DU7 POL.RES.CDS1997M , 20 August 1997 at 11 am.



Councillor Moran, Convener; Councillors Barrie, Combe, Gibson, Hebenton, Leitch, Ross and Wallace.


Councillor Moran (Convener) presided.


The Principal Administrative Officer, Assistant Chief Executive (Operations) and Community Development Manager.


Councillors Gormill, Lafferty, H. McGuigan, McLaughlin, Maginnis and Pentland.


1. There was submitted a report dated 11 August 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) advising that a request for funding had been received from Disability Scotland to hold a Mobility Roadshow in May 1998 at the Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston; (2) intimating that the previous event held in May 1996 had been mainly supported by the Scottish Office but had also received grant aid of $5,300 from the former Scottish Local Authorities, and (3) advising that approximately five percent of the visitors attending the 1996 event had an area postcode "ML".


(1) that a donation of $265 be approved, this amount being 5% of the grant aid donated by former Scottish Local Authorities in 1996, and

(2) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.

WEST OF SCOTLAND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNCIL - EUROPEAN YEAR AGAINST RACISM - REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 2. There was submitted a report dated 5 August 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) advising (a) that a request for Financial Assistance had been received from the West of Scotland Community Relations Council, and (b) that North Council was represented by the Chief Executive's Department on the Unitary Authority Racial Equality Forum of the Community Relations Council; (2) intimating (a) that the Forum proposed to produce a multi racial, multi cultural calendar as part of its contribution to the European Year Against Racism, and (b) that through Education Departments in each of the Unitary Authorities, the Forum would invite the participation of children and young people in the project, and (3) advising that a contribution of $500 from each of the 12 Unitary Authorities had been requested by the West of Scotland Community Relations Council.


(1) that a donation of $500 be approved, and

(2) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.


3. There was submitted a report dated 11 August 1997 by the Chief Executive advising (a) that a request for additional funding in the sum of $3,120 had been received from Strathclyde Credit Union Development Agency (SCUDA) to assist with additional work arising since April 1997 from groups in South , and Cumbernauld seeking support in the development of new and existing credit unions, and (b) that the organisation had received $9,500 Social Work Section 10 funding in the 1997/98 financial year.


(1) that additional funding to Strathclyde Credit Union Development Agency in the sum of $3,120 be approved in 1997/98 for the additional work outlined in the report;

(2) that a review of operational Credit Unions be undertaken;

(3) that development of the Council's Credit Union Development Strategy be approved, and

(4) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted. COATBRIDGE CITIZENS' ADVICE BUREAU - REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 1997/98

4. With reference to paragraph 17 of the Minute of the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 25 March 1997, when financial assistance, at the same level as 1996/97 totalling $164,839, was awarded collectively to the five Citizens' Advice Bureaux for 1997/98, of which the award to the Coatbridge Bureau was $30,868, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 1 August 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) advising that a request for additional core funding had been received from Coatbridge Citizens' Advice Bureau to meet increased occupancy costs; (2) detailing the background to the request for additional funding; (3) outlining the position of Coatbridge Citizens' Advice Bureau in relation to applications for mandatory and discretionary rates relief in 1996/97 and 1997/98, and (4) advising on Council support to mainline information services, voluntary advice and information projects and urban funded programmes including an outreach advice service managed by Coatbridge Citizens' Advice Bureau.


(1) that a strategic review of the provision of information and advice services across be undertaken and reported to the Sub-Committee;

(2) that the request for additional funding in 1997/98 received from Coatbridge Citizens' Advice Bureau be noted and a decision deferred subject to the findings of the review of the provision of information and advice services;

(3) that the application from Coatbridge Citizens' Advice Bureau for mandatory and discretionary rates relief in 1997/98 be supported and the Director of Finance advised accordingly, and

(4) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.


5. There was submitted a report dated 6 August 1997 by the Director of Administration advising (1) that the Citizens' Advice Scotland had submitted their 1996/97 Annual Report and Financial Statement for the year ended 31 March 1997 and (2) that a copy of the report was available from the Director of Administration.

Decided: that the contents of the report be noted.


6. There was submitted a report dated 11 August, 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) advising that the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) had invited the Council to become an associate member; (2) outlining the work undertaken by the organisation; (3) detailing the benefits of associate membership, and (4) intimating that the current annual membership cost of $250 could be accommodated within the 1997/98 Grants to Voluntary Organisations budget.


(1) that the Council become an associate member of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations at the current annual cost of $250, and

(2) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.


7. With reference to paragraph 17 of the Minute of the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 25 March 1997, when an annual grant for 1997/98 was awarded to the Poverty Alliance, part of which was allocated by them towards membership providing specific benefits to the Council, there was submitted a report dated 11 August 1997 by the Chief Executive advising (1) that as a member of the Poverty Alliance, the Council was entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting and any other General Meeting of the Alliance, and (2) that the Poverty Alliance had invited the Council to nominate the person entitled to exercise its voting rights.


(1) that the nomination of a member entitled to exercise the Council's voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and any other General Meeting of the Poverty Alliance be referred to the Policy and Resources Committee, and

(2) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted. PROGRAMME FOR PARTNERSHIP - MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLANS AND ANNUAL REPORTS 1996/97

8. With reference to paragraphs 3 and 4 of the minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 11 June, 1997 there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 12 August, 1997 by the Chief Executive providing updated information in relation to the Monitoring and Evaluation Plans and the 1996/97 Annual Reports for the Motherwell North Priority Partnership Area and the Regeneration Programme, in particular (1) advising that the Monitoring and Evaluation Plans for the Priority Partnership Area and Regeneration Programme activity had been forwarded to the Scottish Office by 30 June 1997; (2) detailing the elements of the Monitoring and Evaluation Plans; (3) providing a statement in respect of monitoring and evaluation targets, and (4) indicating that the annual visit by the Scottish Office to the Priority Partnership Area Management Group was expected to take place in late September 1997.

Decided: that the contents of the report be noted.


9. With reference to paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 11 June 1997 there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 12 August, 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) outlining the application process in respect of applications submitted for both the Motherwell North Priority Partnership Area and the Regeneration Programme, and (2) advising (a) that as part of the process for Programme for Partnership, priority partnership area funding for four projects, whose funding had previously been extended until 31 August 1997 had submitted applications for further funding, and (b) that of those projects it was recommended that Urban Programme support for Greenspace Action and North Motherwell Community Flat Projects would cease on 31 August 1997 and the remaining two projects would continue to be supported until March 2000.


(1) that Urban Programme expenditure of $150,169 in 1997/98 and $257,432 in 1998/99 to support the two undernoted projects be approved as detailed in the report:-

Viewpark Hostel for Young Single Homeless Continue Urban Programme support until March 2000 Viewpark Focus Youth Project Continue Urban Programme support until March 2000;

(2) that the Chief Executive's Department arrange a presentation for Members on Priority Partnership Area and Regeneration Programme funding, and

(3) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.


10. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 11 August, 1997 by the Chief Executive outlining (1) proposals for the adoption of a Corporate Policy Statement on the voluntary sector, and (2) a framework for developing a voluntary sector strategy in partnership with voluntary organisations.

Decided: that consideration of the voluntary sector policy/strategy proposals be referred to the Policy and Resources Committee.


11. There was submitted a report dated 11 August, 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) advising (a) of the Council's affiliation with the Scottish Local Government Forum Against Poverty, and (b) that the Council was represented at the Forum by Councillors Moran, Craigie and Sullivan, and (2) intimating (a) that the Council would host the next meeting of the Forum at the Civic Centre, Motherwell on 29 August 1997, and (b) that Members in attendance from other Scottish Local Authorities would be welcomed by Councillors H. McGuigan and Moran.

Decided: that the contents of the report be noted.


12. The Sub-Committee heard the Assistant Chief Executive (Operations) advise that a briefing meeting for Conveners and Vice-Conveners of Area Committees had been arranged for 21 August 1997 prior to the first Area Committee meetings commencing in the week beginning 8 September 1997.

Decided: that the oral report by the Assistant Chief Executive (Operations) be noted. INTERIM COMMUNITY GRANTS SCHEME - GRANTS TO PLAYSCHEMES - SUMMER 1997

13. With reference to paragraph 5 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 11 June 1997 there was submitted a report dated 4 August 1997 by the Chief Executive advising on applications for funding received from Playschemes wishing to operate in the Summer of 1997 which were agreed by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Convener.

Decided: that the action, as follows, taken by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Convener as detailed in the report be homologated.

Group: Teenscheme - PG55/97/98

Decided: Grant Travel Passes only.

Group: Youth Management Group, Bellshill - PG56/97/98

Decided: Grant Travel Passes only.

Group: Newarthill Summerscheme - PG57/97/98

Decided: Grant Travel Passes only.

Group: Real Modern Girls, Viewpark - PG58/97/98

Decided: Grant Travel Passes only.

Group: Playscheme, Wishaw - PG59/97/98

Decided: Grant $361.62 plus Travel Passes.


14. With reference to paragraph 5 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 11 June 1997 there was submitted a report dated 5 August 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) outlining proposals to fund Playschemes operating during October 1997, and (2) advising on applications for funding received from Playschemes wishing to operate in October 1997.


(1) that the formula for granting financial assistance to Playschemes as detailed in the report be approved, and (2) that the applications for grants from Playschemes for permission to operate during October 1997 be dealt with as follows, viz:-

Group: Airdrie North Community Playscheme - PG01/97/98

Decision: Grant $146.40

Group: Kirkshaws Playscheme, Coatbridge - PG02/97/98

Decision: Grant $146.40

Group: Belvidere Playscheme, Bellshill - PG03/97/98

Decision: Grant $195.20

Group: North Motherwell Playscheme - PG06/97/98

Decision: Grant $131.76

Group: Monklands Playscheme for Children with Special Needs - PG08/97/98

Decision: Grant $141.52

Group: Joe Mackay Youth Centre Playscheme, Bellshill - PG10/97/98

Decision: Grant $146.40

Group: Oot The Hoose Project, Motherwell - PG11/97/98

Decision: Grant $53.68

Group: Eastfield Playscheme, Airdrie - PG12/97/98

Decision: Grant $117.12

Group: Bellshill Out of School Project Playscheme - PG14/97/98

Decision: No funding required.

Group: The Valley Boys, Coatbridge - PG15/97/98

Decision: Grant $26.84

Group: Rosehall Environmental Group, Coatbridge - PG16/97/98 Decision: Grant $40.26

Group: Cumbernauld Toy Library - PG17/97/98

Decision: Grant $158.60

Group: Teenscheme - PG19/97/98

Decision: Grant $53.68

Group: Muirhouse Teenscheme - PG21/97/98

Decision: Grant $53.68

Group: North Motherwell Summer Teenscheme - PG22/97/98

Decision: Grant $53.68

Group: North Airdrie/Whinhall Summer Project - PG23/97/98

Decision: Grant $53.68

Group: Moodiesburn Playscheme - PG24/97/98

Decision: Grant $68.32

Group: OSCARS Summer Club, Airdrie - PG26/97/98

Decision: Continue for further information

Group: Gowkthrapple Playscheme, Wishaw - PG27/97/98

Decision: Grant $114.68

Group: Springhill Playscheme, Shotts - PG28/97/98

Decision: Grant $195.20

Group: Holytown Playscheme - PG29/97/98

Decision: Grant $87.84

Group: Hillview Special Needs Playscheme, Cumbernauld - PG30/97/98

Decision: Grant $114.68

Group: Glenboig/Corsewall Street CEC, Glenboig - PG31/97/98

Decision: Grant $80.52

Group: Kirkshaws Over 14s, Coatbridge - PG32/97/98

Decision: Grant $67.10

Group: Kirkshaws Under 14s Group, Coatbridge - PG33/97/98

Decision: Grant $67.10

Group: Motherwell YMCA Playscheme for Children with Special Needs - PG39/97/98

Decision: Grant $122

Group: YMCA-YWCA Peace of Mind Programme, Cumbernauld - PG40/97/98

Decision: Grant $122

Group: Kilsyth Congregational Church Activities Club - PG41/97/98

Decision: Grant $87.84

Group: Orbiston Neighbourhood Centre, Bellshill - PG43/97/98

Decision: Grant $122

Group: Ethnic Junior Group Playscheme, Holytown - PG45/97/98

Decision: Grant $73.20

Group: Craigieburn Family Partnership, Cumbernauld - PG46/97/98

Decision: Grant $134.20

Group: Focus Teenscheme, Viewpark - PG47/97/98

Decision: Grant $53.68

Group: Greenhead Youth Scheme, Wishaw - PG48/97/98

Decision: Grant $117.12 Group: New Venture Youth Club, Coatbridge - PG49/97/98

Decision: Grant $170.80

Group: DISPORT, Coatbridge - PG50/97/98

Decision: Grant $90.28

Group: Cumbernauld Venture Sports Club - PG51/97/98

Decision: Grant $90.28

Group: Newmains Summer Club - PG52/97/98

Decision: Grant $158.60

Group: Glencairn Playscheme, Motherwell - PG53/97/98

Decision: Grant $67.10

Group: Monklands Activity Programme - PG54/97/98

Decision: Grant $170.80

Group: Greenhead Playscheme, Wishaw - PG59/97/98

Decision: $183


15. With reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 11 June 1997 there was submitted a report dated 12 August 1997 by the Chief Executive detailing applications for Community Grants continued from that meeting together with new applications.

Decided: that the applications for Community Grants be dealt with as follows:-


Group: Corsewell Street Community Playgroup, Coatbridge - CG96/97- 809

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of new equipment

Total Cost: Not Known Grant Requested: $3,000 (cheque previously issued for $80)

Decision: Continue

Group: Townhead Camera Club, Coatbridge - CG96/97-900

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of camera equipment

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $650

Decision: Continue

Group: St. Serf's Pre-5 Parent Group, Airdrie - CG96/97-1010

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of crockery and hospitality costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300 (cheque previously issued for $9)

Decision: No grant

Group: Coatbridge 10th Scout Group - CG96/97-1133

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of camping equipment and training and travelling costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: No grant

Group: Glenboig St. John's Under 18's F.C. - CG96/97-1154

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $900

Decision: Grant $300

Group: Greengairs Bowling Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-16

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of heavy duty cooking equipment

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,500 (cheque previously issued for $300)

Decision: No grant

Group: NORLAN, Wishaw - CG97/98-20

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $65 (cheque previously issued for $17)

Decision: Grant $20 and continue

Group: New Monkland 1st Junior Section, Airdrie - CG97/98-39

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of football pitch hires

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Chryston and District Credit Union - CG97/98-42

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of stationery, equipment and publicity costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,200

Decision: Grant $300 and continue

Group: St. Augustine's Senior Citizens Tuesday Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-44

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a summer outing Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Continue

Group: Coatdyke Senior Citizens' Lunch Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-57

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant $175

Group: The Neutral Zone, Wishaw - CG97/98-83

Purpose of Application: To assist with initial start-up costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Carfin Harp Amateur Football Club, Newarthill - CG97/98-85

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hall lets for training

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue

Group: Coatbridge 4th Girls Brigade - CG97/98-91

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outdoor activity weekend

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $100 and continue

Group: Coatbridge 6th Girl Guides - CG97/98-107 Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Company expedition to America

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: Not known

Decision: Grant $100 and continue

Group: Parents and Children Support Project (PACS), Wishaw - CG97/98-122

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs

Total Cost: $1,275

Grant Requested: $1,075

Decision: Grant $325 and continue

Group: Cumbernauld Theatre Trust Limited - CG97/98-128

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a summer activity workshop

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $950 (cheque previously issued for $770)

Decision: Grant $180

Group: Lanarkshire Women's Bowling Association - CG97/98-131

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hosting Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Continue

Group: St. Serf's After School Garden Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-135

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of garden equipment

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300 (cheque previously issued for $100) Decision: No grant


Group: Hattonrigg Senior Citizens' Centre, Bellshill - CG97/98-141

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing

Total Cost: $730

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Gartcosh Parents and Toddlers Group - CG97/98-142

Purpose of Application: To assist with the rent costs

Total Cost: $240

Grant Requested: $240

Decision: Grant $100 and continue

Group: Airdrie Arts Guild Drama Group - CG97/98-143

Purpose of Application: To assist with production costs

Total Cost: $1,500

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $305 and continue

Group: Kilsyth and District Elderly Explorers Group - CG97/98-144

Purpose of Application: To assist with outing expenses

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Continue

Group: Airdrie 9th Scout Group - CG97/98- 145

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of camping equipment, transport costs and food Total Cost: $981

Grant Requested: $461

Decision: Grant $150

Group: General Motors Senior Citizens' Club, Holytown - CG97/98-146

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Plains Countryside Park, Monklands - CG97/98-147

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a reciprocal visit in Edinburgh

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Lammermoor Drive Neighbourhood Watch, Carbrain - CG97/98-148

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of supplying and installing security lighting

Total Cost: $4,500

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $500

Group: Monklands Carers Respite Group - CG97/98-149

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an annual outing and rent costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $587

Decision: Grant $70 and continue Group: Calder Court Elderly and Disabled Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-150

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $320

Decision: Continue

Group: Scaffold Amputee Support Group, Coatbridge - CG97/98-151

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $345 and continue

Group: High Church Mothers' and Toddlers' Group, Airdrie - CG97/98-152

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment and toys.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: Not known

Decision: Grant $25 and continue

Group: Bellshill Salvation Army Band - CG97/98-153

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of sheet music.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $800

Decision: Grant $420 and continue

Group: Pied Piper Playgroup, Coatbridge - CG97/98-154

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of toys and materials.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,000 Decision: Grant $25 and continue

Group: Keir Hardie Karate Club, Holytown - CG97/98-155

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment, competition fees and subsidising students' gradings.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $50

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Eastfield and Harthill Badminton Club - CG97/98-156

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment and hall rental costs.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Eastfield Community Action Group - CG97/98-157

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs and improvements.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: Not known

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Daisy Park Mothers' and Toddlers' Group, Forgewood - CG97/98-158

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Continue

Group: Springfield Playgroup, Airdrie - CG97/98-159

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of toys and equipment.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $350

Group: Mossend Primary School PTA - CG97/98-160

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas programme.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Over Sixties Fellowship, Coatbridge - CG97/98-161

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Continue

Group: Calder Senior Citizens, Coatbridge - CG97/98-162

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing.

Total Cost: $500

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Duplicate Application - Withdrawn

Group: Holytown SVDP - CG97/98-163

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Holytown Senior Citizens' - CG97/98- 165 Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $300

Group: Airdrie North Community Project - CG97/98-166

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a residential training weekend.

Total Cost: $930

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Duplicate application - withdrawn

Group: St. Patrick's SVDP, Coatbridge - CG97/98-167

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a summer outing.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $450

Decision: Grant $250

Group: Devonview Parents' and Toddlers' Group, Airdrie - CG97/98-168

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of new toys.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $150 and continue

Group: Newmains and District OAP Association - CG97/98-169

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of summer outing and Christmas treat.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $200 Decision: Grant $200

Group: Holytown Girls' Brigade - CG97/98- 170

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Holytown Boys' Brigade - CG97/98- 171

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Ladies International Forum, Airdrie - CG97/98-172

Purpose of Application: To assist with the promotion of cultural and educational activities and promotion of communication skills, including courses and outings.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $105 and continue

Group: Holytown Sunday School - CG97/98- 173

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of arts and crafts materials.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $50

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Holytown Albion - CG97/98-174

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment. Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Braemar Pipe Band, Moodiesburn - CG97/98-175

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hosting a presentation evening.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $350

Decision: Grant $240 and continue

Group: Eaglerise Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, Cumbernauld - CG97/98-176

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase and erection of neighbourhood watch signage.

Total Cost: $71

Grant Requested: $36

Decision: Continue

Group: John Cassels Memorial Trophy, Townhead - CG97/98-177

Purpose of Application: To assist with training costs for new volunteers.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue

Group: Kilsyth Civic Week - CG97/98-178

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,200

Decision: Continue Group: Holy Family PTA, Bellshill - CG97/98- 179

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing to Kilbowie Outdoor Centre.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant $200 and continue

Group: Community Flat - CG97/98- 180

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of annual fun day.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Continue

Group: Overtown and Waterloo Darby and Joan Club - CG97/98-181

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing and social evenings.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: Not known

Decision: Continue

Group: Bonkle Church Hall Thursday Club, Newmains - CG97/98-182

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Continue

Group: Kilsyth Blind and Disabled Club - CG97/98-183

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of summer and Christmas activities programme.

Total Cost: Not known Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Continue

Group: Mossend Senior Citizens' Day Centre - CG97/98-184

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of summer and Christmas activities programme and Burns Supper.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $250 and continue

Group: Holytown Wine Circle - CG97/98-185

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $50

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Holytown Playscheme - CG97/98-186

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment, arts and craft materials and subsidise outing.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Harry Mallon Senior Citizens' Carpet Bowling, Coatbridge - CG97/98-187

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $170

Decision: Continue

Group: Bellshill SVDP - CG97/98-188

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs. Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: Not known

Decision: Grant $150

Group: Safe Orbiston Committee, Bellshill - CG97/98-189

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a road safety initiative.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $250 and continue

Group: Airdrie Multi-Cultural Youth Group - CG97/98-190

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment, arts and craft materials and subsidise outing.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: No grant

Group: Craiglea Thistles Amateur Football Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-191

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $900

Decision: Grant $300 and continue

Group: Newmains Advice Centre - CG97/98- 192

Purpose of Application: To assist with the maintenance and lease costs of a photocopier.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue Group: Shawhead Senior Citizens' Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-193

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Continue

Group: Eastfield Evangelical Church Mother and Toddlers' Group, Cumbernauld - CG97/98 - 194.

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of furniture and equipment.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant $700

Group: Motherwell 16th Boys' Brigade - CG97/98-195

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs and hosting of award ceremony.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Continue

Group: Barratt Estate Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, Cleland - CG97/98-196

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of neighbourhood watch signage.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Cardowan and Dysart Residents' Association, Cumbernauld - CG97/98-197

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs and the purchase of stationery.

Total Cost: Not known Grant Requested: $350

Decision: Grant $250

Group: Holey Soles Rambling Club, Motherwell - CG97/98-198

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of first aid equipment and safety radios.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $170 and continue

Group: Baillies Lane Over 60's Old Tyme Dancing and Recreation Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-199

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a music centre.

Total Cost: $500

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $300 and continue

Group: Wishaw Ex-Servicemen's Senior Citizens Section - CG97/98-200

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing and Christmas treat.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $300

Group: Sacred Heart Primary School and Lawmuir Primary School PTA'S, Orbiston - CG97/98-201

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hosting a joint anniversary celebration.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $300 Group: North Airdrie Camera and Video Club - CG97/98-202

Purpose of Application: To assist with the development and promotion of the Club in the local area.

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $300

Group: Motherwell 6th Girl Guides - CG97/98-203

Purpose of Application: To assist with the general running costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $800

Decision: Grant $200, continue and refer to Civic Functions Group

Group: Wishaw Junior Football Club - CG97/98-204

Purpose of Application: To assist with the Club restructuring costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $320 and continue

Group: Salvation Army Youth Club, Mossend - CG97/98-205

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of football equipment

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Holy Family School Board, Mossend - CG97/98-206

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of an environmental playground project

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Old Monkland Community Centre OAP Dance Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-207

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant $125 and continue

Group: Mckenzie Terrace Residents; Association, Hattonrigg, Bellshill - CG97/98-208

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $50

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Wishaw Young Men's Christian Association - CG97/98-209

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs for restructuring and maintenance

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $150 and continue

Group: Lillian's Sequence Dance Club, Motherwell - CG97/98-210

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of musical equipment and the hosting of a Halloween dance

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant $20 and continue Group: Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Airdrie - CG97/98-211

Purpose of Application: To assist with presentation and lecture costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $40 and continue

Group: Langloan After School Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-212

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: Not known

Decision: Continue

Group: Kilsyth Homing Pigeon Society - CG97/98-213

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a master timing clock

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Continue

Group: Queen Elizabeth Court Tenants Social Club, Motherwell - CG97/98-214

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas programme

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $300

Group: St. Monica's Bowling Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-215

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant $250

Group: Monklands Six Circle Group - CG97/98-216

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an activity holiday

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $30 and continue

Group: Langlands Pre-School Group, Cumbernauld - CG97/98-217

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of new equipment

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant $500

Group: Hillcrest Senior Citizens' Social Club, Cumbernauld - CG97/98-218

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing and Christmas dinner

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $800

Decision: Grant $800

Group: Kirkwood Senior Citizens' Social Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-219

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $350

Decision: Grant $250 Group: Bellshill and Mossend YMCA - CG97/98-220

Purpose of Application: To assist with the training costs for staff and volunteers

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant $460

Group: Bridgend Boys' Club, Moodiesburn - CG97/98-221

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment and cost of training venue

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant $100 and continue

Group: Cleland Boys' Club - CG97/98-222

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Continue

Group: St. Ignatius Gardening Club, Wishaw - CG97/98-223

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment and cost of ground maintenance

Total Cost: $1,047

Grant Requested: $1,047

Decision: Grant $400

Group: Lilybank Sequence Dance Class, Airdrie - CG97/98-224

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment and cost of hall lets

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300 Decision: Grant $155

Group: St. Michael's Primary School P.T.A., Moodiesburn - CG97/98-225

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of staging and safety rails

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant $200 and continue

Group: South Strathkelvin Carers Support Group - CG97/98-226

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant $450

Group: Jellytots Parents and Toddlers Group, Bellshill - CG97/98-227

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of new toys and books

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: St. Barbara's Helping Hands, Muirhead - CG97/98-228

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of alteration to premises to ease access

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $900

Decision: Grant $650

Group: Viewpark Thistle Amateur Football Club - CG97/98-229

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment and the cost of the training venue

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $700

Decision: Grant $370

Group: Strathkelvin Carers Action Group (Dementia) - CG97/98-230

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a summer outing

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $150 and continue

Group: Newmains and District Gala Day - CG97/98-231

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: Not known

Decision: Continue

Group: Project for the Elderly, Wishaw - CG97/98-232

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hall hire

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Kilsyth Family Support Group - CG97/98-233

Purpose of Application: To assist with initial start-up costs and volunteer training costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Continue Group: People Experiencing Trauma and Loss (PETAL) - CG97/98-234

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of two volunteers attending a counselling course

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $268.25 and continue

Group: Young Textile Group, Airdrie District - CG97/98-235

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment and general running costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant $50 and continue

Group: North Forge Credit Union, Junior Section, Motherwell - CG97/98-236

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a laptop computer, software and running costs

Total Cost: Not known

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Continue

Group: The Sunshine Corner __DIME__RECORD__ fffcommittee HOUSING COMMITTEE fffmeetdate 19970129 fffsubject Minute of meeting of HOUSING COMMITTEE fffrtffile NONE fffwordfile NONE fffstartpage 1 fffaccess 1 ffftext EM2 HOUSING1997M Motherwell, 29 January 1997 at 2 pm.



