SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU Excelsiordaily Established 1965 Fighting COVID-19 in Jammu and Founder Editor S.D. Rohmetra Dr Satya Dev Gupta deaths against 4,846,427 till date lization of the funds. of working. On the first impres- using any sophisticated equip- or 15 years when all the time the 14th September, infected cases The Government advisory sion it looks good to have plenty ment, similarly installation of a requests and requisitions were Farming activities ince the onset of the new less than 1.64 percent mortality board should also look into the of life-saving machines in our Ventilator also needs accessories sent to the Government for the year, 2020 Corona viral dis- rate is remarkably better in com- non-emergency but genuine cases hospitals in the district and sub- and paraphernalia. (1) There must purchase of Ventilators and other Sease insidiously entered in parison to world figures. who are moving pillar to post for district level, but what about the be an uninterrupted power supply, necessary paraphernalia for the our country. At that time China, Jammu and Kashmir getting the treatment. The private accessories and staff required to (2) Constant high-pressure patients care in Intensive care along IB from where the virus shred, bal- The of hospitals and nursing homes are run such sophisticated machines. Oxygen feeding line,(3) units but due to financial con- looned with the high-profile Jammu and Kashmir has a very providing the medical facilities to Ventilators and Respirators Associated machines like (a)suc- straints, it was not possible for the nbelievable as it may sound, but it is a fact record. The western world with good record of fighting against such patients while government Ventilators are a complex res- tion machine (b) drug delivery authorities to concede the that after a long period of 18 years , areas whom the Red country had high- COVID 19. However, since the hospitals are not taking such piratory support system for the pumps (c) arterial blood gas ana- demands. But now in GMCH 33 along the International Border (IB) in er trade relations were very first U onset of September month, there patients. Why is it so? patients who are otherwise not lyzer (d) multiple emergency Ventilators are in function and 76 to get entangled into the claws of Hiranagar area of Jammu region witnessed farming is a tremendous increase in the drugs with delivery systems (e) high-end Ventilators are yet to be this viral pandemics. The people activities again. The Civil Administration helped by number of COVID patients in our lot of disposable equipment and installed. 156 Ventilators were of these countries embraced the state. This bump continues to whatnot. As for as human provided by the Government of the Border Security Forces started cultivating the Chinese victims of this disease remain throughout the country resources are concerned (4) the (48 in the month of March land across the fencing on zero line on IB after so with great affection and enthusi- and our state didn't remain aloof and 109 in April). It is pertinent to asm, and unknowingly got the expert doctors are particularly long a time in Kathua district . Out of identified land from this hike. The Government mention here to provide respirato- fruit of this sweet-smelling poi- trained in Intensive care units, the of 6000 kanals, to start with, nearly 1200 kanals of India has infused sufficient ry care to seriously sick patients son. Italy, Germany, and France intensivists, anesthesiologists, funds in the state to fight against we need sufficient Oxygen sup- across the fencing are proposed to be taken up for were the worst hit in the initial multimodal specialized medical this dreadful disease. The persons experts, and highly qualified and ply. The GMCH Oxygen supply cultivation . Why should fertile land with promises to stages. In late February and the fell short as required in this over- give encouraging yields remain idle and that also for beginning of March, people at the helm of affairs are also put- trained nursing staff. ting a lot of efforts to combat the Although the Government burden hospital, as the hospital enjoying the spring were in a Oxygen plant has capacity to pro- two decades to the detriment of the interests of the morbidly and mortality. But still, intentions are very clear to pro- notion that being a hot country the vide 1200 LPM flow at high pres- farmers being a cause of concern, was mooted out the fundamental problems are yet vide the best Medicare at district, viral pandemics in India wouldn't sure and demand swelled up to to be solved. The general public subdistrict, and rural levels, but it and the Lieutenant Governor took keen interest in be so virulent as in the European 6000 LPM then how is