To: Learning and Leisure Subject: Schools and Centres 21 : Services Committee Review of Coltness Primary School and Lammermoor From: Head of Education Resources Primary School

Purpose of Report

This report details the proposals for changes in non-denominational educational provision affecting Coltness Primary School, and Lammermoor Primary School, Wishaw. A consultation paper is attached.


It is recommended that the learning and leisure services committee adopt the following proposals:

1. that in August 2009 or such later date as is determined by the Schools and Centres 21 programme Lammermoor Primary School and Coltness Primary Schoob be amalgamated into one school

2. that the amalgamated school be located in either:

a) the refurbished Coltness Primary School building OR b) the refurbished Lammermoor Primary School building 3. that the pupils who under the present arrangements attend or would have enrolled in Lammermoor Primary School or Coltness Primary School should transfer to or enrol in the new amalgamated school

4. that the consultative document attached to this report be issued and made available to all interested parties

5. that all interested parties be invited to make written representation to Murdo Maciver, Head of Educational Resources, Learning and Leisure Services, Kildonan Street, ML5 3BT ([email protected]) no later than Friday 20th June 2008.

6. that the head of educational resources be asked to prepare a report on the responses to the consultation to the next meeting of the learning and leisure services com mittee.

Members wishing further information please contact:

Murdo Maciver, Head of Educational Resources on 01236 812307 or Christine Pollock, Executive Director of Learning and Leisure Services on 01698 302534



Report by Head of Educational Resources


1 .I The upgrading of the school estate, including the provision of better facilities, a rationalisation of school places to reflect pupils rolls and the development of community use is a major priority for the council.

1.2 In October 2007 the learning and leisure services committee approved the priorities for phase 2 of the Schools and Centres 21 (SC21) programme. It included the review of provision at Coltness Primary School, Wishaw and Lammermoor Primary School, Wishaw.

1.3 This report and the attached consultative document describe the proposals.


2.1 Detailed information about the options associated with the proposals is contained in the consultative document attached to the report.

2.2 In summary, the consultation paper proposes the amalgamation of the existing Coltness Primary School and Lammermoor Primary School into one school either in the refurbished Coltness or refurbished Lammermoor building.


It is recommended that the learning and leisure services committee adopt the following proposals:

1. that in August 2009 or such later date as is determined by the Schools and Centres 21 programme Lammermoor Primary School and Coltness Primary School be amalgamated into one school

2. that the amalgamated school be located in either:

a) the refurbished Coltness Primary School building OR b) the refurbished Lammermoor Primary School building 3. that the pupils who under the present arrangements attend or would have enrolled in Lammermoor Primary School or Coltness Primary School should transfer to or enrol in the new amalgamated school

4. that the consultative document attached to this report be issued and made available to all interested parties

5. that all interested parties be invited to make written representation to Murdo Maciver, Head of Educational Resources, Learning and Leisure Services, Kildonan Street, Coatbridge ML5 3BT ([email protected]) no later than Friday 20thJune 2008.

8 6. that the head of educational resources be asked to prepare a report on the responses to the consultation to the next meeting of the learning and leisure services committee.





This document has been issued by the Learning and Leisure Services Committee of Council for consultation in terms of the Education (Publication and Consultation Etc) () Regulations 1981.


Schools and Centres 21 Proposals: Review of Education Provision at Coltness Primary School and Lammermoor Primary School, Wishaw


1.I Schools and Centres 21 (SC21), the rebuilding and upgrading of schools, is a very high priority for North Lanarkshire Council. There are three aspects to the strategic vision which underpins the programme:

1. An education vision: School refurbishment or replacement improves the conditions for learning and teaching. It offers enhanced access to a wider and richer curriculum and greater opportunity for young people to develop to their full potential.

Social inclusion will be encouraged by co-locating additional support needs schools on the campus of selected schools.

The provision of early years facilities in primary schools will create education and care continuity and progression for the children in their local area.

Community facilities within schools will be enhanced. Refurbished or new- build campuses will have integrated community facilities designed to cater for the specific needs of the locality. These facilities will be available for community and school use both during and outwith school hours. The facilities will offer learning, sporting and leisure opportunities.

2. A corporate vision: the development of schools as community hubs will support the wellbeing of communities by meeting social, economic and environmental needs in an integrated way. With inter-service collaboration the education campus will deliver a wide range of council services. The overall package will ensure that a high quality education service is available to the whole community. There is a strong emphasis on the social and economic regeneration of the whole council area particularly deprived communities.

3. A best value vision: Schools and Centres 21 has a strong commitment to best value principles. It will ensure not only a high quality education provision but also the efficient use of resources in the short and long term. The rationalisation of existing buildings will release resources for investment in the remaining schools.

1.2 The council estimates that up to f250m will be spent on improving schools over the next few years. The immediate priorities in the programme include a review of education provision in a number of primary schools, including Coltness and Lammermoor.

1.3 This document describes why changes in provision are required in this part of Wishaw and proposes two options for consideration. All interested parties are invited to submit their views on these options. These will be considered by the learning and leisure committee in the autumn and no decision will be taken on the future of Coltness and Lammermoor until that stage.

11 2 REASONS FOR THE REVIEW The Schools and Centres 21 programme aims to improve school buildings so that the curricular and community needs of the 21'' century are fully provided for. Additionally there is a need to reduce the number of empty places in order to release resources to spend on schools in the local area.

2.1 School rolls and caDacities

Projected school rolls are based on data from a variety of sources including census information, existing rolls, primary one intakes, and residential planning applications.

