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Plan SC100 CHUBUT Plan SC100 CHUBUT CHUBUT - URGENCIAS Urgencias URGENCIAS URGENCIAS URGENCIAS Atencion Domiciliaria - COMODORO Atencion Domiciliaria - TRELEW Atencion Domiciliaria - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Tel: 0810-345-7247 Tel: 0810-345-7247 Tel: 0810-345-7247 URGENCIAS Atencion Domiciliaria - RAWSON (CHUBUT) Tel: 0810-345-7247 CHUBUT - CENTROS CON SERVICIO DE GUARDIA LAS 24 HS Guardia Adultos SANATORIO ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE SOCORROS MUTUOS Bme. Mitre 860 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4470600 Int. 4 Guardia Pediátrica SANATORIO ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA CLINICA ESQUEL DE SOCORROS MUTUOS Roca 543 - ESQUEL (CHUBUT) Bme. Mitre 860 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA Tel: 02945-452378/454249/454557 (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4470600 Int. 4 Guardia Traumatológica SANATORIO ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DE SOCORROS MUTUOS Bme. Mitre 860 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4470600 Int. 4 CHUBUT - CUERPO MÉDICO Alergia e Inmunología DR. YOFRE, CLEMENTE ALEJANDRO DRA. CANELADA DE ACOSTA, DR. VILLALBA, JUAN CARLOS Italia 668 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA MARIA Pasaje Jujuy 262 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Don Bosco 494 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4423677 Tel: 0297-4464796 Cardiología SANATORIO ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA CLINICA DEL VALLE DR. AGUIRRE HERRERA, JORGE ISAAC DE SOCORROS MUTUOS Alsina 656 - COMODORO Mitre 860 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Bme. Mitre 860 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4066889/4066900 (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4060914/4060917 Tel: 0297-4470600 Int. 4 DR. AGUIRRE HERRERA, JORGE ISAAC DRA. ARIETTI, LORENA ISABEL DR. BURRIEL, JULIO ADOLFO San Martin 847 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA Roca 539 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA Av. Tehuelches 118 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4559968 Tel: 0297-4463286/4461003 Tel: 0297-4894402 DR. DIEZ, CHRISTIAN MARCELO DR. FREILE, OSCAR GERARDO DR. FRIAS, JUAN MANUEL Mitre 860 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA Mitre 860 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA Alsina 656 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4463121 Tel: 0297-4066889/4066900 Tel: 0297-4066889/4066900 DR. GIL DARONI, JUAN PABLO DR. GIL DARONI, JUAN PABLO DR. GONZALEZ, JORGE ALBERTO Ameghino 1334 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA España 578 - COMODORO España 578 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4472887 Tel: 0297-4463121 Tel: 0297-4472887 DR. GUREVICH, EDGARDO OSCAR DRA. LUCERO, CELIA DR. MANOS, EUSTAQUIO JUAN Roca 255 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA CLEMENTINA Ameghino 1334 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Rivadavia 1465 - COMODORO Tel: 0297-4464026 Tel: 0297-4484653 RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) DR. PACETTI, DANIEL ANGEL DR. PEREZ JUAREZ, GUSTAVO E. DR. ROURA, ALBERTO HECTOR Rivadavia 740 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA España 578 - COMODORO Italia 860 Of. 3 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4460050 Tel: 0297-4473955 Tel: 0297-4472887 DR. WASSERMANN, SERGUI GUSTAVO DRA. ARIAS, SEVERINA JUVENCIA CLINICA ESQUEL Ameghino 1334 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA Rivadavia 655 - COMODORO Roca 543 - ESQUEL (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Tel: 02945-452378/454249/454557 Tel: 0297-4463121 Tel: 0297-4470600 DR. BAUK, LUCAS DRA. BONELLI, HAYDEE DR. BRANDO, NORBERTO Laprida 42 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) Av. Roca 2506 Dto.1 - PUERTO Roca 353 Piso 1 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-454920 MADRYN (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-451638 Tel: 02965-450181 DR. COSTA, HECTOR DR. CUELLO, GUSTAVO DRA. FRUTOS, MARIA INES Roca 353 Piso 4 - PUERTO MADRYN Mitre 675 - PUERTO MADRYN España 4 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-474428 Tel: 02965-455892 DR. IBARRA, CARLOS DR. SAPINO, ROBERTO DR. SOUMOULOU, JUAN 28 de Julio 329 - PUERTO MADRYN Estivariz 260 - PUERTO MADRYN Roca 353 Piso 2 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-455328 Tel: 02965-474118 Tel: 02965-456000 