Cabinet Minute
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DECISION NO. CABINET MINUTE BRISBANE, ~ / I J' 119//' Playing of the Royal Anthem at State School Ceremonies. -----------------------(Submission No. 4 rf'.52.z; ) ,g ,, a.m. do ~oples Received at 7 . t.?0 ~ Copies Made CIRCULATION DETAILS GOVERNOR Decision F le 1 21 . / 2 MR. AHERN 22 I ~ t ...0r·) 3 /~ / MR r.rtNN 23 1 .5,;.,•bm :• .. 4 MR. GIBBS 24 5 MR. GLASSO~ 25 6 MR. AUSTIN 26 7 MR. LESTER 27 MR. TENN I 8 28 9 MR. HARPER 29 10 MR. MUNTZ 30 11 31 MR. MCKECHli IE 12 MR. KATTER 32 13 MR. NEAL 33 14 MR. CLAUSON 34 15 MR. BORBIDGE 35 16 MR. RANDELL 36 17 MR. COOPER 37 18 MR. HARVEY 38 19 MR. LITTLEF ROUD '/ 39 Master File 20 40 Copy No. 2 0 C 0 N F I D E N T I A L C A B I N E T ~ 'i INUTE Brisbane, 21st Marchv 1988 Decision No. 53838 Submission No. 48572 TITLE: Playing of the Royal Anthem at State School Ceremonies. CABINET decided:- That the contents of the Submission be noted. ~IRCULATION: Department of Education and copy to rlinister. Premier's Department and copy to Premier and Treasurer. All other r1inisters for perusal and return. Certified /~ Secre~ary to Cabinet. ~ i:'.CU1UTJ:' CLA SSlFICA TlON " C " CONFIDENTIAL :L. 8 -~. -- "/ L, ..) I L DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SUBMISSION NO . COPY NO. 2 1 FOR CABINET RE: PLAYING OF THE ROYAL ANTHEM AT STATE SCHOOL CEREMONIES 1. The current policy of the Department of Education governing the playing of the Royal Anthem at State School functions is set out in the Education Office Gazette of 20 February 1987 (Attachment 1). As Ministers will see, the policy statement gives precedence to the Royal Anthem . 2 . Cabinet , by Decision No 50932 of 16 March 1987, reviewed the general policy in respect of the playing of the Royal Anthem and the National Anthem, but did not specify that the guidelines should apply to State Schools . A copy of the relevant decision and submission is attached (Attachment 2) . 3 . Upon receipt of this advice, my department sought guidance as to whether the Cabinet decision should apply to schools . My predecessor, the Honourable L . W. Powell, M. L.A., personally noted on the relevant file that there was to be no change to the policy applying to schools i . e. no change to the Education Office Gazette instruction of 20 February 1987 which gives emphasis to the Royal Anthem. It is my understanding that Cabinet , in its consideration of the matter on 16 March 1987, deliberately excluded schools from such consideration . 4 . The guidelines contained in the abovementioned Cabinet Decision are , in my view , not specific enough for schools . School ceremonies are invariably fairly simple programs . Current policy gives emphasis to the Royal Anthem . The only possible changes are : (a) to reverse the process and give emphasis to the National Anthem ; or (b) to amend the current policy to give equal emphasis to each Anthem. 5 . It is my opinion that , in the current Bicentennial and Expo atmosphere, with Royal Vi sits to Queensland imminent, a change to current policy at this time (and the consequent publication of it) could create controversy and force the Government into a defens ive position . Ministers will be awar that t h ere are voca l individuals and organisa tions who are watchful for a ny suggestion of republicanism or the lik . There is a possibility of embarrassment to Royal visitor s if a public controversy arises . 2 . 6. I propose that the policy be reviewed after the conclusion of Expo and that such policy , if amended , be disseminated to schools on a low-key basis through Regional Offices , inspectors ' conferences, principals' conferences and the like. SUBMITTED FOR THE INFORMATION OF CABINET BRIAN LITTLEPROUD, M. L . A . Minister for Education , Youth and Sport BRISBANE 21 March 1988 ATTACHMENT 1 32/EOG 20 FEBRUARY 87 87.3.3 USE OF THE ROYAL AND NATIONAL ANTHEMS Principals of all Queensland State schools are reminded that The Royal Anthem CGcP Save The Queen') must be played and/or sung at all official school occasions, includi110 all flag raising ceremonies. The Royal Anthem should be played in its entirety only in the presence of Her MajeslY The Queen. In the presence of other members of the Royal Family. the Governor General and the Queensland Governor. the first six bars only of The Royal Anthetf1 should be used. At all other school ceremonies, the first six bars only of The Royal Anthem are to lJcl played. The National Anthem ('Advance Australia Fair') may also be played and/or sung 111 school