2.2 The school rolls outlined in Table 1 indicate a reduction in Coltness Primary School and a slight increase in Lammermoor Primary School for the foreseeable future. The current combined capacity of the two schools is 590. The projected rolls indicate that there will be a large number of empty places, necessitating a review of provision.

Table 1: rolls and capacities

Rolls School Capacity 2007 201 0 2014 2018 Coltness PS 402 165 140 120 119 Lammermoor PS 188 196 201 21 5 209 Total 590 (665) 36 1 34 1 335 328 Empty places % 39% 42% 43% 45%

At Lammermoor some of the empty classrooms have been redeployed to Community Learning and Development offices. Without this, the underuse of the buildings would be even greater.

2.3 Condition of the buildings

Coltness Primary School is located on a large open site of 2.25 hectares. The building requires substantial investment, including fabric upgrading, replacement windows, rewiring and a new heating system.

Lammermoor Primary School is located on a part open site of 2.7 hectares. Recent improvements include new windows, fabric upgrading. It suffers from a shortage of parking.

2.4 Suitability of the Buildings Table 3 Rating Description Coltness Primary School C Poor Lammermoor Primary School C poor

Coltness Primary School occupies a four storey building which presents various difficulties in meeting the needs of the modern curriculum and disability compliance.

12 Due to the small roll it has a large number of empty places. The classrooms enjoy natural light but the external facilities require improvement.

Lammermoor Primary School is a single storey building with traditional classrooms. The classrooms are well sized and have good natural light. Due to the construction of the building there is little scope for flexibility in the use of the accommodation.


3.1 This review recommends that two options should be considered to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of primary provision in the area.

Option 1

To close Lammermoor Primary School and pupils transfer to a refurbished Coltness Primary School from session 2009/10 or at a later date on completion of the construction work.

Option 2

To close Coltness Primary School and pupils transfer to a refurbished and extended Lammermoor Primary School from session 2009/10 or at a later date on completion of the construction.

These options are described in detail in the next paragraphs.

3.2 The Coltness PS ODtion


Coltness Primary has the capacity to accommodate all pupils within the campus with the addition of a small extension. Facilities would be improved to enhance the educational and community provision. This option would involve substantial building improvement including reglaze, rewire and a new heating system in addition to remodelling costs.


The four storey building creates access difficulties and is not ideal for a primary school. Depending on the extent of the refurbishment the cost would be up to f6m.

3.3 The Lammermoor PS ODtion


This option would provide a two storey building on an open site. It would more readily be disability compliant. The building has recently been upgraded, including a reglaze, rewire, new boiler and cook freeze facility. However, an extension to the building and further upgrading would be carried out together with work to upgrade the accommodation and educational facilities.


Depending on the extent of the refurbishment, the cost of this option would be up to f5m. Consideration would require to be given to relocating the community learning and development offices within the building.


4.1 In general, the non-denominational primary provision in the area would be substantially improved and there would be wider facilities available to the community. There would be minimum disruption to existing catchments and the secondary school association with Coltness High School would be maintained.

4.2 Closure and amalaamation

In any school reorganisation involving two or more schools a distinction is made between closure and amalgamation.

A closure takes place when one of the schools does not contribute at least 40% of the roll for the combined school. An amalgamation takes place when each of the two schools account for at least 40% of the new roll. This distinction would mean a new name and potential new promoted staff appointments..

4.3 Staffinq

The following arrangements for the staffing of the new school will be in accordance with the following principles:

(a) Learning & Leisure Staff

Schools will be staffed in accordance with current roll-related staffing standards. Dependent on roll there will be implications for staff currently employed in both schools. Individuals will be consulted about their future and their particular wishes will be taken into account where possible. The appropriate professional associations will also be consulted about staffing matters. Additional staffing will be assigned during the first two years.

(b) Staff employed by other council services.

It is anticipated that other staff will be deployed in any combined school where possible. All will be fully consulted about their future, as will the appropriate trade unions.

4.4 School TransDort

Depending on the outcome of the consultation, some pupils may be entitled to transport in accordance with council policy. It provides free transport to pupils living more than 1 mile from their zoned school or where a safe walking route is not available. Furthermore, appropriate road crossing patrols will be established where considered necessary.

4.4 Zoning

The catchment area of the new school will be the combination of the existing two catchment areas. A map of the schools and catchments is contained in Appendix 3.


5.1 The Learning and Leisure Services Committee has agreed to adopt a number of proposals related to this document. These proposals form the basis of the formal consultation process and are included as Appendix 1. 5.2 This consultative document is being issued to all interested parties. All interested parties are therefore invited to send their views on these proposals to Murdo Maciver, Head of Service, Learning and Leisure Services, Municipal Buildings, Kildonan Street, Coatbridge, ML5 3BT, no later than Friday 2$h June 2008, or by e-mail to [email protected].


The learning and leisure services committee is recommended to adopt the following proposals:

1. that in August 2009 or such later date as determined by the Schools and Centres 21 programme Lammermoor Primary School and Coltness Primary School be amalgamated as one school

2. that the amalgamated school be located in either:

a) the refurbished Coltness Primary School building OR b) the refurbished Lammermoor Primary School building

3. that the pupils who under the present arrangements attend or would have enrolled in Lammermoor Primary School or Coltness Primary School should transfer to or enrol in the new amalgamated school

4. that the consultative document attached to this report be issued and made available to all interested parties

5. that all interested parties be invited to make written representation to Murdo Maciver, Head of Educational Resources, Learning and Leisure Services, Kildonan Street, Coatbridge ML5 3BT ([email protected]) no later than Friday 20thJune 2008.

6. that the head of educational resources be asked to prepare a report on the responses to the consultation to the next meeting of the learning and leisure services committee.

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