it possible who happens to become the vic- is only possible if all the working ensuring the vast chunks of land, now virtually turned and other western countries.It is to fulfill it? tim of this disease narrates horri- barren due to being not put to use , to be re-cultivat- also beyond any suspect and parameters are looked in advance Henceforth it is suggested to fying experience in the hospital It is learned that the central able to maintain their respiratory and a proper plan is executed. To ed. Whether in conflict, or in conditions of natural doubts that India being a develop- the Government to make a com- ing country lacks basic facilities wards. The wards are dirty, over- government has infused a lot of requirements needed for the life. implement good health care to the prehensive and detailed plan to calamities , or again , in peace and whatsoever , our in the health care; so our govern- crowded, improper sanitation, "Ventilators", the artificial respi- During Novel Coronavirus19, grassroots level it is suggested fight out the pandemic COVID 19 security forces including the BSF are found in the ment had chosen the other ways lack of staff and medical facili- ration equipment, made by many people developed a fake that during this pandemic period in a big way, and in a systematic forefront rendering impressive services to the people. to combat the disease by impos- ties, insufficient toiletry, cleanli- DRDO in the state for respiratory idea that Ventilators are the essen- good emergency centers and hos- manner when we are enough ing lock-down hence discourag- ness, and above all the pathetic care of very sick patients. tial commodities without which pitals should have been built at funds and equipment at our dis- In the instant case too, the Force has assured full atmosphere. Public questions Although it reflects the govern- the survival of a person suffering district and if possible, at subdis- security and all required support to the farmers in cul- ing person to person contact and posal. It should also be ensured therefore was effective in pre- when a lot of money is bestowed ment's attitude for the welfare of from this dreadful disease is trict standards where under one the supplies of Ventilators even at tivating their land across the fencing on the IB. venting the mass spread of this by the Government then why the state people however it is also impossible. It is pertinent to men- roof all the facilities could be pro- the district and sub-district level Official visits , especially to sensitive areas like epidemic in the early period until there are such problems. People astonishing to note that tehsil tion that the artificial respiratory vided. Loading the tehsil and dis- may not catch dust and become the one under reference, result in interacting with possibilities of introduction of also complain of insufficient and level hospitals like R.S Pura, support machine i.e. Ventilator is tricts with Ventilators without any unusable in course of time. improper Medicare. The govern- Bishnah, Ramgarh, and other rarely required in most of the further thought will prove futile the people , taking stock of various things around vaccination is sort. Being a highly (The author is Ex-Head of Intensive Care populated country the COVID-19 ment authorities must set up a places are flooded with the sup- patients, but is only required and mere wastage of money and Unit & Department of Anesthesia Government and to offer on the spot solutions and during his pandemic has spread its wings on medical audit, which could be a plies of these machines without when other measures fail. As exchequer. Medical College Jammu. ) recent visit to the border areas, the Lieutenant masses to hunt but still 79,722 watchdog to curb the proper uti- knowing their utility and methods there are certain requirements for There was a time in the last 10 [email protected] Governor issuing directives to the district administra- tion to ensure resumption of agricultural activities by the farmers is a welcome step , more so, looking to requisitioning the services of the Border Security August Hermann Francke - The Moravian Tibetologist Forces in this direction. Like this, basic facilities stand now provided to the farming community which can Dr. Etee Bahadur Francke settled down with the best medium to express the The idea of using the litho- would be more receptive to the led to the publication of the make the best use of the hitherto remaining idle land his wife, Anna TheoDora Weiz Christian teachings to the local graphic mission Press at Moravian mission and their Ladakhi versions of the Kesar he Moravians or (Dora) to regular mission work people. made him begin a monthly Christian publications. The saga first in Helinsinki, and in spread to