Kharkai (Bhua) barrage, and the Galudhi barrage. Among the above works, the costs of Galudhi barrage, Galudhi right bank canal, Chandil dam and the Ichha dam are to be jointly borne by Jharkhand and Orissa. As per inter-state agreement of 1978, Orissa will get its share of 119 cumecs of Subarnarekha water from the Ichha dam and the Galudhi barrage through 56 km long Galudhi right bank canal through Jharkhand state. It was approved by the Planning Commission in December, 1995 for an estimated cost of Rs. 790.32 crore. The project works were started during 1986-87. It was brought under AIBP in 1996. The components proposed under AIBP funding are Subarnarekha Main Canal (46.5 km), Betnoti Branch Canal (18.5 km), Jambhira Left Canal (75.5 km) and corresponding Distribution system along with sharing cost for Galudhi Barrage and GRBC. Cost for ayacut for irrigating 36,900 ha. through AIBP was originally Rs. 285 crore (of which Rs. 80 crore is to be paid to Govt. of Jharkhand). The 98th TAC has accepted a cost of Rs.4049.93 crore for the project at 2009 price level, which also includes accost of Rs. 817.52 crore to be born by for work in Jharkhand.

Total CLA/CA of Rs.841.5336 crore has been released for the project up to March, 2010 and CA amounting to Rs.240.9078 crore has been released for the project during 2010- 11.The cumulative expenditure incurred on AIBP components of the project up to March 2010 is Rs.1253.14 cr. and that incurred during 2010-11 up to March,2011 is Rs. 327.82 cr. About 6705.25 ha.of land is required under AIBP, out of which 979.59 ha. have been acquired as on February, 2009. The total irrigation potential created upto March, 2011 is 39858 ha.against targeted irrigation potential 187462 ha. The main bottleneck in implementation of the project is delay in land acquisition. R&R work also needs to be taken up expeditiously. The project proposed to be completed by March,2014.


Lower Suktel Irrigation Project is a major irrigation project located near a village called Magurguda in Bolangir district of Orissa. The dam site proposed across river Suktel in Mahanadi basin is at a distance of about 20km.from Bolangir town. Scope of the project includes construction of (i) 1410 m long & 30 m high earthen Dam, (ii) 117 m long spillway, (iii) right dyke, (iv) two main canals and (v) distribution network. Total CCA of the project is 31,830 ha. of which 29,146 ha. spreading over 177 villages lies in Bolangir district & the remaining 2684 ha. spreading over 12 villages is in adjoining Sonepur district. Further, this

77 project will supply 17.89 MCM of drinking water to Bolangir town. The project was approved by the Planning Commission during 1999 for Rs.217.13 cr.(1996 price level). The entire project has been included under AIBP since the year 1999-2000. The revised estimated cost of the project is Rs.1041.81 crores at 2009 price level, has been approved by the Planning Commission in March, 2010.

The amount of expenditure incurred on AIBP components of the project upto March 2010 is Rs.317.32 cr. Expenditure incurred during 2010-11 upto December, 2010 is Rs.15.32 cr. The cumulative expenditure incurred on the project upto the end of December, 2010, since start of AIBP is Rs. 332.64 cr. The total amount of CA released upto March 2010 is Rs.232.3875 cr. and that released during 2010-11 is Nil. Major bottleneck in implementation of the project is opposition by the likely affected people due to which land acquisition is slow and field works also could not make any worthwhile progress. Non-filling of requisite lower level technical posts is also a constraint. Accordingly, no irrigation potential has been created upto March, 2011. The project is targeted to be completed by March, 2013.


Rukura irrigation project is one medium project contemplated for integrated development of Brahmani Basin in the drought prone tribal area of Bonai sub-division in Sundergarh district.

The project consists of the following components:- a) Homogeneous earth dam of 1185 mtrs. Length.

b) Central spillway of 52 m. length.

c) One head-regulator across Rukura Nallah, a tributary of river Brahmani.

d) Distribution network of length 107.45 km.

The project on completion will provide irrigation to 5750 ha. in 74 villages of Bonai and Gurundia blocks of Sundargarle district.

Investment clearance has been accorded by the Planning Commission in the year 2009- 10 for Rs.155.48 crore at 2007 price level.

The project has been included under AIBP in the year 2009-10. Prior to AIBP an expenditure of Rs.42.47 crore has been incurred till March, 2009. The balance cost under AIBP is Rs. 112.64 crore. Cumulative expenditure incurred on the project upto March, 2011 is Rs.71.85 crore project as a whole. CA released upto March, 2011 is Rs. 24.035 crore. Out of a total 7648 ha.of annual irrigation, no irrigation potential has been achieved so far. Land acquisition and R & R are to crucial activities likely to delay the project. Completion date of the project is March, 2012.


The integrated Anandapur Barrage Project, situated in Keonjhar district of Orissa, comprises of Anandapur Barrage Project (Phase-I) i.e. Bidyadharpur Barrage, Salandi Sanskar Project and Anandapur Barrage Project (Phase-II), to over CCA of 62,597 ha, out of a total CCA of 65,877 ha, and also stablisation of 25,446ha. Initially, Anandapur Barrage Project (Phase-I) covering CCA of 5,877 ha and stablisation of 18,335 ha of Salandi Right and Left Canal System, was approved under AIBP during l996-97 and targeted to be completed during l998-99. Subsequently, a consolidated proposal namely Integrated Anandapur Barrage Project comprising of two additional schemes, Anandapur Barrage Project Phase-II and Salandi Sanskar Project benefiting the same area, was approved during 2005-06.

The latest approved cost of the project of Rs.617.47 crore at price level 2000. This new project shall on completion create irrigation potential of 62,597 ha (5877 ha in Phase-I + 56720 ha additional in Phase-II) in a total CCA of 65,877 ha, and also stablise irrigation in CCA of 25,446 ha.

The expenditure incurred upto March 2010 is Rs.169.82 crore and that incurred upto February, 2011 during 2010-11 is Rs. 75.82 crore against budget provision of Rs. 130.00 crore.The CLA/CA released for the project upto March 2010 is Rs.56.69 crore and that released up to February, 2011 during 2010-11 is Rs. 26.43 crore.

The original target for creation of Irrigation Potential in CCA of 5,877 ha under Phase 1 of the project and stabilization of 25,446 ha. of existing ayacut has been achieved. However, work on Anandpur BarrageProject Phase-II is in itsinitial stage.This part is targeted to be completed by March, 2014. Major bottlenecks in implementation for the project: - Delay in land acquisition, as well as delay in finalization of construction drawing.


The Kandi Canal Project from RD 0.00 km to RD 130.0 Km i.e. Talwara to Balachaur which is situated in Hoshiarpur and Nawanshahar Districts of Punjab. It envisages construction of Main Canal with 500 Cusecs discharge with its distribution system to command an area of 47494 hectares. The project has been taken up in two stages i.e. Stage-I from RD 0.0 km to 59.5 Km and Stage-II from RD 59.5 Km to RD 130.0 km. The project of Kandi Canal on completion will create irrigation potential of 39021 hectares thereby benefiting 433 villages of Kandi Tract of Punjab. The Kandi Canal Stage-I upto RD 59.5 Km has been completed with all its irrigation distribution network during July, l998 incurring an expenditure of Rs. 110 crore, utilizing 242 Cusecs of discharge Stage-I provides ultimate irrigation potential of 15695 ha benefiting 215 villages. The Project Extension of Kandi Canal Stage-II (RD 59.5 Km to RD 130.0 Km) from Hoshiarpur to Balachaur envisages the utilization of balance discharge of 258 Cusecs, thereby commanding an area of 29527 hectares (CCA) creating ultimate irrigation potential of 23326 hectares, benefiting 218 villages. This project will off-take from Hoshiarpur i.e. tail of Kandi Canal Stage-I at RD 59.5 Km and reach Balachaur after covering a distance of 70.50 Km. On completion , it will extend irrigation facilities to an area of 29527 hectares (CCA) lying in Kandi Tract out of which 21176 ha has been proposed to be covered under flow

79 irrigation and balance 8351 ha by lift irrigation. The project was cleared with estimated cost of Rs. 147.12 cr. by Planning Commission in April 2002. The cost of the project has been further revised to Rs. 346.62 cr. at January, 2008 price level.

The project was brought under AIBP during 2002-03 and was released CLA/CA of Rs. 48.80 cr. including Fast Track Programme of AIBP is Rs. 14.22 cr. up to March 2011. Construction work on the project was started after the State Govt. released the funds along with State share in June 2005. The total expenditure incurred on the project up to March, 2010 is Rs. 211.59 cr. and cumulative expenditure incurred on the project up to March, 2011 is Rs. 243.52 cr. under AIBP. The project is now targeted to be completed by March 2012. Main bottleneck in implementation of the project:- land measuring 293.66 ha.needs to be acquired , out of which land measuring238.89 ha. has been acquired.

73 SHAHPURKANDI DAM PROJECT, PUNJAB Shahpurkandi Dam Project is being constructed on river Ravi 11 km. downstream of Ranjit Sagar Dam and 8 Km. upstream of Madhopur Headworks to provide as a balancing reservoir to ensure the uniform water supply to the canal system taking off from Sahpurkandi Dam in Punjab and J&K and from Madhopur Headworks and to ensure optimum utilization of Ravi waters for irrigation and power production. The project comprises of 55.5 m high concrete dam, 7.70 Km. long Hydel Channel designed for a discharge of 385 cumec (13600 cusec) along the left bank of river and 2 nos. power houses of total 168 MW capacity. On completion of the project, an irrigation potential of 5000 hectare in Punjab state and 32,173 hectares in J&K would be created. The Planning Commission’s clearance was accorded in 1993 for estimated cost of Rs.895.08 crore at price level of 1990-91. The project was accorded investment clearance by Planning Commission in November, 2001 as a composite project with Ranjit Sagar Dam & UBDC State-II, with revised total project cost of Rs.5065.48 crore at June, 2000 price level. The total cost of the project in Punjab works out to Rs.2285.81 crore at April, 2008 price level. The cost apportionment between irrigation and power component has been finalized as 28.61%: 71.39%.

The project has been approved as a National Project and the 90% of the Irrigation component of the project cost would be available to the state government as govt. of India share under AIBP which works out to be Rs.529.58 crore. The project is scheduled to be completed in 5 years period. The target date of completion October,2014. CA released during 2009-10 is Rs.10.80 cr. and during 2010-11 is Rs,15.236 cr. The cumulative expenditure incurred up to 31.03.2010 Rs.202.00cr. and during 2010-11 up to 31.03. 2011 Rs.40.98 cr. thus the cumulative expenditure incurred up to 31.03.2011 Rs.242.98 cr. The targeted ultimate irrigation potential of the project is 37,173 ha. Main problem: Punjab govt. not released till date the amount of Rs.15.23 cr. and Rs.1.69 cr.


First Patiala Feeder and Kotla Branch are the two main carrier/feeding channels of Patiala region. These channels are part of Century Old system. The length of Ist Patiala Feeder is 79514 feet i.e. 24.24 km off taking from Sirhind Canal at Mannpur Head. The project situated in Patiala, Sangrur and Mansa districts of the Punjab envisages to cover a CCA of 68,624 ha. The project on completion will create ultimate irrigation potential of 3,34,109 ha. The Government of Punjab submitted the Project of Rehabilitation of 1st Patiala feeder and Kotla Branch, with 20% enhanced capacity and changed value of ‘N’ to Central Water Commission for inclusion for Central Assistance under AIBP funding, on completion of AIBP Project, namely “Rehabilitation of UBDC system”. TAC of Ministry of Water Resources cleared the project on 17th November, 2006. The investment clearance to the project for an estimated cost of Rs.123.30 crore (at 4/2006 price level) was also accorded by the Planning Commission in March, 2007.

The work has been started in January, 2008 after receiving the 1st installment of Central Assistance of Rs. 13.50 crore in October; 2007.The cumulative CA released up to March 2011 is Rs.29.61 cr. The expenditure incurred on the project up to March, 2011 is Rs.117.04 crore. The irrigation potential created up to March, 2011 is 61600ha. against targeted IP of 68,624 ha. The target for completion of project was fixed as 31.03.2011 but not yet completed. The balance work of the project can only be taken up after approval of revised estimate(175.08cr.) and investment clearance from the Planning Commission.

75. Manu Medium Irrigation Project- Tripura

Manu irrigation project envisages construction of a 82 m. long barrage across river Manuat Nalkata in district Dhalai.

