Establishment Report and Tables, Part III, Series-23

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Establishment Report and Tables, Part III, Series-23 CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 SERIES 23 ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS PART III ESTABLISHMENT REPORT AND TABLES M. C. JOSHI OF THE urTAR PR \DESH CIVIL SERVICE Director of Cens uS Operations Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1971 CENSUS PUBLICATIONS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS SERIES 23-ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS \ Part I-A General Report Part I-B General Report Part I-C Subsidiary Tables Part Il-A General Population Tables Part II-B (i) EconomIc' Tables Part JI-C (i) Social and Cultural Tables (Tables C V, C vn and C-VlII) Part II-C (ii) Social and Cultural Tables (Tables C-I to C-IV, C-VI and Fertility Tables) Part II-D Migration Tables Part III Establishment Report and Tables Part IV Housing Report and Tables Part V Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled_ Tribes Part VI-A & B Town Directory and Special Survey Report on Port Blair Part VI-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages Part VIIT-A Administration Report on Enumeration Part VIII-B Administration Report on Tabulation Part IX Census Atlas Miscellaneous A Portrait of Population and Special studies taken up by the Director of Census Operations. PtREFACE The limited exercise done at tbe 1961 Census on collecting some information regard­ ing tbe manufacturing establishments only, alongwith tbe bouselisting operations, gave birth to an additional schedule on establishments at the 1971 Census for the collection of more diverse data on all types of establishments. Thus, Indian Census of 1971 came to cover b~3ides hum:l.ll population and tbeir habitat, even places of their social, economic and cultural activities. The data thus collected on establishments in this Union Territory are pie;;;,d togetber and analysed in this raport. The detailed tables generated and subsidiary tables base<l tbereon are also presented here for more detailed work by those interested. A5 only establish ments located in buildings, houses or structures having walls and roofs could be covered and those run in the open and vendors moving from place to place left Ollt, such open air establishments like pottery making in Choura, canoe making, copra and betel-nut processing in the Nicobars, preservation of fish by drying in sunshine in th;, Andamans and trading in fish, eatables, and other articles by pedlars and service or trade or business done in tbe open without any structure over the place of business/trade ,s~rvice thus remain excluded. I hope they will be taken due care of at the next Census, so as to complete the full perspective of the establisbments in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands. I am grateful to Shri A. Ch andra Sekhar, ex-Registrar General-cum-Census Com missioner, India and Shri R. B, Chari, tbe present Registrar General-cum-Census Commis­ sioner, India, for their guidance and encouragement from time to time. My grateful thanks are also due to Shri S. C. Sbarma, Assistant Registrar General, India (Data Processing) for tbe coding, puncbing and mechanical tabulation of the data collected and providing us the detailed tables in record time and to Sbri K. K. Cbakraborty, Assistant Registrar General (Census & Tabulation), for kindly seeing tbrough the finalisation of these tables as also the printing of this report. My thanks are also due to Shri Ardaman Singh, the erstwhile Assistant Director of Census Operations, A. & N. Islands who laboriously prepared the first draft of this report I was also lucky to have the services of Shri Lal Krishan, the present Assistant Director of Census Operations as he came handy at the time of finalisation of this report. In tbe end, tbe hard work put in by Shri V. O. Koshy, Assistant Compiler in the prepa­ ratio'} of subsidiary and inset tables and that by Sbri K. V. K. Nair, my Stenographer in typing out this report deserves all appreciation. M. C~ JOSHI 30th June 1975 Director of Census Operations (iii) FIGURES AT A GLANCE AND AM AN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS 1. Distribution of broad types of establishments : Manu~acturing, Processing or Servicing Establishments Sectors of economy Trade or Other Total Register~d Household bminess establish- or unregls- Industries establish- ments tered ment factoriesl workshops Govt. or Quasi Govt. 778 41 46 691 (30.9) (1.4) ( .. ) (1.9) (27.6) Private 2,058 250 407 989 412 (66.9) (6.4) (18.3) (27.7) (14.5) Co-operative 56 2 .. 