3 The Courier-Gazette i s Entered as Second Class Mall Mattel Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, February 14, 1939 THREE CENTS A COPY V olum e 9 4 ...... Number 19.

[EDITORIAL] '[ "The Black Cat” ! “SPRING-FEVER” IS HERE SUPERIOR COURT CONVENES FORGET THE POLITICS Editor A morning newspaper yesterday carried an editorial of WM. O FULLER I Associate Editor The February term of Knox without being properly registered. considerable length commenting upon the alleged collapse of FRANK A WINSLOW 0 County Superior Court opened this State vs. Maynard Gardner Of the Townsend movement in Maine, and the effect it might Suhecrlpt.lons *3.W per year pay; hie morning with Justice Herbert T Port Clyde, operating a motor ve­ have upon the State's political leadership as between Con­ In advance; slngl- copies three ceres Powers of Fort Fairfield presiding gressman Brewster of the Third District and Congressman Adee-t's‘n« r«’es hssed upon circula­ 4 - r - f hicle for the transportation of prop­ tion and very reasonable Prayer offered by Rev. Charles erty for hire on a public highway Oliver of the First District. The latter was seen in a more NEWSPAPER HISTORY A. Marstaller of the Littlefield strategic position by virtue of the fact that he had evinced Tire Rockland Gazette was estab- between Thomaston and Port Clyd». 'ish d in 1846 In 1874 the Courier w.is Memorial Church. E. T. Richardson without a permit from the Public a willingness to go along with the General Welfare Bill, which established and eonsolld ted with the 1 . seems to have a better chance of success than the Townsend Gazette In 188? The Free Press was of Portland Is stenographer. Utilities Commission. e -abllshed In 1855 and In 1891 changed Bill according to the editorial. Brewster has placed all of his The grand Jury entered at once State vs. Grover Bostick of Rock­ Its t.atne to the Tribune. These paper ; eggs in the Townsend basket, and if the latter movement roiuoUdated March 17. 1897 upon the duties of its second term, land, illegal possession of three crumbles in Maine he would apparently be a .sufferer thereby. but the traverse jury will not re­ money-in-slot machines, in a store port until Thursday. Incidentally it might place him in a somewhat awkward at 105 Main street, same to be used | By The Roving Reporter * ••• To really know oneself Is sure ■- Views differ as to the probable for gambling. position relative to his canvass for the United States Sena­ :o make a modest person ♦ length of the term some opening torial nomination, besides endangering his leadership status. State vs. Alden Stover of Rock­ ■» —War Cry ♦ that it will last well Into next week, This speculation is all very interesting, but what the situ­ ■* land on a charge of assault and bat- I don't like to be a crepe hanger, while others think it will do well ation needs is action in behalf of the aged and the needy— M t 1 tery on Charles Seaman Nov. 8. but one month from tomorrow Is to outlast the present week. action while the aged and needy are still on earth to enjoy your last day for filing your income FIND THAT FISII • • • • j 1938. its advantages. The proposition to pay $60 a month will tax report. The Divorce Entries State vs. Harold C. Starblrd of Portugal Wants To Hear From a impress many persons as more likely to succeed than the The following divorce cases have Waldoboro, operating a motor vehic:p Townsend idea of $200 a month. But the Republican party The Biblical cake has not been Tuna Tagged By .The Fi-htriea been entered since the last term of on a public highway, to wit Route 1 D e p a rtm e n t is committed to action which will benefit this class of people forgotten Writing from Phipps­ court: I at Warren, while under the influ­ and should make good on its promise to bring about the most burg, Mrs. Harold E. Seavey says: ' Verna E Robishaw from Clarence According to a letter received by Appearing in the play are. front ."heart interest,' by Victoria Anas- ence of Intoxicating liquor. reasonable assistance possible. And for that matter tliere Dear Pussy Cat: Myrtle Seavey. age the New Brunswick Bureau of In-I l0W left 10__ r*8ht:...... Owpn...... Allen,. | tasla; and Vivian George...... Vies...... I J. Robishaw of Rockland, married State vs. Milton L. Damage of shouldn't be any politics ln the matter anyhow. Right Is right, 14, of Cape Newagen, and Squirrel Charles Libby and Wilbur Dorr; khl.' b>’ Beverly Bowden. Barbara at Thomaston April 10, 1030. Hard- Rockland, cliarged with operating a regardless of the party label. Point Light Station, suggest you im­ formation from the consuls for . . .i l . , „ j second row: V.ctoria Anastasia, j Bartlett characterizes Mrs. Spang- ing for libellant. 1 motor vehicle on a public highway, prove your Biblical cake by addin; Portuga! at Saint John and Mon- Bpyprly Bowden and Barbara Bart- >*r the landlady of the boy's room- Beatrice E. Stone of Lincolnville to wit Route 1 at Thomaston, reck­ Genesis 19:26 (salt). treal, the Department ot Fisheries iett; third row: Carlton Wooster. *ng house. Mr and Mrs. Purcell, from Everett Raymond Stone of lessly, so that the lives of others UNEMPLOYMENT STILL HERE It was only yesterday that we saw of that country is making a study Nathalie Edwards, William Bicknell, PlaJ'cd by Carlton Wooster and North Haven, married at North Ha- were in danger on Dec. 18. 1938. those startling headlines: "Battle­ of the migration of the tuna and to Lt ura Pomeroy. Perry Howard and Betty Beach, are Anne's wealthy ven Dec. 25. 1926. Montgomery & State vs. Andrew A. O'Neil of We were assured by the Administration, long ago, that ship Maine sunk in Havana harbor ' facilitate the work has had a num- Bctty Beach “ adde present*d ,OUlmor for llbellant Rockland, single sale of one pint ol unemployment w*as on the way out, and that idleness would Come to think it was 41 years ago her Of these ftah marked the The Junlor Class Play' "Spring 1by Nathalie Edwards, is Howard's James E. Sprague from Nettie E whiskey on Feb. 5, 1939. eventually disappear. But we are growing no better fast to marking t a L e c i s ^ consistin'- 1 P w r" wW pre ented WednesJa> ’P‘nS* r * T f,r°m Californla ” «> Spra^w of Rockland, married at use a hackneyed phrase. In New York the other day 4000 tomorrow. What a sensation! of a rnmTdUc a t t X d to a wire and Thursday at the Hlgh School; to make a favorable Impression Rockland Oct. 18. 1924. Wilbur for women swarmed the Coast Artillery armory seeking 12 civil Some residents of Talbot avenue of a mttal d ie attached to a wire auditorum The play u a presen-!uP°n Professor Virgil Bean of the libellant A Blueberry Bill service jobs as laboratory helpers at a salary of $18.46 a week. have not forgotten the time two tied to the tail of the fish. In other tation of college life, and the department portrayed by Norma s. Smith from Robert C. It would seem from that as though some unemployment cars collided at the corner of Union instances the disc has been affixed scenes take place ln a boy's room- Allen. Charles Libby capably pf married at Which Would Tend To In­ existed. street and one was so badly dam­ to the second dorsal fin by means . ing-house. handles the role of Dr. Dixon, the o------o o aged that the gasoline ran out into of a metal disc, attached to a wire „ ‘ , Rockland, March 12, 1938. Smalley crease Demand Through Howaid Brant, a senior at Brook President of Brookfield College. the gutter, and down hill toward scribed with these words: "Aquario for libellant. Proper Publicity REDUCE BRIDGE TOLLS field College. Is played by William These all combine to form a hll- the brook A man coming down Lisboa. Portugal. 1938.'* Emma H. Burns from David H. Bicknell. Ed Burns, a pal of How- arious farce, presented under the The Lewiston Journal asks the pertinent question as to the opposite hill viewed the inci­ Seeking the cooperation cf fish­ Burns of Rockport, marrie d at Tlie Maine blueberry Industry, al­ ard's who is a Chemistry student al>'e directorship of Allston Smith, whether Maine will get half toll rates on the Carleton bridge, dent with interest, saw Commander ermen in other countries, the de­ gasmen Germany, July 11, 1929. ways hampered by a restricted is portrayed by Wilbur Dorr. Room- ,a member of the faculty, and adds that the arguments seem reasonable. And to us it Snow cautioning the school chil­ partment requests that should they Smalley for libellant. I market, will strive to make Ameri­ ing with them Is Perry Howard, who) seems eminently fitting that the generation which worked dren about something, calmly light­ catch any fish bearing the disc ca blueberry conscious if a bill In­ takes tlie part of Vtc Lewis, an art Dorothy Perrin of Camden from so hard for what was believed to be an impossibility should ed a pipe and threw the blazing they return it to Aquario Vasco da He Was Suffocated troduced to the Legislature last student. The part of Lou Herron. Walter C. Perrin of Portland, mar­ derive advantages which could be brought about by a reduc­ match into the ditch. When the Gama. Lisboa. Portugal, along with ried June 15. 1926. Smalley for week by Senator Clarence B. Beck­ Ed's girl, is presented by Laura tion of the toll rate. excitement subsided an hour or two a statement showing the place, Philip Somerville, Former libellant ett of Calais becomes a law. Pomeroy; Anne Purcell, Howard': O------O 0 later the car was a wreck and the date and hour of capture A prize Beckett's bill, presented, he said, Rockland Teacher, a V ic-* Kathl<*n Burkett from John paint had been burned off the Is offered by the Portuguese au­ a at the insistence of representative STAND FOR DEFENSE Burkett of Rockland, married at growers, shippers and canners, northern end of Commander Snow's thorities to all fishermen who send tun In Portland Sunday Dover, N. H., July 4. 1935. Smalley would impose a tax of " a fraction We are gratified to note that the Republican forces in residence. Gasoline rather objects ln a disc for libellant. FOOD SERVICE A former Rockland High School • of a cent per pound" on berries Congress have voted to stand as a unit in supporting the pro­ to the presence of lighted matches. in Marguerite W. Jones from Paul posed defense policy. Independence has Its virtue, and the WHY NOT ADVERTISE IN teacher died of suffocation Sun­ raised in Maine for the purpose of Are the radio programs a little A. Jones of Union, married at Republicans should stand by their guns when It is for the THE COURIER-GAZETTE day as flames swept the basement raising a fund that is estimated poorer than they used to be. or do RAINBOW ROOM Dover-Foxcroft Jan. 1, 1933. Smal- would be from $20,000 to $30,000. to public's benefit, but proper defense Is needed tn these days of a mid-town, Portland rooming ]ey for libellant I simply it? At noontime be used for advertising and re­ regardless of which party initiates the proposition. house, driving 12 persons into the Bruno St. Pierre of Rockland we listen to health talks which are COM1QUE THEATRE at Thorndike Hotel search purposes. , for exploitation purposes purely, street and causing slight injuries to from Sophia St Pierre of Augusta, CAMDEN, me. Blueberry men point out that al­ and are not calculated to have an 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. On Our Stage another roomer and a fireman. married at Van Buren Feb 5, 1905 though Maine packs 95 percent of FLYERS OVER MAINE appetizing effect if one> stomach CARUNA The dead man was Philip T. Som- ”p’rr<‘11 libellant. all blueberries canned in the coun­ Why this protest against a Canadian air line flying over Is tender. Or listen to a playlet And Her Fan Dance Business Men’s Special try and is far in the lead of anv erville. 41. a WPA federal archives OUve Farrell Hall of Rockland • * Maine? An international problem, as one of the statesmen of which we only hear half, or silly PLUS ALL GIRL REVUE Lunches, 40c and up other state in the shipment of fresh WEDNESDAY NIGHT ONLY project employe in Portland His from Edward William Hall of Owl's puts It. and purely technical, but ln the eyes of the novice comedians of whom we hear too and frozen berries that the industry body was found slumped ln a corner Head, married at Rockland May 7. it doesn't seem to match up with the "good neighbor" policy j much. It Is certainly a commen­ has suffered from lack of outlets of his basement bedroom. The 1932- Tirrell for libellant, if the permission Is refused. tary on the good programs flames had not touched him. Medi- Leroy D. Perry from Myrtle E that would assure It of a profit [ which were formerly offered cal Examiner Wilbur W. Leighton Ferry of Rockland, married at each year and that would justify PIANO ACCORDION INSTRUCTION reported. ' Rockland Feb. 11. 1911. Burgess for expansion. What has become of that ingeni­ NOT WANTED HERE PRIVATE OR CLASS LESSONS Somerville, a native of Houlton libellant. With the virtual monopoly that ous nuisance known as the tick- tack. which was so popular in my MR. DANNY PATT and son of the late Mr and Mrs Charles W. Leach from Edna G the State enjoys, It Is believed that (Miami Herald) boyhood days. Not popular, how­ ACCORDION SOLOIST AND TEACHER William Somerville, who were Leach of Rockland, married Sept advertising aimed at opening up That Communism does not provide equality, that It does new markets and encouraging the ever, with inmates of lonely houses Now associated with the prominent there, graduated from 24, 1930. Burgess for libellant. not care for the weak and old and the women was the message given to the Miami Acacia Club in an address by Rev Homer Ricker classical institute in 1917 Dorothy M Gray of Camden from use of blueberries among the house­ where those nightly tap­ MAINE MUSIC CO. wives of the country would be ex­ E. Saia of Decatur 111., who had returned from a visit to pings were never fully solved. and Colby College in 1921. He had Leroy M. Gray of Camden, married Soviet Russia. He exploded some of the propaganda put out TEL. 708 FOR FULL INFORMATION ROCKLAND, ME. tremely effective. The advertising 19-21 been employed in Portland for the at Camden Nov. 6. 1921. Charles in this country by the lovers of the Bolshevism, the radicals "In reading The Black Cat past two years. jP. Dwinal for libellant. would also have the effect of stabili­ who are forever scorning conditions under democracy and zing prices, it was pointed out, an telling how fine they are under Communism. column. I was interested ln the Earle A. Starrett of Thomaston question: 'Who can remember the advantage that would be of Im­ Rev. Saia denied that everybody Is employed in Russia from Ethel Crie Starrett of Rich­ and that there ts no idle problem. As a matter of fact, he said, | Oood Templars Lodge in Crockett measurable value to the industry. No Poison Found land Center, Wisconsin, married at the cities are crowded with tens cf thousands of beggars and block 53 years ago?' I was a mem­ ANNUAL JUNIOR CLASS PLAY That blueberries could enjoy an Boston. Mass. April 17. 1934 Tir- poverty is rampant. The unfortunate are left to shift for extremely large demand if they themselves and whether they starve and die means nothing ber and took part in a play called Either In Stomach of Coast rell for libellant. were properly advertised was evi­ to the government. The Anxious Old Maid. Annie Cross Guardsman Or In Sample Enok Plkkarainen of Friendship and her sister whose name I do denced two years ago when the Women must perform heavy manual work along with the “SPRING FEVER from Mary Plkkarainen of Quincy men: the unskilled and the old and the women are not as well not remember—was in the play. I O f Liquor Sent Maine Development Commission WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY, FEB. 15-16 Mass., married at Friendship July off today as they were under the czar, declared Rev Saia, who was the old maid. Annie and her conducted a small test campaign of had visited Russia ln the days of the empire. People arc R. H. S. AUDITORIUM Acute alcoholism caused the death •. 1®37- Burgess for libellant.. advertising. At that time grocers enslaved, regimented, there is no liberty and the spy system sister took part as my sisters My Millicent Snow Swift of Camden dress and bonnet were loaned to CURTAIN 8.15 P. M. ADMISSION 25c AND 40c of Coast Guardsman Charles Bishoff were swamped with orders for the exists everyw here Surely, said the sp eaker, America does not from Frank E. B. Swift of Pough­ want such conditions here, and yet there are those who me by a Mrs. Crockett who lived on according to a report received yes­ Maine fruit. keepsie. N. V., married at Pough- advocate them, who seek to undermine our democracy, who Camden street Many called her terday by Medical Examiner H. J. keepsie Sept. 27. 1923 Z. M. Dwinal Leaders in the blueberry industry write letters to the newspapers praising Communism. America KIPPY KARNIVAL FAIR watched this campaign very closely should beware of these influences within as well as resist the ‘ Gram ' Crockett. The same night Weisman from State Pathologist for libellant. I played a harp with Grace Taylor ENTERTAINMENT 10 CENTS and ever since have been devising pressure from without. Arch H. Morrill. Elizabeth B. Holt of Rockland ways and means to advertise on a as I knew her—then, as accompan­ FEBRUARY 17— 2.00 P. M. The report said that there was no from Jay W. Holt of Oakland Calif. tate to his children, grandchildren ist. Those Cross girls will remem­ trace of poison in the man's stom- married at Rockland Jan. 14. 1938 C. S. Cook’s Will and a son-in-law. The value of the ber that play. Those were happy ach, or in the sample of liquor which Wilbur for libellant. KIPPY KARNIVAL BALL estate was not estimated. One ol days. I hope to see an article in The was sent with it to the State path- j Eva H. Stein of South Thomas- The will of Charles Sumner Cook, the principal clause of the will Black Cat column from the Cross U. of M. Orchestra ologist's laboratory. ton from Edwin E. Stein of St prominent Portland attorney, who established a $50,000 trust fund for girls." 'l his communication was A D M IS S IO N 50 CEN TS Bishoff who was a water tender, George, married at Rockport Sept. 18-19 died Thursday, bequeathed his es­ the benefit of a son, Robinson Cook not signed, but the good faith of the second class, on the cable ship 29. 1923. Tlrrell for libellant. of Portland, who is to receive the writer is not questioned Pequot, was found dead in a room Alice E. Anania of St. George annual income and $1000 of the I on the Rockland water front Sun- from Frank R. Anania of parts un­ large scale. The bill that 6enator Almost $2,500 000 woth of hairpins IN USED CAR VALUES principal each year. H. Nelson Mc- j day morning, Peb. 5. Several wit­ known, married at Portsmouth. N Beckett has introduced is the re- were manufactured in the United nesses told the authorities that he H„ Oct 3. 1933. Smalley for libel- suit of their deliberations Maine President of the National States In 1937 according to prelimi­ February Is Bargain Month for blueberries have long been known I Bank oI Commerce, was named to j had drank a large dose of whiskey lant. Used Car Buyers. Used Cars are nary reports of the U. S. Census Bu­ and died soon after lying down on a , • priced below their appraised for their excellence but growers, administer the fund. Mrs. Lydia M reau. All right if found in the right ANNOUNCEMENT couch. The Appealed Cases values. shippers and canners have always Connell. Mr. Cook's daughter, was cars. I named to receive the residuary es­ Although interviewed separately Following is a list of cases ap­ suffered from a lack of cooperative 1939 Ford Sedan tate, as well as to serve as execu­ You watch long strings of freight all told the same story. pealed from the Rockland Munici­ effort to merchandise the product trix. Four grandchildren were cars, notice the many railroads they Medical Examiner Weisman turned pal Court: 1938 Chevrolet Master at prices that would bring a fair re­ willed $5000 each. represent, and wonder and wonder FORD OWNERS ATTENTION the pathologist's report over to State vs. Merrill A. Chadwick of turn for the money and labor in- DeLuxe Sedan how they ever get back into the home County Attorney J. C. Burrows who Port Clyde, operating a motor ve­ ; volved. i TRUNK yard. But the corporations pay ex- said that it marked, the end of the hicle for hire, on a public highway While it is not known, pending j n le quickest promisers are usually We have purchased the entire itock of a large 1938 Pontiac Sedan ; perts to keep run of such things, and case. between Port Clyde and Thomaston, further disAission, just what blue-1 s,owest rememberer I freight cars are seldom "lost' The Ford agency in Boston and now carry complete 1937 Plymouth Sedan berry men will be taxed, it is ' ______' number of freight cars reached its stock of the fast moving paits of Models A and B 1937 Oldsmobile Coupe thought that It will be in the neigh-1 borhood of a quarter of a cent per YOUR FAVORITE POEM peak in 1926 when there were 1936 Dodge Sedan 2.348.679 At the end of 1937 the and some V-8s. pound, this amount to be raised half ------„ , . 1936 Ford Beachwagon 5 ...... , _ , u I had my Ute to live again I number had been reduced to 1.743.834 S a le o f by the grower and the other lia f would hBVe msde » rule to read some the decline having been steady since by the shipper or caner. ^once*. * week ‘rhTTo-T’tbe^ This stock consists of— 1935 Chevrolet Coach the peak year. Of the total amount raised, 85 tastes la a loss of happiness.—Charles GENERATORS, PISTONS, RINGS, RODS, Odds and Ends 1935 Ford Pick-up per cent will be spent for adver- Darw1n _____ One year agiT^Prancis Haraden, WIRING, CLUTCHES, GLASS, TRANSMIS­ 1934 Plymouth Sedan Using and the remaining 15 per My true- hath my heart 12. was rescued from the icy waters SION BEARINGS, SHOCK ABSORBERS, ETC. 1934 Ford Cabriolet cent for research that will deter- | My true-love hath my heart, and I have of Lermond’s Pond by his father. Toasters, Clocks, Egg Cookers, Com Poppers, mine better methods of production, • exchange one to the other Clarence Haraden after 10 minutes' PRICES RIGHT SERVICE GUARANTEED Silex Coffee Makers, Percolators, Lamps all kinds, 1933 Chevrolet Coupe shipping and merchandising. ^ ftv e n : exposure —Somebody phoned Capt. Roasters, Waffle Irons, Vacuum Cleaners, Sun­ 1932 Plymouth Coupe 'With blueberries one of the major mi«». Willis Snow to know where the fire sources of Income in Washington Th^ erlv“' v" w“ * bctler b,r8a‘n lamps, Door Chimes. was. "I will see if I can find out," 1931 Essex Coach and Hancock counties and an im- My true-love hath my heart, and I said the obliging Willis. He did. It have his. BOYNTON OIL 4 MOTOR CO. Some models of all the above are included in Sale with prices A CHOICE OF 50 OTHERS portant item in Knox. Waldo and [ was the next house.—The Old Home Marked Down from One-Half to One-Eighth of their former sell­ BEFORE BUYING SEE US other counties, a national campaign »1’ ™ hlm ‘nd Week Association was incorporated Home of Mack Trucks and Hudson Cars ing price. Look them over now and Get the Buy of Your Life. rn one; CONVENIENT TERMS will, it Is belived, go a long way to­ My heart ln him his thoughts and with Leforest A. Thurston as presi­ , , senses guides; Solvenized JENNEY Gasoline J ward improving the economic con- f He loves my heart, for once it was his dent.—Ctuiser Savannah completed CENTRAL MAINE POWER CO. MILLER’S GARAGE a successful trial.—Sarah Billings, 118 PARK ST. ROCKLAND, ME. TEL. 1178 I ditions of these counties by afford-' , ch° ^ hlR In m e It bides; 447 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND, ME. RANKIN ST., ROCKLAND, ME. ing a better price for berries and a ! My true-love hath my heart, and I have 84 formerly of Rockland, died In I wider harvesting of the crop. I -air Philip Sidney Portland. ♦

Page T w o Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, February 14, 1930 Every-Other-Day At The Potato Bowl In the semi-final will be seen The Courier-Gazette Scouts Are Active Grover Is Ahead P.uicho Jr., of Waterville and Jim­ THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK At The High School ALL SET AT THE SNOW BOWL mie Cook? of Rumford, stacking up »>'■' , ■. ------Troops 2 and 210 Met At And In County Pin Match, Mayo and Ladd, Great On against each other and good enough Not every one that saith unto Grave of Knox — Local “It’6 All Over But the the Knock D ow n , In Main Me. Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Preparations Completed For Camden’s Winter for a main bout anywhere; in fact Kingdom of Heaven: but he that (By The Pupils) News and Doings Shouting’ Bout Tomorrow Night the Witmer will get a main bout. doeth the will oi My Father, which Both have fought Bobby Camp­ Carnival— Queen Contest a Real Race Monday night Scouts of Troop 2 It's all over now but the shouting, Leo Mayo of Augusta grit! Everett is in Heaven. Matt, 7: 21. At a special assembly Tuesday aft­ Ladd of Westbrook two evenly bell cf Bangor recently and both hiked to Thomaston where they and if tire crowd was any judge. ernoon. a representative of the matched boys will clash in a sched­ lost by a slight edge. Hemphill Diesel Schools lectured Plans for the annual Snow Bov." tend this affair will have the best *ere "’<* b>’ T ^ P 210 of Thomas-| they were well satisfied with yes- uled 8-rcunder nt the Potato Bowl Tlie first prelim will sec K. O. “Second To None” and showed moving pictures on the Carnival are rapidly being whipped time of any previous year. ton and escorted to tlie grave ,»f terday's championship match at the Wednesday night. These boys met Er.erley of Belfast facing Georgie Diesel engine. Dr. Rudolph Dies°l into shape and a large group of Exhibitions by expert skiers on Gen. Henry Knox. A ceremony Star Alleys. After the usual pre in Augusta but did not finish the Barnes of Portland while a second Merchant Ships and Men Is discovered in 1880 that by compress­ volunteers are busilly at work to the recently finished ski slope will consisting of Scout oath and law game instruction. Phil and Danny [fight as the lcfciec stopped it b* prdtm will bring together Slasher ing air in a cylinder, sufficient heat cause Mayo had a bad cut over Porter of Camden and Jimmy Malis the Aim of the Maritime assure that the Carnival will be its prove of great interest to people led by J. S. M. Spear with remarks stepped up to the foul line raring could be generated to ignite fuel ; usual success. Gifts are still peur- who have not had the opportunity the eye. However, before the fight of Portland. Com m ission to go and after looking over the to­ w.thout the aid of electrical or other ;ng fOr the Queen and her Court to witness this favorite sport. concluded with taps by Bugler Har­ was stopped Mayo had Ladd down A four rounder wili feature King tals, one can see why the Knox The United States Maritime secondary devices. It is now on oil (Twenty tons of ice are now being On Friday and Saturday night vey. Flashlights provided illumlni- five times for the count and Ladd Fisher of Waterville weighing 150 County crown is now resting on the Commission reported to Congress burning machine—fish oil. vegetable cut for the huge illuminated ice will be held the Coronation Dance tion. had Mayo down six times lor the pounds and Jerry Cook of Waldo- oil, etc., and is demanding attent o.i throne to be erected in the Bok and tlie Queen's Ball at the Opera At Troop 210's headquarter box­ head of Pliil Grover of Camden. ccunt. Now each .boy is anxious to ooro weighing 152. two heavy recently that by April 1. facilities cf marine, transportation and Indus- amphitheatre for the Coronation ' Uouse. The three days and four ing was the lieadlincr with Mickey Tlie game came near being a repe­ get at the other. weights for the opener. will be available for the training of trial leaders. Dierels are now used (Friday night. ! nights cf the Carnival will be packed Mouse Faxon and Donald Duck tition of last week's match until 3000 unlicensed merchant marine in ferry boats, locomotive:, cotton Many horses have been entered with good clean wholesome fun. Knight leadmg. At the impressive Phil opened up with a bang on his ginning, rock crushing, yachts, strip in the four classes of races to b?! • • • • closing all flashlights were trained personnel. last five. In tlie opener, Grover led mining, freighters, tractors, tankers run on the pond Sunday afternoon. Coronation of the Snow Bowl on the American flag while closing "The Commission is convinced." by one little pin. wlwn botli men pleasure craft, buses, and airplanes , The Waterville Skating Club will Queen Friday night at 7.30. at the jexercises were held, taps by 210's Flavor that Satisfies the report stated, "that the United hit their lowest of the night— , There are seven Hemphill Diesel put on its usual fine exhibition of [ Library Amphitheatre. | bugler followed by the echo of 2's Danny with 90 and Phil with 91 States Maritime Service should Schools in the United States—Bos -, individual and group skating Sun- Processional—Trumpeteers, Frank bugler. Scoutmaster Carl Chaplet Everyone was silent in the sec­ eventually train a reasonable num­ ton. New York Chicago. Los Angeles ' day night. j Milliken, James Hendrick: Knight Of 210. S. M Harold Whitehill and ond and third strings when a real, With the snow and ice conditions' cf the Snow Bowl. Dr. G. W. Pullen ber of young Americans without Detroit, Memphis and Seattle — A S. M. R'chard Britt of 2 were . duel took place. In these two. I ' i»erfect it is expected that the thou- Snow Bowl Queen 1938. Mary Bry- previous sea experience. This ap­ June Chatto. ir. charge. Danny crashed out 120-120 against • • * • | sands of people who annually at ■ ant; Train Bearers. Doris M. Hop- • ♦ • ♦ pears necessary to develop trained Grover's 121-120. and the scores Recently Richard Eilmgwood i ------■ ■■ • kina, Geneva Marcoux; Torch Bear- Troop 2 observed Scout Sunday by showed that Phil was only two pins j replacements in the ranks of un­ showed the seventh period Prob- Conant on seals—two very interes'-1 ers William Doucette. Maynard attending morning worship at Pratt up and only three strings rolled. licensed personnel of our merchant lems of Democracy class and a fev | lng talks that won spontaneous ap- < Norton; Trumpeteers. Alan Johnson. Memorial M E. Church where flag For four consecutive strings, all to- marine who will be required by ad­ other seniors two reels of films of his plausc. Peter Sparta; Ladie.s-in-Waiting. To salute, law and oath were given and ’SAUDI . tals were over 120. European trip. Some of the coun-1 • • • • be announced: Sncw Bowl Queen. I scouts served as U'hers vancement or retirement of the old­ The final score: Grvoer. 