
OPEN SESSION: There were no members of public who wished to speak.


Held on Wednesday 31st October 2012 at 7.00pm

PRESENT: Cllr W S Rippon-Swaine (Town Mayor) Cllr S Burgess-Kennar Cllr N J Chard Cllr L C Ford Cllr J D Heron Cllr G J O’Reilly Cllr M A Steele Cllr S M Stokes Cllr B H Terry Cllr M H Thierry Cllr A Wiseman Cllr B Woodifield

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr T Simpson, Town Clerk Jo Stannard, Deputy Town Clerk Mr Nick Hunt, Principal Engineer, District Council (NFDC)

Prior to the meeting, the Town Clerk reported that apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Frampton and J Terry and Student Advisor Nuala Brothers.


Cllr Thierry declared a pecuniary interest – see C/5337.


The Town Mayor presented grant aid cheques of £800 to Sophie Dubber of Forest Forge Theatre Company for its outreach work in the town, and £500 to Alastair Duncan of 3rd Ringwood Scout Group towards an extension to their premises.

Ms Dubber thanked the Council for its grant, which meant a lot to the Company. Outreach work in the town was an important element of the work carried out by the Company and they wanted Ringwood to be proud of them. She invited Members to attend the next production, Midnight is a Place, at Greyfriars on 8th December.

Mr Duncan explained that the scout hut was a 60 year old building, which had recently been refurbished. They were now embarking on a major extension to meet the needs of existing users and to reduce waiting lists. The Council’s grant would be helpful towards achieving this target. On another subject, Mr Duncan offered his congratulations on Ringwood Gateway, which he said was a superb development, particularly the public square.


Inspector Simon Tribe and Sergeant Mark Roberts presented a report (Annex A).

He referred to recent incidents of arson in the public toilets and asked if it was possible to reconnect the CCTV camera, so that it would be possible to apprehend the offenders. The Page 1 of 4

Town Clerk commented that this issue had already been raised with the District Council and was currently being investigated.

Members were pleased to hear that drug use was being tackled, as this appeared to have increased recently. The Police had been in touch with Ringwood School and were looking at the best way to deal with this issue.


The Town Mayor presented copies of the portraits now displayed in Ringwood Gateway to former Town Mayors Cllr Brian Terry, Cllr Christine Ford and Cllr Michael Thierry and Honorary Freeman Cllr Neville Chard.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Meeting held on 26th September 2012, having been circulated, be approved and signed as a correct record.


Cllr Terry presented the minutes of the Recreation, Leisure and Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 3rd October 2012 .

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Recreation, Leisure and Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 3rd October 2012 be received.


Cllr Burgess-Kennar presented the minutes of the Planning, Town & Environment Committee meeting held on 12th October 2012.

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Planning, Town & Environment Committee meeting held on 12th October 2012 be received.


Cllr Thierry declared a pecuniary interest in Annex A (a) List of Payments relating to Forest Newspapers, as he is the proprietor.

Cllr Heron presented the minutes of the Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 17th October 2012.

F/4896 – Cllr Thierry wished to thank everyone involved in the Official Opening event, which was a credit to the town.

F/4900 – The Town Clerk reported that, despite promises from Southern Electric Contracting that the work would be completed last week and continued chasing from the office, the work to reconnect the clock in the Furlong Car Park had still not been carried out. Cllr Rippon-Swaine agreed to take up this issue with County Council, which had a contractual arrangement with SEC for the street lighting PFI.

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RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Policy & Finance Committee meeting held on 17th October 2012 be received.


The Town Mayor congratulated Cllr Thierry on a comprehensive and professional document. Cllr Thierry referred to it as a document that reflected the input of the people of Ringwood, it had not been written by officers and had no references to technical terms.

He proposed that the Town Mayor write to the Transport Minister responsible for Highways asking him to receive the document and petition, and to facilitate a meeting with the Town Council, and also write to Desmond Swayne MP asking him to lobby the Minister.

The Town Mayor thanked Nick Hunt, Principal Engineer at Council, for attending the meeting and invited him to speak. Mr Hunt reported that contact had been made with the Highways Agency, and it was hoped that a meeting would be held in December for all interested parties to give their views to Desmond Swayne MP, who would be asked to champion the lane addition proposal. It was hoped that the lane addition scheme would be included in the Highways Agency pinch point funding. However, the scheme did not meet two key criteria – cost and delivery date (as approval was required by Secretary of State due to environmental issues).

Cllr Heron said that it was an opportune time and reference should be made to the pinch point funding in the Mayor’s letter to the Minister, as an exception would need to be made.

Cllr Chard agreed with the principal of the motion. However, he was concerned about implementation and drivers ignoring any new signage. Cllr Thierry explained that it was hoped to bring redundant posts back into use with signs helpful to drivers.

RESOLVED: 1) That the final submission document (Annex B) be approved. 2) That the Town Mayor write to the Minister responsible for Highways asking him to receive the document and petition, and Desmond Swayne MP asking him to lobby the Minister.


The Town Mayor reported the following:

1. A meeting, organised by Jacqueline Brown, Churchwarden, was to be held at 7.30pm on Monday 26th November at Ringwood Gateway to discuss provision of a Foodbank for the needy in Ringwood. All Councillors were invited to attend.

2. A letter of thanks for the Council’s support has been received from Christine Smith and Howard Cox of Ringwood Carnival. The Carnival had been a great success and crowds of people had enjoyed the new public square outside Ringwood Gateway, where bands were playing. The groundstaff had done a great job preparing the Village Green for the funfair. The street collection raised a record amount of £4,760, which would be distributed to local charities.

3. A letter of thanks had been received from Un-Nite Club to Cllr Brian Terry and everyone involved for the special gift of £249.45 from the Mayor’s Fund.

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4. Cllr Paul Vickers had received the Council’s letter regarding concerns about the new layout of the Furlong Car Park. This was due to be discussed by the District Council in December.

5. Following the recent visit to Devizes Town Council by a delegation from the Council, a story had appeared in This is Wiltshire regarding the possibility that Devizes would adopt a similar Student Advisors scheme.

6. The official opening of Ringwood Gateway on Monday 29th October by HRH the Duke of Kent went smoothly; a formal recognition of the importance of the new building and the Gateway Square to Ringwood. He thanked everyone involved with the organisation of the event, which was complicated due to the need for special security and protocol measures. In particular, thanks were given to the Deputy Town Clerk, Jo Stannard, for the exceptional work she had done to make the event such a success.


District Councillor Heron reported that a meeting had been held to discuss use of developers’ contributions in Ringwood, with a focus on sporting facilities in Long Lane.

District Councillor Ford reported that a phased scheme would be required to deliver the Long Lane scheme to allow smaller projects to also be delivered in the town, such as the proposed riverside walk. She also referred to discussions about the possible introduction of parking charges for the disabled. A meeting had been held about the PFI street lighting scheme, which was due to be implemented in Ringwood in May 2013.

Cllr Rippon-Swaine reported that a new Landscape Planning Officer was taking up post at the District Council next week and it was hoped that he would be able to carry out some work on the design of the Long Lane scheme. Ringwood Society had been in touch with the District Council regarding the retention of heritage lamp standards; this was something that would be brought to the Town Council for consideration.

District Councillor Woodifield had attended, on behalf of the Town Mayor, the Mayor of Yeovil’s ball, which had been an excellent evening.

County Councillor Rippon-Swaine presented his written report (Annex C).


Recreation, Leisure & Open Spaces 7.00pm Wednesday 7th November Planning, Town & Environment 2.00pm Friday 9th November Policy & Finance 7.00pm Wednesday 21st November Full Council 7.00pm Wednesday 28th November

There being no further business, the Town Mayor closed the meeting at 8.20pm.

APPROVED 28th November 2012

TOWN MAYOR Page 4 of 4


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I Seven people were injured in a major three-car crash on the A31 at Ringwood last night

Pensioner from dies after accident on A31 at Ringwood

Man from Ringwood dies in A31 accident

Just three of the newspaper headlines which have appeared following A31 incidents

The A31 Ringwood Campaign

For many years there have been calls for the A31 section of road from in the west to Ashley Heath interchange in the east passing through the urban area to be made safer. The accident and incident numbers are quite appalling.

In 2008 a motion was laid before New Forest District Council raising concerns about the A31 Ringwood section. Very little was achieved as a result of the 2008 motion.

Four years on this 2012 document has been written, researched and prepared by Councillors of Ringwood Town Council, representing the views of local residents. None of the people involved are traffic experts, there is no computer modelling, traffic speak jargon or references to highway standards. This is a People's Document brought together for the People.

Ringwood Town Council and local District Members do not accept that nothing can be done now that is a view well supported by the people of Ringwood, the MP and towns and parishes who have commented and supported.

What Ringwood Town Council proposes, could, if accepted be in place within months It amounts to four or five information and warning signs. Poles and bridges are already in place where such signs could be erected, a pot or two of yellow paint. Reduction to 50mph might take a little longer but can be done. The suggestions are illustrated within the document.

The A31 Ringwood Campaign evolved from a joint motion presented to Ringwood Town Council. The motion being approved by members' review of the A31 from Picket Post to Ashley Heath interchange was undertaken. From the review a number of simple safety measures seemed possible. Suggestions which were made by councillors and members of the public.

It was important to the council that it had the backing and support of the townspeople of Ringwood. A petition and letters to local newspapers confirmed the support.

Sadly, during the document process there were further traffic accidents Council Motion in the names of Councillor Christine Ford and Councillor Michael Thierry

That Ringwood Town Council, having deep concerns related to the number of vehicle accidents on the urban stretch of the A31 in Hampshire from Picket Post to the Ashley Heath interchange, and having regard to public opinion, petitions the Highways Authority to once again review, in consultation with this Council, measures which implemented, would have a beneficial impact on the accident rate on that section of the A31.


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A31 Picket Post Interchange to Ashley Heath Interchange \ r_fl Crow

Introduction The section of the A31 which passes through Ringwood could be designated an 'accident black spot'. It is the public concern related to these accidents which underpins the Council Motion. The Motion seeks to implement road safety measures which would reduce that accident rate. The Motion seeks to establish a consultation process between the Highways Authority, Ringwood Town Council and other involved stakeholders to discuss the safety issues of the highway from the Picket Post Interchange, east of Ringwood to the Ashley Heath Interchange west of Ringwood.

Ringwood Town Council accepts the engineering limitations and financial constraints involved in upgrading the section. It is not possible to re-build the road. Lane widening would appear to be years away.

It is, however, possible that improved highway warning signage and additional information signage might have a positive safety impact.

Ringwood Town Council acknowledges that it does not have expertise in matters related to highway safety and the regulations which govern the national highway system. The Council does represent the views of local residents, who, over many years have come to know the road to be prone to motoring incidents, and seeks a discussion and review of the road. The Council is wanting to be better informed of the policy and strategy of the Highways Authority for that section of the A31 which cuts through the town boundary. This can only be achieved by 'round the table' discussion, in a friendly and constructive atmosphere.

A31 Overview (West) This overview begins at the Picket Post Interchange and follows the A31 west to the Ashley Heath Interchange and then repeats the assessment east from the Ashley Heath Interchange to the Picket Post Interchange. The driving time between Picket Post and the Ashley Heath Interchange at just under 70mph is just under 4 minutes.

The geography of the A31 (Ringwood) 1.1 At the Picket Post Interchange a slip road from the Shell petrol station and Burley joins the A31. The slip road has good visibility for vehicles joining and those already using the A31 at this point are aware of vehicles joining. 1.2 Lay-by.

A31 Interchange .1

Single slip lane to join the A31. Tooth of a mile, Very poor visibility.

1.3 Access to and from Hightown Hill and Crow. 1.4 Lay-by and Access to and from Private Residences. 1.5 Lay-by and Access to and from Breach Lane. 1.6 Access to and from Private Residences.

2.1 Slip lane leaving the A31 at the Poulner Interchange (West) allows for easy exit from the A31. 2.2 Slip lane joining the A31 at the Poulner Interchange (West) is very short and a problematic 'black spot'.

3.3 Slip lane leaving the A31 at the Ringwood Interchange (West) is dual lane allowing for correct lane positioning left to Ringwood (Town Centre and Christchurch (133347). and right for and (A338). 3.4 The A31 Ringwood Interchange has a dual carriage flyover which curves to the left. 3.5 Slip lane joining the A31 at the Ringwood Interchange (West). 3.6 The A31 at the Ringwood Interchange develops into three and then four lanes.

4.1 West Street, Ringwood exits unto the A31. 4.2 Texaco Petrol Station and Co-operative Convenience Store is located almost immediately at the end of the West Street and Fish Inn exit. The Petrol Station has usual 'in and out' arrangement. The exit requires careful judgement in respect of three lane of moving traffic often changing lanes at this point. 4.3 Slip lane to B3081. 4.4 At the Ashley Heath Interchange the road filters, two lanes left feeding the A338 the Wessex Way and Three Legged Cross and Horton two lanes taking traffic west A31 to , Dorchester and the West Country. A31 - Ringwood Interchange 4


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Texaco Petrol Station



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A31 Overview (East) The Ashley Heath Interchange East is comprised of four lanes, two lanes, the A31 from the west, being joined by two slip lanes. The A338 and the Ringwood/Horton Road.

5.1 Slip lane exit to Verwood 83081 is just inside the /Hampshire Border. 5.2 Slip lane joining the A31 East from Verwood B3081.

6.1 Slip lane leaving the A31 at the Ringwood Interchange (East) is dual lane allowing for correct lane positioning right to Ringwood (town Centre and Christchurch (133347) and left for Fordingbridge and Salisbury. 6.2 Slip lane joining the A31 East from the Ringwood Interchange (East) at the end of the fly-over.

