8 European Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion

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8 European Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME 8th European Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion 15–16 October 2009, Stockholmsmässan, Sweden (meeting no 559) Social Inclusion in Times of Recession – New Challenges for the Active Inclusion Strategy Wednesday 14 October 2009 19.00–22.00 Welcome buffet and registration (hotel Sergel Plaza) Thursday 15 October 2009 9.00–9.30 Registration (Stockholmsmässan) Opening plenary Moderator: Mr Bengt Westerberg, President of the Swedish Red Cross and former Swedish Minister for Social Affairs Welcome to Stockholm – Mr Ulf Kristersson, Vice Mayor, Social Welfare and Labour Market Division, of the City of Stockholm 9.30–11.00 Introduction to the conference – Ms Maria Larsson, Swedish Minister for Elderly Care and Public Health Message from 8th Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty – Ms Nicole Tonneau, rapporteur Introductory speeches – Ms Trinidad Jiminez Garcia-Herrera, Spanish Minister for Health and Social Affairs – Ms Elisabeth Schroedter, Member of Parliament, Vice President of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee Key note speech Analysis of the economic and social situation in Europe – challenges ahead for social inclusion Swedish Presidency of the European Union La Présidence suédoise de l’Union européenne Sveriges ordförandeskap i Europeiska unionen – Professor Joakim Palme, Stockholm University, Director of the Institute for Futures Studies 11.00–11.30 Coffee Continued plenary – the OMC as a driving force for action With the participation of: – Mr Ludo Horemans, President, European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) – Mr Mieczyslaw Augustyn, Senator, Poland 11.30–13.00 – Mr Ulf Kristersson, Vice Mayor, Social Welfare and Labour Market Division, of the City of Stockholm and Chair of the EUROCITIES´ Social Affairs Forum (SAF) – Ms Antonia Carparelli, Head of Social Inclusion Unit, European Commission – Professor Hugh Frazer, National University of Ireland (rapporteur) 13.00–14.30 Lunch Parallel workshops (incl. coffee 15.30 – 16.00) Six workshops will be organised under two themes. The first theme will be integrated policy design, implementation and governance. The second theme will be tools for social inclusion of groups in vulnerable situations. The different grounds of discrimination such as gender, ethnicity, disability etc. will be addressed in all workshops. Integrated policy design, implementation and governance 1. Active inclusion policies in times of recession 14.30 – 17.30 2. Policy coordination in practice 3. Local and regional circumstances – the link between territorial and social cohesion Tools for social inclusion of groups in vulnerable situations 4. Supporting social inclusion and participation beyond the labour market 5. New challenges for inclusive labour markets 6. How to tackle poverty and social exclusion of children and youth See Annex 1 19.30 Departure from hotels to conference dinner at Solliden, Skansen Swedish Presidency of the European Union La Présidence suédoise de l’Union européenne Sveriges ordförandeskap i Europeiska unionen Friday 16 October Site visits Departure from hotels 08.30 – return to conference centre approx.11.30 Each workshop is to be followed with a study visit to give practical insight of the different aspects of the active inclusion strategy discussed in the workshops. 1. Swedish social welfare policy – pros and cons in times of recession (associated with workshop 1) 08.30 – 11.30 2. Co-funding of rehabilitation services (associated with workshop 2) 3. The “Järva Initiative” – to improve living conditions in a Stockholm suburb (associated with workshop 3) 4. Fryshuset – a foundation for young people (associated with workshop 4) 5. Basta – a social enterprise (associated with workshop 5) 6. Coordination of health and social services for families (associated with workshop 6) 7. Combined workshop and site visit on homelessness See Annex 2 11.30 – 13.00 Lunch Closing plenary – Making the links: Key messages to convey to the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion (2010) and beyond Moderator: Mr Mark Rogerson Workshop reports and conclusions from the OMC plenary discussion Key note speech – Mr Vladimir Spidla, Commissioner, European Commission 13.00 – 15.30 Panel discussion – Mr Philippe Courard, Belgian Secretary of State for Social Integration and the Fight against Poverty – Mr Martin Hirsh, High Commissionaire, France – Ms Jean Lambert, Member of Parliament Reflections from Mr Dirk Jarré, Vice President of the Social Platform Closing speeches – Ms Cristina Husmark Pehrsson, Swedish Minister for Social Security Swedish Presidency of the European Union La Présidence suédoise de l’Union européenne Sveriges ordförandeskap i Europeiska unionen Annex 1 Workshops Integrated policy