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Nineteen Seventy-Two Northland Senior High School 1919 Northcliff Drive Columbus, 43229

Volume VI

Published by the Yearbook Staff Northland High School opened its doors to its first student body in early September, 1966. As school got underway and activities were or­ ganized, the students chose the Vik­ ing to be their mascot. They later se­ lected Valhalla as the yearbook name and Valkyries for the name of the marching drill team organized in 1968.

William Needles, a Columbus policeman, painted this Vik­ throughout the 8th-10th centuries. They were the best sail j ing ship on the gymnasium wall. The Vikings were fierce ors and shipbuilders in the world in that age as they were ex-j Scandinavian warriors who plundered the coasts of Europe tremely skilled in the art of navigation by the sun and starssj TABLE OF CONTENTS

Student Life...... 4 Faculty, Academic...... 30 Seniors...... 56 Sports...... 90 Juniors...... 108 Sophomores ...... 122 Organizations...... 140 Advertising ...... 188 Index...... 202

Valhalla in Norse mythology was a great hall in the Norse heaven, As- gard, where great feasts were held to honpr the souls of those slain in battle. The dream of every Viking warrior was that he die in battle with a sword in his hand, for this gained him a seat at the great feast table and a place in the mock warfare fought in Asgard for eternity.

The Valkyries (top), the Northland drill team, marched with beauty whose task was to choose which warriors would die in the band and performed at game halftime ceremonies. In battle and then escort their souls to Valhalla. Viking history they were supernatural maidens of great The Viking football team plays to win in this non-league game with Dayton-Roosevelt.

Sophomore Randy Stier helps his unfortunate friend, sophomore Mark Rawlings, get his bookssooks and himselfhir to class on time. Junior Brenda Hixton shows us how she wisely spends her class time. Students Are Involved In A Life That Is Full of Contrasts . , Working and Playing, Giving and Taking, Winning and Losing . . . and They Learn the Importance of Both Sides

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Assistant principal Duane Pelkey gives a little friendly advice to senior Howard Rush to stress the importance of class attendance. (This is a typical, but not authentic, situation.) (left) Cross Coun­ try runners Mike Stacy and John Morrow practice to get in shape for a winning season. Competition Reflects Interest In Learning; Apathy Breeds Boredom

Sophomores Joe Mayhew and Bill Tanner are so engrossed in a debate that they are late tor class.

This typical study hall scene shows the devotion most students have for learning, (right) Sopho­ more Leslie Conrad competes in a girls' gym class to develop skill in archery. One faces strong competition in the band, where members fight it out for marching positions.

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Senior Cherryl Wenger gives up a free peri­ od to help in the guidance office, (left) Sen­ ior Kathy Hayes practices typing, which rep­ resents just one phase of her Cooperative Education Course.

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Senior Ellen Carpenter and sophomore Bill Cassidy spend some free time studying out­ side in an effort to keep up with their busy I t schedules, (left) Seniors Debbie Blaskie, ^ t ^. Cheryl Clifton, and Vicki Wenger pose under their Homecoming homeroom decorations.

n Senior Debbie Brooks and junior Teresa Hunt spend their free time performing a service for the school by working in the attendance office.

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r,"V''V 'y*' ' / 'V Sophomores Melody Hopper and Peggy Wal+on learn to use the newspaper as a resource in their English class.

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Field trips were popular teaching aids. Junior Craig Rodgers and seniors Cherry! Lothamer and Ellen Owen purchase tickets at the Ohio Theatre to see a play assigned in English class, (right) Junior Jeff Hutchison uses the simulator for experience in facing problems in traffic situations. The simulator was used in all Northland drivers education classes.


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Knowledge O f the Past And Present Is The Key to .the Solution of Future Problems Junior Karen Darrough admires the handiwork on a Latin temple constructed by a Northland stu­ dent.

In Current History class, Paulette Ariss, Mike Houston, Pam Weber, sources of news stories they are studying. Conrad Williams, and Davis St. Clair search the globe for locations of

15 Eileen Spooner, Bob Ludeke, Tom Andrews, assistant principal Donald Wynkoop, Brad Smith, Rick Harris, Christy Brown, and Mary Ann Flichia are working together on a Homecoming project as Kim Elsea looks on from outside.

Confidence helps Charles Haffenden get through the crowded halls between classes, (right) The Marching Band spurs the Viking football team onward to victories.

16 Confidence Brings Forth Victories, but Insecurity Points Toward Defeat

Kibi+ier Rick Smith urges Randy Glassburn and Charles Haffenden to finish their chess game.

A Viking player tackles a Dayton Roosevelt Teddie to help assure a Northland victory.

17 Senior Ron Cosentino, sophomores Lois Frazier and Pam Munzer, sfudenfs in +he co-educa+ional foods class, will soon find ouf whether if is edible, (below) Sopho­ more Robert Davideic strives to win in cross country.

18 W e Strive To Succeed But Sometimes Submit to Failu re Tom Andrews looks pleased as he takes hig first batch of cookies from the oven.

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t : ^ Senior Debbie Callan displays her artistic talent as she makes a sign for homecoming, oeniors Mary Ann Flichia and Lee Blake are also working on the project, (left) Junior John Morrow starts S'* his practice session with a fast warm-up. I': ^ • •'•• '■ " ■'

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An early season 28-0 victory inspired Seniors Terese Blank and Eva Denney the Northland team and their boost- do their best to arouse school spirit.

The Viking team plans their move for the next quarter.

20 Tension . . . Frustration . . . Relaxation . . . Joy . . . Sorrow - These Contrasts Are in the Total Experience Of the Student Possessing a Dedicated, Enthusiastic School Spirit

Senior Cheryl Wenger glances back as Cheerleaders Teresa Blank, Eva Denney, Debbie Haggy, seniors, Jackie Hilt, sophomore, and she cheers the team on to victory. Kathy Janszen, junior, lead the first pep rally of the season.

Sophomores Lori Carpenter, Jenny Rarquhar, and Karen Ledoford and junior Steve Arrick patiently listen to the instructor as they rest between marching drills.

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21 (left) Chip Van Syckle crams for a test for his next period class, (below) Senior Sue Campbell finds the platform in the lobby a convenient place to study, (center) The cheerleaders go through the Viking Mount for an all-school pep rally.

22 School Sounds Range From the Noise of a Cheering Crowd To the Silence Of the Classroom

Senior Janice Holmes forgets school prob­ lems as she meditates in a peaceful environ­ ment.

23 Junior Tom Wolfe spends his free time talk­ ing on one of the two public telephones in the main lobby.

This is a typical situation. Senior Dan Crabtree gets a slap despite his good intentions when Deb­ bie Wills misunderstands his offer to help, (right) Senior Terry McClure and Joyce Dublin have a long talk — a basis for understanding.

24 We Discover That Love Reflects Maturity and Holds Surprises And That Hate Is Created By Misunderstanding

,j| Principal L. M. Evans gives an early morning address before the Marching Band members, prais- jj, ing l-hem for fheir halftime performances.

Barb Signoracci awaits a late boyfriend as she sits atop the radiator outside the lunch-

25 Seniors Ellen Pierce and Laura Wilson prevent Richard Kish and his friend from violating the school rules on leaving early.


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Senior Tony Flowers tastes his own creation in a coed cooking class, (right) Seniors Jerry Kincaid and Sue Brown read passages from the Holy Bible.

26 Faith And Confidence Bring Satisfaction And Peace . . . Uncertainty And Jealousy Cause Disharmony. Believe Instead of Doubting Your Fellowman

Coach Charles Deyo debates strategy with head football coach Frank Howe during Vik- ing-Dayton Roosevelt game, (left) Two life styles meet in hallway confrontation between Dan Thornsley and David Rodgers.

27 Valkyries, the girls' precision drill team, are performing one of their many halftime shows with the Marching Band.

Sophomore Bobby Greenfield appears deep in thoughf as he makes his way to his next class, (right) Junior Ric Whikehart develops skill in metal working in his industrial arts class.

28 Northland Students Learned to Make Wise Decisions As They Experienced BOTH SIDES

Junior Mike Kyser reflects on a decision he must make as he eats lunch in the school cafeteria, (left) Senior Karen Wood, a gym moniitor, helps Miss Elaine Bolti, instructor, prepare arrows for an archery lesson.


Each teacher strives to project his subject matter inter­ estingly as well as informatively . . . to encourage creativi­ ty as well as productivity.


31 Principal Bridges Generation Gap

Principal L. M. Evans, who has been at Northland since Its opening six years ago, has tried over these years to es­ tablish a rapport with his students so as to deal effectively with their problems in student life. His inspiring talks over the public address system represent just one avenue he periodically uses to keep In touch with the students. His standards of student dress, attendance, and conduct, the meaningfulness he has given Student Council, and his em­ phasis on academics have helped to make Northland the progressive school it is today.


(top right) Mr. Evans gives a pat of ap­ proval to Bev Bradshaw for a job well done as captain of the cheerleaders, (cen­ ter) Mr. Evans and Mrs. Jo Ellen Huggins help sophomore Miike Knight change his schedule, (right) Mr. Pelkey, Mr. Evans, and Mr. Wynkoop discuss the neat ap­ pearance of the students as they report to school in the fall.

32 I Varied Curriculum Is Administrator's Goal \

Mr. Duane Pelkey, who is in his fourtihi year as assistanih principal here, is a graduate of Worthington High School and is a former mathe­ matics teacher and track coach at Johnson Park Junior High. He holds a B.S. degree from' Capital Universi­ ty and a'H M .A. from Ohiio State Uni­ versity. As an administrator, Mr. Pelkey is deeply interested in provid­ ing a curriculum that will meet the needs of all the students. ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL DUANE PELKEY

Assistant Principal Is r m ...... Former Teacher, Coach

A former history and physical edu­ cation teacher and coach, Mr. Don­ ald Wynkoop came to Northland in A pril, 1970, as an assistant principal. He holds a B.S. and a:n M.A. degree from Capital University. Mr. Wynkoop taught for two years at Johnson Park Junior High and for seven years at Walnut Ridge, where he was head football coach his last two years. He feels that Northland has a tine student body that is willing to learn.



33 English Topics Courses Added +o Curriculum

English Topics, experimental nine-week courses at the sophomore and junior and senior levels, were added to the English curriculum this year. This initial step in a revamp­ ing of the English curriculum was made to offer a more di­ versified and versafile English curriculum so that studients could choose their courses according to their interests. Sophomore courses included Mythology, Science Fic­ tion, Creative Writing, Modern Novel, Laugh It Up, and Senior Sue Evans studies the techniques of newspaper advertising in Introduction to Shakespeare. Junior and senior level cours­ Mass Media, an English topics class. es included Modern Poetry Seminar, Modern World Liter­ ature, Mass Media, Modern Controversial Fiction, Afro- American Liferature, Individualized Reading, Creafive Writing, and Bible as Literature. Additions to the English faculty are Mrs. Rebecca Berry, who previously taught at Westerville; Mrs. Linda Taylor, who came from Washington, Pennsylvania, schools; and M iss Camille Smith, In her first year of feaching.

MRS. FRANCES BALDWIN — B.S., Ohio State University: English, English Topics: Red Cross Club. Her hobbies are knitting, needlework, and bicy­ cling.

MISS SONNIE BARNETT — B.A., Denison University: English: Student Challenge. She enjoys traveling, knit­ ting, reading, and piano.

MR. JO HN CARBO L — A.B., Lan­ guage Arts, West Liberty State Col­ lege: English, English Topics: Chair­ man, Independent Study Committee. Sports and books are his favorite pas­ times. Sophomore Kim Hagley demonstrates on the board the proper identifi­ ih cation for themes in her English class.

34 MISS VIOLET CHOKREFF — B.S. in Education, Ashland College; English, Contemporary English, Poetry Semi­ nar, Controversial Fiction. Her hobbies are singing, fishing, and pho­ tography.

MRS. DORIS FEARING — B.A., Waynesfeurg College; M.A., Ohio State University; English, Journalism, Yearbook, English Topics. Decoupage, fishing, bridge, and reading are her outside interests.

MR. STEVE KULL — B.S. in Education, Otterbein College, M.A., Ohio State University; English, English Topics; Cross Country, Reserve BasebaU, and Basketball Coaching. He enjoys travel­ ing, sports, and reading.

MISS CAM ILLE SMITH — B.S. in Edu­ cation, Ohio State University; English 10, II, I 2; Junior Girls Club. Exploring is her hobby.

Junior Jeff Yocca concentrates on a difficult test in his American Liter­ ature class. (Left) Marge Myers poses a question as her English Litera­ ture class discusses Canterbury Tales.

35 MISS MIRIAM MdNTOSH — B.A., Otterbein College; Contemporary English, Business English; Attendance Office. Her hobbies are antiques, dogs, and nature.

MRS. TRUDY PLUMMER — B.A., Lake Erie College; English, Humani­ ties, French; Creative Writing Club. She enjoys her four children, sailing, gardening, piano, and reading.

MRS. NATASHA W OLFE — B.S. in Education, O .S.U.; English, Russian; Se nior Girls Club, Russian Club. Cook­ ing, sewing, baking, and interior deco­ rating are some of her outside inter­ ests.

Junior Nancy Linden reads one of Ernest Hemingway's works in her American Literature test as the class studies a short story unit.

Members of a committee in Mr. Kull's second period English class are researching and studying as they prepare for their discussion.

36 New Cultural Program Enriches Language Study

Students In the language classes meet monthly tor a cul­ tural program, designed to enrich, their understanding of the various cultures. Guest speakers and the showing of slides are program feafures. The departmonf also sponsors a Spring Carnival, a parfy for all the language students. Northland offers five languages — French, German, Lafin, Russian, and Spanish. It Is one of the few Columbus high schools to offer such a variety. "W e are proud of the well-trained and interested teachers In our Language Department," Mrs. Carolyn White, de­ partment chairman, said.

MISS LINDA H O A JA — B.S., Muskin- gom College; Spanish: Spanish Club. She en|oys traveling, swimmiing. Knit­ ting, and reading.

Marcia Smith concentrates on a taped lesson in her Spanish class.

MISS JACQUELIN'E McNEIL — B.S., O.S.U., graduate studies, U'niiversity of Northern- iowa, O.S.U.: French, Span­ ish; French Club. Her hobbies are creative writing and reading.

MRS. HELGA MULADORE — B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University; German, English, English Topics. She particularly enioys traveling, people, bread-bak- iin,g, and organic gardening.

MRS. CAROLYN W HITE — B.S. in Education, O .S.U.; Latin, English, Eng­ lish Topics; Valkyries, Latin Club, Mod­ ern Dance Group. Her outside inter­ ests include cooking, sewing, and playing guitar. What is so amusing to Spanish student Beth Madachy — the dialogue or the photographer?

37 MR. JAM ES BOSEKER — B.S. in Edu­ cation, Capital University; Geogra­ phy, Physical Education, Health. Pho­ tography is one of his outside interests.

MR. W ILLIAM GOSNELL — B.Sc. in Education, M.A. in History, Ohio State University; P.O.D., American History. He enjoys bowling and tennis.

MISS CAROLINE HERREL — B.A. in Education, Capital University; World History, American History. She enjoys traveling, camping, reading, and sew­ ing. Senior Vicki Miller describes the proceedings of a trial she attended to her P.O.D. classmates.

MR. TIMOTHY ILG — B.A., Malone College; Current History, P.O.D.; Co­ Advisor, In-The-Know Team, Current Events Club. His hobbies are attend­ ing graduate school, sports, and read- ina.

MR. RICHARD KERSCHBAUM — B.S. in Education, Capital University; P.O.D., Assistant Football Coach and Track Coach. He enjoys sports.

MR. GILBERT LAKEMAN — B.S. in Education, Otterbein College; World History, American History; Assistant Football and Wrestling Coach. He en­ joys walking and reading.

Sophomores Jody Melick and Tom Adams work on a World History project for Mr. Gosnell's class.

38 Social Studies Dept. Plans New Courses

Goal of the social studies department this year is to work towards diversifying the curriculum at the I'Oth and 12th grade levels. The department teachers are consid­ ering offering a wo'rld cultures course as well as world his­ tory and world geography. As part of their program, sen­ iors will probably be required to take nine weeks of gov­ ernment. They may be able to choose from a variety of courses to study the remainder of the year. The department this year offered American History, World History, Current History, P.O.D., Current Events, and Geography. Black history was integrated into many of these courses. ' Mrs. Diane Weeks Is department chairman.

MISS MARSHA MITCHELL — B.A., Ohio Wesleyan University: P.O.D., American History; Valkyries. Her hobbies are tennis, travel, cookiing, and drama.

M'RS. DIANE WEEKS — B A ^ B.S M.A., Ohio State U,niversity; Current History, America,n History. Her hobbies are cards and reading.

MR. THOMAS W HITE — B.S., Ohio State University; World History, American History; Assistant Football Sophomore Rick Branzell points out an area that was the scene of ac­ a,nd Wrestling Coach. He enjoys music and movies. tion the class is studying in World History.

39 Math Topics Courses Added +o Curriculum

Math Topics were added to the eleventh and twelfth grade math curriculum this year. The student has the op­ tion to choose one to four of these nine-week courses. They receive one-fourth credit for each course. Courses offered are Mathematical Humanities, Math- Science Problems, Numerical Trig, Probability and Statis­ tics, Taxes, Graphing, Computers, and Investment Mathe­ matics. Various members of the staff teach the courses. The courses were designed for students who want to pursue a particular Interest. The teachers help the stu­ dents to choose the courses according to their Interests and needs. Mr. Russell Miller Is the department head.

MR. JAM ES HUBER — B.S., Capital University: Trig-Analytic Geometry, Algebra II, Math Topics, General Math. His hobby is raising beef cattle.

Sophomore Cur+is Scott explains a difficult problem to classmates in his math class.

MR. RUSSELL MILLER — B.S., Otter- beiiD College, M.A. In Education, Xa­ vier University: Applied Math, Geom­ X..: etry, Math Topics, General Math. He enjoys sports.

MISS ALICE HOFFMEISTER — B.S., Otterbein College: Algebra I, General Math II, Geometry: Ski Club. She en­ joys sewing and sports.

MRS. HELEN MILLER — B.S., Oklaho­ ma State University: General Math II, Algebra II: School Treasurer. She en­ joys traveling and music. Sophomore Lynn Nance demonstrates the proper method for using a compass in her Geometry class.

40 Sophomore Cidy Swisher ponders over a difficult problem as she takes a comprehensive test in geometry class.

MRS. AVIS NORDSTROM — B.S. in Education, Western Michigan; Alge­ bra II, Geometry, Business Math. Her hobbies are bowling, reading, and sew­ ing.

MR. W AYNE RITTENHOUSE — B.S. in Education, Ohio University; Algebra I, General Math; Basketball Coach, Assistant Football Coach. His hobby is sports.

MR. DOUGLAS SMELTZ — B.Sc., Ot- terbein College; Geometry, Algebra II, Trigonometry, Shop Math, Taxes, Chess Club, Ski Club. His outside in­ terests include sports.

Senior Steve Narney studies for a math test.

41 Four Courses in Science Department

Biology, chemistry, physics and concepts of chemistry and physics are offered in the science curriculum. Biology teachers strive to impress upon their students that biology is important to their every day lives — that a knowledge of this science will enrich their lives. Physics is designed for those students who plan to take a science-oriented college course or some field fhat re­ quires science, such as engineering or medicine. Concepts of chemisfry and physics is for those students not having the extensive math background required for chemisfry or physics. If is an excellenf preparatory course for the regular chemistry and physics courses. Ch emistry students are using a new textbook designed I .r-.'-iJiij:; to provide an in-depth study of fhe fundamenfal concepts. Christine Rubadue examines a specimen under the microscope in biolo­ The course Is for those students who plan to pursue a gy class. science-related field in college or fechnical school. Mr. Roberf Whife is department chairman.

MR. JO HN GILKERSON — B.S. In Education; Chemistry; Science Math Club. He enjoys golf and water skiing.

MR. ROBERT A. GRIMM — B.S., Ohio State University; Biology. He en­ joys gardening.

MR. JO HN V. HAZELBAKER — B.S., O.S.U., M.A., Ohio Wesleyan; Chem­ istry, Physics. He enjoys sports and re­ storing old cars.

Senior Don Smith makes a model of a molecule in his chemistry class.

42 MR. FRANK HOW E — B. Science aind M.S., O .S.U.; Biology, Head Football Coach. His hobbies are sports, reading, and learning more and seeing more of our United States.

MR. RALPH W ALTON — B.S., Capital Univ.; Concepts of Chemistry and Physics; Tennis Coach. He likes sports and music.

MR. ROBERT J . W HITE — B. Science, M.A., O.S.U.; Biology. He enjoys photography.

Two pioneer scientists, Don Hinckley and Mr. Walton are hard at work trying to prove Walton's law of confusion.

43 Three Programs Open To Business Student

The goal of the Business Education Department is to prepare students to be gainfully employed in business after graduation. Three programs are in operation to ac­ complish this. The straight business curriculum contains courses in typewriting, shorthand, bookkeeping, clerical office prac­ tice, salesmanship, consumer economics, and business law. A student may choose any combination of these courses to complete his preparation for office work. The Future Secretaries Club is open to those girls who have had at least one business course. The Distributive Education course prepares students for employment in the ever-expanding field of the marketing or merchandising of goods or services. Senior year stu­ dents attend school in the morning and receive on-the-job training in a business establishment in the afternoon. These students have their own club. DECA. Highlight of the year is the employer-employee appreciation banquet held in the spring. Cooperative Office Education, also a vocational pro­ gram, is offered to senior secretarial students who have reached the employable level at the beginning of their senior year. Businessmen, parents, and students have been receptive to the program, and nineteen students are en­ Junior Penny Dennison strives to keep up with Mrs. Huggins' dictation. rolled this year.

MISS JUDY BARNHART — B.S. in Education, Wittenberg University: Sal­ esmanship, Cooperative Office Educa­ tion, CO E Club. Reading, modern dance, and classical music are her hobbies.

MR. W ILLIAM B. BIGELOW — B.S. in Education, Ohio Northern University, M.S. in Education, Bowling Green; Sales, Distributive Education, DECA. He enjoys sports and music.

MR. ALPHONSE FOOSE - B.S., O.S.U.: Bookkeeping, Typing.

Hilda Lockner learns the proper procedure tor answering the telephone in CO E class.

44 MRS. JO ELLEN HUGGINS — B.S., O.S.U.; Typing, Shorthand, Sewing, Reading, and Bridge are her hobbies.

MISS SHIRLEY LEGGETT — B.S., O.S.U., Office Practice, Shorthand I, Typing II, Future Secretaries. She enjoys travel, reading, and Bead Art.

MRS. JO YC E B. WADE — N.C.A.T., State University of North Carolina: Typing I and II, Shorthand II. Consumer Economics, Business Law. She enjoys reading and bowling.

Seniors Ellen Owen and Cheryl Lothamer learn to operate the mimeograph machine in Office Machines class.

45 MR. RUPERT R. BEET- HAM — B.S., M.A. in Education, Ohio State University and Dakota Wesleyan University; Drivers Education, POD. He enjoys sports officiat­ ing.

MRS. JO AN GRAHEK — B.S. in Education, Ohio State Un iversity, M.S.L.S., Case Western Reserve; Librarian; F.T.A. Needlework is her hobby.

Mr. Beetham gives instruction on parking a car to his drivers education students. Activities Coordinator Plans School Projects

The number of special service teachers was decreased this year because of necessary cutbacks in the Board of Education's budget. Mr. Hubert Zaayer was retained as activities coordinator, and he and his student assistants plan school social activities, student elections, educational field trips, honor society activities, and all-school money­ making projects. Under the cutback the school lost an assistant librarian. Mrs. Joan Grahek, head librarian since Northland's open­ ing, handled the librarian's responsibilities. A catalogue for all audi o-visuaJ materials was compiled this year. Mrs. Mary Jane Davis, office clerk, ran the attendance office assisted by Miss Miriam McIntosh.

Mr. Roger Howard discusses a drivers education film he has shown in the simulator.

46 Janet Landers worries about the book she must select for a book report for her English class.

Jean Dunnick searches in the card catalog to find the book she must Sophomore Richard Yonko selects a book from the many available in have for a class report. the Northland library for a book report.

47 MR. HUBERT ZAAYER — B.S., M.A., Ohio State University: Coordinator, Student Affairs: Student Council, Sen­ ior Class, Z.B.G.'s. He likes to eat.

A disturbance on the second floor catches Mr. Zaayer's eye.

Activities office assistants, Ric Diedalis, Tony Ristucci, Don Kaylor, and Ron Lovell, relax after helping with the candy sale. 48 MRS. HELEN LIAS — B.Sc., M.A., Ohio State University; Counselor. Her hobby is reading.

MRS. CHERRYE LUCAS — M.A. in Education, Ohio State University; Counselor. Her hobbles are garden- Ifng, oil painting, bridge, and antiques.

MR. TERENCE SCHREIBER — B.A., Wittenberg University; M.A., Ohio State University; Counselor; Co-Ad­ viser, In-the-Know Team. His hobbies are reading science fiction and enjoy­ ing his two young sons.

Mrs. Lucas searches for a sfudenf's record to prepare for a counseling session. Three Counselors Help Students Make Decisions

Three faculty members make up the Guidance Depart^ merit — Mr. Terence Schreiber, chairman, Mrs. Cherrye Lucas, and Mrs. Helen Lias. Mr. Schreiber handles general testing, coordinates the tutoring program, and counsels for the draft. Mrs. Lucas guides college-bound students In selecting their colleges and courses. New to the guidance office this year, Mrs. Lias helps vocational students decide which field fhey are best suited for and whaf training is needed. Each counselor is concerned with the student's well­ being and tries to help the students make wise decisions.

Mr. Zaayer and Mr. Evans discuss plans for the Senior Convention.

49 Boys' Food Class Is Popular Elective

The Home Economics Deparfment offers both girls and boys food classes, clothing, and home management. Mrs. Lehman teaches food classes. Including the boys class added 1970. Miss Darling handles the clothing classes. Art students create in a variety of media including ce­ ramics, sculpturing, and painting. Classes often take field trips for art appreciation. The Industrial Arts Department offers a variety of Sophonnore Chris Dakel demonstrates a technique in wood-working courses that include drafting, metal, electronics, and class. wood. Classes are taught by Mr. Redmond, Mr. McGill, and Mr. Stewart. Goal of the teachers in these departments Is to develop ■ i I* the student's thinking ability and to encourage him to fol­ Ip llilI m i low through on a job successfully.

MR. THOMAS McGILL — B.S., Ohio State 'U'niversity; Drafting, Electricity. His hobbies are camping and fishing.

MR. MERLE E. REDMOND — B.S., Ohio State University; Metal, Elec­ tronics, Audio-Visual. He enjoys his farm.

MR. DON STEWART — B.S., M.E., Ohio State University; Wood. He en­ joys hunting and fishing and his work as director of the Columbus Bowling As­ 'r sociation. Sophomore Mike Broberg prepares a project in metal class.

50 MISS LOIS DARLING — B.Sc., M.A., Ohio State University; Home Economics I, II, Clothing I, II. Homemaking Club. Yard work, reading, and photography are her hobbies.

MRS. HARRIET LEHMAN — B. Science, Ohio State University; Home Management, Foods. Traveling and camping are her hobbies.

MR. RONALD C . RABOLD — B.S., Ohio State U niversity; Graduate School, Xavier; Fine Arts; Art Club. He likes basket­ ball, painting, and ceramics.

Senior OoHie Legault works on an art project in Mr. Rabold's class.

Cindy Sears helps Holly Crawford fit a pattern in clothing class. Junior Cindy Paprocki is working to finish a pair of slacks for Miss Dar­ ling's clothing class.

51 Teachers Encourage Creativity in Arts

The Arts Department teachers strive to encourage par­ ticipation and creativity in the student. Dramatics is a course designed for those students who are interested in the theatre. The course covers history of the theatre, production techniques, and acting. Speech and debate are also taught. Appreciation and performance are stressed in both vocal and Instrumental music instruction. The courses of­ fered range from sophomore beginning music to music theory. Students enrolled in physical education classes are pro­ Junior Sherry Ferguson listens carefully to Mr. Weimer's orders in early morning band practice. vided a varied program that includes badminton, fencing, bowling, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, volleyball, and tennis.

MR. THURMAN DAVIS — B.M., M.M. in Education; Vocal Music, Theo­ ry, Concert Chorale. He enioys swim­ ming and diving.

MR. CHARLES LEWIS JR . — B.Sc. in Education, Ohio State University; Eng­ lish, Dramatics, Speech; Drama Club, Stage Crew. He enjoys summer thea­ tre.

MR. ROBERT WEIMER — B.A., Ohio State University; Instrumental Music. His special interest is model railroad­ ing. Sophomore Pam DeLille pays close attention to Mr. Davis' direction in Sophomore Choir.

52 I

Sophomore Cheryl Hutchison hits a home run in gym class as her classmates cheer.

MISS ELAINE BOLTZ — B. Science, Ohio State University; Physical Education, Health; Cheerleading Coach. She en­ joys music, photography, and Volkswagens. I

MRS. JAN ET WISE — B.A., Mount Union College; Physical Education, Health, World His­ tory; G .A .A . She enjoys sv/im- ming, tennis, and golf.

MR. CHARLES DEYO — M.E. In Physical Education, Xavier; Biology, Health, Physical Educa­ tion; Asst. Football Coach, Head Wrestling and Golf Coach. He enjoys all outdoor sports.

MR. THOMAS WICKISER — B.S., Ohio State University, M.A. in Education, Xavier; Health, Physical Education; Var­ sity N, Baseball Coach, Faculty Manager. He enjoys golf and Juniors take time from physical education to wrestle in the mud. vacations.

53 Experienced Staff Operates Cafeteria

Northlaind is fortunate to have such reliable and experi­ enced women to operate the cafeteria. They prepare nu­ tritious and tasty lunches daily. A snack bar is also availa­ ble for obtaining small items quickly. The liunchroom is open during the first ten minutes of each period in the morning for those students in study hall who wish to pur­ chase food before lunch. The staff experimented this year with various foreign foods, such as boritos, a Mexican pastry. Mr. Harry Collins heads the efficient custodial staff. With the help of the other employees, he keeps the build­ ing and grounds in excellent condition. A student cashier totals a breakfast check.



CAFETERIA STA FF— Mrs. Delores Wilson, Mrs. Ruth Johnson, Mrs. Wilma Bitler, Mrs. Roxy Bullock, Mrs. I Jerry Crotty, Mrs. Flo Andrick, Mrs. Ann DeWitt, Mrs. Nellie Miser, Mrs. Margaret Coltlesh, Mrs. Mary ©reylock, supervisor.

54 CUSTODIANS — Mr. Benjamin Moore, Mr. Harry Collins, Mr. William White. Chester Lyman, Mrs. Bernice Morgan, Mr. Thomas Dudley, Mr.

A custodian must wear many hats. Here Sara Oberkonz asks Mr. Collins Mr. Lyman cleans up the snack bar after the lunch periods — a time of to help her find a lost ring. day when the custodians work is multiplied.