Councillor McLaughlin, Convener; Councillors Beekman and Craigie Vice-Conveners; Councillors Chadha, Clarke, Connelly, Cox, Gormill, Griffin, Hogg, Lafferty, Logue, Lucas, Lunny, McAlorum, McKendrick, Macleod, W. Martin, Provost Mathieson, Moran, Morgan, Murphy, G. Murray, Nolan, Robertson, Sullivan and Wilson.


Councillor McLaughlin (Convener) presided.


The Chief Committee Services Officer, Director of Housing, Head of Housing Strategy and Resources, Head of Local Housing Services, Director of Construction Services, Head of Design Services and an Accountant.


Councillors Lyle, H. McGuigan and V. Murray.


1. There were submitted Minutes of the meeting of the Housing (Special Cases) Sub-Committee held on 17 and 24 December 1996.

Decided: that the terms of the Minutes be noted.


2. There was submitted a report dated 11 December 1996 by the Director of Housing (1) outlining the background to and of the aims of the Home Energy Conservation Act, 1995 which came into force in Scotland on 1 December 1996 and which made all Local Authorities in Scotland "Energy Conservation Authorities"; (2) advising that Authorities should work in close partnership with the private sector, Scottish Homes, Housing Associations and voluntary bodies to achieve the targets set; (3) detailing the summary of duties of Energy Conservation Authorities which included the preparation of a report which would be submitted to the Secretary of State by 1 September 1997 and therefore required the establishment of a Working Group of Officers for this purpose, and (4) intimating the financial and future implications. Decided:

(1) that the establishment of an Interdepartmental Officer Working Group be noted;

(2) that the financial implications as set out within the report be noted, and

(3) that regular reports be submitted as appropriate on the financial effect on future Non-HRA resources as set out within the report.


3. There was submitted a report dated 14 January 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) advising that a report of a research study on cash incentive schemes undertaken by the Scottish Office had been published and detailing the summary of the key findings of the report; (2) outlining the background and the aims of the Cash Incentive Schemes, and (3) recommending that no action be taken meantime until revised guidance had been issued after the review by the Scottish Office of Cash Incentive Schemes.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


4. With reference to paragraph 55 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 4 December 1996, when it had been agreed to renegotiate a further extension to the present contract with Forgewood Landscaping Limited for maintenance of the garden assistance service for the 1997 growing season, there was submitted a report dated 13 January 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) intimating that discussions had now taken place with Forgewood Landscaping Limited and agreement had been reached that the present contract conditions and specification remain unchanged, and (2) intimating that agreement had also been reached that the pricing would remain in line with the rate of inflation of 3.5% which was within the terms of the current contract.

Decided: that authorisation be given to extend this contract with Forgewood Landscaping Limited, for the period of the 1997 growing season, under the same terms, conditions and pricing method as the current contract. JOINT COMMUNITY CARE PLAN - RESPONSIBILITIES AND APPROACH

5. C With reference to paragraph 8 of the Minute of the meeting of the Social Work Committee held on 21 January 1997 when it had been agreed to remit to this Committee for their interest proposals for the preparation of a Joint Community Care Plan, there was submitted a report dated January 1997 by the Director of Social Work which had been prepared in consultation with the Director of Housing setting out the Council's statutory responsibility to produce a Community Care Plan and the action and timescale for undertaking the task.


(1) that the terms of the report be noted, and

(2) that the approach set out for the production of the Community Care Plan be endorsed.


6. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 14 January 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the consultation paper published by the Scottish Office on initiatives to tackle the problem of rough sleeping (1) outlining the background to this Scottish Office Initiative; (2) detailing the criteria which the principles of the initiative must meet; (3) advising of all resources being made available by the Government to support this initiative in its pilot stage; (4) informing of the timetable for submissions from consultation period through to the review of operation of the Scheme, and (5) intimating the suggested response to the Consultation Document as detailed within Appendix 2 of the report.


(1) that the Council enter discussion with the Lanarkshire Health Board, Scottish Homes, the Police and all interested voluntary sector organisations, with a view to bidding for funding within this current financial year to enable an evaluation study to be carried out and to progress this issue further, and

(2) that the reply to the Consultation Document as detailed at Appendix 2 to this report be sent as the Council's response to the Scottish Office.

PROVISION OF TEMPORARY SUPPORTED ACCOMMODATION - UPDATE/REVIEW 7. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 16 January 1997 by the Director of Housing updating and reviewing the provision of temporary/supported accommodation provided by the Council throughout North Lanarkshire.


(1) that the terms of the report be noted, and

(2) that a further report, forming part of a wider strategy document, be produced in conjunction with the Director of Social Work and submitted to a future Committee.


8. There was submitted a report dated 15 January 1997 by the Director of Finance setting out the position of the spending level of the Department of Housing in comparison to the approved departmental budget for the period from 1 April 1996 to 8 December 1996 (i.e. 9 accounting periods).

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


9. With reference to paragraph 1 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 25 November 1996, when, inter alia, it had been noted that consultation with the Trade Union and Tenants' Associations continue, with regard to the changes in the Service Delivery Arrangements in Central District, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 15 January 1997 by the Director of Housing proposing further discussions with staff and Trade Unions on specific arrangements for implementation within the Central District (1) outlining the background to and the objectives of the work towards achieving implementation of the proposals; (2) advising of the service delivery arrangements in the Central District which included repairs reporting, estate management teams, office administration and cash collection, and (3) detailing the proposed staffing structures to allow implementation.


(1) that approval be given to further progress consultation with staff and Trade Unions to provide assurances that the objectives were for no compulsory redundancies and a minimal application of detriment conditions;

(2) that it be noted that the proposed changes in staff structure would be in place for 1 April 1997, and

(3) that the report be remitted to the Personnel Services Committee for its consideration and interest.


10. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 12 December 1996 by the Director of Housing proposing to consolidate the existing Concierge/Caretaking Service within the Central Division and to rationalise the present service delivery arrangements (1) outlining the background to the former Monklands District Concierge Service; (2) advising that a further two concierge stations had already been commissioned and would require recruitment of a further 36 Concierge Officers; (3) indicating that following extensive consultation with the appropriate Trade Unions representing both Concierge Officers and Caretakers, agreement had been reached to rationalise the Concierge/Caretakers Service and to introduce new shift and manning levels; (4) detailing the proposals for the Concierge and the Caretaking Service as set down within Appendices 1 and 2 to this report, and (5) outlining that this rationalisation of the Concierge/Caretaking Service would enhance the service delivery to tenants with the situation being closely monitored.


(1) that the rationalisation of the Concierge/Caretaking Service as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 of the report be implemented;

(2) that the appointment and transfer of employees to operate this new Service, and shift pattern be carried out in conjunction with the Head of Personnel Services;

(3) that the report be remitted to the Personnel Services Committee for its consideration and interest, and

(4) that the new Service be monitored and subject to further review as and when required.

HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY - OPERATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 11. With reference to paragraph 7 of the Minutes of the Personnel Services Committee held on 7 March 1996 when the Health and Safety at Work policy had been approved, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 15 January 1997 by the Director of Housing updating his Department's Health and Safety Policy and the organisational arrangements necessary to implement this Policy (1) intimating (a) that the implementation of Health and Safety was an ongoing issue for managers within the Department, with the specific responsibilities for each level of management outlined within the Appendix to this report, and (b) that it was recognised that there was a requirement to oversee implementation of the Health and Safety Policy and to provide specialist advice and assistance on the complex legislation covering Health and Safety issues; (2) indicating that that service would be more appropriately provided by the corporate Health and Safety resources of the Personnel Services Division of the Department of Administration which already provided additional corporate and operational services to the Department, and (3) proposing the deletion of a specialist post for this purpose from the Departmental structure.


(1) that the Appendix to the report which outlined the Housing Department Health and Safety Policy be noted;

(2) that the deletion of the post of Health and Safety Officer (Grade AP2/3) from the Housing Department Establishment be approved, and

(3) that this matter be referred to the Personnel Services Committee for its consideration and interest.


\*@DS3 12. With reference to paragraph 9 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 23 October 1996, when it was agreed to seek competitive tenders under the Restricted Procedure for the Provision of a Standard Scheme for Tenants' Contents Insurance, there was submitted a report dated 24 January 1997 by the Director of Housing providing information on tenders received (1) advising that three companies had submitted tenders by the due date; (2) detailing the criteria against which the tenders had been assessed and the contents of each tender, and (3) intimating that the tender received from Bowring Marsh and McLennan Limited, was considered to represent best service to the Council.

Councillor Wilson, seconded by Councillor Lafferty, moved acceptance of the Director's recommendation. Councillor Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Chadha, moved as an amendment that consideration of the report be continued to the Council.

On a vote being taken 13 members voted for the amendment and 9 members for the motion. The amendment was accordingly declared to be carried.

Decided: that consideration of the report be continued to the Council.


13. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 8 January 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) outlining the proposed legislative changes to housing benefit which would come into effect in April and October 1997; (2) advising of allowances for dependent children and deductions for non-dependent children, and (3) indicating the categories of claimants affected.


(1) that the amendment to the date on which changes to an applicant's applicable amount would be effective be noted;

(2) that the introduction of two additional non-dependent deductions from April 1997 be noted;

(3) that the intention to restrict benefit for single applicants in privately-rented accommodation to the average rent in the locality for one-room bedsit accommodation from October 1997 be noted;

(4) that the intention to restrict benefit for most claimants in privately-rented accommodation to the average value of similar size accommodation in the locality be noted, and

(5) that the Council, in view of the serious impact which the proposed changes would have on claimants within both public and private sectors seek the support of COSLA for the matter to be reviewed.


14. With reference to paragraph 11 of the Minutes of this Committee held on 4 December 1996 when, inter alia, it had been agreed that the allocation policy for the former Cumbernauld and Kilsyth District Council be extended to cover the whole of the North District, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 14 January 1997 on the progress in implementing this policy (1) intimating that each individual applicant affected by these changes would be advised in writing, invited to complete a new application and assisted if necessary, and (2) advising that arrangements would be made for officers to attend meetings with any individual Tenants or Residents' Group if requested.


(1) that the progress and timetable to extend the allocation policy of the former Cumbernauld and Kilsyth District Council to cover the whole of the North District be noted, and

(2) that the negotiations that had taken place to date with Scottish Homes to achieve 100% nomination arrangement be noted and that officers be authorised to finalise this agreement.


15. With reference to paragraph 8 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 23 October 1996, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 16 January 1997 by the Director of Housing in respect of the progress in finalising the financial and conveyancing arrangements connected with the transfer of houses from Cumbernauld Development Corporation in Abronhill, Balloch, Westfield and Condorrat to North Lanarkshire Council.


(1) that the current position with regard to the acquisition costs of the transfer of Cumbernauld Development Corporation houses to North Lanarkshire Council be noted, and

(2) that a further report be submitted to Committee upon finalisation of the process.


16. There was submitted a report dated 15 January 1997 by the Director of Housing advising that a request to purchase has been received from a tenant of the lock-up at 24 Etive Crescent, Condorrat which was one of 400 lock-ups and garages that transferred to North Lanarkshire Council from Cumbernauld Development Corporation on 1 October 1996 and that based on previous valuations carried out, the sale price of the lock-up was estimated at $900.


(1) that the lock-up at 24 Etive Crescent, Condorrat be sold to the existing tenant and that the matter be remitted to the Planning and Development Committee, and

(2) that following a comprehensive review, including a review of the valuations for the sale of lock-ups transferred from the former Cumbernauld Development Corporation a further report on sale of lock-ups be submitted.


17. With reference to paragraph 12 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 11 September 1996 when it had been agreed to distribute copies of the draft tenancy agreement to tenants' groups for consultation and response and that a report be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 21 January 1997 regarding the progress of the consultation exercise.


(1) that the position be noted meantime, and

(2) that the referral of the tenancy agreement to the Plain English Campaign with a view to the award of the "Crystal Mark" be authorised, and that a further report be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee.


18. With reference to paragraph 21 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 11 September 1996 when, inter alia, it had been agreed that with effect from Monday, 30 September 1996, the Director of Housing be responsible for processing all applications for Home Loss and Disturbance Payments, there was submitted a report dated 9 January 1997 reviewing the policies which were currently in place and outlining proposals for the rationalisation of this process for North Lanarkshire Council (1) outlining the review of the methods employed by the aggregating authorities regarding Home Loss and Disturbance Payments, and (2) advising of the main issues to be considered in standardising payments.


(1) that a standard payment based on house size and the extent of costs directly covered by the Council be approved to ensure:-

(a) that disturbance payments would be consistent across the Council;

(b) that tenants would be certain of how much they would receive prior to removal, and

(c) that the procedure was easy to understand and administer;

(2) that based on analysis of current rates, the following payments be approved:-

NLC Responsible NLC Not responsible for Reconnections for Reconnections House Size Etc. Etc.

Apartment $ $ 2 255 489 3 357 571 4 462 636 5 563 709

(3) that current rates should continue to apply to claims for disturbance payments associated with housing developments which had been ongoing from the former authorities except where the new rate contained within this report was higher, and in such cases, the new higher rate would apply to current claims;

(4) that new rates, as detailed within this report, should be applied to claims for disturbance payments arising from new housing developments undertaken by the Council and future phases of existing developments;

(5) that all disturbance payments should be paid on this basis and increased each year in line with inflation, and

(6) that an appeals procedure be introduced to ensure that the Council complied with Section 35 of the Land Compensation (Scotland) Act 1973 in terms of equating the payment to the expenses incurred and to avoid exceptional cases where tenants incurred actual costs in excess of the Scheme. SALE OF PROPERTY - 109/129 RUSSELL STREET, WISHAW

19. There was submitted a report dated 20 December 1996 by the Director of Planning and Development in respect of offers received for the sale of the property at 109/129 Russell Street, Wishaw (1) outlining the background to the marketing of this property; (2) intimating that 40 sets of details were distributed, however, only two offers were received, one from Brian Jordan, East Crindledyke Farm, Newmains with an offer of $47,696.75, and one from Modern Housing (Contracts) Limited, 79 Quarry Street, Hamilton with an offer of $46,000, and (3) informing of the conditions of sale.


(1) that the sale of 111, 113, 115, 119 and 127 Russell Street, Wishaw to Brian Jordan for the sum of $47,696.75, subject to the conditions outlined within the report be approved, and

(2) that the report be remitted to the Planning and Development Committee for its consideration and interest.


20. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 16 January 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the general fund contribution to the Housing Revenue Account (1) advising that a letter had been received from the Scottish Office on 7 January 1997 proposing that the Council be not allowed to make any contribution to the Housing Revenue Account from the general fund in 1997/98 and seeking representation on that proposal not later than 17 January, and (2) intimating that in view of the timescale and following consultation with the Convener, representations as detailed in the report had been made on the imposition of this determination by the Scottish Office.

Decided: that the action taken in response to this matter be homologated.


21. There was submitted a joint progress report (docketed) dated 22 January 1997 by the Directors of Housing and Construction Services on major programmed works and capitalised repairs within the Housing Capital Programme 1996/97. Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


22. With reference to paragraph 15 of the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 11 September 1996 when, inter alia, it had been agreed to make various revisions to the current year's Capital Programme and that officers would monitor the progress and report back to Committee if necessary, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 16 January 1997 by the Director of Housing outlining in broad terms the current financial situation as regards the agreed Programme and the action proposed to align actual spend with resources available up to the end of this financial year (1) advising that there was still some uncertainty o ver the precise level of capital receipts which would finally materialise with spending projections fluctuating depending on weather conditions etc. between now and 31 March 1997, and (2) intimating that any under- utilised revenue contribution could be carried forward to next year's Programme along with an estimated borrowing consent of approximately $0.923 m, requiring a minimum estimated spend of $26.3 m in this financial year which it was expected could be achieved.

Decided: that the contents of the report and the action proposed to manage Capital Programme Expenditure in line with the actual level of resources available in the remainder of this financial year be noted.


23.C There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 16 January 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) adv ising that notification that had been received from the Scottish Office of the Council's capital allocation for next year's HRA Capital Programme as detailed within Appendix 1 to the report; (2) outlining in broad terms the implications of the consent level; (3) detailing the comparison with 1996/97 resource levels, implications for current spending plans and all issues arising from the Scottish Office consent level which required consideration; (4) indicating that the Convener had previously made representation to the Scottish Office regarding the impact of the 75% use of capital receipts for debt repayment; (5) attaching as Appendix 2 to the report a copy of the Housing Minister's response, and (6) intimating that further representations had been made to the Scottish Office following receipt of the capital consent level regarding a number of specific points in relation to the capital consent allocation to North Lanarkshire.


(1) that the contents of this report be noted;

(2) that the action taken to make representation on the dramatic reduction in capital resources available for next financial year be homologated;

(3) that there be considered an additional revenue contribution from the housing budget for 1997/98 to partly offset the reduction in capital resources;

(4) that a further detailed report on Capital Programme proposals for next financial year be submitted to the next Housing Committee, and

(5) that the report be referred to the Policy and Resources Committee for its interest.


24. There was submitted a report dated 14 January 1997 by the Director of Housing in respect of interim arrangements regarding gas and solid fuel heating maintenance (1) outlining the background to current contractual arrangements for central heating servicing and repair; (2) advising that while these contracts ended on 31 March 1997, the new tender for central heating servicing and maintenance would not be awarded until 1 July 1997; (3) intimating that to ensure continuity of service between 1 April 1997 and 30 June 1997 it was necessary to extend existing contracts and that existing contractors be approached to ensure that servicing was continued for those systems due for service in April, May and June 1997, and (4) informing that if agreement could not be reached on extending existing contracts, suitable alternative arrangements would require to be made.


(1) that negotiations be initiated with contractors to extend existing contracts for central heating repair and maintenance for April, May and June 1997;

(2) that where agreement could not be reached with existing contractors suitable alternative arrangements be made to provide a service on an interim basis, and

(3) that power to effect the extension of existing contracts and the award of alternative contracts be delegated to the Director of Administration subject to consultation with the Convener where specific Committee approval would otherwise be required.


25. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 23 January 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the submission of a bid to the Scottish Office as part of the CCTV Challenge Competition 1997/98 for 50% funding of the capital expenditure for a CCTV camera system at the Jewel Housing Scheme in Bellshill (1) outlining the background to this submission for this Competition; (2) advising that the proposed CCTV system would be monitored 24 hours per day at Motherwell Police Divisional Headquarters, and (3) intimating that, as successful bids required partnerships, an element of joint funding was being sought from both Lanarkshire Housing Association and Scottish Homes.


(1) that the submission of a bid for 50% Scottish Office funding for a CCTV system for the Jewel Scheme, Bellshill, with the balance being funded by the partners as outlined within the report be approved, and

(2) that the Council's share of funding provision be made from the 1997/98 Capital Programme.


26. There was submitted a report dated 16 January 1997 by Director of Housing on the operation of CCTV systems at Afton Gardens, Coatbridge, John Smith Court, Airdrie and Woodside Street, Coatbridge and identified requirements necessary to increase the operational efficiency and coverage of the systems (1) outlining the background to the installation of these camera systems at the three sites, and (2) detailing all additional work required at each of the complexes which would cost approximately $48,000, $15,000 and $20,300 respectively, the costs of which could be met from the Capital Programme.

Decided: that the additional works be approved at a total cost of $83,300.


27. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 13 January 1997 by the Director of Housing in respect of a contract for the maintenance of various concierge systems in Central District, situated at Whifflet Court, Calder Court, Glen Court, Millbrae Court, Merryston Court, Coatbridge and Holehills, Airdrie which would expire on 31 March 1997, and a maintenance contract for CCTV systems and Door Entry systems in South District which would expire on 30 June 1997 and detailing all planned maintenance, existing maintenance contract conditions and future contractual arrangements.

Decided: that the Director of Housing be authorised to negotiate an extension to the two existing maintenance contracts with Scotshield Ltd, Airdrie up to March 1998 for door entries and CCTV systems as specified in the report.


28. There was submitted a report dated 16 January 1996 by the Director of Housing regarding the purchase of 55B Bruce Street, Mossend which was part of the contract identified in the Flat Roof Replacement Programme 1996/97 for the South District (1) outlining the background to the offer to purchase the property at Bruce Street, Mossend which had been purchased from the Council on 2 April 1991 for $6,900 and now had a present market value of approximately $32,000, and (2) advising that the Council would not normally repurchase a house from tenants who had exercised their right under the Right to Buy legislation, however under the circumstances outlined within the report, repurchase of the above house with vacant possession at the sale price plus inflation, and not market value, would allow the Council to progress the Capital Programme and complete essential roof work.

Decided: that the Council offer to purchase 55B Bruce Street, Mossend at the original sale price plus inflation and to recommend accordingly to the Planning and Development Committee.


29. There was submitted a report dated 22 January 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding essential maintenance work required to be carried out on the remaining "No-Fines" Concrete Towers in the Muirhouse area at an estimated cost of $125,000 per tower.


(1) that the recommencing of the concrete repair works to the "No-Fines" Towers at Flemington and Muirhouse be approved;

(2) that work commence at Woodside Tower and thereafter in chronological order, and

(3) that two Towers per year be completed, with provision being made in the 1997/98 Capital Programme for this work.


30. With reference to paragraph 15 of the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 11 September 1996 when, inter alia, it had been agreed to utilise the Capital Programme to undertake a number of key projects and to devolve other smaller projects to Area Offices to manage within the revenue budget, there was submitted a report dated 13 January 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding Painterwork and Colourwash Programmes (1) advising that in the current financial Programmes largely reflected those of the former District Councils, and had been managed on a District Basis, with the exception of the former Cumbernauld and Kilsyth area; (2) intimating that to further progress the Council's aim to decentralise budgets for painterwork and colourwash these were allocated on an Area Office basis in proportion to the housing stock managed, and (3) indicating that it was the intention to have a five year Painterwork and ten year Colourwash Programme subject to resources being available.

Decided: that the operational arrangements for progressing future Painterwork and Colourwash Programmes on a decentralised basis be noted.


31. With reference to paragraph 18 of the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 23 October 1996 when it had been agreed to approve expenditure on major repairs in Central District at an estimated cost of $213,000 and that a further report be submitted in respect of works required and yet to be identified for the remainder of the budget of $350,000, there was submitted a report dated 8 January 1997 (docketed) by the Director of Housing proposing projects which would commit the remaining funds of $137,000 and identifying major repairs and refuse disposal projects within each of the four areas, as described within Appendix 1 to this report.


(1) that the expenditure on the projects identified within Appendix 1 to this report be approved, and

(2) that approval be given to further work on chimneyheads, Caldercruix in the approximate sum of $10,000.



32. There was submitted a report dated 8 January 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Electrical Rewiring Programme 1996/97 of 252 Houses, Moodiesburn Area was that of Europa Electrical Contractor Limited, Glasgow, for the sum of $175,834.26; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 14 August 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


33. There was submitted a report dated 9 January 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Electrical Rewiring Programme 1996/97 of 402 Houses, Bellshill North/Central was that of Europa Electrical Contractors Limited, Glasgow, for the sum of $251,344.43; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 14 August 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


34. There was submitted a report dated 5 December 1996 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) a tender had been negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for the Electrical Rewiring of 147 Houses (Central Area) for the cost of $170,487.39; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 12 June 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.



35. There was submitted a report dated 4 December 1996 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) a tender had been negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for the Window Replacement Programme 1996/97 of 148 Houses in Cumbernauld, Condorrat and Kilsyth - Phase 17 in the sum of $240,554.34; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 12 June 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


36. There was submitted a report dated 3 December 1996 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) a tender had been negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for the Window Replacement Programme 1996/97 of 106 Houses, Brandon Court, Motherwell in the sum of $86,607.97; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 12 June 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


37. There was submitted a report dated 17 December 1996 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Window Replacement Programme 1996/97 of 333 Houses, New Stevenston (Shirrel) was that of J. and S. McFadyen Limited, Wishaw in the sum of $515,573.84; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 14 August 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted. FLUE REPLACEMENT TO BLACKBURN MK3 HOUSES, WISHAW

38. There was submitted a report dated 13 December 1996 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) a tender had been negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for Flue Replacement to Blackburn MK3 Houses, Wishaw in the sum of $63,850.20; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 12 June 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


39. There was submitted a report dated 13 December 1996 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) a tender had been negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for Re roofing and Flue Replacement to Blackburn MK3 Houses, Allanton and Shotts in the sum of $396,319.12; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 12 June 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


40. There was submitted a report dated 4 December 1996 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest acceptable tender for the contract for the Closed Circuit Television System, Forgewood Estate, Motherwell was that of Scotshield Limited, Airdrie, in the sum of $216,948.60; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 14 August 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


41. There was submitted a report dated 9 January 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) a tender had been negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for Refurbishment of Back Court Areas, Bridgeburn, Kelvin, Glencairn Drive and Kirkford Road, Moodiesburn in the sum of $209,602.90; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 12 June 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


42. There was submitted a report dated 24 January 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) a tender had been negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for Gas Heating Boiler Replacement Programme - Phase 2 (Central Area) for the cost of $433,274.09 for 279 houses at Beechbank Avenue, Burniebrae, Commonhead Lane, Westermavisbank Avenue, Whinhall Road and Wilson Street, Airdrie; (2) the financial allocation for the years 1996/97 and 1997/98 was in total $325,000, with $155,000 available this year and $170,000 in next year's allocation; (3) an additional $108,000 was required from next year's allocation to complete all 279 houses; (4) this additional cost could be met from within the projected resources available in the 1997/98 HRA Capital Programme, and (5) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


(1) that the additional cost of $108,000 be met from the 1997/98 HRA Capital Programme and that the tender submitted by North Lanarkshire Council Building and Roads DLO in the sum of $433,274.09 for the replacement of Gas Heating Boilers to some 279 houses in the Central Area be approved, and

(2) that the Director of Administration be authorised to accept this contract.