design, implementation and governance 1. Active inclusion policies in times of recession Member States have chosen different ways to cushion the social impact of the current recession. Some Member States have revised or introduced new policies for adequate income support, access to inclusive labour markets and quality services, while other Member States consider the current framework to be sustainable regardless of the social situation. Questions regarding benefit adequacy and conditionality of benefits, promoting job opportunities and active labour market policies in times of economic downturn will be discussed during this workshop. Moderator: – Dr Renate Minas, Institute of Future Studies, Sweden Rapporteur: – Mr Fintan Farrell, Director of European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) Speakers: – Ms Jean Lambert, Member of European Parliament – Dr Regina Konle, Institute for Employment Research, Germany Discussants: – Dr Ilija Batljan, Mayor Municipality of Nynäshamn, Sweden – Mr Olivier Noblecourt, Vice-mayor of Grenoble, France 14.30 – 17.30 – Professor Walter Hanesch, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany – Ms Nicole Prud’homme, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) 2. Policy coordination in practice A fundamental feature of the Active Inclusion strategy is policy coordination. This is often a challenge due to the difficulty of working at the crossroads between social policy, labour market policy, consumer policy, housing policy etc. The discussion will start with good practices for integrating services from social security agencies, employment and welfare services and financial advice in order to meet the complex needs of the user. Moderator: – Professor Yuri Kazepov, University of Urbino, Italy Rapporteur: – Mr John Halloran, Director of the European Social Network (ESN) Speakers: – Ms Slavka Macakova, European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN), Slovakia – Ms Becca Randell, West Sussex County Council, UK and also representing The Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, UK and European Social Network and – Ms Sari Toiviainen, Duuri network, City of Helsinki, Finland, also representing Associations of Social Directors, Finland and European Social Network Swedish Presidency of the European Union La Présidence suédoise de l’Union européenne Sveriges ordförandeskap i Europeiska unionen Discussants: – Ms Virginie Toussain, Legal adviser for the European office of Union Social pour l’Habitat, France – Ms Lotta Persson, Social Director Botkyrka Municipality, Swedish Association of Social Directors, Sweden – Mr Alex Conway, Head of European Programmes Management Unit, London Development Agency, UK 3. Local and regional circumstances – the link between territorial and social cohesion The nature of the disadvantages affecting people in situations of poverty and social exclusion is influenced by the area where they live. This workshop will focus on the territorial dimension of social policies in deprived neighbourhoods and marginalised areas. The discussion will focus on: (i) area-based social policies and urban regeneration programmes to support individuals and at the same time promote sustainable communities, (ii) the role of local public services and infrastructure, including community centres, transport, education, health and social services and (iii) the link between social and cohesion policies at EU-level and the role of structural funds. Moderator: – Mr Michele Calandrino, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, European Commission Rapporteur: – Mr Simon Guentner, EUROCITIES Speakers: – Ms Regine Wagner, German Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning – Mr Hubert Julien-Leferriere, Maire du 90 ardt de Lyon and conseiller du Grand Lyon (to be confirmed) Discussants: – Ms Judith Allen, University of Westminster, UK – Mr Fabio Cappello, Social worker, Social Town Planning Unit, City of Genoa, Italy – Mr Alexander Ferstl, DG REGIO, European Commission – Mr Piotr Wolkowinski, consultant in local development, France and Poland Swedish Presidency of the European Union La Présidence suédoise de l’Union européenne Sveriges ordförandeskap i Europeiska unionen Tools for social inclusion of groups in vulnerable situations 4. Supporting social inclusion and participation beyond the labour market Emphasis will be given to the role of NGO’s in promoting social participation/empower- ment and inclusion and how to create favourable preconditions for civil society initiatives – especially in times of recession. The significance of economic and political participation will be discussed as well as social participation and empowerment as prerequisites for active inclusion. Moderator: – Mr Jan Olsson, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Rapporteur: – Ms Roshan di Puppo, Director, The Social Platform Speakers: – Mr Alfio Balfi,
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