55 56 57 Seniors Elect Officers In Convention Style

The Senior Convention was the climax to the cam­ paigning for senior office that had begun the week be­ fore. With toilet paper rolls streaming; drums, whistles, bells, and shouts resounding: and confetti swirling, it was really a wild scene. Officers chosen to lead the senior class were Marti Par­ rish, president: Bill Tinsky, vice president; Laurie Howden, secretary: Karen Nacke, treasurer; and Eileen Spooner, sergeant-at-arms.

Enthusiasm was the dominant spirit at the Senior Convention.

SENIOR HOMEROOM TEACHERS — Mr. John Gilkerson, Mrs. Carolyn White, Mrs. Judy Barnhart, Mr. Steve Kull, Miss Shirley Leggett, Mr. John Carbol, Mrs. Jo Ellen Huggins, Mr. Robert Grimm, Mrs. Diane Weeks, Mrs. Doris Fearing, Mr. Frank Howe, Mrs. Rebecca Berry, Mr. Richard Kersch- Highlight of the Homecoming half time show was the lighted baum, Mrs. Avis Nordstrom, Miss Elaine Boltz, Mr. William Bigelow. '72 under the Viking football tree.

Senior class officers for 1972 were Laurie Howden, secretary: officers, with the help of their running mates, planned the Bill Tinsky, vice president; Eileen Spooner, sergeant-at-arms; senior activities. Karen Nacke, treasurer; and Marti Parrish, president. These

58 Seniors Lead Way With Winning Teams

FIRST ROW SANDY ABBOTT . . . RITA ADAMS — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Junior Girls, President 3; Sports Survey 3; Senior Girls 4; Yearbook Staff 4 . . . FRANK ALBANESE — Deca 4.

SECOND ROW DIANE ALBERTSON — F.T.A. 2; F.S.A. 3; Junior Girls 3; Sports Survey 3, 4; Viking Club 4; Y- Teens 3; C.O.E. 4; Senior Girls 4; Home Econom­ ics Club 2, 3 . . . CARA ALEXANDER — Span­ ish Club 2; Concerned Students 3; Ski Club 2; Drama Club 2; French Club 3; Senior Girls 4; Concert Band 2; OPIAG 3 . . . ANDI ALVES — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Y-Teens 3.

THIRD ROW DAVE AMRINE . . . JAY ANDERSON — Viking Club 4; Latin Club 4; Ski Club 4 . . . KATHY ANDERSON — Viking Club 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; G.A.A. 4.

FOURTH ROW JIM ANGEL — German Club 3; Euchre Club 4; Library Assistant 3; Ski Club 2; Sophomore Choir 2; Viking Glee 2 . . . GLENNA ANTLE . . . DIANE ARCHAMBAULT — Spanish Club 2, 3. 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Senior Girls 4.

FIFTH ROW TINA ARRICK — Student Challenge 4; Creative Writing 3; Attendance, Guidance Helper 2, 3, 4; Creative Writing 3; Drama Club 3 . . . RICK AT­ W OOD — Football 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 3, 4; Track 3 . . . KATHY BAILEY — Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Concert Chorale 3, 4; All-City 2; German Club 2; Contest Choir 2, 3, 4; Clarinet Choir 3; Woodwind Choir 3; Viking Varieties 3; "Messiah" 4; "So.uind of Music" 2; National Honor Society 3; "Amahl and the Night Visitors" 2.

59 Senior Class Claims 444 Super Seniors

FIRST ROW CHER BALDWIN — Student Challenge 4 . . . RICK BALLINGER . . . CONNIE BARBER — Sophomore Choir 2; Girls Glee 2; Viking Club 2, 4; Home Economics Club 4.

SECOND ROW TIM BARLOWE — Football Manager 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 4; Golf 3; Drama Club 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 4 . . . DIANE BARROW — Home Economics Club 2; Viking Club 2; Jun­ ior Girls 3: Senior Girls 4 . . . DEBBIE BARTLETT — Student Council 2, 4; Drama Club 2, 3; Year­ book Staff 2, 4; Viking Club 2, 3; Sports Survey 3.

THIRD ROW BRUCE BAUCHMIRE — Wrestling 2, 3; Ski Club 4; Z.B.G. 4; Viking Club 4 . . . CHRIS BAUER — Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Aviation Club . . . RACHEL BAUMAN — Creative Writing 3, 4; French Club 4; G .A.A. 4; Vocal Music 2.

FOURTH ROW KAREN BEAL — Student Council 2, 3; Spanish Club 2; Senior Choir 2; Melody Maidens 2; Sports Survey 3; G .A.A. 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Valkyries 3, Co-Captain 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . BOB BEAL . . . RONDA BEALL — Ski Club 2, 3; Sports Survey 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens; Junior Girls 3; In­ terschool Volleyball Reserves 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4.

FIFTH ROW STEVE BENNETT — D.E.C.A. 4; Young Adults 2. 3; Contest Choir 2, 3; Concert Chorale 3; Sopho­ more Choir 2; Spanish Club 2 . . . CONNIE BEYMER — Viking Club 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . MIKE BIDDISON — Viking Club 2.

Seniors spread the Christmas spirit by hanging stock­ ings in display case. Elves making the decorations are Sherri Moore, Karen Nacke, and Rita Adams.

60 Seniors Place Second

FIRST ROW PAUL BISCHOFF — Swimming 3, 4; Varsity N 4; Z.B.G. 3, 4 . . . LU ANN BISHOP — Girls’ Glee 2; Senior Choir 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Con­ cert Band 4 . . . JEFF BLACKFORD — Viking Club 4.

SECOND ROW LEA BLAKE — Viking Club 3, 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Latin Club 3; Senior Girls 4; Ski Club 3; Junior Girls 3; Office, Attendance Helper 3, 4 . . . TERESE BLANK — Spanish Club 2; Senior Choir 2; Valkyries 2; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 2; Majorette 3; Viking Club 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; G.A.A. 4; Cheerleader 4 . . . DEBBIE BLASKIE — Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Viking Club 4; Russian Dancers 4; Office, Attendance Helper 4.

THIRD ROW LESLIE BLOUNT — Ski Club 3; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Historian Club 3, 4; F.T.A. 2; Young Adults 3, 4; Senior Choir 4; Y-Teens 2; Senior Girls 4 . . . JONI BORGERDING — Y-Teens 2, 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Valkyries 2, 3, 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Melody Maidens 2; Young Adults 3, 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Viking Varieties 3; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4 . . . G A Y BO- SEKER — Ski Club 3.

FOURTH ROW BO BOWER — Senior Girls 4; Viking Varieties 3; Junior Girls 4; Y-Teens 3; Homecoming Court 4; Student Council 3; Spanish Club 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Reserve Cheerleader Co-Captain 3; Varsity Cheerleader 4 . . . PATTY BOTKINS — Sopho­ more Choir 2; Young Adults 3; Concert Choir 3; Viking Glee 3; Senior Choir 3; Viking Club 2; Ski Club 2; Art Club 4; Student Council 2 . . . KENT BRADFORD — Spanish Club 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Varsity N 4; 100 Mile Club 2.

FIFTH ROW BEV BRADSHAW — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Melody Maidens 2; Senior Choir 2; Soph­ omore Choir 2; Junior Girls 3; G .A.A. 2, 3, 4; Sports Survey 3; Homecoming Court 4; National Honor Society 3; Reserve, Varsity Cheerleader 2, 3, Captain 4 , . . DAVID BREHM — Wrestling 2, 4; Football 1,2; Cross Country 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 4; National Honor Society 3 . . . DEBI BROOKS — Viking Club 4; Ski Club 4; Sports Survey 4; Senior Girls 4.

61 Senior Girls Club Sponsors Hayride

FIRST ROW DEBBIE BROOKS — Senior Girls 4; G .A.A. 4; Attendance Helper 4; Spanish Club 3; French Club 2'. . . SUE BROOKS — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3; Melody Maidens 3; Sophomore Choir 2; Senior Girls 4; Debate 2; Junior Girls 3; Sports Survey 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3; Office Helper 3; Student Council 4 . . . CHRIS BROWN — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Home Economics Club 2, 3; G .A.A. 3, 4; Valkyries 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3; Office Helper 3; Guidance, Attendance Helper 3; Mel­ ody Maidens 3; Sophomore Choir 2.

SECOND ROW CHRIS A. BROWN . . . SUSAN BROWN — Art Club 3, 4; Cafeteria Helper 2, 3; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Editor 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . ROB­ ERTA BRUCE.

THIRD ROW BRENDA BRUNTON — Office Helper 3, At­ tendance Helper 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; D.E.C.A. 4 . . . KATHY BUCK — French Club 4; Senior Girls 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Library Helper 4; G .A.A. 3 . . . JIM BUCKLE.

FOURTH ROW BETSY BUCKLE — G .A.A. 2, 3, 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Junior Girls 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Y-Teens 2; French Club 2 . . . RHONDA BUTT — Ski Club 3; Viking Club 3; D.E. 4 . . . DEBBIE CALLAN — Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3; G.A.A. 4; Senior Girls President 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Office Helper 4; Sophomore Choir 2.

FIFTH ROW SUE CAMPBELL — Drama Club 2; Viking Club 2; French Club 3,4 . . . MIKE CARDER — Viking Club 4; F.T.A. 4; Camera Club 4; Young Adults 4; Senior Choir 4; Contest Choir 4 . . . MICKI CARIFA — Valkyries 2, 3; G .A.A. 3, 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Art Club 4; Senior Girls 4; Junior Girls 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Y-Teens 2; Drama Club 2; Spanish Club 2; Student Council 2, 3; Journalism 4.

62 Class Backs Seniors In G.A.A. Tourney

FIRST ROW PAM CARIS — Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3; Melody Maidens 2, 3, 4; Sen­ ior Choir 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . JOHN CARLSON — Viking Club 3. 4 . . . SUSAN CARLTON — Debate 2; F.T.A. 2; French 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 2; National Honor Society 3; Creative Writing 3, 4. SECOND ROW DOUG CARMAN . . . ELLEN CERPENTER — F.T.A. 2; Debate 2, 3; Russian Club 3; Drama Club 3 . . . VIANNE CARRES — Girls' Glee 2. 3; Cheerleader 2, 3; Y-Teens 2, 3; Student Coun­ cil (Linden-McKinley High School). THIRD ROW MIKE CASSADY — Viking Club 2. 3, 4; Golf 2. 3, 4; Cross-Country 3; Varsity N 4 . . . CANDY CATALAN O — G.A.A. 2; F.T.A. 2; Viking Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 3; Junior Girls 3; D.E.C.A. 4 . . . RANDY CATTELL. FOURTH ROW WENDY CHEELY — Interschool Basketball and Volleyball 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; G .A.A. 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls 4; National Honor Society 3 . . . CARLA CIO- TOLA — Spanish Club 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . JANET CLARK — Spanish Club 2; C.O.E. 4. FIFTH ROW MIKE CLARK . . . VICKI C LA Y — German Club 3; Latin Club 2; Senior Girls 4; Marching and Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4 . . . CHERYL C LIF­ TON — Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Russian Club 3; Rus­ sian Dancers 3, 4; "Sound of Music" 2; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls 4; Guidance, Attendance Helper 4; "Messiah" 4.

Rachel Bauman takes time out from homework to enjoy a sucker break.

63 Class Dues Bankrupt Insolvent Seniors

MIKE C O C C IA — Varsity N 3, 4; Track 2. 3; Cross Country 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4 . . . STEVE CON REAUX — Tennis Team 2, 3, 4; Vik­ ing Club 4; Ski Club 4; Varsity N 4 . . . DALE COOK.

SECOND ROW DANA COOPER . . . RON COSENTINO — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3; Baseball 2; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 4 . . . FRED COSTELLO — Viking Club 2, 3. 4; Ski Club 3; Football 2, 3, 4; Viking Basketball 2, 3; Varsity N 3, 4; Baseball 2.

THIRD ROW DANIEL CRABTREE — Football 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, Sergeant-at-Arms 3; Basketball 2, 3; Varsity N 3, 4, Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Baseball 2 . . . JENNY CRAIN — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Y-Teens 2; G .A.A. 3, 4; Stu­ dent Council 3, 4; Valkyries 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4 . . . ROBERT CRAMER.

FOURTH ROW DEBBIE CRAMPTON — Marching and Symphon­ ic Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2 . . . DON CROTTY — Varsity N 2. 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3. 4: Golf 2. 3, 4 . . . PAM DAKEL — Viking Club 2. 3, 4; G .A.A. 2, 3; Ski Club 2. 3. 4; Sports Survey 3; Y-Teens 2; Valkyries 2, 3, 4; Jun­ ior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4.

FIFTH ROW TONY D'ANDREA . . . JAY DANIEL — Viking Club 2. 3, 4 . . . BARB DAUBE — Chess Club 3; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Euchre 4; Senior Girls 4; Audio­ Visual 4; Y-Teens 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Girls' Glee 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 3, 4; Melody Maidens 3, 4; Senior Choir 2.

The Freaky Phantom meets photographer during a yearbook work session.

64 Enthusiasm High During Convention

FIRST ROW PAT DAVIS — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3; Senior Girls 4; Junior Girls 3; C.O .E. 4; Office Helper 3; Y-Teens 2, 3; Sports Survey 3; Student Council 3 . . . PATRICK DAVIS . . . BOB DAVIS — Viking Club 2, 3, 4.

SECOND ROW CRAIG DEAN — Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 2, 3; Audio-Visual 2, 3, President 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Euchre 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Male Glee 2, 3, 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Young Adults 3, 4; Con­ test Choir 3, 4; Senior Choir 3, 4 . . . EVA DEN­ NEY — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ger­ man Club, Secretary 2; Sports Survey 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Senior Girls 4; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Concert Chorale 2, 4; Mel­ ody Maidens 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Homecoming Court 4; Student Council 2 . . . JERI DENNEY — Home Economics Club 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Span­ ish Club 3, 4; Interschool Volleyball 3, 4; G.A.A. 2. 3. 4.

THIRD ROW PEGGY DENNIS — Melody Maidens 2; Senior Girls 4; Senior Choir 4; Contest Choir 4; "Mess­ iah" 4 . . . MARILYN DEVERE — Sophomore Choir 2 . . . CATHY DEVOLL — Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; "Summertree" 3; "Miracle Worker" 4; "Sound of Music" 2; "Thurber Carnival" 3; Melo­ dy Maidens 2, 3.

FOURTH ROW MARY DEW . . . RIC DI'EDALIS — Basketball 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Student Council 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Bridge Club 4; Varsity N 3, 4 . . . JIM DOOLITTLE — Wrestling 2; Cross-Country 3; Ski Club 2, 3; Viking Club 3, 4.

FIFTH ROW KATHI DORSCH — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Drama Club 4; Viking Varieties 3; Concert Band 2; Y- Teens 2; Junior Girls 3; Sophomore Choir 2; Young Adults 3, 4; Concert Chorale 3, 4; Melody Maidens 3, 4; Senior Choir 4r Contest Choir 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2; Art Club 2; "Messiah 4 . . . BEV DOTSON — Student Challenge 3, Treasurer 4; Ski Club 3; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls 4; Junior Girls 3 . . . DIANA DOWNEY — Y-Teens 2; Senior Girls 4; Viking Club 3, 4.

65 Seniors Develop Vocational Skills

FIRST ROW JANE ANN EDWARDS — G.A.A. 2. 3. 4; Ski Club 2, 3; Viking Club 3; Art Club 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Track Statis­ tician 3, 4 . . . PAULA ELKE — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; G .A.A. 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Art Club 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Valkyries 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Y- Teens 2 . . . VICKI ELLIS — Viking Club 3, 4; Senior Girls 4.

SECOND ROW PATTY ENGBERG — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Viking Club 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Contest Choir 3; Senior Choir 3; Sports Survey 3, 4; Mel­ ody Maidens 2, 3 . . . SUNNI EPLEY . . . KATHY EPPERLY — Viking Club 3. 4; Senior Choir 3; Ski Club 2, 3; Attendance Helper 3; Senior Girls 4; Euchre Club 4.

THIRD ROW DALE ERICKSON — Ski Club 3, 4; Student Lite 3 . . . KENNETH ERION — Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Stage Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 4; Latin Club 2. 3 . . . WILLIAM ESCHLEMAN — Latin Club 2, 3; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 3, 4; Young Adults 4; Sophomore Choir 2.

FOURTH ROW LAUREN EVANS — Viking Club 3, 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . PATTY EVANS . . . PAULA EVANS — Ski Club 3.

FIFTH ROW SUSAN EVANS — Viking Club 3, 4; Drama Club 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . CONNIE FARR — German Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4 . . . DAVE FER­ GUSON — Wrestling 2; Ski Club 3; Viking Club 3. 4.

Mark Raubenolt and Don Kaylor combine talents tor a journalism class.

66 College Doesn't Come Easy for Seniors

FIRST ROW TOM FISHER — Cross Country 2, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 3, 4 . . . JIM FIECOAT — Football 3, 4; Basketball 3. 4; Varsity N 4; Viking Club 3, 4 • • • ANNE FIERCE — Interschool Basketball 3; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Student Council 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Junior Girls 3; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Honor Society 3; Marching Band 2, 3, 4.

SECOND ROW DEAN FINLEY — Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3; Dance Band 2, 3, 4; Bike Club 4; Viking Varieties 3; "Sound of Music" 2; Stage Crew 3 . . . G REG FISHER . . . JEFF FISHER — Marching Band 2; Young Adults 3; Sophomore Choir 2; Senior Choir 3, 4; Boys' Glee 3; Contest Choir 3, 4; Rus­ sian Club 3.

THIRD ROW RICK FISHER — Chess Club 2, 3; Choir 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3 . . . MARY ANN FLICHIA — Sophomore Choir 2; Melody Maid­ ens 2; Student Council 2, 3; Valkyries 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Senior Girls 4; G.A.A. 2, 3; Guidance and Attendance Helper 4; Junior Girls 3; F.T.A. 2; Sports Survey 4; Year­ book Staff 4 . . . TONY FLOWERS — Varsity N 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Football 3, 4.

FOURTH ROW GERRY FRASHER ... TED FRISSORA . . . PAM GARW OOD — Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Concert Band 4; Orchestra 2, 4; Latin Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Viking Club 3; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 3; Brass Choir 2, 3, 4.

FIFTH ROW GARY G EO RG E — Track 2, 3; Wrestling 2, 3; Varsity N 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Z.B.G. 2 . . . MARK GIBSON — Z.B.G. 2, 3, 4; Bike Club 4 . . . MARK GILM ORE — Football 2; Wrestling 2.

67 Class Celebrates Annual Cut Day

FIRST ROW SALLY GIVEN — G .A .A . 3; Senior Choir 3; Sen­ ior Girls 4; D.E.C.A. 4 . . . NIKKI GLANDON — Art Club 4 . . . RANDY GLASSBURN — Chess Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2; German Club 2; Euchre Club 4; Science Math Club 2, 3; Year­ book Staff 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Cafe­ teria Helper 2; Camera Club 4.

SECOND ROW KYLE GOCKENBACH . . . JERRY GOETZ — Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 3, Treasurer 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4 . . . PATTI G O O D .

THIRD ROW JANET G O O D Y — Home Economics Club 4; Spanish Club 2; Y-Teens 3; Senior Girls 4 . . . RICH GORDON — Viking Club 3, 4; 100 Mile Club 2; Ski Club 2 . . . CHERYL GREEN — Vik­ ing Club 3; Ski Club 3.

FOURTH ROW PATTI GRIFFITH — Yearbook Staff 4; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . BRYAN GROVER — Latin Club 2, 3, 4, Vice President 4; Football 2; Varsity Manager 4; Viking Club 2, 4 . . . TERRY GROVES.

FIFTH ROW BOB GUYER — Ski Club 2, 3; Viking Club 2 . . . BEV HACKBARTH — Viking Club 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . RICHARD HAFEMANN.

. S'

Brian Switier questions procedure during a chemistry lab experiment.

68 j Senioritis Sets In

FIRST ROW CH U CK HAFFENDEN — German Club 2. 3. 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Creative Writing 4 . . . MIKE HAGAN . . . BOB HAGEMANN — Varsity N 2, 3; Football 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4.

SECOND ROW STEVE HAGER — Viking Club 2 . . . DEBBIE HAGGY — Cheerleader 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Stu­ dent Council 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Orches­ tra 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Ski Club 3; Sports Sur­ vey 3 . . . PAULA HAIN — Viking Club 2. 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Senior Choir 3, 4; Young Adults 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Cafeteria Helper 2, 3, 4; French Club 2; Junior Girls 3; Interschool Volleyball and Basketball 3, 4.

THiIRD ROW COLEEN HALEY — Young Adults 2. 3; March­ ing Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3; Concert Chorale 2; Beauty Shop Quartet 2; German Club 2, 3 . . . JAN, HAMILTON — Home Economics Club 2, 3, President 4; Y-Teens 3; Senior Girls 4; Office Helper 2. 3. 4 . . ..BOB HAMILTON — Football 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4.

FOURTH ROW LUNDA HAMMETT — F.T.A. 4; F.H.A. 4 . . . TERRI HARPER — G.A.A. 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Sports Survey 3; Student Council 2; Senior Girls 4 . . . RICHARD HARRIS.

FIFTH ROW STEVE HARRISON — Stage Crew 2, 3. 4; Marching Band 2, 3 . . . PAM HARTEN'FELD — Viking Club 2, 3; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Home Economics Club 2, 3; Melody Maidens 2, 3; Sophomore Choir 2; Young Adults 2, 3; Concert Choir 2, 3 . . . SCOTT HASKE.

69 Ilonka's is Scene Of Senior Prom

FIRST ROW JANET HAYES — Viking Club 2, 3; Drama Club 4; C.O .E. 4; Senior Choir 4; Melody Maidens 3; Viking Varieties 3 . . . NANCY HEADLEY — Art Club 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 3; Senior Choir 2, 3; Ski Club 2; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Contest Choir 2, 3 . . . SUSAN HEISER — Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Woodwind Choir 2, 3; Orchestra 2; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 4; Sen­ ior Girls 4; G.A.A. 3, 4; "Sound of Music" 3; Na­ tional Honor Society 3.

SECOND ROW JOHN HICKINBOTHAM — Ski Club 2. 3; Band 2; Senior Choir 2, 3; Young Adults 3; Viking Club 2; D.E.C.A. 4 . . . PATTY HILL — Viking Club 2. 3, 4; Russian Club 3; Student Council 2; Latin Club 2; Junior Girls 3 . . . DON HINCKLEY — Varsity Basketball Manager 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 4; Senior Choir 4; Young Adults 3.

THIRD ROW GARY HIPOLITE — Orchestra 2; Stage Band 2, 3; Track 2 . . . TERRY HODGDEN — Viking Club 3 . . . JANICE HOLMES — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 2, 3; Russian Club 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Track and Wrestling Statistician 4; Exec­ utive Committee 4.

FOURTH ROW CA R O L SUE HOOVER — Student Council 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Melody Maidens 3, 4; Senior Choir 4; Sports Survey 4; Valkyries 4; Homecom­ ing Queen 4; Track Statistician 4 . . . GINA HOOVER — Y-Teens 2, 3; Ski Club 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Young Adults 3; Sen­ ior Choir 4; Sophomore Choir 2 . . . LAURIE HOWDEN — Y-Teens 2; "Amahl and the Night Visitors" 2; Contest Choir 2, 3, 4; Sports Survey 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Student Council 4; Advisory Council 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Senior Class Secretary 4; Executive Committee 4.

FIFTH ROW BILL HUDGINS — National Honor Society 3; In the Know Team 4 . . . ALLEN HUGHES . . . CANDY HUGHES.

70 Seniors Purchase Tree for School

FIRST ROW BOB HUNT — Football 2, 3; Varsity Track 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 3, 4; 100 Mile Club 2; Viking Club 2, 3 . . . PEGGY HUNTER — Melody Maidens 4; Young Adults 2; Junior Girls 3; Viking Club 2; Ski Club 2 . . . PAUL HURST.

SECOND ROW LINDA HUTCHISON — Melody Maidens 2; Young Adults 2, 3; Senior Choir 2, 4; Concert Chorale 2, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Beauty Shop Quartet 2; "Our Town" 2; "Sound of Music" 2: "Miracle Worker" 2; Student Challenge 4; Jour­ nalism Staff 4 . . . TONI INDICIANI . . . BRUCE JACOBS — Band 2, 3, 4; Stage Band 3, 4; Brass Choir 2; Young Adults 2.

THIRD ROW MARY JANSZEN — German Club 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3; Valkyries 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Orchestra 2, 3 . . . STEVE JOHANSON — Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3; Stage Band 2, 3 . . . MARGARET JOHNSON — Span­ ish Club 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Guidance Helper 4.

FOURTH ROW ANDREW JONES — Football 2 . . . PAM JONES — Young Adults 2, 3; C.O.E. 4 . . . GARY JURUSIK.

FIFTH ROW TERESA KABOUREK — National Honor Society 2; F.T.A. 2, 3; Valkyries 3; Viking Club 2, 3; Span­ ish Club 2, 3; Senior Choir 2, 3; Melody Maidens 2, 3; Young Adults 3, 4; Contest Choir 3, 4; Con­ cert Chorale 4; Senior Girls 4; Sophomore Choir 2; "Messiah" 4; G .A.A. 2, 3, 4; Sports Survey 3, 4 ... TIM KARCH . . . LORIE KAUFMAN — Concert Band 2; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; March­ ing Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 4; Flute Trio 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls 4.

7! Class of '72 Has Bubbling School Spirit

FIRST ROW DON KAYLOR — Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Concert Band 2, 3; Stage Band 2; Z.B.G. 3, 4; German Club 2 . . . JAMES KELLER — Ski Club 2. 3. 4; Viking Club 2,3,4... LINDA KELLEY — Ski Club 3; Senior Girls 4; Student Challenge 4; Viking Club 4.

SECOND ROW MIKE KERBER — Varsity N 4; Cross Country 4; Track 4 . . . DAN KEYSOR — Ski Club 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Football 4 . . . C H U C K KIDWELL — Viking Club 4; Football 2, 3.

THIRD ROW GERRY KINCAID — Chess Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 4; Bike Club 4 . . . DEAN KINKEL — Vik­ ing Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 2; 100 Mile Club 2; Football 2; Tennis 2 . . . CATH Y KIPFINGER — Interschool Volleyball, Softball 3; G .A.A. 4; Senior Girls 4; Viking Club 4.

FOURTH ROW GLEN KIRK . . . KEITH KIRKWOOD — Basket­ ball 2; Wrestling 2, 3; Concert Chorale 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Viking Glee 2, 3, 4 . . . RICHARD KISH — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 3, 4; Young Adults 4; Sopho­ more Choir 2; Viking Glee Club 2, 3, 4; 100 Mile Club 2; Football 2; Tennis 2; Contest Choir 3, 4.

FIFTH ROW KATHY KLINE — Viking Club 2, 3; Y-Teens 2; Sophomore Choir 2; Future Homemakers 2, 3; Sports Survey 3; Attendance and Guidance Helper 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; G.A.A. 4 . . . MIKE KLINE — Basketball 2; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 4 . . . RICHARD KNOX — French Club 3; Viking Club 2, 3; Viking Varie­ ties 3; "Messiah” 4.

Spanish V students discuss plans for the combined lan­ guage classes Mardi Gras.

72 Seniors Settle Down To Serious Work

FIRST ROW DEBBIE KRENEK — Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 3; Home Economics Club 2; Viking Club 4 . . . MIKE KRISTOF . . . MIKE KULICK — Football 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2; Track 3, 4; Varsity N 4.

SECOND ROW GREG KUSKOWSKI — Viking Club 3. 4; Foot­ ball 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2 . . . PAUL LAFOL- LETTE — Viking Club 3; Creative Writing 4; Spanish Club 4; Variety Show 2; Sophomore Choir 2; Viking Glee 2; Concerned Students 3 . . . LISA LARKIN — Home Economics Club 2, Vice President 3; Attendance Helper 2, 3, 4.

THIRD ROW PAUL LAUSCH — Football 2, 3, 4; Track 3; Wrestling 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 3; Ski Club 3; Varsity N 3 . . . JOHN LAVERTY — Concert Band 4; Marching Band 4; Bicycle Club 4 . . . STEVE LEATHER.

FOURTH ROW JOSELYN LEE — Chess Club 2; Spanish Club 4; Senior Girls 4; Home Economics Club 2 . . . DOROTHY LEGAULT — Art Club 3. 4; Senior Girls 4; Viking Club 2,3... DAVE LEGGETT — Track 2, 3; Football 2, 3; Wrestling 3; Varsity N 3. 4.

FIFTH ROW BARBARA LEMKE — Home Economics Club 2; Y-Teens 2, 3; D.E.C.A. 4; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . PATRICIA LEOPARD . . . GARY LIGHTFOOT — Senior Choir 4; Young Adults 4; Concert Chorale 4; Viking Club 4; Concert Band 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2.

Gary Jurusik concentrates on a challenging physics problem.

73 Senior Year Brings New Challenges

FIRST ROW JOHN LLOYD . , . HILDA LOCKNER — F.S.A. 3, 4; Homemaking 2; German Club 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 2, 3; Senior Girls 4; C.O .E., Treasurer 4; Bookkeeper for Yearbook 4 . . . SALLY LOCK- ARD — Viking Club 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; G .A.A. 2, 3, 4; Spor+s Survey 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Guid­ ance Helper 2; Track Statistician 2.

SECOND ROW ERIC LONGFIELD — Band 2, 3; French Club 2. 3; Junior Escort 3 . . . CHERYL LOTHAMER — F.S.A. 3, 4 . . . TOM LEWIS — Baseball 2. 4.

THIRD ROW SCO TT LOVE — Viking Club 2. 3, 4; Varsity N 4; Baseball 2, 3. 4 • • • M ILLINDA LO VELL — Y- Teens 2; Spanish Club 2; F.T.A. 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Contest Choir 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4 . . . RON LO VELL

FOURTH ROW JANELLE LOWMAN — French Club 2, 3; F.T.A. 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; G .A.A. 2, 3; Junior Girls 3; Wrestling Statistician 2, 3, 4; Office and Attend­ ance Helper 3, 4; Sophomore Choir 2 . . . ROBIN MACLEAN . . . MALCOLM MA­ CLEAN — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 4.

FOURTH ROW MIKE MACURAK — Marching Band 2, 3, 4 Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Stage Band 2, 3; Variety Show 3 ; Sound of Music 2 Once Upon a Mattress 4; Chess Club 2; Latin Club 2; Messiah 4 . . . MIKE M ADACHY . . DANNY MADDEN — Track 2; Cross Country 3 4; Varsity N 3; Viking Club 2, 3; Science Club 2

Big Don Hinckley displays one of his many talents that of paying attention.

74 Senior Activities Foster Togetherness

FIRST ROW RUTH MADIGAN — Ski Club 2. 3; Creative Writing 2, 3, 4; Concerned Students 2, 3; Forum Staff 2, 3; Time of Innocence Staff 2, 3, 4; Sports Survey 3, 4 . . . CINDY MANN — Y-Teens 3; G.A.A. 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Jun­ ior Girls 3; C.O.E. 4; Sports Survey 3; Attend­ ance Helper 3 . . . JO AN MARTIN.