7.1 Slip lane leaving the A31 at the Poulner Interchange (East) exit from the A31. 7.2 Slip lane joining the A31 at the Poulner Interchange (East). 7.3 Poulner Hill 7.4 Private access for Little Forest Lodge. 7.5 Slip lane exit leaving the A31 for and Garden Centre. 7.6 Slip lane joining the A31 from Hangersley and Garden Centre. 7.7 Slip lane exit leaving the A31 for . 7.8 Slip lane joining the A31 from Shobley.

8.1 Single slip lane leaving the A31 at the Picket Post Interchange.

A31 Ringwood Interchange, Verwood Interchange and ( '.'y ; Ashley Heath Interchange

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A31 Ringwood Section Observations and Comments

A31 Picket Post Interchange (West) to Poulner Interchange (West) 9.1 drops sharply down from Picket Post to the Poulner Interchange (West). The decline results in a natural increase of speed for moving traffic. 9.2 Potential hazards are the three lay-bys, feeder roads and private access entrances which merge unto the A31. (Vehicles joining the A31 from these access points do so from a 'standing start'). Various Interchange slip lanes.

Comment -

A31 Poulner Interchange (West) 10.1 The slip lane leaving the A31 at the Poulner Interchange (West) inclines assisting a slowing down of traffic to the mini at the summit. There are no speed restriction signs. 11.2 However when traffic is very slow or at a stand-still at this point the slip lane up and down is used by vehicles, at increased speed, wishing to get ahead of the non-moving flow of traffic on the A31. 11.3 The slip lane from the Poulner Interchange (West) joining the A31 is very short, tenth of a mile. Careful judgement is required when merging. At high speed 70mph it is not possible to attain a 'safe' joining speed from the slip lane. With no break in the traffic, often it is necessary to join the dual carriageway from a 'standing start'. At this point speed is a factor, and motorists joining the A31 can be a matter of 'trust to luck' and hope that approaching vehicles will take avoiding action. 11.4 Visibility for those joining is severely restricted. For users already using the road they are unable to see emerging traffic coming down the slip road, as the angle is quite steep. Visual time awareness of traffic joining from the left-hand side at speed is but a matter of seconds, particularly at 70mph.

Observation -

i. The speed permitted on the leaving and joining slip lanes is not specified. High speeds on slip roads is a feature. ii. Clear signage on the Poulner Interchange (West) indicating that traffic joins the A31. iii. Improved signage indicating merging traffic. iv. Reduction of posted 70mph to 50mph.

A31 West Street/Fish Inn/Texaco Petrol StationNerwood B3081 (West) 12.1 The Bridges to the Verwood B3081 slip road section of the A31 has a number of elements within less than the width of a football pitch. 12.2 The exit from West Street is complicated by vehicles wanting to use the Texaco Petrol Station.

At that point various traffic flows are possible. 12.2.a Traffic coming over the fly-over wanting to move left either into the petrol station or moving onto the Verwood slip road, perhaps needing to cross lanes of moving traffic. 12.2. b Traffic coming over the fly-over wanting to continue ahead on the A31. 12.2.c Traffic emerging from West Street wanting to move over to the right hand lanes for the A31. 12.3. d Traffic having used the petrol station wanting to rejoin the A31 from a standing start. 12.4. e Fish Inn customers can also exit from the Fish Inn car park directly unto the A31.

At that point the A31 is three lanes, with vehicles seeking to manoeuvre into their onward lane. These various elements make this a very dangerous section. 12.3 The slip lane from the Verwood B3081 joins the A31 increasing the number of lanes to four.

Comment -

West Street/Fish Inn/Texaco Petrol StationNerwood B3081 (West) is one of the 'Black Spots' on the Ringwood section of the A31. Motorists leaving it until the last moment before getting into the correct lane contributes to the problem.

Observation -

i. Measures to better inform the road user of the directional lanes are desirable. ii. Distance between vehicles and lane discipline is vital. iii. However the vehicle user must be made fully aware of the need for both, iv. The Ringwood approach has three bridges spanning the dual carriageway, from the Poulner Interchange to the Ringwood Interchange. The middle bridge is pedestrian. V. Might these bridges not be used to indicate direction lanes? This would afford users the opportunity to get into the correct lane before the enter the fly-over rather than emerging from the fly-over into a confused traffic situation. All three bridges are suitable for lane information. vi. At critical times might traffic lights be a consideration.

A31 Poulner Interchange (East) 13.1 The slip lane leaving the A31 at the Poulner Interchange (East) entrances the A31 almost at the bottom of Picket Hill. Often the traffic becomes very slow moving because HGV and other large vehicles use both lanes creating a built-up of trailing traffic.

Observation -

i. The creation of a Crawler Lane would assist traffic flow moving east proceeding up Picket Hill. Introduction of ! ¶ 50mph limit

There is a volume of opinion which would like to see a reduction of the posted speed limit on the section. Many residents consider that a more appropriate limit would be 50mph. They argue that the Ringwood section of the A31 is an urban area and therefore the sped limit should reflect that fact.


The introduction of Yellow box junctions at the A338, A31 interchange

/ The use ( / YIoW box juncipbns to asIxt the f 100, of tnsfUc from tMA338 and B3341 - c Summary It is recognised by Ringwood Town Council that 'driver error' is the main reason for accidents. Improved road signage and lane directives would assist in reducing 'driver error'.

'Driver error' occurs because of the need to make unprepared lane changes. Reminding vehicle users to 'Keep your distance' if observed should reduce 'driver error'.

Residents are of the firm opinion that speed is contribuary factor in 'driver error'

In short summary residents point very dearly to poor and inadequate signage and speed.

Congestion on the A31 from Picket Post remains a significant issue. At peak time traffic may 'bunch-up' causing traffic jams and any accident or set of road works causses delay. The worst place for congestion is at the roundabout at the junction of the A338 and the A31. Difficulties in joining the A31 from adjoining roads, (such as the A338), causes further problems.

Supporting Documents

Ringwood Town Council Motion 2012 New Forest District Council Motion 2012 NFDC Portfolio Holders Decision Letter from MP District, Town and Parish Council Letters Residents letters to newspapers Town Council Petition Form Contact Name: Melanie Stephens

Tel No: (023) 8028 5588

E-mail: melanie.stephens @nfdc.gov.uk

Date: 23 October 2012


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The following decisions were taken at the above meeting: -

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The Council approved the motion set out in the agenda, and offered its formal support to the following resolution by Ringwood Town Council:

"That Ringwood Town Council, having deep concerns related to the number of vehicle accidents in the urban stretch of the A31 in Hampshire from Picket Post to the Ashley Heath interchange, and having regard to public opinion, petitions the Highways Agency to once again review, in consultation with this (Ringwood Town) Council, measures which, if implemented, would have a beneficial impact on the accident rate on that section of the A31 Contact Name: Jan Debnam

Tel No: 023 8028 5588

E-mail: jan.debnamnfdc.gov.uk

Date: 16 October 2012

I[o)iI I 19M6121W61z" 91014 Lei:

On 15 October 2012, Cllr Vickers, the Planning and Transportation Portfolio Holder, made the following decision. Any member of the Council, who is not a Portfolio Holder, who considers that this decision should be reviewed should give notice to the Monitoring Officer (Grainne O'Rourke) (in writing or by e-mail) to be received ON OR BY TUESDAY 23 OCTOBER 2012.

Details of the documents the Portfolio Holder considered are attached.

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To approach neighbouring authorities and the local MP to canvass their support for the Highways Agency's proposed scheme to widen the A31 at Ringwood, in order the raise the profile of the scheme so it is brought forwards under the Pinch Points programme.


This authority has a long-standing aspiration to see improvements to this stretch of road on safety and other grounds.





For Further Information Please Contact:

Nick Hunt Principal Engineer (Transportation) Tel: 023 8028 5588 E-mail: Lck.j!unIjIIfd.ov.uk

(democrat/Portfolio Holder Decisions 2009)standard 11.I WikI] I1 [cI !] 11.1 L'1 [c1L.I.] I]

1.1 The purpose of this report is to set out NFDC's support for the Highways Agency's proposed A31 widening scheme at Ringwood.

1.2 To agree to approach neighbouring Authorities and the local MP to canvass their support for the scheme and seek to raise the profile of the scheme with the Highways Agency.


2.1 In December 2008 a report was taken to Cabinet and it was decided: a) That the Highways Agency be thanked for providing accident information and details of their, emerging proposals for the A31; b) That urgent action be requested to be taken to reduce the number and severity of personal injury accidents along the A31 from Picket Post to the Hampshire/Dorset county boundary; c) That the Highways Agency be urged to introduce a package of measures that will improve road safety along the A31 in the Ringwood area and improve conditions for residents near the A31 including: i. queue detection linked to warning signs to alert drivers to traffic queues ahead within the next 12 irionths ii, the trial use of road markings (possibly chevrons on the road surface) to help drivers to better judge their speed iii, the introduction of a 50 mph speed limit with appropriate enforcement iv. fuiTho,' consultations with the county, district and town councils on the development of detailed proposals to improve or close the West Street link to the A31 subject to such proposals making full provision for ensuring adequate traffic flow arrangements within the town centre. v. the development of proposals to improve the westbound carriageway of the A31 before 2012 by the addition of a westbound traffic lane on the A31 west of the "on slip" from the A338/B3347 roundabout so as to enable further consultations with the Council and others to be undertaken. d) That the Highways Agency be asked to inform the Council of its timescale for implementing the above measures and the estimated costs."

2.2 In connection with the points above in c), (i) has now been introduced. However, there were technical issues which meant that the system has not been working correctly. It is understood that these are being dealt with by the Highways Agency. The chevrons referred to in (ii) have not been installed as trials the Highways Agency had undertaken elsewhere led them to conclude that these were not effective, The 50mph limit proposal suggested in (iii) was not carried forward as the Highways Agency and Police did not support a lower limit for the reasons set out in previous reports. Regarding (iv) and (v), the Highways Agency has kept officers informed of the status of the scheme (not currently programmed but may be included in a future programme). The HA has also indicated it is considering the implications of not including the closure West Street in the scheme.

2.3 The Core Strategy for the District outside the National Park (link at includes Policy CS23 (page 74) which states that 'the strategy is to support improvements that reduce congestion,

Page lof 3 improve accessibility and improve road safety" This Policy also includes specific reference to the A31 Ringwood area, stating it is a high priority for improvement.

2.4 The Ringwood Town Access Plan (TAP) adopted in 2010 includes reference to the A31 widening scheme and comments that it is not currently being pursued as there is no funding at present. It also highlights possible issues relating to West Street stating that "the introduction of this measure would have necessitated the closure of the West Street junction with the A31. In the event that the capacity improvement scheme is taken forward in future years, the County and District Council would wish to see an assessment of the impact of this on the town centre and the local economy before taking a view on the acceptability of the closure of West Street.'

2.5 The widening scheme proposal in principle is supported by NFDC as it is believed it will significantly improve the movement of traffic in this area of the District. Currently it is unknown whether or not such a scheme will require the closure of the West Street access slip on to the A31. NFDC do not necessarily support the closure of West Street as part of the implementation of this scheme. However, if it is considered necessary, NFDC are of the opinion that the benefits of providing an additional lane to the westbound carriageway will outweigh the possible adverse impacts resulting from the closure of the West Street slip road.

2.6 The scheme currently has no funding. However, it is believed that given sufficient support it could form part of a future tranche of the HA's Pinch Point programme and receive the funding required. It is considered that this support is key to raising the profile of the scheme within the Highways Agency and so NFDC should seek support from neighbouring authorities and the local highway authority to assist in raising its profile and priority. NFDC will be in contact with colleagues at to discuss the emerging proposals as they are the Highways Authority for this area and support the principle of widening the A31.

2.7 This matter has also been considered by Ringwood Town Council, which includes local NFDC Councillors (http://www.rinawood.ciov.uk/Your Council/ni inutes/201 2/Planning/i 4 09.html). In previous discussions NFDC members, at the time, were supportive of the lane addition proposals.


3.1 There are no crime & disorder or equality & diversity implications from any of the proposals relating to the proposed additional westbound traffic lane on the A31 and possible closure of the West Street "on slip".


4.1 The limited visual impact of additional signs will be offset by significant improvements to the capacity of the A31 at this location. A reduction in congestion, accidents and the use of unsuitable minor roads to avoid delay and/or "queue jump" will all provide environmental benefits to Ringwood and the adjacent areas. In addition, the Highways Agency is aware of the importance of the environment in this location and that the A31 crosses land with environmental designations. Consequently they will ensure measures are put in place to mitigate the impacts of the proposals.

4.2 Improved flow and capacity of the A31 at Ringwood can improve prosperity of the area through advantages to local businesses e.g. shorter and more reliable journey times and improved public transport provision.

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5.1 The Planning and Transportation Portfolio Holder agrees with recommendations set out in this report and wishes to contact neighbouring Authorities to canvass support for this scheme. This is in order to raise the profile and the Highways Agency's priority of implementation of the scheme.


6.1 It is recommended that the Portfolio Holder, taking account of local Members' views, is to write to neighbouring local Authorities in Dorset to support the scheme in order to allow Highways Agency officers a better chance of including it in a future tranche of the HA's Pinch Point programme.


7.1 I have agreed to the recommendations of this report

Signed: ......

I5- , zO , Date......

