SOUTH BULLETIN Published by the South Centre ● ● 1 November 2016, Issue 95 Non-Aligned Movement Summit re-asserts its relevance in a turbulent world

Leaders, Ministers and Senior Officials of the members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) at the 17th Summit held in Isla Margarita, .

The 17th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Venezuela in mid-September 2016 was an occasion to reflect on the movement’s history and to reaffirm its relevance in a world of great political and economic turbulence. It adopted two documents which are remarkable for their comprehensiveness, showing the consensus of 120 countries for positions in a wide range of issues. It faces the challenge of maintaining these positions in negotiations in the years ahead, and converting some of them into action. This special issue of the South Bulletin provides reports and analysis of the NAM and the Sum- mit, including speeches by the new Chair of the NAM, the Venezuelan President, as well as a summary of the Margarita Declaration, one of the two main outcomes.  Pages 2-18 Will TPPA Why the EPA is fall victim to not beneficial US political to Tanzania dynamics?  Pages 19-20  Pages 21-22 NAM Summit adopts comprehensive declarations, re-asserting its relevance in a turbulent world

The Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in mid-September be free from colonial rule, and a com- 2016 was an occasion to reflect on the movement’s history and mon aspiration to develop their new to reaffirm its relevance in a world of great political and eco- nations economically and socially with nomic turbulence. It adopted two documents which are re- the central goal of benefitting their own markable for their comprehensiveness, showing the consensus people. of 120 countries for positions in a wide range of issues. It fac- Their experiences may be different, es the challenge of maintaining these positions in negotiations and their socio-economic systems may in the years ahead, and converting some of them into action. be diverse. But there was a shared de- sire to reform the old world dominated the NAM members’ senior officials By Martin Khor by a few countries and make a new and Foreign Ministers in Margarita world where national sovereignty was he Non-Aligned Movement just prior to the Summit. T (NAM) held its 17th Summit on 17- respected, and the continued domina- 18 September 2016, in the beautiful The Summit was an occasion to tion of the former colonial-master island of Margarita in Venezuela, un- reflect on the history and future of the countries over the world economy der the theme of “Peace, Sovereignty movement, to reaffirm its relevance could be replaced with more democrat- and Solidarity for Development”. and to make commitments to ad- ic governance and a more equitable dressing the manifold global and re- sharing of global income. The NAM Summit was attended by gional problems confronting the In a world split by the , several heads of state or government, world. Foreign Ministers, senior officials and led by the West on one hand and the Ambassadors from its 120 member NAM, which is 55 years old, has Soviet Union on the other, the newly states and representatives from many had a glorious history, having been independent countries decided to be observer states and international or- formed during the period in modern “non-aligned” and thus was born the ganisations . Two general outcomes history when many colonialised terri- name of the Non Aligned Movement, were the political NAM Summit Decla- tories had just won their independ- its principles and the positions it has ration (widely known as the Margarita ence, and several more were in the been taking. final stages to cast off colonialism. Declaration); and the 200-page Out- With the end of the Soviet Union come Document which lays out the NAM symbolised the unity of the and the Cold War, it has been debated position and recommended actions of newly independent countries, a unity whether a non-aligned movement is the Movement on a wide range of polit- forged from a common past of being still needed. The members of NAM ical, and economic and social issues. exploited as colonies of the rich coun- have responded with a sound Yes, as They had been carefully negotiated by tries, and from a common struggle to military interventions and political in- the NAM Missions in New York, and

Leaders, Ministers and Senior Officials of the members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) at the 17th Summit held in Isla Margarita, Venezuela.

Page 2 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 ence in 1961 and to the collapse of the USSR in 1990; Phase 2 as the years of the unipolar world dominated by uni- lateral actions of the dominant coun- tries especially the sole super-power, usually against developing nations; and Phase 3 which started with the NAM summit of 2003, is the present era where the unipolar world has be- come a world of more distributed power in which there is the rise of emerging countries, with the countries of the South able to gather more strength of their own, and with more opportunities to reshape the world order into a more balanced one. President Maduro pledged his own Leaders of newly independent countries who inspired and planned the establishment of the Non- commitment to work on 11 key issues Aligned Movement (left to right): India’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru; Ghana’s first President and goals during Venezuela’s three- Kwame Nkrumah; Egypt’s second President Gamal Abdel Nasser; Indonesia’s first President Sukarno; and Yugoslavia’s first President Josip Broz Tito. year term as NAM Chairman. The issues are drawn from a longer list in terference by the major developed It is within this background that the the Margarita Declaration. They in- countries, especially the sole super- 17th NAM Summit was held, with the clude democratising the UN, building power, continued and in some ways Chairmanship passing from Iran to a new international economic order even intensified. Moreover, the devel- Venezuela. In his opening speech, the with developing countries playing key oping countries are still subjected to a Venezuelan President, Nicolas Madu- roles in this process, implementation global economic system dominated by ro, gave a useful categorisation of three of Agenda 2030, democratising the the former colonial countries. phases in the history of NAM -- with international order in communications Phase 1 as the initial foundation years and information, building a culture of The developing countries have con- from the in 1955 peace and dialogue of civilisations, tinued to feel the need to unite and to the Belgrade founding NAM confer- combatting climate change from a show solidarity for one another. NAM played an important role in the suc- cessful struggle against apartheid and today it continues to show solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for inde- pendence and for the lifting of the US embargo against Cuba, to name two examples. In the halls of the United Nations in New York and Geneva, the NAM con- tinues to play a major role in the Gen- eral Assembly and its organs, in the Human Rights Council and other bod- ies. It works with the other umbrella body of the developing countries, the and China, on a range of issues. The struggles of past decades -- that led to the movement for a new international economic order, for recognition of the national sovereignty of developing countries, for the right to development, and for making develop- ing countries’ interests not only to be recognised but to be at the centre of negotiations in various fora -- are still the struggles of today, and with the addition of new issues. This is why the continued relevance of NAM has been deeply felt not only by political leaders but also civil society and intel- lectuals in the developing world. The first NAM summit taking place in Belgrade in September 1961. It was attended by leaders from 25 countries.

Page 3 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 South perspective, support for the  Condemning terrorist acts and the providing finance, transfer of appro- cause of Palestinian people, support for spread of violent extremism, and af- priate technology and capacity build- Cuba against the US blockade, decolo- firming that these two evils should not ing to developing countries. nisation of Puerto Rico, taking initia- be associated with any religion, nation-  Under Economic Governance, tives to resolve the refugee crisis, and ality, civilization or ethnic group. there is a need to democratise deci- fighting terrorism in all forms.  Showing solidarity with Palestine, sion-making in the IMF and World Recalling the South Commission, in light of the continued injustice Bank and in the governance of a new the precursor to the South Centre, Pres- against the Palestinian people as a re- world economic order. ident Maduro also made three pro- sult of the Israeli occupation and poli-  South-South Cooperation is an posals to implement its recommenda- cies, and calling on the parties to exert important element of international tions: establishing a Secretariat of the all efforts to resume and support a cooperation for sustainable develop- South to coordinate activities including credible peace process. between NAM and the G77 and China; ment, as a complement and not as a establishing a Bank of the South with  Reform of the United Nations, substitute to the North-South Cooper- finances from and to the South; and with the strengthening of the General ation. Assembly’s authority and the reform pursuing food security and sovereignty  Address the issues of Refugees and democratisation of the Security with the assistance of FAO. and Migrants including to provide Council. The selection of the UN Secre- support to countries most affected, to The NAM Summit Declaration had tary General should be a more trans- assist the host countries, and for Gov- 21 goals described as commitments by parent and inclusive process, with a ernments to safeguard and protect the the political leaders for their joint ef- central role for the General Assembly. forts or actions. Among them were: rights of migrants in accordance with  Peacekeeping Operations should international and domestic laws.  Strengthening and revitalising the respect the sovereignty, territorial in-  Under a New World Information NAM. tegrity and independence of States. and Communication Order, there is  Strengthening International Peace  Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable need for media of developed countries and Security, including by rejecting the Development Goals should be imple- to respect developing countries in the illegal policies of regime change aimed mented in an integrated and indivisi- formulation of their opinions, models at overthrowing constitutional govern- ble manner, recognising the principle and perspectives and not to use media ments. of Common but Differentiated Respon- as a tool for hostile propaganda against developing countries.  Addressing Disarmament and sibilities. The multilateral trading sys- tem should provide an enabling envi- International Security, and especially The 11 points for action pledged by ronment for development, by ensuring eliminating nuclear weapons within a President Maduro and the related 21 a level playing field for developing specified time frame. points of the Declaration are laudable. countries in international trade. If NAM takes up all these issues seri-  Promoting Human Rights, with a  ously in various fora, it will have a special mention of the Right to Devel- Tackling Climate Change, includ- very significant effect on global affairs opment. ing through implementing the princi- ple of Common But Differentiated Re- and international relations. To make  Condemning Unilateral Sanctions, sponsibilities, and recognising the his- it happen, the NAM would have to especially unilateral coercive measures toric responsibilities of developed establish stronger coordination among used against countries of the Move- countries. The developed countries are its own members, with some taking ment. urged to fulfill their commitments of lead roles on each of the issues. It would also have to coordinate with the G77 and China as well as with oth- er organisations and regional group- ings of the South. On a basic level, NAM needs to continue and enhance actions that ena- ble it to maintain and advance its posi- tions in the Declaration and the Final Document. Much of these actions will be in the negotiations or discussions in various fora, especially in the UN bod- ies. Implementing concrete actions beyond the taking of positions in ne- gotiations will be even more challeng- ing, but the possibilities for this are already evident. Individual develop- ing countries and groupings are al- ready taking their own South-South Delegates of the 120 Member States of the Non-Aligned Movement and observer countries and initiatives, such as establishing the organizations gathered in Isla Margarita for the 17th Summit. BRICS’ New Development Bank.

