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‹ in This Web Service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51418-7 &DPEULGJH8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV 78-0-521-51418-7 - Planetary Surface Processes +-D\0HORVK ,QGH[ 0RUHLQIRUPDWLRQ Index aa, 208–09 Apollo 17, 152, 153, 277, 322 accretion of planets, 268 heat flow, 292 acoustic fluidization, 343 Appalachian Valley and Ridge, 129 adiabat, 180, 181 Arden corona, 139 adiabatic gradient, 123, 173–74 Ares Vallis, 405 Adivar crater, 379 Ares Vallis flood, 406 Aeolis Planum, 413, 414 Argyre Basin, 455 Agassiz, Louis, 434, 439 Aristarchus crater, 216 age, solar system, 3 Aristarchus plateau, 195, 206, 216 ages of planetary surfaces, see impact craters: Artemis Chasma, 16 populations: dating Artemis Corona, 93 agglutinate, 285 Ascraeus Mons, 207 Ahmad Baba crater, 225 asteroid, 4 Airy isostasy, 87, 88 atmospheres Alba Patera, 157, 159 retention, 6 albedo, 289 Aleutian volcanic chain, 189, 195 Bagnold, R., 348, 374, 397, 401, 430 Algodones dunes, 366 Baltis Vallis, Venus, 217 alkali basalt, 184 Barringer, D. M., 223 Allegheny River, 417 basalt, 179, 196 Alpha Regio, Venus, 216 Basin and Range province, 136 Alphonsus crater, 155 batch melting, 187 Alpine Fault, 149 Beta Regio, 91 Alps, 436 Big Bear Lake, CA, 302 Amazon River, 416 Bingham, E. C., 64, 185 Amboy crater, CA, 377 biotite, 305 ammonia clathrate, 179 Blackhawk landslide, 341 Amontons, Guillaume, 68 blueberries on Mars, 304 amorphous ice, 288 Bonestell, Chesley, 328 Anderson, Don, 94 Borealis plains, 17 Anderson, E. M., 145 Boulton, G. S., 452 Andes mountains, 189, 195 Boussinesq, J., 411 andesite, 182, 184, 196, 197 Brazil nut effect, 314 anhydrite, 297, 299 Brent Crater, 241 Anorthositic Gabbro, 10 Bridgeman, Percy, 70 Antarctic ice sheet, 436, 438 Bristol Cathedral, 320 Antarctic ice streams, 444 Brown, R., 292 aplite dikes, 302 Bürg crater, 336 Apollo 11, 284 Apollo 15, 143, 144, 216, 217 Cajon Pass, CA, 291 heat flow, 292 Callisto, 4, 18, 20 Apollo 16, 98, 279 polar cap, lack of, 288 485 LQWKLVZHEVHUYLFH&DPEULGJH8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV ZZZFDPEULGJHRUJ &DPEULGJH8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV 78-0-521-51418-7 - Planetary Surface Processes +-D\0HORVK ,QGH[ 0RUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 486 Index Callisto (cont.) Darcy, unit, 391 sublimation weathering, 307, 308 Darwin, Charles, 310 Valhalla basin, 20 dating planetary surfaces, see impact craters: Caloris basin, 15, 195, 227, 236 populations: dating Canyon de Chelly, 395 Davis, William Morris, 430 Canyonlands National Monument, UT, 309 Davison, Charles, 320, 322 Cargo Muchacho mountains, 313 Death Valley, CA, 427 Carolina Bays, 462 Debye length, 322 Cassini, Jacques, 27 Deccan Plateau, 194, 195 catastrophism, 268–69 Denali earthquake, 341, 342 Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, 194 Devil’s Postpile, 210 Ceraunius Fossae, 150 diamonds, 234 Ceres, 4 diapirs, 188 Channeled Scablands, 385, 406, 409 Diemos, 320 Chapman, C. R., 266 dikes, 188–92 Chase, Clem, 431 critical length, 192 chemical potential, 177 pressure vs. depth, 191 Chézy, A., 402 surface grabens, 151 Chicxulub crater, 271 velocity of fluid, 192 Chugach Mountains, 438 Discovery Scarp, 149 Clapeyron, É, 