www.expertguides.com The Legal Media Group Guide to the World’s Leading Tax Advisers 2 Methodology CONTENTS 3 Argentina editorial 5 Argentina Guide to the World’s Leading Australia Tax Advisers 10 15 Austria Belgium editorial Research manager 17 19 Belgium Tatiana Hlivka 26 Bolivia Brazil Sub-editors 27 34 Canada editorial Rebecca Skipwith 36 Canada Maria McGrady 58 Chile China Production manager 62 64 Colombia Richard Oliver 66 Cyprus Czech Republic Production editor 69 71 Denmark João Fernandes 74 Finland France Business manager 78 84 Germany editorial Matthew Lakin 86 Germany Hong Kong SAR Project manager 104 108 Hungary Jonathan McReynolds 110 India Ireland editorial Publisher 117 118 Ireland Danny Williams 120 Israel Italy Director 121 124 Japan Christopher Fordham 129 Lithuania Luxembourg editorial For additional copies of this publication 130 Luxembourg please contact: 132 136 Mexico 141 The Netherlands editorial Tatiana Hlivka The Netherlands Legal Media Group 143 New Zealand editorial Nestor House 151 New Zealand Playhouse Yard 153 Norway London, EC4V 5EX 156 Panama Tel: (44) 20 7779 8418 160 Poland Fax: (44) 20 7779 8678 161 Portugal Email:
[email protected] 164 Russia RRP £65/e100/US$110 172 175 Singapore 179 South Africa editorial ©Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC 184 South Africa January 2007 195 South Korea No matter contained herein may be reproduced, 202 Spain editorial duplicated or copied by any means without the prior Spain consent of the holder of the copyright, requests for 204 which should be addressed to the publisher. Although 210 Sweden Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC has made 215 Switzerland every effort to ensure the accuracy of this publication, 224 United Kingdom neither it nor any contributor can accept any legal United States editorial responsibility whatsoever for consequences that may 245 arise from errors or omissions, or any opinions or 247 United States advice given.