CURRICULUM VITAE DR. CHONG CHEN, DPHIL (OXON.) DATE OF BIRTH: April 3, 1990 NATIONALITY: Hong Kong SAR ADDRESS Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Yokosuka Headquar ters 2-15 Natsushima-cho, Yokosuka Kanagawa Prefecture 237-0061, Japan Tel: +81 (0)46-867-9717 E-mail:
[email protected] PERSONAL STATEMENT Early-career biologist with research foci on invertebrate animals and deep-sea, especially chemosynthetic, ecosystems. Key interests include adaptation, evolution, biogeography, ecology, biodiversity, taxonomy and systematics. Trained and skilled in both morphological (e.g., dissection, histology, electron microscopy) and molecular (e.g., barcoding, phylogenetics, population genetics) methodologies. Constantly seeking and developing new techniques required to answer scientific questions, recently using synchrotron CT to investigate adaptation to hydrothermal vents. Experienced malacologist with expertise especially in the taxonomy of gastropods. Able to disseminate results timely in peer-reviewed literature with a proven track record for publishing scientific papers. Always actively collaborating internationally and constantly seeks for new collaborations. Extensive records in field expedition and exploration at sea, logging over 270 days on-board over 20 voyages, using manned submersibles, ROV, AUV, CTD, among other equipment. Highly experienced in both talk and poster presentations at conferences and symposiums. Involved in and motivated by public engagement and outreach events. Adept