Project in brief :-

a) A barrage 82 m long with 6 of bays 12 m. each to pass a design. Discharge of 2407 cumec.

b) Main canal of 40.50 km. length and distributaries of 14 km. length.

c) Total 144 nos. of cross drainage work and 70 nos. of road crossing (bridge& Culverts).

The canal system including the branch canal is proposed to be lined.

Original cost of the project accepted by the Planning Commission in 1981 is Rs.8.1854 crore. The revised estimated cost is Rs.98.711 crore at 2008 price level approved on 9.10.2009.

81 The construction work of project was started in the year 1986-87. The project was included under AIBP in 1996-97. CLA/CA released upto March, 2010 is Rs. 26.0086 crore. Expenditure incurred project as a whole up to June, 2010 is Rs.40.02 crore. The ultimate irrigation potential to be created by the project is 7600 ha. Cumulative irrigation potential created upto March, 2010 is 3094 ha.

Delay in land acquisition, delay in transportation of construction materials and law and order situation arethe major bottlenecks in implementation of project. The completion of project is targeted for March, 2012.


Gumti Medium Irrigation Project envisages construction of a barrage across river Gumti near Udaipur in South Tripur, 40 kms. D/S of the Gumti Dam with right and left bank canal to irrigate CCA of 4486 ha.with ultimate irrigation potential of 9800 ha.

Project in brief -

a) A barrage of 96.00 m. long with seven of bays of 12 m. each to pass a design discharge of 3341 cumec.

b) Head regulators on the left bank and right bank each

c) Length of left bank and right bank main canal is 23.40 km. amd 22.50 km. respectively for irrigating CCA of 4486 ha. The length of branch canal of left bank is 8.96 km. and right bank 11.00km. The canal system including the branch canal is proposed to be lined.

d) The canal water would complement the requirement for domestic and fishery purpose during the dry spell in commond area.

Original cost of the project accepted by the Planning Commission in 1979 is Rs. 588.00 crore. The construction work of project was started in the year 1981-82.

The project has been included under AIBP since 1996-97 . The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs.83.01 crore at 2008 price level, which was approved by TAC on 9-10-2009. CLA/CA released upto March, 2010 is Rs. 22.5427 crore. Expenditure incurred before AIBP os Rs.24.1200 cr. Expenditure incurred post AIBP upto March, 2010 is Rs.36.4197 crore, thus the total expenditure incurred upto March, 2010 is Rs.60.5397 crore. The ultimate potential to be created by the projects is 9800 ha. The irrigation potential created upto March, 2010 is 6814 ha. Land acquisition is the main bottlenecks in implementation of the project. As per Planning Commission direction project shall be completed by 2011-12.


82 Khowai medium irrigation project envisages construction of a barrage across river Khowai at Chakmaghat in the West Tripura district with right and left bank canal to irrigate CCA of 4515 ha. with ultimate irrigation potential of 9320 ha.

Project in brief- a) A barrage 96 m. long across river Khowai with seven bays of 12 m. each to pass a design discharge of 1727 cumec. b) Head regulator on the left bank and right bank each. c) Length of left bank canal 17.40 km. and length of right bank and 13.50 km. to irrigate a command area 4515 ha. The length of distributaries and minors are 27 km. d) The canal system including the distributaries and minors is proposed to be lined.

Original cost of the project accepted by the Planning Commission in 1980 in Rs.7.10 cr. The present cost of the project is Rs.91.64 crore at 2008.price level which has been approved by TAC on 9-10-2009. The construction work of project was started in the year 1981. The project was included under AIBP in 1996-97. CLA/CA released upto 31-3-2010 is Rs.29.73 crore. Before AIBP expenditure incurred Rs.36.99 crore. Post AIBP expenditure incurred upto March,2010 is Rs.80.002 cr. thus the cumulative expenditure incurred project as a whole upto March, 2010 is Rs.118.992 crore. Irrigation potential created upto March, 2010 is 8353 ha. against targeted irrigation potential 9320 ha. Date of completion of the project is 2010-11. However, the work of branch canals and cross drainage work on both right and left bank canal was in progress as on 31st March, 2011. The major bottlenecks in implementation of the projects are land acquisition problem and law and order situation of the area. 78 ARJUN SAHAYAK PARIYOJNA, U.P.

Arjun Sahayak Pariyojna envisages use of surplus water of river Dhasan during rainy season to fill Arjun, Chandrawal and Kabrai Dam, through feeder channel from new proposed Lahchura Dam and storing the surplus water in Arjun,Chandrawal and Kabrai Dams. The height of Kabrai Dam is proposed to be raised by 9.23 m but the height of Arjun dam and Chandrawal dam will remain as before. The project will provide additional Kharif irrigation to the extent of 18,963 hectare and Rabi irrigation for 25,418 hectare on these dams. The Arjun Sahayak feeder channel shall have a discharge of 73.6 cumecs from head to Arjun dam in a length of 38.60 Km. and there after it will have a discharge of 62.32 cumecs in a length of 31.30 Km. upto Kabrai dam.

The project was accorded investment clearance for Rs.806.50 crore by Planning Commission on 23.11.2009. The project was started in the year 2009-10 and is targeted for completion by March, 2013. There is no external source of funding. Approximately 3005 ha land is proposed for acquisition for various component of the project. Out of this 440 ha of private land has been acquired. Construction work of Arjun feeder (feeder from Lahchura to Arjun dam) and raising of Kabrai dam has been started. Central Assistance of Rs.24.30 crore has been received for the project during 2009-10 and during 2010-11 up to March, 2011 is 178.128 cr. Budget outlay made by the state govt. for the year 2010-11 is Rs.207.92 crore and of which the state component is Rs.20.79 cr. and central govt. under AIBP (DPAP) component is Rs.187.128 cr. A cumulative expenditure of Rs.205.1277 cr. has been made up to March, 2011. It is proposed to creat additional IP of 44381 ha. under AIBP. Acquisition of land needs

83 to be speeded up and adequate funds are required to be released so that targets are achieved in time.


Kachnoda Dam is being constructed on river Sajnam & Banai in Tehsil Mehroni of District Lalitpur. The project envisages construction of 4.10 Km. long and 16 m. high earthen dam. A gated spillway of 127.00 m. in length is proposed to be constructed to pass the maximum flood discharge of 6038 cumec. It is proposed to irrigate an area of 10850 Ha. through right and left canal of 8.40 Km. and 15.40 Km. long respectively. In addition the annual requirement of drinking water supply from the project 0.66 hm3 has been proposed in the live storage capacity of the dam.

The project was accorded approval by Planning Commission, Government of India for an estimated cost of Rs.88.67 crore in January, 2007 and as per T.A.C. The latest estimated cost is Rs.423.45 cr. at 2009 price level. The minimum land to be acquired for construction of the said project is about 1907.97 Ha., out of which 429.99 Ha. has already been acquired.

The project is receiving Central Assistance under AIBP since 2009-10. CA released up is Rs.40.00 cr. up to March, 2010 and during 2010-11 CA released is Rs.31.05 cr. A cumulative expenditure of Rs.100.63 crore has been made up to March, 2011. It is proposed to create a total irrigation potential 10850 ha. under AIBP. The requisite steps are required to be taken at the appropriate level to ensure implementation of the R&R programme in synchronization with the construction of the project to avoid any delay in the benefits of the project. The project is targeted to be completed by March, 2012. Though the civil works of the main dam are likely to be completed the head regulator and the canal system is likely to get delayed. Lack of adequate funds for acquisition of land and civil works is the major contraint.


This project is situated in Jhansi Distt. of UP. It envisages construction of headworks with head regulators of Dhasan Canal & Arjun Feeder including link channel of Dhasan Main Canal for existing Dhasan Canal System covering CCA of 97169 ha. The proposed dam will ensure rabi irrigation in 31910 ha. of Dhasan Canal system. It will also provide annual kharif irrigation to an additional area of 14575 ha. The project was approved by Planning Commission in the year 1980 for Rs. 8.52 cr. The revised project estimate for this project was approved by Planning Commission in May, 2005 for Rs. 88.30 cr. The latest estimated cost of the project approved by TAC on 18.9.2009 and accepted by Planning Commission on23.11.2009 for Rs.299.36 cr.

The project has been brought under AIBP w.e.f. 2005-06. An amount of Rs. 28.381 cr. has been released as CA up to March 2011.An expenditure of Rs.181.1619 cr. was incurred upto March, 2010 and Rs. 67.8872 cr. have been incurred up to March,2011. Hence, total expenditure incurred on the project up to March, 2011 is Rs. 249.0496 cr. It is proposed to create additional irrigation potential of 14575 ha.under AIBP which would be achieved at the completion of the project. Land acquisition of private and village community area has been

84 completed. Canal and Link Channel have been completed by scheduled time. Target date of completion of the project was March 2011, but due to delay in release of adequate funds by the State Govt. the target date could not be met.


Sonua Reservoir Project envisages construction of 640.24m. long and 39.41m. high earthen dam together with chute spillway, left and right outlets across the river Sanjay –a perennial river, which is a tributary of situated in village Kobangabd Dharamgiri in Sonua block of Chakradharpur subdivision of West Singhbhum. Two control structures -left and right outlets having a designed discharge capacity of 5.50 and 1.81 cumecs respectively have been provided. The proposed length of left main canal is 18.354 Km., while that of right main canal is 11.70 Km.

The project will provide ultimate irrigation potential of 8008ha. area in West Singhbhum district of Chhotanagpur Division falling under the jurisdiction of community development block Sonua of a Porahat subdivision. The Bihar Govt. commenced work on this project in 1982. The project was brought under AIBP in 1997-98. The latest estimated cost of the project is Rs. 82.65 Cr. at 2006 price level. CLA/CA released up to March 2011 is Rs. 13.3035 Cr. cumulative expenditure up to March 2011 (post & Pre AIBP) is Rs. 73.4386 Cr. Under AIBP cumulative expenditure up to March 2011 is Rs. 51.9272 Cr. Irrigation Potential created up to March, 2011 is NIL. The project is targeted to be completed by the year 2011. Land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation of the displaced, delay in decision making process are the main bottlenecks in the implementation of the project


The project situated in Koderma/Gridih district of Jharkhand State envisages construction of an earthen dam of 2290m. length and 19.25m. high on the river Panchkhero near village Gorhan of Rajdhanwar block and village Markosa of Markachoo block. An ungated Chute spillway has been proposed havingn design discharge capacity of 633.17 cumec. Two outlet feed right and left main canals. Gates have been provided at their months to regulate discharge through them. The length planned for right main canal is 3.17 Km. and for left main canal is 7.85 Km. The system would cover CCA of 3085 ha. The proposed annual irrigation are 2548 ha. The project on completion will create ultimate irrigation potential of 3085ha.

The Planning Commission approved the project in the year 1986 for 9.55 Cr. The latest revised estimated cost of project at 2006 price level is Rs. 75.68 Cr. The project was included under ABP in the year 2004-05. Amount of CLA/CA released Rs. 8.242 Cr. up to March 2011. cumulative expenditure incurred Rs. 46.6571 Cr. under AIBP up to March, 2011. Expenditure incurred before AIBP was Rs. 21.041 Cr. Thus the total expenditure incurred up to March, 2011 is Rs. 67.698 Cr. Irrigation Potential created up to March, 2011 is Nil. Land acquisition and R&R issues are the main bottlenecks in the implementation of the project.


85 The river Gumani originates in the Rajmahel Hill in Sahibganj district of Jharkhand State. It flows for 39. Km. up to the barrage site. After traversing another 65 Km., the river joins Ganga river in Murshidabad district of West Bengal. The river is rain fed and carries high discharges during the monsoon months. During lean season, it almost dries up construction of a barrage on the river Gumani at village Petkhasa in Sahibganj district of Jharkhand state has been taken up to provide assured irrigation to the area lying in its commend during Kharif season. The project will help in improving the economic condition of the tribal people by providing irrigation to 22,923ha. of CCA area 16194ha. and ultimate irrigation potential (Kharif) of Sahibganj and Pakur district falling under the jurisdiction of community development blocks of Barhait, Pathra, Barharwa, Littipara and Hiranpur. The Planning Commission approved the project in 1976 for implementation at a cost of 3.8399 Cr. The latest estimated cost of the project at 2010 price level is Rs. 185.76 Cr. The project was included under AIBP in the year 1997-98. CCL/CA released up to March 2011 is Rs. 31.402 Cr. The cumulative expenditure incurred on the project up to March 2011 is Rs. 149.05 Cr. pre and post AIBP. Irrigation Potential created up to March, 2011 is NIL against targeted IP 16194 ha. The project is targeted to be completed by the year 2011-12. Land acquisition,delay in tendering work of barrage head regulator gate portion, changes made by CWC in designs of headworks etc. are the main bottlenecks in the implementation of the project.


