Next Generation Massively Parallel Sequencing of Targeted

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Next Generation Massively Parallel Sequencing of Targeted ARTICLE Next generation massively parallel sequencing of targeted exomes to identify genetic mutations in primary ciliary dyskinesia: Implications for application to clinical testing Jonathan S. Berg, MD, PhD1,2, James P. Evans, MD, PhD1,2, Margaret W. Leigh, MD3, Heymut Omran, MD4, Chris Bizon, PhD5, Ketan Mane, PhD5, Michael R. Knowles, MD2, Karen E. Weck, MD1,6, and Maimoona A. Zariwala, PhD6 Purpose: Advances in genetic sequencing technology have the potential rimary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive to enhance testing for genes associated with genetically heterogeneous Pdisorder involving abnormalities of motile cilia, resulting in clinical syndromes, such as primary ciliary dyskinesia. The objective of a range of manifestations including situs inversus, neonatal this study was to investigate the performance characteristics of exon- respiratory distress at full-term birth, recurrent otitis media, capture technology coupled with massively parallel sequencing for chronic sinusitis, chronic bronchitis that may result in bronchi- 1–3 clinical diagnostic evaluation. Methods: We performed a pilot study of ectasis, and male infertility. The disorder is genetically het- four individuals with a variety of previously identified primary ciliary erogeneous, rendering molecular diagnosis challenging given dyskinesia mutations. We designed a custom array (NimbleGen) to that mutations in nine different genes (DNAH5, DNAH11, capture 2089 exons from 79 genes associated with primary ciliary DNAI1, DNAI2, KTU, LRRC50, RSPH9, RSPH4A, and TX- dyskinesia or ciliary function and sequenced the enriched material using NDC3) account for only approximately 1/3 of PCD cases.4 the GS FLX Titanium (Roche 454) platform. Bioinformatics analysis DNAH5 and DNAI1 account for the majority of known muta- was performed in a blinded fashion in an attempt to detect the previ- tions, and the other genes each account for a small number of ously identified mutations and validate the process. Results: Three of the remaining cases.5,6 Electron microscopy can reveal the three substitution mutations and one of three small insertion/deletion presence of defective dynein arms or other axonemal compo- mutations were readily identified using this methodology. One small nents, and immunohistochemistry can suggest the loss of spe- insertion mutation was clearly observed after adjusting the bioinformat- cific proteins,4 but in most cases, it is impossible to distinguish ics handling of previously described SNPs. This process failed to detect between patients with different genetic etiologies. Thus, from a two known mutations: one single-nucleotide insertion and a whole-exon diagnostic standpoint, it would be advantageous to engage in deletion. Additional retrospective bioinformatics analysis revealed multiplex testing of multiple genes for causative mutations. strong sequence-based evidence for the insertion but failed to detect the Such an approach could also be readily adapted for gene dis- whole-exon deletion. Numerous other variants were also detected, covery because the known involvement of ciliary genes in PCD which may represent potential genetic modifiers of the primary ciliary suggests numerous “candidate genes,” which are likely to play dyskinesia phenotype. Conclusions: We conclude that massively par- a role in cases of PCD without identifiable mutations. allel sequencing has considerable potential for both research and clinical Recent advancements in massively parallel sequencing (so- diagnostics, but further development is required before widespread called “next-generation sequencing”) are revolutionizing ge- adoption in a clinical setting. Genet Med 2011:13(3):218–229. netic research7–12 and demonstrate potential in clinical diagnos- 8,10,11,13–17 Key Words: next-generation sequencing, exon-capture, molecular di- tics. Because of the genetic heterogeneity in PCD, we agnostic testing, primary ciliary dyskinesia, clinical genetics investigated the performance characteristics of NimbleGen-tar- geted exon capture followed by massively parallel sequencing using Roche 454 technology18 for detection of genetic variants From the Departments of 1Genetics, 2Medicine, and 3Pediatrics, the Univer- in known and candidate PCD genes. We envision this technol- sity of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; 4Depart- ogy as a hybrid platform capable of being used in the clinical ment of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University Hospital, Freiburg, diagnostic setting and in the research setting for those patients 5 Germany; The Renaissance Computing Institute, the University of North with no mutations