43. There was submitted a report dated 14 January 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest acceptable tender for the contract for Heating Replacement Programme 1996/97 Capital Contract 1 - 375 Gas and 11 Solid Fuel Houses, Coltness, Viewpark and Shotts was that of North Lanarkshire Building and Roads DLO, in the sum of $694,217.44; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 14 August 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


44. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 23 January 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that due to the restricted timescale and the requirement to accept the Pipework Installation Contract which was included within the HRA Capital Programme, (1) a tender had been negotiated with Center Construction (Scotland) Limited, West Lothian for the Gas Heating Replacement 1996/97 Gas Heating Pipework Etc. Contract 6 to 315 houses at Benhar, Bellshill, Coltness, Muirhouse, Newmains and Tannochside, in the sum of $200,031.06, and (2) the project management arrangements be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: it was agreed:-

(1) that the negotiations which had occurred with Center Construction (Scotland) Limited be homologated, and

(2) that the Director of Administration be authorised to accept the negotiated tender as detailed heretofore.


45. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 23 January 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that due to the restricted timescale, and the requirement to accept the Pipework Installation Contract which was included within the HRA Capital Programme, (1) a tender had been negotiated with D. Campbell and Company Limited, Glasgow for the Gas Heating Replacement 1996/97 Gas Heating Pipework Etc. Contract 7 to 317 houses at Viewpark, Knowetop, Bellshill East, Thornlie and Pather in the sum of $216,557.45, and (2) project management arrangements be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: it was agreed:-

(1) that the negotiations which had occurred with D. Campbell and Company Limited, be homologated, and

(2) that the Director of Administration be authorised to accept the negotiated tender as detailed heretofore.


46. There was submitted a report dated 16 January 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest acceptable tender for the contract for the Cavity Wall Insulation Programme 1996/97 to 273 Houses South Area (Phase 2) was that of Fibreglo Insulation Limited, Shotts, for the sum of $49,979.73; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 14 August 1996, and (3) project management arrangements be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


47. There was submitted a report dated 23 January 1997 by the Director of Construction Services in respect of a contract for the Concierge System to High Rise Flats at Milton Court, Airdrie advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Concierge System to High Rise Flats at Milton Court, Airdrie was that of MacKenzie Construction Limited, Glasgow in the sum of $469,013.72, and (2) as an alternative, the Director of Housing had requested that consideration be given to a project based upon a reduction of expenditure and manpower requirements at an estimated cost of $225,000.


(1) that the original proposal, to introduce a permanently manned concierge system be accepted;

(2) that the Director of Administration be authorised to accept the lowest acceptable tender for this contract of MacKenzie Construction Limited, Glasgow in the sum of $469.013.72, and

(3) that project management arrangements be introduced to achieve a successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


48. With reference to paragraph 31 of the Minute of meeting of this Committee held on 4 December 1996 when it had been agreed to continue consideration of the Contract for Controlled Door Entry Systems at Summerlee, Coatbridge and Cairnhill, Airdrie and that further consultation be undertaken with the Convener, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 23 January 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) outlining the background to the work to be carried out at Summerlee, Coatbridge and Cairnhill, Airdrie, and (2) requesting t`at negotiations take place with the contractor to carry out work to an increased specification to the value of $56,485 in houses at Cairnhill, Airdrie.

Decided: that agreement be given for negotiations with the contractor, A. Burnett and Company Limited, Coatbridge, to carry out work at Cairnhill, Airdrie, to an increased specification and to otherwise note the situation pending a further report on the Door Entry Programme for 1997/98.


49. With reference to paragraph 22 of the Minute of this Committee held on 11 September 1996 when, inter alia, it had been agreed that a further report be submitted to a future Committee regarding the progress of the Kilsyth Town Centre Housing Action Area for Improvement, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 16 January 1997 by the Director of Housing on the progress for completion of the Kilsyth Town Centre Housing Action Area for Improvement Phase III (1) outlining the background to the Kilsyth Town Centre Improvement Programme; (2) intimating that as rehabilitation of the buildings at 33-37 and 83-87 Main Street was not considered to be economically viable, negotiations should continue with a view to demolition and for replacement by new build; (3) informing that Scottish Homes had advised that their budget for new build for rent had been drastically cut and that there was no prospect of a small development in Kilsyth being brought into this Programme within the proposed timescale for completion, and (4) indicating that the District Valuer had now entered into negotiations on behalf of the Council.


(1) that an agency agreement with West of Scotland Housing Association for Phase III of the Kilsyth Housing Action Area be entered into as detailed within Appendix 1 to this report;

(2) that negotiations continue with a view to demolition and new build at 33-37 and 83-87 Main Street, Kilsyth with the Council funding the acquisition costs;

(3) that the proposed development be new housing for shared ownership be noted, and

(4) that the matter be remitted to Planning and Development Committee seeking approval to delegate authority to the Director of Planning and Development to agree final terms for the acquisition of the shop and flat at 83-87 Main Street on the basis of the market values estimated by the District Valuer.


50. With reference to paragraph 40 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 23 October 1996 when, inter alia, it had been agreed to approve a revised non-HRA Capital Programme and that officers monitor the situation and report back as necessary, there was submitted a report dated 16 January 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) informing that a number of changes which had required modification of the Council's spending plans had been made, and (2) detailing the revised spending plans.


(1) that the contents of this report be noted, and

(2) that the outturn figures for 1996/97 and the implications for the 1997/98 Non-HRA Programme be reported to a future Committee.


51. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 15 January 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the award of improvement grants which had been approved by the former Motherwell District Council in respect of properties at Eastfield Terrace, Clydesdale Road, Mossend (1) updating the present position, and (2) proposing that the Improvement Grant Applications be now approved as detailed in Appendix 3 to the report.

Decided: that the improvement grant applications totalling $85,392.88 be now approved as detailed within Appendix 3 to this report.


52. There was submitted a report dated 21 January 1997 by the Director of Housing seeking approval of action under the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 to effect repairs to a privately-owned commercial unit within the Bellshill No. 2 Housing Action Area (1) outlining the background to and the need for this action; (2) advising that Lanarkshire Housing Association Limited was acting as the Council's agent in the co-ordination of the Housing Action Area proposals, and (3) intimating that the lack of co-operation from a single proprietor was now causing additional costs and delay.


(1) that the Council instruct the Lanarkshire Housing Association Limited to proceed with the repairs necessary to comply with the Section 108 Repairs Notices at 1A-7L Hamilton Road and 168-188 Main Street, Bellshill, and

(2) that the Council meet the costs attributable to one commercial owner, and that these costs be recovered from that owner.


53. There was submitted a report dated 10 January 1997 by the Director of Housing in respect of expenditure proposals for Estate Regeneration at Old Monkland, Coatbridge (1) advising of the membership of the Joint Steering Group; (2) intimating that one of the priorities of the Group was to improve security in the area, and (3) informing that the benefits of CCTV had been recognised with a preliminary scheme being devised at an estimate cost of $100,000.

Decided: (1) that expenditure on this project be approved, and

(2) that the officials be authorised to progress implementation arrangements, with further reports being submitted to Committee as appropriate.



54. There was submitted an invitation from the Council of Mortgage Lenders for the Council to be represented at __DIME__RECORD__ fffcommittee HOUSING COMMITTEE fffmeetdate 19970618 fffsubject Minute of meeting of HOUSING COMMITTEE fffrtffile NONE fffwordfile NONE fffstartpage 1 fffaccess 1 ffftext EM13 HOUSING1997M Motherwell, 18 June 1997 at 2 pm.



Councillor McLaughlin, Convener; Councillor Beekman, Vice-Convener; Councillors Chadha, Clarke, Connelly, Curley, Gormill, Griffin, Hogg, Lafferty, Leitch, Lucas, Lunny, McAlorum, McElroy, McKendrick, W. Martin, Moran, Murphy, G. Murray, V. Murray, Robertson, Sullivan and Wilson.


Councillor McLaughlin (Convener) presided.


The Chief Committee Services Officer, Director of Housing, Head of Local Housing Services, Housing Finance and Client Manager, Property Services Manager, Tenancy Services and Accommodation Manager and Director of Construction Services.


Councillors Cox, Craigie, Lyle, McCabe, H. McGuigan, Provost Mathieson, Morgan and Nolan.


1. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Housing (Special Cases) Sub-Committee held on 21 May 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the Minute be approved and noted.


2. With reference to paragraph 4 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 19 March 1997 when, inter alia, it had been agreed that a Housing Needs Survey for North Lanarkshire be carried out, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 2 June 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) informing of the progress to date in the preparation of the Housing Needs Survey; (2) indicating that the estimated cost of the survey was $50,000; (3) detailing proposals for the project brief as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report; (4) intimating that several market research companies had been invited to tender as consultant, based on the project brief, and (5) advising that as these tenders would be returned in July, it would be necessary to seek delegated powers to enable the contractor to be appointed in early August.


(1) that the contents of the report be noted;

(2) that the project brief contained within Appendix 1 of the report be approved;

(3) that delegated authority be granted to enable the Director of Housing, in consultation with the Convener of Housing, to appoint a consultant as detailed within the report, and

(4) that a further report on the Housing Needs Survey, including the choice of consultant, be reported to the Housing Committee in August.

ALERT COMMUNITY ALARM SERVICE CURRENT PROVISION AND FUTURE PROPOSALS 3. C With reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of meeting of the Social Work Committee held on 4 June 1996 when, inter alia, it was agreed that the Council continue to participate in the present arrangements for the Alert Community Alarm Scheme for 1997/98 and that the Director of Social Work be requested to examine the feasibility of establishing a separate Community Alarm Service for this authority, there was submitted a joint report (docketed) dated 21 May 1997 by the Directors of Housing and Social Work (1) regarding the strategic, operational and financial issues arising from the different approaches which had been taken by former local authorities in respect of the Alert Community Alarm Scheme; (2) advising that as six user authorities had now withdrawn from the Scheme, this authority's share of central support costs had increased by 13.5%; (3) detailing the level of current provision of community alarms within North Lanarkshire; (4) outlining the need to expand the service to meet community care requirements; (5) indicating revised operational procedures for the services as set out in Appendix 2 to the report; (6) setting out proposals for the future development of the service within North Lanarkshire, and (7) proposing that a Joint Service Review Group be established to consider departmental responsibility regarding the service, control centre options and charging policy.


(1) that the revised operational procedures for the Alert Community Alarm Service, as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report, be approved;

(2) that payment of telephone line rental for clients who were in receipt of the Alert Community Alarm Service prior to 1994 should cease, thereby requiring all clients to be responsible for their own telephone line rental payments;

(3) that a Joint Service Review Group be established to consider departmental responsibility regarding the service, control centre options and charging policy, and

(4) that the terms of the report be otherwise noted. YOUTH HOUSING STRATEGY JOINT ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE

4. C There was submitted a report dated 2 June 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the joint assessment procedure agreed between the Housing and Social Work Departments for dealing with young single homeless, or potentially homeless people (1) detailing the definition of the client group; (2) advising of the gaps in current service provision and the need for carrying out joint assessments between the Housing and Social Work Departments to ensure that a co-ordinated package of housing and support services was provided which reflected individual needs; (3) informing of the joint assessment procedures used to produce a Care Plan, and (4) intimating the proposed timescale of the Care Plan and the officers responsible for the monitoring of all cases.


(1) that a database be established where information was collated and shared to inform future policy decisions;

(2) that the joint assessment procedure referred to within the report be implemented as soon as possible, to include all new clients and as soon as resources allowed, to be extended to include residents of supported accommodation;

(3) that projects providing services at present be re- evaluated, to ensure that gaps or overlaps in service provision would be addressed;

(4) that North Lanarkshire Council's Housing Allocation Policy should include provision for dealing with young single homeless applicants as a particular group within the Policy;

(5) that nomination arrangements with other housing providers be pursued and written agreements drawn up to ensure access would be available to all young people, and

(6) that a further report be submitted to this Committee as the Youth Housing Strategy develops.


5. With reference to paragraph 7 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 7 May 1997 when, inter alia, it had been agreed that Shelter (Scotland) provide assistance in carrying out the assessment of the level of rough sleeping within North Lanarkshire, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 3 June 1997 by the Director of Housing on the progress of the Rough Sleepers Initiative (1) outlining the background to, and the membership of, the Rough Sleepers Initiative Working Group; (2) advising that the headcount of rough sleepers would be carried out on the evening of 18 June, with Shelter providing guidance on the methodology and procedures to be followed; (3) intimating that there was a shortfall in provision for rough sleepers in North Lanarkshire, with no direct access provision available in the area; (4) indicating that a bid for resources was being prepared for submission to the Scottish Office by 31 July 1997, and (4) proposing that approval be sought for the submission of this bid, subject to its approval by the Director of Housing and the Convener.


(1) that the contents of the report be noted;

(2) that the Director of Housing be granted delegated powers, after consultation with the Convener, to allow the bid for funding to be approved and submitted to the Scottish Office by 31 July 1997, and

(3) that a further report on the content of the bid be submitted to the Housing Committee in August.


6. With reference to paragraph 14 of the Minute of the meeting of the Social Work Committee held on 22 April 1997 when, inter alia, it had been agreed to award $2,000 to the Scottish Council for Single Homeless, there was submitted a report dated 30 May 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) advising that the Council had received a request for funding from the Scottish Council for Single Homeless for $3,297, and (2) intimating that as the Social Work Committee had contributed $2,000, there was a shortfall of $1,297.

Decided: that a grant of $1,297 to the Scottish Council for Single Homeless be approved. LOCAL AUTHORITY SITES FOR TRAVELLERS

7. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 2 June 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) detailing the results of the research findings of a survey commissioned by the Scottish Office, Central Research Unit into Local Authority Sites for Travelling Persons, and (2) advising that the survey had been conducted between May and September 1996, with the summary of the research findings being included as Appendix 1 to the report.

Decided: that the Research Unit's survey be noted.


8. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 2 June 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the findings of the Scottish Office, Central Research Unit's evaluation on Homeless Projects which had been provided as a consequence of additional capital allocations being made available to Local Authorities between 1991 and 1994 (1) outlining the background to, and the aims and objectives of the evaluation; (2) intimating that a copy of the Research Unit's report entitled "The Use of Additional Capital Allocations for Homelessness Projects: An evaluation" had been placed in the Members' Library, with an executive summary of it being enclosed as Appendix 1 to this report, and (3) detailing the good practices in homelessness provision of which the research had emphasised the importance, and which had been incorporated into the Department's Homeless Strategy Plan.

Decided: that the contents of the Research Unit's evaluation report be noted.


9. With reference to paragraph 7 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 14 August 1996, when it had been agreed that the premises at 105 Kylemore Crescent, Forgewood, Motherwell, be leased to Forgewood Youth Project for a period of one year, at a reduced rental of $100, on condition that the premises be used for administrative purposes only, there was submitted a report dated 3 June 1997 by the Director of Housing in relation to a request from Forgewood Youth Project to continue to rent the flat at a reduced rent of $100 for 1997/98.

Decided: that the property at 105 Kylemore Crescent, Forgewood, Motherwell, continue to be leased to the Forgewood Youth Project at a rental of $100 for 1997/98.


10. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 2 June 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the progress made towards the provision of a Training Plan for Housing staff (1) outlining the background to the Plan, and (2) advising that the Plan took account of training undertaken during 1996/97 and outlined a programme to address staff training needs during 1997/98, taking account of the financial resources available.


(1) that the terms of this report be noted, and

(2) that the report be remitted to the Personnel Services Committee for its consideration.


11. With reference to paragraph 2 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 31 January 1996, when, inter alia, it had been agreed to approve the proposed staff structure for the Housing Department, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 10 June 1997 by the Director of Housing in relation to proposed changes to the existing departmental staffing structure as part of the ongoing process of refining the initial organisational structure previously approved (1) detailing proposed changes in the staffing structure within the Housing Finance and Client Division and the Property Services Division; (2) advising that all the proposals referred to within the report had been discussed with the staff directly affected, and (3) intimating that the proposals would be subject to formal consultation with the Trades Unions.

Decided: (1) that the changes in the departmental staffing structure as outlined within the report be approved;

(2) that the report be remitted to the Personnel Services Committee for its consideration, and

(3) that the contents of the report be noted.


12. With reference to paragraph 1 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 25 November 1996, when, inter alia, it had been agreed to note the progress made towards the establishment of further estate based housing offices within South Division, there was submitted a report dated 2 June 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) advising that local residents had objected to the creation of a satellite Sub-Office at 14/40 Glassford Street, Motherwell; (2) intimating that after reviewing possible options, consideration had been given to the establishment of a satellite office within Construction Services accommodation at Range Road, Motherwell; (3) indicating that the best location was currently considered to be the premises at 14/40 Glassford Street, with other locations still to be examined, and (4) proposing that the Director of Housing would meet with the tenants who had objected to this proposal.


(1) that approval be given to the Director of Housing to meet with the objectors to the original proposal to establish a satellite office at 14/40 Glassford Street, Motherwell;

(2) that the Director of Housing continue to identify other suitable locations for the establishment of this satellite office, and

(3) that the location of the satellite office within the Construction Services premises at Range Road, Motherwell be agreed, if other locations proved to be unsuitable.

SERVICE DELIVERY - FUTURE USE OF DEPOTS AND FURNITURE STORAGE 13. With reference to paragraph 1 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 25 November 1996, when, inter alia, approval had been given to the withdrawal of repair reporting at the local Repair Depots within the Central Division, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 30 May 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding options for possible future use of the local Repair Depots (1) outlining the background to the eleven remaining Depots, ten of which were owned by the Council and one which was leased, and (2) detailing individual recommendations for all eleven Depots.


(1) that the Council seek partnership with the voluntary sector to operate a furniture recycling facility based at the former Shawhead and Gartlea Depots;

(2) that the Depot site at Chapelhall continue to be developed as a Neighbourhood Office;

(3) that the Depot at Kirkshaws be considered as a potential site for a Neighbourhood Office to serve Old Monkland;

(4) that further consideration be given to the application by the Craigneuk and Old Petersburn Tenants and Residents Association regarding the future use of the Craigneuk Depot;

(5) that the remaining Depots at Kirkwood, Townhead, Whinhall and Plains be declared surplus to requirements and referred to the Planning and Development (Buildings and Property) Sub-Committee for its consideration.

(6) that a feasibility study be carried out on the future use of the Bore Road Depot, the result of which would be reported to a future meeting of the Committee, and

(7) that the Depot at Sikeside be demolished and the Director report to a future meeting on the possibilities of developing the site as a car park.


14. With reference to paragraph 8 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 6 December 1995, when it had been agreed that the Council become an affiliated member of Positive Action in Housing Limited during 1996/97, there was submitted a report dated 20 May 1997 by the Director of Housing in relation to continued affiliation to the Positive Action in Housing Limited.


(1) that the Council continued its support throughout 1997/98 at a cost of $2,750, and

(2) that appropriate provision be made in the Revenue Estimates for future years based on this sum, with provision for inflation.


15. With reference to the preceding paragraph, when it had been agreed that the Council continue its support for Positive Action in Housing Limited 1997/98, there was submitted a report dated 3 June 1997 by the Director of Housing in respect of a request from Positive Action in Housing Limited for assistance in setting up an Essential Furniture Fund (1) outlining the background to this service, which would be located in the Glasgow area; (2) intimating that the Council had already demonstrated its support for Positive Action in Housing Limited by becoming an affiliated member, and (3) advising that the Council was currently considering options for the provision of a similar service within North Lanarkshire which would target all client groups.

Decided: that the Council do not make an additional donation to Positive Action in Housing Limited for the setting up of an Essential Furniture Fund.


16. With reference to paragraph 20 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 19 March 1997 when, inter alia, it had been noted that a bid for Challenge Funding under the Government's Housing and Council Tax Benefit Anti-Fraud Incentive made by the Housing Department had been approved and that the Council would raise with COSLA the consequences of the loss of subsidy as a result of the change to Incentive Scheme, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 2 June 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) outlining the background to the Incentive Scheme; (2) intimating that the subsidy penalty referred to within the report had reduced to $21,429; (3) advising that the Housing Department's Challenge Fund bid for $33,620 had been successful and that the Visiting Officer project which formed the basis of the successful bid for the Challenge Funding, would be implemented with immediate effect, in order to maximise its effect on the current year's fraud target of $526,410.


(1) that the substantial reduction in subsidy penalty for 1996/97 be noted;

(2) that the Department's success in obtaining Challenge Funding in the pursuit of fraud be noted, and

(3) that the Department's intention to implement the project outlined in the Challenge Fund Bid, and approved by Committee in March 1997 be noted.


17. There was submitted a report dated 3 June 1997 by the Director of Finance regarding the tender issued for the provision of a new Council Tax and Integrated Benefits System (1) detailing the four companies which had tendered for the provision of the system; (2) advising that work was currently ongoing on evaluating the tenders, and (3) indicating that the evaluation had not been completed in time to be considered at this Committee cycle.

Decided: that authority be delegated to the Director of Administration in consultation with the Conveners of the Finance and Housing Committees and the Directors of these Departments, to arrange for acceptance of the most satisfactory tender received on the basis of recommendations by the aforementioned Directors and having regard to both cost and compliance with the system specification.


18.C There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 16 April 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding consideration of a policy on fencing replacement (1) outlining the background to the present policies, all which were inherited from the former Councils; (2) detailing the total revenue budget for fencing replacement in the current financial year, and (3) advising of all policy proposals and standards for fencing.

Decided: that the policy outlined within the report for future replacement and maintenance of fencing be approved.


19. With reference to paragraph 30 of the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 29 January 1997, when it had been agreed that the operational arrangements for progressing future Painterwork and Colourwash Programmes on a decentralised basis be noted, there was submitted a report dated 5 June 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the progress in the decentralisation and organisation of the Painterwork and Colourwash Programmes.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


20. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 11 June 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the invitation of bids from Strathclyde Police for a share of $500,000 funds for CCTV projects (1) outlining the background to the CCTV facilities at Gowkthrapple, and (2) indicating that the Chief Executive and the Leader of the Council had, in order to meet the timescale, approved a bid for $13,000 for equipment upgrade for the Gowkthrapple project, with the outcome of the bid expected by July 1997.

Decided: that the action taken to prepare a bid submission for the Strathclyde Police Fund as outlined within the report be homologated.


21. The report by the Director of Housing regarding the proposed installation of CCTV systems at Old Monkland, Sykeside and Afton Gardens was withdrawn. HRA CAPITAL PROGRAMME - MANAGEMENT ARRANGEMENTS

22. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 12 June 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the framework within which expenditure contained in the HRA Capital Programme would be progressed and managed to achieve the priorities approved by the Committee (1) detailing within Appendix 1 to the report, the proposed framework for progressing projects within the Capital Programme, (2) outlining the current management structure highlighted within Appendix 2 to the report; (3) advising of the establishment of individual project management groups, with representation from Housing, Construction Services, and other Council Departments as well as representation from outside agencies where required; (4) informing that many of these groups would be "short life" groups which would establish and agree effective communication channels and overall co-ordination of project activity; (5) indicating that the framework also included reference to a Code of Conduct which was currently being developed, to ensure that high standards were being achieved when disruptive work was being carried out in a tenant's home, and (6) intimating that in addition to the framework, the Construction Services Department had designated one member of staff as a Tenant Liaison Officer.

Decided: that the proposed framework as detailed within Appendices 1 and 2 of the report for managing the HRA Capital Programme be approved.


23. With reference to paragraph 7 of the Minute of the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 13 May 1997 when, inter alia, approval had been given to the implementation of delegated powers by the Director of Administration after consultation with the Convener to allow the acceptance of tenders between meetings, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 13 June 1997 by the Director of Construction Services providing a list of tenders to be returned prior to the next meeting of the Committee.


(1) that the projected return, prior to the next meeting of the Committee, of tenders as detailed within the report be noted, and

(2) that in accordance with the decision of the Policy and Resources Committee and subject to the whole provisions thereof, approval be given for acceptance of the tenders including any other works which may require to be accelerated, and to be actioned prior to the next Committee.



24. There was submitted a report dated 3 June 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for Window Replacement Programme 1997/98 - 172 houses, Newarthill, Carfin and Hattonrigg at a cost of $212,905.65.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a contract with the Building and Roads DLO for the Window Replacement Programme 1997/98 - 172 houses, Newarthill, Carfin and Hattonrigg at a cost of $212,905.65, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


25. There was submitted a report dated 22 May 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for Window Replacement Programme 1997/98 - 250 houses, Kilsyth, Phase 20 at a cost of $362,845.93.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a contract with the Building and Roads DLO for the Window Replacement Programme 1997/98 - 250 houses, Kilsyth, Phase 20 at a cost of $362.845.93, and (2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


26. There was submitted a report dated 10 June 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for the Window Replacement Programme 1997/98 - 232 houses, Dykehead, Shotts, at a cost of $401,759.17.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a contract with the Building and Roads DLO for the Window Replacement Programme 1997/98 - 232 houses, Dykehead, Shotts at a cost of $401,759.17, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


27. There was submitted a report dated 13 June 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for the Window Replacement Programme 1997/98 - 261 houses, Wrangholm, Motherwell at a cost of $169,811.43.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a contract with the Building and Roads DLO for the Window Replacement Programme 1997/98 - 261 houses, Wrangholm, Motherwell at a cost of $169,811.43, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work. REPLACEMENT DORMER ROOFS, 20 HOUSES, CARRICK PLACE AND CARNBROE ROAD, BELLSHILL

28. There was submitted a report dated 30 May 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for the Replacement Dormer Roofs, 20 houses, Carrick Place and Carnbroe Road, Bellshill at a cost of $94,210.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a contract with the Building and Roads DLO for the Replacement Dormer Roofs, 20 houses, Carrick Place and Carnbroe Road, Bellshill, at a cost of $94,210, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


29. There was submitted a report dated 19 May 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for the Re-roofing and Flue Replacement to Blackburn MK3 houses (Phase 2) at Allanton and Shotts at a cost of $151,564.59.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a contract with the Building and Roads DLO for the Re-roofing and Flue Replacement to Blackburn MK3 Houses (Phase 2) at Allanton and Shotts at a cost of $151,564.59, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


30. There was submitted a report dated 30 May 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for the Remedial Works to Lock- ups and Pump Houses, Gowkthrapple at a cost of $196,668.83.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a contract with the Building and Roads DLO for the Remedial Works to Lock-ups and Pump Houses, Gowkthrapple at a cost of $196,668.83, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


31. There was submitted a report dated 2 June 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for the Concrete Repairs to Woodside and Burnside Towers, Motherwell, at a cost of $274,622.16.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a contract with the Building and Roads DLO for the Concrete Repairs to Woodside and Burnside Towers, Motherwell, at a cost of $274,622.16, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


32. There was submitted a report dated 5 June 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Estate Regeneration at Holehills, Airdrie, Proposed Demolitions was that of ACM Contracts Limited, Coatbridge, in the sum of $85,712; (2) that the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 7 May 1997, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted. DEFECTIVE PITCHED ROOFS, 28 BLOCKS - PHASE 2 (CENTRAL AREA)

33. There was submitted a report dated 20 May 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with the Building and Roads DLO for the Defective Pitched Roofs, 28 Blocks - Phase 2 (Central Area) at a cost of $205,418.18.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a contract with the Building and Roads DLO for the Defective Pitched Roofs, 28 Blocks - Phase 2 (Central Area) at a cost of $205,418.18, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


34. There was submitted a report dated 6 June 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with Fibreglo Insulation Limited, Shotts for work under the Cavity Wall Insulation Programme 1997/98 at 162 houses, Mount Ellen, Moodiesburn at a cost of $31,007.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a contract with Fibreglo Insulation Limited, Shotts, for the Cavity Wall Insulation Programme 1997/98, 162 Houses, Mount Ellen, Moodiesburn at a cost of $31,007, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


35. With reference to paragraph 46 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 29 January, 1997 when a Cavity Wall Insulation Programme Contract 1996/97 at 273 Houses South Area (Phase 2) had been approved at a cost of $49,979.73, there was submitted a report dated 11 June, 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval for the inclusion of a further 489 Houses in the South Area at an additional cost of $75,139.00.