53 1 (2.2) (0.1) ( .. ) (2.0) (0.1) 2. Distriblltion of manufacturing, processing or servicing fstalisln:(n1s 011.0 Ha to ~ehold industries by size of employment for Registered Factories or Workshops/Unregistered WOlkshops separately. Registered Factories or Workshops by Size of Employment Total 10-19 20-99 100-499 500+ Unspecified 22------------------------------~.-----~~------"------~----~~--3 15 2 2 (100.0) (13.6) (68.2) (9.1) (9.1) ( .. ) Unregistered Workshops by size of Employment Total 1 Person 2-4 5--9 10-19 Unspecified 271 161 84 15 8 3 (100.0) (59.4) (31.0) (5.5) (3.0) (l.I) 3. Distribution of manufacturing, processing or servicing establishments other than household industries by fuei! power and manual used and size of_employment Establishments by Size of Emp10yment Kind of fuel/power used Total I Person 2-4 5-9 10-19 20-99 100+ Unspecified All Fuels/Power 77 44 19 3 6 4 1 t26 .3) (15.0) (6.5) ( .. ) (1.1) (2.1) (1.3) (0.3) Manual 216 117 65 15 8 9 2 (73.7) t40.0) (22.2) (5.1) (2.7) (3.0) ( .. ) (0.7) 293 Total 161 84 15 11 15 4 3 (100 .0) (55.0) (28.7) (5.1) (3.8) {S.l) - (1 .3-) (1.0) v - --- - - ~ -----_. VI 4. f>istribution of manufacturing, processing or servicing establishments other than hcufehold industries by kind of fuel or power used ; Estalishments using Total Electricity Liquid Fuel Coal, Wood and Bagasse Manual 293 16 42 19 216 (100.0) (5.5) (14.3) (6.5) (73.7) ,. Distribution of house,hold industry establishments by fuel/power used and size of employment: Establishments by Size of Employment ~ind of fuel/power used 'fotal 2-4 5-9 10-19 Unspe- Pet;son cified All Fuel/Power 33 23 8 1 1 (8.1) (5.6) (2.0) (0.2) (oo) (0.3) Manual 374 146. 108. 80 39 1 (91.9) (35,9) (26.5) (19.7) (9.6) (0.2) Total 407 169 116 81 39 2 (100.0) (41 .5) (28.5) (19.9) (9.6) (0.5) 6. Distribution of household industry establishment by kind of fuel/power used: Establishments using Total Electricity Liquid Fuel Coal, Wood and Bagasse Manual 407 1 19 13 374 (100.0) (0.2) (4.7) (3.2) (91.9) 7. Distribution of trade/commercial establishments by size of employment: Establishments by Size of Employment Total 1 Person 2-4 5'-9 10-19 20-49 50+ Unspecified 1,08S 588 386 83 IS 8 1 7 (100 .0) (54.1) (35.5) (7.6) (1.4) (0.7) (0.1) (0.6) 8., Distribution of establishments (other than manufacturing, processing of servicing or husin(£s and trade establishments) by size of employment E~tablishments by SiZe of Employment Total 1 2-4 5-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 Unspeci- Person )OO+. fled 1,104 482 317 108 57 36 15 7 82 (100 .0) (43.6) (28.7) (9.8) (5.2) (3.3) (1 .4) (0.6) (7 ·4) CONTENTS PAGiS PREFACE iii FfGURES AT A GLANCE v-vi CHAPTER I-INTRODUCTORY 1-6 CHAPTER II-TYPES OF ESTABLISHMENTS 7-24 CHAPTER III-SIZE OF EMPLOYMENT 25-83 ESTABLISHMENT TABLES E-I Distribution of Establishments by Broad Types . 87 E-II Part A Distribution of Manufacturing, Processing or Servicing Establishments other than Household Industries classified by Registered Factories, Unregistered workshops and size of employment 88-89 E-II Part B Distribution of Manufacturing, Processing or Servicing Establishn::ents other than Household Industries classified by Industry, Fuel/Power or Manual used and size of employment . 90-112 E-II Part C Distribution of Household Industry Establishments classified by Industry, Fuel/ Power used and size of employment . .113-121 E-III Distribution of Trade/Commercial Establishments classified by the type of business or trade and size of employment • 122-125 E-IV Distribution of Establishments (other than Manufacturin6' Processing or Servicing or Business and Trade EstabliShments) by size of employment . .126-133 SUBSIDIARY TABLES E-I .1 Distribution of 1,000 establishments by broad types in rural and urban areas, separately E-Il Part A.l Distribution of 1,000 Manufacturing, Processing or Servicing EstabJi~lrr.(nts othu than household industry as registered factories, unregistertd workshops in each divi­ sion/major group of NrC and by size of employment in rural and urban areas .138-140 E-II Part B. 1 Distribution of 1,000 Manufacturing Establishments other than household industries in each division/major group of NIC according to kind of fuel/power used and size of employment .••. '.' . • • .141-155 E-II Part C. 1 Distribution of 1,000 Establishments which are household industries in each division! major group of NIC according to kind of fuel/power used and size of em- ployment .156-163 E.IIL 1 Distribution of 1,000 Trade/Commercial Establishments in each division/major group of NIC by size of employment in rural and urban areas separately. 164-166 E-IV.l Distribution of 1,000 Establishments (other than Manufacturing, Processing or Servicing or business and trade establishments) in each division/major group of NIC by size of employment in rural and urban areas separately .
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