Political Reviews
Political Reviews The Region in Review: International Issues and Events, 2017 nic maclellan Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2017 volker boege, mathias chauchat, alumita durutalo, joseph daniel foukona, budi hernawan, michael leach, james stiefvater The Contemporary Pacic, Volume 30, Number 2, 461–547 © 2018 by University of Hawai‘i Press 461 political reviews • melanesia 519 and the Everyday Representation of Time, indonesia/topics/immunization/MR Belonging, and Death. The Asia Pacific _CAMPAIGN/en/ [accessed 16 Feb 2018] Journal of Anthropology 12 (4): 327–347. Tabloid Jubi. 2017a. Kasus Deiyai bukan wabah, tapi musibah. 18 July. http:// tabloidjubi.com/artikel-7863-kasus-deiyai Papua New Guinea -bukan-wabah-tapi-musibah.html The year 2017 had the potential to [accessed 16 Feb 2018] bring great changes to the Independent ———. 2017b. Kepengurusan baru, State of Papua New Guinea. Much Solpap gulirkan 10 rekomendasi untuk of the political news was dominated pendampingan Pedagang Asli Papua. by stories regarding the general 7 May. http://tabloidjubi.com/artikel-6026 election and the discontinuation of -kepengurusan-baru-solpap-gulirkan-10 Australia’s offshore refugee deten- -rekomendasi-untuk-pendampingan tion and processing center, hosted on -pedagang-asli-papua.html [accessed the island of Manus. Other notable 16 Feb 2018] events affecting the nation included ———. 2017c. Solpap tolak rencana changes in leaders outside of the jual daging sapi di Pasar Mama-Mama. election, economic challenges, and 19 March. http://tabloidjubi.com/artikel the conclusion of the long-standing -4697-solpap-tolak-rencana-jual-daging controversy over the arrest warrant -sapi-di-pasar-mamamama.html [accessed 20 March 2018] of Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.
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