171 dislocations, 439 Clausius–Clapeyron equation, 174 drag coefficient, 350 cliff Dunes, 371–76 maximum height, 333 Barchan, 372–74 climate Barchanoid ridges, 373 carbon dioxide control, see weathering: chemical: clay, 316, 368 carbon dioxide climbing, 376 coesite, 234 falling, 376 Colorado Plateau, 335, 395 linear, 373, 374–75 Colorado River, 385, 411, 416 longitudinal, 372, 375 Columbia Plateau, 194 lunettes, 375 Columbia River, 385, 417 migration, 372 Columbia River Basalt Province, 214 modification timescale, 372 columnar joints, 141 parabolic, 372 comet, 5 reversing, 373, 375 composition seif dunes, 375 eutectic, 179 slip face, 371 icy bodies, 176 star, 372, 373, 375 rocky planets, 175–76 transverse, 372, 373, 374 solar system, 175 velocity, 372 Conel, J., 322 height dependence, 371 constitutive relations, 56 Copernicus crater, 14, 226, 285, 335, 336 Earth, 3, 22–24 Coronae, 195 atmosphere, 23 Coulomb, Charles, 68, 326, 332 carbon dioxide, 299 creep, of soil, see soil:creep center of figure offset,35 Cretaceous era, 271 conductive temperature gradient, 174 crevasse, 188, 447, 448–49 continents, 23 crust convection velocity, 124 thickness, from gravity, 98 crater clusters, 254 cryovolcanism, 169, 182–83, 218 crust, 22, 39 Culling, W. E. H., 324 flattening, 27 geoid anomalies, 99 da Vinci, Leonardo, 68 glaciers, 435 Darcy equation, 187 hypsometric curve, 39, 42 Darcy law, 393 Ice Ages, 435, 451, 460 Darcy, Henry, 388, 390 karst, 297 LQWKLVZHEVHUYLFH&DPEULGJH8QLYHUVLW\3UHVV ZZZFDPEULGJHRUJ Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51418-7 - Planetary Surface Processes H. Jay Melosh Index More information Index 487 large igneous provinces, 217 fluid threshold, 358, 360 linear dunes, 374 impact threshold, 358, 360–61 moment of inertia, 29 impact threshold on Mars, 360 oblateness, 27 minimum threshold velocity, 358, 359 oceanic lithosphere, 106 threshold diameter, 359 oceanic plate subsidence, 120 threshold speeds on planets, 359 oxygen, 295, 298 Van der Waals forces, 357 plate tectonics, see plate tectonics megaripples, 368, 369, 370 primordial heat, 127 Reynolds number, 351 rock cycle, 23 ridges, 369 rotational pole, 43 ripples, 367, 369 salt glaciers, 435, 445 roughness, 355 shield volcano, 206 sand stone pavement, 313 definition, 365 temperatures sand grain ice age effects, 291 weight, 349 thermal boundary layer, 124 sand shadows, 370, 371 tidal dissipation, 114 sand surface stability, 366 topographic power spectrum, 46 sand vs. dust, 349 East African Rift, 151 Stokes’ law, 351–52 East Antarctic ice sheet, 450 transient phenomena, 378–79 eccentricity, orbital, 2 transport, 348, 361–63 Egypt, 348 exceptional winds, 362 Einstein, Albert, 411 impact creep, 354, 363 Einstein–Roscoe formula, 185 kamikaze effect, 316, 368–69 ejecta blanket, 244 laminar regime, 350 El Dorado crater, 368 reptation, 354, 363 Elastic constants saltation, 353–54 bulk modulus, 56 hop length, 354, 362 Poisson’s ratio, 56 sand carpet, 361 shear modulus, 56 sand flux, 363 Young’s modulus, 56 suspension, 352–53 elevation terminal velocity, 350, 352 definition, 36 turbulent regime, 350, 351 geodetic reference, 36 Bagnold’s rule of thumb, 353 spectral power, 45 wind velocity dependence, 362 Elm, Switzerland, 341 ventifact, 365 Elsinore corona, 139 wind streaks, 377, 378 