Page 4 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 ical and economic/social. It will be another great achievement to maintain the unity and solidarity of the group and to maintain (or if needed to ap- propriately modify) the positions on these issues as situations evolve in the next three years until the document is revised and updated at the next NAM Summit. All in all, the NAM Summit has been very useful. It gave the NAM members the opportunity to review their collective position on a whole range of international issues, and to come to agreement on them. It was also an opportunity to reflect on the history and present state of the move- ment and to conclude that NAM is as relevant as or more so than before and why; and to reaffirm the need to ad- vance the cause in the next three years, with positions on most issues clearly spelt out. This kind of occasion that the NAM The logo of the NAM Summit on display in Margarita Island: The logo represents “a flourishing and multi-coloured Summit provided is much needed tree expressing the diversity of our path taken, our future, and the birth of a new world”, as explained by the new NAM chairman, President Maduro of Venezuela. especially in a world that has become extremely unstable, economically and NAM can build on and add value to veloping countries but also reforms to politically; where major developed these initiatives. the rules of world trade which current- countries still exercise dominance in ly favour the developed countries and global military, political and economic Exploring and implementing the constrain the agricultural potentials of affairs; where South-South solidarity three proposals by Maduro would also developing countries. and cooperation is very much in need; be beneficial. Having an official Secre- and where the developing countries tariat of the South to fully service the The Final Document is a detailed are also emerging in some areas and NAM and the G77 and China and their statement of 200 pages with 919 para- issues, thus providing new opportuni- members has been talked about for a graphs. It contains the positions of the ties for a rebalancing of global power long time. In a modest way the South NAM on a whole range of global and and affairs. Let us hope the NAM and Centre has been playing its role as a regional political issues, including the its members grasp the opportunities think tank in the service of developing key principles of NAM, the reform of and make significant progress in the countries and its groupings, including the UN, North-South dialogue and years ahead. NAM and G77 and China. Whether South-South cooperation, regional and there can be found sufficient political sub-regional political issues, as well as will and practical ways to establish a development, social and human rights full-scale Secretariat, to coordinate de- issues (including the world economic veloping countries and to support the crisis, trade, food security, migration, implementation of the Declarations climate change, water, energy and hu- Martin Khor is the Executive Di- made by their groups, remains to be manitarian issues). rector of the South Centre. seen as this would be a big challenge. This voluminous document is valu- Contact: [email protected] The Bank of the South was one of able as a statement of where the NAM the ideas of the South Commission; to stands on a unified platform of 120 some extent the New Development member countries. It is a great feat for Information on the NAM Summit Bank is an operationalizing of this idea, the NAM members to have had intense can be obtained from: http:// and we should be patient in seeing discussions and finally getting consen- The Declaration how it works in its present initial sus on such a comprehensive set of and the Final Document can be ob- phase, and how it takes off. Similarly issues, in some of which there are tained from: http:// there are initiatives such as the Asian strong differences of views not only Infrastructure Investment Bank and between North and South but also various development banks in South among developing countries. The Fi- America. Achieving food security in nal Document stands as a very useful the South through increasing food pro- and valuable compilation of NAM’s duction is a laudable goal; achieving it collective position on contemporary requires not only intense efforts in de- international and regional issues, polit-

Page 5 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 The NAM Summit Declaration in summary

The Declaration of the NAM’s 17th Summit (now widely called They stressed the inalienable right of the Margarita Declaration), adopted by the heads of state and all peoples to self-determination. In the government at the closing session, contains some statements case of peoples who are subject to for- of principles and positions in its preamble, and commitments eign occupation and colonial or foreign for joint efforts on 21 issues. Below is a summary of the Decla- domination, the exercise of self- ration. The full Declaration can be downloaded at this web link: determination remains valid and essen- tial to securing the eradication of all those situations. 4. Disarmament and International Security: They reaffirmed their inten- tion to redouble efforts towards elimi- nating the threat posed by the existence of weapons of mass destruction, partic- ularly nuclear weapons. They resolved to work to achieve a world free of nu- clear weapons. They also resolved to establish a nuclear weapon free zone in the Middle East. They called for the urgent commencement of negotiations on nuclear disarmament in the CD, in particular on a comprehensive conven- tion on nuclear weapons to prohibit their possession, development, produc- tion, acquisition, testing, stockpiling, transfer, use or threat of use and to pro- President Maduro closes the 17th Summit with the adoption of the Declaration of Isla Margarita and the Final Outcome document marking a new momentum in the history of the movement. vide for their destruction with a speci- fied time frame. They further reiterated he Margarita Declaration stated tives. These included: the sovereign right of countries to de- that the developing countries are velop nuclear energy for peaceful pur- T 1. Strengthening and Revitaliza- the ones who suffer more intensely tion of the Movement: They reaf- poses. from the disregard of international law, firmed their full and decisive support 5. Human Rights: They reaffirmed from invasions, from the ravages of to the consolidation, strengthening their commitment to the promotion war and armed conflicts, caused mostly and revitalization of the Non-Aligned and protection of all human rights, by the geopolitical interests of the great Movement, as the only guarantee to which are universal, indivisible, inter- centres of power, as well as from pro- preserve its legacy and historical va- dependent and interrelated, through a tracted conflicts inherited from coloni- lidity and to ensure therefore its constructive and cooperative interna- alism and neo-colonialism. strength, cohesion and resilience, on tional dialogue, capacity building, tech- It recognised that solidarity is a the basis of unity in diversity and the nical assistance and the recognition of broad concept encompassing the sus- solidarity of its Member States. good practices, while ensuring the full tainability of international relations, 2. Strengthening International enjoyment of all human rights, includ- peaceful coexistence, equity and em- Peace and Security: They reiterated ing the right to development as a an powerment of developing countries. that they will continue to promote the inalienable, fundamental and universal right, and as a comprehensive part of It affirmed the validity of the peaceful settlement of disputes, and universally recognised human rights. founding principles of the Movement to save future generations from the They highlight the historical signifi- and its historical achievements, which scourge of war and military conflict. cance of the adoption of the Declaration reaffirm that the fight against colonial- They further rejected the illegal poli- of the Right to Development thirty ism and neo-colonialism, racism, all cies of regime change aimed at over- years ago, which was promoted by the forms of foreign intervention, aggres- throwing constitutional Govern- Non-Aligned Movement, and which sion, foreign occupation, domination or ments, in contravention of interna- requires a profound change in the in- hegemony, as well as the intention of tional law. Overcoming conflicts and ternational economic structure, includ- becoming a balancing factor in the in- the achievement of a firm and lasting ing the creation of economic and social ternational relations, outside of the peace requires a holistic approach conditions that are favourable to devel- military alliances of the centres of pow- that addresses the structural causes of oping countries. Likewise, they ex- er, remain concrete expressions of the conflicts. They opposed any attempt pressed once again that human rights policy of non-alignment. aimed at the partial or total disrup- tion of the national unity or territorial should be strengthened by adhering to The political leaders committed to integrity of a State. the fundamental principles of univer- make joint efforts to achieve 21 objec- sality, transparency, impartiality, non- 3. Right to Self-Determination: Page 6 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 selectivity, non-politicization and ob- spect between societies and nations, of 4 June 1967. jectivity while seeking to realize the through intercultural, interreligious 10. Reform of the United Nations: human rights for all, pursuant to the and inter-civilizations dialogue. They They reiterated the need to recover principles contained in the Vienna Dec- also recognized the importance of in- and strengthen the authority of the laration of 1993. terreligious and intercultural dialogue. General Assembly as the most demo- 6. Unilateral Sanctions: They ex- 9. Situation in the Middle East, cratic, accountable, universal and rep- pressed their condemnation at the including the Question of Palestine: resentative body of the Organization. promulgation and application of uni- They reaffirmed once again that the In this regard, they encouraged the lateral coercive measures against coun- Israeli occupation of the Occupied Pal- establishment of a harmonious and tries of the Movement, in violation of estinian Territories, including East Je- balanced relationship between the the Charter of the United Nations and rusalem, constitutes a destabilising main bodies of the Organization. They international law. In this respect, they factor in the region, and as such they further called for the reform of the reiterated their determination to de- demanded the withdrawal of the Occu- Security Council, in order to transform nounce and demand the repeal of such pying Power from those territories oc- it into a more democratic, effective, measures. Similarly, they reaffirmed cupied since June 1967, in accordance efficient, transparent and representa- that each State has full sovereignty with relevant resolutions of the Securi- tive body, and in line with contempo- over the totality of its wealth, natural ty Council and the UN General Assem- rary geo-political realities. resources and economic activity, exer- bly. They reiterated that the continued 11. Selection and Appointment of injustice against the Palestinian people cising it freely. the Secretary General of the United as a result of the Israeli occupation and 7. Terrorism: They reiterated that Nations: They underlined the central its related policies and practices, are terrorism constitutes one of the most role that corresponds to the General the main source of the violation of hu- serious threats to international peace Assembly in the process of selection man rights of the Palestinian people. and security. Hence, they reaffirmed and appointment of the Secretary Gen- They called on the parties to exert all their firm condemnation of terrorist eral of the United Nations, while reaf- efforts to resume and support a credi- acts in all their forms and manifesta- firming the need for greater transpar- ble peace process, based on the tions. They further condemned the de- ency and inclusiveness in the current longstanding terms of reference and struction of cultural heritage and reli- process of selection. parameters, with a view to achieving a gious sites, as well as the commission comprehensive, just and lasting peace 12. Peacekeeping Operations: of crimes against humanity by terrorist that is based on a two-State solution, They reaffirmed that peacekeeping groups, among others, on the basis of with secure and internationally recog- operations must be carried out with their religion or beliefs. nised pre-1967 borders, bearing in strict adherence to the principles and Likewise, they recognized the threat mind the Arab Peace Initiative. They purposes enshrined in the Charter, posed nowadays by this despicable sought a comprehensive and just solu- and emphasized that respect of the scourge, particularly the activities car- tion to the Palestinian refugees’ cause. principles of sovereignty, territorial ried out by terrorist groups and the integrity and independence of States, They condemned all measures tak- spread of violent extremism which can as well as non-intervention in internal en by Israel, the occupying Power, to be conducive to terrorism, making it affairs, are key elements of the joint alter the legal, physical and demo- necessary for States to prevent and efforts in the promotion of internation- graphic status of the occupied Syrian combat terrorism in all its forms and al peace and security. In this regard, Golan. They demanded once again that manifestations. They considered that they reiterated that the respect to the Israel should withdraw fully from the the adoption of a future Comprehen- basic principles of peacekeeping; occupied Syrian Golan to the borders sive Convention for Combating Inter- namely, consent of the parties, impar- national Terrorism could complement the set of existing international legal instruments. In addition, they reaffirmed that terrorism and violent extremism as and when conducive to terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or eth- nic group, and that these attributions should not be used to justify terrorism or counterterrorism measures that in- clude, inter alia, profiling of terror sus- pects and intrusion on individual pri- vacy. 8. Dialogue Among Civilizations: They stressed the importance of pro- moting respect for religious, social and cultural diversity, in order to promote Working session of the NAM Summit taking place. a culture of peace, tolerance and re-