The project is situated near Nawgain village of Dumri block in Gumla district. The project envisages construction of an earthen dam of 1068 m. of length and 39.69 m. of height across the river Sankh, a tributary of South Koel river. A 120 m. long ungated ogee crest chute spillway is located on the left side of the river to pass flood discharge of 884.76 cumecs. There are two main canals on either bank. The left bank canal is 14.04 km. long having discharging capacity is 2.75 cumecs. The canal system covers CCA of 7069 ha. The proposed annual irrigation is 4366 ha. in kharif and 2703 ha in rabi. The project, on completion, will create ultimate irrigation potential of 7060 ha.

The Planning Commission approved the project in the year 1987 for Rs.9.19 crore. The latest estimated cost of project at 2006 price level is Rs.141.19 crore. The project was brought under AIBP in 2004-05. The total expenditure before under AIBP was Rs.52.126 crore. The cumulative expenditure incurred under AIBP upto March, 2011 is Rs.75.004 cr. Thus the cumulative expenditure on the project as a whole upto March, 2011 is Rs.127.13 crore. CA released upto March, 2010 is Rs.15.11 crore. CA released during 2010-11 is nil.Irrigation potential created upto March, 2011 is nil.

The project was started in the year 1987 and was targeted to be completed by the year 2010-11 butthe targeted dates of completion could not be achieved. It realistically seems that target may get extended for another couple of years. Land acquisition and Naxal menace are main the bottlenecks in the implementation of the project.



The Surangi Reservoir scheme envisages construction of an earthen dam of 217.50 m. length across SurangiNala near village Vijay Giri under Tamerblock of Ranchi. This is a medium irrigation scheme, which will irrigate a CCA of 2105 ha. in Ranchi and Saraikela Kharsawan district. The Surangi Nala orginates from a local hill and falls in the river Karkari, a tributary of Subarnrekha river.

The catchment area of SurangiNala intercepted at the proposed dam site is 20.72 sq. km. After reservoir planning, the top of the dam has been fixed at R.L. 301.68 m. with the lowest river bed at 268.815 m. The maximum height of dam is 32.86 m. and the dead storage level (DSL) is 286.19 m. A chute spillway of 76.30 m. crest length and having a discharging capacity of 381.00 cumecs is located in the right hillock on the up stream of maindam. Two R.C.C. outlets with discharging capacity of 1.98 cumecs on either side of the dam have been provided to regulate the irrigation discharge. To provide irrigation in the command, two main canals on the right and left bank, having length of 13.328 km. and 8.784 km. respectively, have been provided. Distribution/minors take off from each of these main canals. Original cost of the project is Rs.4.6030 crores.

Latest estimated cost of the project at 2002 price level is Rs.41.173 crores. The project was included under AIBP in the year 1997-98. CLA/CA released upto March,2011 is Rs. 26.5688 crore. Previous to AIBP cumulative expenditure incurred Rs.13.2847 crore and under AIBP upto March, 2011 cumulative expenditure incurred Rs.29.8856 crore. So far no I.P. has been created against targeted irrigation potential 2601 ha. As per the latest MOU the project was targeted to be completed by the year 2010-11. However, as per the perception of the monitoring team, the completion can be achieved after 2012-13.

Land acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabiliation of the displaced and Naxal menace are the main bottlenecks in the implementation of the project.

87 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Indiramma Flood Flow Canal from Sriramsagar Project__Phase – I & II State : _ Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______0101______Project Cost: Rs. 4266.09 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / / --

2 Original Cost: Rs.1331.30cr_____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_ 03_/ 2012______

3 Date (Original Cost): 12/2005_____ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 4266.09 cr _____ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 2305.813cr__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 08/2009__ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 0 2/2011 ) : Rs.281.777_Cr.____

6 Date since under AIBP: 2005-06___ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.1852.37cr__ 7 Outlay (State) : Rs. _____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.281.777_ 02/11

8 Outlay (AIBP): ____-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.382.40 cr___

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL ______21 External Constraints: Land acquisition and R&R issues. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 89030 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 89030 0 0 0 created under AIBP

88 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Tarakarama Thirtha Sagaram Reservoir Project ______

State : ___Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: __0102______Project Cost:Rs.220.04______crores

1 Half Year Code: ______022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs._ ___-______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /2011-2012-

2 Original Cost:Rs.220.04cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____ / /______

3 Date (Original Cost): 19.02.2005______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. __-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.65.5172cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 01/2011) : Rs.3.1837cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2005-06______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs. 65.5172cr______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 3.1837 cr______Up to 01/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.37.39cr______20 Internal Constraints : Nil 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.110.02cr______

10 CLA&CA released: 21 External Constraints: Nil (current year): Rs. __Nil_____

11 CLA I Release: ______-_____

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 10000 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 10000 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Sriramsagar Project Stage II______

State : _ Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: _____0103______Project Cost:Rs.1098.00 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 12/ 2012 --

2 Original Cost :Rs.1043.14cr____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/____/______

3 Date (Original Cost): 03/2006___ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 1098.00 cr ______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 711.12 Cr.

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __N.A._____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 01/2011 ) : Rs 18.621 Cr

6 Date since under AIBP: 2005-06___ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.477.69 Cr. __

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.18.621 Cr. Up to 01/11

8 Outlay (AIBP): ___-______20 Internal Constraints : 2011-12 9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.74.269 cr_

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs. 65.200 cr __ 21 External Constraints: Slow land acquisition. Up to 01/2011 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) 2011-12 Potential 178000 ha. 75979 ha 32630 ha 108609 ha. created ha. Potential 178066 ha 75979 ha. 32630 ha. 108609 ha. created under AIBP ha. 90

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Gundalakamma Reservoir Project ______

State : ___Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: __0104______Project Cost:Rs.592.18______crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / /-

2 Original Cost:Rs.453.85cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____ /08/2011_____

3 Date (Original Cost): 28.12.2005______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 592.18cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.474.76cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 22.6.2009______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 01/2011) : Rs.5.74cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2005-06______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs. 418.32cr______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 5.74 cr______01/2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. __-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.99.3525cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. ___Nil____ 21 External Constraints: Delay in land acquisition Up to 01/2011 and R&R of 8villages 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 01/2011 Potential 32400 ha 0 24302 ha. 24302 ha. created ha. Potential 32400 ha. 0 24302 ha 24302 ha created AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Pushkara Lift Irrigation Scheme ______State : ____Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: _0105______Project Cost:Rs.379.503 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion-15 /07 /2008--

2 Original Cost:Rs.379.503cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/12__/_2011______

3 Date (Original Cost):27.6.2006______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. _-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. 534.26cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 3/2011 ) :_Rs.27.374 cr._____

6 Date since under AIBP: 2006-07______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.351.1574 cr.

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : 27.374 cr.______2010/11

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.98.09 cr______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.47.0847 cr______

10 CLA&CA released: 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition (current year): NIL ______problem court cases by farmers. 2010-11

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential created 75235 ha 36747 ha. 15863 ha. 52610 ha. ha.

Potential created 71184 ha. 32696 ha.92 15863 ha. 48559ha. Under AIBP-

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Peddavagu Diversion Scheme, ______

State : ____Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: _____2011-12______

Project Code: ______0106______Project Cost:Rs.131.08 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010_____ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /12 /2012--

2 Original Cost: Rs.124.64cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_-__/__-______

3 Date (Original Cost): 2006____ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.131.08 cr ____ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 56.54cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __N.A.______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 06/ 2011 ) : - NIL -

6 Date since under AIBP: 2006-07____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs. 56.545cr____

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : -NIL- 06/11

8 Outlay (AIBP): ____-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.106.025 cr___ 10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL ___ __ 21 External Constraints: Forest clearance is yet to be received for 26.95 ha. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 6073 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 6073 ha. 0 0 0 created under 93 AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Nilwai Reservoir Project______

State : _ Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______0107______Project Cost: Rs.90.50 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03/ 2009 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.90.50cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/____/______

3 Date (Original Cost): 2006-07____ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. _____-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.76.28cr____

5 Date (Revised Cost) : ___-____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to03/2011 ) : NIL______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2006-07____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.63.55cr_____

7 Outlay (State) : ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : NIL_____ 03/11 8 Outlay (AIBP): __-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.18.40 cr____

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL____ 21 External Constraints: Slow land acquisition 03/2011 and R&R issues.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total upto 05/2011 (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 5260 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 5260 ha. 0 0 0 created under AIBP ha. 94

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Sri Komaram Bhim Project ______

State : ____Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: __0108______Project Cost:Rs.450.14 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010_ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /12/2009

2 Original Cost:Rs.202.5977cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____ /12 /2011______

3 Date (Original Cost):23.3.2007______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 450.14 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.331.68cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 13.10.2009 ______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2010) : Rs.22.32 cr__

6 Date since under AIBP: 2006-07______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs. 259.28 cr______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.22.32 cr______03/2010

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.__-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.301.00 cr.______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. 22.32 Cr. 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition 2010-11 problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 9915 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 9915 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP 95 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form 09 Project Name: Tadipudi Lift Irrigation Scheme______

State : _ Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: _____0109______Project Cost: Rs.467.70 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010_____ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03/ 2008 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.376.96cr_____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/__11__/___2011____

3 Date (Original Cost): 06/2006__ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 467.70 cr ___ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 412.22cr__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : ___N.A.____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to03/2011 ) : Rs. 14.33 cr____

6 Date since under AIBP: 2005-06 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.320.93cr___

7 Outlay (State) :Rs. _ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.14.33 cr. 03/11

8 Outlay (AIBP): ____-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.48.22 cr_

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): - NIL - 21 External Constraints: Slow land acquisition.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 83609 ha 40601 ha 10000 ha 50601 ha. created ha. Potential 83609 ha. 40601 ha. 10000 ha. 50601 ha created under AIBP ha. 96

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Musurumilli Reservoir Project ______

State : ____Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: _0110______Project Cost:Rs.207.00______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010_ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /3/2012--

2 Original Cost:Rs.207.00cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____ / /______

3 Date (Original Cost): 31.12.2004______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. _-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.149.95cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs.30.61cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2007-08______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs. 96.47cr______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.30.61 cr______2010-2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.___-______20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.62.95cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.22.792cr______21 External Constraints: Nil 2010-11

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 9164 ha. 0 6538 ha. 6538 ha. created ha. Potential 9164 ha. 0 6538 ha. 6538 ha. created AIBP 97 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Rajiv Bhima Lift Irrigation Scheme______

State : ____Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: _____0111______Project Cost: Rs.1969.00 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / / --

2 Original Cost: Rs.744.00cr____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/ _06_/_2012______

3 Date (Original Cost) : 2007_____ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.1969.00 cr 16 Total Expenditure Last ______(up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 1292.92 Cr.____

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2011___ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to03/2011 ) : Rs. 98.67_Cr.____

6 Date since under AIBP: 2007-08___ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs725.92 Cr.___

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.98.67 Cr. 03/11

8 Outlay (AIBP): ____-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.1169.22 cr__

10 CLA/ CA released: (current year): NIL _____ 21 External Constraints: Slow land acquisition . 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 82151 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 82151 ha. 0 0 0 created under AIBP 98

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: J.Chokka Rao Devadula (Godavari )Project______

State : ___Andhra Pradesh ______

State Code : __01______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ____0112______Project Cost:Rs.9427.73_crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion-/3/2009

2 Original Cost:Rs.6016 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ 03 / 2014

3 Date (Original Cost): 23.3.2007_____ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 9427.73 cr.______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. __3952.027 Cr.__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _15.7.2011______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs.1258.609 Cr. __ 6 Date since under AIBP: _2006-07_____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.2979.847 cr. ______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 1258.609 Cr. Up to 03/2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.-______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 883.13 cr.______

10 CLA&CA released: 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition (current year): Rs.Nil___ problem. 2010-11

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 03/2011 Potential 249000 8094 ha. 12141 ha. 20235 ha. created ha. Potential 249000 ha. 8094 ha. 12141 ha. 20235 ha. created AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Gollavagu Reservoir Project______

State : _ Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______0113______Project Cost: Rs. 83.61______crores

1 Half Year Code: _022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 12/ 2012 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.83.61cr_____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/____/______

3 Date (Original Cost): 2006___ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. _-___ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 76.90cr__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : - - 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011 ) : Rs. 0.28______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2006-07__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.62.26 cr_

7 Outlay (State) : _____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 0.28_ cr.____ Up to 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): ____-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.60.47 cr_

10 CLA /CA released: (current year): NIL__ 21 External Constraints: Slow land acquisition

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 3845 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 3845 ha. 0 0 0 created under AIBP ha. 100

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Ralivagu Reservoir Project ______

State : _ Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: __0114______Project Cost: Rs._49.71______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010___ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- 03//2011

2 Original Cost: Rs.33.30 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : /03/2012

3 Date (Original Cost): 27.6.2006______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.49.71 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.37.710cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __N.A.____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/11): Rs .NIL ______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2006-07______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.37.710 cr ______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. _ ____-____ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): __NIL______03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. -______20 Internal Constraints : Slow progress.