SECOND ROW DIANA MAYHEW — Y-Teens 2, 3; G .A.A. 2. 3. 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; French Club 2; Girls' Glee 2; Vocal Music 2 . . . DAVE M CCARTHY — Intramural Basket­ ball 2. 3 . . . JAMES M CCLANAHAN — Sym­ phonic Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Dance Band 4; Concert Ba.nd 4; Clarinet Choir 3, 4; Wood­ wind Choir 2, 3; Our Town 2; Stage Crew 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4.

THIRD ROW JAN ICE M CCLEERY ^ Viking Club 2. 3; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Wrestling Statistician 4; National Honor Society 3; Sports Survey 4 . . . TERRI MCCLURE . . . RICHARD MCCUL­ ’? • LOUGH.

FOURTH ROW JOHN MCCONNELL . . .JOAN MCGUIRE — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Drama Club 4; Senior Girls 4; G .A.A. 2, 3 . . . KEVIN MCKEE.

FIFTH ROW PATTY MCKEE ^ Band 2. 3 . . . PATTI MCKEL- VEY — Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Office Helper 3, 4; Marching Band 2. 3. 4 . . . MARIANN MCNAMEE — Vik­ ing Club 2, 3; Spanish Club 2, 3; Student Council 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Bridge Club 3* F.T.A. 4; G.A.A. 4; Office Helper 3, 4; Nations Honor Society 3; Attendance Helper 4. II

75 Seniors Are Masters On Slave Day

FIRST ROW PAT MCNAMEE — Viking Club 2. 3; Football 2 . . . DIANE MEDER — Valkyries 3, 4 . . . CHRISTY MEEK — Senior Girls 4; Home Eco­ nomics Club 2, 3, 4; Office Helper 4.

SECOND ROW VICKI MILLER — Viking Club 2, 3. 4; Sophomore Choir 2; Ski Club 3; Art Club 4; Junior Girls 3; Sports Survey 3; Senior Girls 4; French Club 2, 3 . . . RANDY MIZER — Cross Country 3; Track 4 . . . DEBBIE M OORE — G.A.A. 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Ecology Club 3.

THIRD ROW BOB MOORE — Chess Club 2. 3 . . . SHERRI MOORE — G .A.A. 2, 3. 4; Viking Club 2, 3. 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Y-Teens 2; Guid­ ance Helper 2, 3, 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Track Statistician 2, 3, 4 . . . CINDY MORANDO — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Home Economics Club 2, 3; Senior Girls 4; Guidance and Attendance Helper 4.

FOURTH ROW JACK MORGAN . . . CHRIS MOSSGROVE — Senior Girls 4; Viking Club 4 . . . MARGE MYERS — Viking Club 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Drama Club 4; Senior Girls 4.

FIFTH ROW KAREN NACKE — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2; Art Club 4; Senior Class Treasurer 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Guidance Helper 2; Sports Sur­ vey 3, 4; Wrestling and Track Statistician 2, 3, 4 . . . REX NAEGELE — Track 2,3,4... STEVE NARNEY — Tennis 3; Euchre Club 4; 'Amahl and the Night Visitors" 3; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Concert Choir 2, 3, 4; Viking Varieties 3; Sopho­ more Choir 2.

76 Decisions, Decisions . . . College or Work?

FIRST ROW KEVIN NESSER — Ski Club 4 . . . MIKE NEWL- ON — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Football 3 . . . MIKE NEWSOME — Baseball 2. 3, 4; Wrestling 3; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Stage Band 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Varsity N 4; Ski Club 4.

SECOND ROW CYNTHIA NORRIS — Spanish Club 3; Ski Club 4; Office Helper 3 . . . JAN NORRIS — C.O.E. 4 . . . STEVE NORRIS — Viking Club 2. 3; Wres­ tling 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4.

THIRD ROW JAMES NORTON . . . GEORGE OBERST . . TOM ONSTOTT — Football 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3; Varsity N 2, 3, 4.

FOURTH ROW SHERI ORTH — French Club 2, 3; Spanish Club 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Viking Club 4 . . . ELLEN OWEN — F.T.A. 3. 4; Salesian Co­ operatives 4 . . . JEAN PALERMINI.

FIFTH ROW DEBBIE PAOLINI — Yearbook Bookkeeper 4 . . . DENISE PARGEON — Art Club 2. 3, 4 • • • MARTI PARRISH — Student Council 4; Senior Class President 4; Viking Club 2, 3, President 4; Russian Club 3; Ski Club 3; Y-Teens 2; Latin Club 2; Track, Wrestling, Cross Country Statistician 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Junior Girls 3; G .A.A. 4; Na­ tional Honor Society 3.

Warren Scott, Rhonda Butt, Rick Stier, Steve Bennett, and Pat Davis, DECA students, prepare to give a sales demonstration.

77 Record Number Make Honor Society

FIRST ROW JOAN PAX . . . KAREN PAYNE . . . ELAINE PENCE — G .A.A. 2; Senior Girls 4; Viking Club 4.

SECOND ROW JOHN PENROD . . . TOM PERRY — German Club 3; Euchre Club 4; Assistant Librarian 2, 3, 4; Lunchroom Helper 2, 3, 4 . . . EDDIE PHILLIPS — Biology Club 2; Glee Club 2 (Linden McKinley High School); Choir 4; Young Adults 4.

THIRD ROW ELLEN PIERCE . . . PATTY PITTS — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3; Y-Teens 2, 3; Senior Girls 4; French Club 2, 3; National Honor Society 2, 3; Bridge Club 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Track Statistician 2, 3; Cafeteria Helper 4 . . . HEIDI PLETZ — G .A.A. 2; German Club 2; Vik­ ing Club 3; Ski Club 3; Valkyries 4.

FOURTH ROW C R A IG PLUMMER — Football 2; Wrestling Manager 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Percussion En­ semble 2. 3. 4 . . . JEFF PLUNKETT — D.E.C.A. 4 . . . BARB POLING.

FIFTH ROW DOROTHY POPOVICH — Viking Club 2, 3. 4; Y-Teens 2; Ski Club 2, 3; Senior Girls 3 . . . DAVID PORTER — Spanish Club 3, 4; Symphon­ ic Band 2; Orchestra 2 . . . STEVE PORTER — Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish 2, President 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3; Variety Show 3; Viking Club 2, 3; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Contest Choir 2, 3, 4; Con­ cert Chorale 4; Messiah 4; "Amahl and the Night Visitors" 2.

Senior Susan Brown engages in a lively conversation with visitors from Marion Franklin.

78 Entrance Test Scores Arouse Mixed Emotions

FIRST ROW DANIEL POTTLE — Ski Club 3; German Club 2 . . . DONNA POTTLE — German Club 2, 3, 4; Chess Club 3; Ski Club 2, 3; Audio-Visual Club 4; Viking Club 3; Melody Maidens 3, 4; Senior Choir 4 . . . DAVID POUND — Latin Club 2. 3.

SECOND ROW MIKE POWERS . . . G A IL PRESTON — Valk­ yries 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3; D.E.C.A. 4; Senior Girls 4; Ski Club 3 . . . JEFF RADER — Student Council 3, President 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 2, 3; Track 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3; Varsity N 4; Ski Club 2, 3; Executive Committee 4; French Club 2. THIRD ROW MARTY RASCHKE — Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 3; Senior Girls 4; F.T.A. 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Sound of Music 2 . . . MARK RAUBENOLT — Student Council 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Art Club 4; Latin Club 2; Spanish Club 3 . . . ALAN RAW L­ INGS — Art Club 3, 4; Ski Club 4; Latin Club 3; Viking Club 2, 3; Track 2; Basketball Manager 2; Yearbook Staff (cover designer) 4.

FOURTH ROW PAUL REED . . . DONALD RESSLER . . . DEBBIE RICHARDS — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Spanish Cluib' 3, 4, Secretary 4; Interschool Bas­ ketball 2, 3, 4; Concert Chorale 4; National Honor Society 3; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Sopho­ more Choir 2; Young Adults 3, 4; Homecoming Court 4.

FIFTH ROW DARCY RICHARDSON — Viking Club 2, 3. 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4f Senior Girls 4; Junior Girls 3; Sports Survey 3, 4; Sophomore Choir 2 . . . ELAINE RILEY . . . TONY RISTUCCI — Foot­ ball 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3; Bas­ ketball 2; Z.B.G.'s 4.

79 Seniors Write Their Last Will, Testament

FIRST ROW C A R O L RISTUCCI — Senior Choir 2. 3; F.T.A. 3; Home Economics Club 2, 3; Girls' Glee 2, 3 . . . KATHY RITCHASON . . . KAREN RIV­ ERS — Viking Club 2, 3; Ski Club 2, 3; Y-Teens 2; Sports Survey 2, 3.

SECOND ROW BARRY RO ACH — Student Challenge 3, 4; Sen­ ior Choir 3; Young Adults 2, 3; Male Glee 3; Summertree 3 . . . MARK ROBERTS — Viking Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 3; Cross Country Man­ ager 2, 3, 4; Basketball Manager 3, 4; Track Man­ ager 3; Varsity N 4 . . . STEVE ROBINSON — D.E.C.A. 4.

THIRD ROW SUSAN ROBINSON — C.O.E. 4; Ski Club 3; Sports Survey 3; Junior Girls 3; Viking Club 3 . . . WANDA RODGERS — F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2; Spanish Club 3, 4; Viking Club 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Guidance Helper 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3 . . . STEVE RUGG.

FOURTH ROW JAMES RURIK — Stage Band 4 . . . RALPH RUSSOLILLO . . . HOWARD RUSH — Student Council 3; Choir 2, 3, 4; Boys' Glee 3.

FIFTH ROW VICKI SAGGIO — Valkyries 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; French Club 2; Ski Club 2, 3; Senior Girls 4; Sports Survey 3, 4 . . . LYLE SANDERS — Foot­ ball 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Ski Club 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 4 . . . DAN SCARRY — Varsity N 3, 4; Viking Club 3; Track 2, 3, 4.

Two heads are better than one as Gina Opatich helps a struggling Ric Fisher.

80 Cap, Gown Measurements Taken in March


SECOND ROW MARIANNE SCHWEITZER — French Club 3. 4. Treasurer 4; German Club 2; Viking Club 2, 3; National Honor Society 3 . . . JA C K SCHWINNE . . . SHARON SCOTT — Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Senior Choir 4; Contest Choir 4; Viking Glee 3, 4; Melody Maidens 2; Concert Chorale 3, 4; Messiah 4; Spanish Club 2; G.A.A. 2; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Viking Glee 2, 3; Valkyries 3, 4; Variety Show 3.

THIRD ROW WARREN SCOTT . . . VICKI SEITZ , . , JANET SERIO — Home Economics Club 3, 4.

FOURTH ROW MARK SERROTT — Intramural Basketball 3, 4; National Honor Society 3; Student Council 3; Viking Club 3. 4 • • • NANCY SHEPHERD — National Honor Society 3 . . . TERRY SHIELDS — Basketball 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Vik­ ing Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Varsity N 3, 4; Bridge Club 4; Student Council 4.

FIFTH ROW BARB SIGNORACCI . . . JAMES SILK — Science-Math Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 4 . . . SHEL­ LEY SIMS.


Seniors Teresa Kabourek and Gretchen Swope con­ I tinue to study despite preparations for senior elections.

81 Class Holds Picnic A t South Y-Park

FIRST ROW DAVID SIMMONS . . . JAN SIMPSON — Vik­ ing Club 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Sophomore Choir 2 . . . BARB SKINNER — G .A.A. 2, 3, 4, President 4; Latin Club 2, Vice President 2; Chess Team 2, 3, 4; Interschool Bas­ ketball, Softball, and Volleyball 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 4; Executive Committee 4; Creative Writing 3, 4; Yearbook Staff, Copy Editor 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Melody Maidens 3; National Honor Society 3; Viking Varieties 3; Buckeye Girls' State Delegate.

SECOND ROW JOHN SISSON . . . BRADD SMITH — Wres­ tling 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 4; Baseball 3, 4 . . . DON­ ALD SMITH — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3; Spanish Club 4; Track 2.

THIRD ROW RICHARD SMITH — Science-Math Club 2, 3; Wrestling 2; Bicycle Club 4 . . . SUE SNIDER — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2; Ski Club 2, 3; Sen­ ior Girls 4; Office Helper 2, 3; Sophomore Choir 2; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 3, 4 . . . SHARON SOUTHWARD — G.A.A. 2; Drama Club 4; Vik­ ing Club 4; Senior Girls 4.

FOURTH ROW EILEEN SPOONER — Viking Club 2, 3, 4 G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Wrestling Statistician 2, 3, 4 Sports Survey 3, 4; French Club 2; Junior Girls 3 Senior Girls 4; Bridge Club 3; Student Council, Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Ski Club 3; Student Chal­ lenge 4; Senior Class Sergeant-at-Arms 4 . . . MIKE STACY — Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Varsity N 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Bridge Club 4; Ski Club 2, 3; Student Council 4; Nation­ al Honor Society 3 . . . G EO RG E STEELE.

FIFTH ROW BRUCE STICKEL . . . RICHARD STIER . . . BLAKE STILES — Vocal Music 2; Ski Club 3, 4; Euchre Club 4; Young Adults 3, 4.

82 Seniors Observe Annual Cut Day

FIRST ROW ADRIENNE STOCKWELL — Ski Club 4; Home Economics Club 3; G .A.A. 3 . . . JUDY STONE — G.A.A. 2; Senior Girls 4; Marching Band 3, 4; Viking Club 4 . . . HEIDI SWAB.

SECOND ROW RODGER SWEITZER . . . BRIAN SWITZER — Ski Club 2, 4; Euchre, Treasurer 4; Commi+tee- on-the-Right 4 . . . GRETCHEN SWOPE — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; French 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 3, 4; Senior Choir 2, 3; Contest Choir 2, 3; Interschool Volleyball 4; Viking Varie­ ties 3; Valkyries 4.


FOURTH ROW MIKE TANNER — Viking Club 2. 3; Euchre 4; Ski Club 4 . . . CATHY TARR . . . ANGIE THOM­ AS — Senior Girls 4; Junior Girls 3; Viking Club 3, 4; Senior Choir 3, 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; G.A.A. 3.

FIFTH ROW KIM THOMAS — G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 2. 3, 4; Spanish Club 2, 3; Senior Girls 4; Ski Club 2; Office Helper 3, 4; F.T.A. 4 . . . NESLEY THOMAS — Latin Club 2, 3, 4; Red Cross Club 2, 3, 4; Creative Writing 3; Forum Staff 3; Band 2; Senior Choir 3; Ski Club 3; Viking Club 3; Sen­ ior Girls 4; Young Adults 4; Newsletter Staff 4; Yearbook (developed theme) 4 . . . MIKE THUR­ MAN — Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 3; Concert Band 2, 4.

Pandemonium breaks loose as the seniors elect their class officers.

83 Senioritis Sets in As Graduation Nears

FIRST ROW WILLIAM TINSKY — Senior Class Vice Presi­ dent 4; Varsity N, President 4; Viking Club 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4 . . . JAN TIPPLE — G .A.A. 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Home Ec­ onomics Club 3; Senior Girls 4 . . . KEN TODD — Viking Club 2; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Concert Chorale 4; Contest Choir 2. 3, 4.

SECOND ROW SHIRLEY TOW LER — (Linden McKinley High School) Linden Cadettes 4; F.S.A. 4; O.LH. 4; 1.0.E. 4; Library Helper 2; Girls' Glee 2, 3; (Northland) Valkyries 4; Senior Choir 4 . . . LARRY TRACY — 100 Mile Club 2; Ski Club 3; Chess Club 2; Viking Club 3 . . . BOB TRACY.

THIRD ROW BILL TRUAX — Baseball 2, 3 . . . DENISE TRUMBULL — Sports Survey 4; Senior Girls 4; Viking Club 4 . . . SANDY TUDOR — G.A.A. 2; Viking Club 3, 4; Ski Club 3.

FOURTH ROW KATHY VALENTINE — Home Economics Club 2; Sophomore Choir 2 . . . JOHN VAN DOORN — Football 2; Baseball 2; Basketball 2, 3, 4; Vik­ ing Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 4 . . . CATH Y VANFOSSEN — Home Economics Club 2; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Y-Teens 2, 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Sports Survey 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; C.O.E., Secretary 4.

FIFTH ROW LARRY VAN KIRK . . . DEBRA VARNEY . . . CHARLES WATTS — Senior Choir 3, 4; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Concert Chorale 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Dance Band 4.

Students gain practical experience serving a Northland area banquet.

84 Committees Meet To Plan Senior Prom

FIRST ROW CONNIE WEBER — French Club, Historian 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Viking Club 3; G.A.A. 2, 3, 4; Contest Choir 2, 3; Senior Girls 4; Melody Maid­ ens 2, 3; Senior Choir 2, 3, 4; National Honor So­ ciety 3; Sophomore Choir 2 . . . KATHY WEDE- MEYER — G.A.A. 2, 3. 4; Y-Teens 2; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Newsletter Staff 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Home Economics Club 2, 3, 4; Valkyries 2; Sports Survey 3, 4; Student Council 2, 3; V^restling Stat­ istician 4 . . . JEFF W ELCH.

SECOND ROW CHERRYL W ENGER — Viking Club 2, 3; Senior Girls 4; Drama Club 4; Student Council 3, Secre­ tary 4; National Honor Society 3; Cheerleader 4 . . . VICKI WENGER . . . JAYNE WENNER — French Club 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4; Melody Maidens 2, 3; Senior Choir 4.

THIRD ROW KATHY WEST — Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 3, 4; National Honor Society 3; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Melody Maidens 3; Concert Chorale 3, 4; Contest Choir 3, 4 . . . JOHN WEX . . . JAYNE WHITE — G.A.A. 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Track Statisti­ cian 3.

FOURTH ROW CHRIS WHITTLE — Y-Teens 2. 3; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Ski Club 2, 3, 4; Bridge Club 4; Sports Survey 3, 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4; Cafeteria Helper 4; Track Statistician 2, 3, 4 . . . CAROL WILLIS — G.A.A. 2, 3; Vik­ ing Club 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Junior Girls 3, Sen­ ior Girls 4; Marching Band 2; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Majorette 3, 4; Valkyries 4; National Honor Soci­ ety 3 .. . LAURA WILSON — Viking Club 2, 3. 4; Spanish Club 3, 4; Historian Club 4; Ski Club 3; Valkyries 4; Junior Girls 3; Track Statistician 3, 4; Office Helper 2, 3.

FIFTH ROW RONALD WILSON . . . CAROLYN WINDOM — French Club 2, 3; Young Adults 2, 3, 4; Con­ cert Chorale 2, 3, 4; Melody Maidens 2, 3, 4; G.A.A. 2, 3; Senior Girls 4; Junior Girls 3; Na­ tional Honor Society 3; Sound of Music 2; "Amahl and the Night Visitors" . . . LOUIS WINSTEL — Latin Club 3.

85 Graduation June I I Ends 3 Happy Years

FIRST ROW BRUCE WINTER — German Club 2, 3, Treasurer 4; Intramural Basketball 3; National Honor Socie­ ty 3 . . . RICK WOLVERTON . . . KAREN W OOD — G .A.A. 2, 3, 4; Valkyries 2, 3, Cap­ tain 4; Viking Club 4; Senior Girls 4; Interschool Volleyball, Basketball, Softball 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Buckeye Girls' State Repre­ sentative; Art Club 2, 3, 4; Track Statistician 3; Cafeteria Helper 3.

SECOND ROW MARSHA W O O D — Spanish Club 2, 3; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Attendance Helper 3; Office Helper 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4 . . . LOVERTA WOODRING — Spanish Club 2, 3, 4; F.T.A. 2, 3, 4; C.O.E., President 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; Lunchroom Helper 4; Office Helper 3; Viking Club 4 . . . CONNIE WOO­ DRUFF — Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 3, 4 Marching Band 2, 3, 4; Symphonic Band 2, 3, 4 Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4 Woodwind Choir 2, 3.

THIRD ROW . COLETTE WYDAU — Spanish Club 2; Junior Girls 3; Senior Girls 4; C.O .E. 4; Viking Club 4 . . . DAVID YORDE — Football 2, 3, 4; Base­ ball 2, 3; Latin Club 2; Viking Club 3; Varsity N 4 . . . SANDY ZAPPIA — Home Economics Club 2, 3, Secretary 4; F.T.A. 3, President 4; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; C.O .E. 4; Senior Girls 4; Junior Girls 3, Sports Survey 3.

FOURTH ROW DEBBIE ZELACHOW SKI — G .A.A. 2; Viking Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3, 4; Senior Girls 4; Sports Survey 4; Attendance Helper 3 . . . MAR­ SHA ZIMMERMAN — Viking Club 3, 4; Spanish Club 3; D.E.C.A. 3; French Club 2; Senior Girls 4 . . . SARA VAUGHAN — Young Adults 4; Concert Chorale 4; Senior Choir 4; Melody Maidens 4; Drama Club 4; Senior Girls 4.

CAMERA SHY: Mike Aldridge, liam Gall, Kevin Galliher, Richard Tom Andrews, Carolyn Benge, Re­ Granfield, Edna Herald, Barbara gina Flavia Castro, Barbara Childs, Kapp, Harry Kost, Bob McCaf­ Ron Edgerley, Martha Eller, Barry frey, Paul McCoy, Mike Pletcher, Farley, Dennis Fasone, Tony Flow­ Steve Schluep, Donald Thornsley. ers, Phillip Foster, Larry Gall, Wil­

86 (Top Left) Vahalla staff members Lau­ rie Howden, Bob Laird, Debbie Bart­ lett, Mark Roberts, and Patti Griffith caught in the middle of a group thera­ py session. (Bottom Left) "Gypsy Rose" Raschke models a new outfit for avid fan Craig Lilly. (Bottom Right) Randy Glassburn and Gerry Kincaid, both members of the Viking Chess Team, improve their play by matching wits against each other. (Caption cour­ tesy of Bob Laird).

87 Senior Carol Sue Hoover was crowned 1971-72 Homecoming Queen.

88 Carol Sue Hoover is Homecoming Queen

Carol Sue Hoover was Northland's '7l-'72 Homecoming Queen. The other four finalists who became her court were Bo Bower, Eva Denney, Bev Bradshaw, and Debbie Richards. The Queen was elected by the en­ tire student body on Thursday, but the results were kept secret until Homecoming night. Tensions ran high! October 8 finally arrived. The announcement of the Quee.n was made at game halftime festivities. Queen Carol Sue reigned over the second half of the game which turned out to be Northland's first loss of the season. "C o lo r My World" was the theme of fhe Home­ coming Dance on Saturday night. Carol and her court reigned over the Carol Sue reigned over the Homecoming dance October 9 with her court, Bo Bower, Bev Bradshaw, Eva Denney, and Debbie Richards. dance.

Carol Sue expresses her gratitude to Senior Richard Knox, juniors Vickie Boyer, Gina Opatich, and Jeff Metiger pause before the the Northland spectators. Her court fountain at the Homecoming Dance to exchange greetings. and last year's queen, Carol Graham (right), are in background.



Athletics are important to student life at Northland for they provide a common area around which students may unify. The desire to win is strong among the Vikings.

91 Coach Frank Howe gives junior center Mark Meabon some sideline ad­ Co-captain Lyle Sanders cuts down field for a gain against Dayton vice. Roosevelt.

Reserve Football Team Compiles 4-3 Record

The Northland reserve football team finished with a 4- serve players realized that Northland football is based won, 5-lost record. The team started slow but finished upon pride, desire, and quickness. "W e won our last two sfrong, winning three of fhe last four games. Coach Tom games and established a positive winning attitu,d,e to White said, "Our boys were hard workers and never gave begin the 1972 season," Coach White said. up when they got behind." As the season went on the re­

RESERVE FOOTBALL — FRONT ROW : Rusty Price. Marc Lamb, Hathaway, Ernie Oskey, Mark Stelzer, Davis St. Clair, George Rus­ Larry Beard, Jeff Richardson, Jerry Foor, Rick Branzull, Ken Ringold, sell, Tommy Nist, Ray Bauer, Gil Graham, John Cochran. FOURTH Steve Lowry, John Payne, Rick Stelzer, Greg Albertson. SECOND ROW : Managers Rick Dameron and Mark Knight, Jim Toney, Marc ROW : Doug Smith, Jeff Brader, Kevin Heid, Scott Atwood, Mike Carr, Bob Atwood, Bill Birkell, Robert Held, Alan Moose, Stan Jones, Ron Featherstone, Rob Baldwin, Andy Colburn, David Chaney. FIFTH ROW : Mr. Thomas White, Mr. Gib Lakeman. Graves, Steve Yorde, Sam Weaver. THIRD ROW : Jim Smith, Tim

92 VARSITY FO O TBA LL— FRONT RO W : Bill Tinsky, Tony Flowers, Tony oux, Mark Meabon, Rod Nutter, Garth Nutter. FOURTH ROW : Steve RisfuccI, Bob Hamilton, co-captain Lyle Sanders, co-captain Tom On- Smith, Ron Rurick, Jeff Suver, Kim Elsea, Steve Wenger, Dave Conley, stott, Mike Kulick, Ron Cosentino, Dan Crabtree, Larry Zeller. SEC­ Kyle Lafferty, Joe Mayhew, Manager Mike Byrd. FIFTH ROW : Princi­ OND ROW : Dean Conley, Jeff Collins, Greg Kuscowski, Jeff Rader, pal Leslie M. Evans, Head Coach Frank Howe, Mr. Wayne Rittenhouse, Rick Atwood, Jim Fiecoat, Dave Yorde, Dan Keysor, Malcolm Ma­ Mr. Charles Deyo, Mr. Richard Kerschbaum, Managers Jerry Goetz, cLean, Paul Lausch, Neal Ferree. THIRD ROW : Steve Boytin, Rob Brian Grover, and Tim Barlowe. Smith, Bob Renner, Tim Richards, Je ff Hutchison, Rick Braid, Bob G ir­

Vikings Finish Second in North Division

Northland, 4 and I in the City League North and 7 and led fhe North Division in scoring. 2 overall, finished second in the City League North Divi­ Four members of Coach Frank Howe's squad were se- sion behind Linden McKinley. lecfed for Afl-City honors. They were defensive faokle Ron Aithough the Vikings were one of the smallest teams in Cosentino, offensive halfback Dean Conley, offensive the city, hard hitting and execution brought them a suc­ guard Bob Hamilton, and defensive end Tony Ristucci. cessful season. The aggressive Viking defenders held fheir Tony Flowers, Mike Kulick, Tom Onstoft, Bill Tinsky, Jeff opponents to 79 points including four shutouts while the Coliins, and Bob Giroux were cited for honorable menfion. offense rolled up 202 points. Junior halfback Dean Conley


Findlay 12 N H S 14 Greenh'iills 0 NHS 20 Dayton Roosevelt 0 N H S 28 East 0 NHS 8 Watterson 19 NHS 18 Lind'en 20 NHS 8 Brookhaven, 0 N H S 21 Whetstone 22 NHS 40 North 6 N H S 45

The scoreboard tells the story as Mike Kulick drops back to pass against the Watterson Ea­ gles.

93 TOM ONSTOTT (tackle) . . . LYLE SANDERS (half­ RON COSENTINO (tac­ three-year letterman and co­ back) . . . fleet-footed co-cap­ kle) . . . All-City choice at de­ captain . . . his experience tain, also a hardstriking out­ fensive tackle . . . he was main and ability helped the Vikings side threat . . . career ended factor in Viking defensive wall break away. prematurely with knee injury. success.


BOB HAMILTON (offensive TONY RISTUCCI (defensive TONY FLOWERS (tackle) . . . MIKE KULICK (quarter­ guard) . . . usually outweighed end) . . . All-City pick . . . op­ one of strongest men on back) . . . did a great job of by opposing lineman . . . posing ball carriers were sel­ squad . . . an important asset leading offense . . . good pas­ showed great desire and hard dom successful at Tony's end. to Viking running attack. ser and ball handler who work to win All-City berth. played well under pressure.

BILL TINSKY (fullback) . . . RICK ATWOOD (tackle) . . . DAN CRABTREE (lineback­ JIM FIECOAT (tackle) hard-driving ball carrier . . . two-year letterman . . . com­ er) .. . very aggressive tackier strong, powerful lineman provided balance for the Vik­ bined hustle and a fine atti­ who covered a lot of worked hard all season. ing backfield. tude to make a good offen­ ground . . . led defense to sive-defensive man. four shutouts.

94 Northland football will lose 18 players through graduation. They are defensive ends Tony Tistucci, Dan Keysor, and Greg Kuscow- ski; split end Jeff Rader; fackles Tony Flowers, Tom Onsfoft, Jim Fiecoaf, Ron Cosentino, Rick Atwood, Dave Yorde, and Malcolm Maclean; guard Bob Hamilton, center Paul Lausch, quart­ erback Miifke Kufick, halfbacks Lyle Sanders, and Larry Zeller; fullback Bill Tinsky; and linebacker Dan Crabtree.

Bill Tinsky evades Watterson tacklers for a gain in yardage.

DON KEYSOR (defensive GREG KUSCOWSKI (defen­ PAUL LAUSCH (center) . . MALCOLM MACLEAN (tac­ end) . . . Although hampered sive end) . . . good back-up hard-working anchorman . . kle) . . . though small for his by two different wrist injuries, man at several positions . . . Paul was a fine team player. position, Mai provided valua­ he played well when called good team man. ble help for offensive line. upon.

JEFF RADER (split end) . . . DAVE YORDE (tackle) . . . a LARRY ZELLER (halfback) . . . fine all-round ball player . . . real hard-nosed player . . . he an excellent pass defender and he covered kickoffs and punts did a great job covering kick­ tackier . . . worked well for and was a good receiver. offs. Viking defense.

95 Mr. Steve Kull calculates the results of a home meet with ______Brookhaven, Walnut Ridge, and North as varsity runners wait in Carol Willis lights up the field with a bright smile during halftime festivities. anticipation.

Reserve Randy Larison outkicks a North runner at the Excitement fills the air as Northland scores again. finish line.

96 The Viking coaching staff and players pay close attention to the action on the field.

It took a whole gang of Watterson defenders to restrain Northland ace Dean Conley.

97 CROSS COUNTRY — (FRONT ROW) John Morrow, Bob Davidek, tain Mike Coccia, George Steele, Dave Brehm, Terry Shields, Mike Ker- Scott Burbacher, Steve Wilson, Randy Larason, John Newman, Bruce ber, Mike Stacy, co-captain Barry Farley, Rick Harris, Robin MacLean, Durbin. Jeff Peifer. (SECOND ROW) Coach Stephen H. Kull, co-cap- manager Mark Roberts.

Junior John Morrow loosens up before an important cross country meet. Harriers Compile 12-5 Record

The Vik ing Harriers finished another successful season under the direction of Coach Steve Kull. The team placed third in both the City and District meets and ran to a I 2 and 5 record. Northland runners faced a tough schedule, with duel meets against such cross country powers as Upper Arlington, Newark, Del­ aware, Lancaster, and Whetstone. Northland faced the strongest field of competition in City League history. Viking runners who finished In the top 20 of the City Meet were Mike Kerber, 6th; John Morrow, 12th; and Mike Stacy, 20th.