the area of 6000 kanals. Once pointed and Evagelische Bruderu- in Leh by 1897.Francke origi- Historically shares a newspaper, called La dwags Kyi paper had four quarto-sized Bombay and Calcutta. His concerted directions received by the District Tnitat became an inde- nally was a primary school common heritage with Tibet, ag bar (Ladakh Newspaper, sheets arranged in columns and research into local culture Administration took place , it reportedly swung into pendent Christian group in teacher at a Moravian training the spoken language being 1904-1910). It was the first was divided into three main sec- prompted comparisons between 1727. The main centre of their action by organising meetings with the public repre- college and had an aptitude for close to Tibetan. The founders Tibetan- language paper printed tions., with news of Ladakh and Ladakh and Europe and raised missionary activities used to be the languages.His first task was of the mission had therefore in the . Francke hoped other regions. The second part of the question of which aspect of sentatives of the border belt in which BDC Herrnhut. The Moravian to begin learning the local lan- begun translations in a simpli- the newspaper would provide the paper consisted of local Ladakhi tradition were compat- Chairpersons, Sarpanchs , Panchs of the area , offi- Archives is located in this small guage. Dora had some knowl- Ladakhi text and included a ible with Christianity as he had cers of the BSF, Revenue and Agriculture depart- German town and are a treasure edge of the area of Ladakh, as Frankes's linguistic research led him into series of extracts from the La objected to certain Buddhist house of information on the his- the usual norm of the mission Dvags rgyal Rabs, the Ladakhi customs and was not in support ments too participated to play their respective roles. tory of missionary work. the study of oral literature of Ladakh. When there is effective monitoring of the situ- board, was to influence the Chronicles which had been stud- of the worship of local spirits as However, this article today marriage partners of the mis- Folksongs and proverbs as we are aware, ied by Dr. Karl Marx. The third it was incompatible with ation along the border areas and the adminis- is not an attempt to write on the sionaries, her sister had been are an important source of any local part of the paper was Christianity.Non Buddhist texts tration with the help of the forces manning the history of the missions. married to Dr. Karl Marx. Evangelistic. The main problem and popular folk songs interest- borders was eager to let the area be bestowed A.H. Francke (1870-1930) Francke soon settled down to language. The Kesar Saga , Francke however was of the distribution ed him and he published over a was one of the greatest mission- regular mission work which of the paper, in a mountainous dozen of short publications on upon all forms of normalcy by dealing with hostilities ary scholars of the Moravian believed broadened his vocabulary as it is from across the border effectively and in a befit- included preaching every area with poor postal services. topics ranging from rock church to work in the Sunday, teaching English and known in different versions across Tibet The sale of papers began to be inscriptions to music and folk ting manner , such a development taking place after Himalayas. Francke's scholarly arithmetic at the mission school and Mongolia and also gives an insight done to the representatives of the songs. His missionary journeys nearly two decades becomes a sure possibility. interest emerged from his everyday and taking reading villages at the Leh Bazaar, and also, gave him the opportunity Continuous to intermittent shelling from across career as a Moravian mission- lessons twice a week among of the local religious belief systems. soon it reached the remote vil- to satisfy his archaeological ary. He is best known for his other things. He had by now lages of Ladakh. interests and rock inscriptions the border had made the farming community discon- research in languages, history solate all these years and in terms of loss caused to also begun the translation of the fied form of classical Tibetan people to read on topics which Frankes's linguistic research which were a source of his his- and archaeology of Ladakh and Bible stories into Ladakhi Chos Skad and not the colloqui- were not necessary religious, as led him into the study of oral torical researches. A History of them for not putting to use the land due to threat per- Lahaul. Francke arrived in dialect with the help of local al Phal Skal.Francke also began most Tibetan books were associ- literature of Ladakh. Folksongs Western Tibetwas published in ception, could well be imagined. Once the proactive Leh,,the capital