1130; 1933. to he announced; Train Bear I er men.” tries he visited were England. Prance A donation of $2 was made by tlie Dandencau. 1071. Recognizing current conditions Germany. Austria, and Denmark Junior Red Cross to the National ers. Lucille Talbot Winona Talbot; i Patrol meetings were heiu Wei- TEA Star Alley Reporter Tarch Bearers Donald Spaulding cesday night so that Scouts could1 H 7 in the indu try. however, tire Com­ He passed among the class various Infantile Paralysis Foundation on (To be continued) mission's report stated: pieces of money he had brought the occa.ion of the Preddem's Philip Wentworth; Crown Bearer. 1 listen to the radio program of re- "Present unemployment in mari­ back witli him from each country — Birthday. Bcbby Rowe; Crowning of the ' dedication of "Scout Oath and Law time occupations justifies deferment Mildred Ferrin. I . • . • Queen. Mary Bryant; Investment of with Scouts throughout the nation. of plans to train new unlicensed • • • • The Junior Red Cross 1> busy the Royal Duties. Knight of the personnel." The check room at the Kippy Kar- making valentine favors for dis- SnowBowl; Queen Jesters, RicharJ Thursday night Troop 2 partici- Pointing out that the United nival will be Li charge of Mary trlbution to the patients i:i the Blackington. George Nash. , pated hi a Court of Honor with States has never had a comprehen­ Perry. Polly Havener, Parker Wor- local hospital, Coronation Ball. Opera House. Fn- Scouts Stuart Ames Jr.. Dale Lind- day. Feb. 17. Music by "Oat ' Dean I sey. Clifton Mitchell. William Tait, sive merchant personnel training rey and Alfred Storer in the after- j • • • • system, the report stated: noon: and at night in charge of j ‘ Banking and Investment' was and his Rhythm Boys. Jason Thurston and Parker Worrey “To summarize .the Commission Mary Wotton. Beverly Havener. Lin- the subject of Rev. Charles Marstal- Entrance of Her Majesty and ! «ir„ received badges of Second Class, desires to emphasize the necessity coin McRae and Raymond Chisholm ler's inspiring address at Tuesday's Court at 9 15 followed immediately Two new members were invested as for perfecting a thorough training assembly. He applied his text, th? by the presentation of gifts. Tenderfoot Scouts. Dale Llndzey Dudley system course: William Cummings, head of the parable of the ten pounds, to life Presentation speech. Charles C. and Henry Faxon. Scout *•(1) New ships with their com­ policemen for the last half of the by comparing the one pound of Wood. Harvey received badges of fireman- plicated equipment and modern de­ school year has: chosen the follow­ money with our one life which is Presentations by Miss Grade Leu- skip and safety. Scout Robers sign require skilled seamen and ing boys to help him: Seth Hanley, given us. and considering how each Test, Miss Barbara Rich. Miss Bai- Smalley received the Firemanshm engineers. Edward Sullivan. Carl Kallocn. should be invested. "A worthwhile bara Burrage, Miss Jean Bartlett ' badge. This is the 29th year of Scouting ”12) Money expended in train­ Douglas Small. Charles Libby. Do.i- life." he said, "preserves and propa- Miss Julia Thomas. ing will be saved in large part by ald Chaples, Donald Cates. Owen Sates values, such as truth, justice. Grand march led by the Queen u> the Un.tcd States and tlie 13:h year of Troop 2 in its Methodist reduction in repair and mainten­ Allen, John Guptill. Richard Rising rnd purity." We acquire values, anl and Ccurt at 10 o'clock. ance expenditures through more Carleton Wooster. Ernest Harring­ by giving them to others, we invest Saturday Morning. Feb. 18 Church home in this city efficient personnel ton. Perry Howard, Kendrick Dor­ them. "Are wc living a Selfish lift 9 A M Queen of the Snow Bowl “(3) Seamen of ability will also man, Harry Graves. Kent Glover or Service life." the speaker asked. and her Court arrive for opening day UNION make for more effective shore per­ Franklin Spinney. Kelsey Benner Examples of lives poorly invested festivities in their royal car. •The Willard Centenary Union of sonnel whom it is desirable to Mike McConchie. Robert Stevens. were given, followed by lives that Snow Bowl Queen officially opens the W.C.T.U. will meet Thursday at recruit from shipboard. Wilbur Dorr, William Bicknell. were richly invested, as the life of 1939 Snow Bowl Carnival :! at the home of Mary Ware. There •‘(4) Safety at sea for passen­ Oliver Hamlin. Albert Wmchenbach Dr. Carver, who rose from a slave Interscholastic Events will be a Frances Willard memorial HOW ABOUT A gers and cargo is substantially in­ James Moulalson. Harold Heal and t0 a co’‘-e8c professor who saved 10 A. M. 100 yard Ski Dash (boys) PAN Of OLD-FASHIONED BISCUITS .. and each NATION-WIDE GROCER creased through employment of well Edwin Jones. I,hc South by his study of economic 10.15 A. M 1C3 yard Ski Dash Pr0*ram Every member is urged j to be present and a cordial lnvita- Evelvn Bartlett has chosen the renditions and the rotation of crops, i girls). CREAM TARTAR I EACH u , o f manages his store to suit the particular trained men. ' t on is extended to all who are in­ following pupils as monitors: Marv In concluding Rev. Marstaller urged 10.30 A. M. ICC yard Snowshoe ‘‘(5) It will .improve seamen’s needs of his community. Cross, Llnnie Rivers Patricia Allen, | that our one 1Ue mighl «* toveatet (boys). terested in the cause of temperance BAKING SODA ) 41c opportunities for advancement. An offering will be taken, to be “(6) It will strengthen our mer­ Sylvia Hayes. Jane Sawyer. Ruth j to the service of our fellowmen. 10.45 A M. 199 yard Snowshoe THREE CROW BRAND Packard. Belva Robishaw and Grace Earbara Bartlett was in charge of (girls). given to the Frances Willard Mem­ chant marine in competition with orial Organizing fund, for advancing foreign flag ships. devotions and Roger Cqnant intro- 11 A M. ICO yard Skate (boys). Harold Heal has chosen Albert duced lhe spc^ er> . 11.15 A M. ICO yard Skate (girls) | the temperance cause. ALL LB “(7) It will provide men of in­ GENERAL KNOX FLOUR PURPOSE BAG 61c creasing skill for national defense Winchenbach. Bill Cummings. Rob­ I 11.33 A. M. 2CC yard Skate (boys) should an emergency arise" ert Stevens, Owen Allen. I»erry How­ And while we are speaking of 11.45 A. M. 209 yard Skate (girls). 3 LB In its conclusion, the report ard, Kent Glover and Kelsey Benner Hester Grierson who came seven Contestants will attend Queen's FRE-FLO SALT (WORCESTER) 2 PKGS 1 9 c states: toria Anastasio. miles in last weeks storm to attend Luncheon at 11.30 at Harold Cor- "The cadet system for training • • • • [school, it might be added that sh e, thell's camp Luncheon served by TALL EVAPORATED MILK NAUOhLWIDE 4 CANS 25c merchant officers Is in need of AU girls who are interested in co- ha£ madc thl trip every day so far !thc Camden High School. this year. Perhaps some of her strengthening, as indicated earlier ing to the Carnival at the Snow Bcwl Saturday Afternoon ’ fortitude was learned whUc she was in this report. to compete with other teams there 2 P M. Ski Cross Country three ' janitor of the Bassett School last must be present during all the sched­ n 'les iboys). “We recommend in this connec­ [year, where she arrived at 6 45 a. NATION WIDE tion that the Congress authorize uled periods for practice, in order to 2.»5 P M. Snowshoe Cross Coun-: HORMEL’S m. to build the fire, clean black- the Commission to arrange exten­ be eligible. The girls will not be try. l'.s miles (boys). BLUE BAG ■ vC • LB 1 9 < ; boards and floor, etc. COFFEE sion and correspondence courses picked until next Thursday —Vic­ I "A Rood head and industrious hand 2 39 P M. Down Hill Ski Race ! SPAM which the young cadets may be toria Anastasia. Arc worth gold In any land " (girls). PAR-GOLD given for study aboard ship. I t is • • • . • • • • 2.33 P M. Hockey game. Camden i 12 OZ CAN ORANGE JUICE 2»«19< our intention, of this authority is A contest is being conducted for ! Harrict Woosler has becn secrc- High School vs. Maine School oi j 29c granted, ultimately to make these thc sale of tickets of -spring | ,arJ' t0 Prlnci^ 1.B]a^ dcn tWs WMk- Commerce of Bangor. Fever." which is being given on Wcd- 2.45 P M. Ski proficiency (boys' I studies available to the licensed and ! Office boys this week were Robert nc. day and Thursday of next week. 3 P M Ski Jump (boys). unlicensed personnel of the United Kalloch. Sulo Salo. Malcolm Church | States merchant marine, generally. Millicent Oakes and Barbara Bart­ 5.39 'P M Visiting contestants j Sure it’s cold and GREEN PEAS WHOLE or SPLIT 2 k « 1 7 « [Albert Davis. Joseph Anastasia.1 cntcrtained at Y.M.C.A. and will Authority is requested to print, lett, both juniors, have led the con­ 1 Keith Allen. Joe Page and Richard publish and purchase suitable text test so far. A small prize is being attend Queen's supper at 6 o'clock 12 O Z Sukcforth early and everything E-Z BRAND ■ 2 PKGS 19< books, equipment and supplies re­ offered for the one who sells the most as guests of the Camden Bowling S O U P M I X Girls. quired for the courses ^md to fur­ tickets this week—Jessie Olds. Thursday night the Rockland NO • • '• • Evening . . . but here is your OWL'S HEAD nish them to approved applicants, Bey Scouts held a court of honor GOLDEN BANTAM CORN I o i • hoi Com Chowdc? 3 CANSs25« both cadets and other merchant The second and eighth period at tire high school gymnasium. 9 P. M. Queen's ball, music by marine personnel, cither without classes in junior business training, Alan McAlary served as chairman Watie Aiken and his orchestra at Spring hat. Camden Opera House. cost or at such price as the Com­ while studying "Sources of Valuable of the court. He was assisted by j mission shall deem advisable. I t is Information" visited the Public Joseph Robinson, Horatio Cowan, 9.15 P. M. Entrance of Her Ma­ SNO SHEEN Library yesterday and were instruct­ jesty and Court. Wc know that only one man in also requested that the Commission fire chief Van Russell, and Princi­ pkg WHEATENA ed in the use of reference books in­ 9.32 P. M. Grand march led by a dezrn will be interested enrug’i CAKE FLOUR . 2 7 < be authorized to pay such super­ pal Joseph Blaisdcll. Tlie.se boys (THAT HOT, BROWN CEREAL) visory expenses as may be neces­ cluding "Who's Who in America." the Queen and Court. Presentation were advanced to second class in the ? new Spring Hats to aetu- PILLSBURY sary and to make such use of the city directory, financial reports, j scouts: Herbert Wood. Benjamin of medals, cup* and ribbons to win­ allv buy one but that doesn't facilities of the Coast Guard Insti­ ensus reports. World s Almanac, I Shapiro. William Tail, Jason Thurs­ ners cf Interscholastic meet. PANCAKE FLOUR pkg1 O < PKG 24< 12 Midnight Winter Sports movie tute (at Commission expense) as encyclopedias, atlas, and states­ ton J r, Charles Whitmore. Parker make any difference .. . the oth"r may be arranged witli the Com­ man's yearbook. The classes received shew at Comique Theatre. Worrey , Joseph Wilkie. Clifton • • • • 11 have Spring in their heads mandant of the United States Coast much benefit from the instruction Mitchell. Dale Lindsey, Stuart The Snow Bowl Carnival queen % LB Guard.' given by the librarian. Ames. and this display Isn't to sill you contest is nearing the finish with I COCOMALT FOR GROWING CHILDREN CAN 23< Reverting again to the question These boys were awarded merit a hat . . . it’s to sell you an idea. The eighth issue of tlie Higlilite three Camden girls bunched at the of training young men without badges: Carpentry. Russell William­ which came out last week was mime­ wire. Phyllis Packard who has led Sure it’s too early . . . but what previous sea experience, the report son; electricity, Kendrick Dorman; SUNSHINE ographed in colors, and was a Val­ the field since the start, still main­ stated: firemanship. Dudley Harvey and size dc you wear? entine number. Interviews with Mr. tains her lead, closely followed by LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE Cookies . 3 ™ 1 3 c ‘‘The Commission realizes, how­ Robert Smalley; bugling Chick and Mr. Bowden, whose hob­ George Tiielma Hendrick and FREE—Picture of Ann Gillis with etch package ever. that establishment of this Robishaw; safety. Charles Libby A man wcuij be crazy to buy a bies are oil painting and boating, Ryder. Tlie latest official count is: part of the program should not be and Dudley Harvey; pathfinding, respectively, were interesting fea­ Phyllis Packard. Camden 29.560 Spring Het new ... but walk over KRISPy CRACKERS a PKG 9 c undertaken until a more propitious Maynard Green. tures. An organization column by'X Thelma Hendrick. Camden 28.660 time because cf present unemploy­ Tire court was well attended by to the mirror in this one! Felice Perry also was good. Jannette Ryder, Camden. 26.660 ment In the shipping industry. In scouts and their parent* The local | Mary Hatch, Camden. 16,760 the meantime, further study will be troops arc showing much interest in Sui r yeu

z 9 Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, February 14, 1939 Page Three

Rev. J. Charles MacDonald will be Tlie Third District Council meet­ E. J. Hopkins of North Haven SALVAGING HURRICANE said registrations to expire July 1, continue their work after that date. : the Lions spekaer tomorrow. Al- ing of the American Legion Aux­ pleaded guilty in Municipal Court TIMBER 1939. Arthur G. Bowler, agent in Based on past experience a total WALDO THEATRE i ways a drawing card with that or­ iliary will be held in Wiscasset Fri­ yesterday to a charge of drunken charge of the New Hampshire of 15,000 men, 4800 horses and sev­ ganization. day at 1.30 at tlie Womans Club driving and paid $100 and costs. Emergency truck legislation to MAINE'S LITTLE RADIO CITY State Timber Salvage Agency in eral hundred sawmills are needed rooms. aid in timber salvage work has been Concord. N. IL. called attention to for tlie job, together with all avail­ TEL. WALDOBORO 100 Dr. James Kent, health officer, _____ I D. O. Smiley, here over Sunday reports that for the week ending Fales Circle met Friday night at J on one of his occasional home i approved and signed by Gov. Mur­ the provision In the bill which able trucks. makes possible the application of Matinee Sat-Sun. (also Holidays) Z'eb. 11, there were in the city the home of the president, Mrs visits, held the attention of an in- phy of New Hampshire. With over all amounts paid for emergency 11- Faith is a habit; so is doubt. Tlie at 2.30. Ev'gs, single shows 7.30 three cases of mumps and six cases Thomas Carter. Beano and re- , terested group at the New Thorn a billion feet of hurricane timber 1 censes to full-time licenses after more you use them the stronger of measles. ircshinents were enjoyed after the oike Hotel Sunday afternoon as he still to be salvaged the Legislature TUES.-WED.. EEB. 14-15 July 1 if tlie tmek owners wish to they get. business session. told of his experience in a political sent to the governor a bill reducing ERANCISKA GAAL Anderson Camp Auxiliary meets _____ ! debate at the Jefferson Davis hotel tlie cost of registering out-of-state FRANCHOT TONE Wednesday night, tlie supper being If tlie Holiday Beach colony does In an Alabama town, In trucks, used exclusively in salvage in charge of Mrs. Bernice Hatch. rot keep warm in the cool days ol “TH E GIRL Officers will wear white, and there next summer it will not be the fault Phyllis, Moran True will broadcasi J work, to one-third the usual rate, WALL PAPER SALE will be work on three candidates. DOWNSTAIRS” ol Peter Pepicello, who has cut 40 Wednesday at 10.45 a. m. over All of our 1938 Papers pu. in Mrs. Mae Reed and Mrs. Josephine cords of fire wood for their use .1WORL °n th(“ daily program cf the with bundles, 8 to 12 Rolls with Bands TALK OF THE TOWN Walter Connolly, Frank Pangborn Lothrop arc program chairmen. Peter took a day off Saturday and Massachusetts federation of Wo-1 Qet Fast^H proved that he is still a movie fan men Clubs. Each Department cf to match. 11 TIIURS.-FRL, FEB. 16-17 Louis J. Burns cf Friendship. by attending one of his favorite pic- ,llc Federation has a day assigned Relief from Discomfort of ' WHILE THEY LAST Per Bundle “COMING EVENTS CAST THEIIl EDWARD EVERETT HORTON , charged with the larceny of two SHADOWS BEFORE” lures at Park Theatre. j8nd Mrs- True’s PaP'r U the sub’| OUR 1939 GOODS ON SALE AT Fob. 1*—Valentine Day BING CROSBY. BEN BLUE j coils of warp wire from Ernest J. _____ j ject on the day assigned to the Edu- . I C O L D S ' VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES Feb. 14 12 p. m .t—Reading by Mrs. [ AKIM TAMIROFF Burns was found guilty in Judge Edwin Libby Relief Corps will C£tional Department of the Fed-j Maude Andrews Lincoln at Unlversallst FRANCISKA GAAL vestry 1 Dwinal's court yesterday and sen­ in hold an all day session Thursday eratlon. TRY GENUINE Feb 14—Waldoboro—Rockland High tenced to 60 days in jail. The ar­ School Class or 1912 banquet at Stahl's [ A tacking will occupy the morning Tavern “PARIS rest was made by Sheriff Ludwick, F. A. Winslow of The Courier- C. M. BLAKE Feb. 14 — Rockport — Garden Club all members toeing urged to attend meets at Arthur K. Walker residence. HONEYMOON” Gazette will be guest speaker this Feb 14-18—Kippy Karnlval by Rock­ Local residents who see men ap­ The sixth in a series of game par- atternoon at the meeting of the land High School. W allpaper Store Feb. 15-16—Junior Class play “S p rin g! parently trying to peer into their ties, will begin at 2.15, when the Waldoboro Women's Club. His Fever'' at High School auditorium. capitol prize will be awarded. Mrs. Feb. 16—Monthly meeting oi Baptist i windows, or monkeying with shut­ 1 other £ peak.ng dates in the near 662 M A IN S T. N O R T H E N D R O C K L A N D Mrs. Helen Gallup of Camden is Inez Packard is chairman of thc Men's League. ters need not be necessarily (future arc: Peb. 20, Owls Head * Feb. 17 (3 to 9.301—Educational Club enjoying a week's vacation from her meets at Orand Army hall. alarmed. Chances are that it is a 6 o'clock supper. Grange; Feb. 24. Kiwanis Club, Feb 17- Kippy Kamlval Ball. duties as operator in the local tele­ Feb 17—Rubinstein Club guest night member of the brown-tail motli South Portland, March 2, Waldoboro at Unlversallst vestry. phone office. crew searching for the hide-out of The lecturer of Pleasant Valley rarent Teachcr AESOCiation; April the pests. Grange is planning to have a Val- 115 Lincoln Pomona Qrange THE WEATHER The annual meeting of A H. New- entine Party at tonights meeting North Waldoboro. bert Association takes place Friday- Albert T. Grant has been ap­ There will be a box to receive val- _____ The envelope which St. Valentine night Mrs. Vincie Clark. Mrs proved as firema’n and laborer at entines, any kind jokes, etc—and at The Maine Real Estate Associa-' FOR SALE handed us this morning bore fur­ Evelyn Orcutt and Mrs. Caroline the Post Office and becomes the suc­ the close of tlie program a box tion meeting on Taxation to be held ther ev^lence of a rugged winter, Stewart will be housekeepers at a cessor of the late Richard Foley. social. Each woman will furnish a at the Augusta House Thursday is with a temperature of about 10 6 o'clock supper. An appointment, selected from Civil boxx lunch for two with her name 0‘ general Interest to the State above and a beclouded sky indica­ Service, will soon, be made for the inside. All Grangers cordially in- j O1 Maine. The morning session tive of more snow. The Old Farm­ While the world is mourning the position which is made vacant by vited to attend. will be for members only, but mem­ ROCKLAND’S TOMORROW ers' Almanac was non-committal death of Pope Plus XI, one lady in reason of Grant's promotion. bers arc permitted to invite guesii on the subjecU-lf you set a great Rockland is recalling tlie experience It was Past Matrons and Patrons' for the luncheon and for the after­ store on what the almanacs say. which was hers in July, 1930, when Capt Ralph Pollard of Waldoboro night at the Eastern Star meeting noon session, when there will be Walking still treacherous in spots, i she visited Rome. Mrs. Donald H. a former Army officer, who has Friday night. Picnic supper was addresses on the important sub­ and It's a good ideilAfo carry along Fuller was received in audience by made a special study of interna­ served. The tables were unusually ject of taxation. A large atten­ a few preps. Month's hall over to­ the Holy Father, and treasures the tional and military affairs, will be attractive, with red hearts and dance is expected. night. memory of her rare and beautiful guest speaker at tlie Men's League | piace cards madc of clam shells with experience. meeting Thursday night, and as an sma]j red sails. Gayly frosted F.fteen representatives of the Troop 206. Boy Schute ol America, added attraction there will be spe­ birthday cakes, added a final touch Central Maine Power Company, attended tlie 'Congregational Danny Patt. formerly of Rock­ cial music of a popular nature to tlie decorations. The new offi­ representing all branches of thc land. having recently returned from cers conducted the opening and service,-will attend a double meet­ Church in uniform on Sunday, in There will be a Masonic Assembly a two years’ tour as accordion solo­ closing exercises. ing in Augusta City Hall tomorrow. observance nf the aeth anniversary Thursday night in Camden. It will of the Boy Scouts Auir of the boys ist with Tlie Maine Lumberjacks, a The forenoon will be devoted to musical organization under thc be in thc nature of a barn dance Farnham Class met at the Little­ General Electric appliances, and the functioned as ushers in taking up witli all tlie fixings. Mr. and Mrs the offering, and the junior sermon sponsorship of Lowell Thomas, the field Memorial Church last night afternoon to Westinghouse products news commentator, is now associat­ Harold Wilson, chairmen. On the with nearly 30 members present There will be a luncheon at thc was addressed to thc Scouts, deal­ committee, also from Camden is •V ing with tlie scout lap. “A Scout is ed with tlie Maine Music Co. as Rev. J. Chas. MacDonald was guesP Augusta House and the evening Edward Dcdge and from Rockland speaker and n itr a te d his interest- babquet will also be held tliere. reverent." and drawing an example teacher of the accordion in private Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coombs and Messrs. Wyman, Williams and from the Life of Abraham Lincoln. and class instruction. mg talk with views of Maine and Mr and Mrs. Leland Drinkwater. other subjects. The vocal and in­ Brawn are down for addresses. ------’. tt'v It was past exalted rulers' night strumental numbers furnished by ‘•An all-time Jowl on prices of Moody Scoop Co. is the name of the quartet were received with ijew electrical