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-3-2010:Rs.6.71cr_____

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs .NIL______21 External Constraints:

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 9/2010 Potential 2428 ha 1214 ha. 0 1214 ha. created ha. Potential 2428 ha. 1214 ha 0 1214 ha. created under AIBP 101

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Indira Sagar Polavaram Project ______

State : ____Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: ____2011-12______

Project Code: ___0115______Project Cost:Rs.10151.04______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs._ ___-______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /6/2013--

2 Original Cost:Rs.10151.04cr_____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____ / /______

3 Date (Original Cost): 25.2.2009______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.16010.45 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last Not Approved (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.3174.31cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs.536.64cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2008-09______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs. 1451.14cr______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.536.64 cr______2010-2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.__-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.562.47cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs- NIL______21 External Constraints: Slow land acquisition . 2010-11 court cases. Forest clearance. Road crossing Problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______-_____

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 291000 ha. 0 0 0 created ha. 291000 ha. 0 0 0 Potential 102 created AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: _Veligallu Reservoir Project ______

State : _AndhraPradesh______

State Code : __01______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: __0116______Project Cost: Rs.208.72_crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion—N.A.------

2 Original Cost: Rs. 143.67 Cr.______14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / N.A.

3 Date (Original Cost): ----22-12-2006------15 Status of Completion (%): ______------4 Revised Cost: Rs. ___208.72 Cr. 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 179.8797 Cr.__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _29-02-2006______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 08/2010) : Rs. 0.3369 Cr.___

6 Date since under AIBP: _2006-07_____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs._59.7737 Cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 0.3369 Cr.______08/2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. -____ 20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. __62.3355 Cr.__ 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.___Nil__ 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition 2010-11 problem.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 9713 ha. 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 9713 ha. 0 0 0 created under 103 AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: _Plemvagu Reservoir Project______

State : _Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ___01______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: __0117______Project Cost: Rs.70.99_crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010__ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion------

2 Original Cost: Rs29.1287 Cr.. ______14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / 2012

3 Date (Original Cost): ---17-03-2006------15 Status of Completion (%): ______------4 Revised Cost: Rs.70.99 Cr. ______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. 60.1327 Cr._____

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _2006______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. 7.7984 Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: __2005-06____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs._52.7127 Cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. _7.7984 Cr.______31.3. 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - 20 Internal Constraints: A.P. govt. has appointed an expert committee to study cause of breach 9 Total CLA&CA released and remedial measures that need to be taken. Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. _9.5355 Cr.______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.__Nil___ 21 2010-11 External Constraints: Forest clearance. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

C. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 5350 ha. 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 5350 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP 104

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: __Maddigedda Reservoir Project______

State : __01______

State Code : ___01______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: ___0118______Project Cost: Rs.7.20_crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion---30-06-2005

2 Original Cost: Rs. 2.9377 Cr. __ 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / N.A.

3 Date (Original Cost): ----13-09-1977------15 Status of Completion (%): ______------4 Revised Cost: Rs. 7.20 Cr.______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 5559 Cr.____

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _2001______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. 0.3317 Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: _2000-01_____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.7.8876 Cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.__Nil_____ 31.3. 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. – 20 Internal Constraints: Non-completion of excavation of main canal. 9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 3.792 Cr.______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs._Nil____ 21 2010-11 External Constraints:

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

D. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 610 ha. 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 610 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP 105

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Mathadivagu Reservoir Project______

State : ___Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: _____0119______Project Cost:Rs.50.40_____crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /6/2007

2 Original Cost:Rs.50.40cr______14 Revised Date of Completion: _ 06/2011

3 Date (Original Cost): 27-6-2006______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. _-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.52.275cr ______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2/2011) : Rs.0.249cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: _ 2006-07_____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.44.085 Cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 0.249_Cr.______2/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. _-______20 Internal Constraints: Designs for the railway 2010-11 crossing on the distributory 14 TE have not yet 9 Total CLA&CA released been provided. Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 37.02cr_

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. _NIL______21 External Constraints:

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 3440 ha 1660 ha. 0 1640 ha. created ha. Potential 3440 ha. 1660 ha. 0 1640 ha. created AIBP

106 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Yerrakalva Reservoir Project______

State : ___Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______01______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: ___0120______Project Cost:Rs.14.50_____crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /3/2004

2 Original Cost:Rs.14.50cr______14 Revised Date of Completion: _/06/2011

3 Date (Original Cost): 5-9-2003______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 124.95 Cr. ______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.124.95 Cr.__ 5 Date (Revised Cost) : _N.A.______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 01/2011) : Rs. ___Nil______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2000-01______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs 106.551 Cr.

7 Outlay (State): Rs. __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs Nil ______Jan. 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. _-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 26.71cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. _NIL______21 External Constraints: Land acquisition problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 9996 ha 3035 ha. 0 3035 ha. created ha. Potential 6960 ha. 3035 ha. 0 3035 ha. created AIBP

107 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Thotapalli Barrage Project______

State : ___Andhra Pradesh______

State Code : ______11______Yearly Code: 2011-12______

Project Code: _0121______Project Cost:Rs.415.85_____crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion-3/2007

2 Original Cost:Rs.450.230 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ 03 /2009

3 Date (Original Cost): 31.7.2003___ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.415.87 cr. ______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. __393.83_cr.______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _20.3.2006______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. ___42.64 cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2005-06______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.364.56 cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.42.64 _Cr.______Up to 03/2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.__-______20 Internal Constraints: Main problems are 2010-11 approvals and designs for two railway crossing and one highway crossing not yet completed. 9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. _247.06 cr.______

10 CLA&CA released: 21 External Constraints: - (current year): Rs. Nil___ 2010-11

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 74463 ha 25900 ha. 0 25900 ha.. created ha. Potential 74463 ha. 25900 ha. 0 25900 ha. created AIBP 108

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: __Borolia Medium Irrigation Project______

State : __Assam______

State Code : __03______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: __0301______Project Cost: Rs.135.93_crores

1 Half Year Code: _022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______13. Original date of completion----03/2011------

2 Original Cost: Rs.6.77 Cr. 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ 03 / 2013 ___

3 Date (Original Cost): ---1980------15 Status of Completion (%): ______- 4 Revised Cost: Rs.135.93 Cr.______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. _76.9898 Cr.______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : ___2009_____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. _Nil______

6 Date since under AIBP: ___1996-97-___ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs._49.8451 Cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. _Nil______31.3. 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.23.337 Cr. _ 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs._ Nil 21 External Constraints: Insufficient fund, law & order problem, land acquisition problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

E. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 13562 ha. 3300 ha. 0 3300 ha. created ha. Potential 13562 ha. 3300 ha. 0 3300 ha. created AIBP 109

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: __Tillari Irrigation Project______

State : ___ __Goa______

State Code : ______05______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: ______0501______Project Cost: Rs. 1612.15_crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion------

2 Original Cost: Rs. 217.22 Cr. 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ 03 / 2012 ______

3 Date (Original Cost): ----12/1989------15 Status of Completion (%): ______----- 4 Revised Cost: Rs. _1612.12______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. 808.43 Cr._____

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __2008______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. 103.65 Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: __2001-01____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs._582.01 Cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. _91.62 Cr.______31.3. 2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ___ 20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.207.17 Cr.____

10 CLA&CA released: 21 External Constraints: Slow land acquisition, (current year): Rs.20.00 Cr._____ FICs have also not been constructed to release 2010-11 water to the fields.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

F. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 14521 ha. 7777 ha. 800 ha. 8577 ha. created ha. Potential 14521 ha. 7777 ha 800 ha. 8577 ha created AIBP 110

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Srdar Sarovar(Narmada) Irrigation Project______

State : _ Gujarat______

State Code : ______06______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: _____0601______Project Cost: Rs._39240.45______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion-

2 Original Cost: Rs. 6406.00 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : /03/2014

3 Date (Original Cost): 5.10.1988______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.39240.45Cr.______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs.31400.50cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 20.5.2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010): Rs.895.59 cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 1996-97______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.11160.46cr______

7 Outlay (State) : _ ____-____ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.859.14 cr______2010-11 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. ___-__ 20 Internal Constraints : A comprehensive approach is required for expediting execution of 9 Total CLA/CA released work. Up to 31-3-2010: Rs.5375.36cr__

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs.361.42 cr____ 21 External Constraints: 2010-2011 11 CLA I Release: Rs. ____

Date: ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2010 Potential 1792000 ha 495117 ha. 5260 ha. 500377 ha. created ha. Potential 1792000 ha. 495117 ha 5260 ha 500377 ha. created under AIBP 111

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: __UND-II_Irrigation Scheme______

State : __Gujrat______

State Code : __06______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: __0602______Project Cost: Rs.68.40_crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion--09/2011 2 Original Cost: Rs. 9.25 cr___ 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / -

3 Date (Original Cost): ----1984-85------15 Status of Completion (%): ______----- 4 Revised Cost: Rs. 68.40 Cr.______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. ____*______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __2005___ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. _*__ _ *Total expenditure 6453.44 Lacs 6 Date since under AIBP: _2010._____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs._*______7 Outlay (State): Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. _*______31.3. 2011 *Total 6453.44 Lacs

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.400.00 Lac. 20 Internal Constraints : Nil 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. ___N.A.____

10 CLA&CA released: 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition (current year): Rs.___N.A.__ problem. 2010-11

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

G. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 5313 ha. 2250 ha. 0 2250 ha. created ha. Potential 5313 ha. 2250 ha. 0 2250 ha. created AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: __Shahnehar Majore Irrigation Project______

State : _Himachal Pradesh______

State Code : _08______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: _0801______Project Cost: Rs.387.17 Crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion-----03/2011------

2 Original Cost: Rs.143.32 Cr. ______14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ 03 / 2012

3 Date (Original Cost): --02/1997------15 Status of Completion (%): ______----- 4 Revised Cost: Rs. 387.17 Cr.____ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. 280.2721 Cr.__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _20-07-2011 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs.26.2154 Cr.

6 Date since under AIBP: __1997-98____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs._274.4673 Cr._

7 Outlay (State): Rs. __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 26.2154 Cr._____ 31.3. 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. -______20 Internal Constraints : Nil 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 149.585 Cr.__ 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. Nil _____ 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition problem, 2010-11 Khudro forest land clearance problem.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

H. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 24760 ha. 15808 ha. 3779 ha. 19587 ha created ha. Potential 24760 ha. 15808 ha. 3779 ha. 19587 ha. created AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Sr.No.27 Project Name: Upper Krishna Project Stage-I, Phase-III ______State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______1001______Project Cost: __Rs.2135.40______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010_____ 12 CLA II Release:.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03/ 2011 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.3953.82Cr 14 Revised Date of Completion : (Originally estimated to cost Rs.283.65 cr Stage I on _____/_03 / 2012______24.9.1990 Balance work of Stage I , Phase I & II)

3 Date (Original Cost): 2008-09__ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.2135.40Cr. 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 2016.2415 Cr 5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2009-10______17 Total Expenditure current (up to03/2011 ) : Rs. 164.438 Cr

6 Date since under AIBP: 1996-97__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) For Stage I Phase I, II, III (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.1787.30cr___ 7 Outlay (State) : _____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 134.44 cr___ 3/2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 380.09 cr_ 20 Internal Constraints : Nil 2010-11

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.1246.15 cr_

10 CLACA released: 21 External Constraints: Nil (current year): NIL____ 3/2011

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 148800 ha 148800 ha. 0 - 148800 ha. created ha. Potential 148800 ha 148800 ha. 0 148800 ha. created under AIBP ha 114

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Malaprabha Project ______

State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______1002______Project Cost: _Rs._1383.48______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03/ 2012 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.19.91cr_____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/___/ ______

3 Date (Original Cost): 1963__ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.1383.48 cr_ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 322.760cr_

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2009______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-2011 ) : Rs.104.796 cr_

6 Date since under AIBP: 1996-97__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.322.760cr__ 7 Outlay (State) : ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 104.796 cr_ 2010-2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 175.00 cr____ 20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.282.83 cr__ 10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL__ 2010-11 21 External Constraints: Nil 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 196132 ha. 195963 ha. 0 195963 ha. created ha. Potential 44313 ha. 44144 ha. 0 44144 ha. created under AIBP

115 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Ghataprabha Project Stage - III ______

State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: _1003______Project Cost: Rs.1210.51______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / / --

2 Original Cost: Rs.90. 54cr____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_03__/ _2012______

3 Date (Original Cost): 1976____ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.1210.51 cr__ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 1174.54 cr__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 12/2009_ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011 ): Rs.77.05 Cr.__ 6 Date since under AIBP: 1997-98___ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.756.8012 cr__

7 Outlay (State) : ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.77.05_Cr.__ 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.35.97 cr___ 20 Internal Constraints: Slow lining works of GLBC as canal closure period is small. 9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.472.182 cr___

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs.22.89cr___ 21 2010-11 External Constraints: Slow land acquisition for GRBC from km. 190 to km.199. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 3/2011 Potential 177822 ha 109594 ha. 1882 ha. 111472 ha. created ha. Potential 177822 ha 109594 ha. 1882 ha. 111472 ha. created under AIBP ha.


