The Concept of Justice Under the Pure Law Of
THE CONCEPT OF JUSTICE UNDER THE PURE LAW OF HANS KELSEN IN RELEVANCE TO LAW ENFORCEMENT IN INDONESIA Summary of Dissertation By: Arry Mth. Soekowathy R. STUDENT NUMBER: 04/1592/PS POST-GRADUATE SCHOOL GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY 2012 1 Acknowledgements Dear gentlemen the members of the examination team, Dear ladies and gentlemen the elders, Dear father, mother, friends, family, relatives and ladies and gentlemen as well, Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. May I with humility express my best wishes and appreciation for the presence of Ladies and Gentlemen who have the pleasure to attend this open examination to defend the dissertation in this beloved campus. I ask for your blessing and prayer, Ladies and Gentlemen, in order that I am granted with spacious thinking and smoothness in this open examination. I also hope that your blessing and prayer will be useful good deeds. Hopefully, my dissertation contributes to the development of philosophy. This dissertation is a form of my love for our beloved alma mater. Thanks to my wife and my children who enthusiastically provide me support to complete my dissertation, Dorina Windyastuti, Zafir Tiurmila Thiara, Zhulfa Sukma Wikan, Zhuba Aqsa Agastya, Zhabatin Ningga Gupita, Zhasmita Khalisa Bastin and Widi Atmaja Azza. Finally, let me both personally and on behalf of the family, to express the endless gratitude to Ladies and Gentlemen who have been present in this respectable forum. Yogyakarta, November 2012 2 The Tim of Promotors and Examiners Prof. Dr. Soejadi HR, SH, SU Prof. Dr. H. Lasiyo, MA., MM Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Ghofur Anshori, SH, MH Prof.
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