in known PCD genes. Carolina Chapel Hill; and 6Department of Pathology and Laboratory Med- icine, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North In this pilot study, we analyzed four patients with PCD in Carolina. whom disease-causing mutations (three substitution mutations, three small insertion/deletion mutations, and one whole-exon Jonathan S. Berg, MD, PhD, Department of Genetics, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Room 5092 Genetics Medicine Building, CB# deletion) were known. One of the patients had only one muta- 7264, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7264. E-mail: [email protected]. tion identified previously, and we hoped to detect a second Disclosure: Karen E. Weck is a consultant for Roche Diagnostics. The other deleterious mutation. We expected a high detection rate for authors declare no conflict of interest. nonsense, small insertion/deletion, and missense mutations that were previously identified in the patient samples, but we rec- Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of ognized that this approach might fail to detect whole-exon this article on the journal’s Web site ( deletions. We anticipated the discovery of “variants of uncertain Submitted for publication July 23, 2010. significance” and “false positive” results, and we were inter- ested in exploring the reasons for “false negative” results. The Accepted for publication October 26, 2010. systematic analysis and troubleshooting of such results is a Published online ahead of print January 25, 2011. necessary prerequisite to the implementation of robust genomic DOI: 10.1097/GIM.0b013e318203cff2 analysis in the clinical arena. 218 Genetics IN Medicine • Volume 13, Number 3, March 2011 Genetics IN Medicine • Volume 13, Number 3, March 2011 Next-generation sequencing for clinical diagnosis MATERIALS AND METHODS known single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) from dbSNP 130. For identification of possible splice site mutations, we Patients and family members calculated the distance of each variant to the nearest intron-exon The patients were enrolled in a study of clinical and molec- junction and then selected variants occurring within the last two ular aspects of PCD1 approved by the Institutional Review nucleotides of an exon and first five nucleotides of the donor Board at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (study intron, or within the last five nucleotides of the intron and the no. 05-2979). DNA was prepared by salt extraction from lym- first nucleotide of the acceptor exon. Further characterization of phoblastoid cell lines (patients 475 and 1205) or blood samples missense mutations was performed on selected variants using evo- (patients 998 and 1072). DNA quality was measured by ultra- lutionary conservation and prediction of pathogenicity with Poly- violet spectrometry (A260/280 ratios between 1.84 and 1.89 for Phen.20,21 PCR amplification and follow-up Sanger sequencing of all samples) and gel electrophoresis. The sample from patient newly identified candidate mutations were performed. 475 had a small amount of degradation but was deemed accept- able for use. None of the patients came from consanguineous Statistical analysis families. Tables of variants were organized using Microsoft Excel. Statistical analysis and graphing were performed using Graph- Exon-capture design, enrichment, and sequencing Pad Prism (version 5.0b). We designed a custom oligonucleotide microarray (Nimble- Gen) to capture 2089 exons of 79 genes known to be associated with PCD or candidate genes based on function/expression in RESULTS cilia/flagella of human or model organisms (Tables, Supplemen- Previous characterization of disease-causing tal Digital Contents 1 and 2, mutations in patients with PCD and The final targeted region Our group has performed extensive analysis of selected included 510,558 base pairs (bp; 95.6%) with an offset of 0 bases genes in patients with PCD and family members. For this study, or 520,838 base pairs (97.5%) with an offset of 100 bases. DNA four previously characterized patients were selected based on samples from each of the patients were sent to Roche and subjected qualitatively different types of mutations in three PCD genes to capture and 454 sequencing according to standard operating (summarized in Table 1). procedures. Roche performed mapping, alignment, and variant detection against the human National Center for Biotechnology ● Patient 475: Sanger sequencing of DNAH11, WDR63, Information (NCBI). Build 36 reference genome using the GS RSHL1, RSPH3, RSPH4A, DNAH5, and selected exons of Reference Mapper software package.19 Samples from patients 475 DNAI1 revealed compound heterozygous mutations in and 998 underwent an additional round of sequencing
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