Dave Brehm and Mike Stacy battle a Brookhaven opponent around a turn of the Northland cross country course.

98 ,N '

' ^ , ' , VXg- iV

Co-capfa!n$ Mike Coccia and Kerber . . . a strong and Mike Stacy . . . the only other Barry Farley . . . seniors who pro- powerful runner . . . placed 6th in three-year letterman besides Far­ vided leadership for the squad. ^ity League field of 91 . . . ley .. . ran consistently through­ Mike set the pace in practice. “"Iv V®®'' of cross coun- out his high school career . . . a Barry started slow because of a *’'* ^'f”® of 10:16 is a North- fluid runner with a smooth stride. knee operation but came on record, strong to finish 21st in City.

Nine Cross Country Men to Graduate

Coach Steve Kull will lose a group of Terry Shields, Robin Maclean, Rick nine senior lettermen who make up the Harris, and George Steele. These sen® best class of runners fhe Northland Vik­ iors have been faithful and cooperative ings have ever seen. They are co-cap­ team members and strong competitors tains Barry Farley and Mike Coccia, in interscholastic meets. Mike Kerber, Mike Stacy, Dave Brehm, Coach Steve Kull . . . in four years at NHS he has developed one 3rd place, one 4th place and two City championship teams. Co-captain Mike Coccia summed up the feel­ ings of his teammates: "We all want Mr. Kull to know how much we appreciate his dedication."

Dave Brehm . . . an important Terry Shields . . . a two-year let­ Robin MacLean, Rick Harris, factor in the success of Viking terman . . . he has always given George Steele . . . 3 hard-run­ cross country he has always 100 per cent in practice and in ning senior lettermen . . . al­ been a tough competitor. meets . . . his desire and spirit in­ though they never reached the spired his teammates. top 7, they led the B team to a 4-2 record against varsity compe­ tition.

99 VARSITY BASKETBALL — (FRONT ROW) Mark Roberts, Scott Terry Shields, Jim Fiecoat, Ric Diedalis, John Vam Doom, Mr. Burbacher, Bob Adams, Jim Toney, Jud Wood, Chip Van Syckle, Wayne Rittenhouse. Wayne Linnabary. (SECOND ROW) Mr. Tom Wickiser, Kim Elsea,

RESERVE BASKETBALL — (FRONT ROW) Phil Love, Stan Chaney, Phil Cassias, Doug Smith, Ken Zelachow- Randy Larison, Larry Meek, Mark DeBellis, Jerry Foor, ski. Bill Vlasich, Steve Lowrey, Mr. Steve Kull. Paul Van Doom, Gary Anderson. (SECOND ROW)

100 RIC DIEDALIS (forward) . . . leading scorer on the feam . . . excellent outside shooter and driver . . . his re­ bounding was important in the Vikings' success.

Defensive ace Terry Shields helps out at the other end of the court against Zanesville.

JOHN VAN DOORN (guard) . . . only 5 JIM FIECOAT (center) . . . a strong re­ TERRY SHIELDS (forward) . . . a great hus­ feet 9, he was the quickest man on the bounder, he played good defense. Jim came tler. Considered by many as the finest de­ team . . . worked well against pressure . . . off the bench frequently to spark the Viking fender in the city . . . he handled the ball well and saw some action as a guard. was successful at breaking every press the attack. Vikings faced.

101 Basketball Team Places Second in City League

The varsity basketball team, coached by Wayne Rittenhouse, placed 2nd in the City with a record of 10 and 2 and finished 14 and 3 overall. The team set numerous records, including the most g.ames won by a Northland team in a season. Two of the three losses came in'double overtime contests at North and Upper Arlington. The starting squad averaged 4 shooters in double figures. Holding down the guard positions were sophomore hotshot Jud Wood and senior playmaker John Van Doom. At forward, hus­ tling Terry Shields and the blond bomber Ric Diedalis intimidat­ ed the opposition. Sophomore Jim Toney and big Jim Fiecoat shared the center spot. Along with Wood and Toney, juniors Chip Van Sycle, Kim Elsea, and Bob Adams and sophomore Scott Burbacher supported the varsity effort and cast a bright light for the Vikings' future. Assistant Coach Tom Wickiser should be commended for the fine job he did in the first three games when Coach Rittenhouse was hospitalized with a back ailment. Although hampered by size, the Viking reserves, coached by Steve Kull, accumulated a 6-1 I record. Those who saw most ac­ tion were Paul Van Doom, Steve Lowrey, Steve Luck, Phil Cass­ ias, Larry Meek, Bil'l Vlasich, Mark DeBellis, and Doug Smith.

A familiar sight to Northland wrestling fans after another Ric Ballinger victory. (Left) John Van Doom drives through the Linden defense for a basket as Diedalis looks on. io: (Left) After rolling up a big lead, members of the starting five rest dur­ ing the fourth quarter of the Brookhaven game.

Ninety-eight pound Larry Hageman awaits the referee's whistle at Olentangy.

Captain Bradd Smith works for position over his Franklin Heights oppo­ nent. Good passing, a key to the Vikings' success, is shown by John Van Doom against Linden. Terry Shields anxiously awaits the ball.

103 VARSITY WRESTLING — (FRONT ROW) Larry Hageman, ager Craig Plummer, Tony Molino, Ric Ballinger, Steve Dennis Dew, Norm Miller, Scott Rowe, Bradd Smith, Pete Wenger, Bill Tinsky, Tom Sapp, Manager Kent Bradford, DeBellis, Rod Nutter, Bob Dodson. (SECOND ROW) Man­ Mr. Charles Deyo.

Matmen Tally a 6-3 Record

The Viking matmen compiled a 6-3 record and finished 5th in the city meet. Senior Bill Tinsky and junior Pete De­ Bellis won second place honors in their weight classes. Sen­ ior captain Bradd Smith and junior Tom Sapp finished 3rd, while sophomore Steve Wenger finished 4th. Among the grapplers' victories were duel meet wins over Brookhaven, East, West, Franklin Heights, and Mansfield Malabar. Coach Chuck Deyo can look forward to an exciting season next year with all but 3 seniors returning. Coach Tom White's reserves captured the city cham­ pionship for the second year in a row. Individual city champions were Larry Hageman, Bob Miester, Doug Bur­ ton, and Jeff Brader. RIC BALLINGER . . . 14-3-1 rec­ BILL TINSKY . . . placed 2nd in ord . . . an experienced wrestler. City Meet and 1st in All-North Tourney.

BRADD SMITH . . . team cap­ Scott Rowe manhandles a West wrestler. tain . . . placed 3rd in city . . . a dedicated athlete.

104 RESERVE WRESTLING — (FRONT ROW) Bob Shows, Marty King, Doug Slye, John Mor­ row, Fred Agresta, Rick Stelzer, Tom Ardt. (SECOND ROW) Tom Serrott, Paul Matthews, Mike Jones, John Hartung, Terry Leonard, Mark Frissora, Tim Hamilton. (THIRD ROW) Ken Ringold, Kevin Heid, Mark Aneshansley, Mike Byrd, Mike Kyser, Rick MclIvain, Tim Mahoney.

JUNIOR VARSITY WRESTLING — (FRONT ROW) Mike Hager, Steve Dale, Tim Daniel, Tony Mazzola, Doug Burton, Mike Huston, Bob Meister. (SECOND ROW) Mr. Tom White, Bill Tinsky cradles his trophy after winning a first in Scott Plummer, Jeff Brader, Jeff Yocca, Joe Mayhew, John Payne, Mike Simmons, Manag­ the all-North tournament. er Shawn Galliher.

Tony Molino Is in full control of a West opponent. A West wrestler strains to break the grip of Ric Ballinger.

105 CHEERLEADERS — (FRONT ROW) (Reserves) Wendy Cheely, Jackie Hilt, Cherryl Wenger, Terese Blank, Debbie Haggy, Peggy Horchler. (SECOND ROW) (Varsity) Bev Bradshaw, Kathy Janszen, Bo Bower, Eva Denney, Terri Harper, Tara Jones.

The reserve and varsity cheerleaders pose in the "Go, Big Team" formation.


Senior Cheerleaders Lead the Way



107 108 JUNIORS

Juniors add nnuich to the general spirit of the school as they await the day when they, too, will become seniors.

109 Ralph Abbruxzese Bob Adams Terry Adams Fred Agresfa Pamela Alves Christy Anderson

Marty Anderson Nancy Anderson Marilyn Ankrom Gean Anneshansley Paulet Ariss Tom Armstrong

Chris Arndt Steve Arrick

Paula Aucoin Steve Arrick


Becky Ayers Patty Bartlett

Danny Barton Beth Batory Vicki Bauckmire Ray Bauer Ken Baughman John Becker

Steve Behre Denise Billengsly Dan Birkel Jon Blake Lynn Blazer Bob Bond

no Barb Borean Debbie Bower Gail Bowers Vickie Boyer Dennis Boy+in Steve Boytin

Susan Brenner Cathy Briggs Jerald Brocuis Karen Bruzzese Sherry Buckley Denise Burdefte

Juniors number 460 as first semester ends

Jeff Burkholder Rick Campbell Susan Campbell Mark Canright Allen Carlton Mary Carlton

Melody Carr Colleen Carroll Joan Carroll Cecilia Casey Kathy Casey Tom Castle

Carole Clark Leslie Clark Rick Cline John Cocran Julie Cohogen Mike Colly

Dean Conley Jaci Connell Cindy Conti Cheryl Corven Steve Crain Holly Crawford

III Diane Cross Dana Curry Marlyn Dakel Rory Dalfon Karen Darrough Craig Davis

Debbie Davis Debbie Davis Vickie Danis Pe'fe Dennison Penny Dennison Sue Denny

Mary DiFrancisco Richard Dini Bob Dotson Laura Dolan Diana Donley John Douthitt

Patti Drabek Patty Drown Joyce Dublin Jean Dudick Patricia Earnheart Bill Eby

Steve Elke Theresa Elliot Mary Ellis Kim Elsea Cindi Engberg Sharon Esper

Renne Evard Debbie Ewart Debbie Fagan Vickie Farmwald Kim Fasone Kathy Feltz

Mardi Ferguson Sheree Ferguson Neil Free Barb Fiecoat John Fink Becky Fink

112 Janet Finley Patty Floeh Debbie Ford Harry Foster Leslie Foulk Sue Fox

Bill Fox Toni Fracasso Terry Frasher Kirk Free Terry Frey Sino Fressora

Mark Frissora Don Fuller Vince Gage Gary Galbreath Randy Galbreath Kenny Gall

Jim Garey Sharon Garges Melinda Gehring Joann Giamarco Mike Gillard Carla Gillespie

Bob Giroux Patty Glenn Steve Golden Sue Graham Gilbert Graham Garry Gree"

Leatha Grieve Bill Grubb John Gulick Robert Haag Mike Huston Sandy Hagemann

Thomas Hagovsky Jan Hahn Dan Haley Cheryl Hall Sheila Hall Dana Harden

113 Doris Harhai Steve Harless Bob Harrison

John Hartung Debbie Hav#l( Penny Heath

Louise Heebner Annette Heiser Diane Hendricks

Sandy Heslop Herb Higginbotham Tammy Hill Brenda Hixon Debbie Holland Sue Holsinger

Roger Hopkins Susan Hord Peggy Horchler Barb Houser Tonya Hull Bonnie Hummell

Connie Hummell Teresa Hunt Rita Inie Kathy Janszen Debbie Jarret Debbie Jenkins

Mark Jennings Beth Johnson Patty Johnson Tom Johnson Carol Jones Tara Jones

114 Danny Justice Craig Kaiser George Kareklas Dennis Kaser Nancy Kaser Debbir Katz

Connie Keller Kathy Kelly Debbie Keplar Syliva Keer Jeff Kessler Cindy Kimm

Marsha Kincaid Clarke Kiner Phyllis King Chuck Klawsing Dave Kleinman Marc Knight

Mike KontuI Mike Kook Dave Korczyk Mary Krembs Sue Kynkor Mike Kyser

Bob Laird Kathy Lake Tammie Lanane

Bill Largent Lisa Larrick David Lee

Pam Lemaster Don Lemley Juniors Tim Richards and Pete De Beilis Karen Lemley show off iheir super human strength to a tickled Sue Brenner.

115 Nancy Lemon Terry Leonard Vick! Leoperd Debbie Lester Craig Lilly Dave Lincicome

Wayne Linnabarry Terrie Loar Jenny Lockard Bob Ludeke Jim Mallon Ilona Maranville

Drema Marcum Judith Margeson

Kathy Marsh Melissa Marsh

Jim Marshall Patty Martin

David Maturo Laura Maturo Brent Massey Marilyn Mauriello Diana Maxey Tony Mazzola

Martha McCabe Jackie McCoy Jodi McDaniel Paula McDaniel Donna McDonald Starma McDonald

116 Jana McGlade Bill McLain Vicki McLaughlin Terri McPeek Mark Meabon Karl Meinhart

Bob Meisfer Bernard Melchoirre Connie Melton Jeff Metzger Lee Michael Art Mielke X ■ / ^ MW Happiness is found in simple things — a sparkling laugh, a refreshing tear, an understanding smile . . .

Kathie Miller Norm Miller Paul Miller Rick Miller Sandy Miller Ron Mills

Tony Molino John Morrow Michele Moser Cherrie Murrey Patty Murphy Paula Myers

John Newman Jonna Nevius Robert Niemet Tom Nist Janice Noe Peggy Norris

Garth Nutter Rod Nutter Coleen Oaks Sarah Oberkonz Gregory Onslow Gina Opatish

117 Joanne Orsini Kathy Osif Ernie Oskey Diane Padovan Gary Palmer Gina Palumbo

Cindy Paprocki John Paulos Florene Payne Jeff Peifer Valerie Pelay Bob Perry

Ann Perry Leslie Phillip Paul Phipps Scot Plummer Brian Portez Gale Posplcheel

Brenda Powers Richard Pratt Earnest Puckett Jeff Pullins Elaine Rechkemmer Jon Reed

Bob Reeves Crystal Reeves Chris Reichenbach Bob Renner Betty Reynolds Steve Rhudy

Sue Riccardi Leanne Richards Tim Richards Rick Riley Craig Rogers Jana Roberts

Fran Robinson Dave Rogers Craig Rogers Diane Rogers Phil Rosmarin Scot Rowe

118 Christin Rubadue Ron Rurik George Russell Bill Sandham John Schilling Steve Schlup

Ronny Schweitzer Jean Schwinnie Craig Scott Anita Seckman Steve Serr Kay Shafer

John Shafer Teri Sherburn Sue Shrock Lana Simon Mike Simpson Vicki Skinner

Connie Smith Duane Smith Jim Smith Joanna Smith Robert Smith Nancy Smith

Rob Smith Marsha Smith Lester Snyder Jeff Solinger Diane Spadafora Martha Spalding

Tim Spears Marrann Spinosi Mike Spohn Linda Stalls Lisa Stark Davis St. Clair

Rick Stevens Kris Stocklin Dave Stuart Jeff Suver Barb Swope Richard Tayler

119 Connie Thomas Melanie Thomas Walter Scott Thompson

Beth Titus Cathy Trotter Cindy Toronto

Kathy Truesdale Dan Tucker Debbie Tumblison

Elite Turkoglu Debbie Turner Rick Ulrey Vaudine Valentine Paul VanDoorn Vic Vannoy

Chip Van Syckle Donna Vanwagner John Veeck Chris Vittorio Jim Voipe Randy Watson

Becky Watts Pam Weber Joe Weideman Tom Welsh Judy West Mila Wheeler

Rick Whikehart Cindy White John Whittle John Wilkes Conrad Williams Lynn Williams

120 Steve Wilson Susan Wilson Diane Winegardner Patty Wolford Lynn Wolverton Terri Woods

Jim Wright Glenn Yaeger Jamie Yeagle Jeff Yocca David Yoder Tyron Yun

' 'tX<. ' f 'j h i v Jackie McCoy sits and relaxes after completing the sophomore and junior sections of the yearbook.

121 122 i SOPHOMORES

Sophomores slowly grew accustomed to the pace of high school life, and throughout the year surely proved them­ selves to be "wise fools."

123 Mark Abbott Staphie Achburger Bill Adams Gary Adams Tom Adams Donna Agresta

Tom Alben Greg Albertson Littie Aleshire Jim Alexander Sandy Alibrando Rick Allen

Bill Amrine Gary Anderson George Anderson John Anderson Anita Andreoni Mark Anneshansley

'i '■ '

Bonnie Anguish Connie Anguish Chris Armbrust Bob Atwood Scott Atwood Phil Auer

Bob Austin Debbie Bailey Stephanie Baker

Victoria Baker Tanya Baldridge Rob Baldwin

Deborah Barbeau Mark Barr Michael Bauer

Mr. Ronald Rabold records the Road Game as sophomore Kevin Newquist paints a road under the watchful eyes of his teammates Jim Alexander and Robin Snodgrass.

124 Dianne Bauman Charles Beal Karen Beal

Larry Beard Robert Beaver Ted Beaver

Vicki Bell Cathy Benjamin Sherron Betts

Steve Bevllacqua Bob Bice Jon BIckham Betty Blddison Jerry Bird Bill Birkel

Tom BIssett Jacquie Bloor Eva Bolden DebbI Bond Janet Bosen Marc Bosworth

Bob Bourgeois Debbie Bower Jeff Brader Rick Branzell Mike Broberg Tim Brooks

Bob Brown Ray Browning Angie Buck Scott Burbacher Jody Burget Cathy Burkhart

125 Steve Burkhart Doug Burton Mike Bush Kevin Butler Mike Byrd David Cain

Jim Callan Scott Campbell Carole Cantrell Larry Carl Bill Carlton Lori Carpenter

John Carroll Carolyn Carte Janice Carter Bill Cassidy Phil Cassis Julie Centotanti

Nancy Chadwell Stan Chaney Cindy Cheely John Chevalier Danny Chun Tina Ciotola

Sandy Clapman Mary Lou Clifton Sue Clifton Andy Colburn Christie Coldren Kent Conder lS: 'l 1

Dave Conley Sue Conner Leslie Conrad Cindy Conreaux Kim Cooper Janet Copeland

Michelle Cordi Lance Corven Ron Crabtree Tim Cramer Tracy Cremeans Jan Crites

126 Joe Csasar Madeline Cua Carry Culver Linda Curry Chris Dakel Steve Dale

Tim Daniels Richard Damron Bob Davidek Debbie Davies Dennis Davis Kristi Davis

Scott Davis Julie Day Mark DeBellis Doug DeCarlo Karen Deem Pam DeLille

Wish I was a Kellogg's cornflake Floatin' in my bowl fakin' movies, Relaxin' awhile, livin' in style. Talkin' to a raisin who 'casion'Iy plays L A. — Paul Simon

Scott Dempsey Gary Denig Lorrie Dennis Dale DeVore Dennis Dew Linda Dickey

Bev Dickson Cathy Dignan Joe DiPietro Tina DiPietro Cindy Double Jean Dublin

Yvonne Dubocs Hans Dryer Jack Drudy Mitchell Dysart Debbie Eblin Teresa Egnor

127 Eric Eichensehr Kim Elliot Lynn Embleton Susan Erwin Cathy Eschelman Beverly Evans

Victor Fabbro Vince Fabbro Bill Fairweather Michelle Farber Jennie Farguhar Ron Featherston

Diane Fegly Lisa Ferree Patti Fiecoat

•V.­ Cindy Fink ' f, ,‘*‘**^ Susie Fogle i # ■ Jerry Foor 1: f-.'

Larry Fox Lois Frazier Debra Fuchs

Bill Furie Margaret Sarrabrant Donna Gay Bobbie Geiger Terry George Brian Gibson

Joe Gibson Raelene Gilmore Dennis Glassburn Jeff Glasstetler Fred Glaze Cindi Godin

128 Jody Goeftge Janice Goe-fz Lori Gordon Bob Granfield Dave Graves Debbie Griffith

Janis Grogan Mark Grubb Debby Hadley Kim Hagly Larry Hageman Mike Hager

Beth Hall Kim Hall Tim Hamilton Mike Hannon Judy Hard Dave Harless

The art of awareness is the art of learning how to awaken to the eternal miracle of life with its limitless possibilities.

Steve Harless Jackie Harrison Scott Hartle Paula Hastilow Debbie Hatfield Greg Hatfield lolk-

Randy Hazlett Gerald Heading Rose Headington I Bill Headley Kevin Heid Debra Heilman

Beth Heinlen Bob Held Wendy Hellinger Dane Hendon Becki Hendrix Ronnie Herald

129 Gre+chen Herr Chuck Hetrick Cristi Hickson John Hill Jackie Hilt Mariellen Hiney

Kim Hollenbach Chuck Hopper Marcie Hopper Melody Hopper Craig Hoover Marcy Hov/ells

Burton Hughs John Humphrey Kathy Hunley Gary Hunter Barb Huston Dean Hutchinson

Sheryl Hutchison Debby Huxham Paul Imhoff Mike Jones Patty Jones Candy Jordan

Kim Julian Mark Katko Debbie Kaulor Art Kearues Cindy Kelch Jere Kessler

Bill Kidwell Bernadette Kinkel Brad Kinnell Bill Koch Bob Koch Mike Koenig

Scott Koloff Denise Kopp Mark Korczuk Susan Krembs Richard Kulon Peggy Kunjen

130 Cindy Kuskowski David Kufz Marc Lamb Cindy Lamprecht Janet Lander Phillip Landon

Charles Langstaff Martha La Point Randy Larason David Larue Katie Laverty Becky Lawrence

Charles Lawson Linda Ledford Willeam Le Gault Kathy Leggett Debbie Leopard David Lewis

The 8:45 bell — Good morning everybodyl The Beginning of another day of school . . . Sometimes it was a prison; other times an Open field of knowledge.

Susanne Lishka Rob Loar Sheree Lose Phil Love Bob Lowe Steve Lowry

Lorie Lucas Gary Luzader Debbie Maclean Becky MacPherson Beth Madachy Sharon Madden

Tim Mahoney Sue Mair Bev Malcom Libby Malone Debbie Marsh Jody Marsh

131 Linda Marsh Ka+hy Martin John Marhz Randy Massey Kelly Maureen Joe Maxey

Cindy Maxwell Sonda Mayer Joe Mayhew Nancy Mayo Sondra Mazzola Carolyn McBride

Bob McCelland Dave McDonald Rick Mclivain Teri McMasters Mark Larkin Sue Meabon

Robert Meadows Theresa Meadows Judy Meek Ron Melchlorre Jody Melick Pam Melick

Dave Merz Martin Me+zken Jeff Middleton

Dominie Milano Diane Miller Janet Miller

Tom Miller Tomas Miller Debra Mills

A relaxed sophomore awaits his turn to pounce on Mr. Evans.

132 Chuck Montgomery Maria Moore Marianne Morando

Terence Morgan James Morgan Don Morris

Sally Morris Andy Morse Pam Munzer

Anne Murray Betty Musser Debbie Meyers Maribeth Myers Susan Nacke Denise Naegele

Lynn Nance Rick Nelson Randy Nesser Patricia Nichus Luann Nirote Lori Nist

Franes Oberkonz Debi Oliver Steve Oltman Jeff Onall Dyaw Osif Sue Owens

Dave Palmer Teresa Palumbo Kathy Papenbrock Jodi Parker Susan Parkhurst Greg Parks

133 Cynthia Paulos John Payne Russ Pennell Sue Penrod Mike Perkins Donna Pfaff

Bob Phillips Tom Power Krestie Powers Rustie Price Dale Radcliff Marianne Rathbun

Denise Ratliff David Rau Debbie Rud Karen Reichilder Brenda Ressler Linda Reynolds

Jeff Richardson Kim Ringold Mama Ritts Debbie Roarh Jan Roberts Sherri Robinson

Jan Rogers Vicki Rubadue Ruth Ruddock Pam Ruh Melanie Rush Toni Russolillo

Eugene Sams Bob Sandham Dan Saunders Jane Sauro Curtis Scott Ginger Scott

Marsha Scott Patty Scranton Mike Scurria Cindy Sears Sue Seitz Sue Semetro

134 Jeanne Serio Sue Serio Tim Serrott Teri Severance Joe Shalosky Nancy Shaw

Nancy Shelton Greg Shields Beth Shockor Mike Siconolfi Mike Simmors Jackie Simpson

Threesa Slaine Mark Slaughter Candy Smith Doug Smith Jennifer Smith Pam Smith

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

Albert Einstein

Robin Smith Sharron Smith Marian Smith Pam Sapp Robin Snodgrass Mark Sora

Anita Soto Dave Stamn Vicki Stamn Tim Slantoni Jeff Stasko Rick Stelyer

Diane Stevens Stephanie Stewart Randy Stier Joe Stills Brian Stockwell Vicky Stone

135 Diane Summit Cindy Swisher Leigh Swisher Bob Tackett Bill Tanner Doug Taylor

Joyce Taylor Kevin Taylor Penny Taylor Virginia Taylor Darlene Thomas David Thomas

Jel Thompson Tom Thompson Glendine Thornbloon Lisa Thrush Julie Thurston James Toney

Tony Toronto Shawna Towler Wanda Toy Shelly Triacheff James Tripp Kathy Trotter

Robin Trotter Brian Trout Toni Tumblison Pam Turgeon Stuart Tucker Candy Tudor

Rick Ueltschy Paul Ulery Mike Underwood Chuck Vagt Vanessa Valentine Vicki Valentine

Jeff Vermilion Sandy Vesco William Vlasick Janelle Veilmer Martha Voight Peggy Walton

136 Barbie Watson Sam Weaver Vickie Webb Karen Weber Diane Welsh Sam Wendall

Steve Wenger Jody Wenner Paula Wevodau Cindy White Pat White Terry White

Linda Wilcox Sue Williamson

Debbie Willis Debbie Wills

Ralph Winans Sophomores Marc Lamb and Sue Krembs led homeroom 110 !n Lawrence Weirstel the best homeroom decorations contest. ^. X

Patty Withrow Jud Wood Jill Wright Bob Wright Phyllis Yates Dwight Yoakum

Jim Yoakum Betty Yocca Steve Yorde Othela York Connie Young Ken Zelachowski

137 m

Sophomores displayed the best decorations at the Brookhaven basketball pep rally and their prize? — the privilege of throwing three pies at the tame pussycat, Mr. Zaayer.

Some of the visitors to assistant principal Duane Pelkey's office are real dogs.

138 Sophomores Marfha LaPoinfe, Mike Koenig, and an unwelcome friend social­ little Cindy Cheely takes time from her busy day to study. ize at an open locker during their lunch period.

Billy LeGault and Mike Knight exchange meaningful glances while Charles Lawson eyes the camera.



Extracurricular activities absorb much of a student's time, and Northland offers a wide variefy of fhese activities. Participation in student organizations is an important side of sfudent life.

141 Council Is Voice For Student Body

Student Council has been the student voice this year at a time when the youth of America has found the need for speaking out. Under the leadership of Jeff Rader the Council has discussed open lunch, sponsored a student ex­ change, and handled homecoming ceremonies. Each homeroom is represented in the Council by one member, elected by the homeroom students. An alternate is also elected to serve when the representative is absent. These homeroom representatives report on Council activi­ ties to the homeroom students. Debbie Haggy assisted Jeff as vice president; Cheryl Wenger as secretary; Mary Ann Flichia, treasurer; Eileen Spooner and Vince Gage, sergeants-at-arms.


Student Council officers, elected by the Council, are Vince Gage, Cheryl Wenger, Eileen Spooner, Jeff Rader, Debby Haggy, Mary Ann I Flichia (kneeling), and Steve Wenger. :i'<

STUDENT COUNCIL — FRONT ROW: Libby Malone, Cel Casey, ianne McNamee, Sue Brooks, Debbie Eblen, Sue Meabon, Chris Whit­ Melanie Thomas, Karen Beal, Vicki Stamm, Sarah Oberkonz, Sherran tle, Cindy Sears, Jackie Hilt, Mark Lamb, Jerry Goetz. FOURTH Betts, Kathy Janszen, Lyle Sanders, Scott Atwood. SECOND ROW: ROW: Mark Roberts, Steve Wenger, Jim Toney, Terry Shields, Ric Di- Carol Cantrell, Janet Findley, Ann Fierce, Karen Nacke, Laurie How- edalis, Dave Lee, Bill Tinsky, John Van Doom, Mike Stacy, Joe Mayhew, den, Marty Parrish, Carylon Carte, Cindy Conreux, Bob McClanahan, Mr. Hubert Zaayer. Chip .Van Syckle. THIRD ROW: Patty Jones, Debbie Richards, Mar­

142 MAIN OFFICE ASSISTANTS — FRONT ROW: Lea Blake. Kim Thom­ Wendy Hellinger, Terry McPeek, Brenda Brunton. THIRD ROW: Mau­ as, Marcy Howells, Lisa Larrick, Jan Hamilton, Debbie Myers, Kathy reen Kelly, Peggy Kunzen, Jan Lowman, Marsha Wood, Carol Jones, Leggett. SECOND ROW: Mardon Ferguson, Donna Pfaff, Marianne Linda Reynolds, Pat Johnson, Sylvia Torris, Mindy Lovell, Mrs. Mabel McNamee, Debbie Callan, Debra Roark, Diane Maxey, Terri Woods, Frye, Mrs. Pat Mansfield, Mrs. Imogene Kline.

Students Serve as Office Assistants

Approximately twenty girls carry out various jobs to as­ sist the office secretaries in the efficient running of North- la>nd's main o ffice. The girls' duties include filing, runni'ng errands, checking schedules, typing, and operating^ the mimeograph machine. Students must maintain approximately a C average to be eligible to serve as an office assistant. The assistants agree that this experience in handling secretarial duties is good job training. The girls give unselfishly of their free school time to serve as assistants.

Sophomores Debbie Myers and Kathy Leggett are initiated into office work. Debbie is running the mimeo machine, while Kathy files schedules.

143 GUIDANCE HELPERS — FRONT ROW: Lisa Larrick, Tina Arrick. Sherry Or+h, Debbie Krenek, Mrs. Cherrye Lucas. SECOND ROW: Kyle Weinberger, Debbie Blaskie, Mary Ann Flichia, Cheryl Wenger. THIRD ROW: Mrs. Helen Lias, Cheryl Clifton, Anita Seckman, Wendy Hellinger, Mr. Terence Schreiber. FCDURTH ROW: Sherry Southward, Barb Daube, Debbie Holland, Wanda Rodgers, Eileen Spooner.

ATTENDANCE — FRONT ROW: Gina Hoover, Brenda Burton, Doro­ Goody. THIRD ROW: Miss Miriam McIntosh, Carol Hoover, Lisa Lar­ thy Popovich, Many Ann Flichia, Daphne Borrow, Andriane Stockwell, kin, Debbie Blaskie, Wendy Hellinger, Colleen Savley. FOURTH ROW: Christy Meek, Mrs. Mary Jane Davis. SECOND ROW: Tina Arrick, Jan Elaine Riley, Kathy Kline, Collette Wydau, Holly Crawford, Debbie Tipple, Debbie Brooks, Lea Blake, Cheryl Clifton, Kathy White, Janet Davis, Teresa Hunt.