Cllr Paul Vickers Portfolio Holder Planning & Transportation

FURTHER INFORMATION: Please contact BACKGROUND PAPERS Published papers Nick Hunt E-mails in IT Microsoft Office Principal Engineering (Transportation) System Tel: 023 8028 5588 Files on Transportation Section E-mail: nick,huntnfdc.qov.uk shared IT Drive

David Stannard Planning Policy Officer (Transportation) Tel: 023 8028 5588 Email: david.stannardnfdc.ciov.uk

Date notification of this Decision izeri 16 October 2012 Last date for call-in - 23 October 202

Page 3 of 3 1: .T’2012

HOUSE OF COMMONS LONDON SWIA OAA Cllr. Michael Thierry Ringwood Town Council Ringwood Gateway The Furlong Ringwood Hants BH24 1AT

2l September 2012


Please thank the Council for its excellent document on the A3 1. I think this is a very professional analysis of the problems and the proposals have been carefully thought out. I should like to give them my full support.

Yours C

RT. HON. DESMOND SWAYNE TD MP 0 WLiI1I I tiiiiiiiiiiiiiI Ringwood Gateway The Furlong Ringwood BH24 1AT

Twnned with Pont Town Mayor: C/fr Steve Rippon-S wa/ne Auderner

To the Highways Agency Direct Dial: My Ref: Your Ref: Date: 24 September 2012


For some time now, the People of Ringwood have become increasingly concerned at the safety of the A31 through their Town from the top of Poulner Hill to the Ashley Heath roundabout,

This stretch of dual carriageway was designed over 50 years ago. With the huge increase in the volume of traffic, such examples as the inadequate length sliproads and unprotected pedestrian crossings, where 70 mph is legal, have now become very serious hazards.

A re-assessment of the safety of the A31 at Ringwood is now long overdue. The Highways Agency must instigate an immediate review of safety from Poulner Hill to Ashley Heath roundabout as a matter of urgency.


Clir Steve Rippon-Swaine FRICS DipGS Town Mayor of Ringwood

01425 473883 town.counciiringwood.9ov.uk www,ringwood.cjov.uk VAT Rog No 189 6318 39 FOrtrCdC Town THE LOCAL BURIAL AUTHORITY Ringwood Town Council V New Forest DISTRICT COUNCIL 29 OCT 2012 O

Our ref: DHY/LAIletters Your ref: Mr T R Simpson Date: 24 October 2012 Clerk to Ringwood Town Council Ringwood Gateway The Furlong RINGWOOD BH24 IAT

Dear Mr Simpson


I am pleased to inform you that this Council at its meeting on 22 October unanimously adopted the following motion:

That, as New Forest District Council has previously expressed concern to the Highways Agency at the safety record of traffic using the A31 and the number of vehicle accidents in the vicinity of Ringwood, it is now pleased to offer its formal support to the following resolution by Ringwood Town Council:

'That Ringwood Town Council, having deep concerns related to the number of vehicle accidents in the urban stretch of the A31 in Hampshire from Picket Post to the Ashley Heath interchange, and having regard to public opinion, petitions the Highways Agency to once again review, in consultation with this (Ringwood Town) Council, measures which, if implemented, would have a beneficial impact on the accident rate on that section of the A31

District Councillors fully supported the Town Council in seeking to achieve improvements that will reduce accidents on this stretch of the A31. In arriving at their decision, the Council was very mindful of the personal tragedies that arise from loss of life or injury, and also of the significant traffic delays and congestion that occur as a result of accidents which often lead to unacceptable levels of traffic diverting onto Forest roads.


Disabfflty Helpline 023 8028 5000 Page 2 24 October 2012 Mr T R Simpson

We sincerely hope that the Town Council's approaches to the Highways Agency and to Ministers have a positive result.

Yours sincerely


Tel: 023 6028 5588 Tel: 023 8028 5588 Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected].

www.newforest.gov.uk Appletree Court, Beaulieu Road, LYNDHURST, SO43 7PA RtflgWoou jáH flCil -.5 OCT 204

Mr Terry Simpson Town Clerk Ringwood Town Council Ringwood Gateway The Furlong Ringwood, BH24 IAT 3 October 2012

Dear Terry

Ferndown Town Council Supports Review of Safety Measures on the A31

Further to your letter of 1 August 2012, the "A31 Ringwood Section" motion of the Ringwood Town Council has been considered by the Traffic Working Party and Environment Committee of Town Council

Councillors expressed their concerns about the safety issues raised and gave their full support for the motion:

"That Ringwood Town Council, having deep concerns related to the number of vehicle accidents on the urban stretch of the A31 in Hampshire from Picket Post to the Ashley Heath interchange, and having regard to public opinion, petitions the Highways Authority to once again review, in consultation with the Council, measures which, implemented, would have a beneficial impact on the accident rate on that section of the A31 ".

Yours sincerely

Ian Jones Town Clerk St Leonards & St Ives Parish Council

The Parish Office Village Hall, Braeside Road, St Leonards, Ringwood, Hants, BH24 2PJ

Clerk to the Council: Mrs Ann Jacobs Telephone: 01425 482727 email utI c(i) (l()n udp OUJ www. stleon ardspc org .uk

nd 22 October 2012

Mr T Simpson, Town Clerk Ringwood Town Council Ringwood Gateway The Furlong Ringwood BH24 IAT

Dear Terry

Thank you for sending St Leonards and St Ives Parish Council a copy of your draft proposals for improvement to the present layout and signage on the stretch of the A31, from Picket Post to the Ashley Heath interchange.

Your draft proposals were read and discussed by a small working party of the St Leonards and St Ives Parish Council, who identified additional changes that we would wish to be included in an overall scheme, to improve the safety of the A31 from the Woolsbridge Roundabout to the Ashley Heath interchange and Picket Post.

"Merge in Turn" signage on the west bound A31 at the Poulner and Ringwood slip roads in support of the improved lane signage proposed. "Dangerous Accesses Ahead" signage prior to the West Street and Texaco garage exits. East bound A31 at the Ashley Heath interchange, additional signage on the bridges indicating "outer lane for traffic, inner lane for Salisbury and Ringwood traffic". Extend the proposed 50MPH restriction from the Ashley Heath interchange to the Woolsbridge roundabout. The installation of speed control measure to enforce the speed restriction.

St Leonards and St Ives Parish Council, at their Meeting on the 26 th September, fully supported your Draft Document and the additional suggestion by the working party. It also acknowledged that these measures should only be considered a stop gap during the present difficult financial times and that a more radical redesign and alignment of this section of the A31 is urgently required.

St Leonards and St Ives Parish Council believe that as this is such an important issue affecting the safety of both those in our Parish and your residents, a joint approach tinder your direction, involving two representative from the St Leonards and St Ives Parish Council should also be considered, to progress our concerns further.

Yours sincerely

Ann Jacobs


Pithilcum l'onum private esrprefiaenchin - The public good is to be preferred before private advantage BURLEY PARISH COUNCIL

Chairman P. E.G. Da ubeney Wayside Cottage Garden Road Tel. 01425 402132 Burley E -mail: Ringwood Hampshire Clerk to the Council BH24 4EA W. J. West MA (Cantab) Tel. & Fax: 01425 403393 E -mail: derkburJeyparishcounciLgov.uk 141h Your ref: Date: September 2012

The Town Clerk Ringwood Town Council Ringwood Gateway The Furlong Ringwood BH24 1 A

Dear Terry

At their meeting this week Burley Parish council voted to support the steps being taken by Ringwood town council to improve safety on the A31 and to urge that immediate measures be taken to prevent or reduce the traffic congestion, and the dangerous situation that exists because of the current layout of the interchanges exits and entrances in the Ringwood area.

You may include a copy of this letter in submissions and evidence in relation to this matter.

Yours Sincerely


Clerk to the Council od Town Council Ringwood lown Offices, 28 Vicarage Road Verwood, Dorset BH31 6DR SEP 21312 21 Tel/Fax: 01202 820880 email: [email protected] www.verwood.gov.uk

Town Clerk: Valerie J. Bright MILCM

Mr.T. Simpson Town Clerk Ringwood Town Council Ringwood Gateway The Furlong Ringwood BH24 1AT 26th September 2012

Dear Terry,

Review of Safety Measures on the A31.

Thank you for your letter dated 1t August 2012 regarding the above.

The Town Council have discussed the report and have asked me to respond as follows:

Verwood Town Council do not support the reduction of the speed limit to 5 0mph but fully support better signage along the A31.

Yours sincerely V

Town Clerk.

I MOF t4= N With you in ta ugh times Thic is a lough tiffiC for families people back to jork id trU err inRir r nud, struggling with or 'r r c 4nr 0 lii 0 hiRher loodifluel prices and utWtv IjPi dli rrd ati 'it 'IL roll f. Re'i rcin the hu leO and oar c hii:hen'1 iuirrrnc, hnvrrnnienfh orraion, f, ihni niliv hahou trnc cot out 0 lnlovv for a to rperar pohod ear flvepolflt plan ior nbc., to t 4S0 Inoct br a coup it, alp stttr.ggbirg iricaPes and c:liidrennneiate hep to our ):'Ort rill brnr'o'c. thctrrt orril for cirgUno t,iTlIliO;0 and prtrsio Labon'c jobs and rnoih thOu irirlri0c: 4 A one a roe c iii ro VAT to hO on Forne rrrpro/ernents, repar and

0, f" ;1-1" lotion tax on bank nnteranuri to help triucos to land a real jutO horneov:ue ra an'.i coral l:JOrOrrtrho fur all '1JUfl rOUhfe nit 01 wrok for a 'ieaf and Larlul 25,00C) rnore diffoAable horr' I . A uric' area 'atronil rrrourince tax brc'nk for every ', rnall fir ri E. Bringing iotwaoi Drpternh which tac.ec on extra wor.kerc investment pts hools, lpinul c'ill buinSSeS to grOw . roads and transport to get arid create jobs. furlong furniture


ringwood 01425 471068 furlongfumiture.com TothpJt one 08456 47C095. ingssoocJ & Fordingbridge NEWS Page 13

50 mph The common sense answer Rlsigwood and I must try to bring home to you the serious situation that has developed regarding the at Ringwood. Fordlngbrldge We are now experienciIg a weeky occurreace of major accidents resulting in death,, multi car collaic.ns and gridlock traffic jams. it is a death def'elng strrrgge to get out of our drive and all the trary NEWS other hoses that exit chrectly or to the Af 1, Si far the only reaction bas been

Hill. Why so interested - I have two pencil drawings given to roe and my husband by him Fe: & lax: (11142) 411464 i n 1977, They were of our wonderful Collie dog called 'Misty". mhs.o3ttoriiw1ith.rert He drew both these psturcs from photographs we had of Misty. think I used to talk to him in the 'Orange Tree and may have mentioned my dog and he did these fir us on just ready a scrap of paper. Are you finding ii thflicull coping al home? have treasured these ove rd're years as my dog is long goire now They have moved with ire wherever I have dyed, Are you worried about a family member at home aione? I stiR have pictures n my mind of Bill cycling around Ringwood err, his hike - always with a red reclierchef round hi:s neck and shorts showing his. very tanned legs He always had a tan and 00-~, looked si the part of air crust. I did know he lived rtr a cottage up at ynford and be, was such a loveiy character around Rirrgwocad. Sorely missed. I

50 mph - The common sense answer Rlngwood and I am supportive of much of Richard Starloy's comments in his letter (isstte 575) and agree that the extension of the 50 mph limit on the A3 I could help but isn't the final Fordlngbrldge answer, rrny be aessrnistc but those who currently exceed the speed Iirmt Ml continue to do so and NEWS there wi'l be a significant minority who having tecome accustomed to the present Frnit ray (consdous FO Box 908, Fingwood, If or unconsciously) rot campy wtFi it lower !inht. The most significant factor nehind the regular rarrage on that stretch of rIm A31 (and this applies Hnipshite 13H24 1YL equally to the A336 between Downton and Ringwood) is driver behaviour. Telephone I cfren drive along both stretches of road and ani appalled at the regular occurrences of to name a few (08456) 479095

Excessive speed (rrespecr.ive of the speed limit or the preva.Iing trafficroad conditions f email: Overtaking where it is cleary irsafe (evasve action taken by ot.ner real users avoding mai'y [email protected] potential accidents) hi gi ii (etri breaking a? en l to act iare brakebr:ike kg? ra dnesn r stem to orect offender hehw oil r) Using hand held devices whilst driving ince this has heconie a specific erce the practise seems to have become mote widespread) NTGEL The apparently common belef that a speed limit, is an instruction to drive at that speed Untli these behaviours are changed and ceinmor sense prevails there wll regrettably still be aecti dents rrspeccive of any changes to the speed link. I dtsnr know whar the answer is tint even allowing for the financial constraints within the public ser BUSH tar perhaps the pollee -ountirg a tero tolerance" operation it few Imes a year might have a PAINT IN worthwhile impact although I concede that this may onif touch the tip of the iceberg. Maybe convicted offenders should unde,'sa!

Ara you finding it difficult coping at home? Are you kilofried about a family member at home alone?


