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Robhinylor 6Reffi6arsm MOST BEAUTIFUL LOW PRICE CAR tONDAY, SEPT,4ii mT if: -------------------------- of !»• Btly telihjl. LeBOti ig^piv^iuir > aiMl e pureliMd jN"idra.1%: larder. iifo^Jfor Ste-Biirr uMje Civic i. K mM. V >« M/Sftcial Activities Ml^ M^IE SOCKWELJU Editor—Phone 215 1 and Mrs. Tomlinson McNeil, reporter. The books are Iwrts, At Party Thorsday to be distributed at the next and Mrs. Prank Tomlinson meeting. ‘^ere hosts at a delightful party Rook was played at three tables Bit their home on Ninth street followed by bingo. The high and 'hursday evening entertaining second high awards in bingo went ot a number of friends, speciai to Mrs. Johnson J. Hayes and :uest8 being Mr. and Mrs. Kent Mrs. Ohal McNeil. At the close jrhomas^ of Wppdhajfeni L. I., who of the afternoon Mrs. Hutchens iLre here visiting relatives. Sup- served supper in two courses. *The ROBHinYlOR per was served at seven ’clock i home was attractively decorated hfter which bridge and rook was with a profusion of mixed flow­ jilayed for a while. High score ers. {irizes in bridge and rook tor the ladies went to Mrs. R. P. Casey Mrs. 0. E. Triplett Is 6REffi6ARSM find Mrs. R. T. McNeil, while Bridge Club Hostess amongst the men Mr. Ira Baker Mrs. 0. E. Triplett was hostess *nd Mr. J. M. Crawford were the to the members of the Young .winners. Matron’s Contract club and one table of visitor.? at her home on [ ^_ E. N. Philips Enter- Ninth streeth Friday evening. Top Ptains at Two Parties score prize amongst the club mem­ Two delightful parties of the bers,, at two tables, went to Mrs. veek were the ones given by Mrs. S. T. Taylor and the low score m N. Phillips at her home in | award to Mrs. Alice Stafford. Finley Park Thursday afternoon Mrs. Charlie Wright won the and Friday evening. For the prize for the highest score for first party three tables were made the visitors. A dessert course 1941’a most notabl* oat. ^p for bridge in which Mrs. Claude was served at the beginning of . la Uia ••asational Bzoadwayl Doughton .scored high and Mrs. play. Mixed autumn flowers made play Hiat now bacomoa ona oil William Barber low, each receiv­ colorful decorations for the home. WHEN LADIES MEET . there are 'bound to be Meet.” In the amusing new picture, opening tha aeraaa’s gayaat hit^j ing attractive awards. A salad men in the picture, which brings this all-star Thursday on tho Liberty screen, 'Taylor loves Miss course followed play. Civic and Social Club To foresome together, with Joan Crawford, Robert Crawford, who loves Marshall, who is married to For Friday evening Mrs. Phillips Sponsor Fashion Show Taylor,- Greer Garson and Herbert Marshall as Miss Garson. In the end the girls get together and discover who really loves whom. Rol^rt Z. i had guests for three tables of The Civic and Social club, a scrambled lovers in M-G-M’s picturization of the Rachel Crothers stage success, “When Ladies ^ eonard directed the new hit. bridge and one of rook, and after , department of the North Wilkes- play served an Ice course The j boroUVI U WomanTV 1./U1AU ’os club, will” sponsorr- > .actors. i'award for the highest number of a fashion show at the clubhouse Social Calendar Just prior to their graduation J jpoints in bridge went to Mrs. Wil- on Trogdon street Thursday ev­ I National Anthenii in May 1940, they left for New Heibeit MABSHAU Itliam T. Long, and in rook to Mrs. ening. September 25, beginning The Toung I.rfidies Bible clas-s- York where they “sold” -Dr. Gal­ Spn&O Dincied by •Johnson J. Hayes. at eight o’clock. Clothes to be of the Wilkesboro Methodist ‘Tops’ In America lup on the idea. Under the trade motleled will be from Belk’s and church will meet Tuesday ev­ name of "Audience Surveys,’’ they BTIN6T0N • ROBERT Z. LEONARD ening at eight o’clock at the continued their joint work in .jirent Topic Club Me-t Spainhour’s stores rnd Jean’s Fort Jackson, S C.—“The Star Shoppe. Mrs. R. G. Finley, mas­ heme of Mrs. J. C. Stokes with New York until April 2, 1941 i^ith Mrs. Hoyle Hutchens Spangled Banner” is still ’ tops’’ With Mrs. Hoyle Hutchems as ter_____ of_____ ceremonies tor the evening. Mrs. A. S. .Cas.sell as a.ssoclate when Baldwin w'as inducted In LIBERTY lostess the members of the Cur.; have a number of her dance liostess. with the average American re­ the army. He is now a member Tent Topic club were delightfully p^piig to show children’s cloth- gardless of reflections that are of Headquarters Company, 13t’,i • TODAY AND TUESDAY • entertained in their first meeting ing along with some song and The Woniau’s Society of often cast upon his lack of suf- Infantry Regiment, at Port Jack- Cliristian Service of North son where he is engaged in lay­ for the fall season at the Hutch- dance numbers. Wearing appar­ ficiant “patriotic spirit.’’ ens home on .E street Wednesday el for the adults will be modeled Wilkesboro Methodist cliurcli ing wire for field telephone com­ THE SKI'S THI LIMIT rOK THKIUS! .ifternoon. During a short busi- by the club members. will meet Tuesday aftomuMm at That’s the opinion of Pvt. Alan munication and operating a tele­ Action romance iiess session the following of- A silver offering is to be taken o’clock at the church. W. Baldwin, a Fort Jackson se­ phone swltchboar.1. Horn, mean­ of Uncle Sam’s rers were elected: Mrs. E. E. j ({,e door and it is hoped that 'Tlie Franklin ciix-le members lectee, who knows whereof he while. is carrying on the business Great Defense Base! _iler, president; Mrs. R. T. .Mc­ a large number will attend, The are to give the program. speak.s. F’or Pvt. Baldwin is the in New York. The Forr Jack.-'on selectee i« Neil. vice-president; .Mr.-. C. G. public is invited. co-inventor of a “progrrm ha- |j Poindexter, treasurer; .Mrs. Ira j ----------- Tlie ITcwbyterian .Auxiliary the son of the late Professor Birt Ij Payne, librarian; and Mrs. Chal ]yjjj-j; Betty Jo Kelly Ts will meet in tlic Religiou.s Ed­ ronietei' that has been adopted T Baldwin, eminent child psy­ Wed to A.' M., ,Tr. ucation Building Tuivsday af­ by Dr. Gallup— creator of chologist and director of the Charlotte.—The Little Chureti ternoon at 3:30 o’clo<*k, Tiie the Gallup For of Public Opin­ child welfare researcli department on the Lane was the scene of a executive committee ni<s*ts at- ion— a.s the mos, accurate test of at the University of Iowa. His Special! Special! pretty wedding Friday evening at 3:30 o’clock. audience reaction to radio, stage home address is 601 Melrose «:30 o’clock when Miss Betty Jo The Ila Holman Bildc cla.'t'i and motion picture programs. street, Iowa City, Iowa. Permanents Kelly became the bride of Adam of the WUkosboro Baptist In numerous testa conducted Use the advertising columna o< At_____ $2.00 ““ McCall Bost, Jr., of Charlotte. throughout the East — reputedly church will meet Thursday af- tkia paper as your snopp^g gwd'e. Shampoo and Rev. Herbert Spaugh,. pastor of teimoon at 2:30 o’clock at the - the center of “I can take it or leave it Americanism”, Pvt. Bald­ Finger Wave.. 50c the church, officiated. The bride home of Mrs. Walter M'a(t« Finger Wave was given in marriage by her with Mrs. Zeb DavLs as ro. win has found that no dramatic ftaher. Barney Virgil Kelly. musical or sports feature even Only -------------- 35c hostcs-s. Mrs. Bost is the only daughter approache.s the “Star Spangled of Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Kelly, who Banner” in its appeal to an audi­ BELLE’S were former residents of North ence. Wilkesboro. Out of town guests Last Horsedrawn “The national anthem repeat­ Beauty Shop included Mrs. M. H. Stone, Miss edly hits the highest point ever Lizette Stone. Mrs. Norris E. recorded in the program baro­ Over Jean’s Dress Shop Jones, Misses Jo .tnn and Loretta Regiment at Bragg meter,” Baldwin said. ’And when Main Street Jones, of North Wilkesboro. you consider that our device en­ MOST BEAUTIFUL LOW PRICE CAR! UNDER NEM MANAGEMENT Goals for production by Ameri­ Fort Bragg.—The 112th Field ables the listener to register his — Operators — can agriculture in 19-12 are the Artillery of Fort Bragg, the last reaction secretly without being influenced by the applause of his Luev Lane Ann Sexton largest in the history of the coun­ regiment of horse drawn artillery ’ neighbor, it’s rather evident that try. in the armed forces of this coun­ his patriotism isn’t a fal.=e ‘front’ try, will hold its final ’’Maneu- but the real American product, vers Limbered” in November of spontaneous and not forced as it this year, for on Decemlier 1st is in some countries.” this regiment wll be converted The “progrrm barometer,’’ in­ into a motorized rpgi"'ent armed vented and developed by Pvt. Wilkes County People Are Most with the new 10.5 mm Howitzer. Baldwin and William D. Horn The familiar combination of gun while both were students at the and limber will be seen no more University of Iowa, is an electri­ Cordially Invited To ■with the e.xeeption of a small cally-operated device used on an number of horse drawn 7.5 mm ni'diencp to determine it« favor- gun battalions -"t various posts.
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