functions. However. if it is appropriate to play The Royal Anthem on sucl' occasions, The Royal Anthem should take precedence. Availability of recordings The Queensland Department of Education will shortly be issuing an audio-cassetlcl recording, free of charge, to all State primary, secondary and special schools. Cople6 will also be available through Early Childhood Resource Centres. The cassette will comprise three sections: The Royal Anthem; the first six bars of Thot Royal Anthem; and The National Anthem. Non-State schools can purchase copies of the cassette at a cost of $3.00 from Productloil and Publishing Services Branch. Department of Education, PO Box 33, Brisbane Nortli Quay. 0 4002. Cheques should be made payable to the Director-General of Educatiol1· /\'J"J'/\CllMENT ') Copy No. C 0 N F I 0 S N T I A L C A B I ~ E T M I N U T E Brisbane, 16th March , 1987 Decision No. sog32 Submission No ... 45827__ _ TITLE: The Royal Ant.j'\~TILand _t.he ( oec-:-NO::. __ so887 - Nat. [email protected] . ~l - CABINET Qeciden:- That. the guidelines as set out. in paragraph 8 of the Submission ~e approved. CIRCULATION: All Permanent Heaas an<l conies to all Ministers. Cert.if~ed True Cooy Security Class i f i cation "C" !l 5C27 Submission No . '3 ? Cop y No. FOR CABINET THE ROYAL ANTHEM AND THE NATIONAL ANTHEM 1. Cabinet decide d by Decision No. 42974 of 30th April, 1984, as follows:- i. Tha t the Vi ce - Rega l Salute to be use d in the presence of the Governor-General and the Queensland Gove rnor continue to be the first six bars of the Royal Anthe m (God Save The Queen). ii. That at a ll functions organised for and on behalf o f the Qu eensland Government where the playing or singing of an Anthem is considered appropriate or desirable, the Royal Anthem (God Save The Queen) be used and be programmed as the Royal Anthem and not the National Anthem. iii. That when advice is sought by the organisers of private functions, they be advised that whilst the decision on which Anthem is to be used is one for thems e lves to make, it is the policy and the desire of the Quee nsland Government that preference be given to the Royal Anthem. iv. That the Royal Anthem (God Save the Queen) be the Anthem that must be played at all official school occasions including the daily raising of the flag ceremony, and that the Education Department inform all schools accordingly. 2. By Cabinet Decision No. 46003 of 7th May, 1985, Cabinet decided :- 1. That the Queensland Government accept the playing of the Royal Anthem following the National Anthem at Queensland Government functions, such as celebrations associated with Australia Day, Queensland Day , and the opening of Parliament, when military bands are being used. 3. The Governor-General's Pro clamation of 19th April, 1984 spe cified in particular:- "(a) that the Anthem 'God Sa ve The Queen' shall h e nce forth b e k nown as the Ro yal Antrrem and b e used in th e p re s ence of He r Ma jes ty The Queen o r a membe r of the Roy a l Fa mily." ... / 2. ... 2 ... 4 . Th e Go ve rno r-Gene r a l h as a dvi sed that:- "The Qu een has nm1 d e cided that, when Her Majesty attends public engagements in Australia, in addition to the playing of 'God Save The Queen' at the beginning of an engagement, 'Advance Australia Fair' should be played at the end. On some occasions it may be more appropriate for 'God Save The Queen' and 'Advance Australia Fair' both to be played at the beginning· of the engagement". "The Queen wishes this change also to apply to engagements undertaken in Australia by other members · of the Royal Family, and on these occasions the abbreviated forms of 'God Save The Queen' and 'Advance Australia Fair' will be used". 5. In accordance with the wishes of Her Majesty The Queen, the Commonwealth Government has now determined that the Royal Anthem is to be played only in the presence of a member of the Royal Family. ~~ 6. This decision, together with the State Government's present policy , has severely limited the use of Defence Force Bands and Guards at State Ceremonial occasions. It is important that the Government retain good relations with the Armed Services by the use of Defence Force Personnel at Ceremonial Occasions as has applied in the past but this will be difficult in the future unless there is a change in policy. Participation of the Armed Services enhances State occasions and it is known that Service Personnel are keen to be involved. The Police Pipe Band has been used on occasions but it is not always appropriate for a Pipe Band to be involved.