They sat for a long time listening years ago from Island Falls. Two CUSHING to the faint coyote song and the lit-1 brothers survive, both of whom r?- tie popping of the fire. Once, ns WALDOBORO side in Poland. Funeral services j Mr and Mrs. Fred Killeran are Courier-Gazette Cross-Word Puzzle xx xx xx xx they sat quiet, he heard far off a XX XX XX XX will be held today at 2 from Flan- I attend ng the Sportsman Show in thing he did not understand. It was MRS. LOUISE MILLER ders funeral residence. Rev. O. G. Boston and visiting Mi. and Mrs. so distant and so muffled that he Barnard officiating. The body will: Fred Maloney in Brighton. Mass, i Correspondent 1 2 1 4 5 b 7 9 IO ii 11 is could not at once decide whether it z x x x x x ZX ZX ZX ZX be placed in the German Tomb. , Dr I.cuis Benson has returned could have been the fall of a rock n from a high place, or had been the Tel. 27 Miss Jessie Keene a member of fIOm a recent meeting of the Osteo- IM 1 15 i the faculty of Gorham Normal pathic Society which convened in report of a gun far away up the [ canyon, smothered by close walls I School was at home for the week­ Augusta. lb 1/ Mr and Mrs. C. R. Sprague re­ and the drift of the air. He glanced -end. Mrs. James Seavey and daughter turned Monday ft Portland hav­ 18 19 io 21 2 2 at Marian to see if she had noticed ! Alfred Ellis attended the winter Mrs. Evelynne Lufkin, were busi­ it. and saw that she had not. ing been called here by the death Ksv j carnival Friday and Saturday at 1 2 b Marian looked at him. the firelight of Mr Sprague’s father, Milton I ness visitors Wednesday in Fair- 23 24 24 Farmington Normal School. pooling long shadows under th e' Sprague Mr an<, Mrs. Will.am field. Mrs. C. B Stahl has returned 1 2ft 29 lashes of her steady eyes. “I just I Sprag'e of Idin^ton. Mass., and Auditors McElwee cf Union and 27 thought of something.” from a two weeks visit with her I J Kimball of Lynnfield. M.iaS Pennell of Waterville were in ses­ 30 i 3 2 "What was it?” daughter Mrs. Harold Parsons in sion with the town officials the past □ r "This—isn’t it kind of funny?— * ere ln ,0'vn Ffr-oy to afe-in the Boston and her sister Mrs. Edwarr. week J 1 this is exactly the situation we were tuntrai of Mr. Spraflte. Connor of Winchester. j Notices have been posted asking speaking of the other day." Mr- Gladys Grant entettinr.ed Mrs. Norman Winchenbach of i He was puzzled "When was this’ ” i,he NUw, club Monday night Guests 3M & 55" F J TT South Waldoboro who fell or. the ice foi an extension of the electric line "In Inspiration i and Mr> Rober. Mj;Ch»'4 from East Friendship line to the Saturday and sustained serious in­ 42 p c For a moment he didn t get it. homes of Mrs Mary Morse and the MO Hl Billy Wheeler’s eyes were sweep­ blanket from her dead pony, and i Then it came back to him in a rush <* Thomaston. Mr. and Mrs AuMtn juries is at the home of her daugh­ Saliinen brothers near Fiiendshlp M7 MB ing the upper levels as he stepped spread it for her to rest upon; and ! —the blast of sun upon the dusty , Wukhenbaugh. M«* and Mr?. Wen- ter. Mrs. Clarence Eugley. NM 45 4 b out of the saddle. In the ragged gathered bits of dead brush to build street, the atmosphere of silent. |(tell Blanchard a id Mr and Mr- bridge. Alfred Storer was a Boston visi­ 1 brush and upthrust ledges above a tiny fire. "Striking fire kind of waiting hostility, the groups of Haml’ii Schofield Beverly Geyer is cutt ng fire M9 50 51 5 2 that forgotten, nameless canyon, a seems like setting up a mark." he | tor recently. spurred and booted men in door- Mr and Mrs. Carl Becker ar.d Mr and Mrs. Austin Mille.’ i nd i wood for Howard Rowell on the for­ W thousand horsemen could have been apologized. But you re plenty safe , ways watching without seeming to 53 54 h i 5 b bidden within the quarter mile. His ,f you S|ay dose under the rock watch; and he had stood talking to S9P "Billy" of Farmin«ton ‘^'S u m n er Hancock visited Sunday at met B F. Robin on lot near the Grange hall. 58“ eyes were grim as he passed his split. Now you take it easy. We ll Marian across the door of a ear. weekend with her parents Mr. and Mr. Hancock’s home in Case? 5 y J reins to the girl. rest here an hour or so; then we*ft , not thinking about what was ahead. Mrs. William Flint. Mrs. Harry Collins of Washington Mrs. Nettie Seavey remains in L "Marian, for the last time—won’t go back.” " ’If you and I were set afoot.'" Mr. and Mrs. George Walbridge D C . and Mrs Leland Van-util of ill health. Her sister Miss Lizzie 6o anything I can say or do make you Marion drew up her knees, and hid she quoted, “ ‘some place far off in and Justin Welt of Gardiner were Plymouth. Mass., returned home Young is with her. go back'" her eyes against them. One of her . the mountains at night, with only visitors Sunday in this place. Monday after a visit ln town caused In the list of smart people her? "No!" She smiled, faintly, a lit­ hands r the Illness and death of Mrs. is William Rivers who on hi 82d 1-A seeming contra­ 49 - River in P oland 12- Blood-sucking fly He was resting perfectly still on Mi s Cordelia Barnard of Belfast seem to understand that I—” were moist and cold, with a tremor ( Clara Lovett. diction 50- lncreas: of A fr ic a 1 one elbow, looking at the fire; but passed the weekend with her par­ birthday wheeled a half cord of A sharp report sounded above, in them; he warmed them between i Mrs. H. R Winchenbaugh of \\0'-c to the church Hom his horn? 7-Endeavort 51 - Obtain 13- A highway (pi.) i he could feel her eyes, so near his ents Rev. and Mrs. O G. Barnard. 1-1-Rubber 52- Club used in a game 20- Close by and Marian's pony suddenly folded Rockland was guest Friday of Mr. and housed it and has been in the at the knees. It went down on its : face, watching him under her A benefit bridge for the public li­ 15- Check 53- Clips 21- Ta rd y hands were made to look by her slid? and Mrs. Fred Bums. 2+-Wooden pin side like a great sand bag. and was lashes. And behind her eyes he brary will be held Feb 20 at the woods nearly every day th s winter 16- Ascend 55-Winged (bot.) fingers. 57-More like an eel 26-Corn-spike still before the echoes had died from , supposed she was laughing at him. home of Nathan Fa: well. The pub­ Mrs. Stanley Poland will be hos­ cutting fire wood 17- Anxious Presently she looked up. shook her 18- Period of time 59- Cold coin of ancient 31-Serpent s , "1 was right." she said. "You tess Wednesday afternoon to the the rifle in the upper rocks. Wheel­ head sharply, and drew away her lic is invited J J. Fa'.es Is slowly recovering (abbr.) Greece 33- Fifteen hundred didn't know it then, but you can see er's pony reared, tearing free its hand. “I'm all right now. Did you Dr. Neil Fogg of Rockland was a J.tterbug Sewing Club fiom his attack of illness which has 19- A title (Sp.) 60- Fortified fifty it now. You see—it seyms a good head, and bolted down the canyon. ever see such silliness?" visitor in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Forrest Stahl have confined him to the house the great­ 21- A falsehood 61- Noblewoman 34- Locks of hair He sprang toward Marian. She “Rest easy. We've got lots of deal different, now that we’re really moved from Winslow Mills to the 22- Corroded 35- A rodent 1 here." Mr and Mrs Harry' L Childs and er part of the fall and winter. 36- D:spatch bad swung herself clear, and was time.” Mrs. Katherine Perry house on 23- Fastening device already getting up beside her fallen "Does it?” he said without ex­ Mr .and Mrs. Roy Wallingford of Miss Marilyn Maloney is suffer­ (p i-) VERTICAL 37- A jagged knot The dusk had closed more rapidly Friendship street. horse. ‘‘Get down—quick, behind | at the last, and little light was left pression. He got up with a sort Lewiston were callers Sunday at ing from an injured shoulder caused 25-C om pact 38- Besides Mrs. Gerald Dalton visited Mon­ 27- Comparative suffix 39- Earthenware the horse!” She hesitated, but he in the sky; but a moon was rising i of stiff, slow leisure, for the little the home of Mr and Mrs B G by a fall while skiing. fire was burning low. He went be­ day with her sister. Mrs Ervin 28- An insect j 1-A fruit (pi.) w o rkers did not. He seized her shoulders, behind a high point of rocks, sil­ M.ller Word comes from Mrs. Dorothy 2-Debt overdue and 4t-Opaque body of the yond the fire, squatted on one heel P.nkham in Nobleboro. 29- And (Latin) deftly kicked her heels from under houetting a crag that looked like a Mr and Mrs Richard Gerry. Mr?. Lindahl in the Sunny South that 30- Cog-wheel unpaid solar system I beside it, and fed it pieces of her and laid her flat behind her horse’s head. Elmer Wentworth. Mrs. Carrie Win- the weather is ideal in Sarasota— 32-Turkish official I 3-Sho*ers 43-Talks idly dead pony. “Stay there!” He noticed how huge it looked, as stick. 3 5 -T e a rs 4—Gtupid person 45-Like an oij woman chenbach and Herbert Johnson, Stenger-Bo.id flowers and all vegetation at their He pulled his gun and moved five moons do when they are low to the "You see, I know you. Billy. 37-Kill violently 5-Acts ,46-Supporl 'ora picture members of Meenahga Orange, at- best. From Zepherhllls Mr and Mrs. yards to one side, standing up to earth. The horse-head crag had s' Sometimes I think I know you better Mrs. Arthur F. Bond of Boston 4O-Regius Professor 47- Aver (ab b r.) I6-Conjunction 48- U.nnnsh draw what further fire there might 400-foot profile, but it looked little than I know myself." Her eyes tended Pomona Saturday in White- has announced the marriage of her Herbert Morse write that the ; 8-Musical note [54 A p a s tr y be. A minute passed, two minutes, against the moon, which was made wavered and drifted out toward the [daughter, Helen Isabelle, to Elliot weather there is like mid summer 42- Eagle 43- ltahan river I 9-Liberated t56-Etruscon god while he watched for movement on to look bigger than a mountain, big­ low young stars. "1 can remember Peter Dubyna. 60. died suddenly, Read Stenger of Abington. Penn llO-Giri's ran # here. Mrs. Albert Barnes writes 44 - Excite cf C -M u s ic a l note the upper rim; but there was no when I was afraid of you. If we 'l!-Secer.u Uaurliter ger than a range. Feb. 11 He was a native of Poland The ceremony took place Feb 11 at that Savannah. Ga.. has been won-1 47-Bcgin il9-Piefix. Apart sound or shot. had been out here then—two years “You know." he said, "it's funny but had moved to this town five thie home of Mr and Mrs Cedric derful all w nter, ice forming iveiy I King Lear The desert hills were as silent and how badly things work out; never ago—I would have wanted nothing (Answer To Previous Puzzle) empty as before, except for the dy­ the way you want them to be Many so much as to get back among other ------Warren Porter In Wellesley Hills. thin i a few times in the dog's dish ing rattle of hoofs down-canyon and many a night, lying out in the people. That’s all gone, now." even have been on her range, or The bride»is a graduate of Wal- outside, that she had peas planted SOUTH THOMASTON from Wheeler's stampeding pony. hills, watching my fire—like this— He looked at her. She had never within a day's ride of it, if her in- (jpboro High School and was em- and soon would plant more. Marian's voice came to him. I've thought about how it would be. seemed more lovely, more human, terests had not drawn him in aijd 'pioved for several years at the local M s. Myrtle Makinen went Mon­ more elementally desirable than she •’What in the world happened?” if you were there. How I'd get you held him. She had made her dc- { offlce For th other re5tin8 Alton Williams while Mr. and Mr-. dangerous and unaccountable as a He shook his head. "This isn't place in her life. Her face was amused her to torment him. It Mr$. Thomas Stenger of Abington, Howell. Sara Ashworth. wild animal with hydrophobia. For it. This isn’t right. You ought to quiet, almost grave; but though seemed to him that there was a penn. Thev are summer residents • • • • Drinkwater visit Mr" and Mrs the first time he inclined to Tulare's be able to lie by your fire and smell her eyes looked drowsy there was a capricious she-devil in that g irl- or M artins Point, Friendship H- Future Farmeis' News Rober: Williams. belief that Magoon was the killer. , pine timber. And that crick but4' lihl« gleam in them that did not perhaps in all women, given op- , . . , _. . Miss Marion Watts went Sunday come from the flame in front: a portunitv | Is a graduate of Stanton Military The Medomak Chapter of Future Too much long riding alone—espe­ there ought to have water running . . . to Hingham. Mass., where she has cially when it was mixed up in it. You sit and listen to running • smaH provocative glimmer of firej "You see. I know you." she was Academy and Penn State College Farmers met at the agriculture room with the night riders' long rope— water, and pretty soon you get to w'hhin, which he had seen in her saying again. J and is now employed by the G reat in the High School Building during employment. could do queer things to a man hear voices in it; sometimes you eyes on'-v two or three times in The masks behind his e y e s American Insurance Co. of New activity period Wednesday with all Linwocd Aly wood was host Thurs­ whose head wasn't too strong in the lie awake for hours trying to g«t,.his U«e-and never before the last dropped away, and though his face I York as special agent in Pennsyl- but two members present The meet­ day n;ght to a group of friends who teacher. 82 70: Georges River Schoo'.. first place. Lon Magoon. half out­ what they say. But what's more to *wo or t“rec hardly changed his eyes reddened. 1 rania ing was called to order by the Presi­ made merry with the music of seeming to smoke with an angry1 John Munroe teacher. 856 law. half sneak-thief, all coyote, the point, there's likewise trout in , Their eyes met and held, his Mr. and Mrs. Stenger will make dent. Theodore Hall. accordion? played by Marion Arey might have turned at last into some­ the water. There ought to be a nice steady and masked within, hers fire that came up behind. She her­ The class in Accred.ted Bible their home in Philadelphia. Arthur Burgess reported on his and Marion WatLs; guitars played thing which must be destroyed at pan of trout frying, here on the {' self had lighted that fire, long ago. I Study in the’ local Sunday School It was a fire that had driven him re- . • • • efforts to get information about in- by Llr.wc 1 Pierce and cornet, sight, without hesitation. fire." took the State test Sunday The lentlessly, making him rich; it could i School News j cubators. saying that he had re­ "Bud" Wit's. Games were played Then he walked to the dead horse "You fit with things like that, you class now numbers eight members and roughly verified the angle of have made him work for her all her 1 During the past week the typing ceived correspondence from manu­ and rc,‘: -liments served. Que.-:s know. As if you were made out of and extends an invitation to ah the shot; then turned and began to them.” -.Ajk life-or it could break him again. | have busy taproVing facturing companies and Mr. Gerry, w? e "”u.1' and Marion WatLs Mr. and drive him up and down the young people of High School age climb the canyon slope. . He said. "A half hour's rest in i their scores. The leaders in 15- added that he had also written ask­ ii'.'.-i M - W’'ton Arey. Mr. and Mrs. world. Suddenly he did not know . , to join. The work is interesting aiid "Billy, come back! You can't—” the rocks, with a long, long walk] ing If it would be possible to bc-- A iard Pierce. "You stay down," he ordered her whether he loved or hated this girl. ^ lnute sp<* d J*st^ for . the hrst enjoyable social activities take plac" ahead—this is about as close as peo-' year class are; B. Mank 44 words a tow an incubator and pay for " Ti:; chairman of the drive for savagely. “Or by God, I’ll tie you pie get to the way they want things. I "I'll give you the same answer I frequently. minute; P Storer. 40 W Fitzgerald, r-fter a year s use. He also reminded iunda lor Infantile Paralysis Foun­ down with my pigging-string!” I suppose." gave you in Inspiration," he said, Miss Mary B artlett was guest of his words almost inaudible, even 38; M Kallinen. 32; T. Creamer, students that they would h r v dation. Mrs. Bernice Sleeper an­ It would have been easy then to "It's my fault, Billy. If I hadn't Mrs. Charles Emery in Rockland walk into gunfire, easy to shoot it been so stubborn you wouldn't have against the stillness of the night. 29; and A Colwell. 26. get orders for at least’ ?? chick;. nounces that South Thomaston con­ iccently. out with an ambushed man. Al­ lost your horse; you'd have gone "If you think that, you're a little In a new content for the Merit By letting one of the High i.hool tributions amounted to 837. and she fool.” The W P.A. project has been com­ ways keeping his eye on Marian’s on through ” Shield, the standing for the first pupils knew about when and how expresses great appreciation for the Still she met his eyes, so long, so • pleted on the M arsh road and the position, he searched those upper j "Shucks, now!” two weeks is: many chicks are wanted they will hearty co-operation of the people slopes, backward, forward, and She was silent, and they sat look-1 steadily, so knowingly that he won- j same crew uri'der the direct on of Junior. 0; Senior. 50; Junior High, furnl-h them at going prices, | and especially those members of quartering. But what happened to ing into the fire. The smell of au-? dered for an instant what was hap- Roy Jackson of Camden are build­ pening. was going to happen, there I 50. Freshman. 25; Sophomores. 25 Thomas Bragg. Arthur Creamer, the comm.ttee who worked so will- him was the one hardest thing of tumn was cool and clean in the air, I ing a new road at Waterman's all—to find the broken country emp­ under the coyote moon. I The members of the Senior Class 'and Roy Winchenbach have been J ingly and efficiently. The different across the dry sage; and the red- Beach. ty and silent, with nothing in it to gold moon faintly mellowed the chill, Then he saw her face change, so in Problems of Democracy have elected to sell hot dogs, candy and committees contributed as follows: The Farm Bureau meeting on fight or trail. of darkness on the gaunt hills, so that she was suddenly pale, and been competing in an essay w rit-.iOda pop at the Washington Birth- Keag Village. 827; Waterman's In the end he could only go back the unreadable light in her eyes "Everyday Desserts" will be held that they sat here in unreality, as if ing contest. The Waldoboro Wo­ oa> Ball in the H gh School gym j Beach. 82.70; Georges River, $1.52; to the girl with no result to show, i in a dream. went out, and she was like a little Friday at the Grange hall instead man's Club is offering a first prize Feb 22 and instead of having a [Spruce Head. 85.78. These include and no assurance as to what was ; "Some places,” he said, "they call girl. Abruptly she pressed her face of Thursday. This is an all day hard into her hands. of $5 and a second prize of 82.50 i night meeting, as was anticipated, i tile schools donations which were ahead. He would not have been sur­ that a harvest moon; the Indians meeting and members are asked to prised, when he turned his back on He made his voice as hard and for the leading essays. | Thursday the gym not being avail- Primary School, Mrs. Arlene Hop­ call it the hunting moon, and they ! go early prepared to assist with that emptiness, if a gun had spoken used to make smoke-medicines by cold as the rocks that hung over Dr. Salvi a native of India gave able the boys were inv,ted to at- kins teacher, 85 60; Grammar dinner. from a place where no one was, , i t ” them. "Now what?" an interesting talk about his country ^''d 3 supper sponsored by a busi- School. Charles G rant teacher. 82.25 and brought him down. "What do you call it?” She answered in a muffled voice. at a recent assembly and also [ r-e&s firm at the Baptist Churc.i. Spruce Head School. Miss Ethel "I was wrong—I am afraid. 1—I "No catchum,” he told Marian. “Well—sometimes we call it a ' showed moving pictures of India Carl H Schroeder from a millin,! Holbrook teacher. 82.55; Bassick GLEN CO VE She had not stayed under cover, coyote moon. Because it puts a fail every one . . . " She lifted her head and glanced about her. as if He came to America to get an edu- research farm in. Detroit was District School. Mrs. Ellen Nelson but was silting on a rock, a little kind of singing craze on the coyotes; j Mr. and Mrs. LesUe Hamilton ar? apart from her dead horse. No use she were seeing this place for the cation and is earning money to speaker. They gather around on hill tops, | "Well, You See—” She Met His visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hall at quarreling with her over that; she first time. A black shape lay be- complete It by giving a series of seems like, and sing their hearts I Eyes Again—“I Win.” had already proved to him that he out, as if it drove them wild crazy, J side the empty dust of the stream, talks Warrenton Park for two weeks. Mi. like a great black bottle overturned ‘ There was a,R0 an Msembly Peb WARBEN FARMER S ML'TUAL FIRE and Mrs. Walter Crossman of Ban­ couldn’t control anything she chose some way. Listen.” seeming to laugh at him a little, INSURANCE COMPANY to do. He put himself between her Far off. so faint a whisper that i t ' —the carcass of Marians dead „ _ , Warren. Maine gor were guests Sunday of Mr. and half veiled by her lashes. horse. Suddenly the girl turned side- 8' TW nty pupiIs from lhe Junior and the rim. "It’s a long walk seemed half imagined, they could ASSETS DEC 31. 1938 Mrs. Hall. "I said," she reminded him, "that ways, and dropped her head in her B*8h gave an audition before the Cash in offlce and bank 85.800 33 back," he said morosely. “That's hear now a queer high crooning. : if we were—in a situation like this, Mrs. Charles Studley is recovering my fault. I'm not used to this stuff, argis upon the blanket. She began assembly. These 20 were chosen as full of an interwoven yapping and there wouldn't be anything for me Gross cash assets from a major operation at Knox or I wouldn’t have lost my pony. trilling, like nothing else on earth, [ to cry, terribly, silently except for the best out of the 7th and 8».h LIABILITIES DEC to worry about, nothing at all. And Net cash UMta Ko pital. When I saw your horse drop—I lost ' It sounds. Marian said, "as, if . y0U sai,j, jf i thought that I was a the choke of her breath. grades. Twelve were chosen for th« j Premium notes subject to my head, I guess.” there were 40 or 50 of them-sitting fool Well. you s e e -” she met his He sat down against a rock and finals ln March. They are compet­ - • n • nt 818 075 75 Louie Tatham has been confined waited. The gaunt, dead rock-hills 1 Deduct all a-se-sments and "Because it was I.” she said with somewhere on a mountain in a j eyes again—“I win.” ing for the prize money. First prize payments. 1.807 58 to the house by illness. an unexpected, deep-striking clarity. leaned over them sadly cold and „ . . .. . ; Still her eyes held, and he could 83. second prize 2, and third prize Allie Fuller who has been ill wi’h "We’d better get going, I think.” "Two,” he told her. “They pair 1 silent, blackened by the twisted Balance due on premium "We can’t go on? And get—” not understand why hers did not ghost shapes of the parched bnish 81. Chosen for the finals are: notes. $16,268 17 erippe Is able to attend school th',3 off this time of year.” drop. "I can't believe, hardly," he Virgil E Hills. Secretary "That must have been the man “Two," she repeated. "Then And the coyote moon was pale and Barbara ^Picinich, Edith Burgess, 13-T-19 week. wc were after, that killed your said, “that you have any idea what old. no tonger golden, but greenish, — The Morning AfterTaking that'sthan moonwhy there’s madness something in that more sine- j Sort °f ,h ng y0U re talkln* about. ... i hke... phosphorus . ------rubbed — on ------a dead horse.” tnan moon madness in mat sing- ghe smiIed. ,.you think j don.,? Carters Little Liver Pills The firm that doesn't advertise She drew a deep breath, and stood ing.” and frozen face. Is like a merry-go-round without up. For a moment she looked all That's because western men are Once she said, “But it's your He knew that they should be start­ certainly the most conventional peo­ music. about her, upward at the high, tow­ ing the long return, but he could not fault, too—that I fail—your fault as ering rims. Then suddenly he saw ple in the world." much as my own.” bring himself to say so. The thing Suddenly he angered. He had not Anthracite her sway. that had brought them together, His answer was perfectly honest. He stepped forward in time to brought her here of his own will, “I don't know what you mean.” FLORIDA again—the disaster to Horse Dunn nor set them afoot, nor wished to steady her with his hands on her and the 94—had nearly run its rest here with her. He would not 1 (To Be Continued; arms. And now he found that she course. And he knew that it was eats Homes, MIAMI’S ■was trembling violently. Her face a good thing for him that it had. was white, making her eyes look Already he had lived under the" Ideal Resort Hotel enormous, and very dark. ‘‘Billy— same roof with Marian too long I'm afraid—” She sat down on the Convenient to all points of interest—Modern in every way. for his own good. He no longer, An enjoyable view from our spacious ground-floor porches, rock again, as If her knees would had any hope that he could forget which surround the hotel. Many rooms with private balconies. not hold her up. her; she would always be in the ‘‘No more danger, child. It's all back of his mind some place, watt­ over, and he’s gone.” ing to come real and close to him in O f course, there’s no magic to heating your home Booklet HOTEL June to “But who could it be? Why should his dreams. with D & H Anthracite. It’s juat clean, pure coal with he want to—hurt me?” He supposed he would have to on October “I—I don't know that. I can’t extra heat because it’s properly prepared. Try the learn to live with those dreams. Tp Application Hotel imagine any living thing wanting to sit with her now, far out and alone GRALYNN hurt you. I swear, by la Madre de magic-like heating performance of D & II Anthracite. Maselyn beside the little fire was itself an Corner Second Street Dios!—he’ll pay for it if I live to unreal and precious thing, now that WAR Stamford H. H. Mase and First Avenue find him. Now don't you be afraid he no longer fought against it. A Del. Co. any more. It’s all over, for now." quiet peace had come upon this If you've declared war against some of those odds-and- CALL 4 8 7 Manager Moderate Rates N. Y. The tears began to roll down her place; or something as near peace) ends that are cluttering up your home, It’s time to do as he ever knew any more. She Dining Room Service Unsurpassed face, and she hid them with her something about it. A Courier-Gazette Want Ad will hands. Quickly he looked about him, was very near to him, so near that M. B. & C. 0 . PERRY [I* checking the throw of the land. Then though tfieir shoulders did not light the battle for you—and win! It gets results fast and 519 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND, ME. he lifted her up and led her to a touch, it seemed to him that he very cheaply! aa-22 pocket gully at the foot of the pre­ could feel her warmth; and her cipitous north slope. When he had hair, with the firelight in it was a Call 770— Ask For An Ad-Taker! - THE 5 POINT FUEL made sure that searching lead could warm smoky mist, shot with gold, •not reach them here, he got the cioudina iji% eyes. _____— Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, FeKruary 14, 1939 Page Five

NORTH HAVEN behalf of the Chapter, presented WARREN to the retiring matron and instal­ VINAL HAVEN Mrs. Prank Calderwood went Sat­ ling officer the past matron’s Jewel, Italian Old Master For S. F. Fair HOOKED RUG POINTERS f t f t f t ft urday to Join her sister Mrs. Kath­ and J. O. Jameson, the newly in­ MRS OSCAR C. I.ANE erine Duncao in Camden whence ALENA L. STARRETT stalled worthy patron, presented to Corn tpondent they both left for several weeks Correspondent William Robin-on, the retiring Helen Hyde Carlson Gives High Lights Of Fine visit with relatives in Boston and ft ft ft ft worthy patron a gift, in behalf of At Union Church Rev. Kenneth vicinity. Tel. 49 the Chapter. Both replied gracious­ Old Art Now Being Revived Cook gave an able sermon Sunday Mrs. James Tabbutt returns today ly. on the subject "L ghts Amid the after visiting Mrs. Irene S mpson Members of the Congregational A bouquet of beaut ful red roses Shadows. Mrs. Blanche Kittredge in Rockland for a few days. Brotherhood will furnish what is was presented Miss Sawyer, retiring Because of the revival of interest' ends, to start raveling, on the un­ sang 'Some Morning." The vested Harold Joyce met with a painful |usually required of them for the mfttron- b>' Wlllis Berry, son of in fine hor.d hooked rugs, many J oer side. choir sang a special anthem. accident recently while riding to supper Thursday at 6 at the chapel Mr and Mrs Roland Berry. the persons inquire concerning the a:: Clipping, or shearing your tug. Betty Sukeforth ofRockland i-[school in a car with Lawrence Bev- F. L. S. Morse, of Thomaston will glft from Mrs Harold D Sawyer, cf making them, therefore I hum- give; a lovely, velvety texture; al- guest of her father Miles Sukeforth crage Owing to the slippery travel- ibc guest speaker and will read sev- who had t0 “C* .T .8™".. Lly offer tile following: | though it is hard on your hands at Sunnyslope Farm. hng the car went off the road fore - jcral orig nal poems. marshall for the installation, but Until comparatively recent years'and must be evenly and carefully who was taken suddenly ill Wed­ the hooking of rug; had not been done Many of the fine old rugs Elizabeth Gray, is home from mg the road fence rail through the j A supper will be served at the nesday with append cltls. considered an art. It was thought were sheared, as many others wen Knox Hospital for a few weeks vis t windshield. Harold sustained a Montgomery rooms Thursday by the I The ceremonies were interspcrced that housewives who could not af­ not. it is a matter of choice there­ with her parents Mr. and Mrs. fractured Jaw and bad cuts. After Baptist Iatdies’ Circle Mrs. Charles with several delightful program ford Brussels, or at least, Ingrain fore. whether you shear yours or George Gray. I first aid being given by Dr. Bows- Hysler. chairman. numbers which Included a piano carpets, made shift, by braiding or not. A public bridge and “63" part .■ field he was taken to Knox Hospital, Mrs. Ansel M Hilt is gain ng in jbib by Dr. Jud on P. I>ord; read- hooking worn out rags of the family If you have an artistic soul, it is will be held at the American Legion where he is reported to be resting health Mrs. Dana Thayer of East "Meeting of the School Direc- into rug-, to beautify their homes. a wonderful experience to design Lome Friday at 7.30. comfortably. Warren is employed at the Hi t tors- by jjiss Ida Stevens; n violin This was often true, yet here and your own rug; not just a copy of _. ~ n 1 Rev. Neil Bousfield was in town The One Oclock Club met Sat- home during her convalescence. by willls hls accom. there rugs were also made, for the another rug with variations, but urday. night . u. w th Mr and Mrs. ProdFred 1 Friday for _ a brief . . . visit__ ... with „ __ his Chester D. Stone Pest V.FW.,' pan[st. Mrs. Roland Berry; and a joy of tile making. Many women something entirely your own. I parents Dr. and Mrs. Cyrill Bows- Coombs. and Auxiliary will meet ton .ght group 0( solos by Raychel Emerson, with creative instincts and love for One woman I know, designed her field. enroute to Rockland where he Mrs. Rita Williams and son Peter w.th Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wylie, ! dramatic soprano, two request num- the beautiful, made use of their own rug, by drawing an oval wreath was an invited guest at a social have returned from a months visit The T.N.T. Club met with Miss 1 ..por You Alone" and "O Sole taients in the creation of exquisite of maple and oak autumn leaves on gathering and supper of the Browne with Mr Williams in New York. Phyllis Perry Saturday afternoon. M 0- which shc sang ln ItaUan rugs. her burlap, by the simple proces; Club of the First Baptist Church. Housekeepers at Un on Church Tea was served, with Miss Perry . Home and You;. which had bee„ Several of these lovely old rugs of placing the actual leaves down, Circle Thursday are Carrie Fifleld, pouring. The girls spent the after­ composed for Miss Emerson by Mrs. have now become museum pieces, and drawing around them. Then Allie Lane. Laura Sanborn and Min­ STONINGTON noon sewing patch work for the C. W. Krogman. her friend. An and their values are priceless; others she hooked in the colors In all th? high school quilt. nie Smith. Supper served at 5.30 Mrs. Helen Danielson of Rockland effective conclu ion was the duet ln the antique shops of the country autumn glories, on a dull grey back­ The Happy-go-luckies 4-H Club arc valued into thousands of dai- The Red Cross, met Tuesday for is visiting her parents Mr. and Mr.;. "The End of A Perfect Day" which | ground. Now the rug Is a "thine will meet tonight for a Valentine ' lars, according to size, workmanship of beauty and a joy forever." and it an all day sesion at Union Church Marino Scarci. was sung by Miss Emerson, and S. j parly at the home of the assistant Raphael's "Madonna della Sedia” or Madonna of the Chair, colors and design. vestry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pinnetto have Constantine, of Rockland. Mrs. is not only entirely her own. but Union Church M ssionary So­ leader Mrs. Ruth Perry. Commit­ Constantine of Rockland was ac- one of the most widely reproduced paintings the world ever has Not only are old rugs appreciated, will be valued "unto the third and moved to one of Herbert Warren, known, is one of 40 world renowned old masters from Italy which tees are Ann Norwood and Eliza­ but modem ones, of fine workman­ tourth generation" as well. ciety will hold a cake sale Wednes­ rents. companst. arrived in New York on January 12. Valued at $15,O(IO,OtMi the ship­ beth Kennlston. for entertainment. ship are greatly valued. Recently day at Senter-Crane’s store. There ij Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Parkhurst, . Miss Sawyer wore a medium blue ment lrom Europe is part of $75,000,000 art to he displayed at the Helen H. Carlson will also be a White Elephant table Unitv f and Annette Haskell and Evelyn moire taffeta, and Miss Aspey. white, j 1939 California World’s Fair on Treasure island. 