Cruising Speed: 90 Km/Hr.)
_-........- •- '! • The years between 191 9 and 1939 saw the binh, growth and establishment of the aeroplane as an accepted means of public travel. Beginning in the early post-u•ar years with ajrcraft such as the O.H.4A and the bloated Vimy Commercial, crudely converted from wartime bombers, the airline business T he Pocket Encyclopaed ia of World Aircraft in Colour g radually imposed its ou·n require AIRLINERS ments upon aircraft design to pro duce, within the next nvo decades, between the Wars all-metal monoplanes as handso me as the Electra and the de Havilland Albatross. The 70 aircraft described and illu strated in this volume include rhe trailblazers of today's air routes- such types as the Hercules, H. P.41, Fokker Trimotor, Condor, Henry Fo rd's " Tin Goose" and the immortal DC-3. Herc, too, arc such truly pioneering types as the Junkers F 13 and Boeing l\'fonomajl, and many others of all nationalities, in a wide spectrum of shape and size that ranges fro m Lockheed's tiny 6-scat Vega to the g rotesque Junkers G 38, whose wing leading-edges alone could scat six passengers. • -"l."':Z'.~-. .. , •• The Pocket Encyclopaedia of \Vorld Aircraft in Colour AIRLINERS between the Wars 1919- 1939 by KENNETH M UNS O N Illustrated by JOHN W. WOOD Bob Corrall Frank Friend Brian Hiley \\lilliam Hobson Tony ~1it chcll Jack Pclling LONDON BLANDFORD PRESS PREFACE First published 1972 © 1972 Blandford Press Lld. 167 H igh llolbom, London \\IC1\' 6Pl l The period dealt \vith by this volurne covers both the birth and the gro\vth of air transport, for Lhere "·ere no a irlines ISBN o 7137 0567 1 before \Vorld \\'ar 1 except Lhose operated by Zeppelin air All rights reserved.
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