Associate How can we help? Personal Support Housekeeping 'Respite director Meals Errands Shopping Laundry G0ADSBYS Ringwood Fully insured and CR13 Checked Office 01425 470411 - Mobile 07950 042005 Branch welcomes Kate www burteyshomecareservices. co uk West, Associate Director, to the team. Kate has been with Goadaby for over six The fhtoot care, tile QT9910S1 kIO, years successfully manag- the most cocQ,eragomen ing branches across Dorset and Hampshire. Eiiugham ianh iclnnl u pile;iinil and ClliucuI L see House lIned Li hm' imrihldx zn! zx l.kiisg I iv.nrd ii rIciiiiatiil, Day Nursery Oflngwosz8 ta.kln z high let!, ii arzer iCr lee i 11 111z' lu'lirie tm,tikzt It The Reglon'e Premier Day Nursery ltiiz' rpirl., tzr lzzizng illiccn trite nr izIozi 'unit ii' Excellent Baby-Unit Toddler & Pre-School Depts. irIs ihit a litipe ziritase in bin, aticezi on the szlule prod !Is! caz l'ht high Ins silt mi c'uitiitimn snare mimnis nt on tizoper its ihat ,1i1 irnpIy tiurnrtmditig Ufred 2085 & 20119 situ!ihIt t;l let inuki' n.'' urea! 11111C I' 111 ing pInIxrties lii the Ptetise Telephone (01425) 473723 it t'. Katz umyzaa its ozzi' e',sumzslnri 11 letting ths'z r Fisperl! zr Is 4.i ug 10 ill PmoliriIY th i'nhiiil Ibm l'!zng'smt f flier in to arrange your private tour of the nursery 471 12ft1

16 R-Aigtmooi' & rordinbrldqe NEWS Tephono 08456 479095

35 years £IjIrhd Painter & Decorator Interior and Exterior A package of CounciUorj4 Corner. from improvements needed Having read the last two editions of your publicat ion, it (lit Mtdtacl Ihtcrr, £150.00 iWIL. Is clear that there Is again a gradual build up of public opin- It hun ni v. rink or so or (ilus materials) ion, in favour of a 50mph speed limit on the 43 I between was planning Issuts. What June 1 Picket Post and Ashley Health It 'trot horn (lii' two cu s ys inorn- From my Roads Policing and Council bet ground I would like to lug 111% wa y' cièkr the lollowing obsersations Ic supoor ,c of the idea and again hIs' I nlcnJ it '' suggest i I twoader viw, regal ding Ii plovennents nnd cinforcennenii. ii ' pinitininn'' .111111 I iii II,.! I wrote a very similar letter in 20OB and therefore suspect that the

same may be true in 2016! n' "Intuit in,' fL'l II Or II

tiny '. How About a Corsrvtory? We however, should all await results of the Crash Investiga- Iii Ii ill , imnni u ii ii Friendly & Professional Advice tion born the recent fatal collision, before we jump to the ovo i 'n 01 ii hint ,hini' rs..rl, urn c' in did 'n. Its I" tiitdi'i I Offered wilbeul Obli gation roniclrision that thy crash occurred duy to tpeds in excess of Lion l's &r Finest Quality P'roduets 50mph, A SOmpri hilt will not solve all the problems covered in ni ni' ann Fully Guaranteed Installations the variouS letters published to date. Having expel reoced the diffi- U culties hscecl when exiting the petrol station at St eonards and ii 'n 1K nic' in I ill Call David Rowland , ihrphlr',lE n 1- 1m link 1 1 , other lrxatlorlt, m both directions within the current Dorset SOnipIt uacctl tdluo t~d, .,l.. :hec Kk fluc now on 01425 476686 limit, a reduced tpeed limit wib not. provide en autommitic and easy n ttt'd ptuii r,, srI uhIn Of Sil mi it remedy. As speeds educe vehicles drive closer together and the MG 111001) MARKET - WEDNESOAV .11 ' inn e iks's Ii, I'll gaoa' to gain access to the main I oad, become srnalieu Speed limits By Ihe Cflurch Ilelto a rmw tInt iii U'i ,ul lIps unreSt CO rIo not change driver behaviour other factors are introduced, Ill in ni,Iis' tItan I to Sr I in Thei don it ti-us, ioad enginreerning and other safety ennginieei lug, will also ned to be considered. is suggested by niie Of your reccrlit 1.1.0' it'' lii thc ftsf,n'i'. end

readers. ' :,iiltiii'' The Fish Inn slip road is a cIatnt example of road englllcorllhA .ilsPIir'.11 It II I It" ii' I Iii' 'nund

slip road onto the A3 I , directly Owl pm Nips up i' .,ilitiFr Lw linked to a sup cad off the Ai I iii 'Iii s',u' fir ' lnclw'l, ul,c' lbs fl o n Into a garage. A possible enswen it mli's i" i' iii o te ll ni reniove the Fish Inn slip road or i on - ii introduce a third lnrn, between In the irwl l''. Ill' at 151, sin" that slip road and the Verwood knd udi ic's UN2 slip, if possible, with lane restr-lc. ".lr,r,iun 1 11011 ii' ,'ip' 'iron r.ions. Clearly r,here is a need for Pr hit I Ii 1111 1 a wide ranging traffic study, not V. hr,I ii tw U not rut one that just locust oni a I' nil 1111 ''I It 'I "1' 50mph speed limit. w" 'Ill lii' iSSI V H.' it ci In I'd' Any measures suggcsmd and '['It p1 ' u.n 'i' s '', I, li introduced, will then need to be it' in I m il li IjnfnII 'Sit r ui n huh 'policed, flrniiy anti tegularly, llot left to 'self police', as seen on I tic' ,iNnle,,:,li i tic dwts I lilift's , "ii Ii.' c' I', the A31 cit Sc Leotnirds. , w' or ci ii IS ii Inn i hr 'Sn 1 A The Road Policing resources cvi jwl' I' ci hi 'IIli' ultniiit'., have all but disappeared in 'Iii hut Ins, it ih.'i.,n rh In ii' UtOS Hampshire. so I fear that this Us I hr., .1 hi Ia., \ will riot be covered. If I'm A aspect rrrinr It It '.0 1 r' 5''mid In s.. wrong, expect local people to it 'n bit it'. ii ,ti'c'l ii in lit ii

he 'ca&nghnf ud finest, as is always ii In runt ' ih u I sill I the case when these types of / Servicing I' IVIOT's charges are introduced. This sectimi of road is a problem MP & Councillors I' Diesel or Petrol that iicxAs to be addressed, will a 0mnph iirmnt Ircini Picket Pott, Ht Hon Desmond Swayne MP / Catalyst Tested linking up with the existing air Christine Ford 50mph ilre;:i ill Dorsyt. Two Ciii Steve Rippon-Swaine Petrol & Diesel - Brake Clutch & Shock Absorbers Counties are involved therefo"e CUr Michael Thierry All Repairs Wurrarity Work All Makes. & Models the process will be difficult and Will be holding a - leIlqgvly, Free ( ollectiort & Delivery Open 5 flays a Woek Morning Open Surgery All flrO( credit cxds taken We do however in my c.piri on Saturday, p Ion. neyd it package of I' sri April 14th at 1100am Lesley Errirnqteri Hall SIR to Parr With Pculnicr &u.ud, lRrg'.sooa SF'?S 3. Teepor?e 08456 479095 Ringaod & Fordiigbridjo NEWS Page 17

50 mph - The common sense answer Rlngwood and Like other Ringwood residents, I have long been annoyed by the lack of a 50 mph speed jnt of the A31 from Picket Post to the AthIey Heath roundabout, It Would be safer, qul- Pordlngbrldge eter and less stressful for us all, So I wrote to the Highways Agency and this is what they say. NEWS " Ihe Ama 3 ntrwovk, iicIudig the A3 I 'w a somr-d l4nir review n February 2010; under 71e Deprnient for Transport Crc ,7ar IM6"Setting Loc Speed Liri, wi th reqired 41 Traffic P0 Box 908, in(jWooCl, Auiorii to review their local speed Iirma ny 2011 iJndr The Speed Miiagrnen Inveriganiy Hampshire 13H24 1YL vit., A3 n t;ngwood inca was foind be below the investigatory level and therefore no the to Telephone further arrion w proposed to he raker at that rime n regards to a speed reduction. Ony if the results were ode tiose levels would further investigations or a study be reqtrred. (08456) 479095 The Highways Agency rave been working closely with the Department for Environment, Food and emoll- .irai Affairs )bfRAl to prodKe naps and action plans for ma1or noise sounces, as required by the [email protected] Envronniental Noise (England) Regulations. The noise maps for 's roads were publshed on 16 May 2008,TIiesn maps, wbch inrliidr most Of the stIa1egc roads for which the HA is responsible, are tivadable to yew itt the following link: httai/www,defra gov,uk/envirrnentiqIiry/nose,environmpntaknoiseiaction:lanstmportanz$iu'sr_ prioriryi these maps have ocen used to develop draft noise action plans A public corsultauon on the NGEL draft, noise action plans was bunched by Defra on IS Jny 2010, and lasted for a ; week periodAd onsultation documents czvi be found at the following Jink' btcpJiarchive.defragovuk!ctwli ournenl/9uallty/nolseenvironmcntiaclionplanibackgrosindhtm I the doc:ininrir, strategic roads are addressed in the draft Major Road Noise Action Plan'The draft BUSH plans nave set out thresholds to idunufy First Priority Lotatiorts at which measures to manage noise PAINTING need to be considered firthenA number of these locations have ucen identified adjacent to atrategc roads. Ihese locations include sections adjacent so the A3 I between Pkliot Post and Ashley Heath. ANt) The Agency have confirmed that they have recently completed invest'gatans to see what noise miti DECORA'I'INC garon measures, if any, might he easIhlc at all important Areas with Firsr. Prorry orations and other important locauous alongside strategic roads idenvJid during DEFRA's 'fiist round' noise action plan- ning process. 1tl & tII5I (OI42) 47464 I hey are now finabstig reports for eticti of the investigations undersakemThese reports will include dtauls of any feasible noise mingation measures identified during the irtvestigtrnon process and wili he seer to the relevant Of authorities for consultation from spring 2012 onwtirds. However; ;nsrallauoe of any noise rrntigauon meas- Are you /Ynding it difficoll coping at home? ures identlfid in the investigation process would he stih1'ecr to avivhtbk' funding. Unfortunately at this time we cannot coinniens on Are you worried about a family member at home a/one? whether any spec4lc noise attenuation measures will be installed atong the A3 n the ingwood area The second round of noise mapping and action planrmng will be Mc undertaken by DEERA dur;ng 2012 and 20i 3 respectively BURLEY'S Should you have any further questions regarding your enpuirs please coatact us at area3haulenquirieaenrerprseniouche.lcrim How can we help? In other words, there is something we can do. If you. as a Personal Support Housekeeping Respite Rngwood resident, feel strongly, please contact the Highways Meals Errands Shopping Laundry agency with your concerns, The more we make ourselves heard, the Fully insured and CR13 Checked more liely It s that somethng wdl be done about it. Office 01425 470411 - Mobile 07950 042005 Orjulione Couch USC MUSS MRCP AKC wwwburteyshoinecareservicas. co Uk

LAIi fii IitI[4! I,[iJ1 'The Iir,esl care, flie g,eakasI ton, the most encourigertassnI - "Police and Trading Standards Notice.." In white letters upon a blue back ground colour. Below this, upon a red Eflingham background it said "No Cold Calling". Then in black print lettering upon a white background House were the words "No Univitd Saks People" then under Dow Nivirwry (Rhigworel that upon a blue background were the words. 'You are not ) wekorne. Please leave my property and do not call again. I telephoned the number given (New Forest District The Region's Premier Day Nursery Council) and requested the said item. Excellent Baby-Unit, Toddler & Prn-School Depts. I have received a 'bright yehaw colour sticker but the words upon it mac little sense black lettering upon k says "We do not Simply 'Outstanding' Ofii'ted 2006 & 2009 sell or buy at this door. No Unwanted Callers Please." Please Telephone (01425) 473723 i,tifr,id you not agree, the wording is i'idirulous, i am not selling at to arrange your private tour of the nursery my door. ain not buying. C D. Fakenbrkfge co. wk Tek?phone 08458 479095 Ringiood & FoniingEridcje N[NS Page 3