11 saw one. oval ln shape, about T h e choir will meet Thursday niaht1 * na Joyce 01 un y passeo Smith, refreshments. Ice cream •ine choir will meet inursaav mgnt days w th Mr and Smith, refreshments. Ice with corsage of American Beauty eg h t by ten feet In size, valued at and cake will be served w.th Mrs. Gertrude Sellars for re- on j Eaton ro es. PORT CLYD E MONHEGAN $800. The late Mr. Creamer had Light lunch was served under the ______, several rugs in hls Waldoboro hcarsal. a- The Methodist Ladies Aid will Eastern Star Iivtallaton Castine Normal Moses Webster-Lodge meets to-j hoW ftn aU ses«,on thl(. week direct on of Mrs. Laura Seavey. as­ Mrs. Merton Anthony has re- Mr and Mrs. Fred Townsend antique -‘hop. costing from one hun- Officers of Ivy Chapter O E S night. sisted by M:s. Helen Maxey, Wil­ turned from several weeks' visit 'n were visitors Tue day in Friendshiu dred' to six hundred dollars, pos- at the home of Mrs. Ida Stinson. were installed at an impressive Past H g'.i Priest. Edgar H. Brad-j Mrs. Esther McMahon has sold ceremony Friday night by Miss liam H. Robinson. J. O. Jameson, Augusta. [where they attended a meeting of sibly more Coach Lloyd "Bunk’ Hatfield has street will install the officers of At-1 j Willis Vinal. Marshall White, and .her house on Eastern avenue and Evelyn Sawyer, retiring matron as- Jasper Balano. a student at Bates the Veterans of Foreign Wars, re- , T l>’ as one lna>’ a maC“ “ ™ade been engaged to officiate, with lantic Royal Arch Chapter Thur;- ■_ .. — _ 1 Albert W. White Tables were ColIe£ spen( the weekend wit!, [turning home Thursday j rug reproducing either he or^nt- , ,, , . ... _ . moved to Rockland. sisted by Mrs. Dana Smith as grand Charles C. Wotton of Rockland, in . p e **- . . n Id Mr‘ and Mra Ray 00,151118 marshal, Mrs. Elmer Jameson, piettily decorated with Valentine his brother Wijfred who «s at the 1 Dr. Jean Weidensall is enjoying n aJ- 1 ne c b lnese, or of the hooked three backetball tournaments—Class ig rest ai ae as a rortland were visitors in town this grand chaplain, and Mrs Leroy Nor- motifs. Among the guests was Ed- Eal homestead for a few week- Peasant vacation at St Simon; »aok8 char"‘ and ^ T' B at Ellsworth. Feb 22; Regional Marshal gar Ame; of- Thomaston, — grand • 1 Ifland. Ga sonallty. Even very good looking week. | wtod. grand organist, in the prq,s- Mrs. Lillian Davis and children Class A at Bangor. Feb 24 and 25; Mrs. William La writ entertained junior steward of the Grand Lodge Mrs. Vera Donnelly has been ence of 100 members and guests, are occupying the cottage owned by' Everett Carter and Leslie Davl, hooked ru^ ' mad« with Pat«nt and Eastern Maine Tournament a'. Tuesday a fam ly dinner party, in made a trip to Boothbay Harbor Punch hook u ually called “hand visiting her sister Mrs. Ethna Buck- ’ These officers were installed: of Maine Bangor, classes A and B. March 3 ltor.or of the 85th birthday anni­ Forest Davis. Friday with lobsters. made," lacks the individuality and minster at Sunshine. Worthy matron. Mi s Hilda Aspev; and 4. They will be assisted at Ells­ versary of her mother Mrs Nettie The young people have enjoyed ( gupt q( Har(jW CHnor(l technique, acquired by the patient Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchin- worthy patron. J O. Jameson; as- "An all-time low on prices of worth by Into Suomi, former coaen Wooster A large decorated birthday fine skating this winter Thulsday vLslt ttw Island artisan plying lovingly along, with son were recent guests of the Emery roeiate matron. Mis Leroy Smith: new electrical equipment is to be at Maine School of Commerce, take, made by a neighbor, Mrs. Ada Rev. John Holman conducted -chool making the trip from his her old fashioned hook, Coles at Sunset. I associate patron. William H Rob- seen in the Central Maine Power Bangor. Creed was presented to Mrs. Woos­ services on Monhegan Island re- bclne ln Boothbay Harbor • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Valmore Greenlaw inson; secretary. Mrs. Laura Star- Co. "Odds and Ends" sale. Main St. • • • • ter who also received several bou- Muss Charlotte Stanley has re- and Roger were recent visitors at rflt; treasurer Miss Tena McCal- office. Rockland 1-2 to 1-8 off. The In the old days, the person who The names of four students from ciuet=. one of beautiful gladioli/, 19-20 Sidney Andrews and lamuy of turned from Port Clyde accompan- the home of Alfred Greenlaw in ium; conductress. Mrs. Albert W buy of your life—adv.- (was about to hook a rug. secured a Knox County and vicinity who were lrom relatives in Vancouver. B. C. Oceanvllle. White; associate conductress. Mr, j Bangor were lucent visitors in town, leo by Mi s Barbara Thompson. piece of steel, such as a heavy nail. on the honor roll, made public at the She also received several gifts and John Simpson l» shingling his Marshall White; chaplain. Miss M Mrs. Charles Monroe is somewhat Harvey Cushman spent a few davs and a male member of the house- close of Ohe (first semester Just n laige shower of greeting cards. SPRUCE HEAD store on Main street. Grace Walker; marshal. Mrs Fred- improved from recent illness. Eusksport the past week hold, filed it down at one end to passed are Albert Hill. Warren; Lo.s New officers of tl?c Christian En­ Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Oross were erick Powers; organist. Mrs. Fred Darrell L. Mann of Great Duck ___Mrs. ______Laura Simmons______entertained M r" Matilda strout u ‘mprov.ng form a hook, similar to a coars» Robinson Thomaston; Margaret deavor are: President. Pauline recent visitors at the home of Mr Campbell; Adah. Mrs. Dana Smith; I Island Light Station is passing his the Baptist Circle Wednesday aft- from lIlnes? at the !lcme of hcr crochet hook, and added a wooden Smith; vice presidents, Miriam Rogers. Rockland, and Roger Dew, r.nd Mrs. Lorenzo Gross. |p,uth. Mrs. Edwin Gammon; Esther. Heave with Mrs. Mann and daugh- ernoon. daughter Mrs. Vinal Fo s. handle at the opposite end; or site Wiscasset. Of the five highest Greenleaf. Rebecca Dupcan; Ker.- The Ladies Auxilary' held its Mss Evelyn Sawyer, to be in tailed ter June. i Mr. and Mrs Woodrow Cushman Assistanl Kee^ ‘ Da> 011 **nt t0 8 blacksmith, and he ham- ranking students in school Mis. r.eth Calderwood. Olive Am ro; sec­ Mmiauc Fog otgnnl Station ro- nit red out the hook on his anvil monthly meeting at the home of later; Martha. Mrs. J O Jameson. Fred Batty Jr., has been spend- have been guests of Mr and Mrs. Hir . ,r * L out vne noon on nts anvu. Rogers placed second with a point- retary, Mary M6Ktr;' .treasurer. Madalyn Howell. Electa. Mrs. Willis Vinal; warder.' ing the week on Manana Fog Sig- Charles Monroe. w n,hhflV H«ri r l Ti s t0 J * 1- sF*ciflcatlons. Eleanor Sawyer; pian&p Rebecca age of 3 91 and Mr. Hill fifth with Mr and Mrs Elmer Oros.s have Mrs. Robert Walker; sentinel. Al- nal Station with Mr and Mrs Floyd J Mrs. Addie Kelso who has been day i e ^ a d a b X n b a ^ o r t ^ r e ftund 3.25. The school average was 2 43 Duncan; flag bearers, Murray and T ™ o n fr^ n U triPJ : , ^ t0vnislted i t „ t 1 ™ kS’ h“ ’akP" ” a X n , “ 1 S hts itaUon. ^e , X foun- • O 0 • Evelyn Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs Charles E. Young Helen Thompson of Warren is a rrturned Saturday R a a "!«"■«'» j H o i p . u l In B ailor |tn« wliicli last vear s cIBrrrs unltr-d B'U . " T ” ? Thomaston. night al Contract bridge Thom coa„ , material on her loom, student-teacher in our rural train­ visit with relatives , in Boston anti M <^d B t recovering in the singing’ "The Old Rugged rccently of Joe Rlbbentr°P at ,he Mr and Mrs Charles Kinney and present were Mrs Jay Conaway. Then she collected all the worn out ing or laboratory school at Penob­ .romilthZ 'c,.^ a ™ M „ . Z Z X daughter ham m t.^ e d ,com a , « Mr. Dcuglaa Wht.r am, Etv. . c.rh .n g „om ,he at.tr ...d rm 0 scot. vr? nity. Campbell Lewis Burgess and family of ,The> also called on Mr. and Mrs Et Wileys Comer. Brackett. |jnt0 flne strtpf, and ror vhf gay • • • • Mr. and Mrs Herbert Warren at- [ the piano. As the officers filed Milledge Randall at Cape Elizabeth North Haven, were recent guests of tended the Sportsman Show in Bos­ from their places Mis; Sawyer, re­ colors needed she spent a day over The Castine Lions Club gave a Mr. and Mrs. Allston Roberts. Mrs. Cassie McLeod went Satur­ ton. tiring matron presented gifts ‘.o the dye pots. Then she spread her benefit entertainment recently ln the New officers of Junior Epw’orth day to Quincy. Mass., where she w.ll Mrs. Ernest Snowdew is ill. each in appreciation of loyal sup­ AT PARK THEATRE WEDNESDAY burlap or hand-woven material on EB.N.S. gym and dormitory parlors spend the next six weeks with rela­ league are: President. Mary John- Mrs. Emma Sellers died at her port during her year as matron. the kitchen table, and drew on it. with the co-operation and assistance tives. son; vice pre .dents, Mary Ames. jlOtne at Green Head Thursday aft- As the new matron was conducted the pattern she expected to follow «f the Castine High School and Lois M Cook. Albert Carver J r . 'eruoon she Ls ,unlved by be to her seat in the East she passed Mrs. Elbert Burton called Friday Now. all that is needed ls a E.S.N.S A feature was a burlesque Robert Stiachan, secretary. Marilyn ^^band Isaac Sellers and a daugh- through an arch of flowers, formed on Mrs- Cbarles Butler at Ciark c amped burlap pattern, many du- basketball gam? between two teams Carver; treasurer. Ruth Carver; ju­ ter Mrs. Leona Allen. when 12 officers lined up bearing Island ; pi cate the lovely old designs; a from the Lions Club. W. D Haii nior steward. Anncitje iDav.s; assis­ pink carnations, which were pre- Mrs Minnie Paiker of Minturn is steel rug hook. Just like the old played with the winners and O. F tant steward. Bernadette Nichols: ones, to be found ln any department Robinson with the losers. The of- TENANTSHARBOR tented M ss Asppy by Miss Sawyer visiting her daughter. Mrs. Elbridge inner guard. Irene Ames; outer just before she was seated in the Simmons. tore;,and a good assortment of old Ilcial score has not yet been com­ guard, Edward Greenleaf Jr.; pian­ Mr. and Mrs. Cl.fton Marshall of east xhis was an especially pretty cicthing to cut into strips. puted. • • ♦ • ist. Ruth Arey. The officers were [ Rockland were guests Sunday of Mr. I art of the installation. COURIER-GAZETTE WANT ADS Rugs made only of woolen piece; installed by Pauline Smith. Mrs. and Mrs. James Taylor. The newly installed matron, in WORK WONDERS ;are best, and wear longest. Heavy Lois Robinson, Margaret Rogers Kenneth Cook gav? a talk assisted | Shirley E. Dwyer was given a sur- material, such as coating, should be Roger Dow and Helen Thompson are t> Helen Webb. Irene Ames recited prise birthday party at the home cut about the width of a pencil, participating in an entertainment the Bible Alphabet and Robert of her aunt. Mrs. Orris Holbrook. AT STRAND WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY th nner, about half an inch and for to be given Wednesday by the Wom­ Strachan recited the books of th“ Saturday evening. Oames were silk stocking; or underwear, about en's Alliance of the Unitarian Bible. played. Barbara Morris winning ‘ an inch. Church. A Valentine Ball will, be held to- first prize in the peanut hunt, “ZAZA’ After deciding on your rug pat-1 • • ♦ . night in Red Men s hall sponsored Shirley had many lovely gifts. The tern, be sure you have enough m a-, Myrle 61ecpfr Abbott an cfflcient by the Senior Class; music by guests were Mary Watts, Dorothy terlai on hand for background, such teacher in the Bar Harbcr schools, Siaffys orchestra. , , , Lantz. Gloria Jonasson. Barbara as black, tan. grey, or cream. This has completed a sho;t course in Mr. and Mrs. Virta/Hcpk ns en- Morris, Doris Chaples. and Clar- usually takes a great deal more than residence here la order to meet thu tertained as dinner guests Friday ence Dwyer of Martinsville; Mrs. you realize. You may dye color to dnai requirements leading to a pro- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coombs. i Alice Mason of Rockland. John suit yourself, or use rug yarn for fessional teachers certificate. Shc Installation of officers of L. wall and Orris Holbrook flcwer; and leaves, and so obtain returned to her work as a teacher i.'i Carver Relief Corps was held last Pastor Smith of the Baptist many beaut ful results. Bar Ha.bor Monday. Tuesday night. Past President Church was agreeably surprised There ls, in every M ure neigh­ • • • • Montilieu Grindle was installing Wednesday, his birthday, when, borhood. a “hocker" and she is us­' i Miss Edith E. Leslie, director of o'ir officer. The new officers are: immediately following the mid- ually a frler.dly sort of person, who iaborat<)ry school c0n4UllnK of aU President, Lillie M. Gregory; vice weekly prayer meeting, all the One of th^turbulent moments in "Bov Slaves" is depicted in the scene will gladlv introduce you to the the eli nuitarv craje^ cn“ a rural president, Lillian S Lawry; secre- congregation lustily sang the cus- abovere. which includes, left to right, Frank Malo. Alan Baxter Charles Ert and you vdn k,arn abou, ’ ' ,nvir'n‘ ii -n— T.ti.... -..a Thi. n u n acnooi m a :urai environment is bc- tary, Carrie Cassie; treasurer. Cora tomary greeting "Happy Birthday." I’owers. Walter Tetley and James Mct’allion. This KKO Radio screen nr?e minutes' Alter thai. you keep dram a tells a story of youthful vagrancy and of turpentine camp brutalitv, ginning next week with the fresh­ Bunker; conductor. Marlon Sholes; pians still were not completed, for with a cast of principals in their Urns and early twenties. Nineteen-year- r ght on learning by experience. men a short course in "How To chaplain. Mary A. Benner; patriotic immediately from out of the ladies’ old Anne Shirley is the featured lead, in the only feminine role.—adv. It ls a good plan to hook in the Study." Wt long ago discovered that instructor. Florence Smith; guard. parior rolled a large table bearing outline of the stamped de ign, first. our students need not only definite Abbie Hutchinson; past president. a beautifully decorated cake, with If your backgrqund color is to be tnslrustion in study technique bu Inez Conant; bannerbearers. Fra- the appropriate number of candles, !dark, outline flowers and leaves in guidance in the formation of study ternlty, Blanche Kittredge; Charity, which soon brightened the room THURSDAY ' hght tints, or f background 1s to habits as well. Lorna Swears; Loyalty, Madeline with their cheer and greeting. Then be fairly fight, outline in black, or • • • • Smith. A fine Valentine program ensued a veritable processional of quite dark tones. was then presented by Vice Presi- cai

They sat for a long time listening years ago from Island Palls. Two CUSHING to the faint coyote song and the lit-i brothers survive, both of whom re­ tie popping of the Are. Once, as WALDOBORO side in Poland. Funeral services Mr and Mrs. Fred Kllleran are they sat quiet, he heard tar off a ft ft ft ft will be held today at 2 from Flan­ attending the Sportsmnn Show In thing he did not understand. It was MRS. LOUISE MILLER ders funeral residence, Rev. O. G. Boston and visiting Mr. and Mrs. so distant and so muffled that he Correspondent Barnard officiating. The body wilt Fred Maloney in Brighton, Mass. 4 ! 1 1 TT could not at once decide whether it 1 2 J g b L 9 to II IL i i could have been the fall of a rock ft ft ft ft be placed in the German Tomb. Dr. Louis Benson has returned 1 from a high place, or had been the Tel. 27 Miss Jessie Keene a member of from a recent meeting of the Osteo­ IM 15 report of a gun far away up the the faculty of Gorham Normal pathic Society which convened in canyon, smothered by close walls i (School was at home for the week- Augusta. lb 17 Mr. end Mrs. C. R. Sprague re­ and the drift of the air. He glanced 1 end. Mrs. James Seavey and daughter nt Marian to see if she had noticed turned Monday tc Portland hav-i 18 19 20 21 22 Alfred Ellis attended the winte. Evelynne Lufkin were busi- j and saw that she had not. ing been called here by the death i Marian looked at him. the firelight ,4 Sprague’s father. Milton I carnival Friday and Saturday a tness visitors Wednesday in Fair- 23 2H 25 2 b Farmington Normal School. pooling long shadows under the op.-ag,i« Mr am. Mrs. WUUm field. Mrs. C. B Stahl has returned 2ft 29 lashes of her steady eyes. "I just gprag, * Qf Icj,n, l0n Mass., and Auditors McElwee cf Union and 27 from a two weeks visit with her thought of something.” KlmbaU q{ , Milj- Pennell of Waterville were in ses­ daughter Mrs. Harold Parsons in □ I 30 3t 1 32 sion with the town officials the past “Th:*—isn't it kind of fu n n y ? -'* ™ ln t0'vn Fr‘* ,0 »’ •***» ,h* Boston and her sister Mrs Ed ware week □ this is exactly the situation we were turtrai of Mr. Sprufuc. Connor of Winchester. speaking of the other day.” \ f r< Gladys O?ant entertained Notices have been posted asking Mrs. Norman Winchenbach of Sb 1 J CUari^t^i, He was puzzled "When was this’" i(he NUrf c)ub Monday night Quests foi an extension of the electric line 3M 37 A 101 if, South Waldoboro who fell on the ice "In Inspiration. !Were V) and Mr> Robert Mitclre'.l from East Friendship line to the L For a moment he didn t get it ; Saturday and sustained serious In­ MO HI M2 J Billy Wheeler’s eyes were sweep- blanket from her dead pony, and , Then it came back to him in a rush Thomaston. Mr. ,-nd Mrs. Austin juries is at the home of her daugh­ homes of Mrs. Mary Morse and the Sallinen brothers near Fiiendship M7 Ho ing the upper levels as he stepped spread it for her to rest upon1; and — blast of sun upon the dusty : Wiiuhenbaugh, Mr and Mr*. Wer»- ter. Mrs. Clarence Eugley. MM M5 Mb out of the saddle. In the ragged gathered bits of dead brush to’ street, the atmosphere of silent, ct—11 Llanchard and Mr a.id Mr* Alfred Stoner was a Boston visi­ bridge. brush and upthrust ledges above a tiny fire, "Striking fire kind of 52 waiting hostility, the groups of Hamlhi Schofield to r recently. Beverlv Geyer is cutting fire MM 50 5t that forgotten, nameless canyon, a seems like setting up a mark," he spurred and booted men in door- w apologized. But you re plenty safo^ Ways. watching without seeming to Mr and Mrs. Carl Becker and Mr and Mrs. Austin Mille? i nd i wood for Howard Rowell on the for thousand horsemen could have been 53 5H h i 5 b hidden within the quarter mile. His if you stay close under the rock watcb and he had stood talking to ' Billy' of Farmington spent tlw Sumner Hancock visited Sunday at mei B F Robin on lot near the 58“ i’ 4 eyes were grim as he passed his split. Now you take it easy. We'11 Marian across the door of a car. | weekend with her parents Mr. and Mr. Hancock's home in Casco Grange hall. 57 reins to the girl. rest here an hour or so; then we'It not thinking about what was ahead. Mrs. William Flint. Mrs. Harry Collins of Washington Mrs Nettle Seavey remains In 1 "Marian, for the last time—won't go back.” '• 'If you and I were set afoot.'" Mr. and Mrs. George Walbridge D. C. and Mrs Leland Vannah of hl health. Her sister Miss Lizzie 6o L anything I can say or do make you Marion drew up her knees, and hid she quoted. “ ‘some place far off in Plymouth, Mass, returned home [Young is with her. go back?’’ her eyes against them. One of her ; and Justin Welt of Gardiner were the mountains at night, with only visitors Sunday in this place. Monday after a visit In town caused jn jjgt Of smart people her? "No!" She smiled, faintly, a lit­ hands r»?hed out to him uncer- • one blanket between us—’ " HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL (Cont.) VERTICAL (Cont.) tle grim stubborn smile. "You can't tainly. and he took it. Her fingers Mi s Cordelia Barnard of Belfast Ly the Illness and death of Mrs. is William Rivers who on hi 82il , River in Poland 12- Blood-sucking fly He was resting perfectly still on 1--A seeming contra­ 49- seem to understand that I—" were moist and cold, with a tremor passed the weekend with her par­ Clara Lovett. birthday wheeled a half cord of i d ictio n 50- lncrease of A frica on? elbow, looking at the fire; but 13- A highway (pi.) A sharp report sounded above, in them; he warmed them between ents Rev and Mrs. O G. Barnard. Mrs. H. R Winchenbaugh of \iO"C to the church from his horn? | 7-Endeavors 51- O b ta in and Marian's pony suddenly folded his hands, noticing how huge his he could feel her eyes, so near his 14- Rubber 52- C lub used in a game 2 0 - Close by face, watching him under her A benefit bridge for the public li­ Rockland was guest Friday of Mr and housed it and has been in the , 2 1 - Ta rd y at the knees. It went down on its hands were made to look by her slid? * 15- Check 53 - Ctips lashes. And behind her eyes he and Mrs. Fred 'Bums. woods nearly every day ths winter 16- Ascend |55-Winged (bot.) '24-Wooden pin side like a great sand bag, and was fingers. brary will be held Feb 20 at the supposed she was laughing at him. Mrs. Stanley Poland will be hos­ 17- Anxiou* 57-More like an eel 26-Corn-spike still before the echoes had died from Presently she looked up. shook her home ol Nathan Farwell. The pub- cutting fire wood tess Wednesday afternoon to the 18- Period of time 59-Gold coin of ancient 31-Serpent » the rifle in the upper rocks. Wheel­ head sharply, and drew away her | "I was right.” she said. "You js inv.ted J J. Fa’.es is slowly recovering 33- Fifteen hundred didn't know it then, but you can see Dr Neil Fogg of Rockland was a J.tterbug Sewing Club (a b b r.) Greece er's pony reared, tearing free its hand. “I'm all right now. Did you Horn his attack of illness which has 19- A title (Sp.) 60- Fortified fifty it now. You see—it seems a good head, and bolted down the canyon. ever see such silliness?” . , . _ . .. . visitor in town Saturday, Mr. and Mrs Forrest Stahl have 21- A falsehood 61- Noblewoman 34- Locks of hair deal different, now that we re really confined him to the house the great­ 33-A rodent He sprang toward Marian. She “Rest easy. We've got lots of 1 here .. Mr and Mrs Harry L Childs and moved from Winslow Mills to the 22- Corroded had swung herself clear, and was er part of the fall and winter 23- Fastening device '36-D:»pafch time.” Mr .and Mrs. Roy Wallingford of Mrs. Katherine Perry house on already getting up beside her fallen The dusk had closed more rapidly "Does it?” he said without ex Miss Marilyn Maloney is suffer­ tp l.) VERTICAL |37«-A jagged knot Friendship street. horse. “Get down—quick, behind 1 at the last, and little light was left pression. He got up with a sort Lewiston were callers Sunday at ing from an injured shoulder caused 25-C o m p act j38-Besides Mrs. Gerald Dalton visited Mon­ 27- Comparative suffix 39-Earthenware the horse!" She hesitated, but he in the sky; but a moon was rising I of stiff, slow leisure, for the little the home of Mr and Mrs. B G by a fall while skiing. fire was burning low. He went be- xi.ller. day with her sister, Mrs Ervin 28- An insect 1- A fruit (pi.) w orkers did not. He seized her shoulders, behind a high point of rocks, sil- [ Word comes from Mrs. Dorothy 4f-Opaque body of the yond the fire, squatted on one heel Mr and Mrj Richard o<.rry P.nkham in Nobleboro. 29- And (Latin) 2- Debt overdue and deftly kicked her heels from under houetting a crag that looked like a Lindahl in the Sunny South that 30- Cog-wheel u n paid solar systtm her and laid her flat behind her beside it. and fed it pieces of Wentworth. M rs Carrie Win - • • • • horse's head. the weather is ideal in Sarasota— 32-Turkish offic e I 3 - Sh cw ers 43-Talks idly dead pony. "Stay there!” He noticed how huge it looked, as stick I 4- Stupid person 45- Like an olJ woman "You see. I know you. Billy, chenbach and Herbert Johnson.' Stenger-Bond flowers and all vegetation at their 3 5 -T e ars He pulled his gun and moved five moons do when they are low to the 1 37—Kill violently 5- A cts 45-Supporl 'ora picture yards to one side, standing up to , earth. The horse-head crag had a Sometimes I think I know you better members of Meenahga Grange, at- j j j rs Arthur F. Bond of Boston best. From Zepherhills Mr and Mrs. 40-Regius Professor 6- Conjunction 47- A v e r draw what further fire there might 400-foot profile, but it looked little than I know myself." Her eyes tended Pomona Saturday In White- has announced the marriage of her Herbert Morse write that the (a b b r.) 8- Musical ncte 4 8 - Oinun sh be. A minute passed, two minutes, against the moon, which was made wavered and drifted out toward the field. daughter, Helen Isabelle, to Elliot weather there Is like mid summer 4 2 - Eagle 9- Libcrated 54 A pastry 56-EtruscJn god while he watched for movement on to look bigger than a mountain, big­ low young stars. "I can remember Peter Dubyna. 60. died suddenly Read stenger of Abington. Penn here. Mrs. Albert Barnes writes 43- ltahan river 10- C iri's p a n e the upper rim ; but there was no when I was afraid of you. If we 44- Excite 11- Seccr.u daughter cf ■C-Musical note ger than a range. Feb. 11 He was a native of Poland The ceremony took place Feb. 11 at that Savannah. Ga„ has been won- K in g L ear 59-Piefix. Apart sound or shot. had been out here then—two years ...... 4 7 -B tg in "You know.” he said, "it's funny j ago—I would have wanted nothing hut had moved 10 this t0* n the home of Mr and Mrs. Cedric derful all winter, ice forming iveiy The desert hilts were as silent and how badly things work out; never , (Answer To Previous Puzzle) empty as before, except for the dy­ the way you want them to be Many ' so much as to get back among other Warren Porter in Wellesley Hills. tilin' a few time; in the dog's dish ing rattle of hoofs down-canvon and many a night, lying out in the ' people. That's all gone, now." even have been on her range, or The bride«is a graduate of Wal- outside, that she had peas planted SOUTH THOMASTON from Wheeler's stampeding pony. hills, watching my fire—like this— He looked at her. She had never within a day's ride of iL if her in­ (jpboro High School and was em­ and soon would plant more Marian's voice came to him. I've thought about how it would be. seemed more lovely, more human, terests had not drawn him in atjd ployed for several years at the local ------M s. Myrtle Makinen went Mon­ more elementally desirable than she held him. She had made her de­ "What in the world happened?” if you were there. How I'd get you post office For the past few years Urban Borneman. Irma Pietila. day to Millville. Mass., guest of Mr. "Somebody took your p o n y to like these hills, and the coyotes looked now. a tired girl in cow- cisions in regard to him long ago through the head with a rifle, is talking and" the smell" of smoke in i country work clothes, slim and lazy. 1 and to change them he had spent she has resided With her mother ri Claris a Miller. Joyce Fitzgerald tnri Mrs. Lyle Drinkwater of Rock­ all." A crazy red anger was on him. your hair—vou know, foolish stuff.” t relaxed by the little fire as if she his------every resource without ' * any ef- Boston. Fred Ross. El zabeth Fitch. Levitt land. She w.ll visit her sister Mrs. feet. And now. at the last—It! Mr. Stenger is the son of Mr. and storer. Lois Winchenbach. Edrinca Loose in these hills was a man as "I do love the hills." she said. had never known any other resting Alton Williams while Mr. and Mrs. dangerous and unaccountable as a He shook his head. "This isn't , place in her life. Her face was amused her to torment him. It Mr>. Thomas Stenger of Abington Howell. Sara Ashworth, wild animal with hydrophobia. For ft. This isn’t right. You ought to quiet, almost grave; but though seemed to him that there was a penn. They are summer residents . . . . Drinkwater visit Mr’ and Mrs the first time he inclined to Tulare's , be able to lie by your fire and smell her eyes looked drowsy there was a capricious she-devil in that girl— 0< Martin s Point. Friendship H * Future Farmeis' News Robert Williams. little gleam in them that did not belief that Magoon was the killer. 