of Ladakh in assistants.In 1899 he moved to his studies by concentrating on ated with Buddhism he hoped to and proverbs as we are aware, 1907 and the Antiquities of 1896, by this time the a new mission station at the Chos Skad which was used popularize a concept of non- are an important source of any Indian Tibet was published in stand of the Government to deal with the border vio- Himalayan Mission had been in lations percolated down the 'membranes' of the with his family. As in in the Church,but soon realized Buddhist writing. Hence he local language. TheKesar Saga two volumes, in 1914 and 1926 existence for over forty years, Leh he took on his duties and that a knowledge of this lan- wrote books in the cursive , Francke believed broadened by the Archaeological Survey enemy , not only the menace of constant unprovoked the first Himalayan mission held regular Ladakhi sermons guage was not sufficient Tibetan and not in Uchen script his vocabulary as it is known in of India (ASI). being formed in 1856 at shelling and firing along the IB became quite few and on Sunday, which were a labo- enough for him to communicate which was used in the writing of different versions across Tibet (The author teaches at the Centre for Kyelang by August Wilhem far between but confidence in the people of the area rious task due to the complexi- with the local people as religious books. He believed and Mongolia and also gives an Jawaharlal Nehru Studies, Jamia Millia Hyde(1817-1833) and Edward ties of the local dialect. Classical Tibetan, he felt was that once people became accus- insight of the local religious Islamia) also got a boost, hence the decision to proceed with Pagell. the normal farming activities. Once on the ground, Francke's motive was to find inappropriate for everyday use. tomed to the newspaper they belief systems. The researches [email protected] the farmers felt convinced of their security , they would make the land, by dint of their industrious nature, grow virtual gold. China's Insatiate Hunger We trust that as an added incentive to the farmers of the concerned areas along the IB, the Government Vikas Kapoor or ashore will also get roasted by the same invis- had first offered to India but Nehru turned it down terms of excess water that it has been using for ible pulse or EMP. There are so many embedded with No wisdom applied as usual. last 59 years. must grant some type of cost compensation to start midst the borders of the vast Taklamakan growing crops as they continued to suffer losses all semiconductors wired on a Nanoscale that to rec- After purchase of Gwadar, the Chinese start- The Truth behind Kishenganga river Desert in Sinkiang (alternatively known tify them, each one would have to be inspected ed construction of Highway in 1959. (Neelum river in POK) : these years while the successive Governments did Aas Province of China), lies in the and Recertified at Test centres equipped with spe- Warning bells should have been sounded in India Taking advantage of the peace on the borders, not consider to compensate them in any way. Once North of , also lies an Unlikely cialised equipment, which is an Impossibility.In but Nobody seemed worried, Infact India signed in 2007, NHPC and HCC started construction of this experiment cum initiative in Hiranagar proved its Oasis, and nestled with in the oasis is a newly built fact it has been proven that in these 02 ships Chi- Water treaty in 1960, giving 's a Lion's US $ 864 Mn Hydroelectric project on Kishen- manufacturing facility that is going to alter the nese Microchips reportedly also have backdoors share of the waters from the major 06 rivers of ganga in Gurez valley, Bandipore district, locat- expected worth, the same approach could be dimensions of the Geostrategic equations extended to and adopted for other areas and districts installed for easy hacking. Subsequently, Trump North India. India was allowedto tap in 19.48 per- ed in the line of sight of LOC, work on the proj- between the US, China and India. This factory is in 2018 banned all such Chinese companies like cent of the run of the river waters of the Indus, ect got halted in 2011 as Pakistan took India to the having borders with Pakistan. Good, prompt and bold soon going to become one of the world's largest Huawei, ZTE and others by bringing in National Jhelum and Cheenab, but not exploited even that world court at Hague and contested that India decisions taken and in a fast manner, necessarily plants to manufacture Polysilicon, a substance Defence Authorisation Act. legal share. Dam on river will consume 33% of the water produce tremendous results and when it is regarding that is an intermediate product in the manufactur- What it requires to make a Microchip Now question arises, Was the Chinese