Tax Advisors 431 on the Town Council agenda IT is Proposed that Ringwood Town Council seek a meeting with the Highway Authority to discuss the vexed question of the section at the A31 which runs through the town. P At tlhc I PPUIkT II l: Lh iiuiI , litipiu pi th ii' ( iIIIL'ItPP lFItrL Fold allif (i;ipeiI kr MlipI 1t)ii :ipti:iJ ipiiI iii i'.i ti tti&, ithinis. t' IIIThtIII (till rmittx. ili cittti PiPt1v ii lid liv ii i hich c ill u.i hc delittvd Et liv tuI vtiincii Api1. ti iiivJ the a Smill Budnsi SluirtittI 54vIc401111 Illilill liii kiildi. lI011i ritipi I iiiii P itpvrip. PLiic..l tttthi pipiiitvii51i"k d , aiviIvit. irp 0IM5(a4Vactorbx SohitJoilillIEW ihv tuE ii -lvtLhI die Ui. iii I LPillipIIuuL 1101"i z tiekcl }it t'iIic \ihki kvth ntvivIiwtiv, itd hittiuti ic SoIui Triutuir Budget SeruiciNEW vppd lit puultiui ipn pLIPI ii I klAwm .tuiltititp lit tl t.flifl ni eli, ii L null lii iii diii I S Liinileut 1cnspiuiies n hivh. rue [I led ii iid hi v p hencE viii uuupwi tht uutIiinp iiJenI u'te n Ihu S tyrrdl, ClS, brcklteepiuu, WET wcliollof I it hi ilL I t pP lii Coillicil ilL Pi i En IlL tlii Ii liii ii I 1 i Awardw nniniq Acountants lii [P ikirie lii the Uptnn Cmmcillor hl'Lt pntl ttipiiII i JIlelli A brrn' to lite 01425470044 it tieti. ol dlv '\3 1, rite tipi ii,e cyrIl'. tilyk ll dii CLIP I 11111 Iii PI CI iiilPiIli itIttli pipti itt (lie t;eeti'ri tipir ruIplilrkiiip ir)d pill It ipivyd ipn nn tilleliup hip Ihk ii the A PP i lIt iiinu tiled it iptm ILt Pttii PtPPIlC .\,hiyi [icith 1 ciehpinuc 'ii'. a i' tiE iCCUCilI'. and inydciit at ii eea a Suit? ILP Lii iii ti tilt' IIi, Iiupiiiiit! it iiuithr I1iIteLE pLilill tini tF paul luiluiPt lijUF\ Not ui Dislike shopping? deui PIt Can't find the time? RttUk kivi,.iillc , idvllps duty uzhtii dt it luC til thy I Fphy p \(ipiilt iiptj iEii lieU I[iI 1- Made to measure tailoring P1 UiIIrP iu 11.11 i Ii Lit fliP 'Pp ilili npiuiPiuiiu Up In philip' Itt I\PIULIi 1UCUIt'IIl Lathes and Gent suits and Ii i uu C111,11W ii iii add ni ii t i iii n ii itt %%I iii i hi i ii pac-ales choserl in The comfort of Your own 1;ome. Arrvtfrne - Uuy or Evening Alterations Spate of thefts from unlocked vehicles ttiioo 1pm over 703 upp Snrnpvn;.PrprscfIppIiy Style', tonull deiivred uuul DRIVERS are asked to help crack car crime when they leave their vehicles parked In the PrIces 10 Slit alP pc'ckehs Now Forest during the summer months. Police have issued the warning in a bid to reduce Telephone Bill King car crime in the district's rural and town car parks following a recent spate of thetis from (01 42) 654307 unlocked vehicles. he Suer ,vit d,u'iu I pau'nhiiairt UndrilylLilpid lien nilugeni lii n'meivi iii vIiiuhIe uftin - ipi

vl'iLlliIl1 'it., Ihli nitE,iiei alld iIlp 15.i. litril drtit PiiLvl I CliLLIL'" PIP to lock Illco, i Cilik teetliel' nip Aitn Rvatiie tip NyU Itinni I n S;pIei Nei iphueiht ,d'iviun, ',id ( au crini' din e'eLur and the ptttitc nie Uiiuipi p 11 tt it) ciiIPihtil 11 I ju'.i ci petupli eteild hehi theft ii'hie' putt EuIi ii ppp huhitu t'LltlL'L' the piutihiyup h Lukit. Unit LIinite ill 111' u'icnitrn like liwkijw., cru thin and renitrvup ii Iii ii etuiceed lhul npliui '., virniputeli, :111 ies, Pain alld k Ii di; ii It ii I, ii I, II Un th i ILL t ii It p i edith p ;_01 .uutilliu Iii hid them h'hlr Jid (den',, NIP)L tunii hidelyr di [iii iv zwd citluiniull- I iv.hi "'1"1 fill,, upt Ito, in hit the Neti ippy',, null htek (heir tar' puetipeh and I CliUti V, If I P pItiably ilvulus TEuiei L's I iv iv n,utviiuiie nut ilppIveuneuplt ill iiip Cli p11k aid nhuuv ithi pie Lui3itYifl( \iiui ia Ifi hit 14f g ci IPItI CL' in Phi' r'iliit duet lion

Itleal ti ItIll tire niL ph CUlItlIL ti haitI will iiL'hthuUnPes S'Acll ii

tM thri I uhe 'iiesL' L' I lilt' t1t1 L'Pt I I Al iPlP'iilllL'' .\ hi etil p elItist ftinspsluiv (PuruutpuPutpipi frtuty is is uliubie ssiiuvii Ltir lie d:pjliip ed 711vehicles shillupi. h-lu i altlabics huo keii Cit ill hut ich pile Phi" plc uipiIphIe dii it [PPllUli bt ptliptaetlup! L;tuupiuli- lilt: Spiel cn-citiunPpii S(CIhlilllL' t3eUiPi'tl at Silep hen kpst. Net 00/0 commission's iiirt'-il llu-.Iril ('ttnrrr'ii Airitteircu' (diii(, laidhw'i l'40d 7E 1A

For First 6 Months For New Landlords Only Hotpcint 7 kg drier £189.00 'it ti!; liii C;t;utI;i indung $ wparts guarantee New Notpoint 1400 spin auto only £320.00 RINGWOOD OFFICE indwkng 5 year parts guarantee 68 High Street, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1AQ Telephone 01425 477992 flepaIra instaflatlon $aia & Parts for Domestic Appliances ir ;fl gvvoocl@wsbgmuap corn Vseuwri CIeansi colledion, delivery and repair sark tee available

Telephone 01425 659058 11 s I I Mobile 07803 587678 68 High Street, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 lAO Tekp bone 08456 479095 Ringwood & Fardirtbrid9e NEWS Paje 19

50 mph - The common sense answer Like Richard Starle (his letter appeared in issue 575) I too have approached my MP and the Highways Agency regarding the 43 1. Several letters later Ihave heard every exeuse imaginable telling me why we don't need a 50mph speed limit on the stretch of road from Picket Post on through and away from Ringwood, take my We 41 rry conds on a d'vily sosis using she HigI owniCrow ext on to the A3 I here are no signs prior to this exit - warring motorists tiat vehicles join the dnal carriageway so passing cars can he travelling at speeds well anove 71 There are layhy exitc and as Mr Si says, private house driveways that also join the carriageway before the Pouiner turn off so they are equaily at risk. The Highways Agency in particular stress that rh acrident rare for this area is not high hut the frequent sirens. taiiback queues and radio reports stfatss ooserwse as does the fact that I have neard the irripact of crashes from my own garder Someone suggested rot the aushraricies do rot want to poll a reduction in speed iinht yes speed sans are regaiarly posioned on both sides of the Sr.. Leonards section wvere the 50mph appiies so I do nor understand why this cannot be implemented on a much mere dangerous and complex stretch of road? Many Ringwood residents have raised this issue over a icrig period Of urno - s anyone out there I isteni ng! EloJne Brett NTG E L illilillpillir ri 4ii U IiiYkq ['] ']iit Iii FTI1 I refer to the above document and would like to comment and place nay objections to BUSH parts of the document for the following reasons. The objections specifically relate to the PAINTING proposals for Ringwood within the report. Generally I find that there s very lithe substance inciuded in the dccurnenr. which addresses the AND points set u-nit in the Ringwoed Town Access Plan, The proposals for developnarmt tail to address the principal situ of the Ringwood luwn Access Plan (I Il) which is to reduce the adverse Ill of traffic DC()RATINC Many of the proposals will feed addtionai traffic back onto roads where furdanieitai traffic manage- rnnc prohl n C.- Xi -si ar pr sen pall az ii. ii ri II o ptuposrd ctu ulyir i.nt gQneratirlg afid Id: sibt 1H.11 425) 471464 housing proposais wili further load roads through the town and increase flows onto 011, M and .A338. it has been recognised that car parking within the town centre is at a premium and at peak times partcLsrly I V the summer nionths when visitor numbers are at their peak the main car parks are fuil and traffic looking for parking spaces can back up to ether roads and cause substantial delays to Are you finding it difideult -coping at borne? traffic trying to gain access to other areas of the town. Are you worried about a family member at home alone? The prospect of the proposed retail developi -nent on she Furlong Long Stay Car Park as set out ri RiNG 4 Ref I, wilu have na.any fundamental effecrs tin the town. These are:- If I he Higa Street already suffers front lack & vist.o rs wio are unfa-mij.Iar with the town iayoiit and a further retail area wili further BURLEY'S reduce numbers and ruin the i-high Street into a secondary retail area which already comprises of a substantiai number of offices, How can we help? banks, building society pren - ises and charity thetis as wed as empty Personal Support Housekeeping Respite properties. Meals Errands Shopping Laundry In addition to the parking spaces lost for the huiiding a nialor Fully insured and CR13 Checked Office 01425 470411 - Mobile 07950 042005 retalier wiil require about 20 additional parldny spaces 4his in wwwburl.eyshoinecareservices.co . uk adclticin to the snares lost wili rectoire a U;rldirig with miiiti storey puirisrrlx- souriry.Ii__. vu'. - - o ci.1.. ivraccvr ____._._..___I.._.-__. to iie rest or £ tins .L riiscorici._____:_ Low!! ------prin furl to see how this can be achieved whilst ccnipiyiug with the Tise fiscal csiro, Vie qtc'alcs2 ton, ciples set out in the NFDC Core Strategy for design quality fiitt 'vest u-sncownpenvscsU The Furiong Long Stay Car Pat-It also has a picnic at -ca adacent which is well used and offers ii green buffer to the vain roads. Effingham In addition to the bulk of she building I can envisage that any retsier using this building would iike to capitalise on the elevation House facing she A31 so advertise their presence. This wili further detract Day Nurry (Rlngss-ond) from the vistlui presence of the buiidirng aird add pressure to remove planting which may screen the building. I here arc aiready proposals so develop die rear of the oid Premier Day Nursery Cinema sires of the town with retail. This development is long Toddler & Pre-School Depts. overdue and any aiditenal retail proposals may deter dev&opers horn pursuing this schetue if the snabnlity Ili uric long term s wapI)? 'Outstanding Ofs'ted 2006 & Z609 doubt. For the sOcive reasons i object to the proposal and urge the Please Telephone (01425) 473723 New Forest District Council to reinosts the or-cposals for retanl development from the Development Plan. to arrange your private tour of the nursery Dfck Sheell Cfortered Architect

Pe 26 RlOwcrxi & Fury nqbndcie NEWS Thopdone 084,156 470085

, year £.InbhIiiiu Painter & Decorator Interior and Exterior No safe way Reply to ouncill As the A31 speed debate Richard is now being looked at, also Corner from what's needed to be looked Grant :'j.: (Ill, Mrrhael 1 bruise £150.00 at Is the pedestrian access It was nice to hear from Plwnteiab) off the slip road on to East- Mr Richard Grant. May None of us like being laken- field Lane. reply to his letter issue 580. in, flit' mory ro when it 'hero is no safe way fcc I always voted Conservative , iflr'oIl'eS ItrriC14 sonic woties lit wul an's to see mid Elost all the hut I realised that I was no sonic se.irrl traFfic going down the Hf duo longer voting for England It w ;u' it c'r ar tirl rrlrrdr L01 the an,rIe of the I cOon and but for all other countries. (1l1 Ml ,., I aid rind heard at cur running out o pavement, The So please let me tell Mr i1j r'rrni'rrlrrs ui'yr'r' safest way is to walk down the Grant that he votes for the Ffilr"tc' u t rn S Uii How About a Con servatory? gras S bark to view all the truf- possibility of nhigrant.s get- Rrnnr,iird n(:4tdrnrt lkecc'rrik hi' Friendly & Professional Advice fit. Tore is a foothridge up the ring pensionS. Army wife id ferris cr1 a r'\ 'iiIt' Offered wifhoul Obligation road but the trees or Lite path gets nothing. Nine Asian Finest Quality Products d'r&rrrr' rail l'rurin a \riIIIIL lIl\ have grown to a point that it is Fully Guaranteed ifirtstallations men guilty of grooming 1% hi) IilrI'fltiLl Itrin I bit he svrr-, very inclosed and I do not feel white girls of 13 years for s nrrrrt,r. '['lii, In L' i rn nIl Call David Rowland sub wulkfflg along it rat my sex. t':etrs' pint llrrlrda\ 101. hrtrr now on 01425 478686 own. Iheso ivo taccos wouid So far £3rniktior for abu lIrida. pluiturir' lrruu'e,lr'iad or soe roe ill put a i0t. of people off walking qatada" (not worth capita' let- pi rinds spani r rig i nirrue h', C,101 INGW0OD ?MFPET VEONE8O*V By lhe Church over the bridge which we ters), the 6 year old who raped Sur thai Illp i'oli cirnilul h', should be able to CoW ithout a girl of 1 1 year's old waildng our rn.ru'.Itrrreri all lie' treed dir it stress, streeti, Serbi.ar accused of 'wv 11 s' liSt S cur nl, 'u"uruii runlLnr' Can it please be looked at atrocity living here in couucii alLIS in htrlI said dt.niln, Details snppfkrd Flit,. How many rlregrrl ucmrigr'ncits tar tar iruatinre data nt i ant in this country that we can't ,uniicrr. 1A'iii' ii irrurrocinis ne'rrrls thiow Out. 20% reduction iii our L8141,011 had hecnr retOrt cil bruit porice force, Cut in their Pen- tire ir'c',rurrni (,kris'Llt line 1111A ) don cecause they say they earn Jars ned. lIre r' Ideal rrerntlen'u.a,r enough. OK next time there is dtutl Escen ' trikenr rn trouble in uorrdon ot' 11y major 'I' ftc ott nilr.ca u blab liarl tel a City you and the MP rake the tnh'jrted loutti in firms rirlinblc trod poilce ace On no too scared. rrnit'm'',aublrr How many more of our far 1hune ii Ito rue urruuhtt ri I- wondrfui soldiers wiil get killed ii stekenir try triune 'lire iris ii for no reason iii Afghanistan and items, is hick thus cur 01 our' wonder ltd MO charging for' P1"l uriC airpeci. TIre' ' attacker - their expenses to go to a ii n111rn0110 'A ho. kurt rip irhitit Remrarr'biance Cay servrce.And rite doirt, instulls the bet- here we have your' ieradei' having rite that thus, can is- tm-ned the neck to say that he must luit at (Ire '-moe Irunc tine r Ire refor n the House of Lords ui'Ium Ii',' 'lIre s uinijini let-Inn hinun'rt- because he says it is undemoc" 'fIns''. feel Ihrrr:inrrvs' Inset) a ratic to have urier'ected body tonI and ruruirur to iron's suit it retprrsihle For producing hrgk- rail ficsrn lurid Vii ihar air, ml latiori.Well ask him about EU. catr'ne. 7rst rOlL' 01 "-trifle r'tuunn He promised a ieiurerrdurn then 'lc'uc1nhm 'nrc crime i a anti mtIt LJJi!II Autc backed our migint be decause he in. I rrpeuri Iris iii cr the ire tray have lost, his pension. titan ICLl&lLt,l riud us a ti_t,illiitC Gut r'eai Mr Grant Irext terre I Servicing I MOT's a soldier is :kiliod think of wilats been said. MP & Councillors I Diesel or Petrol Rt Hon Destriotul Swayrte MP I Catalyst Tested Or Christine Ford Or Sieve Rippon-Swaine Petrol & Diesel Brake Clutch & Shock Absorbers Or Michael Thkrrry All Repairs - Warranty Work All Makes & Models Will be holding a Free Collection & Delivery Open 6 Days a Week Morning Open Surgery All major rrerjt orrth tcti t?i on Saturday June 9th at 10.00arn Lesley rrington Hall 1 'multi Par's, Nor tIn Pu ttl ret ,trad, arriqAuca fh2u Page Id Awco0 & Fordingbra NEWS Tiephone 08456 470095