1 pine timber. And that crick b u t1 poHunitv n a" * Onlen' **'*” °P' Ls a graduate of Stanton Military The Medomak Chapter of Future Miss Marion Watts went Sunday come from the flame in front: a Too much long riding alone—espe­ there ought to have water running to Hingham. Mass, where she has cially when it was mixed up small provocative glimmer of fire | “You see. I know vou." she was I Academy and Penn. State College Farmers met at the agriculture room in it. You sit and listen to running 1 employment. with the night riders' long rope— water, and pretty soon you get to within, which he had seen in her saying again. [•nd is now employed by the Great in the High School Building during could do queer things to a man hear voices in it; sometimes you eyes only two or three times in The masks behind his e y e s American Insurance Co. of New activity period Wednesday with all Lin woe i Aly wood was host Thurs­ whose head wasn't too strong in the lie awake (or hours trying to g«t|. his life—and never before the last dropped away, and though his face j York as special agent in Pennsyl- 1 but two members present The meet- day night to a group ol friends who two or three days. (eacher. $2.70; Georges River School, first place. Lon Magoon, half out- | what they say. But what's more to hardly changed his eyes reddened. ' Tania ,ng called order bv the p,.esi. made merry with the music of Their eyes met and held, his fiZZT.t e,L S.m°k K Mr and Mrs s * n«*r wi» make Idem. Theodore Hail John Munroe teacher. $ 56. law. half sneak-thief, all coyote, the point, there’s likewise trout in acccrdicn? played by Marion Arey might have turned at last into some­ steady and masked within, hers fire that came up behind. She her-1 home (n ph;ladeIphia. 1 The class ln Accred.ted Bible the water. There ought to be a nied Arthur Burgess reported on his end Mario.i WatLs; guitars played thing which must be destroyed at pan of trout frying, here on the ' self had lighted that fire, long ago. I Study in the1 local Sunday School It was a fire that had driven him re- ; efforts to get Information about in­ by Litiwe t Pierce and cornet. sight, without hesitation. fire." tcok the State test Sunday. The Then he walked to the dead horse lentlessly. making him rich; it could ; School News cubators. saying that he had re- “Bud'' W it's. Games were played "You fit with things like that, you 1 class now numbers eight members and roughly verified the angle of know. As if you were made out of , have made him work for her. all her , ,! During the past week the typing ceived correspondence from manu- and re.: -liments served. Guests ana extends an invitation to ah the shot; then turned and began to them.” -j.ijk ** COUld break hinl a6ain- classes have been busv improving facturing companies and Mr. Gerrv. weie " lu t" and Marion Watts Mr. young people of High School age climb the canyon slope. . He said, “A half hour's rest in i X y V d l S T ^ ' ^ “ ores Thf lead" s in 15- aeded that he had also UTittenask- ic.'.'i M - W’ston Arey. Mr and Mrs. "Billy, come back! You can't—” the rocks, with a long, long w-alk V to join. The work is interesting and whether he loved or hated this girl. | ,*i'nu^€ speed tests for the first Ing U it would be possible to bc-- A ir..-d Pierce. “You stay down," he ordered her ahead—this is about as close as peo- ? enjoyable social activities take placn I’ll give you the same answer | '> W cIasi are: B Mank 44 words a >ow an incubator and pay for Tit; chairman of the drive for savagely. "O r by God, I'll tie you pie get to the way they want things. 1 frequently. • gave you in Inspiration.” he said, minute; P Storer. 46. W Fitzgerald filter a year s use. He also r minuc 1 funds lor Infantile Paralysis Foun­ down with my pigging-string!” I suppose.” Miss Mary Bartlett was guest of It would have been easy then to his words almost inaudible, even 38; M Kallinen. 32; T. Creamer, students that they would h r v 1 ■ dation. Mrs. Bernice Sleeper an­ "It's my fault, BHly. If I hadn't Mrs. Charles Emery in Rockland walk into gunfire, easy to shoot it been so stubborn you wouldn't have against the stillness of the night. 29; and A Colwell. 26. 8et orders for at least':' chicks. nounces that South Thomaston con- out with an ambushed man. Al­ lost your horse; you'd have gone foIf, y°u think ,h at you’re a little In a new contest for the Merit By letting one of the High ;.hool , tributions amounted to $37. and she recently. ways keeping his eye on Marian's The W.P.A. project has been com­ on through ” Still she met his eyes so long so Shield the £tandln« for thc first PUP“S “nCW ab°Ut Whe" 8nd h°* expresses great appreciation for the position, he searched those upper "Shucks, now!” pleted on the Marsh road and the steadily, so knowingly that he won- two ’ ***“ U: many chick5 are wanted. they Wl11 hearty co-operation of the people slopes, backward, forward, and She was silent, and they sat look- * same crew un'der the direct on of quartering. But what happened to ing into the fire. The smell of attl [ dered for an instant what was hap- Junior, 0; Senior. 50; Junior High furnbh them at going prices, j and especially those members of pening, was going to happen, there I 56. Freshman. 25; Sophomores. 25 Thomas Bragg Arthur Creamer, the comm.ttee who worked so wlll- Roy Jackson of Camden are build­ him was the one hardest thing of tumn was cool and clean in the air, 1 ing a new road at Waterman’s all—to find the broken country emp­ across the dry sage; and the red-j under the coyote moon. 1 The members of the Senior Class (find Roy Winchenbach have been j ir.gly and efficiently. The different ty and silent, with nothing in it to gold moon faintly mellowed the chill j Then he saw her face change, so in Problems ol Democracy have elected to sell hot dogs, candy and committees contributed as follows: Beach. fight or trail. of darkness on the gaunt hills, so 1 r M . Sliddu.nl- pale' and competing in an essay writ- ><*la P«P at the Washington Birth- 1 Keag Village, $27; Waterman's The Farm Bureau meeting on In the end he could only go back that they sat here in unreality, as if [ went out, and she i . s "ik^" UHk ing cont*st WaId°»°ro Wo- oay Ball in the H gh School gym Beach. $2.70; Georges River, $1.52; "Everyday Desserts" will be held to the girl with no result to show, in a dream. Friday at the Grange hall instead girl. Abruptly she pressed her face man s CIub ls offering a first prize Feb 22 and instead ol having a Spruce Head, $5.78. These include and no assurance as to what was "Some places,” he said, "they call ' of Thursday. This is an all day hard into her hands. ! of $5 and a second prize of $2.56 1 night meeting, as was anticipated. the schools donations which were ahead. He would not have been sur­ that a harvest moon; the Indians meeting and members are asked to prised, when he turned his back on He made his voice as hard and for the leading essays. [Thursday the gym not being avai'.- Primary School, Mrs. Arlene Hop­ call it the hunting moon, and they 1 go early prepared to assist with that emptiness, if a gun had spoken used to make smoke-medicines by cold as the rocks that hung over Dr. Salvi a native of India gave ab'c bo>’s wer« invited to at- kins teacher, $5 60; Orammar from a place where no one was, it.” them. "Now what?" an interesting talk about his country I tend a supper rponsored by a busi- School. Charles Grant teacher. $2.25 dinner. and brought him down. "What do you call it?” "I w ax ^ -n n ^ r " ? mu,ffled V°,‘Ce; at a recent assembly and also! ress firm at the Baptist Church, Spruce Head School. Miss Ethel "No catchum,” he told Marian. "Well—sometimes we call it a fail every one ” She lifted her showed moving pictures of India Can H Schroeder from a millin,: Holbrook teacher, $2.55; Bassick G LEN CO VE She had not stayed under cover, coyote moon. Because it puts a head and glanced about her, as if Be came to America to get an edu- «-'«arch farm ' ins, Detroit was District School, Mrs. Ellen Nelson but was sitting on a rock, a little kind of singing craze on the coyotes; M r and Mrs. Leslie Hamilton ar? apart from her dead horse. No use They gather around on hill tops, she were seeing this place for the cation and is earning money tc j speaker, quarreling with her over that; she ’Well, You See—” She Met His first time. A black shape lay be- complete it bv giving a series o f1 visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hall at seems like, and sing their hearts Eyes Again—“ I Win.” “ S5S2 had already proved to him that he out, as if it drove them wild crazy, M e the ’ ta lte ' FARMER S MUTUAL FIRE Warrenton Park for two weeks. Mr. couldn't control anything she chose some way. Listen.” seeming to laugh at him a little. ‘ 6 at black bottle overturned | There was also an assembly Feb i insurance company and Mrs. Walter Crewman of Ban­ to do. He put himself between her —the carcass of Marian s dead „ n m -.u i. gor were guests Sunday of Mr. and Far off, so faint a whisper that it half veiled by her lashes, horse. Suddenly the girl turned side- 8' Twenly PuPils from the Jun‘° ' ass^ D B r 31 .938 and the rim . "It’s a long walk seemed half imagined, they could ' . j sald_» she reminded him, "that Mrs. Hall. back,” be said morosely. "That’s ways, and dropped her head in her ^*8^ 8ave an audition before the cash ln office and bank $5,800 33 hear now a queer high crooning. I j{ we were—in a situation like this, Mrs. Charles Studley Is recovering my fault. I ’m not used to this stuff, argis upon the blanket. She began assembly. These 20 were chosen as full of an interwoven yapping and there wouldn’t be anything for me Gross cash a'sst, from a major operation at Knox or I wouldn’t have lost my pony. trilling, like nothing else on earth. | to worry about, nothing at all. And to cry, terribly, silently except for the best out of the 7th and 8».h LIABILITIES DEC Ko pital. When I saw your horse drop—I lost It sounds, Marian said, “as if , you sajd ,, j thought that I was a the„ choke .of her breath. . grades. Twelve were chosen for th ° , pttmium notes subject to my head. I guess.” there were 40 or 50 of them-sitting fool wep, you see_ - she met his He sat down against a rock and finais in March. They are compet-1 _ a',st sment *18.075 75 Louie Tatham has been confined waited. The gaunt, dead rock-hills ino . . . De(’u''t , l > a’ re*»nients and "Because it was I.” she said with somewhere on a mountain in a eyes again—"I win." ing for the prize money. First prize payments. to the house by illness. an unexpected, deep-striking clarity. leaned over them sadly cold and . _ „ . J , 1.807 58 ring." Still her eyes held, and he could Allie Fuller who has been ill wi»h "We’d better get going, I think.” "Two,” he told her. "They pair silent, blackened by the twisted M second pnze 3 and thlrd PnZl‘ Balance due on premium "We can't go on? And get—” not understand why hers did not ghost shapes of the parched bnish Chosen for the finals are: notes. *16,268 17 erippe Ls able to attend school this off this time of year.” drop. “I can’t believe, hardly," he Vtrgll E. Hills. Secretary "That m ust have been the man “Two,” she repeated. "Then And the coyote moon was pale and Barbara t Plcinlch, Edith Burgess, 13-T-19 week. we were after, that killed your said, "that you have any idea what old. no longer golden, but greenish, The Horning AfterTaking that’s why there’s something more sort ol thing you’re talking about." horse.” than moon madness in that sing­ like phosphorus rubbed on a dead C arters Little Liver Pills The firm that doesn’t advertise She smiled. "You think I don’t? and frozen face. She drew a deep breath, and stood ing.” Ls like a merry-go-round without up. For a moment she looked all 1 That’s because western men are Once she said. "But it's your He knew that they should be start. certainly the most conventional peo­ music. about her, upward at the high, tow- ing the long return, but he could not fault, too—that I fail—your fault as ple in the world.” ering rims. Then suddenly he saw bring himself to say so. The thing much as my own.” Anthracite her sway. ! that had brought them together. Suddenly he angered. He had not His answer was perfectly honest. brought her here of his own will, “I don't know what you mean.” FLORIDA He stepped forward in time to again—the disaster to Horse Dunn nor set them afoot, nor wished to steady her with his hands on her and the 94—had nearly run its rest here with her. He 'would not arms. And now he found that she C0Urse. And he knew that it was (To Be Continued) Kiis ponies, M IAM I’S was trembling violently. Her face a good thing for him that it had. 4 was white, making her eyes look Already he had lived under the- Ideal Resort Hotel enormous, and very dark. "Billy— same roof with Marian too long j I’m afraid—’’ She sat down on the for his own good, Re no |onger Convenient to ail point* of interest—Modern in every way. rock again, as if her knees would had any hope that he could forget An enjoyable view from our spacious ground-floor porches, which surround the hotel. Many room* with private balconies. not hold her up. her; she would always be in the "No more danger, child. It's all back of his mind some place, wait­ over, and he’s gone.” ing to come real and close to him in O f course, there's no magic to heating your home Booklet HOTEL June to "But who could it be? Why should his dreams. with D & H Anthracite. It's just dean, pure coal with he want to—hurt me?” He supposed he would have to on October “I—I don’t know that. I can't learn to live with those dreams. Tp extra heal because it's properly prepared. Try thc Hotel imagine any living thing wanting to sit with her now. far out and alone Application GRALYNN hurt you. I swear, by la Madre de beside the little fire was itself an magic-like heating performance of D & II Anthracite. Maselyn Corner Second Street Dios!—he’ll pay for it if I live to unreal and precious thing, now that WAR Stamford H. H. Mase and First Avenue find him. Now don’t you be afraid he no longer fought against it. A Del. Co. any more. It's all over, for now. quiet peace had come upon this If you've dtclared war against some of those odds-and- CALL 4 8 7 Manager Moderate Rates N. Y. The tears began to roll down her place; or something as near peace) ends that are cluttering up your home, it's time to do as he ever knew any more. She Dining Room Service Unsurpassed face, and she hid them with her something about it. A Courier-Gazette Want Ad will hands. Quickly he looked about him, was very near to him, so near that M. B. & C. 0 . FERRY rc* fight the battle for you—and win! It gets results fast and checking the throw of the land. Then though tfieir shoulders did not 519 MAIN ST., ROCKLAND, ME. he lifted her up and led her to a touch, it seemed to him that he very cheaply! aa-22 pocket gully at the foot of the pre­ could feel her warmth; and her cipitous north slope. When he had hair, with the firelight in it, was a Call 770— Ask For An Ad-Taker! made sure that searching lead could warm smoky mist, shot with gold. D *B ANTHRACITE-THE 5 POINT FUEL 'not reach them here, he &ot the [ clouding his. eyes. Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, FeKruary 14, 1939 Page Five

NORTH HAVEN behalf of the Chapter, presented WARREN to the retiring matron and instal­ VINAL HAVEN Mrs. Prank Calderwood went Sat­ ling officer the past matron's Jewel, Italian Old Master For S. F. Fair HOOKED RUG POINTERS f t f t f t ft urday to Join her sister Mrs. Kath- f t f t f t ft and J. O. Jameson, the newly in­ MRS OSCAR C. LANE 1 trine Duncan ln Camden whence AI.ENA L. STARRETT stalled worthy patron, presented to Corn npondent they both left for several weeks Correspondent William Robinron, the retiring Helen Hyde Carlson Gives High Lights Of Fine visit with relatives in Boston and ft ft ft ft worthy patron a gift-, in behalf of At Union Church Rev. Kenneth vicinity. Tel. 49 the Chapter. Both replied gracious­ Old Art Now Being Revived Cook gave an able sermon Sunday Mrs. James Tabbutt returns today ly. on the subject "L ghts Amid th° fter visiting Mrs. Irene S mpsou Members of the Congregational A bouquet of beaut ful red roses Shadows.' Mrs Blanche Kittredge |jn Rockland for a few days, Brotherhood will furnish what ls was Presented Miss Sawyer, retiring Because of the revival of interest' ends, to start raveling, on the ur.- sang "Some Morning." The vested Harold Joyce met with a painful j usually required of them for the matron. by Willis Berry, son of in fine hand hooked rugs, many ' Per side. choir sang a special anthem accident recently while riding t o , supper Thursday at 6 at the chapel Mr' and Mrs Roland Berry- persons inquire concern ng the art i Clipping, or shearing your mg, cf making them, therefore I hum- give; a lovely, velvety texture; al- Betty Sukeforth of Rockland I? school in a car with Lawrence Bev- [ F. L. S. Morse, of Thomaston will gift from Mrs Harold D Sawyer. Lly offer tile following; though it Is hard on your hands guest of her father Miles Sukeforth t.rage Owing to the slippery travel- be guest speaker and will read sev- wh° had Planned t0 act tts «rand marshall for the Installation, but Until comparatively recent years ; nnd must be evenly and carefully al Sunnyslope Farm. [ling the car went off the road forc- cral orig nal poems. who was taken suddenly ill Wed- the hooking of rug, had not been done Many of the fine old rugs Elizabeth Gray, Ls home from [ mg the road fence rail through the A supper will be served at the . nesday with append citts. considered an art. It was thought were sheared, as many others were Knox Hospital for a few weeks vis t windshield. Harold sustained a Montgomery rooms Thursday by the , cen.monie wcre intereperce<, that housewives who could not af­ not. it Ls a m atter of choice there­ and Mrs fractured jaw and bad cuts. After with her parents Mr. Baptist Ladies' Circle Mrs. Charles wUh sfVera, dellghtfu, progrgm ford Brussels, or at least, Ingrain fore, whether you shear yours or jfir.t aid being given by Dr. Bows- George Gray. Hysler. chairman. numbers which Included a piano carpets, made shift, by braiding or not. fitld he was taken to Knox Hospital. A public bridge and "63" part? Mrs. Ansel M Hilt is gain ng Isi soio py Dr. Jud on P. Lord; read- hooking worn out rags of the family If you have an art Stic soul, it is will be held at the American Legion "here he is reported to be resting health Mrs. Dana Thayer of East jng “Meeting of the School Direc- Into rug-, to beautify their homes. a wonderful experience to design l.cme Friday at 7.30. | comfortably. Warren is employed at the Hi’t tors- m u $ Ida Stevens; a violin This was often true, yet here and your own rug; not just a cop. of Rev. Nell Bousfield was in town The One Oclock Club met Sat- home during her convalescence. solo by willls his accom. there rugs were also made, for the another rug with variations, but . . . , ,. 1 Friday for a brief visit with his urday night w.th Mr and “Mrs. Fred _ . . . _ ... _ Chester D. Stone Pest V.FW „1 pantst Mrs. Roland Berry; and a joy of tile making. Many women something entirely your own. parents Dr. and Mrs. Cyrlll Bows- Coombs. and Auxiliary will meet ton.ght groUp Of solos by Raychel Emersor, with creative Instincts and love for One woman I know, designed her field. enroute to Rockland where he Mrs. Rita Williams and son Peter w.th Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wylie. 'dramatic soprano, two request num- the beautiful, made use of their own mg. by drawing an ova! wreath was an invited guest at a social have returned from a months visit The T.N.T Club met with M i s s ' ^ ' as one may, a machine made been engaged to officiate, with jug. reproducing either the orient­ lantic Royal Arch Chapter Thurs- I _ 1Albert W. White. Tables were College spent the weekend with turning home Thursday, Charles C. Wotton of Rockland, in . „ ...... D . moved to Rockland. sisted by Mrs Dana Smith as grand al, f.ne Chinese, or of the hooked «a>h o e *'*" ** assisled Mr. and Mrs Ray Cousins of marshal. Mrs. Elmer Jameson. prettily decorated with Valentine his brother Wilfred who is at the Dr. Jean Weidensall is enjoying a three basketball tournaments—Class H>gh Priest Oscai C. Lane as Grard Fortland were visitors in town this grand chaplain, and Mrs -Leroy Nor- motifs. Among the guests was Ed­ Ealano homestead for a few week- pleasant vacation at St Simon., 1UB !’’*“cles_ Iacks char™ and B at Ellsworth. Feb 22; Regional Marshal. gar Ames of Thomaston, grand sonallty. Even very good looking wrek. | wbod. grand organist, in the prq,s- Class A at Bangor. Frb 24 and 25; Mrs. William Lawft entertained junior steward of the Grand Lodge Mrs Lillian Davt ; and children ' ‘c and Davt, hooked rugs, made with the patent _ , , , . , . Mrs. Vera Donnelly has been ence of 100 members and guests. are occupying the cottage owned b; ,)Unch hook u ually ca!>d ,.hand and Eastern Maine Tournament at Tucsday? _ U m Jy ^ erjPar^_.n vislUnghersisterMrs EthnaBucfc.| of Maine. Bangor, classes A and B. March 3 honor of the 85th birthday anni­ Forest Davis. Friday with lobsters. ,nade '' lacks th« Individuality and nnnster at Sunshine. Worthy matron Mi s Hilda Aspey; and 4. They will be assisted at Ells­ versary of her mother Mrs Nettie The young people have enjoyed Supt of School Harold Clifford technique, acquired by the patient Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchin- worthy patron. J O Jameson; as- "An all-ttme low on prices of worth by Into Suomi, former coacn Wooster A large decorated birthday fine skating this winter came Thuisday to vLsit the Island ;,rtlsan Pb'lng lovingly along, with son were recent guests of the Emery fOciate matron. Mrs. Leroy Smith: new electrical equipment ls to be at Maine School of Commerce, take, made by a neighbor, Mrs. Ada Rev. John Holman conducted school making thc trip from hLs her old fashioned hook Coles at Sunset. associate patron W illiam H Rob- seen in the Central Maine Power Bangor. Crted was presented to Mrs. Woos­ services on Monhegan Island re- home in Boothbay Harbor • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Valmore Greenlaw mson; secretary. Mrs. Laura Star- Co. "Odds and Ends" sale. Mam St • • • • ter who also received several bou- and Roger were recent visitors at rfjt; treasurer. Miss Tena McCal- oRice- Rockland.1-2 to 1-8 off. The Miss Charlotte Stanley has re- j n the old days, the person who The names of four students from oueU, one of beautiful gladioli-. the home of Alfred Greenlaw in ]um; conductress. Mrs. Albert w buy of your life—adv.- 19-20 Sidney Andrews and family of turned from Port Clyde accompan- vras about to hook a rug. secured a Knox County and vicinity who were Jrom relatives in Vancouver. B. C. Oceanville. White: associate conductress. Mr, [ Bangor were lucent visitors in town. ieo by Mi s Barbara Thompson. piece of steel, such as a heavy nail. on the honor roll, made public at the Sht also received several gifts and Harvey Cushman spent a few davs and a male member of the house- u - . | John Simpson Is shingling his Marshall White; chaplain. Miss M SPRUCE HEAD Mr-. Charles Monroe is somewhat close of Uhe (first semester just n laige shower of greeting cards. sU)re on Main street. P 1 J r i W L C . n c . r t U Eusksport the past week. j hold, filed it down at one end to Grace Walker; marshal. Mrs. Fred- improved from recent illness. passed are Albert Hill. Warren; Lo..s New officers of tfce Christian E n -, Mr gnd Lyman Mrs. Fred Darrell L. Mann cf Great Duck Mrs. Laura Simmons entertained Mrs. Matilda Strout is improving form a hook, similar to a coarse Robinson. Thomaston; Margaret deavor are: President, Pauline j from nines? at the heme of her crochet hook, and added a wooden recent vis.tors at the home of Mr Campbell; Adah. Mrs. Dana Smith J Island Light Station Is passing his the Baptist Circle Wednesday aft Rogers. Rockland, and Roger Dew. Smith; vice presidents. Miriam, daughter Mrs. Vinal Fo s. handle at the opposite end; or slie r.nd Mrs. Lorenzo Gross. |Ruth. Mrs. Edwin Gammon; Esther, j leave with Mrs. Mann and daugh- ernoon. Wiscasset. Of the five highest Greenleaf. Rebecca Dupcan; Ker- Assistant Keeper Henley Day on went to a blacksmith, and he hani- The Ladies Auxilary held its m ss Evelyn Sawyer, to be in tailed ter June Mr. and Mrs Woodrow Cushma ranking students in school Mis. r.eth Calderwood. Olive Am ro; sec­ Manauc Fog 3lgnal Station re- mtred out the hook on his anvil, monthly meeting at the home of j&ter; Martha. Mrs. J O. Jameson. Fred Batty Jr., has been spend-'have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rogers placed second with a point- retary. Mary M iktr;' ,treasurer. turned from St. Andrews Hospital to her specifications. Madaiyn Howell. Electa. Mrs. Willis Vinal; warder. ing the week on Manana Fog Sig- Charles Monroe. age of 3 91 and Mr. Hill fifth with Eleanor Sawyer'; pian&p, Rebecca .n West Boothbay Harbor last Tues- Next the worker went Into the Duncan- flag bearere Murray and I Mr MrS‘ Elm<‘r ° r<>SS h’ VC MrS Robert WalkCr; senUnel- A1" na' Station with Mr and Mrs. Floyd ' Mrs Addle Kelso who has been 3.25. The school average was 2 43 Luncan, hag bearers. .Murray and relurned (rom a trip lo Boston. [bert W White. , v Cay. He had suffered a broken barn or cellar, and there found old • • • • Evelyn Hopkins. I Vernon Conley recently visited I Members and euests were invited 8 .. , for **VMal w««ks haj ^en taken ankif ln a recent fall at hLs nation, burlap bags, to be used as her foun- Mr. and Mrs Charles E. Young hu f(jther {he Eastern Main, ' , , the flag salute follow JO€ Godfrey. 'Ted Elwell and to the home of Mrs. Faster in Mrs. Pearl Davis entertained Frl- dation. or she sometimes wove Helen Thompson of Warren is a returned Saturday from a months HogpiU, ta ‘ | s cfflcers uniwd ^ l y ^ o e " Wbtantrop 5 X ch i Ki d C Th“ * C°“ * student-teacher in our rural train­ visit with relatives in Boston ano ! M ^ d u recovering in th e -T h e O ld Ruaeed rw*ntl> of Joe Ribbentrop at the Mr and Mrs. Charles Kinney and present were Mrs. Jay Conaway. Then she collected all the worn out ing or laboratory school at Penob­ v„ nity. renTi t , n « ’ home of his parenU' in Falmou,h da^ d‘<-r have returned from a visit Mr- Douglas White and Elva (Clothlng frora the , ttic. a„d cut it scot. 