Page 7 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 tiality, and non-use of force except in veloping countries, based on the pro- munity to counter and eradicate the self-defence, is essential. visions of the UNFCCC, particularly spread of various pandemics, among in relation to the implementation of them Ebola, as well as for confronting 13. Sustainable Development the principle of Common But Differ- the aftermath of natural disasters Goals: They reiterated their will to entiated Responsibilities, and in light around the world. work towards the full implementation of the historic responsibilities of de- of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable De- 19. Refugees and Migrants: They veloped countries. Hence, they urged velopment and the need to fulfil the acknowledged the acute humanitarian the developed countries to fulfill their Agenda’s 17 Sustainable Development emergencies resulting from the high commitments of providing finance, Goals and its 169 targets for all nations number of refugees, mainly due to the transfer of appropriate technology and peoples, and for all sectors of soci- conflicts created in the territories of the and capacity building to developing ety, in an integrated and indivisible different Member States of the Move- countries. manner. They reiterated that ending ment. They further stressed the im- poverty and hunger is the greatest 16. Economic Governance: They portance of translating political state- global challenge. They reaffirmed all reaffirmed that the reform of the in- ments into tangible support to coun- the principles recognized in the Agen- ternational financial architecture re- tries affected the most by this phenom- da, particularly the principle of Com- quires the democratization of the de- enon as well as, the need to assist the mon but Differentiated Responsibili- cision-making institutions of Bretton host countries and communities. They ties. They further underlined the im- Woods (IMF and ). There- also acknowledged the historical con- portance of developed countries ful- fore, it is necessary to widen and tribution of international migration to filling their commitments regarding the strengthen the level of participation nations and they reaffirmed the respon- provision of finance, transfer of appro- of developing countries in the inter- sibility of Governments to safeguard priate technology and capacity build- national decision and economic law and protect the rights of migrants in ing to developing countries, in order to making processes and in the govern- accordance with international and do- ensure the global realization of SDGs. ance of a new world economic order. mestic laws. In this regard, they urged for trans- They also reiterated their support to 20. Youth, Women, Peace and Secu- parent and more open multilateral strengthening the multilateral trading rity: They recognized the important development banks and international system so as to provide an enabling role that youth and women play in the finance organizations or agencies. environment for development, by en- prevention and resolution of conflicts, They expressed concern on the nega- suring a level playing field for deve- as well as in peacekeeping and peace- tive impact that tax havens can have loping countries in international trade. building efforts. In this regard, they on the world economy, in particular They reaffirmed their determination to underscored the need to achieve full on developing countries. move forward within the framework of gender equality and the empowerment the Doha Development Agenda, taking 17. South-South Cooperation: of women. into account the developmental needs They reiterated that South-South Co- 21. New World Information and of developing countries. They further operation is an important element of Communication Order: They empha- underlined the importance of increa- international cooperation for the sus- sized the need for information and sing Aid for Trade and capacity buil- tainable development of their peo- communication strategies to be deeply ding. ples, as a complement and not as a rooted in historical and cultural pro- substitute to the North-South Cooper- 14. Promotion of Education, cesses and called on the media of de- ation, which allows for the transfer of Science and Technology for Develop- veloped countries to respect develop- appropriate technologies, in favoura- ment: They reaffirmed their commit- ing countries in the formulation of their ble conditions and preferential terms. ment to combat illiteracy while noting opinions, models and perspectives with In this regard, they reaffirmed that that education is an inalienable human a view to enhancing the dialogue South-South Cooperation is an ex- right. They stressed that the use of among civilizations. They also reiterat- pression of solidarity and cooperation science and technology is essential to ed their deep concern on the use of me- among the peoples and countries of address the development challenges. dia as a tool for hostile propaganda the South, which contributes to their Hence, the transfer of technology from against developing countries aimed at national wellbeing, guided by the developed countries, on favorable undermining their governments and principles of respect for sovereignty, terms, is crucial to ensure the sustai- stressed the need to promote alterna- national ownership and independ- nable development, for the benefit of tive, free, pluralistic and responsible ence, equality, non-conditionality, all peoples of the world. media and communication sources, non-interference in the internal af- that reflect the realities and interests of 15. Climate Change: They reaf- fairs, and mutual benefit. the peoples of the developing world. firmed that climate change is one of the 18. International Solidarity: They greatest challenges of their times and The above is a summary made by recognized that the response of the expressed profound alarm that emis- the South Bulletin of the NAM Summit international community to pandem- sions of greenhouse gases continue to Declaration. As it is a summary, some ics that constitute a threat to public rise globally. They expressed concern of the points in the original have not health and to various natural disas- about the increased adverse impacts of been included. For a full appreciation ters is an example to follow in terms climate change, particularly on devel- or understanding of the NAM Summit, of solidarity and international cooper- oping countries. They reiterated the a reading of the full Declaration is ation. In this sense, they highlighted concerns and particularities of all de- needed. the efforts of the international com-

Page 8 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement reaffirms its even greater relevance today

multipolar order, against the bipolar period, which reigned over the so- called Cold War dominated by the im- minent threat of war and destruction. “It was also an expression of South- South Cooperation which represents the backbone of NAM”, he concluded, calling for unity and a revitalized NAM acting to promote the very key values of the group. The Final Document, which has over 200 pages and 919 paragraphs, provides a comprehensive review of the current and fragile state of world affairs, with deep security and econom- ic problems in various NAM members (including Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghani- stan, Palestine), and re-establishes the role of an even more relevant and unit- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (left) hands over the Chairmanship of NAM to Venezuelan Presi- ed NAM acting collectively in the inter- dent Nicolas Maduro at the opening ceremony of the NAM Summit in Margarita Island on 17 Sep- national context to prevent war and tember 2016. promote peace, solidarity and develop- ment for all. It includes a review of By Adriano José Timossi ed to revitalising the movement in the past four years. Maduro said that the challenges such as overcoming poverty, climate change, south-south coopera- olitical leaders of the Non-Aligned choosing of the venue of Isla Margari- tion, health, peace and security, food P Movement (NAM), including sev- ta had a historical meaning. “200 security, UN reform, corruption, drug eral heads of state or government, gath- years ago the former colonial power trafficking, fight against terrorism as ered on the island of Margarita in Ven- was expelled from this Island by Si- th well as a reaffirmation of the key prin- ezuela, to attend the 17 NAM Summit mon Bolivar bringing independence ciples that guide the bloc. It also ad- on 17-18 September 2016, under the and freedom from the powerful Span- dresses issues of common concern in theme “Peace, Sovereignty and Solidar- ish empire”, he said. “Since then this ity for Development”. land was declared free from all the the regions of the group and interna- tional organizations such as the UN. The Summit marked the handover empires.” The Summit also adopted the Decla- of the Presidency of the bloc from Iran Maduro also gave a historical ration of Margarita. Venezuelan Presi- to Venezuela, which will be leading overview of the development of the dent Nicolas Maduro said that the Dec- this large political group of developing Movement whose origins were in the laration of Margarita “set the basis for a countries for a period of three years Bandung and Belgrade conferences. until 2019. The Summit was preceded The Bandung Conference held in 1955 renewed NAM, capable of addressing the challenges of 2016 and forward.” by a Senior Official Meeting held on 13- in Indonesia was the first meeting of 14 September and a Ministerial Meet- Asian and African leaders, and it President Maduro enumerated some ing on 15-16 September. These two adopted the 10 principles of Ban- of the key points in the declaration in- meetings finalized the discussions on dung. The Belgrade Conference in cluding the call upon NAM members the two main outcome documents - the the former Yugoslav Republic in 1961 for unified and stronger efforts not only “Final Document” of the NAM Summit created the NAM as the driving force aiming at the reform of the UN but also and the Declaration of Margarita – of solidarity among developing coun- for its re-foundation, with the aim of which were adopted on 18 September tries in their fight against colonialism, promoting its democratization and to at the closing ceremony. their call for promoting a New Inter- reach this goal, he called for making In his opening remarks, Venezuelan national and Economic Order, the full use of NAM’s leadership and President Nicolas Maduro expressed fight against racism, refusal of align- NAM’s large number of votes. his deepest gratitude to Iranian Presi- ment to any dominant power and “The UN was born after the 1945 dent Hassan Rouhani for the support their need to build a world of peace war, and now it needs a deep transfor- provided to the handover of this and security in international rela- mation. There have been talks about “powerful world movement” and his tions. reform, but we’d rather talk about re- capable chairmanship which contribut- NAM was a driving force for a foundation, a new foundation of the