(1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to extend the Contract with Fibreglo Insulations Limited, Shotts for the Cavity Wall Insulation Programme 1996/97 - 273 Houses in the South Area, to include a further 489 Houses at an additional cost of $75,139.00, amounting to a revised total of $125,118.73, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.


36. There was submitted a report dated 12 June, 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the Contract of the Electrical Rewiring Programme 1997/98 - 105 Houses, Muirhouse Tower, Motherwell was that of Jordan Electrics, Newmains, in the sum of $74,555.12; (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the committee on 14 August 1996, and (3) project management arrangements would be introduced to achieve the successful, cost effective budget controlled completion of this work.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


37. There was submitted a report dated 12 June, 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking approval of a tender negotiated with Building and Roads DLO for the re-roofing of 45-79 Calder Road, Mossend (South Area) at a cost of $126,388.40.

Decided: (1) that the Director of Administration be authorised to enter into a Contract with the Building and Roads DLO for the re-roofing of 45-79 Calder Road, Mossend (South Area) at a cost of $126,388.40, and

(2) that the Director of Construction Services introduce project management arrangements to achieve the successful, cost effect budget controlled completion of this work.


38. There was submitted a joint report (docketed) dated 9 June 1997 by the Directors of Housing and Construction Services (1) detailing progress of the 1996/97 Capital Programme, and (2) indicating the carry forward commitment into the new financial year and the implementation of projects identified in the 1997/98 Programme.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


39. With reference to paragraph 37 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 4 December, 1996 when it had been agreed to approve the proposed Non-HRA Housing Capital Programme 1997/98, in which a provisional allowance of $50,000 had been approved to initiate a Care and Repair project within North Lanarkshire, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 11 June, 1997 by the Director of Housing in respect of the progress which had been made towards the creation of the project in North Lanarkshire (1) outlining the background to the project; (2) proposing that the funding for the Project be shared between the Council's Housing and Social Work Committees, Scottish Homes and Lanarkshire Health Board, with a notional figure of $20,000 being allowed for the first 12 months of operation, and (3) intimating that this notional figure would be funded from the Non-HRA Capital Budget as this Committee's contribution, and that the balance of $30,000 would be available for expenditure on Improvement and Repair Grants for the Project's clients.


(1) that the contents of the report be noted; (2) that officers be authorised to proceed with the proposals as detailed within the report, and

(3) that further details be reported to a future meeting of this Committee.


40. With reference to paragraph 49 of the Minute of this Committee held on 29 January, 1997 when, inter alia, it had been agreed that negotiations continue with regard to the Housing Action Area for Improvement proposals in Kilsyth Town Centre, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 12 June 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) outlining the background to the proposals for the improvements; (2) advising that the proposed site start date had been delayed from late Summer 1997 to approximately January 1998 due to a combination of reductions in the partners' Capital Budgets and complications in obtaining the agreement of participating house and shop owners; (3) intimating various proposals as detailed in the report as part of Phase 3 of the Housing Action Area for Improvements proposals, and (4) indicating that the cost of Phase 3 would require to be reduced due to changes in the Improvement/Repairs Grants.


(1) that the contents of the report be noted, and

(2) that officials be authorised to proceed with proposals for a reduced Phase 3 Contract, excluding the buildings at 89-97 Main Street and 86 Main Street/1 East Burnside Street.


41. With reference to paragraph 32 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 7 May, 1997, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 22 May 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) outlining the background to the estate regeneration; (2) detailing the findings of the Tenants and Stock Condition surveys, the survey conclusion, the development brief and evaluation, and (3) advising that in order to assess bids received, an evaluation matrix had been developed to take account of the bid price and management issues and were listed within Appendix 3 to this report.

Decided: that the contents of the report be noted.


42. With reference to paragraph 2 of the Minute of the Special Meeting of this Committee held on 24 March 1997 when, inter alia, it had been agreed that $200,000 be identified for the refurbishment of two flatted blocks at Springfield Road, Cumbernauld Village, there was submitted a report dated 22 May 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) detailing the main features to be upgraded within these properties at an estimated cost of $260,000 (excluding owner/occupiers); (2) indicating that the balance would be carried over and set against the 1998/99 HRA Capital Programme, and (3) intimating that these works would enable the Council to meet its commitment to the tenants in the area.

Decided: that the programming of these works to facilitate the expenditure of the allocated $200,000 budget within the current financial year, with the remainder being carried over and set against the 1998/99 HRA Capital Programme be approved.


43. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 12 June 1997 and a document entitled "Quarterly Performance Review 1 January - 31 March 1997" by the Director of Housing outlining the proposed Performance Review System for Housing Services, and setting out the fourth Quarterly Review Report.

Decided: that the terms of the report and the Quarterly Performance Review for the period from 1 January to 31 March 1997 be noted.


44. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 28 May 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the review progress in completing the short term priorities identified for 1996/97, the standard of service and management performance achieved over the first full year of operation (1) detailing the 1996/97 Progress Review which was summarised within Appendix 1 to the report, and (2) advising that the Quarterly Performance Monitoring Review reports would continue to be submitted to Committee in order to enable Members to review progress on a regular basis in addressing areas where management performance should improve.

Decided: that the contents of this report be noted.



45. There was submitted a report dated 11 June 1997 by the Director of Housing in response to a petition received from the residents of Pather, regarding the withdrawal of payment facilities at Pather Post Office (1) outlining the background to their petition; (2) advising that the former Motherwell District Council invested over $2.5m establishing Area Housing Offices as part of its decentralisation programme and the changes in the rent payment arrangements represented a further step in this direction; (3) intimating that the Council also had an obligation to ensure that all services were delivered in the most cost-effective manner with the cost charged by Post Office Giro currently amounting to 47.5p per transaction (reduced from 52.75p. with the recent introduction of swipe cards), and (4) informing that as it was difficult to justify this expenditure when the alternative payment points were available, and as the Council offered other more convenient options such as Direct Debit, this facility should not be reinstated.

Councillor McLaughlin seconded by Councillor Beekman, moved that (1) the petition received from the residents of Pather be noted, and (2) the rent payment facility at Pather Post Office be not reinstated and that every avenue would be pursued to avoid problems for tenants unable to comply with the arrangements.

Councillor McAlorum, seconded by Councillor G. Murray, moved as an amendment that:-

(1) the contents of the report be noted, and

(2) that agreement be given to investigate the problems of the tenants and that a further report on the findings be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.

On a vote being taken 2 members voted for the amendment and 14 members voted for the motion which was accordingly declared to be carried.


(1) that the petition received from the residents of Pather be noted;

(2) that the rent payment facility at Pather Post Office be not reinstated on the understanding that every avenue would be pursued to avoid problems for tenants unable to comply with the arrangements, and

(3) that this petition be referred to the Finance Committee for its consideration.


46. There was submitted a report dated 11 June 1997 by the Director of Housing in response to a petition received from the residents of Motherwell regarding the withdrawal of rent payment facilities at the Civic Square, Motherwell (1) outlining the background to their petition; (2) advising that the former Motherwell District Council invested over $2.5m establishing Area Housing Offices as part of its decentralisation programme and the changes in the rent payment arrangements represented a further step in this direction; (3) intimating that the Council also had an obligation to ensure that all services were delivered in the most cost-effective manner with the cost charged by Post Office Giro currently amounting to 47.5p per transaction (reduced from 52.75p. with the recent introduction of swipe cards), and (4) informing that as it was difficult to justify this expenditure when the alternative payment points were available, and as the Council offered other more convenient options such as Direct Debit, this facility should not be reinstated.

Decided: (1) that the petition received from the residents of Motherwell be noted, and

(2) that the rent payment facility at Civic Square Post Office be not reinstated on the understanding that every avenue would be pursued to avoid problems for tenants unable to comply with the arrangements.


47. There was submitted a report dated 2 June 1997 by the Director of Housing in response to a petition received from the residents of Croy requesting a new fence to be erected between the rear gardens and play area between Hillside and Cuilmuir Terrace, Croy; (1) outlining the background to the petition; (2) intimating that the Area Housing Manager had visited the area, with the Local Member and found the existing rear chespale fence to be in good order and not in need of replacement, and (3) advising that it may be possible to create a barrier by use of shrub planting and soft landscaping within the play area.


(1) that the Croy Residents and Tenants Association be advised that the existing fence was in good order and not in need of replacement;

(2) that this petition be referred to the Leisure Services Committee to consider the possibility of shrub planting and soft landscaping, and

(3) that a site visit would be organised for the Convener to attend.


48. There was submitted a report dated 4 June 1997 by the Director of Housing in response to a petition received from the residents of 10 Scotts Place, Airdrie, regarding the erection of a dividing fence between blocks Nos. 10 and 12, by the owner of a former Council property at 12a Scotts Place (1) outlining the background to the petition; (2) advising of the conditions to be met before the fence could be erected, and (3) detailing all the matters which had been taken into consideration.

Decided: that the occupier be allowed to continue with the erection of the fencing, and the petitioners be advised accordingly.


49. There was submitted a report dated 3 June 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding a request for funding from the East Dunbartonshire Women's Aid (1) outlining the background to, the previous and current finance of this organisation; (2) intimating that this Committee had previously contributed $16,500 towards the running costs of Cumbernauld Women's Aid, and (3) indicating that if the Council agreed to fund one Women's Aid outside the Council boundaries, it may be subject to similar requests from other organisations.

Decided: that, while recognising the valuable work which East Dunbartonshire Women's Aid carried out, the application for funding be refused.


50. There was submitted a report dated 11 June 1997 by the Director of Administration in respect of a request from Wishaw and District Housing Association for continued elected Member representation on their Management Committee and proposing that the Convener continue as the Council's representative.

Decided: that Councillor McLaughlin be invited to continue to represent the North Lanarkshire Council on the Wishaw and District Housing Association's Management Committee.


51. With reference to paragraph 5 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 12 June 1996, when it had been agreed, that a contribution be made to the Chartered Institute of Housing in the sum of $2,992, there was submitted a report dated 10 June 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding a request for funding from the Chartered Institute of Housing towards its training and development activities for 1997/98.

Decided: that the application be approved and that a contribution in the sum of $3,082 be made to the Chartered Institute of Housing and funded from the 1997/98 Housing Revenue Account.



52. There was considered an invitation from the University of Paisley to attend the conference entitled "One Year After - Impact of Local Government Reorganisation" held in Paisley on 9 May 1997.

Decided: that no attendance at this conference be authorised.


53. There was considered an invitation from Chapman Hendy Associates to attend the conference entitled "Beyond CCT : Ensuring Housing Quality" held in Glasgow on 30 May 1997. The Committee were advised orally that the Director of Administration, after consultation with the Convener, had arranged for the attendance of Councillor McElroy at the conference.

Decided: that the attendance of Councillor McElroy at this conference be homologated.


54. There was considered an invitation from the Tenants' Information Service to attend the conference entitled "TIS Annual Conference, Theme : "The Other Side of the Coin" Housing Finance and Investment - Education and Training Seminar for Tenants to be held in Dundee on 21-22 June 1997.

Decided: that no attendance at this conference be authorised.

(4) BEYOND CCT : ENSURING HOUSING QUALITY 55. There was considered an invitation from the Chartered Institute of Housing to attend the conference entitled "Beyond CCT : Ensuring Housing Quality" to be held in London on 30 July 1997.

Decided: that no attendance at this conference be authorised.


56. There was considered an invitation from the National Housing and Town Planning Council to attend the conference entitled "Regenerating Communities" to be held in Bournemouth from 20-23 October 1997.

Decided: that Councillor Beekman be authorised to attend.


57. There was considered an invitation from the HFTA Training and Consultancy Services to attend the conference entitled "Targeting Anti-Social Behaviour - An Agenda for Action" to be held in Nottingham on 12 June 1997.

Decided: that no attendance at this conference be authorised.


58. There was considered an invitation from Infolog Training to attend the conference entitled "Tough on Crime and Causes of Crime; The New Agenda for Local Authority Partnership" to be held in London on 24 June 1997.

Decided: that no attendance at this conference be authorised.


59. There was considered an invitation from the QMW Public Policy Seminars Limited to attend the conference entitled "Developing Policy and Practice on Mental Health" to be held in London on 14 July 1997.

Decided: that no attendance at this conference be authorised. The Committee resolved that, under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 7A of the Act.


60. With reference to paragraph 1 of the Minute of the Special meeting of this Committee held on 21 May 1997 when, inter alia, it had been agreed that the contract for servicing and maintenance of gas and solid fuel central heating systems and should be awarded to Peter Craig and Son Limited, subject to the Company submitting a satisfactory performance bond acceptable to the Director of Finance by no later than mid day on 2 June 1997, there was submitted a report dated 9 June 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) advising that the Company had been informed in writing of the need for the performance bond and the timescale for receipt; (2) indicating that during the intervening period, regular contact was maintained with the Company who had raised concerns over the size of bond required; (3) intimating that this had been reviewed, and it was concluded that the stipulated level of cover was essential to provide adequate protection to the Council in the event of any contractual failure; (4) indicating that by the deadline of 2 June 1997 Peter Craig and Son Limited had failed to satisfy the Director of Finance in respect of the bond; (5) intimating that the Company was advised accordingly and in line with the decision previously made, the work __DIME__RECORD__ fffcommittee HOUSING COMMITTEE fffmeetdate 19971203 fffsubject Minute of meeting of HOUSING COMMITTEE fffrtffile NONE fffwordfile NONE fffstartpage 1 fffaccess 1 ffftext EM19 HOUSING1997M Motherwell, 3 December 1997 at 2 pm. A Meeting of the HOUSING COMMITTEE


Councillor McLaughlin, Convener; Councillor Beekman, Vice-Convener; Councillors A. Burns, Chadha, Clarke, Hogg, Lafferty, Leitch, Logue, Lunny, Lyle, McAlorum, McCabe, McKenna, McKeown, Macleod, Maginnis, W. Martin, Morgan, Murphy, G. Murray, S.V. Murray, Nolan, Robertson and Selfridge.


Councillor McLaughlin (Convener) presided.


The Chief Committee Services Officer, Director of Housing, Head of Local Housing Services, Head of Housing Strategy and Resources, Director of Construction Services, Head of Accounting Services, Senior Accountant and Head of Parks and Amenity.


Councillors Cox, Craigie, Gray, H. McGuigan, Provost Mathieson, Shaw, Sullivan and Wilson.


1. There were submitted the Minutes of the meeting of the Housing (Special Cases) Sub-Committees held on 22 October and 26 November 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the Minutes be approved and noted.

The Convener agreed to vary the Order of Business to consider Agenda Item 34(k) as the second item of business.


2. With reference to paragraph 43 of the Minute of this Committee held on 4 December 1996 when it had been noted that the lowest tender for the contract for the Environmental Improvement Works - Muirhouse Initiative - Phase 1 was that of Stewart Landscapes Ltd, Glasgow in the sum of $246,375.23, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 17 October 1997 by the Director of Leisure Services (1) outlining the background to the Muirhouse Initiative Phase 1 - Environmental Improvement contract in which an overspend of $30,000 had occurred due to additional works instructed by the Supervising Architect/Engineers, and (2) intimating that the overspend could be covered by slippage within the overall Muirhouse Initiative budget.

Decided: that approval be given to the expenditure of $30,000 to cover the additional costs associated with unforeseen work, work carried out in advance of Phase 2, additional work requested by the Architects, and additional works recommended by the Engineers, all as necessary to facilitate completion of the project.


3. There was submitted a report dated 20 November by the Director of Finance advising of current departmental spending levels for the period from 1 April to 12 October 1997 and providing a comparison of actual expenditure and income against estimated expenditure and income.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


4. There were submitted reports (docketed) dated 20 and 24 November 1997 by the Director of Finance setting out the Base Estimates Submissions for the Housing Revenue Account, Housing Non HRA and Housing Benefit for the financial year 1998/99.

Decided: that the Base Submissions for the 1998/99 Revenue Estimates in respect of the Housing Revenue Account, Housing Non-HRA and Housing Benefit be noted.


5. There were submitted reports (docketed) dated 20 November 1997 by the Director of Finance detailing the outturn expenditure for the financial year 1996/97 for the Housing HRA and Housing Non-HRA Accounts and providing a comparison of actual expenditure and income against estimated expenditure and income with explanations of the most significant variances.

Decided: that the terms of the reports be noted.

HOUSING SERVICE PLAN FOR 1998/2001 6. With reference to paragraph 28 of the Minute of the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 13 May 1997 when, inter alia, the guidelines for the production of Service Plans were approved there was submitted (1) a report dated 10 October 1997 by the Chief Executive; (2) a report dated 25 September 1997 and the Service Plan for 1998-2001 (docketed) by the Director of Housing as part of the Council's annual corporate planning process.


(1) that the terms of the reports by the Chief Executive and the Director of Housing and the Service Plan be noted, and

(2) that the Service Plan be remitted to the Policy and Resources Committee for consideration.


7. With reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of the meeting of the Policy and Resources (Policy, Planning and Performance Review) Sub-Committee held on 13 November 1997 when, inter alia, it was agreed to remit to this Committee details of Scottish Office Household Projections as they affect North Lanarkshire for the period 1994 to 2008, there was submitted a report dated 13 November 1997 by the Chief Executive in this connection.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


8. With reference to paragraph 4 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 22 October 1997 when, inter alia, it had been agreed that an Outline Strategy for the Council's bid for funding under the Government's Empty Homes Initiative be approved and that further reports on its development be submitted to Committee in due course, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 13 November 1997 by the Director of Housing in respect of the final proposals submitted to the Scottish Office on 31 October 1997 for challenge funding under the Government's Empty Homes Initiative (1) intimating the reasons why the outline proposals previously reported to Committee had been revised; (2) advising that the bid totalled $598,322 with leverage of $515,850 from other agencies, making a total investment package of $1,114,172 for 1997/98, and (3) indicating that if successful the bid would bring 42 empty public sector and 15 private sector houses back into use.

Decided: (1) that the terms of the report be noted, and

(2) that the action by the Director of Housing in submitting final proposals for challenge funding under the Government's Empty Houses Initiatives as detailed in the report be homologated.


9. With reference to paragraph 30 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 27 August 1997 when the new date of 1 December 1997 for the submission of the Council's initial report to the Scottish Office was noted in response to the Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 (HECA), there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 2 December 1997 by the Director of Housing (1) outlining the executive summary of the Council's submission as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report; (2) identifying the implications for the Council's Housing Stock and related financial implications; (3) indicating the financing arrangements for HECA, and (4) proposing the establishment of a residential property computer database.


(1) that a further report on financing arrangements for HECA duties outlined within the report be submitted, and

(2) that the establishment of a 100% residential property computer database as outlined within the report be noted, and

(3) that the Council's initial HECA report for submission to the Secretary of State with the additional requirement for publication with immediate effect as required by Section 2 of HECA be approved.


10. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 13 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding action which had been taken to respond to a COSLA Housing Task Group discussion paper on progress to date in the preparation of a comprehensive COSLA Housing Policy which allowed for a co-ordinated and integrated approach to Housing issues in Scottish Local Government and advising that to meet the timescale laid down, a response was prepared and after conjunction with the Convener, had been submitted.

Decided: that the action taken to submit a response by the Director of Housing to the COSLA Housing Task Group discussion paper be homologated.


11. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 13 November 1997 by the Director of Administration in respect of a consultation paper which had been received from the Scottish Office on Anti-Social Behaviour Orders which set out the Government's proposals for tackling the problem of threatening and anti- social neighbours (1) advising that the Scottish Office had indicated an intention to include provisions for Anti-Social Behaviour Orders in the forthcoming Crime and Disorder Bill which was likely to be introduced later this year; (2) detailing in Appendix 1 to the report comments on the consultation paper, which had been prepared following consultation with the Directors of Social Work, Housing and Environmental Services, and (3) intimating that the Scottish Office had already responded setting out their intentions as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.


(1) that the comments set out in Appendix 1 to the report be endorsed as the Council's formal response to the Scottish Office on the consultation paper on Anti-Social Behaviour Orders and that the action taken by the Director of Administration in forwarding the response to the Scottish Office be homologated, and

(2) that the response from the Scottish Office, as set out in Appendix 2 to the report, be noted.


12. C With reference to paragraph 9 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 22 October 1997, when the Scottish Office Code of Guidance on Homelessness was noted, there was submitted a report dated 19 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the adoption of the guidance issued by the Secretary of State for Scotland in dealing with applications for assistance under homeless persons legislation (1) advising that the effective date for the new guidance was 1 December 1997; (2) intimating that each local authority would deal with applications as they saw fit, and (3) indicating that in the event of local authorities disregarding the guidance, decisions could be reviewed by the Court of Session.

Decided: (1) that the Council adopt the Code of Guidance issued by the Secretary of State, and

(2) that the recommendations contained within the Guidance be incorporated into the overall Housing Policy.


13. With reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of the meeting of the Council held on 6 November 1997 when it had been agreed that the proposals in relation to the redevelopment of Airbles road/Leven Street be referred back to this Committee for consideration, the Director of Housing intimated that further information had been received and consequently required to be investigated.

Decided: that the matter be continued pending consideration of further information.


14. The Convener requested that consideration of the Concierge/Caretaking Review - Central District be continued to allow further information to be incorporated into a report for a future meeting of the Committee.

Decided: that the matter be continued to a future meeting of the Housing Committee.


15. With reference to paragraph 17 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 27 August 1997 when inter alia, it had been agreed that a report on the development of a standard nomination agreement with all Housing Associations and Co-operatives in North Lanarkshire be submitted to a future Committee, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 6 November 1997 by the Director of Housing in relation to nomination arrangements issued by the Scottish Office (1) outlining the background and the need for Nomination Agreements; (2) advising that a standard Nomination Agreement had now been developed in consultation with all Housing Associations and Co-operatives operating in North Lanarkshire, in accordance with the good practice guide detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.


(1) that the standard Nomination Agreement form detailed in Appendix 2 of the report be approved, and (2) that the Director of Housing be authorised to arrange for the Agreements to be signed by Housing Associations and Housing Co-operatives as detailed in Appendix 1 of the report.


16. With reference to paragraph 15 of the Minute of this Committee held on 29 January 1997 when, inter alia, it had been agreed to note the current position with regard to the acquisition costs of the transfer of Cumbernauld Development Corporation houses to North Lanarkshire Council, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 19 November 1997 by the Director of Housing in relation to the final costs incurred in respect of the transfer of housing stock from the former Cumbernauld Development Corporation to North Lanarkshire Council (1) detailing that the acquisition costs for the purchase of housing stock from the former Cumbernauld Development Corporation was $12.274 m and (2) intimating that the total transfer costs of $164,047.17 for stamp duty, recording dues and legal fees, was well within the $194,242 estimated in the financial projections.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


17. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 14 November 1997 by the Director of Housing advising that submissions had been made for COSLA Quality Awards in 1998 (1) detailing the award category and submissions for each award category, and (2) advising that the outcome of the competition was expected in February 1998.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


18. With reference to paragraph 10 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 23 October 1996, when inter alia, it had been agreed that a points weighting system be developed as a basis for a standard housing rent structure for North Lanarkshire, there was submitted a report dated 21 November 1997 by the Director of Housing on progress to date towards the introduction of a standard rent structure (1) detailing the consultation process, and (2) proposing that until the rent accounts of all Council houses were rationalised on one computer system, the Council continue to apply and/or weight any increase in rent levels to address variances across North Lanarkshire, to ensure that progress continued towards the harmonisation of rent levels.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


19. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 18 November 1997 by the Director of Housing on the analysis of problems associated with the growing number of privately owned houses resulting from the Right to Buy legislation and which adjoined Council houses (1) informing that approximately 25,000 houses in North Lanarkshire had been sold to Council tenants by the former local authorities and Cumbernauld Development Corporation; (2) detailing the existing policies and procedures of the Council, together with a summary of the polices of the former Councils and Cumbernauld Development Corporation as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report; (3) intimating interim proposals in relation to emergency repairs, routine and major repairs, improvements, issues arising from Section 108 of the Housing (Scotland) Act/Section 87 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, which allow legal action to have serious repair work carried out and financial incentives/assistance; (4) outlining proposals in relation to owner occupiers wishing to participate in Council contracts; (5) advising that the Head of Legal Services was considering the legal issues and options including possible legislative change which could facilitate matters in the future, and (6) proposing an extension to the scale of administrative charges and professional fees for owner/occupiers in relation to capital related work.


(1) that approval be given:-

(a) to the interim proposals detailed within the report;

(b) to further consideration of the options identified in relation to the legal issues and financial incentives/assistance together with a comprehensive review of the factoring arrangements in Cumbernauld;

(c) to the proposed approach outlined within the report in relation to owners who wished to participate in Council contracts, and

(d) to the suggested extension of the scale of administrative charges and professional fees for owner/occupiers in relation to capital works, and

(2) that a further report be submitted to Committee following investigation of the issues highlighted within the report.


20. With reference to paragraph 2 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 31 January 1997 when, inter alia, the proposed staff structure for the Housing Department, had been approved, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 10 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding changes to the existing departmental structure (1) outlining the background to and the need for the change; (2) proposing that the current establishment at the Housing Satellite office at Craigneuk, Wishaw, be increased by one Housing Officer Grade AP2/3 and one Estate Caretaker for a period of one year, with both positions being reviewed at that time, and (3) intimating that the cost of the additional cover was estimated at $24,457 for one year and could be contained within the existing budget.


