Consolidated Contents of Journal

Volumes 1-3; Spring, 2016 - Fall, 2018

Compiled by, and Copyright © 2019 by Dale H. Cook

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[email protected] Revised March 24, 2019

As this file was created for my own use a few words about the format of the entries are in order. The entries are listed by MJ volume. Each volume is preceded by the volume number and year in boldface.

The first line of an entry for an article shows the MJ pages for that article found in that volume. The second line lists the title. The third line lists the author.

I have listed only articles with genealogical or historical content of interest to the genealogical researcher. I have not included articles such as "Book Reviews." Volume 1 (2016)

1 (2016):1:13-40 Revisiting the Archaeology of the Pilgrims: The Archaeological Survey David B. Landon and Christa M. Beranek

1 (2016):1:41-50 Pilgrim Images James W. Baker

1 (2016):1:51-72 Empty Promises: Plymouth Colony’s Kennebec Fur Monopoly Roger Bradley

1 (2016):1:73-80 From the GSMD Archives - The Ledger of Paul Sturtevant (1767-1824), A Mayflower Descendant Through Allerton, Priest and Warren Susan E. Roser

1 (2016):1:81-84 Saving A National Treasure: Mayflower II Restoration Project Aims to Keep America’s Beloved Ship Sailing into the Future Kate Sheehan

1 (2016):1:85-88 Exhibit Review: "Dwelling House and Meeting House: Plymouth Colony Architecture, 1620-1720" Walter L Powell.

1 (2016):1:92-94 Corrections and Additions to Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: , Volume 23, Part 1 and Part 2 Charles Martin Ward, Jr.

1 (2016):2:13-21 Pilgrim Images II James W. Baker

1 (2016):2:22-28 The Probable Origins of Sara Reader, First Fife of Robert Cushman, Chief Agent of the Mayflower Pilgrims Michael R. Paulick and Robert C. Cushman

1 (2016):2:29-38 Discussion of Previously Unpublished 1656 Memorandum of Josiah Winslow at the Massachusetts Historical Society Rebecca Fraser

1 (2016):2:39-67 Some Thoughts on the Books and Libraries of Plymouth Colony, In Connection With the Publication of Plymouth Colony’s Private Libraries Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs

1 (2016):2:68-69 New Light on Josian, Daughter of Master Christopher Jones of the Mayflower Harry Black

1 (2016):2:71 Corrections to Mayflower Journal, Vol. 1

1 (2016):2:72-74 Correction to MF 15:87: The Family of Elizabeth (Wade) Harden: A Descendant

1 (2016):2:76-78 Robert Cushman of Judith Haddock Swan Volume 2 (2017)

2 (2017):1:7-19 Pilgrim Images III James W. Baker

2 (2017):1:20-44 Inventing the Pilgrims in American Literature Dr. Kari Miller

2 (2017):1:45-51 New Light on the Old Town Records Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs

2 (2017):1:52-82 Battlefields of the Pequot War: New Historical and Archaeological Approaches Kevin McBride, David Naumec and Ashley Bissonnette

2 (2017):1:84-86 Corrections and Additions to Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: , Vol. 12; MFIP William Brewster Judith H. Swan and Susan E. Roser

2 (2017):1:88-89 Update from the Fiske Center for Archaeological Research David Landon and Christa Beranek

2 (2017):2:11-24 Luther Among the Pilgrims? Jeremy Dupertuis Bangs

2 (2017):2:25-37 Pilgrim Images IV James W. Baker

2 (2017):2:38-44 Roger Wilson, Sandwich, Kent - An Early and Important Pilgrim in 1608 Michael R. Paulick

2 (2017):2:52-57 Preliminary Results of the 2017 Archaeological Survey at the House Lot Alexandra Crowder, David Landon and Christa Beranek

2 (2017):2:58-61 Newly Recovered Pequot War Artifacts from the Siege and Battle of Saybrook Fort (1636-1637) Kevin McBride and David Naumec

2 (2017):2:62-65 Oxford Burial Hill, Place of the Cooke Family Burials? Muriel Curtis Cushing

2 (2017):2:67-70 Corrections and Additions to Mayflower Families: Francis Eaton, Vol. 9; Francis Cooke, Vol. 12; William White, Vol. 13; , Vol. 11 Judith H. Swan and Susan E. Roser Volume 3 (2018)

3 (2013):1:7-17 Josiah2 Winslow, Harvard Man Peggy M. Baker

3 (2013):1:18-24 Mary/Polly Fuller Who Married Simon Davis, Jr. Was a Daughter of Archippus Fuller and Maria (Rider) Churchill Margaret Bobertz

3 (2013):1:25-32 Daniel Alonzo Boynton9: An Alden and Soule Line Utilizing Online Records Michael Collins

3 (2013):1:33-47 Life in a 17th-Century House: An Archaeological Study of Domestic Activities and Spaces at the Alden Family First Home Caroline Gardiner

3 (2013):1:48-62 "Speak for Yourself, Longfellow" Kari Miller

3 (2013):1:63-79 Bartholomew Allerton - A Witness to the English Civil War David A. Furlow

3 (2013):1:81 The 1625 Death of Pilgrim Robert Cushman in Benenden, Kent Michael R. Paulick and Robert C. Cushman

3 (2013):1:82-85 Cape Cod's Oldest Shipwreck? Investigates the Mystery of the Sparrow-Hawk

3 (2013):1:87-91 Corrections and Additions to Mayflower Families Thomas Rogers and George Soule Peggy M. Baker and Louise Walsh Throop

3 (2013):2:7-23 Pilgrim Images V James W. Baker

3 (2013):2:24-50 Bartholomew Allerton: A Witness to the English Civil War Part II: A Minister to Bramfield, Suffolk, 1644-1658 David A. Furlow

3 (2013):2:51-61 The Search for the Parents of James Crossman of Dorchester and Shrewsbury, Massachusetts Joseph C. Anderson II

3 (2013):2:62-70 Pilgrim Robert Cushman, A Chronology, 1577-1625 Michael R. Paulick and Robert C. Cushman

3 (2013):2:71-79 The Discovery of Robert Cushman’s Hubbarde Grandparents Michael R. Paulick and Robert C. Cushman

3 (2013):2:71-92 Spending time in a Pilgrim's Home David P. Russo

3 (2013):2:93-96 The Search for the Pilgrin Home-Site in Duxbury, MA Mark Jacobson 3 (2013):2:99-102 Corrections and Additions to Mayflower Families Silver Books: James Chilton, , Stephen Hopkins Judith H. Swan, John Bradley Arthaud and Susan E. Roser