144 Student Assistants Relieve Work Load

The Northland High School library is ooe of the most complete high school libraries in the city. Over 12,000 books are now on the shelves. Magazines date from Sep­ tember of 1966 when the school opened. The magazine section contains almost all the major magazines. The libra­ ry subscribes to over 100 different magazines and newspa­ pers. Mrs. Joan Grahek, head librarian, carefully selects stu­ dents to assist her with shelving and checking books in and out, writing over-due notices, and completing the clerical work. Mrs. Mary Jane Davis supervises the attendance office assisted by Miss Miriam McIntosh. Student assistants help with tiling excuses, typing absence lists, and running er­ rands. Students are assigned to the Guidance Department each period to help the three counselors. They do clerical work, run errands, and answer the telephone.

Students find a wide variety of facilities in the library to aid them in their studies. Dale DeVore and Nancy Chadwell spend a period of studying together in the library.

LIBRARY STAFF— LEFT TO RIGHT: John Marti, Mrs. Joan Grahek, Jim Angle, Brian Switzer, Jere Kessler, Tom Perry,

145 A-V, Activities Office, Cafeteria Use Aides

Over 30 students work in the cafeteria, helping the staff prepare and serve breakfast and lunch for the students and faculty. They work one or more periods and receive a lunch ticket or a salary. The ZBG's (Zaayer's Bad Guys) supervised collection of money for Christmas decorations and put up the school decorations each year. With money from dues and fund-raising projects they buy keys for the Academy of Scholars, art for the Art De­ partment, contribute to the Forum, provide flowers for Homecoming, and supply materials for the office, such as rubber stamps, yearbook, and staplers. Mr. Zaayer, activities coordinator, assigns the boys to help him in the variety of tasks associated with his office. The audio-visual crew helps Mr. Merle Redmond, their faculty advisor, provide audio-visual equipment such as record players, slide and movie projectors, and overhead projectors for teachers' use. The boys carry the equipment back and forth from locations where teachers are, often operate it, and repair it.

Y Ti- f ZBG'S — FRONT ROW: Don Kaylor, Craig Rodgers, Ron Crab­ Mark Raubenolt, Bill McClain, Bob Niemet, Randy Downard, tree, Jeff Yocca, Jim Voipe, Tony Molino, Bob Dodson. SEC­ Dave Leggett, Scott Rowe, Mark Gibson. FOURTH ROW: Mr. OND ROW: Brad Smith, Larry Tracy, Dave Brehm, Bob Haag, Hubert Zaayer, Tom Castle, Mike Spohn, Mike Hagan, Paul Bis- Rick Mclivain, Mike Houston, Chip Van Syckle. THIRD ROW: choff, Ric Diedalis, Tom Sapp, Ric Stevens, Bob Ludeke.

146 AUDIO-VISUAL CREW — FRONT ROW: Craig Dean. Bill Fairweath- er, Tim Brooks, John Sisson. SECOND ROW: John Wex, Shawn Gallag­ her, Donna Pottle. THIRD ROW: Paul Phipps, Russ Pennell, Gary Anag- nosta, Brian Gibson.

For work well done Mrs. Mary Greylock, cafeteria supervisor, serves the student assistants their lunch.

CAFETERIA WORKERS — FRONT ROW: Connie Anguish. Dana Moore, Chris Whittle, Bev Bradshaw, Jackie Hilt, Ann Perry, Bob San- Curry, Diane Mazey, Carol Carte, Bonnie Anguish, Jackie Simpson, dham. THIRD ROW: Glen Yaeger, Tom Perry, Jim Mellon, Mike Byrd, Mrs. Mary Greylock. SECOND ROW: Loverta Woodring, Debbie Tim Barlowe, Rick Knox.

147 Drama Club, Stage Crew Learn Stage Crafts

Drama Club, under the supervision of Mr. Charles D. Lewis, has many responsibilities and a variety of activities throughout the year. Members participate on the properties, costume, make­ up, usher, ticket, and publicity committees for Northland's stage productions. Guest speakers are Invited to club meetings, and members are given an opportunity to learn about drama and Its many different areas. Members with required points are eligible to join the International Thes­ pian Society. Trips to nearby theatres are encouraged and planned several times during the year. Beth Titus Is president; Jeff Metzger, vice president; Sue Brooks, secretary; and Linda Hutchison, treasurer. Purpose of the Stage Crew Is to teach students the dif­ ferent stage crafts. Stage Crew members work In every activity Northland sponsors, either setting up seating for graduation, providing proper lighting, handling sound equipment, or building the scenery for plays. Advisor Is Mr. Charles D. Lewis.

Helen Keller (Beth Titus) hesitan.tly spells the word "teacher" into her mother's (Cathy Devoll) hand, as Annie (Sue Campbell) and the Keller family look on. Scenes a.re from the fall play, The Miracle Worker.

DRAMA CLUB — FRONT ROW: Linda Hutchison, Beth Titus, Sue Starma McDonald, Nesley Thomas, Becky Fink, Sharon Esper. FOURTH Brooks, Jeff Metzger. SECOND ROW: Sue Riccardi, Jan Simpson, ROW: Sue Evans, Joan McGuire, Sue Campbell, Vickie Boyer, Debbie Cathy Hayes, Beth Batory, Gretchen Herr, Jackie Bloor, Christy An­ Kaylor, Pam DeLille, Nancy Shelton, Marsha Smith, Lisa Ferree, Carol derson, Karen Darrough, Barb Cassidy, Debbie Ford, Cindy Paulus. Clarke, Terry McPeek. FIFTH ROW: Mr. Charles Lewis, David Stuart, THIRD ROW: Pam Hartenfeld, Sara Vaughn, Becky Watts, Sherry Kathy Dorsch, Kathy Fletz, Rick Dini, Tim Barlowe, Kevin Smith, Art Garges, Wendy Hellinger, Laurie Dolan, Phylis King, Michele Moser. Mielke.

148 i 1

STAGE CREW — FRONT ROW: Sherry Garges, Be+h Titus, Jeff Metzger, Jack Brudy, Jim McClanahan, Bob Koch. Terry McPeek, Sue Riccardi. SECOND ROW: Bev Evans, Kathy FOURTH ROW: Mr. Charles Lev/is, Steve Harrison, Jeff Pullins, DeVoll, Gretchen Herr, Jackie Bloor, Carolyn McBride, Christi Tim Karch, Ric Hafeman, Jim Wright, Brad Troy, Tim Brooks, Hickson. THIRD ROW: Andy Landon, Dave Amrine, Terry Frey, Kevin Smith, Dave Stewart.

Junior Tami Hill closes her eyes tightly as Cheryl Wenger applies a final mist of hairspray before a performance of The Miracle Worker. (Left) Student director Tim Karch takes time out from a long rehearsal to share a joke with Debbie Kaylor.

149 RED CROSS CLUB — Mrs. Jane Jones, school nurse, Nesley Thomas, Paula Wedoc, Vicki Skin­ ner, Lynne Nance.

CREATIVE WRITING CLUB — FRONT ROW: Doris Harhai, SECOND ROW: Sue Carlton, Rachel Bauman, Joanne Orsini, Paulette Ariss, Paul LaFollette, Barb Skinner, Ruth Madigan. Bob Laird.

150 Clubs Offer Diverse Activities for Students

Creative Writing Club offers students who wish to write an opportunity to have their stories, essays, satires, or poems criticized and edited by other students. The club annually publishes Northland's literary magazine A Time of Innocence. Sue Carlton and Doris Harhai are co-editors and Mrs. Trudy Plummer is the advisor for this student written, edited, and published magazine. Red Cross completed several projects this year. The members made two trips to Hy Manor Nursing Home, sponsored class boxes, held a city Red Cross meeting at the school in March, and participated in council activities. Nesley Thomas was president; Terry Frey, vice president; Vicki Skinner, secretary-treasurer; and Mrs. Frances Bald­ win, advisor. Student Life is a Christian Club that offers fellowship through Christ. President is Jeff Metzger; vice president, Becky Watts; treasurer, Bev Dotson, secretary, Starma McDonald; sergeant-at-arms, Rick Dini.

(Left) Sophomores Jeanne Serio and Cindy Sears work on a story for A Time of Innocence.

STUDENT LIFE CLUB — FRONT ROW: Jeff Metzger, Becky Watts, Knox, Vicki Boyer, Penny Heath, Debby Heilman, Marsha Smith, Jody Bev Dotson, Starma McDonald, Rick Dini. SECOND ROW: Cher Bald­ Melick. BACK ROW: Gary Anderson, Denise Kopp, Kathy Hunley, Jim win, Linda Kelley, Linda Hutchison, Gina Opatich, Nesley Thomas, Gary, Glenn Yeager, Julie Day, Lorie Dennis, Debbie Kaylor. Patty Drabek, Christy Coldren. THIRD ROW: Patty Drown, Richard

151 Me

i'i' Distributive Education students Marsha Zimmerman and Barry Roach 1 ' work on a class display.

DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION CLUB — FRONT ROW: Jeff Plunkett, Barry Roach, Marsha Zimmerman, Brenda Brunton, Candy Catalano, Pat Lepord. SECOND ROW: Steve Bennett, Greg Fisher, Sally Given, Gail Preston, Rhonda Butt. THIRD ROW: Bob Cramer, Steve Robin­ son, Warren Scott, Rick Stier, John Hickenbotham, Tom Lewis. FOURTH ROW: Pat Davis, Frank Albanese.

152 C.O.E., D.E.C.A. Programs Offer Job Training

CooperaJiive Of-fice Education is an organization to fur­ ther students' business experience and to train them in of­ fice skills for a business career. Laverta "Woodring was president; Pat Davis, vice president: Mrs. Jwdy Barnhart, advisor. Members attend the state, regional, and national con­ ventions. They sponsored fund-raising projects such as a paper drive, candy sale, and bake sale. They attended an installation banquet for officers and an employer appre­ ciation banquet. D E C A G b b iiS made up of students enrolled in the Dis­ tributive Education program. Students in the program train for jobs in marketing and merchandising. In addition to attending classes and working on the job, the club members participate in district contests with DECA stu­ dents from other schools. Tom Lewis was president, assisted by John Hickinboth- am, vice president; Gail Preston, secretary: and Greg Fisher, treasurer. Mr. William Bigelow was advisor.

'li/h rh C.O.E. student Kathy Hayes practices filing, a skill she learned in a class.

COOPERATIVE EDUCATION CLASS — FRONT ROW: Norris, Roxanne Marquardt. THIRD ROW: Collette Loverta Woodring, Pat Davis, Kathy Van Fossen, Hilda Wydau, Janet Clark, Jayne White, Diane Albertsonk, Pam Lockner, Kathy Hayes. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Judy Barn­ Jones, Sandy Zappia. hart, Carol Morris, Debbie Brooks, Sue Robinson, Janet

153 Special Interest Clubs Provide Career Insight

F.T.A. members took educational field trips and taught in neighborhood elementary schools. Although member­ ship was small, the members were enthusiastic and ener­ getic. Officers Cheri Hall, Wanda Rodgers, Cathie Miller, Dana Curry, and Mike Carter worked closely with Mrs. Joan Grahek, advisor. Principal fund-raising project for the Future Home­ makers Club this year was selling recipe cards. The group also sponsored bake sales, a camping trip, a skating trip, and a Valentine party for the . Annual Christmas party for the faculty was December 17. Jan Hamilton was president; Debbie Holland, vice pres­ ident; Sandy Zappia, secretary; Elaine Riley, treasurer; and Janet Serio, sergeant-at-arms. Future Secretaries Club was headed by senior Sandy Zappia, assisted by Laverta Woodring as vice president, Cherryl Lothamer, secretary, and Lana Simon, treasurer. The group sponsored a bake sale, Christmas party, and a Christmas card delivery service (Santa's Post Office). With the money earned from these projects, they visited Southwestern Publishing Company, Cincinnati. FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA — FRONT ROW: Dana Curry, Barbie Watson, Kyle Winburger. SECOND ROW: Sherrie Hall, Kim Hall, Lorie Mat­ ure, Mrs. Joan Grahek. THIRD ROW: Susan Nacke, Vanessa Valentine, George Kareklas. FOURTH ROW: Wanda Rodgers, Kathy Miller, Kathy Hunley, Mike Carter.

i'i), ,i|?;

FUTURE SECRETARIES OF AMERICA — FRONT ROVV: Cheryl Thomas, Sue Fox, Pam Weber, Jackie Connell, Vicki Bauchmire, Denise Lothamer, Carol Morris, Sandy Zappia, Laverta Woodring, Lana Billingsley. FOURTH ROW: Bonnie Hummel, Theresa Hunt, Beth Bato- Simon, Miss Shirley Leggett. SECOND ROW: Judy West, Christy An­ ry, Jodi Marsh, Kim Fasone, Kathy Trotter, Tonya Hull. derson, Ellen Owen, Hilda Lockner. THIRD ROW: Brenda Powers. Kim

154 FUTURE HOMEMAKERS CLUB — FRONT ROW: Sandy Zappia, amarco, Lisa Larkin, Kim Fasone, Cindy Morando, Debbie Tucks, Chri­ Janet Serio, Jan Hamilton, Debbie Holland, Elaine Riley. SECOND sty Meek. FOURTH ROW: Molly Booker, Vicki Bauchmire, Patty John­ ROW: Miss Lois Darling, Connie Barber, Pam Ruh, Debbie Bower, Judy son, Vaudine Valentine, Kathy Kelly, Jeri Denney, Janet Goody. Hard, Cindy Conreaux, Jeannie Schwinne. THIRD ROW: Joan Gi-

Future secretaries are working to improve their typing skill. (Left) Clothing student Terri Harper learns to thread the sewing machine.


Varsity "N" Sponsors Christmas Collection

Varsity "N" Club members supervise the collec­ tion of Christmas baskets for needy families through the homerooms. Administration and supervision of all athletic contests at Northland and sponsoring a pic­ nic at the end of the school year were other major activities. Purpose of the group is to strengthen the unity of all boys' athletics at Northland and to support Northland in any way possible. Bill Tinsky was president, assisted by Lyle Sanders, vice president: Ron Cosentino, secretary: Jerry Goetz, treasurer: and Don Crabtree, sergeant-at- arms. Ski Club members took trips to Clearfork, Ohio, each Monday during the winter, weather permitting. Members paid $8.50 dues that included expenses for their first ski trip. Debbie Jarrett was president: Laurie Howden, vice president.

Northland students and parents were loyal school supporters.

156 G .A .A . — Girls' Athletic Association members reflect­ the announcement of new officers were Included In the ac­ ed high spirits and good sportsmanship through participa­ tivities. tion In various athletics and money-making projects. The Barb Skinner was president; Debbie Richards, vice pres­ challenge of Intramurals and Interschool play provided ident; Paula Hain, treasurer; Karen Wood, secretary; Ann benefiting experiences In team work, sportsmanship, and Fierce and Cathy KIpfInger, sergeant-at-arms; Annette development of skills. Helser and Paula McDaniel, Intramural directors. Cabinet Canoeing, camping, slumber parties, a jewelry sale, the chairmen were Connie Weber, points; Gretchen Swope, Interclass basketball tournament, and the annual banquet membership; Debbie Haggy, publicity; Phyllis King, Initia­ held at the end of the year for presentation of awards and tion; and Sunni Epiey, activities.

VARSITY N — FRONT ROW: Dan Crabtree, Ron Mike Newsome, Dan Scarry. FOURTH ROW: Tyron Cosentino, Bill Tinsky, Jerry Goetz, Lyle Sanders. SEC­ Yun, Jim Marshall, Jim Voipe, Gary George, Dave OND ROW: Mike Cassidy, Don Hinkley, Tom Fisher, Leggett, Barry Farley, Bob Giroux, George Russell, Dan Keysor, Terry Shields, John Van Doom, Ric Dieda- Norm Miller. FIFTH ROW: Bill Fox, Don Crotty, Tom lis. THIRD ROW: Bob Hunt, Kent Bradford, Mark Rob­ Onstott, Bob Hamilton, Tom Andrews, Tony Flowers, erts, Mike Stacy, Brad Smith, Dave Brehm, Scott Love, Neil Ferree, Vince Gage.

157 Three Chess Teams Compete in State

The Northland Chess Club sent three teams to the State Tournament this year, with last year's 2nd-place team placing sixth and the other teams finishing 19th and 21st. Members of the three teams were seniors Randy Glassburn, Jerry Kincaid, And Barb Skinner; juniors Ste­ phen Nesser, Ken Baughman, Dave Kleinman, and Paul Miller; and sophomores Stu Tucker, Andy Colburn, Andy Morse, Tom Alben, and Steve Trachsel. Mr. Doug Smeltz, the team advisor, treated team mem­ bers at the Ponderosa to reward them for their fine per­ Paul Miller, the team's most improved chess player, concentrates on a form ance. tournament game.

BRIDGE CLUB — FRONT ROW: Debbie Heilman, Christy Coldren. SECOND ROW: Julie Day, Chris Whittle, Patty Pitts, Jerry Poor. THIRD ROW: Dave Brehm, John Payne, Andy Colburn. FOURTH ROW: Mike Stacy, Ric Diedalis, Terry Shields, Ric Atwood. CHESS CLUB — FRONT ROW: Dave Kleinman, Paul Miller, Tom Alben, Andy Morse, Dennis Glassburn. SECOND ROW: Mr. Doug Smeltz, Ken Baughman, Stu Tucker, Randy Glassburn, Jerry Kincaid.

158 ART CLUB — FRONT ROW: Sherry Robinson, Nancy Headley, Lisa Bernadette Kinkle, Janelle Vollnoer, Sue Brown, Micki Carifa, Pam Stark, Jane Ann Edwards, Paula Elke, Vicki Miller, Karen Harper. SEC­ Dakel, Mr. Ronald Rabold. THIRD ROW: Ric Wolverton, Harry Kost, OND ROW: Robert Bruce, Karen Wood, Patty Botkins, Dotti LeGault, Alan Rawlings, Mark Raubenolt, Jeff Burkholder, Vince Gage.

Art Club Finances, Paints School Posters

The Art Club organized several money-raising projects in order to buy materials tor making posters for plays and the music festivals heid during the year. They also heard professional artists speak at their meetings, held monthly. Students in the Bridge Club learn the basics of bidding and playing the game. Chris Whittle was president of the group; Terry Shields, vice president; Ric Diedalis, treasur­ er; and Patty Pitts, secretary.

Mr. Ron Rabold's art classes studied various techniques of tie dying. Vicki Miller irons the finished product.

159 Viking, Current Affairs Hear Professionals

Membership in the Viking Club is greater than that of any other Northland club. The group faithfully supports school activities and has purchased items for the building. Marty Parrish is president; Jeff Hutchinson, vice presi­ dent; Tony Flowers, secretary; Ernie Oskey, treasurer; Danny Crabtree, sergeant-at-arms. The club meets monthly to talk about school projects and to hear professionals speak. Members of the Current Affairs Club meet monthly to discuss current events and hear professional speakers. Mr. Timothy llg is Current Affairs Club advisor; Mr. Sib Lakeman is Viking Club advisor.

(Right) Viking Club officers, standing by the Viking ship painted on the north wall of the gym, are Ernie Oskie, Bill Tinsky, Dan Crabtree, Marty Parrish, Jeff Hutchinson, Tony Flowers.

160 CURRENT AFFAIRS CLUB — FRONT ROW: Marty Parrish, Kathy Anderson, Ron Lovell, Larry Tracy, Sherrie Moore. SECOND ROW: Janice Holmes, Colleen Carrol, Theresa Kabourek, Patti Hill. THIRD ROW: Mark McCreary, Dave Brehm, Ric Ballenger, Dave Conley, Brad Smith. FOURTH ROW: Ric Diedalis, Terry Shields, Jim Fiecoat, Bob Ludeke, Dave Leggett, Mike Pow­ ers.


Junior, Senior Girls Have Active Clubs

Senior Girls' Club activities included a hayride, slumber party, and donut sale. The members decorated a showcase t for Christmas and held a fashion show during the year. Officers are Debbie Callan, president; Debbie Richards, vice president; Chris Whittle, secreta,ry; Lea Blake, trea­ surer; Diane Albertson and Debbie Moore, sergeant-at- arms. Chris Reichenbach was president of Junior Girls' Socie­ ty; Kathy Casey, vice president; Melanie Thomas, secre­ tary; Joan Carroll, treasurer; and Diane Hendricks and Mary Ellis, sergeants-at-arms. Miss Camille Smith was ad­ visor. The group met monthly during the club period to plan activities for the class of '73 that included canoeing, Christmas caroling, slumber parties, and saving money for their senior year.



"Won't they over leave me alone?" Ron Lovell says as Lea Blake, Tere­ sa Kabourek, and Laurie Howden invade his car. (Left) Debbie Eblin demonstrates how to kick the ball in crab soccer in Miss Elaine Bolti's 9th period class.

163 J ^ \ Marfy Raschke, co-editor Susan J. Brown, co-editor

Barb Skinner, copy editor

Alan Rawlings, cover design; Randy Glassburn, Howard Rush, photographers.

Patty Griffith, Debbie Bartlett, faculty, seniors. (Center) Jan Lowman, Laurie Howden, Mark Roberts, Jackie McCoy, sports, underclassmen.

164 Brown, Raschke Head 72 Valhalla

This year's VaJhalla staff, under editors Susan J. Brown and Marty Raschke, worked to show both sides of student life at Northland. The staff as a whole learned just how much hard work goes Into the processing of a school year­ book. In addition to the book, they are also responsible for the publishing of the summer supplement which covers spring sports, commencement, and other senior activities.

Bob Laird, Teri Sherburn, junior co-editors.

Rita Adams, Janice Holmes, advertisements Debra Paolini, Hilda Lockner, Janet Baird, bookkeepers. and index.

NEWSLETTER STAFF — FRONT ROW: Cherie Hall, Linda Hutchison, Paula Hain, Debbie Les­ ter, Peggy Walton. SECOND ROW: Fran Robinson, Ilona Maranville, Debbie Ewart, Diane Cross, Miki Carifa, Gary George. THIRD ROW: Pam Alves, Bob Morre, Terry Frazier, Andy Lan- don. Dean Conley, Davis St. Clair.

165 FRENCH CLUB — FRONT ROW: Jacqueline McNeil, advisor; Connie borah Marsh, Jodi Webber, Maryanne Morando, Deborah Wills, Phyllis Weber, program commiittee; Mari Ann Schweitzer, treasurer; Susan King, Melissa Marsh, Cindy Lamprecht, Penny Heath, Rachel Bauman, Carlton, vice president; Gretchen Swope, president; Christy Anderson, Joyce Taylor, Sue Krembs. FOURTH ROW: Kristie Powers, Maureen secretary; Debbie Zeeck, historian. SECOND ROW: Sharon White, Kelly, Marybeth Krembs, Sandy Clapham, Virginia Taylor, Cynthis Carol Carte, Cindy Conreaux, Dianne Bauman, Patti Drabek, Linda Kelch, Melanie Rush, Linnette Landers, Nancy Lemon, Julie Day, Peggy Martz, Patricia Glenn, Pamela Melick, Debbie Ford. THIRD ROW: De­ Norris, Krista Stocklin, Connie Keller, Mary Ann Rathbun.

RUSSIAN CLUB — FRONT ROW: Marti Parrish, Teresa Kabourek, Janice Holmes, Cheryl Clifton, Terri McPeek. SECOND ROW: Carla Gillespie, Jim Mallon, Patty Drown, Debbie Blaskie.

The language lab is a valuable aid as the student learns to speak a for­ eign language.

166 SPANISH CLUB — FRONT ROW: Penny Johnson, Debbie Richards, Laura Maturo, Debbie Heilman, Gina Opatich, Patti Johnson, Kathy Laura Wilson, Steve Porter, Nancy Headley, Leslie Blount, Miss Linda Hunley, Carol Jones, Cindy Conci, Anne Fierce, Connie Woodruff, Hoaja. SECOND ROW; Bob Brown, David Thomas, Jeri Denney, Lori Wanda Rodgers, Laura Dolan, Stephanie Stewart, Vicki Webb, Mary Gordon, Rose Headington, Tina Ciotola. THIRD ROW; Donna McDon­ Ann McNamee. FIFTH ROW: Lela Ciotola, Kathy Miller, Terrence ald, Glendene Thornbloom, Christ! Coldren, Joann Orsini, Linda Wil­ Morgan, Tim Brooks, Craig Dean, Dave Porter, Kathy Korsch, Barb Fie- cox, Susan Brown, Jane McGlade, Loverta Woodring, Lorie Kaufman, coat, Don Smith, Dan Tucker, Bob Laird, Joselyn Lee, Debbie Krenek, Jeri Kessler, Vickie Watkeys, Pam Caris, Kim Thomas. FOURTH ROW: Sheri Orth.

Folk Dancing, Caroling, Projects Are on Agenda

Purpose of the Russian Club is to teach members Rus­ sian folk dancing to the degree of skill that they can enjoy the art and can perform at social events. Sherry Garges is chairman: Mrs. Natasha Wolfe, club advisor. French Club members sponsored bake sales, a banquet, French day, a Christmas program, and they went Christ­ mas caroling, singing in French. They donate profits from fund-raising projects to charity. The group is sponsored by Miss Jacqueline McNeil. Gretchen Swope Is president; Susan Carlton, vice presi­ dent; Christy Anderson, secretary: Marlann Schweitzer, treasurer: and Debbie Zeeck, historian. Spanish Club offers the opportunity tO' become more familiar with customs and the culture of Spamsh-speaking countries as the members share various activities. Speakers from Spanish-speaking counfrIes provide inter­ esting programs for the club meetings. A Pinata party and caroling are traditions in the celebration of Christmas. A Spring Carnival, a visit to Zoo Park, a taco sale, and a Mexican dinner are other activities.

167 LATIN CLUB — FRONT ROW: Connie Thomas, treasurer; Bryan Gro­ ville, Andy Paulos. SECOND ROW: Vic Stelzer, Lynn Nance, Pam ver, vice president; Mrs. Carolyn White, advisor; John Morrow, consul; Snepp, Paula Myers, Barb Watson, Sue Owens, Nancy Wordell, Lea Chris Richenbach, secretary. SECOND ROW: Lori Carpenter, Linda Blake, Vic Ulstchely, Jim Daniels, Dan Chun, Mark Katko, Dan Powers, Dickey, Becky Lawrence, Melanie Thomas, Patty McKelvey, Wendy Jim Serrott. Cheely, Dana Curry, Marilyn Maurlllo, Nesley Thomas, Ilona Maran-

CAMERA CLUB — FRONT ROW: Miss Vio­ let Chokreff, Randy Glassburn, Howard Paul, Ron Featherstone, Paul Phipps, Joann Orsini. SECOND ROW: John Bickam, Mike Carter, Paul Imhoff, Dan Tucker.

168 Language Clubs Sponsor Banquets, Fund Drives

Membership in the German Club is open for all North­ land students taking German. Activities included picnics, a banquet at German Village, and parties. Tyron Yun was president: Kathy Janszen, vice president; Sue Campbell, secretary; Bruce Winter, treasurer: Donna Pottle, ser­ geant-at-arms. Mrs. Helga Muladore is the advisor. Latin Club members sponsored bake sales, a paper drive on December I I, and the annual Latin Banquet on April 23. They heard speakers such as Dr. Johnson, author EUCHRE CLUB — FRONT ROW: Steve Narney, Tom Perry, Jim and professor at Ohio State University, and commemorat­ Angel, Brian Sweitzer, Blake Stiles. SECOND ROW: John Wex, Craig ed the "Ides of March" with a feast. Dean, Bob Hagemann, Mike Haggar, Jeff Glasstetter, Mrs. Joan Gra- Members of the Camera Club, a new group, study in­ hek. THIRD ROW: Nancy Mayo, John Schilling, Randy Glassburn, depth photography. They learn through demonstrations, Kathy Epperly, Valerie Polay. FOURTH ROW: Marcy Hopper, Andy Morse, Bill Sandham, Kevin Heid, Steve Bevilacqua, Shawn Gallaher. discussions, and advice from professionals. FIFTH ROW: Barb Borean, Mike Simpson, Ann Perry, Nancy Smith, Tony Fricasio.

GERMAN CLUB — FRONT ROW: Tyron Yun, Bruce Winter, Donna Burdette, Annette Heiser, Art Mielke, Gary Watkins. FOURTH ROW: Pottle, Sue Campbell, Kathy Janszen. SECOND ROW: Rob Loar, Fran Non-member, Non-member, Non-member, Mitch Dysart, Jerry Kin­ Robinson, Betty Musser, Yvonne Dubocs, Paula Wevodaw, Karen caid, George Russell, Dave Yoder, Chuck Haffenden, Rob Baldwin, Ron Reichelderter, Sandy Hagemann, Hilda Lochner. THIRD ROW: Kevin Featherstone. Heid, Patty Niehus, Janet Lander, Peggy Kunzen, Tricia White, Denise



INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL — FRONT ROW; Melanie Thomas, nor, Teresa Kabourek, Patti Hill, Jeri Denney, Diane Padovan, Cherie Connie Thomas, Jan Tipple, Sunni Epiey, Debbie Callan, Nancy SMifh, Corven, Diane Welsh, Paula McDaniel, Sue Brooks. FOURTH ROW: Pam Alves, Mary Ellis, Barb Borean, Janice Holmes, Julie Thurston, Miss Cherie Hall, Marsha Kincaid, Marty Parrish, Sherri Moore, Jane Ed­ Elaine Bolti. SECOND ROW: Christy Powers, Karen Reichelderfer, wards, Sally Lockard, Karen Nacke. FIFTH ROW: Barb Houston, Karen Othela York, Lori Lucas, Florene Payne, Cil Casey, LuAnn Nirote, Sher­ Weger, Patti Fiecoat, Sue Meabon, Tina Ciotola, Lori Gordon, Cindy yl Hutchison, Cathy Kipfinger, Paula Hain. THIRD ROW: Susan Con­ Smith, Sue Meir, Shawna Towler.

170 GIRLS' INTERSCHOOL VOLLEYBALL TEAM — FRONT ROW: Jeri Christy Powers, Debbie Richards, Miss Elaine Boltz, Wendy Cheely, Denney, Karen Wood, Barb Skinner, Diane Welsh, Lori Lucas, Sherri Ann Perri, Sylvia Kerr. Corven, Cindy Cheely. SECOND ROW; Jean Serio, Gretchen Swope,

NHS Girls Compete In Variety of Sports

The girls' intramural program ran a variety of sports, beginning with softball and tennis, followed by volleyball, then bowling and basketball during the winter, and track in the spring. G A A Club officers Paula McDaniel and An­ nette Heiser were directors. The girls' interschool volleyball team finished a victori­ ous season with a 6-0 record. The coach. Miss Elaine Boltz, was proud of the girls' quick defense and smashing of­ fense. SOFTBALL INTRAMURALS — FRONT ROW: Miss Elaine Boltz, Deb­ Sports Survey is a club for girls Interested in acquiring a bie Callan, Nancy Smith, Pam Alves, Mary Kay Ellis, Barb Borean, Sue Serio. SECOND ROW: Lori Lucas, Florene Payne, Cecilia Casey, better understanding of sports. Professional, college, and Luann Nirote, Sheryl Hutchison, Kathy Kipfinger. high school athletes spoke to the group on the techniques of the various sports. Miss Elaine Boltz is the advisor.