(1) that the establishment be increased by one Housing Officer and one Estate Caretaker, with these positions being reviewed in one year and reported to a future meeting of the Committee, and

(2) that the report be remitted to the Personnel Services Committee for consideration.



21. There was submitted a report dated 14 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the closure of the lane bounding 239/241 Mitchell Street and 48/50 Swinton Crescent, Coatbridge (1) outlining the background to the closure, and (2) advising that the cost would be approximately $11,100 funded from the Housing Revenue Account.


(1) that the closure of the lane be approved, and

(2) that the report be remitted to the Planning and Development Committee for consideration.


22. There was submitted a report dated 14 November 1997 by the Director of Housing with regard to the closure of the lane bounding 28/29 Cumberland Place and 48/50 Sharp Avenue, Coatbridge (1) outlining the background to the closure, and (2) advising that the cost would be $1,995, and funded from the Housing Revenue Account.


(1) that the closure of the lane be approved, and

(2) that the report be remitted to the Planning and Development Committee for consideration.


23. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 3 December 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the need for the establishment of a local office for the southern area in the Chapelhall area and to consider the establishment of a temporary office at 1 Ogilvie Court, Clarkston, Airdrie (1) outlining the background to and the need for the establishment of a local office in Chapelhall; (2) indicating the existing housing services provided at Chapelhall and Clarkston, and (3) proposing that the existing Housing Repairs Depot in Chapelhall be extended at an estimated cost of $25,000 to accommodate a Housing Team and that a Sub-Office be established in Clarkston.

Decided: that approval be given

(1) to the expansion of housing services in the Chapelhall and Clarkston area by the establishment of a local office at Chapelhall and a sub-office in Clarkston;

(2) for the Director of Housing to explore with other Departments the possibility of providing a one-stop service in the Chapelhall area, and

(3) to the Director of Administration to progress the acceptance of a contract for the extension of the Chapelhall Depot in line with authority granted by Committee.


24. With reference to paragraph 7 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 4 December 1997, when inter alia, the proposed change to the method of payment of rent at Post Offices was approved, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 20 November 1997 by the Director of Housing proposing a change to the method of rent payments at Council Cash Collection Offices from pre-printed rent cards to magnetic swipe cards (1) outlining the benefits of use of magnetic swipecards; (2) comparing the current methods of payment of rent at Area Housing Offices with the new proposals; (3) outlining the benefits to the Council, and (4) informing that in addition to achieving savings in revenue costs of $10,000 over 3 years, the introduction of the service would improve customer service by reducing waiting time at offices during peak payment periods.

Decided: that the introduction of magnetic swipe cards for the payment of rent at local cash collection offices from 1 April 1998 be approved, subject to no adverse reaction from tenants participating in the current survey of the Post Office payment method.


\*@IH1 25. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 17 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the options available to utilise unallocated surplus on the 1996/97 Housing Revenue Account (1) outlining the background to the surplus which amounted to $10.252 million, $481,000 of which related to properties transferred from Cumbernauld Development Corporation (CDC); (2) proposing that $9.192 million be allocated to the HRA Capital Programme and Housing Repairs budget; (3) detailing the options available to utilise the unallocated surplus of $579,000 as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report and the consequent re-profiling of area budgets as detailed in Appendix 3 to the report, and (4) proposing that for ex CDC stock, $370,000 be allocated towards the anticipated underspend against the 1996/97 revenue contribution to the Capital Programme and $111,000 be used to increase the revenue contribution to the 1997/98 HRA Capital Programme all as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report.


(1) that the unallocated surplus of $579,000 on the 1996/97 Housing Revenue Account (North Lanarkshire excluding CDC) be utilised, to increase the current year's housing repairs budget as detailed within Appendix 1 to the report;

(2) that the unallocated surplus of $111,000 on the 1996/97 Housing Revenue Account for the former Cumbernauld Development Corporation properties to increase the level of revenue contribution to the 1997/98 HRA Capital programme be agreed, and

(3) that the re-profiling of the 1997/98 Housing Repairs Budget within each area as detailed within Appendix 3 to the report be approved. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE POLICY - PVCu DOOR REPLACEMENT

\*@IH1 26. C There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 18 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding policy issues in relation to Repairs and Maintenance Policy and PVCu door replacement programme (1) detailing the main issues in relation to the operation of the current policy with regard PVCu to doors previously installed by tenants at no expense to the Council; (2) outlining the financial and operational difficulties associated with a full replacement programme; (3) proposing that a two phase replacement programme be introduced whereby during the first five year painterwork programme, the target would be to replace all front entrance doors, with the back doors only being replaced due to poor condition; (4) advising that in the following five year painterwork programme, all back doors would be replaced, and (5) intimating that a final analysis of the financial implications of undertaking such a programme was currently being progressed and would be subject to a report to a future Housing Committee.

Thereon, Councillor Maginnis, seconded by Councillor Robertson, moved

(1) that it be agreed that in future fixtures and fittings installed by tenants at their own expense should where practical be replaced and maintained and considered in future replacement programmes, and

(2) that the proposal to develop policy options for a full door replacement programme as outlined within the report be approved.

Councillor Lyle, seconded by Councillor McAlorum, moved as an amendment that consideration of the matter be continued to a future Housing Committee.

On a vote being taken 3 Members voted for the amendment and 15 Members voted for the motion which was accordingly declared to be carried.


(1) that it be agreed that in future fixtures and fittings installed by tenants at their own expense should where practical be replaced and maintained and considered in future replacement programmes, and

(2) that the proposal to develop policy options for a full door replacement programme as outlined within the report be approved.


27. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 12 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the current situation with the deregulation of gas and electricity supply and the implications for the Council which could arise due to the impending deregulation of domestic markets in both gas and electricity.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


28. With reference to paragraph 60 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 18 June 1997, when the former arrangements of five separate contracts to provide the servicing and maintenance of 41,000 gas and solid fuel heating systems were replaced by a new all inclusive contract for North Lanarkshire commencing on 1 July 1997, with the Building and Roads DLO, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 20 November 1997 by the Director of Housing in respect of gas safety issues which had arisen in the course of the contractor carrying out ad-hoc repairs and annual servicing in relation to gas fire front castings to back boiler units being painted or varnished and with electric fan type light fittings (1) detailing the actions taken by the contractor; (2) outlining the proposals for addressing the difficulties, and (3) indicating the advice given to tenants in relation to the problem areas.


(1) that the action taken to resolve the problems in respect of the installation of the electric fan light fittings as detailed within the report be homologated, and

(2) that the proposals in respect of the problems with painted/varnished front fire casings as set out within the report be approved.


29. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 20 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the findings of a recently completed comprehensive condition survey of alarm systems within Sheltered Housing complexes and Amenity Properties (1) detailing, within Appendix 1 to the report, Sheltered Housing complexes where alarm system required replacement; (2) proposing that as there was an immediate need to replace nine Sheltered Housing complex alarm systems, that the existing contract with Tunstall Telecom, Clydebank, be extended at the same rates and conditions as the previous contract, and (3) intimating that based on rates which applied for the installation of the alarm system at Viewpark, the cost of renewing the nine alarm systems identified was $121,000 which could be contained within the 1997/98 Revenue Repairs budget.


(1) that the contract with Tunstall Telecom, Clydebank, be extended at the same rate and conditions as the previous contract for Sheltered Accommodation in Viewpark;

(2) that the cost of $121,000 be approved, and

(3) that it be noted that the cost would be met from the 1997/98 Revenue Repairs budget.


\*@IH1 30. With reference to paragraph 27 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 29 January 1997, when it had been agreed that the Director of Housing be authorised to negotiate an extension up to March 1998 for the two existing maintenance contracts with Scotshield Limited, Airdrie, for door entries and CCTV systems, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 21 November 1997 by the Director of Housing seeking permission to negotiate a further extension of the contractual arrangements for the servicing and cyclic maintenance to door entry systems, CCTV systems and concierge with Scotshield Limited, Airdrie, for a further year up to 31 March 1999 (1) outlining the reasons for the further extension of the contract; (2) proposing that negotiation be undertaken on the basis of the existing contractual arrangements and that these be extended by one year up to 31 March 1999 with Scotshield Limited, Airdrie, on the same contract conditions and 1996/97 rates being applicable; (3) detailing that the annual value of the contract for servicing and maintenance, including ad-hoc repairs, to door entry systems on a Council wide basis which also includes the servicing and maintenance of CCTV systems in the South district was $302,856; (4) indicating that the annual value of the contract for the servicing and maintenance (including ad-hoc repairs) for the concierge systems in the Central District was $98,403, and (5) advising of the timetable for future contract arrangements as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report.


(1) that the Director of Housing be authorised to negotiate an extension to the two existing maintenance contracts with Messrs. Scotshield Limited, Airdrie, up to March 1999 for all door entry systems, CCTV systems and concierge in North Lanarkshire as detailed in the report, and

(2) that the contract vetting timescale as illustrated within Appendix 1 to the report be noted.


\*@IH1 31.C With reference to paragraph 8 of the Minute of the North Lanarkshire Council held on 15 February 1996 when, inter alia, approval had been given to the operation of a repairs and maintenance policy in relation to window and door replacement, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 21 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the progress of the window replacement programmes throughout North Lanarkshire (1) outlining the background to the current programmes and the need for a future programme to be formulated to replace single glazing with double glazing; (2) advising that where the PVCu programme was completed in the Central District, Moodiesburn Area and Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Areas, a survey of windows would be carried out to determine the number of single glazed units for inclusion in the future replacement programme; (3) proposing to conduct similar surveys on completion of the PVCu programmes in the former Cumbernauld Development Corporation stock and the South District, and (4) indicating that as in ten sheltered housing units in the South District, contracts for double glazing had been accepted with no choice given to tenants, no change had been made.


(1) that the approach outlined in relation to the replacement of windows in the pre-war modernised stock in the South district be approved;

(2) that the action taken not to charge tenants in the Sheltered Housing where double glazing had been installed be homologated, and

(3) to note that a survey would be carried out to identify single glazing in the Central and North Districts and reported to a future Housing Committee. ANNUAL SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE TO SMOKE ALARMS TO APPROXIMATELY 12,000 ELECTRICALLY HEATED PROPERTIES

32. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 13 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the annual servicing and maintenance to smoke alarms in all electrically heated properties (1) intimating that the existing contract had now lapsed; (2) outlining the background to and the need for the continuation of the service; (3) proposing that the maintenance and servicing to smoke alarms in electrically heated properties in the same specification as the previous contract be added as an extension to the contract for servicing and maintenance to gas and solid fuel heating systems; (4) indicating that the cost would be $40,080 per annum which could be contained within revenue budget, and (5) advising that the cost negotiated with Building and Roads DLO was based on the existing rates for the same service provision within the contract for servicing and maintenance to gas and solid fuel heating system, with an allowance being made for the call- out to each property.

Decided: that the contract with North Lanarkshire Council Building and Roads DLO for servicing and maintenance to gas and solid fuel heating systems be extended to include the maintenance and servicing to smoke alarms in electrically heated properties at a cost of $40,080 as detailed in the report.


33. With reference to paragraph 13 of the Minute of this Committee held on 7 May 1997 when it had been agreed that a progress report on the outcome of discussions in relation to the reliability of carbon monoxide detectors be submitted to a future meeting, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 19 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding the carbon monoxide detectors installed in the Central district and Moodiesburn Area (1) indicating that the Construction Services Department had initiated a pilot project involving the installation of 20 carbon monoxide detectors; (2) intimating the arrangements for call- outs, repairs, servicing and maintenance to carbon monoxide detectors; (3) proposing that in any future call outs involving the problematic detectors be replaced as appropriate, and (4) advising that while it was not possible to quantify the financial implications it was likely savings could be achieved by the implementation of these proposals.


(1) that approval be given to the problematic carbon monoxide detectors being replaced on an ad hoc basis with new carbon monoxide detectors to BS7860 standard as the need arose, with immediate effect up to the next round of annual heating service visits;

(2) that it be noted that the cost of the proposals would be contained within the original contract sum, and

(3) that the situation be closely monitored and that a further report be submitted to Committee prior to all problematic BRK carbon monoxide detectors being replaced en masse as a part of the annual heating service visits due to commence in April 1998.


34. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 19 November 1997 by the Director of Housing regarding notification from the Scottish Office of the Secretary of State's decision to vary the HRA Capital Allocation for 1997/98 (1) intimating that the Council's Capital Allocation for the current year had been reduced by $45,000 being a recovery of the supplementary allocation issued in August 1996 in respect of housing defects liabilities relating to the former Cumbernauld and Kilsyth District Council; (2) detailing in Appendix 2 to the report the allocation of additional resources to improve energy efficiency in the sum of $179,000, and (3) advising that the revised net allocation for 1997/98, now amounted to $12,273,000.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


35. With reference to paragraph 27 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 27 August 1997 when, inter alia, the revised Capital Programme was approved subject to (a) continued close monitoring of the Programme, and (b) further reports being submitted to Committee on any further adjustments during the remainder of the year, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 25 November 1997 by the Director of Housing in respect of a review of spending plans within the current year's HRA Capital Programme to take account of the most up-to-date projections on resources available (1) intimating that a further review of the Capital Programme was now required to ensure realignment of spending plans; (2) advising of the result of the reviews detailed in Appendix 1 in the report; (3) estimating a shortfall of $642,000 on usable capital receipts; (4) detailing all adjustments with regard to New Housing Partnership, Energy Efficiency, Mini-Estate Regeneration - Cumbernauld and Kilsyth, Mini-Estate Regeneration, former Cumbernauld Development Corporation stock, and Central and South Districts, and (5) summarising these adjustments and the revised programme by area in Appendix 2 to the report.


(1) that approval be given as outlined in the report

(a) to the apportionment of the $179,000 supplementary consent to the Area Programmes based on housing stock;

(b) to the transfer of $200,000 from Mini-Estate Regeneration to the Ro ofing Programme in Cumbernauld and Kilsyth;

(c) to the transfer of $100,000 from Mini-Estate Regeneration to the Window Programme in the former Cumbernauld Development Corporation areas;

(d) to the transfer of $85,000 within the Central District from the Roofing Programme to Tower Block Refurbishments;

(e) to the inclusion of additional works within the South District Major Repairs Programme;

(f) to the transfer of $80,000 within the South District from the Roofing Programme to Community Care, and

(g) to the revised Capital Programme as summarised at Appendix 2, on the understanding that the Programme would continue to be monitored closely, with further reports being submitted to Committee on any additional adjustments required during the remainder of the year;

(h) to the Directors of Housing and Construction Services to negotiate extensions to existing insulation contracts based on the same rates and conditions and/or negotiate competitive rates with network installers, as appropriate, to maximise spend in this financial year, and

(i) to the Head of Legal Services to finalise an offer to an owner/occupier within 1-31 Springfield Road, Cumbernauld Village, to buy back his house at sale price plus inflation and legal expenses, and (2) that it be noted that the Department would continue to negotiate with each individual owner in order to reach a resolution to this matter which would allow these works to proceed in the future financial year, and

(3) that the report be referred to the Policy and Resources Committee for consideration.




36. There was submitted a report dated 30 October 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the uPVC Window Replacement Programme 1997/98 for 196 houses, Waverley Drive, Stewarton Street, Belhaven Road, Wishaw and Glasgow Road, Craigneuk, (South Area), was that of North Lanarkshire Council, Building and Roads DLO, Bellshill, in the sum of $263,978.21; and (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing the matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 22 October 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


37. There was submitted a report dated 26 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the uPVC Window Replacement Programme 1997/98 for 201 houses, Wrangholm and Knowetop, Motherwell (South Area) was that of North Lanarkshire Council, Building and Roads DLO, Bellshill, in the sum of $251,332.74, and (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 22 October 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.



38. There was submitted a report dated 29 October 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Defective Pitched Roof (Rosemary Tiles) Programme 1997/98 for North Area, Moodiesburn, Phase 4, was that of Ailsa Building Limited, Coatbridge, in the sum of $212,198.74, and (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 27 August 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


39. With reference to the preceding paragraph, when it was noted that the lowest tender for the contract for Defective Pitched Roof (Rosemary Tiles) Programme 1997/98 for North Area, Moodiesburn Phase 4, was that of Ailsa Building Limited, Coatbridge, there was submitted a report dated 18 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services seeking Committee approval to negotiate Phase 5 of the Defective Pitched Roof Programme in the Moodiesburn Area, with Ailsa Building Limited, Coatbridge in the sum of $212,198.74 based on the same rates and conditions as Phase 4.

Decided: that the Director of Construction Services be authorised to negotiate Phase 5 of the Defective Pitched Roof Programme at Moodiesburn with successful contractor on Phase 4.


40. There was submitted a report dated 22 October 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Defective Pitched Roof (Rosemary Tiles) Programme 1997/98, Central Area, Phase 6 was that of North Lanarkshire Council, Building and Roads DLO, Bellshill, in the sum of $270,317.10, and (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 27 August 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


41. There was submitted a report dated 9 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Defective Pitched Roof (Rosemary Tiles) Programme 1997/98 - South Area, Motherwell, Phase 6, was that of North Lanarkshire Council, Building and Roads DLO, Bellshill, in the sum of $250,962.43, and (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 22 October 1997.


42. There was submitted a report dated 31 October 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Upgrading of Internal Closed Circuit TV System, Gowkthrapple, Wishaw, (South Area), was that of Scotshield Limited, Airdrie, in the sum of $294,968, and (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing with matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 22 October 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


43. There was submitted a report dated 10 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services (1) advising that the tender documents based on three towers, Netherwood, Barons and Dalziel had been issued to four contractors; (2) indicating that after consideration of the level of resources likely to be available in next year's Capital Programme it was only feasible to accommodate two towers in the current year; (3) informing that consequently it had been decided to defer proposals for Dalziel Tower meantime; (4) intimating that in order to process this tender, negotiations had taken place with the lowest tenderer for contract for three towers, Miller Construction Limited, Glasgow, who had agreed to reduce their tender on a pro rata basis using the original tender rates resulting in a new tender figure of $2,935,000.03, and (4) advising that the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 22 October 1997.


(1) that the actions of the Director of Construction Services in negotiating a reduced tender sum with the lowest tenderer for rainscreen cladding to Netherwood and Barons Tower, Muirhouse, Motherwell be homologated, and

(2) that the terms of the report be otherwise noted.


44. There was submitted a report dated 29 October 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the External Refurbishment Luing, Phase 2, Central Area, was that of North Lanarkshire Council Building and Roads, DLO, Bellshill, in the sum of $321,270.91, and (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 27 August 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.



45. With reference to paragraph 23 of the Minute of this Committee held on 22 October 1997 when authority had been given to the Director of Construction Services to negotiate with the lowest Contractor, Gilchrist and Lynn Ltd, Airdrie, for a further two blocks of overcladding and associated external works to maximise the spend this financial year for the Environmental Works, Northfield Road, Kilsyth, Phase 2, there was submitted a report dated 17 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services (1) seeking approval to accept the contract with Gilchrist and Lynn Ltd, Airdrie in the sum of $168,166.85 for the additional two blocks of Environmental Improvement Works, Northfield Road, Kilsyth, Phase 2, and (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 22 October 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


46. With reference to paragraph 26 of the Minute of this Committee held on 14 November 1997 when the Director of Construction Services had been authorised to negotiate Phase 2 of the Environmental Improvement Works at Muirhouse, with Stewart Landscapes Ltd, Glasgow to allow an early start on site and thus maximise the spend in this financial year, there was submitted a report dated 14 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) Stewart Landscapes Ltd, Glasgow, had agreed to carry out Phase 2 of the Environmental Improvement Works at Muirhouse (South Area) at the same rates and conditions as Phase 1, in the sum of $332,968.89, and (2) that the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 22 October 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


47. There was submitted a report dated 9 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Sheltered Housing, Airbles Road, Phase 2, demolitions, was that of G Beattie and Sons (Contractors) Ltd, Kilsyth, in the sum of $91,345.80, and (2) the Director of Administration was now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 22 October 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.



48. There was submitted a report dated 25 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services (1) advising that the lowest tender for the contract for the Estate Regeneration Mini Programme (Central), Northburn Place, Airdrie was that of McKenzie Construction Ltd, Glasgow, in the sum of $342,327.24, but that the budget available for this work in the current year was such that not all of the items detailed in the tender could be contained within the approved expenditure; (2) intimating that in order to progress the tender, certain items had been excluded from the contract, thus reducing the tender price to $178,439.90 by using the tendered rates whenever appropriate and pro-rata reduction in other rates, and (3) informing that the lowest tenderer by McKenzie Construction Ltd, Glasgow had agreed to carry out the contract at the revised value of $178,439.90.

Decided: that the lowest tender as amended to exclude certain external works by McKenzie Construction Ltd, Glasgow, in the sum of $178,439.90 be approved.


49. There was submitted a report dated 27 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services (1) advising that the lowest tender for the contract for the Estate Regeneration Mini Programme (Central) Annan and Endrick Courts, Coatbridge, was that of J & W Loudon Ltd, Coatbridge, in the sum of $385,403.36; (2) intimating that as there was one private owner at Annan Court, Coatbridge, steps would be taken to obtain agreement for a financial contribution from the owner and as a result the re-roofing, insulated render, controlled door entry etc for Annan Court would require to be deferred until a later financial year, and accordingly be excluded from the proposed contract with J & W Loudon Ltd, Coatbridge; (3) informing that the pro-rata cost of the remaining work would be $255,229.34 which was acceptable to the lowest tenderer, J & W Loudon Ltd, Coatbridge. Decided: that the lowest tender by J & W Loudon Ltd, Coatbridge, in the adjusted sum of $255,229.34 be approved.


50. There was submitted a report dated 18 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Estate Regeneration Mini Programme (Central), Kennedy Drive/Kippen Street, Airdrie, was that of Lanrec Contracts Ltd, Motherwell, in the sum of $168,424.06, and (2) the Director of Administration was progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 22 October 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


51. There was submitted a report dated 20 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services advising that (1) the lowest tender for the contract for the Refurbishment of Back Courts at Hilltop, Eastwood, Netherhill Roads, Laverock Terrace and Pleaknowe Crescent, Moodiesburn (North Area), was that of Land Engineering (Scotland) Ltd, Fenwick, Ayrshire, in the sum of $193,160.56, and (2) the Director of Administration is now progressing this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee on 22 October 1997.

Decided: that the terms of the report be noted.


52. With reference to paragraph 44 of the Minute of this Committee held on 27 August 1997 when it had been agreed to accept the tender from MTS (Coatbridge) Ltd, Airdrie, carry out the Fabric Improvement of BISF houses at Caldercruix and Thrashbush, Phase 3, there was submitted a report dated 25 November 1997 by the Director of Construction Services (1) seeking approval to negotiate Phase 4 of the Fabric Improvement Works to the BISF houses at Airdrie and Caldercruix, with MTS (Coatbridge) Ltd, Airdrie, in the sum of $198,610.06, the same rates and conditions as Phase 3.


(1) that the Director of Construction Services be authorised to negotiate Phase 4 of the Fabric Improvement Works of BISF houses at Airdrie and Caldercruix with the successful contractor, MTS (Coatbridge) Ltd, Airdrie, of Phase 3, and

(2) that the Director of Administration now progress this matter in line with authority granted by the Committee to allow an early start on site and thus maximise the spend this financial year.


53. With reference to paragraph 28 of the Minute of this Committee held on 22 October 1997 when it had been noted that the lowest tender for the contract for the Accommodation Unit, Homeless Initiative, 42-44 Thrashbush Quadrant, Airdrie, was that of North Lanarkshire Council Building and Roads DLO, Bellshill, in the sum of $55,132.65, there was submitted a report dated 1 December 1997 by the Director of Construction Services proposing the restoration to the project, items previously deleted (1) outlining the background to this project, which was contained within the Housing Capital Programme (HRA) 1997/98 under the Homeless Initiative Programme, with an allocation of $80,000; (2) detailing the reductions in the original contract; (3) intimating that it was now necessary to extend the contract to encompass the previously reduced items, and (4) advising that authority (a) was required to negotiate with Building and Roads, DLO, Bellshill to undertake the necessary works, and (b) was also sought for the Director of Administration, after consultation with the Convener, to accept the negotiated extension, provided it was carried out at the same rates and conditions as the original tender.


(1) that approval be given for the Director of Construction Services to negotiate the extension of the contract for the Accommodation Unit, Homeless Initiative, 42-44 Thrashbush Quadrant with the existing Contractor, and

(2) that the Director of Administration, after consultation with the Convener, be authorised to accept the negotiated extension to the contract.


54. With reference to paragraph 47 of the Minute of the meeting of this Committee held on 27 August 1997 when approval was given for the acceptance of the tender from William Watt & Son Limited, Coatbridge to carry out the __DIME__RECORD__ fffcommittee POLICY AND RESOURCES (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) SUB-COMMITTEE fffmeetdate 19970611 fffsubject Minute of meeting of POLICY AND RESOURCES (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) SUB- COMMITTEE fffrtffile NONE fffwordfile NONE fffstartpage 1 fffaccess 1 ffftext DU6 POL.RES.CDS1997M Motherwell, 11 June 1997 at 11 am.



Councillor Moran, Convener; Councillors Hebenton, McKendrick, Murphy, Robertson and Russell.


Councillor Moran (Convener) presided.


The Principal Administrative Officer, Assistant Chief Executive (Operations) and Community Development Manager.


1. With reference to paragraph 27 of the Minute of the meeting of the Economic Development Committee held on 24 April 1997 there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 24 April 1997 by the Director of Planning and Development advising members of the evaluation of the Urban Programme Funded Training Resource Bank Project after 2 years' implementation. Decided: that the contents of the report be noted.


2. With reference to paragraph 15 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 29 April 1996 there was submitted a report dated 4 June 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) advising (a) that a request had been received from One Plus, through the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), for support, in 1997, of the Airdrie/Coatbridge Lone Parent Training and Employment Initiative in Social Care, and (b) that indications were that the project had been approved in principle for 1997/98, and (2) outlining the package of funding required.


(1) that North Lanarkshire Council contribute $20,500 as detailed in the report, and

(2) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.


