Courtney E. McCusker Grant #08-021W Response of avian communities to invasive bush honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.) Grant Agreement #08-021W Courtney E. McCusker University of Illinois 202 Shelford Vivarium 606 E. Healey St. (217) 377-6897
[email protected] Time Frame of Report: May 2006-February 2008 PROJECT OBJECTIVES The overall objective of this study is to assess the impact of invasive Lonicera spp. on avian communities. To reach this goal, I will address three key issues: 1) Comparison of bird communities at sites with invasive Lonicera spp. versus bird communities at sites with native flora in both the summer and winter. I will compare species richness and density of birds (individually and combined) between the two types of sites. 2) Comparison of summer versus winter bird communities within a site. I will determine whether bird species richness and density fluctuate with season and compare the changes in the communities over time for invaded and native sites. 3) The effects of colder temperatures on wintering bird communities. In addition to comparing invaded and native sites, I will further assess whether temperature has an effect on the differences or similarities of the communities in the two types of sites. Also, I will determine if there is a higher rate of removal for invasive Lonicera spp. fruits during colder periods and relate this to any changes in the density of birds. 1 Courtney E. McCusker Grant #08-021W COMPLETED PROJECT DESCRIPTION Invasive bush honeysuckle, Lonicera spp., is often considered undesirable, however it can create a dense understory for nests in the summer and provide a source of food for birds in winter.