Page 9 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 UN system”, he said. The new chair of opment and finance of the developing the international community to work the NAM bloc also called for a return to countries. A third proposal was the for world peace and sustainable devel- the longstanding aspiration of a new establishment of a joint project with the opment. “Multilaterism is the most international economic order to be built FAO for food security and food sover- effective way to address global chal- in closer cooperation with BRICS and eignty. lenges”, he asserted. other recently emerged regional blocks. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani President of Ecua- President Maduro said the Declara- who had presided over the 120- dor, which will take the presidency of tion also called for prioritizing the im- members bloc over the past four years, the G77 and China in New York in plementation of the 2030 Sustainable urged strong unity among independ- 2017, called for united action against Development Agenda, and he urged ent states. At the opening ceremony, fiscal paradises. He said that “fiscal NAM members to work together to he said, “at the current juncture, NAM paradises are the maximum expres- reach this goal. He called on NAM member states more than ever require sion of capitalism without face and members to set up a Communications solidarity, convergence and coordina- without responsibility, without trans- Agenda at the international level, wel- tion. The truth is that as a bloc that parency, without patria and without coming some important developments comprises about two-thirds of the Unit- humanity”. The fight against tax eva- such as the multi-state Telesur TV in ed Nations members, we are an unde- sion and corruption cannot be done in the Latin American and Caribbean re- niable part of the solutions to the chal- isolated fashion. “We need to get gion created under the leadership of lenges facing today’s world.” global action to end this form of wild the late Venezuelan President Hugo capitalism”, he said. President Correa The Iranian leader also recalled that Chavez. also called for unity and actions with the founding principles of NAM in- the most vulnerable and marginalized The Margarita declaration also calls cluded the need to guarantee the inde- people, with the aim of changing the for the Dialogue of Civilizations to pro- pendence, territorial integrity and sov- current global order. “The current mote a culture of peace and against ereignty of all countries and that NAM world order is unfair, immoral, where intervention. Maduro stressed will help promote the national inter- only the strong survive, where every- “tolerance and respect between socie- ests, good-neighbourliness, and sus- thing works with capital and not in ties and nations”. Climate change is tainable security and development favour of the human being and with also one of the key elements, as the throughout the world. “By following the functions of the markets and not members of NAM are the ones most these principles, many of the funda- the people. We need to have a world affected despite being the ones that mental problems and challenges as order where societies are above the least caused the global warming. well as serious existing crises can be interests of the markets”, stated the resolved,” he remarked. He also stated The twenty one points of the Marga- Ecuadorian president. that “the violation of the national sov- rita Declaration also addressed other ereignty of developing countries is be- , President of , issues including Palestine; the Cuban ing carried out under various covers said that NAM was created to fight blockade; South-South Cooperation; and forms,” a serious cause of concern. against colonialism in the 20th century strengthening and revitalization of the but today, “our fight is against neo- movement; the right to self- The UN Secretary General Ban Ki- colonialism, wars and soft coups”. determination; terrorism; appointment moon in a video message congratulat- Morales announced his intention to of the Secretary General; refugees and ed the government of Venezuela and present the candidacy of Bolivia to migrants; youth; women; peace and praised the work of the NAM leaders host the NAM presidency after Azer- security. in raising awareness and mobilizing baijan (which will take over from Ven- President Maduro also recalled in his opening speech the importance of the South Commission, which had been brainstormed on the sidelines of the Harare Summit in 1986 and later imple- mented in 1987. “The South Commis- sion did an extraordinary work”, he said, while welcoming the participation of the South Centre delegation at the NAM Summit. The South Commission had presented plans, proposals and recommendations that could be re- viewed and implemented by the bloc. In this regard, President Maduro sug- gested the establishment of a South Secretariat, as proposed by the South Commission, to act as a mechanism of coordination of NAM and as a mecha- nism of articulation with G77 and Chi- na. Also, he proposed the establish- ment of a Bank of the South for devel- President Rafael Correa of at the NAM Summit. Ecuador will be chairing NAM’s partner organisation, the Group of 77 and China, which has 134 members, in 2017.

Page 10 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 closing session. A declaration in sup- port of Palestine was also adopted. In his speech, President Maduro conclud- ed the Summit with a commitment to revitalizing the movement. He also referred to the 200-page final outcome that had just been adopted as a docu- ment that has “written the history of the struggle of humanity of the peoples from the South for their right to peace.” In the next three years, the NAM will be led by Venezuela. It will coor- dinate with a troika comprising itself as the current Chairman , Iran (the past president) and Azerbaijan who will be the next chair of the bloc.

President Raul Castro of Cuba delivering his speech on the importance of the movement to develop- ing countries and to world peace. Cuba also hosted the NAM Summit twice, in 1979 and 2006. Adriano José Timossi is Senior Pro- ezuela in 2019). gabe also said the bloc had a decades- gramme Officer of the Global Govern- old tradition of advancing the causes ance for Development Programme President Raul Castro of Cuba, the of underdeveloped countries, and its (GGDP) of the South Centre. country which chaired the NAM twice, founding principles were needed beginning in 1979 and 2006, said that now more than ever in the face of his country will continue demanding interference by big powers in the af- the lifting of the damaging economic, Information on the NAM Summit fairs of emerging economies. financial and trade embargo imposed can be obtained from: http:// on his country by the United States five “Poverty is a threat to internation- The Declaration decades ago. The Cuban leader will al peace and security and the wellbe- and the Final Document can be ob- tained from: also demand full sovereignty of the ing of people who are at the centre of page_id=6330. territory illegally occupied by the Na- Agenda 2030. We should therefore val base of the US in Guantanamo. continue to speak out against unilat- "Cuba won't renounce any of its princi- eral actions that undermine efforts to ples, it won't give in from its revolu- address poverty and underdevelop- tionary and anti-imperialist ideals," ment,” President Mugabe said. said Castro. “There will be no normal The Final Document and the Dec- relations until the two demands are laration of Margarita were adopted fulfilled.” by consensus on 18 September at the The Vice President of India, Mr. Hamid Ansari, recalled how world leaders at the summit in the UN in 2005 had called for urgent reform of the Se- curity Council to make the UN “fit for the 21st century”. Reiterating the need for such reforms, he said: “Today we need to ask whether an organiza- tion designed in 1945 with just 51 member states, is really appropriate to serve the needs of an international community that now comprises 193 independent sovereign states facing 21st century challenges to their citizens’ well-being and security.” President Robert Mugabe of Zim- babwe said that a strong sense of unity

and international co-operation are the biggest weapons that small nations have to fight unilateralism that threat- Vice President of India, Mr. M. Hamid Ansari (right) delivering his statement at the NAM Summit, ens their development. President Mu- accompanied by Mr. M. J. Akbar, Minister of State for External Affairs (left).

Page 11 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 Why NAM is still relevant today

mit’s importance. Apart from the plenary debates which facilitated an exchange of views on international issues, the summit also adopted the two documents that will serve as guides for NAM for the next three years. They comprehensive- ly cover all the significant internation- al and regional issues. Equally important were the hun- dreds of bilateral meetings that took place among delegations attending the week-long events in Isla Margarita, with useful outcomes such as trade deals, and discussions on regional differences. For instance, it was at the NAM Summit that discussions with OPEC and non-OPEC countries were somehow advanced and that resulted in the agreement to reduce the pro- duction of oil, which was recently an- Bandung 24 April 2015: Asian and African leaders take a commemorative walk 60 years after the original Afro-Asian Summit in Bandung, which was the precursor to the Non-Aligned Movement. nounced in an informal meeting in Algeria at the end of September. Presi- By Adriano José Timossi struggling for independence, and Cuba dent Maduro himself announced at which has been suffering from an em- the conclusion of the NAM summit stablished in 1961 at the Belgrade bargo by the United States for decades. that a deal was close to being reached. Conference, the Non-Aligned It had been a firm supporter of the anti E Most recently, in October, the Movement, despite some criticisms, -apartheid movement of South Africa. NAM, operating at the Human Rights still remains relevant as one of the most It remains a strong pillar of support for Council in Geneva, also successfully important platforms to promote unity developing countries fighting against advocated for a resolution on the right among the countries of the developing racism, occupation and neo - to development. The resolution that world which is so necessary to face colonialism. NAM also takes up social was approved by the Council estab- their longstanding, emerging and and economic issues, so its coordina- lished a mandate for a Special Rappor- growing challenges. This is particularly tion on these issues with the G77 and teur on the Right to Development, a true inside the United Nations, where China can yield positive results. most of the NAM’s daily business takes fresh victory for the new presidency of place, as its member states debate, It is important to note that despite the NAM. The Special Rapporteur will agree on and advance common posi- the poor media coverage of the week of support countries in the implementa- tions quite successfully. intense diplomatic activities in the Car- tion of the right to development and ibbean island of Margarita, and in most Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Develop- The NAM quite often puts forward of the cases, the negative tone of many ment. The Declaration on the Right to common positions of its members. Or reports, the 17th NAM Summit was an Development, a heritage of the NAM, many of the members coordinate with important gathering. It had the partici- is being commemorated this year in its one another during debates on some pation of several heads of state or gov- 30th anniversary. The Right to Devel- issues in various fora of the UN, espe- ernment, many Ministers and Ambas- opment is one of the core elements of cially on political-related issues in the sadors, and important observer coun- the NAM agenda in Geneva, a right UN headquarters in New York. At the tries such as Russia, China, that today is even more relevant in a UN in Geneva, NAM operates on sev- and Mexico. A total of 14 organizations period of multiple crises. eral issues (for example on the right to also attended as observers, including development) in the Human Rights the UN and the South Centre. Council as well as on health-related matters where a NAM Ministerial Over a dozen of developed coun- meeting of Health Ministers takes place tries also attended part of the meetings on the sidelines of the annual World open for invited guests. These included Health Assembly. Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zea- land, Portugal, Canada, The Nether- The NAM is also relevant in provid- lands and Slovakia, which holds the ing support to countries to specific EU presidency. The participation of member states such as Palestine which around 140 countries in Isla Margarita is facing occupation and siege and is indeed the greatest proof of the sum- Page 12 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 and to cultivate love for their language, for their singing, for their poetry, for The Past and Future of NAM: their work. It is also this land, the land of the 11 Commitments for Action Liberators, on their behalf we always received those who visit us; it is the In his address at the opening ceremony of the NAM Summit in land of the great Simon Bolivar, Anto- Margarita, the President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro Moros nio Jose de Sucre, Francisco de Miran- gave a historical perspective of three phases in the develop- da, who 200 years ago, assumed a his- torical epic accomplishment, built ar- ment of NAM, and presented eleven commitments derived from mies, united people from across the the Margarita Declaration that Venezuela is committing to take continent and chased away the Spanish up during its Presidency. Below are extracts of his speech. empire which had subjugated, pillaged and dominated us for more than 300 years. So you come to a land that has man- aged to rebuild its heroic struggle, its deep spirituality and values. This is the Venezuela that welcomes all and every- one. I want to thank in a special way the Islamic Republic of Iran for these last four years of leadership and manage- ment, that had led the presidency of our movement at the highest level, and which has given our movement a new force, vigour, and dynamism.