incur- resources while India's claim was 10% only. Pak- ing process of silicon wafres that are then trans- Microchips require two critical raw materials, sion into Aksai Chin in 1954, Pakistan Purchase istan to fight India started a Hydro electric proj- fertile crops producing land putting to its use after a formed into an innumerable range of microchips prolonged idling, it is all the more in the fitness of Sand & freshwater. A30 cm silicon wafer requires of Gwadar port in 1958, the commencement of ect over Neelum river in 2008 by giving contract for multiple applications. almost 10000 litres of fresh water for its manu- the construction of Karkoram highway in 1959, to China. things. The world is powered by microchips that run facture. All of China's major rivers like The Indus water treaty, 1962 war and Sino- Pakistan In the meanwhile, it is now clearly evident that everything from pacemakers to mobile phones to Yangtze, The Yellow river and the Mekong are deal on Shaksgam valley in 1963, all Intercon- year 2008,2010,violent protests in Kashmir were geostationary satellites. There is an emerging cold Extended insurance already choked with effluents. The Taklamakan nected milestones in a far reaching conspiracy to all linked to Pakistan to sabotage and delay exe- war between US and China which is going to rap- desert provides sand in abundance and there is a steal India's waters. cution of Kishen ganga project as it went again to idly divide the world between those that have huge reserve of water stored in the lakes, rivers, The 1300 Kms long Karkoram Highway, World court, praying to halt work on Kishen Gan- cover for health workers access to advanced microchip technology and glaciers in Himalyan and Karakoram mountain whose survey work started in 1959, took 20 years ga project, however, World court ruled in favour ooking to the hazards and risks associated with those that donot.The US is positioning itself to ranges. Leading Chinese polysilicon wafer pro- to complete. Delay in China was primarily of India in 2013 and permitted to restart the work dealing with COVID pandemic across the weaponise the Innovation,technology and intel- ducer, GCL-Poly Energy Holdings, is completing because of failure of Great Leap forward and Cul- but again Pakistan engineered protests in Bandi- country which presently is in its full fury, the lectual property ecosystem in microchips, just as a 130,000 MT polysilicon plant outside Kashgar tural revolution in 1960 and 1966 - 1971 respec- L Chinese leveraged their size and economic assis- pore alleging that project violated environmental in Sinkiang (Xinjiang) when completed would be tively. When it started actually in late 1966, Pak- Government of India has decided to extend the exist- tance for the Belt Road Initiative. The US is now laws but it did not last long and fourth attempt to ing insurance cover of Rs. 50 lakh to the frontline world's leading Low cost, high quality polysili- istan initially suggested routing it through the sabotage the project has failed. China's continu- advocating and telling its friends to stop using con production base for modified siemens method but then made through Khunjerab health workers by another six months . Not only was Chinese giant Huawei's telecom products that use ous intrusions during this period till 2013 espe- polysilicon manufacturing. pass as earlier was more susceptible to Air Strikes cially in Demchok, , , Burthe near the workers bringing under the cover of insurance that microchips made by its subsidiaries. Is it what makes China more Thirsty for as per China's. The Highway started from Kash- How it started - Revealing Chinese Cards : Daulat Beg Oldie in Ladakh was basically much important as it was settling the claims in a fast Waters : gar in Sinkiang, ending at HasanAbdal in Punjab, focussed to Defocus India on Kishen Ganga Pro- On November 21st, 2016, the US navy's US Is this quest for water one of the driving forces Pakistan. track mode. It is , therefore, apparently reassuring $4.4 Bn guided missile destroyer USS Zumwalt, ject.Finally on May 19th,2018, Kishen Ganga behind China's Belt and Road Initiative (CPEC) In the meanwhile, 1984, the physical control Project was formally inaugurated by the PM that 61 claims have been processed and payments while traversing Panama canal, suffered a cata- in Pakistan. Way back in 1954, China encroached of Siachen by India created a new edge by shift- strophic propulsion failure, just 02 days later on Narendra Modi to allow India to assert its control made while 156 claims are under processing and a into Indian territory in Aksai Chin, which is an ing the presumed India Pakistan China Trijunc- over Kashmir's natural resources. 