SANATORIO Y MATERNIDAD SANTA SANATORIO DE LA CIUDAD HOSPITAL SUB ZONAL DE PUERTO MADRYN MARIA Laprida 42 - PUERTO MADRYN A. Pujul 247 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) Mitre 651 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4451034 Tel: 0280-4471267 Tel: 0280-4451270 DR. PEREZ, EDUARDO GABRIEL DR. RODRIGUEZ PELERITTI, HOSPITAL SANTA TERESITA Pedro Martinez 45 - RAWSON (CHUBUT) JORGE H. Mariano Moreno 555 - RAWSON (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4481101 Don Bosco 304 - RAWSON Tel: 0280-4481260 INSTITUTO CARDIOVASCULAR SANATORIO TRELEW INSTITUTO DE CARDIOLOGIA "PUEBLO DE LUIS" Pedro Martinez 45 - RAWSON (CHUBUT) Pecoraro 460 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Inmigrantes 50 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4486055 Tel: 02965-432711 Tel: 0280-4438386 DR. CALANDRIA, JOSE MARIA DR. CASTRO, CARLOS JOSE CETHA CARDIOVASCULAR S.R.L. Edison 348 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) 9 De Julio 772 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Julio A. Roca 850 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4425909 Tel: 0280-4431598 Tel: 0280-4422228 DR. CRESTA, ANTONIO JOSE DR. ECHEVERRIA, GERMAN DRA. ERLIJ, MARIA LAURA Inmigrantes 50 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Ameghino 264 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) 9 De Julio 535 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4429966 Tel: 0280-4428807 Tel: 0280-4435952 DR. GIRAUDO, JUAN MARTIN DR. HERNANDEZ, IGNACIO DR. INGARAMO, ROBERTO ANTONIO Edison 430 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Ameghino 264 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Inmigrantes 50 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4428798 Tel: 0280-4428807 Tel: 0280-4438386 DRA. ORTIZ JAUREGUIZAR, LAURA DR. QUEVEDO ROBLEDO, DR. QUIROGA, ARNALDO RAMON 9 De Julio 535 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) GUSTAVO ALBERTO Moreno 473 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4435952 Edison 430 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4420777 Tel: 0280-4420928 DR. SANCHEZ, ALBERTO DR. SCHIRO, LEANDRO Ameghino 474 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Inmigrantes 50 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4437888 Tel: 0280-4438386 Cardiología Infantil DRA. RODRIGUEZ, MARCELA AURORA Ameghino 474 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4421870 Cirugía Cabeza, Cuello y Maxilofacial SANATORIO ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA DR. NADINI, EDUARDO FABIAN DE SOCORROS MUTUOS San Martin 890 piso 1 Dto. B - Bme. Mitre 860 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4463776 Tel: 0297-4470600 Int. 4 Cirugía Cardiovascular SANATORIO TRELEW DR. DIANA BUNGE, ARTURO DRA. OCAMPO, MARISA GABRIELA Pecoraro 460 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) PABLO Ameghino 264 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-432711 Edison 430 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0281-4420928 Cirugía General SANATORIO ASOCIACION ESPAÑOLA CLINICA DEL VALLE DR. BARATELLI, GUSTAVO ARIEL DE SOCORROS MUTUOS Alsina 656 - COMODORO Patagonia 268 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Bme. Mitre 860 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4893018 (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4060914/4060917 Tel: 0297-4470600 Int. 4 DR. CACERES, BLAS TADEO DR. ENDREK, DANIEL ALBERTO DR. FELHI, CLAUDIO GUSTAVO San martin 847 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA Sarmiento 844 Piso 2 - COMODORO Alsina 656 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4470350 Tel: 0297-4461003 Tel: 0297-4479300 DR. FILIPPA, RAUL JUAN DR. FLORES DELGADO, MANUEL DR. JORDAN COSTA, EDUARDO GABRIEL El Patagonico 761 - COMODORO ANGEL Ameghino 1311 PB - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Roca 539 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA Tel: 0297-4068705 Tel: 0297-4461214 (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4894402 DR. LICCIARDI, OSCAR ALFREDO DR. MARCHETTI, ARMANDO JOSE DR. MORON, MARIO ANDRES Jose Maria Rodrigo - COMODORO España 578 - COMODORO España 578 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4472887 Tel: 0297-4442100 Tel: 0297-4472887 DR. PERRONE, IVAN DELFOR DR. VIRGILIO, RUBEN ELIAS DRA. VISSER, SUSANA GRACIELA 25 de Mayo 815 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA Ameghino 1334 - COMODORO Ameghino 1334 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) Tel: 