It is very important to make the his- tory of the NAM of the past 6 decades visible in order to observe how it has Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro speaking at the opening ceremony of the NAM Summit. He is holding a copy managed to continuously interlock the of the South Commission report, The Challenge to the South released in 1990 and which led to the establishment of the South Centre. In welcoming the support and presence of the South Centre, he called upon member states to struggle of our peoples against coloni- implement the recommendations of the report which are still relevant today. alism, against slavery, against all forms of exploitation and pillage and, these e have gathered in this historic warmly welcome all of you brothers struggles of our peoples are there for place of the Caribbean 137 dele- and sisters of the world. W the respect of their sovereignty and self gations, from 122 member and observer Venezuela like all Our America is -determination, the respect to the right, countries, and several organizations a land that saw the rise of millions of we have, of forging our own political, from the United Nations system, re- indigenous peoples who inhabited economic, cultural and social model. gional and sub-regional systems in our territory, our rivers, all our which our countries are part of. The different phases of NAM are mountains, all our seas in resistance impressive, and the importance of envi- We are here, in the very centre of with dignity, in defense of its culture sioning the strengths, the weaknesses the Venezuelan Caribbean, the Marga- and its right to life. and specially the challenges of our rita Island, and we wanted to come 500 years ago, one of the biggest movement in the light of the historical here because this year marks 200 years genocides took place in this land that heritage we take today, has been since the Liberator Army, led by Gen- Europe still hides in the world histo- demonstrated in the preparation of this eral Simon Bolivar, came to accomplish ry, more than 80 million aboriginal summit. There are three clearly identi- the work of independence and freedom men and women of this land were fied NAM phases. for this place in Our America, Margari- killed, disappeared from the face of ta, which fought against the then pow- The first phase started in the confer- the earth, by empires of Europe erful Spanish Empire. ence of Africa and Asia, the Afro-Asian which came to seize the land and the Conference in April, 1955, the Confer- 200 years ago the Spanish imperial wealth and install systems of domina- ence of Bandung. In there, the basis troops were expelled from this island tion; against a fierce resistance. was installed with the 10 principles of territory, today part of our Venezuela, So we, we assume ourselves as a Bandung. It was born there with the and it never will be subjected to any rebellious, cimarrona (wild) homeland brilliance, the light of the founders’ empire of the world ever. This land as we say in Venezuela, in homage to leadership, which bravely, courageous- was finally declared free for all the

those rebel communities of African ly and firmly allowed such leaders and times. grandparents, who arrived as slaves the Bandung Conference’s countries to So from the heroic people of Marga- and went to the mountains to play turn history’s car into a new direction. rita and in memory of Simon Bolivar, I their drum and to live in freedom, It is the first phase which has, as Page 13 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 foundational step, the conference of the stage of the emergence of the impo- tural relations from the perspective of Bandung and Belgrade’s conference in sition of a uni-polar world politically, the South, from the perspective and Yugoslavia, the great Joseph Tito’s Yu- militarily, economically, financially. doctrine of South-South cooperation goslavia, a man who we always paid The stage of the end of ideologies and that is the core and key element, the tribute to because of his courage, his the imposition of the capitalist, wild, backbone of the doctrine of the Non- anti-fascist strength, his determination neoliberal model as the only model and Aligned Movement. and dignity. 1961’s conference definite- the step of imposing forms of threats A third stage, currently in develop- ly gave a step of articulation among the and wars for regime change; complex ment since 2003 leads us to this year forces which seek a non-colonized years of conflicts and confrontations 2016, the preparation of this Summit. I world, a world of equals, the respect to where our Movement gave a huge want to acknowledge and congratu- international law, a world without demonstration of resilience, resistance, late particularly our ambassadors to wars, hatred or menace of using the continuity, perseverance as never seen the United Nations, senior officials force. Belgrade’s conference, and those in the history of mankind. and foreign ministers for the extraor- conferences and summits which came And it is at the Summit of Kuala dinary work they have done in articu- after it, started to brace NAM’s first Lumpur in 2003 which is the begin- lating all major issues of this era and phase, which arrived to the 1989 sum- ning, from our perspective, of a new bringing to us two fundamental in- mit, also in Belgrade. world that is in full swing with the struments as outcome of this Summit. This first phase was characterized emergence of new power blocs, new First, the final document that in- by the emergence, for the first time in powers economically, politically, with cludes all the assets of 17 summits the history of mankind, of a movement the emergence of a new world geopoli- with the core issues that have motivat- that was gathering, and gathered, all tics where our Movement began to ed the actions of struggle and con- the rebellious fairness-striving con- revitalize the role again that it has to struction of our Movement, and sec- sciousness of the world; all those differ- play for compliance with the principles ondly the Declaration of Margarita ent cultures, religions, cultural and of Bandung and the political, ideologi- which makes an extraordinary exer- historical heritages which sought a dif- cal, philosophical, cultural heritage of cise to raise, reposition and prioritize ferent world after the terror and holo- the Non-Aligned Movement. the global agenda in the light of 2016, caust generated by Nazism and fascism It is with the Summit of Kuala Lum- aiming at the rest of the decades to in the so-called War, pur, Malaysia; the Summit in Havana, come in a masterly way that allows us canalized all processes which seek in- Cuba; the Summit of Egypt and the to assume from the Presidency of the dependence, sovereignty, justice, Summit of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, a equality and happiness of the people when there began the right possibility, commitment that we want to call Ven- by articulating for the first time in his- nowadays a fact, of the emergence of a ezuela Commitment, the Margarita tory of mankind, I must repeat, all multipolar and multicentered world, Commitment, with key points of the these movements in Africa, Latin which seeks the building of new insti- international agenda in the context of America, Caribbean, Asia, Oceania and tutional power relationships, transfor- the doctrine of the Non-Aligned Europe. mations of the United Nations and the Movement. It is the first phase of the bipolar system of international relations and Firstly, accelerate the transfor- world, which gave effect to the princi- especially it allows for the emergence, mation processes of the UN system to ples arisen in Bandung, which could the joint construction of a new system achieve its true democratization, en- later develop into concrete projects of economic, social, political and cul- under the leadership of Nehru, Suhar- to, Gamal Abdel Nasser and Fidel Cas- tro. Principles that allowed the posi- tioning of the movement to take for- ward a set of accepted causes, and ap- proved as such by the United Nations, like the new international economic order, the new information and com- munications order. It is a first phase characterized by the expansion of the Movement, its growing prestige, the strengthening and the emergence of a powerful movement for the decoloni- zation and democratization of interna- tional relations. There is also a second stage. If the first stage was the emergence of this powerful Movement during the devel- opment of the so-called bipolar world, the second stage, which began in 1990, is the most complex and tough stage NAM Summit taking place in Kuala Lumpur in 2003, which marked a new Phase 3 in the historical development of that our Movement had to face. That is NAM, according to President Maduro in his opening speech.

