1. 's was the same as England's '' (or 'King') from 1788 to 1974.

2. There have been lots of competitions held to find a different National anthem. The first one was held in 1840.

3. Some suggestions over the years were. Australian Anthem' 'Australian Hymn' in 1826, and 'The Song of Australia' written in 1859.

4. Before the Olympics in Melbourne there was a lot of interest in having an Australian anthem and Advance Australia Fair and were popular suggestions

5. On , 26th January, in 1972 there were 400 entries in an Anthem quest.

6. Exactly 1, year later the government announced another competition for an Anthem.

7. There were 2500 entries with words for the Anthem and 1300 music entries. The prize for words and music was $5000

8. The Judges chose 6 of the word entries but none of the music entries but no decision was made. lt was decided that none of the entries were as good as the songs from Advance Australia Fair','Waltzing Matilda' and'Song of Australia'

9. The government held an opinion poll, 60 000 people were asked to choose from Advance Australia Fair', 'Waltzing Matilda'and 'Song of Australia'.

10. 'Advance Australia Fair' polled 51 .4 per cent, more than half of the people chose this song for the Anthem. ln 1974 the prime minister announced that Advance Australia Fair would be the Anthem for occasions other than royal occasions where God Save the Queen would be the anthem.

1 1 . In 1976 the government made God Save the Queen the anthem again.

12. ln May 1 977 a national poll was conducted to find out what the public would want for a national song. This time more than seven million people were issued with ballot papers. The results were: 'Advance Australia Fair' 43.2 per cent, 'Waltzing Matilda' 28.3 per cent, 'God Save the Queen' 18.7 per cent and 'Song of Australia'9.6 per cent. Despite the poll results, adoption of the new national anthem met widespread opposition.

13. In 1981 the NationalAustralia Day Council recommended that the Australian National Anthem consist of two verses of 'Advance Australia Fair' with some modification. 14. The original song had 5 verses but only 2 were selected for the Official Anthem. lt was felt that the other verses don't reflect our multi cultural population.

15. On April 1gth 1984 Advance Australia Fair was declared officially the Australian National Anthem and God Save the Queen the RoyalAnthem. Usually'God Save the Queen' is played at the start of royal functions and 'Advance Australia Fair' at the end, unless it is more appropriate to play both anthems at the start. 'Advance Australia Fair' is played at all other official functions.

16. Waltzing Matilda was very popular but it was felt to be not appropriate because in the song there is a swagman who steals sheep.

17. Advance Australia Fair was written by Peter Dodds McCormick, a Scot, under a pen name "Amicus" which means Friend.

18. lt was first performed in on St Andrews Day 1878.|t was also sung by a choir of

'10 000 at the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia on 1 January, 1901 .

19. The original words of the first line were "Australian sons let us rejoice", they were changed to "Australians all let us rejoice" t,

20. The words "For we are young and free" mean that although Australia is an ancient land, the white people have only been here for just a short period of time

21. "Golden Soil and wealth for toil". Australia has rich land and if you work hard you can make a good life.

22. "Our home is girt by sea" means that Australia is surrounded by sea. "Our land abounds in nature's gift, of beauty rich and rare." ls about our beautiful scenery, animals and plants that are rare because they are only found in Australia.

23. The second verse of the Anthem is

Beneath our radiant southern Cross, We'll toilwith hearts and hands; To make this Commonwealth of ours Renowned of all the lands; For those who've come across the seas We've boundless plains to share; With courage let us all combine To advance Australia fair. In joyful strains then let us sing "Advance Australia fair!

This information was researched by 3-4 T.