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Karanja Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______1004______Project Cost: _Rs.532.00______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010_____ 12 CLA II Release: .______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03/ 2003 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.98.00cr__ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_03__/ _2012______

3 Date (Original Cost): 08/1992___ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.532.00 cr__ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 491.88cr__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 12/ 2009 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011 ) : Rs. 21.92 cr_

6 Date since under AIBP: 1997__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.317.35cr_

7 Outlay (State) : _____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.19.45 cr_ Up to 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 23.17 cr_ 20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.189.03 cr__ 10 CLA released: (current year): NIL_ 2010-11 21 External Constraints: Delay R&R work. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 29227 ha 22793 ha. 0 22793 ha. created ha.

Potential 29227 ha. 18119 ha. 0 18119 ha. created under AIBP ha. 117

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Upper Krishna Project Stage-II ______

State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______1005______Project Cost: _Rs._3959.80______crores

1 Half Year Code: _____022010_ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03/ 2011 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.2358.86 cr__ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/___/ ______

3 Date (Original Cost): 12/2010___ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs3959.80 cr__ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 3734.13cr_

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 01/2010_ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2011-11 ) : Rs. 100.668 cr_

6 Date since under AIBP: 2001-02_ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.2966.32 cr__

7 Outlay (State) : ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs100.668 cr__ 2010-2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 200.41 cr_ 20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.1505.57 cr_

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs 154.18 cr__ 21 External Constraints: Nil 2010-2011

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 226688 ha 180248 3838 ha. 184086 ha. created ha. Potential 226688 ha 180248 ha.118 3838 ha. 184086 ha. created under AIBP ha.

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Dudhaganga Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: __1006______Project Cost: _Rs._309.80______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010___ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / / --

2 Original Cost: Rs.124.00cr____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_03__/ _2012______

3 Date (Original Cost): 04/2002__ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.309.80 cr__ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 124.65cr__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2008__ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011 ) : Rs. 6.00 cr_

6 Date since under AIBP: 2008-09__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.20.78cr__ 7 Outlay (State) : ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 6.64 cr_ _2010-11

8 Outlay (AIBP): ___-______20 Internal Constraints: No progress in Maharashtra portion. 9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.3.83 cr__ 10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs. 3.67 cr__ 2010-11 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 15167 ha 0 0 0 created ha.

Potential 11376 ha 0 0 0 created under 119 AIBP ha.

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Hippargi Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______1007______Project Cost: _Rs._1521.78______crores

1 Half Year Code: _____022010_ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / / --

2 Original Cost: Rs.186.70cr__ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_03__/ _2011______

3 Date (Original Cost): 1985-86_ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.1521.78 cr__ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 471.910cr__ 5 Date (Revised Cost) : 04/2008_ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-11 ) : Rs.352.209 cr_

6 Date since under AIBP: 2008-09__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.205.110cr__

7 Outlay (State) : _____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.352.209 cr_ 2010-11

8 Outlay (AIBP): ____-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.230.14 cr_

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs. 281.20 cr_ 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition for 2010-11 R&R works need to be expedited. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to March 2011 Potential 74742 ha 14185 ha. 15628 ha. 29813 ha. created ha.

Potential 74742 ha 14185 ha. 15628 ha. 29813 ha. created under AIBP ha. 120 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Varhi Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______1008______Project Cost: _Rs._569.53______crores

1 Half Year Code: 022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / / --

2 Original Cost: Rs.569.53cr____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_03__/ _2012______

3 Date (Original Cost): 2006___ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: _____-______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs. 331.59cr__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-_____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-11 ) : Rs. 44.66 cr__

6 Date since under AIBP: 2007-08__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.331.59cr__

7 Outlay (State) : ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.44.66 cr__ 2010-11

8 Outlay (AIBP): __ Rs.100.00 cr_ 20 Internal Constraints : There are lots of slope failures as canals are running in deep. 9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.68.535 cr_

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL__ 21 External Constraints: Delay in land acquisition. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 3/2011 Potential 15702 ha 0 383 ha. 383 ha. created ha. Potential 15560 ha 0 383 ha. 383 ha. created under AIBP ha. 121

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form

Project Name: Modernization of canal system of Bhadra reservoir project ______State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: ____1009______Project Cost: Rs._951.00______crores

1 Half Year Code: 022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03/2012 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.951.00cr__ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/___/ ______

3 Date (Original Cost): 03/2008__ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: ___-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 578.10cr_

5 Date (Revised Cost) : ___-____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011 ): Rs.184.74_Cr._

6 Date since under AIBP: 2007-08_ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.578.10 cr__

7 Outlay (State) : ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.184.74_Cr. 03/2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.340.00 cr 20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.140.938 cr__

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL___ 21 External Constraints: Working period is only 3-4 months a year during irrigation closure period only. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 3/2011 Potential 177337 ha 0 147561 ha. 147561 ha. created ha.

Potential 177337 ha. 0 122 147561 ha. 147561 ha. created AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Gudada Mallapura Lift Irrigation Scheme______State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: _1010______Project Cost: Rs._115.40______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /2011-12

2 Original Cost: Rs.60.00 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : / /_

3 Date (Original Cost): 23.8.2003______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.115.40cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.23.03cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 10/2009______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-11): Rs.30.406 Cr. ______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2009-10______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.6.67cr______

7 Outlay (State) : _ __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.30.406 cr______2010-11 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.60.00 cr______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA /CA released Up to 31-3-2010:Rs.32.40cr______

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs.24.843______21 External Constraints: Delay in land 2010-11 acquisition.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 9/2010 Potential 5261 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 5261 ha. 0 0 0 created under AIBP ha.p 123

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form

Project Name: Restoration and Renovation of Bheemasamudra Tank ______State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: ______1011______Project Cost: Rs.9.375______crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010____ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / / --

2 Original Cost: Rs. 9.375cr_ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_03_/ 2012______

3 Date (Original Cost): 2009__ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: ____-______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs. 1.50cr__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-_____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-11 ) : NIL__

6 Date since under AIBP: 2009-10__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.0.78cr_

7 Outlay (State) : _____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : NIL__ 2010-11

8 Outlay (AIBP): __ __-______20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.3.483 cr_

10 CLA /CA released: (current year): NIL_ 21 External Constraints: Nil

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 3/2011 Potential 2050 ha. 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 800 ha. 0 0 0 created under AIBP ha. 124

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Bhima Lift Irrigation Scheme______

State : _ Karnataka______

State Code : ______10______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: ____1012______Project Cost: Rs._551.93______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- 03/2012

2 Original Cost: Rs. 551.93cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : / /_

3 Date (Original Cost): 15.12.2009______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. __-______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs.188.78cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _-_____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/11): Rs.229.64_Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2009-10______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.35.88cr______

7 Outlay (State) : _ -______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.40.86 cr______2010-11 8 2010-11 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.100.00 cr_ 20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-3-2010:Rs.58.64 cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.52.62 cr____ 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition 03/2011 problem. 11 CLA&CA I Release: Rs.58.64 cr + 52.62 cr ____

Date: 2009-10, 2010-11______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 9/2010 Potential 24292 ha 0 581 ha. 581 ha. created ha. Potential 24292 ha. 0 581 ha. 581 ha. created AIBp 125

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: _Idamalayar Irrigation Project______

State : _Kerala______

State Code : __11______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ___1101______Project Cost: Rs.740.00_crores

1 Half Year Code: _022010___ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion----03/2012-- 2 Original Cost:Rs.107.00 Cr. ______14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ /

3 Date (Original Cost): -1992------15 Status of Completion (%): ______- 4 Revised Cost: Rs.740.00 Cr. *______16 Total Expenditure Last *Yet to be a approved (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. _333.672 Cr.____

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. _14.133_Cr._ _

6 Date since under AIBP: _N.A._____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs._-______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. 10.00 Cr. 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. _-_ 31.3. 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. __-_____

10 CLA&CA released: 21 External Constraints: Pending land acquisition. (current year): Rs.___-__ 2010-11

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 14394 ha. 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 14394 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Muvvattupuzha Valley Irrigation Project, ______State : ____Kerala______

State Code : __11______Yearly Code: ____2011-12______

Project Code: __1102______Project Cost: Rs.878.00 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03 /2010---- -

2 Original Cost: Rs.48.08cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_03__/_2012______

3 Date (Original Cost): 06/1983______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.878.00 cr _____ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 744.58cr______5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2009-10____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011 ) : Rs.24.42cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2000-01____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs. 11.18cr____

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.9.47cr_____ 2010-11

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 27.00cr______20 Internal Constraints : The work of Ettumanoor branch canal acqueduct need to be expedited. 9 Total CLA/CA released Removal of plant growth and desilting also Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.154.969 cr___ needs to be expedited. 10 CLA released: (current year): NIL ______2010-11 21 External Constraints: 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 36129 ha 30838 ha. 542 ha. 30838 ha. created ha. Potetial 36129 ha. 25396 ha. 542 ha. 25938 ha. created under AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Karapuzha Medium Irrigation Project, ______

State : ____Kerala______

State Code : __11______Yearly Code: ____2011-12______

Project Code: __1103______Project Cost:Rs. ___441.50______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / /-----

2 Original Cost: Rs.7.60cr_____ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/__03__/_2013______

3 Date (Original Cost): 04/1978______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.441.50 cr __ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 276.41cr____

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2010____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010--11 ) : Rs. 4.85cr____

6 Date since under AIBP: 2006-07__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs. 45.91cr_____

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 4.85cr____ 03/2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. -____ 20 Internal Constraints : Urgent remedial measures are required for restoration of damaged portion 9 Total CLA & CA released of branch canals of LBC and main canals. Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.2.7188 cr___

10 CLA& CA released: (current year): NIL ___ 21 External Constraints: Remaining acquisition 2010-11 of land needs to be expedited. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 7355 ha 0 938 ha. 938 ha. created ha.

