Proceedings of the 51st International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology November 10-12, 2008 Concepción, CHILE Technological characterization of Chusquea culeou, a bamboo growing in Chile H. POBLETE, R. JUACIDA, H. CUEVAS, J.E. DIAZ-VAZ Inst. Tecnología de Productos Forestales Universidad Austral de Chile Email:
[email protected] SUMMARY A technological characterization of Chusquea culeou Desv. (colihue), a bamboo growing in Chile, was conducted. Physical, chemical and mechanical properties, considering plant diameter, position in culm length and nodal or internodal sections, were determined. Keywords: Chusquea culeou, bamboo, mechanical, chemical properties. Paper WS-41 1 of 8 Proceedings of the 51st International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology November 10-12, 2008 Concepción, CHILE INTRODUCTION Colihue (Chusquea culeou Desv.) is one of eleven bamboo species of the Chusquea genus growing in Chile. The estimated surface where colihue is present reaches 180.000 ha with a productivity of 10 tons/ha/year or 12 m³/ha/year. Colihue has no industrial utilization in Chile (Campos et al 2003). The technological characterisation of colihue wood was the aim of this study. The determinations were oriented to obtain information about physical and mechanical properties, anatomical structure, fibre length and chemical composition. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Colihue culms were collected selecting those showing a straight form and no insect attack. A diameter classification was done (thick > 3 cm and thin < 3 cm). Five centimetre long test pieces from the top, middle and base of 200 culms of each diameter class were analysed. Test pieces included nodal and intermodal sections. Physical and anatomical determinations.