Page 14 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 are the victims of global warming and the capacity of destruction and pollu- tion from the north that has been launched for more than a century against this planet Earth. In seventh place, is the cause of the Palestinian people; we must continue persevering in our support of our brothers and sacred people of Palestine. Reviewing the documents from 1961 until today, it is a central issue that mankind has not resolved. Mankind has solved many issues including apartheid in South Africa. There was this movement at the time which liber- ated South Africa and humanity from apartheid. And what are we going to One of the NAM objectives is to push for reforms of the United Nations, by strengthening the General Assembly, do with Palestine? We cannot get used reforming the Security Council and making the selection of the Secretary General more transparent & inclusive. to seeing the slaughter of the Palestini- an people as a natural and normal largement of the Security Council with mation and the new international slaughter about which no one reacts, or the participation of major emerging order in matters regarding communi- react only with official statements. We cation. It is a flag that the Non- powers from the South, democratiza- announce that with the moral strength tion of management systems of govern- Aligned Movement has raised. There of this powerful movement we will have been significant experiences in ance and decision-making system of strengthen with our soul with our life various regions. In our region Com- the United Nations. and every means we can the cause of mander Chavez, along with the lead- The United Nations needs a pro- the Palestinian people. ership of some key leaders in Latin found transformation, a new founda- America, founded the multistate Eighth, is another major cause that tion of the United Nations system and Telesur and today, Telesur as a com- has lasted five decades. We have to this movement has the strength, leader- municational experience is the win- continuously support Cuba until we ship and the votes to advance decisive- dow of truth of the struggles in Latin see the dismantling of the blockade, of ly in the process of realization and ac- America and the Caribbean. Now is a the economic and financial persecution celeration of these transformation pro- special time for the process of today’s against the brother people of Cuba. The cesses. articulation of communicational pow- moment is near, we will see it very Secondly, the Declaration of Marga- er of our peoples, through the media, soon; Cuba deserves not only the dis- rita also reflects very clearly to retake through social networks and through mantling of this criminal financial, eco- the flags of the new international eco- the battle of ideas. nomic and commercial blockade but its nomic order in light of emerging or- people deserve reparations for all the Fifth, the momentum of an agen- ganisations that have been born in the damage that has been done during da for a culture of peace, the dialogue light of a powerful alliance with the more than five decades. Therefore we of civilizations, the defence of self- BRICS as an emerging economic force strongly assume the cause of the strug- determination of peoples, against the in the world, in the light of an alliance gle against the blockade. agenda of interventionism, threats of between regional blocs that have al- war, unconventional models of inter- Ninth, is the cause of ready been established in Asia, Africa, vention and regime change, let’s re- of Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rican peo- and the Caribbean and sume with force the agenda of dia- ple are Caribbean, are Latin American. . logue between civilizations, promo- And there are enough resolutions in the Thirdly, the implementation of spe- tion of culture, peace, and conflict United Nations system to endorse his- cific plans through our committees and resolution through diplomatic and torically, legally, politically, culturally working groups, particularly Agenda political means. and humanly the cause of reclaim, the 2030 which for us is a high priority, to revival of the Puerto Rican people in a Sixth, to strongly assume from the review the development in recent process of decolonization required and perspective of the South, the climate years. Indeed there has been progress requested by the history of the struggle change agenda that should not end in social indicators but the main chal- of our Latin America and the Caribbe- up being an agenda for the replace- lenges of the Agenda 2030 are over- an. ment of the economic model to build coming the debts left by colonialism, an equally savage capitalism, but a Tenth, we propose the assumption neo colonialism, neo liberalism, and the green agenda, as has been denounced as a central element, the solidarity and savage system that have subjected the by important environmental move- attention to the plight of refugees in economies of our countries.

ments in the world. To assume a Africa and the Middle East who are Fourth, this commitment of Marga- green agenda yes, but from the south, seeking a shelter of life and peace as rita, is to resume the agenda of democ- to the south, with the south, in a man- they flee the war and destruction ratization of communication and infor- ner that will defend our peoples who caused by imperialist bombs that have

Page 15 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 destroyed brotherly countries like Iraq, not tumbled, the unipolar world had knowing that it is one of the most seri- Syria, Libya and Afghanistan. We be- not been imposed and Julius Nyerere ous problems we face…. lieve that our movement should take and the South Commission, they for- I would like to greet the heirs to the up this cause. It is a human drama. mulated a set of diagnoses, plans, pro- legacy of the Commission, the South Thousands of our brothers every day, posals that have full passion and con- Centre based in Geneva present here. every hour perish fleeing hunger, viction. Our movement and the G-77 We believe that a special initiative death, extremism, terrorism, destabili- and China must review and take the must be taken in order for the Non- zation, changes of regimes, coups, the flags, the tasks that were thought of in Aligned Movement to establish a body bombing in North Africa, the Middle this commission there in the 80s and for consultation, participation of social East, and nobody wants to see the caus- we believe it is time to push with all movements of the south, and the es that have led to this catastrophe. So forces and make them a reality. countries of the Non-Aligned, in addi- we believe that the commitment should We propose as president of the Non tion to the renewal of ideas, participa- lead us to take new initiatives for the -Aligned Movement, to circulate a spe- tion of our peoples, and the revival of resolution of the deep drama caused by cial statement… active action with our peoples as pro- the great migration of refugees. tagonists of this struggle. I dare here at this summit, to pro- Eleventh, is the fight against terror- pose that the Non-Aligned Movement, Therefore, we venture to propose ism in all its forms, the fight against the takes on the proposal of President Jul- these special resolutions in order to war methods of unconventional charac- ius Nyerere and the South Commis- rescue the beautiful and extraordinary ter for changes in governments, for the sion, to create a general secretariat of legacy of this flourishing first stage of destruction of countries. It is terrorism the South, a clear concept of the secre- expansion and development of our as well to subdue entire countries as a tariat of the south as a coordination Non-Aligned Movement. way of intervention causing their polit- mechanism of the Non-Aligned Move- ical, military, economic and communi- This summit has been convened ment and permanent mechanism for cational destabilization thus, we under the beautiful slogan “For peace, coordination with the G-77 and China, strongly assume, the taking of special for sovereignty”, under the motto the two powerful tools we have in the initiatives for the struggle against ter- “The South united for peace.” world to fight for our global interests rorism in all its forms and ways. from the south, to the south, with the A group of artists have given us This is the commitment that we as- south, which are noble interests, be- this logo, a flourishing and multi- sume to the Declaration of Margarita. cause our interest is not to colonize, not coloured tree expressing the diversity You are arriving to a country, the Boli- to plunder the people of any place on of our path taken, our future, and the varian Republic of Venezuela, sup- the planet. birth of a new world. Seven thousand pressed every day to an imperialist years of civilization, in which humani- It is the first proposal, to create the attack to try to undermine the progress ty has fought slavery, colonialism, secretariat of the South, as executive and achievements of the Bolivarian feudalism and all forms of exploita- body of coordination of the Non- revolution that was founded by Hugo tion. Seven thousand years, however, Aligned Movement and for articulation Chávez…You should know that the only 60 years since it began blooming and coordination with the G-77 + Chi- force that allowed the emergence of a like a multi-coloured tree from all our na. new America is being subjected to an cultures and our different ways of onslaught with methods of unconven- Second, we propose to establish a being. We take over this beautiful tional warfare as those Venezuela is Bank of the South, a concept of a devel- movement today under the direction facing today… opment bank with financing from the and support of each one of you. south to the south. We have discussed And there are other cases of destabi- quite a lot about this subject in South lization attempt of our process. Some of America and we have some early expe- These are edited extracts of the the presidents we talked to yesterday riences, difficult, complex, but already opening speech by President Maduro told me that it is the price to pay for in the process forward. which was originally delivered in building a new world, and well, we Spanish and was translated into En- will pay it so, we continue to pay it and Thirdly, we propose to create with glish by the Venezuelan authorities we will continue moving forward and FAO and take up the idea of a project involved in the NAM summit. building. of food security and food sovereignty, In 1986, the NAM Summit of Harare appointed the South Commission chaired and established in 1987 by the former Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere. The South Commission between 1987 and 1989 produced one of the most extraordinary works. It did it at the half-way mark, it was thinking about the world that existed in the first stage we quoted here, the expansion of our movement. The Soviet Union had The Summit was closed with a beautiful musical ceremony representing all cultures of Venezuela.

Page 16 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 South Centre and the NAM Summit

added that the South Commission had presented plans, proposals and recom- mendations that could be reviewed and implemented by the NAM and he pro- posed the establishment of a South Sec- retariat to act as a mechanism of coor- dination of NAM and as a mechanism of coordination with G77 and China. As a follow up to the NAM Summit, the senior Venezuelan official coordi- nating the activities of the NAM Secre- tariat in Venezuela, Ruben Dario Moli- na, visited the South Centre in Geneva in October 2016. The South Centre’s Executive Director and other senior officials held a discussion with him on how the Centre would cooperate and collaborate with the NAM and its Presi- Mr. Vicente Yu, Deputy Executive Director of the South Centre, at the NAM Summit. dency during the present three year term. Activities agreed on include delegation of the South Centre networks among relevant institutions research by the South Centre on issues A attended the 17th NAM Summit to facilitate the exchange of pro- of priority to NAM; the co-convening as an Observer organization. As an grammes, academia, and in support- of meetings on these issues; and South organization supporting the work of ing the Joint Coordinating Committee Centre’s provision of support and tech- the NAM and G77 and China, the dele- in the negotiating processes of major nical assistance to NAM and its mem-

gation gave interviews to local and United Nations Conferences in the ber states; and assistance in establish- international media on the value and Economic and Social fields.” ing a digital database on NAM. importance of the NAM. A statement President Maduro of Venezuela, at by the South Centre was also delivered During the meeting, the South Cen- his opening speech, also mentioned at the plenary of the Summit. The dele- tre pledged its continued and strength- the South Centre as one of the key gation comprised of the Centre’s depu- ened support to NAM and its Secretari- organizations emerging from the ty executive director Vicente Paolo Yu at and agreed to assist in various activi- work of the South Commission. He and its senior programme officer for ties and on various issues. recalled the importance of the South global governance, Adriano José Ti- Commission, which he said “did an mossi. extraordinary work”, and welcomed The importance of the South Centre the participation of the South Centre to NAM was given due recognition in delegation at the NAM Summit. He the Final Outcome document of the Summit. In a section on South-South cooperation, the Final Outcome in Par- agraph 618.9 stated that the Heads of State or Government agreed to rein- force the following measures: “Reaffirm the central role of the South Centre as the think tank of the countries of the South, and emphasize its importance in enhancing South- South Cooperation through promoting solidarity and mutual understanding among the countries and peoples of the South; as well as providing the intellec- tual and policy support required by developing countries for collective and individual action in the international arena. In this context, the Members of

the Movement are called upon to fur- ther support the South Centre, and the South Centre delegate Adriano José Timossi (right) meets with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Centre should establish South-South Timor-Leste Hernani Coelho (second from right) at a lunch during the summit.

