Fair Go’ Principle Which Suggests That Everyone Is Entitled to Fairness by Way of Shared Opportunity – Such As with Education, Health, Social Security, and So On
Australian society has long been imbued with a ‘fair go’ principle which suggests that everyone is entitled to fairness by way of shared opportunity – such as with education, health, social security, and so on. For advocates, this mantra underpins a society that, while unequal, is not characterized by vast differences in wealth and living standards (Herscovitch, 2013). To critics, though, the ‘fair go’ notion is either idealistic or completely unrealistic, as well as a distraction from entrenched differences of opportunity and power in Australian society (Lawrence, 2017). For Indigenous Australians, the notion of a ‘fair go’ in a society in which generations of Aboriginal peoples have suffered manifestly is particularly fraught (Tatz, 2017).1 Even the semantics of a ‘fair go’ can be construed as discriminatory by way of ‘race’:2 for example, ‘fairness’ has long focused on opportunities for fair skinned (i.e. White) Australians (Fotinopoulos, 2017). Revelations that in many parts of Australia during the early to mid-late twentieth century, Aboriginal children were forcibly removed from families and placed in foster care – under the guise of welfare – prompted a report into what became known as the Stolen Generations (Murphy, 2011). In 2008, the Federal Government issued a national apology and committed to a reconciliation process. This includes ‘closing the gap’ initiatives featuring twin efforts: to help all Australians come to terms with a harrowing history of racial discrimination and conflict, and to catalyze improvements to the lives of Aboriginal peoples (Gunstone, 2017; Kowal, 2015). In this article we are interested in the question of a ‘fair go’ for Indigenous peoples, particularly the role of Aboriginal voices in seeking to (re)shape symbols of identity, representation, and nationality.
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