'from illness. I Cross" with Mrs. Fred Campbell at They also called on Mr. and Mrs at Wiley's Comer. Brackett. • • • • Lewis Burges; and family of j Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Warren at- the piano. As the officers filed into fine strips, and for the gay North Haven, were recent guests of tended the sportsman Show in Bos- from their places. Miss Sawyer, re- Milledge Randall at Cape Elizabeth colors needed she spent a day over The Castine Lions Club gave a Mr and Mrs. Allston Roberts. Mrs. Cassie McLeod went Satur­ benefit entertainment recently in the | ton. t.rlng matron presented gifts o the dye pots. Then she spread her day to Quincy. Mass., where she will New officers of Junior Epworth Mrs. Ernest Snowdew is ill. each in appreciation of loyal sup- AT PARK THEATRE WEDNESDAY burlap or hand-woven material on EB.N.8. gym and dormitory parlors league are: President. Mary John-! Mrs. Emma Sellers died at her]port during her year as matron ------cicthlng to cut into strips. puted. • • • • 1st. Ruth Arey. The officers were Rockland were guests Sunday of Mr. 1 art of the installation. COURIER-GAZETTE WANT ADS Rugs made only of woolen piece; installed by Pauline Smith. Mrs. land Mrs. James Taylor. The newly installed matron, in WORK WONDERS ere best, and wear longest. Heavy Lois Robinson, Margaret Rogers Kenneth Cook gave a rtalk assisted i Shirley E. Dwyer was given a sur­ material, such as coating, should be Roger Dow and Helen Thompson are ly Helen Webb. Irene Arne- recited prise birthday party at the home cut about the width of a pencil, participating in an entertainment the Bible Alphabet and Robert of her aunt. Mrs. Orris Holbrook. AT STRAND WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY th nner. about half an inch and for to be given Wednesday by the Wom­ Strachan recited the books of th° Saturday evening. Games were 'silk stocking; or underwear, about en’s Alliance of the Unitarian Bible. played. Barbara Morris winning [ an inch. Church. A Valentine Ball will be held to- first prize in the peanut hunt, ‘Z A Z A ’ After deciding on your rug p a t-; • • ♦ • night in Red Men's hall sponsored Shirley had many lovely gifts. Thc tern, be sure you have enough m a-, Myr|e sleeper Abbott an efficient by the Senior Class; music by ' guests were Mary Watts, Dorothy | terlal on hand for background, such leacher ln the Bar Halbcr g c h ^ . Siaffys orchestra. , Lantz. Gloria Jonasson. Barbara as black. Un. grey, or cream. This completed a sho;t course la Mr. and Mrs. Vidal^Hcpk ns en- Morris. Doris Chaples, and Clar- usually Ukes a great deal more than residence hcre Ul order to meet th-i tertained as dinner guests Friday ence Dwyer of Martinsville; Mrs. you realize. You may dye color to flnal requirements leading to a pro- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coombs. Alice Mason of Rockland. John suit yourself, or use rug yarn for leSi,on ii teachers certificate She Installation of officers cf L. wall and Orris Holbrook flower; and leaves, and so obtain returned to her work as a teacher iti Carver Relief Corps was held last [ Pastor Smith of thc Baptist many beaut ful results. Bar Ha.bor Monday. Tuesday night. Past President Church was agreeably surprised There Is, in every Maine r.elgh-' Mcntllieu Grindle was installing Wednesday, his birthday, when, oorhood. a "hooker" and she is u s-, Mlss E i;th E Uslie dlrfclor our officer. The new officers are: immediately following the mid- uaily a frier.dly sort of person, who laboratory school consisting of a’l President. Lillie M. Gregory; vice weekly prayer meeting, all the One of th^turbulent moments in "Boy Slaves" is depicted in the scene will gladly introduce you to the the elt.ntntary gra1ef and a president. Lillian S La wry; secre- congregation lustily sang the cus- above, which includes, left to right, Frank Malo, Alan Baxtrr, Charles art, and you tan learn ln about school In a :ural environment is be- tary. Carrie Cassie; treasurer, Cora tomary greeting "Happy Birthday." Powers, Walter Tetley and James MrCallion. This ICKO Radio screen hrce minutes' After that, you keep ;nnlng next wtek w,th fresii. drama tells a story of youthful vagrancy and of turpentine camp brutality, Bunker; conductor. Marion Sholes; p ians stm were not completed, for with a cast of principals in their teens and early twenties. Nineteen-year- r ght on learning by experience. men a short cou:se in “How Tc chaplain. Mary A Benner; patriotic immediately from out of the ladies' old Anne Shirley is the featured lead, in the only feminine role.— adv. . It ls a good plan to hook in the Study.” W l Jong ago discovered that instructor. Florence Smith; guard. parior rolied a large table bearing [ cutline of the stamped de ign, lirat. our students need not only deflnit? Abbie Hutchinson: past president. a beautifully decorated cake, with i If your background color is co oc instrustion in study technique bu Inez Conant; bannerbearers. Fra- tbe appropriate number of candles, !dark, outline flowers and leaves In guidance in the formation of study ternity, Blanche Kittredge; Charity, which soon brightened the room THURSDAY [l.ght tints, or f background is to habits as well. Lorna Swears; Loyalty, Madeline with their cheer and greeting. Then be fairly fight, outline in black, or • • • • Smith. A fine Valentine program ensued a veritable processional of quite dark tones. The Castine Liens Club has re­ was then presented by Vice Presi- caices. sandwiches, cookies and hot • • • • cently donated money for milk and dent Lillian I awry. In the search COffee. borne by a group of the la- ) Many first class rug makers, hook for the hot r.oon lunch for our lab­ for hearts Carrie Cassie won the dies Of the church, which were I tneir rugs without the use of a oratory school children. The club prize; in pinning the point to a big heartily enjoyed by all. after which i name, but the major.ty prefer has also agreed to furnish complete red heart, the prize was won by games were directed by Mr. Brag- dental service for at least one sixth Rcbccca Arey. There were several don concluding a most enjoyable ' (retching their pattern on a frame grade child in definite nc:d of such guessing contests, then valentines evening of sociability, j Four pieces of wood about an inch service. The child has been selected were drawn by numbers. thick and ivur broad, sawed the de­ sired length, and held together at through data furnished by the dis­ FRIENDSHIP trict school nurse Enemies can hurt your reputation, the crossed corners, by clamps from but they cannot touch your charac­ The Parent-Teacher Association : the hardware store l> all that is re­ Claudette Colbert and Bert Lahr—known to their admirers as “Zaza” quired or vou may buy Excellent ter. meets at the high school Wednesday and “Ca-.-art"—burn up the tum-of-the-century music hall stage in ] frames, ready made. at 8 o'clock Officer George Shaw "Zaza." their new picture tagelhtr. Otheis in the film are Herbert Mar- of Augusta will give an illustrated i shall. Helen Westley and Genevieve Tobin.—adv. In hooklnt, draw a loose end of the mater al up through the burlap Vinal Haven & Rockland talk on "Public Safety." The public | ...... first, then draw up a loop, next to Ls Invited. Safety posters made by Steamboat Company Claudette Colbert is now a singer! typical of the turn-of-the century it and continue hooking, so that the thc high school students will be on period, during which the story take muterial slides easily over your ROCKLAND exhibition, prizes to be awarded by The famed screen comedienne place, being daring and sephist - 1 hock but no higher—usually about DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY popular vote. and dramatic actress renders three cated, with saucy lyrics keyed to the a third of an inch. Hook closely, new tongs in her latest picture. Read Down Read Up period. "Zaza" presents Miss Col­ but not so close that the burlap A. M. P. M. “Zaza". Written by Frederick Hol­ bert in one of the most unusual [curls. Just ro the loops you are mak­ 5.30 Lv. Swan's Island, Ar. 8.00 lander and Frank Loesser, the popu­ roles she has ever attempted, tha Ar. 4.40 ing. cover the burlap evenly and 6.30 Lv. Stonington, lar composing team, the numbers of a French music hall darling who 7.30 Lv. North Haven, Ar. 3.30 completely, on top. When you have 8.1!LLv. Vinal Haven, Ar. 2.45 are: "Zaza”, "Hello, My Darling” imeets tragedy when she falls head- finished hooking in a strip of the 9J0 Ar. Rockland, Lv. 1.S0 and "I'm the Stupidest Girl in thc , long in love with a man prominent; material, draw the end up on the Class." The last named is most' in society.—adv. Gladys Swarthout and Lloyd Nolan in a scene from “Ambush, "—adv. • i right side, so there will be no loose Page Six Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, February 14, 1930 Every-Other-Day

Calls From The Sea R Story in Pittures of Charles Laughton s Great neuiJPItture, in Everybody’s Column THOMASTON The Reothtamher ■ Rosed on a tlouel by Ul. Somerset Advertisements In this column not. THE BEACHCOMBER to exceed three lines Inserted once for > McKay Station In Cushing | 25 cents, three times for 50 cents. Ad- ' dltlonal lines five cents each for one SHIRLEY T. WILLIAMS j time 10 cents for three times Six Hears Many Distress Calls j small words to a line. Correspondent This Winter Tel. 190 SO3—the urgent, pulse-qu cken- I LOST AND FOUND • ______ing appeal of a marine traveler hi i. _ s Franklyn Comery of Brunswick distress, has crackled often in the air at Cushing in recent weeks. BLACK and tan foxhound lost, four passed the weekend with his mother, white feel, white spot on back or neck Mrs. S. B. Comery A call for aid from the oil tanker name Rex" Tel. 716-R. WOODBURY L'ghtburnc which smashed onto THOMA.5 18-20 Mrs. Blanche Vose entertained the rocky shore of Block Island off NCriCF, Is hereby given of the loss Saturday night Mrs. Aaron Clark. ! of deposit book numbered 28166 and the Rhode Island coast was inter­ the owner of said book asks for dupli­ Mrs. W arren Knights. Mrs. Frying cate In accordance with the provision cepted Friday night. The Coast I of the State Law ROCKLAND SAV­ Condon, Mrs. Edgar Libby and Mrs. Guard removed the tanker's crew INGS BANK, by Edwrrd J Helller Frederick Jordan at a surprise birth- , , . , Treas., Rockland. Me., Jan. 31, 1939 ' ______13*T 19 day partv for Mrs. Kenneth Mar- , j NOTICE—Is hereby given of the loss * “ tlvnthe pounding imrl1mrr cliff surf MorlfilV MacKay Cs VflfVn radio shall. Gifts were presented to Mr. of deposit book numbered 18850 and station in Cushing which picked un the Administrator of the Estate asks Marshall and the evening was spent for duplicate In accordance with the the Lightburne's distress call at 7 46 The reception Miss Jones and Ginger get from Ginger's eloquened and threats of force cow the provision of the State Law ROCKLAND socially. (CHAPTER FOUR The Plague Fight­ Ginger turns a deaf ear to her pleas for SAVINOS BANK by Edward J HGlIer has intercepted at least four others ers.) Roused from a s’ck-bcd by an urgent aid. He isn't anxious, he tells her. to leave the natives does nothing to allay their fear. Be­ natives sufficiently so that they consent to sub­ Treas . Rockland. Me.. Jan. 31, 1939 Williams-Brazicr Auxiliary meet­ in the past three weeks. call from the Controleur. Dr. Jones, ac­ his pleasant life and plunge into the fever- lieving the epidemic to be punishment meted out mit to vaccination. Ginger keeps them in line , 13»T-19 ing has been postponed to Feb. 24 The British steamer Swlnebume companied by his sister, learns that a infested jungles, where he may be killed to them for forsaking their native gods for those while Mias Jones administers the needle. The two at 2 o'clock and will be at Mrs. Edna horrible epidi oic has broken out on one by the superstitious natives. But some­ of the white man. the natives refuse to have any­ outsiders realize the peril of their situation—espe­ to called two ships to her aid Jan. 26 of the . l in ! : help be di-; atc’ied imine- thing in the girl's voice makes it impos- thing further to do with the outsiders. But, cially when Miss Jones takes the chiefs dying Young's home. but cancelled its call after she re­ tiatelv. Hc.'hzii’g that her brother is too s'ble for Ginger to maintain his opposition. backed up by Ginger and his guns. Miss Jonc- baby under her care in defiance of the chief's Will. ♦ At the meeting of the Contract I paired her damage off Cape Hat- 111 to make the trip. Mi-.« Jones desper­ Finally he weakens and grudgingly con­ forges ahead with her plans to help them, no TO LET ♦ ately thinks of Ginger as a substitute. sents to accompany her on her trip. matter how she or Ginger may be treated in result. Club held at the home of Mrs. Fred teras. • » at 1 11 ' UNFURNISHED apt. to let on Talbot Overlock Friday afternoon. Mrs. W Thin distress calls from the Bri'- Ten rream and rake were served Ate., heated. 2 bed rooms, large living B D. Gray, substituting, had high ish luxury plane Cavalier sent At­ ROCKVILLE CLARK ISLAND ice cream ana cake were strteu. room kitchenette, and bath. Excellent Elmer Allen rceentlv knocked the closet space. Hardwood floors through­ score. Mrs. Maynard Spear second, lantic steamers to her assistance MRS. MAURICE JONES out Newly renovated Applv to C. F ROCKPORT School News Correspondent sewing machine over on his foot and Mrs. Fred Campbell third. Mrs. Jan. 21, climaxed by a dramatic SNOW. 130 Union St . Tel 158. 14-lf A A A A re- ZS The Rockville school held a fair Mrs. Maurice Jones visited suffering a serious bruise. FURNISHED restaurant with apart- | Campbell will be hostess next Fri­ rescue of survivors by members of m ent to let. both $8 V. F. STUDLEY -1 spite of t h e |« nUy w:Uj Mrs Mabel Ellison ln LIDA a . CHAMPNEY Friday night and 283 Main St . Tel 1154. 14-t f day at her home in Warren. the tanker Esso Baytown. ■ Rockland. Mrs. Avis Brazier, retiring worthy The Dutch steamer Parklaar Correspondent rain and precarious travelling it was THE SUBJECT IS ‘'TAX'' FOUR-room furnished apt to let. all Sonja Berglund formerly of this m odern: nice view of ha harbor; v*rv matron of Grace Chapter, enter­ summoned help Jan. 22 when she j ft pleasant 42 FultOd St.. TEL 960 R veil patronized. ' place is ill with pneumonia in a Tax his head, tax his hide. ______17-19 tained the officers who have assisted struck an object midway between Tel. 2229 Let the government othclals ride The room was simply but attrac- New York Hospital. Taj his cow. tax her calf. TWO-story house to let at northend; her the past year at a dinner party the United States and the Azores.1 Tax his horse and tax his ass six rooms, garage; »17. Call 493-W tively decorated with streamers of Rev Mr Holman called Wednes- j 9 to 12 a. m 1 to 4 p. m. 17-19 Friday night. Those present were Put she later repaired the damage. Mrs. William Townsend Elliott, a bright colored paper rings made by | oay on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butler Tax his houses, tax his lands. THREE furnished rooms for ligh,~ Mrs. Lura Libby, Mrs. Marion Graf­ Omine-s Atlantic silence followed member of the summer colony for Tax the blisters on his hands housekfeplng with private bath Applv CAMDEN Tax hts Ford and tax his gas. 65 NO MAIN ST 19 tf ton. Mrs. Faye Stetson. Mgs. Mado- in the wake of distress entreaties XV ZS ZS the pupils. The black boards dis- Maurice Jones has returned to XV z*\ x\ zv several years Is reported as serious­ Tax the road that he must pass lin Spear. Mrs Cora Knigths, Mrs. from the steel steamer Maria Do played borders in color appropriate North Haven where he has been BUNGALOW to let Garage If desired ly ill at Philadelphia, her winter Tax the pav roll, tax the sale. Call 1188 M after 5 o'clock. E H PHIL- GILBERT HARMON BRICK, Rockland. 15-20 Margaret Lakeman. Mrs. Florence Larrinaga. believed to have found­ i home. to the special holidays of the month tm Plo>fd at u - L - Beverage s. Tax hts hard-earned paper kale. Correspondent Tax his pipe and tax his smoke— Gardiner. Mrs. Hazel Gilchrist. Mrs. ered in mid-ocean Wednesday. I ROOMS to let at 15 Grove St. Tel. X V X \ ZS The mid-week prayer meeting of and an Indian village the work of Mrs Caven spent the Teach him government Is no Joke 579W . MRS FLORA COLLINS 15-tf Josephine Stone, Mrs. Blanche Ler- XV XV zv XN weekend at home. the Methodist Church will be held tlle ^ v s and girls was shown on Tax the water, tax the air. SMALL furnished house to let at mond. Mrs. Leila Smalley. Miss Mar- , Telephone 713 Tax the sunlight If you care Spruce Head near salt water; new i Thursday night at 7 o clock at the 3ne waP on one oj room Mrs Jesiie William^ is confined garage. Ideal for year-around home; tha WhitehiU. Miss Helen Stetson. I Thomaston Bowlers Tax the living, tax the dead, heme of Capt. and Mrs. Ernest iwas „ locg lable where frankfurU l ^ ^ . b e d j U h muscular rheuma- Tax the unborn ere they're led rent reasonable. CALL 793-W 106-tf Laurence Perry. Alfred Strout. Holl's Mrs. Mabel Wentworth will be Torrey tism. Mrs. Frank Johnson is caring POUR room apartment to let. an * Tram Standing | and cold drinks were on sale and di- Tax his coffin, tax their shrouds. modern Apply at CAMDEN and Harrington and Edgar Ames. Mrs. hostess next Wednesday at 2 Tax their soula beyond the clouds ROCKLAND WATER CO.. Tel. 634 Mis Maude Walker will entertain rectly opposite was a fancy work for her Helen Hallowell and Mrs. Blanche W L. Ave. o'clock to the Methodist Ladles' Aid Tax them all and tax them well. 14-tf the Farm Bureau Thursday at her d splay, the beano table and homb The lnnoeulation for diphtheria Tax them to the gates of hell. Marshall of Boothbav Harbor were Chets 24 18 571 —From an Exchange Society. heme. Evers day Desserts' will be made candies. The center of the was given Friday at the school by Georges 23 19 .548 ♦ Miss Mamie Castonguay of Port- ;the topic discussed and Mrs Mary room was occupied with settees, Dr. Leach and the State nurse Miss Eds ...... 21 21 .500 K «•> * *•* ♦ ♦ land, was guest Sunday of her sister gpear j j rs fflna Carroll and Mrs The entertainment was in the FOR SALE Virgcs 16 26 381 ♦ and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Richards will be in charge form of a radio program and con- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lowell of ness. The dinner table was attrac- 1 League Records: Team. Oeorges I MISCELLANEOUS Joseph Cote of the dinner. sisted of songs, recitations and plays Thomaston visited Sunday with Mr. 8-12-48-120 BASS Plano Accordion* five in yellow and white, w ith small 2421 match. Eds-Oeorges. 4785: Miss Bertha Wilson la oil vaca­ and Mrs. Henry' Carlson. lor rale complr'e with counie ol prlva '-o cacti and jonquils. Favors for the I single. Robbins. 135; total. Smalley, Mrs. Cora Upham. Miss Marion It was cleverly carried out by the ! MEN of 30. 40 50’ Want Vtm. Vigor. lessens A.«k .. about our ' Play n a , v >11 - tion from her duties at Green Upham and Mrs Albcrtha Larson young folk and provided entertain- James Williams was guest Thurs­ 1 for rundown body? Try Ostrex Tablets P»> Plar- . MAINE MU8IC_CO.___ 18-20 guests were souvenirs of a motor j 581: string. Georges. 530. of raw oyster stimulants and general 25-PASSENGER bus for sale. TEL. Gables attended Past Matrons' and Pa- ment and considerable merriment, day cf his sister Mrs. Jessie Wil­ trip to California which Mrs. Bra- Individual Record body builders. If n ot delighted with 792 19-21 There was a large attendance at trons night Friday at Golden Rod Those who furnished the program liams and Mr. Ralph Morse. , results of first package, maker refunds zicr m ace last summer. Following Its low price. CaU. write C H MOOR FEBRUARY special a', the Judy-Ann. String. PF Ave. Chapter. Rockland. under the able training by their Henry Gabrielle is employed saw­ I & CO 16*25 122 Camden street Tltc Kurl ell per­ dinner, various games occupied the m anent. 62: Eugene. 64 MRS WEAVER Davis ...... 80 7955 994 at Mr. and Mrs Harry Levensaler of teacher. Mrs. Margaret Carr were ing wood for Maurice Jones. 1 TRUCK bodies built saws filed (all l e i 1091 RK. 19-21 evening. Robbins ...... WJ 7905 98 8 Wyzong. After ' Rockland were dinner guests Thurs- Natalie Nash. Vernon Hunter. Helen Mrs. Maurice Jones had as guest, shaved k,,nd;', axe “e handles;a n d 1001, also Krl.ndln£, turned work. h,n„d TYI’EWRITERS adding machines, Mrs. Elbridge Grafton went Sun- Thursday evening Arlene Morrison.' vern mckee Brooklyn Heiahts CBsh regMeni for sale, to let and re- Young ...... 80 7832 97.9 Hall. Francis Gibbs. Jenny Marshall. 17.,a paired at lowest prices; used type- dav to Searsport to spend a few days Harriett Johnson, and Ray Morse I ’n,‘’miston------writers as low a.4 610; new machines, Smallev ...... 75 7320 97.6 to make calendars. The next meet­ Mrs. Charles Gardner. Percie Fiske. Esther Hall. Edna with her aunt, Mrs. Fred Babineau. CHARIS foundation garments, lree 629 75 up; free service on machines Grafton ...... 80 7632 95 4 ing will be held Friday. In the The Twentieth Century Club met Marshall. Vestina Fiske. Roy Mar- figure analysis Send card for ap- purchased here OFFICE EQUIPMENT Mrs. Florence Gardiner. Mrs. Lilia nomtm ent LILLIAN JOYCE, 74 W ll- CO . 393 Main S t . Rockland. Tel i l l . Paquin 80 7627 95 3 girls' division. Kathleen Poland. Friday afternoon at the heme of shalF , low St., city.______17-22 ______18*20 Ames. Mrs. Blanche Vose. Edgar Elliot ...... 80 7593 94 9 Oene Bickford. Oeorgette Bickford. Mrs. Diana Pitts. Mrs. Linthel The proceeds is to be used for the Legislative Notices LADIES—Reliable hair goods at Rock- HORSE lot sal, nisi Modf’-T engine I Crawford and Edgar Ames attended land Hair Store, 24 Elm St. Mall orders with pulley And large size cream sep- Felt 80 7539 94.2 Patricia McGrath and Marion Hary Lane was reader, her subject being fchool lunch. the installation of Ivy Chapter. ' solicited. H. C. RHODES. Tel. 519-J arator L E KEIZER, 400 upper Pleas Hastings 70 6582 94.03 passed their Brownie Scouts test "Chinese Garden' by Dorothy —------.. STATE OF MAINE ____ 14 tf »H» St. city. l|«0 O E 5 Friday night in W arren. The C om m ittee on Legal Aftaln- will Grover 80 7521 94.01 give a nubile hearing In Ito rooms at SKATES sharpened while you wait WOOD sawing machine wanted «A. There was one table of contract tin State House. In Augusta, on CRIE HARDWARE CO.. 408 Main St KAJAN’DER Thomaston. Tel. Rockland Dana ...... 75 70CC 93.4 A valentine box was enjoyed at the tca was served Next Friday Mrs. Charles Rhodes. Jr.. Mrs. Bert Rockland. 14-tf 263-14______18*20 , and three of auction at the public till RSIIAV, FEB. 16. I P XI Lynch ...... 80 7282 91.03 will be enter- Gregory. Mrs. Mayme Carroll. Mrs H P 1166 L. D 485 An Act to In- WATCHMAKER—Rep’pairing watenea STORE fixtures, counters tables, I card party Saturday night at the ...... 75 6824 90.99 ...! erroorate the City o f Rockland School 1 clocks, antiques all kinds Call and cabinets, forms, etc for sale. MANS­ Stetson iss Marion Rhodes was assisted in serving by District H P 1175 I. D 492 An Act deliver, S. ARTHUR MACOMBER. 23 FIELD BUTTNER CO 385 Main S t. home of Mrs. Enoch Clark held till- 904 R< latlng to the Methodist Church Amesbury St., Rockland, Tel. 958-J. Rockland______17-19 Strout ...... 62 5604 Anna Sparta's Group and all other Weidman with Mrs. A T. Carroll Miss Nancy Gregory and Miss Betty der auspices of Williams-Braztir Newbert 75 6709 89 5 18-20 14-tf USED Cars lor sale—1938 Chrysler. groups continued with their knit­ as reader. i Rhodes. Judy was remembered .ii. 1938 Plymouth, 1937 Chryslers. 1937 Auxiliary. Mrs. Orvel F. Williams Cogan ..... 35 89.4 g----- • 3130 ting and crayoning The girls will Miss Muriel Giles of Rockland "with many gifts. Plvmouttu. 193S Plymouth. 1937 Ford'■ had high score at contract and at Pierpont 8C 7130 89 1 1936 Pontiac. Would like to exchange meet again Feb. 27. spent the weekend with her mother foi 1933, 1934 or 1935 cars E O PHIL auction winners were Mrs. Charles Chaples ...... 75 6627 884 BROOK A SON, 632 Main St., Tel One of the lucky sports the pas: 1 Mrs. Myra Giles. In a dost battle with the score 466-W. Rockland. Me 17-19 Smith. Mrs. Weston Young. Mrs. Moodv 10 861 86 1 YOU CAN GET A week was Jeanette Munroe who j Byron Rider was at home from 3 to 3 at the end of the first half GREEN hard wood for sale, 66 cord R esale LaChance and Mrs. Winfred Woodcock ...... 70 5930 847 In 1 and L cord loads, delivered any­ caught a 17-inch trout at Megun- BUrciett College to spend the week- Rockport Grammar boys defeat* I where from Rockland to Belfast WtTe Tabbutt. Edwin Lynch won the I Matches Last Week ticook Lake end wlth parents. Mr and Mrs iUnlon Orammar boys 10-5 Saturday or call LEON CALLAHAN 9 Luce S i . men's prize for hi3h score. The B E T T E R B U Y Rockland or R( 2. Lincolnville 17 19 Chets and Georges tied 3 to 3 in William L. Thompson and Mrs Rider I forenoon at Town Hall gymnasium. third in this series is to be next ( DRY hard wood per foot, fitted. 6125, ] the first match of the week Davl, William J Thompson of North. Misses Virginia Noyes and Bar- McKenney and Noyes were the ou’- Sawed. 61 15. long, 61.05. M. B. 6c C. O. « r ,UJ daT^' n‘ght hOmC° f 'hit 520. which puts him back on Bucksport were callers Sunday at bara Noyes went Sunday to Boston standing players for the home team PERRY. Tel. 487______14-tf IF YOU BUY NOW-FTS A HARD coal for sale, also lumpy Po- W. B D. Gray Flaying win sia.7 top of the indlvldu^individual standlng.standing Fel. the home of Mrs. Nellie Oray. where thevthey have emDlovmentemployment with King bringing in the most cahontus soft coal: drv fitted hard promptly at 8 o'clock. points for the visitors. The home and Junk wood. J. B TAULSEN. T hom ­ got a good 507. High tingles. Felt ‘Artists and Models Abroad." with phe Simonton Farm Bureau will aston Tel 62 14-tf The Federated Circle is to hold ,t 127: Davis. 121. 110; Robbins. 112; Joan Bennett, Jack Benny, and the ; mcct p^h. 15. at the home of Mrs. girls also defeated the Union Gram ­ B E T T E R C A R public supper Ftb. 23 in cafeteria SUU(>n 1W; ,Haqings nQ BUY a personally endorsed guaran­ 5 acht Club Boys will be shown at Gershom Walden in Camden, for an mar girls 22-6 teed used ear now, before March 1st style and in charge of Mrs. Orvel F , an(, v,rges a]so Ued 3 3 Look at these great bargains—1930 the Comique Theatre Wednesday | all.dav scsMon: stlbjact. "Everyday Rockport Grammar Boys' Packard, a entker—In perfect condition. W.lliams. Mrs E. R. Biggers and hl the match Hish total G F Pis. 6149; 1931 Cffrvrolct Coupe Miles of and Thursday. Wednesday night D e b r is ” Mrs. Henry Carver and IF IT IS ONE ON THESE good transportation. 695; 1934 Chevro- Mrs. W. B. D. Gray. were G rafton 529; Paquin 500. High only. Carlina and her all girl revue ^ s . Walden will be in charge of Noyes, if ... 1 1 3 coupe, new tires and battery. 6225: The book committee cf the Haif- 1938 Terraplane Utility Coupe, has dis­ singles. Paquin 119; Grafton. 116 will be featured on the stage. ; the dinner Whittier. U ... 1 0 appearing pick-up body. 6695. 1939 Hour Reading Club met a t the home „ 3 j Martin Pellerin has completed hU Brown, rf 0 0 Hudson, an official’s ear. $835; 1929 In spite of the storm Friday the Packard Convertible Coupe, good tires; of Mrs. Donald George Thursday I 1 0 .Matches This Week studies at the Lincoln (Nob.i Avia­ meeting of the Fred A. Norwood McKenney, rf . excellent mechanical condition. 6150 night, and it was decided to buy for Staples, c ...... 0 1 1 1935 Terraplane Sedan whole car like Georges vs Virgcs. Tuesday Feb. 14 tion School and is visiting at the W.RC. was held at tlie home of new—a great buy. 6375; 1934 Dodge the Public Library "Old China and home of hts parents. Mr. and Mrs. Foster, c ...... 0 0 0 Sedan, perfect In everv respect, recon­ Chets vs. Eds. Thursday. Feb. 16. Mrs. Emma Torrey with a large at­ ditioned throughout. 6325. 1929 Perries.- . Glass." Ruth Webb Lee; ' Sea Chan­ 0 0 0 Joseph Pellerin. tendance A special program was G. Richards, lg Hl good runnlni; order $125; 1935 Ford ties." Colcord. "Alone." Byrd; "In­ Carleton, lg 1 I) 2 Hvdraulic Dupip. rearty io go to work; A solution of honey in automobile Miss Ethel Savage is absent from arranged in observance of Valen­ reconditioned motor Just Installed side Europe," Gunthner: and "In her duties at the office of J. H Knight, rg 0 0 0 good rubber $450; 1936 Modcl-B Ford radiators will present freezing in tine's Day. Preceding the business Ttuck. reeondjWyiU'd motor, good rub­ Rio on the Ouvidor." by Elizabeth R. Richards, rg 0 0 0 the severest weather. le t all mo­ Hobbs Co. because of illness. session a delicious lunch was served, ber runs :iha.L kwlvl, $350; 1930 Chev­ Hanly Danforth of Thoma,ston and M Eaton, lg 0 0 0 rolet Sedan, new paint, reconditioned Mr and Mrs. Ora Brown returned featuring a scallop stew. Tlie ,n.®J<’r I®5- 19?!' Chevrolet as is tt. Rio de Janeiro torists keep sweet during tlie win­ This means that 1 have personally inspected will run. $50; 7928 Chrysler Coach, new ter. Friday from a motor trip to Florida tables were attractively arranged tires, good running order. $75 BOYN- Mr. and Mrs M T. Simmons will Totals ...... 10 and Key West. in a color scheme of red and white every one of these cars and stand 100$^ behind TCN Oft, ,V MOTOR CO. Home of leave Monday for New York to pass | ...... - 1 " 1 Un’on Grammar Boys' Mack Trucks. Hudson cars and Jenny Ralph Davis of Thomaston, for­ with bouquet of red and white car­ this advertisement. Solvenized Gasoline 118 Park St a few days. Mr. Simmons is to at-j ‘<>L Mrs. Myrtle Grover: past chief, G F P*s. Rockland 19-21 merly employed at Undercliff, and nations for a centerpiece. An add­ tend the meeting of chairmen of Mrs. Dora Maxey Best. If ...... 0 1 1 Caroline Goff of Providence, were ed attraction was the valentine 1930 P A C K A R D ...... $149.00 tlie Brotherhood of Maintenance of Pink carnations were presented . n >l*********««**|| to the officers bv flower girls. Lois marnecl Saturday at 4 o'clock by calce the handiwork of Mrs. Mil- Hawes, if 0 0 A corker—in pirfecl condition. W’ay Employes. Rev. J. Charles MacDonald at the Ieonard. rf 0 0 3 Hastings. Vera Chapman an J Jean dred Holmes. At this week's meet­ 1931 CHEVROLET COUPE ...... $95.00 WANTED Mrs. Herbert Newbert and Mrs. parsenage in Rockland Tlie single Clark, rf 0 0 0 Slader. Mrs. Harriet Tillson pre­ ing a Lincoln Day program will be Miles of good transportation. M -«-******«*****it Williams were afternoon bridge ring service was used. Tlie couple Davis, c ...... 