Potential 7355 ha. 0 938 ha. 938 ha. created under AIBP 128

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Kanhirapuzha Medium Irrigation Project, ______State : ____Kerala______

State Code : __11______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: __1104______Project Cost: Rs.30.00 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: ______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03 /2011---- -

2 Original Cost:Rs.30.00cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/____/______

3 Date (Original Cost): 2008-09______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. ___-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 2. 131cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 12/2010 ) : Rs.18.147cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2008-09_____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs. 2.131cr______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.12.207cr______2010-11

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 20.00cr______20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.0.9045 cr____

10 CLA released: (current year): Rs.4.165cr ______21 External Constraints: Nil 2010-11 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potetial 1247 ha 80 ha 505 ha 585 ha created ha. Potential 1247 ha 80 ha. - 505 ha. - 585 ha. - created under AIBP 129

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Chitturpuzha Irrigation Project______

State : ___Kerala______

State Code : ______11______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: __1105______Project Cost:Rs.34.57_____crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion-31/3/2012

2 Original Cost:Rs.34.57cr______14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ /

3 Date (Original Cost): 19-7-2010______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. __-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. __Nil______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. ___4.9792 Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: _2010-11_____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.44.085 ______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _30.00 Cr.______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 0.249______31.3. 2011 Total:(18+19) = Rs.4.9792 cr

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs - 20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. ___Nil____

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.5.8522_Cr. 21 External Constraints: Nil 2010-11

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 4964 ha 0 571 ha. 571 ha. created ha. Potential 4964 ha. 0 571 ha. 571 ha. created AIBP 130

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name : Mahi Project______

State : M.P.______

State Code : ____12______Yearly Code: ____2011-12______

Project Code : ____1201______Project Cost: Rs. 490.39______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / /------

2 Original Cost: Rs.61.52 cr.______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_6____/__2011______

3 Date (Original Cost): 01/1985______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 490.39cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 354.276 cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 07/2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to ) : Rs. 74.110______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2000-01 ______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs. _302.44______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.67.88 ______

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.67.88cr______20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.193.232______

10 CLA released: (current year): Rs. 52.60______21 External Constraints: Nil 3/2011 11 CLA I Release: Rs. ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential created 26430 ha. 18913 ha. 5517 ha. 24430 ha. (ha) Potential created under AIBP (ha) 26430 ha. 18913 ha. 5517 ha. 24430 ha.


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form

Project Name: Bariyapur Left Bank Canal Project______

State : ____M.P.______

State Code : _____12______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code : __1202______Project Cost: Rs. 477.26 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion :- 06/1986------

2 Original Cost: Rs. 18.40 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/__03___/_2012______

3 Date (Original Cost): _03/1978______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.477.26 cr ______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. _257.45_cr.______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 0 3/2010 ______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 02/2011 ) : Rs. _35.82_cr.______}___

6 Date since under AIBP: 2000-01______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs. 238.88_cr.______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 35.82 _cr.______

8 Outlay (AIBP): .______20 Internal Constraints : Work of Kunti Dam and canal system is lagging behind and needs to be expedited. 9 Total CLA & CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs. _100.581 cr.

10 CLA & CA released: (current year): Rs. ___Nil______21 External Constraints: 11 CLA I Release: Rs. ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Information upto (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) 02/2011 Total Potential created 43850 ha 13155 ha 6455 ha. 19600 ha. (ha) Potential created 43850 ha 13155 ha 6455 ha 19600 ha under AIBP (ha)


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: __Bargi Diversion Project ______

State : _Madhya Pradesh______

State Code : _12______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: 1203______Project Cost: Rs. 5127.22_crores

1 Half Year Code: _022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion------

2 Original Cost:Rs.1101.23 Cr. ____ 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / 2013-14

3 Date (Original Cost): ---06-07-1998------15 Status of Completion (%): ______------4 Revised Cost: Rs. _5127.22 Cr.______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. __1217.40 Cr.____

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __12-12-2009______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. _Nil______

6 Date since under AIBP: __2001-02____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs._1217.40_Cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. _Nil______31.3. 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints: Pace of work is very slow. 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. __318.67 Cr.____

10 CLA&CA released: 21 External Constraints: (current year): Rs._Nil 2010-11

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential 21194 ha. 15248 ha. 0 15248 ha. created ha. Potential 21194 ha. 15248 ha.133 0 15248 ha. created ha.

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: __Pench Diversion Project______

State : __Madhya Pradesh______

State Code : __12______Yearly Code: 2011-12______

Project Code: __1204______Project Cost: Rs.342.00_crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion---03/2009------

2 Original Cost: Rs. 342.00 Cr. ______14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ 03 / 2011

3 Date (Original Cost): ---2007-08------15 Status of Completion (%): ______----- 4 Revised Cost: Rs. -______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. 93.86 Cr.___

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. 116.58 Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: _2007-08_____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs._93.86 Cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _90.00 Cr.______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 116.58 Cr.______31.3. 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 20 Internal Constraints : -

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 16.378. Cr.______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. Nil 21 External Constraints: PAP’s of the 2010-11 submergence area are demanding fresh rehabilitation package as per current rate and are agitating over this issue. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

C. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 03/2011 Potential 28268 ha. 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 28268 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP 134

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: _Bawanthadi Project______

State : MadhyaPradesh______

State Code : __12______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: __1205______Project Cost: Rs1407.19 Cr. (MP Portion Rs.657.86 Cr. )

1 Half Year Code: __022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion---03/2012------

2 Original Cost:Rs.161.57 Cr., MP 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / - ShareRs.89.78 Cr.

3 Date (Original Cost): -1999------15 Status of Completion (%): ______- 4 Revised Cost: Rs. 1407.19 Cr. MP 16 Total Expenditure Last ShareRs.657.86 Cr. (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. 295.71 Cr____

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _15-09-2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. 25.03 Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2003-04______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.295.71 Cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 25.03 Cr.______31.3. 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints: Non completion of river 2010-11 closure portion of the dam due to delay in R&R work in Maharashtra position of reservoir. 9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 65.290 Cr.___

10 CLA&CA released: 21 External Constraints: - (current year): Rs.20.815 Cr.____ 2010-11 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

a. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential created 29412 ha. 23858 ha. 3160 ha. 27018 ha. 135 Potential. Created AIBP 29412 ha. 23858 ha. 3160 ha. 27018 ha

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Waghur Major Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: _1301______Project Cost: Rs._578.74______crores

1 Half Year Code: _____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /03/2008--

2 Original Cost: Rs. 12.2825 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : /03/2010_

3 Date (Original Cost): 05/1975______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.578.74 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.379.43cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 02/2008______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010 ): Rs.11.14__Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: 1996-97______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.158.47cr______

7 Outlay (State) : _ _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.11.14 cr______09/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): __-______20 Internal Constraints: Non award of canal system proposed during 2008-09 and 2009-10. 9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-3-2010: Rs. 284.3918cr___

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Nil______21 External Constraints: Land acquisition Up to 09/2010 problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 9/2010 Potential 26325 ha 15776 ha. 0 15776 ha created ha.

Potential 26325 ha. 15776 ha.136 0 15776 ha created under AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Bawanthadi Major Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: ___1302______Project Cost: Rs.1407.19______crores

1 Half Year Code: _022010____ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /03/2008--

2 Original Cost: Rs. 161.57 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : /03/2012_

3 Date (Original Cost): 12/1999______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.1407.19 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.514.09cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 05/2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010 ): Rs.36.87______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2004-05______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.441.1671cr______

7 Outlay (State) : _ ___-_____ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.36.87 cr______09/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): __-______20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA/Ca released Up to 31-3-2010:Rs. 83.259cr______

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs.20.25cr______21 External Constraints: Nil 09/2010

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 9/2010 Potential created 57120 ha. 22203 ha. 0 22203 ha. Ha. Potential created 57120 ha. 22203 ha.137 0 22203 ha. Under AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Gul Medium Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______1303______Project Cost: Rs.__96.62______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- -/ 03/2007--

2 Original Cost: Rs. 65.736 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : / 03_/ _2012_

3 Date (Original Cost): 11/2005______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.96.62 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.71.0391cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _01/2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010 ): Rs.2.0907_Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2005-06______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.39.4717cr______

7 Outlay (State) : _ ___-_____ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.2.0907 cr______09/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): ___-______20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-3-2010:Rs. 13.8247cr___

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL 21 External Constraints: Nil 09/2010 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 9/2010 Potential 3025ha 1031 ha. 0 1031 ha. created ha. Potential 3025 ha. 1031 ha 0 1031 ha. created AIBP 138

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Upper Manar Medium Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: 2011-12______

Project Code: _____1304______Project Cost: Rs.__635.96______crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010____ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- -/ 03/2007 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.26.1834 cr___ 14 Revised Date of Completion : /_03__/2013 ___

3 Date (Original Cost): 04/1997______15 Status of Completion (%): ______4 Revised Cost: Rs. 635.96cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.207.095cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2008-09______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010 ): Rs.34.072__Cr._____

6 Date since under AIBP: 2002-03______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 09/2010):Rs.166.513cr______

7 Outlay (State) : _ ___-_____ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): NIL____ 09/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): ___-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-3-2010: Rs.59.4885cr____

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs.11.25_ 21 External Constraints: Delay in land 09/2010 acquisition for main canal and DISNET.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 9/2010 Potential 12420 ha 870 ha. 966 ha. 1836 ha. created ha. Potential 12420 ha. 870 ha. 966 ha. 1836 ha. created AIBP 139

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Lower Dudhna Major Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: _____1305______Project Cost: Rs.1349.50______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- -/ 06/2009 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.53.2066 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : /_06__/2013 ___

3 Date (Original Cost): 03/1983______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 1349.50cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.717.11cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 02/2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010 ): Rs.58.42 Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2005-06_____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 09/2010):Rs.466.56cr______

7 Outlay (State) : _ __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.52.49 cr______09/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): __-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-3-2010: Rs.126.0118cr__

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL______21 External Constraints:Land acquisition 09/2010 problem and agitation by POP’s.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 9/2010 Potential 44482 ha 1469 ha. 3752 ha. 5221 ha created 140 Potential 44482 ha. 1469 ha 3752 ha 5221 ha created AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Bembla Major Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: ______1306______Project Cost: Rs. 1276.87______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010_ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- -/ 06/2011--

2 Original Cost: Rs.1276.87 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : /___/ ___

3 Date (Original Cost): 06/2007______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: __-______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs.1189.22 cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : ___-____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010 ): Rs.31.66_cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2007-08______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 09/2010):Rs.570.56cr______

7 Outlay (State) : _ _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.31.66 cr______09/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): ___-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-3-2010: Rs.471.066cr______

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL___ 21 External Constraints: Acquisition of balance 09/2010 land required for canal system needs tobe expedited. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 9/2010 Potential 52543 ha 27270 ha. 235 ha. 27505 ha. created ha. Potential 52543 ha. 27270 ha. 235 ha. 27505 ha. 141 created AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Uttarmand Medium Irrigation project

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: _____1307______Project Cost: _Rs._123.16______crores

1 Half Year Code: _____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03/2011 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.123.16 cr__ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/___/ ______

3 Date (Original Cost): 09/2007___ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: _-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.104.64cr_

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-_____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010): Rs.5.86cr___

6 Date since under AIBP: 2007-08__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.19.39cr_

7 Outlay (State) : ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.5.86 cr__ 09/2010

8 Outlay (AIBP): ___-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.5.499cr_

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs.2.475cr_ 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition 2010-11 problem.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 9/2010 Potential 5280 ha 2375 ha. 1320 ha. 3695 ha. created ha. Potential 4730 ha. 1825 ha. 142 1320 ha. 3145 ha. createdAIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Morna Medium Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: __1308______Project Cost: Rs._129.64______crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /03/2010--

2 Original Cost: Rs.129.64 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : / /_

3 Date (Original Cost): 09/2007______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.____-_____ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.77.22cr__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010 ): Rs. 2.18 Cr.___

6 Date since under AIBP: 2007-08____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.23.91cr___

7 Outlay (State) : _ ___-_____ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.2.18 cr___ 09/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): ____-_____ 20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-3-2010: Rs.9.82cr___ 10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Nil_ 2010-11 21 External Constraints: Fund problem . Land acquisition for canal system needs to be expedited. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 9/2010 Potential 3075 ha 85 ha. 0 85 ha. created ha. Potential 3075 ha. 85 ha. 0 85 ha. created under AIBP 143

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Lower Pedhi Major Irrigation Project ______State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: _____1309______Project Cost: Rs.283.10______crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010____ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- -/ 03/2011 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.283.10 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : /_03__/2013 ___

3 Date (Original Cost): 08/2008______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. ___-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.104.12cr___

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-_____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010 ): Rs.30.04__

6 Date since under AIBP: 2008-09____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.100.72cr___

7 Outlay (State) : _ ___-_____ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.30.04 cr__ 09/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): ___-______20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.129.42cr____

10 CLA/Ca released: (current year): NIL______21 External Constraints: Land acquisition problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 9/2010 Potential 17023 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 17023 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Kudali Medium Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: ______1310______Project Cost: Rs.271.79______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- -/ 03/2013 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.271.79 cr___ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/___/ ______

3 Date (Original Cost): 02/2009___ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: ___-______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs.191.96cr_

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-_____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011 ): NIL___

6 Date since under AIBP: 2009-10__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.18.00cr_

7 Outlay (State) : _Rs.18.00 cr_ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): NIL Up to 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): ____-_____ 20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.4.50cr__

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs.4.05 cr__ 21 External Constraints: Nil 2010-11

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 9/2010 Potential 5327 ha 0 150 ha. 150 ha. created ha Potential 5327 ha. 0 150 ha. 150 ha created AIBP 145

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Lower Panzara Medium Irrigation project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: ______1311______Project Cost: Rs.__347.3107______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03/2012

2 Original Cost: Rs.347.3107 cr__ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/___/ ______

3 Date (Original Cost): 04/2009__ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: ___-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.194.8105

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-_____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010 ): Rs. 26.4233cr_

6 Date since under AIBP: 2009-10_ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.27.5344cr_

7 Outlay (State) : ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.26.4233 cr_ 09/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): __-______20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA &CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.47.75cr_

10 CLA &CA released: (current year): Rs.28.35cr 21 External Constraints: Nil __2010-11

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 9/2010 Potential 9027 ha 1044 ha 356 ha 1400 ha. created ha.