0297-4463121 Tel: 0297-4477719 Tel: 0297-4463121 DR. WANG, LEANDRO DR. ALARCON, MATIAS DR. DUCLOUX, MAURICIO A. Roca 255 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA EMMANUEL Mitre 860 - COMODORO RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Inmigrantes 50 - COMODORO Tel: 447-0600 Tel: 0297-4484653 RIVADAVIA (CHUBUT) CLINICA ESQUEL DR. BECERRA, MARCOS DR. CASTILLO, NELSON Roca 543 - ESQUEL (CHUBUT) San Martin 596 - PUERTO MADRYN Laprida 42 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) Tel: 02945-452378/454249/454557 (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-451270 Tel: 02965-471509 DR. LOREA, NESTOR DR. PECCI, HORACIO GUSTAVO DR. RAPINO, JUAN ANTONIO 25 de Mayo 125 - PUERTO MADRYN Laprida 42 - PUERTO MADRYN Av. Roca 353 Piso 3 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-4753002 Tel: 02965-472252 Tel: 02965-451270 DR. SAIRES RASPANDI, AGUSTIN DR. SENA, SALVADOR EMILIO DRA. SOLITARIO, ALEJANDRA Laprida 42 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) Sarmiento 125 - PUERTO MADRYN Mitre 651 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-451270 (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-472548 Tel: 02965-450700 DR. THOMMEN, DAVID DR. TORRES. OSVALDO ISMAEL DR. ARCE, FERNANDO LUIS 28 de Julio 329 - PUERTO MADRYN Laprida 42 - PUERTO MADRYN Julio A. Roca 711 - PUERTO MADRYN (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-470770 Tel: 02965-474118 Tel: 02965-451270 DR. BOUVET, CARLOS WALTER DR. PEREZ FERNANDEZ, NESTOR SANATORIO TRELEW Julio A. Roca 555 - RAWSON (CHUBUT) Pedro Martinez 45 - RAWSON Pecoraro 460 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4481860 (CHUBUT) Tel: 02965-432711 INSTITUTO MEDICO DEL SUR DR. ABRAMOR, ALBERTO DR. BRONZI, LUIS EMILIO Moreno 333 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) ALEJANDRO Edison 430 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0280-4421121 Pecoraro 460 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0281-420928 DR. CARMINATI, RICARDO JULIO DR. FERNANDEZ DOPAZO, DR. KIDD, ALEJANDRO Edison 430 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) CONSTANTINO Edison 460 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0281-4420928 Edison 530 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0281-4420928 Tel: 0281-4420928 DRA. LLANCAMAN, LIDIA ESTELA DR. MARTINEZ ORIVE, HORACIO DR. OJEDA, JOSE GUSTAVO Pellegrini 631 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Edison 430 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Pecoraro 460 - TRELEW (CHUBUT) Tel: 0281-420331 Tel: 0281-4420928 Tel: 0281-4421367 DR. PEÑALOZA CABREJOS, JUAN DR. VILLA, NESTOR ADRIAN DR. ZABALA,
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    Downloaded from the Humanities Digital Library Open Access books made available by the School of Advanced Study, University of London ***** Publication details: Revisiting the Falklands-Malvinas Question: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives Edited by Guillermo Mira Delli-Zotti and Fernando Pedrosa falklands-malvinas DOI: 10.14296/1220.9781908857804 ***** This edition published in 2021 by UNIVERSITY OF LONDON SCHOOL OF ADVANCED STUDY INSTITUTE OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU, United Kingdom ISBN 978-1-908857-80-4 (PDF edition) This work is published under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. More information regarding CC licenses is available at Revisiting the Falklands-Malvinas Question Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives edited by Guillermo Mira and Fernando Pedrosa INSTITUTE OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES Revisiting the Falklands– Malvinas Question Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives edited by Guillermo Mira and Fernando Pedrosa University of London Press Institute of Latin American Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, 2021 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library This book is published under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license. More information regarding CC licenses is available at https:// This book is also available online at ISBN: 978-1-908857-56-9 (paperback edition) 978-1-908857-85-9 (.epub edition) 978-1-908857-86-6 (.mobi edition) 978-1-908857-80-4 (PDF edition) DOI: 10.14296/1220.9781908857804 (PDF edition) Institute of Latin American Studies School of Advanced Study University of London Senate House London WC1E 7HU Cover illustration by Marcelo Spotti.
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