Seen and heard Support for Cancer Research UK May request an entry in your paper to thank my cup- accidents on porters for their generosity to Cancer Research U. This ycais collection ironi Ringwood amounted to t/500.00, tIns almost a daily basis was due so the supporters hard work J, Gordon would like to add mine to those of the many residents in Ringwood and surrounding areas regarding the issues over the A3 L Ringwood friends I have liven at Picket HIIi for 16 yurs end h that cure have seen I would like to thank my friends in Ringwood who always and 'icard acrldsniu on alniost a daky basis. The esukanc ikhacks greet me well when I return from my home now in the affect people for miles aonnd as does the noise which aso isipacts Gambia West Africa, whenever I conic to the UK to see my on the value of the houses adacenc to the A) I You coule argue that family esidents 0050 to hi'u 1'ør but 16 years ago rho trailk was not as air created with great uio.cpicalay mid Ii iondship hi the town constant or as heavy as it is now, finn so many people, far too many to hit, but they know who they I. like many others. have approached the Firglways Agency via let- are. Life goes on, always go lorsvaro, never look back. er and phorp, asking for something to be clone but have received Bruce Berry (Formerly of the Owl Sanctuary) stock answers and no action. jr a recenr letter in the local newrpaprr, sOirtuone asked wiieru iifL else in the country would you have motorway speeds on a stretch of We feel that our thank,- should he offered to all the oad winch is aired directly by private driveways, laybys. riurnutous members of the Rotary Club of Ringwood who gave their exit roads,a nt9or town intersection and a four lane crossover? time and effort into arranging a visit to the chow fltanic for This siins It no and more than suppot is the 1iecld for a 50 nigh some of the older people of RingwciuLi hs show was ml speed unit between the Burley exit to the Spur Road uriction o lciwcd by i welcome meal at Greyfriars. It was very much ideally beyond to connect up with the existing Sc. Leoruars 511mph approc1a od,Thank you section fEasthound) and vine versa Westhound. Three residents of Mary Mitchell Close This would at cast address all the issues until such time as the Highways also decide to listen to she level of noise pollution and resurface with a lowrinise tin-fa [ 'Ut'rs Elaine 8,-eu ,( 14cm 908. Ringmcd, Haniphire HH4 1 YL maui1 tt: '& ro

The Salvation Army 1 I M BE R L/\ N D S. allw4cm I real mont IOW: Back and neck pain Sciatica Headache Whiplash Knee pain Shoulder problems Tennis elbow Plantar lasditis

Il iji. ill ollio uuscIc' L'riu nd iIovv 1 1 I'ii1lt115 in lsahiig is iiupniLS ui1 nnuiles slrinic Cakes & Groceries V Dressed Teddies For an 1 poinhilelfi call I)can ffhillip, Pbyeio1hrrapis V Toiletries V Jewellery Gifts & Cards

S iu:ris,lcti,il ( iii, lrl,rr' ( Loll. l'liir1 V Plants ;ii,ili ii.hl.l l'[i v Books & Toys V Tea, Coffee & Biscuits

Te1eptrw 08450 479095 - Ringwcio & Fordrsbre NEWS P9e 3


Sraill Wminui LS} Uwvkq NEW * 11135 CusitsiucKir Tiuc S ofiitin,rNEW * Suts- Tiictuw 1511519111 5cnirciNEW * IJuiuit51 inpiuuilitt I1WrISIt (IS, ktuscpiisu VAT Awartt.wlnniutg Accosrntatit www.arteme.co.uk Telephone 01425 470044

rseea a surr Dislike shopping? Can't find the time? AT the last full council meeting of Ringwood Town Council to be held in the public offices Mode to measure tailoring In Christchurch Road, members considered the Coundi Motion In the names of Councillor Lodes and Gent suds and Christine Ford and Councillor Michael Thierry. sepates chosen dl the corn fot o( your own homes Ihc nii ii '.t,Ii.: 'i tss.i tI 1 siss n ( w-.V11. I isiiii secp ii UCCFIIs ftlsite&l t nuiiits'i 4 Anytime Day of Eveninq LiSt 4iL LII httii .IRtcIl III tilL A. it its I I;tIiip'hIR SI 1511 PIACI l's'. 1i IlL Asttk'i I ILSILII sntLtulIsiiitSL. Alterations ;III sihilin woaisIli Ii isplill ill Ivi ills II Ii II th&siil 1155 Its-i ILl! 5511 Us-LIt till it In Chsje frcm twu' 700 cIn III samples Styles to suit all lashes ss tit) Ihts Ci ts-iI, ti IIL it hisjt, lu nscmtd snsillLi hsus hsudiuiaI pjwao ufl thcupisal Iiiis iss-lnt POIUsils-ni mtv kin Iii.it L IiLl5 CO this Pri:es to suit all 1LI1SELILII Liii ill iiItsis- ii Iiu i 1l i_huts Its uiki ii Telephone Bill king Ii 11 1 Lit Iuulil (01425) 654307 tI15.Isp isi_iihi.. tILL lii utiluil of tLli1iILLIS5 511 ISSL NI1LLII Lii stcii LLISSLLtt IliUluti liii sss4 Icsstli issid lis tiI hut iIiLT&s IloIS LSi'i 55111' up h mIll,i Hil ('ilL MssR I s-i_ii_ ihisUttul that 111<: Cisuni_tI antis-I i5 Ill st:I uitsi ii sithir tint ails-I ii sssh s- nuts'sI- in ihi SSLSSL iiIisss- is-SLuSh IL s-SiLL it Issiti1 k this loalf. 'iii Skphus-n irt it Sn ilflu tuutiLCd that fl. LsL Is-ui siIcI ill tilL accded Ii' t\is-ldft;LLU. Ftc' n L's-LIut'CuiIL'Li that cars- &isiii_i ktili. LISSSCI (15 LI IXSSkNL1IUU I 1' Uzs- at _ I utilt Ii s-Lid iii ii I it ii 'III us ( Lain 5 ( flIts- I I IL iii Ii S tin iL ill L (U 1 il tSR liii I I 5usid [us-ui iint IS iii (Ps ,11011W lust u tius- lLhss iss- rut Ii cii st I 1111 I II Chil 010itt I 1.1,1C its liii S il o lilke "s Li'1 LiLa" s-S thus ui_Lit aitca. I IL tItL's-ti's-I 111.11 11 ilisips- (Iii' hi (jELL iIiLflhut IS. LI-iLL III "vilo I nslplill tsSIl Is 1 ij 1% c II itis-it i. I food In, I I.tIi it )Ii5pfl I Utli -, 555' ii_5 iUs-' s-S IS is s-Ui' /55 I fit lulLs-s- tuna olho TflCfi-LI Ii's- 1s/ie.e ii mm-e in the righl djnss-yr/soi I5ll\ USC I le tit),, whit fbeiIi 15 I. SI US 5 s-i ii ii Isit s! FORDINGBRIDGE £750 LIM dsiiri ILL jE ll tIii s- 'iiIi Liii is-tiltS- tSittt tIic hi_tn Cauuii'sI. Ck'surls 1 tIat, c'iI si malls V iitjd 'siii, aiid rtItist lbs- Jill Ill lsan slIsiVnlsILSSIi_ List tItL iItljE\\sL's-1 -hlcIs-Il uut thss A_il hhctliiI itsiitiiis-st'ksI tICs-i dinis-plus- nIar stir s-s-s-st-S ;sIiistuul1 iii 1 c-SLIISiLIi'SSuL)IC uinluutus-i at WV VIIuIbISI Si' (it (iu iitjd SLIt CS it It.iii s- Its I I" ikoo iUti15i%1s16 1,C Sbit.tOL' stills-h RIP. I ts-ttuii.s Is-si insluls 511551 tsiiiti'iI Is St iSiSlili hflbtLsIi Isuct.si' lntpressioii iu/a,ie lnj.iuhiesssL! Sll I'ssst.'er r9rkIi.

Hotpoint 1600 spin auto 555111111 LiLlilkSLlSl lli$tiSILtsi at EosrtilqbIidf;n Tins iu (tsiritrn Ccinpslatcq ot 2 Ocdnsoints. IOIJ149001I1OF. LS111-SUIIIS to fliUtUi only £320.00 bthcotr and tas'ilily baihI'corn acusiotiThng trois-a 2 allocated pas'king tsp-tacos cioublo otaistis-g urJ gas contra houlIng, Incliwing deUvsi'y and kistallatlon to sidtaNe point Hghiy Rcisois-irncirci-nd 5 Year parts guarantee included Repairs Installation RINGWOOD OFFICE Soles & Parts for Domestic Appliances 8 High Street, Ringwood, Hampshire 8H24 IAQ Vacuum Cleaner collection, delivery en ropek nev Ice avaltabla Telephone 01425 477992 Rsng wo ru ck3wthg roiup corn Telephone 01425 659058

Mobile 07803 587678 Page 1 2 Riwocd & Foalinghridge NEWS Tetraphone 08456 470095

5 yew EIthIisficI Painter & Decorator Interior and Exterior Anti-cycling campaign CaunciIlo.’.. I note. the New Forest Assoc ation has fired the latest Coiiier from salvo in its ongoing campaign against cycling. For roe, angry horse riders giving up their free terre Cr) scowl at (hi Michael I hierrv £150.00 families of cyclists is as mirth a oar's of Vie New ore as bedrag- (Plus materials) gled ponies arid the Sunday rldouit of the Male Menopause "5 linrenly word on 111V pri rlth'nm Mororcyce CIuhA'id indeed, thete cycrists with their gariVl toth' ss Imich can arise Irons coid ing and pastycatinig offspring can make the c$ace lock a bit messy. If callers'. I racko's vs ho, out of' I fof kera out for a property with rorrirrioner 5 rights so I could the blue' srpprnewli hrenrr'-ore'n- live a faux bucolic lifestyle at the weekend. I too wouldn't want the errs with a ranen nd sers'kers, r'5 110i polkir spo H in ig the view freon the IdLdlea. probit-In stir ich arise', on ii eec- 'e.r on the other hand our part - time aeasant folk have reasons rilae' basis. lam showing a little hurmIityTheiu urrecorinanhic vanity hems are :armt' iln't.n,iilncirr ''I' 'c'rilrl cal I- How About a Conservatory? cm k , 11 'rrInrn it si Ilk' it Friendly & Prcfetnrionrrl Advice effectively su idis+rd by rh ti frau laid nriaintrrined for them by the nnirhrL'inmii, i_ills rn crier Offered without Obligriliori f-omestry Coipmission,t heir horses and cows wander urrswervised inthccirt it p liiVhtrilriniI Firect Qualfty Froclucts few of them trait .0,6 to avoid earring eridargererd speciesThey poc /5 recent tnnmtev .41' Mud that Fully Guiranteed l astallatims On the neads of ground messing birds, SIrCI churn riO tracks more rnnitii'rnnnlls 'ri', rd [eripre simpk Call David Rowland effectively thntl Illy bicycle. And as fern' conicen viny, flora and fauna, rake a ook at photos Icurrenclyl on tire NFA's own Faceboot, page diii not 0 alit clnircr'.Iep i,c/r,J now on 01425 476686 tli',rrc 'irr- of a recent point to point on slamtomr Ridge. Ret tire newts i'nitr'. :nnne radii,' nit er see me at 1 irteil ir'Irnnill', ',sclr'in'nic'cl therl RINGWOOD VAHKV WONOAY enioyed tirnit tinier, By the Clljr0 Sonic sharp 'eyed readers may have spotted that iliroughoat the l'lnr,'n'c n' crk.' ccr,lnrucc hr huh mt avstw.1i rn.a couk forest there is an existriry network of cracks dsry,ned to cope with 111mm' tin critic i'nrtlinrrr" 70 ton harvester's, of which cyclists are fruited to an apparently ran 'it Ibr't'r: tin tnit,,'in., c'r\lvt I. 'ri tire Cnininit r'c,nru'II dOnu and non-eairriy,srous subset ft's adniosm, tike there was an nimisatinfacrory corInprornirer betweni tho. roresrry Coirninitsioni and In nnr'citi 'Nun ''ln m,',ttlinrn frill,,'',' some sort of seihelected sell cli .1 ir'r,nnll c'l bit_nt musnr,'tenhc 5zrnt- intCrCSt group. So I would urge liii in Cc ccii' I lien a cccl c's p'rr'c''rI 0 the Forestry Commission to vs tolaillue. balanidnig the needs of L. 01 IOu i'nrtc'nnnr 'ron /idIK" air insert, including the unsightly ni all irircn,mnrrn ccl rIo' i'rocrdc'mmtt cyclists, and riot inst istein ic 'rmcju nninix'i,l ott 'ri cold ccrtic'rr. the lonidrist and crest pompous In co.cmihrl 'orion Inc lnc, on I he huirr'i tup voices irticIr'rir'e ''hnm, Ii tc',n' Dove Purnell ilcc'c'r Inc iou, tlnnai conrnnmnmn'rs Ili itnlrnc' r' riii',ii,,I sittilils Ior 'inch /ccmflhiC .'r'ttrpi'nilc,,ils Uiurc Err er Need to tcr snni'h ca'lrsils at in inn step tnculmrttr to tic' hninrrnd address T','sm.':rcc'ii srncrint'stt n Itnil tOe orun:tnc'c' nr Inn Inner:' nc'kn',ro im.nrlrrc'rI r\clV Ii',,' in ,,h";rnmuc' ''c rib Jim Clegg's letter pub- tnilk It'd tic' ['tin in, kit Inn, 0 aidS lished in the last edition is re le'gr'ctcilnm.rn tic l's' ntirnnc clue an excellent summary of lire' lhutnr cit pre'-nnt II the A3 I problem, which c'alkmtnip1x'c11 at mimi dmnru Inc arguably should have been 0'S ecimcctn,c'r II in sIns iinir.hn, t'lm: EIIIiIi!AII Autic I Ini It palinic Tmnsr,lminmn taken on hoard' by the i i't'r't(r/it authorities eoncerned.The sloruhrik on n If hn I Servicing I MOT's need to address Ringwood's traffic problems has been MP & Councillors I Diesel or Petrol evident for many years and Rt Flan Desmond Swayne MP it is surely time that they Cllr Christine Ford of Catalyst Tested were addressed. CUr Steve Rippon-Swaine Perhaps Your pnthtnt ,ttmoni Petrol F Diesel Brake Clutch & Shock Absorbers could help by requesting road CUr Michael Thierry All Repairs Warranty Work All Makes & Models acriderint statistics for rIm Picket Will be holding a Free Collection 8 Delivery Open 6 Days a Wk PosrJAshley Heath stretch of Morning Open Surgery All crCoi't cxdi takee maJor the AJ I. on Saturday. If they reveal higher accident May 12th at 10.00am I ates than cofd be expectec of 5 rnniior road, then action ttiuul ci Lesley Ertimrqtorr i-'ell be taseri. Sinl'rr'initc'r Park, f'lorthn Pculntrr Sijurd, Bran Wetters gir5v'prc5n S'H?4 Page 76 Rlngmocd & rorainqbrid 'JEWS Telephone 08656 479095