Potential 6785 ha. 244 under146 AIBP 356 AIBP 600 ha created AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form

Project Name: Wang Medium Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: ______1312______Project Cost: Rs.162.78______crores

1 Half Year Code: _____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03/2011 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.162.78cr_ 14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/___/ ______

3 Date (Original Cost): 09/2007__ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: ____-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.99.71cr___

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-11 ): Rs.12.98cr__

6 Date since under AIBP: 2008-09__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.38.21 cr__

7 Outlay (State) : ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.12.98 cr_ 2010-11

8 Outlay (AIBP): __-______20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA &CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.15.39cr_ 10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL__ 21 External Constraints: Nil 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 3/2011 Potential 7068 ha 0 0 0 created ha.

Potential 7068 ha. 0 147 0 0 created AIBP Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form

Project Name: Upper Kundlika Medium Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Maharashtra______

State Code : ______13______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: ___1313______Project Cost: Rs. __187.03______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- -/ 03/2011 --

2 Original Cost: Rs.72.70 cr__ 14 Revised Date of Completion : /_03__/2013 ___

3 Date (Original Cost): 09/2008__ 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.187.03 cr_ 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.73.9792cr__

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _09/2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 09/2010 ): Rs.31.7623__

6 Date since under AIBP: 2008-09__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.50.6884cr__

7 Outlay (State) : _ 22.08 Cr.______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.31.7623 cr__ 09/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): _____-____ 20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs.37.1375cr__

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): NIL______21 External Constraints: Fund problem.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 9/2010 Potential 2800 ha 0 0 0 created ha.

Potential 2800 ha. 0 0 0 148 created AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: _Gosikhurd (Indira Sagar ) Major Irrigation Project ______

State : _Maharashtra______

State Code : __13______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: _1314______Project Cost: Rs.7777.85 Cr.

1 Half Year Code: 022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion------

2 Original Cost: Rs.461.19 Cr. 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ 03 / 2014

3 Date (Original Cost): --11/1995------15 Status of Completion (%): ______---- 4 Revised Cost: Rs. 7777.85 Cr. 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.3981.89 Cr.

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2007-08______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs.894.08 Cr.

6 Date since under AIBP: __1996-97___ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.1244.057 Cr.

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 894.08 Cr. 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints: Delay in R & R and canal 2010-11 network.

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 1170.00 Cr. 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.1412.94 Cr. 21 External Constraints: Fund problem. 2010-11 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

a. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 03/2011 Potential created 250800 19719 ha. 6985 ha. 26704 a. ha.. Potential. Created AIBP 231081 ha. .0 6985 ha. 6985 ha.


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: _Thoubal_Multipurpose_Irrigation Project______

State : _Manipur______

State Code : __14______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: __1401______Project Cost: Rs.982.00 Cr.

1 Half Year Code: 022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- 1987------

2 Original Cost: Rs.47.25 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / -2012

3 Date (Original Cost): --1980------15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs..982.00 Cr. 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.723.730 Cr.

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _30-11-2009______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs.95.602 Cr.

6 Date since under AIBP: _1997-98____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.596.100 Cr.

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (Current year): Rs. 95.602 Cr. 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.350.4993 Cr. 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.132.340 Cr. 21 External Constraints: Disturbed Law &Order 2010-11 situation, Land acquisition problem and fund problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

b. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential created .33449 ha 10861 ha. 4000 ha. 14861 ha. Potential. Created AIBP 29449 ha. 6861 ha.. 4000 ha. 10861 ha.


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: _Dolaithabi Barrage Project______

State : _Manipur______

State Code : ___14______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: ___1402______Project Cost: Rs. 215.52 Cr.

1 Half Year Code: 022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion---2000------

2 Original Cost: Rs.18.86 Cr. 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ 03 /2012

3 Date (Original Cost): --06/1992------15 Status of Completion (%): ______---- 4 Revised Cost: Rs..215.52 Cr. 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.109.9626 Cr.

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 01-01-2010____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs.48.8259 Cr.

6 Date since under AIBP: _2002-03____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.109.9626 Cr.

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (Current year): Rs.48.8259 Cr. 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints: Difficult rock position. 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 67.2422 Cr. 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.53.9500 Cr. 21 External Constraints: Law & Order problem, 2010-11 Land acquisition problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

c. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential created .7545 ha. 0 0 0 Potential. Created AIBP 7545 ha. 0 0 0


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: __Khuga Multipurpose Project______

State : _Manipur______

State Code : __14______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: __1403______Project Cost: Rs.381.28 Cr.

1 Half Year Code: 022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion-1987-88------

2 Original Cost: Rs.15.00 Cr. 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ 12 / 2011

3 Date (Original Cost): 25-07-1980------15 Status of Completion (%): ______------4 Revised Cost: Rs..381.28 Cr. 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.352.20 Cr.

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _12-04-2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs.30.74 Cr.

6 Date since under AIBP: _1996-97 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.274.55 Cr.

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _5.50 Cr.__ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 30.74 Cr. 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 140.18 Cr. 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.23.21 Cr. 21 External Constraints: Law & Order problem, 2010-11 Land acquisition problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

d. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential created 15000 ha. 10000 ha. 0 10000 ha. Potential. Created AIBP 15000 ha. 10000 ha.. 0 10000 ha.


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Upper Indravati Irrigation Project (Extension), Odisha______

State : ____Odisha______

State Code : ____18______Yearly Code: ____2011-12______

Project Code: ___1801______Project Cost: Rs.564.77____ crores

1 Half Year Code: _____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03 / 2012---- -

2 Original Cost: Rs.136.67cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_____/______

3 Date (Original Cost): 2002-03______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 564.77cr ______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010) Rs.553. 75 cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _____07/2009____ 17 Total Expenditure current (upto 31/3/2011):Rs. 48.1303 Cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: 1996-97______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) Rs. 553.75 Cr.______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) :Rs.48.1303 Cr.______Up to 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.125.00cr______20 Internal Constraints : Comprehensive monitoring of the project is required. 9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.353.92_Cr.______10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs.56.22 Cr.______21 External Constraints: Acquisition of land problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 86389 ha 66238 ha. 0 66238 ha. created ha. Potential 86389 66238 0 66238 ha. created under AIBP 153 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Rengali Irrigation Project_(RBC)______

State : __Odisha______

State Code : ______1______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: __1802______Project Cost:Rs.1290.93___crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion-/3/2010

2 Original Cost:Rs.233.64cr______14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ 03 /2014

3 Date (Original Cost): 1978 15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. 1290.93 Cr.______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs. _642.99 cr.______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 03/2008______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. 95.59 Cr.

6 Date since under AIBP: 1996-97______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.642.99 cr. ______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. ____-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.95.59 Cr. 31.3. 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.140.00cr______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11 9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. _261.5638 cr.__ 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.Nil 2010-11 21 External Constraints: Delay in land acquisition, Forest clearance, Railway crossing, Shifting of electric power transmission tower, Court cases. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 03/2011 Potential 143490 ha 51086 ha. 0 51086 ha. created Potential 130922 38518 ha. 0 38518 ha. created AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name : Subarnarekha Irrigation Project, Odisha______

State : ____Odisha______

State Code : ____18______Yearly Code: _____2011-12______

Project Code: ____1803______Project Cost:Rs.4049.93______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022011______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / / ------

2 Original Cost: Rs.90.32 Cr. 14 Revised Date of Completion : ______/__03___/_2014______

3 Date (Original Cost): 12/1995 15 Status of Completion (%): ______4 Revised Cost: Rs. 4049.93cr 16 Total Expenditure Last ______(up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 1253.14 Cr. ______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2009______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/20110) : Rs. 327.82 Cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 1996-97 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) ______(up to 31/3/2010) : Rs. 1253.14 Cr.______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ______-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 327.82 Cr.______03/ 2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 350.00cr______20 Internal Constraints : Comprehensive monitoring of projects. 9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs. 841.5336 Cr._____ 10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs. 240.9078 Cr. __ 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition and R&R work need to be expedited. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 187462 ha. 35634 ha 4224 ha. 39858 ha. created ha.

Potential 187462 ha 35634 ha. 4224 ha 39858 ha. created under 155 AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name : Lower Suktel Irrigation Project, Odisha______

State : ____Odisha______

State Code : _____18______Yearly Code: ___2011-12______

Project Code: __1804______Project Cost:Rs.1041.81______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 ______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / / ------

2 Original Cost: Rs. 217.13cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/__03___/_2013______

3 Date (Original Cost): 1999______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. __1041.81cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 317.32cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 12/2010 ) : Rs. 15.32cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 1999-2000- 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) ______(up to 31/3/2010) : Rs. 317.32_Cr.______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 15.32_Cr.______12/2010

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 25.00cr______20 Internal Constraints : Non filling of requisite lower level technical post . 9 Total CLA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs. 232.3875 cr____ 10 CLA released: (current year): NIL ______21 External Constraints:Slow land acquisition and R&R problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 29845 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 29845 ha. 0 0 0 created under AIBP ha. 156 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Rukura Irrigation Project, Odisha______

State : ____Odisha______

State Code : ___18______Yearly Code: ______

Project Code: __1805______Project Cost: Rs155.48______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 03 / 2012------

2 Original Cost:Rs. 155.48cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_____/______

3 Date (Original Cost): 2009-10______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs. ___-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 52. 3225cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : ___-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-11 ): Rs.19.5332cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2009-10______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs.9.4825_Cr.______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. ______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs.19.5332__Cr.______03/2011

8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 40.00cr______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010: Rs. 7.0635 Cr.______

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs. 16.97 Cr. ____ 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition and 2010-11 R&R are to crucial activities likely to delay the project. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 7648 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 7648 ha. 0 0 0 created under 157 AIBP

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form 71

Project Name : Integrated Anandapur Barrage Project______

State : ____Odisha______

State Code : __18______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code : __1806______Project Cost: Rs. 617.47 ______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010______12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /03/2014------

2 Original Cost: Rs.617.47 _cr.______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____/_____/______

3 Date (Original Cost): _ 2000 ______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.___-______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010): Rs. 169.82 cr.______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 02/2011) : Rs75.82 cr.______

6 Date since under AIBP: 1996-97______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) : Rs. _169.82 cr.

7 Outlay (State) : Rs.130.00 cr.______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 75.82 cr. Up to 02/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): __-______20 Internal Constraints : Delay in finalization of construction drawings. 9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-03-2010 : Rs.169.82 __cr.______

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs. 75.82 cr.______21 External Constraints: Delay in land acquisition.

11 CLA I Release: Rs. ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 62597 ha 5877 ha. 0 5877 ha created Stabilization 25446 ha. 18335 ha. 0 18335 ha. Potential under AIBP 62597 ha. 5877 ha. 0 5877 ha. (ha)


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Extension of Kandi Canal Stage-II______

State : _ Punjab______

State Code : __19______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: __1901______Project Cost: Rs._540.24______crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion-31/3/2007

2 Original Cost: Rs.147.12 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : /3/2012

3 Date (Original Cost): 08/1999______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.540.24 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs.211.59cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 09/2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011): Rs.31.93 cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2002-03______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.211.59cr______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.31.93 cr______Up to 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. _-____ 20 Internal Constraints : Nil

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-3-2010:Rs.34.26cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.14.54 cr____ 21 External Constraints: Nil

11 CLA I Release: Rs. ____

Date: ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 23326 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 23326 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP 159 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Shahpurkhandi Dam Project ______

State : _ Punjab______

State Code : __19______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: __1902______Project Cost: Rs._2285.81______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / /

2 Original Cost: Rs.895.08 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : /10/2014

3 Date (Original Cost): 1993______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.2285.81 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs.202.00cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 2008______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 31.3.2011): Rs.40.98 cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2009-10______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.202.00cr______

7 Outlay (State) : Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.40.98 cr______2010-2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. _-____ 20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-3-2010:Rs.10.80cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.15.23 cr____ 21 External Constraints: Non availability of 2010-11 sufficient fund.