0 0 0 sented the installing officers, the given. Members are asked to take 1934 CH EV RO LET C O U P E ...... $225.00 IXXSGING contractors wanted Truck guests of Mrs. Mae Reed in Rock­ was attended by Lillian Davis of McEdwards, lg 0 0 0 licenses for N H Timber Salvage work land Friday afternoon, the other pianist. Mrs. Blanche Wilson, the clippings relating to Abraham Lin­ • New tires and battery . reduced to one-thhd Write lmmcdl- Camden and Elmer Goff of Union Hawes, rg ...... 0 0 atelv to STATE TIMBER SALVAGE AD­ flower girls and Barbara Newbert coln. I guest being Mrs. C lara Payson. Mr. and Mrs Davis will reside in King, lg 1 2 4. 1938 TERRAPLANE UTILITY COUPE $695.00 VISORY R'xun 16. B & M Station who contributed to the program Mr and Mrs. Trygve Heistal and Has disappearing pick-up body. Concord, N H ig .jo Mrs. Payson and Mrs. Newbert were Northport where Mr. Davis has em­ Carleton, lg 0 0 0 later with gifts. daughters. Selma and Anna-Marie EXPERIENCED mill man lumber awarded prizes. ployment . 1939 HUDSON ...... $835.00 marker and sawyer wanted Write George Gray, grand inner guard, of Augusta, were weekend guests of - HUGO l.AURILA. Thomaston, giving The Pathfinders' valentine party James Proctor, son of Mr and Totals 1 5 An official's car. qualifications 1921 last night in the Methodist vestry of Warren, acted as master of cere­ Mr. and Mrs. H O. Heistad. Rockport Grammar Girts' Mrs. J. Rlker Proctor, celebrated his 1929 PACKARD CONVERTIBLE COUPE $150 MIMEOGRAPHING. Multlgraphlng had 30 present, including several monies for the program which fol- Chester B. Jones of Waldoboro, G. F. Addressing and Typing work wanted' 11th birthday Thursday night by Good tires; excellent mechanical condition. Pirm pt service. MASON'S. 63 G av St mothers and other guests. All lowed. First was Joan Slader in a spent tlie weekend with his brother. Daucctt. If ...... 7 1 15 entertaining these members of the 1935 TERRAPLANE SEDAN ...... $375.00 clty ______18-21 joined in the games directed by the I tap dance which was loudly ap- n a„or, R. L. Jones. Richardson, if 2 1 3 GOOD paying Watkins Route with Pathfinder leader. Mrs. Leach, and j plauded. next Barbara Newbert en-1 * p Tlie meeting of the Garden Club 2 Whole car like new—a great buy. established customers. Must have car son. Percy Luce. Richard Damery. Ames, rf ...... 1 0 and good reputation No Investment had a line time. Ice cream and tertained with an acrobatic dance planned for tonight has been post­ — — 1934 DODGE SEDAN ...... $325.00 Writ" DEPT A. The J R Watkins Com Dr George Pullen. Walter Calder- pany, Newark. N J 19'20 cookies were served. Only two mem­ and finally Lois Hastings gave two poned. Perfect in every re- peel, reconditioned throughout. j wood. Edwin Dodge and Hamilton Totals ...... 10 2 22 RADIO repairing; all makes aervlced". bers were not there. j piano solos. Mrs. Albert Rhodes entertained linicn Grammar Girts' 1929 PEERLESS ...... $125.00 work guaranteed; rates reasonable Tel Hall. After a delightful supper the 766-R. HAROLD E COOMBS. 64 Ma- • • « • ' Tlie drill teams from botliArcana Saturday afternoon in honor of the G F. Pts. In good running order. evening was spent playing beano. ronlc St.. Rockland. 17-19 Joint Pythian Installation j Lodge and Mayflower Temple, gave first birthday anniversary of her Day. If 0 4 4 Chief Payson winning first prize. 1935 FORD HYDRAULIC DUM P ...... $450.00 Arcana Lodge. K. P.. and May-1 pleasing exhibitions of floor work. daughter, Judith. Among the little King, rf 0 2 2 Percy Luce second prize and Wal- Ready to go to work; rctonditioned motor just flower Temple, Py thian Sisters, held Officers of Arcana Lodge were in­ tots present were Julia Spear. Nancy- ■nsf j lied: good rubber. 1 ter Calderweod the consolation. their joint installation Thurt Jay- stalled by District Deputy Maurice Harmon. Sandra Goodwin. George Totals ...... 0 'EGGS AND CHICKS J William Cold has recently ar- 1936 MODEL B FORD TRUCK ...... $350.00 night at K. P. hall w ith more than Chadwick, of Mcduncook Hodge. Gilmor, Donald Rollins. Del Babb. Reecnd tinned motor, good rubber; runs like a watch. 150 members and guests present. Friendshfo, assisted by Carleton ' lived from New York where he has Barbara Tounge of Camden. Edgar Waldoboro basketball teams will Mrs. Golda Hall, district deputy ‘ Simmons as master at Arms, and been in a hospital for treatment. Rhodes cf Rockland. Harold Crock­ play Rockland boys' and girls' to­ 1 9 3 0 CH EVRO LET S E D A N ...... $95.00 New paint; reconditioned motor. grand chief of Camden, assisted by Fessenden Winchenbach as prelate. ett and Robert Cain, Jr. Others night at Rockport. The first gam? CLEMENTS CHICKS Mrs. Louise Dunbar, grand senior. I Officers installed were: Chancellor Hourly bus service will be main­ bidden who were unable to be pres­ is scheduled for 6.33 p. m. The popu­ 1929 CHEVROLET ...... $50.00 and Mrs. Esther Simmons, grand Ccmmander, Leroy Whitten; vice tained duringdul'inK the carnival from ent were Marion Hyssong. James lar Rockport referee E. Maymrd As k—it will run. manager, both also of Camden, in -' comander. Chester Slader. prel-!Camdcn t0 the Snow Bowl —adv Munroe of Camden and Peggy | Graffam will officiate. Thursday 1 9 2 8 CHRYSLER C O A C H ...... $75.00 stalled the officers of Mayflower' ate. Fred Maxey: master of work.! I Blaitdell of Glen Cove. Accom- night at Town Hall the postponed New fire*, good running order. VALENTINES I panying the children and sharing Rockland High School freshman Temple who are: Most excellent; Hollis Gilchrest; keeper of records I For Tlie Courier Gazatte | I In their pleasures of the afternoon game with Rockport Grammar girls’ chief, Mrs. Dorothy Horsley; senior. and seals. Fred Fernald; master at V alentine! Lov'd Valentine! Mrs. Kathleen Studley; junior, Mrs arms. Anson Pryor; master of fin­ Aitaln vour subtle dart 1 were Mrs. Ernest Crockett. Mrs. will be played and the Rockport That glnglement. BOYNTON OIL & MOTOR CO. Forrest Spear, Mrs. Manasseh Grammar boys' will play tlie Thom­ Edith Richards; manager. Mrs. ance, Charles Starrett; master ol That sentiment. CLEMENTS Chicks give excep­ Katherine Crawford; mUtrcss of exchequer.. Rodney Jordan: outside Tho e t abt, that sting and smart Spear, Mrs. Gilbert Harmon, Mrs. aston Grammar boys. Home of Mack Trucks and Hudson Cars tionally profitable results. Unusual O. Valentine! Shrewd Valentine! Reds and Clem-Cross Pullets. Our records and correspondence, Mrs. guard, Levi Copeland; inside guard. You play j'our tiny part, Irvin Cain, Mrs. Robert Caln, Mrs. Solvenized JENNEY Gasoline 'four farm co-operative'' Insures You fling through life. Ormon Goodwin, Mrs. Alex Gilmor, There will be hourly bus service better quality for less money. Cata­ Grace Andrews; mistress of fi­ Leon Haupt. Engrossed In ttrife. 118 PARK ST. ROCKLAND, ME. TEL. 1178 log free. Write CLEMHNTB nance. Mrs. Cora Knights; guard. Refreshment' were followed U' A lull—a smile—11 heart Mrs. Donald Rollins. Mrs. Charles from Camden to tho Snow Bowl BROTHERS FARMS. Rt. 3.7. W inter- John Hui ,11 Khuuile. porf, Me. 11-50 Miss Elizabeth Woodcock; proter- dancing New York Rnbb Jr Mrs C. W Babb Mrs f'urins the carnival 19-20 Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, February 14, 1939 Page Seven

A Faithful Worker fURNER-MEKKIUK Many Hearts Seen all one needs to say of her is “to j Tlie soft glow of ivory tapers This And That M r s . E m e r y ’ s T r ib u te know her was to love her." Mrs. Fred Trecartin is chairman turning in wrought iron floor stand- ! New Star Officers Enterlain Mrs. Walsh endeared herself to I of tlie Department of Government ards lighted the altar of the (First many in Knox County during two Past Matrons and Past To Rev. Ruth Walsh I and its Operation, of the Rockland Methodist Church as Ella Lay Tur- summer evangelistic campaigns sh? i League of Women Voters. Her i'cr and Frank Harriman Merrick Patrons and her husband conducted in Cam­ OCl ETY were married at High noon today.: Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— den. later when he held the Baptist The Past Matrons and Patrons Jan. 21. Friends in Knox County were pastcrate at Tenant's Harbor, and George Wardwcll. called from were entertained by tlie new officers when a.—ociated with Lhe Hughey;, Four princess baskets held artistic grieved to read Thursday of the Boston by the serious illness of his arrangements of calla lilies, white and members of the Eastern Star during their pastorate in Rockport, death of Ruth E. Walsh at tlie brother John J. Wardwell. is the . carnations, white Killarncy roses Friday night. Alfred Church and and at various WC.T.U. a cmblles guest of his sister. Mrs. Leila Ben­ J. E. Stevens had charge in th? home of her daughter Mrs. Philip throughout thc county. end frecsias. etched against a back- By K. S. F. ner. giound of Southern smllax. A gold kitchen. The dining room was un­ Hughey in New York. Although she Cue of the enjes neiit, to those der the supervision of tlie new offi­ harp entwined with greenery stood I had been in failing health for the who frequently attended the Sta'o Bud Wahle will arrive this week cers. The guest table was under W.C.T.U. conventions, was to meet by the altar. w as it Bruce Barton who satd the direction of the new worthy P-1' 1 >'c;>r, the end came rather: ud- from Detroit following mid-term Tlie .acred ceremony was rend n)a^ no forces can destroy a de- again with Ruth E. Walsh, and hear matron. Clara Curtis assisted by the dcnly from a heart attack. It is per ; exams at University of Detroit. He b> Rev. A. T. Mcllwain of Gicen- ,;iocracy which meets the needs of her climax the exercises of "la,t will visit his grandfather George vdle. assisted by Rev. Shed H ill. thc people? I t will be a sad day association matron Bessie Church, haps a she would have wished to go night" by singing "Victory." and Maltie Little. Tlie rest of the McLaughlin. Walker Place. Mrs. Caffey. They received the nuptial America if it ever ceases to be out from thc midst of a busy, useful The face and form and the voice of Wahle will return to Detroit with blessing kneeling on u white satin lhe land Of hope for the persecuted new officers and substitutes acted life, into an abundant reward. Rutli Walsh has gone from among ns waitresses. On the reception Mrs. Walsh was well known in tlie her son after a prolonged visit with pric dieu. , ;U1d oppressed, and a country where us, but the spirit lives on and the her father and sister. Thc bride was given in marriage God is lhe Head and Father of all. committee were Mrs. Edith Tweedie. ministerial. W.C.T.U. and- educa­ service she rendered in the name of ,ty her father. She was dressed in • • • • Mabie Thorndike and Nellie McKay. tional circles cf Maine, belonging, as Jesus Christ her Lord, will continue Mr. and Mrs. George B Wood Tlie Woman's .Foreign Missionary a handsome costume suit of lettuce- Floridians eat grapefruit Juice To the strains of Red Sails in the she did, to a family cf ministers,'and . to leverberatc through the years in leave Wednesday for several weeks' Society of the Methodist Church green wool trimmed in cross fox. She bread and that may be new to Mar- Sunset, played by Mrs. Evelyn Pen.— herself an ordained pastor in .the ever widening cycles. trip to Puntagorda. Fla. met Thursday night. Papers based wore a hat of yellow felt with a jorte Mills. They say such bread Ice the past matrons and patrons Baptist denomination. She held Heartfelt sympathy Is extended to on the fourth chapter of the book. green band and accessories of yel- keeps fresh and requires less flour. | entered the dining room, which was at the time of her death, the sum­ i the bereaved families of the surviv- A public Lenten concert ".ill be “Moving Millions.'" were presented [ plans center on local Government lizzard. Her flowers were a J less yeast and half-and-half of exceptionally attractive. mer pastorate of the Baptist Church j ing son and daughter. given in the Congregational audi- by Faith Lurvey. Mrs. Edith Operations and include Public bouquet of Pernet roses and fuchsia , milk and grapefruit Juice, The table arrangements had been at St. Francis on tlie Allcgash. whlcu Clara S. Emery. torium March 3, by the Rubinstein Tweedie. Louise Gregory, Margue- Health and Welfare. tied in matching satin ribbon, i’he j worked out by Alfred Church, and 'h e and her late husband. Rev. A. Ciub and assisting singers. Rehear­ rite deRoehemont, Ivy Cratto, Ruth Mrs. Trecartin is the daughter of only ornament worn by tlie bride She "Now what do you think of the table for the guests extended A. Walsh, established, performing KENRICK-MURPHY sals are now in progress on ex­ Rogers and Elsie Burbank. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ramsdell and was a lavalier of hand-carved jade (hat! Here we have driven for the full length of the dining Hall a great missionary service to the cepts from Mendelssohn’s "Elijah" Tweedie presided and Miss Eva has been a resident of Rockland and pearls on a gold chain which four days to drop in on them for a flanked on either side by smaller people in that isolated section of lhe Congratulations are being ex­ to be used on that occasion. Rogers was leader. Mrs. Tweedie four years, coming here from Lubec j; was worn by the groom s mother at visit and they don't answer the tables set slashwi.se. so that it re­ State. The family were ever strong tended to Edwin D Kenrick and and Mrs. Louise Gregory presented Maine, with her parents, when they | her weddine doorbell." sembled the leaf of a fern. The advocates of temperance and pro­ Rachael Murphy, whose marriage Mrs. A. L. Woodward has returned “Where Shall I Hang My Sign?" established the Ramsdell Packing | Mrs RaIph p Kjndcr of New He: “Serves them right. Let's guest table with its tall red taper, ponents of the Maine Prohibitory took place recently in this city. Ed­ to Lynn, Mass., after a visit with Mrs. Thelma Stanley and Miss Ruth Company in this city. She h a s ' York City was her sister's only atten­ go home." and streamers of red crepe paper, law. sc she early became associated ward B MacAllistcr. J. P officiat­ several Rockland relatives. Marston sang solos. d e d as treasurer of this Company I dant she worc a dress of ciatSiqUe- together with hearts and arrow, with the Womans' Christian Tem­ ing. Thc couple were attended by for fifteen years and has enjoyed , [-pen crepe with a matching coat Tender messages in thc form of that were scattered over thc table perance Union, holding at different the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Damie Gardner has returned Mrs. Charles L. Strout of Bruns­ an extremely interesting business and blueberry accessories; and car­ valentines are filling the post boxes. was most attractive. titnrs and places the office of local Mrs Henry Kcnrick. and Gordon wick was a guest iast week at tne from a six weeks' visit in Auburn career. ried a bouquet of Happy Day roses j Gallant lines and brilliant mix­ Clam shell sail boats witli red and county president. State evan- Bowser. and Portland. She resumed iter heme of her sister, Mrs. Maude Mrs Trecartin will hold her next tied with satin ribbon in a lighter tures of dainty bits enclose sweet sails, and filled with red hearts were gcltstic director and musical dlrec- j Mr. Kenrick. who made his home Barrows to help celebrate the 84th position Sunday as soloist at thc studv group meeting tonight at 8 shade. whisperings of love. This form of used as favors. The napkins were tor of the State convention. I r | in Warren for a number*of years, birthday of her mothr. Mrs Ellen Christian Science Church, which o'clock at her home. 232 Broadway, The groom was attended by his protestation of affection is very also specially decorated with .shiny later years she was elected by the is salesman for Sea View Garage. Barrows. Mrs. Barrows had a very lias been filled during her absence cd8e and encampment and has • • • • bered with cards, fruit, two birthday Veazie will be the speaker and his Immediately following the cere­ The past matrons and patrons at­ cation at Evanston. Ill. where she figured prominently in amateur Mrs. Annie Robinson, widow of i Motorist (to a man he has just cakes and other gifts. topic will be "Local Government." mony. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Tur- tended the meeting which was pre­ was promoted to the National theatricals. The bride, formerly re­ Charles L. Robinson is seriously ill i run over': "Say, look out back ----- ] ner entertained members of the sided over this year by the new offi­ W.C T.U. board of lecturers and or- sided in Fort Fairfield, graduated at Knox Hospital. there." Phyllis Moran True, formerly of the postponed immediate families, out of town cers. Due to the storm the tops.,' ganizers. Returning to Maine she i front Knox Hospital Nursing School Rockland, will serve as one of the Mrs. Leola Rose. Mrs. Mona Me- meeting of Jan. 30 was combined guests and wedding personnel with 1 ‘^c ^ a r T vo” " turvy entertainment was postponed was accepted by the State depart- and has been supervisor of that in­ These past matrons and patrons patrenesses at the Boston Wheaton Intosh. Mrs. Eva Sleeper and Mrs. with last night's program when a reception at their home on Grand men of education as a part time stitution. were present: Nellie Dow, Hester Club spring formal at the Hotel Shakespeare Society met with Boulevard. teacher of aicchol education in the Tlie couple are residing at 14 Oak Harriet Frost leave today for a leis­ It is very sad to have to acknowl­ Chase. James Richan, Gertrude Somerset. Mrs. Ensign Otis. The first leader Mrs. Turner was dressed in navy State Normal Schools where she street. urely motor trip to Florida They edge it. but one of this nation's Payson. Edward Payson, Adelaide was Mrs. Maud Comlns. a splendid crepe with a corsage of gardenias: strikes developed at New served for two consecutive year.-. will stop in Portland to be guests Butman. Edward Gonia, Laura Richard Strout and Roger Fortin paper being presented by Mrs. Otis and Mrs. Merrick wore black velvet Orleaus m 17O6 by women A tlny 1 She did a great deal of speaking at a valentine party to be given at Maxey. Frank Maxey, Florence Phll- .\O U / / , of Brunswick were recent guests of on "Middle Temple Hall. " Under with gold accessories. Her flowers colony of threatened t0 lcave and organizing throughout the the home of Mrs. F. W Rugg. brook, Benjamin Phllbrook, Mill!? men love Mr. 'trout's aunt. Mrs. Maude Bar- the leadership of Miss Belle Spring, were also gardenias because they were obliged to eat State, and last October was guest > n r a Thomas. Clara Watts, Raymond row;. Mrs. Dura Berry of Portsmouth. tlie reading of "Twelfth Night" was Mr. and Mrs. Mcrr.ck left on cQm bread t00 ofte„ speaker at the Rockland WC.T.U. GIRLS W IT H r t r Watts. Katherine St. Clair, Georg. N H , is tlie guest cf Mrs Addic finislied; 17 members attended. The their wedding trip to New Orleaiv » » » • reception to teachers. If you arc peppy and full of fun, men will St. Clair. Ivy Chatto, Matie Spauld­ invite you to dancer and parties. Ri'r.nstein Club will meet at 8 Saunders for a few days. next meeting will be at the home aftcr the reception and for travel- Hoop skirts arc really quite the Ever of a happy, sunny disposition B U T if you nm liatlesw and tirr*«I, ing, Ralph Clark. Milton Griffin rnm won’t hr intefvwted. Mon don’t lifer* o'clock Friday night at tlie Univtr- of Mrs. E. J. Hellier Feb. 27. ing Mrs. Merrick worc a suit of proper form of dress recommended and gifted with a strong, natural • m ikt " jrfrls. When they ro to partied they Evelyn Orcutt. George Orcutt, Helen salist vestry, this being one in a Mrs. Annette Keighley and ____ navy wool with a blouse of printed for those who must now go in for soprano voice, she met all of life's w ant uirh along who are full of pep. Chapman. Maud Blodgett, Carolyn So in cane you need a good |p*n«»ral Ryatem scries of guest nights. Mrs. Rutli daughter Jane ol Middle Haddam ; Thc Women's Auxiliary ol si satin. Her iiat was a tailored navy ^yjtges issues with a smile and a song. A tonir, remember for 3 generationR one in the ' fflt. with alligator-lizzard bag and Stewart, H. R Winchenbaugh, Leroy woman hat told another how to g«> "Nmiling Ellingwood is program chairman Conn., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Peler s Church wilI mwl sincere and devout Christian sir: thru” uith Lydia • Pinkham’d Vegetable Chatto, George Gay; also sev­ and will read a paper on “Interna­ E. Stevens, Talbot avenue. Undercroft Thursday afternoon shoes and a cordage of gardenias. Did you realize that there are | willingly used all of her talents "'ii Compound. It helpa build up more phynieal eral past matrons and patrons from reebtanre and thus aid* in iriving you moro tional Music." Among those to take Saturday from 5 to 7 the Auxiliary 1 —From thc Gleenwood (Missis- nearly 1.000 reserve pilots for thc the service of thc King" ciispen • pep and leaaenn distress f»om female func­ Leland C. Blackington of West Belfast. Camden Rockport and tional disorders. part are Mrs. Charlotte Hopkins. will serve a public supper in the sippi* Commonwealth. air now. From "West Point of thc ing cheer, sympathy and encourage­ You’ll find Pinkhatn’s Compound WELL other surrounding towns. Mrs Kathleen OHara. Mrs. Esther Meadow road was pleasantly re­ Undercroft. Mrs. Mary Dinsmore is Mr. Merrick, the bridegroom is Air " 158 were graduated Feb.l. WORTH TRYING! The next meeting will be Feb. 24, ment wherever she went. Pei hap. Rogers. Mrs. Nettie Frost and Mrs. minded of his birthday Sunday, chairman and will be assisted by the [8 former Rockland boy resid- • • * • when a family dinner party was with initiatory terv.ces. Marianne Bullard with a choral following members. Mrs. Anne Al.- ing while here at the home of About 80 percent of the nation's given in his honor. ensemble. den Mrs. Ella Hyland, Mrs. Hildreth the late Mrs. Mary Perry He at- j drinking water is treated with liquid tended Rockland High School and | chlorine to destroy harmful bac- O W L ’S H EAD Tire Methebesec Club met in the Mack and Margaret A. Buttomer. There is something new under was very popular in the younger j teria. Tower Room of the Community Warner St Clais joins the heralds tlie sun—visible cookery, with pyrex Miss Rutli Anderson goes this aft­ social set. • • • • T H IS W E E K Building Firday afternoon, roll call Signs of spring; A flock of geese of spring, having reported two rob­ $10.00 Individual Oil topped dishes, showing all stages o' ernoon to Portland, where she will being answered by 32. Interesting have been reported flying North. ins in his neighborhood recently. PERMANENT cooking, saving fuel and improving attend a Division Chief Operators reports of the recent meeting of thc Mr. and Mrs. James Dcherty went Canadian and New England geese Mrs. C. S. Reed. Mrs. P. K Reed. Kr.iig out the hid­ flavor through non-escape of steam. den bi aut.v c f yo ur Maine Fderation of Women's Clubs j Conference at Lafayette Hotel, last night to Boston called by the winter in the Carolines. Tlie ex­ Mrs. E. H St. Clair Mrs. L. H. Perry Priced amazingly low. See them at in Augusta, were given. Current |Thursday she will be joined by Mi. bair this week illness of Mr. Doherty's mother. pert. Harry Ridlon, aeys this is the and Mrs. Earle Brown spent Satur­ Crie Hardware Co.—adv? and Mrs. Fred Anderson, and gees thc price you events of recent interest were read earliest lie has ever known them day in Rockland. pay elsewhere for' to Florida, where they will spend a by Mrs. Hester Chase. Mrs. Gladys Among the many social attentions to fly for summer homes. It is Elizabeth St. Clair who has been this Icvelv wave. Com- month's vacation in St. Petersburg Never btferp at till- plel? Heistad was in charge of thc pro­ being shown Mrs. Percy L. Roberts hoped this means early spring and ill witli measles, is improving. and vicinity. price. gram. the topic being Finland. Mrs. ol Jericho. L. I.. N. Y.. who is visit­ homing for those in the South. Owl's Head hockey team played a $800 COMIQUE Edna Rollins read a paper on Sibe­ ing her sister. Mrs. H. N. McDougal! picked up team cf Rockland men Noir: Every wave lius. tlie great Finuisli composer; A large group of Browne Club Tliere arc beautiful dress goods M 4CHINELESS CAMDEN in Portland was a luncheon last Sunday afternoon and won 11 to 6. Oil. members and guests met at tlie ves­ showings in Maine for .spring and fully guaranteed. aftcr which she played "Impromp­ Wednesday given by Miss Alberti Goals for Owl's Head were scored PERMANENT $1 tu" by Sibcliu'. which was received try of thc First Baptist Church summer wearing and also southern WEDNESDAY M G IIT ONLY Robinson at the Cumberland Club by Willis 4 Buckminster 2, Haskell Friday night*and partook of a de- j4 we« winter wear. One delightful silk witii much pleasure. Mrs Hcisted laid. Three 2, Farrell 2. and Perry 1. Thc Al.l. BEAUTY AIDS .15. licious supper, at the conclusion of was a three-tone print and bor­ gave a lecture on "Finland." show­ tables of contract followed lunch­ Owl's Head line up; W. Willis, rw; ALL GIRL REVUE ing colored pictures, tlie lantern which the guest of honor, the Rev. eon. Among the guests were Mrs. rowed its distinctive pattern from Neal Bousfield. gave an interesting W. Buckminster iw. J. Farrell c, W. featu rin g being operated by Harry Pratt. A. J Huston. Mrs. McDougall, and a Spode plate and made a back­ talk cn the splendid work of the Mrs w Rugg St Clair, rd. A Perry id, K. Low g . GILBERT’S K ground of Pompeian rose. Slide SALON This was much enjoyed. Tlie slides Alternates were Haskell, Salo and and literature cn Finland were sent S€a Coast Mission among the iso- fasteners are more used than ever. 375 MAIN ST. PHONE 14! CARLINA White. to Mrs. Heistad from Rockefeller Iatcd famjMes of Ure coast. Mrs. • • 9 • and her Ian Dance Now they arc to glue dwellings The Parent-Teacher Association Center. New York-Finnish Travel Alice Karl had arranged a program Wednesday-Thursday Bureau. During an intermission in !0[ muslc and 6ames- and an eve' *together. What will happen in the wil1 meet ’ruBSda>' night at 7.30, ESTELLE the lecture. Hans Heistad sang a n !” *ng entertainment followed. A rainy season is a moot question. , at Town hal1- George Cumming. Men worship her women Supt of Schools will be the speaker. the Dance cf thc Veil Echo Song in Swedish. Mrs. Heistad ' malc «uartet composed of Ansel Teacher: “If Napoleon were alive i at the piano Joining in thc sons'and Alfrcd Young Maynard Ames envy her And yet Zozo's |ust today what do you think he would According to late bulletins re­ DALE HARLAND , Thc final number was a poem en-1 and Kenneth Hooper sang several o simple hearted little q irl titled Kalevala. land of Heroes, thc I •SO»8S’ >'hich add«d much t0 the en- be doing?" ceived from the National Federa­ Daring Acrobatic Dance Number who’s much too much in lovr national epic of Finland. This was JcJ'mcnt of tlie occasion, Small boy: "Drawing thc old age tion of Music Clubs concerning the and pension." biennial contests for Young Artists read by Mrs. Rutli Ellingwood and • • • • and Student Musicians application made a fitting closing to n memora- "An all-time low on prices of PATRICIA READ The worship of meterorites is a blanks ol contestants accompanied blc afternoon. new electrical equipment is to be Claudette Coibeit most natural one. Since the stones by thc entrance fee must be in the South American Rhumba Dance seen in tlie Central Maine Power fall from thc sky. a feeling of fear hands Of the State Chairman. Mrs. There will be hourly bus service Co. "Odds and Ends" sale. Main St. ALSO SCREEN ATTRACTION Z A Z A - and superstition surrounds them Sarah w Scribner of Portland, no', 'Horn Camden to thc Snow Bowl 'office. Rockland. 1-2 to 1-8 off Thc and some tribes give them much later than Feb. 27 instead of March during tlie carnival. 19-20 buy of your life—adv. 19-20 reverence. 