IS y.iuvs EI.bI.rJwd Painter & Decorator Interior and Exterior No safe way CouneiUoi1f.. ems decorated Ac the A31 speed debate is now being looked at also Caflner from what's needed to be looked Clh' Mrlsiwl rhrrr £150.00 . at is the pedestrian aacess It was nice to hear from (Plus material 5) off the slip road on to East- Mr Richard Grant. May I None of its like being 'taken- field Lane. reply to his letter icsue 580. in', fbi' inure so wino if here is ro safe way for I always voted Conservative, Involves lus'iti g srulw enonsat In 'N,il'uis to son nrC rtaIl tin but I realised that I was no MultI SI0IIII ' , traffic going down tie 14, 1 dJci longer voting for England It i% w, U lilt ' I i.rl,.' htiiIi to tiC arhIe at the j'ictior' arid but for all other countries. C"Ar Nlp, Voill urrl liar-a ,t1 out rrirrrri'rg our of pavement The So please let me tell Mr I riTII U I' Ii 0¼ satest way it to wak down d'c Grant that he votes for the Itt'liti. uc icir an How About a Con Bervtery? p,ras', kirk to viow II till! rr,if- possibility of migrants get- Rum Lire R'¼ 1¼k'' I Rc'LiI,lI he Friendly & Professional Advice tic. I erc is a footD'idge up the ting pensions Army wife 'rid rt'eaied ilen 'ca Oflered ulthoul Obligation i oad but the trees oi' the path gets nothing. Nine Asian LUll lrirrir a ttruum lUCIT Finest Quality Products have growr to it poirt that it is men guilty of grooming ivhri piulorrv,rl friar I hill hr 0lit Fully Guranteeii ft5t4flM0fl5 very hiclosed arid I Co not ted white girls of 13 years for tT.iL'r tire irii.t' 1,0 ,iI I (afl David Rowland safe.%afe. w,rl rrr .rloi'g it air ny sex. l,lrtT frIrITl:r\ tm Itur now on 01425 476686 own. I l'cse two tactos woj 6 So tar Bmi jolT br 'abu lrF.rli, Tilt 'r litt lrriirr:l at on me it put a YOL of people oil walkii i q.itada' (rot worthI apita i rates. seC [it' err 'as a 1dL ii SING VI ODD MARXIET. WEDNESOA aver the bridge wfrktr we te'S), the 16 year old who raped S BV IhQ Church Lit II lire nIt rrtplrl fe 'a:l,wrnaowo)rrraii should be able to Co without a girl at yea I s old wa ki' ig our tr,ttr¼Ie t ni' II lie ttt'','il ir %s,1 1 S t V nsa st'eets Sehiar acc'nsea, of wir I e' s itT 1 ':r;p tuna Caii ft please be loo

lt; JII (II l], (IIIII9 that tinge ond Tn - t iinit Iiing (Ieli) caiwerri related to (lie (It i rlikle atii- ff (tents 401 (tie 11rhall stiticli id the A3 1 ill Ilaffitishite lUNG SIIUCll New meeting at fr*nit tekl 1 1w i ll to I ia . . - sliIt Ikath ji1ter Tto Wesley Centre elm 1t.e, and having . in cli rL It Road. RInwti a I regard to pu Idie op mum 1tjljuflS the 11ghnas kry Sunday u hiirh to once again . at I 0.30mm te iesi In totisultatli m I III1I1LUI I0I0I9I4IIIC .lI11lC4 V1 ith this Council , I1)CtISUIC% wilich inipIt 0425 477101, . riieutqI. ai,nhl hns. a l4IN. (1 I(IR1I4I11I IC Ph11I.lCOi dig h(IwtiVial impiKi on I . a aa:iaaan I1ih n*wfront$e,s the accident rate oll

tIUII section fill , 111V AM - -

. kIuii(sJ .11911 C. oinwil ;l-ccpIk iliC CIIL!iI(flIh! li11II1Iiil%, 9111.1 I-inanci.11 C1INIl11l k 1111 111 cd iii Poulne, Baptist Chapel Ugiidii hc 1.11111 Ii . nI '.il.4e tii Laid lic .IulIcId-li liral. I -laiiIid.91. II iriI4CCI is, Iia ci i i1s.lk 11ia ,inpr m cO highu.a a iii III i Lg,iuL'c and aUclilInil i ll1niiuiiti&a aa ilk gc 014 2i1 471i3I1fl iii Iii Iiai c i ii rilli c iii i iiiauI Marni ng Service ckitw lcdce - diii it JIWS tint litl C c\pcI ac III ii tcis Icl-Aftd h 1iilii ai 1OOOam c:Iu i\ Lull 19 1 11111 tll1rL 11911 1 Ii LIII ilL 0111 .119 911-Ia a cull] Ha ( tituiai. a&Lt , s I LfiIcs1.uilkilt ! with driiru & 50119; pci ada ii ,910 tdc0s lk 1un, I 9 C. lhIii\ CiIi5 kil l 1a IIIc I . iiud I Iaiini 11 iii Hfl I-C1I5 id .1 LIIhLa,inuI L1 11.9 IY 1 11V 111111.1, Evening Service n icuci ihc 1. litillill i ll c po liholl I II ha 1Iuuh.vas \a9 :s mc-iihcrc ni hc InI111W !IC iiittd In s.ui 63Opm 11 s. 1IIIS the iqt 1 fi 11.1111 II 1111111.! 411941. IIICIi II PcI1. 11 II uIic IIII9i] ood Thu coffru and hicuio sCCIi Ilill I aA i I after eriires wwvoouiurchup0..uau4i IJs9IC -- 111hIc1i1n ri viriII-4..lIl1....tnI -ItiriL;s&u1iiLI III! ill uti& tiiiil rltic1fa4i1 mid 5 451141 Ir1 Ici all iiuee 114 111.1. II iILIIa,C iii I Ill. LillilliC. & SCIVilIC dUaIIklad5 i'ij 111111 sC o 4 Imrc tl Iii All Welcome! I : ric9 iljit ciii CAXTON DECOR 11ie Salvation Army E7LPLORIED New cookware I Chrit 1uuuch Pond I 4' Pit Rlidale 911(1(1 ifi Ma- 11111.111.. 4, 'JrlLl\ 4 lp4!s4 1.,, ii S(ND,tY stKVR'I:s Pra ker \lecting at 9.453111 I1lI! T. . . showroom PI4i Itainiiig Nkbr5fiip? 11 1 101001

I I Wha ,, .1-i hiri Explored? I tieiitia, l 411 it now open I tagne ii iii. lCciIIl I . ('III' 1 'lil 26-30 Salisbury Street Fordingbriclge Cameo (' 1111) ar 'AOipnm - lIe lilt 11141 - .1 I 41 ccli Telephone 01425 653 489 07009

Telephone 084,536 479095 Rwcod & Fordibrkge NIWS Pa r, e 3

Tax Advisors A31 xrifF -Jth1. i

Ringwood Kiniiial 'loan ( nniucil aooti Wjiin ',,1 CobohiIIoi C td lititt Ford a C mUltI MI TiSny .

petition last II q,_1 0- I (11,011 n -J -i-', - Ihtl rI nd ''rC,c' 1' 0,11 01 1r II Cc It It I t It tllJ 11 11cr 11J' II (l THERE is still opportunity to III I Ott 'Ii I, I II 0 1 tI III I 01. II I Itt .1 1 - 11111 IjIl '. it tic _tt 0,1_I'll tl,lL-lI'4I I II I tht '11 SmaIlBunns Siinnuip SrvlcaNEW sign the A31 Public Petition', IR5 Contractor Ti ,(S I'tni NEW says CUr Michael Thierry cc Sole irattin Budget Service NEW author with Cllr Christine Ford Limited capuitium h- I'll '0(111 (041 001 of a motion put to Ringwood PoyuIt. i:tS, Etc kiupint, hihl’tT Town Council. www.artetnco.uk p?one 01425 470044 The latilioll states, I{irigwnnii 14)wu (.nunvil. ling (k4Yp concerns i'elatccl hi nf eea a suirr the n umber ni ehkle, aceklt'n 1, Dislike shopping? on tfii' urban S11,001 of the I Can't find the time? in I nhire t'rina Pkktl Put Made to measure tailoring the Ladfts aad Ow if &imf in ,-thkv I epirfw chosen ci the interchange, and having regard ccimori of your OV/O hume. In public op'nuiim. JwIiIhun, hit Anytime - Day or Evening llighways 0\iutlto0ty tn once Alterations again cc ne a. in consuiltation Gl)OOm$i3 frm DVn( 7D ccib samples Styles to slat a with this (inuiiI, m'surcs ersorialiy delivered trhieh implemeattA, mmld Piic to siinl aU pockets livylvilichill iin ca,'t nit the Telephone Bill King fulAt. U (01425.)654307 accident rate on that section 44

the A3I 1

1I tIii, C, , ili]lwd ma n --- ii 1I III' 11111111 tt thI itIillilli,i\ I, ttt'Ji. 1, -- - - nrnbc' 1,111 111t:pi ikar, ilrowd 41 mmml a ItIclllOLI:q1ImItII1li ttlV il.&lrtm-;nc the im'mon ( UiRil 111 hiIIIL! mll1l.iIl 'lel'i Illijill o'mI'llio Ill Ihi' Riiv,to.I OCItJ11tI Ill len! \iI h , litm l lii 11.11 liLt UI t: Ii aij lLImo 111 41L!Il ill ,lIiliuLiO htt, iuiLI E1O1IIL'!0ol,e1 Iron on and Stick on il1ilitII0"I1i1I dl! lilt C, l0L!lIlolIiIi' iiiovtmrJ lihrar. 1 1mddioliln; hIIkIVi, l0 ilnt'lt' htt;i. iIIII1LS nl I ft;V,niIlll I llLc AC lii, luI!lF MIttliltilili III l'L'tIIie ltnlIr-a' I ,1i1! 11111 tIii iii ltt' (iiIIL!il I\ htIil1IIIlt.! ill 'l'he lii ii lilt)! NAME t4PE$ PRINTED" lilt1! lilt liliC Ill llV pclL!iIln t' it t,Ct! lite1tt itl1pJIi liL! Liii' 'lmtau ?,cIIl'IIlI I it i t i;,,[ i It ri (ItillIl lilt hi ltt'IlItI Aitiii' In tutu 111th While you wait! at 11111! iCt1tii41 it Liii.' A3 edith lUllS IltUitlell ItiiSli otm_I. ml III IV Cmiii It!c!l 0H i Ih .litnm' meid Liii i.liitiimui.'iit LU bc We have d fancy new rnadnnc slitulaiitcl litthe itiun',v iuIileii aed ii ii then h' mliplicteiI I tim' kill kinimin titi_I [till ii) tIIIIIC1I £3.00 for 25 or £5.00 for 50 I, milrowu tall IIkiohn'-unaienl Ii Altec iiI11U1II1IiILIIC lull! We stock Ringwood Junior & Ringwood C.E. Infant School uniform Made to Measure curtains & Roman Blinds Try us first Hotpoint 1400 spin 7 kg auto with digital display only £30000 112 PRICE 'Soft touch' Indesit 6kg 1200 spin only £260.00 dressmakers scissors Both with 5 year parts guarantee were £18.00 now £9.00 Repairs Installation Whiliz. stocks 4-st 0 Sales & Parts for Domestic Appliances Vacuum Cleenat collection, delivery and repair service available Ringwood Fabrics #j' Telephone 01425 659058 15 High Street, Ringwood B1124 lAB - 01425 475677 Open Monday -Saturday 9.00atn - 5.30pm 111 Mobile 07803 587678 0846 479095 Rngwoo & Foraingbridg e NEWS Rige 19