Page 17 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 South Centre Statement at the NAM Summit

Development and poverty eradica- tion continue to be the main challenges that face the South. While the past three decades have seen great strides in the development of the South, that pro- gress has not been widespread. It is also increasingly becoming more diffi- cult to do so because of the many crises that developing countries are now fac- ing such as climate change and other environmental crises, wars that impact on the peace and stability of develop- ing countries, adverse global economic conditions arising from the responses of developed countries to the global financial crisis and, continuing struc- South Centre statement being delivered at the NAM Summit by Adriano José Timossi on behalf of the tural economic deficiencies in interna- Executive Director Mr. Martin Khor. tional trade, investment, intellectual property, health and other policy re- r. President and chair, excellen- ing countries, created by the “Spirit of gimes that make it difficult for devel- cies, distinguished delegates, Bandung and NAM”, stands ready to M oping countries to maintain their policy continue working together with the At the outset, let me express our space for development. NAM in its endeavours. deepest appreciation for our host, the In the face of these continuing de- Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Since our establishment in Geneva velopment challenges to the South, the its people, for their warm welcome in in 1995, we have worked closely with NAM together with other developing this beautiful Caribbean Island of Mar- NAM and its member states in many groupings such as the G77 and China garita and, to the outstanding effort areas such as economic, social and en- and the many regional organizations they have put into the organization of vironmental issues, in order to promote that have emerged as an expression of what is already a very successful sum- and make a real contribution to the key south solidarity in the past decades mit of a group of countries that repre- challenges facing developing countries inspired by the Bandung and NAM sents nearly two thirds of the UN mem- and to a more just and equitable inter- spirit, are more important than ever in bership. national order. We have also worked fostering real development-oriented closely with NAM to highlight the im- We congratulate the member coun- South-South cooperation, unity, and portance of the right to development tries of the Non Aligned Movement for progress. The South Centre is commit- which commemorates 30 years of the having maintained unity and solidarity ted to these objectives as well and we adoption of its Declaration this year. within the group and, for the holding look forward to working closely with We have supported and will continue of its 17th summit on a very timely the NAM and its Member States in this supporting NAM in its efforts to de- theme of “Peace, Sovereignty and Soli- regard. fend a world in peace and solidarity for darity for Development”. the development of all’s wellbeing. Thank you for your attention. The strong solidarity, which has guided this Movement in the past dec- ades and its founding principles, are equally important and even more rele- vant today as it was fifty-five years ago. We congratulate the Islamic Repub- lic of Iran for its successful stewardship of the movement in the past four years. We also congratulate the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as the incoming chair of the NAM. You have our full support in making the next three years of your chairmanship a new era in the history of this important movement. The South Centre, an intergovern- mental and multilateral policy research Vicente Paolo Yu, South Centre Deputy Executive Director, being interviewed by Telesur TV. and analysis think tank of the develop-

Page 18 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 Why the EPA is not beneficial to Tanzania This article was published in The Daily News of Tanzania on 28 When the EPA is implemented, 335 July 2016. In the article, the former Tanzanian President pre- of the 983 products we currently pro- sents his views on why the Economic Partnership Agreement duce would be protected in the EPA’s (which the European Union has been negotiating with African ‘sensitive list’, but 648 tariff lines would countries on a sub-regional basis) would be inappropriate for be made duty-free; i.e. the existing in- Tanzania. dustries on these 648 tariff lines would have to compete with the EU’s imports without the protection of tariffs. Will these sectors survive the competition? These 648 tariff lines – the domestic sectors or industries, which are likely to be put at risk include agricultural prod- ucts (e.g. maize products, cotton seed oil cake); chemical products (e.g. urea, fertilisers); vehicle industry parts (tires); medicaments; intermediate industrial

Daily News, Tanzania News, Daily products (e.g. plastic packing material, steel, iron and aluminium articles, wires and cables); parts of machines and final industrial products (e.g. weighing ma- chines, metal rolling mills, drilling ma- chines, transformers, generating sets,

prefabricated buildings etc); parts of machines (parts of gas turbines, parts of cranes, work trucks, shovels, and other A former President of Tanzania and Chair of the South Centre Board, Mr. Benjamin William Mkapa. construction machinery, parts of ma- chines for industrial preparation/ man- By Benjamin William Mkapa The costs for the country and the ufacturing of food, aircraft parts etc). EAC region would have been higher The list does not stop here. Liberali- he EPA issue has once again re- than the benefits. As a Least Devel- sation (zero tariffs) also applies to the emerged when Tanzania informed oped Country (LDC), Tanzania al- T many industrial sectors that Tanzania EAC Members and the EU that it ready enjoys the Everything but Arms and the EAC do not yet have existing would not be able to sign the Economic (EBA) preference scheme provided by production/exports – about 3,102 tariff Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union i.e. we can al- lines for Tanzania. EU and the six EAC Member States in ready export duty-free and quota-free early July. to the EU market without providing Threatening Regional Industri- The European Commission report- the EU with similar market access alisation and Trade edly proposed signature of the EAC terms. Statistics show that in fact, for the EAC EPA in Nairobi, on the sidelines of the If we sign the EPA, we would still region, the African market is the prima- 14th session of the UN Conference on get the same duty-free access, but in ry market for its manufactured exports. (UNCTAD return, we would have to open up our In contrast, 91% of its current trade XIV). markets also for EU exports. with the EU is made up of primary This is a major quadrennial event Tanzania would reduce to zero tar- commodity exports (agricultural prod- where all UN Member States negotiate iffs on 90% of all its industrial goods ucts such as coffee, tea, spices, fruit and guidance for UNCTAD, a UN institu- trade with the EU i.e. duty-free access vegetables, fish, tobacco, hides and tion working on trade and develop- on almost all the EU’s non-agricultural skins etc). ment. For the European Commission, it products into the country. Only a minuscule 6% or about would have been a propitious place for $200,000 of EAC exports to the EU is a signature ceremony in order to pro- Such a high level of liberalisation composed of manufactured goods. In ject the EPA as a ‘trade and develop- vis-à-vis a very competitive partner is contrast, of the total EAC exports to ment’ agreement to the benefit of EAC. likely to put our existing local indus- Africa, almost 50% is made up of manu- Yet, the agreement is antithetical to tries in jeopardy and discourage the factured exports - about $2.5 billion - Tanzania’s as well as the region’s trade development of new industries. Re- according to 2013 – 2015 data. Of this, and development prospects. search using trade data shows that Tanzania currently produces and ex- $1.5 billion are EAC country exports to The EPA for Tanzania and the EAC ports on 983 tariff lines (at the HS 6 other EAC countries. never made much sense. The maths digit level). The EU produces and ex- These figures tell two stories: One; just never added up. ports on over 5,000 tariff lines. the importance of the African market for EAC’s aspirations to industrialise. In Page 19 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 contrast, the EU market plays almost the long-run would be incongruent amounts to about $1.5 billion. no role in this.Two; the EAC internal with our objective to industrialise and If no EPA is signed, the extra duties market makes up 60% of EAC’s manu- add value to our resources. charged to Kenyan exports amount to factured exports to Africa, i.e., the EAC about $100 million a year. Is this worth regional market is extremely valuable Losing Important Tariff Reve- signing an EPA for? -- The avoidance in supporting EAC’s industrialisation nue - Shrinking the Govern- of duties of $100 million? The tariff efforts. ment Coffer revenue losses as the EPA is imple- The EPA would threaten this re- The other area of loss resulting from the mented (and more tariff lines are liber- gional industrialisation opportunity EPA is tariff revenue, and the numbers alised) would be comparable. that is currently blossoming since most are not small. Conservative estimates This does not even include the tariff EU manufactured products would en- (assuming import growth of 0.9% year revenue losses of the other EAC LDCs, ter the EAC market dutyfree. Just as on year) show that for the EAC as a nor the challenges posed to domestic/ our manufactured products are not whole tariff revenue losses would regional industries. In addition, the competitive in the EU market, even amount to $251 million a year by the Brexit development is further reason though they can be exported duty-free, end of the EPA’s implementation peri- for the region to pause and reconsider. might it not be the case that when EU od. Cumulative tariff revenue losses manufactured products can come duty would amount to USD 2.9 billion in the The UK is a major export market -free into the EAC market, EAC manu- first 25 years of the EPA’s life. for Kenya, absorbing 28% of Kenya’s factured products may also not sell? For Tanzania, the losses based on exports to the EU. This reduces the The EPA could in fact destroy our eco- 2013–2014 import figures are about $71 EPA’s supposed ‘benefits’ by a quarter nomic regional integration efforts. million a year by year 25. Cumulative- for Kenya. There is a possible solution for Kenya – to apply for the EU’s Gen- The pains EAC has taken to build a ly, just for Tanzania, they come up to eralised System of Preferences Plus regional market may instead help $700 million over the first 25 years. scheme (GSP+). Under this, almost all serve EU’s commercial interests by Where is the Promised Devel- of Kenya’s current exports could enter offering the EU one EAC market, ra- opment Aid? EU duty-free including flowers and ther than ensuring that that market can fish. be accessed by our own producers. EU has made many promises that the EPA would be accompanied by devel- Removing an Important Indus- This option could be explored. Al- opment assistance. Hence the EAC EPA ternatively all EAC countries would trialisation Tool - No New Ex- incorporates a ‘Development Matrix’ do well to attempt to diversify produc- port Taxes containing a list of economic develop- tion and exports away from primary The other area where the EPA hits the ment projects for the EAC. The price commodities towards value-added heart of our industrialisation aspira- tag of implementing this Development products, and also to diversify our tions are its disciplines on export taxes. Matrix is $70 billion. export destinations. Africa is a critical market for EAC’s manufactured At the WTO, export taxes are com- The Matrix and assistance is to be goods. Regional integration and trade pletely legal.The logic of export taxes reviewed every 5 years. For the time- is the most promising avenue for is to encourage producers to enter into being, the EU has pledged to contribute EAC’s industrial development. The value-added processing, hence encour- a paltry $3.49 million, which translates EPA would derail us from that prom- aging diversification and the upgrada- into 0.005% of the total required funds! ise. tion of production capacities. Devel- This is also a far cry from the tariff rev- oped countries themselves had used enue losses the region faces – the $251 these policy tools when they were de- million a year mentioned above. veloping. EPA to Safeguard Kenya’s

The EU has a raw materials initia- Flower Industry – A Fair Ex- tive aimed at accessing non- change? Benjamin William Mkapa is a former agricultural raw materials found in President of Tanzania and the Chair other countries. According to the Euro- The only area where the EPA is sup- of the South Centre Board. pean Commission, ‘securing reliable posed to serve the interest of the EAC is and unhindered access to raw materi- by providing duty-free access to Kenya. als is important for the EU. In the EU, As a non-LDC, Kenya does not have there are at least 30 million jobs de- duty-free access via the EU’s EBA. Ken- pending on the availability of raw ma- ya’s main export item to the EU is flow- terials.’ In implementing this initiative, ers – just over $500,000 a year. the EU has used trade agreements to Without the EPA, Kenyan’s flowers discipline export taxes. would be charged a 10% customs duty. The EPA prohibits signatories from There are other Kenyan exports also – introducing new export taxes or in- vegetables, fruit, fish - that will face crease existing ones. For Tanzania and tariffs. However, the flower industry the EAC region with its rich deposits has thus far been the most vocal. Nev- of raw material, including tungsten, ertheless, all in all, Kenyan exports to cobalt, tantalum etc; such disciplines in the EU market (including the UK)

Page 20 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 Will TPPA fall victim to US political dynamics?

