Missiles & Space Company
(NASA-CR-140050) ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM SPACECRAFT (STRATOSPHERIC ARIMNGS) Final N 2i7 7 9 Report0 Sep. 1973 - Apr. 1974 (Lockheed Missiles and Space Co.) 197 p HC $13.00- Unclas CSCL 04A G3/13 16945 MISSILES & SPACE COMPANY A GROUP DIVISION OF LOCKHEED AIRCRAFT CORPORATION SUNNYVALE. CALIFORNIA LMsc/D420934 GCS/3548/6211 74 Apr 24 FINAL REPORT ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM SPACECRAFT (STRATOSPHERIC VARMINGS) NASA CONTRACT NASW-2553 NASA HEADQUARTERS, WASH. D.C. CONTRACT MONITOR: H. D. CALAHAN PROJECT LEADER: R. WEISS NASA HEADQUARTERS (CODE SG) LOCKHEED MISSILES & SPACE CO., INC. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20546 SUNNYVALE, CALIF. 94088 PRINCIPAL CONTRIBUTOR: A. D. ANDERSON ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS BRANCH RADIATION PHYSICS LABORATORY FOREWORD This report was prepared by Lockheed Missiles and Space Company under NASA Contract NASW-2553. The period of performance of the research reported was September 1973 through April 1974. Technical direction for this contract originated from The Director, Physics and Astronomy (Code SG), NASA Head- quarters, H. D. Calahan, Contract Monitor. The contract was managed by Robert Weiss, Guidance and Control Systems organization of the LMSC Space Systems Division. Chief investigator and principal contributor to the report was A. D. Anderson, Atmospheric Physics Branch, Radiation Physics Laboratory, of the LMSC Research/Development Division. This Final Report, LMSC Report D420934 (Guidance and Control Systems report GCS/3518/6211) documents and summarizes the results of the entire contract work, including conclusions and recommendations based upon the results obtained. It incorporates the material presented in the two Quarterly Progress Reports previously submitted: QPR No. 1 LMSC/D384420, GCS/3475/6211, 73 Dec 12 QPR No.
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