The deed is done, the building is built lllngwood and I really must reply to Jenny Evans who objected last week (issue 582) to my criticism of the Gateway Building and who has both misquoted nw and misread my Itttr. I did no Fordlngbridge defend, or even mrition the old toilets or the wooden tourist building, that is an assump- tion she chose to imke, (101A dipL poit.Aid I did io wouId iot) USC rite ,00d. id tI'e a%a WAS gii1i- c;nt ai;d I isd the word deIibereIy: it has:oinoaioris, epeclIy r this zoitex, eyori nyt?iing P0 E3cx 908, FRngwaod, LIIa ood could irpIy.TiiL SkU ol 0 1Q Or pa < ankd by the IAioppiig preciici Iiicw rroWded 1ILILS Hampshire 131-124 1 Y LEuIrflrlfl losti wid -he Sa I ) I V buildilig, ml, I ii Hit defired by t in mim wi h I t It Wis, I rcpeat, Che Signilicali , oei space atid could have bee exploited ro great effect. I au r Telephone priJ the a lc`w et, ts did vor take This ntu ;toint, tI

ertsar.co.uk Nmes.co.uk [email protected] ;T 18th, 2012

Forest MP backs

petition for A31

safety campaign EW Forest West IMP Desmond N Swayne has declared Ills sup- Saili ng dub delight part for a petition demanding SWAY lnie used na a rat-mid ut dents the manLy cwnreil rdwAted. safety improvements to the busy A .59 lung club'at ii coon get. a new .arth from the borne of Hiunp. the 2111i1 proposal to iflose off Back pni at Ringwood. 2 31 11lJtlO r:i,,thircirncsC a tIer 25 years of ire County (;euuvn leader Keii Lane had fear wed a public eonntrta. iuodi'aclstng. Hurst Castle wtil re- tract, lOot elsirneil that proved 'some- Tile motion, by tQvirL courcillOrt ruroher will be controversialty Corer, Michtel Tioferre mid Coon. ptitCO Itbi Os tune tuuttdir.u, wi'iLclt aei for sb< niontlis in a surpriac what inc.ciracluat'cr' it has used slicer 1040. Commodore eve which has angereti and ha- :t cordoned that It was oow felt Christine Pord, who are both former' 1drd t1IugErrt. thri r:.Loeui'r would ixt the butt way ot' mayors of the town, tires attracted Ian Daly said. 'E00r3.'one 111 the more than 1,000 signatures and callS I utorist a whl be ritoptart from pi'erierving its ct:iui'acter', and no chub at doJigt-rtecl aud arnsvii that public eortsaltotion wrontd ha carried on chiefs at the Highways Agency to wove CI to tori tar hue point.' tfl OJi.1T the full length iii' Ltaelt focus art Improving the stretch 01 a when the xpetirnrntal coerce out ti- :s lIme, eo:pIainio "Pl_thltc Page ii inouitatto"t'h not norinafy under- roOd from Yloket Poet to the Ashley na, later LbO yfiz'rr Cri(l lIaUiiaid Hicath interchange to iflatw a detoar round lee tmtkr:ri prior Lu implerettttri ar (ttd- by Hare and Lfottnda pub. pertriLtrrtttl traffic trcherrut such as It declines the accident rate ali:irg B RAMS MAW ne new r, t ho junction WIth this, and the lli'st aix rcirrrtths of Ira that aetion vi road iie"appallirrg', tree Lane will tact V.1osed off to opt'rat,lnrr would offer tLyn- form the and urges a formal review he carried Hsts bog rescue Cetr Lane a tl-de-stiJn cave consult tition period." oar. hwcic IC) locale mat there was It alec claimed a number oi'receumt Speitietrig to the A&'T', Mr Swayne A trapped burst' scrolled uttin- nor public i nstaLutieri or warn surveys cart-led eu' on the lane had tend: 'I 010 ItOIlahti that thu latest tumed after' f'tre:igr'.Lers rc:od it i'rrsrr arid no:iat OtY htiiitit tri)OUt in identified htgher i-barr expu'ctctcl leo- ptltIon wilt have more of men irrtpactt a deep rag. Ftgtirsorn-ytOtt"Old Tic- br sent Ibla week, ole of tra "fl O because It has the bricking of the tOt-lu Wood :iszl bc-err rirlorig mrcro'e baa loLl. canto wondering how the However, that churn was r.mb crilllinurtity and the council has bliii'-ed by 04-year-old Brenda Molly WrtOfl titt' ralniral sank ruatd ire of a atnall trifle with a good clearly put a lot of thought and erforr. Fr,'rrlcy Lt't'oi', tlhc; roarrayed to hold lit t'CCOtII Oat grit allah priority, Turner. WI-jr, hO lIved tin flack lane into then' st-sri;'." teleLily since milan' previous for mart than 411 ye ars, arid former the tr'tc;rcril S treed above the sur- pat-lab t'o'orocltlor and retirf,:d teacher He added: 'I fully support the route were thrown ira; after op. InItiative, I have made reoreaenta face aOt,rt crews i out Lyrtdhur'et biro; pet.it.lcrrie o:r-rarrted bun- atan Dew, who lives In nearby and Errstlet'io ant-ivod at the scene Pitntorrt Lane arid oriranicad ;h tiotis marry times over i-bc' tan; of signatures. The ecamty had decade to the JIiglvri'ays AgrhlCV' Page Ii prorlousty cmcludvd that tire 1111i0 opposition per.ltion, put at £LQ.OUQf3O,f)lRi, could Mrs Dew mid stir would be pitteing The petition takes leslie with the a 1105' itetition In the village's news or ju.rth'Iecl. 70mph speed limIt or, an axis e'ip CHRISTCHURCH rmer pariah courctlor inn Dew etotdt, adding: The only villagers road that has a -X-de5'riWL er-ossine was IbNray clemrtccacy rat Who riny bandIT, from such eapamrdl- halfway dawn, the high xr,inther of tnt-a arc the it,nW who ibee in Barth ,junctions fr-cnn Picket Post, to Ashley Cner victim's trugge while '.\ew Loreei. t)i5tir7 1 , nail R-.tde and Swigi' Parish Lane arrd not all r>ftii.m are in favour .lec'ath arid the lack tit crawler lance A a'.'o:ncrnr brooding cancer has aol icairman Coinit Parry of the cloaure for HGVs going up Poulner Hill. "I hive never root any tranlO prob- ,pci1cr-n of bra' sirugrelt: to luk sifter- tn-tart oath luwrng no prior con- It proposes a OOmph speed limit haul' faintly 'alter her btnOts were Iion wan 'odd lottie therO. I find rnaiorlst.s c onsider- arid more niguage, which thor a ourreil- ''i'e ware also bottled by the f;it4,. and Lhei'c- is anipk' passing minoan, - lore say would help dni'.'ers get in janO :audrieniy titOPijrl, Striu rr fihl'p- at county council workers torn- I have never found any fact dewing ictrrd i413i, of c'ickrrv Way, said she no- ant' unreos onabht; twhavloiii'. earlier Lr.stead of tsoaldrgsor-lden ma- ) in Back I aria to mplace Wirit P,l: said the rnrine,y would be nocuoren- woe "distraught ma rho Deprietmant tn6, wIth a wooden one rmponitit tlpealdrrg at a reuoht town Council for 'Wirb and 2r.stcflt' decision, .,.omits otCoun Thoraloar and his better spent on improving rand srt:ety at the Station Bead cross- meeting, Court, Thlerry I-railed 'cadatirig. 'Al, the moniteflt I cant ree itbours to atop rattle and ponies people who had signed the protilscm, , the ricI of the tunnel' ring oft' 'tOIt Forest, questioning roads anti Church Road. adding; 'It tttt :iylit lit would CCCIT1 that thiS time there Is to whlh ha- said was proving "popular" Page 12 her the work NVas a good use Of and had roily orre signature against, :1 money be so prior crimiauitalocou prior to the it tI-re county counrrit said the uica'r:; and upinlors err: only Lu be He said he had ritecived a letter wejtr-d alter hoe event tinirl the etipect' ft-ant the Highwaye Ageacyra chief irg week wvs put of 'routine di,ure has a ertru'recl, Apparently the tienanrtO" and "aottrro wharco- xCUtive that stated hicidCrtr5 or, OVEI 90 JOBS to do with any ut he nearby ptii'Ib council warn not stilted thii' thi,srrttionofthe All over' the past opiton but told that this atreat was two years had been classified as properties. to bnpPrtrr by letter' ,witver. it declined to a Ommi' iii. 'slight, and that neither it the pollee ADVERTISED ha tfliddcti tkslslort to trial the fcesor:iog to the prevlrn;s fence or Higrnpsbire Courtly Council sup- which has now hatitni repiar'ed, Mrs ported a seduction in the speed humid tire of Bark Lane and Court Dew said wknl It was in a poor a,tat, tither was trot ibis to give a art' - Coon, Titierry said this response THIS WEEK tee because ot a "personal corn- R Was still thie to rIri it-S oh oi'ijhikc'- proved it was important the town neat', iCoutinued on page 0) council cakes the leati role in urging -a litter sent 1:0 flricfie lane rent- for a speed reduction as ro or-her body seemed willing to do so, - -


C PSd I. Id MW I. I I sz Vwd I I L flPQS L )$S ! o siep 01. JALIO 06 1I1S 99 L1S S 3 AWeS AWM883 AWOWS ppy c.

LcU fr


6LPOLUiE1* O IPIQOtU 161P SIuOd iasau :p4315Wy tv..n+oVs( 'I'IOIIP'S tOOrZ V LE Ckl SOOLOLO *OM GM ropunolIupy o uq'puimi 1d iId tv :ueo1 11011i Annex C


FULL COUNCIL MEETING 31st October 2012



Traffic Management Programme 2012-13 – Agency Programme (NFDC) (Reserve Programme). • Castleman Way and open space area adjoining Hightown Road - (land dedication being progressed).

Maintenance Work: (Non-Principal Special Maintenance) • Wattons Ford Lane – drainage (Project Resilience delivery)

Traffic Management Schemes 2012-2013 – (sub programme of the Capital Programme) • Ringwood Town Centre (Pedestrian Signing) –New pedestrian direction signing in Town Centre. Works already started and due for completion by shortly. 2 Orders placed. Contribution of £10,000 from Town Council. • Hightown Road, Crow Lane, Ringwood – speed limit review. Assessment of speed limit (and implementation, if appropriate). Speed surveys to be arranged. Will need DfT signs approval start date Winter 2012 (completion expected Spring 2013).

Traffic Management Schemes 2012-2013 – (Reserve Programme) • Christchurch Road – investigate provision of pedestrian crossing. Feasibility and possible construction of a pedestrian refuge island near the War Memorial roundabout. NFDC are to do a feasibility study using HCC funding by end of September 2012.

Traffic Management Programme 2012-13 – Agency Programme (NFDC) • Christchurch Road near Willow Drive – Environmental Enhancements – Ongoing (Residents meeting held 26 April 2012 to discuss results of parking survey and outline options. Officers to prepare options for consideration, including alternative route for proposed cycle path). • Hightown Road – Cycle Route – detailed design and phased implementation. Start date subject to design principles being agreed with Members, alternative proposals will be developed for Members consideration Autumn 2012. Also linked to allocation of additional developer’s contributions. • Hightown Road – consider making experimental width restriction permanent (Winter 2012-13).

Maintenance Work: (Safety Schemes/Casualty Reduction Schemes) • Gorley Road – installation of dark grey coloured surfacing at Butlers Lane and Southampton Road junction and refurbishment of ‘Give Way’ markings. Provision of new ‘Local Shops’ sign at the junction with Butlers Lane (Approximate completion late Q2/early Q3).

HCC CYCLE ROUTES (evaluated)

• Along the dismantled railway from Barrack Lane to join the cycle route at Burbush car park. • Improvement to – avoiding main road from Kingston North Common to Wattons Ford.

1 • New path/bridleway at Lakes exists on cycleway network map, but not yet constructed.


• Hampshire September unemployed down by 282. • Unemployed claimants UK 3.8%, Hampshire 2.3%


• Rufus Castle (Portland) to Lulworth Cove – open to the public. • Lyme Regis to Rufus Castle (Portland) – identifying issues and opportunities & landowner area for walking the course.


• 24th October – HCC New Citizenship Ceremony in Great Hall, .

W Steve Rippon-Swaine FRICS DipGS Hampshire County Councillor


• 26th October – Initial meeting for December Civic Celebration of Ringwood. • 26th October – Sailability Award Ceremony at Spinnaker Lake, Ringwood. • 29th October – HRH Duke of Kent opening of Ringwood Gateway.