3. With reference to paragraph 13 of the Minute of the meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee held on 10 December 1996 there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 4 June 1997 by the Chief Executive updating information in relation to the establishment and operation of the Motherwell North Priority Partnership Area and in particular detailing (1) the management of the PPA; (2) the PPA Area Budget and the recent indication from the Scottish Office that the 70% restriction on the commitment of allocated budgets would be reviewed; (3) support available to Urban Programme Projects terminating in 1997/98 together with proposals for the transfer of existing Urban Programme Projects within the PPA Regeneration Programme; (4) the funding application process and timetable, and (5) information on the monitoring and evaluation process.


(1) that the Chief Executive and Priority Partnership Area Management Group prepare and submit to the Scottish Office the 1996/97 Annual Report and the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the Priority Partnership Area;

(2) that the 1996/97 Annual Report and the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the Priority Partnership Area be submitted to the Sub-Committee in August 1997;

(3) that the Chief Executive advise the Scottish Office that the Council does not intend to transfer any existing projects at this time but will further consider this matter as priorities are determined, and

(4) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.


4. With reference to paragraph 4 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 23 April 1997 there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 4 June 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) detailing areas eligible for Regeneration Programme funding, and (2) outlining proposals for the management of the Regeneration Programme.


(1) that the role and framework of the Regeneration Programme as detailed in the report by the Chief Executive be approved;

(2) that the Chief Executive and Management Group prepare and submit to the Scottish Office the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the Regeneration Programme;

(3) that the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the Regeneration programme be submitted to the Sub-Committee in August 1997, and

(4) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.


5. With reference to paragraph 5 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 23 April 1997 there was submitted a report dated 2 June 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) outlining proposals to fund Playschemes operating during Summer and October 1997 and the Easter holiday period in 1998, and (2) advising on applications for funding received from Playschemes wishing to operate in the Summer of 1997.


(1) that the formula for granting financial assistance to Playschemes as detailed in the report be approved, and (2) that the applications for grants from Playschemes wishing to operate during Summer 1997 be dealt with as follows:-

Group: Airdrie North Community Playscheme - PG01/97/98

Decided: Grant $708.48

Group: Kirkshaws Playscheme, Coatbridge - PG02/97/98

Decided: Grant $590.40

Group: Belvidere Playscheme, Bellshill - PG03/97/98

Decided: Grant $305.04

Group: Flowerhill Church Holiday Club, Airdrie - PG04/97/98

Decided: Grant $83.64

Group: Bellshill and Mossend YMCA Playscheme - PG05/97/98

Decided: Grant $405.90

Group: North Motherwell Playscheme - PG06/97/98

Decided: Grant $782.28

Group: Bellshill and Mossend YMCA - PG07/97/98

Decided: Grant $405.90

Group: Monklands Playscheme for Children - PG08/97/98

Decided: Grant $223.86

Group: Craigneuk and Belhaven Church Holiday Club, Wishaw - PG09/97/98

Decided: Grant $129.15

Group: Joe McKay Youth Centre Playscheme, Bellshill - PG10/97/98

Decided: Grant $1,062.72 Group: "Oot The Hoose" Project, Motherwell - PG11/97/98

Decided: Grant $324.72

Group: Eastfield Playscheme, Shotts - PG12/97/98

Decided: Grant $361.62

(Note: See paragraph 1 of Minutes of Meeting of Policy and Resources Committee of 24 June 1997).

Group: Manse Road Church Holiday Club, Motherwell - PG13/97/98

Decided: Grant $68.88

Group: Bellshill Out of School Project Playscheme - PG14/97/98

Decided: Grant Travel Passes Only

Group: The Valley Boys, Coatbridge - PG15/97/98

Decided: Grant $216.48

Group: Rosehall Environmental Group, Coatbridge - PG16/97/98

Decided: Grant $216.48

Group: Cumbernauld Toy Library - PG17/97/98

Decided: Grant $565.80

Group: "Chatabox" Children's Summer Holiday Club, Kilsyth - PG18/97/98

Decided: Grant $67.65

Group: Gowkthrapple Teenscheme, Wishaw - PG19/97/98

Decided: Grant $216.48

Group: Coatbridge Area Youth Group - PG20/97/98

Decided: Grant $324.72

Group: Muirhouse Teenscheme, Motherwell - PG21/97/98 Decided: Grant $216.48

Group: North Motherwell Summer Teenscheme - PG22/97/98

Decided: $216.48

Group: North Airdrie/Whinhall Summer Project - PG23/97/98

Decided: $216.48

Group: Moodiesburn Playscheme - PG24/97/98

Decided: Grant $246

Group: Harthill CEC - PG25/97/98

Decided: Grant $590.40

Group: OSCAR'S Summer Club, Airdrie - PG26/97/98

Decided: Grant $200

Group: Gowkthrapple Playscheme, Wishaw - PG27/97/98

Decided: Grant $440.34

Group: Springhill Playscheme, Shotts - PG28/97/98

Decided: Grant $332.10

Group: Holytown CEC Playscheme - PG29/97/98

Decided: Grant $295.20

Group: Hillview Special Needs Playscheme, Cumbernauld - PG30/97/98

Decided: Grant $277.98

Group: Glenboig/Corsewall Street CEC - PG31/97/98

Decided: Grant $324.72

Group: Kirkshaws Over 14s Group, Coatbridge - PG32/97/98

Decided: Grant $270.60

Group: Kirkshaws Under 14s Group, Coatbridge - PG33/97/98 Decided: Grant $270.60

Group: Forgewood and North Motherwell Summer Programme - PG34/97/98

Decided: Grant $147.60

Group: St. Mungo's Playscheme, Cumbernauld - PG35/97/98

Decided: Grant $319.80

Group: Forgewood Youth Project - PG36/97/98

Decided: Grant $487.08

Group: Muirfield Playscheme, Cumbernauld - PG37/97/98

Decided: Grant $1,057.80

Group: Teenscheme - PG38/97/98

Decided: Grant $378.84

Group: Motherwell YMCA Playscheme for Children with Special Needs - PG39/97/98

Decided: Grant $984

Group: YMCA/YWCA Peace of Mind Programme, Cumbernauld - PG40/97/98

Decided: Grant $885.60

Group: Kilsyth Congregational Church Activities Club - PG41/97/98

Decided: Grant $617.46

Group: Garrell Vale Playscheme, Kilsyth - PG42/97/98

Decided: Grant $177.12

Group: Orbiston Neighbourhood Centre, Bellshill - PG43/97/98

Decided: Grant $467.40

Group: Cumbernauld Theatre - PG44/97/98 Decided: No grant (application ineligible).

Group: Ethnic Junior Group Playscheme, Holytown - PG45/97/98

Decided: Grant $590.40

Group: Craigieburn Family Partnership, Cumbernauld - PG46/97/98

Decided: Grant $270.60

Group: Focus Teenscheme, Viewpark - PG47/97/98

Decided: Grant $405.90

Group: Greenhead Youth Scheme, Wishaw - PG48/97/98

Decided: Grant $253.38

Group: New Venture Youth Club, Coatbridge - PG49/97/98

Decided: Grant $578.10

Group: DISPORT, Coatbridge - PG50/97/98

Decided: Grant $388.68

Group: Cumbernauld Venture Sports Club - PG51/97/98

Decided: Grant $388.68

Group: Newmains Summer Club - PG52/97/98

Decided: Grant $349.32

Group: Glencairn Playscheme, Motherwell - PG53/97/98

Decided: Grant $405.90

Group: Monklands Activity Programme - PG54/97/98

Decided: Grant $280.44


6. With reference to paragraph 5 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 23 April 1997 advising of the Interim Community Grants Scheme Budget Allocation for 1997/98 there was submitted a report dated 3 June 1997 by the Chief Executive detailing applications for Community Grants continued from that meeting together with new applications.

Decided: that the applications for Community Grants be dealt with as follows:-


Group: Helping Hands (Saturday Work) Club, Moodiesburn - CG96/97-721

Purpose of Application: To assist with the provision of expenses for young people and the costs of meals.

Total Cost: Not Known.

Grant Requested: $2,000

Decision: Grant $300

Group: St. Andrew's Tuesday Club, Airdrie - CG96/97-761

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of Christmas Outing, Meals and Entertainment (cheque previously issued for $330).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: Not known.

Decision: No grant

Group: Springfield Over 60s Club, Airdrie - CG96/97-762

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of Christmas Treat (cheque previously issued for $400).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: No grant Group: Springfield Over 60s Club, Airdrie - CG96/97-763

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment and running costs (cheque previously issued for $410).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: No grant

Group: Coatdyke Boy's Club, Airdrie - CG96/97-765

Purpose of Application: To assist with hire of training hall and pitch lets.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Corsewall Street Community Play Group, Coatbridge - CG96/97-809

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of new equipment (cheque previously issued for $80).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $3,000

Decision: Continue

Group: Airdrie and Coatbridge Amateur Operatic Society - CG96/97-851

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of hall hire and performance costs (cheque previously issued for $450).

Total Cost: $2,300

Grant Requested: $1,500 Decision: No grant

Group: Chryston and District Horticultural Society - CG96/97-867

Purpose of Application: To assist with refurbishment of staging and costs of annual show.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $300

Group: Cuparhead Playgroup - CG96/97-876

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of replacing worn and broken equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $240

Decision: Grant $240

Group: Coatdyke Senior Citizens' Club, Airdrie - CG96/97-893

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of summer outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $250

Group: Monklands 7s Football Association, Coatbridge - CG96/97-896

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of printing, hire of venue and first aid attendants (cheque previously issued for $470).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $900

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Townhead Camera Club, Coatbridge - CG96/97-900

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of camera equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $650

Decision: Continue

Group: St. Barbara's Primary School PTA, Muirhead - CG96/97-912

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of disco equipment and play group painting scheme.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant $300

Group: Little Tots, Airdrie - CG96/97-920

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs, purchase of equipment and course fees (cheque previously issued for $60).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: No grant

Group: Burnhead Family Support Steering Group, Uddingston - CG96/97-953

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment and advertising and photocopying costs.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $200

Group: North Lanarkshire (North) Tenants and Residents Federation - CG96/97-998 Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $850

Decision: Application withdrawn

Group: Eastfield Youth Group, Harthill - CG96/97-1002

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment and cost of activity trip.

Total Cost: $570

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $100

Group: St. Margaret's High School Senior Citizens, Airdrie - CG96/97-1009

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of summer outing (cheque previously issued for $185).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant $65

Group: Gowkthrapple Steering Group, Wishaw - CG96/97-1016

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment (cheque previously issued for $100).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $350

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Lillybank Sequence Dance Club - CG96/97-1109

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment. Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $150

Group: Craigneuk and Wishawhill Credit Union, Wishaw - CG96/97-1111

Purpose of Application: To assist with additional costs towards photocopier.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Gowkthrapple Girls Group, Wishaw - CG96/97-1112

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of residential outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: Not known.

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Railway Tavern AFC, Motherwell - CG96/97-1115

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment and running costs.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $155 and continue

Group: Coatbridge 10th Scout Group - CG96/97-1133

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of camping equipment and costs of travel and training.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Continue Group: Flowerhill Senior Citizens' Club, Airdrie - CG96/97-1136

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of annual mystery outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Monklands District, Bargeddie Over 60 Bowling Club, Coatbridge - CG96/97-1160

Purpose of Application: Assist with running costs, purchase of new equipment and stationery.

Total Cost: $1,240

Grant Requested: $1,240

Decision: No grant

Group: Arthritis Care, Coatbridge Branch - CG96/97-1165

Purpose of Application: Assist with costs of "Fun Day" to celebrate Golden Jubilee (cheque previously issued for $50).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $125

Group: St. Gabriel's SVDP, Viewpark, Uddingston - CG96/97-1168

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $150

Decision: No grant

Group: Balloch/Eastfield Community Council, Cumbernauld - CG96/97-1170 Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of producing community newsletter (cheque previously issued for $100).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant $300

Group: Ingerfield Senior Citizens' Social Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-1

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of annual outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $150

Decision: Grant $150

Group: Monklands Carers Respite Group, Coatbridge - CG97/98-3

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of hosting social activity for members (cheque previously issued for $50).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $444

Decision: Grant $150

Group: Motherwell Colts Under 11s - CG97/98-4

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment and hire of training and play facilities (cheque previously issued for $150).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $800

Decision: Grant $50

Group: St. Thomas' Senior Citizens' Club, Wishaw - CG97/98-5 Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs and activities programme.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Lanarkshire Association of Burns Club - CG97/98-8

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of educational materials, medals and purchasing of trophies (previously awarded $101.80).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300/$400

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Allanton and Hartwood Senior Citizens' Centre, Shotts - CG97/98-9

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of amplifier and public address system.

Total Cost: $600

Grant Requested: Not known.

Decision: Grant $150

Group: Woodhall Thistle Amateur Football Club, Holytown - CG97/98-13

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $50

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Monklands Light Opera, Airdrie - CG97/98-14

Purpose of Application: To assist with hire cost of Caldervale High School for week's performance (cheque previously issued for $10).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,300

Decision: Grant $270

Group: Greengairs Bowling Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-16

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of heavy duty cooking equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $300 and continue to next meeting

Group: NORLAN, Wishaw - CG97/98-20

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment (cheque previously issued for $17).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $65

Decision: Continue

Group: Coatbridge Baptist Church Over 60s Fellowship - CG97/98-21

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant $250

Group: Keir Hardie Karate Club, Motherwell - CG97/98-22

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment and competition fees. Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $50

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Lanarkshire Muslim Welfare Association, Holytown - CG97/98-24

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs and expenses to host cultural and religious seminars (previously awarded $557).

Total Cost: $10,000

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $70

Group: Robert Gilson Garden Residents' Association, Coatbridge - CG97/98-25

Purpose of Application: To assist with the erection of neighbourhood watch signs.

Total Cost: $50

Grant Requested: $50

Decision: No grant

Group: Townhead Senior Citizens' Wednesday Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-26

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of summer outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $450

Decision: Grant $450

Group: Bellshill Community Council - CG97/98-27

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of hosting annual street fair (previously awarded $550). Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $900

Decision: Grant $350

Group: Moodiesburn Friendship Guild - CG97/98-28

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of summer outing (cheque previously issued for $70).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Airdrie 3rd Company Boys' Brigade - CG97/98-29

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of equipment, maintenance costs and activities programme (cheque previously issued for $50).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $50

Group: Airdrie High Church Senior Members - CG97/98-30

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of summer outing (cheque previously issued for $10).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: Not known.

Decision: Grant $20

Group: Lanarkshire Chrysanthemum, Dahlia and Horticultural Association, Coatbridge - CG97/98-32

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of hosting annual show (previously awarded $33.40).

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $20

Group: Bargeddie Food Co-Op, Coatbridge - CG97/98-33

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of fridge, cash till and general running costs.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $700

Decision: No grant

Group: St. Patrick's Women's Guild, Kilsyth - CG97/98-34

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of summer outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Residential Experience, Uddingston - CG97/98-36

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of arts materials and running costs.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Langloan After School Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-37

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of play and sports equipment.

Total Cost: Not known. Grant Requested: $500

Decision: No grant

Group: Airdrie 6th Junior Section Boys' Brigade - CG97/98-38

Purpose of Application: To assist with hire costs of football pitches.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: New Monkland 1st Junior Section Airdrie - CG97/98-39

Purpose of Application: To assist with hire costs of football pitches.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: No grant

Group: Airdrie, Coatbridge and District Junior Boys' Brigade - Football Competitions - CG97/98-40

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of direct district football competitions.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $250

Group: 7th Airdrie Boys' Brigade - CG97/98-41

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of hall lets.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $180 Group: Chryston and District Credit Union - CG97/98-42

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of promoting the Credit Union and for the purchase of equipment and stationery.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,200

Decision: Continue

Group: Wishaw Crime Prevention Panel - CG97/98-43

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of a school bullying project.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant $335

Group: St. Augustine Senior Citizens' Tuesday Club (Ladies) - CG97/98-44

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of a summer outing, meal and dancing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: No Grant

Group: Kirkintilloch Speakers' Club - CG97/98-45

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of expenses for the annual contest and to cover the costs of administration, postage and engraving of trophies.

Total Cost: Not known. Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $60

Group: Chapelhall Community Council - CG97/98-46

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of office equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $500

Group: Dellets Angling Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-47

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of teaching young people fishing and to assist with the cost of transport.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant $235

Group: Greengairs Luncheon Club - CG97/98-48

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of a summer outing and a meal.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $50

Group: St. Vincent de Paul Society, Glenboig - CG97/98-49

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of summer outing and high tea.

Total Cost: $450

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $300 Group: Moodiesburn and District Retired NUM Branch - CG97/98-50

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of transport.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant $220

Group: Jackson Court Senior Citizens, Airdrie - CG97/98-51

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of summer outing and a meal.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $360

Decision: Grant $250

Group: St. Ignatius Church: Social and Finance Committee, Wishaw - CG97/98-52

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of summer fete.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $200

Group: St. Ignatius Primary School Parents' and Guardians' Association, Wishaw - CG97/98-53

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of upgrading the stage lighting.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant $400

Group: St. Ignatius School Board - CG97/98-54 Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a sound system for the stage area.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant $400

Group: Motherwell Crime Prevention Panel - CG97/98-55

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a scanner to help with a magazine.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $350

Decision: Grant $320 and continue

Group: Airdrie Service Club - CG97/98-56

Purpose of Application: To assist with the senior members annual dinner and dance.

Total Cost: $1,300

Grant Requested: $800

Decision: Grant $400

Group: Coatdyke Senior Citizens' Lunch Club - CG97/98-54

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a summer outing and a meal.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: No grant

Group: Monklands Historical Society - CG97/98-58

Purpose of Application: To assist with the printing and production costs of the Society magazine.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $816 Decision: Grant $120

Group: North Motherwell Senior Citizens' Club - CG97/98-59

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of outings and visits to the theatre.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Motherwell YMCA (Cafe/Tea Room/Luncheon Club) - CG97/98-60

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a cooker, crockery and a carpet and bowls.

Total Cost: $800

Grant Requested: $800

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Chryston Playgroup - CG97/98-61

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of equipment, summer outings, musical instruments and craft materials.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $280

Decision: No grant

Group: Unitas Court Residents' Association, Mossend - CG97/98-62

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a garden project.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $125 Group: Kirkshaws Luncheon Club - CG97/98-63

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing.

Total Cost: $280

Grant Requested: $150

Decision: No grant

Group: Joe McKay Youth Centre, Bellshill - CG97/98-64

Purpose of Application: To assist with administration costs and to purchase musical discs for the dance evenings.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $500

Group: St. Mungo's Senior Fellowship, Cumbernauld - CG97/98-65

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of summer outings, church let and stationery.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $150

Group: Motherwell Colts Under 10s - CG97/98-66

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: No grant

Group: First Force Group, Airdrie - CG97/98-67

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of purchasing a tape recorder, stationery costs, an outing, aromatherapy oils and relaxation books and tapes.

Total Cost: $860

Grant Requested: $710

Decision: Grant $160

Group: Parents and Children Support Project, Motherwell - CG97/98-68

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs.

Total Cost: $1,275

Grant Requested: $1,075

Decision: Withdrawn

Group: Star Turns Concert Party Group, Viewpark - CG97/98-69

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of a new sound reproduction and associated equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant $300

Group: Senior Citizens' Club, Wishawhill - CG97/98-70

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of an outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $200

Group: The Boys' Brigade Lanarkshire District - CG97/98-71 Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of The Queens Badge Certificate.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $140

Group: 7th Coatbridge Boys' Brigade - Anchor Boys - CG97/98-72

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: No grant

Group: Babes "R" Us Girls' Group, Muirhouse - CG97/98-73

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of sports equipment, arts and crafts material and jewellery making equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: Not known.

Decision: Grant $50

Group: St. James' OAP Sequence Dancing - CG97/98-75

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of music centre and day outings.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $800

Decision: Grant $400

Group: Central Over 50s, Shotts - CG97/98-76

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of previous hall lets and future rental charges. Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Bellshill Boys' Club Centre - CG97/98-77

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of entering a competition in Ireland.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Plains Playgroup - CG97/98-78

Purpose of Application: To assist with the Playleader's expenses.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant $250

Group: Over 60s Monday Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-79

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of an outing and coffee.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $240

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Royal National Institute for the Blind - CG97/98-80

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of providing talking book players and tapes for elderly people.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500 Decision: Grant $212 and continue

Group: Four Isles Senior Citizens, Airdrie - CG97/98-81

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of an outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $150

Decision: Grant $150

Group: Glenboig Senior Citizens' Association - CG97/98-82

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of an annual summer outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant $300

Group: The Neutral Zone, Wishaw - CG97/98-83

Purpose of Application: To assist with the initial start up cost.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $300

Group: St. James' Parish Council, Coatbridge - CG97/98-84

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of an outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: No grant

Group: Carfin Harp Amateur Football Club, Newarthill - CG97/98-85 Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of hall lets for training.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: No grant

Group: Craigneuk Nursery Centre - CG97/98-86

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of phase 2 of the garden project.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $800

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Caldercruix OAP Association - CG97/98-87

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of summer outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Kirk O'Shotts Primary School Board - CG97/98-88

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of the Spring Fair.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Gartlea Garden Social Club - CG97/98-89

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing and high tea. Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $450

Decision: Grant $450

Group: Plains OAP and Unemployed Line Dance Class - CG97/98-90

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of hall hire.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $100

Group: 4th Coatbridge Girls' Brigade - CG97/98-91

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of an outdoor activity weekend.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: No grant

Group: Lillybank Senior Citizens' Indoor Bowling Club - CG97/98-92

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of equipment and hall charges.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: No grant

Group: Mossend Boys' Club Under 10s - CG97/98-93

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of footballs.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $80

Decision: Grant $80 Group: Cumbernauld Village Senior Citizens' - CG97/98-94

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of a trip and meal on the sludge boat.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $300

Group: Unitas Court Senior Citizens - CG97/98-95

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of summer outing, Christmas dinner and concert for residents.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant $125

Group: Holy Family Parochial Hall Committee - CG97/98-96

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of sports equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $400

Group: Strathview Residents' Association - CG97/98-97

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of upgrading surrounding garden areas.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $500

Group: Airdrie St. John's Senior Citizens' Club - CG97/98-98

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an annual outing.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $750

Decision: Grant $355

Group: Holehill Music and Youth Club - CG97/98-99

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of music equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $150

Group: Columba Outdoor Group, Cumbernauld - CG97/98-100

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of transport.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant $100

Group: Salsburgh Structured Play - CG97/98-101

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment, storage cupboard and to cover general running costs and repairs.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: No grant

Group: Shotts and District Volunteer Addiction Group - CG97/98-102

Purpose of Application: To assist with start-up costs.

Total Cost: $338.68 Grant Requested: $338.68

Decision: Grant $150

Group: Caldercruix Gala Day Committee - CG97/98-103

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of running Gala and to assist with the purchase of equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant $350

Group: Carrick Youth Club, Wishaw - CG97/98-104

Purpose of Application: To assist with start-up costs.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $350

Decision: Grant $200

Group: Auchengeich Residents' Association - CG97/98-105

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing and purchase of equipment.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $300

Group: Cumbernauld Youth Theatre - CG97/98-106

Purpose of Application: To assist in the purchase of two sets of face paints.

Total Cost: Not known.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant $300 Group: 6th Coatbridge Guide __DIME__RECORD__ fffcommittee POLICY AND RESOURCES (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) SUB-COMMITTEE fffmeetdate 19970312 fffsubject Minute of meeting of POLICY AND RESOURCES (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) SUB- COMMITTEE fffrtffile NONE fffwordfile NONE fffstartpage 1 fffaccess 1 ffftext DU3 POL.RES.CDS1997M Motherwell, 12 March 1997 at 11 am.



Councillor Moran, Convener; Councillors E. Burns, Combe, Hebenton, Lafferty, McKendrick, McLaughlin, Murphy and Pentland.


Councillor Moran (Convener) presided.


The Principal Administrative Officer and Assistant Chief Executive (Operations).


Councillors H. McGuigan, Robertson and Russell.


1. With reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of the meeting of the Economic Development Committee held on 23 January 1997, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 23 December 1996 by the Director of Planning and Development (1) detailing the background to Community Enterprise Motherwell, an Urban Programme Funded Project, and (2) outlining (a) action taken to date, and (b) future action proposed to wind-down the Project on termination of Urban Programme funding.

Decided: that the Sub-Committee note the contents of the report.


2. There was submitted a report dated 25 February 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) summarising the progress made to date in developing a North Lanarkshire wide database of voluntary organisations; (2) highlighting the advantages of joint development and ownership of a database involving both the Council and key voluntary organisations, and (3) advising that Monklands Association for Voluntary Service, on behalf of the voluntary sector consortium involved, had requested a grant of $1,000 to develop the voluntary organisations database.


(1) that a grant of $1,000 be made to Monklands Association for Voluntary Service from the 1996/97 Voluntary Organisations Grants Budget for the development of a voluntary organisations database, and

(2) that the contents of the report be otherwise noted.


3. There was submitted a report dated 4 March 1997 by the Chief Executive advising that Glenboig 2000, a community based organisation, had requested funding of $8,000 to develop a small community resource base at 6 Centre Street, Glenboig in order to enable the development of community projects.


(1) that a grant of $8,000 be made to Glenboig 2000, and

(2) that the contents of the report be otherwise noted.


4. With reference to paragraph 2 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 20 September 1996, there was submitted a report dated 4 March 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) reminding members of the approved formula for funding playschemes operating during 1996/97; (2) detailing support provided to date, and (3) intimating that grant applications had been received for Playschemes wishing to operate during Easter 1997.

