THE CITY OF NEW YORK MANHATTAN COMMUNITY BOARD 3 59 East 4th Street - New York, NY 10003 Phone (212) 533- 5300 -
[email protected] Alysha Lewis-Coleman, Board Chair Susan Stetzer, District Manager September 2018 Vote Sheet Executive Committee no vote necessary Land Use, Zoning, Public & Private Housing Committee 1. Approval of previous month's minutes approved by committee 2. Borough President / Councilmember: Presentation on Text Amendment requiring Special Permit to modify Two Bridges LSRD VOTE: TITLE: Support for Council Member Chin and Manhattan Borough President Brewer's Text Amendment requiring a special permit to modify the Two Bridges Large Scale Residential Development (LSRD) WHEREAS, Council Member Margaret Chin and Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer have filed an amendment to the New York City Zoning Resolution concerning Article VII, Chapter 8 (Special Regulations Applying to Large-Scale Residential Developments); and WHEREAS, the proposed zoning text amendment includes a provision requiring a special permit for modifications to the existing Two Bridges LSRD in Manhattan Community District 3; and WHEREAS, the requirement of a special permit for modifications to the Two Bridges LSRD would ensure that proposed changes to the underlying site planning and zoning controls that govern the LSRD would go through Uniform Land Use Review Procedures (ULURP), and be subject to review by the public, Community Board 3, the Manhattan Borough President, as well as review and approval by the New York City Council;