23rd November, the British royal Navy's US $ 1.2 extension of Taklamkan desert and occupied the tion from Karkoram pass to almost 100 kms to the few more claims are yet to be submitted to the desig- Bnhitech destroyer HMS Duncan suffered a cat- China's water vision was revealed when whole Aksai Chin ostensibly to build a road link- west, near Indira Col. The waters from Indira col CPEC (China Pakistan Economic Corridor) nated insurance company. Since the virus is appar- astrophic propulsion failure while on NATO ing Sinkiang and Tibet, both of which were drain in the south to the Siachin Glacier and to expanded in 2017 to include construction of 05 ently showing no signs of getting weak and thus inef- manoeuvres. The reason identified behind all this annexed during same time. But even that farsight- and rivers, to finally merge with the Dams forming the North cascade that was Chinese Chip Destroyer, which are a type of ed Chinese strategists were interested in the Indus. fective and ,therefore, likely to remain as it is, the China has promised to finance & build in Pakistan microchip manufactured by the Chinese PLA that Shaksgam valley, which is home to 242 glaciers The China's quest for water originating in the decision to extend the insurance cover by another six and in POK. The first dam would be built at Bun- the US Navy was forced to buy by tens of thou- and considered to be the most heavily glaciated karkoram - Himalayan region has resulted in Chi- ji near Skardu, and would have 22 kms of long months has been taken which is a welcome step. sands as a cost cutting exercise. region in the world outside of two poles, Aksai nese acquiring Aksai Chin in Ladakh by force and In addition to the core frontline workers, others like When forensic technicians were deployed Chin provide alternate access to Shaksgam val- Sakahagam valley in Gilgit - Hunza by an illegal reservoir. The 2nd dam, the DiamerBhasha dam they found that all of the microchips received from ley. The Shaksgam valley fell into Pakistan's lap treaty with Pakistan. This farsighted Chinese would have a live storage of 6.4 million acre feets private hospital staff, retired, volunteer , local urban a particular manufacturer had same flaw, Instead of water. The Third dam would be Dasu dam with bodies , contract , daily wage and all others personnel in 1947 as a consequence of British perfidy in planning has resulted in a windfall gain for them of being laser etched with Milspec equivalent of Orchestrating the Gilgit rebellion during parti- today. The only CATCH in the pack is India's right 74 kms of reservoir which will stretch upto Basha- associated with dealing directly and indirectly with the an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), these had civil- tion. The Chinese and Pakistanis were in secret to exploit the unexploited 19.48% of river waters Diamer dam. The 4th dam would be at Patan with pandemic also were covered under the health insur- ian wiring equivalent to a 3-amp fuse. In general, negotiations in 1962 when China invaded India. of 03 rivers flowing through the state of Jammu 35 km reservoir leading up to Dasu dam. The 5th electronic component are connected together like ance. This incentive was surely going to add into the Their border deal and the transfer of Shaksgam and Kashmir. India has not exploited any of the dam would be little down stream - the 4000 MW a Daisy chain. Even 10 hardened microchips sol- ThakotHydroproject. morale of the COVID fighting warriors at health insti- valley to China took place in early 1963 and waters of the Indus cascade and partially exploit- dered in a series survive a short burst of electro- before this deal China had already surveyed plans ed Chenab and Jhelum. Government of India is Crux of the story is that Money alone will not tutions , hospitals etc. This insurance cover was over magnetic energy called EMP- This never happens of transportation corridor stretching from the Chi- sitting on very potent weapon whose deterrent be able to win you war but harnessing of natural and above any other insurance cover that a benefici- - that component will fail. And if it happens dur- nese border to Pakistan's deep water ports on Ara- capacity is enormous. It could curtail the enor- resources shall play a pivotal role in creating a ing war or conflict, there will be no replacements bian Sea. It was in this connection Pakistan pur- mous consumer surplus (even out of 19.48% of new warfare platform to counter the world. ary was availing of , with no age limit, no individual easily available. All spares warehoused on a ship [email protected] enrolment and other formalities being added facili- chased Gwadar from Oman in 1958. In fact, Oman Legal India's share) being enjoyed by Pakistan in ties provided. (The views expressed by the authors are their personal)