15 as previously announced. These Herbert Marshall contests arc sponsored by the Na­ Son: "Does you all know you is tional Federation of Music Clubs a bigamist?" in conjunction with thc Maine Fed­ Pappy: "I is no bigamist, and how eration of Music Clubs in order to Just in Time to be come you say dat?" promote musical knowledge and e n ­ Son: "All done got married and deavor among the young musician it looks now like you got two wives cf the State. YOUR VALENTINE to support. Why alnt dat bigamy?" • • • • ‘The SWING’ Storms on the sun have rain­ ‘The SH A G ’ Many other styles and drops of fire, but tlie blazing drops WEDNESDAY NIGHT colors on display but we of fire obey all the laws of gravi­ B AWARD NIGHT had to show you these. tation. Tlie antics have been pho­ Two new Cuban heeled tographed in a motion picture Slippers in stock. All odd telescope at the University of pairs now greatly reduced. Michigan. Thc storm clouds take ; tlie shapes of huge banyun trees o»*' We've just had a ship­ and vast arches. It is from these gcC»W*’ ment of stunning new nov­ types that the fiery rain descends. elties today. SMARTLY Tlie drops arc huge knots of fire, i SHOD FEET go for creat­ • • • • THURSDAY ing a fashionable appear­ Utilizing many unique machines ance. Dram so real, it might hare happened to you! and appliances, the National Poromownt pioioch We d love to show you Bureau of Standards is conducting these Valentines! lists of building materials which it Combines the strength and eleanliness of triple eoated porcelain is expected will substantially fur­ enamel on a solid seamless sterl base with the visibility and dura­ NOV, PLAYING ther the government sponsored low - Gladys Swarthout • lloyd Nolan bility of Pyiex brand Glass. "IDIOT'S DELIGHT" cost housing program. Unnecessary to remove the cover to see the feed—Saving Fuel with • * • • TODAY and Time. Also retaining natural food flavois threugh close The Swing (above) comes in gold fitting lovers preventing their escape in steam which being con­ The Shag (above) white satin (dye­ NORMA SHEARER Did you realize that you have, if RICHARD CROMWELL in kid...... $6.50; silver...... $4.53 CLARK GABLE you are an average person, a vo­ “STORM OVER BENGAL" fined to vessel means belter cooked, better tasting, more health­ able) with silver platform. Low Black satin, silver platform $3.!)5 fu l food. cabulary of from 7,000 to 10.000 heel ...... -..... $3.50 White satin, silver platform $3 50 Children's Matinee at 4 E. M. words, while there are those who Amateur Show 8.30 ^ S t r a n d have over 20,000 in their vocabulary ROCKLAND TEL. 310 M A IN S T R E E T , and sometimes not enough to ex­ CRIE HARDWARE CO. BLACKINGTON’S 108 MAIN STREET. ROCKLAND. ME. TELEPHONE 791 press their contempt for thin"; PARK 4 0 9 lliat happen in Washington Page Eight Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, February 14, 1939 Every-Otbcr-Day A MAID CALLED MILLS Fish And College Relieve the Pain of R THE STRANGE STORY OF CHICO Tentative Plan Calls For Whom You Will Take To Your Heart When She Talks E A L M OF Commercial Course At RHEUMATISM Death Of Well Known Rockland Chow Whose About Household Matters University of Maine Quickly! Safely! To end the torturing pains of Rheumatism. M Arthritis. Neuritis, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Fame Was Spread By Terhune BROADCAST BY MARJORIE MILLS « Sea and Shore Fisheries Com­ and Sciatica, get quick-acting MYACIN. Put up in easy-to-take tablets, containing no USIC (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 1.30 p. m. over Stations missioner Arthur R. Greenleaf said opiate* or narcotics. Must give aag WNAC, Boston; WTAO, Worcester; WCSH, Portland; WTIC, Hartford; prompt relief or your money e e t c i by Gladys St. Cl/iir Heistad will be refunded. Costs only * 4 The chow dog Chico, owned by < would she be lured into going in- WICC. Bridgeport; WEAN, Providence; and WLBZ, Bangor). he believed he was “a long step nearer” his goal of obtaining the C. H. MOOR * CO. Hill N. Dane, and an inconsalable doors at any of these shop;. 322 Main Street. Rorkiand. Me. From Mi". Grace Lowe of Cam- Glazounow heard Elman, then an mourner over the death of her mis- Mrs. Dane had taught her. as a Can you im -. cinnamon and vanilla together, aid of science in bettering the lot den. wintering at Palm Beach. Auer pupil, play in Auer's studio, tress, which occurred nine years puppy to be on the lookout for mo- agine prefacing Spread* on hot toast. Place pear of Maine's commercial fishermen cess to very little information that a cookbook with half on top and serve. not Ida, comes a copy of the Palm lie was so impressed by the young ag0' came Saturday to the end of tor traffic On cro-'sing a street as the result of a conference witli would allow them to compete suc­ , . .. . . , □ , her earthly career, mercifully put Chico continued to pause at the a quotation by- Hash Medley-Baked Beach Daih New; which carries-an m ans that he asked Auer if ______iv national and State officials In Au­ cessfully in today's competitive away by friends who sympathized curb and peer up and down the ? Milton? T h e (Sent in by Pauline Whalen ' gust? . markets. interesting review of the annual Elman might not introduce the with her feebleness and almost utter highway to make certain no car 1884 edition of Stoughton) Greenleaf is seeking to establb.i "No class of men in Maine work Eallet Caravan, founded by Lincoln work Auer consented There are helplessness j was near enough to harm her. I the Boston 3 cups ground raw potatoes a comprehensive program of educa­ so hard or obtain so little for their Kirstein and composed of 20 young three movements, but each is con- Chico was 17 years old. probably in w.nter. Rockland is cold and Cooking School j 1 cup ground carrots tion and research, unparalleled in efforts as cur f.shermen. Any thing 2 small onions, ground American dancers, in a program nec’ec! wit a the othery by transition cn^ ^he best known canines In there are many heavy mows. In cookbook which Its scope, that will make available that can be done to help them Helen Sawyer 1 tablespoon finely chopped which was distinctive and artistic pa«sages so that the Concerto Is the Stat* Nearly every tJave:er who summer sometimes there are torrid to fishermen the latest and most better their lot Will not only bring of L i t t l e t o n parsley a : well as genuinely entertaining. actually...... played without...... pause.. . The cameabQUt t0 {he the clty whkh made hftd mpiat which before us lies in dally buttered baking dish and sprinkle | desired result. J. H Murray, pro­ depleting the life cf the pioneers ccmpo er. and conductor. Fabien «ould merely acknowledge the time registering 30 degress below zero. ) with the buttered crumbs. Bake in go | “a long way" In solving the fessor of zoology at University of problems of Maine fishermen. of the prairie with "Billy the Kid" Sevitzky. took up the baton a yea of day by a feeble wagging of the whatever the weather might be the prime wisdom."—Milton a slow oven (325 degrees F.) for Maine believed that the University's j a type of character whose talents and a half ago. the organization tail or an impersonal glance. she would not set foot indoors any- Maybe it was easier in 1884 to hours 1 Marine Biological Station, a t La- for murder finally surpas ed his had claimed little prestige beyond Chico had been featured in news- where. It was as though she was know .-that which before us lies" Knox Perfection Salad moine could be utilized for several I Old Age Pensions pood qualitie The musical score Its own vicinity Since that time papers from coast to coast, and afraid Mrs. Dane might return in lt ls today; anyway this col- l envelope Knox Sparkling Oela- i phases of tire program, particu- [ ------lor this ballet was written by Aaron however. Sevitzky has rebuilt the among those who had contributed her absence and not find her wait- umn u devoted to things anything tlne larly In a study of propagatlonal Warren Man Sees How Copeland. orchestra, now composed of young to her fame was that famous writer lng but sublje- here's cup cold water The second presentation by the musicians whose average age is 27. on canine subjects Albert Payson; she was gentle with the people day'S grist 1 cup hot water methods and a survey of fish re- State Lottery Would Heh sources. r Ballet Caravan on the following and has developed the organization Terhune. His story is here repub- who stopped to pat her and to call Mrs H A Smart gf Bangor *4 cup mild vinegar A tentative plan discussed at the the Situation r.lght was given by the Society of to the point where it is recognized lished as one of the epics of the her by name. Sometimes she would 1 tablespoon lemon juice writes: “This cold morning is an meeting would include a course in , — ' . _ the Four Art'. Filling Station" a ' one of the outstanding young da>' even walk a litt'e way with them, U cup sugar . t. (Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— appropriate time to suggest the commercial fishing and allied acti- was to ty repeated, and other bal- orchestras In the country. * * .* * But that was as far as friendship hot water bottle filled and comfort­ 1 teaspoon salt ' vltles at the University of Maine State lott*(ry ,ar old »«<■ Pfn- lets programmed were "Promenade," • • • • On my desk Is a photograph of a went. S cup caobage. finely shredded ingly hot carried out to the back available to young men who wished s*ons: 1 000.000. tickets at 50 cents i. classic ballet to Maurice Ravel's "Snow White" is to be withdrawn beautiful female chow dog. The ! An odd angle to the case is that yard in the clothes basket. It feels . cup ceierj cut In small pices cnter y,e industry jn a scientif ic ' each. $500,000; $5000 for admln- music and ''Pocahontas." a ballet- from circulation at the end of April, likeness depicts her as ly.ng on the sbe paid no attention whatever to good on stinging fingers and keeps 1 Prmiento. cut in small pieces, , , , , or 2 tablespoons sweet red or green Or larg6 50416 busi"ess capaclty: 8 istratl°" ^ t « < « » » p r^ s; legend. lbut wdl be reissued again In about brick sidewalk outside a public other dogs and that none of them the clothes warm too.” Thanks. • • • • a year. This film was seen by 800.- building. Her thick coat is unkempt molested her in any way. Apparent- peppers , research program that would reveal One , 25.000; ,,0.000; sjx Mrs. Smart and another stunt is _ . new methods of conservation, pro- .. .. _ Noting that a new volume of 000 people during its eight week Her attitude and her face are ex- iy they respected her mi ery and her Soften gelatine in cold water. . . . . ,, ; :$5 000; and 28 at $1,000 warming the clothespins ln the pagation. transportation, market­ poetry by Edna St. Vincent Millay, run ln New York; it ran 35 weeks in Pres lve of heart-broken misery v.'lsh for sol tude. Add sugar, salt and hot water, and oven and do you pin stockings and ing, by-products utilization and This would leave $350,000 for old called “Huntsman. What Quarry?", London. 31 weeks in Pari . and 16 Never have I seen an unhappier- The only trace of excitement handkerchiefs to a wire clothes stir until dissolved Add vinegar preparalion of fbh products. tne age pensions etch month. These i- scheduled for publication by Har- weeks in Stockholm It played in looking dog She is Ch co. the loved chlco would ever display was when hanger indoors using snap clothes- an ' " ‘‘J _ ’"J? dissemination of all this wealth of eligible would be all those over 60 per in May. remind- me that a *1 countries and was translated into of a ’ bole town, the town of some woman—always a strar.ger to nins and then transfer the whole automatic refrigerator. Do not . . a . . friend who recently heard Millay 10 languages, with a different set of Rockland. Me. The last I heard of her—happened to pass along the pins ( w the then Une at one timcthe when infermatioin In such a way that it with an income of less than $500 would be available to every Maine writes most entertainingly of the l*ople talking for each language, het she was keeping strange vigil hospital street. If such a woman wcathej. u coid? stiffen add remaining ingredients, a year who will agree to retire from fisherman. experience. Something to this ef- The movie version of the book sold £ vl8u had kept for more than had any slightest resemblance to Mrs. Edward Howe in Norwell turn into mold that has been rinsed » i. . i. - a11 gainful dhplcyment and will feet: 22.000.000 copies—60.000 copies a day. f°ur 5'ears. Mrs. Dane. Chico would hurry up In spite of its ambitious charac-1 wonders if you've tried toasting the 'r- water and chill ter and the tremendous influence a«ree 10 sPend u,e ,noi»y Ule "Edna entered wearing a long More than 2 000 product', ranging During that time, w.nter and to greet her. only to shrink piteously oatmeal before you add it to a batch MENU cape-black velvet with clasps at from "Snow White dolls to "Snow summer, she has never consented to back again as soon as she di covered j it promises on commercial fishing. State for Maine grown and manu- of oatmeal cookies. Sprinkle a thin Breakfast the throat. In an imperious voice White" foundation garments were 8° inside a house. Dozens of people her mistake j the program, according to those factured gcods as far as possible layer in a shallow pan and heat she demanded a chair with arm- licensed; more than 2.000.G00 dolls, have tried to coax her into making Orange Juice attending the meeting, can be car- within 30 days slowly for ten minutes . . . the Several young men hopped plenty and 16.500.000 "Snow White" drink- her home with them. Hundreds Oatmeal ;ried out virtually without expense j wJ ^ rea£e purchaslnc cookies will have a better flavor. and produced a chair. Then Edna ing glasses were sold. Millions of more have tried to w n her friend- Two New York Oases Broiled Deerfoot Sausages ! as the University of Maine, lt was1 Here's an Idea telephoned by a Ratsin Toast Dropped Eggs thought, can carry out its part of power ,350 000t 8 mcnth' Mlv« the removed her cape and dropped it letters asked if any of the charac- shlP Rut always ln vain. - z* j „iri and her into the chair in a huddle Low- te n were real people; it was the bong ago. when she was a fluffy Where Honest To Goodness builn«* 8*1 Mh0 she and her La Touraine Coffee the plan merely by substituting old ®8e prohlchi and unemploy- bunkie haven't a kitchenette but ered her head until her hair covered first sound picture translated into bunch of puppyhood. Chico was Clam Chowder Is Served, Lunch I present studies for those pertaining ment. This question should be put do love breakfast in bed and a bout her face, flung back her head—an t a "talking book for blind people; bought by Mrs. Hi.. Dane wife of Writes Fsten Porter 'Savory Liver Cakes I to fishing and fish biology for all before the people to be voted on. with the Sunday Herald. So they hair—then 'fixed it', first with one Czecho-Slovakia. which had its own 8 Rockland antique dealer. M r. Carrots with Quick Cream Sauce who desire to take them. Tickets would be sold throughout ------make coffee the night before, add hand, then with the other. This language version, removed its regu- ‘ nd Mrs Dar,e bccamc devoted to Editor of The Courier-Gazette;- cream and sugar and put u ln a ‘Cinnamon Pears Tile Sea and Shore Fisheries De- the United’ States and Canada, gesture was repeated over and over lar theatre ticket tax for the pic- Chico s devot on was for Tetley Tea partment. Greenleaf said, could in- Everyone who could afford it would A letter which appeared in yes- thermos beside the bed with cups curing the evening. She wore a ture; Youngstown. Ohio, had a '^ rs Dane alone. For several >ears Dinner corporate its part of this new service spend 50 cents if he thought he and saucers on a tray and buttered '•ery beautiful antique gold velvet “Snow White" week, and at no followed her mistress every- terday's New York Herald-Tribune Hash Medley-Baked ln its regular routine. had a chance of drawing from t ress. mad? on simple lines and showing of the picture were there R was a care °f rea' adora- struck a responsive chord in my rolls in a waxed sandwich bag Baked Beets He revealed that he conceived $1,000 to $25,000 A. Voter There is breakfast when they wit h a short train. Having ac- any "bank nights.” "Bingo", china t;on- slle was clvil t0 other head One of my pet aversions is 'Knox Perfection Salad the program after a thorough study Warren. Feb 9 wake up. ccmplished so much, she •pawed raffles, or other give-aways Dopey 'nans, but to none of them did she so-called "clam chowder" which Chocolate Cake of the fishing industry and its | ■‘-i‘------Pauline Whalen ln Stoughton is ever' a number of books. finally has received more fan mail than s^ow an>' affection. She was a one- is almost universally served in New La Touraine Coffee needs. He pointed out that at COURIER-GAZETTE WANT ADS having fun making pomander balls, i choosing a large one. specially Snow White and the other six man—or rather one-woman dog. York—a vegetable soup with (occa­ • Recipes given present Maine fishermen have a c -, WORK WONDERS "Nice for bridge prizes," she says, bound, a fact she took pains to dwarfs put together, And Mrs. Dane was the one woman sionally) a clam in it. "or for little Tm-thlnklng-of- explain Turned pages until she . . . . Never, voluntarily, would the chow I heartily agree with the repre­ stir from her mistress's side. Not you's'."‘ Small firm apples wiped found her place, then she began to snow song sentation from Rockland that even when the ambulance one d av , well with a damp cloth and whole fuss about the light' and expressed slow and white. "there ought to be a law" to rem- . . , . __ The ls falling through the night took Mrs. Dane to a room in the cloves stuck ln to the very hilt as her opinion in no uncertain term.' Over_ thicket —road------and stream . . „ ...... _ . edy thia condition of affairs It is The atMUeoce (bowed ttwlf frank- Th*“ down ln “ 'Ound.c-. K n o t Genera. Hospital. For WMks much t0 hcpp ,hat a gnte f0 closely as you can place them work- dream the invalid had been 111. And Chico rcund and round the apple until !v antagonistic—a low hum of dis- Turning a pine bo a silver ghoat backward as to vote twice for the , __ .__ al____ And a farm light to a star, almost. had crouched day and night beside it's completely encrusted. Drain approval running through it. S h And a hemlock bends with its feathery New Deal would b? sufficiently her bed. fcr several hours on absorbent read, receiving scant applause. More u progressive to take such a forward But mile on mile we keep the road; Dogs were not allowed in the hos­ paper and there you are The readings, until the end. By then Mile after mne in a windless peace, step. But the good old State of pital. But by some instinct Chico cloves repel moths, the pomander she had won more to her. although Maine, one of the two that never found out which wa- her mUtresa's lasts Indefinitely and gives a lovely nobody else would have cons.dered we walk the world in a spell ot snow. left the Union, should emphatical­ room. On the sidewalk directly be­ scent to linens too. the applause • uffleient for an encore ______Trances Frost ly repel this a'sault upon one of its neath that room's w.ndow the chow Thin-skinned oranges can be used which she accepted as such. Many cherished traditions. took her stand. too. only those should drain over perple kep: going cut. I felt ashamed Recipe Won Prize So far as I have been able to as­ There she rema ned throughout night after being stuck with cloves, for her. Yet the papers gave her certain after many years of in­ the long w?eks while Mrs. Dan’ then rolled in equal parts of cinna­ a big write up. though they did Bui This “Clam” Chowder vestigation. there are but two oases grew worse and worse Sometimes mon and powdered orris. Wrap in say the audience was 'aloof and in this clam chowder desert of Doesn’t Wear the Cleve the sick woman could call to her tissue paper and put away for sev­ i henated by the prelude. Other New York City, where the real arti­ pet. through the open window. At eral days. Pauline Whalen admits t uthors have been friendly all Sleeper Trade Mark cle may be obtained, and that only around and always willingly au­ _____ such times dog went wild with joy. it takes an hour for tire clove­ Under the caption “New England But always she would settle back ° n sPeciaI occasions "Billy the sticking process. But they are so tograph their books. So as usual Oysterman serves it Wednesdays many had ordered books for Edna Clam Chowder—once they were to her dreary spell of waiting fragrant. 8he sends us two fine and the Saint Oeorge Hotel Fri­ to l utogiaph. but a, we came out. called Quahoges” appears the fol- Then Mrs. Dane ded. recipes and Gay Young of Provi­ days. Billy calls his "Plymouth the word passed along was Ml' s lowing clipping from a newspaper Chico followed the funeral to the dence R. I., who says her Yankee Clam Chowder," and the Saint Millay refuses to autograph any whose name is not Indicated: cemetery. But the chow did not conscience is prodding her to con­ book'" Consequently there was a An heirloom from New Bedford, seem to realize that her mistress's George “New England Clam Chow­ tribute something sends a slick der.” large box of books which people Mass, which has been passed down body was left in that lone place, sounding snack to go with after­ Mr. Sleeper has all of the tar- refused to take, even though they from mother to daughter for manv She appeared to think it was a noon tea or to serve as a quick had been previously ordered." generations is this prize winning mere stopping place and that Mrs. marks of a wise legislator. He may dessert. • « « • 1 recipe sent ln by Louise S. Hum- Dane was going back presently to ** the first of nnother of great Savcry Liver Cakes I also had occasion to see the phreys, Baltimore. Md. The origin- the hospital. statesmen, worthy successors of the (Sent ln by Pauline Whalen. particular review referred to in the al copy of the recipe still In our For, when the ceremonies were 8lant-c Blanc, Reed. Dingley. Frye Stoughton) foregoing—it read—"Her preoccupa- family calls the clams 'quahogs.' ended. Chico trotted to that same and Hale w’'10 ln thc Elght.es and tion with atmosphere', which in- writes Mrs. Humphreys. spot on the brick pavement in front Nineties so successfully ran the 1 pound beef liver eluded a chair with arms for her 15 large round clams or quahogs of the hospital and directly beneath country’ from Washington. 1 medium-large onion •Conversation at Midnight', lights 1 large cup of salt pork, cut fine the window of the room that had E w P°ricr 6 Hampton crackers 1 teaspoon salt 1 large cup of onions, cut fine been her mistress', throughout those The letter in the Herald Tribune cut in the balcony and what-not H teaspoon pepper 2 large cups of white potatoes— tedious weeks of illness. to which the former Rockland man was very essential to the success of 2 tablespoons milk the reading. An audience a little cubed Mr. Dane tried to make the dog refers, is here published: Season with black pepper come home with him. But the hou a Tomatoes in Chcwder 2 eggs, beaten slightly aloof and alienated by this prelude Put liver, onion and crackers was won back when the poet began 6 tomatoes, cooked and trained, was home to her no longer, now You may remember the spirited I may be added with good results, but that her owner was not there. She controversy of some years ago con- through food chopper, using me­ leading." dium knife. Add the salt, pepper, • • • • not called for ln original recipe would go as far as the front door, cerning 'W hat is a clam chowder?’ In the above picture, the well dm everything in its power 10 dis. milk and eggs and mix thoroughly supposed to nave an almost magical A'mos: t.n the heels of Leon Z ar- 1 qt of milk Then she would turn sadly away Data assembled at that time con­ known artist. Virginie Fowter, has significance, and the association courage all festivities based upon Drop by rounding tablespoons into drawn her conception of a modem pagan feasts—at one time it even lsza's charming letter last week i'. cup of rolled crackers and plod back to the sidewalk under clusively proved that the mess formed between man and maid on a spider containing 3 tablespoons St. Valentine’s Day table—a mod­ St. Valentine’s Day, frequently rip­ went to the length of substituting tame a batch of programs being giv- “Scrub clams clean. Put pint of the hospital window. , uai "Manhattan Clam Chowder" melted shortening; bacon fat is my em harmonious touch being the ened into love and marriage. So saints' names for those of girls in en by the Indianapolis Symphony water into saucepan over small Her loyalty to the dead woman's had crept over into the good old toast and jam set. As decorations, strong was the faith in the Day’s the valentine drawings. But the Orchestra this season. We are par- flame, add a few clams at a time, memory touched the hearts of the New England State ef Connecticut choice. Pan-fry until nicely cut out hearts are hung on red rib­ inspiration that at one time in church’s opposition was of no avail; trcularly interested in that portion cover and steam until shells open Rockland people. They brought her and even threatened Rhode Island. , browned on both sides. bons attached to the molding. The England, the first unmarried per­ the Lover’s Day was too dear to the bowls of the toast and jam set con­ son of the opposite sex met on St hearts of the common people. t»hich shows a picture of the or- Remove clams, take out of shells food every day which she ate. They This communication is to call , Cinnamon Pears tain red currant jam, and the plat­ Valentine’s Day was supposed to be Chaucer, Shakespeare and Dray­ ganization. with Leon (a very good oelr.g careful to save all the juice tried to take her home w.th them, your attention to the fact (which (Sent ln by Gay Young, Provi­ ter cream cheese hearts. the destined loved one. And young ton alluded to St. Valentine's Day, likeness, too) occupying the con- for the chowder continue until all She would not go. was ably demonstrated at a Presl- dence) St Valentine’s Day—the day of men and girls would place them­ And one of the earliest writers of lovers — comes to us almost un­ selves in the path of the one they valentines was Charles, the French cert-master's chair. And also in the clams are opened, cut fine and Once In a while she U'ed to take dential election not so many years 6 slices bread changed from the Feasts of Luper- desired and resolutely keep their Duke of Orleans who was captured the program in which Leon played set aside. Put salt pork into skiilet, slow walks around the town. To her ago) that there is one New England 2 tablespoons butter calia, held in honor of Pan and eyes closed until they were sure by the English at the battle of Glazounows "Concerto- for Violin cook slowly until golden brown, re- mistress' former house, to Dane's state which retains its rugged indi­ 2 tablespoons confectioners' sugar Juno, mythological dieties of an­ that upon opening them, they would Agineourt. Samuel Pepys in his viduality. I point with pride to a cient Rome. The day was cele­ see first the one they loved. Feast­ famous Diary written in the reign lr. A Minor" 'Moderato. Andante, move pork, set aside, add onions to antique shop, to the cemetery, she % teaspoon cinnamon brated, then as now, by a sort of ing and merry making have always of Charles II, talks much of St. Val­ Allegro). The program notes say of fat and cook until soft and clear, wandered, as if hoping Mrs. Dane bill prepared by Representative H teaspoon vanilla love lottery, young men drawing followed the drawing of valentines entine’s Day, mentioning particu­ this concerto: "This Violin Concer- cooling very slowly. j might have come back to one of Sleeper, of Rockland. Me. making it 6 pear halves the names of the maidens who then throughout the long history of the larly the beautiful Miss Stuart, became their chosen ones, to be later the Duchess of Richmond, who to was composed in 1904-5. and first "Four 1 quart of water over oniuns those places and be waiting to wel- a legal—as well as a culinary—of- : Trim the crusts from bread and Lovers Day. fense to put tomatoes in a clam given present' and honored and Jocular valentines, sent anony­ at one time, having drawn the Duke played at a Queen s Hall concert, bring to boil and pour into chowder come her. Always she returned to toast It. Cream the butter, sugar, feted during the period of the mously, were unknown until very of York as her valentine, received London. Oct. 17. 1905, by Mischa pot. Add chopped clams, clam juice the hospital sidewalk. chowder. A trust the Legislature of Feasts. recent times. Instead, valentine as her present from him a jewel Elman, and the Queen Hall Or- salt pork and potatoes, cock slowly Provision dealers grew to watch the good and conservative State of Later, in Christian times, both greetings were confined, as Cham­ valued at $4,000.00 and, at another, men and maidens wrote their names chestra. Sir Henry Wood conducting, until potatoes are soft. Season with for these walks of Chico’s and to Maine will pass said bill unanimous- bers quaintly says in his Book of drawing Lord Mandeville, was pre­ Baby’s Cold on slips of paper, to be drawn by Dava. to "a courteous letter of at­ sented with a ring valued at Its first American performance pepper and add tomatoes at this have dainty food ready to offer her , ly and thereby establish a frontier those of the opposite sex. As a re­ tachment from some young man to $1,500.00. discomforts relieved sult, each man and maiden present wuj Marc). 3. 1910. when Elman time if de ired. Just before serving as she passed by their shops. j which the Red menace will be un- \ without dosing — use some young maiden.” Many other ancient festivals have apain played it. Glazounow dedi- ud