171 Marching Band Performs Nine Halftime Shows

Marching Band members practiced many summer and school mornings to perform the nine shows of fhe football season. Under the direction of Mr. Roberf Welmer, fhe Band made several away performances including one af Greenhills High School in Cincinnati. First year drum major Tom Johnson led the Band in pre­ game and halftime performances.

MARCHING BAND — FRONT ROW: Tom Johnson, Carol Willis, Vickie Clay. FIFTH ROW: Karen Taylor, Laurie Kaufmann, Kathy Ben­ Marilyn Ankrom. SECOND ROW: Mark Jennings, Gary Lightfoot, jamin, Sue Heiser, Linda Ledford, Jane Wenner, Rory Dalton, Judy Debbie Crampton, Bill Largent, Mark Dempsey, Jim Tripp, Rick Miller, Stone, Mike Thurman, Laurie Carpenter, Debbie Davis, Wanda Rodg­ Linda Reynolds. THIRD ROW: Mark Larkin, Robby Loar, Sue Kynkor, ers, Connie Woodruff, Ann Fierce, Tonya Bryant, Leslie Conreaux, Mike Newsome, Scott Burbacher, Steve Arrick, George Anderson, Debbie Mills. SIXTH ROW: Bet^ Musser, Phil Love, Patty Glenn, Kay Mike Macurak, Jack Lafordi, Mike Simpson, Lee Puckett, unidentified, Shafer, Chris Arndt, unidentified, Alan Hughes, Ken Smalley, Jim Chris Arndt, Norm Miller, Greg Onslow, Sue Heiser, Lauri Lucas. Wright, Bill Ulasich, Bruce Jacobs, Mike Madachy, Lou Ann Bishop, FOURTH ROW: Rick Ulchey, Tom Alban, Pam Garwood, Kim Hagley, Brad Kinnel, Patty McKelvey, Leslie Conrad, Debbie Mills. SEVENTH Dan Saunders, Ken Erion, Bill Boyd, Steve Johanson, Mike Knight, Teri ROW: Tom Armstrong, Dave Palmer, Jim Mallon, Gary Palmer, Rick Sherburn, Dean Finley, Sherie Ferguson, Debbie Griffith, Janet Finley, Hoffman, Jim McClanahan, Jeff Pfeifer.

172 Band members hold banners naming the signers of the Declaration of Inde­ pendence in a patriotic performance for the Brookhaven game.

Drum majorettes Carol Willis (left) and Marilyn. Aknrom stand at atten­ tion with drum major Tom Johnson. (Left) Drum major Tom Johnson stands on the 50-yard line, ready to lead the band into formation.

173 Brass, Symphonic Bands Perform in Competitions

The Brass Choir is a select group of musicians who play brass instruments. They play tor school programs and spe­ cial community events. The Symphonic Band is composed of the finest instru­ mental players, and the group plays for special occasions and enters local, district, and state contests. Members of the Concert Band play primarily for enjoy­ ment, and the group does not enter many contests. It is open to any instrumental student. Judy Stone was president of Concert Band; Jack Lafor- di, vice president; Marilyn Ankrom, secretary and librar­ ian; and Bruce Jacobs, treasurer.

! BRASS CHOIR — FRONT ROW: Mike Newsome, Greg Onslow, Scott Burbacher, Lee Puckett, Chuck Watts, Pam Garwood, Stewart Tucker,

SYMPHONIC BAND — FRONT ROW; Debbie Davis, Sue Heiser, Martin Metzger, Norm Miller, Greg Onslow, Mike Newsome, Scott Lorie Kauffman, Leslie Conrad, Tony Bryant, Jane Wenner, Lorie Burbacher, Lee Puckett, Mike Macurak, Conrad Williams, Tommy Carpenter, Carol Willis, Debbie Crampton. SECOND ROW: Ken Johnson, Allen Hughes, Sherie Ferguson, Teri Sherburn, Kim Hagley, Erion, Connie Woodruff, Ann Fierce, Linda Ledford, Chuck Watts, Steve Johanson, Dean Finley. FOURTH ROW: Gary Lightfoot, Mark Pam Garwood, Stewart Tucker, Chris Arndt, Annette Heiser, Sue Jennings, Linda Reynolds, Mark Dempsey, Tom Armstrong, Bill Boyd, Kynkor, Sue Smitko, Cathy Bailey, Kay Shafer, Cheryl Hutchison, Jim McClanahan, Lee Puckett, Jim Wright, Ken Smalley, Mike Mada- Kathy Buck. THIRD ROW: Rory Dalton, Bill Ulasic, Janet Finley, Betty chy, Gary Palmer. Musser, Jenny Farquahar, Rick Elche, Wanda Rodgers, Steve Arrick,

174 Sue Kynkor, Jim Wright, Ken Smalley, Mike Madachy. SECOND TRUMPET CHEERS — Greg Onslow, Mike Newsome, Scott Burbacher, ROW: Tom Armstrong, Rick Hafemann, Allen Hughes, Tom Johnson. Mike Madachy, Steve Arrick, Lee Puckett.

CONCERT BAND — FRONT ROW: Patty Glenn, Sondra Mayhew, Taylor, David Rau, Tom Alben, Billy Legull, George Anderson, Debbie Beth Hall, Sandy Clapin, Becky Lawrence, Pam Snepp, Cheryl Hutchi­ Griffith, Kenny Ringold, Laurie Lucas, Steve Arrick, Jack Laforde, Brad son, Kathy Benjamin, Ann Murray, Lorie Carpenter. SECOND ROW: Kinnell, Tim Davis, Bill Farweather, Mark Brown, Bruce Jacobs. Marilyn Ankrom, Mike Thurman, Chris Heiser, Tonya Baldridge, Andy FOURTH ROW: Gary Lightfoot, Bill Koch, Dan Barton, Rick Miller, Colburn, Linda Ledford, Rob Scott, Chris Arndt, Mike Simpson, Sue Mark Dempsey, Jim Tripp, Jim McClanahan, Bernard Shrimper, Dave Semetko, Jeff Pullin, Gary Watkins, Mike Knight, Dan Saunders. THIRD Palmer. ROW: Debbie Davis, Phil Love, Lou Ann Bishop, Diane Hagley, Karen

175 STAGE BAND — Jeff Pullins, Brad Kinnell, Ken Smalley, Bill Boyd, Dan Burbacher, Ken Erion, Mike Newsome, Dean Finley, sfudenf direcfor, Saunders, Mark Jennings, Chuck Waffs, Tom Johnson, Jim McClan- Mike Madachy, Bill Largenf, Greg Onslow, Jim Wrighf, Jim Rurik, II ahan, Lee Puckeff, Sfeve Johanson, unidentified, Robbie Loar, Scoff Bruce Jacobs.

A good performance during foofball season means early morning prac- fices for fhese band members. (Righf) Karen Wood, Valkyrie capfain, leads fhe drill feam during fhe foofball halffime ceremonies.

176 VALKYRIES — FRONT ROW: Sue Brenner, Vicki Saggio, Leslie roll, Vicki Miller, Peggy Norris, Kim Elliot, Diane Meder, Sharon Scott, Foulke, Chris Brown, Jennie Lockard, Mariellen Hiney, Mary Janszen, Cindy Engberg, Kim Hall, Debbie Katz, Sherrie Buckley. FOURTH Tami Hilt, Phyllis King, Debi Jarrett. SECOND ROW: Jenny Crain, ROW: Karen Wood, Joni Borgerding, Gretchen Swope, Patty Bartlett, Debbie Kibble, Carol Hoover, Pam Dakel, Ellen Pierce, Heide Pletz, Linda Stalls, Kathy Feltz, Paula Elke, Nancy Chadwell, Gail Pospichel, Marilyn Dakel, Debbie Ford, Karen Beal. THIRD ROW: Colleen Car­ Laura Wilson.

The Valkyries, Northland's drill team, performed during halftime at the football and basketball games. They also marched in several area parades. The girls are chosen fol­ lowing a series of tryouts and must follow a rigid routine to keep their positions. The Stage Band is a select group of musicians that can play a variety of popular music types including swing, pop, and rock. They enter the Stage Band Festival each year and play for area and school dances. Mr. Robert Weimer is the director.

SQUAD LEADERS — FRONT ROW: Sharon Scott, Jenny Lockhard, Sheryl Buckley, Tami Hilt, Jenny Crain, Mary Janszen. SECOND ROW: Mrs. Carolyn White, Vicki Saggio, Pam Dakel, Joni Borgerding, Cindy Engberg, Karen Wood, Karen Beal, Miss Marcia Mitchell.

177 ORCHESTRA — FRONT ROW: Chris Reeves, Annette Heiser, Patty Ken Erion, Cathy Buck, Cheryl Hutchison, Kay Shafer, Pam Garwood, Neihus, Theresa Blank, Sherie Ferguson, Jim Malone, Carolyn Benge, Sue Kynkor, Stewart Tucker, Debbie Kaylor, Jim McClanahan. Betty Musser. SECOND ROW: Chris Reichenbach, Debbie Haggy, FOURTH ROW: Mark Jennings, Terrie Woods, Craig Plummer, Bill Diane Fagley, Craig Hoover, Leslie Conrad, Marty Raschke, Florence Largent, Danny Barton, Linda Reynolds, Lee Puckett, Scott Burbacher, Payne, Debbie Davis, Debbie Crampton, Carol Willis, Jamie Yeagle, Norm Miller, Greg Onslow, Mike Newsome, Mike Madachy, Ken Smal­ Davy Palmer, Beth Madachy. THIRD ROW: Cheryl Clifton, Sandy ley, Tom Johnson, Tom Armstrong, Dale DeVore, Mike Macurak. Hagemann, Jane Wenner, Jackie Simpson, Rory Dalton, Sue Smitko,

Orchestra Members Are Top Wind, String Musicians

The Orchestra Is composed of the finest wind and string players among the Northland student musicians. The group plays tor school and comm,unity programs. They enter local, district, and state competitions and usually come out with a superior performance.

(Right) Mr. Robert Weimer, instrumental music instructor, conducts the combined choirs during the Christmas pageant for the student body.

178 Sophomore cellist Betty Musser concentrates on the difficult "fin­ Band members eagerly await yet another early morning band practice. gering" of her instrument during orchestra rehearsal.

Drum major Tom Johnson checks the band lineup before halftime per­ formance. (Left) Violinist Theresa Blank tunes her violin to prepare for orchestra class.

179 SENIOR YOUNG ADULTS — FRONT ROW; Karen Taylor. Kathy Bai­ Lynne Blazer, Marty Anderson, Julie Day, Patty Jones, Patty Floeh, ley, Phyllis King, Karen Reichelderfer, Pam Weber, Paula Meyers, Jan­ Paula Main, Ellen Pierce. THIRD ROW: Richard Knox, Jeff Metzger, ice Noe, Beth Batory, Vicki Boyer, Mr. Thurman Davis, Debbie Davis, Randy Watkins, Ken Todd, Steve Arrick, Chuck Klausing, Richard Dini, Chris Reichenbach, Janice McCleery, Leslie Foulke, Lisa Larrick, Chris Rick Fisher, Steve Porter, Ed Phillips, Craig Dean, John Wilson, Glenn Coldren, Starma McDonald, Nesley Thomas, Carolyn Windom. SEC­ Yaeger, Jeff Burkhalter, Tim Spears, Duane Smith, Ric Kish, Mike Car­ OND ROW: Joni Borgerding, Sretchen Swope, Becky Watts, Patty ter, Craig Hoover, Keith Kirkwood, Bill Eschelman, Rob Loar, John Sis­ Drown, Penny Heath, Debbie Bower, Vaudine Valentine, Kathy Dorsch, son, Pianist, Sue Grahm. Barb Daube, Barb Fiecoat, Chuck Watts, Leslie Blount, Sue Carlton.

Young Adult Groups Are Top Performers

The Young Adults are the top vocal music performance group at Northland. Members are chosen through strenu­ ous auditions, and none but the most outstanding vocal students are chosen. Special attention is given to pro­ gramming of outsfanding musical arrangemenfs. The group represents Northland at special programs through­ out the year such as music festivals, television programs, contests, and other requested performances. Junior Young Adulfs, a special performance group of sophomores. Is chosen from outstanding vocal students en­ tering Northland from Woodward Park and Clinton Junior Highs. They perform upon requesf for social functions throughout the city and state. From this group special en­ sembles and soloists are chosen for special occasions.

180 JUNIOR YOUNG ADULTS — FRONT ROW: Karen Taylor, Pam Mel- Julie Day, Kathy Hunley, Jenny Farquhar, Patty Jones, Debbie Hadley, Iclc, Karen Retchelderfer, Christ! Coldren, Marcia Howells, Marcie Gretchen Herr, Vanessa Valentine, Marianne Morando, Jody Melick. Smith, Mr. Thurman Davis, Judy Hard, Paula Webodau, Christ! Davis, THIRD ROW: Robert Brown, David Thomas, Joe Mayhew, David Katz, Debbie Heilman, Debbie Griffith, Lorie Lucas, Tina DiPietro. SECOND Steve Wenger, Stan Chaney, Robert Staff, Bill Farweather, Gary ROW: Vickie Watkeys, Vicky VVebb, Denise Kapp, Lynn Embleton, Denig, John Drudy, Joe Shalosky. SEATED: Debbie Zeeck, Pam Smith.

Young Adults and Junior Young Adults, under the direction of Mr. Thurman Davis, sing for the annual spaghetti dinner. (Left) Mr. Calvin Grahm, Mr. Davis, and Mr. Charles Kibble listen as Sue Graham tries out the new grand piano the Vocal Parents purchased for the school.

181 SENIOR CHOIR — FRONT ROW: Pat+y Drabek, Ilona Maranville, Thomas, Chris Reichenbach, Debbie Davis. THIRD ROW: Craig Dean, Diane Cross, Carol Clark, Pam Caris, Connie Weber, Debbie Ford, John Wilson, Linette Landers, Barb Fiecoat, Linda Stalls, Leslie Blount, Carol Hoover, Beth Batory, Connie Hummel, Patty Drown, Sylvia Kerr, Lynn Wolverton, Tim Spears, Keith Kirkwood, Ken Todd. FOURTH Kathy Hayes, Peggy Dennis, Janis McCleary, Sunni Epiey, Angie Thom­ ROW: Rich Knox, Norm Smith, Steve Porter, Mike Simpson, Rick Dini, as, Loretta Snider, Carolyn Windom, Lisa Larrick, Pam Hartenfeld. Eddie Phillips, Rick Fisher, Howard Rush, Chuck Watts, Bob Moore, SECOND ROW: Donna Pottle, Vaudine Valentine, Debbie Bower, Dennis Keysor, Glenn Yaeger, Mike Carder, Richard Kish, Mark Knight, Kathy Dorsch, Cher Baldwin, Kathy Feltz, Cathy Miller, Vicki Wenger, Tim Indiciani, Bill Sandham, Randy Watson, Bill Eschelman, Ric Fisher, Sheryl Tower, Chris Brown, Brenda Hixon, Sandy Heslop, Bonnie Hum­ Gary Lightfoot, Jeff Metzger, John Schillings, Mark Jennings, John Sis­ mel, Marty Ferguson, Becky Watts, Jayne Wenner, Paula Hain, Connie son.

Laura Wilson, Jack Laverty, and Jeff Pfeifer wait their turns to speak to Mr. Robert Weimer, their instrumental music teacher. (Right) Bill Fairweather shows Mr. Thurman Davis, vocal music instructor, his di­ recting technique.

182 SOPHOMORE CHOIR — FRONT ROW: Cindy Pol, Jackie Simpson, THIRD ROW: Debbie Huxhan, Sue Sietz, Sue Meabon, Bobbie Great, Tina DiPietro, Linda Wilcox, Cindy Cheely, Connie Anguish, Karen Sue Parkhurst, Vickie Stone, Phyllis Yates, Lori Nist, Kim Hagley, Cindy Beal, Terry McMasfers, Bev Evans, Sandy Vesco, Robin Smith, Barb Maxwell, Jill'Wright, Tracy Cremeans, Cindy Double, Pam DeLille, Pam Watson, Christi Coldren, Paula Wevodau, Glendene Thornbloom, Mr. Bibble, Carolyn McBride, Debbie Kaylor, Laurie Carpenter. FOURTH Thurman Davis. SECOND ROW: Sue Nacke, Lynn Embleton, Linda ROW: Barb Fiecoat, Sue Seitz, Steve Bevilacqua, Danny Chun, Susan Dickey, Nancy Shaw, Sue Hardy, Debbie Hielman, Debbie Fuchs, Diane Parkhurst, Dave Thomas, Robbie Loar, Lori Nist, Chuck Parrish, Steve I Fegley, Marcy Howell, Diane Stevens, Yvonne DuBose, Vickie Watkeys, Trachsel, Robert Stitt, Stan Chaney, Joe Stiles, John Chevilar, Dave Jody Parker, Stephanie Baker, Mama Ritts, Pam Ruh, Candy Jordan. Wood, Tim Brooks, Mark Katko, Pam Turgeon.

Senior Choir Membership Based on Auditions

The Senior Choir is composed of auditioned students from the eleventh and twelfth grades. As a performance group, the Choir sings tor special occasions such as Christ­ mas, Easter, Spring Concert, festivals, and commence­ ment. Students entering the Vocal Music Department tor the first time become members of the Cadet or Sophomore Choir. No audition is needed tor participation in this group. Fundamentals of music are stressed in class study; however, this group also performs for special activities.

Chris Reichenbach and Connie Thomas are about to dress for a big performance.

183 The Sophomore Choir members are busy learning music for a perform­ ance. (Right) Rehearsing for one of many performances Junior Young Adults Barbara Daube, Debbie Griffith, and Mama Ritts practice mo­ tions to "Hey, Look Me Over."

184 Boys', Girls' Music Groups Study for Advancement

The Sophomore Male Glee Club is an organization of the best male voices among the sophomores. The group studies theory and practices during regular class time. They perform for school programs and local organizations. The Girls' Glee Club is composed of girls who want the music study and practice necessary to become members of the specialized music groups. They singi for all-school programs, a*nd m^any of the members are in other perform­ ing groups.

SOPHOMORE MALE GLEE — FRONT ROW: Mr. Thurman Davis, Danny Chun, Joe Shalosicy, Steve Bevilacqua, Mark Slaughter, Gary Denig, Dave Graves, Tim Brooks, Dave Thomas, Robert Brown. SEC­ OND ROW: Chuck Parish, Steve Trachsel, Mark Katko, Robert Stott, Stan Chaney, Joe Stiles, John Cheviller, Craig Hoover, Joe Mayhew, Tim Mahoney, Dave Katz.

GIRLS' G lee c l u b — f r o n t ROW: Bonnie Anguish, Julie Thurston, unidentified. FOURTH ROW: Maryann Morando, Jody Melick, Judy Lorie Lucas, Tina DiPietro, Debbie Zeeck, Pam Melick, Sharon Esper, Hard, Vicki Webb, Mama Ritts, Debbie Hadley, Debbie Huxham, Tracy Cremeans, Sue Hardy, Kathy Trotter, Christi Coldren, Karen Gretchen Herr, Sue Williamson, Vanessa Valentine, Lynne Embleton, Taylor, Lisa Larrick, Paula Wevodau, Debbie Mills, Connie Anguish, Donna Pottle, Diane Stevens, Sue Nacke, Janet Lander, Vickie Wat- Marcy Howells. SECOND ROW: Patty Drabek, Vicki Skinner, Pam keys, Phyllis Yates, Marcia Smith. FIFTH ROW: Tammi Lanane, Patti Caris, Connie Weber, Phyllis King, Debbie Ford, Sue Grahm, Katie La- Drown, Marty Anderson, Beth Batory, Connie Hummel, Sandy Heslop, verty, Ilona Maranville, Carole Clark, Diane Cross, Pam Snepp, Karen Brenda Hixon, Pam Munzer, Vaudine Valentine, Debbie Bower, Mardi Reichelderfer, Linda Hutchison, Debbie Myers, Patty White, Donna Ferguson, Becky Watts, Julie Day, Kathy Hunley, Denise Kopp, Gretch­ Pfaff, Jill Wright, Debbie Heilman, Jackie Connell. THIRD ROW: Syl­ en Swope, Janice Noe, Paula Myers, Nancy Chadwell. SIXTH ROW: via Kerr, Peggy Dennis, Connie Keller, Kris Stocklin, Angie Thomas, Cher Baldwin, Lynne Wolverton, Lynn Blazer, Patty Jones, Bonnie Hum­ Sunny Epiey, Dee Benge, Janis McCleery, Sue Campbell, Kathy West, mel, Kathy Dorsch, Vicki Wenger, Linette Lander, Luann Nirote, Kathie Chris Reichenbach, Connie Thomas, Carol Hoover, Joni Borgerding, Miller, Barbara Fiecoat, Barb Daube, Marty Anderson, Linda Stalls, Paula Hain, Penny Heath, Cherie Hall, Vicki Farmwald, Leslie Phillips, Patty Fiecoat, Sharon Scott, Debbie Davis, Jayne Wenner.

185 CONCERT CHOIR — FRONT ROW: Karen Taylor, Pat+y Drabek, Steve Arrick, Andy Colburn, Andy Clausing, Joe Mayhew, Craig Dean, Ilona Maranville, Diane Cross, Carole Clark, Cathy Bailey, Pam Caris, John Schillings, Julie Day, Patti Jones, Cher Baldwin, Lynette Lander, Connie Weber, Debbie Ford, Phyllis King, Karen Reichelderfer, Beth Barb Daube, Kathy Miller, Barb Fiecoat, Linda Stall, Sue Carlton, Batory, Connie Hummel, Pam Weber, Patty Drown, Sylvia Kerr, Kathy Marty Anderson, Leslie Blount, Lynn Wolverton, Tim Spears, Keith Hayes, Peggy Dennis, Connie Hummel, Starma McDonald, Leslie Kirkwood, Ken Todd, Bill Eschelman, Jack Drudy, Gary Denney, Bill Foulke, Janice McCleary, Sunni Epiey, Angie Thomas, Carolyn Win- Fairweather, Wayne Linnabury, Vicki Boyer. FOURTH ROW: Richard dom, Lisa Larrick, Teresa Simmons, Sue Snider. SECOND ROW: Donna Knox, Duane Smith, Steve Porter, Mike Simpson, Rick Dini, Eddie Jones, Pottle, Paula Meyers, Janice Noe, Penny Heath, Joni Borgerding, Dee Rick Fisher, Chuck Watts, Bob Moore, Howard Rush, Stan Chaney, Benge, Kathy West, Sretchen Swope, Kathy Dorsch, Becky Watts, Steve Wenger, Dennis Watkins, Glenn Yaeger, Mike Carder, Richard Vaudine Valentine, Kathy Felts, Sue Campbell, Shirley Tower, LuAnn Kish, Mark Knight, Tim Indiciani, Bill Sandham, George Kareklas, Jeff Bishop, Jayne Wenner, Marty Ferguson, Becky Watts, Brenda Hixon, Metzger, Jeff Fisher, Gary Lightfoot, Robbie Loar, John Schilling, Sandy Heslop, Patty Floeh, Nesley Thomas, Christi Coldren, Paula Mark Jennings, John Sisson. Hain, Connie Thomas, Chris Reichenbach, Debbi Davis THIRD ROW:

Concert Chorale, Choir Study Classical Music

The most outstanding students from the Young AauiTs are chosen to comprise the Concert Chorale, an ensemble of fwenfy-four voices. Affenfion is given fo performance of music from fhe classic composers. Members of fhe Concert Choir also study music by the great classic composers. They give performances wifh fhe concerf band and sing for school programs. The Viking Glee, an all-boys group, is also a selecf group. They sing for special school and communify pro­ grams.

(Left) Mr. Charles Kibble of the Vocal Music Parents Association pres­ ents the title for the grand piano which the Association purchased for the school to vocal music director Mr. Thurman Davis. Mr. Calvin Gra­ ham (left) and Principal L. M. Evans took part in the ceremony.

186 VIKING GLEE — FRONT ROW: John Sisson, Joe Shalosky, Jack Spears, Steve Wenger, Rick Fisher, Bob Moore, Rick Dini, Chuck Klaus- Drudy, Gary Denig, Jeff Metzger, Mark Knight, Steve Bevilacqua, ing. Bill Eschelman. THIRD ROW: Tim Indiciani, Duane Smith, Mike Gary Lightfoot, Mark Jennings, John Shilling, David Thomas, Dave Carder, Rick Kish, Joe Stiles, John Wilson, Craig Dean, Glenn Yaeger, Brown, Mr. Thurman Davis. SECOND ROW: Ken Todd, Tim Mahoney, Craig Rinear, Stan Chaney, Bob Smith, Dennis Kaiser, Ed Phillips. Bill Fairweather, Joe Mayhew, George Kareklas, Keith Kirkwood, Tim

CONCERT CHORALE — FRONT ROW: Kathy Bailey, Carolyn Win- dom, Linda Hutchison, Lisa Larrick. SECOND ROW: Kathy West, Star- ma McDonald, Sue Graham, Eva Denney. THIRD ROW: Debbie Rich­ ards, Sara Vaughan, Debbie Davis, Sharon Scott. FOURTH ROW: Gary Lightfoot, Barb Fiecoat, Kathy Dorsch, Robby Loar. FIFTH ROW: Rich Knox, Ken Todd, Rick Fisher, Keith Kirkwood. SIXTH ROW: David Katz, Steve Porter, Glenn Yaeger, John Wilson, Duane Smith.


Norfh Karl Plaza Karl Road and 161



)88 advertising . . .

■ t

189 Compliments of

EVERGREEN PHARMACY Compliments of ■ 5461 Sandalwood

KA RL & 161 THE K w l ^ SHELL SERVICE NORTH 4659 K A R L RO A D 846-4484 STATION COLUMBUS, OHIO 43229 846-4485 C to n iw e llU Sfpanalfire pl^artnarg 1585 East Granville Road 6249 SundirUnd Oriv* 885-8707 Columbui, Ohio

Columbus, Ohio Delivery Service | 43224 Fill All Industrial and Welfare Prescriptions


FUTURE SECRETARIES wish the class of '72 , good luck


1652 E. Dublin-Granville Rd. Columbus, Ohio 888-7772 THE POTTER LUMBER JIM'S TEXACO

3757 Indianola Avenue ^ AND Columbus, Ohio 261-9589 ' SUPPLY COMPANY

Compliments of , 580 East Granville Road DICK GIESECK'S SOHIO Worthington, Ohio 43085

749 East Lincoln 885-9242 885-5331

1 Between the two railroads Compliments of R. A. CALDW ELL. D.D.S. & G . H. HETRICK, D.D.S. & ASSOC., INC. 1300 Morse Road Columbus, Ohio 43229

190 R u s h



2350 MORSE ROAD PHONE: 471-9980


ANGLES new car sales new truck sales BODY SH O P used car and truck sales service department body shop 274 Cleveland Avenue 3101 Morse Road and 3-C Highway 263-7066 471-8282

191 The Super Seniors of the Class of '72 Record Their Nicknames in Black and White for Posterity

Diane "Grout" Albertson Sally "Sal Bando" Given Cookie "Dirtball" Moore Jim "Machine Gun Angel" Angle Bryan "Bubba" Grover Sherri "Mario" Moore Glenna "Peanut" Antle Rich "Me Snake" Hafemann Karen "Kanack" Nacke Cher Baldwin Steve "Mooch" Harrison Steve "Catus" N’arney Debbie "Polock" Blaskie "Butch" Hill Cindy "Cyanide" Norris Bo Bower "Hugo of Utah" Holmes Elaine "Alkie" Pence David "Sport" Brehm "Sweeper L" Tom "Old McTom" Perry Christy "Rissy" Brown Candy "Toothpick" Hughes Steve "Wally Cleaver" Porter Kathy "Buck" Buck Linda "Little Hutch" Hutchison Barry "Stubby," Roach, Barney Buttzel "’L" Toni "Indo" Indiciani Rubble Roach" Debbie "Cal-Can" Callan Teresa "T. K." Kabourek Wanda Rodgers Sue "The Campbell Kidd" Campbell Don Kaylor Terry "Whity" Shields Michael "KKK" Carder Chuck "Greasehead" Kidwell "Libby" Simpson Micki "Curley" Carifa Dean "KKK" Kinkel Eileen "Spoon" Spooner Mike "Butch" Cassady Cathy "Kipper" Kipfinger Mike "Stace" Stacy Candace "Candy" Catalano Richard "KKK" Kish John "Brillo" Van Doom Cheryl "Bozo" Clifton Rich "Snakes" Knox Connie Weber "Connie Webie" Pam "Dragel Dick L" Drakel Debbie "D" Krenek Jeff "Weed" Welch Kathi "Aggie" Dorsch Greg "Polock" Kuskowski Cherryl "Shirley" Wenger Dianna "Deedle" Downry John "Jack" Laverty Jayne "Jane Baby" White Paula "Elke-Pelky" Elke Little Orphan Annie Clifford "Bun" Wood Richard "Carp" Fisher Cherryl "Critter" Lothamer Marsha "Hazelpest" Wood Ken "Birdie" Erion "Curly Haurie" Lowden Sandy "Pizza" Zappia Ted "Teddy Bear" Frissora Jan "Gazelle" Lowman "HCB" Tom "Fish" Fisher Cindy "Frosty" Mann Mark Raubenolt

Right on Vikings — We don't mess around


Compliments of


1495 Morse Road

WRESTLING STATISTICIANS — (FIRST ROW) Diane Padovan, Jenni­ fer Smith, Jan Lowman, Eileen Spooner, Mr. Charles Deyo. (SECOND ROW) Peggy Walton, Debbi Tumbleson, Mary Ellis, Kay Shafer, Karen Macje, Leslie Phillips, Lisa Larrick, Debbie Ford. (THIRD ROW) Cindy Go Green Machine White, Sue Srahm, Sandy Vasco, Mariellen Hiney, Pam Alves, Sherry Moore, Nesley Thomas, Barb Borean. (FOURTH ROW) Bev Dixon, Janis McCleary, Janis Holmes, Marto Parrish, Patti Hill, Lea Blake, DR. CHARLES M. HAMMOND ;i I Kathy Wedemeyer, Nancy Mayo. ■|i 1 268-1060 Dentist 1495 Morse Road

Compliments of Compliments of RALPH E. SKINNER, D.D.S. ROBERT P. GARDNER, D.D.S. 1495 Morse Road

192 • __ ■__ 885-9800 i Vrnehsgerbros. A diversified real estate organization Metzger Bros. Realty Company 1901 East Dublin-Granville Road (SR 161) Columbus, Ohio 43229

Developers of such distinctive residential areas as Clinton Estates, Devonshire, Forest Park West, Forest Park East and soon . . . Forest Hills. Designers and builders of shopping centers such as Granville Square on Route 161 and Karl Road as well as in Forest Park West. Builders of quality, custom-built homes in Clinton Estates, Devonshire, Forest Park West and Forest Park East. Real estate brokerage service to serve all of central Ohio and members of the Columbus Board of Realtors.