Enceladus wind structure, 356 geysers, 205 laminar sublayer, 356 reorientation tectonics, 155 near surface, 354–55 enthalpy, specific, 201 over saltation carpet, 361 entropy, 173, 177 velocity vs. height, 355 eolian processes, 349 viscous sublayer, 355, 356 abrasion by wind, 365 yardangs, 376–77 aerodynamic roughness, 361 equilibrium surface, see equipotential surface backventing, 363–64 equipotential surface, 29 deflation, 377 Eris, 3 drag coefficient, 350 Eros, 286 dunes, see dunes crater chains, 331 dust devils, 363 ponds, 323 friction Reynolds number, 357, 358 escape velocity, see velocity: escape friction velocity, 355 Eucrite meteorites, 180 hysteresis, 360 Euler, Leonhard, 130 initiation of motion, 354–61 Europa, 18, 19 dust entrainment, 363–64 chaos, 19 electrostatic forces, 360 ice shell, 19 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 78-0-521-51418-7 - Planetary Surface Processes H. Jay Melosh Index More information 488 Index Europa (cont.) drainage basins, 400–01 lithospheric flexure, 97 Earth-centrism, 395 ocean, 19 efficacity, 382 ridges, 19 erosion, 396–98 solid–state greenhouse, 292 extreme events, 383–85 spectrum, 279 floodplains, 406 strike-slip faults, 149 fining-upward sequence, 411, 412 sulfur implantation, 288 floods, 404–05 tidal distortion, 33 catastrophic, 404–06 evaporite minerals, 426 discharge, 405 exosphere, 6 graded rivers, 430 Horton overland flow, 396 fayalite, 177, 299 hydraulic geometry, 409–10 feldspar, 179, 305 infiltration, 386–88 fillets, 284 capacity, 387, 418 Finger Lakes, 452 levees, 406 firn, 435, 436 long profile of rivers, 429 firnification, 293 longshore drift, 423–26 Flamsteed Ring, 320 methane wetting capacity, 387 flattening, see shape, planetary overland flow, 396–401 flexural parameter, 92, 93, 105 belt of no erosion, 397, 400, 417 flexural rigidity, 94, 132 roll waves, 397 flexure, 91–93 piracy, 399 Europa lithosphere, 97 playas, 426–27 flexural parameter, 95 rilles, 400 fourth-order equation, 94 rip currents, 426 maximum stress, 93 runoff, 386, 396 neutral sheet, 95 cinder cones, 387 plate deflection by load, 95, 96 permeable surfaces, 387 profile, 96 sediment transport, 401 fluvial processes initiation, 402 abrasion of bedload, 409 sheet flow, 396 alluvial fan, 406–07 instability, 398 alluvium, 406 stream velocity, 402–04 base level, 429 Chézy coefficient, 404 beach cusps, 426 Chézy equation, 402 bedforms, 409 Darcy–Wiesbach equation, 404 antidunes, 408 Manning equation, 402 cross-bedding, 408 Manning roughness, 403 potholes, 408 streamflow, 407 stream power, 407 streamlined forms, 405, 409, 419 channelization, 398, 399 subsurface flow, 393, see subsurface water channels, 407–15 turbidity currents, see turbidity currents braided, 412–13 wave action, 419, 423 distributary, 415 wave base, 422–23 drainage density, 417 wave swash, 426 meanders, 410–12, 414 waves, see waves Einstein tea-leaf effect, 412 Forbes, J. D., 434 helical flow, 412 forsterite, 177 network analysis, 416–18 Fort Bourbon, Martinique, 332 paleohydrologic hypothesis, 413 Fortuna Tessera, 419 river terraces, 414–15 Fourier, Joseph, 116, 290 tributary, 415 Frank, Alberta, 341 underfit, 411 Frenkel, Yakov, 65 Venusian, 415 friction velocity, 355 cross grading, 399 frost heaving, 304
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