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement has become a politi- TPP passed during the lame-duck Con- cal football in the US Presidential elections and with the public gress session after the election on 8 No- mood so against trade agreements, the TPPA faces the real vember and before mid-January 2017. possibility of being discarded. However, it is uncertain whether there is enough support to table a lame- By Martin Khor Her campaign chairman John Po- duck TPP bill, and if tabled whether it desta was more explicit. According to will pass. o country was more active in a Wall Street Journal report, Podesta N pushing for the Trans Pacific said Clinton as president likely would- Last year, a related fast-track trade Partnership (TPP). In the five years of n't seek to rework existing trade agree- authority bill was adopted with only negotiations, the United States cajoled, ments such as the TPP but instead slim majorities. Now, with the concrete persuaded and pressurised its trade move to adopt a new model for global TPPA before them, and the swing in partners to take on board its issues and deals. mood, some Congress members who positions. voted for fast track are indicating they “We need a new approach to trade. won’t vote for TPP. Finally, when the TPP was signed in We’re not about renegotiation. We’re February 2016 by 12 countries, it was not kind of interested in that. We’re For example, Clinton’s running mate widely expected that the agreement interested in a new approach,” he said, for Vice President, Senator Tim Kaine, will come into force within two years, in words that echoed Sanders’ posi- who supported fast track has now pro- after each country ratifies it. tion. claimed his opposition to TPP. Other leading Democrats who have publicly But now there are growing doubts if The Presidential candidates may all denounced TPP include House Minori- the TPP will become a reality. Ironical- be responding to popular sentiment ty Leader Nancy Pelosi, and House ly it may become a victim of US politi- that trade agreements have caused the Ways & Means Committee Ranking cal dynamics as the TPP has become a loss of millions of manufacturing jobs, Member Sandy Levin who said: “It is toxic issue in its Presidential elections. stagnation in wages and contributed to now increasingly clear that the TPP Opposing the TPPA is at the centre the unfair distribution of benefits in agreement will not receive a vote in of Republican nominee Donald US society, much of which has accrued Congress this year, including in any Trump’s campaign. He has declared to the top 1 or 10 per cent of income lame duck session, and if it did, it the TPP would be a disaster, it would earners. would fail.” encourage US companies to move their An article in The New York Times (29 Congress Republican leaders have production abroad and weaken domes- July 2016) began as follows: also voiced their opposition. Senate tic jobs, and he called for the US to “Democrats and Republicans agreed Majority Leader Mitch McConell said withdraw from the agreement. In his on almost nothing at their conventions that the presidential campaign had pro- typical extreme style, Trump said at a this month, except this: free trade, just duced a political climate that made it recent rally that the TPP “is another a decade ago the bedrock of the eco- virtually impossible to pass the TPP in disaster, done and pushed by special nomic agendas of both parties, is now the “lame duck” session. interests who want to rape our coun- a political pariah.” try.” House Speaker, Republican Paul D. Besides the Presidential candidates, Ryan (R-Wis.) who played a leading Bernie Sanders, the Democrat Presi- two other players will decide the role in writing the fast-track bill, said he dential candidate who ran a surprising- TPPA’s fate: President Obama and the sees no reason to bring TPP to the floor ly close contest with Hillary Clinton, US Congress. for a vote in the lame duck session be- championed the anti-TPP cause, say- cause “we don’t have the votes.” ing: “We shouldn't re-negotiate the Obama has been the TPPA’s main TPP. We should kill this unfettered champion, passionately arguing that it Meanwhile, six House Republicans FTA which would cost us nearly half a will bring economic benefits, raise en- sent a letter to President Obama in early million jobs.” vironmental and labour standards and August last week urging him not to try give the US an advantage over China to move TPP in a “Lame Duck”. The Democrats’ Presidential nomi- in Asian geo-politics. nee Hillary Clinton also came out Though the picture thus looks grim against the TPPA, a turn-around from Considering the TPP to be a key for Obama, he should not be under- her position when as Secretary of State legacy of his presidency, Obama wants estimated. He said when the elections she described it as a gold-standard Congress to ratify the agreement be- are over he will be able to convince agreement. To counter accusations and fore his term ends. But he has been Congress to vote for the TPP. suspicions that she would again switch unable to get the bill tabled because it positions if she becomes President, would be certainly defeated in this “I will actually sit down with people Clinton stated: “I am against the TPP, election season, given the TPP’s un- on both sides, on the right and on the and that means before and after the popularity. left,” he told the media. “We’ll go elections.” through the whole provisions….I’m His last opportunity is to get the really confident I can make the case this Page 21 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016 is good for American workers and the are not legally part of the TPP because Congress members are seeking. American people.” He added many the TPP text cannot be amended. “Nobody wants to reopen negotia- people thought he would fail to obtain tions,” he said. “We have no prospect He can try to achieve this through the fast track legislation, but he suc- of doing better and every chance of bilateral side agreements on specific ceeded. having it fall apart.” issues. Or he can insist that some On 12 August, the Obama admin- countries take on extra obligations be- In January, Canadian Trade Minis- istration submitted a draft Statement yond what is required by the TPP as a ter Chrystia Freeland said a renegotia- of Administration Action, as required condition for obtaining a US certifica- tion of the TPP is not possible. Japan by the fast-track process for introduc- tion that they have fulfilled their TPP also rejected renegotiations, which it ing a TPP bill. The document de- obligations. This certification is re- defined as including changing existing scribes the steps the administration quired for the US to provide the TPP’s side agreements or adding new ones. will take to implement changes to U.S. benefits to its partners, and the US has This is not going to happen, said law required by the TPP. Obama can previously made use of this process to Japan's Deputy Chief of Mission Atsu- later send a final statement and the get countries to take on additional ob- yuki Oike. draft of the implementing bill describ- ligations, which can then be shown to What happens if the US Congress ing the actual changes to US law need- Congress members that their objectives does not adopt the TPP during the ed to comply with the TPP agreement. have been met. lame-duck period? The 12 countries Following that, a lot of deal-making Obama could theoretically also re- that signed the agreement in February is expected between the President and negotiate to amend specific clauses of are given 2 years to ratify it. Congress members. Obama will the TPP in order to appease Congress. Enough countries to account for doubtless offer incentives or privileges But this option will be unacceptable to 85% of the combined GNP of the 12 to some of the demanding Congress the other TPP countries. countries must ratify it for the TPP to members in order to obtain their votes, In June, Malaysia rejected any no- come into force. As the US accounts as was seen in the fast-track process. tion of renegotiating the TPPA. The for over 15% of the combined GNP, a To win over Congress, Obama will question of renegotiating the TPPA prolonged non-ratification by it would have to respond to those on the right does not arise even if there are such effectively kill the TPPA. and left who are upset on specific is- indications by US presidential candi- Theoretically, if the TPP is not rati- sues. The President is teaming up dates, said Tan Sri Dr Rebecca Fatima fied this year, a new US President can with the Republican Congress leaders, Sta Maria, then the secretary general of try to get Congress to adopt it in the who however want him to fix some the International Trade and Industry next year. But now it looks like the issues. They are upset about the term Ministry. chances for this happening are very of five years (instead of 8 or 12 years) “If the US does not ratify the TPPA slim. for data exclusivity for companies then it will not be implemented,” she owning biologic drugs, and the exclu- That’s why the TPP must be passed said. The other TPP members would sion of tobacco companies from the during the lame duck session. If it fails have to resort to a “different form of use of ISDS (investor-state dispute to do so, it would mark the dramatic cooperation.” settlement) in the TPP. change in public opinion on the bene- Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee fits of free trade agreements in the To pacify them, Obama will have to Hsien Loong, on a visit in August to United States, the land that pioneered convince them that what they want Washington, dismissed any possibility the modern comprehensive free trade will anyway be achieved, even if these of reopening parts of the TPP as some agreements. SOUTH BULLETIN EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Chief Editor: Martin Khor Managing Editor: Vice Yu Assistants: Anna Bernardo, Adriano José Timossi The South Bulletin is published by the South Centre, an intergovernmental think-tank of developing countries.

Democracy Now Democracy South Centre website: (in English, French and Spanish) South Centre Tel: +41 22 791 8050 Anti-TPP demonstration taking place in the United States. The intensity of public opinion against the TPP and free trade deals in general has had significant impact on the Presidential elections and on the mood in the US Congress. Email: [email protected]

Page 22 ● South Bulletin ● Issue 95, 1 November 2016