193 Annie Sullivan, played by Sue Campbell, finally reaches her pupil, Helen, portrayed by Be+h Ti+us, in this climactic scene from The Mira­ cle Worker.

194 Thespians Present Miracle Worker

Northland's Dramatics Depart­ ment opened its 1971-72 season with the production of the fall play, The Miracle Worker, that portrayed the work of Annie Sullivan with Helen Keller. Sue Campbell gave an excellent interpretation of her role as Annie Sullivan, as did Beth Titus as Helen Keller. Other members of fhe cast in­ cluded Dwight Yoakum, Cathy De- Voll, Jeff Metzger, Robert Stott, Ju­ dith Margeson, Linda Hutchison, Art Mielke, David Stuart, Karen Dar- rough, Steve Serr, Gretchen Herr, Tami Hill, Phyllis King, Cindy Paulos, and Sue Riccardi.

Annie tries many different approaches and techniques . . . but finally resorts to force.

195 P hone B S 2 -5 9 2 2

Sagar Dry Cleaners CAPRI LANES. INC. /; QUALITY 5 2 6 4 C l e v e l a n d A v e n u e CLEANING LAUNDRY SERVICE PICK UP & DELIVERY Freeway North and Route 161

Compliments of Bowling — Billiards — Cocktail Lounge NORTHLAND MEDICAL PHARMACY Northland Professional Building 888-3159 1495 Morse Road 267-4931


(Located off Morse Road just north of Loew's Theatre)

Resident Manager: 885-5183

AMOS LANES Congratulations fromi your

I f ;'I t iji 3444 Cleveland Avenue DEVONSHIRE BARBERS

Phone: 263-225 6237 Sunderland Drive

Compliments of


161 and Karl Road

196 Compliments of FOREST PARK FOODLINlER

5475 Sandlewood Blvd. 885-3592


5880 North Meadows Blvd. 1424 Morse Road

885-3024 "Shoes for the entire family, Flowers for all occasions carefully fitted" EATON SHOES

Graceland Kingsdale Shopping Center i Open Evenings Till 9 Also Bauerois Shoes Delaware, Ohio


WM. M. GRUBB REALTORS 1468 Morse Road Home Phone 846-2093 Business Phone 885-2020 ' The Patio

Flowers for all occasions - BRIDENBAUGH'S TIJUANA TACO Northern Lights Flower Shop

2233 Morse Road 3537 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, Ohio

Compliments of Louise Scott BERT METZGER REALTY Home Phone 885-9267 GRAVELY TRACTOR Business Phone 885-0656 Sales and Service

480 South Taylor Road KARL ROAD NURSERY 866- M38 5590 Karl Road


197 (Below] Carol Hoover, (top), and Joni Bor- gerding show their enthusiasm for the Varsity N boys at the Donlceyball game. Athletes unload their mounts before the game.

Mr. Kerschbaum prepares to shoot as Mr. Deyo races in for a rebound. The d onkeys invaded Northland High School on No­ vember II. A wild basketball game resulted in which members of the Varsity N battled a team made up of coaches and members of the Athletic Boosters Associa­ tion. Each participant was responsible for his donkey at all times.

Mrs. White, a faculty cheerleader, tenses with the action at the exciting Donkeyball game sponsored by Varsity N. (Above, left) "A rider is responsible for the actions of his mount," and Mr. Evans finds that this rule has some rather disagreeable aspects. (Left) Ac­ cording to the rules you had to be on your donkey to have the basketball and that's ex­ actly where Tony Ristucci was.

199 Mr. Pelkey was just one of the many adul+s who helped work on the spa­ The American flag is flown proudly before Northland and welcomes ghetti dinner. students as they begin another fulfilling day of high school.

A student makes his way across the parking lot as the 3:30 rush begins.


75 East Gay Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 221-3621

Thank you, Northland High School faculty and students, for the cooperation you have given to Rembrandt Stu­ dio and me. Dixie Lee



Bartlett, Patricia — 110, I// Srocious, Gerald Scott — I I I Barton, Daniel — 110, 175, 178 Brooks, Deborah— 12,-61, 144, 153 AbboH, Mark — 124 Basketball — 100, 101 Brooks, Deborah Marie — 62 Abbott, Sandra — 59 Batory, Beth Ann — MO. 148, 154, 180, 182, 185, 186 Brooks, Sue ^ 62, 142, 148, 170 Abbruzzesa, Ralph — 110 Bauchmire, Bruce — 60 Brooks, Tim ^ 125, 147, 149, 167, 183, 185 Achberger, Steve — 124 Bauchmire, Vickie — MO, 154, 155 Brown. Christy Ann — 16, 62 Adams, Gary — 124 Bauer, Chris — 60 Brown, Christy Lynn — 62, 177, 182 Adams, Rita — 59, 60. 165 Bauer,, Mike — 124 Brown, Dave — 187 Adams, Robert— 110 Bauer, Ray — 92, 110 Brown, Mark — 175 Adams, Terry — IJO Baughman, Ken — MO, 158 Brown, Robert — 125. 167, 181, 185 Adams, Thomas — 38, 124 Bauman, Dianne — 125, 166, 188 Brown, Susan — 26, 62, 78, 159, 164, 167 Adams, William — 124 Bauman, Rachel — 60, 63, 150, 166, 188 Browning, Ray — 125 Agresta, Donald — 124 Beal, Charles — 125 Bruce, Roberta — 62, 159 Agresta, Fred — 105, 110 Beal, Karen — 125, 142 Brudy, Jock — 149 Ankrom, Marilyn ~ 173 Beat. Karen — 60, 177, 183 Brunton, Brenda — 62, 143, 144, 152 j Albanese, Prank 59, 152 Beal, Robert — 60 Bruzzese, Karen — I I I Alben, Tom — 124, 158, 172, 175 Beall, Ronda — 60 Bryant, Tonya — 172, 174 Albertson, Diane — 59, 153 Beard, Larry — 92, 125 Buck, Angela ^ 125 Albertson, Gregory — 92, 124 Beaver, Robert — 125 luck. Kathy — 62, 174, 178 Aleshire, Lettie — 124 Beaver, Theodore — 125 duckle, Betsy — 62 Alexander, Cara — 59 Becker, John — MO Buckle, James — 62 Alexander, James — 124 Beetham, Mr. Rupert — 46 Buckley, Sheryl — II I, 116, 177 Alibrando, Sandra ~ 124 Behre, Steve — MO Burbacher. Scot — 98, 125, 172, 174, 175, 176, 178 Allen, Richard — 124 Bell, Vicki — 125 Burdette, Denise—= 13, M l, 169 Alves, Andrea — 59 Benge, Carolyn — 178, 185 Burget, Jody — 125 Alves, Pam — 110, 165, 170, 171 Benge, Dee — 186 Burkell, Bill — 92 Amrine, David ~ 59, 149 Benjamin, Kathy— 125, 172, 175 Burkhart, Kathy 125 Amrine, William — 124 Bennett, Steve — 60, 152 Burkhart, Stove — 126 Anagnostic, Gary ~ 147 Berry, Mrs. Rebecca — 58 Burkholder, Jeffrey — I I I , 159, 180 Anderson, C hristy— 110, 148, 154, 166 Betts, Sherran — 125, 142 Burton, Douglas — 105, 126 Anderson, Gary 124, 151 Bevilacqua, Steve— 125, 169, I8|, 185, 187 Bush. Michael — 126 Anderson, George — 124, 172 Beymer, Connie — 60 Butler, Kevin — 126 Anderson, Jay — 59 Bibble, Pam — 183 Butt, Ronda — 62, 152 Anderson, John — 124 Bice, ^ b — 125 Buttock, Mrs. Roxy — 54 Anderson, Kathy — 59, 161 Bickman, Jon — 125 Byrd. Michael — 93, 105, 126, 147 Anderson, Martha — 110, 180, 185, 186 Biddison, Betty — 125 Anderson, Nancy — 110 Biddison, Mike — 60 Andreoni, Anita — 124 Bigelow, Mr. William — 44, 58 Andrews, T o m ^ 16, J9, 157 Billingsley, Denise — 110, 154 Cafeteria Helpers — 147 Andrick, Mrs. Ro — 54 Bird, Jerry — 125 Cain, David — 126 Aneshansley, M ark— 105, 124 Birkel, Danny — MO Callan, Deborah — 19, 62, 143, 170, 171 Angel, Jim — 59, 145, 169 Birkel, William — 125 Callan, James — 126 Anguish, Bonnie — 124, 147^ l'85 Bischoff, Paul — 61, 146 Camera Club — 168 !l Anguish, Connie — 124, 147, 183, 185 Bishop, L u a n n - 61. 172, 175, 186 Campbell. Rick — 111 Ankron, Marilyn — il [tO, 172, 175 Bisset, Tom — 125 Campbell, Sc o tt— 126 Anneshansley, Gean *>-110 Bitter, Mrs. Wilma — 54 Campbell, Sue — 22. 62. 148, 169, 185, 186, 194 Anneshansley, M ark— 105, 124 Blackford, Jeff — 61 ^ Campbell, Susan — I I I Antle, Glenna — 59 Blake, John — I kO Canright, Robert — I 11 Archambault, Diane — 59 Blake, Lea — 19, 61, 143, 144, 163, 168 Cantrell, Carole— 126, 142 Ardt, Tom — 105 Blank, Teresa — 20. 21, 61. 106, 107, 178, 185 Carbol, Mr. John — 34, 58 Ariss, Paulette — i5 , 110. ISO Blaskie, Deborah — M. 61, 144, 166 Carder, Michael — 62, 182. 186, 187 Armbrust, Chris — 124 Blazer, Lynn — 110, 180, 185 Carifa, Micki — 62, 159, 165 Armstrong. Tom — 110, 172, 174, 175, 178 Bloor, Jacquese — 125, 148, 149 Caris, Pamela — 63, 167, 182. jc86, 187 Arndt, Chris — MO. 172, 174, 175 Blount, Leslie — 61. 167, 180, 182, 186 Carl, Larry — 126 Arrick. Steve — 21. 110, 172, 174, 175, 180, 186 Bolden, Eva — 125 Carlson, John — 63 Arrick, Tina — 59, 144 Boltz, Miss Elaine — 29, 53, 58, 170, 171 Carlton, Allen — MU A rt Club — 159 Bond, Debbie — 125 Carlton, Bill — 126 Attendance Helpers — 144 Bond, Robert — MO Carlton, Mary — I I I Atwood, Richard — 59. 93, 94, 158 Booker; 'Molly l'S5 Carlton, Susan — 63, 150, 166, 180, 186 Atwood, Robert — 92, 124 Borean, Barbara — M l, 169, 170, 171 Carman, Doug — 63 Atwood, Scott — 92, 124, 142 Borgerding, Joanne — 61, 177, 180, 185, 186, 198 Carpenter, Ellen — 11, 63 Aucoin, Paula — 110 Borrow, Daphne — 144 Carpenter, Lori — 21. 126, 168. 172, 174, 175, 183 Audio Visual — 147 Boseker, Gay — 61 Carr, Mark — 92 Auer, Phillip — 124 Boseker, Mr. James — 38 Carr, Melody — I M’ Austin, Bob — 124 Bosen, Janet — 125 Carres, Vianne — 63 Ayers, Rebecca — 110 Bosworth, Marc — 125 Carroll, Colleen — 111, 161, 177 Botkins, Pa tty— 61, 159 Carroll, Joan 111 Bourgeois, Robert — 125 Carroll, John — 126 Bower, Bo — 61, 89, 106, 107 Carte, Carolyn — 126, 142, 147, 166 Bailey, Deborah — 124 Bower, Deborah — 125, 155, 180, 182, 185 Carter, Janice — 126 Bailey, Kathy — 59, 174, 180, 186, 187 Bower, Debra Kay — I I I Carter, Mike — 154, 180 Baird, Janet — 165 Bowers, Gail — I I I Cartone, Steve Baker, Steve — 124, 183 Boyd, William — 172. 174, 176 Casey, Cecilia _ || I, 142, 170. 171 Baker, Vicki — 124 Boyer, Victoria — 89, I I I , 148, 151, 180, 186 Casey, Kathy — 111 Baldridge, Tanya — 124, 175 Boytin, Dennis — I I I Cassady, Milce — 63 Baldwin, Cheryl — 60. 151, 182, 185, 186 Boytin, Steve — 93, 111 Cassidy, Barbara — 148 Baldwin, Mrs. Frances — 34 Brader, Jeffery — 92, 105. 125 Cassidy, William — I I , 126, 157 Baldwin. Robert — 92. 124, 169 Bradford, Kent — 61, 104, 157 Cassis, Phillip — 126 Ballinger, Rick — 60, 102, 104, 105, 161 Bradshaw, Bev — 32, 61, 89, 106, 107, 147 Castle, Tom — M l, 146 Barbeau, Deborah — 124 Braid, Rick — 93 Catalano, Candace — 63, 152 Barber, Connie — 60, 155 Branzell, Rick — 39, 92, 125 Cattell, Randy — 63 Barlowe, Tim — 60, 93, 147, 148 Brass, Choir — 174 Centofanti. Julie — 126 Barnett, Miss Sonnie — 34 Brehm, David — 61. 98, 99. 146, 157, 158, 161 Chadwell. Nancy— 126, 145, 177, 185 Barnhart, Mrs. Judy — 44, 58, 153 Brenner, Sue — I I I , MS, 177 Chaney. Stan — 92, 126. 181, 183, 185, 186, 187 Barr, Mark — 124 Bridge Club — 158 Cheely, Cindy— 126, 139. 171, 183 Barrow, Diane — 60 Briggs, Cathy — I I I Cheely, Wendy — 63, 106, 107, 168, 171 Bartlett, Debbie — 60, 164 Broberg, Mike — 50, 125 Chess Club — 158

202 Chevalier, John 126, 183, 185 Cross, Diane — 112, 165, 182, 185, 186 Devore, Dele — 127, 145, 178 Chokreff, Miss Violet — 35 Crotty,, Donald — 64, 157 Dew, Dennis — 104, 127 Chun, Danny — 126, 168, 183, 185 Crotty, Mrs. Jerry — 54 Dew, Mary — 65 Ciotota, Carta — 63 Csasxar, Joe — 127 Dewitt, Mrs. Ann — 54 Ciotola, Tina — 126, 167, 170 Cua, Madeline— 127 Deyo, Mr. Chuck — 27, 53. 93. 104 Clapham, Sandra — 126, 166, 175 Culver, Carrie — 127 Dickey, Linda — 127, 168, 183 Clark, Carol Ann — I I I , 148, 182, 185, 186 Current Affairs — 161 Dickson, Bov — 127 Clark, Janet — 63, 153 Curry, Dana — 112, 147, 154, 168 Diedalis, Rick — 48, 65, 142, 146, 157, Ii58, 161 Clark, Leslie — I I I Curry, Linda — 127 DiFransico, Mary — 112 Clark, Mike — 63 Dignan, Cathy — 127 Clausing, Andy— 186 Dini, Richard — 112, 148, 151, 180, 182, 186, 187 Clay, Victoria — 63, 172 DiPietro, Joe — 127 Clifton, Cheryl — 11, 63. 144, 166. 178 Dakel, Chris — 50, 127 'DiPietro. Tina — 127, 181, 183, 185 Clifton, Mary Lou — 126 Daket, Marilyn — 112, 177 Dodson, Bobby — 104, 146 Clifton, Susan — 126 Dakel. Pamela — 64. 159. 177 Dolan, Laura — 112, 148, 167 Cline, Rick — I I I Da’lb, Steve — I05„ 127 Donley, Diana — H ’2 Coccia, Mike — 64, 98, 99 Dalton, Rory - 112, 172. 174,178 Doolittle, Jim — 65 Cochran, John — 92, 111 Damron, Richard — 92, 127 Dorsch, Kathy— 65, 148, 180, l!82, 185, 186, 187 C.O.E. — 153 D'Andrea, Antonio — 64 Dotson, Bev — 65, 151 Cohagen, Julie — I I I Daniel, Jay ^ 64 Dotson, Bob — 112 Colburn. Andrew — 92, 126, 158, 175, 186 Daniel, Timothy — 105, 127 Double, Cynthia — 127, 183 Coldren, C hrist!— 126, 151, 158, 167, 180, 181, 183, 185, Daniels, Jim — 168 Douthitt, John — 112 186 Darrough, Karen — 15, 112, 148 Downward, Randy — 146 Colflesh, Mrs. Margaret — 54 Daube, Barbara — 64, 144, 180; r84, 185, 186 Downey, Dianna — 65 Colley, Mike — I I I Davidek, Bob — 18, 98, 127 Drabek, Patricia — 112, 151, 182, 185, 186 Collins, Jeff — 93 Davies, Debra — 127 Drama Club — 148 Collins, Mr. Harry — 55 Davis, Craig — 112 Drown, Patricia — 112, .151, 166, 180, 182, 185, 186 Concert Choir — 186 Davis, Deborah Sue — 112, 172, 174, 175, 178, 180, 182, Drudy, Jack — 127, 186, 187 Concert Chorale 187 186, 187 Drudy, John l8 l Conci, Cindy — 167 Davis, Deborah Lynn — 112, 144, 185 Dryer, Hans — 127 Conder, Kent — 126 Davis, Dennis — 127 Dublin, Jean — 127 Conley, David ~ 93, 126, 161 Davis. Kristi — 127, 181 Dublin, Joyce — 24, 112 Conley. Dean — 93. 97. I l l , 165 Davis, Mr. Thurman -= 52, 180, 181, 183, 185, 186, 187 Dubocs, Yuonne — 127, 169, 183 Connell, Jacquelyn — I I I , 154, 185 Davis, Mrs. Mary Jane — 144 Duddick, Jean -rr 112 Conner, Susan — 126, 170 Davis, Patricia — 65, 153 Dudley, Mr. Thomas — 55 Conrad, Leslie ^ 6, 126, 172, 174, 178 Davis, Patrick — 65, 152 Dunbar, Cheryl •=? not pictured Conreaux, Cynthia — 126, 142, 155, 166, 172 Davis, Robert — 65 Dunnick, Jean ^ 47 Conreaux, Steve — 64 Davis. Scott — 127 Durbin, Bruce — 98 Conti, Cindy — I I I Davis, Tim 175 Dysart, Mitchell — 127, 169 Cook, Dale — 64 Davis, Vickie — 112 Cooper, Dana — 64 Day, Julie — 127, 151;, 158, 166, 180, 181, 185, 186 Cooper, Kinrtberly — 126 Dean, Craig — 65, 147, 167, 169, 180, 182, 186, 187 Copeland, Janet — 126 DeBellis, Mark — 127 Earnheart, Patricia — 112 Cordi, Michelle — 126 DeBellis, Peter — 104, 115 Eblin, Deborah — 127, 142’, 1163 Corven, Cheryl— I I I , 126, 170, 171 D.E.C.A. — 152 Eby, William — 112 Corven, Lance — not pictured Decario, Dougg — 127 Edwards, Jane Ann — 66, 159, 170 Cosentino, Harvey — 18, 64, 93. 94, 157 Deem, Karen — 127 Egnor, Teresa — 127 Costello, Fred — 64 DeLille, Pamela — 52, 127, I48„.I83 Eichensehr, Eric — 128 Crabtree. Danny — 24. 64. 93, 94. 157, 160 Dempsey, M ark— 172, 174, 175 Elche,. ;Rick — 174 Crabtree, Ronald — 126, 146 Dempsey, Scott — 127 Ellce, Paula — 66, 159, 177 Crain, Jenny — 64, 177 Denig, G a ry— 127, 181, 185, 186, Ii87 Elke, Steve = 1 1 2 Crain, Steve — I I I Denney, Eva — 20, 21, 65. 89, 106, 107, 187 Elliott, Kim — 128, 177 Cramer, Bob — 64, 152 Denney, Jeri — 65. 155, 167, 170, 171 Elliott, Theresa — 112 Cramer, Tim — 126 Dennis, Lorraine— 127, 151 Ellis, Mary — 112. 170, 171 Crampton, Debbie — 64, 172, 174, 178 Dennis, Peggy — 65, 182, 185, 186 Ellis, Vickie — 66 Crawford, Holly — 51, I I I, 144 Dennison, Penny — 44, 112 Elsea, Kim — 16, 93, 112 Creative W riting — 150 Dennison, Pete— 112 Embleton, Lynn ^ 128, 181, 183, 185 Cremeans, Tracy— 126, 183, 185 Denny, Susan — 112 Engberg, Cindy — 112, 177 Crites, Jan — 126 DeVere, Marilyn — 65 Engberg, Patty — 66 Cross-Country — 98, 99 Devoll, Cathy — 65, 148, 149 Epiey, S u n n i- 66. 170, 182, 185, 186 Epperly, Katherine — 66, 169 Erickson, Dale — 66 Erion, Ken 66. 172, 174, 176, 178 Erwin, Susan » 128 Eschleman, Cathleen — 128 Eschleman, William — 66, 180, ,1182, 186, 187 Esper, Sharon — 112, 148, 185 Euchre — 169 Evans, Beverly ^ 128, 149, 183 Evans, Laureen — 66 Evans. Mr. Leslie — 25. 32. 49. 93. 186, 199 Evans, Patricia — 66 Evans, Paula 66 Evans, Susan — 34, 66, 148 Evard, Renee — 112 Ewart, Debra — 112, 156

Fabbro, Victor — 128 Fabbro, Vincent — 128 Fagan, Deborah — 112 Fairweather, Bill — 128, 147, 175, 181,. 182, 186, 187 Fagley, Debra — 178 Farber, Michelle — 128 Farley. Barry — 98. 99. 157 Farmwald, Victoria — 112, 185 Farquhar, Jennifer — 21, 128, 174, 181 Farr, Connie — 66 Fasone, Kim — IIZ , l‘54, 155 Carol Willis, Debbie Moore, Sherry Moore, and Darcy Richardson dis­ Fearing, Mrs. Doris — 35, 58 cuss Orwell's 1984 in English literature class. Featherstone, Ron — 92, 128, 169 Fegley, Diane — 128, 183

203 Fal+7, Katherine — 112, 148, 177, 182, 186 Goetz, Jerry — 68, 93, 142, 157 Heinlen, Beth — 129 Ferguson, David — 66 Golden, Harold — 113 Heiser, Annette— 114, 169, 174, 178 Ferguson, Mardon — 112, 143, 182, 185, 186 Good, Patricia — 68. Heiser, Chris — 175 Ferguson, Sheree — 52, 112, 172, 174, 178 Goody, Janet — 68, 144, 155 Heiser, Sue — 70, 172, 174 Ferree, Lisa — 128, 148 Gordon. Lori — 129, 167, 170 Held. Robert — 92. 129 Ferree, Neil — 93, 157 Gordon, Richard — 68 Hellinger, Wendy — 129, 143, 144, 148 Fiecoat, Barbara — 112, 167, 180. 182, 183. 185, 186, 187 Gosnell, Mr. William — 38 Hendon, Dane — 129 Fiecoat, Jim — 67, 93, 94, 161 Graham, Sue— 113, 180, 181, 185, 187 Hendricks, Diane — 114 Fiecoat, Patricia — 128, 170, 185 Graham, Gilbert — 92, 113 Hendrix, Rebecca — 129 Fierce, Anne — 67. 142, 167, 172. 174 Grahek, Mrs. Joan — 46, 145, 154, 169 Herald, Ronald —~ 129 Fink, Cindy — 128 Granfield, Rick — not pictured Herr, Gretchen — 130, 148, 149, 181, 185 Fink, John — 112 Granfield, Robert— 129 Herrel, Miss Caroline — 38 Fink, Rebecca — 112, 148 Graves, David — 92, 129, 185 Heslop, Sandra — 114, 182, 185, 186 Finley, Dean — 67, 174, 176 Graylock, Mrs. Mary — 54 Hetrick, Charles — 130 Finley. Janet — 113, 142, 172, 174 Great, Bobbie — 68, 183 Hickinbotham, John — 70, 152 Fisher, Greg — 67, 152 Green, Gary — hi 3 Hickson, Christ! — 130, 149 Fisher, Jeff — 67, 186 Greenfield, Bobby — 28 Higginbotham, Herbert — 114 Fisher. Rick — 67, 80, 180, 182, 186, 187 Grieve, Letha — 113 Hill, John — 126 Fisher, Tom — 67, 157 G riffith, Deborah — 129, 172, Ii8il, 184 Hill. Patty — 70. 161, 170 Flichia, Mary Ann — 16, 19, 67, 142, 144 G riffith. Patty — 68, 164. Hill. Tamara — n'4. 149, 172 Floeh, Patty Eileen — 113, 180, 186 Grimm, Mr. Robert — 42, 58 Hilt, Jackie — 21, 106, 130, 142, 147 Flowers, Tony — 26, 67, 93, 94, 157, 160 Grogan, Janice — 129 Hinckley, Don — 13. 43, 70, 74. 157 Fogle, Susan — 128 Grover, Bryan — 68, 93, 168 Hiney, Mariellen — 130, 177 Foor, Jerry — 92, 128, 158 Groves, Terry — 12, 68 Hipolite, Gary — 70 Foose, Mr. Alphonse — 44 Grubb, Mark — 129 Hiser, Mrs. Nellie — 54 , Football, Reserve — 92 Grubb, William — 113 Hixon, Brenda — 4„.I]I4, 182, 185, 186 Football, Varsity — 93 Guidance Helpers — 144 Hoaia, Miss Linda — 37, 167 Ford, Deborah — 113, 148, 166. 177, 182, 185, 186 Gulick, John — 113 Hodgden, Terry — 70 Foster, Harry — 113 Guyer, Bob — 68 Hoffman, Rick— 172 Foulke, Leslie — 113, 177, 180, 186 Hoffmeister, Miss Alice — 40 Fox, Lawrence — 128 H Holland, Debra — 114, 144, 155 Fox, Sue — 113, 154 Hollenbach, Kimberly — 130 Fox, William — 113, 'l'57 Haag, Robert — H 3 , 146 Holmes, Janice23, 70, 161, 165, 166, 170 Fracasso, Joe — 113 Hackbarth, Beverly — 68 Holsinger, Sue — 114 Frasher, Gerry — 67 Hackbarth, Sandra Lee — not pictured Homemaking Club — 155 Frasher, Terry — 113, 165 Hadley, Debra — 129, 181, 185 Hoover. Carol = 70. 88, 89, 144, 177, 182, Ii85, 198 Frazier, Lois — 18, 128 Hafeman, Rick — 68, 175 Hoover. Craig 1130, 178, 180, 185 Free, Kirk — 113 Haffenden, Chuck — 16, 17, 70, 169 Hoover, Gina — 70, 144 Free, Neil — 112 Hagan, Mike "Muscles" — 70, 146, 169 Hopkins, Roger — 114 French Club — 166 Hagemann, La rry— 103, 104, 129 Hopper, Chuck 130 Fressora, Sino — 113 Hagemann, Ralph Robert— 70, 169 Hopper, Marcella — 130, 169 Frey, Theresa — 113, 149 Hagemann, Sandra Lynn — U 3, 169, 178 Hopper, Melody — 14, 130 Fricasio, Tony — 169 Hager, Michael — 105, 129 Horchler, Peggy — 106, 114 Frissora, Tod — 67 Hager, Steven Carl — 70 Hord, Susan — 11i4 Frissora, M ark— 105, 113 Hagley, Kim — 34. 129, 172, 174, l'83 Hbuser, Barbara — 114 Frye, Mrs. Mable — 33, 143 Hagley, Diane — 175 Howard, Mr. Roger — 46 F.T.A. — 154 Haggy, Debbie — 21, 70, 106, 107, 142, 178 Howe, Mr. Frank — 27. 43. 58. 92, 93 Fuchs, Debra — 128, 1,83 Hagousky, Thomas — 113 Howells, Marcy— 130, tl43, 181, 183, 185 Fuller, Donald — 113 Hahn, Jan Marie — I 13 Huber, Mr. James — 40 Furio, William — 128 Main, Paula — 70. 165, 170, 180, 182, 185, 186 Hudgins, William — 70 Future Secretaries — 154 Haley, Coleen — 70 Huggins, Mrs. Jo Ellen — 32. 45, 58 Haley, Dan ^ 1 1 3 Hughes, Allen — 70. 172, 174, ili75 Hall. Cheryl Lynn — 113, 154, 165, 170, 185 Hughes, Burton — 130 Hall. Elizabeth — 129, 175 Hughes, Candace — 70 G.A.A. — 157 Hall, Kimberly— 129, 154, 177 Hull, Tonya — 114, 154 Gage. Vince — 113, 142, 143, 157, 159 Hall, Sheila — 113 Hummell, Bonnie — 114, 154. 182, 185 Galbreath, Gary — 113, I 14 Hamilton, Bob "Ham " — 69, 93, 94, 157 Hummell, Connie — 182, 185, 186 Galbreath, Randall — 113 Hamilton, Jan — 69, 143, 155 Humphrey, John — 130 Gall, Kenneth — 113 Hamilton, Tim — 105, 129 Hunley, Kathy — 130, 151, l'54, 167, 1.81, 185 Gall, Larry — not pictured Hammett, Linda — 69 Hunt. Bob — 71. 157 Gallagher, Shawn — 105, 147, 169 Hannon, Michael — 129 Hunt, Teresa — 12, 114, 144, 154 Garey, Jim — M3, 151 Hard, Judith — 129, 155, 181, 185 Hunter, Gary — 130 Gorges, Sharon— 113, 148, 149 Harden, Dana — 113 Hunter, Peggy — 71 Garrabrant, M argret— 128 Hardy, Susan — 183, 185 Hurst, Paul — 71 Garwood, Pamela — 67, 172, 174, 178 Harhai, Doris — 114, 150 Huston, Barbara — 130, 170 Gay, Donna — 128 Harless, David — 129 Huston, M ike— 15, 105, 113, 146 Gehfeld, Andreze} — not pictured Harless, Steve — 114, 129 Hutchinson, Dean — 130 Gehring, Melinda — 113 Harper, Karen — 159 Hutchinson, Je ff — 14, 93, 160 Geiger, Roberta — 128 Harper, Tjerri — 69, 106, 107, 155 Hutchinson. Linda — 71, 148, 151, 165, 185, 187 George, Gary — 67, 157, 165 Harris, Rick — 16, 69, 98 Hutchinson. Sheryl — 53. 130, 170, 171, 174, 175, 178 George, Terry — 128 Harnison, Jackalyn — 129 Huxham, Debra — 130, 183, 185 German Club — 169 Harrison, Robert — 114 Glamarco, Joann — 113, 155 Harrison, Steve — 69, 149 I Gibson, Brian — 128, 147 Hartenfield, Pam — 69, 148, 182 Gibson, Joe — 128 Hartle, Scott — 129 lig, Mr. Timothy — 38 Gibson, Mark — 67, 146 Hartung, John — 105, 114 Indiclani, Tim — 71, T82. I'86, 187 Gillard, Mike — 113 Haske, Scott — 69 Indiciani, Toni — not pictured Gillespie, Carla — 113, 166 Hastilow, Paula — 129 Intramural Volleyball— 170, 171 Gllkerson, Mr. John — 42, 58 Hatfield, Deborah — 129 Intramural Softball — 171 Gilmore, Mark — 67 Hatfield, Gregory — 129 Izzie, Rita — 11,4 Gilmore, Raelene — 128 Hathaway, Tim — 92 Giroux. Bob — 93, 113, 157 Hawk, Deborah — 114 Given, Sally — 66, 152 Hayes, Janet— 10, 70, 148, 153, 182, 186 Glandon, Nikki — 68 Hazelbaker, Mr. John — 42 • Jacobs, Bruce — 7I„, 172, 175, 176 Glassburn, Dennis — 128, 158 Hazlett, Randy — 129 Janszen, Kathleen — 21, 106, 114, 142, 169 Glassburn, Randy — 17, 68, 158, 164, 169 Heading, Gerald — 129 Janszen, Mary — 71, 177 Glassletter, Jeff — 128, 169 Headington, Rosemary— 129, 167 Jarrett, Deborah — 1 14, I 77 Glaze, Fred — 128 Headley, Bill — 129 Jenkins, Deborah — I 14 Glenn, Patricia — 113, 172, 175 Headley, Nancy — 70, 159, 167 Jennings. Mark — 114, 172. 174, 176, 178, 182, 186, 187 Gockenback, Kyle — 68 Heath, Penny - 10, 114, 151, 166, 180, 185, l§6 Johanson, Steve — 71, 172, 174, 176 Godin, Cynthia — 128 Heebner, Louise — 114 Johnson, Elizabeth — 114 Goettge, Jodel — 129 Held. Keven — 92, 105, 129, 169 Johnson, Mark — 114 Goetz, Janice — 129 Heilman, Debra — 129, 151, 158, 167, 181, 183, 185 Johnson. Mrs. Ruth — 54

