Aggradation, 89, 92 Air Cushion Theory, 16 Alaska, 10 Anchorage, 10
Index Aggradation, 89, 92 regional slope stability factors, 95, 97-98 Air cushion theory, 16 structures, 95, 97 Alaska, 10 Buttresses, 25, 182-183 Anchorage, 10 Copper River delta, 137 Calcareous deposits, 164 Gulf of Alaska, 19, 137-148 California, 23, 225-232, 235-241 Kayak Trough, 137, 139-140, 143 Alameda County, 23, 240 Kenai Lake, 10 Blackhawk landslide, 10, 15, 155 Ketchikan, 23 Coachella Valley, 155, 159, 163 Seward, 10 Contra Costa County, 23, 240 Sherman landslide, 10, 15 Division of Highways, 228 Whittier, 10 Emerald Bay landslide, 128 Alluvial fans, 85, 88-89, 93, 96, 98, 110-111, 160, 162 geology, 225-226, 235 age, 110 Golden State Freeway, 229-231 relation to landslides, 99, 104-107 Imperial Valley, 155 stability influences, 109-110 inventory of deposits, 237 Appalachian Regional Commission, 245 isopleth maps, 237-238 Arizona Lake Tahoe landslide, 18, 128 Pima Mine, 12 landslide abundance, 237 Asia, 7 landslide causes, 8 Atterberg limits, 207-208, 221 Los Angeles, 23-24 grading ordinances, 3, 23 Batholiths, 127 Palo Verde Hills, 12 Bedload, 119 Portuguese Bend landslide, 12, 24 Bedrock, 11, 20, 86, 115, 127, 248 San Andreas fault, 155, 158, 239 susceptibility to failure, 127-128 San Diego Freeway, 225-228 Bentonite, 14, 46 San Francisco Bay region, 3-4, 6, 13, 23, 235-241 Bimodal flows, 53 San Jacinto fault, 158 Block glides, 5, 172, 226 San Mateo County, 13, 23 Block stabilization, 193 San Pablo, 9 Bonneville Power Administration, 77 Santa Clara County, 23 Bootlegger Cove Clay, 10, 23 Sears Point, 11 Brazil, 7 Sepulveda
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