ORDER Granting 145 Stipulation for Extension of Time
Bock, LLC v. Steelman et al Doc. 151 1 David J. Larson, Esq. John F. Palladino, Esq. dlarson@wwhgd.com john@hankinsandman.com 2 Nevada Bar No. 8837 Evan M. Labov, Esq. Ryan T. Gormley, Esq. evanl@hankinsandman.com 3 rgormley@wwhgd.com Sean P. Higgins, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 13494 seanh@hankinsandman.com 4 WEINBERG, WHEELER, HUDGINS, HANKIN SANDMAN PALLADINO GUNN & DIAL, LLC WEINTROB & BELL, P.C. 5 6385 South Rainbow Blvd., Suite 400 30 South New York Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 Atlantic City, NJ 08401 6 Telephone: (702) 938-3838 Telephone: (609) 344-5161 7 Local Counsel for Plaintiff, Pro Hac Counsel for Plaintiff, Ernest Bock L.L.C. Ernest Bock L.L.C. 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 10 ERNEST BOCK, L.L.C., 11 Plaintiff, 12 vs. Case No.: 2:19-cv-01065-JAD-EJY 13 PAUL STEELMAN, individually; MARYANN 14 STEELMAN, individually; PAUL STEELMAN, 15 as trustee of the Steelman Asset Protection Trust; MARYANN STEELMAN, as trustee of the 16 Steelman Asset Protection Trust; JIM MAIN, as trustee of the Steelman Asset Protection Trust; 17 STEPHEN STEELMAN; SUZANNE 18 STEELMAN-TAYLOR; PAUL STEELMAN as trustee of the Paul C. Steelman and Maryann T. 19 Steelman Revocable Living Trust; MARYANN JOINT STIPULATION SETTING STEELMAN, as trustee of the Paul C. Steelman ANSWER DEADLINE FOR CERTAIN 20 and Maryann T. Steelman Revocable Living Trust; DEFENDANTS 21 PAUL STEELMAN, as the trustee of the Paul (First Request to Set Answer Deadlines) Steelman Gaming Asset Protection Trust; 22 KEEPSAKE, INC.; SMMR, LLC; SMMR, LLC, 23 SERIES A-Z; SSSSS, LLC; SSSSS, LLC, SERIES B; CHRISTIANIA, LLC; CHRISTIANIA, LLC, 24 SERIES A-Z; COMPETITION INTERACTIVE, LLC; PAUL STEELMAN, LTD.; STEELMAN 25 PARTNERS, LLP; PAUL STEELMAN DESIGN 26 GROUP, INC.; SAPT HOLDINGS, LLC, SERIES B; AARON SQUIRES; and MATTHEW 27 MAHANEY, 28 Defendants.
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