Zimbabwean Government Gazette Extraordinary
ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY Published by Authority Vol. LXXXVI, No. 19 26th FEBRUARY,2008 Price $5 000 000,00 General Notice 31 of 2008.” March,2008, as no other nomination papers were accepted for the a constituenciesat the close of the nomination court. ELECTORAL ACT [CHAPTER2:13] L. C. SEKERAMAY]I, . Chief Elections Officer, ZimbabweElectoral Commission. Presidential Election 29th March, 2008: Nomination Court 26-2-2008. Results First ScHeput.& IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 106 of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13}, that at the close of sitting of the Nomination Court SENATORIAL CANDIDATES held on Friday, 15th February, 2008, the following candidates were Bucawayo METROPOLITAN PROVINCE duly nominated for election too the office of President— Candidate Party Constituency candidate * Party Makoni, Herbert Stanley Simba ‘Independent Emganwini Dube Legion Independent Mugabe, Robert Gabriel ZANU (PF) Neube Siphiwe MDC Tsvangirai Towungana,Langton Independent Ndlovu Rittah MDC Tsvangirayi, Morgan MDC Ndlovu Varnish UPP > Accordingly polling shall take place on Saturday 29th March, Sikhosana Absalom ZANUMSE 2008, from 7:00.a.m.to 7:00 p.m.for the purposeofelecting a person Gwabalanda MkwananziJethro ZAPU FP, to the office of President. MoyoAndrea F.D.U. L. C. SEKERAMAYI, Neube Bhatholomew M. Zikbli UPP Chief Elections Officer, Ndlovu Thabiso, MDC 26-2-2008. Zimbabwe Electoral Commission. Sibanda Agnes MDC Tsvangirai TshumaBillie Mtheliso ZANU PF General Notice 32 of 2008. Khumalo Coltart David MDC ELECTORALACT (CHAPTER2:13]
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