204 Johnson. Patty — 114, 143, 155, 167 Lafollette„ Paul — 73, 150 Loar, Bob — 131, 169, 172, 176, 180, 183, 186, 187 Johnson, Penny — 71, 167 Laforda, Jack — 172, 175 Loar, Teresa — 116 Johnson, Tom — 110, 114, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, Laird, Robert — 115, 150, 165, 167 Lockard, Jenny — 116, 177 179 Lake, Kathy — 115 Lockard, Sally ^ 74, 170 Jones, Andrew — 71 Lakeman, Mr. Gilbert — 38, 92 Lockner, Hildegard — 44, 74, 153, 154, 165, 169 Jones, Carol — 114, 143, 167 Lamb. Marc — 92, 131, 142 Lodge, Jon — not pictured Jones, Eddie — 186 Lamprecht, Cindy — 131, 166 Longfield, Eric — 74 Jones, Mike — 92, 105 Lanane, Tammi — 115, 185 Lose, Sheree — 131 Jones, Mrs. Jane — 150 Lander. Janet — 47, 131). 169, 185 Lothamer, Cheryl — 14, 45. 74, 154, 172 Jones. Pam — 71, 153 Lauder, Line tte— 166, 182, 185, 186 Love. Phillip — 131, 175 Jones, Patty — 142, 180, 181, 185. 186 Landon, Phillip— 131, 165 Love, Scott — 74, 157 Jones, Tara — 106, 114 Langstaff, Charles — 131 Lovell, Melinda — 74, 143 Jordan, Candy — 183 La Point, Martha — 131, 139 Lovell. Ron — 48, 74. 161, 163 Junior Girls Society — 163 Larason, Randall — 96, 98, 131 Lowe, Bob — 131 Junior Young Adults — 181 Largent, Bill — 73, 115, 172, 176, 178 Lowman, Janelle — 74, 143, 164 Jurusik, Gary — 71, 73 Larkin, Lisa — 144, 155 Lowry, Steve — 92, 131 Justice. Danny — 115 Larkin, Mark — 132, 172 Lucas, Lorie — 131, 170, 171, 181, 185 Larrick, Lisa — 115, 143, 144, I80, I82, I85, I86, I87 Lucas, Mrs. Cherrye — 49, 144 LaRue, David — I3I Ludeke, Bob — 116, 146, 161 Latin Club — 168 Luzader, Gary — 131 Kabourek, Teresa — 71, 81, 161, 163, 166, 170 Laush. Paul — 73. 93. 95 Lyman, Mr. Chester — 55 Kaiser, Craig — 115 Laverty, Jack — 182 Kapp, Denise — 181 Laverty, John 73 M Karch, Tim — 71, 149 Laverty, Kathy— I3I, I85 Kareklas, George— 115, 154, 186, 187 Lawrence, Rebecca — I3ili, 168, 175 MacLean, Deborah — f3 l Kaser, Dennis— 115, 182, 187 Lawson, Charles— I3I, 139 MacLean, Malcom — 74. 93, 95 Kaser, Nancy ~ 115 Leather, Steve — 73 MacLean, Robin — 74, 98, 99 Katko, Mark — 168, 183, T85 Leadford, Linda— I3I, 172, 174, 175 MacPherson, Rebecca = 131 Kati, David — 181, 185, 187 Ledoford, Karen — 2 1 Macurak, Mike — 74, 172, 174, 178 Katz. Deborah — 115, 177 Lee, David — N'5, 142 Madachy. Beth — 37, 131, I7B Kaufman, Laurene — 71, 167, 172, 174 Lee, Joselyn — 73, 167 Madachy, Mike — 74. 172. 174’, 175, 176, 178 Kaylor, Debbie — 148, 149, 151, 178, 183 LeGault. Dotty — 5 1, 73. 159 Madden, Danny — 74 Kaylor, Don — 49, 66, 72, 146 LeGault, William — 131, 139 Madden, Sharon — 131 Kelch, Cynthia — 166 Leggett, David — 73, 146, 157. 161 Madigan, Ruth — 75, 150 Keller, Connie 115, 166, 185 Leggett, Kathy— 131, 143 Mahony, Tim — 105, 131, 185, 187 Keller, Jim 72 Ldggett, Miss Shirley — 45, 58, 154 Mair, Sue — 131 Kelley. Linda — 72, 151 Lehman, Mrs. Harriet — 51 Majorettes — 173 Kelly, Kathy — 115, 155 LeMaster, Pamela — 11*5 Malcom, Bev — 131 Kelly, M a u re e n s 143, 166 Lemke, Barbara — 73 Mallon, James— 116, 166, 172, 178 Keplar, Debbie — 115 Lemley, Donald — 115 Malone, Elizabeth — 131, 142 Kerber, Mike — 72, 98, 99 Lemley, Karen — 115 Mann, Cindy — 75, 153 Kerr. Sylvia — 115. 171, 182, 185, 186 Lemon, Nancy — 116, 166 Mansfield, Mrs. Pat — 33, 143 Kerschbaum, Mr. Richard — 38, 58. 93, 198 Leonard, Terrence — 105, 116 Maranville, Ilona — 116, 165, 168, 182, 185. 186 Kessler, Je ffre ys^ 115, 145, 167 Leopard, Deborah — 131 Marching Band — 16, 172 Keysor, Dan — 72, 93, 95. 157 Leopard, Patty — 73, 152 Marcum, Dreama — 115 Kibble, Debbie — 177 Leopard, Victoria s 116 Margeson, Judith — hl6 Kidwell, Chuck ^ 72 Lester. Deborah — 116, 165 Marquardt, Roxanne — 153 Kimm, Cindy — 115 Lewis, David — 131 Marsh. Deborah — 131, 166 Kincaid. Gerald — 26, 72, 158, 169 Lewis, Mr. Charles — 52, 148, 149 Marsh, Jody — 131, 154 Kincaid, Marsha— 115, 170 Lewis, Tom 74, 152 Marsh, Kathy — 116 Kiner, Clark — 115 Lias, Mrs. Helen 49, 144 Marsh, Linda — 132 King, Marty — 105 Library Helpers — 145 Marsh, Melissa — 116, 166 King, Phyllis — 115, 148, 166, 177, 180, 185, 186 Lightfoot, Gary — 73. 172, 174, 175. 182, 186, 187 Marshall, James — 116, 157 Kinkel, Bernadette — 159 Lilly, Craig =116 Martin, Joan — 75 Kinkel, Dean — 72 Lincicome, David — 116 Martin, Kathy — 132 Kinnell, Bradley — 172, 175, 176 Linden, Nancy — 36 Martin, Patty — 116 Kipfinger, Cathy — 72, 170, 171 Linnaburry, Wayne — 116, 186 Martz, John — 132, 145 Kirk, Glenn — 72 Lishka, Suzanne — l'3ll Massey, Brent — 116 Kirkwood, Keith — 72, 180, 182, 186, 187 Lloyd, John — 74 Massey, Randall — 132 Kish, Richard — 26, 72, 180, 182, 186, 187 'Klausing, Charles — 115, 180, 187 Kleinman, David — 115, 158 Kline. Kathy — 72. 144 Kline, Mik§ — 72 Kline, Mrs. Imogene — 33, 143 ^Knight, Mark — 92, 115, 182, 186, T87 Knight. Michael — 32, 139, 172, 175 Knox. Richard ^ 72. 89, 147, 151, 180, 182, 186, l>87 Koch. Bob — 149 Koch, William — 175 Koenig, Michael — 139 Kontui, Mike — 115 Kook, Mike — 115 Kopp, Denise — 151, 185 Korczyk, David 115 Korsch, Kathy — 167 Kost, Harry — 159 Krembs, M a ry— 115, 166 Krembs, Susan — 166 Krenek, D e b b ie s 73, 144, 167 Kristof, Michael — 73 Kulick, Mike — 73, 93, 94. 95 Kull, Mr. Stephen — 35. 36. 58. 98. 99 Kunzen, Peggy— 143, 169 Kuskowski. Cindy — 131 Kuskowski, Greg — 73, 93, 95 Kutz, David — 131 Kynitor, Susan — 115, 172, 174, 178 Kyser, Mike — 29, 105, 115 Language students sing Christmas carols in the main lobby.

Lafferty, Kyle — 93

205 Matthew, Paul — 105 Molino, Tony — 104, 105, 117, 146 Palumbo, Teresa — 133 Mature, David — 116 Montgomery, Charles — 133 Paolini, Debra — 77, 165 Mature, Laura — 116, 154, 167 Moore, Deborah — 76, 147 Papenbrock, Kathryn — 133 Maureen, Kelly ~ 132 Moore, Maria — 133 Paprocki, Cynthia — 51, 118 Maurieite, Marilyn — 116, 168 Moore, Mr. Benjamin — 55 Pargeon, Denise — 77 Maxey, Jee — 132 Moore, Robert — 76, 182, 186, 187 Parker, Jodi — 133, 183 Maxey, Diane — 116, 143 Moore, Sherri — 60, 76, 161, 170 Parkhurst, Susan — 133, 183 Maxwell, Cynthia — 132, 183 Moose. Alan — 92 Parks, Gregory — 133 Mayer, Sonda — 132, 175 Morando, Marianne— 132, 166, 181, l‘85 Parrish, Charlie — 183, 185 Mayhew, Diana — 75 Morando, Cindy — 76, 155 Parrish. Marti — 58. 77, 142, 160, 161, 166. 170 Mayhew, Jee — 6, 93, 105. 132, 142, 181, 185, 186, 187 Morgan, Jack — 76 Paulos, Andy — 168 Maye, Nancy— 132, 169 Morgan, James — 133 Paulos, Cynthia — 134, 148 Maxey, Diane — 147 Morgan, Mrs. Bernice — 55 Paulos. John — 118 Mazzeia, Teny — 105, 116 Morgan,, Terence— 133, 167 Pax, Joan —& 78 Mazzela, Sendra — 132 Morris, Donald — 133 Payne, Florene — 118, 170, 171, 178 McBride, Carelyn — 132, 149, 183 Morris, Carol — 153, 154 Payne, John — 92, 105, 134, 158 McCabe, Martha — 116 Morris, Salty — 133 Payne, Karen — 78 McCaffrey. Beb — net pictured Morrow. John — 5, 19, 98. 105, 117, 168 Peifer, Jeffrey — 98. I 18. 172, 182 McCarty, David — 75 Morse, Andy — 133, 158, 169 Pelay, Valerie — 118 McClain, Bill — 146 Morse, Bob — 165 Pelkey, Mr. Duane — 5, 32, 33, 200 McClanahan, Bob — 142 Moser, Michele — 117, 148 Pence, Elaine —^ 78 McClanahan, Jim — 75. 149, 172. 174, 175, 176, 178 Mossgrove, Christine — 76 Pennell, Russell ^— 134, 147 McCleery, Janice — 75, 180, 182, l'85, 186 Muladore, Mrs. Helga — 37 Penrod, John — 78 McClelland, Bob — 132 Munzer, Pamela — 18, 133, 185 Penrod, Sue •— 134 McClure, Terry — 24, 75 Murray, Anne — 133, 175 Perkins, Mike ^ 134 McConnell, John — 75 Murray, Cherne — 117 Perri, Bob — 118 McCollough, Rick — 75 Murphy, Patricia ^ 1 1 7 Perry. Ann — 69. 118, 147, 171 McCoy, Jackie — 116, 121, 164 Musser, Betty — 133. 169, 172, 174, 178, 179 Perry, Tom 78„ 145, 147, 169 McCoy, Paul not pictured My6rs, Deborah — 133. 143, 185 Pfaff, Donna — 134, 143, 185 McCreary, Mark — l’61 Myers, Margaret — 35, 76 Phillips. Ed — 180, 182, 187 McDaniel, Jodi — 116 Myers, Maribeth — 133 Phillips, Leslye —= 118, 185 McDaniel, Paula "Dude" — 116, 170 Myers, Paula — 117, 168, 180, 185 Phillips, Robert — 134 McDonald, David — 132 Phipps, Paul — 118, 147 McDonald, Donna — 116, 167 N Pierce, Ellen — 26, 177, 180 McDonald. Starma — 116, 148, 1.5.1, 180, 186, 187 PiHs, Patty — 78. 158 McGill, Mr. Thomas — 12, 50 Nacke, Karen — 58, 60, 76. 142, 170 Pletcher, Mike — not pictured McGlade, Jana — t.l7, 167 Nacke, Susan — 133, 154,

206 Richards. Debbie — 79. 89, 142. 167. 171, 187 Serrott, Tim — 105, 135, 168 Snepp, Pamela — 168, 175, 185 Richards, Leanne — 118 Severance, Terri — 135 Snider, Loretta — 182 Richards, Tim — 93, 115, 118 Shafer. Kay — 119, 172. 174, 178 Snider, Susan — 82, 186 Richardson, Darcy — 79 Shalosky, Joseph — 135, 181, 185, 187 Snodgrass, Robin — 135 Richardson, Jeffrey — 92, 134 Shaw, Nancy — 135, l'83 Snyder, Lester — 119 Riley, Elaine — 79, 144, 155 Shelton, Nancy— 135, 148 Solinger, Jeff — 119 Riley, Richard — 118 Shepherd, Nancy — 81 Sophomore Choir — 183 Rinear, Craig — 187 Sherburn, Teri — 119, 165, 172, 174 Sophomore Girls Glee — 185 Ringold, Ken — 92, 105 Shields, Gregg — 135 Sophomore Male Glee — 185 Ringold, Kim — 134 Shields, Terry ^ 81. 98. 99. 103, 142, 157, 158, 161 Sora, Mark — 135 Risiucci, Carol — 80 Shillins, John — 187 Soto, Anita — 135 Ristucci, Tony — 48. 79, 93. 94. 199 Shocker, Beth — 135 Southward, Sharon — 82, 144 Ritchason, Kathy — 80 Shows, Bob — 105 Spadafora, Dianne — 119 Rittenhouse, Mr. Wayne — 41, 93 Shrimper, Bernard — 175 Spanish Club — 167 Ritts, Mama — 134, 183, 184, 185 Shrock, Susan -^ 1 1 9 Spaulding, Martha — 119 Rivers, Karen — 80 Siconolfi, Michael — 135 Spears, Tim — 119, 180, 182, 186, 187 Roach, Barry — 80, 152 Sietz, Sue — 183 Spinosi, Mary — 119 Roark, Debra — 134, 143 Signoracci, Barbara — 25, 81 Spohn, Mike — 119, 146 Roberts, Jana — not pictured Silk, James — 8 1 Spooner, Eileen — 16, 58, 82, 142, 144 Roberts, Jane — 134 Simmons, David — 82 Sports Survey — 170 Roberts, Mark — 80, 98, 142, 157, 164 Simmons, Mike — 105, 135 Stacy. Mike — 5, 82, 98, 99, 142, 157, 158 Robinson, Fran — 165, 169 Simon, Lana — 119, 154 Staff. Bob — 181 Robinson, Sharon — 159 Simonds, Teresa — 186 Stage Band — 176 Robinson, Stephen — 80, 152 Simpson, Jan — 82, 148 Stage Crew — 149 Robinson, Susan — 80, 153 Simpson, Jacquelyn 135, 147, 178, 183 Stalls, Linda — 119, 177, 182, 185, 186 Rogers, Craig — 14, 118, 146 Simpson. Michael — 119, 169. 172, 175, 182, 186 Stamm, David — 135 Rogers, David — 27, I 18 Sims, Shelly -=- 8 1 Stamm, Vicki — 135, 142 Rogers, Diane 118 Sisson, John ^ 82, 147, 180, 182, 186, 187 Stanton, Tim — 135 Rodgers. Wanda — 80. 144, 154. 167. 172. 174 Ski Club — 156 Stark, Lisa — 119, 159 Rosmarin, Phil — 118 Skinner, B a r b 82, 164, 171 Stasko, Jeffrey — 135 Rowe, Sc o tt— 104, 118, 146 Skinner. Vicki — Jil9, ISO, 185 St. Clair, Davis — 15, 92. 119„ l<65 Rubadue, Christina — 42, 119 Slane, Teresa — 135 Steele, George — 82, 98 Rubadue, Victoria — 134 Slaughter, Mark ^ 135, 185 Stelzer, Mark — 92 Rud, Debbie — 134 Slye, Doug — 105 Stelzer, Rick — 92, 105, 135 Ruddock, Ruth — 134 Smalley. Ken — 172, 174, 175, 176, 178 Stelzer, Vic — 168 Ruh, Pamela — 134, 155, 183 Smeltz, Mr. Douglas — 41, 158 Stevens, Diane — 135, 183, 185 Rugg, Stephen — 80 Smith. Brad "Freak” — 16. 82. 103, 146, I S 7 , 161 Stevens, Rick — 119, 146 Rurik, James — 80, 176 Smith, Candy — 135 Stewart, Dave — 149 Rurik, Ronald — 93, I 19 Smith, Connie — 119 Stewart, Mr. Don — 50 Rush, Howard — 5, 80, 164, 182, 186 Smith, Cynthia — 170 Stewart, Stephanie s 135, 167 Rush, Melanie — 134, 166 Smith, Donald — 42, 82. 167 Stickel, Bruce — 82 Russian Club — 166 Smith, Doug — 92, 135 Stier, Randy — 4, 135 Russolillo, Antoinette — 134 Smith. Duane — I 19, 180, 186, 187 Stier, Rick — 82, 152 Russolillo, Ralph — 80 Smith, James — 92, 119 Stiles, Joe — 135, 183, 185, 187 Russell, George 92, 119, 157, 169 Smith, Jennifer — 135 Stiles, Blake — 82, 169 Smith, Joan — 119 Stitt, Bob -= li83 Smith, Kevin — 148, 149 Stocklin, Krista — 119, 166, 185 Smith, Marcia — 37, 119, 148, 151, I8ti, 185 Stockwell, Adrienne — 83, 144 Saggio, Victoria — 80, 177 Smith, Marla — 135 Stockwell, Brian — 135 Sams, Eugene — 134 Smith, Miss "Sm itty" — 35 Stone, Judy — 83, 172 Sanders. Lyle — 80, 92. 93. 94. 143, 157 Smith. Nancy — 119, 169, 170, 171 Stone, Vicky — 135, 183 Sandham, Bob— 134, 147 Smith, Norm — 182 Stott, Laurence — 185 Sandham, William — 169, 182, 186 Smith, Pamela — 135, 181 Stuart, David — 119, 148 Sandhu, Tgbah — not pictured Smith, Rick — 17, 82 Student Council — 142 Sapp, Pam — 135 Smith, Rob — 93, 119 Student Council Officers — 142 Sapp, Tom — 104, 146 Smith, Robert A. — 187 Student Life Club — 151 Saunders, Dan— 134, 172, 175, 176 Smith, Robert D. — 119 Summit, Diane — 136 Sauro, Jane — 134 Smith, Robin — 135, 183 Suver, Je ff — 93, 119 Savely, Colleen — 144 Smith, Sherron — 135 Swab, Heidi — 83 Scarry, Dan — 13, 80, 157 Smith, Steve — 93 Sweitzer, Rodger — 83 Schetikopf, Dan — 81 Smitko, Sue — 174, 178 Swisher, Cynthia — 41, 136 Schilling, John — 169, 182, 186 Schluep, Steven — 8 1 Schneider, Sheryl — 8 1 Schreiber, Mr. Terence — 10, 49, 144 Schweitzer, Marianne ~ 81, 166 Schweitzer, Ronny — 119 Schwinne, Jack — 8 1 Schwinne, Jean — 119, 155 Scott, Craig — 119 Scott, Curtis — 40, 134 Scott, Ginger — 134 Scott, Marsha — 134 Scott, Rob — 175 Scott, Sharon — 81. 177, 185, 187 Scott, Warren — 81, 152 Scranton, Patricia — 134 Scurria, Michael —? 134 Sears, Cynthia — 51, 134, 142, 151 Seckman, Anita — 119, 144 Seitz, Sue — 134 Seitz, Vicky — 81 Semetho, Susan ^ 134, 175 Senior Choir — 182 Senior Football Players — ^ 94, 95 Senior Girls Society — 162 Senior Homeroom Teachers — 58 Senior Officers •— 58 Serto, Janet — 81, 151, 155 Serio, Jeane ~ 135, 171 Serio, Sue — 135, 171 Serr, Steve — 119 Ric Diedalis and Karen Wood escort Linden McKinley students through Serrott, Mark — 81 Northland in an exchange visit.

207 Swisher, Leigh 136 White, Mrs. Carolyn — 37, 58, 168, 177, IV9 Switier, Brian — 68. 83, 145, 169 White. Patty — 137, 169, 185 Swope, Barbara — 119 Vagt, Charles — 136 White, Sharon — 166 Swope, Gretchen — 81, 83, 166. 171, 177, 180, 185, 186 Valentine, Kathy — 84 White, Theresa — 137 Symphonic Band ~ 174 Valentine, Vanessa — 136, 154, 181, 185 Whittle. Chris — 85, 142, 147. 158 Valentine, Vaudine — I20„ 1,55, 180, 182, 185, 186 Whittle, John — 120 Valentine, Vicki — 136 Wickiser, Mr. Thomas — 53 Valkyries — 28, 177 Wilcox, Linda — 137, 167, 183 Tacke+t, Barry — 83 VanDoorn, John — 16, 84, 102, 103. 142, 157 Wilkes, John — 120 TackoH, Bob — 136 VanDoorn, Paul — 120 Williams, Conrad — 15, 120, 174 Talbot, Donna — 83 VanFossen, Cathy — 84. 153 Williams, Lynne— 120 Tall, Bill — 83 VanKirk, Larry — 84 Williamson, Danese — 185 Tanner, Mike ~ 83 Vannoy, Victor — 120 Williamson, Sue — 137 Tanner, William — 6, 136 Van Syckle, Chip — 22, 120, 142, 146 Willis. Carol — 85. 96. 172, 173, 174, 178 Tarr, Catherine — 83 VanWagner, Donna — 120 Willis, Deborah — 137 Taylor, Douglas ~ 136 Varney, Debra — 84 Wills. Deborah — 24. 137. 166 Taylor, Joyce 136, 166 Varsity "N " — 157 Wilson, Laura — 26, 85, 167, 177, 182 Taylor, Karen — 172, 175, 180, 181, 185, 186 Vaughan, Sara — 148, 187 Wilson, John — 180. 182. 187 Taylor, Penny — 136 Veeck, John — 120 Wilson, Mrs. Delores — 54 Taylor, Rick — 119 Vermillion, Jeffrey — 136 Wilson, Ronald — 85 Taylor, Virginia —^ 136, 166 Vesco, Sandra — 136, 183 Wilson, Sue — 121 Thomas, Angela — 83, 182, 185, 186 Viking Club — 160, 161 Wilson, Steve — 98, 121 Thomas, Connie — 120, 168, 170, 182, 183, 185, 186 Viking Glee — 187 Winans, Ralph — 137 Thomas, Darlene— 136 Vittorio, Chris — 120 Windom, Carolyn — 85, 180, T82, 185, 187 Thomas, David — 136, 167, 181, 183, 185, 187 Vlasich, Bill — 136 Winegarder, Diane — 121 Thomas, Kathy — 83 Voigt, Martha — 136 Winstel, Louis — 85 Thomas, Kim — 143, 154, 167 Vollmer, Janelle — 159 Winter, iBruce — 169 Thomas, Melanie — 120, 142, 168, 170 Voipe, Jim — 120, 146, 157 Wise, Mrs. Janet — 53 Thomas, Nesley — 8 l, 148, >160, 151, 168, 180, 186 Withrow, Patty — 137 Thompson, Jill — 136 W Wolfe, Mrs. Natasha — 36 Thompson, Tommy — 136 Wolfe, Tom — 24 Thompson, Walter — 120 Wade, Mrs. Joyce — 45 Wolford, Patty— I2I Thornbloom, Gtenden — 136, 167, 183 Walton, Mr. Ralph ^ 43 Wolverton, Lynn— I2I, 182, 185, 186 Thornsley, Don — 27 Walton, Peggy— 14, 136, 165 Wolverton, Rick— 159 Thursh, Liesa — 136 Watkeys, Vickie — 167, 181, 183, 185 Wood", Jud — 137 Thurman, Mike — 83, 172, 175 Watkins, Dennis — 186 Wood. Karen ^ 2 9 , I43, I59, I7I, 176. I77 Tinsky, Bill — 58, 84, 93, 94. 95, 104, 105, 142, 157, 160 Watkins, Randy — 180 Woodring, Loverta — 147, 153, 154, 167 Tipple, Jan — 84, 144, 170 Watson, Barbie— 137, 154, 168, 183 Woodruff, Connie — 167, 172, 174 Titus, Elizabeth — 120, 148, 149, 194 Watson, Randy - 120, 180, 182 Woods, Terri — I2I, I43, 178 Todd, Ken — 84, 180, 182, 186, 187 Watts, Chuck — 84. 174, 175, 176, 180, 182, 186 Wordell, Nancy— 168 Toney, Jim — 92, 136, 142 Watts, Rebecca — 120, 148, 151, 180, 182, 185, 186 Wrestling — 105 Toronto, Tony — 136 Weaver, Sam — 92, 137 Wright. Jill 137. 183. 185 Torres-Billoch, Silvia — 143 Webb. Vicky — 137, 167, 181, 185 W right, Jim — r2'l, 149, 172. I74„JJ5, 176 Towler, Sharon — 136, 182, 186 Webber, Jody — 166 W right, Robert— 137 Towler, Shauna — 170 Weber, Connie — 85, 166, 182, 185, 186 Wydau, Colette— 144, 153 Towler, Shirley — 84 Weber, Karen — 137 Wynkoop, Mr. Donald — 12, 16, 32, 33 Toy, Wanda — 136 Weber, Pamela — 15, 120, 154, 180, 186 Trachsel, Steve — 183, 185 Webodau, Paula — 181 Tracy, Bob — 84 Wedemeyer, Kathy — 85 Tracy, Larry — 84, 146, 161 Wedoc, Paula — 150 Triacheff, Shelly — 136 Weeks, Mrs. Diane — 39, 58 Yaeger, Glenn — I21, 147, I5J, 180, 182. 186, 187 Tripp, Jim — 136, 172, 175 Weger, Karen — 170 Yanko, Rick — 47 Trotter, Kathy — 120, 136. 154, 185 Weideman, Joe — 120 Yates, Phyllis — 137, 183. 185 Trotter, Robin — 136 Weimer, Mr. Robert — 52, 178, 182 Yeagle, Jammie— I2I, 178 Trout, Brian — 136 Weinberger, Kyle — 144, 154 Yearbook Staff— I64, I65 Troy, Bradley — 149 Weirstel, Lawrence — 137 Yoakum, Dwight— I37 Truax, William — 84 Welch, Jeff — 85 Yoakum, Jim — 137 Trumbull, Denise — 84 Welsh, Diana "Red" — 137, 170, 171 Yocca, Beth — 137 Tucker, Dan — 120, 167 Welsh, Thomas — 120 Yocca, J e ff- 35, 105, I2I, 146 Tucker, Stuart — 136, 158, 174, 178 Wemmer, Joy Yoder, David — I2I, 169 Tucks, Debbie — 155 Wendell, Samuel— 137 Yordo, David — 93, 95 Tudor, Kandy — 136 Wenger. Cheryl — 10, 21. 85. 106, 107, 142, 144, 149 Yorde, Steve — 92, 137 Tudor, Sandra — 84 Wenger. Steve — 93. 104, 137. 142, 181, 186, 187 York, Othela — 137, 170 Tumblison, Debra — 120 Wenger, Vicki — II , 85', Il82, 185 Young Adults — ISO, I8 I Tumblison, Toni — 136 Wenner, Jayne — 85. 172, 174, 178, 182, 185, 186 Young, Connie — 137 Turgeon, Pamela — 136, 183 Wenner, Jody — 137 Yun, Tyron — I2I, I57, I69 Turkoglu, Elite — 120 West, Judy — 120, 154 T>urner, Debra — 120 West. Kathy — 85. 185, 186, 187 Wevodau, Paula — 137, 169, 183, 185 Wex. John ^ 85. 147, 169 U Wheeler, Mila — 120 Zaayer, Mr. Hubert — 48, 49, I38, I42, I46 Whikehart, Ric — 28, 120 Zappia, Sandy— 153, 154, 155 ' Ulasich, Bill — 172, 174 White, Kathy — 144 ZBG Helpers — 146 Ueltschy, Rick — 136, 172 White, Cindy — 120. 137 Zeeck, Debbie— I2I, 166, I8I, 185 Ulery, Paul — 136 White, Jayne — 85, 153 Zelachowski, Debbie — not pictured Ulery, Rick — 120 White, Mr. Robert — 43 Zelachowski, Ken — 137 Ulstchely, Vic — 168 White. Mr. Tom — 39. 92. 105 Zeller, Lawrence — 93, 95 Underwood, Mike — 136 White, Mr. William — 55 Zimmerman, Marsha __ I52

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