Decided: that the applications for grants to Playschemes wishing to operate during Easter 1997 be dealt with as follows, subject to appropriate technical checks and receipt of outstanding information:-

Group: Hillview Special Needs Playscheme, Cumbernauld - PG01/96/97

Decision: Grant of $119.18

Group: North Motherwell Playscheme, Motherwell - PG03/96/97

Decision: Grant of $139.38

Group: Joe McKay Playscheme, Bellshill - PG05/96/97

Decision: Grant of $111.10

Group: Belvidere Playscheme, Bellshill - PG06/96/97

Decision: Grant of $161.60

Group: Helping Hands Holiday Club, Airdrie - PG07/96/97

Decision: Grant of $131.30

Group: Springhill Playscheme, Shotts - PG08/96/97

Decision: Grant of $161.60

Group: Ethnic Junior Group, Motherwell - PG11/96/97

Decision: Grant of $121.20

Group: New Venture Club, Coatbridge - PG12/96/97

Decision: Grant of $208.06

Group: Monklands Playscheme for Children with Special Needs, Airdrie - PG15/96/97

Decision: Grant of $161.60 Group: Brandon Crew, Coatbridge - PG18/96/97

Decision: Grant of $22.22

Group: Oasis Mad, Coatbridge - PG19/96/97

Decision: Grant of $88.88

Group: Kellock Girls, Coatbridge - PG20/96/97

Decision: Grant of $44.44

Group: Kirkshaws Over 14s, Coatbridge - PG22/96/97

Decision: Grant of $44.44

Group: Kirkshaws Under 14s, Coatbridge - PG23/96/97

Decision: Grant of $88.88

Group: Kirkshaws Playscheme, Coatbridge - PG25/96/97

Decision: Grant of $252.50

Group: Cumbernauld Toy Library, Cumbernauld - PG31/96/97

Decision: Grant of $215.73

Group: Oscars Summer Club, Airdrie - PG34/96/97

Decision: Grant of $197.96

Group: Muirfield Playscheme, Cumbernauld - PG36/96/97

Decision: Grant of $199.98

Group: YMCA-YWCA Peace of Mind Programme, Cumbernauld - PG38/96/97

Decision: Grant of $181.80

Group: Glenboig/Corsewall Street Playscheme, Coatbridge - PG39/96/97

Decision: Grant of $133.32 Group: Focus Youth Project Teenscheme, Viewpark - PG40/96/97

Decision: Grant of $121.20

Group: Newmains Summer Club, Wishaw - PG41/96/97

Decision: Grant of $109.08

Group: Airdrie North Community Playscheme - PG43/96/97

Decision: Grant of $199.98

Group: Monklands Activity Programme, Coatbridge - PG45/96/97

Decision: Grant of $109.08

Group: Greenhead Playscheme, Wishaw - PG46/96/97

Decision: Grant of $272.70

Group: Motherwell YMCA Out of School, Motherwell - PG49/96/97

Decision: Grant of $101.00

Group: Moodiesburn Playscheme, Moodiesburn - PG50/96/97

Decision: Grant of $56.56

Group: Disport Playscheme, Coatbridge - PG51/96/97

Decision: Grant of $228.26

Group: Glencairn Playscheme, Motherwell - PG52/96/97

Decision: Grant of $111.10

Group: Gowkthrapple Playscheme, Wishaw - PG58/96/97

Decision: Grant of $139.38

Group: Orbiston Neighbourhood Centre, Bellshill - PG59/96/97

Decision: Grant of $220.18 Group: Moodiesburn Playscheme, Moodiesburn - PG60/96/97

Decision: Grant of $56.56

Group: South Dalziel Church, Motherwell - PG61/96/97

Decision: Grant of $68.68


5. With reference to paragraph 7 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 22 January 1997, there was submitted a report dated 5 March 1997 by the Chief Executive detailing applications for Community Grants continued from the meetings on 10 July 1996, 28 August 1996, 20 September 1996, 9 October 1996, 20 November 1996, 12 December 1996, and 22 January 1997 together with new applications.

Decided: that the applications for Community Grants be dealt with as follows:-


Group: Shotts Local History Group - CG96/97-009

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of publishing a book on the 100 years of Hartwood Hospital (including proof reading, typing draft copy and printing).

Total Cost: $11,000

Grant Requested: $8,000 (cheque previously issued for $150).

Decision: Grant of $90

Group: Springhill Pensioners' Club - CG96/97-49

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of crockery and cutlery.

Total Cost: $300

Grant Requested: $150 (cheque previously issued for $100).


Group: Springhill Playgroup - CG96/97-73

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of items for the Playgroup (tables, chairs, toys etc.).

Total Cost: $1,400

Grant Requested: $150 (cheque previously issued for $50).

Decision: Grant of $50

Group: The Glenmavis Activity Group - CG96/97-105

Purpose of Application: To assist with the provision of social evenings and entertainment.

Total Cost: $800

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $50


Group: 3rd Shotts Scout Group - CG96/97- 115

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of replacement fire doors.

Total Cost: $960

Grant Requested: $660 (cheque previously issued for $150).

Decision: Grant of $50

Group: Shotts Under 12 Youth Club - CG96/97-130

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment (Sports/Games, Arts and Crafts).

Total Cost: $540

Grant Requested: $500 (cheque previously issued for $150). Decision: Grant of $25

Group: Lanarkshire and Lothian Fife Fancy Canary Club - CG96/97-182

Purpose of Application: To assist with the general running costs for the year and help with Show costs.

Total Cost: $500

Grant Requested: $250 (cheque previously issued for $130).

Decision: Grant of $30

Group: Greengairs Parish Church - CG96/97-209

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas dinner.

Total Cost: $500

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $50

Group: Shotts and Dykehead Caledonian Pipe Band - CG96/97-233

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of material for new kilts and new dress sporrans.

Total Cost: $1,500

Grant Requested: $1,500 (cheque previously issued for $900).

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Shotts Thursday Youth Club - CG96/97-239

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of exchange visit.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $800 (cheque previously issued for $50).

Decision: Grant of $65 Group: Harthill Mothers and Toddlers - CG96/97-248

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of new toys and safety mats.

Total Cost: $500

Grant Requested: $500 (cheque previously issued for $100).

Decision: Grant of $100


Group: Neilsland Hall Mens' Fellowship - CG96/97-111

Purpose of Application: To purchase a loop hearing system.

Total Cost: $800

Grant Requested: $800 (cheque previously issued for $300).

Decision: Grant of $25

Group: Glenmavis Playgroup - CG96/97-294

Purpose of Application: To assist in the replacement of equipment.

Total Cost: $1,300

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant of $275

Group: Friends of Thornlie - CG96/97-292

Purpose of Application: To assist in the costs of various outings.

Total Cost: $3,500

Grant Requested: $1,000 (cheque previously issued for $100).

Decision: Grant of $500

(5) APPLICATIONS CONTINUED FROM MEETING ON 20 NOVEMBER 1996 Group: Overtown and Waterloo Community Council - CG96/97-242

Purpose of Application: To assist with purchase of new disco equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,700 (cheque previously issued for $100).

Decision: No grant

Group: Shotts Gaels Gaelic Football and Camogie Club - CG96/97-261

Purpose of Application: To assist with the financial burden on the Club and purchase equipment.

Total Cost: $800

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant of $260

Group: St. Patrick's Parish Band - CG96/97- 341

Purpose of Application: To assist with the general annual running costs (transport, heat, light, hall maintenance etc.).

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500 (cheque previously issued for $500).

Decision: Grant of $550

Group: Bargeddie Over 60's Bowling Club - CG96/97-384

Purpose of Application: To assist in the provision of crockery, bus trip and an outing.

Total Cost: $1,256.78

Grant Requested: $1,256.78

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Arthritis Care Wishaw and District Branch - CG96/97-412

Purpose of Application: To enable the Branch to continue and expand its service to the community.

Total Cost: $2,000

Grant Requested: $1,500 (cheque previously issued for $320).

Decision: Grant of $1,180

Group: Glenmavis Old People's Welfare Committee - CG96/97-422

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas treat.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $450

Decision: Grant of $50

Group: Eastfield and Harthill Amateur Flute Band - CG96/97-467

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of new instruments and repair of existing equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $600 (cheque previously issued for $300).

Decision: No grant

Group: Shotts Golf Club Junior Section - CG96/97-469

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of transport.

Total Cost: $500

Grant Requested: $400 (cheque previously issued for $160).

Decision: Grant of $140

Group: Millbrae and Glen Court Tenants' Association - CG96/97-496

Purpose of Application: To assist in the purchase of toys etc. for Mothers/Toddlers Group and administration and running costs.

Total Cost: $400 Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $100


Group: Greengairs Pre-5 Playgroup - CG96/97-102)

Purpose of Application: To assist in the purchase of equipment.

Total Cost: $2,296

Grant Requested: $1,500 (Cheque previously issued for $250)

Decision: Grant of $275

Group: Airdrie St. John Senior Citizens' Club - CG96/97-604

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas treat.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant of $20

Group: Lanarkshire Self-Help Group for Depressives - CG96/97-655

Purpose of Application: To implement the aims of the Group.

Total Cost: $1,452

Grant Requested: $726 (cheque previously issued for $625).

Decision: Grant of $50

Group: St. Dominic's Senior Citizens' Committee - CG96/97-681

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas show.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $500 Decision: Grant of $50


Group: East Shotts Residents' Association - CG96/97-60

Purpose of Application: To assist in the purchase of stationery and administration and hall let costs.

Total Cost: $483.31

Grant Requested: $483.31

Decision: No grant

Group: New Stevenston Senior Citizens' Centre - CG96/97-321

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment (dishwasher machine and kitchen serving trolley).

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $1,200

Group: Greenhill Elderly Social Club, Coatbridge - CG96/97-451

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment.

Total Cost: $1,220

Grant Requested: $1,220

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Clydeview School Band - CG96/97- 532

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of replacement mini-bus.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500 (cheque previously issued for $400).

Decision: No grant Group: Burnhead Parish Church - CG96/97- 540

Purpose of Application: To assist with the repair and maintenance of the Church.

Total Cost: $50,000

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Broomknoll Parish Church, Airdrie - CG96/97-584

Purpose of Application: To assist in the purchase of a mechanical stairlift.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $5,000 (cheque previously issued for $470).

Decision: Grant of $60

Group: St. Michael's Addiction Group - CG96/97-660

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs until the end of the financial year.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,000 (cheque previously issued for $500).

Decision: No grant

Group: Lorne Gardens Social Club - CG96/97-674

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of Christmas Treat.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $340

Decision: No grant

Group: Calderhead Playgroup - CG96/97-696

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment. Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $600 (Cheque previously issued for $100)

Decision: Grant of $50

Group: Springhill Playgroup - CG96/97-698

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment.

Total Cost: $767.15

Grant Requested: $600 (cheque previously issued for $50)

Decision: Grant of $50

Group: Lanarkshire Cancer Care Trust - CG96/97-708

Purpose of Application: To assist in the publishing of publicity material.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500 (cheque previously issued for $545).

Decision: Grant of $80

Group: Our Lady and St. Helen's Club - CG96/97-718

Purpose of Application: Assistance with running costs.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,240 (cheque previously issued for $283).

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Helping Hands Club (Saturday Work Project) - CG96/97-721

Purpose of Application: To assist with the provision of a wage for young people in the project and to supply their meals.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $2,000 (cheque previously issued for $50). Decision: Continue to 1997/98

Group: High Coats and Dunbeth Senior Citizens' Group - CG96/97-729

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas treat.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $75

Group: North Airdrie Community Project - CG96/97-732

Purpose of Application: To assist with residential training for Management Committee.

Total Cost: $800

Grant Requested: $400 (cheque previously issued for $150).

Decision: Grant of $80

Group: Airdrie North Community Transport - CG96/97-751

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of road tax and vehicle insurance.

Total Cost: $1,240

Grant Requested: $1,240 (cheque previously issued for $600).

Decision: Grant of $250

Group: St. Patrick's Picnic Group - CG96/97- 753

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an annual excursion.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,000 (cheque previously issued for $300).

Decision: Grant of $50

Group: NSPS Parent Teacher Association, Holytown - CG96/97-755 Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of plants and garden equipment for wildlife project.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $250 (cheque previously issued for $50).

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Motherwell Miners' Boys Club - CG96/97-759

Purpose of Application: To assist in the update of mini-bus and equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,000 (cheque previously issued for $200).

Decision: Grant of $350


Group: North Motherwell Football Team - CG96/97-758

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of rejoining the league.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: No grant

Group: Oot the Hoose Project, Motherwell - CG96/97-760

Purpose of Application: To assist the Youth Committee to establish a well structured educational, social and recreational drop-in cafe/facility.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $250

Group: St. Andrew's Tuesday Club - CG96/97 -761 Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas outing, meals and entertainment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $330 on the understanding that the organisation be advised that the application would be otherwise considered further.

Group: Springfield Over 60 Club - CG96/97- 762

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs to provide members with a Christmas treat.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $400 on the understanding that the organisation be advised that the application would be otherwise considered further.

Group: Springfield Over 60 Club - CG96/97- 763

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of purchasing equipment and administration and running costs.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant of $410 on the understanding that the organisation be advised that the application would be otherwise considered further.

Group: Senior Citizens' and Early Retirement Group - CG96/97-764

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a bingo machine.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Continue to 1997/98 Group: Coatdyke Boys' Club - CG96/97-765

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs for training halls and parks.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Continue

Group: St. Mary's RC Church, Cleland - CG96/97-766

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of general upkeep of Church.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue

Group: Chapelside Women's Group - CG96/97-767

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of demonstrator's fees and materials.

Total Cost: $653.80

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Cumbernauld Toy Library - CG96/97- 768

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of toys and equipment for storage.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,124.14

Decision: Grant of $963

Group: Lanarkshire Welfare Amateur Boxing Club - CG96/97-769

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of sports equipment and general maintenance.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500 Decision: Grant of $875

Group: Seafar Villa Boys' Club, Cumbernauld - CG96/97-770

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of a football trip.

Total Cost: $6,240

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: No grant

Group: Stepps Friends of Guiding - CG96/97- 771

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of replacing windows on one side of guide hut.

Total Cost: $1,500

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $150

Group: Gowkthrapple Youth Group - CG96/97-772

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a disco.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: James Dempsey Gardens Social Club - CG96/97-773

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a meal and social evening.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $238

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Dowanfield Community Nursery - CG96/97-774

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of training fees.

Total Cost: - Grant Requested: $773.50

Decision: Grant of $410

Group: Dykehead Amateur Flute Band - CG96/97-775

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of competing in Ireland

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $1,000

Group: North Airdrie Women's Craft Group - CG96/97-776

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of materials, repairs and stationery.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Cumbernauld Village Stain Glass Window Committee - CG96/97-777

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of installing a stain glass window in the Old Parish Church.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $350

Group: CRUSE - Bereavement Care - CG96/97-778

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of counselling and offering information and social support to the bereaved.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $577 Group: Friends of Golfhill - CG96/97-779

Purpose of Application: To assist with expenditure incurred and equipment required.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,014

Decision: Grant of $250

Group: Muirhouse Play Group - CG96/97- 780

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of materials for group.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Cedar Road Play Group - CG96/97- 781

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,582

Decision: Grant of $1,141

Group: Friendship Bubble Club - CG96/97- 782

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: St. James Monday Club - CG96/97- 783

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of a belated Christmas dinner.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $150

Decision: Grant of $150 Group: Link Play Group - CG96/97-784

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of equipment for children with learning difficulties.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $680

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Muirfield Toddlers - CG96/97-786

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $350

Decision: Continue

Group: Muirfield Playgroup - CG96/97-787

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of equipment

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Continue

Group: Muirfield Out of School Care - CG96/97-788

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a CCTV and controlled entry system.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Continue

Group: Stairway Youth Club - CG96/97-789

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of sports equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $150 Group: Cumbernauld History Society - CG96/97-790

Purpose of Application: To host symposium in Cumbernauld (a day conference with 3-4 professional historians/archaeologists).

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $864 on the understanding that the organisation be advised that the application would be otherwise considered further.

Group: The Thursday Club, Motherwell - CG96/97-791

Purpose of Application: To enable the Committee to provide a wider choice of activities.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,108

Decision: Grant of $400

Group: Bargeddie Pensioner Wednesday Club - CG96/97-792

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of a Christmas dinner and weekly bus.

Total Cost: $840

Grant Requested: $790

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Jigsaw Parent and Toddler Group - CG96/97-793

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost to replace old toys and purchase new toys.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $295

Group: Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Workplace Communities Nursery - CG96/97-794 Purpose of Application: To assist with offset rent costs for Forge Community Halls.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $745

Decision: Continue

Group: Monkland Carers Respite Group - CG96/97-795

Purpose of Application: To assist with hire of hall.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $296

Decision: Grant of $296

Group: Craigneuk Project for the Elderly - CG96/97-796

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of hall lets.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $640.10

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Craigneuk and Wishawhill News Sheet Committee - CG96/97-797

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of producing and distributing a news sheet covering adult education and informing residents of community activities.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Honeypot Nursery, Chryston - CG96/97-798

Purpose of Application: To undertake urgent work within the nursery premises.

Total Cost: $4,118

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Continue Group: Langlands Pre-School Group - Play Group - CG96/97-799

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of mobile storage units for paper and arts and crafts.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $350

Group: Langlands Pre-School Group - Mothers/Toddlers - CG96/97-800

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of activity equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant of $350

Group: Langlands Pre-School Group - Rising Fives - CG96/97-801

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of storage equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $800

Decision: Grant of $350

Group: Kildrum Community Council - CG96/97-802

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a photocopier.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $750

Decision: Grant of $350

Group: Chryston Community Council - CG96/97-803

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of insuring their premises. Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $165

Group: Loretto Tenants' Association - CG96/97-804

Purpose of Application: To assist with the administration costs and purchase of equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $80

Decision: Grant of $80

Group: Luing Tenants and Residents' Association - CG96/97-805

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: No grant

Group: Rochsoles Senior Citizens' Group - CG96/97-806

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of Christmas Dinner and entertainment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Wishawhill Social Group - CG96/97- 807

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hall lets.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Coatbridge Baptist Church Over Sixties Fellowship - CG96/97-808 Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of Summer outing.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Continue to 1997/98

Group: Corsewall Street Community Playgroup - CG96/97-809

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of new toys, learning tools, play mats etc. and educational trips.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $3,000

Decision: Grant of $80 on the understanding that the organisation be advised that the application would be otherwise considered further.

Group: New Stevenston and District Garden Club - CG96/97-810

Purpose of Application: To assist with speaker's expenses, lets of meeting places, purchase of trophies and general running costs.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $100 on the understanding that the organisation be advised that the application would be otherwise considered further.

Group: St. Bernadette's Hall Committee - CG96/97-811

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of tables.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant of $825 on the understanding that the organisation be advised that the application would be otherwise considered further.

Group: Drumpark Parent Teachers' Association - CG96/97-812

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of materials and equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $1,500

Group: Roughrigg Angling Association - CG96/97-813

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an access for the disabled anglers and a boat for the disabled.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Cumbernauld Village Playgroup and Mother and Toddlers - CG96/97-814.

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of replacement dressing-up outfits and toys and the purchase of ethnic costumes and activity cube.

Total Cost: $600

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Action for Safe Play - CG96/97-815

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs, i.e. stationery and expenses.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Overtown Brighter Village Association - CG96/97-816

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas lights project.

Total Cost: - Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant of $1,000

Group: St. Mary's Youth Hall - CG96/97-817

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of repairs required to hall.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Bellshill and Mossend Bowling Club - CG96/97-818

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of adjustable tables.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Bellshill and Mossend Bowling Club Junior Section - CG96/97-819

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a set of bowls.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $50

Group: Afton Gardens Sheltered Housing - CG96/97-820

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of arts and crafts materials and a sewing machine.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $350

Group: St. Bernard's Primary Parent Teachers' Association - CG96/97-821 Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of stage lighting for the School.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Continue

Group: Balloch Eastfield Boys' Club - CG96/97-822

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of training equipment.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $400

Group: Glenmanor Parents' Association - CG96/97-823

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of computers.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: St. Thomas' Senior Citizens' Club - CG96/97-824

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Summer outing.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Harthill Royal Junior Football Club - CG96/97-825

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of training equipment and nets.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $100 Group: Netherdale Community Youth Club - CG96/97-826

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $400

Group: Muirhouse Good Neighbours - CG96/97-827

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Summer outing.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $600

Group: Muirhouse Lunch Club - CG96/97- 828

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a dishwasher.

Total Cost: $800

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant of $600

Group: Dunbeth Boys' Club - CG96/97-829

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a fitness assessment for all members.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant of $195

Group: Overtown Primary School Board - CG96/97-830

Purpose of Application: To assist with cost of educational trips for children.

Total Cost: - Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Wishawhill Carpet Bowls - CG96/97- 831

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hall lets and a mini-bus for away games.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: CARTE (Coatbridge Adult Return to Education) - CG96/97-832

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of a range of courses for the Community.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $465

Group: Crossroads Cumbernauld - CG96/97- 833

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a computer and printer.

Total Cost: $1,500

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $640

Group: Mossend Bowling Club - CG96/97- 834

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of catering and hospitality for semi-finals in July 1997.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $193 Group: Plains OAP Embroidery and Craft Class - CG96/97-835

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of expenses and materials for crafts and sewing.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Continue to 1997/98

Group: St. Patrick's Amateur Opera Group - CG96/97-836

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of the Show.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant of $900

Group: Holy Trinity Bowling and Recreational Club - CG96/97-837

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a bowling carpet, bowls and skittles.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant of $400

Group: Cedar Road Mothers and Toddlers - CG96/96-838

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of tables, chairs, blackboards, slide and the costs of School bus and petrol pump.

Total Cost: $753

Grant Requested: $753

Decision: Grant of $710

Group: St. James' Primary Parent Teachers' Association - CG96/97-839

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase and installation of a PA System in the School.

Total Cost: $750 Grant Requested: $750

Decision: Grant of $750

Group: St. Te resa's Parents' Association - CG96/97-840

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of decorating the gala float.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Netherton Primary School Board - CG96/97-841

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of School trips.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: St. Barbara's Pro-Life Innocent Cell - CG96/97-842

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of layettes for new-born babies.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Gr ant of $200

Group: St. Andrew's Church, Harthill - CG96/97-843

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a major restoration project on the main Church building.

Total Cost: $25,000

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Muirhouse Primary School Board - CG96/97-844

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of recording equipment to supplement the present music scheme.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Benhar - CG96/97-845

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: -

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Addiction Service - CG96/97-846

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of sound- proofing of counselling rooms.

Total Cost: $1,000

Grant Requested: $750

Decision: Continue

Group: Plains Youth Information Project - CG96/97-847

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of tools and equipment for workshop for unemployed club.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $250

Group: Eastfield and Harthill Amateur Flute Band - CG96/97-848

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of competing in the World Champions Contest in Ireland.

Total Cost: $2,500 Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: St. Mary's Primary School Board, Cleland - CG96/97-849

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of tuned musical instruments.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Greenrigg, Harthill and Eastfield OAP Association - CG96/97-850

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Summer bus tour and meal.

Total Cost: -

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Airdrie and Coatbridge Amateur Operatic Society - CG96/97-851

Purpose of Application: To assist with costs of hall hire for performance and rehearsals.

Total Cost: $2,300

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $450 on the understanding that the organisation be advised that the application would be otherwise considered further.

Group: Newmains and District Old Age Pensioners' Association - CG96/97-852

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an annual __DIME__RECORD__ fffcommittee POLICY AND RESOURCES (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) SUB-COMMITTEE fffmeetdate 19971126 fffsubject Minute of meeting of POLICY AND RESOURCES (COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT) SUB- COMMITTEE fffrtffile NONE fffwordfile NONE fffstartpage 1 fffaccess 1 ffftext DU9 POL.RES.CDS1997M Motherwell, 26 November 1997 at 11 am.



Councillor Moran, Convener; Councillors Barrie, Chadha, Gormill, Hebenton, Leitch, McKendrick, McKeown, Maginnis, Pentland and Robertson.


Councillor Moran (Convener) presided.


The Principal Administrative Officer, Community Development Manager and Economic Development Manager.


Councillor E. Burns, Combe, Ross and Russell.



1. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Airdrie Area Committee held on 28 October 1997.

Decided: that the Minute be approved.


2. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Cumbernauld Area Committee held on 28 October 1997.

Decided: that the Minute be approved. (3) MOTHERWELL AREA COMMITTEE OF 29 OCTOBER 1997

3. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Motherwell Area Committee held on 29 October 1997.

Decided: that the Minute be approved.


4. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Wishaw and Newmains Area Committee held on 29 October 1997.


(1) that the Minute be approved, and

(2) that an additional grant of $200 be made to Central Wishaw Community Council (CG97/98-350) thus making a total grant of $650.


5. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Kilsyth and Villages Area Committee held on 29 October 1997.

Decided: that the Minute be approved.


6. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Bellshill Area Committee held on 30 October 1997.

Decided: that the Minute be approved, subject to the addition of Councillor Hebenton's name to the list of Members who had submitted apologies.


7. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Coatbridge Area Committee held on 4 November 1997.

Decided: that the Minute be approved.


8. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Shotts and Harthill Area Committee held on 4 November 1997.

Decided: that the Minute be approved.


9. There was submitted the Minute of the meeting of the Moodiesburn (Northern Corridor) Area Committee held on 4 November 1997.

Decided: that the Minute be approved.

The Convener exercised his discretion to alter the order of business as hereunder minuted.


10. Under reference to paragraph 17 of the Minute of the meeting of the Economic Development Committee held on 9 October 1997, when that Committee approved, for its interest as principal revenue and capital funders of the present four CCTV Trusts, the draft Memorandum and Articles of Association of North Lanarkshire CCTV Limited, subject to the Company effecting adequate liability insurance in respect of all of its Directors, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 26 November 1997 by the Director of Planning and Development (1) advising that the Scottish Office had invited bids by 28 November 1997 for a share of $1.5 million CCTV Challenge Fund for expenditure in 1998/99; (2) proposing for consideration the Council's response to the Scottish Office; (3) outlining the capital and revenue implications; (4) seeking approval for submission of the bid as outlined in the report; (5) intimating the implications of a review of existing CCTV monitoring arrangements, in particular (a) the transfer of staff, assets and liabilities from four existing Development Trusts to North Lanarkshire CCTV Limited, and (b) the identification of funding ranging from a shortfall to a surplus for the 1998/99 period, and (6) outlining proposals for the establishment of corporate monitoring of revenue funding allocated to CCTV.

Decided: (1) that submission of the bid outlined in the report for Scottish Office CCTV Challenge Fund 1998/99, be approved;

(2) that the Director of Planning and Development be authorised to establish an inter-departmental Officer Working Group to facilitate a corporate approach to CCTV management and development;

(3) that the Director of Administration be consulted on all staffing issues arising from the transfer of staff from the four existing Trusts to North Lanarkshire CCTV Limited, and

(4) that agreement in principle to underwrite a shortfall in CCTV revenue funding for the 1998/99 period, be agreed, subject to available funding from other resources.