11 CLA I Release: Rs. ____

Date: ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

C. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 37173 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 37173 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP 160

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: _Rehabilitation of first Patiala Feeder and Kotla Branch ______

State : _Punjab______

State Code : ______19______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: ____1903______Project Cost: Rs.123.30 Cr.

1 Half Year Code: 022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion---03/2011------

2 Original Cost: Rs.123.30 Cr. 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / -

3 Date (Original Cost): ---03/2007------15 Status of Completion (%): ______---- 4 Revised Cost: Rs..- 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.117.04 Cr.

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _-______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs.Nil

6 Date since under AIBP: __2007-08___ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.117.04 Cr.

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (Current year): Rs. Nil 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 24.75 Cr. 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.4.86 Cr. 21 External Constraints: Fund problem. 2010-11 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

a. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential created 68624 ha. 36600 ha. 25000 ha. 61600 ha. Potential. Created AIBP 68624 ha. 36600 ha.. 25000 ha. 61600 ha.


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Manu Medium Irrigation Project______

State : _ Tripura______

State Code : ______23______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: ___2301______Project Cost: Rs._98.711______crores

1 Half Year Code: 022010_____ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /3/2012

2 Original Cost: Rs. 8.1854cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : / /

3 Date (Original Cost): 25.02.1981______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.98.711 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs.64.4403cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 09.10.2009______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 06/2010): Rs.0.7497 cr______

6 Date since under AIBP: 1996-97 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.39.2703cr______

7 Outlay (State) : _ __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.0.7497 cr______06/2010 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. __-___ 20 Internal Constraints : Delay in transportation of construction materials. 9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-3-2010:Rs.26.0086cr______

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs .NIL____ 21 External Constraints: Delay in land 2010-2011 acquisition . Law &Order situation. 11 CLA I Release: Rs. ____

Date: ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 3/2010 Potential 7600 ha 3094 ha. 0 3094 ha. created ha. Potential 7600 ha. 3094 ha. 0 3094 ha created under AIBP 162

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form

Sr.no76. Project Name: _Gumti Medium Irrigation project______

State : __Tripura ______

State Code : ___23______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: __2302______Project Cost: Rs. 83.01 Cr.

1 Half Year Code: 022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion---2011------

2 Original Cost: Rs.588.00 Cr. 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / -2011-12

3 Date (Original Cost): --1979------15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs..83.01 Cr. 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.60.5397 Cr.

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __09-10-2009_____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. Nil

6 Date since under AIBP: __1996-96___ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.36.4197 Cr.

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. Nil 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.22.5427 Cr. 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. Nil 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition 2010-11 problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

a. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2010 Potential created 9800 ha. 6814 ha. 0 6814 ha. Potential. Created AIBP 9800 ha. 6814 ha. 0 6814 ha.


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Khowai Medium Irrigation Project ______

State : _ Tripura______

State Code : ______23______Yearly Code: 2011-12______

Project Code: __2303______Project Cost: Rs._91.641______crores

1 Half Year Code: _022010_ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- 03//2010

2 Original Cost: Rs.7.10 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : /03/2011

3 Date (Original Cost): 20.3.1980______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.91.641 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs.118.992cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) :19/2009______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-11): Rs .NIL ______

6 Date since under AIBP: 1996-97 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.82.002 cr ______

7 Outlay (State) : _ ___-_____ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): _ _NIL______2010-11 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. _-______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-3-2010:Rs.29.73cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs .NIL______21 External Constraints:Land acquisition 2010-11 problem. Law & Order situation.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 9/2010 Potential 9320 ha 8353 ha. 0 8353 ha. created ha. Potential 9320 ha. 8353 ha. 0 8353 ha. created Under AIBP 164

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Arjun Sahayak Pariyojana (U.P) ______

State : _ U.P______

State Code : ______24______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: ______2401______Project Cost: Rs._806.50______crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- 03//2013

2 Original Cost: Rs.806.50 cr___ 14 Revised Date of Completion : / /

3 Date (Original Cost): 2009______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.___-______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs.17.00cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : __-____ 17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/11): Rs.188.1277 cr ______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2009-10______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.17.00 cr ______

7 Outlay (State) : _Rs.20.790 Cr.______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): _Rs.188.1277 cr______03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 187.128 Cr.______20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-3-2010:Rs.24.30cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.178.128 cr______21 External Constraints: Land acquisition and 2010-11 fund problem.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 9/2010 Potential 44381 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 44381 ha 0 0 0 created AIBP 165

Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: _Kachnoda Dam Project______

State : __U.P. ______

State Code : ___24______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: _____2402_____ Project Cost: Rs. 423.45 Cr.

1 Half Year Code: 022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion-03/2012- 2 Original Cost: Rs.88.67 Cr. 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / -

3 Date (Original Cost): ------N.A.------15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs..423.45 Cr. 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.66.13 Cr. 5 Date (Revised Cost) : _25-06-2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs.34.50 Cr.

6 Date since under AIBP: _2009-10____ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.40.00 Cr. 7 Outlay (State): Rs. _138.00 Cr.___ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 60.63 Cr. 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - 20 Internal Constraints : The head regulator and the 2010-11 canal system is likely to get delayed.

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 40.00 Cr. 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs.31.05 Cr. 21 External Constraints: Fund appears to be 2010-11 major constraint, adequate fund need to be provided. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

a. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 03/2011 Potential created 10850 ha.. 0 0 0 Potential. Created AIBP 10850 ha. 0. 0 0


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Modernisation of Lahchura Dam Project (U.P) ______

State : _ U.P______

State Code : ______24______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: _____2403______Project Cost: Rs._299.36______crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- 03//2011

2 Original Cost: Rs.8.52 cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : / /

3 Date (Original Cost): 1980______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.299.36 cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (upto 31/3/2010): Rs.181.1619cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) : 08/2009______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/11): Rs.67.8872 cr ______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2005-06______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010): Rs.181.1619 cr ______

7 Outlay (State) : _Rs. 91.55 cr ______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year): Rs.67.8877 cr______Up to 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. __-____ 20 Internal Constraints :

9 Total CLA/CA released Up to 31-3-2011:Rs.28.381cr______

10 CLA/CA released: (current year): Rs. Nil______21 External Constraints: Fund problem.

11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Upto 9/2010 Potential 14575 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 14575 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Sonua Reservoir Project ______

State : ___Jharkhand______

State Code : ______33______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: ___3301______Project Cost:Rs.82.65_____crores

1 Half Year Code: __022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / /2011-

2 Original Cost:Rs.8.92cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____ / / __

3 Date (Original Cost): 1982______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.82.65cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.73.4386cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) :2006______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-11) : Rs NIL______

6 Date since under AIBP: 1997-98______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs. 51.9272cr______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. ___-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. NIL______2010-11 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs.9.21cr______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11 9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.13.3035cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. _NIL______21 External Constraints: Land acquisition and 2010-11 resettlement &rehabilitation problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 8008 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 8008 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP

168 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Panchkher Reservoir Project______

State : ___Jharkhand, Ranchi______

State Code : ______33______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: __3302______Project Cost:Rs.75.68_____crores

1 Half Year Code: _022010_ 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 2010-2011

2 Original Cost:Rs.9.55cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____ / 2011-2012_

3 Date (Original Cost): 1986______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.75.68cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.67.6981cr ______

5 Date (Revised Cost) :2006 ______17 Total Expenditure current (up to ) : Rs. _Nil______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2004-05______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.46.6571 ______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. __-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. NIL______2010-11 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 8.00cr______20 Internal Constraints : - 2010-11 9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 8.242cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. _NIL______21 External Constraints: Land acquisition and R&R Issues. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 3085 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 3085 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP

169 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Gumani Barrage Project ______

State : ___Jharkhand______

State Code : ______33______Yearly Code: __2011-12______

Project Code: ___3303______Project Cost:Rs.185.76_____crores

1 Half Year Code: ____022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- /2006-07-

2 Original Cost:Rs.3.8399cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____ / 2011-12__

3 Date (Original Cost): 1976______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.185.76cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.149.053cr______

5 Date (Revised Cost) :2010______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-11) : Rs .NIL______

6 Date since under AIBP: 1997-98______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs. 125.010cr______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _-______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. NIL______2010-11 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. _-______20 Internal Constraints : Delay in tendering work of barrage head regulator gate portion. 9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.31.402cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. _NIL______21 External Constraints: Land acquisition 2010-11 problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 16194 ha 0 0 0 created ha. Potential 16194 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP

170 Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Sr. no.84 Project Name: Uppersankh Reservoir Project______

State : ___Jharkhand, Ranchi______

State Code : ______33______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: ___3304______Project Cost:Rs.141.19_____crores

1 Half Year Code: ___022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion- / 2010-2011

2 Original Cost:Rs.9.91cr______14 Revised Date of Completion : _____ / 2012-13_

3 Date (Original Cost): 1987______15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.141.19cr______16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.127.13cr ______

5 Date (Revised Cost) :2006 ______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 2010-11) : Rs. NIL______

6 Date since under AIBP: 2004-05______18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.75.0042 Cr. ______

7 Outlay (State): Rs. 1.41cr ______19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. NIL______2010-11 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. 14.06cr______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11 9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs. 15.11cr______

10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. _NIL______21 External Constraints: Naxal menace and land acquisition problem. 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code:

Time Overrun Code:

B. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Potential 7069 ha 0 0 0 created ha Potential 7069 ha. 0 0 0 created AIBP


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form Project Name: Surangi Reservoir Project______

State : _Jharkhand______

State Code : ___33______Yearly Code: _2011-12______

Project Code: ___3305______Project Cost: Rs. 41.173 Cr.

1 Half Year Code: 022010 12 CLA II Release: Rs.______

Date: ______

13. Original date of completion—2010-11------

2 Original Cost:Rs.4.6030 Cr. 14 Revised Date of Completion: _/ /2012-13-

3 Date (Original Cost): ------1987------15 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs..41.173 Cr. 16 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2010):Rs.35.3597 Cr.

5 Date (Revised Cost) : _2002______17 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2011) : Rs. Nil

6 Date since under AIBP: ___1997-98__ 18 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2010) :Rs.29.8856 Cr.

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _5.02979_Cr.__ 19 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. Nil 03/2011 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______20 Internal Constraints : 2010-11

9 Total CLA&CA released Up to 31-03-2010 :Rs.26.5688 Cr. 10 CLA&CA released: (current year): Rs. Nil 21 External Constraints: Land acquisition, R&R 2010-11 and Naxal menace are main problems 11 CLA I Release: ______

Date : ______

Cost Overrun Code: Time Overrun Code:

b. Physical Benefits Previous (Current Data may be filled in) PB Code Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2010) (2010-11) Up to 03/2011 Potential created .2601 ha. 0 0 0 Potential. Created AIBP 2601 ha. 0. 0 0


Ministry of Statistics & PI IPMD (AIBP) – Data Entry Form

Exception Report As on ……………….

Sr. no. Project Name: ______

State : ______State Code : ______Project Code: ______

Yearly Code: ______Project Cost: Rs...... Crore

1 Half Year Code: 022011 11 Original date of completion------

2 Original Cost:Rs. ______12 Revised Date of Completion: _/ / -

3 Date (Original Cost): ------13 Status of Completion (%): ______

4 Revised Cost: Rs.. ______14 Total Expenditure Last (up to 31/3/2011):Rs.

5 Date (Revised Cost) : ______15 Total Expenditure current (up to 03/2012) : Rs.

6 Date since under AIBP: _____ 16 Total Expenditure (AIBP) (up to 31/3/2011) :Rs.

7 Outlay (State): Rs. _-______17 Expenditure (AIBP) (current year) : Rs. 03/2012 8 Outlay (AIBP): Rs. - ______18 Internal Constraints : 2011-12

9 Total CLA&CA/Grant released Up to 31-03-2011 :Rs. ______10 CLA&CA/Grant released: (current year): Rs. ______19 External Constraints: 2011-12

a. Physical Benefits Previous / Current Data may be filled in Potential Target Previous Achievement Achievement Total (Hectare) (up to 31-03-2011) (2011-12) Upto ………. Potential created . Potential. Created AIBP .