11. Under reference to paragraph 3 of the Minute of the meeting of the Bellshill Area Committee held on 30 October 1997, when it had been agreed to recommend to this Sub-Committee that, subject to eligibility, the Council support the initiative to install CCTV in Bellshill Town Centre, estimated at $50,000, by way of a contribution of $1,200 towards the $25,000 required by Bellshill Town Centre Forum to enable the Forum to bid, next year, for Scottish Office match funding under the 1998/99 Challenge Competition, there was submitted a report dated 19 November 1997 by the Chief Executive advising (1) that Bellshill Forum operated under the Memorandum and Articles of Association and financial control of Town Centre Initiatives Limited, and (2) that on 27 November 1997 the Economic Development Committee would consider making a contribution of $15,000 towards funding a CCTV Scheme in Bellshill.


(1) that the support of Bellshill Area Committee for the Bellshill Town Centre Forum bid to secure Scottish Office capital funding to install a CCTV Scheme in Main Street, Bellshill Town Centre be noted;

(2) that an Interim Community Grant of $1,200 be awarded to Bellshill Town Centre Forum from the Bellshill area allocation, for the CCTV match funding bid, and

(3) that the contents of the report be otherwise noted. FUNDING REQUEST - AIRDRIE NORTH FOOD CO-OPERATIVE

12. Under reference to paragraph 7 of the Minute of the meeting of Airdrie Area Committee held on 28 October 1997 when it had been agreed that an application for an Interim Community Grant of $1,500 by Airdrie North Food Co-operative be remitted to this Sub-Committee for consideration, there was submitted a report dated 17 November 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) outlining proposals by the Airdrie North Food Management Committee for the establishment of a food co-operative to be based in Airdrie North Community Project at St. Serf's Primary School, and (2) advising on the funding required to enable the Food Co- operative to open.


(1) that a grant of $1,000 be awarded to Airdrie North Food Co-operative from the Chief Executive's Payment to Agencies and Other Bodies budget, for equipment and initial start up costs, subject to the successful award of Regeneration Programme funding to Airdrie North Community Project and the continued availability of the premises at St. Serf's Primary School, and

(2) that the contents of the report be otherwise noted.



13. C There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 19 November 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) proposing, for consideration, the transfer of funds from within the Chief Executive's Payments to Agencies and Other Bodies (Community Development) budget for resourcing the establishment of community forums and related activities in the 1997/98 financial year, and (2) outlining a notional core budget for the current financial year of $1,500 for each area with a supplement of $250 per additional ward for areas comprising more than six wards, at a total allocation of $19,250.


(1) that $19,250 from the Chief Executive's Payments to Agencies and Other Bodies (Community Development) budget be allocated to support community involvement in decentralised areas for the period to 31 March 1998; (2) that the allocation of resources, for the support of community involvement in each of the decentralised areas be approved as undernoted:-


Airdrie (10 Wards) - 2,500 Coatbridge (10 Wards) - 2,500 Cumbernauld (12 Wards) - 3,000 Kilsyth and Villages (3 Wards) - 1,500 Northern Corridor (4 wards) - 1,500 Bellshill (10 Wards) - 2,500 Motherwell (8 Wards) - 2,000 Wishaw and Newmains (9 Wards) - 2,250 Shotts and Harthill (3 Wards) - 1,500

(3) that authority for approving expenditure from each of the nine notional area budgets be delegated to the Assistant Chief Executive (Operations) and that access to those budgets be at the request of the relevant Liaison Director, and

(4) that the contents of the report be otherwise noted.


14. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 10 November 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) setting out proposed guidelines for Area Committees on the content of Area Profiles, and (2) proposing arrangements for the co-ordination of statistical and service based information for each area.


(1) that the aims and objectives of Area Profiles as set out in the Chief Executive's report be approved;

(2) that the Chief Executive be authorised to prepare a guidance note for Area Committees (a) detailing a standard format for specific elements of Area Profiles, and (b) including arrangements for the dissemination and collation of information currently held by Departments;

(3) that the proposed timescale of June 1998 for the production of Area Profiles be approved;

(4) that the indicative content of Area Profiles, as set out in the Annex to the report, be approved, and (5) that the content of the report be otherwise noted.


15. There was submitted a report dated 19 November 1997 by the Chief Executive advising that a request for financial assistance in the sum of $2,500 had been received from North Lanarkshire Community and Voluntary Organisations Network to assist with the administration costs of establishing a range of forums, to consider the strategic development within the voluntary sector of the undernoted:-

Information and Advice Anti Poverty Young People Disability Early Years Women's Issues Community Care Rural Issues Elderly People Ethnic Issues


(1) that $2,500 be awarded to North Lanarkshire Community and Voluntary Organisations Network to be funded from the Chief Executive's Payments to Agencies and other Bodies budget, and

(2) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.


16. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 19 November 1997 by the Chief Executive advising that a request for financial assistance in the sum of $2,500 had been received from Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Unemployed Workers' Centre to pilot a furniture restoration and recycling project in the Cumbernauld and Moodiesburn areas for a period of three months from January to March 1998.


(1) that the sum of $2,500 from the Chief Executive's Payments to Agencies and Other Bodies Budget, be awarded to Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Unemployed Workers' Centre to pilot a furniture restoration and recycling project from January to March 1998;

(2) that the Unemployed Workers' Centre be requested to provide a detailed report on the outcome of the pilot scheme at the end of the funding period, and (3) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.


17. Under reference to paragraph 14 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 8 October 1997, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 17 November 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) detailing a comprehensive overview of the application process and approvals in respect of both the Motherwell North Priority Partnership Area and the Regeneration Programme; (2) identifying (a) capital and revenue underspends in the 1997/98 Motherwell North Priority Partnership Area budget and outlining proposals to undertake a household survey on a range of topics to be paid from the identified revenue underspend, and (b) uncommitted capital from the 1998/99 Motherwell North Priority Partnership Area and Regeneration Programme budgets and outlining proposals to seek authority from the Scottish Office for the transfer of uncommitted capital to revenue budgets, to enable, (i) an adjustment to the capital and revenue 1998/99 Budget Profile for Motherwell North Priority Partnership Area, and (ii) the funding of an additional 10 projects.


(1) that the Chief Executive be authorised to write to the Scottish Office requesting the transfer of uncommitted 1998/99 capital from Motherwell North Priority Partnership Area and Regeneration Programme budgets to 1998/99 Revenue budgets;

(2) that the Chief Executive be authorised to co-ordinate a survey of households within the Motherwell North Priority Partnership Area as detailed in the report;

(3) that 10 Regeneration Programme projects, detailed in Appendix 3 to the report, be approved in principle, subject to confirmation from the Scottish Office that sufficient funds would be transferred from the Capital to Revenue budget, and

(4) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND (ESF) MATCH FUNDING - CORPORATE PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT FUND 18. There was submitted a report (docketed) dated 20 November 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) advising (a) that five Departmental applications for project funding from the Corporate Programme Development Fund had been received, and (b) that it was proposed to submit all applications to the European Partnership for match funding consideration on Friday, 28 November 1997, a decision on which was anticipated late December 1997, and (2) outlining the estimated costs of the projects including contributions from external agencies and suggested contributions from the Corporate Programme Development Fund.


(1) that contributions from the Corporate Programme Development Fund to the five projects submitted to the Chief Executive be approved as detailed in the report, subject to receipt of European Social Fund assistance, and

(2) that otherwise the contents of the report be noted.


19. Under reference to paragraph 6 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 28 May 1996 when an Interim Community Grants Scheme was approved, there was submitted a report (docketed) dated 19 November 1997 by the Chief Executive (1) advising that the inauguration of Area Committees had highlighted a range of issues concerning the policy objectives, decision making processes and administration of the Interim Community Grants Scheme, and (2) proposing that the Sub-Committee consider and agree a framework for a review of the existing Interim Community Grants Scheme in consultation with the Area Committees.

Decided: that consideration of a review of the Interim Community Grants Scheme be referred to the next meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee.


20. With reference to paragraph 15 of the Minute of the meeting of this Sub-Committee held on 8 October 1997, there was submitted a report dated 14 November 1997 by the Chief Executive detailing (1) applications for Community Grants continued from that meeting; (2) applications continued from previous Area Committee meetings for Christmas activities; (3) applications remitted to this Sub-Committee for further consideration, and (4) new applications, including Area Committee applications for Christmas activities.

Decided: that, subject to receipt of any outstanding information, the applications for Community Grants be dealt with as follows:-


Group: Lillian's Sequence Dance Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-210

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment and cost of dinner.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant of $230

Group: New Stevenston 1st Girls' Brigade - CG97/98-321

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of new equipment and Christmas Disco.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $170

Group: Springfield Over 60s Club - CG97/98-322

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas dance.

Grant Requested: $500 (cheque previously issued for $95)

Decision: Grant of $100 and continue

Group: The Thursday Club for the Disabled Child, Motherwell - CG97/98-323

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment and running costs.

Grant Requested: $1,282

Decision: Grant of $130 and continue

Group: St. Margaret's High School PTA, Airdrie - CG97/98-334 Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an educational visit to China.

Grant Requested: $1,500 (cheque previously issued for $100)

Decision: Grant of $170 and continue



Group: Springfield Stitchers, Airdrie - CG97/98-318

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $120 (cheque previously issued for $80)

Decision: Grant of $40

Group: Broomknoll Church Senior Citizens' Airdrie - CG97/98-391

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $325 (cheque previously issued for $265)

Decision: No grant

Group: Coatdyke Three Score Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-393

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue

Group: St. Margaret's High School Senior Citizens' Club, Airdrie - CG97/98- 397

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and an outing.

Grant Requested: $350 (cheque previously issued for $80) Decision: Grant of $100 and continue

Group: Thursday Afternoon Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-399

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and an outing.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Continue

Group: St. Serf's Caring Group, Airdrie - CG97/98-401

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and an outing.

Grant Requested: $800 (cheque previously issued for $200)

Decision: Grant of $200


Group: Blairhill Dundyvan Church Senior Citizens, Coatbridge - CG97/98-403

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas lunch.

Grant Requested: $225

Decision: Continue


Group: Dryburgh Road Pensioners' Hut, Wishaw - CG97/98-299

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue


Group: Enable, Bellshill - CG97/98-324 Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs and Christmas activities.

Grant Requested: $1,050 (cheque previously issued for $240)

Decision: Grant of $100 and continue

Group: Gardenside Senior Citizens' Centre, Bellshill - CG97/98-332

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue

Group: Carfin Senior Citizens, Motherwell - CG97/98-386

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment and the cost of Christmas activities.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $100 and continue

Group: Carfin Harp Amateur Football Club, Newarthill - CG97/98-85

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hall lets for training.

Grant Requested: $200 (cheque previously issued for $50)

Decision: Continue


Group: Lanarkshire Bowling Clubs' Association - CG97/98-260

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of commemorative ties and badges.

Grant Requested: $600 (cheque previously issued for $350)

Decision: Grant of $40 and continue

Group: Newarthill Amateur Boxing and Fitness Club - CG97/98-361

Purpose of Application: To assist with the refurbishment of premises.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $300 and continue

Group: Motherwell and Clydesdale Headway Group - CG97/98-362

Purpose of Application: To assist with running and transportation costs.

Grant Requested: $1,340

Decision: Grant of $175 and continue

Group: Kirkwood Amateur Football Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-363

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of football equipment.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $170 and continue

Group: Patchwork Wheelchair Dance Group, Cumbernauld - CG97/98-364

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of attending the National Wheelchair Dance Festival.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $134 and continue

Group: Guide Dogs for the Blind - CG97/98-378

Purpose of Application: To assist with volunteers' costs to publish books.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $234.35 and continue

Group: Trinity Carpet Bowling Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-400 Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Club dinner and outing.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $100 and continue

Group: One in a Hundred Theatre Company, Cumbernauld - CG97/98-411

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs, tuition fees and equipment.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $487 and continue

Group: St. Bride's Bowling Club, Motherwell - CG97/98-420

Purpose of Application: To assist with the renewal of premises and maintenance.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Craigneuk Benefit Group - CG97/98-421

Purpose of Application: To assist with volunteers' expenses and provision of the home visit service.

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant of $275 and continue

Group: Royal British Legion, Bellshill - CG97/98-434

Purpose of Application: To assist with general running costs and the replacement of the Club Standard.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant of $470 and continue

Group: Lanarkshire Elderly Forum, Hamilton - CG97/98-441

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hosting a one day Seminar.

Grant Requested: $550

Decision: Grant of $80 and continue

Group: People Experiencing Trauma and Loss (PETAL), Hamilton - CG97/98-442

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of audio and video tapes, books and display rack.

Grant Requested: $475

Decision: Grant of $197 and continue

Group: Royal British Legion Scotland, Wishaw and Shotts Branch - CG97/98-443

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of participating in Remembrance Day parades.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $90 and continue

Group: Royal Marines Association, Lanarkshire Branch, Motherwell - CG97/98-444

Purpose of Application: To assist with running costs and programme of events.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $104 and continue

Group: Muirhouse Good Neighbours, Motherwell - CG97/98-447

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of hosting two Christmas parties for disabled people and the elderly.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $825 and continue Group: Monklands Carers' Respite Group, Coatbridge - CG97/98-448

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hosting a Christmas Pantomime and dinner.

Grant Requested: $304

Decision: Grant of $140 and continue

Group: Allanton and Hartwood Old Folk's Gala Day, Shotts - CG97/98-452

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and the summer activities programme.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Coursington Tower Residents' Association, Motherwell - CG97/98-454

Purpose of Application: To assist with the costs of Christmas dinner/dance, Easter Party and Summer outing.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Middle Church Senior Citizens' Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-455

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $375

Decision: Grant of $190 and continue

Group: Monklands Youth (Rugby) Club - CG97/98-456

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of running under 16s Girls' Tournament.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Continue Group: Coltswood Court Tenants' Association, Coatbridge - CG97/98-457

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas and New Year meal.

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: St. James' Dance Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-458

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party.

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant of $400

Group: St. Mary's Rosary Group, Coatbridge - CG97/98-459

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas lunch.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue

Group: St. James' Monday Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-460

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas treat.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant of $150

Group: WRVS Coatbridge Stroke Club - CG97/98-461

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $20 and continue

Group: Bargeddie Pensioners' Wednesday Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-462

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $270

Decision: Continue

Group: Arthritis Care, Coatbridge - CG97/98-463

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $750

Decision: Grant of $100 and continue

Group: Clarkston Pensioners' Luncheon Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-464

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Wellwynd Gardens Sheltered Housing Complex, Airdrie - CG97/98-465

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and entertainment.

Grant Requested: $255

Decision: Grant of $250

Group: The Clangers, Beechbank Carpet Bowling Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-466

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and entertainment.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Four Isles Senior Citizens' Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-467

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner. Grant Requested: $150

Decision: Grant of $150

Group: Over 60s Monday Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-468

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $350

Decision: Grant of $140 and continue

Group: St. Andrew's Gardens Pensioners' Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-469

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $252

Decision: Grant of $150

Group: Rochsoles Senior Citizens' Group - CG97/98-470

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $150

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Whinhall Monday Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-471

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and outing.

Grant Requested: $60

Decision: Grant of $60

Group: St. Edward's SVDP, Airdrie - CG97/98-472

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner for the elderly.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $300 Group: Chapelhall Senior Citizens' Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-473

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and concert.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant of $1,000

Group: Airdrie Salvation Army - CG97/98-474

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and provision of meals to the homeless, elderly and housebound.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Greengairs 1st Boys' Brigade, Airdrie - CG97/98-475

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas event and running costs.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Glenboig Senior Citizens' Association - CG97/98-476

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and a social evening.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Grant of $350

Group: Arthritis Care, Wishaw and District Branch - CG97/98-477

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of providing hydrotherapy to arthritis sufferers.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: G rant of $70 and continue

Group: Monklands Parkinson Self Help Group, Coatbridge - CG97/98-478 Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party.

Grant Requested: $370

Decision: Grant of $120 and continue

Group: St. Francis Xavier Parochial Committee - CG97/98-479

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party.

Grant Requested: $450

Decision: Grant of $150 and continue

Group: St. Teresa's Social Committee, Newarthill - CG97/98-480

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and entertainment.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Airdrie 8th Boys' Brigade Junior Section - CG97/98-487

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party.

Grant Requested: $150

Decision: Grant of $75

Group: Plains Children's Santa Fund - CG97/98-488

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas gifts to young people.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Airdrie High Church Senior Members - CG97/98-489

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner. Grant Requested: $150

Decision: Grant of $40

Group: Motherwell Cathedral SVDP - CG97/98-490

Purpose of Application: To assist with the distribution of a Christmas gift.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Arthritis Care, Airdrie - CG97/98-490A

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and entertainment.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $200 and continue

Group: The Salvation Army - Whifflet Corps - CG97/98-499

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $75

Decision: Grant of $35 and continue

Group: St. Augustine's Senior Citizens' Tuesday Dancing Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-500

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and dance.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue

Group: Coatbridge SVDP - CG97/98-501

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and entertainment.

Grant Requested: $1,000

Decision: Continue Group: Monklands Elderly Forum Action Group - CG97/98-502

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas treat and administration costs.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: Flowerhill Senior Citizens' Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-503

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $100 and continue

Group: Disease Prevention Organisation, Stonehouse - CG97/98-504

Purpose of Application: To assist with the development and distribution costs of a newsletter.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $70 and continue

Group: Lucozade Motherwell District Athletics Club - CG97/98-505

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a hall let.

Grant Requested: Not known

Decision: Grant of $455 and continue

Group: Monklands District Blind and Visual Impaired Club - CG97/98-506

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas lunch.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $125 and continue

Group: Hospital Radio - Law, Carluke - CG97/98-507

Purpose of Application: To assist with the Easter and Spring activities programme.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Continue

Group: Wishaw South Bowling Club, Ladies Section - CG97/98-508

Purpose of Application: To assist with Silver Jubilee Celebration costs.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue

Group: Calder Senior Citizens' Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-509

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party and the purchase of new teapots.

Grant Requested: $350

Decision: Grant of $350

Group: Ethnic Junior Education Group - CG97/98-510

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of the annual prize giving ceremony.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $245 and continue

Group: Lanarkshire Ethnic Link Committee, Holytown - CG97/98-511

Purpose of Application: To assist with development and promotion of the group and the uptake of Council services by ethnic minority people.

Grant Requested: $1,500

Decision: Grant of $285 and continue

Group: Wellwynd Playgroup, Coatbridge - CG97/98-512

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of equipment.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant of $30 and continue

Group: Chapelhall Over Sixties Social Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-515

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and dance.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $500

Group: Mount Pleasant (Retired Persons) Bowling Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-516

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and function.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant of $250

Group: Plains Senior Citizens' Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-517

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas treat.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: St. Andrew's Parochial Committee - CG97/98-518

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and treat.

Grant Requested: $480

Decision: Grant of $390

Group: Mossend SVDP - CG97/98-519

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of pensioners dinner, handicap dinner and visits to local hospitals.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Grant of $200 and continue

Group: Caldercruix OAP Social Club - CG97/98-520

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner for pensioners.

Grant Requested: $900

Decision: Grant of $200

Group: St. Columba's Church Playgroup, Airdrie - CG97/98-525

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant of $75 and continue

Group: Muirhouse Senior Citizens' Mens Club, Motherwell - CG97/98-526

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and summer outing.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Monklands Women's Aid - CG97/98-527

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party for children.

Grant Requested: $820

Decision: Grant of $140 and continue

Group: Motherwell 9th 'A' Brownies - CG97/98-528

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party and pack holiday. Grant Requested: Not known

Decision: Grant of $150

Group: Stepps and District OAP Association - CG97/98-529

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and programme.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $250

Group: The Over 55 Club, Motherwell - CG97/98-530

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Over 55 Club, Motherwell - CG97/98-531

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $50 and continue

Group: Street Warden Scheme, Coatbridge - CG97/98-532

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of attending Christmas pantomime.

Grant Requested: $150

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Jackson Court Pensioners' Group - CG97/98-533

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas treat.

Grant Requested: $500 Decision: Grant of $100

Group: Christians in Action, Airdrie - CG97/98-534

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas food service to elderly and homeless.

Grant Requested: $577

Decision: Grant of $190 and continue

Group: North (North) Lanarkshire Carers Support Group, Mount Ellen - CG97/98-535

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party and pantomime trip.

Grant Requested: $615

Decision: Continue

Group: Coltness Senior Citizens' Lunch Club, Wishaw - CG97/98-536

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and the purchase of indoor bowls.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Continue

Group: West Coltness Senior Citizens' Club, Wishaw - CG97/98-537

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of an outing and Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $500

Decision: Continue

Group: Cumbernauld Action for Care of the Elderly - CG97/98-538

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of the Christmas activities programme.

Grant Requested: $425 Decision: Grant of $238 and continue

Group: Greenfaulds Senior Citizens - CG97/98-539

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Seafar Senior Citizens' Welfare Committee - CG97/98-540

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party for Ochil View House residents.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Continue

Group: Airdrie Town Centre Action Group - CG97/98-541

Purpose of Application: (1) To augment Christmas decorations in Airdrie Town Centre.

(2) To carry out a survey and appraisal of existing lights/decorations to allow cost effective improvements for 1998.

Grant Requested: (1) $1,400

(2) $100

Decision: Continue

Group: Motherwell Cathedral Parish Council - CG97/98-542

Purpose of Application: To assist with the purchase of a Christmas tree.

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $100 Group: Calderbank Senior Citizens' Social Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-543

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $110

Decision: Continue

Group: Castlecary Community Residents' Association, Cumbernauld - CG97/98-544

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of hosting the Christmas activities programme.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Gartlea Social Committee, Airdrie - CG97/98-545

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas dinner and entertainment.

Grant Requested: $250

Decision: Grant of $150

Group: John Smith Court Sheltered Complex, Airdrie - CG97/98-548

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas meal and entertainment.

Grant Requested: $300

Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Calderbank Fir View Senior Citizens' Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-549

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas meal and entertainment.

Grant Requested: $200

Decision: Continue Group: Lillybank Luncheon Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-550

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas meal and the purchase of a bingo machine and crockery.

Grant Requested: $600

Decision: Grant of $300 and continue

Group: Lillybank Monday Club, Airdrie - CG97/98-551

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas treat

Grant Requested: $100

Decision: Grant of $50 and continue

Group: St. Columba's SVDP, Viewpark - CG97/98-552

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party.

Grant Requested: $400

Decision: Grant of $250 and continue

Group: Baillie Court Recreation Club, Motherwell - CG97/98-555

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner

Grant Requested: $120

Decision: Grant of $100

Group: St. Brendan's Senior Citizens' Monday Club, Motherwell - CG97/98-556

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of a Christmas party and the summer activities programme.

Grant Requested: $300 Decision: Grant of $300

Group: Golden Lunch Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-557

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner and a pantomime trip.

Grant Requested: $350

Decision: Grant of $350

Group: Corsewall Street Old Tyme and Select Dance Club, Coatbridge - CG97/98-558

Purpose of Application: To assist with the cost of Christmas dinner.

Grant Requested: $200

__DIME__RECORD__ fffcommittee HOUSING COMMITTEE fffmeetdate 19970130 fffsubject Minute of meeting of HOUSING COMMITTEE fffrtffile NONE fffwordfile NONE fffstartpage 1 fffaccess 1 ffftext EM3 HOUSING1997M Motherwell, 30 January 1997 at 9.15 am.

A Special Meeting of the HOUSING COMMITTEE


Councillor McLaughlin, Convener; Councillors Beekman and Craigie, Vice-Conveners; Councillors Connelly, Gormill, Lafferty, Lucas, Lunny, Lyle, McCabe, McElroy, H. McGuigan, Macleod, W. Martin, Moran, Murphy, G. Murray, Robertson and Wilson.


Councillor McLaughlin (Convener) presided.

IN ATTENDANCE The Chief Executive, Director of Administration, The Chief Committee Services Officer, Director of Housing, Housing Strategy and Resources, Head of Local Housing Services and Head of Accounting Services.


Councillor Chadha, McAlorum, Provost Mathieson, V.Murray, Nolan and Sullivan


\*@EM4 \*@EM5 \*@EM6 1. C There was submitted report by the Director of Housing (docketed) dated 24 January 1997 setting out the position and options in relation to the Housing Revenue Account for 1997/98.

Councillor H. McGuigan, seconded by Councillor McCabe, moved

(1) that the base revenue estimates as detailed at Appendix 1 to the report be approved;

(2) that the financial savings totalling $0.672 M as detailed at Annexes 1 and 1(a) to this minute be approved;

(3) that service improvements totalling $10.029 M as detailed at Annex 2 to this minute be approved;

(4) that the surplus of $5.317 M on the 1996/97 Housing Revenue Account be utilised on a one-off basis towards the financing of the increased revenue contribution to the 1997/98 HRA Capital Programme;

(5) that housing rent levels be increased by an average $1.55 per week over 52 weeks or 5.2%, this to be applied in the following ways:-

(a) within the former Cumbernauld and Kilsyth District Council area, rent levels to be increased by 6.9% equivalent to an average increase of $1.99 per week along with a 30p per week supplement for all 5 apartment houses;

(b) within the former Strathkelvin area, rent levels to be increased by 5.6% equivalent to an average increase of $1.65 per week;

(c) within the former Monklands District Council area, rent levels to be increased by 2.7% equivalent to an average increase of $0.83 per week, with this base increase being subject to the following adjustments:-

for 1 apartment, the base rent increase to be applied less 50p per week; for 2 apartments, the base rent increase less 50p per week to be applied; for 4 apartments, the base rent increase plus 20p per week to be applied, and for 5 and 6 apartments, the base rent increase plus 50p per week to be applied.

(d) within the former Motherwell District Council area a flat rate weekly rent increase of $1.99 to be applied to all houses, and

(e) the foregoing decisions in relation to rent increases are to be subject to a requirement that no rent increase is to exceed a maximum of $2.50 per week based on a 52 week year and all increases should be applied from 1 April 1997, and

(6) that in respect of the housing stock transferred from the former Cumbernauld Development Corporation housing rent levels increase by 2.7% equivalent to 98p per week with effect from 1 April 1997 to finance the revenue budget as detailed at Appendix 8 (Budget illustration 1) to the Director's report and that there should be no increase applied to rent levels for lock-ups in this area.

Councillor Lyle, seconded by Councillor G. Murray moved as an amendment that rents be increased by an average 67p or 2.3% across the whole area as illustrated within Appendix 7a of the Director's report and subject to clarification of service delivery improvements and financial savings the average rents being:-

(a) North District, Cumbernauld and Kilsyth $29.85 (b) North District, Moodiesburn $33.80 (c) Central District, $30.42 (d) South District, $29.98

with the average rent being $30.27.

On a vote being taken 2 Members voted for the amendment and 17 voted for the motion which was accordingly declared to be carried.

Decided: that the proposals more fully detailed in the motion be approved.